jess-the-vampire · 5 months
I see you're getting into No Straight Roads! Whose you're fave so far?
honestly i like about everyone in that game, i can't think of a character i really dislike ( i mean maybe you can argue kilff but he's meant to suck by the end and i don't find him particularly interesting either so like-)
the character designs are also just, a lot of fun
i like everyone for different reasons, some for more emotional reasons and others for purely their concepts and designs
like for example i wouldn't say neon j and 1010 are my favorite bosses, they don't even have my favorite boss soundtrack, but the concept of an military veteran running a boyband, them all saying military phrases in their singsong voices and just the goofiness of the fight in general adds a lot of charm to them and i thoroughly love them for that.
DJSS is purely for aesthetic, though his character being kinda vain but also seeking to have a place in the universe is fun, and his voice is like....great.
Yinu and her mother have my favorite boss soundtrack, also their fight makes me cry.....ect ect, we'd be here all day if i talked about everyone.
Dk west's rap battle with Zuke is also a lot of fun, i don't typically like rap either so it says a lot i've listened to that one as much as i have, i only have to mention that one because it was my introduction to the game....being recommended that song by spotify. (Kinda like what happened with billie bust up and "I've had enough of you")
there's a lot to like in that game now that i checked it out, not perfect by any means, i kinda wish they did more with the city and some elements feel a little pointless, not all the attacks really feel in sync with the music, and the finale boss fight with Tatianna is a bit lacking comparatively, but i guess if you're judging it on the merit of being a boss fighting game with great music it does do it's job well and it's worth checking out.
anyways, have a DJSS sketchy
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toughguymatt · 2 months
Night Drive
Part 2/3
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Pairing: AU!Nick x Male OC (Adrian Rivers) Summary: Curiosity getting the better of him, Nick takes up an offer to go on a late night drive. Warnings/Content: Language. Oral sex. Third Person POV. Posted in three parts, so it's an easier read. Smut is in the final part. A/N: When we say AU, we mean it. Nick bartends, is into cars, and knows how to drive? Crazy. Buckle up, get strapped in. Also, the FC for Adrian is Vinnie Hacker, but feel free to picture whoever you like.
Part One
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Nick's fingers hesitated on the phone screen as a few of his coworkers dapped him on the shoulder, saying goodnight as they left for their cars. Tara had asked him if he needed a ride before she left earlier, and his dumbass told her no, so he hoped to fuck he didn't come to regret this. The last thing he needed was getting stood up or some shit which was honestly a huge possibility considering the fact this Adrian fucker was so hot the retinas of his eyes burned just scrolling his Instagram. Which, he may have scrolled just a little further than he had let on. After a moment of deliberation, he sent his text, the night's wind whipping against his reddened cheeks. 
Nick: Hey, Michael Myers. Still up for that drive?
As if on cue, Adrian's car purred triumphantly towards Nick's position. He beeped the horn twice with a smile. "Hey, handsome," he shouted out of his open window. "Ready to get murdered?" There was a breath of laughter, visible in the dark, as he unbuckled his seatbelt. 
God, that was so extra. A huff of laughter puffed from Nick's own lips. He couldn't fucking believe... "Oh yeah, thrilled." He called out, just as his feet carried him forward before he could talk himself out of it and hightail it in the other direction. 
"Did you have anywhere in mind?" Adrian held the car door open to let Nick in the driver's seat. "Because, if not... I have a dark alley we can go to," Adrian joked.
Nick tucked his phone into his pocket as he passed close to him to duck into the car, eyes cutting to his as he did so. Nick's stomach fluttered like he was 12 or some shit. He swore he could smell that hint of vanilla he remembered from before, but maybe it was the car again. 
"You're actually crazy." Nick’s lips lifted into a half-smile despite his words, hands lifting to the wheel as the buzz of the engine still thrummed from under them. "You want to just skip right to the alley? Fuck, you're fast, don't you pay attention to true crime? Premeditate that shit a little bit at least," he continued on, not wasting time to adjust the seat. Nick didn't care - he was invited to drive. He was going to make the most of it while he had it. Besides, Nick did want to be safe. He didn't want his first accident to be in some hot guy's car. That'd be embarrassing as hell. He slid the seatbelt over himself, making sure Adrian was putting his on with the corner of his eye. "I was thinking I'd take you around here then hit the highway for a bit. Didn't realize you wanted this to end so soon."
Adrian buckled in, amused at how naturally Nick adjusted everything to his liking. He drug his teeth against his bottom lip in a smile before answering. "Absolutely not. I'm ready for wherever the night takes us." Adrian tapped the LED screen between them. "You're gonna have to deal with my tunes though. It's hell to re-sync my phone." 
"Oh, God, that feels like a warning somehow. Don't tell me you're a soundtracks only guy. That's the worst. Well, maybe not the worst. I know a guy who only listens to his own rap music. That's the worst."
Adrian reached inside his jacket for his phone and typed a quick response to the text he missed. "What do you normally drive by the way? Porsche? Corvette? A cute little VW bug?" 
Nick peeled away from the corner as Adrian began to ask him just entirely too much. A laugh, or maybe it was a scoff, punctuated his words. "Be so for real. A bug?" Like his big ass head would be able to fit through the door. 
"What kind of guys are you into?"
Nick was blindsided before he could fully answer. His face warmed with embarrassment as he focused his attention on the road ahead. "Maybe I like guys that don't ask me a thousand questions." Nick tried his best to not look right at him, somehow knowing his exact expression, and that was incredibly fucking distracting.
“Hey, if you have the wheel, I think it’s only fair.” Adrian leaned back in his seat and pressed play on his Late Night Driving playlist. “Plus, why not get right to it? I mean, you might die tonight.” In all seriousness, they could both bite the dust and crash into oncoming traffic headfirst. Letting a stranger drive his car? What idiot does that? But Adrian liked to think the best in people. Especially ones that he gravitated to. Nick was like a magnet, or an all-consuming black hole in space. Adrian couldn’t help but be intrigued.
“Alright, Jigsaw,” Nick rolled his eyes, “you got me there. I’m still not convinced this won’t end without me all over TikTok as a cautionary tale.” He was relieved for the music that started to play, so maybe his hesitance between questions wasn’t as painfully obvious. 
Adrian wasted no time in asking another question. “When was your last relationship?”
It’s not like Nick could say his only real relationships had only ever been in his head. He let out a huff of laughter that could’ve been a snort, switching lanes and glancing over his shoulder. “I don’t really do those.” They arrived at a red light, and his eyes flicked over to Adrian. The lights from the intersection only served to cast a glow on his skin. It was statistically impossible for someone to look this sexy just hanging out in a car. There was definitely something wrong with him. “Why are you this awake this early?”
