#Remus Lupin my beloved
sun-kissy · 4 days
heaven | r.l.
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i don’t know what this is… not a fic, more like a word vomit about remus loving you HAHA enjoy <3
Remus Lupin wasn’t religious in one way or another. But even he knew you were godsent. 
Passed out, lying with twisted limbs and a drool-filled mouth; you looked nothing short of an angel.
He touches you, you don’t stir. That’s good, he thinks. It means he has more time to love you without having to accept undeserved affection in return. 
He’d asked the question a thousand times, thought about it even more. Why me? And you’d smile at him like he wasn’t a monster, like he wasn’t born to kill. Who else? you’d say. And that’s when Remus realised that it doesn’t take kindness to love somebody; all it takes is that ache in your heart and burn in your fingertips. He wasn’t kind; yet he loved you.
The tips of his fingers dance across your cheek, feeling the soft skin on which his lips had made their home. He has unordinary courage tonight; he dares to bring his other hand to rest on the curve of your hip.
He brushes his thumb, featherlike, underneath your shirt. His shirt. You make a soft sound, and it’s all he needs to hear to know what heaven sounds like.
Remus had never felt like yours was more than a title until he met you. He was yours, yours to love, yours to break, yours to throw away. He belonged to you, and that was the greatest badge of honour any man could wear. He wanted you to touch him, make your mark upon him until it burnt, and he’d thank you for branding him with the etch of your thumbprint.
You were perfect; in every sense of the word. He’d learn every tongue till he was fluent in showing you how utterly divine you were. The dark lines on your thighs didn’t bother him nearly as much as they did you, and neither did the scars. He cursed himself reverently for his own; but never yours. Every mark on your being was a part of you, every inch of your skin a holy grail he’d read without complaint.
He’d worship you if you’d let him. Let his hands find their haven in every nook and crevice of your perfect body, whisper feverish words of cadence and cruelty till you screamed his name. You allowed him to touch you; and that was enough for now.
As he feels you now, mindlessly splaying his hands on your bare back, your eyes flutter open. Remus doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to the jerk of his heart stopping when you look at him like that. You reach for him with a smile even in half-lidded consciousness; he goes without protest because it’s you.
He knew forever wasn’t a word meant for lovers. But for now, he can hold you in his arms and hear your heartbeat when you pull him in. You'll let him tell you he loves you till the grave, and that is compensation enough.
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siriuslynettey · 18 days
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goodbye brat summer, hello Remus Lupin autumn 🍂
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madi-loves-reading · 1 year
"Not all men" you are right, Remus Lupin would never.
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solthewizard · 7 months
“remus is a roadman” “remus is a nerd” “remus is so shy” “remus is terrifying and loud”
youre all wrong. remus is just a silly, lanky, welsh bloke, who cant control his limbs and loves with his entire heart, body and bones with autism and a terrible case of resting bitch face
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platonic moonwater is my comfort ship. they became besties, i don’t take criticism. thanks.
(especially their dynamic in crimson rivers with their gossip sessions)
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s0urw00lf · 2 months
Request: Hi, I was wondering since you write for the marauders if you could write a fic (even just a short one) where Y/n is a professor at hogwarts and was kinda familiar with the marauders while at school.
So when Remus accept the job they get close and they kinda have to sneak around because it's not professional to date a colleague.
Pairing: Remus lupin x reader
Summary: Y/n had always taken a special interest into the marauders, specifically the tall lanky book nerd they she competed with from top of the class in school. Now over 10 years later they finally became more than just friendly rivals, but in secret.
Warnings: fluff, sneakin around, and overly nosy snape.
AN: the day I write a short fic will be the day I run out of imagination. Because for some reason I have to give backstory, build up, and THEN I get to the point, also i write on my computer so it looks like a lot less than what I’m actually writing. (Update: I didn’t write a lot for this because I’m tired and wanted to get it done) Anyway thank you for the submission and I hope you enjoy.
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Something about him had always intrigued you. Maybe it was how smart he was, his beautiful brown doe eyes, or the way he always seemed to be the most rational thinker of all his friends.
You didn’t know, and you didn’t care to. All you knew was that you liked him. A lot. In school you two were friendly rivals competing for the best grades but nothing more than that. You wished it were though, and you were going to ask him out but the war against the dark lord escalated so quickly one moment you were students running around Hogwarts trying to make it to class on time and the next you were trying to avoid any sudden deaths.
After that, you completely lost contact with him. To be honest you forgot all about him until you were informed by Minerva that he’d be taking up the position of the new DADA teacher. “Wait you said Remus lupin?” You tried as hard as you could to keep your expression neutral, and you did as far as you knew. “Yes y/n Remus Lupin will be the new defense against the dark arts teacher” she replied eyeing you through her glasses with the faintest smirk ever, before excusing herself.
