#RARE whitley
rwby-confess · 3 months
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Confession #128
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Does Whitley actually speak to anyone besides his family aside from that one convo with Ruby? No? Not even the other manor servants?
Well then how the FUCK would we know what kind of character he is?
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quattro-bacheema · 1 month
*The Schnee women after seeing off Jaune and Whitley on their fishing trip*
Weiss: I have to admit, I was worried about how attached Whitley was getting to Jaune, but it's turning out really well for them both!
Winter: I agree. It's good to see him find a positive male role model to look up to.
Willow: I heard from the grapevine that he's a real natural with children. Much better than Jacques, that's for sure. Dare I say, he's going to make for a good father one day, wouldn't you agree, Weiss?
Weiss: A father? But that would mean... *red* A-aren't we moving a little fast for that?
Winter: Good men like him are rare to come across, Weiss. If you won't lock him down soon, I might have to take matters into my own hands!
Weiss: What do you mean 'take matters into your own hands'?
Winter:... *turns around to walk away*
Weiss: Winter... what did you mean by that?
Winter: *starts walking faster*
Weiss: Winter! *starts chasing her*
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lordcryosrealmoftrash · 2 months
I feel like people miss the true hilarity of Snow Leopard. It's not that Willow has moved on from a singular shitty racist and instead is now with two faunus rights activists. It's not that Weiss and Blake would be siblings. No, it's that WHITLEY AND BLAKE would be siblings.
Whitley, who has barely had time to truly start on undoing years of his father's brainwashing, is now having to look at Blake Belladonna, a girl who just a year ago he would have had put in jail for the mere threat of what she might do, is now his big sister and surprisingly (or not) she is a better big sister than his actual blood sisters. (Sorry, Winter and Weiss, you guys are great with each other, but your bond with your brother could use some work)
Blake, who has been an only child all her life, who was only expecting that fact to change when she married Yang and became Ruby's sister in law, is now looking at this kid who a year ago she would have happily punched in the face due to the fact he would be spouting the same bullshit as his bio dad, and is told by her own parents to "play nice and treat him as family."
Just the awkward silence between the two of them at first. Looking at each other wondering how the fuck their parents expect them to get along.
But eventually, they find their connection. Books. Whitley loves books almost as much as Blake. She takes so much interest in his reading. Because they were raised with such different ideologies, their reading habits do differ quite a bit. But now Blake is able to introduce Whitley to different books that aren't grounded in racist images. And Whitley, in turn, shares traditional folklore and stories of Atlas and Solitas and rare books Blake has never had the ability to read.
Whitley is mending his relationship with Weiss and Winter, but it feels so nice to have a sibling relationship that doesn't feel awkward or in need of mending.
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nightmare-foundation · 6 months
Silly rwby/atla au idea
Ruby- Air bender, loves zooming around, on her way to becoming a master
Yang- Earth bender, specifically a lava bender
Blake- Non-bender, extremely talented with chi blocking
Weiss- Water bender, uses ice most often
Jaune- initially thought to be a non bender, is actually a water bender. Extremely talented healer, one of the best in the world
Pyrrha- Metal bender
Nora- Fire bender, uses lightning most often
Ren- non-bender, uses chi blocking
Oscar- the Avatar, comes from one of the water tribes. Not ready for the responsibility
Ozpin- Previous avatar, was an air nomad
Ozymandias/KoV- Avatar prior to Ozpin, was the Fire Lord of the fire nation
Ironwood- Metal bender
Leonardo Lionheart- Non-bender or earth bender (undecided)
Theodore- Fire bender
Winter- Water bender, blood bender (rarely uses it)
Whitley- non-bender
Tyrian- non-bender, uses chi blocking
Watts- non-bender
Hazel- Earth bender
Cinder- Previously non-bender, received fire bending
Emerald- Non-bender
Mercury- Was a metal bender, had his bending taken away
Salem- dark spirit??
