#Prom King
seeminglydark · 2 months
au where sully is the popular model controlled by his parents and caro is the punk with a bad home life who saves him??
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Prom King Sully and Hurricane Caro! This was cute and also I think the second time in a week someone’s requested something similar. Not a fan of gender swaps but LOVE story and style swaps. I think I’ll draw more of these two at some point. My mind is racing with the possibilities.
Thanks for the ask! -Rj
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theknucklehead · 4 months
Molly and Ollie at the dance being an adorable couple.
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Also my response to the naysayers.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 months
I’m so interested in your slashers! Do you have any more art or specifics for their stories?
I've got a Few unfinished works
KINDA LONG but it's got a lot of JUICY DETAILSSSS.
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-The Handler and Fursuiter have been known to spare victims, often time only taking what they need; that usually being a leg. Handler has gotten alarmingly skilled at amputation with a high success rate. Handler does the cutting, Fursuiter does the sewing. They'll often let the victim pick which one if they're feeling kindly.
-They travel cross country in a shitty van. They rarely settle in one place and their often choice to crash is seasonal cabin homes; places that have fully functional amenities such as showers, toilets, working stoves and fridges. If it's an off season for the area they may hang around for a month or two.
-They are both roughly in their 30s possibly approaching 40 in a few years. For Killer Cannibals, they're actually alarmingly smart about how they go about things and have an entire retirement contingency in plan should one of them get injured to the point where 'hunting' their food is no longer a viable choice.
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-Calvin 'Prom King' Black's father is actually a well known boxer in the area who tours the country. Although estranged from the family-Calvin knows how to efficiently fight thanks to him. So imagine you think you've disarmed the revenant slasher by knocking their weapon away only to get squared up on by a guy who actually knows how to throw a very solid punch.
-According to the school's legend, The Prom King and Queen always inevitably shack up after prom and become a couple. This sort of tradition is almost like a point of pride. However, Calvin, being a homosexual, rebuffed these advances rather quickly.
-Calvin's nomination to Prom King was actually sort of rigged. The student council at the time was sick and tired of the same popular people getting voted in as Prom Royalty and decided to secretly promote 'one of the lesser known members of the student body'. That being Calvin whose hobbies included skipping gym to smoke behind the building, reading Syfy Novels and having bad skin. None of it was actually done in malice, they genuinely believed they were doing Calvin a kindness.
-Calvin was around 19 when he was murdered-20 if he had lived to see the next summer.
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-Mortimer is Collage aged (around 19.) but has yet been able to go due to financial issues/his dad favoring his sister over him/his dad being a general ass hat. If he could, he'd study psychology or art.
-Mortimer is trans, AFAB. His transition was poorly received by his immediate family who insisted on dead naming him at every turn and it began to look more and more ridiculous on their part the more masc Mortimer gradually became over time.
-His favorite movies are The Craft, Jennifer's Body, Rocky Horror Picture Show and Ginger Snaps.
-Mortimer's mother currently resides at a psych hospital where she receives assisted care for her condition. Mortimer hasn't seen her in years.
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-The Original concept for Ephriam was shortly after X was released where I wanted a more.....visually appealing killer to stumble on a porn set. (The Mormonism is non-canonical) And has the aspects most of the fandom loves in a Slasher. Built af, scuffed up, long hair, scary face, Tits to die for and often times a quiet disposition.
-Ephriam's family farm actually used to be a site for satanic sacrifices in the 60s and was abandoned in the 80s. This resulted in the area being a bit abnormal as well as Ephriam's sort of unconventional physical appearance and his survival of what should have been a fatal gunshot wound to the face. While it has no effect on his parents aside from them being in pretty good health for an older couple-Ephriam who has been drinking from the well water and eating the pigs they slaughtered on the property since he was born, resulting in a healing factor for him, enhanced strength and other perks.
-The area where they take the pigs for slaughter is abnormal as the pigs will willingly lay down on what appears to be a naturally occurring slab and fall into a slumber that they do not wake up from, making slaughter rather humane. Ephriam's family used this spot for slaughter because of the angle of the stone, the fact it was near the house and is a good wide surface to clean the pigs and carve them up. Invertedly-Ephriam and his family are sacrificing animals to hellish entities that reward them with good health (though they haven't made that connection yet, they just all chalk it up to luck and good clean country living.)
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These two don't have names yet.
-He's not really a slasher-though he does KILL Slashers. Mainly since his twin sister is often targeted by Slashers since she's a hot girl in a sorority at a big name collage.
