#Professional Monitoring
hargo-news · 9 months
Monitor Campaign Period, Amran Ensures Clean, Healthy, and Compliant Process
#MonitorCampaignPeriod #HealthyCampaign Monitor Campaign Period, Amran Ensures Clean, Healthy, and Compliant Process
Hargo.co.id, GORONTALO – To ensure a clean, healthy, and compliant campaign process, Amran Hulubangga, a member of Bawaslu Pohuwato and Coordinator of HP2H Division, along with the Gorontalo Provincial Bawaslu team and the Buntulia Subdistrict Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu), as well as local Subdistrict Supervisors (PKD), conducted the monitoring of a participant’s campaign in Buntulia…
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kelliadamson343 · 2 years
What Exactly Does Professional 24/7 Monitoring Mean?
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A home security system's dependability depends on the expertise of the monitoring station that supports it. Unfortunately, you are not always protected if your home security system does not have professional monitoring available around the clock. But what does 24-hour, on-site professional monitoring actually entail for homeowners?
1. You're shielded like a rock. You will have peace of mind knowing that there is always competent monitoring, regardless of the day or time. If you don't deactivate it, a member of your system's monitoring staff will contact to see if anything is wrong and dispatch assistance if necessary.
2. You can rely on qualified specialists when you need them. When you need help, they will be there to help you and will know what to do because every second counts if your home security system has a 24/7 monitoring center with highly experienced specialists.
3. The monitoring station is set up. What transpires if the power goes out at the monitoring center, you might be wondering? Monitoring redundancy is a feature of advanced monitoring centers
4. The bad guys shouldn't be able to cut you off from assistance. Ideally, you've selected a home security system with wireless gadgets, dual WiFi and cellular connectivity, and crash and smash prevention. This may make it more difficult for burglars to cut off your connection to the system's monitoring center.
5. You are not in charge of the situation. Some DIY home security systems are "self-monitored," which means that you are responsible for contacting emergency services when your alarm goes off. This can be an issue because it's not always practical to call for help when you're in danger.
Make sure to choose a home security system like Cove Smart that has expert monitoring when you're looking for a new one.
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omg-snakes · 1 month
Real Science II: The Cookening
Our players:
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Meet the Experiment group, aka the Hot Lunch Bunch
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And the Control group, who are also technically receiving a hot lunch but it's not quite as hot I guess.
I've taken initial measurements for all participants and logged baseline weight and length, and the majority of these kiddos have already started eating their meals!
An early pitfall: my hypothesis that cooked prey would be more readily accepted seems to have been correct. A few of the Control group haven't taken meals yet while all of the Experiment group are taking meals with gusto.
If the Control kiddos don't get with the program they're going to skew my data. >:(
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4ster-bl4ster · 4 months
18. pkmn fact everyone else is wrongest abt
Oh this is a whole can of beans.
This is in relation to the second darkest day where I can and will confidently say that ETERNATUS DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!
I have no idea about the first day, but the second one happened because Chairman Rose kept forcing wishing stars into it and causing it pain, and then it escaped and well people saw the news.
Was it a potential apocalypse?? Yes!!! But did Eternatus want it?? No!!! I know this because I'm currently it's caretaker and good lord this is one traumatized pokémon.
It has anxiety!!! How do you give a LEGENDARY pokemon ANXIETY!!!
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i do believe.... that i Understand obs enough to use its base functions now...
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tothechaos · 8 months
i saw an abba cover band tonight and honestly most of the performance was spent imagining what im sure is some absolutely insane interpersonal drama
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eldritchblep · 2 years
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Its TERRIFYING to see everything you could have painted better on a giant tv in 4k.