Qrow- non-bender
Raven- non-bender
Glynda- no idea tbh
Sun Wukong- air bender
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benevolentvampire · 10 months
this is definitely a post that's been made before i do remember seeing it back when the episode first aired but i wanna say it again bc i've just been reminded - can you imagine being whitley schnee in volume 8?? you're like 16(?) years old. all your life you've heard stories about these monsters of darkness that embody pure destruction and violence but only a rare few have enough intelligence to even have self-preservation instincts, the majority are mindless outside of wanting to kill - but you've never seen one in person, nor do you have ANY training or equipment to fight one.
and then the first time you do see one in person, it's a mutant shape-changing one with the same intelligence as a human and it fucking TALKS to you, taunting you as it looks for you in a room with VERY limited hiding places and NO ability to move from where you are undetected.
can we give a round of fucking applause to this guy for NOT just shitting himself to death on the spot. can we give another round of applause for the fact he RAN BACK INTO THE ROOM WITH IT TO PUSH THE BUTTON THAT WOULD SAVE LIVES. he might've been a bit of a dick while under his father's thumb (and Still is one a bit but he's getting there), but he's just as much of a proper schnee as his siblings + mother, nicholas would've been so proud.
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pendletonnn · 5 months
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Three friends from the portal (!!!!!!!!)AU in the world of Stardew Valley! Whitley is a simple farmer, chilling on a bench, watering his crops, harvesting his crops. Chell is the local hitman in the caves. Will bring you jewelry and beetle meat) Rick is a fisherman, just burning in the sun while he catches fish.
:) funny guys
AGAIN - THIS IS NOT CANON, I very rarely draw canonical characters of the portal ehehe)
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falleri-salvatore · 8 months
RWBY AU Prompt:
--There are Four Foundational Families (one in each: Vale, Mistral, Mantle/Atlas and Vacuo) that can be considered Primarchical Royal Families (that is to say: they are Ozlem descendants. This fact is VERY hidden knowledge; so hidden in fact that neither Salem nor Ozpin knew until later on). --The Four Foundational Families share the following characteristics: Incredibly powerful and versatile (as well as hereditary) Semblances, immensely potent and dense Aura (not always vast, this depends on the individual), incredible life force (that is to say, they age slowly, seldom get ill and have much larger than average lifespan), and recessive yet highly persistent Silver Eyes AND Black Blood genes (rarely, some descendants are born with either one or both of these traits being dominant at random). The Schnee and Pendragon (now Arc) families are two confirmed families out of the four. --The Schnee and the Arc families have a longtime friendship with each other (which leads to the Schneeblings and the Arc Siblings being childhood friends). --Cinder was found and adopted by Qrow. Because of the series of events that unfolded prior to this, Qrow was ALMOST persona-non-grata in Atlas (Ironwood, Willow and Ozpin had to call in on a LOT of favors for the "Almost" part). --Weiss (and by extension Winter and Whitley) are childhood friends with Jaune (and his sisters). However, whereas Weiss enrolled in Atlas Prep to follow her sister's footsteps, Jaune studied in Shade Academy, where he met and befriended Pyrrha Nikos (and became her first and best friend, as well as her first love and her friendliest rival). --Saphron, Winter, Cinder and Terra studied in Beacon (Saphron, Winter and Terra came from Atlas Prep, where as Cinder came from Signal) and were on the same team (Team ASBT/Asbestos). Saphron was the leader, Saphron and Terra were partners while Winter and Cinder were partnered. --Winter and Cinder got along like cat-and-dog/ice-and-fire, with Cinder goading and taunting Winter every chance she could and Winter inevitably losing her temper (think of Qrow and Winter's canon dynamic). Cinder disdained Winter (at first) because she thought of her as a spoiled Atlesian princess (and Cinder hated anything to do with Atlas) while Winter detested being compared to a vapid socialite that was common for an Atlesian lady of her age (it was the reason she chose to come to Beacon after all, with Ironwood's endorsement no less, to get away from it all).
