#Regina George headcanons
frogs00 · 3 months
Regina x reader headcannons please
Regina x Female Reader headcanons!
Loves buying you stuff. Will just randomly buy you expensive things and if you try and refuse it will somehow end up on your bed.
Not nice to you at all at first, like seriously she’s a bitch to everyone, but she mellows out as she gets to know you and grows a soft spot.
Only one aloud to BE a bitch to you and will destroy someone reputation just for looking at you wrong. Annoying overprotective to be honest. (She’ll work on it)
Refuses help because she’s an independent women and tries to fake away that pain form the bus accident but you see right through that and will take care of her. (You better)
Not huge on PDA but loves cuddling in private. Will drop everything to go watch a movie with you or scroll on your phones in silence. NSFW:
Thing for humiliating you, but like in a sexy way. Loves teasing you, drives you mad but if you mouth off…
Thing for punishment as well, will edge you if you’re a brat, will spank you if you don’t keep your eyes on her.
Light bondage is fun for her.
Mutual dirty talk. Also high praise and degradation. Praise on both side but she will not let you degrade her. You worship that women, got it?
If she likes you enough she’ll be nicer for sure, have more patients but still same kinks.
wouldn’t believe it when I say super sweet aftercare and cuddles. Likes making sure she knows she doesn’t completely hate you after it.
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acetone4veins · 5 months
Do you have any Regina fluff and/or silly headcanons.. Please
I absolutely have fluff headcanons the Regina brainrot is so real
She's actually really good at video games because she spends a lot of time playing them with Kylie. She's unbelievably competitive about it
Since she struggles with sleeping at night, once she gets more comfortable with her friends Regina's constantly falling asleep when they hang out at someone's house. Movie nights usually end with her passed out on someone's shoulder or with her head in their lap since she finally feels safe around them. The group never comments on it because they don't want her to stop but they all find it adorable and always let her sleep
She's constantly humming or singing quietly under her breath while working on chores or homework. Doesn't even realize she's doing it half the time
Loves to buy her friends random shit. She sees something at the store that reminds her of someone and immediately buys and gives it to them with zero explanation
Has stayed up until like 3 am helping Kylie with school projects because you know damn well Kylie has to show up everyone in her class
Has probably also pulled up to Kylie's school to argue with teachers about a grade
This is basically canon but she has so many pictures of her friends decorating her room. Every time they hang out she's always the one who insists they take pictures. She also randomly takes selfies with them at school and they all know better than to argue with her so they've gotten used to it. She's just so much happier senior year and finally feels like she has real friends she can be herself with and she wants to remember every little moment
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etherealsapphicspo · 8 months
hi gretchen wieners is a girl kisser
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argue with a wall
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fetchen · 5 months
happy lesbian visibility week to gretchen wieners <3
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violetrashie · 6 months
List (that no one has asked me for) of headcanons I have about Mean Girls (2024):
1. Karen is bisexual (the 11 people she slept with were all going to be men?? Come on!!!)
2. Regina is a lesbian (I have nothing to add Reneé has already said it all💅)
3. Gretchen made friendship bracelets for everyone (my sweet Gretchen 🤧)
4. Regina signs up for lacrosse because it helps with her back, ED and anger management issues (and because I really like that idea from the original movie 💫)
5. Sometimes everyone goes to Cady's math contests to support her even though none of them understand anything and Regina sometimes falls asleep
6. Regina gets bangs (like reneé) and the whole school ends up getting them too
7. Janis thinks about shaving her head because of that
8. In the end, after a while, necessary apologies, lots of talking, unexpected kisses followed by -"Why did you kiss me? -I didn't kiss you!! you kiss me!!" Regina and Janis become a couple 🥹
9. The rest of the group fakes surprise as if they haven't been planning it for half a year on their own alternative groupchat
10. In Janis' basement there is now a new pink couch. It's used by the plastics when they all hang out together 🩷
11. Regina is no longer evil and has brought out her sweet side but if someone attacks her people it takes her ZERO time to go apex predator mode
12. Eventually Regina adopts a more relaxed style of clothes (although she still abuses pink) and even wears things that Janis makes for her
13. In the time Regina was in bed she discovered fortnite and now she can't stop playing and getting pissed off when she gets killed (this is just guilty pleasure, move on)
14. Regina is self aware of the scar on her back/side from the accident. Janis always remind her that it is proof that she survived, that they are sexy, and that there is nothing in the world that can make her look bad ❤️‍🩹
15. Some nights Janis wakes up startled and sweating from nightmares about the accident. When this happens she calls Regina and asks her to just let her listen to her breathing for the rest of the night (they stay on video call while they sleep). When they sleep together Regina simply holds his face gently and lays it on her chest so that she can hear her heartbeat 💔
I could make an almost endless list because every day is a day to think about Mean Girls (and Rejanis)✌️
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daaedoodles · 7 months
more on regina george — i headcanon she has chronic pain from being hit by a bus.