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unopenablebox · 5 months
apparently yelling at your parents for posting a bunch of reactionary shit on facebook about how the student protestors are all pathetic snowflakes because they eat gluten-free food and have blue hair and pronouns actually works sometimes? which is good. but oh my god
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tj-crochets · 1 year
Hey y'all! I am once again in health insurance hell, and could really use some help. I have a specific US health insurance question, but it might get long so it's below a read more
My employer offers two health plan options, and they are both absolutely terrible. I want to get my own health insurance, but the insurance broker lady I used when I worked part time says I can't, because I can get health insurance through my employer, even if I opt out. I spoke to another health insurance person today, and she said if I get a letter on company letterhead saying I'll lose health insurance on [date], as long as it's 60 days or less from now, it counts as a qualifying event and I can buy my own health insurance. She said opting out counted as losing health insurance. Do you know anything about this? How do I get health insurance as an individual NOT through my employer even though my employer offers it? The plans my employer is offering are Aetna, and Aetna is the absolute worst and I despise them as a company so much one of my long term goals is to warn people against them. They suck! They refused to pay for my inhaler until I got my doctor to fill out a form like three times, and also I had to email them A LOT and fill out a LOT of surveys with an emphasis on how horrifying I found it that they as a company clearly valued profit over their customer's lives, and would in fact prefer their customers die before they could reach the ER in case of an emergency, as evidenced by their refusing to pay for my rescue inhaler, a necessary life-saving medication. They also require I fill that form out every year, just in case I magically stop being in the small minority of people who get severe adverse reactions to albuterol and levalbuterol
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blitzwingg · 2 months
found a silverfish crawling out of my antique clothes collection box
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I’m disabled and am thinking about getting into an environmental science outdoorsy field. My joints get injured easily, I have a disease which makes being cold very painful, I’m often sick, and I get tired very quickly. May I ask, what are some of the things you’ve done as a disabled naturalist to continue doing what you want while still taking care of your health? I’m really frustrated that this would 100% be the field for me if it weren’t for my body :(
I wear knee braces and bring TWO walking sticks with me out in the field for support. I keep Tylenol and Dramamine as well as pain creme in my outdoor bag too. Before and after work I use my wheelchair so I save energy that's needed for fieldwork. During my commute I use my TENS machine to relax my muscles and get them ready for the strain (and to recover afterwards). I also always have my coworker with me incase of falls and he's really good about checking up on me. We take frequent breaks and I always make sure to have water and a snack (everyone should do that tbh). Also my fieldwork at most just involves a lot of hiking. Usually we are sitting by the stream filling out assessment forms or looking at bugs. For the cold (which also causes flare ups) I bring electric hand warmers and we use scuba gloves when we need to reach into cold streams.
Outside of work I also have a chiropractor, pain management doctor, and a neurologist who help me find solutions for my pain. Please be careful with chiropractic care as you want to get a licensed doctor, not someone who just has a certificate. Also check their reviews. I'm still in a lot of pain, but not nearly as much as before I pursued treatment.
However if it comes to a point that you can't do fieldwork don't worry, there's a ton of ways to do naturalist stuff indoors! Lots of nature/science organizations need people for data science, which may not seem that exciting but honestly I really enjoy looking through camera trap data. Having office work that involves excel or programming (or even making a PowerPoint) really helps on days I'm too physically exhausted to do fieldwork. There's also of course lab work where you do chemical analysis or look at stuff under microscopes! You would just need to make sure you can sit down in the lab (which most places won't have an issue with). You can also look into stuff like learning arcGIS, analyzing acoustic data, etc. You'd be amazed at all the opportunities that don't require hiking around.
One of my dream jobs is working at Nautilus and doing remote underwater research using an AUV (like in the videos on YouTube). That way I'd be able to sit and be comfortable while still being able to experience doing research and seeing things most people haven't.
If any of my followers have more advice feel free to respond!
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i-like-old-things · 2 years
That One Random Guy Sitting Down in a Photo from the Civil War: USS Monitor Edition
Exhibit A
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July 9, 1862
I love this picture because everyone seems so invested in that one game of checkers (bottom right) except for the guy reading the paper. Also, if you look closely at the turret, you can still see damage done by the CSS Virginia (aka Merrimack).
Exhibit B
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July 9, 1862
Same day, different POV. I love the pots (I think they’re pots -- correct me if I’m wrong though). Also, if you look behind the guy with the pipe, there’s something laying down but  I can’t figure out what that is.
Exhibit C
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July 9, 1862
As you could probably tell, the Monitor had a little photoshoot on July 9. Aside from that, I swear that guy in the middle on the bottom with the jacket unbuttoned was uncomfortable in that position -- like it’s not natural. Also look at the guy with the glasses in the middle row, second from the left. The glasses look like they’re painted white which I find very funny
Exhibit D
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July 9, 1862
The guy on the bottom left (Name: A) is manspreading. Other than that...nothing too special about this one tbh. Although I like the way guy C is sitting (I’m sorry I don’t know their names but they’re all officers)
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oatmilkandvellichor · 2 years
ya i’m not like other girls. my therapist in high school use to tell me all the time how much better i was than her other teenage patients bc they were ‘just rich drunk kids’ and i had ✨poverty trauma✨ and was sober. of course, i went home and celebrated my metaphorical A+ in therapy by drinking lean and tequila alone in my bedroom, but obvs that’s just cos i’m quirky and different
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torvus-bong · 2 years
god I'm just a sleepy little guy since I hit my head and had that seizure
which is great because I was struggling real bad with insomnia before LMAO
mmmm sleepy gang ✌✌✌ definitely preferable over insomnia gang
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rebeccabarrett · 9 days
Phone Hacker to Monitor Girlfriend's Social Media Messages
Explore the risks of monitoring your girlfriend's social media through a phone hacker. Discover ethical strategies for trust-building in relationships.
