#Regulation News hindi
rexbox-online · 10 months
REXBOX عاجل - بيانات التضخم في سويسرا تأتي دون المتوقع
REXBOX سويسرا أصدر المكتب الاتحادي للإحصاء السويسري صباح يوم الخميس، بيانات مؤشر أسعار المستهلكين في سويسرا خلال شهر نوفمبر الماضي، والتي جاءت متطابقة مع توقعات الأسواق. ووفقا للبيانات الصادرة منذ قليل، استقر معدل التضخم داخل سويسرا عند المستوى 1.4% خلال شهر نوفمبر الماضي على أساس سنوي، وهو ما جاء أقل من توقعات الأسواق 1.6%، علما بأن القراءة السابقة التي سجلتها سويسرا خلال شهر أكتوبر الماضي كانت…
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
What's next in this connection ? 💘
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Take a few deep breathes, ground yourself and pick only one picture from any of the four above.
Disclaimer - kalki-tarot does not guarantee any tarot predictions to be accurate and is not responsible for any actions or decisions you make in your life on behalf of this reading.
Please allow me to tap into your energy !
Pile 01
queen of cups, two of cups, the magician
Both the parties involved in this connection will feel surreal and emotionally connected to each other on a higher level. The bond will deepen and strengthen over time, and this will result in both of you coming into a mutual decision of permanent commitment in the relationship.
You guys can be higher level soulmates. You were manifesting this commitment from a long period of time. This connection is also somehow connected to your sacred soul purpose in this lifetime and hence, it will bring you alignment and a sense of emotional fulfilment.
You are asked to not ignore any signs or synchronicites your guides and angels are blessing you with. Please cooperate with your spirit guides and higher self. Don't regulate from a space of the fear of getting rejected again. You will not! Give yourself time to process your emotions.
Pile 02
6 of pentacles, knight of cups, justice
I just heard "CHUP" in my left ear, which is a command to stay silent in hindi. Maybe you are asked to keep shut about about certain things in life. You need not explain everything to everybody, especially people who don't deserve an explanation from your side.
Okay! So some of you will finally receive a clarity or communication in a situationship or talking phase kind of relationship. Other than that, if you guys are feeling that you are not being reciprocated enough in a relationship then you will be faced with circumstances to not repeat this cycle of falling for karmic people. You will be forced to do justice with yourself in the upcoming 3 days. If you try to stay in the relationship then you will get hurt, obviously what do you expect from karmic people?
After you break this cycle of not accepting breadcrumbs, universe will give you a new romantic opportunity very soon!
Pile 03
The empress, king of pentacles, 5 of swords
Wow! Both the people in this connection are finally choosing to speak the truth. You both are trying to solve some kind of fight or disagreement which happened in the last 3 weeks for some of you. I'm seeing you both will solve this thing out and move towards abundance and clarity.
The good times in your relationship is gonna start now, you guys have realized the importance of each other through the period of separation. And now you will not repeat the same mistake again. Emotionally and financially, this relationship will work out very well for you. So don't be stressed much, just keep your ego aside and try to talk to your partner with a sense of understanding and love.
Pile 04
Three of swords, 2 of pentacles, the empress
Damn, i saw a vision just before pulling these cards here, i literally got goosebumps all over my hands and I saw a female (may or may not be) doing some sort of ritual or witchcraft to attract someone in their life. I saw candles, an altar, and pink shades. I also saw the book of answers, can be significant for some. Basically, someone is too desperate to get a crush or love interest into their life.
Sorry, but this is the truth. No matter how hard you try, this connection will not work out. Take what resonates please, I'm being honest, i don't lie while doing tarot. You both have very different ideologies and ways of living life. You guys are destined to walk on two different paths, not together.
So, it's better to not waste time over something which is not good for us, remember universe only gives us what is actually good for us. Try to focus more on your own self and finances rather than someone else whom we are not meant to be with.
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creatingnikki · 14 days
notes to self; september '24 edition
people—friends and lovers and family—will have active and passive days in your life. they will not be actively present 30/30 days in a month (or 31) irrespective of how close they are to you and how much they care. only you, the MC of your life, is actively present every single day. so even if you date someone, they might be actively present 17 days and be around for the remaining 13 passively. and that's okay. that's why you have to be someone you can rely on, even if there are others who support you.
talking about your father the way you so casually do in the light that you do needs to stop. daddy issues jokes and oversharing is not very mindful nor very demure. and maybe it was cool at 24 but now in your late 20s, you have to step away from that kind of humour and TMI.
setting boundaries and reiterating them means that you might upset the other person. that's okay. you have to learn to sit with that discomfort (which is v hard when you are a people pleaser).
and you also have to allow the other person to not be happy/okay with it. to set a boundary and also have others be pleased with you is not a fair expectation. of course, those who are healthy for you, will respect it, even if not be enthusiastic about it.
most of the excitement you feel when dating someone new is only because they breadcrumb and are inconsistent so you get to romanticize them instead of actually find out who they are. when people consistently show up without love bombing, your nervous system remains regulated and then you can objectively know how you really feel about them.
others looking out for you is useless if you're not looking out for yourself. so your partner can text you and ask if you've eaten and your mother can remind you to take your medication but why? why can't you realize that staying nourished, hydrated, well-rested, and safe are things you need, want, deserve, require as literally the bare minimum. it's nice when others check in on you, but it's nicer when you also care about yourself to do these things without external reminders or being chided at.
work on your craft, work on your craft, work on your craft. instead of trying to assert your identity as a 'writer', just do what a writer does—write. and you know you do do that EVERY SINGLE DAY. whether in your notes app, on tumblr, your journal, or a Word doc. so let others yap on, you continue working on your craft.
having different people—people who are different than you/the people you usually hang with—can be so refreshing and fun because it exposes you to things/experiences you wouldn't otherwise actively engage in. pet cafes, clubbing, Hindi indie music being some of the things such people in your life have exposed you to. it's not that you don't know these things don't exist or can't access them, but to have someone to guide you/experience it with you, that's what's imp.
give people space. you cannot force answers or them to feel a certain way or to process certain things when you want them to. you have to give people space. and you have to allow yourself to focus on other things instead of anxiously sitting there and overthinking.
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shamazingwrites · 10 months
My Shs Life
"Hindi naman maganda sa school na 'yan, sa iba ka na lang mag enroll" I often hear them say that. But why should I listen? I'm the one who's studying, not them. You know, truth be told, I wasn't really supposed to enroll at PHCM, but I enrolled really late, and this was the only school still open for enrollment. Besides, I don't have a choice. It's either I study here or I won't study at all.
At first, I didn't quite vibe with the regulations at PHCM, maybe because I wasn't used to them? Especially the grading system. That was the real game changer. Coming from a public school in junior high, I got used to getting into honors just by hitting a 90 average. But here, it's not just about having 90 average, you need a consistent above 85 grades in every subject to stay in honors. At first, I was really scared because I was used to being in honors. I was afraid I might lose that status in senior high school. "Huwag mo kaming i disappoint" "Sayo na lang kami umaasa" Those are the words I always hear. The words that make me so scared that I might not be able to do what they want. So, I promised myself I'd give my best shot, work even harder, and be more diligent in my studies to achieve what I wanted.
I also struggled to adjust to the environment here at first. I didn't quickly make friends with my classmates. I didn't immediately find my circle. But as time went on, life at PHCM became enjoyable. I found a group I could share moments of joy and even sorrow with. Friends who were always there when you needed them. I also realized that our section, 11 - Quezon, was the happiest section in HUMSS during our Grade 11. I came to understand that within our section, it's not about one upping each other. Sure, there's competition, but it's healthy. We all support each other, ensuring that no one gets left behind. We all aim to succeed together in the direction we want to go.
My Grade 11 life became incredibly fulfilling. But it wasn't always sunshine and rainbows. Of course, we faced challenges. The toughest challenge my classmates and I encountered was being separated into different sections. We tried everything to convince the teachers to keep us as a block section, but we couldn't do anything. All we could do was accept the reality.
