#Right now though it's 10pm I should probably do the sleeps
geminitay-quotes · 9 months
GeminiTay Appreciation Week Day One
For Day 1 of GeminiTay Appreciation Week!! Writing prompt: Comfort fic (This event was proposed and coordinated by the lovely @dronepikachu! Thank you so much!)
Winter on the Hermitcraft server was cold. This was jarring for some, as they came from a variety of home servers with lots of different climates, but it was a simple fact. It was frequently near or below freezing from late November until about mid-March.
Our story begins on one such winter day, snow falling heavy outside, and GeminiTay standing in her kitchen - singing an upbeat song as she put soup on the stove.
Unlike some of her neighbours, Gem was well equipped for the cold. The nature spirit was used to long winter nights, and as a matter of fact quite enjoyed them. There was something nice about sitting curled up next to the fireplace with hot chocolate on a cold evening, no sound but the fire crackling and your own breath. Perhaps some music if you were so inclined. It was a kind of comfortable solitude that you could rarely get most other times of year.
Gem looked out the window as her soup simmered. The landscape was quiet and beautiful, coated in a thin layer of whiteness that she could already tell would grow thicker in a matter of hours.
She served herself a bowl and brought both her soup and hot chocolate into the living room... There was no need to eat at the table if nobody was around to see her anyways! After lighting the fire, she relaxed into a bean bag.
Leaving her now-empty soup bowl to the side for future-Gem, she took a comfort read off the shelf and allowed herself to get absorbed into the book. Before she knew it, the ginger was fast asleep.
And yes, maybe she did forget to take in that soup bowl. And yes, perhaps she now would have cold chocolate to wake up to. And yeah, she did forget to turn off the fireplace. But as long as it didn't burn the base down (and it wouldn't - Impulse was much too used to fires and had installed in Gem's opinion too many safety measures), that would all be a problem for morning-Gem.
Because for now, night-Gem was going to stay right here in her little cocoon of warmth, and nothing you could say or do would get her to move.
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wosoragebaiter69 · 8 months
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barça femeni x teen!reader
request: here
A/N: i have cricket training today :( and my family decided to act like we were in an episode of the kardashians yesterday
TW: Coarse Language
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Today was going to be a fun day, the team were going to the beach for a couple days. Because… well why not? I’ve always loved the beach so when I was asked if I wanted to come, there is no other answer other than yes.
I look out to the white sandy beach, it’s so inviting and immediately run over with my stuff. Alexia, Marta and Irene do most of the carrying but some of the older girls carry some things as well. Not me though.
I place my items on the ground and take the time to actually look around. We’re in a cove, it’s pretty secluded, there’s a beach house we’re staying in for the next few days and it’s pretty big considering we all have to stay in it. We agreed that us younger girls could go straight to the beach while the older girls do all the other boring stuff.
Jana jumps on my back and I stumble forward into the ground beneath me.
“Janaaaa” I whine.
“Whattt.” She mocks me.
“This place is GORGEOUS.” She remarks looking around at the cliffs, crystal clear water and slight rainforest.
“I know right, so many fun things to do. What first?” I ask, her eyes light up.
“We should swim and find any cool areas that we can hide away from overbearing people.” She smirks.
“That’s a great idea, let’s go!” I run into the water, feeling the cool liquid against the heat of summer I felt before. I dive in when just deep enough, Jana is behind me. Patri and Pina are chasing each other on the shore as Bruna and Salma film them.
I swim to the edge of the cove where the cliffs are and after some swimming I come across a cave system.
“Jana! Look, a cave!” She swims over and looks at the small cave, it’s enough to fit a couple people and has a little beach, just out of sight from the main shore.
“Woah, we could have like a campfire here at night.”
“You think Alexia would let us leave? No chance Jana.” She sighs.
“There’s a thing called sneaking out and we both know she goes to sleep at like 10pm.” I stare at her with a blank expression.
“Ok, let’s go back now. I saw JetSkis and want to ride one. We probably need ‘adult supervision’ though.” She nods her head and we make our way back to shore.
- - - - -
“Where were you two?” Ingrid says as Jana and I walk up and out of the water.
“Swimming.” I say, she looks disappointed.
“Maybe stay where we can see you so Alexia doesn’t freak out. You’re lucky she’s keeping occupied with her own stuff.” She shakes her head.
“Sorry Ingrid.” Jana says but the Norwegian just smiles.
“It’s ok, I just don’t want to feel the wrath of Alexia come down on me or anyone.” I nod in understanding then Mapi walks out of the house in her own bikini. I notice Ingrid’s gaze on her.
“You guys make me sick.” I make a gagging noise and turn away.