she gets back pain and frequent headaches accompanied by light sensitivity because her injuries, realistically, would have been much worse than portrayed in the show!
she would have had traumatic brain injury/concussion, spinal and rib fractures, a broken jaw and possibly broken limbs from being hit by a bus at 20-30mph, which is why she could have almost died because of how extensive her injuries were, rather than it being that she could have died from being hit by a bus.
she has to get rods in her back, use a spinal halo, jaw wired shut, and casts/slings for her broken or dislocated limbs and do physical therapy. when she’s recovering from the accident, she’s anything but pretty — covered in cuts, bruises and medical equipment. regina doesn’t want anyone to see her like this, not that anyone really comes to visit her anyway.
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sexycornenthusiast · 8 months
Regina George headcanons so I can get some rest:
The gayest lesbian of all time but we already knew that
Chronic insomniac
Gets really into punk rock the summer between 11th and 12th grade
Likes to wander off into the woods. Sometimes to scream and throw stuff, sometimes just to chill
(she never tells anyone she does this. if she ever ends up dead under mysterious circumstances this will be how)
Kind of a control freak. Does not handle chaos very well
Doesn't handle emotions very well either on account of pretending not to have them her entire life. When the screensaver in her brain hits the corner and she Experiences A Feeling, that is a crisis situation
Existentially terrified of turning out like her shitty father
Surprisingly strong from taking out her anger issues on unsuspecting gym equipment
Embarrassingly into sports. You WILL hear about it
Once got in trouble for trying to smuggle Janis into school with her for show-and-tell (they went to different elementary schools)
Does about 75% of everything she ever does out of spite
One of her lacrosse teammates recruits her onto the debate team. She doesn't respect the intellectuality of it at all but she's so brutally effective that unfortunately nobody can complain
Never gets any less aggressive, just becomes aggressively supportive
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hermslore · 4 months
guilty as sin is literally cady and about you is literally regina.
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voxmilia · 4 months
Do you have any HCs with inkblade and Ivy
I latched on so hard to "mean girl with the Garthy O'Brien accent" so I've adopted Ivy, she's one of my favorites, I literally write her on my rp blog, I have a character/timeline study for her in the works so I have many headcanons. Some of these are, as usual, created in conjunction with my friend Nick @starlingcity !!
I've had to cut this down like 3 times because I have so many thoughts about all three of them so literally ask me for more anytime!
Ivy was born in Leviathan. She doesn't remember it much; she and her bio mother (her mama, bc Fabian parallel) emigrated to Solace when Ivy was around 2 or 3. Her accent is sort of a mix of Leviathan and Fallinel, as her second mother (her mum) is a high elf.
She meets Oisin at Oakshield Middle School. He's sitting by himself, reading a spellbook and Ivy, who even before the rage never really knew how to express herself right the first time, tells him it's "too sad" to watch him all alone and insists she has to join him from now on. She does. They're inseparable from then on.
They develop minor separation anxiety after their first death in the Mountains of Chaos; it's tenfold by their revivication in junior year. Jawbone helps them both and also helps them find accredited private therapists.
