batsimsposts · 3 days
Adding to that last post, I mentioned on a different platform how I don't personally like seeing people say that Dick and Damian are more father/son than Bruce and Damian because I thought it was a complete disservice to their true dynamic which is a lot more complicated, and someone was like "but they are father/son"
Like bro what were you doing during your English classes that you completely missed the point.
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batsimsposts · 3 days
I love Damian Wayne sm i wish the fandom wasn't so fucking racist 😭
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batsimsposts · 16 days
Ok yall, i've seen a lot of misinformation on who was the first *insert superhero here* so here are some common superheroes who passed on their mantle and in what order each character was this hero. This post is meant to be informative.
This post has Batgirl, Robin, Flamebird, and Flash.
- Bette Kane was Batgirl for seven years (1961-1967) and she was THE original batgirl. (Yup! Barbara was not the first!)
- Barbara Gordon was the most iconic Batgirl and most depictions of Batgirl in animation/live action are her. She was Batgirl from 1967-1988. (There are most recent depictions of her as batgirl but she was officially retired by DC editorial in 1988)
- Helena Bertinelli was Batgirl during the No Man's Land arc which ran through most of 1999. It happened for less than one year so if you don't want to count her that's fine. This list is more for educational purposes.
- Cassandra Cain was Batgirl right after Helena Bertinelli near the end of No Man's Land in 1999. She stopped being Batgirl in 2009 and came back in late 2010 with her new alias Black Bat.
- Stephanie Brown was Batgirl from 2009 to 2011 when DC launched the New52 timeline where she was reverted back to Spoiler.
- Tiffany Fox was Batgirl in 2014 during the league of Batgirls arc.
- Dick Grayson was the original Robin, his first appearance was in 1940 and his last appearance as Robin was in 1984, he was Robin for 44 years.
- Lance Bruner was Robin during a 1969 run of The Brave And The Bold. He died as Robin.
- Jason Todd his first appearance as Robin was in 1983 and he officially took over the Robin mantle in 1984. He died in 1988, being Robin for only four years.
- Carrie Kelley was Robin in 1986 during a Batman comic run. She later adopted the Catgirl mantle. (Alternate universe)
- Tim Drake became Robin after Jason died, his first appearance was in 1989. He became Red Robin in 2009 but got put back into the Robin mantle in 2019, he currently fills in as Robin when Damian is out of town.
- Stephanie Brown was Robin for three months (71 days) in 2004. She was only in a few issues and got nerfed like right after.
- Damian Wayne has been Robin since 2009, and is currently holding the Robin Mantle.
- Jimmy Olsen was Flamebird Pre-crisis
- Bette Kane was Flamebird post-crisis
- Ak-Var was Flamebird for a little bit
- a Kryptonian hero was also called Flamebird
- Kara Zor-El was Flamebird for a tiny bit
- Lois Lane used the Flamebird alias once
(aka Bette Kane was the one to use the Flamebird alias the most but the alias itself is such a small role that i cant even tell you dates or anything...)
- Jay Garrick is the original Flash, his first appearance was in 1940. (Timelines are always messed up when referring to Flash so I'm only gonna out their first appearance.)
- Barry Allen was Flash after Jay Garrick, his first appearance was in 1956
- Wally West was originally Kid Flash, but became The Flash after some timeline shenanigans with Barry. His first appearance was in 1960
- Ivana Christina Molotova was experimented on and gained speed powers. She was Lady Flash for a while (1987) but changed her alias shortly before her death.
- John Fox is a Flash from the future (27th century) that went back in time to ask Jay Garrick for help. His appearance was in 1990
- Jesse Quick was The Flash after Wally West was integrated with the speed force. She had the powers of Liberty Belle as well as a connection to the speed force. Her first appearance was in 1992
- Bart Allen was first Impulse and then Kid Flash, he became The Flash after Wally West's disappearance. His first appearance was 1994 (as Impulse)
- Avery Ho became The Flash during DC's Rebirth era. She joined the Justice League Of China and was one of the best Flashes with Bart Allen and Wally West. Her first appearance was in 2016.
This is all for now, let me know if theres a superhero alias you want me to do <3
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batsimsposts · 2 months
While im in this blog let me say this
Friendly reminder to any Roleplay accounts, that it's common courtesy to not use character tags when you post rp content.
Something like #tim drake rp
Or # rp tim drake
Is fine, but using the character tag #tim drake
Without any indication that your post is rp makes it pretty hard to filter through rp posts. If you tag your posts like #tim drake #rp
Its better because then i can add #rp to my list of blocked content, but if you dont use #rp at all, i cant filter your posts.
Which is kind of a problem! Because i would like to go into the character tag to see content of the character, and not rp of the character, but if you dont have any tags with #rp or #roleplay, no one will be able to escape your posts.
I personally do not enjoy going in character tags to see theres ten new posts but its just rp...