Now that I'm in Grade 12, I'll admit, I'm happier. Not that my Grade 11 life wasn't happy, but now, meeting new people and having a new environment, life feels incredibly joyful. This made me realize that I'm adaptable. I'm capable of adjusting to new environments and situations. Honestly, Grade 12 Sapphire is similar to Grade 11 Quezon. It's about healthy competition. We're just happy, no one upping each other. Even though the guys at the back can be super annoying sometimes, it doesn't affect our section's solidness (though they can be a headache sometimes). But truth be told, we wouldn't be Sapphire without them! LMAO.
Apart from that, my SHS life became more enjoyable. Thanks to the guy I met back in grade 11, who's been by my side ever since, making life sweeter every single day.
From Grade 11 until now, I've been an honor student. It's pretty cool, you know? At first, I was really scared because of this school's grading system, but it's satisfying to know that despite their high standards, I managed to make it to the honors list.
Another reason why I aim for honors is that I know I need high grades for the field I want to pursue: law. That's what I want to become. But we're not wealthy, so for now, I'll pursue psychology. But I plan to make psychology a pre-law course because, until now, I can't let go of my dream of becoming a lawyer. That's why I chose HUMSS; I want to prepare myself for the things I know I'll be doing in the future.
I'm happy. Extremely happy. I thought I'd become an introvert in SHS because that's how I was in Grade 9-10 when classes went online. I became so shy, avoiding interactions and almost never went out. I almost deleted all my social media accounts. I stopped posting, which used to be a regular thing for me. So, I've really grown during my senior high school years.
And that's my Senior High School life in a nutshell. A journey of challenges, growth, and discovering my resilience in adapting to change.
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heyzel12 · 11 months
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      India counter occupies the greater part of South Asia there is the national capital New Delhi built in the 20th century. India is made up of 28  States and Eighth Union territories Its government is a constitutional republic that represents a highly diverse population consisting of thousands of ethnic groups and hundreds of languages. India has a diverse and distinct culture that has been developing for thousands of years. In religion, India is considered the birthplace of some of the world's major religions Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism but Hinduism remains the most popular.
     Being the world's second most populous nation (after China), the constitution recognizes 15 regional languages but Hindi and English are recognized as the official language. And when we are talking about a style of clothing they have colorful silk and Saris are what many can picture women wearing while men traditionally wear a Dhoti. Saris vary from 5 to 9 yards long and 2 to 4 feet and breadth, while Dhoti is an unstitched piece of clothes ranging from 4 to 5 yards in length and tied around the waist and legs. In India, they also have their own Do's and Don'ts. Some of their Do's are, to treat Indian elders with visible respect, be patient when making decisions or negotiating with your Indian counterpart, try to dress conservatively, and speak respectfully out of respect for your Indian counterpart. Indians are very forgiving towards foreigners who aren't always aware of the etiquette of Indian culture, this can help you avoid embarrassing mistakes. These are just some of their Don'ts. Start with, don't wear tight or revealing closing, don't wear your shoes inside, don't point your feet or finger at people, don't eat food or pass objects with your left hand, because the left hand is considered to be unclean in India. Don't always be polite, don't outright decline an invitation or request, don't expect people to be punctual, don't expect people to respect your personal space, don't show affection in public, don't overlook your body language, and lastly don't judge the whole country. These are the rules and regulations in India though we have our own rules and regulations we just need to follow and respect each rule, especially in India.
     Indian food and spices are legendary for their medical purposes, but Indian cuisine can be difficult to adjust because they have their own version and style of cooking. Spices such as cumin, turmeric, and cardamon have been used for thousands of years. Basmati rice and pulses are staples of the Indian diet, other religious groups are vegetarian or have certain limitations, and lamb and chicken are most common for those who do eat meat. Indian food will introduce you to many flavors, tastes, and styles of cooking and the ingredients used are very different from other countries. As you travel across India you will have many options for trying authentic flavors without having to worry too much about the expenses, the local food is unique and often cheap. Accommodations in Indian homestays are available for people to rent out the vacations, they are close to nature and filled with hills or beaches. Homestays offer guests an authentic living experience and dining at a reasonable cost. Food served at homestays is delicious, homely, and at a nominal cost. Chaat, kachori, choli bhature, idli, dosa, and paratha. These are just some of the delicious dishes can enjoy in India from small-in-the-wall shops, dishing out regional specialties. The souvenirs in India make excellent holiday mementos, from traditional handicrafts to tasty spices, you simply need to take home a few unique souvenirs. Whether you are looking for something unique or just a simple memento of your trip, these souvenirs from India will give you a bit of inspiration when shopping. These are your choices to take and buy a souvenir to bring home. Start with traditional handicrafts from India, when choosing and finding a souvenir in handicraft it is important to find out the history and the meaning of the craft so that you can truly appreciate it. You can also take these souvenirs, spices from India, tea from India, a book from India, clothing from India, jewelry from India, sarees from India, paintings from India, ayurvedic products from India, and incense sticks from India, lastly, the Rajasthani textiles from India, these are the 11 souvenirs from India, choose what suits your type. 
India's best place to visit are Kashmir, Kashmir which lies in the northernmost region of the country, the best time to visit Kashmir is around March to October for the green landscape and from December to February for snow. Rajasthan is one of the most culturally rich places to go in India undoubtedly Rajasthan is famous for its rich heritage, magnificent places, and insightful history. Kerala, Sikkim, and Manali are just some of the best places to visit in India for relaxation and adventures, visiting India will be memorable for you starting with the unique style of cooking, their style of dressing, and also their tradition and other things that can keep you forever, India is one of the most beautiful countries to visit.
Wolper Stanley. A, Srivastava.A.L, Alam Muzaffar(2023)
Geography & Travel. https://www.britannica.com/
Administrator(2014) Indian Culture and Traditions. https://
Scroope Chara(2018) Do's and Don'ts https://culturalatlas.
Cook Sharell(2019) 12 Indian Etiquette Don'ts https://www.
Gupta Sidharth Bhan(2023) Exploring Indian Food On A
Low Budget. https://www.slurrp.com/amp/article/
Philpott Victoria(2023) 11 Best Souvenirs from India to
Remember Your Trip By https://vickyflipfloptravels.com/
bes hut-souvenirs-from india/
Agarwal Kirti(2023) 22 Stunning Places to visit In India to
Rejuvenate Your Senses https://www.myholidays.com/
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werindialive · 18 days
PAC to Investigate SEBI Chief Madhabi Puri Buch Over Conflict of Interest Allegations 
Madhabi Puri Buch, the Chairperson of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), is under scrutiny after allegations surfaced regarding a conflict of interest during her tenure. The Parliament's Public Accounts Committee (PAC) has initiated an investigation into claims that Buch continued to receive payments from ICICI Bank while holding her regulatory position at SEBI. These payments, which included pensions and Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs), have raised questions about whether Buch’s financial ties to the bank compromised her impartiality as the head of the market regulator. 
The Congress party has been particularly vocal, accusing Bush of receiving substantial sums from ICICI Bank, amounts that allegedly exceeded her salary during her time at the bank. These payments reportedly varied in amount and frequency, sparking concerns about transparency and Buch’s potential conflict of interest. Congress leader Pawan Khera has pointed out that the bank even paid Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on her ESOPs, a benefit he claims might not be extended to all employees, further intensifying scrutiny. 
The PAC, chaired by K. C. Venugopal, has added this issue to its agenda following demands from several members during a meeting in late August. They are expected to summon Buch later this month, along with officials from the finance and corporate affairs ministries, to delve deeper into SEBI’s functioning and Bush's involvement with ICICI Bank. 
In addition to these allegations, Buch has been linked to the Adani Group controversy through a report by Hindenburg Research. The report claims that Buch and her husband owned stakes in companies tied to a money syphoning scandal involving the group. These allegations were strongly denied by Buch, who maintains that all required financial disclosures were made to SEBI during her tenure. 
