#Red bib shorts
athletictaipan · 17 days
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wileys-russo · 9 months
my girl maybe :)
my girl ficlet
despite popular opinion you knew the mean girl act your girlfriend put on was merely that, an act.
that wasn't to say you excused the way alessia treated people sometimes, but you also knew the other sides of her and had the pleasure of seeing the real her behind closed doors.
maybe an act was the wrong word for her abrupt attitude and behaviour, but you knew your girlfriend had more substance to her than the foul mouthed quick tempered hothead who'd bite at the drop of a hat that everyone else perceived her to be.
more often than not you knew there was more to it, especially when her attitude worsened and it for once wasn't anything to do with you or the green eyed jealous monster which lay forever coiled in wait in her stomach.
which is why when you heard about the training long before you saw her, you knew something was off.
"how bad was it?" you winced as you asked lotte whose look told you all you needed to know, paired with the sweltering summer heat and the fact she was as red as the bib she had in her hands, training had been brutal.
on tuesdays the coaching staff held their media meetings so as captain it was alessia's job to follow along with the program she'd be given by them and run that afternoons session with her team.
it was a day that the team forever dreaded, they respected alessia immensely as a captain, a teammate and a friend, but they were also well aware of the lengths the blonde would push them to to see results and just how terrifying she could be sometimes.
but hell no one could deny that was part of the grounds why she was made captain so early on. the blondes drive to do her best and get the best out of others paired with the fact she wasn't afraid to be hated or the bad guy if it meant the team were pushed to their limits and played at their best every weekend.
again, there was a reason the junior team were back to back state champions and like or hate her, a large part of that reasoning was alessia.
"get some water yeah?" you murmured to lotte squeezing her shoulder, sending sympathetic smiles as the rest of the girls trudged their way off the field, most avoiding your eye for fear of alessia which you knew had meant she was even harsher than usual.
"hey baby." you smiled at your girlfriend who had a face like thunder, though the sharp frown softened seeing you waiting for her at the edge of the pitch. "wait there, i'll be quick." she mumbled nodding over to the bleachers, pecking your lips and walking off without another word.
normally after training you'd just wait for her to either show up to your dorm room or invite you to hers, but having received a text from lotte during their water break you'd changed and made the journey toward the field arriving just as practice finished.
you winced hearing the sounds of throwing up echoing from the change rooms followed by your girlfriends stern voice ordering a few of the girls into an ice bath which wasn't optional, wandering away to the bleachers and taking a seat.
you lost track of time as you doom scrolled your social medias, pausing to chat to a few of the girls who passed you, though most could only offer you a nod or a small smile as they limped away toward the dorms.
your girlfriend among the last to appear, having changed into shorts and a tank top she merely nodded for you to fall into step with her, silence falling between you as she walked the two of you in the direction of the dorms.
you could sense the moment she emerged that something was wrong, but not wanting to push until the two of you were safely alone you allowed her to wordlessly lead you away, hands tightly gripping the strap of her gym bag as she detoured and headed for your room instead of hers.
you frowned a little in surprise at the choice but didn't say anything, fishing out your keys from your pocket and unlocking the door as the two of you stepped inside.
her stone like facade cracked the moment your lock clicked, her bag dropping to the floor as the taller girl all but collapsed into you. "hey, hey, lets sit down babe." you murmured quietly, moving the two of you to the bed.
you moved to sit against the headboard as your girlfriend wasted no time laying down so her head rested on your stomach, your fingers threading through her hair as she clung onto you tightly and her taller form settled between your legs.
"whats wrong lessi?" you asked softly, gently scratching at her scalp as you messed about with her hair like you knew she loved. "i'm tired." was all that was mumbled, her fists balling your shirt even tighter as she pulled herself closer to you.
"just tired?" you dared to ask again, moving her hair from her face as she moved to look up at you. "everything is just...trainings, games, exams, assignments, time difference trying to speak to my family, the whispers when i walk past, the dirty looks. its exhausting!" the blonde exhaled, though this one seemed to hold an air of annoyance rather than sadness.
"you don't make it any easier for yourself when you bite peoples heads off for those little looks so quickly baby." you raised an eyebrow, further proving the point that you really were one of the only people who could call her out on her behaviour.
"shut up." the striker rolled her eyes but shuffled about so she was laid more so on top of you, burying her face in your neck. "have you tried being nice?" you teased, snaking a hand up her top and scratching gently at her back.
"i am nice." alessia huffed into your neck making you squirm a little at the sensation. "can you help me study for my biology final tomorrow please baby?" the blonde pulled her head back with a pleading look, pecking your lips repeatedly as you nodded.
"but we're studying my way." you warned her with a smile as she groaned, rolling off of you and laying on her back. "but your way is so boring." she pulled a face and pouted, making grabby hands as you slid your body down so you laid beside her.
"and your way means that no studying gets done!" you laughed, knowing her tricks all too well, relieved her bad mood had seemed to settle, as being around you always seemed to do for the striker who truly was head over heels.
"thats not true. you know i just benefit from a little extra encouragement and motivation!" the blonde pushed herself up onto her forearms so she hovered over you with a grin.
"making me take my clothes off anytime you get a question right just motivates you to do anything but study lessi." you shook your head with an amused smile.
"well yeah but i deserve a reward for all my hard work, no?" her leg hooked over your hips and suddenly her body was settling itself on top of you as her lips ghosted over yours, warm breath fanning your face.
"in fact, i think we should studying right now my pretty girl."
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hopelesslonelyghost · 6 months
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kyle “gaz” garrick x DA!fem!reader
i know i promised more angst but i simply can’t get the right words. so here! have this cute lil gaz whip i wrote today 🫶🏻 again, not beta read, sorry for any typos!
this is completely self indulgent because i wish i had gaz as my patient. i also wish i could have my fingers in his mouth
kyle hates the dentist. ever since he was little he hated going. but what child likes going, right? he thought by now he’d grow out of his dental phobia.
but it’s that time of year again and his file needs to be updated and well… he needs to see a dentist.
his previous dentist retired and in his stead, a new doctor took over.
new doctor and new assistants by the looks of it. kyle sat in the lobby, waiting to be called. his leg bounced.
“kyle garrick?”
his head snapped up and now his stomach was fluttering for a different reason. the assistant was pretty.
her eyes crinkled as she smiled at him. pearly whites flashing him. kyle quickly stood up, subtlety trying to gulp without her seeing.
‘damnit, don’t make a fool out of yourself’
you introduced yourself, led him down a short halfway and then stood by a door to the left, motioning with your hand to step inside.
“have a seat kyle, we’ll be getting started shortly.”
after taking a seat and answering a few questions in regards to his health, you tore open a bag with yellow, blue, and red hooks, a gray circle, and two metal arms, one angled at a sharp 90 degree angle. both had two tiny metal tips at the very end.
you giggled.
“don’t worry, i’m just updating your x-rays today. after this, the doctor will come and do your exam. that okay with you?”
you must’ve caught him staring pretty hard at the instruments. kyle nodded at you and gave you a sweet smile.
“perfectly fine wit’ me, love.”
you clicked a few things in the computer behind him and then stood up, grabbing a blue lead apron and coming to stand beside him.
“gonna be a little heavy, okay?” you placed it down gently, “now i’m going to strap this around your neck. lean forward a bit for me…good thank you.” you whispered, right into his ear.
he couldn’t help the goosebumps that littered his arms. pretty and whispering into his ear? yeah, he’ll be thinking about today all night. maybe even all week.
quickly getting to work, you begun his x-rays. quietly asking him to open and close. gently angling his head in whichever way you needed him to. while the instruments and sensor in his mouth felt a little uncomfortable, it all felt worth it when you kept praising him after each beep! of the x-ray machine.
“open….good job… okay, now close. perfect. don’t move.”
he wouldn’t dream of it. he’d get on his knees right now if you asked him to. you already had your fingers in his mouth, might as well, right?
once you were done, you made quick work to get the apron off kyle.
“wow, that was fast.”
you smiled at him, “i try to be a fast as i can. i know getting your x-rays taken isn’t the most comfortable experience.”
you leaned over him for a split second, tying a bib around his neck. kyle was breathing in as you did, catching a whiff of your perfume. you smelled divine. sweetly floral, but not overwhelming.
fuck. you were pretty, empathetic, AND smelled good? yep. suddenly coming to the dentist’s office wasn’t that bad.
soon after, the doctor came in and checked out his teeth. humming and calling out notes which you were rapidly typing into the computer.
“well kyle! everything looks great! not seeing anything wrong in the x-rays or visually. you’re doing a great job. you’ll only have to come back for a cleaning! my assistant here can help you set up an appointment for that.”
the doctor thank you as they walked out. true to their word, you helped him set up at appointment for next week.
“you’re all set for today, any questions before I let you go?”
kyle stood up, “no doll, thank you. you’ve been wonderful.”
you gaped lightly at him, but quickly recovered. you flashed him a bashful smile.
you were so goddamn cute.
you led him out back towards the front and held the door open for him. you waved at him from the doorway as kyle made his way across the lobby and back outside, “have a good week! see you soon.”
kyle chuckled and gave you a two finger salute, “see you soon sweetheart.”
n/a: just a lil disclaimer, not every dental office works the same. every place is different. this is just the way the office i work at does things. obviously i didn’t go into too much detail in regards to treatments bc i would be insufferable and i truly believe from the bottom of my heart that gaz flosses and brushes twice a day religiously. for the sake of fanfics being fanfics, reader isn’t wearing a face mask. realistically she should be wearing one.
DA= dental assistant <3
okay i’m done rambling!
thanks for reading!
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chic-a-gigot · 5 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 16, 19 avril 1902, Paris. Groupe de toilettes pour dames et jeunes filles. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(3) Robe de dîner pour jeune femme. Jupe en dentelle sur transparent blanc, bordée d'un volant bouillonné en liberty vert d'eau ou en crêpe de Chine. Au-dessus du volant, croisillons de velours noir.
Veste bouillonnée à la taille et formant basque mi-longue, ouverte sur un dessous de dentelle et rattachée devant par des velours croisés, avec de gros boutons fantaisie. Col fichu en mousseline de soie, souligné d'un volant froncé. Manche courte en dentelle, avec grand volant bouillonné.
(3) Dinner dress for a young woman. Lace skirt on white sheer, edged with a bubbled ruffle in water green liberty or crepe de chine. Above the ruffle, black velvet braces.
Jacket gathered at the waist and forming a mid-length peplum, open to a lace underside and attached in front with crossed velvets, with large fancy buttons. Silk chiffon kerchief collar, highlighted with a gathered ruffle. Short lace sleeve, with large bubbled ruffle.
Matériaux: dentelle en laize; 8 mètres de liberty.
(4) Robe de ville pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en lainage rayé abricot, de ton effacé. Jupe plissée derrière terminée par trois volants en forme, découpés en créneaux et bordés de biais. Au volant supérieur, un biais souligne la tête. Jaquette ouverte et découpée sur un plastron de liberty noir. Manche à coude, revers assez large.
(4) City dress for young women or middle-aged ladies, in apricot striped wool, in a faded tone. Pleated skirt at the back finished with three shaped ruffles, cut into crenellations and edged at an angle. On the upper ruffle, a bias highlights the head. Dust jacket open and cut on a black liberty bib. Elbow sleeve, fairly wide lapel.
Matériaux: 8 mètres de lainage, 0m,75 de liberty noir.
(5) Toilette de visites pour jeune femme, en foulard rouge glacé. Jupe en forme; au bas, quatre volants légèrement badinés, soulignés de comètes de satin noir et surmontés de quatre rangs de comètes. Jaquette dentelée devant, bordée de biais à dépassant noir. Un biais semblable s'arrondit par des pinces en arrière. Ceinture de satin noir passant sous les devants. Col arrondi incrusté de guipure. Guimpe de soie noire. Manche pagode à pèlerines dentelées; celle du milieu est semblable au col.
(5) Visiting ensemble for young woman, in iced red scarf. Skirt shaped; at the bottom, four slightly embellished ruffles, highlighted with black satin comets and topped with four rows of comets. Serrated dust jacket in front, bias-edged with black protruding. A similar bias is rounded by darts at the back. Black satin belt passing under the front. Rounded collar inlaid with guipure. Black silk wimple. Pagoda handle with serrated capes; the middle one is similar to the collar.
Matériaux: 14 mètres de foulard.
(6) Robe élégante pour jeune fille ou jeune femme, en bengaline bleu-pastel. Jupe plissée devant, ornée d'un volant en forme que surmonte un large entre-deux. Corsage plissé; col empiècement en guipure; sous ce col commence un pli genre Watteau qui s'évase sur la jupe. Manche plissée sur l'épaule et séparée en deux bouffants par un bracelet de guipure. Poignet haut et collant en guipure. Ceinture ronde en taffetas blanc, rayé de velours noir.
(6) Elegant dress for a young girl or young woman, in pastel blue bengaline. Pleated skirt at the front, decorated with a shaped flounce topped with a wide in-between. Pleated bodice; guipure yoke collar; under this collar begins a Watteau-style pleat which flares out on the skirt. Pleated sleeve on the shoulder and separated into two bouffants by a guipure bracelet. High, sticky guipure cuff. Round belt in white taffeta, striped with black velvet.
Matériaux: 12 mètres de bengaline.
(7) Robe de visites pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen en drap satin chamois. Jupe en forme cerclée de biais en taffetas pékiné. Boléro très ajusté, ouvert sur un gilet de drap blanc à revers. Grand col de moire, rayé et bordé d'entre-deux. Cravate de mousseline de soie noire. Manche courte à petits revers.
Bas de manche collant en soie blanche moucheté de noir.
(7) Visiting dress for young or middle-aged ladies in chamois satin cloth. Bias-rimmed skirt in pekiné taffeta. Very fitted bolero, open over a white cloth vest with cuffs. Large moire collar, striped and bordered with insertions. Black chiffon tie. Short sleeve with small cuffs.
Fitted cuffs in white silk speckled with black.
Matériaux: 5 mètres de drap; 1 mètre de soie mouchetée; 0m,30 de drap blanc; 0m,50 de moire.
(8) Robe de visites pour jeune femme, en lainage fantaisie vieux rose. Jupe en forme, cerclée de biais posés en dents de soie et tombant sur un volant en forme liséré de biais. Même garniture au corsage et à la manche demi-pagode. Devant, coquillé de dentelle; au col montant, liséré de liberty noir; ceinture ronde en l'étoffe de la robe.
(8) Visiting dress for young women, in fancy old pink wool. Shaped skirt, surrounded by bias placed in silk teeth and falling on a shaped ruffle edged at an angle. Same trim on the bodice and half-pagoda sleeve. Front, shell of lace; with a high collar, lined with black liberty; round belt made from the fabric of the dress.
Matériaux: 7m,50 de lainage.
(9) Toilette de réception pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en surah vieux rouge très pâle. Plis cerclant la jupe. Veste Louis XV en grosse dentelle. Plastron et manche de dentelle. La manche se termine sous un revers arrondi orné de plis. Col arrondi en forme. Echarpe de mousseline de soie, même ton, nouée sous le col et tombant jusqu'au bas de la robe.
(9) Reception ensemble for young or middle-aged lady, in very pale old red surah. Pleats encircling the skirt. Louis XV jacket in large lace. Lace bib and sleeve. The sleeve ends under a rounded lapel decorated with pleats. Rounded shaped collar. Silk chiffon scarf, same tone, tied under the collar and falling to the bottom of the dress.
Matériaux: 10 mètres de surah; dentelle en laize; 4 mètres de mousseline de soie.
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 765: Speed & battle!!
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Pag 1
1: They passed the narrow and short mountainous region and entered the wider
3: straight road
4: A road with two lanes on each side, mokkosu*!!
(* “mokkosu” refers to “Higo Mokkosu”, a term that expresses the stubborn and fierce temperament of Kumamoto people)
5: Check mate
6: Gallop!!
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Pag 2
1: Ah!!
2: Teh!!
3: Cyclists are coming up from both sides
The tension has suddenly gone up, teh!!
4: Hahaha look, newbie!!
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Pag 3
1: Since we entered the wider road, even the referee ahead of us has raised their speed
3: It's starting!!
7: The hot-blooded sprinters'-
8: Ah-
9: The referee's plate ha switched from red....
10: To green!!
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Pag 4
1: banquet of speed!!
2: The Inter High is starting!!
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Pag 5
1: This is the real start!!
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Pag 6
1: Mokkosu!!
2: Higo mokkosu!!
Higo's Super Express, Kumamoto Daichi!!