"Or do you mean why am I awake this late?" Adrian stretched his fingers against his thighs, contemplating how much of himself to reveal. "Well... I just didn't see the point in going to sleep. I have a flight in a couple hours."
Nick’s eyebrows raised as he spared a quick glance at him, before looking back to the road. “A flight? You going on vacation or something? Flying out to see your boyfriend?” God, he really hoped it wasn’t because he had to flee the country after his murder.
"I have a business meeting," Adrian stated simply. "And I don’t have a boyfriend. Haven’t for, like, a year now." He took a moment before speaking again. "So you don't do relationships. Why?"
“Why?” Nick started, a little flustered. His eyes cut over to Adrian again. “I have Daddy issues,” he said dryly, bluntly. “I don’t know.” Nick honestly wasn’t really sure why. “No boyfriend. Gotcha. So you’re married, then.”
Adrian ran a hand through his hair with a sad choke of laughter. "Have you been hit on by not-single guys before?" 
Nick frowned. "Well, yeah, I mean. I work at a club. I like it there, but, you know. A lot of people trying to get away from their regular lives." He picked up speed, and with his left hand, rolled down the driver's window just an inch to let in some cold wind from outside. He liked the way the sound filled the car. He'd roll it back up in a second. 
Adrian skipped to the next track. "I mean, I get it, you're super attractive, but I couldn't do something like that. If I'm with someone... I'm with someone. I don't see anyone else." 
"What happened with your ex?" If Adrian could ask questions, so would Nick. 
"Just didn't work out. We wanted different things." Adrian cleared his throat. "And he wanted someone else." Adrian didn't regret his past relationships and he didn't dwell on  them either. He didn't see the point in looking in the rearview when you had places to be. 
Nick couldn't really fathom someone looking at this man and going, “pass.” If fucking God's elite were out here with sad ex stories, there was truly no hope for the rest of them. 
Adrian watched as the streetlight turned from red to green. "What's your favorite food?"
Once they were on the highway, Nick moved to the fast lane, and rolled the window back up. "Oh, wow. Sushi. Donuts. Chicken sandwiches. Garlic bread. Those little crispy noodles you get at Chinese places. Can't really pick just one thing."
Adrian grinned at Nick's food choices, mentally jotting them down for later. "I personally love a good lasagna."
"I think it'd be weird if you didn't. You can't really…” Nick was distracted by a slow-ass truck ahead “...go wrong with noodles and cheese." His hand automatically reached over to the back of Adrian's seat, glancing behind him to switch lanes. "Don’t worry, I've never gotten a ticket. I'm not going to start now." He picked up just enough speed to switch lanes again, in front of the truck. "Does me driving make you nervous? Do you feel more comfortable going to your dark alley?"
"Actually?" Adrian ran a tongue beneath his front teeth. "I've never felt more comfortable with someone else in the driver seat. You drive like I would. Besides, I think giving up the reins every so often is good for me. I mean, with the bakery and all my business shit, I do everything myself. Super hands on. I can't give up complete control," he skipped to the next song as proof, "but I don't mind easing up if I can trust the other person not to fuck it up." 
“So what you’re saying is you’re bossy.” Nick kept a steady pace, at the speed limit but not over. There weren’t any cops around but he wasn’t about to take any chances. “Do you work for your parents or something?” He said he had some kind of business trip earlier. Again, how old was this guy? 
Adrian laughed. "I will never deny that. I'm very bossy when I want to be. No, I work for myself. I know. Crazy. A 21-year-old with a bakery. Soon-to-be franchise, if this meeting goes well." His phone buzzed with another text. "Uh, that's how I know Tara actually. She did a photoshoot for me. Some promo shots for the website. The menu." He turned his attention back to Nick. "Have you been to Sweet Dreams?"
“You’re lying.” How the fuck? “That place is yours? I haven’t, in person. But Matt, my brother, he’s been.” He paused a beat, trying to soak in the information. It caught him more than a little off guard. “That’s a lot of shit for a 21-year-old. I��m twenty…one.” He added with a clearing of his throat. “And I’d probably die if I had any more responsibility than I do now.” The idea of deadlines practically gave him hives. 
"I like staying busy. I like having goals, deadlines. It's just easier for me." Adrian would never admit he overextended himself most days. He'd crash into bed with yesterday's clothes way too often to be considered normal. "You should give it a shot. There's new items every season. I'm working on some pumpkin spice stuff for fall already." 
“Was that you who did those— strawberry cinnamon rolls with the actual strawberries? Like, in the layers?” He motioned with his hand. He and Chris had almost murdered each other over that one for real.
Adrian grinned at Nick's description of the pastry. "Surprised you managed to snag some. Those go super fast. If you like those, you should try the strawberry-rhubarb cake. There's fresh strawberries in the frosting."
“That does sound delicious.” Nick could feel Adrian’s eyes on him; his skin felt hot. It was a good thing he was the one driving. It always was a good distraction.
The scenery blurred past the window as Adrian focused on the curve of Nick's hands against the steering wheel. "What's your favorite movie?"
"I'm trying to figure out if I want to give you the real answer or the cool answer." Nick paused and risked another glance over at Adrian. "Let's start with yours."
"Why not both?” Adrian shrugged. “Okay, my cool answer would be… The Dark Knight, and my real answer would be Edward Scissorhands."
Nick’s lips were still lifted into a smile, until he had to go and say that. Nick’s cheeks reddened. Dear god now he was going to look like a loser what are the fucking chances… “Shut the fuck up.” He glanced at him quickly. Was he just saying that to fuck with him somehow? No. That’s stupid. How would he even know that? “I don’t know if it’s cool, but my trendy one is Star Wars.” 
Adrian smiled with his teeth at Nick's trendy movie answer. "You have no idea how many times I've had people come up to me and say I look like Anakin." 
“Really?” Nick briefly took his attention off the road, his gaze drifting over him - up from down. “I don’t see it.” More like a spitting fucking image but he didn’t need to know that Nick had already acknowledged the resemblance in his head an embarrassing amount of times already. Nick hesitated before giving him the second part of his answer. “And your real one is also my real one. Which, by the way, is cool actually.”
"Maybe we should re-watch Edward Scissorhands together sometime."
“Hold on buddy, let’s see if we both actually make it out of this drive alive first.” It sure as fuck wouldn’t be at his apartment, where he’d never hear the end of it from Chris and Matt. Plus, Nick wasn’t totally out on this guy not being a secret psychopath. “Then I’ll maybe consider it. I’m still trying to figure you out.”