“You will learn one day nena.” Mapi wraps her arm around me.
“I hope not. Anyways, could we go on one of those JetSkis? Pleaseeee.” I ask and she immediately agrees.
“Yayy, vamosss!” Jana goes to speak with Bruna as Mapi and I walk over to where the 2 water mobiles are parked.
“Ok so am I driving or are you?” She asks.
“Could I?” She nods.
“I’ll teach you, get on and let’s do this thing.” She instructs me to get on and turn the JetSki on. She then says to initially take it slow because going to fast straight away will make the vehicle unstable. I do as told and slowly get faster.
“This is fun!” I say, as waves crash over the top of us.
“You’ve got it nena! Now you can go a little faster if you leave this cove, are you ok with that?” I eagerly nod my head and speed up to where there’s more water and less land.
We drive pretty fast as we crash into different waves and water splashes all over us, it’s really such a euphoric experience.
As the fuel starts running low, Mapi guides me back to where we are needed, the sun has started to set by now and everyone is chilling either in the water, on the beach or on the beach house patio.
We make our way up the shore and I’m exhausted, people are very right when they say JetSkiing is tiring. I plonk on the ground next to Keira and place my head against her shoulder.
“Bit tired are ya?” She says laughing slightly.
“Damn JetSkis man, so tiring.” I grumble.
“Well, I heard dinner will be soon. Not sure who’s making it since we’re all here but who knows.” She pats my leg and Lucy walks over.
“Hey kid, wanna play volleyball? We don’t have enough players on our team and I have selected you.” Suddenly feeling a burst of energy, I nod and follow her.
On our team is Salma, Ona, Lucy, Frido and I. On the other side is Patri, Claudia, Jana, Esmee and Cata. Bruna has made herself the referee.
“Lucy I’m not sure why you chose me because I’ve never played volleyball in my life.”
“Doesn’t your school offer it?” She questions.
“Just because my school offers it does not mean I do it. It clashes with tennis season!” Even though I play football, tennis has also been a big part of my life and I still play competitively.
“Well kid, use that hand eye coordination with your arms and you’ll be right.” I nod and get ready.
It’s a pretty nice game, it’s close but our team is winning, everything is going smoothly until Cata hits a ball too hard and heads straight for my nose. I fall back.
“Ow.” I whimper and feel liquid run down my face.
“Shit!” Lucy whispers.
“You alright kid? Move your hand away from your nose.” I nod half-heartedly and remove my hands.
“Oof, Alexia’s gonna freak!” As her name is said, she magically appears out of nowhere and leans down narrowing her eyes.
“Come on, you’re not playing anymore.” I open my mouth to argue but she shuts it down.
“Bye guys! By losers!” I shout to the other team who look slightly off-put.
Alexia takes me inside making sure I’ve got all the sand off before. She leads me to a bathroom and gets a first aid kit.
“Not broken but I will ice it for now. Ok?” I nod, knowing not to mess or argue with her.
After she wipes my face and clears the area, she takes a small ice pack and places it against my nose, taping it down.
“No more volleyball for today, come sit with me and the others and we can talk about anything you like. I think dinner is ready anyways.” I smile.
“Ok, thanks Ale.”
“Anytime.” She kisses my forehead. “Ready to go?” She takes my hand and we go out where food is set on the table and the others have came back from where they were.
The dinner is chaotic, nothing unusual for the girls. It’s a homely feeling to be here with each one of them. Mapi nudges me gently and slides over a small glass of wine.
“Drink. I say it’s a great day to get you to try it, have some fun nena. I spoke to Ale and she’s fine because it’s under supervision even if you and I both know it isn’t your first.” I blush and nod taking it.
“Thanks Maps.” She nods patting my back and I take a sip. It doesn’t taste bad. Mapi smirks and cheers go down the table.
This team and life is everything one could ask for.
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azureseacloud · 8 months
Hidden Messages
Ghost (band)
Part 4
Dewdrop x Reader
Words: 2,727
Warnings: swearing
I’m back! Sorry about the delay, it’s been like almost two months 🫣
Anyway I hope you all enjoy, and as always my askbox is open so if you want to request or even just chat please do! :)
If you would like to be added to the taglist, let me know <3
Tags: @gummy-dummy
You hummed absentmindedly, tapping a pen against your cheek. You were sitting at your desk, working your way through the last changes Sister Imperator had wanted you to make. You’d already sent off the plans for accomodation and venue bookings, choosing to forgo skimming over them to save time. You’d finished them last night anyway.
Cirrus was on your bed, her beautiful form lounging as she idly looked through her phone. She was stretched out, leaning her back against the headboard with one leg crossed over the other.