3: Gallop!!
The gallop is a racehorse's fastest way of running!!
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Pag 7
1: I'm known as “Nagoya's Thoroughbred*”
The man with legs as beautiful as those of an horse, Shuho** Komaho!!
(*NdT.: the kanji mean “racehorse” but the reading says thoroughbred
** the name means gallop)
2: Up until now, us Hiroshima Kureminami have been made fun of for being slow starter
But, sorry
3: In being hot-blooded we can't lose!!
Let's go, offense is the greatest defense!!
Yes, Higashimura-san!!
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Pag 8
1: It's a fast attack!!
Pedal at full throttle!!
They're all jumping ahead one by one
They're accelerating!!
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Pag 9
1: So fast!
2: They're so close!
3: Their top speed is more than 50km/h
50km/h!? What are they, a car...!? You can reach such a speed with a bicycle!?
4: They're moving with the wind!! They're swinging their whole body to accelerate!!
It's a desperate max speed battle!!
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Pag 10
1: Waaaaaa I wanna jump ahead...!!
2: Even though I'm not a sprinter!! Even though I'm supposed to be an all-rounder, I see them accelerate and I'm itching to chase them...!!
3: Why do you think that is? Newbie
Huh!? Well... that's...
You're asking me!? Teh!?
4: Isn't that because Kaburagi-san is basically sprinter, though!?
Kabu- ba- sp- th
5: Kabu, eh? Yes I understand
What do you even understand!?
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Pag 11
1: He's just growing freely
Honestly, he's totally a sprinter, but until he realizes it himself we just let him be
He doesn't know it himself, teh!?
You’re trying to say “because Kaburagi-san jumps forward with a bang”, right?
Ah, but then there’s still that “th” part left over
2: It's like pasturage!!
3: Grazing and wandering around as he pleases
4: You’re saying “that’s a waste”, right?
Ah, but– dammit–
5: But once he shows his fighting spirit
7: Somehow....
My body's cells are telling me to “go”....
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Pag 12
1: He'll never stop!!
2: Imaizumi-san, is it okay if I go, after all?
3: Can't be helped, but don't just go
4: Kaburagi-san's pressure is rising more and more!!
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Pag 13
1: Make sure to get the colored bib!!
Got it!!
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Pag 14
1: Hooooooo
2: The pressure is overwhelming!!
3: Kaburagi-san is
4: going to pedal at full throttle!!
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Pag 15
1: He jumped ahead!!
2: He's so fast, teh!!
Sohoku's second year, Kaburagi, jumped ahead
He's the one who jumped ahead last year too! Dammit, stop him
4: He raised his hand!?
5: Is it some kind if signal!?
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Pag 16
1: Come, Danchiku!!
2: Da....
3: But wasn't Danchiku-san still in the back.....
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Pag 17
1: Yes!! Issa!!
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Pag 18
3: Danchiku-san accelerated and caught up in an instant!!
4: Hahaha the sprinters are already gone
Let's chase them and snatch the sprint line ahead of us!!
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Pag 19
1: It's finally here!! The day we can go wild here at the Inter High!!
2: They're perfectly synchronized....
3: That's Team SS!!
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Pag 20
2: “Orange” and “Chicken” jumped ahead
Buah, seriously?
3: Oi, Manami.... I can't stop this itch!! Can I shoot them down a little?
Ahh.... didn't you say you were going to yield up the “first sprint”?
(Biggest of thanks to @monkeyingaround for helping me out with this chapter <33)
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kamotecue · 1 year
not your u23 anon, but maybe some aggie fluff? maybe both the r and aggie finally joining the chelsea first team after going through the academy ranks together! x
we made it დ a. beever-jones
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pairing: aggie beever-jones x reader
summary: you and aggie finally joined chelsea’s first team after claiming the academy ranks together.
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
you slowly opened your eyes, the sun rays streamed through the window, casting a warm glow in the room. you slowly sat up straight and then used your hand to shield your eyes from the sun, as you looked beside you to see aggie sleeping very peacefully.
you chuckled, despite being a couple you had your own individual rooms. there were times, you’d sneak into her room to cuddle, or she’d sneak into yours to talk about the little things, eventually falling asleep in your bed.
“what time is it?” you heard aggie asked, as you hummed grabbing your phone only to see the time.
“it’s 6:54, love.” aggie hummed, before she grabbed your hand that was the closest to her, placing a soft kiss on the dorsal side.
“i’ll sleep for a few more minutes, mmkay?” you snickered at her sleepiness, but gave her a nod.
“in the meantime, i’ll prepare our stuff.” you heard her hum, as you slowly slipped out of the bed. you both had made it to the chelsea first team, after being in the academy together.
you had gotten the empty kit bags, there were labels on it so you wouldn’t get your bags mixed. but it didn’t really matter, as aggie mostly wore your clothes. she claimed it was more comfy than hers.
you both had a successful season while being on a loan, aggie was at everton while you were at lyon. you were a bit sad at the hate she had gotten against her game with arsenal.
you remembered how she called you in the middle of the night, a bit in disbelief about the red card. you did your best to comfort her, and it worked.
you had rummaged through your closet, picking two after training outfits. the chelsea training kit was already prepared, neatly folded on the desk table.
“what else?” you said, humming to yourself. you snapped your fingers, as you rushed to get the boots and shin pads.
“always prepared, love.” aggie said, as she stretched her arms. she was sitting on the bed, her back was against the headboard as she looked at you in adoration and amusement.
you’d always pack the kit bags, she was always thankful for it but insisted that you don’t really have to do it.
“better ready than never.” you said, as aggie snickered. you purposely had gotten the saying wrong, but you were fine with it. as it always made her happy.
“it’s better late than never, love.” aggie said, slipping out of the bed. you gave her a soft look before glancing at the wall clock.
“let’s get ready.” you said, as she gave you a kiss on the cheek before taking her training gear to her room to shower.
you had breakfast together before rushing out the apartment doors, afraid to be late for training. you had the kit bags in your hands, as aggie had opened the back door for you, placing the bags in the back.
“the keys.” aggie said, tossing you the car keys that hit you in the head, as you groaned.
“shit—sorry, love.” you shook it off, grabbing the keys on the floor before heading to the drivers seat. you may be the younger one, but you were the driver and she was the passenger princess.
the road to the training grounds was filled with music, you both were just vibing to the songs. you had pulled up in the parking lot, millie your national teammate gave you a soft smile.
“lovebirds.” millie teased, as you playfully shot her a glare. aggie just gave her a soft smile, before getting her kit bag. you swung yours over the shoulder, before quickly closing the door, locking it when you were done.
the first part of the training, the team worked on their possession before breaking out into 5v5’s. aggie was on the opposite team, and you wore the white bib.
“alright, let’s take a short break.” emma announced, as she clapped her hands a few times. you sat on the pitch, as aggie beelined her way towards you.
the team looked at the two of you with amusement, as you hummed. she sat in front of you as you opened your arms.
you spent the whole break, hugging talking about random things that would come up on her for you page. the day ended with the two of you watching movies in the living room.
you were both cuddled up, as a big blanket was placed over the two of you. you rested your head on her chest, as she had massaged your scalp.
you were playing with the string of her hoodie, twirling it around your finger as she looked at you in adoration. but you didn’t know that, you were so focused on the movie, you didn’t see her look.
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ivonhart · 4 months
a lil’ snippet of the wrecker fic I’m working on rn cuz I’m loving it sm
reader is a twi’lek (like usual I kept the skin color up to y’all’s imagination - she’s purple in my eyes hehe + I wrote her lekkus to be somewhat longer than shown in the show cuz if that nasty dude twi’lek Bib Fortuna - he scares me so bad man - can have long lekkus so can my girl 👹)
“Oh, I’m so excited to see what Phee has brought back!” Lyana said with bright eyes as the three of you made your way to the top of the island. You eyed her father with a small smile before responding. “As am I.”
A thoughtful hum passed by your lips as you pulled one of your lekkus over your shoulder, messing with the flower vines you decorated your head-tails with. “I wonder if you picked up any new seeds for me? The gardens could use some new friends.”
You were as close of a friend to Phee as she let you be after she freed you from slavers whilst on a mission to “liberate” an ancient Ryloth artifact the slavers wished to part with. As the three of you reached the summit and watched the ship come into view, you noted the four individuals that stood in front of her. One being a young girl with short, blonde hair.
Despite the fact they ranged from shape and size, they all sported the same colored armor. “After all, I am a liberator–” Shep was quick to announce their presence by finishing her sentence. “Liberator of ancient wonders.” Clone Force 99’s attention turned towards the new voice and that was when Wrecker saw you.
A Twi’lek dressed in a long, flowy dress that blew in the light ocean breeze, paired with an apron that was slightly dirty that held gardening tools looked at his brother from underneath her large floppy hat that was decorated with flowers along the top. Even though you wore a hat, he could still take in your lekkus that dropped down your back and swayed with each breath you took.
As you got closer, you saw that your head-tails were wrapped in small lines that sprouted a few small flowers along the larger parts of the vines. You were the most beautiful creature he had ever laid his eyes on. His eyes never left your figure as you bounced over to Phee with a wide smile. “PHEEEEEEEE!”
The woman in question opened her arms with a small smile as she braced for impact. Everything about you drew Wrecker’s attention and he felt his heart speed up as passed him to get to her. Your scent was one of dirt and flora. It was intoxicating. “Easy now.” Phee started with a laugh. “Those tools you got might poke my kidney out if you hug me any tighter.” And your laugh. Wrecker had to force his legs to stay under him as the sound flowed through his ears like the sweetest melody.
He was so enamored with you that he didn’t see the way Hunter eyed him. “About time you showed your face around here.” Shep said with a laugh after you pulled away, allowing both him and Lyana to embrace him. “What’d you bring this time?” As Phee kneeled down to show Layana, you took the time to look at those she brought along.
From a closer distance it was clear that they were clones, but they weren’t like the ones you remembered from Ryloth. They had similar faces, but there were slightly different aspects about each and every one of them.
The one next to the little girl sported a skull tattoo that took half his face along with a notable, red bandana that held his long hair back a tad. The next one seemed to hide behind his data pad, but you could still see that his goggled-eyes were stuck on Phee as she spoke about the artifact. You couldn’t help the small smile that tugged on your lips.
Then your attention moved to the last clone and he was…breathtaking. He was as large as a house with broad shoulders and strong arms, but his eyes held almost a shyness from under your gaze. His brown and white eyes shifted side to side every few seconds as you kept your full attention on him.
You were so focused on memorizing the trail of scars along his eye that you didn’t realize Phee had been speaking to you until she waved her hand in front of her face. “Seems Flower here likes what she sees, huh?” Heat burned your cheeks as you snapped your eyes away from the man with an open mouth. You were about to rebuttal the woman, but she simply turned on her heel and began introducing everyone.
this fic for me all like
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his literally my wife - I’m already three pages deep in a google doc rn - size 11 font NO sentence spaces
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msmargaretmurry · 11 months
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thanks I will be thinking about this forever now too! we need the fic, becky
hello friend, i come belatedly answering this ask with a less belated but still slightly belated little birthday gift. hope you enjoy ❤
inspired by this fantastic fanart and, obviously, set in the haw universe. explicit/nsfw.
Lying on Matthew’s hotel bed, still buzzing off the adrenaline of winning a hockey game in front of 55,000 people, Leon grins up at the ceiling.
“I’m waiting,” he calls.
“You can wait,” Matthew says from behind the closed door of the bathroom. “I’m pissed at you, remember?”
“Be pissed at me out here,” Leon says, bouncing his heels on the mattress.
To be fair, Leon would also be pissed if he lost in front of 55,000 people, especially if all of those people loved booing him as much as the Oilers faithful love booing Matthew. He’d be pissed even if he had scored a pretty goal. Pretty sexy goal. Winning affords Leon the generosity to really appreciate a sexy goal. 
“Come on, I’m getting lonely out here,” he says smugly.
The door finally opens. Leon sits up. Matthew steps out in his overalls and cowboy boots. Big white cowboy hat on his head. Big scowl on his face.
Leon smirks. “Hot.”
“Shut up,” Matthew says, like this isn’t his own fault. If he hadn’t sent Leon a picture of himself in the overalls getup before the game, Leon wouldn’t have had to text him, After I win youre wearing that for me later, and Matthew wouldn’t have texted back, Yeah ok IF you win. And Leon did win.
It’s early enough in the season that Matthew still has faint tan lines around his neck and upper arms. Leon wants to trace them with his tongue. He wants to sink his teeth into them and see if the marks turn different shades of red on the tan skin and the pale skin. At some point surely he’s going to stop feeling so crazy any time he looks at Matthew, but for now, especially now, with the win, the adrenaline, the animal part of his brain surges up every time. Mine.
“Okay, so,” Matthew says, awkwardly adjusting a denim strap over his shoulder. “You want a picture or what?”
“Not yet.” Leon slides to his feet to cross the room to him. Matthew makes a face, like he thinks Leon is going to make fun of him, but honestly it’s Matthew who should be making fun of Leon for being so into the stupid little outfit.
It’s not really the outfit, specifically. It’s Matthew’s shoulders on display, broad and strong. His sharp collarbones and the perfect, tempting dip of his throat. The hint of the hair on his chest peeking out of the top of the overalls bib and the knowledge of how it feels against Leon’s lips.
Leon tugs him in by the front of his overalls and kisses him, long and deep. Mine.
There's a bite to the way Matthew kisses Leon back. He’s not wound up way too tight like he would get after losses last season, but there’s still a tension there. A challenge. He’d been nervous, Leon knows — god knows Leon had been nervous, too — about how things would go when the new season started. The summer had been so good, even if their time together was far too short, an entire world away from their real lives. The preseason had been good, a meaningless win apiece and every possible stolen second of time together. But now the games matter again, and that C is still so heavy on Matthew’s chest. The points tonight were the same as the points in any other game, but the stage was so much bigger than usual.
But after the game, Matthew had texted first. And here they are.
“You played good,” Leon murmurs. He slides his hands up the edges of the overall bib, along the straps over Matthew’s chest, down again to where it scoops in at his sides, his fingertips barely tracing over the bare skin underneath. Matthew scoffs; playing well is cold comfort in a loss. It’s important for him to hear it anyway. Leon pulls him in by the fabric again, relishes the easy way Matthew’s mouth opens to his. He kisses Matthew until Matthew groans into it, the sound vibrating down Leon’s spine.
Leon maneuvers them until Matthew’s back is against a wall. It knocks the cowboy hat askew, and the stupid thing keeps bumping Leon’s head when they kiss, so he takes it off Matthew’s head and tosses it onto the bed. 
“Hey, it’s not a look without the hat,” Matthew says. Leon cares more about his kissed-red mouth than the complaint. Matthew shaved before the game, theoretically for the look, but even money says it was also in anticipation of how sensitive his freshly clean-shaven skin is to the bristle of Leon’s beard.
“Trust me, it’s still a look,” Leon says, sliding a hand into Matthew’s hair. So easy to tangle his fingers in the curls, like they were made for him to hold onto. It’s warm in the hotel, but he swears he can taste the cold air of Commonwealth Stadium on Matthew’s cheek as he drags a bristly kiss across it. Matthew’s jaw, his ear, his temple. Matthew squirms, laughs hoarsely, hooks his fingers into the waistband of Leon’s joggers and pulls him in so their bodies are flush together. Matthew pressed to the wall, Leon pressed to Matthew. Leon only has maybe half an inch and a few pounds on him, and yet somehow it feels easy to box him in like this when they’re alone, when he’s so willing to let Leon take the lead. Not like when they’re on the ice, when he’s throwing elbows, poking stick-butts into ribs, finding and getting on every last nerve. But Leon loves him out there, too. The fight out there makes the easy in here that much more worth it.
“I missed you,” Matthew sighs. His eyes are closed, head tilted back from the tug of Leon’s hand in his hair. Leon lets his fingers fall free to cup Matthew’s face instead, tilting his chin into another kiss. Softer, slower. He finds one of the buckles on the front of the overalls and works it open one-handed. The strap falls away; the bib would fall half-open if it weren’t held up by the way they’re pressed together. “Should have made you wear your stupid jumpsuit.”
“Mmm, shouldn’t have lost, then.” The jumpsuits were fun, but, in Leon’s opinion, would put way too much work between his skin and Matthew’s. Not like the overalls, serving Matthew up like a buffet.
“God, you’re insufferable,” Matthew says, but turns his head to give Leon access as he moves his mouth to Matthew’s neck. 