--Saphron Arc was pretty much the "Summer Rose/Glynda Goodwitch/Pyrrha Nikos" of her generation; that is to say, she was an unparalleled prodigy among her peers (shame that she, along with Terra, retire from being huntsmen early on). --Because of the different circumstances, Cinder Branwen was made the Fall Maiden instead of Amber (originally, Saphron was the one planned to be made the maiden; however, she declined). Amber, instead, is one of Cinder's bodyguards. --During their time in Beacon: Weiss and Pyrrha are fierce rivals in both love (over Jaune) and combat, and every time they fight, they never fail to destroy the arena. It has gotten to the point that Glynda prohibits them from fighting each other during Combat Class because she dreads having to clean up the mess. --Ozpin and Qrow can't help but reminisce over the fact that Pyrrha's and Weiss' rivalry was like a mix between Summer's and Raven's (fighting over Tai), and Winter's and Cinder's (fundamentally so very very similar that they can't help BUT clash).
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lacependragon · 10 months
Things in RWBY Rewrite (with the magic system) that I am eager to write:
Summer was straight up thought to be the Chosen One to defeat Salem by everyone who knew about her. Her death and the failure and destruction of STRQ, her team, fractured the much larger OzLuminati around 12 years ago. This is what causes the big schism between the major four we see, too - Oz, James, Glynda, and Qrow - and Glynda is also an exile from Atlas, and James' ex-partner from the academy, so there's a lot of history here. But yeah. Summer was thought to be destined to win. And she died and no one knows why. So it's not so much "Ruby as the Chosen One" as "Ruby as the one after the Chosen One fails, the one who tries to put it all back together".
James and Willow straight up had an affair and that's where Whitley comes from. They're not together. They're not in love. They have very complex feelings. And no one is the right person in this situation. But god is it fun.
Two years ago, Jacques went to trial and jail for embezzlement and abuse and the whole history and story of the Schnees came to light, which means anyone can know all of Weiss' family's secrets now and there's nothing Weiss can do about it. Weiss walks around knowing that people know her scar is from her father.
Pyrrha was trained by Caroline Cordovin, who is straight up one of the most monstrous people in all of Remnant. She is still a kind and loving person who wants desperately to be noticed for who she is, and to be normal, but now she's walking around with more trauma than most of the characters post V3 in her first appearance. We'll learn about that later.
Monstrous type semblances are a rare elemental type aligned with manipulation, destruction, and the Grimm. Adam, Neptune, and Kali all possess Monstrous type semblances, which are illegal by decree of the Global Remnant Hunting Board and can get you imprisoned in some cases.
The White Fang is mostly an activist group. Adam is the faction that is Bad only. They're the Red Fang.
Taiyang and Raven are both trans, which means Ruby is not genetically related to Taiyang, and instead is related to one of the twins. They don't know which one. The twins are identical and both had sexual relationships with the other members of Team STRQ at the time Summer got pregnant. It's the same with Taiyang and his pregnancy with Yang. No one knows which twin knocked either of them up and frankly, it doesn't matter. STRQ is their parents, that's how Ruby and Yang see it. It's my way of going "yeah okay let's play with the Qrow theory but in a way that's FUN and doesn't involve FUCKING OVER TAIYANG". I love Taiyang. Expect a lot of him.
Little is a faunus and Ruby and Yang's little sibling. This is extremely plot relevant.
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salemdominance · 11 months
Seeing how Whitley wasn't in the best care, Maria Calavera offers to take him under her wing though the last thing the Schnee expected was to engage in a loving relationship with the elder woman but he wasn't complainin
Maria, deaged and ready to finally have a family, wasn't sure why Whitley. Yes he was cute, and yes his family situation was shit, but those weren't rare traits in Remnant. Heck Ren also fit those requirements for instance.
But there was something about him...Maria wanted it. Wanted him.
And having a beautiful older lady in a bikini sitting on his lap, cooing adoring words into his ear, it wasn't hard to convince Whitley he wanted her too.