"We're stuck in a car together." Adrian’s words tumbled slowly from his mouth. "What else do you want to figure out?" He wasn't subtle about the way he looked at Nick's mouth or the skin beneath his Adam's apple. "Unless you've already made up your mind. We can switch seats, I'll drive you back." Which Adrian didn't want to do in the slightest. He still had hours to kill until his flight, and he'd rather be with Nick than alone with his thoughts. "We can park at any time, handsome."
“Maybe I need to see how you drive before making up my mind.” Nick already got in the car with him. He had a point. He wasn’t dead yet. His gaze flicked over to him before drifting back onto the road. “I’ll let you drive me home later.” 
"I can do that." Adrian tried to hide his smile as he turned his phone over. 
Nick’s hands flexed tighter on the wheel. It was God knows how early and yet Nick was spending his valuable sleep hours on a man. “Any suggestions on where to park?”
"You know how to get to Ranger Trail?"
“This exit, right?” He asked with a nod of his head toward the long stretch of highway ahead. He was already shifting lanes, prepared to get off on the nearest one. “I might need you to navigate a little bit.” He lifted a hand to adjust the center mirror only slightly. 
“Do you go hiking there or is that just where you hide the bodies?”
Part Three
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Hello ! How are you ? 🖤 Do you think you could write headcanons for the Ghouls going to karaoke (pleaaaase) ? I just had this thought of them absolutely having a blast while singing Bohemian Rhapsody (don’t ask me why 💀😭)
omg your brain is *chef’s kiss* i love this idea!!
also i got a little carried away so i do apologize for that y’all 😭😭
- The ghouls are allowed one sort of fun outing to town per week
- Copia is required to chaperone but he’ll let them pick what they want to do and where they want to go, he just goes along to supervise
- To keep everything fair, the ghouls get to write down one idea each for what they want to do, they put the ideas in a hat, and draw one each week until they’ve done everyone’s idea
- On Friday night the pack gathers around the hat and Cirrus pulls a slip with the words “Karaoke bar” on it
- So karaoke it is
- On Saturday night all 8 of them and Copia pile into one of the ministry’s van and off they go
- They enter a mostly empty little karaoke bar and get a private room for singing
- They also order a bunch of drinks
- Swiss insists on going first and gives a very unique rendition of No Hands
- Dew and Sunshine cheer him on of course
- Cirrus and Aether absolutely kill their choice of Ain’t No Mountain High Enough
- The others can’t help but give Mountain an amused glance every time his name comes up in the song
- He is very much not amused
- Cumulus goes next and sings Halo by Beyoncé so beautifully that Copia rethinks her being an Air Ghoul because she HAS to be part siren
- “Show off” Dew jokingly mutters when she’s done but Rain slaps him on the arm anyway
- Sunshine decides she wants to sing I Won’t Say I’m In Love from the Hercules soundtrack and gets Swiss and Aether to be the muses
- They do the little dances and everything
- Like i’m talking full on movie accurate choreography
- Rain and Mountain seem sort of reluctant at first but once they realize Disney songs are an option they are all for it
- They do Under The Sea from The Little Mermaid, Hakuna Matata from The Lion King, I’ll Make A Man Outta You from Mulan, and more
- Aether cuts them off after they sing The Bare Necessities for the second time
- After Dew has one too many margaritas (he drank 6) he BODIES Rap God by Eminem and Tap In by Saweetie
- When he starts singing CPR by Cupcakke Copia knows it’s time to go
- “But youuu haven’t sung anything yet Cardi!” Sunshine drunkenly points out from the couch where she’s leaning all of her body weight on a fast asleep Cirrus
- All the ghouls turn to Copia with nods of agreement
- “I— eh, eh-heh. That is true. I suppose one more song wouldn’t hurt.” Copia agrees
- He wanted to do Piano Man by Billy Joel but that wasn’t an option
- So he goes with Bohemian Rhapsody
- And boy was that a choice
- As soon as the ghouls hear the intro they get so hyped up
- Copia sings the intro and verse 1 and 2 by himself
- Dew and Aether vocalize the guitar solo but it’s really off pitch
- The ghouls join in verse 3 and they all do the high pitched voice
- They do the little call and response with Copia
- Sunshine, Rain, and Cumulus song the “Let me go” part and the other five ghouls sing the “We will not let you go” part
- When it’s all over they end up super giggly and in high spirits
- Then they got kicked out because Dew got too excited and lit a couch on fire
- But it was an overall 10/10 experience
If you read all of this to the end, you’re a real one! Also does anyone know of that tiktok with that group of boys wearing like navy blue bedsheets as togas and lip syncing to I Won’t Say I’m In Love cause that’s exactly what I imagine Swiss and Aether doing while Sunshine sings. Someone please know what I’m talking about 😭😭
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burlveneer-music · 11 months
Don Letts - Outta Sync - he's been around so long it's hard to believe this is his first album as an artist
Don Letts’ philosophy has always been that another day brings a new opportunity. And so, at the age of 67-years-old, the musician, DJ, film director, radio broadcaster, author and honorary doctorate today completes the one creative endeavour that he has not yet pursued: the release of his debut album ‘Outta Sync’. ‘Outta Sync’ is a glorious experience that traverses across Don’s myriad array of musical passions, taking in elements of cosmic reggae, psych ska and kaleidoscopic pop, coloured by Hammond, sitar, melodica, glockenspiel and an a-list synth line-up of Minimoog, Arp Odyssey and Korg MS20. It’s also a record full of inspired collaborations with a range of creative forces, many of whom have an intriguing connection to his storied career. A quick roll call: producer, solo artist and worldbeat pioneer Gaudi; Grammy-winning producer and Killing Joke bassist Youth; Hollie Cook, Zoe Devlin Love, Wayne Coyne of The Flaming Lips and, of course, Don’s daughter Honor. But at the centre is the voice of the man himself, his mellifluous vocals, raps and spoken word sharing hopes and fears born from his years of experience… albeit with the lyrical disclaimer, “I’ve finally come to realise I might not be so old and wise.” Don says, “This album is totally me. The sum total of my whole cultural journey is on this record, and it reflects the duality of my existence, which is Black and British. It’s essentially a soundtrack to my mind, with some wicked bass lines.” And that’s the ‘Outta Sync’ album. The west Londoner, who has worked with everyone from The Clash to Sinead O’Connor, Bob Marley to Paul McCartney and multiple others on assorted adventures in between, has now made an album of his own. But as tomorrow is another day and another opportunity, the question that remains is: what next for the Rebel Dread? 