-They were conjoined twins at birth. REALLY conjoined. And it was only sheer LUCK that the doner parts came through to keep them both alive at the time. They've both undergone numerous surgeries over the years to repair and replace parts. The Boy opted out of the surgeries eventually because he was so tired of it all while his sister doubled down and looks much more human thanks to plastic surgery.
-It's a concept of Killers always attack sororities; plot twist incel-There's already a 6'9 guy welding a knife ready to defend his sister to the death hanging out in the kitchen. You really gonna try your luck? Gonna try and kill these girls cause you have unresolved issues with women not liking you. Gotta get through THIS DUDE FIRST. (and he has put down QUITE a few. Not just for his sister's sorority.)
-He's actually good friends with his sister's sorority. They view having him around as having scary dog privileges. His unique face is a bit of a shock at first, but they've become very comfortable with him being around. Very much a 'NO BOYS ALLOWED.....except for him, he's very very polite to us.' vibe at this Sorority.
-She's studying fashion and design while he's opting for the trade course (Welding, car repair, etc. etc.) Though if he chose to, he could very easily make very high marks in any field he chooses.
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candy8448 · 2 months
Completely forgot to, and it was ages ago but here are some photos from prom
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Dang the feeling in that outfit was so amazing >:)
Also one of my friends was prom king which was cool and surprising, though then again it was the teachers who decided on he basis of who was good in lessons and school
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katrasining · 1 year
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rammit-online99 · 11 days
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man my old art is something else in either a good or bad way, idk which
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allfunandgays · 1 year
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tuxedaaron · 1 year
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This second request in this art set comes to us from a DA member, who wanted to see a pic of his own take on Kim and Ron's Senior Prom, courtesy of his fanfic, "So NOT the Drama".  While I did have some design input, the clothes are primarily his own vision of how Kim and Ron would be dressed that night.  And the crowns, I think, are pretty self explanatory.  Still, you might want to check out the fic, if you'd like any specific details. Hope you like the pic, though. ^_^
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helloparkerrose · 1 year
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I like the idea of a gender neutral version of King/Queen being Xing (pronounced Zing).
Like someone would be the Xing of their country. The zest 🤌🏻 The effervescence, if you will. Their royal spiciness.
Although it may just look like it says “x-ing” like in road signs 😆
(this ofc is not to ignore the plethora of issues present in the typical monarchy set up which would not be solved by simply having a nonbinary ruler - but I love ungendering as much language as I can 🤩 alsoooo Prom Zing could be a thing 👀)
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chocolatekittysims4 · 3 months
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Here's what Sunflower and Wren look like now.
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Thunderhawk won prom king!
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A king and his queen.
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Thunderhawk: Hey, Mom. Check it out.
Cheyenne: That's nice, honey.
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Kiyoshi: I heard that you went to prom with Kaori last night.
Thunderhawk: Yeah? What about it? She obviously knows a real man when she sees one and it's not you.
Kiyoshi: What did you just say to me?!
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Kaori: I'm sorry about Kiyoshi. I didn't know he'd be like this.
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Thunderhawk: Don't worry about it, sweetheart. He's nothing that I can't handle.
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thestalkerbunny · 2 months
I want to give Calvin a hug, a blanket, some hot coco, and so so much therapy. He deserves the world
A Few Years too late for him, but you know what, he'll take it.
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flying-bi-son · 5 months
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pr14nce15 · 5 months
The Teen’s Prom Night Pt.1
Now before the passing of Grandad Chris, I watched as my Sister Simone and My cousins Gabby and James have their prom night. Theirs looked way more lit than mine😮
As its family tradition for the parents to see those on their prom nights Mom and Aunt Erin came over to the house to see Gabby and Simone.
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They couldn’t believe how grown up they were. I swear these two could be like sisters.
Jermaine came to see Cole before we had to go. Unfortunately for Marvin, Kelvin couldn’t make it as he had to be with his girlfriend Juliana and her daughter Jaime at the hospital. But Gabby was by his side. Bless.
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Anyway they took some photos before the event. I was having a big bro moment and thinking to myself my sister and cousin are too grown man🥺
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And then the party kicked off and shall I say everyone looked amazing. The place looked lit and was full of fun. Plenty of people turned up and it was amazing.
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Then it was the decision of Prom King and Queen. And it was a really close call between people but in the end they chose my cuz Gabby and Marvin and you know what from what she has gone through in her life and how both of them are true people persons this was very deserving for them both.
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Congratulations to Gabrielle and Marvin🥳💕
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startheskelaton · 4 months
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Prom photos part 1
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