“Still pining mindlessly over him after all this time. Figures.” Severus quipped in his usual monotone voice after McGonnogal walked away. “You’re one to talk” you replied eyeing him with a glare and walking away. When you got back to your classroom you let out the girliest squeal you could. You may or may not have ever gotten over your small crush on the boy man.
𐂂𓅓𓆗⚯❾¾ ▕⃝⃤
About a month later school had started back and the hustle and bustle of the school had returned. Even though it had been a week into school, you still had yet to run into Remus, much to your dismay. Until one night you were carrying a load of textbooks you borrowed from Professor Flitwick back to your classroom and kept dropping them. Eventually, you gave up and just plopped down to the floor contemplating how you were gonna get these textbooks to your classroom without your wand. “You know you could always ask for help” a smooth voice spoke from behind you, causing you to jump, and turn around. “Godric Remus a little warning next time would be nice, jeez,” you said placing a hand to your chest feeling your heart racing out of control. “My apologies i forgot how easy it is to sneak around these halls” he chuckled. You let out a small laugh and turned back to the books, “I would’ve but I didn’t want to disturb anyone” you said standing up, and putting your hands on your hips. He bent down to pick up a little over half of the books “Well lucky you, I’m here undisturbed and happy to help” he teased. You rolled your eyes with a small smile, he still had his boyish charm from when you were kids. You picked up the remaining books off of the floor, “well since you’re so eager, follow me” you teased, leading him back to your classroom.
As time went on you and Remus became closer and closer, maybe closer than you should’ve been. The kids noticed it, how you’d always sat beside each other in the great hall, or when you’d have conjoined lessons. But one thing you didn’t expect was when Snape started popping in out of the blue. Remus sat at his desk grading papers with one hand on your thigh as you sat on his desk reading a book, The only noise filling the room was the sound of his quill scribbling on the papers. That was until the door to the classroom opened and Snape swiftly walked through. Remus discreetly removed his hand from your thigh “You know a knock would be nice” you stated with irritation. He stopped at the desk “Knocking would indicate you’re doing something you wouldn’t want anyone to see” he sneered, placing a bottle of potion on the desk for Remus “It's called common courtesy, mama ever teach you about it?” You said sliding off of the table to face him fully. The scowl on his face made you want to give the most satisfied smirk but you decided against it. He then turned to Remus “Make sure you drink it before the end of the week I'll have you another by the time the full moon comes around”
Remus thanked him, and he made his exit. You groaned “he’s like the annoying cousin who’s always trying to get you in trouble” you whined. Remus grabbed your hips bringing you closer “Has he been like that all these years?” He asked looking up at you. You ran your hands through his hair softly scratching his scalp, “you have to ask? He’s been like that since we were kids” you snorted. Remus chuckled leaning his head back and closing his eyes. He looked like he was being touched by an angel. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Pulling away slightly “Even if he did find out, he’d never tell. He knows better” and returned to the kiss until he pulled away “I don’t want his face in my head while I’m kissing you love,” he said. you winced “Fair point, no more Snape. Just us,” you said moving to sit on his lap so you would have to keep leaning over to kiss him.
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princeloww · 2 years
Sirius Black slowly starting to wear more and more eyeliner and then eventually mascara and nail paint and a dozen cheap plastic rings (because anything to NOT look wealthy) and Remus struggling to cope---and then one day he wears lipstick and Remus cannot stop staring at him all day----and, apparently, Sirius can't get enough of Remus' stares, as later that day James sees Remus in their shared bathroom struggling to remove lipstick stains from his face and neck.
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imsiriuslyreading · 8 months
one thing about me... i'm never going to try and change someones mind alksdja
if how you picture a character is vastly different to how I do? that's fine, that's cool. and it is kind of cool, isn't it? that we can read the same words and they strike us in such different ways?
because i think we put a little bit of ourselves into everything we read and I sort of love that.
i'll never be able to understand the arguments people have over what a character should look like or sound like or how they'd behave in a particular way etc, because it's all so subjective.
we see what we need to see in stories and i think that's the beauty of it.
its also such a huge reason why I adore muggle AU's so much, because they get to be literally anyone. sometimes they carry traits from canon or whatever, and that's clever too. but so often I've read a fic where they're totally different to what we usually see and i adore that, it sort of changes them in my brain a little and makes up more of how i see them.
people are allowed to feel so differently to you and like a character to be a different way than you do, and i personally think that's part of the charm of fandom.
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bettymylove · 7 months
Can you do a cute Remus story, maybe like a swimming date
pairing: remus lupin x reader
content: you decide it's the perfect day to go swimming but your boyfriend thinks the water's too cold
a/n: to all the requests, I'm getting to them I have exams and writer's block both at the same time yay
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"It's too cold y/n." He pouted sitting on the plank barely letting his feet dip in the water in which you were standing. "It really isn't, you should listen to someone who's actually in the water."
It had been almost ten minutes of you convincing him to get in the water with you with no success. You splashed some of the water on his face to convince him more but that didn't help your case.