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rubyspectra7384 · 2 months
I saw someone post ghost and pals headcanons so now I want to as well 😛
Chloe - She/her lesbian female
24 years old
Dating Slurpee
Absolutely despises heels
Made of wax
Mortal enemies with Chris
Siblings with Albert
Wears hair extensions
Listens to Marina and the diamonds
Price - He/him lesbian female
19 years old
Dating Culpability and the panopticon fella
Used to be a crystal person and has a huge rock collection
The little bars change depending on their mood
Makes vine references
Voice sounds like he's narrating a Ford commercial
Listens to Maretu and breakcore
Carrie/Cyber - any pronouns asexual genderfluid
18 years old
Voice uncontrollably chances pitch when they're mad
Besties with Isaac
Can remove their limbs (throws them at people)
Listens to undertale soundtracks
Nana/Dizzy - She/they lesbian demigirl
19 years old
Dating Cakey
Makes balloon crowns for her girlfriend
Uses stuffed animals to practice shows
Listens to funky clown music
Chris - He/him aroace transmasc
17 years old
Siblings with Slurpee
Does everything in sync with his sister
Eats glass for fun
Owns a pipe and blows bubbles out of it
Rubs his hands together like a cartoon villain
Listens to classical music (death metal on the weekends)
Culpability - They/them bisexual nonbinary
18 years old
The fucked up child Luke made for Charon and Norman
Bites people
Asthma laugh
Only listens to Culpability and the panopticon
Albert - He/it aroace demiboy
12 years old
Clothes are stitched to his body
Can't eat or taste anything
Legally blind (insists his vision is fine)
Red/green colorblind
Rips off Chloe's hair extensions when he's mad
Adopts random birds
Makes clothes for the little dolls
Listens to the loudest fucked up shit like it's lo-fi study music
Say Carnes - They/them aroace agender
18 years old
Beats the shit out of Arc weekly
Has done weed
Always uses sarcasm
Listens to rap
Arc Carnes - He/him aroace agender
18 years old
Always in an annoying optimistic mood
Attacks people as a form of affection
Makes sound effects when he does things
Eats crack
Listens to the shittiest fucking music
Cakey - She/they lesbian transfem
20 years old
Bakes desserts for her girlfriend
Nice to everyone except for Chris
Wears long ass fake eyelashes
Listens to Mitski
Scarlette/Slurpee - She/her bisexual transfem
22 years old
Switched names with Chris
Does cosplayer movements in the mirror when she's bored
Easily flustered
Grows flowers for her girlfriend
Listens to 2000's pop songs while giggling and kicking her feet
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emsea · 2 years
Life has been HARD lately and quite lonely. I don’t sleep well anymore and have been experiencing insomnia.
Last night I was listening to Kid Cudi to fall asleep. My best friend and I growing up always said his voice sounds like pillows.
This morning I warmed the car up before taking my wife to work. My phone synced to the car and started playing Man on the Moon Part 1 from last night and this goddess of a woman gets in and said “this song is so old now!” and continued to rap Soundtrack 2 My Life effortlessly, without mistake.
I’m so in love with this woman.
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independentartistbuzz · 2 months
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Today, we have the pleasure of talking with Feez Da Popstar, the dynamic alter-ego of DJ Jay Faire.
Hailing from the vibrant streets of New York's 914 area code, Feez Da Popstar has seamlessly transitioned from a renowned DJ to an electrifying performer.
He continues to captivate audiences with his unique blend of hip-hop and EDM pop. His latest summer single, “It’s the Summer,” is already making waves with its infectious beats and vibrant energy, promising to become a staple on party playlists and summer soundtracks.
We got the chance to speak with Feez Da Popstar in this edition of Indie 5:0, and find out more about his experiences working with industry heavyweights like Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, and Tiesto!
Let’s dive in!
You have made a successful transition from being a renowned DJ to a performer.
What inspired you to make this shift, and how has your experience as a DJ influenced your approach to creating and performing music? 
As a Dj who plays at stadiums, arenas, clubs you are more than a player of music you are an entertainer a performer.
You control the crowd and the mood of the show by the music you play. So me being a creative person I felt as if I am performing and entertaining already why not do it to my original music.
You've worked with some big names in the industry like Lil Wayne, Chris Brown, and Tiesto. Can you share some insights or memorable experiences from these collaborations and how they've impacted your music career?
Wayne i met when i was in the rap group Phillys Most Wanted and we were on a tour with Cash Money across the US. Wayne and I used to talk and he is a creative mind like mine and a deep thinker so we really got along well.
Tiesto and I have always loved his energy as a creator and DJ. I bring a similar energy leaning more towards hip-hop. I was very surprised when I first spoke to him as he knew already who I was.
Both have really had an profound impact on my musical outlook and creativity.
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Your latest single, “It’s the Summer,” captures the essence of the season. Can you walk us through the creative process behind this track? What elements were crucial for you in conveying a summer vibe?
My creative process begins with a feeling inside me.
One thing about me is I love the summer. I love summer weather long days etc.
Once I have a feeling I get on a flight and stare at the clouds the earth from above and zone out and write my music. When I am up in the air I feel like I'm in tune and in sync with the globe. I also have another place I write music at but I will share that with you another time lol
Your music is known for its unique blend of hip hop and EDM pop. How do you balance these genres in your work, and what challenges do you face in merging such distinct styles? 
To me its all music.
Music is a vibe and my vibe has energy and is not afraid to express how it feels to me. My vibe goes wherever its taken.
What can your fans expect next from Feez Da Popstar? Are there any upcoming projects or new directions in your music that you’re excited about?
Fans can start to look for more videos and performances. So stay locked for that.
Also definitely excited about new directions in my music. I'm looking forward to breaking all the rules in music and sing writing.
I refuse to be put in a box.
Listen to "It's The Summer" here:
Keep up with Feez Da Popstar:
Instagram // Spotify // Soundcloud // Apple Music // YouTube Music
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monkeymuzik · 7 months
[FREE] Instrumental Hip Hop Boom Bap Rap Type Beat "Grief" Track by MonkeyMuzik
[FREE] Instrumental Hip Hop Boom Bap Rap Type Beat "Grief" Track by MonkeyMuzik
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"In the shadowy corners of grief, where the heart's beat syncs with the boom bap of a Hip Hop type beat, there's an instrumental playing—a soundtrack to sorrow, weaving through the night like a tale untold."
Official Web https://monkeymuzik.com
[フリートラック /FREE] ブーンバップ インスト ヒップホップ ラップ オールドスクール タイプビート ローファイ チル | Grief
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erigold13261 · 1 year
The music genre changing with who is fighting in the Music Revolutions
Eg: Miles joins in on an attack. The genre changes to rap/pop (like the spiderverse OST)
Peni/Margo joining in would be electro pop
Pavitr would either be synthwave like Eve or a Bollywood soundtrack
Noir would be 1930s movie soundtracks
Ham would make weird cartoon sound effects
Kinda like HFR where Chai can summon his buddies during fights
Oh I like that! A lot better ideas than what I could have come up with!