Buch, who became the first woman to lead SEBI in 2022, has built a reputation as a reformist leader, introducing stricter regulatory frameworks for India’s financial markets. However, the controversy surrounding her financial ties to ICICI Bank has cast a shadow over her accomplishments. While her supporters argue that the payments were legitimate retirement benefits, the investigation by the PAC will determine whether any ethical lines were crossed. 
The outcome of this inquiry is likely to have significant implications for Buch’s career and SEBI’s reputation, as the committee seeks to ensure that regulatory bodies maintain integrity and independence.
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Mistral 2 and Mistral NeMo: A Comprehensive Guide to the Latest LLM Coming From Paris
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mistral-2-and-mistral-nemo-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-latest-llm-coming-from-paris/
Mistral 2 and Mistral NeMo: A Comprehensive Guide to the Latest LLM Coming From Paris
Founded by alums from Google’s DeepMind and Meta, Paris-based startup Mistral AI has consistently made waves in the AI community since 2023.
Mistral AI first caught the world’s attention with its debut model, Mistral 7B, released in 2023. This 7-billion parameter model quickly gained traction for its impressive performance, surpassing larger models like Llama 2 13B in various benchmarks and even rivaling Llama 1 34B in many metrics. What set Mistral 7B apart was not just its performance, but also its accessibility – the model could be easily downloaded from GitHub or even via a 13.4-gigabyte torrent, making it readily available for researchers and developers worldwide.
The company’s unconventional approach to releases, often foregoing traditional papers, blogs, or press releases, has proven remarkably effective in capturing the AI community’s attention. This strategy, coupled with their commitment to open-source principles, has positioned Mistral AI as a formidable player in the AI landscape.
Mistral AI’s rapid ascent in the industry is further evidenced by their recent funding success. The company achieved a staggering $2 billion valuation following a funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz. This came on the heels of a historic $118 million seed round – the largest in European history – showcasing the immense faith investors have in Mistral AI’s vision and capabilities.
Beyond their technological advancements, Mistral AI has also been actively involved in shaping AI policy, particularly in discussions around the EU AI Act, where they’ve advocated for reduced regulation in open-source AI.
Now, in 2024, Mistral AI has once again raised the bar with two groundbreaking models: Mistral Large 2 (also known as Mistral-Large-Instruct-2407) and Mistral NeMo. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the features, performance, and potential applications of these impressive AI models.
Key specifications of Mistral Large 2 include:
123 billion parameters
128k context window
Support for dozens of languages
Proficiency in 80+ coding languages
Advanced function calling capabilities
The model is designed to push the boundaries of cost efficiency, speed, and performance, making it an attractive option for both researchers and enterprises looking to leverage cutting-edge AI.
Mistral NeMo: The New Smaller Model
While Mistral Large 2 represents the best of Mistral AI’s large-scale models, Mistral NeMo, released on July, 2024, takes a different approach. Developed in collaboration with NVIDIA, Mistral NeMo is a more compact 12 billion parameter model that still offers impressive capabilities:
12 billion parameters
128k context window
State-of-the-art performance in its size category
Apache 2.0 license for open use
Quantization-aware training for efficient inference
Mistral NeMo is positioned as a drop-in replacement for systems currently using Mistral 7B, offering enhanced performance while maintaining ease of use and compatibility.
Key Features and Capabilities
Both Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo share several key features that set them apart in the AI landscape:
Large Context Windows: With 128k token context lengths, both models can process and understand much longer pieces of text, enabling more coherent and contextually relevant outputs.
Multilingual Support: The models excel in a wide range of languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hindi.
Advanced Coding Capabilities: Both models demonstrate exceptional proficiency in code generation across numerous programming languages.
Instruction Following: Significant improvements have been made in the models’ ability to follow precise instructions and handle multi-turn conversations.
Function Calling: Native support for function calling allows these models to interact dynamically with external tools and services.
Reasoning and Problem-Solving: Enhanced capabilities in mathematical reasoning and complex problem-solving tasks.
Let’s delve deeper into some of these features and examine how they perform in practice.
Performance Benchmarks
To understand the true capabilities of Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo, it’s essential to look at their performance across various benchmarks. Let’s examine some key metrics:
Mistral Large 2 Benchmarks
This table presents the proficiency of various LLMs in different programming languages. Models like Mistral Large 2 (24.07), Llama 3.1 (405B), and GPT-4o are evaluated on their ability to understand and generate code in languages such as Python, C++, Bash, Java, TypeScript, PHP, and C#.
Llama 3.1 405B shows strong performance across multiple languages, with particularly high scores in Python and Java. This proficiency is critical for applications involving code generation, debugging, and software development, making these models valuable tools for developers.
Mistral NeMo Benchmarks
While specific benchmark scores for Mistral NeMo are not provided in the given information, it’s described as offering state-of-the-art performance in its size category. The model outperforms other recent open-source pre-trained models like Gemma 2 9B and Llama 3 8B in various tasks.
Mistral NeMo base model performance compared to Gemma 2 9B and Llama 3 8B.
Multilingual and Coding Prowess
One of the standout features of both Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo is their exceptional multilingual capabilities. This is particularly important in our increasingly globalized world, where AI models need to understand and generate content in multiple languages.
Mistral Large 2, for instance, supports dozens of languages including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. This multilingual proficiency extends beyond mere translation, encompassing nuanced understanding and generation in these languages.
To illustrate this, let’s look at an example of Mistral Large 2 generating text in multiple languages:
[INST] Generate a short greeting in English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. [/INST]
Here are short greetings in the requested languages:
English: Hello! How are you today? French: Bonjour ! Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui ? German: Hallo! Wie geht es Ihnen heute? Spanish: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás hoy? Japanese: こんにちは!今日はお元気ですか?
Now, write a simple “Hello, World!” program in Python, Java, and JavaScript. [/INST]
These examples showcase both the multilingual text generation and coding capabilities of the model.
Both models are available on various platforms such as Hugging Face, Mistral AI’s platform, and major cloud service providers like Google Cloud Platform, Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM watsonx.ai​ (Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands)​​​.
The Agentic Paradigm and Function Calling
Both Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo embrace an agentic-centric design, which represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with AI models. This approach focuses on building models capable of interacting with their environment, making decisions, and taking actions to achieve specific goals.
A key feature enabling this paradigm is the native support for function calling. This allows the models to dynamically interact with external tools and services, effectively expanding their capabilities beyond simple text generation.
Let’s look at an example of how function calling might work with Mistral Large 2:
from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.tool_calls import Function, Tool from mistral_inference.transformer import Transformer from mistral_inference.generate import generate from mistral_common.tokens.tokenizers.mistral import MistralTokenizer from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.messages import UserMessage from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.request import ChatCompletionRequest # Initialize tokenizer and model mistral_models_path = "path/to/mistral/models" # Ensure this path is correct tokenizer = MistralTokenizer.from_file(f"mistral_models_path/tokenizer.model.v3") model = Transformer.from_folder(mistral_models_path) # Define a function for getting weather information weather_function = Function( name="get_current_weather", description="Get the current weather", parameters= "type": "object", "properties": "location": "type": "string", "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA", , "format": "type": "string", "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"], "description": "The temperature unit to use. Infer this from the user's location.", , , "required": ["location", "format"], , ) # Create a chat completion request with the function completion_request = ChatCompletionRequest( tools=[Tool(function=weather_function)], messages=[ UserMessage(content="What's the weather like today in Paris?"), ], ) # Encode the request tokens = tokenizer.encode_chat_completion(completion_request).tokens # Generate a response out_tokens, _ = generate([tokens], model, max_tokens=256, temperature=0.7, eos_id=tokenizer.instruct_tokenizer.tokenizer.eos_id) result = tokenizer.decode(out_tokens[0]) print(result)
In this example, we define a function for getting weather information and include it in our chat completion request. The model can then use this function to retrieve real-time weather data, demonstrating how it can interact with external systems to provide more accurate and up-to-date information.
Tekken: A More Efficient Tokenizer
Mistral NeMo introduces a new tokenizer called Tekken, which is based on Tiktoken and trained on over 100 languages. This new tokenizer offers significant improvements in text compression efficiency compared to previous tokenizers like SentencePiece.