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See Your Girlfriend’s Secret Messages With Phone Clone Software
Concerns about privacy and relationship trust have gotten more prominent than ever in a world where technology rules. A Phone hacker, once relegated to the realms of espionage and cybercrime, have found their way into personal relationships, with some individuals resorting to monitoring their partner's social media messages. This article aims to describe the ethical and legal implications of such actions and provide alternative strategies to build trust and maintain healthy relationships.
🎯 Trust-building Strategies
In the intricate tapestry of relationships, trust stands as a cornerstone, demanding delicate care and deliberate efforts. Embracing trust-building strategies becomes paramount for nurturing a resilient and fulfilling connection. Open communication serves as the lifeblood of understanding, fostering an environment where thoughts and feelings can be freely shared. Establishing clear boundaries provides a framework of security, respecting individual space while fortifying the collective bond. Mutual respect, the silent architect of trust, cultivates an atmosphere where both partners feel valued and understood. By choosing ethical avenues over invasive methods, couples embark on a journey towards lasting trust and the enduring strength of their relationship. In essence, these strategies lay the groundwork for a partnership built on transparency, understanding, and a shared commitment to fortify the ties that bind.
🎯 Signs of Relationship Issues
Recognising signs of relationship issues, such as communication breakdowns and trust issues, is crucial. This section discusses the importance of seeking professional help when faced with challenges, emphasising the significance of addressing concerns calmly and seeking understanding. Here are some vital keys:
▶ Trust Issues: Trust forms the bedrock of any healthy relationship. If one or both partners start experiencing doubts or suspicions, it may signal issues that need addressing.
▶ Emotional Distance: A noticeable emotional distance between partners can be a red flag. When the emotional connection weakens, it often signifies underlying concerns that demand attention.
▶ Lack of Intimacy: Intimacy plays a crucial role in relationships. A decline in physical or emotional intimacy may suggest issues that need exploration and resolution.
▶ Change in Priorities: Shifts in priorities, such as a sudden focus on individual goals over shared ones, may indicate a reevaluation of the relationship and the need for open dialogue.
▶ Feeling Unheard: If one or both partners feel consistently unheard or misunderstood, it can lead to frustration and resentment, highlighting the importance of active listening and validation.
▶ Lack of Compromise: In a healthy relationship, compromise is essential. Difficulty in finding common ground or a refusal to compromise may signal deeper issues that require attention and resolution. Addressing these signs promptly through open communication, understanding, and, if necessary, seeking professional help can pave the way for a healthier and more fulfilling relationship.
🎯 Why need a phone hacker for a girlfriend's social media check?
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The perceived need for a phone hacker to check a girlfriend's social media often stems from insecurity, lack of trust, or suspicion. Individuals may resort to such measures due to fears of betrayal or to alleviate uncertainties about their partner's activities online. Here are some important keys:
◼ Suspicion and Lack of Trust: Individuals may feel a need to resort to phone hacking when suspicion or lack of trust arises within the relationship. The desire to confirm or dispel doubts about a partner's fidelity can drive this action.
◼ Insecurity: Deep-seated insecurities about oneself or the relationship can lead someone to seek reassurance through invasive measures like phone hacking. The need to validate their worth or secure their emotional well-being may drive such actions.
◼ Fear of Betrayal: A fear of betrayal, whether rooted in past experiences or unfounded anxieties, can prompt individuals to resort to phone hacking. The perceived threat to the relationship may drive them to seek confirmation through unauthorized access.
◼ Desire for Control: Some individuals, driven by a need for control, resort to phone hacking as a means to monitor and regulate their partner's activities. This desire for control may stem from a fear of the unknown or a need to assert dominance.
◼ Communication Breakdown: In relationships with poor communication, individuals may turn to phone hacking as an alternative to addressing concerns openly. The lack of effective communication channels can lead to seeking information through unauthorized means.
🎯 The Role of Social Media in Relationships
In the digital age, social media plays a pivotal role in shaping and influencing relationships. Its impact on trust, communication, and overall dynamics cannot be overlooked. Social media can either strengthen or strain a relationship, depending on how it is navigated.
◻ Impact on Trust: Social media exposes partners to a plethora of interactions, raising questions about trust. The visibility of online activities can either enhance transparency or trigger insecurities, emphasizing the need for open communication.
◻ Healthy Social Media Habits: Establishing healthy social media habits is crucial. Couples can benefit from setting boundaries, respecting each other's online privacy, and avoiding behaviors that may lead to misunderstandings.