Its totally fine if you want to keep doing rp and making sure your posts get engagement/ get shown to new people, but please keep in mind to add #rp or #roleplay or # character roleplay
So that people who don't like roleplay can filter your content without having to give up the character tag.
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batsimsposts · 2 months
This sure is an interesting take! And I would understand it better if you were talking about their relationship in another media form, but you chose Wayne Family Adventures.
Now before I begin, i wanna make it clear that this take is fine, and I'm simply expressing my own opinion, if you have anything to add/discuss with me, please be cordial and polite.
I personally don't agree with this analysis of this media. First off, WFA is not canon, it's barely even based on canon, so there's no reason to believe that any canon (comic) storylines have happened in WFA unless it's confirmed on screen.
Secondly, because WFA is not canon, and doesn't follow a canon storyline, we can think of it as an alternative universe. In this alternative universe, Bruce is a significantly better father/person than he is in many comics, so again, there's no reason to believe their dynamic is the same as comics.
In this alternative universe, Bruce has never once given us any reason to think he treats Tim like this, and Tim hasn't given any reason either. So, there is no prior evidence of Bruce mistreating Tim in an emotional capacity on purpose
Now, onto the actual episode and my analysis/thoughts on this opinion you've stated! Spoilers for Batman: Wayne Family Adventures up to episode 121.
Part 1: context
In the episodes leading up to 121, we know the plotline is that Joker has escaped arkham and is currently on the loose, he has already kidnapped Duke. Duke did manage to escape, and is now safe in the manor. Once it is revealed to the batfam, that Joker was the one to kidnap Duke, Bruce calls in for his family to get home and to turn in their masks until Joker is caught and back in Arkham.
Because the kids are notorious for not listening, and because they believe that Bruce is making a mistake, they all band together at Tim's apartment to make a plan of action. Jason has a panic attack and goes out to find Joker, Dick finds him and calms him down, Jason decides to leave the city for a while.
The other batkids all go to several locations to gather evidence/ find clues. During this, Bruce also decides to go out and find clues/evidence.
Part 2: the fights
Tim is not the only person Bruce lashes out to! In many of the episodes regarding this plotline, Bruce is seen lashing out to Alfred, and his other kids as well.
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these are the bigger examples, but even when he is not actively yelling at/fighting someone, we see that he is tense and angry and worried.
Part 3: Tim Drake
Now, in episode 121, Bruce has already talked to his children, prohibited them from their masks, and has already had a run in with one of the batkid teams and told them to go home.
What i want to take into account is that Bruce is feeling out of control. Its very clear in the way he is acting/ the way he is drawn, that he is stressed and likely very worried his kids are going to get into trouble and he wont be able to save them (trauma response anyone?)
So by the time he gets INTO ARKHAM (keep in mind that Tim and Steph aren't just anywhere, they are in a "psych ward" that currently houses dangerous unstable criminals capable of murder). Bruce is already at the end of his rope! In his mind, he is constantly trying to keep his family safe and away from the danger, and at every turn he is being disobeyed. In his mind, he's trying to make sure nothing happens to his kids, and they're literally running into the fire headfirst.
So when he sees Tim AND Steph at Arkham, he blows up. I personally don't believe this has anything special to do with Tim. If you were in Bruce's shoes, there's only so much you can take until you fall apart. If it were any other batkid, Bruce would have done the exact same thing because it wasn't about which batkid was there, it was the fact they were there at all.
Part 4: more analysis
Ok, now that I think i've made my point, I'm going to address some stuff before anyone comes at me.
1. Bruce was NOT in the right for blowing up at Steph and Tim. At all. In part 3 when i explain his mental state, its not me giving him an excuse to be an asshole to his kids, its just me pointing out that there is no bias in his mind over Tim.
2. Bruce should not have blown up at his kids at all. He should let them help, and trust in them more, which is the lesson i think hes going to learn at the end of this plotline, i just urge you to keep in mind that Bruce has trust issues! Of course hes not going to easily trust his kids to be safe, not because he doesnt think they're capable, but because of the criminals and the horrible things hes seen.
3. Of course Steph and Tim didn't deserve to get yelled at, i want to make it clear that this was an Asshole move TM, and that it never should've happened. But it did happen, it doesn't take away from the fact Bruce in WFA loves all his kids equally, and that he DOES see Tim as his kid, and that he sees Steph as family (not as a kid tho)
Ok, sorry for the super long post, and if i missed any points or if you want me to explain anything better please let me know! If you think i was rude or mean at all in my explanation, let me know! My idea wasn't to be mean or to hate on your opinion, just to have a discussion on different interpretation. If theres anything you think i should change to make my point more clear or to be more polite, let me know
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Even Wayne Family Adventures’ “what if Bruce Wayne went to therapy” version of Batman treats Tim Drake like shit.
It’s such an essential part of their dynamic that Bruce expects way too much from Tim, and has no concept of Tim as a CHILD, that even fluffy WFA can’t escape it.
