#Reddit refugee advice
jasper-dracona · 1 year
The only thing I ever saw on the internet almost as often as I saw tumblr screenshots was Reddit stories. Plus, yeah, it was a really good resource for getting a question answered, so we saw Reddit come up a lot when we were curious or confused about something. That site of y’all’s was a helpful friend sometimes, and we appreciated that :)
Oh, and the fact that the site was very user-run and functioned on the work of dedicated volunteers is very much a spirit that I think Tumblr vibes with. Like, xkit makes our site function how we want it to, and maybe I’m just too new a user to know (joined 2018) but, as far as I can tell, that’s operated and updated by a mysterious ring of volunteer wizards or something.
But think of yourself here as your own mini-mod! Filter tags related to things you keep seeing but don’t care about, filter tags of things you find scary or gross, filter tags related to political discussions or sensitive topics that you’re not always ready to hear about, block people who post about stuff you don’t like or don’t care about, and don’t feel ashamed to unfollow someone if they’ve stopped posting about stuff you like!
My filtered tag list is pretty long compared to most, other people have blocked a lot more blogs than me, but it accomplishes approximately the same goal of making sure that my Tumblr has stuff I wanna see and is a place I want to go and look at stuff. I know it’s not gonna be filled with unnecessary discourse, or a show I don’t like, or news about something really bad and depressing. It’s gonna be fanart of shows and games I like, positive messages, stupid jokes, radical queerness and helpful advice!
I stopped using instagram after I joined an activism group and made some friends and followed them all on there, because all they would do all day every day was share posts about depressing stuff about big political topics, and how we need to be doing more about this and this and this too, and doing more and more and more and I couldn’t stand to open the app anymore. Never gonna have that problem here and it’s great.
Anyway some examples of tags I have filtered:
#dsmp - ‘cause I could not give less of a fuck
#abortion ban - too heavy to be hearing about all the time
And an example of the other way around: a friend of mine has ornithophobia, fear of birds. But I LOOOVE birds, so that’s kind of a problem, right? Wrong! I just have to remember to quickly add the tags #tw bird and #bird tw so I can reblog all the bird pictures I want without her having to see them, because I know she has that tag filtered!
So yeah, welcome to Tumblr, Reddit refugees! Be your own mod, don’t be shy about filtering, unfollowing, or blocking, and also don’t tell anyone to stop posting about something you find annoying, because that’s what those features are there for.
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Oh the wise greetings-inferiors, may you teach me the ways of tumblr? I am but a humble reddit refugee, and I ask:
How do you read all the daily posts of all the people you follow? Or should that basically be accepted as impossible? Do you catch up? Or do you just read whatever tumblr throws at you first?
I ask you because you were the first actual blog I followed on here and you led me to a lot of great people and now I’m struggling to read all the posts they make.
Thank you!!!
p.s. sorry for anon, just not that comfortable on here yet
Thanks for letting me be your first! You always remember them, after all <3
And it’s okay if you don’t want to show your face, my grace is pretty radiant
(Cocky persona over)
How I do it is I only follow like 30 people, a lot of which very rarely post. Every day when I wake up I scroll tumblr till I’m satisfied. I make sure to prioritise mutuals, if I haven’t gotten to the point where I left off, I go through my favourite mutuals’ blogs to make sure I haven’t missed anything (y’all are really cool). You shouldn’t treat tumblr like a game with daily challenges, because then it’ll just become a chore. And I know fomo is a very real thing, and I’m here to assure you that it’s okay, I swear it doesn’t matter, and if you interact with people that are online now instead of when you were asleep, you’ll have a lot more fun. Lurking is completely valid, but I couldn’t bear to keep quiet. This hellsite is a collaborative medium, interacting with others is most of my enjoyment. I don’t follow many people for their blog, I mainly just follow people I like talking to and the odd art account or niche blog that REALLY spoke to me.
I’m so glad that you liked the people that I like!!! I try to make sure to only be mutuals with people that I genuinely really like talking with (if I interact with you and don’t follow you back, I probably just forgot to lmao), so that probably means I have good taste hehehehe
So, in conclusion, I use my probably-adhd-or-autism powers to scroll through my dashboard in one sitting every morning, check frequently throughout the day, and if I’m bored I use the for you page to find some thing I might like. Sometimes it’s useless but sometimes it can be really really good, like when it showed me all those Noelle x Susie posts lmao. I make sure to use the app more like a messaging social media than a content social media, with the odd meme or heritage post sprinkled in.
