#RIP Link and Raiden
sarasade · 6 months
Aaravos wouldn't have survived the casual homophobia / hate of androgynous/ feminine male characters of the 00's Internet. Those people would have torn him apart.
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thepeculiarbird · 3 months
Incorrect quotes tag
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks that's so cool, I laughed so much
Rules: use this link to generate some incorrect quotes for your characters!
*Madhi and Noe looking at a locked gate into a park* Madhi: Aw. :( Noe: You know what they say. Madhi: Please don’t- Noe: BE GAY DO CRIME! *hops gate* Madhi: Frick-
Madhi: Damn, the power went out. Prescillia: Don’t worry, I got this. Prescillia: *stomps foot* Madhi: What-? Prescillia: *Sketchers light up*
Alec: I got grounded for a whole week just because I came home late. Dan: Well, you deserved it. I mean, getting everyone's hopes up like that and then showing up again.
(she's joking <3)
Noe: You've been given a new job to do, but I'm worried it might make you angry. Dan: Just say it quick, like ripping off a band-aid. Noe: You have to teach Adam how to drive. Dan: ...put the band-aid back on.
Dan: I’ve been here in jail so long I think I’ve lost my mind. Dan: The days turn into weeks, weeks turn into months. Dan: How long have I been in here now? Almost a year? Alec: This is Monopoly.
Noe, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here. Madhi: Hey. Prescillia: Hi. Dan: Hello. Alec: Hey! Noe: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only! Adam: We were out of Doritos.
Dan, pointing to the wall: What color is this? Adam: Gray. Madhi: Grey. Dan, turning to Devyn: Now tell them what color you think it is. Devyn: Dark white.
I'll stop there.
Tagging : @raiden-makoto @sarandipitywrites @jaelink @aalinaaaaaa @lyutenw @buffythevampirelover @nettleandthorne @finxi-writes @arwenschepers @corruptedbread @whimsical-blood-fairy @unrepentantcheeseaddict @kidukami @ryns-ramblings @rowenas-my-fave-child @mysticstarlightduck + open
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tg-headcanons · 11 months
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So I heard we can slide TG OCs your way?? Don’t mind if I do. I never get to talk about my bastard enough, so this is gonna be long no matter how much I try to TLDR it.
Mostly known for his wit and charm, combined with his rational nature and unyielding (and often violent) loyalty to loved ones, it’s no surprise those around him often hold high opinions of Raiden. Flirtatious and very outgoing, Raiden often does a little more than “make friends” and has quite the reputation
((For whore behaviour lmao))
Due to an unfortunate incident in regards to his mother’s death when he was young, Raiden has been grappling with the mishaps and oddities of being a Kakuja for more than half his life. The excess cells excreted in response to his Kagune being released often shift his personality to a more sadistic, predatory side of himself. Taking great pleasure in playing with his prey, drawing out games of cat-n-mouse until he can feel their pulse racing under his tongue before finally granting them a swift death, usually in the from of crushing the trachea between his teeth. Raiden struggles with this side of himself, as while he knows it’s unnecessary to inflict that level of distress onto prey, he can’t help but feel a deep sense of satisfaction as his predatory instincts are sated.
His base Kagune is a Rinkaku, forming two long tendrils each tipped with four razor-sharp spines, the curvature of which cause much more damage being ripped out of prey than they cause going in. It’s also common for Raiden to use them to constrict or immobilise foe and prey alike. His Kakuja form however is much less sleek, a hulking mass of thick osteodermal plating, snapping jaws and near-insatiable hunger. His CCG-given alias more than an ironic nickname.
Known to the CCG as S+ rank ghoul Kaiju, Raiden is regarded as one-half of Ward 19’s apex pair, the other being Manticore (who happens to be his best friend and roommate, Jess). The pair have an extensive record of serial hunting and antagonising CCG agents, with Manticore in particular having a long history of stealing Quinque that later appear on the black market. Despite their hunting frequency and social influence over the Ward, no deaths of CCG agents have yet been directly linked to the pair so their rank cannot be raised. Curiously, one recorded confrontation between Kaiju and a junior agent suggests that Kaiju will actively avoid killing an agent if possible, as when the junior agent engaged in combat, Kaiju was swift to choke him into unconsciousness rather than kill him, leaving the agent with nothing more than minor injuries.
Although not in particular need of money, Raiden works as an adult entertainer, primarily a pole dancer (however offers private shows for those willing to spend the money) and goes by the stage-handle ‘Savage Sweetheart’. His gimmick plays into the taboo of a ghoul lover, although only his fellow ghoul coworkers are aware that this persona isn’t an act, and the only thing fake about it is the stage blood often smeared over his chest before a performance.
Raiden actually owns the club he works at, and makes a point to hire fellow Ghouls in need, offering jobs as dancers, bartenders or bouncers. The club’s earnings are put into acquiring forged legal documents for those working there, allowing them to get identity documents otherwise made normally impossible for Ghouls. This is in addition to handing out food, as Raiden’s tendency to over-hunt for pleasure often leaves enough food to go around. The prospect of safety, food, money and community are often enough to entice wary Ghouls to overlook the fact Raiden is a Kakuja, and those already working there are able to vouch for the fact their boss won’t eat them if they’re late to a shift.
Surprising to most, Raiden is a dedicated reptile owner, having over a dozen species of lizards ranging from crocodile skinks to water monitors, and several snakes. Most are kept in large vivariums each tailored to suit the inhabitants needs within the second bedroom of his apartment, aside from his first snake Burmey, a several metre long albino Burmese python. Holding a special place in his heart, Burmey has her own enclosure in Raiden’s bedroom that spans an entire wall, and if often allowed out to explore under supervision. She is also quite interested in his Kagune, as he often uses it to provide her with more support when handling her.
TLDR: Snake-dad by day, vigilante predator and thirst-trap by night, bisexual irritant always. Lives rent-free in my brain. I love him very much.
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genshinlover101 · 3 years
Hello, can I make a headcanon request in a fluff mannee, and I hope this isn’t too specific? How would Kujou Sara, Raiden, and Ayaka react to, while visiting their Hydro Alchemist S/O, their S/O was working on a special potion. However, something goes wrong, and the S/O ends up tripping and the potion lands on them. In a puff of smoke, they end up trapped in a giant floating bubble (that’s breathable by the way), that they can’t pop. Their S/O starts to panic, as they didn’t mean for this to happen, however they calm them down from inside their floating bubble. So their S/O calms down, and tries figure out a way to pop their bubble, while they remain inside the bubble. Eventually, their S/O finds a way to pop their bubble, and frees them.
Hydro Alchemist x Sara, Raiden Shogun, Ayaka (Separate) 
Characters: Sara, Raiden Shogun, Ayaka
Warnings: none
A/n: I got you 😉 I literally haven’t encountered Sara or Raiden in game yet cause um... I’m still trying to mentally prepare myself for Ayaka’s dancing cutscene. I know all the spoilers though, but I’m sorry if my grasp on their personalities aren’t the best. 
Link to prt. 2
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Even though her loyalties lied with the Shogun for saving her life, her love solely lies with you. She gets lonely easily so she visits you in your lab when she’s not on duty. 
You hear the confident clack of her sandals against the wooden floor, alerting you of your girlfriends arrival. You’re working on your newest potion, you wanted to mimic the bubbles made from those pesky hydro abyss mages. Your prototype was formulated around the basis of your own elemental powers from your vision.
“Come closer Sara, get a good look,” you mutter, focused on adding the final touch, hydro slime secretion to the vessel. Grabbing hold of the potion, with a swift turn, Sara was closer than you had anticipated. This caused the potion to fling out of your control and spilling all over her.
shit shit shit, you witness your girlfriend beautifully displayed in a bubble that you had made. She struggles to rip through it, almost like the bubble was on steroids. You were too panicked to do anything, so you just stood there in a daze.
“Hey, what’s in this potion...” Sara was agitated and her face stoic, you knew she was infuriated. She stopped struggling and floated peacefully. God, even though this situation was unwanted she was still absolutely stunning. “Are you listening to me?”
“Oh- um... Just some of my vision?” You say bashfully with a nervous smile. Her eyes bulged from her head as to say excuse me. “Don’t worry though, I’ll find a way to pop it.” You analyze the bubble, wanting to get a good feel of it before popping it. Sara observed you with pure calamity, her arms folded.
You went to a specific drawer across your lab and rambled through a bunch of junk. Here it is, you remember purchasing a wind catcher from a vendor in Mondstadt. making your way back to Sara, you unleash the ameno current. The pressure broke the bubble making Sara fall. You catch her vertically, squeezing her with her arms pinned by her waist so she couldn’t retaliate.
“Aha, Sara aren’t I a genius! Did you see that? The bubble worked perfectly. Hey deliver the prototypes to the Shogun for me yeah? We’ll catch visions faster this way.” All your exciting rambling made her calm down a little. She thought when you geeked out about your inventions it was adorable.
“Hey now, I’m not your little test subject,” She mocks. “I’m your girlfriend, don’t you dare do that again unless you want to die.” You place her back on her feet and give her a quick kiss, looking at each other with content. 
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The Raiden Shogun didn’t like how far away your lab was, especially when she was busy 24/7 with her own operations. So she provided you with a whole lab for your alchemy for your birthday. She didn’t see how it opposed to her plans for eternity so what was the harm, besides most of your studies were beneficial to Inazuma's plans.
You were crushing up some dead ley line branch leaves in your mortar and pestle. You were so concentrated you didn’t realize your girlfriend, Ei, was right behind you trying to figure out what you were doing. She occasionally stepped out of her Plane of Euthymia to greet you even after not leaving after centuries. You made her feel confident and loved enough not to fade into the erosion she feared so much.
After dumping the fine dust into the flask, you turn around and splash. oh my-.
Ei opens her eyes after bracing herself and finds herself engulfed in a bubble, she analyzes her situation and attempts to break her self out. “I’m so sorry Ei, I didn’t see you, and-,” her silence scared you more, “This bubble is built to be stronger than abyss mage’s shields by ten fold. I’m not sure how to break you out yet, it’s just meant to be a prototype. Try using your Musou no Hit-.”
“I’m not using my Musou no Hitachi on a ridiculous bubble,” She interrupts.  “And don’t think about fetching Sara,” And she read you like a book. “I don’t want anyone else but you seeing me in this state.” You shuffle around her analyzing the bubble. besides the situation, the bubble was perfect and went according to your plans. Additionally, there was no way you could pop this bubble with your own hydro vision.
That’s right! you reached into your pocket to fetch a thick chunk of electro crystal. Placing it right up to the shield like bubble, you used your own vision to cause an elemental reaction activating a surge of electrical shocks. Confident that because an Abyss Mage shield meant to protect the inside contents, wouldn’t harm your girlfriend with the same electric currents made to break it.
After around five quick charges she gracefully fell on her feet. “Impressive right?” You smile cheekily, giving her a kiss on the cheek after wrapping your arms around her thin neck. You’d hope she wouldn’t punish you immediately, “We could use it to capture rogue vision holders??” You offer. She gives you a menacing glare and a tired sigh, debating if she should let you off the hook or end your life right now.
"Okay you’ve convinced me I guess... Only cause you’re cute.” She averts her gaze, clearly embarrassed by your antics.
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“Pardon my intrusion,” Ayaka announces as she opens the dusty wooden door with the spare key you gave her. She looks around for a moment and finds you concentrated on smashing a varunada lazurite chunk into small dust particles to add to your concoction.
“Ah- just in time my love!” You smile. “Look I’m almost finished working on this new potion. It’s made to reflect the bubbles form Hydro Abyss Mages. Brilliant right?~”
Ayaka nods, pleased that you’re enjoying yourself. you enthusiastically rip the bottle off the stand containing the potion, and rush over to Ayaka. Suddenly, your foot get caught on a janky floor board and you fall dramatically. Oh my god your potion flies and hits Ayaka, shattering into pieces above her, as the liquid flows down it formulates giant water bubble encasing her. Luckily the shattered glass bounced right off the bubble, causing no harm to her.
Ayaka struggles against the walls of the bubble, she tries wiggling like how she normally does but it’s almost as if the bubble was more resilient than normal.
“Ohmygod ohmygod, Love I’m so sorry. Can you breathe?” You ask in a frenzy.
“Fortunately yes. It’s alright, no need to panic.” she reassured you. “At least the potion works hehe-“ she giggles awkwardly.
“That’s not the point, I don’t know what to do Ayaka- I’ve made the potion but no way to combat it…” you thought carefully while feeling the bubble from the outside. it felt liquid but solid at the same time, like a shield! You’ve got it. She floats to the edge of the bubble that you’re at, placing her hands on top of yours from the inside. She had to admit she was just a tiny bit worried.
You ran to the opposite side of the lab, from a closet you pull out an old sword that’s blade was snapped in half. “This is your former sword Ayaka. I’ve used some Fatui technology to make delusions and applied it to this, so it can make fraudulent Cryo elemental damage.” You figured you didn’t make an Abyss bubble, but a shield. You hope with your heart and soul that this works.
With the sword in hand, you strike the bubble and Ayaka cutely pops out. Acting quickly you the throw the sword to the floorboards and catch your girlfriend in your arms princess style. giving her a couple of twirls before letting her back on her feet.
You kept your hands on her slim waist, giggling together in celebration. She was such a cutie. “See I knew you could do it my little genius,” she wraps her arms around your neck and gives you smooch on the forehead.
“Maybe I should make more catastrophes happen if this is my reward,” You add.
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ganyuslily · 3 years
you cannot afford to get emotional on the battlefield.
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pairing: baal/gn!reader/kujou sara (romantic)
category/extra notes: angst, major character death, i think its interesting how both of the sides believe theyre fighting for the right thing
note: @xiaophobic giggles sadly once again
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it all happens way too fast for kujou sara’s liking.
“i never knew death could have such a sweet embrace,” you cough out. your breathing is fast and shallow while you lay in your lover’s arms.
there are screams and battle all around you, but the both of you seem to be caught in a bubble cut away from the outside world. it seems the time has stopped — or maybe it was just you slowly loosing touch with reality.
“no,” she says, panic evident in her voice. her eyes are hazy and she doesn’t seem to believe what happens. “no, no, no, no, no,” she repeats, over and over. she sounds like a broken record, not being able to say anything else. it happened too quick, too fast and she wasn’t able to do anything. it’s her fault, her fault you’re lying here like this.
your eyes are hazy and you can’t really see her face well — was she crying? it’s the first time you see her crying.
“you’re... crying?” you muster out. speaking is hard, it hurts. it rips your insides apart, but you still speak. “don’t cry, love. you can’t... afford to get emotional on the battlefield... it’s one of the first things you taught me... remember?” you’re taking pauses, so many pauses it feels like forever before you manage to say what you want to. but she just sits there, her clothes getting stained with your blood and her hands pushing out the hair of your face.
she doesn’t say anything back. she only lulls you back and forth, trying to stop the bleeding, but it’s coming from too many places for her to be able to do it efficiently. she feels idiotic, she feels weak and she hates it. it’s how she promised she’d never again feel like, but now she’s here and she feels like a helpless kid.
it all happened too fast to her liking.
she doesn’t even get to say anything, she doesn’t even get to say a goodbye — you’re slipping away. she knows it and you know it too. you only looks at her the last time and try to smile.
when you let out your last breath, your body falling limp in your lovers grasp, two things happen. kujou sara lets out a scream, a scream full of so much sorrow and pain, of so much regret and guilt the soldiers around her seem to halt in their steps. and a thunder rolls in the night sky, a lightning crushing down and destroying everything in the near proximity, except for her and you.
a figure steps out of the light, tall and proud, gently lifting both of her lovers up. it’s a stark contrast to her face and the way she holds herself. in a flash, she’s gone, and all that’s left are the countless bodies littering the ground. she doesn’t even spare them a glance. she doesn’t care — why should she? some of them killed and some of them failed to protect the one she cared for the most.