Maria was in a beautiful dress, kissing his neck. "Dinner tonight. And after, I'll show you my love, darling..."
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dragynkeep · 1 year
What types of abuse do you thing Winter, Weiss, and Whitley experienced from Jacques and Willow?
What were the differences with Weiss’s relationship with her father in volume 1-3 compared to 4+? Was it more nuanced?
i think the types of abuse that weiss, winter & whitley experienced with jacques was mainly mental, emotional, neglect. we can see that none of them have great relationships with him with winter refusing all contact, weiss running to beacon as soon as she could & whitley being stuck in the home clearly unhappy & ignored.
there is also an aspect of financial abuse wherein this is how jacques controls weiss while she's in beacon: while i think the depiction of abuse was more varied / nuanced in v1-3 in regards to weiss, what i did dislike is that this financial abuse was treated as a joke. winter even makes a joke of it in explaining that jacques had done the same to her & treats it like a lost allowance, not weiss being punished financially for not wanting to talk to her abusive father.
in regards to the difference between eras: like i've said, i think poser era handled the abuse more diversely even with the pitfalls of it being treated like a joke at times which has really just been the entire show.
when we get to v4, weiss is back in the hands of her father & he emotionally & verbally berates her for not following his orders & not behaving. he threatens to imprison her & tell everyone she's sick / implied to be mentally ill like her mother. while this is more overt than maybe some of the more subtle abuses from the poser era: it loses any momentum when jacques ends up losing all intimidation & is treated again, like a joke but even worse.
weiss goes from understanding this man is a danger in regards with her safety to arresting him while childishly asking if she can do that. jacques once they return in v7 has lost all semblance of what previous menace he had & is instead not even an obstacle for the children he abused anymore. why should we take it seriously that he slaps weiss when the previous episode our own protagonist had been slapping her friend multiple times? it makes no sense.
in regards to the slap: i do think that this is the only instance of physical abuse that happened from jacques to his children. there's nothing else to suggest that this is a regular occurrence in their relationships & weiss looks shocked when it happens. this was something i appreciated because parent - child abuse so rarely excludes physical abuse because they think the physical abuse is what validates it as abuse.
as for the abuse we get from willow to her children: it seems to be firmly seated in neglect. she abandoned these children to their abusive father to drink herself sick in the garden & absolutely failed them. however there is an additional aspect in her relationship with weiss where it takes on an emotionally incestuous / parentified aspect in willow passing on the parental responsibilities for whitley to her daughter with no care for her well being. willow becomes spiteful & emotionally abusive when weiss dares to criticize her & it's something that only becomes even more apparent if we take the comics into consideration.
weiss in willow's abuse has taken the place of jacques in being both responsible for her mother & her younger brother: something winter seems to have inherited with weiss's apparent "death."
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fiercefauna · 1 month
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TRIGGERS: The following may disappoint due to the epic implications of the above picture. That said I bring you -
The Summer of Horses
It was during the summer of horses that the first incident occurred. Most young children have a horse phase I assume and if not, then I certainly did. Books and toys were found for me by every friend of the family and I managed my herds in the chill glow of an electric air conditioner dripping its condensation out my bedroom window. 
“Horses don’t really look like that, you know.” Father would say. “Everything tends to be prettier in books, but if you’re still interested we could go visit Zephyr sometime.” 
“Zephyr’s not a horse, dad.” I was aware of the crow-creatures that people rode occasionally through the streets of the town and the rare automobile brought out on special occasions but was yet to see a horse, though it was often implied horses existed somewhere. 
Oft I’d heard passing references to a “Night Horse” but it didn’t seem like anything that existed in our immediate vicinity, not until one of the distant lights that bob down the roads after dark turned toward our house and passed very close to my window. It seemed a lantern was being held aloft in a cloud of strange smoke, that unraveled like yarn as it drifted in all directions, including my own. 