When people combo attacks it combines the music together, like EDM versions of 1930s music (Electro Swing) and Pop Ballet.
I'm not great at combining music genres, like the Electro Swing one was just one I knew and could see clearly from your options given. Actually, it would be cool if the music kinda works like Steven Universe when characters fuse. Pretty sure the more in sync you are the more cohesive the music is, and if you are out of sync it isn't very well put together.
The first few combo attacks would make it so you could clearly hear two distinct genres of music, but as they get into the swing of things the genres become more merged into something new!
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andnahas · 2 years
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oracleelectronica · 2 years
(Oracle Electronica)
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hjemne · 4 years
What music AOT characters listen to
Eren: thinks he’s superior for liking Led Zeppelin and that listening to classic rock is a personality trait
Mikasa: ‘you’ve probably never heard of them’, plays BTS
Armin: lofi, needs something to calm him down after a long day of dealing with Eren’s BS
Reiner: exclusively listens to My Chemical Romance. Annie once walked in on him aggressively lip syncing and crying to The Black Parade and he made her swear on her life not to tell anyone about it
Bertholdt: normally whatever’s on the radio but also has a collection of Beatles albums on vinyl and listens to them when he’s alone
Annie: either screamo or Taylor Swift, there is no in between, and she makes the exact same facial expression listening to them
Porco: drill, or anything with a lot of swearing in it because he thinks it makes him cool
Pieck: really likes ASMR, probably listens to audio of birds chirping, rain falling etc because it’s what she hears when she’s in titan form, probably plays whale sounds to help her sleep
Falco: kidz bop
Gabi: secretly listens to Reiner’s MCR CD’s and feels very grown up, even if she doesn’t actually like it that much
Colt: goes HARD for ABBA
Jean: I get a classical music vibe from Jean, thinks it makes him more mature, but he also genuinely enjoys it and it reminds him of his childhood (I bet he took music lessons as a kid)
Connie: Russian dubstep (or anything loud that he can headbang to)
Sasha: really likes folk music because it reminds her of home, but is equally happy with whatever Connie is playing
Marco: musical soundtracks, especially The Sound of Music
Historia: has a playlist called ‘boys ain’t shit’ which is full of female pop 'empowerment' songs and plays it on repeat
Ymir: actually has Taste and gets to choose the music at parties
Levi: … I have no idea… I genuinely cannot imagine Levi dancing to music… perhaps he’d listen to Édith Piaf? Please give me suggestions if you have any
Hange: VERY obscure Icelandic rap or something, gets really obsessed by a new very niche genre every month or so
Erwin: doesn’t listen to music, prefers audiobooks or podcasts
Zeke: Queen, even though he’s low-key homophobic ://
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idontblushsrry · 4 years
Got the Aux hcs||Jujutsu Kaisen
A/N:  These hcs are prolly gonna vary from general artists/genres to general chaos towards the end :D also gonna do some for the kyoto school...eventually. Didn’t incl. Yuuta because he’s not here yet but tbh he prolly listens to MCR or smthng let’s be real. I apologize for Maki’s being so short, I know her fanbase is starving for content and I’m sorry I was unable to provide it this time.
Word Count: 1123
Plot Synopsis: Some dumb music taste headcanons for the tokyo school. ((I only included characters that have appeared in the anime like fully, onscreen w lines not just mentioned, and I also only did the main ppl from the Tokyo school so that’s why there’s no Yuta or Nanami.))
First and foremost
The man is a barb (Nicki Minaj fans) and a hottie (Megan thee stallion fans)
No I don’t take criticism
Aside from that, Yuji listens to pop and some rap (mostly megan thee stallion)
His pop taste is also not limited by generation, he definitely listens to artists like Anri and Miki Matsubara
Other artists he listens to are probably; Rihanna, Post Malone(he just does, idk why), Doja Cat, Brittany Spears, Shakira, Kesha, Lizzo, Ariana Grande
Fushiguro unironically listened to wake me up inside in middle school, again, I do not take criticism
He also listens to artists like Mother Mother
Fushiguro is kinda embarrassed of his music tastes though so he’ll lie about what he’s listening to
“Fushiguro what are you listening to?”
*cue panicked Fushiguro struggling to put his phone away* “N-Nothing why”
Also this man listens to Lady Gaga and probably some Panic at the Disco
But for sure panic at the disco
Also he makes playlist named after his friends and what not
Now one might say aww, how sweet
Which, yes it is, but also, Fushiguro refuses to let anyone know his true music tastes so adaptation is necessary for survival
If Fushiguro has the aux, it’s a good day, he knows everyone’s music tastes and probably already has a playlist tailored specifically to everyone’s taste, there’s never a single song that everyone hates
She listens to Avril Lavigne and Kesha
Her and Yuuji have pretty similar music tastes (himbo/lesbian solidarity)
She also listens to songs like Jenny(by the studio killers) and Youth(Troye Sivan) and just stares at the ceiling pining
Her playlist reflects this
From pop to pining and then back again
Also she hasn’t stopped streaming Driver’s License(Olivia Rodrigo), her and Yuuji listen to it and every time she just falls out (when it first came out, she got so invested in the drama of it all)
Genres she listens to are rock ballads, pop, and any playlist with words including but not limited to ‘wlw’, ‘girls are pretty’, ‘how to not have a crush on Maki-senpai’
Artists she listens to incl. Kali Uchis (stumbled upon Dead To Me and hasn’t ben the same since), Queen, pop girlies like Brittany Spears, and Troye Sivan
Maki mainly listens to workout music or indie/chill beats
 Like her playlists are lowkey dry
And she refuses to use spotify premium, even though Gojo’s paying fo it
I can also see her listening to an occasional orchestral/instrumental piece like Ushiwakamaru
Inumaki also kind of put her onto listening to video game soundtracks, she probably listens to the soundtracks of games like Persona tbh
She does allow herself the small pleasure of listening to Hozier from time to time
Inumaki is a menace
His music taste, while there are bangers, mainly consists of music found in memes/tiktoks/etc.
((He also listens to video game music, but more of the Mario Kart sort))
I’m thinking like Vengaboys, Aqua, etc.