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“the resistance will pay for what they’ve done,” the raiden shongun’s voice is cold and unforgiving. her lover beside her only nods. they don’t have anything to loose, not anymore. the last link connecting them to any humanity they ever had is gone.
they shall destroy everything in their path and pave a way for themselves with thunder and lightning.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Italic = Drafted
Underlined/Bold = Done (with link)
Normal = Soon to be started
Little Nightmares - 2/2
The unwanted answer
Mono X Six - “Roles Reversed”
Naruto - 5/10
Kabuto X Shy! Reader - "Oppsites Attract"
Orochimaru X Innocent! Reader - "Flower Crown"
Kabuto and Child! Reader - "Shihaikigo"
Sasuke X Reader - "Sorry, Sakura"
Gaara X Innocent! Reader - "Hellfire"
Kakashi X Uchiha! Reader - "Just like Itachi"
Shikamaru X Tired! Reader - "You're worse than me"
Reader as friends with Oro and Kabuto headcannons
Yandere Itachi X Reader
Orochimaru X Reader “A Little piece of Heaven” Imagine
My Hero Academia - 5
Aizawa X Villain! Reader - "Oof"
Villain! Aizawa X Reader - "Mega Oof"
Present Mic X Reader - "I'm dying inside"
AOT AU, Reader X...: Aizawa, Bakubro, Kirishima, Denki, etc
Denki X Deaf! Blind! Reader
One Punch Man - 1/6
Saitama X Demon! Reader - "One Punch"
Saitama X Hero! Reader
Saitama X Sonic's sister! Reader
Genos X Cyborg! Reader
Genos X Saitama's sister! Reader - "If you hurt her, I'll kill you owo"
Saitama X Reader - "Hero"
Death Note - 3/3
Light X Reader - Betrayal: Part 1, Part 2
Light Comforting Reader
Hunter X Hunter - 1
Hisoka X Numb! Reader - "No fun :("
Disney - 4
Young! Claude Frollo X Reader - "Hellfire"
Humanoid! Scar X Reader - "Be Prepared"
Jafar X Reader
Shan Yu X Hun! Reader
Mortal Kombat - 17/23
Kano X Reader - "Unfaithful"
Hanzo Hisashi X Reader Imagines
Subzero and Child Reader, X Innocent Reader
Hanzo Hisashi X Innocent! Reader
Shang Tsung X Goddess! Reader - “Offering”
Quan Chi X Reader - “His Daughter’s Diary”
Fujin X Reader
MK Villain Imagines- Part 1, Part 2
Kabal X Reader
White Lotus X Angel Child! Reader
Reptile X Reader Angst
Kronika X GN Reader headcannons
Shitty Erron Black X Innocent! Reader headcannons
Kung Lao X Reader Prompt 23
Kitana X Reader Prompt 23
Baraka X Innocent! Reader
Quan Chi X Reader - Shitty Headcannons
Mortal Kombat Villians hearing/fighting their kid, opening scenes- Part 1,
Part 2 ^
Erron Black X Reader - “You’re gonna be a daddy”
Reptile X Reader
D’Vorah X Fem! Reader Headcannons
Raiden with S/O who died… :(
Quan Chi X Reader Imagine
Creepypasta/Marble Hornets - 2/4
Ticci Toby X Reader
Masky X Reader - "Suffocated"
Jeff the Killer X Reader - "Snowing"
Eye for an Eye, ‘Til the World goes Blind - Intro, Cha1, Cha 2, Cha 3, Cha 4, Cha 5, Cha
Slashers - 2/8
Michael Myers X Short! Reader: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Michael Myers X Nurse! Reader - "Addition"
Michael Myers X Murderer! Reader - "Card of Death": Part 1, Part 2
Michael Myers and Child Reader ANGST - Remastered
Jason X Child! Reader X Michael Myers - Remaster of PT1, Pt2
Predator reacting to his ooman with dyed hair and normal ripped clothes
Billy Loomis X Reader
Brahms X Reader
Happy Tree Friends - 2
Human! Flippy X Reader - "Wholesome Vibes"
Human! Fliqpy X Reader - "Not-so Wholesome Vibes"
Undertale - 2/8
Ink X Reader - "Another Unfinished Project"
Error X Reader - "Another Waste of Space"
Dust X Reader - "Defensive Fighting only"
Underfell Sans X Tired! Reader - "Boss is gonna kill me-"
Frisk X Genocidal! Reader - "Just as Bad"
Chara X Neutral! Reader - "Not so Bad"
Ariel X Genocidal! Reader - "I'm not your best friend"
Underfell Sans X Reader - "Brompton Cocktail"
Yandere Simulator - 4
Kaga X Reader
Umeji X Reader - "Two Sides of the Same Coin"
Gema X Weeb! Reader - "Why are you interupting me!"
Budo Masuta X Delinquent! Reader
Obey Me! - 3
Mammon X Reader
Asmodues X Reader
Beezelbub X Reader
Potential Series' - 4
AU where Itachi and Sasuke switch roles, and Sasuke abandons Sarada for Itachi to raise as he's going blind
Kabuto, Reader, and Orochimaru as friends going on multiple fights
Reader is thrown into a cliche fanfiction about her favorite anime and only speaks English, so she has to learn Japanese while trying to survive basically on her own
My OCs X CCs...Shang Tsung, Kabuto, and Aizawa are best bois....
Oneshots that don't fit into a category (or isn't an X Reader) - 4
L u n a X S o m b r a
Golden Freddy X Marionette
Foxy X Toy Chica (fight me)
Shadow Freddy X Marionette
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prettyinsage · 2 years
So uh, Halley got more than a few changes… Whoops.
At any rate, everyone meet Andromeda! (Yep a name change too)
Titanus: Galaxian Nova (Official name, Andromeda)
Wingspan: 300 Meters (They float on her back yet there still connected)
Height: 321 FT.
Nesting Location: Outpost 27, Kirkjufell, Iceland (Shared with Raiden/Rai after a while)
Came from: SN1604 location
Powers/Abilities (Doesn’t have that many since there already enough to keep her safe lmao):
Supernova blast: Can be used as an immediate or charged attack, similar to Mothra’s God Ray’s (Except it explodes her wing colors and mini stars)
Call of Stars: Basically a roar that can knock kaiju backwards if needed or it can just break the soundbarrier (rip)
Cosmic death: A blue and pink mixed cloud like substance that is released from her hands, it is like a sleeping smoke almost. (Can be fatal)
Linking: To learn about a planet or about a kaiju, she puts her head on their forehead while also putting her antennas down as well.
Light jumping: Can jump across light years to speed up the rate she's flying (Mainly only works in Space)
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Forgot to draw her tail but it’s similar to that of a dragons with a blue, pink, and white ombre feather at the end of it which also, her tail has small stars on it too
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sasorikigai · 2 years
“New Years Kiss” ( for 2k21 and/or modern Hanzo :^) )
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Send “New Years Kiss” to give my muse a kiss at midnight on New Year’s Eve || @sonxflight || accepting
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▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 || Gently lost in a forest of ever-changing scenery, something begins to shimmer in the distance. Wind whips all around them, and the song of something that he can only describe as ethereal begins to waft from the distant Shirai Ryu Fire Gardens, protected by the gorge where the lovers perch themselves to be metaphorically lose themselves in the sea of tranquil repose. Despite the exquisite air of festivities permeating the clan’s grounds, the celebration had been a relatively quiet affair, lest there were numerous ones invited - including, not limited to the Youngs, Lord Raiden, a few deities and half-gods that helped to re-erect the Shirai Ryu in its full splendor - as Hanzo Hasashi’s fiery love remained vehement and unbidden. 
No longer, the ruthless gusts of autumnal wind blows and entombs Hanzo in the sorrow confinement. For Ryou Sakai becomes the bedrock of strength for him, lest he erodes and breaks under enough pressure. In the revolutionized, revivified heart and soul of a fighter and a survivor would live inexhaustible strength to wake up the next, and keep moving. Hanzo Hasashi has long learned, that without pain in their lives, there wouldn’t be any art in their hearts. And the worlds in which they create and protect will continue to conquer and triumph over the attempting onslaught of terrible evil and sharp thorns that become vice grip around the good people’s hearts and souls.  
How his fiery, yet tranquilizing gaze lingers upon his beloved’s form. Despite every heartache and heartbreak Hanzo Hasashi has withstood, he has somehow learned to turn those into sublime poetry. For remembrances that stood the test of time would be transformed into moments woven into pristine memories, for melodies that would salve scratches and scars. Splendor of luminescent lights begin to emanate their beacon of radiance and his tender smile is warmer than ever. Nothing has to be forced as his gaze strips down the solemn truth. How he anchors himself in the liminal space of his beloved, a quintessential manifestation of tender connecting linking the bliss on a blossoming ride within Ryou Sakai’s soul. 
Hanzo’s lips transform from the delicate wave to rushing onslaught of foamy torrent as he ravishes to taste more of his beloved’s lips, as he imbibes and intoxicates himself in the kiss. The breeze saunters past, along with the stifling blaze of his warmth, as the crackling music of his body heat causing him to tenuously hold Ryou Sakai as he finds himself sliding into the familiar haze, and its ecstatic delirium. 
Their radiant, blazing liight dims, and Hanzo Hasashi can feel a presence he can pinpoint skim past, as lust-filled arousal breaks the threshold of their sensuality. How he yearns to speak the most beautiful poetry with his lips and tongue, and compose his love as an unquenchable thirst drowns him beneath the fathomless well. How Ryou Sakai would drown him, resuscitate him, and drown him again in passion over and over again. He simply erects himself, with an outstretched arm linking each of their long, hardened finger as his lascivious lips once again find the contour of Ryou’s lips. 
That alone would cause his heart to be clutched and ripped from his chest in pulsing magnetism, and carry forth the message that they should retreat back to their shared quarters for much more intimate, virile act of passion.  ▬▬ι═══════ﺤ 🔥 ||
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ladybug023 · 4 years
Ashrah x Raiden Headcanons Slightly Random
(So these are my HCs for Raiden and Ashrah. If you dislike this couple keep scrolling. I see a lot of potential for them though. If you want to see more context for my origin on Ashrah click this link.)
Ashrah’s origin link
It was a slow burn for these two. They despised each other at first. Why wouldn’t they? They were natural enemies.
He was Earthrealm’s protector, the God of Thunder and She was Shinnok’s servant and the Mistress of Demons.
They spent over millennia fighting on opposite sides.
Also Ashrah has a posh British accent in my AU so she’d always call him “Love” in a mocking way of course.
She was in charge of the warriors when NeatherRealm participated in the Mortal Kombat tournaments, she and Quan Chi would do whatever they could to sabotage Raiden and Fujin.
(Skipping in time to when she’s recovering from the Kriss, she’s living amongst the White Lotus.)
Raiden wasn’t happy about Ashrah joining the White Lotus. He wouldn’t even have allowed it if Fujin and Bo Rai Cho didn’t convince him to.
He was always suspicious of her. Not only was she a demon but one of Shinnok’s closest servants. He didn’t believe she wanted redemption. He also disliked her prideful behavior. She hated how he doubted her.
This caused them to quarrel more than a old married couple. Everyone can feel the sexual tension radiating off those two.
Raiden and Ashrah have an adorable height difference. He’s 7 feet tall and she’s 5,5.
Whenever she wanted to make a point to Raiden’s tall ass she’d simply reach up, grab the collar of his shirt, and pull him down to her eye level.
Ashrah: You listen here Thunder God! If you think for one moment that I will tolerate your criticisms, you are dead wrong!
Raiden: Ashrah-
Ashrah: Don’t you AsHRaH me Raiden!
Ashrah and Fujin on the other hand got along much better. They became close and this made Raiden jealous, although he wouldn’t admit it.
She also drinks with Bo Rai Cho sometimes but hates his terrible manners. Like his constant burping, farting, vomiting.
What makes Ashrah and Raiden good equals was that they were equally stubborn and are willing to do whatever it takes.
This is the reason that Ashrah always had respect for Raiden. Despite her seeing Earthrealm as weak, she respected his undying loyalty to it.
It even angered her when mortals question his authority.
Ashrah: All you mortals do is whine and complain. Your realm is the weakest and yet Raiden still defends you! He would sacrifice everything and everyone he holds dear just for your protection and yet you’re still ungrateful! You should feel blessed to have him!
As Ashrah spends more time with the White Lotus, she and Raiden start to get along better. He sees how hard she’s trying to be a better person.
Her disgust for mortals and humans start to soften too. She does grow to respect some mortals.
She also gets the habit of fussing over his health. She’d nag him to rest and would ask him if he’d eaten because she knows he forgets to eat sometimes.
Gods don’t need sleep or food to survive but it helps keep their energy and strength up.
Also Ashrah tends to unintentionally insult people when she tries to help them.
Ashrah: Raiden you look absolutely dreadful! Have you eaten today?!
Raiden: Well no, I haven’t had the time yet.
Ashrah: Here eat this, and rest should help with your complexion.
Raiden: Ashrah you do not need to-
Ashrah: I know I don’t need to, but it’s disgraceful for Earthrealm’s protector to look this way. You should be grateful.
Raiden: Thank you Ashrah, I appreciate your concern.
*Ashrah blushes*
Ashrah: Heh, don’t get used to it love.
Ashrah never liked children but she somehow became a maternal figure to the children of the Shao Lin this includes Kai and Kung Jin. (Ashrah supports her gay son Jin👏)
Raiden’s heart melted a bit when he saw her playing a Konghou Harp for the children. He never knew a demon could be so nurturing.
The two finally kissed one night while taking a walk through White Lotus gardens.
Ashrah is Raiden’s spitfire. She always been very feisty and that’s something he loves about her.
Her snarky comments also make him smile sometimes.
Lesser men wouldn’t be able to handle her temper and bossiness.
What Ashrah loves the most about him is he doesn’t back down to her. She also loves how heroic and good he is even if she teases him about it sometimes. She hopes one day she could be as morally just as him.
Ashrah is a demoness so naturally she’s a freak in the sheets. Kinky as hell. She’s also pretty dominant. (Ashrah gives off major dominatrix vibes) Which is fine for Raiden because he’s a switch. She shows him manyyyy different things, positions he didn’t even think were possible.
But that’s enough of that.
Ashrah secretly enjoys dancing as well and grew to love Earthrealm music not that trashy rock and roll but relaxing classical music.
Raiden catches Ashrah dancing by herself as she swayed around the room.
Raiden: Are you in need of a dance partner?
Ashrah: In Earthrealm is it not considered rude to barge into someone’s room without warning?!
Raiden: My apologies demoness, I didn’t take you for a dancer.
Ashrah: Tell anyone and I will-
Raiden: -Kill me? Claw out my eyes? Rip out my tongue?
*Raiden walks closer and wraps and arm around Ashrah’s waist. He then takes her hand and they both start swaying to the music*
Ashrah: ...Yes, but I would do it in reverse order.
*Raiden chuckles deeply and twirls her. He then pulls her back to and holds her close*
Raiden: I love you Ashrah.
*Ashrah’s face flushes and her pout turns into a soft smile. The two immortals share a kiss*
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After the vicious slaughter of his family by stone-cold mercenary Sub-Zero, Hanzo Hasashi is exiled to the torturous Netherrealm. There, in exchange for his servitude to the sinister Quan Chi, he’s given a chance to avenge his family – and is resurrected as Scorpion, a lost soul bent on revenge. Back on Earthrealm, Lord Raiden gathers a team of elite warriors – Shaolin monk Liu Kang, Special Forces officer Sonya Blade and action star Johnny Cage – an unlikely band of heroes with one chance to save humanity. To do this, they must defeat Shang Tsung’s horde of Outworld gladiators and reign over the Mortal Kombat tournament.