He thumbs open one, two buttons at Matthew’s hip and snakes his hand into the overalls, expecting to find underwear to deal with and instead finding nothing. Just his palm sliding over Matthew’s happy trail, finding Matthew’s erection pressed against the inside of the denim. It’s wet at the tip, hot and hard in Leon’s hand. Matthew makes a guttural noise when Leon touches him that sounds like how the primal urge in Leon feels. Mine.
“Yeah?” he breathes against the hinge of Matthew’s jaw, against the thrum of Matthew’s pulse. “You want this?”
“Obviously.” The word catches in Matthew’s throat as his hips hitch into Leon’s hand. “Please.”
Leon strokes him slow and steady. No need to rush. It would be better with some spit or lube, but he doesn’t want to pull away long enough to make that happen. And besides, he likes really being able to feel Matthew’s cock in his hand: the soft, soft skin, the warm pulse of blood, delicate contours of the head and the wetness in the slit as precome beads out. Matthew moans, quietly and then less quietly, but he doesn’t try to take more than Leon gives him. Leon loves when he’s like this, trusting, taking so beautifully. It’s greedy of him, maybe, but he loves the time it gives him with Matthew’s body. Like now, scraping teeth down his neck, tasting the sharp ridge of his clavicle. Following the constellation of moles across his throat, biting into the flexing muscle of his shoulder and getting a perfect sweet groan in response. His own dick twitches at the sound, but they can deal with that soon enough.
When Matthew’s breaths start coming hard through his nose, Leon speeds his hand up, just a little. Sometimes he might not, to drag it out as long as possible, but there’s so much more he wants to do tonight. Matthew pants, and Leon sucks kisses into his chest, drags his tongue along the edge of the denim strap that’s still attached over his left shoulder. There’s a buckle on it, a tang of metal. He gets his free hand under the back of the overalls, splayed between Matthew’s shoulder blades, holding him up when his knees start to buckle.
“Come on,” Leon urges with his mouth on Matthew’s neck. “Come on, let me feel you.”
“Oh, fuck,” Matthew says, “oh, fuck, fuck,” and comes in Leon’s hand, all over the inside of the overalls. Leon strokes him through it until he shudders, oversensitive, then pulls his hand out to wipe it on the front of the bib. 
“Fuck,” Matthew breathes again. He nudges his chin against Leon’s head, seeking a kiss that of course Leon gives him. A brief, wanting, bite of a kiss that says that as soon as Matthew catches his breath, he’s got plenty more in him. Good, because Leon’s so turned on he feels a little unsteady. They can take a minute, though. Gives him a chance to admire his handiwork. Matthew’s throat and chest are a mottled patchwork of pink beard burn and deep red hickeys. Teeth marks in his shoulder that’ll be purpling by morning. He doesn’t own a single shirt that’ll hide all of it.
Usually Leon would be more careful. But it’s a special occasion.
“God,” Matthew says. He’s caught Leon looking, and is now walking careful fingers over the tender marks. “How bad did you fuck me up?”
“Pretty bad. Only a little sorry, though.”
Matthew huffs a laugh, his head lolling back against the wall. Between the hickeys, the half-undone overalls, the dark patch at his crotch and the come smeared down his front, he’s an image that’s going to be burned into Leon’s brain for a long time. He looks at Leon through lidded eyes, his smile warm and lazy. “Only a little forgiven, then.”
“I can make it up to you,” Leon says, tugging him in by the unbuttoned hip of the overalls. Matthew hums into the kiss.
“Take me to bed and I’ll forgive you right now,” he says.
“Tough but fair.” Leon grins. “I want my picture first though.”
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skinskisurf · 2 months
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paddedlittleparadise · 5 months
The Taming of the Slut (Patreon/Ream Teaser)
This was gonna be one interesting evening!
It had been, what? Four years now since Ron had graduated from college? In that time he'd done what most folks his age did: found an internship, then a job, and then another one. Moved twice. Got a cat. Dated a few folks. But all that time…
Well, he didn't like to sound sappy. But he hadn't yet forgotten her.
He strode up the sidewalk now, heartbeat more than a little elevated. Oh yes, her. Mandy: the heartthrob of his college friend group. The busty, loud-mouthed, shameless history major. The girl who laughingly called herself a hopeless slut. Who had openly bragged about how she'd fucked every single member of the football team – in her sophomore year. And who had held for years now the leading role in Ron's most private fantasies.
Yeah, that was "Randy Mandy," all right. Hard to believe she was actually married now.
He rang the elegant doorbell, glancing wryly around at the immaculately groomed shrubbery of this seriously expensive house. Well, she certainly hadn't made a mistake in finding a guy with money, had she? Investment bankers like this Jacob fellow were in their own class, that was for sure. This place was definitely far more than he ever could have given her – even if she had been serious about him…
The door opened. "Hello and welcome! You must be Ron, is that right? So glad you found us! Come in, come in!" And in Ron dutifully stepped, momentarily taken aback by his host's appearance. Probably more from envy than anything, he'd expected Jacob to be some smarmy little suit-wearing weasel. But this guy… wow. He was tall. Dressed in a suit and tie. Hair neatly trimmed and smoothed, his clean-shaven jaw square and sharp. Heck, he looked ready to head onto to the red carpet… or maybe a gubernatorial debate.
"Thanks for having me," Ron offered, gazing politely about him – ostensibly at the luxurious furnishings, but privately in hopes of catching a first glimpse of the lady of the house. "I was just, you know, passing through. And I thought it would be great to chat, um, with Mandy-"
"Of course, of course! Not many of Mandy's classmates seem to be able to forget her," Jacob chuckled, and now he was gallantly gesturing toward the spacious living room, complete with a piano and a tastefully modern set of furniture. "We were so happy to get your message! I think it's so incredibly important for her to keep up all of those intimate connections she's made over the years. Don't you agree, dear?"
This last sentence was pitched louder, clearly addressed at the as-yet unseen Mandy. Ron eagerly followed Jacob's gaze to the end of the room and the open doorway that presumably led to the kitchen. This was it! His pulse quickened at the thought. Mandy would be here now. She would look so amazing – so sexy – so well-off and elegant-
Or maybe not. Because the red-faced figure that slowly stepped around the corner was probably the furthest from elegant that anyone could imagine.
Gone was her long blonde hair: snipped short and blunt, and done up in two unkempt pigtails. Gone too was her makeup – and her clothes, for the most part. All she now seemed to be wearing, Ron realized with a blast of horrified fascination, was the stuff of a fetish fantasy. A lacy white bib embroidered with a pink cursive "Slut." A pink leather posture collar, snug and wide. Matching pink bondage mitts on each hand, tethered to her collar with formidably strong steel chains. And to crown it all… a puffy, bulging, baby-pink diaper taped tightly around her waist.
What the heck is going on with Mandy?! Check out the rest – and hundreds of other original and commissioned story posts – on my Patreon or Ream!
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waterpoofs · 2 years
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Stable Diffusion with Protogen 2.2 imagining guys in raingear.
Prompt: a cute young man with a short beard wearing a blue PVC waterproof rain jacket and red bib-and-brace overalls on a sail boat, latex rubber, grundens, guy cotten, helly hansen, rain suit, raingear, waterproofs, hooded, raining, wet, scruff, scruffy, tousled, messy hair, yachtsman (and my usual negative prompts)
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cappuccino-bear · 6 days
Gravelwing's Blood, a Warriors Ccinocats one-shot
This is my first oneshot in my Warriors rewrite AU I call Ccinocats, of which I plan to do more.
In this fic, the event of Cloudtrail's arrival in Thunderclan, at the time Cloudy, is told by the perspective of Gravelwing, reflecting on the events that have happened to her and her family.
Main cast (all characters that have a speaking role or are mentioned often)
Warrior Gravelwing who was Gravelface, a big spotted gray tabby with a white bib, mostly white feathery tail and tired teal eyes, she/her (canon Brindleface)
Warrior Stoatrun who was Stoatleg, a short but stocky brown tabby with horizontal stripes that cover his eyes like a “mask”, a cream colored underbelly, long ears and jovial lime green eyes, he/him (canon Runningwind)
Primehunter Lilyflurry who was Lilytuft, a lanky white cat with grey patches in a “pants” pattern, whispy fur, longer fur on his face like a mask and narrow yellow eyes, he/him (canon Whitestorm)
Junior Warrior Fireheart who was Firepaw, a short fiery orange cat with a blaze of white on his scruffy snout, one white paw, round ears whose tips flop outwards and intense green eyes, he/him (canon Fireheart)
Cloudy, a small, pure white, fluffy and curly kitten with a tiny pink nose, stubby legs, round ears whose tips flop outwards and baby blue eyes, he/him (canon Cloudtail)
Nurse/Senior Warrior Doeyell who was Doespeckle, an old, spotted golden tabby with a white throat, long neck fur, a scarred paw and serious amber eyes, she/her (canon Speckletail)
Deputy Tigerslash who was Tigerclaw, a muscular black marbled tabby with a scarred snout, very long claws and proud orange eyes, he/him (canon Tigerclaw)
Leader Bluestar who was Freezing Hailmoon who was Hailfur, a gray cat with darker “pants” and forehead with a long scar over her shoulders, slim legs, curved ears and narrow dark blue eyes, she/her (canon Bluestar)
Junior Warrior Sandstorm who was Sandsnout, a light brown tabby with faded horizontal stripes that cover her eyes in a “mask”, a beauty mark on her muzzle, powerful legs and serious lime green eyes, she/her (canon Sandstorm)
Warrior Twigsplinter who was Claytail, a light brown tabby with dark horizontal stripes, an unusually long tail, one split ear, a dark brown crest and playful teal blue eyes, he/they (canon Longtail)
Shunned Deputy Maplehawk who was Mapletail, a stocky tortoiseshell with a long red tail, a red ring around his scarred eye, a bite mark on his flank and tired amber eyes, he/him (canon Redtail)
That chilly morning Thunderclan's camp was quieter than usual. Patrols had already been organized and sent out accordingly, the two cooks had been preparing a hearty soup for the main meal of the day, and the retirees cozied up against the warm wall adjacent to the ovenrock. Marigoldkit and Thornkit, the two students, had just finished pushing the snow away from the middle of the clearing and were now cuddling each other in their nests. 
The bleak sunshine made the frost on top of the leaves melt in the whole forest, and from the ivy curling around the roof of the nursery small drops fell into a puddle on the ground.
That puddle is where Gravelwing had been staring at since she'd woken up, the constant ripples in the slowly expanding body of water. In her own mind those tears belonged to her as well, even if she'd already spent too many in the previous days to spare any more in that very moment.
Gravelwing's name had been on everyone's tongue for a moon and a half, since she'd officially declared her pregnancy and temporary retirement. Stoatrun stood next to her that day, in front of the whole Clan, while the Warriors cheered at the news of new kittens, a warm hope to thaw the cold of Leafbare. 
The celebration was accompanied by sharing tongues and platters of roasted mouse, if staler than usual- it was the coldest moon, they couldn't be picky. 
Bluestar had even volunteered to help set up her nest in the nursery once again, but Doeyell, helpful and diligent as ever, got to it first before the ceremony was even over, so that very night the new expecting cat could sleep in a bed of downy feathers and soft poplar fluff from the Newleaf before.
The following days, she'd gotten visits on top of visits from sunrise to moonfall, first a brief one from her apprentice Fireheart giving her congratulations, then Frostflash, her loyal friend who’d brought her a plate of eggs cooked in their own shells, then Sparrowcurl, the future kits' grandfather. Every time, they'd hold back their tongue about the boar in the nest, never asking why she thought to have children again, after what happened to her other mate. 
Stoatrun’s presence during the visits might have helped them keep the questions away, but she knew of the whispers outside, as if the culprits were ever out of earshot, on her loyalty to the Clan compared to her traitorous, and announced dead ex-mate. 
She knew, deep down, she both missed him, yet wanted to spit at him for his betrayal, yet again wished he was next to her and Stoatrun like he should be, after he could answer why, why did he do this...
Once, Sparrowcurl noticed her tensing up while she started to spiral and left hurriedly, while her mate licked her neck fur to bring the same comfort she's done to her own kittens many times, and when she snapped out of it, the moment turned into one of reciprocated grooming. 
Mousebite came in a while later, holding a bag full of trinkets to play Hopperscratch together, and by then she was already much calmer. She even ended up winning, to her clanmate's chagrin.
Her eldest children, Twigsplinter and Sandstorm, were always the last to visit. They waited until the dusk patrols had been sent before doing so, every day, and they only exchanged a few words during that time, if not to ask if their parents needed anything in that moment. It hurt, but Gravelwing understood, even if bitterly, because of how their family had fractured, it would take a long time before it'd feel right to not have one of their parents here.
Maybe it'd never come, but she held out hope that the new kittens could help with it, as her nose was buried in Stoatrun's fur while she drifted off to sleep.
Bogsnarl, a half-moon after she’d moved nests, had called her for her first serious health check up. It was as annoying as she remembered the first time it happened, with prodding and turning and poking all around, but Lynxpelt's presence, seeing how the young cat wanted to learn and memorize every herb and every question, made it more bearable, even a little fun to see her be quizzed by her new mentor on the procedure. 
Until the very moment the medic asked the apprentice, kindly (and Bogsnarl was seldom kind), to fetch Stoatrun. A knot had twisted in her throat the second they were left alone.
And she found out it was a ghost pregnancy.
She knew it could happen to anyone, that no spirit was wishing ill upon her for it, that no comment should be made on her in regards of unloyalty or heresy, but in an instant cool, composed, calculating Gravelwing just yowled her pain for all to hear, uncaring of the rest of the world. 
Her chance at a new family, a possible new normal, a feasible good thing was gone, yet it had never been there in the first place without her knowledge.
She'd still need round-the-day care, she still had milk at the end of it, but no kneading kittens to drink it, and an empty nest while Stoatrun needed to go on patrols despite the sorrow that weighed him down too, and the overwhelming feeling of grief for what it could have been.
And now, for the past moon, she'd been sleeping in the nursery, her teats still full of milk but her belly deflated, like her mood.
 Anytime she'd step out to participate in amy activity the whisperings began again, and although it had been a moonsliver since Bogsnarl had officially declared her fit for work again, she knew the moment she'd go out someone would tear the nest in the nursery to pieces for its components, and the sense of dread anytime she even thought of going back to her nest next to the other Warriors made her legs wobble.
It got harder to groom herself everyday, looking at her own body made her shiver from head to tail, so Stoatrun would be the one to do so every time he'd come back from patrols. The time they spent together was silent, afraid that every question they'd pose would be met with nothing more than a tense breath and awkward silence.
Less cats visited her, now, no more joyful games or silly chats, and while some of it was probably Bogsnarl shooing them away, she couldn't decide if the other reason outweighed it.
Because she could hear the grumbling of stomachs, the shivers and chattering teeth just outside the bramble wall even while it was covered in thick snow. And the quiet remark of "someone here is doing nothing to help" stung just as much as if it was said directly to her face.
Her role was important. She should be out there hunting and tanning skin and lining the walls with bark, but nothing helped her feet move.
Her trail of thought was interrupted by the sound of shuffling from outside. Some gasps filled the silent camp suddenly, someone growling at another loudly before a third cat shushed them again. Gravelwing was confused, but then a booming, harsh, and wrathful shriek from Bluestar silenced most of the voices. 
She wondered, as she looked up from the puddle to glance at the leader and a gaggle of cats who made their way towards the Highrock, what could be so serious that everyone was either whispering or yelling about it. When they moved out of view, she questioned if the worried whispers came from an imminent attack, despite no physical commotion or strange scents filling the air, but then the sound of pawsteps came closer and closer to the nursery entrance. 
She could catch some bits of a conversation between Doeyell and Lilyflurry, their words hushed, but clear as day she heard the word "kitten" being spoken.
Her ears strained, wishing to listen more, to know how she might have to feel, until a small orange head peeked in: Fireheart holding a ball of down feathers in his mouth. She didn't question it, still hiding in the darkness, as the many cats now walking in the entrance were cloaking the inside of the nursery from the cold light. 
Then the Primehunter Lilyflurry stepped inside, coming closer, his wispy white fur catching small rays of sunlight from behind.
"Gravelwing, would you be willing to wean this kitten here?" Lilyflurry asked, and Gravelwing's teal eyes grew wide until she recognized how the bundle of down dangling from her former apprentice's jaw had eyes and a mouth and a tiny little nose between all the fur. 
Said Warrior, with a worried expression, pushed himself further inside, his head hung low to better show the tiny kitten, as if he'd realized a second too late that the grieving queen could not tell what it was. 