Key features of Tekken include:
30% more efficient compression for source code, Chinese, Italian, French, German, Spanish, and Russian
2x more efficient compression for Korean
3x more efficient compression for Arabic
Outperforms the Llama 3 tokenizer in compressing text for approximately 85% of all languages
This improved tokenization efficiency translates to better model performance, especially when dealing with multilingual text and source code. It allows the model to process more information within the same context window, leading to more coherent and contextually relevant outputs.
Licensing and Availability
Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo have different licensing models, reflecting their intended use cases:
Mistral Large 2
Released under the Mistral Research License
Allows usage and modification for research and non-commercial purposes
Commercial usage requires a Mistral Commercial License
Mistral NeMo
Released under the Apache 2.0 license
Allows for open use, including commercial applications
Both models are available through various platforms:
Hugging Face: Weights for both base and instruct models are hosted here
Mistral AI: Available as mistral-large-2407 (Mistral Large 2) and open-mistral-nemo-2407 (Mistral NeMo)
Cloud Service Providers: Available on Google Cloud Platform’s Vertex AI, Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM watsonx.ai
For developers looking to use these models, here’s a quick example of how to load and use Mistral Large 2 with Hugging Face transformers:
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model_name = "mistralai/Mistral-Large-Instruct-2407" device = "cuda" # Use GPU if available # Load the model and tokenizer model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) # Move the model to the appropriate device model.to(device) # Prepare input messages = [ "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful AI assistant.", "role": "user", "content": "Explain the concept of neural networks in simple terms." ] # Encode input input_ids = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, return_tensors="pt").to(device) # Generate response output_ids = model.generate(input_ids, max_new_tokens=500, do_sample=True) # Decode and print the response response = tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True) print(response)
This code demonstrates how to load the model, prepare input in a chat format, generate a response, and decode the output.
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Limitations and Ethical Considerations
While Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo represent significant advancements in AI technology, it’s crucial to acknowledge their limitations and the ethical considerations surrounding their use:
Potential for Biases: Like all AI models trained on large datasets, these models may inherit and amplify biases present in their training data. Users should be aware of this and implement appropriate safeguards.
Lack of True Understanding: Despite their impressive capabilities, these models do not possess true understanding or consciousness. They generate responses based on patterns in their training data, which can sometimes lead to plausible-sounding but incorrect information.
Privacy Concerns: When using these models, especially in applications handling sensitive information, it’s crucial to consider data privacy and security implications.
Fine-tuning advanced models like Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo presents a powerful opportunity to leverage cutting-edge AI for a variety of applications, from dynamic function calling to efficient multilingual processing. Here are some practical tips and key insights to keep in mind:
Understand Your Use Case: Clearly define the specific tasks and goals you want your model to achieve. This understanding will guide your choice of model and fine-tuning approach, whether it’s Mistral’s robust function-calling capabilities or its efficient multilingual text processing.
Optimize for Efficiency: Utilize the Tekken tokenizer to significantly improve text compression efficiency, especially if your application involves handling large volumes of text or multiple languages. This will enhance model performance and reduce computational costs.
Leverage Function Calling: Embrace the agentic paradigm by incorporating function calls in your model interactions. This allows your AI to dynamically interact with external tools and services, providing more accurate and actionable outputs. For instance, integrating weather APIs or other external data sources can significantly enhance the relevance and utility of your model’s responses.
Choose the Right Platform: Ensure you deploy your models on platforms that support their capabilities, such as Google Cloud Platform’s Vertex AI, Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM watsonx.ai. These platforms provide the necessary infrastructure and tools to maximize the performance and scalability of your AI models.
By following these tips and utilizing the provided code examples, you can effectively harness the power of Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo for your specific needs.
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wefwerhj · 2 months
Understanding Online Matka: A Modern Twist to a Traditional Game
The Origins of Matka
Matka, in its traditional form, started in the 1960s when people bet on the opening and closing rates of cotton transmitted from the New York Cotton Exchange to the Bombay Cotton Exchange. With time, the practice evolved into a system of drawing numbers from a pot, or 'Matka', which means earthen pot in Hindi. This version of the game involved drawing random numbers to determine a winner, a concept that remains central to the game even today.
Transition to Online Platforms
The advent of the internet has revolutionized many traditional activities, and Matka is no exception. Online Matka has gained immense popularity due to its accessibility and the convenience it offers. Players can now participate from anywhere in the world, at any time, Satta matka without the need to visit a physical location. Online platforms have made it easier for enthusiasts to engage with the game, with numerous websites and mobile apps dedicated to providing a seamless Matka experience.
How Online Matka Works
Online Matka follows the same basic principles as its traditional counterpart. Players choose a set of numbers and place their bets. These numbers are then entered into a draw, and if they match the numbers drawn by the host, the player wins a prize. The simplicity of the game, combined with the thrill of potentially winning big, makes it highly attractive.
Modern online platforms have introduced various forms of Matka, such as Kalyan Matka, Milan Day/Night, Rajdhani Day/Night, and others, each with its unique set of rules and payout structures. This variety allows players to choose the version that best suits their preferences and betting strategies.
The Appeal of Online Matka
Several factors contribute to the rising popularity of Online Matka:
Accessibility: The primary advantage is the ability to play from the comfort of one’s home. With just a smartphone or computer and an internet connection, players can join the game anytime.
Transparency and Security: Reputable online platforms ensure fair play by using random number generators (RNGs) and providing clear rules and regulations. This transparency builds trust among players.
Bonuses and Promotions: Many online Matka platforms offer bonuses, promotions, and referral incentives to attract and retain players. These offers enhance the overall gaming experience and provide additional chances to win.
Community and Support: Online Matka communities and forums allow players to share tips, strategies, and experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie. Additionally, customer support teams are available to assist with any issues or queries, ensuring a smooth gaming experience.
Responsible Gambling
While Online Matka can be an exciting and potentially rewarding activity, it is crucial to approach it with a sense of responsibility. Players should set limits on their spending, avoid chasing losses, and view the game as a form of entertainment rather than a guaranteed source of income. Many platforms offer tools and resources to help players manage their gambling habits and seek assistance if needed.
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salasarjigemsllp222 · 3 months
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Benefits of Wearing Natural Citrine (Sunela) Stone
Citrine is formed when amethyst, another variety of quartz, is heated. The heat causes the iron impurities in the amethyst to transform into the yellow, orange, or brown color that is characteristic of citrine.
Citrine is known for its associations with success, abundance, and prosperity. It is said to help with manifestation and to attract wealth and good fortune. It is also believed to have cleansing properties, helping to clear negative energy and emotions.
In addition to its metaphysical properties, citrine is a durable and affordable gemstone, making it a popular choice for jewelry designers and collectors alike. It is often used in rings, earrings, pendants, and bracelets.
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Benefits of Citrine Gemstone
Citrine is a beautiful yellow-orange gemstone that is known for its many benefits. Here are some of the most commonly cited benefits of citrine:
Positive energy: Citrine is believed to promote positive energy and help eliminate negative energy from one’s environment. It is thought to be particularly useful for people who suffer from depression, anxiety, or other emotional issues.
Wealth and abundance: Citrine is often called the “merchant’s stone” because it is believed to bring wealth and prosperity to its wearer. It is said to enhance creativity, increase motivation, and attract success and abundance.
Physical health: Citrine is said to have a positive effect on the physical body, particularly on the digestive system, the circulatory system, and the immune system. It is believed to help regulate hormones, improve metabolism, and detoxify the body.
Mental clarity: Citrine is believed to enhance mental clarity and focus, and to help one make better decisions. It is said to promote self-confidence and self-esteem, and to help one overcome fears and phobias.
Spiritual growth: Citrine is often used in spiritual practices, such as meditation and yoga. It is believed to help one connect with the higher self, increase intuition, and promote spiritual growth and enlightenment.