Enchanted, I watched long threads of - something - drift through the screen and out my bedroom door, floating down the hall and all through the house, being pulled away when it seemed as though they had “seen” everything. My parents of course, dismissed it as a dream when I told them, though not long after I heard Mother mention “Night Horse” angrily on the phone, and the distinct phrase - “You’re scaring Whitley!” 
She misread me. I wasn’t exactly scared so much as curious. Not wanting to miss it the next time, I filled a bag with extra wheelies (a candy laced with something that controlled my otherwise constant headaches) and stashed it by the window so I’d be well-equipped for an expedition. 
I got a whole other year older before it again passed us by. I was less interested in horses now, but the “Night Horse” specifically had not slipped my mind. I had long since learned I could pass in and out of windows as needed, as it was wise to lock your doors when the house was sleeping. The dew was on the grass and loose blades stuck to the thick, rubbery callouses of my boots as I followed the floating tendrils to their source. The smoke surrounding the lantern cleared, exposing something that was very much - not a horse. It did however, have a rider. 
The rider looked sick so I offered it one of the wheelies from my pack - which it refused. Wheelies being the only mildly medicinal thing a child was allowed to carry and the state of being sick requiring medication “no if’s and’s or but’s” as Mother would say, it seemed acceptable to be more forceful. 
In short no, I did not intend to attack Mr. Montague’s animal nor was I attempting to choke either of them to death with a “Lolly.” Mr. Montague is fine, certainly because someone eventually got him to take his medicine. 
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violentlyscreaming · 2 years
I grabbed these from ao3 tagged rare pair and a Reddit post. I’m very sorry if I didn’t hit your favorite Rarepair- I tried to pick ones I didn’t think would be super popular?
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irismono · 2 years
The Shipping Chart Challenge Thing
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Aight so I got inspiration. It's a helluva drug. Blank template for the challenge directly below, but I'm gonna run through the ships though. If I don't note the fandom it's RWBY. From left to right: Top row - Zidane x Garnet (Final Fantasy IX), Black Sun, White Rose, Snowbirds, Bumblebee. Second Row - BaeRyS (Hololive), Nuts & Dolts, ChellOS (Portal), SpecialShipping (Pokemon Adventures), Lancaster Third Row - White Knight, Pyrrha x Whitley (it's so rare it doesn't have a real name, I call it Magnets are Cool Too or MAC2), Arkos, Raphumi (The Rising of The Shield Hero), Gauntlets & Greaves. Bottom Row - Renora, Crosshares, TanKano (Demon Slayer), Baked Alaska, ChosenShipping (Pokemon Adventures)
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No real rules to this. You can pick whatever ships and whatever fandoms you like. I won't judge you for your tastes. I will judge you for using the same ship multiple times, but only a little bit.
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bridgyrose · 1 year
Maybe I'll expand on this later, but the way Weiss looked at Jaune in vol 9 more feels like a revelation to the kind of person Weiss wants versus wanting Jaune. Like, it became clear in vol 4 that there's three types of men/boys that Weiss had dealt with most of her life: Jacques, Whitley, and Beacon era Jaune.
The Jacques type men are more Atlas elites, but typically men who "want what's best for you" and punish when you get out of line, men who shift the blame to make themselves victims, men who only ask for something when they get a direct benefit.
The Whitley types aren't necessarily bad people, but more or less yes men. They never really do anything that directly hurts, but generally speaking are more or less indirectly hurt others by not stepping up on their own until backed into a corner.
Then there's the Beacon era Jaune types, which Jaune, Neptune, and Henry all fit. Guys who are immature and typically only end up after Weiss for the money or the name, rarely because of what they actually see in her.
And Vol 9 put Weiss into a spot where she could finally see what she wanted with Jaune in the Ever After: someone who is mature and grew up, wants to help, and is a decent person. We can joke around about daddy issues with her, but Weiss knows what she wants, and in that moment, Jaune was that. She wants someone that will end up treating her right and not use hee for her name or for the money, both of which she's without for the moment. She wants someone who will see her for who she is, not someone who sees her as a prize or a way to easy living.