And even if that wasn't enough, the little thing gathered a long breath and mewled as loud as it could, waking up the cat in front of it from the state of trance she'd been living in, lasting entire moon phases.
Fireheart and Lilyflurry didn't need to wait for a spoken answer as the kitten was grabbed hastily, then placed inside the nest and shielded between Gravelwing's body and her plumy tail. 
Up close she could see their features better, underneath the fluff: their squinty eyes were still kitten-blue, the color of Brightleaf skies, their ears still closed to the sounds of the world, and their fur was even more dense and white and curly than previously imagined, barely letting two kneading paws peek out of it. Shifting around to keep them even closer she began to wordlessly lick their fur backwards to bring back more warmth in the body.
A sigh of relief from both of the cats standing in front of her made Gravelwing look up again, and in that moment it'd been as if the gravity of the situation hit her- Fireheart had just brought her a kitten in need of a mother. 
Looking back down at them she noticed how their ears, even if still closed, had the same notch in the center that Fireheart owned, which let the tips of them flop sideways. For a moment she wondered, as if to deny reality, that it might have been Lilyflurry’s kin somehow, with the blinding white of their fur, but those ears, and the tuft of fur sticking up from the top of their snout, and the curls which Fireheart also had in his cheeks cleared who was truly related to them.
Before she could ask, however, all three cats turned around at the bemused call of "hold up!" By Doeyell, who entered by shoving the Primehunter and Junior Warrior to the side, making them almost stumble in the unused nursery nests.
"Gravelwing dear," she began, her voice serious but sweetened by worry, "in your current state are you even sure you'd want to keep a kitten that won't be of your family? Since Bluestar decided that the task of True Parent falls upon.... this other grown kitten." The last sentence was accentuated by a growl as she turned towards Fireheart, who in turn stood still and proud even if his ears pinned themselves back. 
"And let him starve? I told you, his mother wishes for him to be raised in a Clan, and Bluestar agreed. You're the one that taught me the whole Clan takes care of the kits!" He growled back at the senior warrior. "Or do you think Bogsnarl should go invent a new herb mixture to let me produce milk instead?"
"Still, it does not change the fact that this here is not her kitten, nor was he born to a Clan, and Gravelwing here might not be comfortable with it!" Doeyell replied, and the Senior Warrior and only Nurse realized she'd just hit a badger's nest with a beehive by saying that to Fireheart just as he hissed back.
"How DARE you of all cats! I proved that I'm loyal to death for Thunderclan because you thought my previous life was too soft! This kitten here DOESN'T HAVE ONE! He was born two moonslivers ago, so what does he have to compare, the taste of milk?!"
Feeling that a fight might start between the two hotheaded Warriors, Lilyflurry put a paw firmly between them. "This is the nursery," He hissed under his breath, but both Doeyell and Fireheart's tails were lashing madly, two pairs of green eyes locking and exchanging venom, despite the reminder they'd just been given.
Gravelwing believed that as soon as the white warrior would blink both cats would be tearing at each other's whiskers, and that was the last thing she needed to see that very day, yet words caught in her throat- what if something she'd say to one would set the other cat off? She cared about both dearly, her friend and her apprentice, and she didn't wish for animosity between them, but now it was coming to that, fast, in front of her and a kitten.
A cough from just beyond the entrance interrupted them, and suddenly all cats inside stood straighter as a result of it, quieting down and interrupting the fight for a moment. Even the kitten quit squirming for a second as Bluestar and Tigerslash strode inside the den, the leader walking right up to Gravelwing. 
The queen moved to stand up, but a whisker-twitch from Bluestar beckoned her to stay comfortable, despite the tension she held in her gaze and shoulders. Tigerslash stopped just behind her, glaring intermittently at both Fireheart and the furball of a kitten at her belly.
"Have you agreed to wean the kitten, Gravelwing?" She meowed. "Of course she did!" "Of course she didn't!" Fireheart and Tigerslash answered in unison, then the Deputy growled at the young Warrior, who answered at the aggression with a huff. The Leader however shot back a stern look, silencing both, and despite her cold equanimity her deep blue eyes glared daggers at both of them.
"I asked the question to Gravelwing," she pointed out, "and the only answer that is to decide the kit's fate is hers. If she denies her milk to him we'll find another solution, if she accepts him then she'll wean him, but nobody else's opinion on my decision to let the kitten in Thunderclan will be questioned or defended by anybody but me. Understood?"
Gravelwing's heart leapt in her throat at the realization that this decision was not being forced onto her. The kitten would not go hungry, she knew that, there were ways to induce milk in a cat and, if nothing else worked, bloodsoup wasn't hard to make even if it wasn't ideal. 
It was her decision to care for him, and Doeyell was a little right: it would probably hurt a lot, the idea that this wasn't even her son in the Clan's tradition because Fireheart was the True Parent, this could not replace the kittens she could have had if things were better...
But looking down at him, his wriggling limbs, and Fireheart's ear notches on the tiny white head, she thought of how her Apprentice would strut around camp with his first hunt's reward, his ears wiggling up and down with the bounce in his step.
She remembered his kindness when the Retiree Leopardgrowl wouldn't remember his name and believed he was Seedstep, of all cats, of how he was not rude or blamed the sick cat despite no-one ever teaching him what timerot was. 
She remembered how, when she showed him how to tackle opponents to the ground, he had immediately apologized once he'd gotten it right when trying with her because, how he was apologetic thinking she'd hit her head too badly.
She thought of how he listened to her cry pathetically about  the Disgraced Maplehawk, saying how much she missed him despite how at the time he had actually been just across camp, yet invisible in the prison den. 
How her entire family cried when Firepaw had to say that her ex-mate, from being a prisoner, died a hero because he tried fighting Shadowclan's thieves with Ravenscruff, long enough for Fireheart to run to safety. 
How they gathered around and had their own vigil because there was no body and half the Clan still thought he was too guilty of treason, and how he also cried with them for a cat he would have only known as a criminal.
She remembered how, the day he was named Fireheart, and she cheered his name so loudly with all her lungs, he specifically ran up to thank her for teaching him so well, and she said the Clan would need more cats like him. 
And at her belly, there was a cat he would have to raise alone, and she thought again of how the Clan needed more cats like him now more than ever.
"Yes, Bluestar. I want to help wean the kitten." She mewedlooking back at the Leader with a resolve to life she had not felt in moons.
A sigh of relief came from both Lilyflurry and Fireheart, but Bluestar only answered in a curt nod, then turned around to leave.
"Bluestar!" Doeyell called, but the Leader didn't even look back at her, "will the kitten even have a formal introduction? Or a Clan name in three moons?"
Bluestar turned around then, but stared at the kitten, not at who she was supposed to answer. "He has a name already and was welcomed to the world before, there's no need for it."
Stoatrun had almost tripped on his own paws when rushing into the nursery, and his mate had to kindly remind him that there was a kitten sleeping before he woke up the owls, too, with his shocked yelling. He was briefed on what happened after his hunt, and simply wanted to see the kit. 
Gravelwing was ready to stand her ground on her decision, but knew he, of all cats, would be the most opposed to any argument of leaving a kit to starve.
Inside the nursery was Fireheart, too, crouching in one of the unused nesting spots. Gravelwing did not invite him to stay, but she had no reason to send him away. He just stared at the kitten, who was for all intents and purposes his son now, with worry wrinkling his brow, as if at any moment he might sprout wings and flitter away and he'd be the one to have to catch him. 
Stoatrun positioned himself so the junior could still see while licking his mate's fur, and would intermittently bend down to nuzzle the kitten as well, who was now half asleep and unmoving, except for the rise and fall of his sides.
"Bluestar said he's got a name, yes?" The queen finally broke the silence, looking at her former Apprentice, who nodded in response. 
"His mother named him Cloudy, since he's.... well, like that." Fireheart answered, not tearing his gaze from his son and nephew, looking at the soft curls of his white fur. 
"Hold on, y’know his name? What ’bout his mother?" Stoatrun inquired, and Fireheart stiffened all of a sudden before looking down, dejected. 
"My sister," he muttered, "She was pregnant, gave birth, showed up with Cloudy here and told me to raise him." 
"She's a kittypet, correct?" Gravelwing asked, again, and if the Warrior could look more mortified he might have as he scrambled back on his feet. 
"I-I just... I still feel so othered, Gravelwing,” He admitted. “You all have families, and mates, and parents and children and kin in here, and the moment I lost Ravenscruff, and Maplehawk, and now Cricketpurr’s friendship... I was alone... I met Princess only once before the last new moon, by accident, but then you moved in here, and felt so sick and sad, that I just couldn't bear it to come and ask for help for my small problems.... 
“So I'd go in her den, look after her five- five of them- five kittens so she could stretch her legs, because her folk was never home.... and then today she tells me she wants to make sure she could see at least her firstborn grow up not far from her, and that this way a piece of my family would be here with me, and maybe I would not feel so miserable, and I didn't stop her because she's right!"
He looked up with dark streaks of tears under his eyes. "I never forced her, you have to believe me, I never stole him, and I never wanted to put the Clan in danger... I'm just so lonely, Gravelwing...."
A strong set of paws pulled the standing Warrior closer to the other three cats, and his head was nestled just below Gravelwing's. Stoatrun, even if less warmly, laid his head on Fireheart's back, and both were purring to him for comfort.
"That’s all a lot to go through," Stoatrun muttered, "and y’even made time for me, after Lynxpelt got hurt, but you sound like you haven't had a break since you became a full Warrior, so maybe you should, let it go a bit maybe? Like, I know you found a distraction- a good one mind you- well, maybe not the best technically, since it was traitorous to speak to your kittypet kin-"
A small groan followed. "What my mate is trying to say," Gravelwing cut in, "is that we get how that would be stressful and lead you to feel this way. And we're sorry this is happening, and that you felt like you could not come here." 
She leaned in to lick the top of his head, her voice dropping lower with her purrs. "I know I was going through a lot, and I probably still am, but Fireheart you are nothing short of family here, if not by blood then by heart. My nest will always have space if you ever need it, both for you and little Cloudy here, so don't be a stranger just because you're out of apprenticeship."
Fireheart still looked unsure, yet shuffled closer to the both of them, sighing and laying his tail over their fur. The older Warriors did the same, and now, all curled around each other and the kitten, they collectively had some time to rest their bodies and spirits from the emotions.
Not long after, two other cats trotted inside the quiet nursery, long after Cloudy had begun to sleep soundly, belly full and paws in the air. Sandstorm was the first to dare getting close and look at the kitten by her mother's belly, but made no comment. 
Twigsplinter was another story, the young Warrior having gotten over his head one too many times in front of his family and having gotten away with voicing his ideas easily before.
"Are we... sure we want this eyesore in here?" He mustered every inch of self control, of which he had little left, to ask the question without adding unnecessary adjectives, but it was to save them for the next sentence, when nobody had yet answered him.
"I mean, he's so white he might blind the prey away from here! And with the kittypet blood we might as well-"
The Gravelwing of the morning before might have been too tired, she might have let her son continue even if unhappily so, she might have even let those comments be said about her, but right now, in a flash, she was half a step away from his face, growling quite loudly and leaving Stoatrun to faceplant in the nest.
"Son, I'll do my best to tell you this in a way you won't forget without making your ears evenly scratched," she hissed, looking now taller, bigger, as he shrunk down and curled his long tail between his legs. 
"If you were about to imply we "might as well" do something other than feed him, I would be the first and last in line to tell Bluestar to find a way to drill the Code of Kittens in your head, since I made you working ears last time I remembered. And now that you mention it, in the same way you have Windclan blood through your father and loner blood through me, this kitten has kittypet blood like his True Parent, and Fireheart was the one to rip your ear tip after you tried beating his defenseless brother." 
"Mother," Twigsplinter tried interjecting, but Gravelwing just growled louder. 
"I was not finished! Call any kitten eyesore or worthless again and I might just throw you out of here myself! How dare you, I thought I had raised a valorous Warrior but it seems something crawled in your head to have you say such idiotic things!"
Sandstorm, a now awake Cloudy, and their respective fathers could only look as Twigsplinter was almost swallowed up by his mother's fury, and if anyone outside of the nursery heard they might think the bramble walls were about to burst from the noise. 
A second passed, and the stiffness in Gravelwing's body faltered, until her fur had laid back down normally and her posture was straighter than a tree. 
Her son, on the other hand, seemed to try to make themselves even smaller than before.
Sandstorm stuck her tongue out at her brother in an act of defiance. “Also Twigsplinter, my mentor and primehunter Lilyflurry is just as white as that little furball, so ask him how he blinds prey with his fur, maybe it helps him catch it!” 
She shut herself when her mother turned around, but still had a smug expression.
"Apologize." she simply hissed, pointing with her head to the nest behind her. 
Twigsplinter peeked their head around, trying to hide the tremor in their body, to see Fireheart with his eyes blown open at the display of righteous anger. His father had a similar expression, but changed it to feign disappointment in him. Sandstorm was still smugly grinning. A nudge to his foot shook him out- Gravelwing looked calmly furious, like storm clouds thundering but only threatening to rain down.
The young Warrior then stood up, wobbled to his orange clanmate and his son, and bowed his head down, muttering a "sorry" under his breath.
“Louder." His mother demanded. 
"Sorry." He answered, louder as he was asked, but then felt himself being shoved down into the nest, with his face right between Fireheart's paws.
"Good," Gravelwing stated, taking back her place in the cuddle pile, letting her mate climb with his front on her back once again, and dragged down the rest of her lanky son so they was splayed in front of her before she began grooming their fur harshly, as if they were still a kitten. Sandstorm and Stoatrun both giggled, and Twigsplinter began complaining of an injustice and how "it's no longer necessary." 
"What's not necessary?" Fireheart asked, and Sandstorm pushed herself close to him before answering.
"When Maplehawk..." a small pause from her followed, but she shook her head and began again, "when we were kittens we'd fight all the time. And when it happened, he'd make us sit down, apologize, then would pull all of us back in the nursery to sleep it off. He said it's because our hearts beating together made them, and us, less angry and more united." 
"It was because otherwise we'd throw pinecones at each other for hours," Twigsplinter muttered, but his sister shushed him. 
"Was effective," Stoatrun purred, reaching to lick his daughter's ear, "or we wouldn't have such smart kittens, you'd have both bonked y’brains out with those cones."
Fireheart snorted at the idea. "So you're telling me Sandstorm has a better aim?"
Alternating complaints and laughter followed the declaration, with Twigsplinter playfully jabbing at both their sister and clanmate, saying he actually got faster at dodging them. 
The chatting, over the next hour, died down, as the sun reached its highest point and all six cats, in that nest, fell asleep over each other, a mix of purrs and snores in the warmest part of the day.
Gravelwing dreamed of family. Not of her a year and a half younger, with little cream kittens still called Long and Lean scampering about, one gray kitten named Lush- or Pebblekit if she’d lived long enough, of Stoatrun without his neck scar, of the previous Deputy touching noses with both her and their mate. 
She dreamt of Stoatrun, a suckling white kitten, Sandstorm and Twigsplinter, and Fireheart, nothing short of her son, if not by blood then by heart.
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runninriot · 6 months
FrankenWIP game
thank you so much for the tag @sidekick-hero!! 🖤
this is something i could never participate in because i've never worked on more than one wip before. but something possessed me to start three fics simultaneously, so i can finally give it a go
rules: post 3-6 sentences of your most recent WIP's, with titles, and people can send you asks for more 3-6 sentence snippets! tag as many people as you want or just use this as a reason to add a few new sentences to your projects!
snippets under the cut
   “You sure you need another one?”
   “You’re not my dad, are you?” Steve scoffs, pulls his mouth into a crooked grin, and tries to sit up a little straighter to demonstrate that he's still sober enough to keep himself upright.
   “Nah, man. Just lookin’ out for you, ‘s all.”
   “Well, thank you, Jeff. Appreciate it. But I’m fine. And I’m paying for it, so hand that glass over.”
They’ve been doing this dance almost every night for weeks now – Jeff acting concerned about Steve’s well-being, Steve convincing him he’s fine. Which he’s not, obviously. The fact that he even is on first name basis with the guy working the bar is evidence enough for how unarguably not-fine he is.
Because Steve’s been coming here a lot since the first time he stumbled upon this place. Since that night that messed it all up.
untitled (ProDom Steve)
Eddie’s skin is beautifully flushed from his face down to his chest, his nipples bright pink and probably sore from the clamps still biting harshly into the sensitive buds.