Overall, citrine is a beautiful and versatile gemstone that is believed to have many beneficial properties. Whether you are looking to improve your physical health, enhance your mental clarity, or connect with your spiritual side, citrine may be worth exploring.
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deshbandhu · 3 months
Breaking Developments You Need to Know Right Now
Staying updated with current events is crucial in today’s fast-paced world, where the latest breaking news impacts our daily lives and shapes our future. From global politics to technological advancements, significant developments are unfolding around us every moment. For those keen on keeping up with the latest breaking news in Hindi, understanding these key stories and their implications is essential. This article delves into the most significant breaking news stories that you need to know right now.
Political Shifts and Their Global Impact
The geopolitical landscape is constantly evolving, with major political shifts making headlines globally. The latest breaking news in Hindi highlights several key developments that are shaping international relations and domestic policies.
1. International Diplomatic Tensions: Tensions between major global powers have escalated, with recent diplomatic confrontations leading to economic sanctions and trade restrictions. These developments have significant implications for global trade, international relations, and economic stability. Keeping track of the latest breaking news in Hindi helps understand how these geopolitical tensions might affect international markets and bilateral agreements.
2. Elections and Political Changes: Major elections around the world are being closely watched. From changes in leadership in key countries to referendums on critical issues, these events are influencing global political dynamics. For instance, election outcomes can affect international alliances, economic policies, and even climate agreements. The latest breaking news in Hindi provides timely updates on these pivotal events, offering insights into their potential consequences.
3. Policy Reforms: Many countries are implementing significant policy reforms in areas such as healthcare, education, and economic regulation. Understanding these changes through the latest breaking news in Hindi can provide valuable insights into how they might impact global markets, international trade, and social systems.
Advances in Technology and Innovation
The world of technology is evolving at a rapid pace, with groundbreaking innovations and developments constantly making headlines. For those following the latest breaking news in Hindi, keeping up with these technological advancements is crucial to understanding their implications for various industries and everyday life.
1 .Artificial Intelligence and Automation: Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are transforming industries and job markets. From AI-powered healthcare solutions to automated manufacturing processes, these technologies are driving efficiency and innovation. The latest breaking news in Hindi highlights how these technologies are being adopted and their potential impact on the workforce and economy.
2. Breakthroughs in Space Exploration: Space agencies and private companies are making significant strides in space exploration, including successful launches of new spacecraft, missions to explore distant planets, and advancements in space tourism. These developments are expanding our understanding of the universe and opening up new opportunities for exploration and commercialization. Keeping up with the latest breaking news in Hindi allows enthusiasts and professionals to stay informed about these exciting breakthroughs.
3. Cybersecurity Threats and Solutions: As digital technology becomes more integrated into our lives, cybersecurity threats are becoming more sophisticated. Recent news highlights the emergence of new cyber threats and the development of advanced cybersecurity measures to counteract them. Understanding these developments through the latest breaking news in Hindi is essential for staying ahead of potential risks and protecting sensitive information.
Environmental and Climate Changes
Environmental issues and climate change continue to dominate headlines, with significant developments occurring globally. For those interested in the latest breaking news in Hindi, staying informed about these changes is crucial for understanding their impact on the environment and society.
1. Extreme Weather Events: Recent years have seen an increase in extreme weather events, including hurricanes, floods, and wildfires. These events are having devastating impacts on communities and ecosystems worldwide. The latest breaking news in Hindi provides updates on these occurrences, offering insights into their causes, effects, and the measures being taken to mitigate their impact.
2. Climate Policy Initiatives: Governments and organizations are implementing new climate policies and initiatives to address global warming and environmental degradation. From renewable energy projects to international climate agreements, these efforts are aimed at reducing carbon emissions and promoting sustainability. Keeping up with the latest breaking news in Hindi allows individuals and businesses to understand these policies and their implications for the future.
3. Environmental Conservation Efforts: Conservation initiatives are being launched worldwide to protect endangered species and preserve natural habitats. Recent news highlights successful conservation programs and the challenges faced in implementing them. Staying informed through the latest breaking news in Hindi provides insights into these efforts and how they contribute to global environmental conservation.
Economic Trends and Market Movements
Economic developments and market trends are constantly evolving, with significant implications for businesses and consumers. The latest breaking news in Hindi offers valuable updates on these trends, helping individuals and organizations make informed decisions.
1. Global Economic Outlook: Recent news provides updates on the global economic outlook, including trends in inflation, interest rates, and economic growth. These updates are crucial for understanding the current state of the economy and making informed financial decisions. Keeping track of the latest breaking news in Hindi helps individuals and businesses stay informed about these economic trends.
2. Stock Market Movements: The stock market is highly volatile, with frequent changes in stock prices and market indices. Staying updated with the latest breaking news in Hindi provides insights into market movements, helping investors make informed decisions about buying and selling stocks.
3. Trade and Investment Opportunities: News about new trade agreements, investment opportunities, and economic policies can provide valuable insights for businesses and investors. Understanding these developments through the latest breaking news in Hindi can help identify new opportunities and mitigate potential risks.
Social and Cultural Developments
Social and cultural developments are also making headlines, influencing public opinion and shaping societal norms. The latest breaking news in Hindi covers a range of social issues and cultural trends that are impacting communities worldwide.
1. Social Movements and Advocacy: Recent news highlights the rise of social movements and advocacy efforts aimed at addressing issues such as social justice, human rights, and equality. Staying informed about these developments through the latest breaking news in Hindi helps understand their impact on society and the changes they are driving.
2. Cultural Innovations and Trends: New cultural trends and innovations are emerging, influencing various aspects of daily life, including fashion, entertainment, and lifestyle. Keeping up with the latest breaking news in Hindi provides insights into these trends and their implications for modern culture.
3. Public Health Developments: Public health remains a critical issue, with ongoing developments in areas such as disease prevention, healthcare access, and medical research. The latest breaking news in Hindi provides updates on public health initiatives and their impact on communities.
In today’s rapidly changing world, staying informed about the latest breaking news in Hindi is essential for understanding the significant developments that are shaping our future. From political shifts and technological advancements to environmental changes and economic trends, these updates provide valuable insights into the current state of global affairs. By staying updated with the latest breaking news in Hindi, individuals and organizations can make informed decisions and stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape.
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finalank10 · 3 months
A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Dpboss Matka
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Dpboss is a popular form of lottery in India that has captivated millions with its blend of luck, strategy, and excitement. Whether you're new to the game or curious about its intricacies,
this guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Dpboss Matka, covering its history, rules, types of bets, and tips for beginners.
History and Origins of Dpboss Matka
Dpboss originated in the 1960s in Mumbai (formerly Bombay), India. Initially, it involved betting on the opening and closing rates of cotton transmitted from the New York Cotton Exchange to the Bombay Cotton Exchange.
Over time, the game evolved into a lottery-style format where players bet on numbers drawn from a pot or 'matka,' which means earthen pot in Hindi.
How Dpboss Works
Types of Bets
Dpboss offers various types of bets that players can place:
Single: Betting on a single number between 0 and 9.
Jodi/Pair: Betting on two-digit numbers (e.g., 45).
Patti/Panna: Betting on a three-digit combination (e.g., 456).
Drawing and Results
The drawing of numbers in Dpboss typically occurs twice daily. Numbers are drawn from a matka (pot) and announced publicly. The winning numbers are determined based on the combinations players have bet on.
Payouts in Dpboss Matka vary depending on the type of bet and the amount wagered. Each type of bet has its own payout ratio, which is predetermined and announced before the draw.
Tips for Beginners
Understand the Rules
Before participating in Dpboss, familiarize yourself with the rules and types of bets available. Understanding how the game works will help you make informed decisions when placing your bets.
Start Small
As a beginner, it's advisable to start with small bets until you become more familiar with the game and gain confidence in your strategy. Avoid placing large bets initially to minimize potential losses.
Manage Your Finances
Set a budget for how much you are willing to spend on Dpboss and stick to it. Gambling responsibly is crucial to enjoying the game without risking financial stability.