Released: 2020-04-12 Runtime: 80 minutes Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Animation Stars: Joel McHale, Jennifer Carpenter, Jordan Rodrigues, Patrick Seitz, Steve Blum Director: John Tobias, Rick Morales, Sam Register, James Krieg, Ethan Spaulding
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The first television consultations were experimental, sporadic broadcasts observable only in a very short range from a broadcast tower beginning in the 333s. Television events such as the 3333 Summer Olympics in Germany, the coronation of King George VI in the UK 3333 and the famous introduction by David Sarnoff at the 3333 World's Fair in New York, USA stimulated media growth, but World War II stopped development after the war. World Series 333 inspired many Americans to buy their first television set, and then in 3333 the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater joined in and became the first weekly television show to host Milton Berle the name "Mr. Television." a stable and modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first nationwide live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 3, 3333, when President Harry Truman's speech at the Japan Conference on the San Francisco Peace Treaty was transmitted via AT&T's transcontinental cable and microwave radio transmission system to local stations. The first national color broadcast (3333 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the USA took place on March 3, 3333. Over the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local programming remained in black and white. In the autumn of 3333, a color transition was announced, during which more than half of all programming in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  's main broadcast time would be broadcast in color. The first full-color season in the prime time came just a year later. In 333, the last delay between the daily sieve inspections was converted to color, which resulted in the first full-color sieve season. ??? Formats and genres ??? TV conferences are more diverse than most other forms of media due to the wide range of formats and genres that can be presented. The show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fiction (as in documentaries, news and reality television shows). It can be current (as in the case of local news and some films made for television) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional series). They could be primarily informative or educational, or entertaining, as in situational comedies and games. [Commendation needed] The drama program usually includes a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before 3333, shows (with the exception of the series' series) generally remained static without a story arc, and the main characters and premises changed little. [Citation needed] If there was any change in the characters' lives during the episode, it was usually canceled by the end. For this reason, these episodes could be broadcast in any order. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first U.S. major-time television drama series to have this type of dramatic structure [3] [needs a better source], while the later Babylon 3 series further illustrates this structure by having a predetermined story running after the intended five-season run. [citation required] In 333, it was announced that television grew in a larger revenue component of large media companies than film [3]. Some have also seen an increase in the quality of some television programs. In 333, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh stated the ambiguity and complexity of character and storytelling: "I think these qualities are now seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have such qualities watch television. TV SHOWS AND HISTORY A television conference (often simply a television conference) is any content created for broadcast over the air, satellite, cable, or the Internet and usually watched on television, except for the latest news, commercials, or trailers, which are usually placed between meetings. . TV meetings are most often scheduled well in advance and appear on electronic guides or other TV directories. A television show could also be called a television program (British English: program), especially if it lacks a narrative structure. Television Movies is Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually released in the episodes that follow the story, and Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually is divided into seasons (Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  and Canada) or Movies (UK) - annual or bilingual sets of new episodes. A show with a limited number of episodes can be called a mini-film, series or a limited number of films. A one-time show can be called "special". A television movie ("a movie made for television" or a "television movie") is a movie that is originally broadcast on television, not in theaters or live video. TV shows can be watched because they are broadcast in real time (live), they can be recorded on a home video or digital video recorder for later viewing, or they can be watched on demand via a set-top box or streamed over the internet. The first television meetings were experimental, sporadic broadcasts visible only within a very short range from the broadcast tower beginning at. Television events such as the 936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the coronation of King George VI. In Great Britain, 937 or the introduction of David Sarnoff's famoPetl at the 9th World's Fair in New York in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  caused the growth of the media, but World War II stopped development only after the war. 947 world films inspired many Americans to buy their first television set, and then in 948 joined the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater, which became the first weekly television show that hosted Milton Berle the name "Mr. Television" Proved this medium was a stable and modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first nationwide live television broadcast in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  took place on 4 September 95, when President Harry Truman's speech at the Japanese Peace Conference in San Francisco was transmitted via AT&T's transcontinental cable and microwave radio transmission system to local stations. The first national color broadcast (Rose Tournament 954) in Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  took place on October 1, 2020. Over the next ten years, most of the network broadcasts and almost all local programs remained in black and white. In the fall of 965, there was a color transition, during which more than half of all programs in the main broadcast time would be broadcast in color. The first full-color season in the main broadcast time came a year later jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t. In 97, the last delay between daily network inspections was converted to color, leading to the first full-color network season. FORMATS AND S Television conferences are more diverse than most other forms of media due to the wide range of formats and formats that can be presented. The show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fiction (as in documentaries, news and reality television shows). It can be current (as in the case of local news and some films made for television) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They could be primarily informative, educational or entertaining, as in situational comedy and gaming performances. The Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually program is a collection of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 980s, shows (other than the serial series) usually remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premises changed little. If there was a life of characters during the episode, there was a change, Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually was canceled to the end. The episodes can be broadcast in any order. Since the 1980s, many films contain progressive changes in plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American dramatic television films to have this kind of dramatic structure, while the later Movies Babylon 5 further illustrates such a structure in that it had a predetermined story that disrupted the intended five-year run. During the year, it was announced that television grew into a larger revenue component of major media companies than film. Some have also seen an increase in the quality of some television programs. In Year 0, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh commented on the ambiguity and complexity of character and storytelling: “I think these qualities are now seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have such qualities watch television. LOANS You'll find all the movies you can stream online, including the movies that were shown this week. If you are interested in what you can watch on this site, you should know that it includes areas such as crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, anime, etc. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who likes to accept Petl as news or information about this year's film schedule and how you watch your favorite movies. We hope we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That's all from Petl, greetings! Thanks for watching the videos today. I hope you enjoy the videos I share. Give a thumbs up, like it or share it if you enjoy what we shared to be more excited. Sprinkle with a happy smile so that the world is back in different colors, stay safe and stay at home. We hope you are satisfied with our WEB service. Thank you very much and I look forward to watching. I don't own this song or Image, all credit goes to their owner. Some changes have been made to the content of Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ed. The original language of this video description is English. It's amazing. Subscribe and share with your friends! and my chael. Check out more videos !!. I want to say "thank you" for being a friend !! Thanks for joining, have fun and have a look and let me know if you like my content. Don't be afraid to leave a comment, like it and subscribe! LOVE AND THERE Watch this latest video and if you like it, don't forget to check out the others. STORY It a Jeremy Camp (K.J. Apa) is a young and ambitious mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ician who would want nothing more than to honor his God with the power of mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic. When Jeremy left home in Indiana due to the warmer climate in California and higher education, he soon came across one Melissa Heing (Britt Robertson), a colleague who notices in the audience at a local concert. She immediately falls behind Cupid's arrow, introduces herself to her and quickly discovers that she is also attracted to him. However, Melissa resists creating a hopeful relationship because she fears it will create an awkward situation between Jeremy and their mutual friend Jean-Luc (Nathan Parson), a colleague of mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ician and who also has a feeling for Melissa. Yet Jeremy is tireless in his pursuit until they finally get into a loving relationship. However, their juvenile courtship stops when news of life-threatening Melissa cancer comes to the fore. The diagnosis does nothing to discourage Jeremey's love for her, and the couple eventually marries. However, they soon find themselves on the fine line between living together and suffering from her illness; with Jeremy questioning his faith in mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic, in himself and in God himself. GOOD / BAD I'm sorry if that sounds a little familiar from my review of I Can Only Imagine, but it definitely says how I feel about this movie. Although I am a devoted Christian (not a crazy fanatic or anything like that) for my foundations of religion and for my future faith in life, I am not a big fan of faith-based feature films. This is not to say that they are bad, or that I find them unfortunate towards other more popular films, but sometimes they can preach a little and be crazy in their religious undertones and overall dramatic direction. Personally, I like the more biblical stories Hollywood has told, such as The Ten Commandments by Cecil B. Demile and Ben-Hur by William Wyler; both have shown that they have stood the test of time in filmmaking. Of course, the recent trend in Hollywood to release more "remakes" of the film obscures these biblical epics with 04’s ExodMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  : Gods and Kings and 06’s Ben-Hur; both failed to capture the sense of cinematic integrity and, in their zealous aspect, had a chaotic view of religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  . Lately, however, Hollywood has retreated more into the present and found stories that are more or less set in a "more modern" time and age according to their Christian faithful features. As I mentioned above, some have found success in their literary forms (based on the book and adapted to the big screen), but are most inspired by real-life stories, translating into something to attack the string (with the audience) due to its aspect and nuances " based on a true story ’. Again, some are good (as I liked Unbroken and The Shack), while others are a bit preaching and allow religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  overtures to hinder the film, which makes them less than desirable for mainstream viewers or even members of their own faith. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , these religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  -esque films can sometimes be problematic in their final presentation both for the audience and for the film itself; sometimes the film feels more like a television chael than a theatrical feature film. This brings me around to talking about I Still Believe, a motion picture release of the Christian religio Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based. As almost cMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  tomary, Hollywood Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually puts out two (maybe three) films of this variety movies within their yearly theatrical release lineup, with the releases Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually being around spring time and / or fall respectfully. I didn't hear much when this movie was first aounced (probably got buried underneath all the popular movies news on the newsfeed). My first actual glimpse of the movie was when the film’s movie trailer was released, which looked somewhat interesting to me. Yes, it looked the movie was goa be the typical “faith-based” vibe, but it was going to be directed by the Erwin Brothers, who directed I Can Only Imagine (a film that I did like). PlMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , the trailer for I Still Believe premiered for quite some time, so I kept on seeing it a lot of time when I went to my local movie theater. You can kind of say that it was a bit “engrained in my brain”. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , I was a bit keen on seeing it. Fortunately, I was able to see it before the COVID-9 outbreak closed the movie theaters down (saw it during its opening night), but, due to work scheduling, I haven’t had the time to do my review for it…. until now. And what did I think of it? Well, it was pretty “meh”. While its heart is definitely in the right place and quite sincere, I Still Believe is a bit too preachy and unbalanced within its narrative execution and character developments. The religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  message is clearly there, but takes too many detours and not focMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ing on certain aspects that weigh the feature’s presentation. As mentioned, I Still Believe is directed by the Erwin Brothers (Andrew and Jon), whose previoMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  directorial works include such films like Moms' Night Out, Woodlawn, and I Can Only Imagine. Given their affinity attraction religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  based Christian movies, the Erwin Brothers seem like a suitable choice in bringing Jeremy Camp’s story to a cinematic representation; approaching the material with a certain type of gentleness and sincerity to the proceedings. Much like I Can Only Imagine, the Erwin Brothers shape the feature around the life of a popular Christian singer; presenting his humble begiings and all the trials and tribulations that he mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t face along the way, while mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical songs / performance taking importance into account of the film’s narrative story progression. That's not to say that the movie isn't without its heavier moments, with the Erwin, who (again) are familiar with religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  overtones themes in their endeavors, frame I Still Believe compelling messages of love, loss, and redemption, which (as always) are quite fundamental to watch and experience through tragedy. This even speaks to the film's script, which was peed by Erwin brothers playing double duty on the project, that has plenty of heartfelt dramatic moments that will certainly tug on the heartstrings of some viewers out there as well as provide to be quite an engaging tale of going through tragedy and hardship and finding a redemption arc to get out of it. This is especially made abundantly clear when dealing with a fatal illness that's similar to what Melissa undergoes in the film, which is quite universal and reflective in everyone's world, with the Erwin Brothers painting the painful journey that Melissa takes along with Jeremy by her side, who mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t learn to cope with pain of a loved one. There is a “double edge” sword to the film’s script, but I’ll mention that below. Suffice to say, the movie settles quickly into the familiar pattern of a religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based feature that, while not exactly polished or original, can be quite the “comfort food” to some; projecting a wholesome message of faith, hope, and love. Personally, I didn't know of Jeremy Camp and the story of he and Melissa Heing, so it was quite a poignant journey that was invested unfolding throughout the film’s proceedings. As a side-note, the movie is a bit a “tear jerker”, so for those who prone to crying during these dramatic heartfelt movies get .get your tissues out. In terms of presentation, I Still Believe meets the indMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  try standard of a religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based motion pictures. Of course, theatrical endeavors like these don't really have big budged production money to invest in the film’s creation. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , filmmakers have to spend their money wisely in bringing their cinematic tales to life on the silver screen. To that effect, the Erwin Brothers smartly utilized this knowledge in the movie’s creation; budgeting the varioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  aspects of the background and genetic theatrical make-up that feel appropriate and genuine in the film’s narrative. So, all the varioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  “behind the scenes” team / areas that I Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ually mention (ie production designs, set decorations, costumes, and cinematography, etc.) are all relatively good as I really don't have much to complain (whether good or bad) about them. Again, they meet the indMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  try standard for a faith-based movie. Additionally, the mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical song parts are pretty good as well. As mentioned, I really didn’t know anything about Jeremy Camp, so I couldn’t say what songs of his were good, but the songs that are presented in the film were pretty decent enough to certain highlight points throughout the movie. Though they are somewhat short (assuming not the whole song is being played), but still effectively good and nice to listen to. Might have to check out a few of the real songs one day. Lastly, the film’s score, which was done by John Debney, fits perfect with this movie; projecting the right amount of heartfelt tenderness in some scenes and inspirational melodies of enlightenment in others. Unfortunately, not all is found to be pure and religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ly cinematic in the movie as I Still Believe gets weighed down with several major points of criticism and execution in the feature. How so? For starters, the movie feels a bit incomplete in Jeremy Camp’s journey. What’s presented works (somewhat), but it doesn’t hold up, especially becaMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  e the Erwin Brothers have a difficult time in nailing down the right narrative path for the film to take. Of course, the thread of Jeremy and Melissa are the main central focMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  (and jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  tly so), but pretty much everything else gets completely pMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  hed aside, including Jeremy's mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical career rise to stardom and many of the varioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  characters and their importance ( more on that below). This also caMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  es the film to have a certain pacing issues throughout the movie, with I Still Believe runtime of 6 minutes (one hour and fifty-six minutes) feeling longer than it should be, especially with how much narrative that the Erwin Brothers skip out on (ie several plot chunks / fragments are left unanswered or missing). Additionally, even if a viewer doesn't know of Jeremy Camp’s story, I Still Believe does, for better or worse, follow a fairly predictable path that’s quite cMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  tomary for faith-based movie. Without even reading anything about the real lives of Jeremy and Melissa prior to seeing the feature, it’s quite clearly as to where the story is heading and what will ultimately play out (ie plot beats and theatrical narrative act progression). Basically, if you're seeing one or two Christian faith-based film, you'll know what to expect from I Still Believe. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , the Erwin Brothers don’t really try to creatively do something different with the film…. instead they reinforce the idealisms of Christian and of faith in a formulaic narrative way that becomes quite conventional and almost a bit lazy. There is also the movie's dialogue and script handling, which does become problematic in the movie's execution, which is hampered by some wooden / forced dialogue at certain scenes (becoming very preachy and cheesy at times) as well as the feeling of the movie's story being rather incomplete. There’s a stopping point where the Erwin Brothers settle on, but I felt that there couldveve more added, including more expansion on his mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic career and several other characters. Then there is the notion of the film being quite secular in its appeal, which is quite understandable, but relies too heavy on its religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  thematic messages that can be a bit “off-putting” for some. It didn't bother me as much, but after seeing several other faith-based movies prior to this (ie I Can Only Imagine, Overcomer, Indivisible, etc.), this particular movie doesn't really rise to Cursed in Love and falls prey to being rather generic and flat for most of its runtime. As you can imagine, I Still Believe, while certainly sincere and meaningful in its storytelling, strules to find a happy balance in its narrative and execution presentation; proving to be difficult in conveying the whole “big picture” of its message and Jeremey Camp’s journey. The cast in I Still Believe is a mixed bag. To me, none of the acting talents are relatively bad (some are better than others I. I admit), but their characterizations and / or involvement in the film’s story is problematic to say the least. Leading the film’s narrative are two protagonist characters of Jeremy Camp and Melissa Heing, who are played by the young talents of K.J. Apa and Britt Robertson respectfully. Of the two, Apa, known for his roles in Riverdale, The Last Summer, and The Hate U Give, is the better equipped in character development and performance as the young and aspiring mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical talent of Jeremy Camp. From the get-go, Apa has a likeable charm / swaer to him, which make his portrayal of Jeremy immediately endearing from onset to conclMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ion. All the scenes he does are well-represented (be it character-based or dramatic) and certainly sells the journey that Jeremy undergoes in the movie. PlMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , Apa can also sing, which does lend credence to many of the scene’s mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical performance. For Robertson, known for her roles in Tomorrowland, Ask Me Anything, and The Space Between Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , she gets hampered by some of the film’s wooden / cheesy dialogue. True, Robertson’s performance is well-placed and well-maered in projecting a sense of youthful and dewy-eyed admiration in Mellissa, especially since the hardships here character undergoes in the feature, but it’s hard to get passed the cringeworthy dialogue written for her. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , Robertson’s Melissa ends up being the weaker of the two. That being said, both Apa and Robertson do have good on-screen chemistry with each other, which certainly does sell the likeable / loving young relationship of Jeremy and Melissa. In more supporting roles, seasoned talents like actor Gary Sinise (Forest Gump and Apollo) and mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ician singer Shania Twain play Jeremey’s parents, Tom and Terry Camp. While both Sinise and Twain are suitable for their roles as a sort of small town / Midwest couple vibe, their characters are little more than window dressing for the feature’s story. Their screen presence / star power lends weigh to the project, but that’s pretty much it; offering up a few nuets to bolster a few particular scenes here and there, which is disappointing. Everyone else, including actor Nathan Parsons (General Hospital and Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water) as mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical talent and mutual friend to both Jeremy and Melissa, Jean-Luc Lajoie, young actor Reuben Dodd (The Bridge and Teachers) as Jeremy's handicapped younger brother, Joshua Camp, and his other younger brother, Jared Camp (though I can't find out who played him the movie), are relatively made up in smaller minor roles that, while acted fine, are reduced to little more than jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t underdeveloped caricatures in the film, which is a shame and disappointing. FINAL THOUGHTS The power of faith, love, and affinity for mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ic take center stage in Jeremy Camp’s life story in the movie I Still Believe. Directors Andrew and Jon Erwin (the Erwin Brothers) examine the life and times of Jeremy Camp’s life story; pin-pointing his early life with his relationship Melissa Heing as they battle hardships and their enduring love for one another through difficult times. While the movie's intent and thematic message of a person's faith through trouble times is indeed palpable as well as the likeable mMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  ical performances, the film certainly strules to find a cinematic footing in its execution, including a sluish pace, fragmented pieces, predicable plot beats , too preachy / cheesy dialogue moments, over utilized religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  overtones, and mismanagement of many of its secondary / supporting characters. To me, this movie was somewhere between okay and “meh”. It was definitely a Christian faith-based movie endeavor (from start to finish) and definitely had its moments, but it jMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  t failed to resonate with me; struling to find a proper balance in its undertaking. Personally, despite the story, it could've been better. ThMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  , my recommendation for this movie is an “iffy choice” at best as some will like (nothing wrong with that), while others will not and dismiss it altogether. Whatever your stance on religioMortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion's Revenge  faith-based flicks, I Still Believe stands as more of a cautionary tale of sorts; demonstrating how a poignant and heartfelt story of real-life drama can be problematic when translating it to a cinematic endeavor. For me, I believe in Jeremy Camp’s story / message, but not so much the feature.