◻ Overcoming Insecurities: Social media can magnify insecurities, but it also provides an opportunity to address and overcome them. Partners can use these platforms to reinforce trust through positive interactions and expressions of commitment.
🎯 Communication is Key
Effective communication serves as the lifeblood of a thriving relationship. It transcends mere conversation, delving into the realms of understanding and connection. Openly discussing concerns and feelings fosters an environment where both partners feel heard and valued.
▶ Importance of Talking Openly: Encouraging open dialogue creates a safe space for expressing thoughts and emotions. It promotes transparency and a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives.
▶ Addressing Concerns Calmly: When challenges arise, addressing them calmly is paramount. Keeping emotions in check allows for rational discussion, preventing conflicts from escalating and fostering resolution.
▶ Seeking Understanding: Communication extends beyond words to actively seeking understanding. It involves listening attentively, empathizing with each other's experiences, and working together to find common ground.
✅ Privacy and Security Measures
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In the digital era, safeguarding the sanctity of a relationship necessitates vigilant attention to privacy and security measures. Implementing robust strategies, such as password protection and two-factor authentication, becomes crucial in preserving the confidentiality of shared moments and communications.
Establishing unique and secure passwords creates a protective barrier, preventing unauthorized access to personal devices and accounts. It's a fundamental step in maintaining the privacy of shared digital spaces.
Awareness is a potent tool in the realm of digital privacy. Understanding common cyber threats equips individuals to navigate the online landscape wisely, identifying and mitigating potential risks to the relationship.
By prioritizing privacy and implementing security measures, couples create a digital haven where trust can flourish. These proactive steps not only protect against external threats but also strengthen the foundation of the relationship, fostering a sense of safety and intimacy in the digital realm.
🟩 Seek Professional Help 
If doubts persist and communication becomes challenging, seeking the assistance of a relationship counselor or therapist can be beneficial. Dealing with suspicions of infidelity can take an emotional toll. Consider seeking advice or support from trusted friends, family, or a therapist. Their perspective can provide clarity and emotional support during this challenging time.
Consider partner’s counseling or therapy sessions. A professional can provide a neutral space to address underlying issues and facilitate constructive communication. Here, I, as a cyber security expert, will suggest a “Hackerslist” of trusted sites. You will get solutions to all your problems from them with complete confidentiality. I suggest from my long experience.
🟢 Strengthening the Foundation
Maintaining a strong foundation in a relationship requires continuous effort. This section discusses the importance of reinforcing trust, growing together, and putting in the necessary work to ensure a resilient and lasting connection.
🟢 Last Touch
The article underscores the importance of trust and ethical considerations in relationships. It advocates for open communication, respect for personal boundaries, and continuous effort in building and maintaining trust. A phone hacker is portrayed as a detrimental and unnecessary approach, with alternative strategies highlighted for fostering healthy and lasting relationships.
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charlesmwa · 12 days
How to Choose the Right Studio Monitor Placement for Your Room
IntroductionYou finally got your hands on those shiny new studio monitors. Now what? Do you just place them anywhere in your room and hope for the best sound? Not so fast! Proper placement can make a huge difference. Let’s have some fun with this while we guide you through setting up your monitors for optimal sound. After all, we’re aiming for sweet audio, not a noise disaster.
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1. The Magic TriangleHere’s the deal: You, my friend, are the key player in the "audio triangle." Imagine drawing a line from one monitor to the other and then one from each monitor to your head. Voilà! You’ve got a perfect triangle. This ensures the sound hits you right in the ears—not somewhere behind you, or worse, under your chair.
2. Keep Your Ears Happy (Monitor Height)Your monitors should be at ear level for that perfect listening experience. It’s like eye contact, but for your ears. If your speakers are too high or low, the sound might miss your ears entirely. And unless your ears are on your knees, height matters.
3. Beware of the Walls!Never shove your monitors up against a wall unless you want your bass to sound like it's bouncing off a trampoline. Give them some breathing room so the sound can spread evenly. It’s all about balance here, not a bass-heavy mess.
4. Get Creative with StandsNo stands? No problem. Stack up those old textbooks or grab a few solid crates. Just make sure your monitors are stable and aimed toward your ears. DIY isn’t just for furniture, it works for sound setups too!
5. Test Your SetupPlay some of your favorite tracks and walk around the room. Sound a little off in certain spots? That’s your room telling you the monitors need adjusting. Keep tweaking until the sound feels like it’s giving you a personal concert.
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Conclusion Great sound starts with great placement. With the right monitor setup, you’ll hear your music the way it’s meant to be heard. So, take a little time to experiment and get it right. Your ears—and your mix—will thank you later!
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