Oisin has a panic attack for the first time ever during his first appointment with Jawbone, because Ivy isn't there and he's terrified she'll be dead when he comes out.
He has another one when Lucy's out for a summer trip, reconnecting with her family after a year dead, and he hasn't heard back from her in almost a day. Adaine finds him, knees tucked to his chest, arms and tail wrapped around them, just outside of Jawbone's office. It's their first real conversation beyond his initial apology to her.
He laments that he should be stronger than this, should know better. Adaine still doesn't trust him but she understands so she huffs and assures him that anxiety doesn't mean he isn't strong. She has anxiety and she's been in so many battles., defeated so many foes
"I punched a dragon in the face and I have anxiety!" (It makes him laugh. She hates that she likes the sound of it.)
Ivy, as bad as she is with words, is the first to apologize of all the Rat Grinders. Mazey is kind, too kind. Ivy sort of rambles. She isn't even sure why was she so unkind in the first place; she apologizes, says Mazey deserved better. They're not friends but they've buried the hatchet at least. (Years later, they run into each other at a Fig and the Cig Figs concert and smile at each other but say nothing.)
Oisin and Ivy kissed exactly once, at 14, the summer before their freshman year. They were two confused, curious kids who wondered if the warmth in their chests when they were together was meant to be romance. They hated it immediately and never attempted it again. Ruben is still convinced they're exes, though.
Oisin, Adaine, and Ivy end up in the first Bad Kid/Rat Grinder mixed group chat, beyond their initial mega chat with both parties. Oisin kept sharing memes Ivy sent him to Adaine, who would tell him to send Ivy one from Adaine in turn. He got tired of being the middle man eventually and makes them a group thread.
Ivy texts the chat one night that she feels sorry for Adaine, because Oisin is an awful kisser. Adaine tells Ivy to speak for herself. Oisin is too embarrassed to reply for almost an hour, to Ivy's joy
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frogs00 · 3 months
could you send Regina headcannons?
Let me know if you want Regina x Reader headcanons! But these are just in general <3
Regina Headcanons!
This might come as a surprise to find I think she is %100 neurodivergent but I haven’t analyzed her so I’m still in that process.
Low key her favorite color isn’t even pink it’s white and black but she still loves pink (of course)
Internalized homophobia is a bitch, but she’s a bigger one
Dryest Texter ever. Like she doesn’t use emojis because they’re ’cringe’ and emoticons are even ‘cringier’
Junk. She loves junk food because she low key grew up on it despite being rich. doesn’t know how to cook. (Janis or Karen teaches her some of course)
She’s very organized and get angry when people invade her privacy or mess that up. Also prefers having a set schedule but not bothered when it changes.
Hates animals. Hates dogs. Hate reptiles. Hates every animal but felines. She thinks they are cute and fierce (like her) but other then that she doesn’t like them.
Thinks physical violence is below her but will cripple you with her words (she might slap a bitch if they insult her loved ones though)
I could never see Regina being topped by the way, not that that is completely relevant to these headcanons but yeah.
Lowkey likes gaming but would never tell anyone, ever. Will take it to her grave. It’s a stress reliever to her. Yelling at little kids on the internet
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acetone4veins · 5 months
Adhd regina hcs
I assume this was prompted by the hc in this post where I mentioned Regina constantly spacing out.