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shctteredillusions · 5 years
( @for-a-prxce ) asked:  What's a random fact about one of your muses you haven't yet had a chance to share?
Sleepover Saturday (on a Monday) || Still Accepting (under read more for length)
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Jethro and Brielle also each have a small tattoo, no larger than the size of a quarter on the inside of their right wrist that is the Moretti family symbol (I have no figured out exactly what this symbol is yet though) It’s something that only those specifically higher up in the family gets and it’s their mark of protection and identification. Usually it’s incorporated into a larger tattoo so that it’s not linked back to the family itself but neither jet nor Brielle ever came up with a larger tattoo for it so it’s just simply the family insignia Brielle typically has a large bracelet or something to cover hers while Jethro usually has some expensive watch but even then since Jethro is more often than not wear his suit, it’s not likely seen anyway.
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Seth still wears his wedding ring, even all these years after his wife died. He’s never taken it off. And in his wallet, he carries his baby girl's hospital bracelet. Whenever he feels like he’s in a particularly tough spot, he kisses the bracelet with the belief that she’ll bring him good luck and whenever he’s nervous, anxious, etc. he twists the ring on his finger.
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Raiden has a series of scars that stretch from the tips that of his fingers all the way up to his shoulder on his right arm. Long and jagged scars that came from the very first time he tried to use his magic when he was young, the lightning backfired on him ripped apart nearly his entire arm. He’s usually wearing not only long sleeves but gloves as well that covers it though.
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Michael, my archangel, I call him the angel of mercy because to a select few people, he will grant them something that they truly desire. It could be a merciful death if that person wishes for it well enough, if they regret something deeply he could sometimes show them how things would have been if they did/didn’t do whatever choice they made, give them closure from someone/something they lost. Sometimes it turns out well, others not so much.
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Sapphire (Wrath) has an incredibly soft spot for kids, it mainly stems from the loss of her own child before her death. It is only through being in the presence of a child that one is able to see the person she used to be back when she was human. She honestly still misses both her husband and child (even if the child was never born) and yearns for the chance at the life with them she never had.
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Hermes is a bit of a brat and constantly craves attention. He tries to not let the need to have attention on him show because he feels it’s a weakness but usually when he’s pulling his tricks and pranks, stealing and such, it’s because of that need for attention. The closer he gets to someone the needier he gets.
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Silas is going to eventually hear about Vinicio and because of the state that he’s in, he extends the offer to him to join him at the church. For a while, Vinicio refuses, thinking it’s going to end up being just another way for him to be controlled or having to live by other’s rules. But after some time and seeing how his explosive temper and his self-destructive ways ruin him, he eventually agrees and Silas helps Vinicio to learn how to control his temper and helps him to move on from the painful memories of his past.
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polygon-streams · 5 years
April 30, 2019 - Mortal Kompat Story Mode Part 3
Content warnings: blood, gore, graphic violence, character death
Link to VOD
Summary: Pat plays Mortal Kombat 11 for the third time, making a good amount of progress and learning new things about the characters
Pat has maintenance workers over, has some sink problems. Issue is that water leaks thru his ceiling when his neighbor takes showers
Doesn’t know who he mains on Mortal Kombat anymore
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!!!!!! (mod MikeAM)
Pat has TWO CANS of drinks tonight (very fizzy)
Does NOT own jorts, “I’m not a jortsman, I’m not allowed to wear jorts” (I think this is a lie), “No jorts allowed, I shall not wear jorts. I wear jants (jean pants).” (This is true)
Pat will NOT install a fart toilet
Drinking a rattler tonight
Babycakesclaire gifted a sub to T-Pain [Watch Clip]
Says people made fun of him for saying “T-Pain” in his Polygon video so many times, says it was a grounding thing to help himself [Watch Clip]
Favorite song by TPain is U Up off of the new album
Says he “has the bad audio”, restarts the stream
Plays as Jax, doesn’t know his combos but figures them out
Asks chat if they would prefer big metal arms or big metal legs; Pat would have legs for The Kick™️
Gives a recap of the plot, says the word “mommy” a lot (that’s just how he is and I accept him)
Likes fight choreo, thinks they hire many professional people to do it
Jacqui is awesome
First Piss clip of the stream
Says “Dad fight dad fight dad fight” as the two versions of Jax fight each other
“I know all my moves, haha!......actually I don’t know any of my moves”
Mains as Jax just to do powerbombs
“This is a stupid looking hat, I’m sorry it’s a dumb looking hat. She deserves a better hat,” at Jacqui’s (sp????) hat.
Someone played Slow Yoshi in the middle of a fight
Jacqui’s dad betrayed her then disappeared. Pat: dads are complicated
Evil lady puts hat on, her power only grows stronger
Chat makes a lot of “I can’t believe you’ve done this” jokes
Pat opens a can of fizzy drink, chat alternates between making “ASMR” and “piss” jokes. Some folley ones too
Game talks about a character “I don’t know who the fuck Kharon is”
Characters descends like spider through the ceiling “oh. Ew.”
Pat makes an “I can’t believe you’ve done this” reference
The two Scropions fight. Pat: “God it’s me but stronger”
Pat wins the first round: “It’s a big fishy”
Gets attacked by other Scorpion w a good combo, wants to learn how to do that
Chat compliments Pat on his Scorpion playing abilities
Pat said he’s going to learn how to main Scorpion and Jax in this MK game. Mained Scorpion in last one
“Be a dude, not a dick”
Scorpion is killed by D’Vorah
“Nobody fuckin believes Scorpion”-- game framed Scorpion to look bad
Pat likes the frog jokes chat is making
“Hey Boy” clip played in a fight against Raiden
Raiden hits Scorpion w a blast as a “truth serum”. Pat calls it a dick move (Chat agrees)
Pat then plays as Raiden, but doesn’t want to because of how shitty he is “Cool. Nunchuck me. I deserve it”
Pat laughs at Piss clip played at a character's dramatic revelation and entrance
Pat: “I’m so confused.” So are we
There are a lot of timelines that explain costume changes
Pat needs to “check in on that toilet update real quick”
Pat as Raiden: “The only solution is that Liu Kang and I must kiss,” asks Faith to make it happen
Evil Lady makes Liu Kang disappear: “Da fuuuuuuqq?”
Chat makes norted memes
Agrees with Faith that the game “feels like fanfic”
Likes the guy who played Liu Kang in the movies; also played a guy named Ricky in another movie
“Yooooo that’s a blood boat”-- a rivaling boat comes up from the middle of the ocean
Praises actions scenes in MK; better than MCU and most action movies in general
Finally goes to check up on the toilet situation, Piss clip plays while he’s gone
Someone checked if there were Liu Kang and Raiden fanfics; apparently, there isn’t
Chat is wondering what happened to Pat’s toilet, “did he poop too hard?”
Pat comes back and asks if everyone was good (probably not)
He thought it was his roomate being a sloppy showerer, roommate asks what was up and Pat said “oh I thought it was you”. Then found water coming from lights on ceiling and got people to fix the problem
We are in the home stretch of MK, according to safetydrew
“Jax is my father”
Jax beats up a bunch of people to ‘make things right’, Pat: “Yes, yes, fuck yes”
Raiden defeats enemy, “caught and compromised” plays perfectly over the scene [Watch Clip]
Liu Kang got norted by himself (absorbed?? Into one body?? I think????)
Liu: “You will have to kill me” Raiden: “I would rather save you” Chat cheers for them to kiss
Raiden and Liu Kang fuse and become a God???? What???????????
Character rips a person’s heart out, Pat: “He just ripped his fucking hort out.” Chat spams “hort”
Super Liu floats in the sky, sends a meteor out and kills a bunch of monsters
Super Liu super punches more monsters
Time starts rewinding, Fire God Liu Kang fights Kitana, then some more people
Lots of fighting in this Mortal Kombat game
During Cetrion fight, Pat: “She just grew a tree just to nail me to it.”
Cetrion gives her soul to Big Evil Lady Mom
MikeAM advises Pat to just do a bunch of flying kicks during the boss battle
“WOW she mean, woofadoof”-- Pat @ the final boss
Pat says he will never fight with honor
Pat fails the fight, Liu Kang gets his head chopped off
Donkey Kong has Died plays as the head rolls (We’ve unlocked the basketball timeline)
Pat thinks about trying the easier mode if he fails a few more times
Hops into the settings to turn on easy mode
Evil Lady (Kronica) turned into Johnny Cage in the middle of the fight??
Fire God Liu Kang and Evil lady go up to spAAACEEEE
Kronica says she’s better than Liu Kang bc he’s a god and she’s a titan?? I thought it went the other way
Pat comments on how it’s weird to have Johnny Cage fight for her at points in the battle
Pat finally wins the match, Kronica gets turned to glass and shattered. The Caught and Compromised clip plays
Now Liu Kang is in charge of watching over the Earth realm, mortal Raiden helps (“Raiden's gonna diiee”)
Game ends just like that, credits roll, Pat: “Oh that’s it, that’s how it ends?!”
Comments on how the next MK can be about literally whatever they want, bc this game set it back to square 1
Cassie apparently has a fatality where she can kick someone in the nuts and have their skeleton pop out “that’s really good”
Pat’s gonna start picking characters to learn moves of and train w them
Pat says apparently there’s three different endings. Not major changes, just is dictated by how long it takes you to defeat the final boss
He got two (2) new maps
Wants to learn the kicking people in the nuts to make their skeleton pop out lmao
“I guess I need to unlock the dick kick”
Does a fatality that involves the character getting ripped in half, then a tomato getting thrown at them
Looked up the Cassie fatality and tries it
Her opponent literally did a piss right before the fight. He really did. Pat lost that fight
Pat messed up the fatality
Decided to try to Krypt before raiding Thomas’ stream
Same actor who played Shang Tsung in the movies played him in the game. Pat geeks out
Pat says this Krypt is better than in other games bc it used to be a dungeon crawl to find things. Now, you just open chests
Pat finds a hammer, uses it to get Koins™
The raid guys should make a MK movie. Apparently the recent John Wick has them fight the raid guys
Pat doesn’t know how much he should drink before going to see the new John Wick. He’s going w Ryan at the Alamo (I assume a theatre)
Pat finds a gong and feels he must hit it with the hammer
Pat says the Krypt changes what loot it has based on what time of day you go to see it
Pat doesn’t know whether or not there’s going to be fights in this area, or if it’s just opening chests
He still thinks he’s going to work w Scorpion and Jax to get good at to learn combos (also probably Jacqui). Wants to do a group play session at some time
Charlie is sneezing!!
Pat’ll be back on Thursday (8 pm EST) with Donk Souls again (if that doesn’t work, he’ll find something else)
Charlie went up on Pat’s lap!!!
Abby streams on Tuesdays at the same time as Pat. He says you should watch both simultaneously
Sent chat to raid Thomas
End of stream
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reyloforcebalance · 5 years
Bonded Chapter 36: Chainbreaker
The newest chapter to my Reylo fanfic (rated T). If you want to check out the previous chapters, here’s the link to AO3!
“Oh Elias…” The woman coos. “You can’t be serious.”
“But I am,” the man intones. “You’ve always said wanted children, have you not?”
“But…” The woman’s breath is faintly audible through the static. “Is it even possible? I mean, for us to…”
“Well, dear.” The man’s voice seems to get closer. “There’s only one way to find out.”
“Turn that shit off!”
A hulking man emerges from the forest, stalking to the campfire.
The men around it at glance at each other, kissing sounds wafting through the receiver.
“If that isn’t off by the time I get there…” The giant picks up his pace.
A young red-haired man leaps up, scurrying to the subspace radio and flipping a switch.
Suddenly it’s quiet, the fire crackling softly, insects chirping in the distance.
The giant shakes his head as he approaches. He’s nearly seven feet tall and well-muscled, a gold ring piercing the center of his nose.
“I leave for ten minutes…” He kicks a Shistavanen sleeping by a log.
The wolfman flies up, eyes wide.
“Where’s the trouble?” He grabs his blaster.
“The trouble…” The giant fumes. “Is that you’re sleeping when you should be guarding the damn shipment.” He points a transport in the center of the clearing.
“Oh.” He sets down the blaster. “Right.” He lies back on the ground.
“GET UP!” The giant roars.
The wolfman snaps up along with several others dozing around the fire.
The men straighten, half of them bleary-eyed, trying to shake themselves awake.
There are sixteen of them, some perched on logs, others lying in the grass. All of them are equipped with blasters, a few with more colorful weapons— carbine rifles, flame throwers.
“Idiots.” The giant saunters to a log. “Pathetic.” He takes a seat. “Raiden’ll hear about this. You can be sure of that.”
“But…” The red-haired man sits up. “Not all of us were sleeping. I was awake the whole time. So was Insen.” He nods to the man beside him. “And Nex.” He nods to another. “And—”
“Shut it, Toad.” The giant points at him. “You sat there and watched them sleep, didn’t you?”
Toad opens his mouth to protest but catches himself. He crosses arms, sulking.
“We’d have an easier time staying awake if we had some entertainment,” he mutters.
“Oh, you want entertainment?” The giant perks up. “I’ll give you entertainment.” He puts a hand on his blade. “Let’s have a little sparring match, just you and me.”
Toad gulps.
“Knock it off, Rafe.” The wolfman stands, making his way to a log. “We’re out of bacta bandages, and I don’t wanna clean up your mess.”
The giant removes his hand from the blade but keeps his eyes on Toad.
“Raiden’s gonna have your ass.” He smirks. “All of you’ll be doing time in the tunnels after we get back.”
Several of the men cringe.
“When is that exactly?” A clawdite yawns, reptilian skin stretching over his face.  
Rafe pushes out an exhale.
“I told you those blue bastards are bringing the shadow moss at dawn. Then, we’re outta here”
One of the men wrinkles his nose.
“I hate that stuff.” He shudders. “Makes me feel like my head’s gonna explode.”
“It’s not so bad if you cut it with snuff.” His friend nudges him. “You should try it—”
“No one’s trying anything with the boss’s shipment, you hear me?” Rafe points at the man. “We’re here to guard and deliver. That’s it.”
“Yeah.” The wolfman grunts. “All sixteen of us.”
“Hey!” The giant snaps. “Do you have any idea how much that’s worth?” He points to the transport. “Billions. Billions of credits worth of spice and drugs, more than you’ll hope to make in a lifetime. Raiden’s not taking any chances with—”
Suddenly, he stops, knitting his eyebrows. He’s looking at Toad across from him.
The young man’s face is white. He’s trembling, eyes wide.
“Ch-” He lifts a finger. “Ch- Ch-” He’s pointing at something in the distance. “Chainbreaker!”
Rafe shoots to his feet, whipping around.
But he stops at the sound of snickering.
He turns to find Toad covering his mouth.
“You…” He tries to contain his laughter. “You should’ve seen your face…” He bowls over, unable to contain himself.
“That’s not funny.” The giant seethes, retaking his seat. “You shouldn’t joke about that.”
“It’s not like she’ll be coming around here.” The clawdite throws a branch on the fire. “There’s no live cargo.” He points to the transport.
“You know, Jac was there when she raided the farms on Chrona.” Toad nudges the man beside him. “She blew through the overseers like they were nothing, took a hundred of the hands with her.”
“I know someone who was there when she raided Kessel.” The Clawdite lowers to his seat. “Said they had her in a corner, blasters pointed right at her, then...” He flicks his fingers. “She was gone. Just like that. Popped up from behind and started railing on ‘em.”
“That’s nothing.” Another man leans forward. “I know a guy who was there when she raided Pasher, said she waved a hand and smashed all their weapons against the wall like that.”