He does listen to other artists like Junko Ohashi and Rina Sawayama on occasion, the majority of his music taste exists to make him laugh as he thinks of all the random jokes made to the songs
Whenever, Inumaki has the aux cord, everyone in the car just mentally prepares themselves
With Inumaki, they feel bad telling him to stop because he’s really sweet and nice, and, maybe he just doesn’t know 
But he does know, he just doesn’t care
Panda listens to 80/90s rap
Tbh he’s got the best music taste out of everyone sorry not sorry
He mainly listened to whatever Yaga put on growing up so that’s why his taste is older than he is
Artists for Panda include Biggie, Pac, Outkast, etc.
Principal Yaga is black I just know Panda grew up listening to Ice Cube and the like while he was training I just knowwww
Panda’s playlist choices though usually aren’t too egregious
While Panda’s no Fushiguro in terms of adaptability, who’s really gonna be opposed to listening to bangers from the 90′s
Gojo’s taste in music exists solely to torture Fushiguro
Now does he necessarily like any of these songs he plays? No
But does his desire to antagonize out rule his dislike? Yesyesyesyesyes
Gojo, unlike Inumaki, does not get the same sympathy
When Gojo syncs up his Bluetooth (bcus let’s be real that man does not have a car with a physical aux cord) everyone in the car just lets out the loudest groan
Just for that he’s gonna make 3 extra unnecessary turns
In actuality though, when he’s not bothering his students or Nanami, I imagine Gojo is a fan of 90′s rap as well as classical music
I think he also likes rock too, he discovered it back in his student days and it never really went away
He also definitely has a playlist called something like ‘my main character music’
General car shenanigans(imagine this as a class trip to some place that’s about 2 hours away)
Gojo and Inumaki team up to antagonize everyone
Like they will play 10 hour loops of caramelldansen with absolutely ZERO remorse
Fushiguro and Kugisaki slowly just go insane during the course of this
Although, Kugisaki will be a lot more vocal about it, cussing up a storm by the 4th loop.
This will then lead to Gojo and Inumaki being overthrown; Gojo being replaced with Ichiji at the wheel and Inumaki on thin fuckin ice
When the inevitable silence becomes too much to handle, Yuuji will tentatively offer to play his music
It’s all good, California Girls and Toxic instant hits
Yujji’s reign will end in one of two ways; 1) eventually, a Megan Thee Stallion song comes on a Gojo’s like “whoa kid, that’s not very family friendly” or 2)The sound of Kugisaki, Gojo, and Itadori singing poorly on purpose pushes Maki to take over out of frustration
Either way Maki takes over and they all kinda doze off because of how chill and soothing Maki’s music is
This ends when Ichiji gets a little too relaxed by the music and almost swerves, causing them to abruptly cut the music off
Panda just puts his paws up non-defensively like, “Don’t ask me, my music isn’t family-friendly either
At which point they all look to Fushiguro to save the day
And he does... until his phone battery dies
(Bonus) Sukuna
Sukuna probably tunes out all the miscellaneous stuff that Yuuji listens to
But one day he was minding his business till he heard Yuuji playing a Nicki Minaj song
Now, whenever Yuuji falls asleep, Sukuna will pop out every once in a while just to turn on Nicki.
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kemetic-dreams · 3 years
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Melvin Glover (born May 15, 1961), better known by his stage name Melle Mel (/ˈmɛli mɛl/) and Grandmaster Melle Mel, is an American hip hop recording artist who was the lead vocalist and songwriter of Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five.
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Glover began performing in the late 1970s. He may have been the first rapper to call himself MC (master of ceremonies). Other Furious Five members included his brother The Kidd Creole (Nathaniel Glover), Scorpio (Eddie Morris), Rahiem (Guy Todd Williams) and Cowboy (Keith Wiggins). While a member of the group, Cowboy created the term hip-hop while teasing a friend who had just joined the US Army, by scat singing the words "hip/hop/hip/hop" in a way that mimicked the rhythmic cadence of marching soldiers.
Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five began recording for Enjoy Records and released "Superrappin'" in 1979. They later moved on to Sugar Hill Records and were popular on the R&B charts with party songs like "Freedom" and "The Birthday Party". They released numerous singles, gaining a gold disc for "Freedom", and touring. In 1982 Melle Mel began to turn to more socially-aware subject matter, in particular the Reagan administration's economic (Reaganomics) and drug policies, and their effect on the black community.
A song "The Message" became an instant classic and one of the first glimmers of conscious hip-hop. Mel recorded a rap over session musician Duke Bootee's instrumental track "The Jungle". Some of Mel's lyrics on "The Message" were taken directly from "Superrappin'". Other than Melle Mel, no members of Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five actually appear on the record. Bootee also contributed vocals (Rahiem was to later lip sync Bootee's parts in the music video).
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"The Message" went platinum in less than a month and would later be the first hip-hop record ever to be added to the United States National Archive of Historic Recordings and the first Hip Hop record inducted into the Grammy Hall of Fame. Mel would also go on to write songs about struggling life in New York City ("New York, New York"), and making it through life in general ("Survival (The Message 2)"). Grandmaster Flash split from the group after contract disputes between Melle Mel and their promoter Sylvia Robinson in regard to royalties for "The Message". When Flash filed a lawsuit against Sugar Hill Records, the factions of The Furious Five parted.
Mel became known as Grandmaster Melle Mel and the leader of the Furious Five. The group went on to produce the anti-drug song "White Lines (Don't Don't Do It)". An unofficial music video starred up-and-coming actor Laurence Fishburne[3] and was directed by then-unknown film student Spike Lee). The record was falsely credited to "Grandmaster + Melle Mel" by Sugar Hill Records in order to fool the public into thinking Grandmaster Flash had participated on the record.
Mel gained greater fame and success after appearing in the movie Beat Street, with a song based on the movie's title. He performed a memorable rap on Chaka Khan's smash hit song "I Feel for You" which introduced hip hop to a wider and more mainstream R&B audience. Grandmaster Melle Mel & The Furious Five had further hits with "Step Off", "Pump Me Up", "King of the Streets", "Jesse", and "Vice", the latter being released on the soundtrack to the TV show Miami Vice. "Jesse" was a highly political song which urged people to vote for then presidential candidate Jesse Jackson.
In 1988, after an almost four-year layoff, Mel and Flash reunited and released the album On The Strength, but with up-and-coming new school artists such as Eric B. & Rakim, DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince, Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions, and Big Daddy Kane dominating the hip-hop market, the album failed miserably. Mel performed with The King Dream Chorus and Holiday Crew on "King Holiday" aimed at having Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday declared a national holiday. Mel also performed with Artists United Against Apartheid on the anti-apartheid song "Sun City" which was aimed at discouraging other artists from performing in South Africa until its government ended its policy of apartheid. Mel ended the decade by winning two Grammy Awards for his work on Quincy Jones' Back On The Block and Q – The Autobiography of Quincy Jones albums.