He’s littered with red streaks and blotches. Pinprick marks, leftovers from the neurowheel he'd used on him earlier, are running from his chest down to his thighs. His whole body is a gorgeous work of art.
The picture is perfected by the sight of Eddie’s hard cock straining against his stomach, purple at the tip, leaking, desperate to be touched.
Not yet, though. They’ve basically only started – Eddie is Steve’s to play with for a little while longer.
TBYET (part 13)
   „I wanna take you out on a date,“ Eddie says through a mouthful of pancakes. „We haven’t done that in a while.“
   „Yeah, because you two are always too busy making out and groping each other indecently.“ Robin snorts, sends Eddie a knowing look and a teasing grin.
   „Fuck off, Buckley! You act like we can’t keep our hands to ourselves for one minute.“
   „Because it’s true. You two are the worst.“
   „We are not! And it’s not my fault your best friend is making me lose my damn mind. I mean look at him! Standing there all cute and pretty with his tiny shorts and tousled hair.“
   „Steve, Eddie is drooling again! Maybe you should get him a bib so he doesn’t ruin your shirt.“
Eddie’s eyes drift over to where Steve is standing at the stove preparing another stack of pancakes. Robin laughs self-satisfied because Eddie has just proven her point.
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chic-a-gigot · 3 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 26, 28 juin 1902, Paris. Toilettes d'été pour dames et jeunes filles. Bibliothèque nationale de France
(6) Robe élégante pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en voile blanc. Jupe formée de trois volants à repincés bordés d'une guipure jaunie et d'un bouillonné en mousseline de soie de même ton. Corsage plissé traversé de guipure et de bouillonnés; décolleté en carré bordé de guipure. Manche composée dans le même esprit que la jupe, et bouffant de mousseline de soie. Ceinture longue, nouée derrière en taffetas vert-émeraude, les pans sont froncés de distance en distance.
Cette robe peut se faire en linon ou en mousseline.
(6) Elegant dress for young woman or girl, in white voile. Skirt made up of three repinched ruffles bordered with yellowed guipure and a bubbled chiffon of the same tone. Pleated bodice crossed with guipure and bubbles; square neckline edged with guipure. Sleeve made in the same spirit as the skirt, and puffed with silk chiffon. Long belt, tied behind in emerald green taffeta, the sides are gathered from distance to distance.
This dress can be made in lawn or muslin.
Matériaux: 9 mètres de voile; 4 mètres de mousseline de soie; 4 mètres de ruban vert.
(7) Robe de campagne pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en toile quadrillée blanc et rouge. Jupe en forme cerclée de biais pèlerine en toile blanche rayée de toile rouge unie. Veste à basque courte bordée d'un biais rouge, ornée de boutons rouges et ouverte sur un plastron en linon rouge. Grand col carré en toile blanche, liséré d'un biais rouge et bordé d'un plissé en linon rouge. Cravate de mousseline de soie rouge. Manche à coude terminée sous un large revers blanc un volant de linon rouge.
(7) Country dress for young women or girls, in white and red checkered canvas. Pelerine-shaped skirt in white canvas striped with plain red canvas. Short peplum jacket lined with a red bias, decorated with red buttons and open on a red linen bib. Large square collar in white canvas, edged with a red bias and edged with pleated red linen. Red chiffon tie. Elbow sleeve finished under a wide white lapel with a red lawn flounce.
Matériaux: 5 mètres de toile à damier blanc et rouge; 2m,50 de toile blanche; 0m,75 de toile rouge; 1m,20 de linon rouge.
(8) Corsage élégant pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en toile de soie vert Nil, entièrement bouillonnée; décolleté carré, bordé de dentelle sur un plastron bouillonné; entre-deux de dentelle au-dessous de la poitrine; col de dentelle Manille à deux bouillons fournissant un grand volant au coude.
(8) Elegant bodice for a young woman or girl, in Nile green silk canvas, entirely bubbled; square neckline, edged with lace on a bubbled bib; lace insert below the chest; Manila lace collar with two bubbles providing a large ruffle at the elbow.
Matériaux: 4m,25 de toile de soie.
(9) Manteau de visite pour dame d'un certain âge, en étamine de soie sur taffetas. Paletot cintré derrière, rayé en long de biais piqués en satin, s'élargissant vers le bas. Tout le long du devant, flots de mousseline de soie. Col renversé en taffetas blanc brodé de chenille ou de soie rouge ou de simple taffetas ramagé. Manche pagode à revers de taffetas pareils au col.
(9) Visiting coat for a lady of a certain age, in silk cheesecloth on taffeta. Overcoat fitted at the back, striped along the length with satin stitched bias, widening towards the bottom. All along the front, waves of silk chiffon. Reverse collar in white taffeta embroidered with chenille or red silk or simple ramagé taffeta. Pagoda sleeve with taffeta cuffs similar to the collar.
Matériaux: 7 mètres de taffetas noir; 7 mètres d'étamine; 1 mètre de taffetas blanc et rouge; 3 mètres de mousseline de soie plissée; 2 mètres de satin pour les biais.
Le chapeau est une capeline de paille blanche bordée de velours noir; le fond est voilé de mousseline de soie et de dentelle, guirlande de roses; en cache-peigne roses et nœud de velours noir.
The hat is a white straw hat lined with black velvet; the background is veiled in silk chiffon and lace, garland of roses; in pink comb cover and black velvet bow.
(10) Robe simple pour jeune femme ou jeune fille, en toile bleu lavé. Jupe en forme cerclée d'un biais piqué en toile blanche qui remonte devant. Corsage ajusté avec col d'un seul tenant; biais en bretelles. Autour du col, biais de linon écossais; devant, sous une longue découpure, apparaît un biais semblable. Ceinture écossaise à longs pans. Manche écourtée sur un bouffant de linon blanc.
Plus élégamment, cette robe s'exécuterait en zibeline d'été à longs poils; les biais en taffetas blanc; les ornements du corsage en taffetas écossais.
(10) Simple dress for young women or girls, in washed blue canvas. Skirt in a circled shape with a stitched bias in white canvas that goes up in front. Fitted bodice with one-piece collar; bias straps. Around the collar, Scottish lawn bias; in front, under a long cut, a similar bias appears. Scottish belt with long sides. Shortened sleeve on a white lawn bouffant.
More elegantly, this dress would be made of long-haired summer sable; white taffeta bias; the bodice ornaments in Scottish taffeta.
Matériaux: 6m,50 de toile bleue; 0m,50 de toile blanche; 0m,20 de linon écossais; 1m,50 de linon blanc.
(11) Robe de visites pour jeune femme, en foulard "sable mouillé". Jupe corselet. A partir de la moitié de la hauteur, cette jupe est en taffetas blanc sur lequel tombent des entre-deux de dentelle alternés avec d'autres entre-deux composés de velours noirs réunis par un point de vous et moi en gros cordonnet. Le corsage sur taffetas est entièrement fait de ces entre-deux. Grand col de dentelle; haut de manche à poignet de même enserrant un bouffant de foulard sable. Col de foulard drapé.
(11) Visiting dress for young woman, in “wet sand” foulard. Corselet skirt. From half the height, this skirt is in white taffeta on which falls alternating lace inserts with other inserts made of black velvet joined by a stitch of "vous et moi" in large cord. The bodice on taffeta is made entirely of these inserts. Large lace collar; top of sleeve with wrist in the same way enclosing a bouffant of sand foulard. Draped foulard collar.
Matériaux: 4 mètres de foulard; 7 mètres de taffetas blanc.
Capeline de paille blanche traversée de velours noir, fleuris de roses et d'hortensias bleus.
White straw hat crossed with black velvet, decorated with roses and blue hydrangeas.
(12) Robe de visites pour jeune femme ou dame d'âge moyen, en foulard vieux rose, à dessins japonais noirs. Jupe corselet, cerclée de biais piqués de taffetas noir qui remontent derrière. Boléro rayé de biais semblables. Devants lacés de velours noirs tombant en longs flots. Plastron de mousseline de soie blanche. Col plissé en forme. Manche courte, fendue et lacée sur un long bouffant de mousseline de soie noire ou de liberty.
(12) Visiting dress for young women or middle-aged ladies, in an old pink foulard, with black Japanese designs. Corselet skirt, surrounded by bias stitched black taffeta which goes up behind. Bolero striped with similar biases. Fronts laced with black velvet falling in long waves. White silk chiffon bib. Pleated shaped collar. Short sleeve, slit and laced on a long bouffant of black silk chiffon or liberty.
Matériaux: 11 mètres de foulard; 9 mètres de mousseline de soie; 2 mètres de taffetas.
Capeline de crin noir, enguirlandée de roses et piquée d'un paradis noir.
Black horsehair capeline, garlanded with roses and stitched with black paradise.
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sleebyfrogs · 1 year
The shirt for my historically accurate Toy Soldier cosplay is done!!!!!
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[Image: two photos, both taken in a mirror, of a young, transmasc person in their bedroom, wearing a reconstructed, white Victorian dress shirt. It has a shield-shaped bib area and a tab below the placket, with a detachable rounded collar and cuffs. The front placket and collar have a narrow black edge, and everything is fastened together with pearlescent shirt studs and cuff links. In the first image their face is blurred out, with comically simple eyes and a moustache doodled on top. In the second it is obscured by the body of a mandolin, held by its neck in one hand. Their short, dark hair is visible under an antique black-and-red military cap. End ID.]
(*almost historically accurate, and almost done)
After all this time!!!!! I started in September(?) and it’s now May but a lot of that was just putting off starting the twenty eight hand-done gimped and tailored buttonholes this ended up requiring because I can’t do anything by halves
If you’re wondering, I used this pattern, which worked wonderfully for me (special thanks to this tutorial too for demonstrating some of the more difficult parts), but I spent a long time trying to alter it to fit me, and to fit flatteringly, as I have never made a garment this complex before and I do not have the body an average men’s pattern expects. I had to do a lot of things multiple times over, but I’m really glad I did, because it’s definitely the most effort I’ve ever put into anything like this, and the finest sewing work I’ve ever done. I feel very dapper and handsome.
I did machine-stitch most of it because I knew, knowing me, that I could either end up with an ahistorically-sewn shirt or no shirt at all as I would procrastinate sewing all of that by hand just. Forever. I did hand-stitch a lot of it though, mostly the felled seams and fiddly collar bits. And the buttonholes. God so many buttonholes. The black edge is bias tape that I folded in half and ladder-stitched to itself through the shirt/collar fabric. (Also the horizontal seam you can see near the bottom in the lower picture exists solely because I didn’t have the fabric to cut the front out in one, and that part gets tucked into the pants anyway. Piecing is period.)
I’m still working on combining my various incomplete bits of antique cuff link and stud sets in the least-mismatched way, and the shirt itself is definitely not perfect (and there are still some minor adjustments I want to make), but all this to say I’m delighted with my work and excited to move onto the next item, which will probably be either the trousers or waistcoat, and I intend on documenting those too! I learnt so much from this experience and one day I’ll likely make another shirt much like it.
(Also, I’m happy to answer any questions about it!!! I know I could have used footsteps to follow in when I started this project)
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misterah13 · 3 months
Here we go everybody! Every fnaf character generations let’s go!
Freddy Fazbear: Hi I am freddy fazbear I am the star of the franchise I have a black top hat black bow tie and a microphone. I also have a soul possessing me and the soul name is gabriel. Gabriel is the child soul that possesses me. In five nights at freddy’s 1 when Bonnie and Chica leave the stage in night 3 I start to move I first go to the dining area then the restroom then the kitchen which I play my toreador march then east hall and lastly the east hall corner but I have two ways of jumpscaring you. The first one is that when I appear in the east hall corner you have to close the right door to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t shut the right door I will come to your office and jumpscare you. The other way is when the power goes out I will appear at the left door glowing in the dark playing my toreador march for a couple of seconds before the office went completely dark then for a couple of seconds more I will jumpscare you. And in the ultimate custom night I will appear in the west hall coming to your door if I get to your door you have to shut the left door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if not I will come to your office and jumpscare you. Also you would hear my laugher in fnaf 1 scary huh.
Bonnie The Bunny: Hi i am bonnie the bunny i was the first character to be made by scott before five nights at freddy’s was created. I have a red bow tie and a guitar oh and I have a soul possessing me name jeremy. Jeremy is the child soul that possesses me. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 1 I appear on the show stage but I start to move to the dining area the backstage west hall supply closet and west hall corner. When i am at the left door to the office looking at you you have to shut the left door to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t shut the door the door and light won’t work and when you put the monitor up i come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear in pirate cove with foxy. When you see my figurine on the desk and when you check pirate cove i will give you a short jumpscare and the camera will break. You can remove me by using the death coin on me. Little did you know I gave scott nightmares while he was developing the game scary huh.
Chica The Chicken: Hi i am chica the chicken i have a bib that says let’s eat and i have a cupcake. I have a child soul possessing me. The child soul is name susie. Susie is the child soul that possesses me oh and fact she has a pet dog that died because of william. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 1 I first appear at the show stage but i then move to dining area, kitchen, restrooms, east hall and east hall corner. When i am in the kitchen i make noise with a bunch of pots and pans. If you see me at the window next to the right door you shut the door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if not the light and door won’t work and when you put up the monitor i will come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at the kitchen again with the puppet in cam 04 still making noise with a bunch of pots and pans listening to the music. However if i stop making noises at the kitchen that means i am bored of the music. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is whenever i feel bored of the music you change the music in order to have me still make noise at the kitchen and to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you change the music while i am making noise at the kitchen or don’t change the music when i am bored of the music i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Foxy The Pirate Fox: Hi i am foxy the pirate fox i have an eyepatch and a hook for my right hand. Oh and i have a child soul possessing me. The child soul name is fritz. Fritz is the child soul possessing me. In five nights at freddy’s 1 i appear in pirate cove but i start to get out of pirate cove until that the curtains are wide open if you don’t see me in pirate cove when you check the west hall you can see me running to your office. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by closing the left door and i will bang on the door preventing me from jumpscaring you. But if you don’t do that then when i run to your office i will jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night when you see a figurine of me at your desk i again appear in pirate cove and i start to get out of pirate cove until i appear at your office but when i appear at your office i will take myself apart and my pieces will slid in through any open door or vent. There’s no way to prevent me from jumpscaring you however you can remove me by using the death coin on me. Once all my pieces are together i will reassemble myself and jumpscare you.
Golden Freddy Fazbear: Hi I am golden freddy fazbear I have two souls inside of me one is cassidy the vengeful spirit and the other is cc the crying child from five nights at freddy’s 4 cassidy was apparently the first spirit inside me before cc you know the lore tho. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 1 I appear as a head in the freddy poster in the west hall corner once that I will appear in your office when you put the monitor down and you’ll see the hallucinations for a second you have a short amount of time to flip the monitor up and then down in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you but if you don’t i will then jumpscare you then the game will crash. Also I appear in ultimate custom night as a cutscene when i shake and I begin to zoom out and then fade in the darkness. What’s the meaning of the cutscene?
Endoskeleton 01: Hi i am endoskeleton 01. In five nights at freddy’s 1 i just appear at the backstage. Come to think of it it’s the only game where i appear i wish that i could appear more. Like i wish i can appear in ultimate custom night.
Toy Freddy Fazbear: Hi I am toy freddy fazbear i am the leader of the toy animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 2 i first appear on the show stage but after toy bonnie and toy chica left that’s where I become active. I will first move to the game area then i will move to the hallway outside your office and then when i come to your office my eyes will turn black and then you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you but if you don’t do that in time either by putting the monitor up again or putting on the freddy mask too late will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear in the parts and service room playing five nights with mr hugs he will appear at the east hall west hall and middle hall. For example if mr hugs is at the east hall you have to click on the green dot to shut the left door to prevent mr hugs from jumpscaring me then the dot will turn red but if mr hugs jumpscares me ill come to your office and jumpscare you. You can also remove me by using the death coin on me. It’s not my fault I have these fat plastic fingers and can’t press the buttons!
Toy Bonnie The Bunny: Hi i am toy bonnie the bunny i am one of the toy animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 2 I appear on the show stage but then i move to party room 3 then party room 4 then party room 2 then i crawl in the right air vent to the office. If you see me in the right air vent the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by putting on the freddy mask and i will come in your office to look at you for a few seconds then i go out of the office but if you don’t put on the freddy mask when you have the monitor up i will come to the office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i sneak in through a trapdoor on the right to the office when I am coming from the right at your office you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then after the lights flicker for a couple of seconds i will jumpscare you.