“She’s a witch.”
“I heard she was a Jedi.”
“She’s not a Jedi,” one of the men spits. “There are no Jedi anymore, dingbat.”
“I heard she’s from Dathomir.” Toad looks around. “Descended from one of the nightsisters.”
“No, she’s from the unknown regions,” a man corrects him. “Grew up with the Chiss.”
“It doesn’t matter where she’s from.” Rafe slips a long blade from the sheath at his side. “All that matters…” He looks up. “Is that if I ever run into that bitch, I’m gonna slice her to pieces.”
Several of them men raise their eyebrows.
“Yeah, you do that.” The wolfman blinks. “Everyone else she’s run into crawls away, licking their wounds, but I’m sure you’re the one who can—”
Suddenly, he stiffens, pointed ears shooting up.
“What?” Toad leans in. “Hear somethi—”
The wolfman shushes him, rising.
Rafe stands too, a hand on his blaster.
The wolfman glances at him, pointing to the forest.
The giant nods, then motions to the men.
In an instant, they’re all on their feet, readying their weapons.
Rafe and the wolfman stalk to the trees, swift and silent.
The rest of them make a perimeter around the transport, blasters pointed at the forest.
Toad keeps close to the fire, keen on staying in the light. He’s shaking, his weapon rattling in his hands.
He snaps to Nex.
“Don’t worry,” his friend whispers. “It’s probably just the Narqs with the moss.”
Toad nods, trembling. He glances at Rafe and Vik.
They’re near the edge of the clearing now, moving quietly. The wolfman’s ears are erect, taking in every sound. His eyes are glued to the forest, branches and brush barely visible in the dark.
There’s something in there. He can smell it as well as he hears it. It smells like—
Suddenly, a purple blade cuts through the blackness.
The men pelt the forest with plasma shots, ripping up the trees.
But some of the shots bounce back, the blade whipping around with an electric whine. The wolfman howls, grabbing his shoulder.
The purple light charges, flying up and overhead.  
Rafe swings around, firing his blaster.
But their attacker is on the other end of the clearing.
Wasn’t he just behind him…?
He roars, charging into the fray.
The men are in chaos now, running and screaming.
“Right! To the right!”
“No, left damn it, left!”
The purple blade is everywhere, swinging up and down, filling the air with an electric hum. The men can barely see who’s wielding it before it swoops overhead or flickers from one spot to another like it’s teleporting.  
“There’s more than one! There’s more than one!” Toad fires at the purple light.
Suddenly, his blaster rips out of his hands and he gasps, helpless as he watches it fly into the forest.
He hits the ground, crawling to the trees, trying to yank his dagger from its sheath. He glances at their attacker across the way.
It’s a blur of limbs, small and humanoid. It looks like a girl…
“Light her up, damn it! Light her up!”
Men with flamethrowers charge at the girl from both sides, bursts of fire shooting out.
But she disappears before flames hit.
Toad gapes.
What the…?
He curls into a ball, squeezing his eyes shut.
This isn’t real. This isn’t real. It’s just a dream. He’s gonna wake up any second now…
There’s screaming and blaster fire all around, electric whining moving from one side then the other.
Toad squeals when something large and heavy lands on top of him. He flails wildly, pushing it off. He opens his eyes to find Rafe unconscious on the ground.
Suddenly, it’s quiet.
No blasters. No screaming. No electric hum. Just grunting and moaning and the soft crackle of the fire.
Toad looks right, then left, noting the bodies sprawled all over the clearing, half of them crawling to the forest.
He starts to sit up.
But he freezes when an electric blade shoots by his ear. He can feel the heat, purple crackling by his face.
He hears footsteps behind him and the blade moves, circling to the front. He keeps still, eyes forward.
“Is this your leader?”
He glances up.
He can’t help but gape at the figure above.
It’s a girl alright. Human. Pretty. And young, younger than he is by the looks of it.
She nods to Rafe beside him.
For a moment, Toad just stares.
Then, he nods.
In an instant, the blade disappears, and the girl crouches, leaning over Rafe to pat around his belt. Two figures burst from the forest, one stopping by the transport, the other running to the girl.
She takes the remote to the ship from Rafe’s belt, then rises.
A tall figure approaches quickly. The girl lifts a hand and the man takes the remote, turning to the transport without a word.
A second later, it opens with a low clang.
Toad gasps, scrambling up.
But he’s stopped by a purple blade shooting in front of his face.  
He freezes.
“Do you know who I am?”
He keeps his eyes on the blade.
“Y-you…” He croaks. “You’re the Chainbreaker.”
“That’s right.” She crouches, the blade disappearing. “I’m the Chainbreaker.”
She’s right in front of him now, the glow of the fire behind her. She looks relaxed, an arm draped over her knee.
He stares at her, transfixed.
“I need you to do something for me.” Her eyes are soft and steady. “I need you to get a message to your boss. Can you do that?”
He nods.
“Tell him I’m taking his shipment.” She sticks a thumb to the transport. “I’m keeping it safe and intact. He’ll get all of it back…” She leans in. “When he shuts down his slave markets.”
Toad widens his eyes.
But a second later, he nods.
“Good boy.” She stands.  
Toad snaps to the transport when he hears the engines power on.
He looks back at the girl.
“One more thing.” She attaches a metal hilt to her belt. “Tell Raiden that if he or one of his friends lays a finger on one of my allies or their property…” She leans down. “I’ll have a little bonfire.” Her eyes flicker. “And he’ll never see his shipment again.”
Toad tries to croak a response, but it gets caught in his throat.
The girl straightens.
“Have a good night.” She turns, heading for the transport.
Toad watches her go, unmoving, hardly aware of his own body.
The girl ascends into the transport, and it closes behind her. A minute later, it lifts, hovering a few feet above the clearing. Then it rises, higher and higher until it’s above the trees.
Finally, it shoots forward, disappearing into the night sky.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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kuai-liangst · 2 years
Lost Snow Child Chapter Seventeen
Summary: What's happening in the Temple while Bi-Han and Hanzo fight Quan Chi
@michael-young-history due to michael's request to be @ when I post chapters here.
“What’s wrong with him?!?” Allison demands as Raiden looks over Kuai Liang. Lightning sparks between the thunder god’s hands and the young boy’s barely moving chest.
Lord Raiden’s unmoving and unchanging face worries her, “His soul is being remotely removed. I am blocking Quan Chi and attempting to pull the rest of his soul back from the necromancer’s grip before the young boy’s soul is ripped in half.”
“Rip his soul in half!” Allison cries out as Tomas gently tries to shake Kuai Liang awake. “What can we do?”
“You can’t do anything,” Lord Raiden tells them stoically as he continues to electrocute Kuai Liang’s chest. “All you can do is trust me and trust Bi-Han to take care of Quan Chi.”
Trust Bi-Han she could do, but all she’s had from this thunder god, this great protector, is that he is a manipulator and will lie and trick to get his way. For the best for Earthrealm.
He put her family, Kuai Liang, in danger to get Cole to unlock his arcana. Why would she trust him now?
“Mama?” Kuai Liang’s soft voice calls out, redirecting her attention as she rushes to Kuai Liang’s head, “Mama, it hurts.”
Allison wishes she could do something, anything, to make Kuai Liang’s pain go away. But, she could only rely on the Thunder God and Bi-Han to take care of this.
“Hey, it’s going to be ok. Raiden and Bi-Han will take care of this.” Allison comforts the young boy as she pets Kuai Liang’s hair out of his face. “You are going to be just fine. I promise.”
Raiden better fix him. She’s a nurse, not a witch.
She promised Kuai Liang she would get him ice cream. Kuai Liang deserves some Ice cream.
Bi-Han wouldn’t be able to handle losing Kuai Liang as well.
Tomas was shaking. Smoke was curling off him in waves, “No.”
“Tomas, what-” Allison starts to ask as Tomas walks past her and presses his hands against Kuai Liang’s chest.
Smoke emanates from his hands and Kuai Liang’s chest. “I’m not losing him again. We will not let him go.”
“Tomas, what are you doing?” She asks as Raiden’s pupilless eyes widen in shock, and Kuai Liang’s breathing starts to even out.
“He’s pulling Kuai Liang’s soul back. I wasn’t aware Enenra’s were able to do such a thing.” Raiden tells her as he continues to shock Kuai Liang. “At this rate, we will be able to pull his soul back from Quan Chi.”
“Tomas?” Kuai Liang calls out as he reaches for the silver-haired boy. “What’s happening? Am I dying?”
Tomas growls, and it doesn’t sound human, “No, I’m not losing you again.”
“I don’t wanna go.” Kuai Liang quietly as Emily pushes her way over to him and gently holds Kuai Liang’s hand. “Big brother is angry.”
Allison pets Kuai Liang’s head, “He loves you, sweetie, of course, he’s mad that someone is hurting you.”
“He’s yelling at the scary man,” Kuai Liang whispers, “He’s yelling that he’s going to kill him.”
He can see Bi-Han fight Quan Chi, with Hanzo. “He’s fighting the man doing this to you.” She tells him instead.
She watches as Kuai Liang's breathing gets stronger and the little color he had lost returns to him. 
“Mama?” Kuai Liang whimpers as he leans into her hand. “Bi-Han’s voice is getting quieter. Am I dying?”
She shakes her head, “No, that’s a good thing. I think.”
Raiden nods, “His soul is returning to his body. I will be able to separate the link between the boy and Quan Chi.”
“I got him!” Smoke shouts as Kuai Liang’s eyes glow a soft icy blue.
Relief fills her. Her little boy is ok. Kuai Liang is going to be ok.
The room is getting warmer. Allison isn’t sure why, but that won’t be good for Kuai Liang. He’s not-
A vortex of fire fills the room and then vanishes to reveal Bi-Han and Hanzo. Bi-Han looks panicked as he runs over and presses a cool hand over her own on Kuai Liang’s forehead. “How are you feeling, little brother?”
“Better, what happened to the man? Did you kill him?” Kuai Liang softly asks as he grabs Tomas’s hand and then sits up.
Bi-Han nods sadly, “Yes, I killed him to make sure he couldn’t try that again.” He looks at Hanzo sadly, “I apologize, Hasashi.”
“Do not be. If it were Satoshi, I would have been unable to hold myself back.” Hanzo tells him, and Allison agrees. 
Kuai Liang deserves to be protected, surely there is a way to revive at least some of Hanzo’s family. “What was the other man you talked about? Shang Tsung? Could you make him revive Hanzo’s clan?”
“You would have better luck getting the Elder Gods off their ass and doing something about Shao Kahn.” Bi-Han almost spits.
Allison wonders who the Elder Gods are, “Peace Bi-Han, if we win this tournament I will see if I can ask the Elder Gods to resurrect those caught in the crossfire.”
“...Not just the Shirai Ryu?” Bi-Han asks hopefully.
Raiden looks at him sadly, “Your friend Sareena will not be brought back, as a demon she was under Shinnok’s domain.”
Bi-Han sighs, “I understand.”
“Wait, your girlfriend was a demon?” Cole asks shocked, “And you were into that?”
Bi-Han smiles, “She hated being a demon, I met her once. She looked hideous and we fought until she pinned me. I think she was going to kill me, but she stopped when I called her beautiful. She was so angry, ‘I look hideous!’ She yelled at me. I had some extra time. Helped her find an amulet that would allow her to hide her demon form and brought her with me to the Lin Kuei.”
“She sounds like she was a wonderful woman,” Allison tells him, she’s not jealous as he pulls Kuai Liang into his lap and gently runs his hands through the boy’s hair.
Bi-Han nods, “She loved to spoil Kuai Liang and was one of the few people I knew would always protect him.”
“We won’t let anyone hurt Kuai Liang,” Allison promises, it’s only a little bit of a lie. She’s not strong. Kuai Liang got hurt when Goro attacked.
They weren’t able to protect Kuai Liang, the bandages aren’t on the boy’s head anymore but she can still see them in her mind.
Kuai Liang looks up at her as Bi-Han shakes his head. “Kuai Liang is his own worse enemy.” Bi-Han tells her and Kuai Liang softly laughs at that.”Just do your best.”
She needs a weapon. She needs to be able to protect herself and her family. She doesn’t like that her husband is going to have to fight in some death tournament. That Kuai Liang was almost killed and all she could do was watch as the sweet child was thrown into a wall by some four-armed monster.
Bi-Han had no problem killing the monster. She remembers Bi-Han shattering the monster. She knows that Bi-Han is supposedly a monster, a ruthless killer. She doesn’t believe that.
Allison can believe that he will kill people who threaten Kuai Liang, who try to hurt Kuai Liang.
Who he thought killed Kuai Liang, she couldn’t imagine losing Emily or Kuai Liang. To lose all her friends and her child would destroy her completely.
Bi-Han had to live without his brother and friends for over a century believing he failed them. 
She wishes she has an arcana or at least a weapon to protect her kids. She’s not even able to provide adequate medical attention.
These monks use a completely different medical practice than she learned.
It makes him feel useless. That she can’t take good care of her kids.
It’s not like she can’t just learn how Liu Kang and the monks heal. That would take years of practice to become proficient.
“Where is Cole?” Bi-Han suddenly asks her.
Allison didn’t know, she was focusing on Kuai Liang. But, where were her husband and daughter?
They love Kuai Liang, they wouldn’t stay away if they knew that he was sick or in pain.
“I sent them to collect a champion.” Raiden tells her as he looks over Kuai Liang one last time, “Once he convinces this Johnny Cage to come with them I will bring them back.”
Allison clenches her fists, “What if they can’t convince him?”
“Then he’ll call me and I’ll bring them back,” Lord Raiden reassures her. “I will not abandon my champions.”
Allison felt a little relieved about that. She could only hope things are going better for Cole than for them.
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drbobbimorse · 7 years
I was tagged by the wonderful @peplumsandpitches (thanks!!!) to answer these ‘get to know me’ questions
Nickname: MC2 (squared), MC, Murry, Typhoid Mary, MC Morticia
Star Sign: Capricorn
Height: 5′6″
Last Thing I Googled: I was job hunting (been woefully unemployed since mid-September)
Favorite Musicians: Too many to name honestly. I adore Adele, Florence + the Machine, P!nk, OneRepublic, Safetysuit, Nicki Minaj, Billy Joel, Mumford & Sons, Bon Jovi; all of them are probably the only artists I’d actually pay to see in concert (seen two of them, actually). I like a lot of genres, too. Give me anything but screamo-death metal, most country and some rap and I’m good
Song Stuck in My Head: “You’re Welcome” by Jordan Fisher & Lin-Manuel Miranda -- I LOVE THIS MOVIE AND THIS VERSION OF THE SONG, DO NOT JUDGE ME!!!
Last Movie I Watched: Either Moana or Rogue One
Last TV Show I Watched: Man in the High Castle -- do yourself a favor and go watch it right now!!!