You had decided it was the perfect day for a swimming date, and it would have been if both of you were actually swimming. You had chosen the perfect swimming suit that you had bought weeks ago waiting for thw weather to get a little warm.
You rose to your full height almost up to his face and he leaned in just as your lips were about to meet you shook your head, the water droplets from your hair sprinkling everywhere making him scrunch his face and resulted into you giggling.
"Hey look, is that a bunny?" you pointed in a general direction just to distract him while you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the water with all your might. You both landed in the water with a splash and he was flabbergasted not expecting you to pull him in.
"See it's not cold." You grinned at him while he pulled you in with his hands on your waist. "I suppose you're right." He hummed and you nodded while locking your hands behind his back.
"I always am." You looked up at him and he was grinning just as you were. "She's humble too, ladies and gentlemen." He waved his hands around like a showman and you couldn't help but laugh.
"Shut up and kiss me." You finally said after recovering from the giggles that kept erupting. "Yes ma'am."
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delusion-with-mel · 1 month
Can someone be the regulus to my remus? Pretty please????
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nightingale2004 · 8 days
I just had a light bulb, my hp fans that are also inspired by one of my posts
Imagine if Dumbledore summoned Regulus, Severus, and Remus in his office before they all graduated and gave them all the assignment to become spies for the order.
Dumbledore knew Regulus was going to become a death eater due to his parents, and he also knew that Severus and Regulus were close to each other and that Severus was going to join as well despite not believing in their cause but only to protect one of the few friends he cared about in the death eater cult and that included Regulus.
Dumbledore also had a suspicion that Tom Riddle would be attempting to make an alliance with Fenrir Greyback and his pack along with other werewolves who wanted out of the shadows.
So Dumbledore summoned Severus, Regulus, and Remus and offered them to help the order. In return, he promised to try and protect their loved ones from the other side as long as they reported all information from the darkside straight to him. But no one, family, friend, partner, or other can ever know or find out what they're doing no matter what.
After much thought between the three students and a sit-down discussion that didn't end in bloodshed or arguments for the first time. They all went to Dumbledore and accepted the deal in return for their loved ones' safety and their own after the war ended, and the Phoenix order wins.
Severus, Regulus, and Remus even did the unbreakable vow spell. The unbreakable vow ensured that they would hold their end of the bargain, but it also ensured that if anyone tried to find out about them being spies, they would never say a word about it and deny it entirely
So Regulus and Severus joined the Death eaters together, rising through the ranks to get close to the dark lord and his closest inner circle while looking out for each other like family. Remus managed to gain Fenrir's trust enough to join his pack and made his way through the ranks while also being a member of the order.
When they all became spies, they traded information with each other by using codes and ciphers only they could understand. If they ever needed to meet, they would either send an owl, patronus, or letter discreetly to meet somewhere private. And if one of them needed to get information to Dumbledore but couldn't, they would give this information to one or the other to report to Dumbledore in their stead.
As they all continued their spy work, they also learned that there were people who didn't want any part of the war or to fight and kill. So Severus and Regulus studied the dark mark, trying to find a solution to erase it permanently and help the wizards and witches who were forced into the death eaters. Remus also managed to help as many werewolves as he could with Severus's help with the wolfsbane potion and help them get as far away from the war as they could.
These three men would continue working together in the shadows, learning more about each other and realizing that there's more to each other than meets the eye. They even consulted each other about personal things that they can't say in front of others. Even Severus and Remus started getting along and realized how much similar they were. Even Regulus surprised himself when he started befriending Remus.
Let me know what you all think and give me your thoughts and opinions on this little imagine and how you think it would go.
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wxlfztar · 10 months
Do you ever think about the fact that the black brothers are totally „touch starved“. Every touch they got in their childhood was full of pain and never love.
And now Regulus got James who is pure sunshine and his love language is touch and gestures. Regulus who is a bit cold at first … a bit shy. And James who hugs him in front of everyone and lays his arm around his shoulder. Or lay his arm around regulus hips.
Sirius got Remus who likes to cuddle with him silently while reading a book or they’re listening together to Bowie (but definitely cuddle together and always touching each other with legs or hands - small gestures).
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braidedriver24 · 5 months
i just wanna thank Gary Oldman and David Thewlis for cementing my professional shipping career with this dialogue in the shrieking shack
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Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)
can't believe this masterpiece turns 20 this year, that's not okay, i'm old
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solthewizard · 10 months
remus lupin with snakebites relus lupbn wifh bsnskqb iresjgbgkkekgntlkjzlanrk2k
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i once saw a comment that said “remus was always eating chocolate because he kept trying to kill the wolf inside of him” and that headcanon breaks me
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moonyswarmsweaters · 2 months
If I met you in real life….i would love to gush about Remus with you!!!!!!!
thank you!
I love to talk about him so much and share headcanons
if you have headcanons for him I would always love to hear<333333
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