And the most important thing: have fun! The hardest part of tumblr is that initial hill where you don’t follow enough people to enjoy yourself, but once you’ve found your group/blogs then you can go a long while without follow anyone new, and still enjoy yourself! I’d recommend to not follow TOO many people, because then you’d be missing the posts of the people you care about. Your dashboard is like a garden, tend to it!!!
I believe in you, Random Reddit Refugee (alliteration my beloved)! This hellsite is an oasis for weirdos and obsessors, so go nuts!
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orion-geminus · 1 year
Can i just say as a tumblr newbie and reddit refugee that tumblr is so… freeing? There’s no public followers numbers, no algorithm really, no pressure to search engine optimise every word i say. I don’t have to be cagey about my interests, i can reblog or like or comment on something from 2012 and not get yelled at for necroposting. I can just throw ideas and half baked shit thoughts into the void, and sometimes the void gives me notes back.
i still don’t really know how sideblogs work, or how to make sure the things i reblog go there instead of here, and the tagging system is a bit hard to figure out, but overall i’ve never felt more comfortable and safe on a social media platform. good job, blue little hellsite, i think i’ll stay here a good while longer.
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mort-the-destroyer · 1 year
Ok Reddit refugees I need your help.
This may be too personal but idk what else to do.
About a year ago I matched with this girl on tinder who for privacy’s sake I will call June. June and I hit it off right away and would talk non stop nearly everyday until we finally got to meet in January, something we didn’t get to do because of our conflicting schedules. Anyways we finally go out on a date and it’s lovely! We talk a lot, and even though she’s shy she still opens up and even offers to take me somewhere else after we finish eating. Unfortunately I can’t go because I already had to push work behind to be there but I was flattered none the less.
We plan a second… ok I say date but we never officially said that it was a date nor have we agreed to be exclusive which i suppose is normal. Anyways because June takes classes in the summer and works during the winter and spring we never make it to the second date even though we already picked a place to go because on my last few days in the city she had to reschedule.
So I moved back home which was too far away to get together. We try to meet up on the days where I’m back to get my stuff but it doesn’t work out.
But the entire time we still talk regularly. So we talk less and less which is to be expected but we never ghost each other. But we don’t talk every day anymore, which is expected since we are both working so there isn’t as much to talk about.
So it’s now it’s near the end of august, yeah a long time I know, and I’m at a festival and I send some pictures and try to strike up a conversation. Admittedly I hadn’t talked to her in a few days and she hadn’t with me either, but that was common for us at that point. Anyways I don’t hear anything so I leave it alone.
And a week goes by.
I think maybe she just saw the pictures but didn’t respond so I text her and ask her how she’s doing.
Another week goes by
And another
And another
And now I’m back in the city.
And it had been over a year since we’ve met and over a month since she and I last talked.
I accept that I probably got ghosted, since we talked on Instagram and I can see her stories popping up. I’m sad about it but I just keep doing school work and decide I’m going to give dating sites another try one I get my hair done again since my bangs have grown out and look a bit funky.
And then June texts me back. She says the festival looks fun and apologizes for not texting back because she didn’t see my messages and says they got buried underneath her contacts.
Some friends of mine told me that they don’t really buy that, and it’s hard not to see their point, but I still like June and like an idiot I responded anyways.
We talk about how we both moved apartments, and ironically she is now closer to where I used to be and vice versa. But not much else just ask how the other has been doing.
The thing is, I really like her and I liked spending time with her but I felt really hurt when I thought she ghosted me after talking for a year and when I was finally ready to move on she just texted me back like I was nothing. I’m also worried that if I keep going out with her I’ll be so worried about getting ghosted again I’ll get clingy.
Still, I’ve never gone out with a girl so I’m not sure if I’m just super into her or if I’d be like this with someone else, because she’s super sweet and usually responded quickly before even when it was late and she had just gotten home from work?
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sithbelle · 1 year
Well, I've been here a couple of weeks now, and I feel like I'm settling in a bit.
The one thing I see others talking about though that still eludes me is the sense of connection with other people.
I'm working on following people, I'm trying to reblog, I'm using tags, but it feels as though this is little more than a diary for memes.
Any advice on how to connect with people? Do you see anything I'm doing wrong?
I appreciate you reading!