Toy Chica The Chicken: Hi i am toy chica the chicken i am one of the toy animatronics. I have a bib that says let’s party and i have a toy cupcake with me. In five nights at freddy’s 2 I first appear at the show stage but when I get off the show stage i take off my beak and eyes creepy huh. I first move to the main hall then i move to party room 4 then i move to the hallway outside your office and then i move to party room 1 then i crawl inside the left air vent to the office. If you see me at the left air vent the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by putting on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you and if you don’t when you have the monitor up i will come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i sneak through a trapdoor on the left to the office. When i am coming from the left at your office you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t after the lights flicker for a couple of seconds i will jumpscare you.
Mangle: Hi i am mangle i am one of the toy animatronics. I used to be toy foxy the pirate fox but kids took me apart and the employees can’t fix me anymore. But to be honest i like myself better like this. Because now i can grapple on the ceiling. In five nights at freddy’s 2 i appear at kid’s cove but then i start moving to prize corner, game area, main hall, the hallway outside the office, party room 1 then party room 2 then i crawl in the right air vent to the office. If you hear my static radio and when you see me at the right air vent the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by putting on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t then when you put the monitor i will grapple onto the office ceiling with my static radio and then when you have the monitor up i will eventually jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear in the top vent coming to your office. The only way to prevent me from coming to your office is by clicking on the vent snares on wherever vent im coming from for example if i am at the middle vent click on the vent snare to prevent me from coming to your office. If you don’t do that then when i come to your office i will grapple onto the office ceiling with my static radio and then when you have the monitor up i will eventually jumpscare you.
Balloon Boy: Hi i am balloon boy i am one of the toy animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 2 i appear at the game area but then i will move to the left air vent to the office. The only way to prevent me from coming to your office is when you see me at the left air vent is by putting on the freddy mask and it’ll prevent me from coming to your office. But if you don’t when you have the monitor up i will come to your office and your flashlight will be disabled and then eventually withered foxy will jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at the side vent coming to your office. The only way to prevent me from coming to your office is by shutting the side vent door to prevent me from coming to your office and if not when you put your monitor up i will come to your office and disable your flashlight but this time for about 10 seconds and after 10 seconds i will disappear and you can use the flashlight again.
JJ: Hi i am jj i am one of the toy animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 2 i only appear as an easter egg when i am under your desk looking at you but in ultimate custom night i appear at the side vent coming to your office. The only way to prevent me from coming to your office is by shutting the side vent door in order to prevent me from coming to your office. If you don’t when you put the monitor up i will come to your office and go under your desk disabling your door controls for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds i will disappear and you can use the door controls again.
The Puppet: Hi i am the puppet. I have a child soul possessing me. The child name is charlotte emily. You see long time ago back at the 1980’s first freddy fazbear’s pizzeria before the toys charlotte was locked outside of the rain by some children and i was trapped underneath a gift box and then william came behind her and murder her and then i came out of my box and head outside and find charlotte slowly deactivating due to the rain. But when i found charlotte i lay down next to her deactivating myself and that is how charlotte is the child soul possessing me. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 2 i appear at the prize corner the only way to stop me from jumpscaring you is by winding up the music box preventing me from jumpscaring you and keeping me inside my box. The song of my music box is “My Grandfather’s Clock”. However if you don’t wind up the music box i will come out of my box and when you hear the music “Pop! Goes The Weasel” that means i am coming to your office and when i head to your office i will jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear in cam 04 with chica which is the kitchen. The only way to prevent me from coming to your office is by winding up the music box that still plays “My Grandfather’s Clock” which it’ll prevent me from jumpscaring you keeping me inside my box. However if the global music box is activated the music box will automatically wind itself up. If you don’t wind up the music box then i will come out of my box and the ventilation system will drain much faster causing a blackout you can still hear the music “Pop! Goes The Weasel” then i will come to your office and jumpscare you. You can also remove me by using the death coin on me.
Withered Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am withered freddy fazbear. I am the leader of the withered animatronics. This is my withered form before my form in fnaf 1. I still have the soul inside me name gabriel. Gabriel is still the child soul that possesses me. In five nights at freddy’s 2 in night 3 i will start to move to the main hallway then to party room 3 then will appear at the hallway to your office. When i come to your office you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you but if you don’t then either by flipping up the monitor or putting the freddy mask on too late I will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you.
Withered Bonnie The Bunny: Hi i am withered bonnie the bunny i am one of the withered animatronics. I don’t have a face and a right arm. This is my withered form before my form in five nights at freddy’s 1. I still have the child soul inside me. Jeremy is still the child soul that possesses me. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 2 i appear in the parts and service room and in night 3 i start to move to the main hall then i head to the hallway outside your office then i travel to party room 1 then i crawl through the left air vent to the office. They only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is when i’m at your office you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t when it’s too late either by putting on the freddy mask on too late or putting up the monitor i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i come out from an unknown trapdoor to the office if i am at your office you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t after the lights flicker for a couple of seconds i will jumpscare you.
Withered Chica The Chicken: Hi i am withered chica the chicken i am one of the withered animatronics. I have no arms and a broken jaw. This is my withered form before my form in five nights at freddy’s 1. Susie is still the child soul that possesses me she still has a pet dog. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 2 i appear at the parts and service room but then i move to party room 4 then party room 2 and then i crawl in the right air vent. When i come to your office you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t put on the freddy mask in time either by looking at the monitor or putting on the freddy mask on too late i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at the top vent coming to your office the only way to prevent me from coming to your office is by closing the vent snare on which ever vent i come to the left middle or right vent. If you don’t do that when i come to your office i will be stuck at the vent but i will wiggle myself free eventually and then i will jumpscare you.
Withered Foxy The Pirate Fox: Hi i am withered foxy the fox i am one of the withered animatronics. This is my withered form before my form in five nights at freddy’s 1. Fritz is still the child soul possessing me. In five nights at freddy’s 2 i appear at the parts and service room but then i move to the hallway outside the office. I am not fooled by the freddy mask. The freddy mask won’t prevent me from jumpscaring you. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by shining the flashlight on me in order to prevent me from jumpscare you. If you don’t when you don’t turn on the flashlight or out of batteries and balloon boy coming your office and your flashlight disabled i will eventually get to your office and jumpscare you. You’ll hear more about balloon boy in every other character generations.
Withered Golden Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am withered golden freddy fazbear this is technically my withered form before my form in five nights at freddy’s 1 five nights at freddy’s 2 is before five nights at freddy’s 1. I still have two souls inside me cassidy and cc. Cassidy was the first before cc you guys know the lore. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 2 I appear in two ways one is my big head at the hallway outside your office and my full appearance at the left corner of the office. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is putting on the freddy mask and then i will then fade away. But if you shine the flashlight or flip the monitor up i will fade away but then jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i will appear at the left side of the office but you have a short amount of time to put on the freddy mask to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then after a short amount of time i will jumpscare you.
Shadow Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am shadow freddy fazbear. I’m just an easter egg character in five nights at freddy’s 2 when i appear in the parts and service room and in five nights at freddy’s 3 I appear at the very left of the office as an easter egg. I wish I can appear in the ultimate custom night.
Shadow Bonnie The Bunny: Hi i am shadow bonnie the bunny. In five nights at freddy’s 2 i am just an easter egg when i appear at your office for a couple of seconds your game will crash just like golden freddy from five nights at freddy’s 1. And in ultimate custom night when dee dee summon me i appear at your office and then the office will black out for a couple of seconds and after that i will then disappear and then the office goes back on.
Endoskeleton 02: Hi i am endoskeleton 02. In five nights at freddy’s 2 i just appear as an easter egg at the prize corner and the left air vent. Like endoskeleton 01 i wish i can appear in ultimate custom night.
Springtrap: Hi i am springtrap i use to be spring bonnie but in the events of five nights at freddy’s 1 when the five souls haunt william william gets inside me and the spring locks cause him a painful death but 30 years later i was rotten and then i woke up just like that. Now i have william inside me and william possesses me. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 3 i move to every camera including the vents. I have two positions per camera except the vent cameras and cam 01. I am also distracted by the audio noise on the monitor for wherever camera you play the audio. I have two ways of jumpscaring you one is that when i am at your office i stare at you from the window. After that when you check the monitor i walk across the window then i peek in from behind the door simply staring at you from the door. I also briefly appear from the right but if you look at me i slink away from you. When you flip up the maintenance panel i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. The other way is that when i appear at the vents for example camera 11 you have to seal the vent in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If not then i will come to your office on the right and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear in the top vent when you see my face visibly at the top vent shut the top vent door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if not then i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Phantom Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am phantom freddy fazbear. I am one of the phantoms. In five nights at freddy’s 3 i will appear walking across the window right in front of you. To prevent me from jumpscaring you you’ll have to keep looking at the monitor until I am gone but if you look at me directly i will then duck down for a couple of seconds before i jumpscare you but i don’t give you a game over. We phantoms don’t give you a jump scare. And in ultimate custom night i will appear at the left side of the office slowly becoming visible. The only way for you to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by shining the light then i will then disappear. But if i became fully visible i will jumpscare you. But i still don’t give you a game over.
Phantom Chica The Chicken: Hi i am phantom chica the chicken i am one of the phantom animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 3 in cam 08 my face will appear at the arcade screen and for a couple of seconds after you put the monitor down i will appear at your office and jumpscare you but i do not give you a game over we phantoms don’t really give you a game over.
Phantom Foxy The Pirate Fox: Hi i am phantom foxy the pirate fox i am one of the phantom animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 3 i just appear randomly at your office and when you look at me at your office i will jumpscare you but i don’t give you a game over. We phantoms don’t really give you a game over.
Phantom Mangle: Hi i am phantom mangle i am one of the phantom animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 3 i appear at cam 04 and when you look at me at cam 04 i will then appear behind the window at your office with my static radio i will only appear for a couple of seconds then i will disappear. And in ultimate custom night I will randomly appear at your monitor screen and when i do i will then appear at your office with my static radio only for a couple of seconds then i will disappear.
Phantom Balloon Boy: Hi i am phantom balloon boy i am one of the phantom animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 3 i will appear in cam 01, cam 07, cam 09 and cam 10. I do not appear anywhere on the vent cams. For example if i am in cam 07 then by a couple of seconds after you put the monitor down i will jumpscare you but i don’t give you a game over. We phantoms don’t give you a game over. And in ultimate custom night i will randomly appear at the monitor screen. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by changing the camera before the short amount of time. If you don’t change the camera then for a short amount of second i will jumpscare you but i still won’t give you a game over.
Phantom Puppet: Hi i am phantom puppet i am the last phantom. In five nights at freddy’s 3 i will briefly appear at cam 08 and for a second i will appear at your office with a weird computer like noise. After a couple of seconds i will then leave the office. Come to think of it it’s actually the only game that I appear i wish i can appear at the ultimate custom night along with phantom chica and phantom foxy.
Nightmare Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am nightmare freddy fazbear and these are the three freddles. I am one of the nightmare animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 4 three freddles will appear on your bed one will get one then the second and the last one. The only way to get rid of them is by shining the flashlight at them then they’ll get off of your bed but if you don’t do that then i will then appear on your bed and if you check on the bed i will jumpscare you. And if you don’t check the bed then the light will flicker then i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night five freddles will appear at your office. The only way to get rid of them is by shining the flashlight at them to have them disappear. If you don’t then for a short amount of time when you have the monitor up I will appear at the office and jumpscare you.
Nightmare Bonnie The Bunny: Hi i am nightmare bonnie the bunny. I am one of the nightmare animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 4 i appear at the left hall when you check on the left door if you hear my breathing at your door you have to shut the left door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you but if you shine your flashlight i will jumpscare you. And if your too distracted from checking the left door i will come to your bedroom and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at the right hall and the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by buying the bonnie plushie at the prize corner and it’ll prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t then i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Nightmare Chica The Chicken: Hi i am nightmare chica the chicken i am one of the nightmare animatronics. And this is my nightmare cupcake. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 4 i will appear at the right hall when you check on the right door and if you hear my breathing you shut the right door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you but if you turn on your flashlight i will jumpscare you. And if your too distracted from checking the right door i will have my nightmare cupcake come to your bedroom and my nightmare cupcake will jumpscare you. First time seeing a cupcake jumpscare huh. And in ultimate custom night when dee dee summons me i will appear right behind you closing my jaws on your face. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by turning on the power a/c and my jaw will open up again preventing me from jumpscaring you if you don’t do that when my jaw is completely close i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you.
Nightmare Foxy The Pirate Fox: Hi i am nightmare foxy the pirate fox i am one of the nightmare animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 4 i will appear at the left hall and right hall briefly when you shine the flashlight but when you hear my footsteps that means i will then go to the closet. And when you check the closet i give you a short jumpscare but no game over yet. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by keeping me in your closet you hold the closet door shut until when you open it again you’ll see the foxy plush that means it’ll prevent me from jumpscaring you. But if your to distracted from checking the closet i will come out of the closet and jumpscare you.
Nightmare Fredbear: Hi i am nightmare fredbear i am one of the nightmare animatronics. I have a purple top hat purple bow tie two black buttons and teeth on my stomach. Weird huh? Anyway in five nights at freddy’s 4 I appear in the left hall right hall your closet and your bed if i am in the left or right hall when i am at your door you shut the door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. In the closet when i am in your closet you have the shut the closet door in order to make me get away from the closet and if my head appears at your bed you have to shine the flashlight at me in order to have me get off of your bed if you don’t do all of those then i’ll come to your bedroom and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night my eyes will appear at the left door if i am at your door you have to shut the left door to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t when you have the monitor up i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Plushtrap: Hi i am plushtrap i am one of the nightmare animatronics. I am co leader of the nightmare animatronics and nightmares right hand. In five nights at freddy’s 4 I appear in a mini game called fun with plushtrap sitting on my chair. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by stopping me on the x when you shine the flashlight on me and it’ll prevent me from jumpscaring you rewarding you 2 hour bonus if you win. If you don’t stop me on the x when the timer is out or if you shine the flashlight too late i will come at you and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night when dee dee summon me i will appear in cam 06 next to funtime cove sitting on my chair. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by looking at me for 3 seconds and then i will run away to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t then i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Nightmare: Hi i am nightmare i am the leader of the nightmare animatronics. I have a yellow top hat yellow bow tie two black buttons and teeth on my stomach. Weird and scary right? Like nightmare fredbear in five nights at freddy’s 4 i’ll come from the right hall left hall closet and bed. When i am at the left hall or right hall you have to shut the door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If i am in your closet you shut the closet door in order to have me get away from the closet. If my head appears at your bed you shine the flashlight at me in order to have me off the bed. But if you don’t do all of those the light will go off for a second then i will jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night my eyes will appear at the right door. If my eyes appear at the right door you have to shut the right door to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t when you have the monitor up i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Jack O Bonnie The Bunny: Hi i am jack o bonnie the bunny i am one of the nightmare animatronics. Like nightmare bonnie in five nights at freddy’s 4 i appear in the left hallway when you check on the left door and if you hear me breathing at your door you have to shut the left door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. But if you shine the flashlight i will jumpscare you. And if your to distracted by checking the left door i will come to your bedroom and jumpscare you.
Jack O Chica The Chicken: Hi i am jack o chica the chicken i am one of the nightmare animatronics. And this is my pumpkin. In five nights at freddy’s 4 i will appear at the right hall. When you check the right door and hear my breathing you shut the right door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you but if you turn on your flashlight i will jumpscare you. And if your too distracted from checking the right door i will have my pumpkin come to your bedroom and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at the left hall and right hall when you turn the heater up there’s no way to prevent me from jumpscaring you when i am fully visible i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Nightmare Mangle: Hi i am nightmare mangle i am one of the nightmare animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 4 i will appear on the left or right hall briefly when you shine the flashlight but when i head to your closet my static radio will be play. And when you check the closet i give you a short jumpscare but no game over yet. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by keeping me in your closet you hold the closet door shut until when you open it again you’ll see the mangle plush that means it’ll prevent me from jumpscaring you. But if your to distracted from checking the closet i will come out of the closet and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i will appear at the right hallway. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by purchasing the mangle plushie from the prize corner and it’ll prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t when you have the monitor up i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Nightmare Balloon Boy: Hi i am nightmare balloon boy i am one of the nightmare animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 4 like plushtrap i appear in a mini game called fun with balloon boy. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to shine the flashlight on me on the x granting you a 2 hour bonus. But if you shine the flashlight when i get too close or the timer runs out i will jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at your office being slouched over. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you when you put the monitor down i will be sitting up if i am sitting up you shine the flashlight on me in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. But you shine the flashlight while i am being slouched or when you put the monitor up again if i am sitting up i will jumpscare you.