Tim’s always the one who Bruce feels entitled about / safe in lashing out and being emotionally reactionary to.
Tim gets the brunt of Bruce’s unhealed childhood trauma, his juvenile temper impulses, his self-pity and his anger at himself. That’s the dynamic they established when Tim was 13 and it’s never course corrected.
Bruce has no ability to see Tim as a child, to hold him to normal standards, to hold himself back. Tim’s his safe space and that means Bruce acts like an overstimulated toddler exploding at their parent after a long day of keeping it together at daycare.
Tim, my angel. You deserve so much more than these damaged adults around you.
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batsimsposts · 2 months
Batman canon but Jason is like a twitch streamer that allows their chat to make decisions for them. (The chat would be voices in Jason's head) (chat is the readers btw)
Jason, about to kill a black mask goon: chat should i kill this guy?
Chat: yes lol
Chat: omg dead
Chat: make him suffer
Everything is the same except the chat it would be so funny.
Bruce: why did you beat up Tim at Titans Tower?
Jason: the voices told me to
Bruce, alarmed: the what????
Jason: chat how funny would it be if i stole the Nightwing costume and started killing people to ruin the Nightwing rep?
Chat: undistinguishable cheering
Dick, watching in concern bc he cant hear Chat: ????????
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batsimsposts · 5 months
This wasn't exactly the point of the post. You saying that YOU specifically don't feel/act in the way i was calling out actively takes the focus off of the problem and on to you.
You think all of them are feral? You're not discriminating? Awesome, then the post isn't for you, and the fact that you didn't add anything of value to my post/my critique just shows that either you didn't understand the post and it's purpose, or that you're actively ignoring it.
This is about people actively using the word feral to BE RACIST to the most famous POC batboys. This does not apply to you if you use it for all of them. Your addition to the post was unnecessary, and frankly a little insulting.
TL;DR you took a post that wasn't about you and made it about you and honestly that tells me everything i need to know about you.
I've seen several posts on my timeline from pretty popular batfamily blogs where they refer to Damian or Dick as feral.
The Damian one is just pure racism?? Even if that's not what you meant, the effect is still there. Why would you call Damian, who is a middle eastern child, a feral child? Or go so far as to relate him back to an animal? The amount of people making that connection is so disgusting to me. And it's not even the bloggers themselves, the comments and reblogs are filled with people who like this narrative of Damian being completely feral... Like ask yourself why you think it's funny? Like why do you enjoy that comparison so much? There are so many other words and references you could be using that don't sound racist, and yet you chose to use this one?
I don't see as many posts claiming Dick is feral, but there have been a few posts about Robin!Dick and people being like "omg Robin!Dick was feral! He was such a little gremlin!" .....
You could use so many other words to describe Dick as Robin, and you chose "feral"??? What about Rowdy? Angry? Easily excitable? Like what made you specifically choose feral? And another thing is if you specifically refer to Robin!Dick as feral but Nightwing! Dick as civilized... What makes you think Robin!Dick is specifically feral?
Like to me (CALL THE POLICE THIS IS A PERSONAL OPINION) it sounds like the only time Dick was feral in people's eyes is when he's fresh from the circus. Like Robin!Dick was learning a whole new culture because he quite literally had POC parents who taught him differently... And your first instinct is to call that era of his life "feral"?
Idk yall can we please use our critical thinking skills next time? At least use a different word? Or check yourself before making these types of posts/art? Like it cannot be that hard to not be racist.
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batsimsposts · 5 months
I've seen several posts on my timeline from pretty popular batfamily blogs where they refer to Damian or Dick as feral.
The Damian one is just pure racism?? Even if that's not what you meant, the effect is still there. Why would you call Damian, who is a middle eastern child, a feral child? Or go so far as to relate him back to an animal? The amount of people making that connection is so disgusting to me. And it's not even the bloggers themselves, the comments and reblogs are filled with people who like this narrative of Damian being completely feral... Like ask yourself why you think it's funny? Like why do you enjoy that comparison so much? There are so many other words and references you could be using that don't sound racist, and yet you chose to use this one?
I don't see as many posts claiming Dick is feral, but there have been a few posts about Robin!Dick and people being like "omg Robin!Dick was feral! He was such a little gremlin!" .....
You could use so many other words to describe Dick as Robin, and you chose "feral"??? What about Rowdy? Angry? Easily excitable? Like what made you specifically choose feral? And another thing is if you specifically refer to Robin!Dick as feral but Nightwing! Dick as civilized... What makes you think Robin!Dick is specifically feral?
Like to me (CALL THE POLICE THIS IS A PERSONAL OPINION) it sounds like the only time Dick was feral in people's eyes is when he's fresh from the circus. Like Robin!Dick was learning a whole new culture because he quite literally had POC parents who taught him differently... And your first instinct is to call that era of his life "feral"?
Idk yall can we please use our critical thinking skills next time? At least use a different word? Or check yourself before making these types of posts/art? Like it cannot be that hard to not be racist.
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