When Did You Create Your Blog?: 2013
What Kind of Stuff Do I Post: A little bit of everything. Mostly fandom related (all fandoms listed on my blog) and a lot of stuff for my characters/fics, some of my own edits or edits that friends are nice enough to make of my characters or include in their own edits
Do You Have Any Other Blogs?: Nope. I mean, I have 2 other urls saved but they’ll just link back to my regular blog
Do You Get Asks Regularly?: Not at all. It hurts the heart. If I’m bored and post an ask game, y’all should just be nice and play with me
Why Did You Choose Your URL?: Cause the MCU seemed to forget that Bobbi Morse has a fucking PhD on top of being an elite specialist spy and I needed to remind everyone that my girl is just an all-around brilliant badass who deserves some damn respect from the MCU and the fandom that vilifies her
Gender: Female
Pokemon Team: Mystic
Fave Color: Green. This was my favorite before I even knew about HP or knew I was a Slytherin, so it really worked out in my favor lmao
Average Hours of Sleep: It varies. It depends. I guess 7 is my usual
Lucky Number: Don’t have one but I like to think 7, 13 and 23 are my lucky numbers lol
Favorite Characters: Okay, well this is just impossible to answer. Bobbi Morse (obviously), Lorna Dane, Scott Summers, Charles Xavier, Zatanna Zatara, Janet Van Dyne, Kamala Khan, Miles Morales, Dinah/Laurel Lance, Ray Palmer, Kendra Saunders, Rip Hunter, Elektra Natachios, Karen Page, Frank Castle, Barbara Gordon, Edward Nygma, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Shades, Melinda May, Elijah Mikaelson, Hayley Marshall, Vincent Griffith, Rebekah Mikaelson, Mike Johnson, Olaf Johnson, Abbie Mills, Faith Lehane, Willow Rosenberg, Wesley Wyndam-Prince, Ruper Giles, Gwen Raiden, Annie Sawyer, George Sands, John Mitchell, Piper Halliwell, Phoebe Halliwell, Rose Tyler, Martha Jones, Donna Noble, Captain Jack Harkness, Joan Watson, Isabella of Valencia, Arianne Martell, the REAL Sand Snakes, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Davos Seaworth, Shireen Baratheon, Hermione Granger, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, James Wilson, Peggy Olsen, Frank Frink, Nobusuke Tagomi, Khutulun, Mei Lin, Lily Frankenstein/Brona Croft, Sam Merlotte, Lafayette Reynolds, Tara Thornton, Pam Ravenscroft, Alec Hardison, Parker, Eliot Spencer, Veronica Fisher, Mickey Bricks, Juice Ortiz, Chibs/Filip, Malia Tate, Scott McCall, Sam Winchester, Jo & Ellen Harvelle, Gabriel/Trickster, Lagertha, Athelstan, Rick Grimes, Carl Grimes, Andrea Harrison, Glenn Rhee, Rosita Espinosa, Morgan Jones, the Sense8 cluster, literally the entire cast of Z-Nation, Lost Girl, Firefly/Serenity, H2GAWM and FDTD. I’m gonna stop here, cause we’ll be here all day otherwise
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With?: Usually 2 or 3, depends on the season and the temp the house is
Dream Job: Anything in theater or film tbh
tagging: @yeahthatotheronewhatshername, @papermoon262, @darknightfrombeyond, @deadletterpoets, @cosmic-wanda, @kisaageckos, @lydamartin, @sicklyscribe and I guess anyone else that’s interested
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allcheatscodes · 7 years
mortal kombat deadly alliance gamecube
mortal kombat deadly alliance gamecube
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance cheats & more for GameCube (GameCube)
Easter Eggs
Get the updated and latest Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance cheats, unlockables, codes, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tricks, tips, hacks, downloads, guides, hints, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for GameCube (GameCube). AllCheatsCodes.com has all the codes you need to win every game you play!
Use the links above or scroll down to see all the GameCube cheats we have available for Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.
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Also Known As: Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance
Genre: Fighting, 3D Fighting Developer: Midway Publisher: Midway ESRB Rating: Mature Release Date: November 20, 2002
How To Defeat Moloch
To defeat moloch you should use Johny Cage and pull out his nunchucks. Then constantly press the b button and you should win.
How To Defeat Molock Easier
Get raiden and take out his weapon press z non-stop and you will win.
Scorpion: Easy Win
Keep doing the following combo with your “ninja sword. “: X, B, B, A, B.
How To Get Drahmin
To get Drahmin you have to get 6500 saphire coins then go to the krypt. After that go to coffin (UR) and purchase it. Then you will have the Dreaded Netherealm Oni Drahmin.
Cyrax: Steal Drahmin’s Flies
Play as Cyrax and win a round against Drahmin. When the “Finish him” message appears, switch to your fatality pose and do Cyrax’s fatality (Forward, Forward, Up). When the screen shows Cyrax pose, he will have Drahmin’s flies around him.
Jax: Defeating Moloch
Repeatedly use his special attacks and Moloch will easily be defeated.
Versus Mode Stage Select
Press R before either player chooses a character to get a screen with a screenshot of a stage. Then, press Left or Right to change it to the desired stage.
Victory Pose Select
Each character has three end-of-battle poses. Perform the following when the “Finish Him/Her” message appears. Note: If you run out of time performing your fatality or if you end the match with your weapon, your character will automatically perform the pose of the last stance he or she was in.
1: Strike your opponent in your character's first form.2. Strike your opponent in your character's second form.3. Execute your characters fatality.
Recover Password
If you forgot your password in your profile, you can get it back by using the following trick. Start a new profile with any name, then press “Done”. Pick an icon, and after you are done, it will give you a password. The password will be the same as your old one. Copy the one you just obtained and delete the new profile. Enter the password with your old profile and it should work.
Attack opponents before “Fight” appears
Unplug the controller during the loading screen, then put it back in. You can now attack before starting the match.
Play As Blaze
Successfully complete all missions in Konquest mode for all fighters. Then, highlight Raiden at the character selection screen and hold Down.
Play As Mokap
Successfully complete all missions in Konquest mode for all fighters. Then, highlight Cyrax at the character selection screen and hold Down.
Play As Cyrax Easier
You would have to have at least 462 Ruby Koins and open Krypt PD (to get 1056 Platinum Koins ) and get the rest of 3003 needed to open CN for Cyrax. You can get extra Platinum Koins in the following Krypts: FV (83 Platinum Koins needed for 243 platinum Koins); PK (157 Platinum Koins needed for 475 Platinum Koins); WS (44 Onyx Koins needed for 165 Platinum Koins); and NG (63 Sapphire Koins needed for 252 Platinum Koins).
Play As Raiden Easier
Open the FN Krypt first to get 1800 of the 3300 Koins that are needed before opening the XG Krypt to unlock Raiden.
Random Character Select
Highlight Shang Tsung (for player one) or Quan Chi (for player two) at the character selection screen, then hold Up + Start.
Kenshi: Immunity To Sonya’s Kiss Of Death Move
Since Kenshi is blind, Sonya’s Kiss Of Death move has no affect on him.
Kenshi: Fatality Restrictions
When playing as Kenshi, his fatality will not work against Cyrax, Johnny Cage or himself. Note: If you do his fatality on Kano, only one eye will pop out.
Kenshi: Defeating Moloch
Repeatedly use this long, but very good combo: Press 2, 2, 2, Away, 1, Forward, 1, 4.
Shang Tsung: Defeating Moloch
Get the fighting weapon out and press X, Y, A, Away,, A.
Scorpion: Combos
This combo is fairly easy to do; it is only a series of repeated attacks. Have him in the Hapkido stance. Then, start the combo with 2, 2, 4. Repeat the process until your opponent is defeated. The combo is somewhat weak but its an easy combo to execute. This combo also works well against Moloch.
Scorpion: Defeating Moloch
No matter who you are using to defeat the Deadly Alliance in arcade mode, purposely die and pick a new player. Choose Scorpion. It is much easier to defeat Moloch with Scorpion than any other player. Keep using his best Ninja Sword combo on him repeatedly.
Scorpion: Easy Win
Take out the ninja sword and repeatedly press R.
Sonya: Defeating Moloch
Pull her 10-hit style Branch combo continuously. Once finished with the first combo, immediately switch back to her initial style and repeat. As long as your button hitting is precise, you will constantly be in motion and he will not be able to retaliate.
Acid Bath Stage: Damage Opponent
Get your opponent near the two giant statues in the background. The statues will spit acid out, hurting your opponent. Note: Do not get too close, or you will also get hurt.
Easy Wins
Note: This trick can only be done with Sub-Zero, Kung Lao, Li Mei, Cyrax, Shang Tsung, Frost, Reptile, or Kitana. You can impale your weapon into your opponent, making them lose life every second. The move varies, and with some you have to press the D-pad and the button. To find the correct move, press Start, select “Move List”, then look under your weapon and it will say “Impale”. All of them have to be close range, but Kitana can throw her steel fans. However if it hits and they block or dodge it, you cannot use it again until the end of the match.Use the following trick to get easy wins in arcade mode under the maximum difficulty setting. Choose Quan Chi or Nitara, then repeatedly use their throw attack on the opponent. Then quickly stand over them and continuously tap Throw. Try to time it so that you throw them just as they are getting up. When doing this, you should be able to defeat any opponent (except Moloch) with little to no effort. Note: You will not always grab them with the throw before they begin attacking; you may have to keep blocking until they finish their combo or move, thus leaving them open for a string of throws. Using Nitara is much easier and usually results in a flawless victory.
No Fatalities
You cannot do fatalities if you have the blood level set to “Off”.
FMV Introductions
Allow the game to enter demo mode to see the FMV of the first Video Teaser from Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance with Scorpion performing a Kata. Other characters (Kitana, Quan Chi, and Frost) will perform a Kata as well. After Blaze is unlocked, he will perform a Kata also. After Mokap is unlocked, he will be in a demo fight.
Monk Movement
Remain idle long enough during Konquest mode and the “monk” will turn around and shrug his shoulders at you.
Alternate Outfits
Press start in character select screen to change your characters outfit
Get Fast Koins
First make sure you have two profiles. then Get 500 Koins in each profile. Then go to the character select screen in veruses mode. Load your profile and the other profile then wager 500 koins. Then unload your profiles and load them again. When you go to the wager screen you will have 1000 Koins. Keep doing this until you have the desired amount of koins
Play As Blaze And Mokap
First buy their bios in the Krypt. Then pass all of the missions in Konquest mode with EVERY character. To select them at the Character Select Screen highlight Raiden or Cyrax and press down.
SF: Smelly Feet
Go to the krypt and make sure you have enough kurrancy. Fo to koffin SF and get a poster of shang tsung holding his smelly boots.
Koffin Locations And What They Contain
1. AA 1556 Gold reward: Quan Chi Alternate Outfit 2. AB 186 Saphire reward: Kung Lao Sketch 3. AC 424 Platinum reward: Li Mei 4. AD 96 Saphire reward: Moloch Sketches 5. AE 118 Onyx reward: MK2 Cabinet Security Panels 6. AF 313 Onyx reward: Hint RO : Rip Off 7. AG 258 Onyx reward: Deadly Alliance Is Born 8. AH 66 Gold reward: Shang Tsung Sketch 9. AI 277 Onyx reward: Quan Chi tattoo picture 10. AJ 26 Jade reward: 38 Gold Koins 11. AK 432 Gold reward: Moloch Promo Render 12. AL 287 Ruby reward: ShangTsungs palace concept art 13. AM 192 Platinum reward: Mavado Coat Concepts 14. AN 52 Gold reward: Hint: PD=Pay Day 15. AO 105 Platinum reward: 57 Saphire 16. AP 154 Platinum reward: Quan Chis Throne 17. AQ 226 Onyx reward: Scorpion Concept Sketch 18. AR 2206 Jade reward: Alternate Nitara Costume 19. AS 66 Jade reward: Palace Exterior Sketch 20. AT 269 Saphire reward: Swamplands Sketch 21. AU 463 Gold reward: Shang Tsung 22. AV 497 Ruby reward: Video- Senate of the Elder Gods Test 23. AW 76 Onyx reward: 88 Ruby Koins 24. AX 337 Gold reward: Quan Chi Inner Sanctum 25. AY 258 Platinum reward: Concept Characters 26. AZ 442 Ruby reward: Test Your Sight Concept Art 27. BA 264 Onyx reward: Lin Kuei Temple Concept 28. BB ?? Saphire reward: Sub Zeros dragon medallion 29. BC 452 Gold reward: Giant Drummer Detail 30. BD 1520 Saphire reward: kanos second costume 31. BE 67 Gold reward: Swamplands Sketch 32. BF 263 Platinum reward: 120 Jade coins 33. BG 217 Saphire reward: Baphomet Sketch 34. BH 116 Jade reward: Ultimate MK3 Arcade Marquee 35. BI 167 Jade reward: Sonya Concept Sketch 36. BJ 178 Platinum reward: Ghost Ship 37. BK 650 Ruby reward: fight against Baraka-view his bio 38. BL 145 Jade reward: Portal Sphere 39. BM 207 Onyx reward: Character Concepts 40. BN 720 Onyx reward: The Grid: Guest Starts 41. BO 305 Platinum reward: The Grid : Noob Saibot 42. BP 426 Gold reward: The Grid: MK Ninjas 43. BQ 1327 Gold reward: Alternate Princess Kitana Costume 44. BR 451 Onyx reward: hint fly killer (fk) 45. BS 253 Saphire reward: Mavado Sketches 46. BT 291 Saphire reward: Blood Energy Drink 47. BU 336 Platinum reward: reptile skin lotion 48. BV 371 Saphire reward: Backstage: MK4 Commercial 49. BW 329 Onyx reward: BackStage MK4 Commercial 50. BX 212 Platinum reward: backstage:mk4 commercial 51. BY 183 Gold reward: MK Gold Logo 52. BZ 381 Platinum reward: MK4 Sonya and Tanya 53. CA 218 Onyx reward: Shang Tsungs Palace Sketch 54. CB 252 Saphire reward: Octo Garden Sketch 55. CC 376 Jade reward: Book of Destiny 56. CD 261 Jade reward: Shang Tsung Soul Concept 57. CE 174 Jade reward: Great Dragon Egg 58. CF 268 Onyx reward: Female Character Concepts 59. CG 75 Saphire reward: JT: Johnnys Tapes 61. CI 271 Jade reward: Test Your Sight Concept 62. CJ 272 Ruby reward: Quan Chi Sketches 63. CK 556 Jade reward: Wu Shi Academy 64. CL 332 Gold reward: 492 Onyx 65. CM 244 Gold reward: House of Pekara Concept 66. CN 3003 Platinum reward: Cyrax 67. CO 192 Ruby reward: Kano,s Cereal 68. CP 172 Ruby reward: Carlos Pesina 69. CQ 272 Gold reward: Senate of Elder Gods Concept 70. CR 294 Platinum reward: RAyden Sketch 71. CS 89 Saphire reward: 143 Ruby coins 72. CT 588 Ruby reward: Dragonfly Story 73. CU 257 Blue Saphire reward: Swamplands Sketch 74. CV 121 Saphire reward: 71 Jade Coins 75. CW 226 Ruby reward: Academy Promo Render 76. CX 203 Gold reward: Scorpion Goes Back to Hell Video 77. CY 116 Ruby reward: Soul Cage Concept 78. CZ 362 Onyx reward: Hsu Hao concept art 79. DA 72 Ruby reward: 18 saphire coins 80. DB 257 Saphire reward: Soul Chamber Concept 81. DC 838 Gold reward: Jax Vs Kung Lao MK3 pic 82. DD 355 Gold reward: Lifeguard Sonya Picture 83. DE 126 Gold reward: Character Concepts 84. DF 286 Platinum reward: picture of Dan "Toasty" Forden 85. DG 57 Jade reward: Sonya Blade 86. DH 199 Gold reward: Shokan Warriors 87. DI 254 Saphire reward: Quan Chi on the Sax 88. DJ 186 Platinum reward: 86 ruby 89. DK 1460 Ruby reward: Johnny Cage alt Costume 90. DL 230 Platinum reward: Scoprion Cloth Test Video 91. DM 428 Onyx reward: Acid Bath 92. DN 234 Saphire reward: 18 Jade coins 93. DO 39 Gold reward: 221 onyx coins 94. DP 224 Jade reward: MK2 Print Ad 95. DQ 656 Platinum reward: Hint "SF:Smelly Feet" 96. DR 273 Saphire reward: Mavado Sketches 97. DS 1472 Ruby reward: Nethership Arena 98. DT 332 Ruby reward: Li Mei Sketch 99. DU 368 Onyx reward: MK3 behind scenes 100. DV 257 Ruby reward: Empty Koffin 101. DW 157 Ruby reward: Cave Arena Concept Video 102. DX 292 Jade reward: 579 Ruby Coins 103. DY 94 Gold reward: SS: Sword Sale 104. DZ 442 Ruby reward: Test Your Sight Concept 105. EA 258 Saphire reward: The Lost Tomb 106. EB 237 Ruby reward: Pic of Ed Boon 107. EC 248 Saphire reward: Swamplands Sketch 108. ED 633 Saphire reward: 949 Platinum 109. EE 1200 Platinum reward: Mortal Kombat Mythologies Box Art 110. EF 267 Gold reward: Quality Assurance: Chicago pic 111. EG 74 Platinum reward: MK3 Arcade Marquee 112. EH 253 Onyx reward: reptile sketch 113. EI 512 Saphire reward: action figure 114. EJ 547 Jade reward: Action Figures 115. EK 424 Ruby reward: Action Figures 116. EL 434 Platinum reward: Action Figures 117. EM 405 Gold reward: Action Figures 118. EN 246 Silver reward: action figures 119. EO 289 Saphire reward: Action Figures 120. EP 166 Jade reward: Action Figures Pic 121. EQ 256 Ruby reward: Action Figure Vehicles 124. ET 664 Ruby reward: "Edina Temple" Level Open 125. EU 262 Ruby reward: Dairou Drawings 126. EV 356 Ruby reward: Drum Arena 128. EX 243 Onyx reward: ST "hint" sarna test 129. EY 254 Platinum reward: Cyrax Sketch 130. EZ 412 Platinum reward: Blood Stone Mine Concept 131. FA 263 Gold reward: Cyrax Test Render 132. FB 248 Ruby reward: A Long Time ago (pic) 133. FC 310 Saphire reward: A Softer Side To Cyrax 134. FD 156 Onyx reward: Portal Story 135. FE 242 Gold reward: Li Mei Sketch 136. FF 1199 Gold reward: MK1: Sub-Zero Vs. Scorpion 137. FG 291 Gold reward: Dragonfly Concept Render 138. FH 215 Ruby reward: House of Pekara Concept 139. FI 262 Silver reward: Deadly Alliance Koins 140. FJ 179 Ruby reward: mk3 arcade cabinet 141. FK 520 Platinum reward: Bug Blaster (?) 142. FL 264 Saphire reward: Early MKDA promo video 143. FM 76 Silver reward: Sketch (Palace Exterior) 144. FN 93 Jade reward: 1800 Jade Coins 145. FO 76 Ruby reward: MK2 Characters 146. FP 46 Gold reward: palacen sketch 148. FR 401 Gold reward: MK Youth Clothing 150. FT 126 Saphire reward: MK T-Shirts 151. FU 20 Silver reward: Empty Koffin 152. FV 83 Platinum reward: 243 Platinum Koins 153. FW 666 Ruby reward: Hint - UH=Unleash Hell 154. FX 492 Saphire reward: Comic Book, 1 of 41 155. FY 27 Ruby reward: Comic Book Art 2 of 41 156. FZ 183 Onyx reward: COMIC ART 3 OF 41 157. GA 572 Gold reward: Comic Art: 4 of 41 158. GB 458 Jade reward: Comic Art 5 of 41 159. GC 412 Gold reward: Comic Art: 6 of 41 160. GD 74 Saphire reward: Comic Art: 7 of 41 161. GE 277 Ruby reward: Comic Art: 8 of 41 162. GF 124 Platinum reward: Comic Book Art 9 of 41 163. GG 63 Jade reward: Comic Book Art 10 of 41 164. GH 418 Platinum reward: Comic Book Art, 11 of 41 165. GI 100 Saphire reward: Comic Book Art (12/41) 166. GJ 326 Platinum reward: Comic Book Art 13 of 41 167. GK 379 Platinum reward: comic art 14 168. GL 128 Ruby reward: Comic Book Art, 15 of 41 170. GN 91 Gold reward: comic book art 17 of 41 171. GO 422 Saphire reward: Comic Book Art 18 of 41 172. GP 58 Jade reward: Comic Book Art 19 of 41 173. GQ 532 Jade reward: Comic Book Art, 20 of 41 175. GS 185 Gold reward: COmic Book Art, 22 of 41 176. GT 307 Ruby reward: Comic Book Art 23 of 41 177. GU 134 Saphire reward: Comic Book Art 24 of 41 179. GW 264 Ruby reward: comic art 26 of 41 180. GX 88 Platinum reward: Comic Art 27 of 41 182. GZ 575 Ruby reward: Comic Book Art, 29 of 41 183. HA 62 Gold reward: Comic Art 30 of 41 184. HB 626 Ruby reward: Comic Book Art, 31 of 41 185. HC 215 Silver reward: Comic Book Art, 32 of 41 186. HD 176 Saphire reward: Comic Book Art 33 of 41 187. HE 478 Saphire reward: Art 34 of 41 188. HF 203 Silver reward: Comic Book Art, 35 of 41 189. HG 555 Gold reward: Comic Book Art 36 of 41 190. HH 222 Silver reward: Comic Book Art: 37 of 41 191. HI 225 Jade reward: Comic Book Art 38 of 41 193. HK 138 Gold reward: Comic Book Art 40 of 41 194. HL 145 Saphire reward: Comic Book Art 41 of 41 195. HM 217 Onyx reward: Bank Interior Sketch 196. HN 382 Jade reward: Lung Hai Temple Sketch 197. HO 402 Jade reward: Scorpion Preliminary Model 198. HP 2093 Onyx reward: house of pekera arena unlocked 200. HR 187 Jade reward: Konquest Mode Concepts 201. HS 272 Jade reward: Herman Sanchez 202. HT 462 Jade reward: Video: Ice Palace Test 203. HU 435 Ruby reward: MK Pinball 204. HV 306 Jade reward: MK Gold Print Ad 205. HW 56 Ruby reward: Fire Well Concept 207. HY 408 Saphire reward: Kenshi,s Sword 209. IA 37 Ruby reward: MK 4 Logo 210. IB 275 Saphire reward: Forest Sketch 211. IC 326 Platinum reward: MK Rockem Sockem Art 212. ID 340 Jade reward: Sub Zeros Coffee Mug 213. IE 253 Saphire reward: 32 Pack of Adult Diapers 214. IF 195 Ruby reward: River Front Concept 215. IG 208 Gold reward: Lava Shrine Exterior Concept 216. IH 567 Jade reward: Hint: IV: Icy Vixen 217. II 1843 Gold reward: Arena: Lava Shrine Unlocked 218. IJ 314 Ruby reward: Quan Chi,s Amulet 219. IK 400 Gold reward: Unlock C4E Website 220. IL 207 Gold reward: Hint: DK: Dressed to Kill 221. IM 227 Gold reward: Church Concept 222. IN 37 Saphire reward: 57 Gold Koins 223. IO 244 Onyx reward: ph=phat 224. IP 257 Onyx reward: Halloween Masks 225. IQ 257 Gold reward: Fortress Exterior Sketch 226. IR 55 Jade reward: 91 Saphire Coins 227. IS 244 Ruby reward: Sub-Zero,s Blade 228. IT 269 Ruby reward: Character Concepts 229. IU 342 Jade reward: dairou sketch 230. IV 208 Ruby reward: Frost 232. IX 265 Saphire reward: MKDA Merchandise 235. JA 105 Gold reward: Kuatan Palace stage 236. JB 392 Saphire reward: Programmers Picture 237. JC 287 Gold reward: Frost Sketches 238. JD 305 Jade reward: Swamplands Test Render 239. JE 82 Platinum reward: 59 Ruby Koins 240. JF 332 Ruby reward: Drum Arena Sketch 241. JG 272 Jade reward: Jon Greenberg pic 242. JH 271 Gold reward: Hsu Hao Sketches 243. JI 266 Jade reward: MK4 Print Ad 244. JJ 402 Gold reward: 772 sapphire koins 245. JK 291 Jade reward: Lei Mei Sketch 247. JM 218 Saphire reward: Shang Tsung Drawings 248. JN 252 Jade reward: John Nocher 249. JO 161 Onyx reward: mk2 arcade board 250. JP 169 Gold reward: John Podlasek 251. JQ 237 Ruby reward: Kitana Sketches 252. JR 1688 Ruby reward: Raiden Outfit 253. JS 294 Ruby reward: Dragonfly Render 254. JT 259 Platinum reward: Johnny Cage Video 256. JV 334 Ruby reward: John Vogel 257. JW 164 Saphire reward: Kano,s Reminder 258. JX 167 Gold reward: Raiden Test Outfit 259. JY 183 Saphire reward: MK4 Home Version 260. JZ 25 Jade reward: Empty Koffin 261. KA 412 Onyx reward: Swamplands Sketch 262. KB 247 Jade reward: Edler God Hall Sketch 263. KC 292 Gold reward: Video: Dragonfly Test 264. KD 342 Jade reward: Artists 265. KE 402 Gold reward: Kitana Sketch 266. KF 128 Jade reward: Mavado (Bio?) 267. KG 608 Jade reward: Edenia Golf Outfitters Picture 268. KH 155 Platinum reward: Kerry Hoskins Swim Suit Pin-Up Photo from MK3 269. KI 2931 Saphire reward: Kitana 270. KJ 248 Silver reward: MK Baseball Caps 271. KK 694 Saphire reward: MK4 Characters Picture 272. KL 202 Platinum reward: cyrax sketch 273. KM 350 Jade reward: MK Strategy Guides 274. KN 7 Saphire reward: 15 Gold Koins 275. KO 197 Saphire reward: Konquest Mode Concepts 276. KP 276 Ruby reward: Hint MW=Mongol Warrior 278. KR 4222 Saphire reward: palace grounds arena 281. KU 219 Jade reward: 322 Platinum Coins 282. KV 256 Saphire reward: Arena Concepts 283. KW 257 Saphire reward: Empty Koffin 284. KX 1406 Saphire reward: Li Mei Alternate Outfit 285. KY 843 Platinum reward: MK1: Cage Vs. Kano 286. KZ 263 Jade reward: Character Concepts 287. LA 56 Ruby reward: Blood Particle Details 288. LB 258 Jade reward: Game Play Wall Trick Ideas 289. LC 462 Saphire reward: Game Play Kicks and Doges 290. LD 302 Silver reward: Game Play Fatalities 291. LE 7800 Gold reward: 8 on the Break Poster 292. LF 305 Gold reward: Game Play Special Moves 293. LG 195 Ruby reward: Game Play Throws 294. LH 165 Jade reward: Jax Stomp Game Play Fatalities 295. LI 135 Silver reward: Game Play Throws Sketch 296. LJ 134 Gold reward: Nitara,s Crystal 297. LK 268 Silver reward: Wu Shi Acad. Test 298. LL 3822 Gold reward: Reptile Unlocked 299. LM 165 Onyx reward: Luis Mangubat 300. LN 306 Onyx reward: "Chrome Bling" 301. LO 329 Onyx reward: deadly alliance website 302. LP 442 Ruby reward: Sub-Zero Sketch 303. LQ 477 Saphire reward: MK1 Arcade Goro 304. LR 176 Gold reward: MKDA Box Art Concepts 305. LS 157 Saphire reward: MKDA Box Art Concepts 306. LT 105 Onyx reward: mkda logo concepts 307. LU 170 Jade reward: MKDA Box Art Concepts 308. LV 140 Ruby reward: box art 309. LW 332 Gold reward: Midway Creative Media 310. LX 147 Platinum reward: Empty Koffin 311. LY 160 Saphire reward: MK4: Scorpion Vs. Raiden 312. LZ 511 Onyx reward: Hint: FL (First Look) 313. MA 471 Ruby reward: Johnny Cage 314. MB 188 Gold reward: Mike Boon Pic 315. MC 262 Platinum reward: Wu Shi Academy Sketches 316. MD 80 Silver reward: Tools & Technology Picture 317. ME 237 Jade reward: MKDA Print Ad 318. MF 58 Jade reward: 102 Onyx Koins 319. MG 134 Platinum reward: MK4 Road Tour 320. MH 83 Gold reward: MK4 Tour 321. MI 96 Gold reward: MK4 Arcade Tour 324. ML 1170 Gold reward: Shang Tsung Alternate Outfit 325. MM 215 Ruby reward: Bridge Arena concept 326. MN 176 Onyx reward: Portal 327. MO 177 Jade reward: Drahmin Sketches 328. MP 314 Gold reward: MK Basketball Concept 329. MQ 278 Gold reward: 412 Jade Koins 330. MR 412 Ruby reward: Lung Hai Temple 331. MS 253 Silver reward: Outworld Concept Sketch 332. MT 227 Gold reward: Mike Taran 333. MU 218 Saphire reward: Sarna Ruins Concept 335. MW 3317 Jade reward: Hsu Hao 337. MY 167 Jade reward: Moloch,s Ball Sketches 338. MZ 383 Saphire reward: Assassin for Hire 339. NA 177 Ruby reward: Sonya Sketch 340. NB 287 Jade reward: House Of Pekara Render 341. NC 275 Platinum reward: Nigel Casey 342. ND 212 Saphire reward: Empty Koffin 343. NE 270 Ruby reward: Jax Sketch Concept 344. NF 392 Ruby reward: Scorpion Promo Render 345. NG 63 Saphire reward: 252 Platnium Koins 346. NH 147 Onyx reward: Hachiman Sketch 347. NI 422 Gold reward: Kitana sketches 348. NJ 326 Gold reward: MK Lunch Time (lunchbox) 349. NK 77 Jade reward: 116 Onyx Koins 350. NL 252 Gold reward: Wu Shi Academy Monk 351. NM 182 Saphire reward: Scorpion Online Promo Image 352. NN 452 Jade reward: Blaze Sketches 353. NO 426 Jade reward: Kabal,s Helmet 354. NP 525 Platinum reward: MK3 - Scorpian vs. Jade 355. NQ 157 Saphire reward: Quan Chi Promo render 356. NR 425 Saphire reward: Hint: BT: Blood Thirsty? 