In 1995 Duran Duran did a cover version of "White Lines" featuring performances from Grandmaster Flash and Melle Mel and released it as the second single from the Duran Duran covers album Thank You':.
In 1996, Mel contributed vocals to the US edition of Cher's hit "One By One". Their version is only available on the maxi CD format.
In 1997, Melle Mel signed to Straight Game Records and released Right Now, an album which features Scorpio (from the Furious Five) and Rondo. This album took more of a harder rap style. It barely sold at all in the US and the UK.
Mel and Ralph McDaniels a.k.a. Uncle Ralph
In 2001, under the name Die Hard, he released the song "On Lock" with Rondo on the soundtrack of the movie Blazin. Die Hard released an album of the same name in 2002 on 7PRecords.
On November 14, 2006, Mel collaborated with author Cricket Casey and released the children's book The Portal In The Park, which comes with a bonus CD of his rapped narration. It also features two songs, "World Family Tree" and "The Fountain of Truth", by a then unknown Lady Gaga performing with Mel. The book was re-released in 2010. Also in 2006, Melle Mel attended professional wrestling school. In 2007 (at age 45), he stated in an interview with allhiphop.com that "I'm going to try to take some of John Cena's money and get with WWE and do my thing".
On January 30, 2007, Mel released his first ever solo album, Muscles. The first single and music video was "M3 – The New Message". On March 12, 2007, Melle Mel and The Furious Five (joined by DJ Grandmaster Flash) became the first rap group ever inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In his acceptance speech, Mel implored the recording industry members in attendance to do more to restore hip hop to the culture of music and art that it once was, rather than the culture of violence that it has become. He added, "I've never been shot, I've never been arrested, and I've been doing hip hop all my life. I can't change things all by myself. We need everybody's help, so let's do it and get this thing done."
On October 10, 2008, Mel appeared on Bronx-based culinary adventure show Bronx Flavor alongside host Baron Ambrosia. In the episode "Night at the Bodega", he appears as a spiritual mentor to sway the Baron from his over-indulgent ways and get him on the right path to success.
In April 2011, it was revealed that he would take part in a new hip hop/pro wrestling collaboration, the Urban Wrestling Federation. Its first bout "First Blood" was recorded in June 2011.
Mel also appeared in Ice-T's 2012 hip hop documentary Something from Nothing: The Art of Rap.
In August 2015, Mel appeared with Kool Moe Dee and Grandmaster Caz in Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's song and music video "Downtown".
In May 2016, Mel and Scorpio, performing as Grandmaster's Furious Five ft. Melle Mel & Scorpio, released their single "Some Kind of Sorry"
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omegaplus · 2 years
# 4,035
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Jay-Z: “Feelin’ It” (1996)
I was in the midst of what was one of the most disastrous summers ever. Though I went to my very first hardcore show, I was carrying a lot of intra-personal strife on my shoulders. There were street thugs who chased me around and tried assaulting me in my own neighborhood. I had a massive screaming match with my sorority cousin in front of the entire family and everyone at her complex watching, and I was getting entirely fed-up with all of my closest “friends” who were taking advantage of me every opportunity they had. I was rejected by two interests I was seeing from community college, one a blue-eyed deaf girl resembling Fiona Apple and the other a pale Irish redhead. Most of my high-school friends moved on to university or lived with their other half. I had no job or transportation. Nothing. It was so bad that I ended up staying home as I had no one with hang-out with. My bro- was also homebound but he chose to be. He, too, had no job aside from fixing cars but caused lots of trouble. He had friends over all day and night. They’d pull up in their rides at two or three in the morning and shook up the entire block with their car audio and bass-quakes blasted to the max. His Latina ex- would drive him up a fucking wall with her third-eye mind games. Fist-fights on the front lawn. He was even taken down and cuffed by the police. Yeah, you could say we had an eventful summer.
I became resentful and bitter of almost everyone, rather miserable and empty now that I hit reset on my life. I had my gaming library and my cassette deck to help me forget. People usually just roll the dial and find nothing of interest on the FM except the same "Floyd, Zep, or Stones” songs played millions of times over. Britney Spears, N*Sync, and Backstreet Boys took over the FM and it was the most contrived thing I ever heard. Limp Bizkit happened and I asked myself how cheap could actual talent be? WBLI “represented” Long Island with their weekend club-night music and lifeless pop hits for people whose dismissive attitudes made others not as them disposable as the music itself. I was sick of it. No more Z100. I moved on from Hot 97. I moved on from Kiss FM. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen when I turned the dial to the left only to find that a university radio station was playing hip-hop. Not the other two radio stations. 
I tuned in to stop at a familiar frequency I last listened to when I was in junior year. That frequency was WUSB. Ghetto Radio was the show. The on-air dee-jays cursed at a rate of thirty F-bombs and S-bombs per minute. They just outed the neighborhood slut by announcing her name and phone number. They weren’t allowed to do any of that as per FCC decency guidelines but it was safe harbor (10PM-6AM), so they got away with everything they shouldn’t have. They played Madd Rapper’s “Dot Vs. TMR” (’99), Sauce Money & Jay-Z’s “Pre-Game” off the Belly soundtrack (1998), and then followed it up with (again) Jay-Z’s “Feelin’ It”. The memories I had of that summer were plentiful, but I never forgot about them like what I heard when I returned to WUSB. Of them all, “Feelin’ It” was one of the only few positive ones. 
As the summer followed, I discovered Eminent Audio, The Basement (who would later be mentioned in Rolling Stone), and Street FM - all hip-hop / rap shows on WUSB’s grid. All four of those shows would feature local artists live on air, sidewalk spitters, and underground white-labels while mostly moving away from the mainstream. It used to be me tuning in every Saturday night from 10PM to midnight to hear senseless wackos, fuckheads with no lives, and white impersonators pretend to be black (no dice here) with nothing better to do than prank-call the radio station. Now, it would be me tuning in and staying up through the overnights as much as I could. I’d hear what student-run, independent, college radio would have to offer. They offered us local listeners obscure artists and underground sounds that corporate radio wouldn’t even care to play. It would be a change of pace that would help change the course of my listening and musical tastes forever (and these same shows would do it again on the same station the following summer). 
I had nothing going for me, right? I had all the time in the world. I might as well go up the ivory tower’s endless heights and see where it would lead me.
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thesims4blogger · 3 years
The Sims 4: Sims Sessions Official Details and Web Page
The Sims team has announced Sims Sessions, a social media and in-game experience that will be free for players who own The Sims 4. Maxis has launched the Sims Sessions web page with details and information on the music artists featured in the event.