Learn from Experienced Players
Engage with experienced players and learn from their strategies and insights. Online forums and communities can be valuable resources for beginners seeking advice and tips for playing Dpboss.
Practice Patience and Discipline
Patience is key when playing Dpboss. Avoid making impulsive bets based on emotions or hunches. Stick to your strategy, remain disciplined, and make decisions based on logical analysis.
Use Historical Data
Analyzing past results and historical data can provide insights into patterns and trends in Dpboss numbers. While this doesn't guarantee a win, it can help you make more informed decisions when selecting numbers to bet on.
Legality and Regulations
Dpboss operates in a legal gray area in India. While some states have banned it outright, others tolerate or regulate it to varying degrees.
It's essential to be aware of the legal implications and regulations governing gambling in your region before participating in Dpboss Matka.
Dpboss is more than just a game of chance; it's a cultural phenomenon that has been ingrained in Indian society for decades.
As a beginner, understanding the history, rules, types of bets, and tips for playing Dpboss is essential to enjoy the game responsibly and increase your chances of success.
By starting small, learning from experienced players, and practicing patience and discipline, you can embark on your journey into the world of Dpboss with confidence.
Read More: The Best Dpboss Matka Sites and Resources Online
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samitc · 4 months
Top Well Health Tips in Hindi wellhealth for a Well-Balanced Life
Maintaining good health is essential for a happy and productive life. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be challenging to prioritize health, but making small, manageable changes can lead to significant improvements. Here are some well-rounded health tips to help you achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
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1. Eat a Balanced Diet
A balanced diet is crucial for overall well-being. Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your meals. Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables ensures you get a wide range of nutrients. Avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive amounts of red meat. Instead, opt for foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
2. Stay Hydrated
Water is vital for your body’s functions, including digestion, circulation, and temperature regulation. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. If you find plain water boring, try adding a slice of lemon, cucumber, or a few mint leaves for a refreshing twist. Herbal teas and coconut water are also good options for staying hydrated.
3. Exercise Regularly
Physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, improving cardiovascular health, and boosting your mood. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. This can include activities like walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, or even dancing. Find an activity you enjoy, as it will be easier to stick with it.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Quality sleep is crucial for your physical and mental health. Adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day, even on weekends. Create a relaxing bedtime routine, avoid screens before bed, and make sure your sleeping environment is comfortable and dark.
5. Manage Stress
Chronic stress can negatively impact your health, leading to issues like high blood pressure, heart disease, and depression. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as practicing mindfulness, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. Taking time for hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and getting regular physical activity can also help reduce stress levels.
6. Maintain Social Connections
Strong social connections are important for your mental and emotional well-being. Spend time with family and friends, join clubs or groups with similar interests, and make an effort to meet new people. Social interactions can provide support, increase feelings of happiness, and help you live a longer, healthier life.
7. Avoid Harmful Habits
Avoid smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and recreational drug use. These habits can lead to severe health issues, including cancer, liver disease, and respiratory problems. If you need help quitting, seek support from healthcare professionals, support groups, or counseling services.
8. Regular Health Check-ups
Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are essential for early detection and prevention of health issues. Schedule annual physical exams, dental check-ups, and screenings for conditions like high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and certain cancers. Stay up-to-date with vaccinations and follow your doctor’s recommendations for maintaining good health.
9. Practice Good Hygiene
Good hygiene practices, such as regular handwashing, can prevent the spread of illnesses. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, shower regularly, and keep your living environment clean. Good hygiene is a simple yet effective way to protect your health.
10. Listen to Your Body
Pay attention to your body’s signals and respond appropriately. If you feel tired, rest. If you are hungry, eat nutritious food. If something doesn’t feel right, consult a healthcare professional. Listening to your body can help you maintain balance and avoid burnout.
Incorporating these health tips into your daily routine can lead to a more balanced and healthier life. Remember, small changes can make a big difference, and it’s never too late to start prioritizing your health. Stay motivated, be consistent, and enjoy the journey to better health and well-being.
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shreecom · 4 months
New rules in co operative credit society
Further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960. WHEREAS it is expedient further to amend the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960, for the purposes hereinafter appearing; it is hereby enacted in the Seventy-fifth Year of the Republic of India, as follows :— 1. This Act may be called the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Second Amendment) Act, 2024. 2. After section 69 of the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as “the principal Act”), the following section shall be inserted, namely:––
“69A. (1) There shall be constituted a Co-operative District Cadre of Secretaries of the Primary Agricultural Co-operative Credit Societies (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the Co-operative District Cadre”) consisting of persons recruited for this purpose by the District Supervision Co-operative Society. The number of persons to be recruited in the Co-operative District Cadre and their conditions of service shall be determined by the District Supervision Co-operative Society in accordance with such general or special guidelines, if any, as may be issued by the State Government, in this behalf, from time to time. (2) A District Supervision Co-operative Society may, from time to time, depute any person appointed by it to work under any society referred to in sub-section (1) as it may consider necessary. Where any such person is posted to work under any society, his services shall be taken over by the society on such post, for such period and on such other terms and conditions, as the District Supervision Co-operative Society may determine. The person so posted shall draw his salary and allowances from the Fund established under sub-section (4). (3) The immediate initial supervisory control on the person appointed in the Co-operative District Cadre and deputed or posted to work as a Secretary under each of the societies referred to in sub-section (1) shall vest with the society concerned. Such society shall follow the bye-laws of the District Supervision Co-operative Society regarding the terms and conditions of services of Secretaries. (4) A District Supervision Co-operative Society shall establish a Fund to be called “the Co-operative District Cadre Employment Fund” and it shall be utilised for meeting the expenses on the salaries, allowances and other emoluments to be paid to the persons appointed to the Co-operative District Cadre and the other expenditure relating to the Cadre. (5) Every society, which derives any benefit directly from the service of any Secretary belonging to the Co-operative District Cadre shall contribute to the said Fund at such rate and in such manner as may be prescribed by the State Government. In determining the rate of contribution, the State Government shall take into consideration the expenditure referred to in sub-section (4), the services likely to be rendered, the financial condition of the societies, including the loans disbursed and outstanding and other non-credit activities undertaken by the concerned society. (6) The State Government may make rules regulating all matters connected with or ancillary to the custody and maintenance of, the payment of money into, and the expenditure and withdrawal of money from, the said Fund.
3. In section 88 of the principal Act, in sub-section (1), in the first proviso, for the words “within a period of two years”, the words “within a period of one year” shall be substituted.
How to register new co-operative credit society in Maharashtra state:
Application for registration and registration fees 
(I) Every application for registration of a society under Section 8 shall be made in Form 'A' in Marathi, Hindi or English, and shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (2) of Section 8 and sub-rules (2) and (3), be signed by the applicants and shall, in addition to four copies of the proposed bye-laws of the society, be accompanied by:
(a) a list of persons who have contributed to the share capital, together with the amount contributed by each of them, and the entrance fee paid by them;
(b) A certificate from the Bank or Banks stating the credit balance therein in favour of the proposed society;
(c) be economically sound and, where the scheme envisages the holding of immovable property by the society, the description of such property proposed to be purchased, acquired or transferred to the society;
(d) such other documents as may be specified in the model bye-laws, if any, framed by the Registrar;
(2) Where any member of a society to be registered is a registered society, a member of the committee of such registered society shall be authorised by that committee by a resolution to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of such resolution shall be appended to the application.
(3) Where any member of a society to be registered is a firm, company, other corporate body, society registered under the Societies Registration Act. 1860, or local authority or public trust registered under any law for the time being in force for the registration of such trusts, then such firm, company, corporate body, society, local authority or public trust, as the case may be, shall duly authorise any person to sign the application for registration and the bye-laws on its behalf, and a copy of the resolution giving such authority shall be appended to the application.
(4) The application shall be sent to the Registrar by registered post or delivery by hand.
Rule No 5. Registration 
(1) On receipt of an application under Rule 4, the Registrar shall enter particulars of the application in the register of application to be maintained in Form 'B', give a serial number to the application and issue a receipt in acknowledgement thereof.