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swordshapedleaves · 1 year
I have used Reddit and Tumblr as my main online social platforms concurrently for over a decade, and I have some advice for our new reddit refugees.
Your blog is your house. You get to post whatever you want. It can be personal, it can be educational, it can be whatever you want at any given time.
The way you fill your feed is mostly by picking people who post and reblog things you like and following them.
Tags are the subreddits of Tumblr. You can follow individual tags for specific topics, or search for them and get all the #baseball or whatever you're into. Following a tag won't put every post so tagged on your dash, just a random sampling of the most popular posts.
Blocking tags is also a very useful tool, especially if someone you follow gets into something you're not interested in or if there's content you find upsetting. If it's a common triggering topic you're likely gonna have to block a bunch of different versions.
There's basically three motives for tagging posts. The first is for people to find or block your post based on the topic. This is big keywords stuff like #baseball or whatever.
The second is for personal organization. These tags will often be fairly unique code words like my own #sword eats for my food blogging posts.
The third is commentary. Only the OP and the person you reblogged from, people who follow you, and people who specifically go looking in the tags will see your tags. So if you have a personal anecdote or commentary to add that you don't know is good enough to attach to all future reblogs, you put it in the tag. I like to add compliments to any art posts I reblog in the tags so the OP sees it.
In addition to reblogs and tags, there's a third way to add text to a post, and that's replies. Replies are the YouTube comments of Tumblr. It's for when you want to yell at a post without actually putting it on your dash. Really popular posts often attract weird RPs, bigots, and people with truly bizarre points of view. It can get a bit wild in there!
Try not to trauma dump on other people's posts because it's generally going into at least two people's inboxes and if a post is bringing up those feelings for you, chances are a lot of people are also feeling that way and it can get pretty rough for the OP.
Use the block function as much as you like! Block people with opinions you don't like, or whose vibes are bad, or who use the colored text that hurts your eyes. This is the hedonism website
This is just advice! Do whatever the fuck you want! If people yell at you, block em! Or not! I'm not the boss of anyone
(video description: Max Miller of Tasting History says "If it does not spark joy, then let it spark the fire." end description.)
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enchantress-leah · 1 year
I'd like to think that experienced users look through these tags from time to time so dear Tumblr, how do I change the language that the website is in?
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novena-proxy · 1 year
If your new to tumblr you NEED to have an original profile picture AND a original header plus a little blurb about your blog
If I see a blog with either the default Profile pic or a default header reblog or like my posts I block them assuming thier a bot
Its easy and fast to slap a profile pic and header on your blog and have a short 1 sentence blurb before you start liking posts so people don't block you thinking your a bot.
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funny-short-man · 1 year
I'm trying to reblog more original art that I see
I want these peoples art on more people dashes
I Suggest you do the same
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you-need-not-apply · 1 year
i can always help!
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Question for long time tumblrinas. What’s the correct etiquette for if I want to be an attention whore but want to be polite about it?
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The whole Twitter/Reddit Tumblr migration is so weird to me. Because I don't have Twitter or Reddit so I can't relate and I haven't been here for long so I can't give advice nor I understand what to do, but I kinda now this place from post screenshots on Pinterest. So I'm just here, like... hi.
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quizletkreeper · 1 year
New To Tumblr
I mostly lurked on Reddit and never posted, but I like the oddball atmosphere here and want to contribute. So if Im doing anything wrong or could do better, comment or dm or whatever is done here.
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ratgirlcommunist · 1 year
Twitter- tweeting
Tumblr- tumbling
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snicklesnek · 1 year
Tumblr media
I don't know what's going on in this place but reddit is quickly dying so imma just go with it.
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orion-geminus · 1 year
Hello! looking for pc build help!
So my current PC tower build is a little outdated and I'd really like to overhaul pretty much all of it to specialise more and tailor it to something actually useful!
Here's some of my current stuff, I have no idea what else needs to be added so like let me know if I need to add anything more important! I have a pretty much stock standard MSI Trident 3, and I think I at one point got the i5 upgraded? I'm a little lost. (link)
If anyone has recommendations for a streamer/digital art/2D animation stuff. I'm also interested in getting some new peripherals so keyboard (UK layout, mechanical)/mouse/microphone/headphones/speakers but that isnt a big priority at the moment. would prefer non-bluetooth options but understand if thats not possible.
Aesthetically I love pastels, cute stuff, bees, and botanicals.
Uh yeah, that's all. any and all advice is welcomed.
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