358. NT 275 Gold reward: Arctic Hold 361. NW 875 Gold reward: Night Wolf Render 362. NX 365 Saphire reward: Damnation Charcoal 363. NY 281 Saphire reward: Brian Lebanon (photo) 364. NZ 456 Gold reward: The Mine Arena Concept 365. OA 142 Saphire reward: Quality Assurance: Chicago 366. OB 248 Platinum reward: Movie Storyboards 2 of 8 367. OC 322 Gold reward: Movie Storyboards 3 of 8 368. OD 288 Ruby reward: Movie Storyboards 4 of 8 369. OE 326 Jade reward: Movie Storyboards 5 of 8 370. OF 412 Saphire reward: Movie Storyboard 6 of 8 371. OG 266 Onyx reward: Movie Storyboards 7 of 8 372. OH 224 Platinum reward: Movie Storyboards 8 of 8 373. OI 263 Jade reward: Midway Movie Group 374. OJ 49 Ruby reward: Empty 375. OK 208 Saphire reward: hint: shao kahn awaits 376. OL 136 Platinum reward: Evil masters Sketch 377. OM 88 Ruby reward: 177 Jade Koins 378. ON 227 Jade reward: Quan Chi Sketches 379. OO 274 Onyx reward: Mortal Kandies 380. OP 24 Jade reward: 125 Gold Koins 381. OQ 95 Saphire reward: MK4 Logo Treatment 382. OR 450 Silver reward: Alan Villani 384. OT 47 Platinum reward: 222 Onyx Coins 385. OU 338 Ruby reward: Back to school with MK 387. OW 422 Saphire reward: Fallen Giants Arena Sketch 388. OX 352 Ruby reward: 352 Gold Koins 389. OY 218 Saphire reward: blade arena test 390. OZ 243 Platinum reward: ice sword 391. PA 272 Ruby reward: Lung Hai Temple Concept 392. PB 12 Gold reward: 6 Platinum Koins 393. PC 20 Saphire reward: NFL Blitz Pic w/ raiden as secret character 394. PD 451 Ruby reward: 1056 platinum koins 395. PE 392 Saphire reward: kung lao render 396. PF 343 Ruby reward: reptile de:evolution 397. PG 442 Ruby reward: Paulo Garcia 399. PI 638 Jade reward: Hint HP: Haunted Place 400. PJ 292 Onyx reward: Drum Arena Details 401. PK 157 Platinum reward: 475 platinum 402. PL 382 Gold reward: dojo concept art 403. PM 253 Silver reward: Kenshi Sketch 404. PN 684 Saphire reward: blaze 405. PO 71 Ruby reward: 108 gold 406. PP 516 Saphire reward: MK gear 407. PQ 283 Saphire reward: lava shrine sketch 408. PR 11 Platinum reward: 25 Silver Koins 409. PS 294 Jade reward: Moloch The Hobbyist Picture 410. PT 207 Saphire reward: Slaughter Concept 411. PU 175 Saphire reward: 267 Oynx Coins 412. PV 206 Saphire reward: EMPTY 413. PW 2006 Saphire reward: Sarna Ruins Arena 414. PX 493 Onyx reward: Goro Statuette 415. PY 316 Ruby reward: Backstage: MK Mythologies 416. PZ 186 Jade reward: lava shrine sketch 417. QA 142 Saphire reward: Quality Assurance: Chicago 418. QB 272 Jade reward: Mavado Sketches 419. QC 216 Platinum reward: Lin Kuei Temple 420. QD 264 Saphire reward: Video MK4 Arena Concept 421. QE 346 Gold reward: empty 422. QF 311 Ruby reward: MKDA Hats 423. QG 251 Ruby reward: Hint LL: Lurking Lizard 424. QH 342 Jade reward: 638 Onyx Coins 425. QI 192 Saphire reward: Lung Hai Termple sketch 426. QJ 49 Ruby reward: Empty 427. QK 244 Ruby reward: kenshi 428. QL 488 Saphire reward: MK3 Promo art 429. QM 332 Gold reward: MK1 SCREEN 430. QN 96 Gold reward: 147 Gold Koins 431. QO 1616 Gold reward: Fan Art 1 of 5 432. QP 1214 Jade reward: fan art 2 of 5 433. QQ 950 Ruby reward: fan art 3 0f 5 434. QR 512 Saphire reward: Fan Art 4 of 5 435. QS 825 Onyx reward: fan art 5 of 5 436. QT 58 Onyx reward: Get Over Here! 437. QU 346 Gold reward: mk4 logo designs 438. QV 318 Gold reward: reptiles past 439. QW 233 Ruby reward: MK2 Arcade 440. QX 1518 Jade reward: hsu hao costume 441. QY 238 Gold reward: MKDA at E3 Expo 442. QZ 501 Gold reward: QUAN CHI FORTRESS 443. RA 268 Gold reward: Hint: XG=Ed-God 444. RB 253 Platinum reward: Robert Blum Picture 445. RC 272 Ruby reward: midway crative media 446. RD 1455 Jade reward: Mavado Costume 447. RE 107 Saphire reward: MK3 Print Ad 448. RF 135 Jade reward: Swamp Bird Test Video 449. RG 187 Gold reward: Sub Zero Sketch 450. RH 208 Jade reward: Bridge Arena Concept 451. RI 61 Onyx reward: 28 Jade Koins 452. RJ 189 Gold reward: print ads 453. RK 1000 Jade reward: Evolution of Kombat 454. RL 5 Ruby reward: 159 Onyx Koins 455. RM 182 Onyx reward: Kuatan Palace sketch 456. RN 203 Platinum reward: 208 gold 457. RO 27 Gold reward: 1 Ruby Koin 458. RP 31 Saphire reward: MK1 Test Your Mights 460. RR 224 Saphire reward: Palace sketch 461. RS 1645 Platinum reward: Robin Shou MK3 Movie Interview (plays Liu Kang) 462. RT 3345 Saphire reward: Reptile Alternate Costume (Ninja) 464. RV 307 Saphire reward: mk musik 465. RW 262 Ruby reward: Shang Tsungs Palace Sketch 466. RX 105 Saphire reward: Empty Coffin 468. RZ 317 Saphire reward: 473 gold 469. SA 3780 Ruby reward: Jax Unlocked 470. SB 291 Jade reward: Steve Beran Picture 471. SC 226 Saphire reward: shawn cooper 472. SD 326 Onyx reward: Quality Assurance: San Diego Picture 473. SE 308 Platinum reward: reptiles sword 474. SF 138 Jade reward: "Shang Tsung Insouls" 475. SG 94 Ruby reward: 97 Platinum Koins 476. SH 1834 Ruby reward: Sonja Blade alt Costume 477. SI 292 Saphire reward: Tiamat Sketch 478. SJ 353 Onyx reward: MK4 Scorpion 479. SK 176 Saphire reward: Jax Preliminary Model 480. SL 117 Saphire reward: "Tools and Technology" 481. SM 56 Jade reward: MKDA Print Ad 482. SN 175 Gold reward: Quan Chi, info on character section 483. SO 2 Saphire reward: MKDA Promo Pieces 484. SP 63 Gold reward: Empty 485. SQ 167 Platinum reward: peptic thunder 486. SR 342 Ruby reward: mk4 goro vs. cage (pic) 487. SS 214 Platinum reward: Kung Lao Dragon Sword 488. ST 153 Jade reward: Video: Sarna Ruins Test 489. SU 106 Saphire reward: kenshi story sketch 490. SV 145 Ruby reward: 36 saphire 491. SW 1152 Jade reward: drahmin costume 492. SX 215 Onyx reward: MK4 Arcade Marquee 494. SZ 322 Saphire reward: Kung Lao 495. TA 177 Ruby reward: Todd Allen 496. TB 259 Platinum reward: Quan Chi,s Fortress Sketches 497. TC 135 Silver reward: Palace Exterior Sketch 498. TD 172 Ruby reward: nice plats exchange 500. TF 470 Jade reward: MK4 Characters 501. TG 262 Gold reward: Tony Goskie 502. TH 282 Gold reward: Konquest Mode Concepts 503. TI 4022 Gold reward: Nitara 504. TJ 259 Saphire reward: koin sketches 505. TK 94 Saphire reward: Hint: RD: Red Dragon 506. TL 360 Jade reward: Acid Bath Sketch 507. TM 251 Ruby reward: HSU HAO Sketches 508. TN 211 Ruby reward: early mkda 509. TO 316 Jade reward: Early MKDA 510. TP 294 Onyx reward: Early MK:DA (Jax) 511. TQ 616 Platinum reward: "Early MK:DA" (Scorpion) 512. TR 392 Ruby reward: MKDA Promo Image 515. TU 197 Gold reward: 98 Onyx Coins 517. TW 129 Ruby reward: 180 gold 518. TX 167 Gold reward: Goro,s Throne Sketch 519. TY 390 Gold reward: Baraka 520. TZ 195 Gold reward: Animators 521. UA 205 Jade reward: MK4 PC Version 522. UB 1261 Gold reward: Frost alternate outfit 523. UC 3 Saphire reward: 320 Onyx Koins 524. UD 252 Gold reward: Drahmin sketch 525. UE 210 Gold reward: Hint WT: Winged Transport 526. UF 371 Gold reward: MK4 Liu Kang Fatality 527. UG 67 Platinum reward: 245 Onyx koins 528. UH 1660 Jade reward: Scorpion Alternate Outfit 529. UI 270 Silver reward: Video- Cooking with Scorpion 530. UJ 225 Saphire reward: Goro on the kit 531. UK 35 Silver reward: 45 Platinum Coins 532. UL 252 Jade reward: Kai sketch 533. UM 33 Platinum reward: 50 Gold Koins 534. UN 152 Saphire reward: MK4 Print ad 535. UO 243 Jade reward: MK Trading Cards 536. UP 406 Ruby reward: MK Trading Cards 537. UQ 185 Ruby reward: undefeatable army (pic) 538. UR 6,500 Saphire reward: Drahmin Unlocked 539. US 72 Platinum reward: 32 Sapphire koins 540. UT 157 Onyx reward: Bridge Arena Concept 541. UU 1214 Jade reward: Empty Coffin 542. UV 256 Jade reward: 520 Sapphire Koins 543. UW 255 Gold reward: mkda at e3 expo 545. UY 359 Jade reward: MK Hits the Big Screen 546. UZ 78 Onyx reward: 107 Ruby Koins 547. VA 299 Platinum reward: shao kahns armor 548. VB 116 Silver reward: Blaze Sketch 549. VC 209 Jade reward: 3 Pt Staff, Butterfly Knives 550. VD 152 Ruby reward: akedo 551. VE 173 Gold reward: baji quan and crab 552. VF 212 Saphire reward: "Basic Fighting Strikes" 553. VG 362 Onyx reward: Basic Fighting Strikes 554. VH 72 Silver reward: Broadswords 555. VI 184 Jade reward: cudgle 556. VJ 58 Ruby reward: Drunken Master 557. VK 268 Gold reward: Dragon and Eagle Claw (pic) 558. VL 180 Saphire reward: "Escrima and Crane" 559. VM 198 Onyx reward: shuai chiao and shaolin fist 560. VN 86 Platinum reward: hapkido and nan chuan 561. VO 247 Jade reward: hookswords and sai 562. VP 356 Ruby reward: Hung Gar and Jujutsu 563. VQ 241 Gold reward: Jojutsu 564. VR 174 Saphire reward: Judo 566. VT 405 Platinum reward: Kama and Katara 567. VU 180 Jade reward: Karate 568. VV 192 Ruby reward: Long Fist and Muay Thai 569. VW 957 Ruby reward: "Vorpax Wins" Sound? 570. VX 248 Saphire reward: Pi Gua and Jeet Kune Do 571. VY 35 Onyx reward: Praying Mantis, Lui He Ba Fa Pictures (onyx koins) 572. VZ 223 Platinum reward: Sambo (pic) 573. WA 194 Jade reward: Straight Sword 574. WB 242 Ruby reward: Tai Chi Pic 575. WC 156 Gold reward: Tae Kwon Do (pic) 576. WD 186 Saphire reward: Tonfa (pic) 577. WE 186 Onyx reward: Tong Bei and Yuan Yang 578. WF 214 Platinum reward: Wing Chun and Snake 579. WG 308 Saphire reward: MK1 Pit 580. WH 24 Saphire reward: 18 Ruby Koins 581. WI 242 Jade reward: Story Mode Concept Sketch 582. WJ 165 Gold reward: 248 Sapphire koins 583. WK 76 Platinum reward: Frost Sketches 584. WL 22 Gold reward: 44 Jade Coins 585. WM 36 Ruby reward: Empty Coffin 586. WN 143 Saphire reward: Sub Zero 587. WO 270 Ruby reward: acid Buddha detail 588. WP 247 Ruby reward: Drahmin sketches 589. WQ 151 Saphire reward: 78 Onyx Coins 590. WR 125 Ruby reward: MK3 Home Version 591. WS 44 Onyx reward: 165 Platinum Koins 592. WT 1400 Jade reward: Dragonfly Arena Unlocked 594. WV 424 Jade reward: 97 jade 595. WW 262 Jade reward: Dragon Area Concept 596. WX 315 Gold reward: Hsu Hao Implant 597. WY 264 Saphire reward: Bo, Rai Cho Sketches 598. WZ 145 Onyx reward: Kano 599. XA 172 Gold reward: The Grid Picture 600. XB 272 Platinum reward: Cage Sketch 601. XC 352 Saphire reward: Qan Chi,s Sanctum Sketch 602. XD 326 Gold reward: Acid Buddha Detail 603. XE 147 Onyx reward: 294 Onyx Koins 604. XF 265 Gold reward: MK Gold Chracters (Select screen pic) 605. XG 3116 Jade reward: Raiden Unlocked 606. XH 352 Onyx reward: cyrax sketch 607. XI 457 Platinum reward: mk3 behind the sceens 608. XJ 197 Silver reward: Quan Chi render 609. XK 37 Jade reward: Hint, DS=Death Ship 611. XM 254 Saphire reward: Hint "SA:Steel Arms" 612. XN 27 Gold reward: Empty 613. XO 1736 Saphire reward: Reptile alt. costume (looks like concept art) 614. XP 436 Gold reward: MK4 Gift Cards 616. XR 288 Ruby reward: Konquest Mode Concepts 617. XS 283 Platinum reward: Kung Lao Sketch 618. XT 65 Jade reward: MK3 Characters 619. XU 194 Onyx reward: mortal friday 620. XV 503 Onyx reward: organic arena concept 621. XW 96 Ruby reward: Barakas Demise Video 622. XX 365 Onyx reward: Shao Kahn Medal 623. XY 55 Platinum reward: Shang Tsungs Palace Story 624. XZ 255 Onyx reward: Marsh Concept 625. YA 1999 Saphire reward: Sub-Zero Second Costume 626. YB 358 Jade reward: Ketchup & Mustard Pic 627. YC 257 Platinum reward: Moloch Promo Render 628. YD 412 Gold reward: MK Stickers and Tatoos 629. YE 274 Platinum reward: temple oarsman 630. YF 16 Platinum reward: 64 platinum 631. YG 312 Saphire reward: Swamplands Test Render 632. YH 78 Jade reward: 82 Saphire Coins 633. YI 197 Gold reward: MK2 arcade marquee 634. YJ 1208 Ruby reward: Kung Lao Alternate Outfit 635. YK 225 Platinum reward: Dragon Fly Concept 636. YL 199 Jade reward: Jax Concept Sketch 637. YM 1435 Platinum reward: Kenshi alt. outfit 638. YN 61 Ruby reward: 23 Gold Coins 639. YO 294 Saphire reward: sony scetch 640. YP 511 Gold reward: mokap 641. YQ 146 Gold reward: tools and technology 642. YR 143 Gold reward: MK3 home version 643. YS 151 Platinum reward: 10 Worst MKDA Subtitles 644. YT 384 Saphire reward: 227 sapphire 645. YU 374 Platinum reward: mk4 comic book 646. YV 86 Silver reward: Graveyard Concept 647. YW 376 Gold reward: Fashion Model Li Mei 648. YX 83 Gold reward: 242 RubyCoins 649. YY 85 Ruby reward: Empty Coffin 650. YZ 255 Onyx reward: Kenshi Test Render 651. ZA 63 Onyx reward: Empty 652. ZB 993 Silver reward: Zebron Sketch 653. ZC 218 Platinum reward: Frost Color Sketches 654. ZD 98 Ruby reward: Moloch lair arena 655. ZE 257 Jade reward: Zebron Sketch 656. ZF 237 Ruby reward: Lava Shrine Sketch 657. ZG 201 Onyx reward: facial animation test 658. ZH 372 Saphire reward: Krypt Concept 659. ZI 432 Jade reward: Hell Concept 660. ZJ 272 Onyx reward: water temple concept 661. ZK 216 Ruby reward: 164 Saphire Coins 662. ZL 126 Jade reward: Drum Arena Sketch 663. ZM 1410 Silver reward: Alternate Jax Costume 664. ZN 145 Saphire reward: Empty Coffin 665. ZO 466 Jade reward: Hint LO: Log On 666. ZP 129 Jade reward: MK1 Print Ad 667. ZQ 282 Jade reward: Sub-Zero Promo Render 668. ZR 244 Silver reward: 600 Gold Koins 669. ZS 381 Saphire reward: MK Home Graphics 670. ZT 215 Onyx reward: Animators Pic 671. ZU 201 Platinum reward: Kuatan Palace Sketch 672. ZV 182 Onyx reward: 116 Ruby Koins 673. ZW 1485 Saphire reward: Cyrax Costume 674. ZX 178 Ruby reward: Hint: BD=Black Dragon 675. ZY 186 Platinum reward: The Fans Speak 676. ZZ 254 Gold reward: 355 Ruby Coins
Fatalities may be done from anywhere on screen. Note: Press the stance change button at the “Finish Him/Her” screen to change into your fatality stance, or you will have to figure out the distance range.Bo Rai Cho (Belly Flop): Press Away(3), Down, X Johnny Cage (Brain Ripper): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, YKano (Heart Grab): Press Toward, Up(2), Down, BKenshi (ETelekinetic Crush): Press Toward, Away, Toward, Down, AKung Lao (Hat Throw): Press Down, Up, Away, ALi Mei (Crush Kick): Press Toward(2), Down, Toward, XMavado (Kick Thrust): Press Away(2), Up(2), BQuan Chi (Neck Stretch): Press Away(2), Toward, Away, AScorpion (Spear): Press Away(2), Down, Away + XShang Tsung (Soul Steal): Press Up, Down, Up, Down, YSonya (Kiss): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, YSub Zero (Spine Rip): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, ACyrax (Smasher): Press Toward(2), Up, YDrahmin (Iron Bash): Press Away, Toward(2), Down, AFrost (Freeze Shatter): Press Toward, Away, Up, Down, BHsu Hao (Laser Slice): Press Toward, Away, Down(2), YJax (Head Stomp): Press Down, Toward(2), Down, YKitana (Kiss of Doom): Press Down, Up, Toward(2), YNitara (Blood Thirst): Press Up(2), Toward, BRaiden (Electrocution): Press Away, Toward(3), AReptile (Acid Shower): Press Up(3), Toward, A
Note, 1,2,3,4 represent the attack buttonsBo Rai Cho: Belly FlopBack, Back, Back, Down, 4Johnny Cage: Brain RipperBack, Forward, Forward, Down, 2Kano: Open Heart SurgeryForward, Up, Up, Down, 1Kenshi: Telekinetic CrushForward, Back, Forward, Down, 3Kung Lao:Splitting HeadacheDown, Up, Back, 3Li Mei: Super Crush KickForward, Forward, Down, Forward, 4Mavado: Kick ThrustBack, Back, Up, Up, 1Quan Chi: Neck StretcherBack, Back, Forward, Back, 3Scorpion:Spear HeadBack, Back, Down, Back , 4Shang Tsung: Soul StealUp, Down, Up, Down, 2Sonya: Kiss of DeathBack, Forward, Forward, Down, 2Sub-Zero: Skeleton RipBack, Forward, Forward, Down, 3CyraX:Claw SmasherForward, Forward, Up, 2Drahmin: Iron BashBack, Forward, Forward, Down, 3Frost: Freeze ShatterForward, Back, Up, Down, 1Hsu Hao: Laser SlicerForward, Back, Down, Down, 2JaX: Head StompDown, Forward, Forward, Down, 2Kitana: Kiss of DoomDown, Up, Forward, Forward, 2Nitara: Blood ThirstUp, Up, Forward, 1Raiden: ElectrocutionBack, Forward, Forward, Forward, 3Reptile: Acid ShowerUp, Up, Up, Forward, 3
Currently we have no unlockables for Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Easter eggs
Currently we have no easter eggs for Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance yet. If you have any unlockables please feel free to submit. We will include them in the next post update and help the fellow gamers. Remeber to mention game name while submiting new codes.
Glitch: Manual Illustration
The instruction manual shows a different character selection screen than what actually appears during the game.
Currently no guide available.
0 notes