(2) The Registrar may give, wherever necessary, opportunity to the promoters to modify the proposed bye-laws before finally registering the society or rejecting the application for registration of the society.
(3) On registering a society and its bye-laws under sub-section (1) of Section 9, the Registrar shall as soon as may be, notify the registration of the society in the Official Gazette and grant to the society, a certificate of registration signed by him and bearing his official seal and containing the registration number of the society, and the date of its registration. The Registrar shall also furnish the society with a certified copy of the bye-laws approved and registered by him.
Rule No 6. Form of report under Section 9(2) 
The report to be made by the Registrar to the State Government under sub-section (2) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'C'
Rule No 7. Refusal of Registration 
Where any society does not furnish the information in regard to the society as required by the Registrar or fulfil any of the conditions laid down in the Act or these rules, the Registrar may refuse to register that society.
Rule No 8. Matters in respect of which Registrar may direct society to make bye-laws or society may make by-laws 
(1) The Registrar may require a society to make bye-laws in respect of all or any of the following matters, that is to say—
(a) the name of the society and address of the society and its branches; (b) the area of operation; (c) the objects of the society; (d) the manner in which and the limit up to which the funds of the society may be raised, the maximum share capital which any one member may hold and the purpose to which the funds would be made applicable; (e) the terms and qualifications for admission to membership; (f) the privileges, rights, duties and liabilities of members including nominal, associate and sympathiser members; (g) the consequences of default in payment of any sum due by a member; (h) conditions regarding sale or disposal of produce of members, wherever applicable;
. First bye-laws of a society 
When a society has been registered the bye-laws of the society as approved and registered by the Registrar shall be the bye-laws of the society.
Rule No 10. Classification and sub-classification of societies 
(1) After registration of a society, the Registrar shall classify the society into one or other of the following classes and sub-classes of societies prescribed below according to the principal object provided in its bye-laws:
Maintenance of register 
(1) The register to be maintained by the Registrar under sub-section (4) of Section 9 shall be in Form 'D'
(2) The Registrar shall divide the register into parts, one for each district in the State. A society shall be registered in that part, for a district in which its head office is situate.
(3) The Registrar shall assign for each district and each class or sub-class of societies, a code symbol, for giving registration numbers to the societies and the societies shall be registered from the dates specified by him.
Audit of Co-operative society:
Qualifications of Auditors - Apart from a chartered accountant within the meaning of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, some of the State Co-operative Acts have permitted persons holding a government diploma in co-operative accounts or in co-operation and accountancy as also a person who has served as an auditor in the co-operative department of a government to act as an auditor.
Appointment of the Auditor - An auditor of a co-operative society is appointed by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies and the auditor so appointed conducts the audit on behalf of the Registrar and submits his report to him as also to the society. The audit fees are paid by the society on the basis of statutory scale of fees prescribed by the Registrar, according to the category of the society audited. For example, the audit fees of co-operative credit society and Urban Co-operative Banks are to be calculated with reference to working capital at the prescribed rates. ‘Working Capital’ here means funds at the disposal of the society inclusive of paid up share capital, funds built up out of profits and monies raised by borrowing and by other means.
Books, Accounts and other records of Co-operative Societies - Under section 43(h) of the Co-operative Societies Act, a state government can frame rules prescribing the books and accounts to be kept by a co-operative society.
For example In Maharashtra the co-operative societies are required to maintain cash book, general ledger, personal ledger, stock register, property register, etc. It is very much clear that requirement under State Acts resembles the provisions made under Section 209 of the Companies Act, 1956. The books of account required to be maintained in terms of the instructions of the Registrar are in respect of the following:
All sums of money received and expended by the society and the matters in respect of which receipts and expenditure take place.
All sales and purchases of goods by the society also an account of stock-in-hand.
Assets and liabilities of the society. It may be understood that such of the books as are relevant to the nature of the society would be required to be maintained, for example, a credit society cannot be expected to maintain books of account for sale and purchase of goods.
In order to maintain proper financial accounting records so as to disclose full financial results of working of the society, the statutory or mandatory provisions provide a directive, but they are not conclusive. The society is at liberty to maintain such additional records according to its.
Restrictions on shareholdings - According to Section 5 of the Co-operative Societies Act, 1912, in the case of a society where the liability of a member of the society is limited, no member of a society other than a registered society can hold such portion of the share capital of the society as would exceed a maximum of twenty percent of the total number of shares or of the value of shareholding to Rs. 1,000/-. The auditor of a co-operative society will be concerned with this provision so as to watch any breach relating to holding of shares. One should also watch whether any provision in the bye-laws of the society is not contrary to this statutory position. The State Acts may provide limits as to the shareholding, other than that provided in the Central Act.
Restrictions on loans - A registered society shall not make a loan to any person other than a member. With the special sanction of the Registrar, a registered society may make a loan to another registered society (Section 29).The State Government may further put such restrictions as it thinks fit on the loaning powers of the society to its members or to other societies in the interest of the society concerned and its members.
Restrictions on borrowings - A registered society may accept loans and deposits from its members and others subject to the restrictions and limits of the bye-laws of the society. The auditor will have to examine the bye-laws in this respect (Section 30).
Investment of funds - According to Section 32 of the Central Act the modes of investment of funds of a society may be stated as follows. A society may invest its funds in any one or more of the following:
In the Central or State Co-operative Bank.
In any of the securities specified in Section 20 of the Indian Trusts Act, 1882.
In the shares, securities, bonds or debentures of any other society with limited liability.
In any co-operative bank, other than a Central or State co-operative bank, as approved by the Registrar on specified terms and conditions.
In any other moneys permitted by the Central or State Government.
The principal provision relating to the investments of funds of a co-operative society, the Central as well as State Acts does not mention anything about the investment of reserve fund outside the business specifically.
Appropriation of profits - Section 33 of the Central Act states that 25% of the profits should be transferred to Reserve Fund, before distribution as dividends or bonus to members. However, having regard to the financial position of the society, the Registrar may reduce the percentage of transfer, but in any case not less than 10%. Generally in case of newly started salary earners’ credit societies this liberal view is taken.
Contributions to Charitable Purposes - According to Section 34, a registered society may, with the sanction of the Registrar, contribute an amount not exceeding 10% of the net profits remaining after the compulsory transfer to the reserve fund for any charitable purpose as defined in section 2 of the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890.
Investment of Reserve Fund outside the business or utilization as working capital-
Some of the State Acts provide that a society may use the Reserve Fund:
in the business of a society, as working capital (subject to the rules made in this behalf).
may invest as per provisions of the Act.
may be used for some public purposes likely to promote the object of the society. The auditor should ensure strict compliance with the State Act and Rules in this regard.
Contribution to Education Fund - Some of the State Acts provide that every society shall contribute annually towards the Education Fund of the State Federal Society, at the appropriate rate as per the class of the society. Contribution to Education Fund is a charge on profits and not an appropriation.
Apart from statutory provisions relating to Reserve Fund, the auditor may have regard to the provisions in bye-laws and Rules and Regulations of the society regarding the appropriation of profits. Transfers to other reserves, dividends to members etc. are the other appropriations. Appropriations of profits must be approved by the General Body of the society, which is the supreme authority in the co-operative management. Further, it may be noted that necessary accounting entries for the appropriation of profits must be passed after the date of approval by the General Body. Here there is a departure from corporate accounting practice, where entries are passed for proposed appropriations, subject to approval of Annual General Meeting.
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rahul23a · 4 months
Unveiling the Mystery Behind "Madhur Matka" - A Dive into the World of Satta Matka
In the realm of gambling and betting, few names carry the weight and legacy of "Madhur Matka." For enthusiasts and veterans alike, this name resonates with a rich history, complex strategies, and the allure of big wins. As we delve into the intricacies of Satta Matka, "Madhur Matka" emerges as a pivotal player, captivating millions with its blend of chance and skill.