Her thoughts tend to run faster than they should, which helps with constantly being one step ahead of everyone in every interaction, but it's not so great when she's anxious and spiraling about something and suddenly she can't stop her mind from wandering into really dark places
Had to learn how to mask from a very young age because her parents put so much pressure on her to be perfect, so she's been suppressing for years - constantly aware of her facial expressions and is overly careful about what she says. Used to stim by bouncing her knee or shifting back and forth on chairs but would get scolded over it and had to learn to stop
Has an excess of rings at all times to fidget with instead since it's less noticeable and they still go with her style
Easily overstimulated and it's half the reason she tends to snap at her friends. School is already such a stressful environment and sometimes Gretchen or Karen's voices are too loud and she says whatever she needs to to get them to stop
Being stuck in a hospital bed for weeks with nothing except her own thoughts and not being able to move was literal hell for her
I mentioned this one in a previous hc post but constantly humming or singing under her breath when doing idle tasks
Post canon when she's finally starting to let herself unmask she can ramble for hours about something she's interested in
She also stops being so careful with her every action and her friends learn she's actually pretty impulsive, and combined with the fact that after getting hit by a bus her sense of danger is severely skewed and she doesn't really give a fuck about consequences, she gets involved in so much stupid shit (likely indulging Janis's ideas I think, much to Cady and Damian's chagrin)
Also fidgets with her friends' hands or sleeves when she's sitting next to them I think. Just idly reaches over and starts playing with their fingers both for the physical contact and to have something to stim with
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chisamayas · 8 months
top.... 6..... cadina headcanons, aaaaand go!
- They love playing with each other’s hair! Cady especially loves braiding Regina’s hair, she’ll always fiddle with little strands of her hair when they’re next to each other and Regina never undoes the braids she makes, she lets them stay in her hair until the day ends. Regina loves combing through Cady’s hair and twirling little bits of it with her finger when Cady’s preoccupied with doing something else. Cady can be writing an essay or doing math worksheets and Regina will be standing behind her so that she can use her fingers as a comb for her hair.
- Regina loves cheese fries, and she usually gets them for lunch if they’re available. It’s pretty well known that no one is allowed to touch her food, but Cady is an exception! Regina doesn’t mind letting Cady sneak a few fries onto her plate, and sometimes she even orders extra so that Cady will be able to get a bigger portion.
- It’s hard for Regina to verbally say ‘I love you’, especially in the early stages of her relationship with Cady, and instead she shows her affection through gifts. Cady is showered with so many presents that she’s physically unable to keep track of all of them. If Cady shows even a little bit of interest in something (“Oh, that teddy bear is so cute!”), Regina will have that item wrapped up and ready for her before she can even finish the sentence.
- Regina loves dressing Cady up! She brings her out to malls regularly and finds a lot of joy in seeing Cady switch through all the different outfits she’s picked out. If Cady ends up liking any outfit Regina gave her to try on, she’ll buy it for her.
- Cady borrows Regina her mathlete jacket one day and Regina just never actually returns it. Regina wears it frequently at home, and when Cady’s scent starts to fade away from it, she’ll just bring it back to Cady’s house for a few days before taking it back.
- Post canon, Cady and Regina continue to wear matching necklaces! Regardless if they use the ones they had in canon or if they get a new pair, they’ll still have matching necklaces.
- Regina’s back acts up a lot, and Cady is always the first to notice when Regina looks like she’s in pain— so, she’s always fussing around her to help her find seats or to hold and support her! Cady also massages Regina’s back often to help with the pain.
Thank you for asking! 🫶💖
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fetchen · 5 months
Do you have any Janis headcanons?
yasssss :3 janis so silly :3
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~ janis has multiple stick and poke tattoos in various places, most of which she did herself.
~ she has a lot more piercings than just a septum but doesn’t wear jewelry in them as often (right eyebrow, various ear piercings)
~ she has synesthesia!!! the way she connects her art to her worldview is supa cool
~ most people call her she but she wouldn’t be upset if someone used they or he either
~ she bruises very easily . many bruises on her arms and legs literally all the time
~ she’s the biggest couple hater of all time. she will hate on every happy couple she sees . fetchen are her biggest victims unfortunately
~ she gets a buzzcut the summer before senior year and dyes it with fun patterns . she’s done melting smiley faces, cheetah spots, and purple flowers.