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Sims Sessions (Key Features)
Light up your summer with the hottest tracks from your favorite artists. Experience Bebe Rexha, Glass Animals, and Joy Oladokun for the first time all over again—in Simlish! Catch the live event from June 29 at 10 a.m. PT to July 7 at 10 p.m. PT.
Shop the Festival – Buy artist-themed merchandise, run your own craft sales table, or snack like a rockstar at a food stand!
Camp Out – Festivals are fun but exhausting! Get some sleep in one of the tents—or Woohoo to the music.
Enjoy the Show – Gather around the stage to watch, dance, and cheer on the performances!
Perform on Stage – After the performances, go on stage and keep the tunes flowing. Jam on the piano and sing your heart out.
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Sims Sessions (Featured Artists)
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Bebe Rexha
Diamond-selling and two-time GRAMMY®-nominated New York City native Bebe Rexha is a musical force to be reckoned with. Her RIAA Platinum-certified debut album Expectations (released June 2018 on Warner Records) contained the Platinum single “I’m a Mess” and the global chart-topping smash “Meant to Be” (featuring Florida Georgia Line), now RIAA Certified Diamond. “Meant to Be” held the #1 spot on the Billboard Hot Country Songs chart for a record-setting 50 straight weeks, the longest reign ever by a female lead artist, and won Top Country Song at the 2019 Billboard Music Awards and Best Collaboration at the 2018 iHeart Radio Music Awards. It was subsequently nominated for Best Country Duo/Group Performance at the 61st annual GRAMMY Awards® in February 2019, where Bebe was also nominated for Best New Artist.
Early in her career, Bebe won the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences’ Best Teen Songwriter Award, and then formally burst onto the scene when she wrote “The Monster,” a worldwide hit for Eminem and Rihanna that was certified 6x Platinum by the RIAA. Bebe went on to co-write and carry the instantly recognizable hook for the 3x Platinum “Hey Mama,” by David Guetta, which was nominated for a Billboard Music Award for Top Dance/Electronic Song. Bebe also hit #1 on the Billboard Pop and Rap charts with her 5x Platinum “Me, Myself & I” with G-Eazy. In 2017, Bebe released the critically acclaimed EPs, All Your Fault: Part 1 (with the Platinum single “I Got You”) and All Your Fault: Part 2 (with “Meant to Be”). In conjunction with GRAMMY® Week 2019, Bebe launched the GRAMMY® Music Education Coalition’s (GMEC) national campaign on behalf of its new All-Star Ambassador program. Better Mistakes, her new album, includes the hit singles “Baby, I’m Jealous” feat. Doja Cat and “Sacrifice.” To date, Bebe has amassed over four billion YouTube views and over 12 billion total global streams.
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Glass Animals
Since 2010, Glass Animals have redefined alternative pop with their experimental sounds, cinematic visuals, and narrative lyrics. The Platinum-Certified UK quartet—Dave Bayley [lead vocals, guitar], Drew MacFarlane [guitar, keys, backing vocals], Ed Irwin-Singer [bass, keys, backing vocals], and Joe Seaward [drums, backing vocals]—first presented their signature style on their 2014 breakout debut, ZABA. It yielded the Platinum single “Gooey” and elevated the band into the global spotlight. 2016’s How To Be A Human Being notably garnered a nomination for the prestigious Mercury Prize. However, Glass Animals lifted off to a new stratosphere with Dreamland in 2020. It marked their first Top 10 debut on the Billboard Top 200, while their global smash hit “Heat Waves” has amassed millions of streams to date, went Platinum in numerous countries, gave the band their first #1 on the U.S. Alternative Radio Chart, Top 15 at Top 40 Radio, and hit Top 10 on Spotify’s US Chart. Skyrocketing to the forefront of popular culture, they garnered nominations in the categories of “Top Rock Song” and “Top Rock Album” at the 2021 Billboard Music Awards, delivered knockout performances on Billboard Music Awards, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The Late Late Show with James Corden, and Ellen, and lined up global headline dates for the 2021 Dreamland Tour everywhere from legendary amphitheaters such as Red Rocks to Bonnaroo, Life Is Beautiful, Outside Lands, and more. The band sold over 130,000 tickets in three days for their 2021-2022 North American tour, with the majority of the tickets selling out instantly. All the while maintaining their unique connection to their fans by creating their open sourced website where fans can create artwork based on the world of Dreamland, putting on a “Live In The Internet” concert that sold 25,000 tickets worldwide, and more. They created unique music videos during the 2020 pandemic by DIY-shooting solo in Dave Bayley’s apartment directed solely over Zoom (“Dreamland”), asking neighbors to shoot on their iPhones while Dave walked down the street (“Heat Waves”), and inviting fans to take 3D scans of their heads (“Tangerine”). Racking up billions of streams across their catalogue, they even made history as “the first UK band to capture #1 on Triple J’s Hottest 100 since 2009” with “Heat Waves” down under in Australia, leading to the longest run at #1 in 2021 on the ARIA Official Singles Chart. Ultimately, Glass Animals continue to redefine what alternative can be, while they quietly overtake the mainstream.
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Joy Oladokun
With a guitar in hand, baseball cap over her eyes, and hooded sweatshirt loose, a woman sings with all of the poetry, pain, passion, and power her soul can muster. She is a new kind of American troubadour. She is Joy Oladokun. The Delaware-born, Arizona-raised, and Nashville-based Nigerian-American singer, songwriter, and producer projects unfiltered spirit over stark piano and delicate guitar. Her music and story galvanized a growing fan base as she completed a successful Kickstarter campaign to release her independent debut, Carry. Her song “No Turning Back” soundtracked a viral baby announcement by Ciara and Russell Wilson, opening up the floodgates. She landed a string of high-profile syncs, including NBC’s This Is Us, ABC’s Grey’s Anatomy, and Showtime’s The L Word: Generation Q. On the heels of in defense of my own happiness (the beginnings), she garnered unanimous critical praise. Billboard touted the album as one of the “Top 10 Best LGBTQ Albums of 2020,” while NPR included “i see america” among the “100 Best Songs of 2020.” Predicted as on the verge of a massive breakthrough, she emerged on various tastemaker lists, including Spotify’s RADAR Artists to Watch 2021, YouTube “Black Voices Class of 2021,” NPR’s 2021 “Artists To Watch,” and Amazon Music’s “Artist To Watch 2021.” Not to mention, Vogue crowned her #1 “LBTQ+ Musician To Listen To.” She kicked off the new year by making her television debut on NBC’s The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon with a stunning and stirring performance of “breathe again.”After attracting acclaim from Vogue, NPR, and American Songwriter, her words arrive at a time right when we need them the most.
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