And over the course of the show, its been clear that she's seen Jaune grow and learn, but it took until the Ever After to see just how far he had come, which made it easier for her to finally see what she wants.
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howlingday · 1 year
Weiss: Poor, foolish Whitley. So young, and so naïve.
Whitley: Excuse me?
Weiss: The world harsh and cruel, my baby brother, and no one will listen to you unless you can entertain the masses as well.
Whitley: Don't call me a "baby". Not only is it inaccurate, it is also rude.
Weiss: And yet my words are no less true. One day, you will understand what it means to be ignored because you're boring. If you want the people to learn, you must entertain them. Until we meet again, baby brother. (Leaves)
Whitley: Hm... Perhaps she's right. Perhaps my education could be a bit more... jovial.
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...
Whitley: (Rapper get-up) Welcome back to business economics. ...Yo.
Whitley: It has come to my understanding that some of you are having trouble understanding my class. ...Yo.
Jaune: We're the only ones here.
Ruby: Ssh!
Whitley: As such, I have prepared a simple rap to follow along and understand the needed facts to survive in a capitalist-driven economy in which you provide goods and services for your peers and lessers.
Ruby: ...
Jaune: ...
Whitley: ...Yo.
Whitley: (Turns on track, Raps)
She sells sea shells on a sea shore,
But the value of these shells will fall
Due to the laws of supply and demand
No one wants to buy shells,
'Cause there's loads on the sand
Whitley: (Draws seashell on the board, Scratches red X over it)
Step One:
You create a sense of scarcity
Shells will sell much better
If they're rare, you see,
Bear with me,
Take as many shells as you can find
And hide them on an island
Stockpile them high until they're rarer than a diamond
Whitley: (Draws hand, Draws more hands)
Step Two:
Gotta make the people think that they want 'em
Really want 'em
Really fuckin' want 'em
Fuckin' Ironwood wants 'em!
Influencers! Product placement!
Prime time entertainment!
If you haven't got a shell,
Then you're just a fuckin' waste, man
Whitley: (Draws building with seashell, Lancaster draw up logos)
Step Three:
It's a monopoly
Invest inside some property
Start a corporation,
Build a logo,
Do it properly,
"Shells Must Sell"
This will be your new philosophy
Swallow all your morals,
They're a poor man's quality
Whitley: (Lancaster nervously swallow lumps, Whitley draws bigger and bigger circles)
Step Four:
Expand! Expand! Expand!
Clear forest! Make Land!
Fresh blood! On hands!
Whitley: (Draws circles with different things, Lancaster call Weiss)
Why just shells?
Why limit yourself?!
She sells seashells!
Whitley: (Wildly draws different randomness, Lancaster joins War of the Roses)
Sell guns! Sell stocks!
Sell diamonds! Sell rocks!
Sell water to a fish!
Sell the time to a clock!
Whitley: (Excitedly puts up campaign poster, WotR wheel in a projector)
Step hard on the gas,
Like a bat out of hell,
And run to be the councilman of Mantle!
Whitley: (Puts up more and more posters, WotR gather slides for the projector)
Know the truth is overrated,
Tell lies out the gate!
Whitley: (Angrily rips down half the posters, WotR turn off the lights)
Whitley: (Projector turns on to blind Whitley, Sees his father staring from the board)
The world was yours...
Stepped off the stage as the world applause...
You're a liar. A cheat. A scoundrel. A whore...
Whitley: (Falls to his knees, Sobs)
And you sold seashells on the seashore...
Whitley: (Sniffs, Stands up) Erm, ahem! I, uh, hope you all learned something from this.
Ruby: Er, y-yeah, like, uh, how supply and demand needs to maintain an equilibrium, or else an inflation or deflation will disrupt the economic flow to both consumers and providers detriment.
Jaune: And how product placement can influence people to buy more, and that consumerism helps the provider gain more reach in their influence on others.
Weiss: (Smiles) You did good, Whitley.
Whitley: (Smiles) Thank you.
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