~ she and damian are absolutely goated at fortnite. they match skins and everything
~ her favourite tattoo she has is of a crow . it was very tedious do to herself and she’s really proud of it
~ she is irritatingly good at chemistry. it’s like second nature to her
~ she sketches her friends so often. damian is her top model of course but she likes drawing gretchen and cady too
~ karen put her on to kpop and she will never ever admit that she listens to it. she listens to a lot of dreamcatcher
~ she picks up drumming after junior spring fling and she gretchen and damian entertain the thought of starting a band together
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violetrashie · 7 months
okay! we all know the revenge party but… what if Regina has her own party for all these years? one where she screws up all of janis' possible girlfriends?? she tells Karen and Gretchen that it's to make fun of Janis and give her what she deserves and because it's just fun but deep down (although she doesn't quite understand why) she hates to see janis with a girlfriend. So for years she sets up traps to make the dates go wrong
In the end she confesses everything while is high on meds and although Janis gets angry at first she ends up using it to tease her for being so jealous ✨
*sigh* toxic yuri save meeeee
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daaedoodles · 7 months
also regina george absolutely loses her entire sense of self after being hit by a bus.
she’s not at school for weeks much less on her phone or social media and spends most of her time sleeping or too drugged out to think, and even after she returns home she avoids social media like hell because she does not want to know what people are saying about her. she thinks she’s disgusting because she’s gained 15 pounds from the kalteen bar situation, hasn’t done her makeup or hair in weeks, can’t even shower on her own and might aswell be in a full body cast
after the initial recovery is over and she starts having new, chronic symptoms, the lack of control she suddenly has over her own body is terrifying. collapsing when she stands, not being able to walk without being in pain, it’s such a difficult situation that forces her to reprioritize and realize what’s important in her life and that’s even scarier because it isn’t her choice and there’s no way to stop it or take it slow — she goes from rehabilitating well and being expected to stop using the wheelchair in hospital, to ending up basically bedbound and needing a custom wheelchair and crutches to ambulate.
it takes her a long time to find herself again and become confident and start to be okay with a body that feels like is completely against her all the time, but when she does, regina is more sure of herself than ever and she no longer needs to bring other people down or control them in order to feel better about herself.
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Mean girls dating and girlfriend headcannons
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Regina George:
First date: First date is at the mall. Iced coffee first then going to literally every store in the mall. Trying on clothes then buying clothes. As your girlfriend:
Is the big spoon definitely
Craves touching you
Loves talking to you on the phone for hours
Loves when you sing to her
Gives everyone the death glare when they look at you so weird but Regina will let everyone know you’re hers and that’s that
Will always have her hand on your ass because she thinks she owns it hehe ;)
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Karen Smith:
First date: At the beach. With sandwiches and soda and potato chips too. She will watch you walk. And think about how cute you are. And how you would look even more cute with her hand in yours.
As your girlfriend:
She has a short attention when you’re talking about how you saw your parents make out by accident. And it grossed you but will comfort you with a hug
Loves to take you out to Taco Bell for lunch after school
Is bad at sports but will cheer you on when you’re on the same team as her playing volleyball
Can’t dance but loves watching you dance
Doesn’t understand rap music but loves it because you love it and hearing certain lyrics confuse her. So she needs you to explain the lyrics
Will always ask to kiss you because it’s polite of her to ask you. You always say yes
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Janis Ian:
First date: During the month of Halloween she will go shopping for popcorn and chocolate. Watching the very first Halloween movie on the couch with you while she cuddles you. And will occasionally give you a kiss on your temple and on your cheek.
As your girlfriend:
When she heard some guy in your class say, “Nice hair on your arm. Do you have some on your chest?”
Janis immediately looked at him like she wanted to hurt him. He looked scared.
Janis said to the guy, “Shut your mouth asshole and go shave your ugly mustache!! And leave my girlfriend alone!!”
”You’re beautiful the way you always look”. Janis said to you. You giggled.
She loves to stand up for you
She’s your super protector
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Gretchen Weiners
First date: At a salon getting highlights in your hair and Gretchen getting her hair done too.
As your girlfriend:
Is afraid to kiss you in public because of what people will say
Is afraid to cuddle you because she doesn’t wanna accidentally squeeze you too tight
Will ask permission to hug you because deep down she wants to be the big spoon
Likes it when you’re the little spoon
Loves to play with the highlights in your hair. She’s amused by it
Stood up to coach Carr when he said to stop hugging Gretchen all the time. Gretchen gave him the middle finger
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