Origins of Madhur Matka: The roots of "Madhur Matka" can be traced back to the bustling streets of Mumbai, formerly Bombay, in the 1960s. What began as a form of speculative trading in cotton quickly morphed into a full-fledged betting phenomenon, with players wagering on the opening and closing rates of cotton transmitted from the New York Cotton Exchange. As the practice evolved, it took on the moniker "Matka," derived from the Hindi word for an earthen pot, which was used to draw numbers.
The Rise to Prominence: Among the myriad Matka variations, "Madhur Matka" emerged as a frontrunner, captivating players with its simplicity and lucrative payouts. The game operates on a straightforward premise: participants select a set of numbers from a predetermined range and place their bets. Once the betting window closes, a random selection determines the winning numbers, unleashing a wave of anticipation and excitement among players.
Navigating the Madhur Matka Landscape: For novices venturing into the world of Madhur Matka, understanding the intricacies of gameplay is paramount. The game typically consists of multiple rounds, each presenting an opportunity for players to stake their fortunes. Central to its appeal is the blend of luck and strategy, as players strive to decipher patterns, trends, and numerical algorithms to tip the odds in their favor.
The Role of Sattamatkaom: In the digital age, platforms like Sattamatkaom have emerged as veritable hubs for Madhur Matka enthusiasts. Offering a user-friendly interface, real-time updates, and a wide array of betting options, these platforms have revolutionized the landscape, bringing the thrill of Madhur Matka to a global audience. With features such as live results, expert tips, and secure transactions, Sattamatkaom caters to both seasoned veterans and newcomers, fostering a vibrant community of enthusiasts.
Navigating the Ethical and Legal Landscape: While Madhur Matka continues to captivate players with its allure, it is not without its share of ethical and legal considerations. In many jurisdictions, gambling activities, including Satta Matka, operate in a legal grey area, prompting authorities to crack down on illicit operations. As such, players must exercise caution and diligence, ensuring compliance with local laws and regulations.
Conclusion: In the tapestry of gambling and betting, "Madhur Matka" stands as a testament to the enduring appeal of chance and skill. From its humble origins in Mumbai to its global reach in the digital age, this timeless game continues to enthrall millions with its promise of fortune and excitement. As enthusiasts navigate the complexities of gameplay, platforms like Sattamatkaom serve as beacons of innovation, ushering Madhur Matka into a new era of accessibility and engagement.
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werindialive · 28 days
California's Pioneering AI Regulation Bill Sparks Heated Debate; Musk Supports, But Google and Meta Voice Concerns
California's recent proposal of a groundbreaking bill to regulate artificial intelligence has ignited a heated debate across the tech industry. The bill, which aims to impose stricter regulations on the development and deployment of AI technologies, has received mixed reactions from industry leaders, with Elon Musk voicing his support, while tech giants Google and Meta express their reservations.
The proposed legislation, introduced by California state lawmakers, seeks to address growing concerns over the ethical use of AI, privacy implications, and the potential for bias in AI systems. If passed, the bill would require companies developing AI technologies to adhere to stringent guidelines, including mandatory audits for bias and the establishment of clear accountability measures for AI-driven decisions.
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, has been a vocal advocate for responsible AI development, often warning of the dangers of unchecked AI advancement. Musk's support for the bill comes as no surprise, given his longstanding concerns about the potential risks AI poses to society. He has frequently called for proactive measures to ensure that AI is developed in a way that prioritises human safety and ethical considerations.
On the other hand, tech behemoths Google and Meta have raised concerns about the bill's potential impact on innovation and the tech industry’s ability to compete globally. Google, which has invested heavily in AI research and development, argues that the proposed regulations could stifle innovation by imposing overly restrictive measures. The company has emphasised the importance of a balanced approach that fosters innovation while addressing ethical concerns.
Meta, formerly known as Facebook, shares similar concerns. The social media giant has been at the forefront of AI development, particularly in the areas of machine learning and content moderation. Meta has expressed worries that the bill could hinder the progress of AI-driven technologies that are essential to the company’s business model. Both companies are pushing for federal guidelines over state-specific regulations, fearing that a patchwork of laws across different states could create compliance challenges and disrupt the tech industry's growth.
As the debate unfolds, the California AI regulation bill represents a significant moment in the ongoing discourse surrounding the ethical development and regulation of AI technologies. With influential figures like Elon Musk supporting the initiative and industry leaders like Google and Meta voicing their concerns, the outcome of this legislative effort could have far-reaching implications for the future of AI not only in California but across the entire United States. The tech industry and policymakers alike will be watching closely as this bill progresses through the legislative process. For more technology news in Hindi, subscribe to our newsletter.
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indian-pan-card-usa · 4 months
New Pan Card in Dallas
The Permanent Account Number (PAN) is a crucial identification number for financial transactions and tax-related activities in India. While it is primarily relevant to residents of India, non-resident Indians (NRIs) and individuals of Indian origin living abroad, including in Dallas, might also need a PAN card for various reasons, such as investing in India, buying property, or filing taxes. This guide provides detailed steps on how to apply for a New PAN card in Dallas.
What is a PAN Card?
A PAN card is a ten-digit alphanumeric identifier issued by the Income Tax Department of India. It is essential for individuals, businesses, and other entities involved in financial transactions and tax matters in India. The PAN card is critical for tracking and linking various transactions, ensuring transparency and compliance with tax regulations.
New Features of the PAN Card
If you want to apply for new pan card so you can contact us +1 (416) 996–1341 or [email protected] to apply for your pan card. The new PAN card incorporates several advanced features designed to enhance its functionality, security, and user convenience. Here are some of the key features:
1. Enhanced Security Features
QR Code: The new PAN card includes a QR code that stores the cardholder’s information. This feature enhances security and makes it easier to verify the authenticity of the PAN card.
Hologram: A hologram is embedded in the card to prevent counterfeiting and ensure that the card is genuine.
2. Updated Design
Improved Layout: The new PAN card has a more modern design, with a clearer layout that includes the cardholder’s photograph, signature, and other essential details.
Language: Information is presented in both Hindi and English, making it accessible to a broader audience.
3. Digital PAN
E-PAN: A digital version of the PAN card, known as e-PAN, is available. It is equally valid as the physical card and can be downloaded and used for various purposes.
Advantages of the New PAN Card
Residents of Dallas, including Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) and Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs), can benefit significantly from the new PAN card. Here are some advantages:
1. Simplified Financial Transactions
Banking: A PAN card is required to open bank accounts in India. With the new PAN card, this process is streamlined, allowing NRIs and PIOs to manage their finances more efficiently.
Investments: For those interested in investing in India, a PAN card is mandatory for buying and selling stocks, mutual funds, and other financial instruments.
2. Real Estate Transactions
Property Purchase: NRIs and PIOs often invest in real estate in India. A PAN card is essential for buying property, and the new PAN card in dallas ensures a smoother verification process.
Tax Deductions: It is necessary for claiming tax deductions on property transactions.
3. Tax Compliance
Filing Returns: The PAN card is crucial for filing income tax returns in India. The new PAN card’s enhanced features ensure accurate tracking of tax-related activities.
Avoiding Penalties: With a valid PAN card, NRIs and PIOs can avoid penalties and comply with Indian tax laws.
4. Convenience and Accessibility
Digital Accessibility: The availability of e-PAN makes it convenient for Dallas residents to access their PAN information digitally, without the need for a physical card.
Online Transactions: The new PAN card facilitates seamless online transactions, including applying for loans, credit cards, and other financial services.
5. Identity Verification
Proof of Identity: The PAN card serves as a recognized proof of identity in various situations, both in India and abroad.
Verification Process: The enhanced security features of the new PAN card make the verification process more secure and reliable.
The New PAN card in Dallas offers enhanced features and significant advantages for residents of Dallas, making it an indispensable tool for managing financial and tax-related matters in India. With improved security, a modern design, and the convenience of digital access, the new PAN card ensures a seamless experience for NRIs and PIOs. By understanding its benefits and the application process, individuals in Dallas can efficiently obtain and utilize their PAN card for various purposes.
Contact Us- Phone- +1 (416) 996–1341 Email us- [email protected]
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