Nightmarionne: Hi i am nightmarionne i am one of the nightmare animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s 4 like nightmare fredbear and nightmare i appear at the left hall, right hall, closet and your bed. If i am at the left hall or right hall when i get close to your door close the left door and right door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If i am at your closet shut the closet door in order prevent me from jumpscaring you. If i am behind your bed you shine the flashlight at me to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t do all of those i will come to your bedroom and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at your office at random areas. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by dodging the mouse cursor away from me until i completely vanish away. But if you look at me and if I’m completely solid i will jumpscare you.
Circus Baby: Hi i am circus baby. I am the leader of the funtime animatronics. I can dance, sing, make balloons right out of my fingertips, take song requests and most of all make ice cream!. Don’t let the blueprints fool you i am not really the tallest i am shorter than ballora. Also my eyes used to be blue but since elizabeth came close to get ice cream my claw inside my stomach grabbed elizabeth and dragged her inside me. Which was her death and now i have green eyes and elizabeth afton is the child soul possessing me. And to be honest i think i look better with green eyes i mean I look pretty with them. In five nights at freddy’s sister location i appear in circus gallery behind circus control with two of the bidybabs. However in night 2 i make my appear where i inform the you to hide under the desk to avoid being attack by the bidybabs stating that you should avoid eye contact. After the bidybabs are gone i then instructs you to disregard handunit’s instructions and proceed slowly and quietly through ballora gallery and reach the breaker room in order to restore power to the building. In night 3 before you enter funtime auditorium you have the option to visit circus control again though handunit requests that you do not. Doing so and climbing under the desk again i will then tell you my story of i was on stage once until the death of elizabeth. In night 4 after your attacked by funtime foxy and when he hides you in an empty springlock in the scooping room. When your awake i will fill you in on your current situation as well as tell you how i had learned to pretend over the years. After ballora got scooped i will open the suit’s faceplates before leaving however i will tell you to keep the springlocks wound up and that’s where you have to defend against the minireenas. In night 5 i make my final and physical appearance in the parts and service room with ennard behind me. When you press the button on my cheek a passcode will appear and you have to enter the passcode carefully and after that a hatch should open in my right arm after you take the card you press the green button to your left that leads me the scooping room. If you failed to enter the code correctly ennard will appear right in front of me and jumpscare you. In the five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night i didn’t appear at all I guess scott forgotten about me. And in ultimate custom night i appear again at the right hall. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to buy my plushie which is actually a little figurine of me at the prize corner in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t then when you have the monitor up i will come to your office and jumpscare you. I didn’t really have a jumpscare at all until ultimate custom night which i was so happy! Another thing that little figurine of me at the prize corner is very cute. And lastly when you notice four minireenas spell out baby…*gets close to the camera and her hand is at her cheek* I have feelings for ballora and ballora has feelings for me…which is good because we become a great couple she has always been here for me and no for the people that think ballora is possessed by ms afton she is not it’s not true and scott say mrs Afton is not important to the franchise so it’s ok.
Funtime Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am funtime freddy fazbear i am one of the funtime animatronics. I have a hand puppet name bon bon the bunny but you’ll hear more about him in the bonnie generations. In five nights at freddy’s sister location I first appear at the breaker room in night 2. When your turning on the building power i will start to move randomly in order to get me back to my stage you have to play bon bon’s audio in order to have me back my stage but if you don’t I will come to you and then i will jumpscare you. And then in night 3 at parts and service i appear again in the parts and service room. When you opened my faceplates my chest plates and when you remove the power module bon bon will hide behind me. When he is fully peeking when you look away from him you have to click the black button under his bow tie to remove the secondary power module but if you don’t then bon bon will jumpscare you. Then in the five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night me and bon bon will appear at the west and east closet. For example if I am at the west closet when i say bon bon go get em bon bon will head to your office from the west hall if I say get ready for a surprise bon bon will come to the office from the east hall the only way to prevent bon bon is by shutting the door wherever bon bon is coming from if you don’t shut the door bon bon will come to your office and jumpscare you. Why didn’t I have a jumpscare in five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night? That’s odd I wish I have my jumpscare.
Bon Bon The Bunny: Hi i am bon bon the bunny i am one of the funtime animatronics. I am funtime freddy’s hand puppet. In five nights at freddy’s sister location I appear in night 2 along with funtime freddy. When your resetting the building power funtime freddy will start to move randomly in order to have him back on stage you have to play my audio in order to have funtime freddy back to his stage but if you’re too distracted by resetting the building power funtime freddy will come to you and jumpscare you. And in night 3 in the parts and service room funtime freddy and i appear in the parts and service room. When you open funtime freddy’s faceplates and chest place and remove the power module i will hide behind funtime freddy. You have to look away in order to have me fully peeked. When i am fully peeked you have to click the button under my bow tie to remove the secondary power module. If you fail to do that on time i will hide again and i will eventually jumpscare you. And in five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night me and funtime freddy appear in the west closet and east closet for example if we are in the west closet funtime freddy will tell me to go get ‘em and i will come to your office from the west hall if he says get ready for a surprise i will come to your office from the east hall. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by closing the left or right door wherever i come from the west hall or right hall but if you don’t i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Ballora: Hi i am ballora i am one of the funtime animatronics. I am technically the tallest animatronic well a little taller than circus baby, funtime freddy and funtime foxy and circus baby is a bit shorter than funtime freddy and funtime foxy. In five nights at freddy’s sister location i appear in ballora gallery with four of the minireenas. In night 2 however i dance around the ballora gallery with my music box playing the song is called “Crumbling Dreams”. When you crawl through ballora gallery to the breaker room with a flashlight to guide you while avoiding me i use audio cues relying only the sounds you make to find you. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you is to craw quietly and slowly if you hear my music you stop until it’s quiet again. If you crawl faster and louder my music will become louder and louder and i will get closer and closer and then i will jumpscare you. In night 3 when you check on me at the primary control module the minireenas are holding my dismantled body parts. In night 4 i am transferred to the scooping room and i am scooped. Dismantled from the inside by the scooper. Then when the faceplates are opened and when you wind up the spring locks the minireenas will climb around you while some crawl inside you’ll hear more about them later. In five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night i will approach from the west hall or east hall. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to listen for my music for example if i am at the west hall and if my music becomes louder shut the left door in order to prevent me from jumpscare you if you don’t i will come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i will once again approach from the west hall or east hall. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to listen for my music for example if i am at the west hall and if my music becomes louder shut the left door in order to prevent me from jumpscare you if you don’t i will come to your office and jumpscare you. Yes my eyes can open too. Fact if you notice four of the minireenas spell baby…*gets close to the camera and puts her hand on her cheek* I have feelings for circus baby she’s the nicest girl I ever had and i would always be here for her besides i think her beautiful green eyes suits her well and no i am not possessed by mrs afton that’s not true at all seriously it’s never confirmed at all.
Funtime Foxy The Pirate Fox: Hi i am funtime foxy the pirate fox i am one of the funtime animatronics. Well i may not be a pirate but i am still a fox and i share the same name with all the other foxes. Anyway in five nights at freddy’s sister location i appear in the funtime auditorium. In night 3 when you enter funtime auditorium you have to use the flash beacon in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you and if you don’t then i will come at you and jumpscare you. And in five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night i will hide behind the curtains in cam 07. If i am not in cam 07 and the curtains are wide open you have a short amount of time to close the right door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you and if you don’t i will come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i will hide behind the curtains in funtime cove waiting for the show to begin. For example at 1am. To prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to use the death coin on me before 1am in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if not then when it’s 1am i will come to your office and jumpscare you. Showtimes are on the hour, not a moment before and not a moment later.
Bidybab: Hi i am bidybab i am one of the funtime animatronics. There are multiple bidybabs some has blue eyes and some has light purple eyes. We are also minions of circus baby. In five nights at freddy’s sister location two of us appear with circus baby in circus gallery. In night 2 when you hide under the desk in circus control some of us will peek through the holes that riddle the door that protects you. After that i will try to pry open the door and pull it open to get inside. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is to hold the door close to keep me out to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then when the door is wide open i will jumpscare you. And in five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night one bidybab will crawl in the top vent to the office. The only way to prevent me from coming to your office is when i get close to your office you shut the top vent door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Minireena: Hi i am minireena i am one of the funtime animatronics. There are multiple minireenas just like there are multiple bidybabs. We are minions of ballora. In five nights at freddy’s sister location four of us appear with ballora in ballora gallery. In night 3 four of us are holding dismantled body parts of ballora. In night 4 after ballora got scooped when you wind up the spring locks in the spring lock suit some of us will climb on both sides of the spring lock suit while some of us are climbing inside the spring lock suit. For some of the minireenas are climbing inside the spring lock suit they will not cause any harm but for some of the minireenas climbing on both sides of the spring lock suit the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to wiggle the spring lock suit to get them off in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If they finished climbing both sides of the spring lock suits or if the spring locks are too lose i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. We have yellow glowing eyes scary huh. In five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night some of us will start turning off the oxygen in cam 06 while some of us will appear right at your face blocking your view after lowering the monitor. For some of us turning off the oxygen you have to use the controlled shock on them to have them disappear. And in ultimate custom night when dee dee summon me some of us will once again appear right at your face blocking your view after lowering the monitor. But after a couple of seconds we will then disappear. Do you know why four of us spell baby….ballora has a crush on circus baby. Which is ok we support her! And I think circus baby feels the same too. And no ballora is not possessed by mrs afton it was never confirmed by scott so it’s ok.
Ennard: Hi i am ennard i am the amalgamation of all the funtime animatronics including bidybab and minireena. I have my own voice too if you pitch up the mysterious voice in night 2 after shocking ballora. In five nights at freddy’s sister location i did not appear until night 5. In night 5 at the parts and service room i hide behind circus baby and i don’t have my mask yet. When you type the passcode in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to enter the passcode carefully in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t type the code fast enough or if you type a wrong number i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. Then in the funtime auditorium in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you you have to follow circus baby’s instructions and don’t use the flash beacon. If you don’t follow her instructions by example when she says go forward and left and you still go straight forward or if you use the flash beacon i will be right in front of you and jumpscare you. Then in the scooping room i appear behind the glass window of the room where i finally have my mask then the scooper kills you however it’s not the end of the game yet then you would play the circus baby mini game correctly and when you get the ice cream cone go all the way back to the beginning and when elizabeth get the ice cream and her death at the mini game you’ll receive the keycard and then night 5 will reset. And then when you do night 5 again and this time go forward and right when the computer voice says access granted you’ll then be at the private room which is the final part of the first part of the game before five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night. Fun fact in the private room when you type 1983 three monitors will show the bedroom, the hallway and the bed of five nights at freddy’s 4 which is proof that five nights at freddy’s 4 is before five nights at freddy’s sister location first five nights at freddy’s 4 then five nights at freddy’s sister location. Anyway in the private room i will be coming from the west hall east hall and top vent you’ll have to listen to the squeaking sounds i make the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is if i am at the left door and right door you have to shut the left door and right door depending on which hallway i am in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If i am at the top vent and if i get close to your office you shut the top vent door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you fail to do all those i will come to your office and jumpscare you. And fun fact you can also hear elizabeth’s voice as her soul is at the private room and inside me too. After the private room and after the season finale of the immortal and the restless when the episode is done i appear at your home dragging myself to your living room from the right side ending the first part of the game by the jumpscare and ripping your insides out and i get inside you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at the top vent coming to your office when you hear my noise at the top vent you shut the top vent door in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Yenndo: Hi i am yenndo i am one of the funtime animatronics but an endoskeleton. In five nights at freddy’s sister location I am just an easter egg in the funtime auditorium but in the sister location custom night like golden freddy from five nights at freddy’s 1 I appear at your office but I begin draining your oxygen you have a short amount of time to flip the monitor up and back down in order to have me disappear preventing me from jump scaring you but if not after a short second i will jumpscare you but unlike golden freddy from five nights at freddy’s 1 I don’t crash your game.
Bonnet The Bunny: Hi i am bonnet the bunny. I am one of the funtime animatronics. In five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night i appear at your office at the right walking across the office even tho I don’t have legs. In order to prevent me from jumpscaring you you click on my nose in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If not when I walked across the office i will then appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night when dee dee summons me i again appear at your office at the right walking across the office. The only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you you click on my nose in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you. If you don’t when I walked across the office i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you.
Lolbit: Hi i am lolbit i am one of the funtime animatronics. Like funtime foxy said i may not be a pirate but i am still a fox and i share the same name with all the other foxes. In five nights at freddy’s sister location i only appear as an easter egg at the primary control module. In five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night i appear on the three monitor screens in order to prevent me from using my audio distraction type lol on the keyboard to prevent me from my audio distraction but if you don’t i will appear right in front of you with a message that says please stand by with a repeated beeping noise blocking your screen for seven seconds not having you use the monitor or doors. You can still type lol to make me disappear. And in ultimate custom night when dee dee summons me i will appear right in front of you as the same pop up image of me with the message please stand by with the same repeating beeping noise. The only way to get rid of me is by typing lol on the keyboard and then i will disappear. My full body is like funtime foxy but orange with a purple bow tie but no eyelashes.
Electrobab: Hi i am electrobab i am the last member of the funtime animatronics. I only appear in five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night. In five nights at freddy’s sister location custom night i appear at the west and east closet draining your power. The only way to get rid of me is by using a controlled shock on me and then i will disappear.
Helpy: *waves hi and puts a sign up that says hi I am helpy i don’t really speak I can help communicate by writing this sign anyway i am the true star of the franchise in freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator I first appear in catalog mode then when it comes to blue print mode i appear in some mini games and the mini games i appear are balloon barrel, discount ball pit, ball pit tower, ladder tower, carnival hoops, riding rockets, balloon cart, deluxe ball pit, and gravity vortex. When you fail a mini game like for discount ball pit for example when I don’t jump into the ball pit and land on the floor you can hear my neck break don’t worry i am ok tho i am a animatronic after all i am the smallest tho. In the mini game ball pit tower i fish an egg out if I get an egg you can receive points and money if you don’t I will fall and the fishing rope will broke also rarely you’ll even get music man. For carnival hoops you have to press space at the green rectangle in order to have me shoot hoops if you done it correctly 20 times you’ll receive $5000 dollars. And other mini games when I appear you’ll receive a fail animation. Anyway I also appear in the office standing on top of the monitor. I can also appear in the summary results. If you receive a lawsuit I can be seen sitting on the desk wearing glasses writing a document. If you don’t have any money I will be shocked. And in ultimate custom night i appear at your office randomly standing on top of one of the television screens. The only way to get rid of me is by clicking on me and i then disappear but if you don’t click on me then for a couple of seconds i then will appear right at your face with an air horn. Hopefully this sign helps you guys and thank you so much for that*.
Number One Crate: *is just standing there not alive with a sign next to him that says hi i am number one crate i am the leader of the trash and the gang. No we are not alive and we don’t speak so that’s why each of us will have signs next to each other so that the signs can communicate with you. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but after you purchase me in blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all of the trash and the gang members you’ll receive an achievement that says trash and the gang. In ultimate custom night i will appear at your office at the bottom left whispering to you. And for a short time after i will appear right at your face and make loud noises jumpscaring you and then i disappear*.
Mr Can Do: *is just standing there not alive with a sign next to him that says hi i am mr can do i am one of the trash and the gang members. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode but after you purchase me in blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the trash and the gang members you’ll receive an achievement that says trash and the gang. And in ultimate custom night i appear any camera on your monitor blocking 80% of your view*.
Bucket Bob: *is just standing there not alive with a sign next to him that says hi i am bucket bob i am one of the trash and the gang members. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but after purchasing me in blueprint mode you can put me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get every member of trash and the gang you’ll receive an achievement that says trash and the gang. In ultimate custom night i will randomly have the loud noise jumpscare after number one crate’s loud noise jumpscare*.
Mr Hugs: *is just standing there not alive with a sign next to him that says hi i am mr hugs i am one of the trash and the gang members. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but after you purchase me in blueprint mode you can put me anywhere you like on the show stage. When you get all the trash and the gang members you’ll receive an achievement that says trash and the gang also i wish i can appear in ultimate custom night.*
Pan Stan: *is just standing there not alive with a sign next to him that says hi i am pan stan i am the last member of the trash and the gang. I only appear in freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but after purchasing me in blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. I wish i can appear in ultimate custom night.*
Happy Frog: Hi i am happy frog i am the leader of the mediocre melodies. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but when you purchase me on blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the members of the mediocre melodies you’ll receive an achievement that says mediocre melodies. And in ultimate custom night I will appear at the air ducts along with the other mediocre melodies when i am coming from the left or right air duct you shut the air duct on whichever i come from. You can also prevent me from coming to your office by the heater and the audio to keep me in place. If you don’t shut the air duct i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Mr Hippo: Hello i am mr hippo i am one of the mediocre melodies. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but after purchasing me in blueprint mode you can put me anywhere you like on the show stage. When you get all the mediocre melodies you’ll receive an achievement that says mediocre melodies. And in ultimate custom night I will appear at the air ducts along with the other mediocre melodies when i am coming from the left or right air duct you shut the air duct on whichever i come from. You can also prevent me from coming to your office by the heater and the audio to keep me in place. If you don’t shut the air duct i will come to your office and jumpscare you you know? I would be glad if i can be out of the air ducts. You know it’s…it’s not easy for a hippopotamus to fit up there and not so easy to get down either. Not as young as I used to be, as you can see. I used to get to do all sorts of things. Y-you're young, you're vibrant, you have that sort of pep in your step. [sigh] It reminds me of a conversation I was having with one of my good friend, Orville. We were having a nice picnic one day. I believe it was summer... or perhaps it was... was it the fall? Yes yes yes, it was the fall because the leaves had turned already. But I said to Orville, I-I said, "Orville, I have a story to tell you." And Orville looked at me, y'know, kinda odd and, and-and said, "What is it about?" I said to him, "Not every story has to be about something, Orville. Sometimes a person just wants to talk. Why does everything have to be a story?" I said to him. He just looked at me and he said, "Well, you-you-you said you had a story." Y'know, he was quite right. I did in fact. I told him I had a story. I suppose if a person just wants to talk, then it's best to not announce that you're telling a story. Telling a story does come with its own pressures and expectations, I-I suppose. After all, if you're just talking to a friend, then there's no more expectations than if you're talking into the wind! Words by themselves aren't expected to carry, and aren't expected to stick. But if, y'know, if you announce that you're telling a story, well then... there better be a point to it all, y'know? No one wants to sit and listen to someone ramble on and on and on with absolutely no end in sight. So, you know, it's-it's good to be mindful when you tell someone you're about to tell a story that you have something to say. Telling someone that you're gonna tell them a story is tantamount to ask them to stop what they're doing and-and pay attention. You're basically saying, "Hey, hey, hey buddy, stop everything, stop what you’re thinking, I have a solution to everything." And, well, I didn't really have any story to tell. In-in hindsight, I-I probably just misspoke when I said that I had a story. I think it would have been better to tell Orville that I wanted to tell him something, rather than tell him I had a story. But y'know, even then, that might have put too much importance on the whole thing. Either way, it was quite a nice day. I remember... I remember that we were drinking tea.
Pigpatch: Hi i am pigpatch i am one of the mediocre melodies. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but when you purchase me on blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the members of the mediocre melodies you’ll receive an achievement that says mediocre melodies. And in ultimate custom night I will appear at the air ducts along with the other mediocre melodies when i am coming from the left or right air duct you shut the air duct on whichever i come from. You can also prevent me from coming to your office by the heater and the audio to keep me in place. If you don’t shut the air duct i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Nedd Bear: Hi i am nedd bear i am one of the mediocre melodies. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you can first see me in catalog mode but when you purchase me on blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the members of the mediocre melodies you’ll receive an achievement that says mediocre melodies. And in ultimate custom night I will appear at the air ducts along with the other mediocre melodies when i am coming from the left or right air duct you shut the air duct on whichever i come from. You can also prevent me from coming to your office by the heater and the audio to keep me in place. If you don’t shut the air duct i will come to your office and jumpscare you. Don’t you hate gettin killed by obscure secondary characters?
Orville The Elephant: Hi i am orville the elephant i am the last member of the mediocre melodies. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but when you purchase me on blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the members of the mediocre melodies you’ll receive an achievement that says mediocre melodies. And in ultimate custom night I will appear at the air ducts along with the other mediocre melodies when i am coming from the left or right air duct you shut the air duct on whichever i come from. You can also prevent me from coming to your office by the heater and the audio to keep me in place. If you don’t shut the air duct i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Rockstar Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am rockstar freddy fazbear i am the leader of the rockstar animatronics. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode then when you purchase me in blueprint mode you can set me wherever you want on the show stage. If you get all of us rockstar animatronics you’ll receive an achievement that says rockstars assemble. And in ultimate custom night I appear at your office being deactivated if I become activated you have to deposit 5 faz coins in order to have me be deactivated again you can also deactivate me by turning on the heater then i will malfunction for a couple of seconds then i will be deactivated. If you don’t deposit 5 faz coins in time when i say please deposit please deposit please deposit I will then jumpscare you.
Rockstar Bonnie The Bunny: Hi I am rockstar bonnie the bunny i am one of the rockstar animatronics. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode and when you purchase me in blueprint mode you can put me anywhere you like on the show stage. And if you get all the rockstar animatronics you’ll get an achievement that says rockstars assemble. And in ultimate custom night i will appear at your office and the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by finding my guitar in any cameras. When you found my guitar click on my guitar and I’ll disappear preventing myself from jumpscaring you. If you don’t then for a short amount of time after the lights flicker for a couple of seconds i will jumpscare you. You can also remove me by using the death coin on me.
Rockstar Chica The Chicken: Hi i am rockstar chica the chicken i am one of the rockstar animatronics. I may not have a rockstar cupcake but i have my maracas with me. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator I first appeared in catalog mode but when you purchase me in blueprint mode you can put me wherever you like on the show stage. When you get all the rockstar animatronics you’ll receive an achievement that says rockstars assemble. And in ultimate custom night i will be coming from the left hall and the right hall for example if i am at the left hall you have to double click on the wet floor sign and it’ll be placed right in front of the left door preventing me from jumpscaring you and if you don’t do that i will come to your office and jumpscare you. Incase you haven’t know…..i have a fear of wet floor signs.
Rockstar Foxy The Pirate Fox: Hi i am rockstar foxy the pirate fox i am one of the rockstar animatronics. Not only i have an eyepatch and a hook on my right hand i also have a peg leg on my left leg, an accordion and most of all a parrot with me. How cool is that for a pirate fox like me. Anyway in freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode but when you purchase me in blueprint mode you can set me anywhere you like on the show stage. But when you get all the rockstar animatronics you’ll receive an achievement that says rockstars assemble. And in ultimate custom night my parrot will fly across the office when you click on my parrot i will be able to help you with four things. Add 1% power, putting your office to 60 degrees, give you 10 faz coins and soundproofing the office. However when you click on my parrot on the right corner of the office and i say “Yarr! Ye win some, ye lose some” I will then jumpscare you.
Lefty: Shhhh…..*holds a sign that says hi i am lefty i do not speak but i can communicate by writing a sign. Anyway i am one of the salvage animatronics and the last member of the rockstar animatronics. I was created by henry to capture the puppet and now the puppet is inside of me. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator I first appear in the back alley but then in salvage mode when the audio plays and then stops and when henry says document results you have to check the results if i don’t move at all you check no then you put the results down if I move a little you have to tase me in order to get me back to my position if you fail the salvage once you put the results down again i will jumpscare you. And in the office while your ordering supplies printing flyers and doing maintenance each of those and the fan and computer can draw noise. I can be distracted by the audio to lure around the vents and you can also shut the computer and fan off. When i am at the left or right vent ready to attack you shine the light at me in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then I will come to your office and jumpscare you. I can also be found in catalog mode and when you purchase me in blueprint mode you can set me on wherever you like on the show stage. If you get all the rockstar animatronics you’ll receive an achievement that says rockstars assemble. In ultimate custom night I appear in the supply closet off the left hall being deactivated. I will come activate when the heater is on and the noise is too high. If I become more and more agitated it’ll end with me coming to your office and jumpscaring you. You can also remove me by using the death coin on me. Hope this sign helps and thank you very much*.
Security Puppet: Hi i am security puppet i only appear in freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator i first appear in catalog mode but after purchasing me in blueprint mode you put me on the right side next to the show stage. When you have faz tokens and when you click on me a mini game will appear. This mini game is about the puppet’s backstory and that you have to find the assigned child that has the green security bracelet and keep the assigned child away from the exit. But there will be no assigned child. However if you play it three times then you’ll see charlotte emily outside the building while the puppet is trapped because of another gift box on top of the puppet’s box. Then charlotte will jump up and down as she slowly fades away as the puppet is free and as the puppet heads outside as he starts to be damaged as the puppet keeps going the puppet sees charlotte dead and as the puppet crawls to her he lays down next to her being deactivated due to the rain and that’s the origin of the puppet and charlotte is the child soul possessing the puppet.
Music Man: Hi i am music man i am the leader of the posh pizzeria animatronics. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode when you purchase me you can put me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the posh pizzeria animatronics you’ll receive an achievement that says posh pizzeria i also appear in there ball pit tower when helpy fishes me out of the ball pit. And in ultimate custom night i appear right behind you being deactivated. However if there’s noise then i will become activated and i will start to crash my cymbals together. The more noise you make the faster i crash my cymbals until i will eventually appear in front of you and jumpscare you.
El Chip The Mexican Beaver: Hi i am el chip the mexican beaver i am one of the posh pizzeria animatronics. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode when you purchase me you can put me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the posh pizzeria animatronics you’ll receive an achievement that says posh pizzeria. And in ultimate custom night i only appear as an advertisement of el chip’s fiesta buffet the only way to close my advertisement is by pressing the enter key. Why wouldn’t I just appear as an actual animatronic instead of an advertisement just like funtime chica.
Funtime Chica The Chicken: Hi i am funtime chica the chicken i am one of the members of the posh pizzeria animatronics. And this is my funtime cupcake as well. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode when you purchase me you can put me anywhere you like on the show stage. If you get all the posh pizzeria animatronics you’ll receive an achievement that says posh pizzeria. And in ultimate custom night i will randomly appear at your screen as an animated character and distracts you by disorienting the screen and camera flashes. Come to think of it why don’t i appear as an actual animatronic instead of an animated character and why don’t i have a jumpscare….why me..
Candy Cadet: Hello i am candy cadet. I only appear in freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator you first see me in catalog mode but then when you purchase me you set me on the left side next to the star curtain stage. When you have faz tokens and when you click me for my mini game you have to click on my chest to receive candy and then i will mostly say “return to candy cadet again and maybe i will tell you a story?” And sometimes i will actually tell you one of the three story’s. For example “Now I will tell you a story about a little boy. He had a red snake that he kept in a metal cage whose hunger could not be satisfied. One day, the boy found five baby kittens outside his house. He brought them inside and kept them in a shoebox. He knew that the snake might kill them, but could not bring himself to get rid of the snake. He knew that if he chose one kitten to feed to the snake, it might be satisfied, but he could not choose. So, he went to bed, leaving the cage open. The snake went to the shoebox, chose a kitten at random, and ate it. After five nights had gone by, the boy was full of regret, and cut the snake open. He pieced the remains together and put the kitten back into the shoebox.” I wish i can appear in ultimate custom night.
Molten Freddy Fazbear: Hi i am molten freddy fazbear i am one of the salvage animatronics. I was ennard before ejecting circus baby and now i have a voice that sounds like funtime freddy. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator I first appear in the back alley but then in salvage mode when the audio plays and then stops and when henry says document results you have to check the results if i don’t move at all you check no then you put the results down if I move a little you have to tase me in order to get me back to my position if you fail the salvage once you put the results down again i will jumpscare you. And in the office while your ordering supplies printing flyers and doing maintenance each of those and the fan and computer can draw noise. I can be distracted by the audio to lure around the vents and you can also shut the computer and fan off. When i am at the left or right vent ready to attack you shine the light at me in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then I will come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i appear at the top vent coming to your office. If you hear my laughter then you shut the top vent door to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t shut the top vent door I will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Scraptrap: Hi i am scraptrap i am one of the salvage animatronics. I used to be springtrap but after the fire in five nights at freddy’s 3 the spring bonnie suit was too burnt and William somehow found me as a suit and he got out of the spring bonnie suit and he gets inside of me and now this is me william is still inside me and william still possesses me. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator I first appear in the back alley but then in salvage mode when the audio plays and then stops and when henry says document results you have to check the results if i don’t move at all you check no then you put the results down if I move a little you have to tase me in order to get me back to my position if you fail the salvage once you put the results down again i will jumpscare you. And in the office while your ordering supplies printing flyers and doing maintenance each of those and the fan and computer can draw noise. I can be distracted by the audio to lure around the vents and you can also shut the computer and fan off. When i am at the left or right vent ready to attack you shine the light at me in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then I will come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i will come to your office from the side vent. If you hear me coming from the side vent shut the side vent in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then i will come to your office and jumpscare you.
Scrap Baby: Hi i am scrap baby i am one of the scrap animatronics. I was originally circus baby but ennard ejected me and then i found this suit that’ll be perfect for me. To be honest my new look is awesome i have a claw on my left hand and two roller skates. And elizabeth is still the child soul possessing me. In freddy fazbear’s pizzeria simulator I first appear in the back alley but then in salvage mode when the audio plays and then stops and when henry says document results you have to check the results if i don’t move at all you check no then you put the results down if I move a little you have to tase me in order to get me back to my position if you fail the salvage once you put the results down again i will jumpscare you. And in the office while your ordering supplies printing flyers and doing maintenance each of those and the fan and computer can draw noise. I can be distracted by the audio to lure around the vents and you can also shut the computer and fan off. When i am at the left or right vent ready to attack you shine the light at me in order to prevent me from jumpscaring you if you don’t then I will come to your office and jumpscare you. And in ultimate custom night i will appear at the office behind the desk being deactivated. There will be a control shock keypad in front of me. When you lower the monitor and i become activated the only way to prevent me from jumpscaring you is by shocking me when you press the control shock keypad to prevent me from jumpscaring you and have me be deactivated again after that i will leave the office and never come back. If you fail by shocking me to late or bring the monitor up again when you lower the monitor i will jumpscare you.
Fredbear: Hi i am fredbear me and spring bonnie we’re the first ever animatronics in the first ever pizzeria fredbear’s family diner. But after the bite of 83 the pizzeria was closed. This is my first form before my withered golden freddy form in five nights at freddy’s 2. I did not appear much until ultimate custom night. In ultimate custom night you set withered golden freddy to 1 a.i get the death coin and flip the monitor up and down until he shows up at the office and then when he is at the office click on the death coin and then i will appear right in front of you and jumpscare you. P.S…cassidy is the one you should not have killed.
Spring Bonnie The Bunny: Hi i am spring bonnie the bunny me and fredbear were the first ever animatronics to be made in the first ever pizzeria fredbear’s family diner. I have a purple bow tie and two black buttons. After the bite of 83 it was shut down and i didn’t appear at all but i can tell you I was before springtrap before william went inside me in five nights at freddy’s 1 and the spring locks cause a painful death for william and 30 years later I was rotten and william posses me and this is how I became spring trap with william inside me. So yeah this is me before fazbear’s fright.
Dee Dee: Hi i am dee dee. You first saw me in the non canon game fnaf world but in ultimate custom night I became canon. How unfortunate am i right? In ultimate custom night i appear at your office and then after a few seconds i will add a random character to your night however when you do 50/20 mode i become more shadowy like known as x.o.r. and i will add the 6 characters. Shadow Bonnie The Bunny, Nightmare Chica The Chicken, Plushtrap, Minireena, Bonnet The Bunny and Lolbit. That’s all for me.
Old Man Consequences: Hello i am old man consequences. You first saw me in the non canon game fnaf world as a secret I the fourth glitch ending but in ultimate custom night I became canon. In ultimate custom night I will appear on the hud in the top left corner of the office where i am seen fishing. In order to pass the mini game you have to press the c key on the keyboard when the fish is on the centered red dot. Catching the fish will have me disappear. However if you take too long or fail to catch the fish the monitor will be inaccessible for a short time with the words error displaying on the monitor. After a short time you can use the monitor again. Also….for my secret set me to 1 a.i with no one else then when i appear again and when you catch the fish you’ll then be sent to the 4th layer deep area and you see me again and i will say “come and sit with me for a while, Leave the demon to his demons. Rest your own soul. There is nothing else.” Then you’ll exit by going to the pond and by pressing both a and d keys then the game will crash and that is all for me.
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