Another notification popped through on your phone and you looked down to see it was from Cirrus again. You sighed, throwing the phone onto the foot of the bed, away from your reach before it distracted you.
“Really, Cirrus?” You were pretty sure the ghoulette chuckled. She held up her hands in mock surrender.
“You don’t have to check it now. Just think of it as a little reward after you’ve finished your work.” By her wicked smile you knew it was going to be more videos of Dewdrop. Satan below, why had you ever told Cirrus about him?
“You are almost done, right honey?” Cirrus asked hopefully. When she’d first come in you’d been laying on your bed typing. She’d joined you, cuddling into you and rubbing calming circles into your back to the point you had almost fallen asleep. After that you had rolled away, choosing to sit at your desk to finish the last of the documents.
It was almost 10pm now and you had almost finished all of the work that you were going to do tomorrow. Which meant you would have a clear schedule to stay at practice for the whole day, if you wanted to.
“I’ve got a few more things left, then I’ll be done.” Cirrus looked pleased at that. You knew she was waiting for you to join her. It wasn’t unusual for the ghoulette to sleep with you on the nights you didn’t spend in the ghoul quarters. You also had a feeling this had something to do with Dewdrop stealing you from her arms last night.
Cirrus had already filled you in on what had happened during the second half of the rehearsal. Dew had apparently been even more hyper after his interaction with you, to the point that Copia had needed to tell him off numerous times, apparently more than he usually did.
You still couldn’t believe it, and you could already feel yourself starting to hope. What if he did like you—what if Cirrus was right?
Even though you knew you should probably kill that hope until you had solid evidence, you didn’t have the heart to. It had been so long since you’d felt this way about someone.
Your mind kept wandering to how his hands had felt on your body, the warmth that radiated from him, the way he’d called you dearest in that honey-smooth tone. You were going to see him again tomorrow—and if Cirrus was right then he would be showing off for you.
You were well aware of the types of moves that Dew normally employed—having seen more than enough videos. But that was completely different to seeing it in person, let alone as his targeted audience.
You’d been to rituals hosted at the abbey, but only a few. You’d ended up at the very back for both of them, not wanting to fight the sisters for a closer space. Even with the limited view, you’d still been able to watch and admire the ghouls as they performed. Papa had been excellent as well—but your eyes had been elsewhere.
Namely on the lead guitarist. Dew’s energy had been breathtaking, the way he threw himself into each song, drawing the attention of the crowd and feeding off it. He knew exactly what to do to make the siblings scream. You’d wanted to be apart of that front row so badly—wanted to have his full attention on you as he played.
It seemed you were going to get the wish, if Cirrus was to be believed. It left a small flutter of nerves every time you thought of it.
Cirrus sat up, her head turning toward the door. You watched carefully—you’d picked up on some of the ghoul’s behaviours, Cirrus’s especially. By the way she tilted her head, you could tell that she heard something or someone nearby.
An amused smile slipped onto her lips as she watched the door.
You waved a hand and her masked face turned to you. “Who?” You mouthed, guessing that it was a ghoul that she had heard. Surely it wasn’t him…
Dew, she mouthed back, blowing you a teasing kiss.
Of course it was.
Your head snapped over to the door as it opened, revealing the fire ghoul, who hadn’t even bothered to knock. That was typical Dew though.
His gaze landed on you first—giving you a little nod in greeting—then flicked to Cirrus.
“Hey Dew, is everything okay?” You asked as you watched the ghoul. His hand gripped the door and he stared at the ghoulette behind you as she sent a delicate wave back at him.
“Copia needs to speak with Cirrus,” he answered, leaning on the doorway in a way that had you staring.
“What does Papa need to speak to me about?” Cirrus sounded uninterested.
Dewdrop shrugged. “Go find out.”
“Tell him I’m busy. It can wait until tomorrow.” Cirrus nodded over at you as you tore your eyes off the fire ghoul.
“He said it’s urgent, Cirrus.” Dew’s gaze flipped to you, his voice taking on a smoother tone. “Don’t worry, I can keep them company.”
“You should probably go Cirrus,” you added, trying to ignore the excited trepidation at the thought of spending more time alone with Dewdrop. “I’ll still be here when you get back.”
Cirrus sighed, standing gracefully. She let her fingers brush lightly over the back of your neck as she walked past.
“It’s not that I’m worried about,” she said as she passed the fire ghoul, giving him a warning look.
“Is it because my company is better than yours?” Dew sounded amused, still leaning against the door.
Cirrus laughed. “Oh please. I’m the favourite, aren’t I sweetheart?” She nodded her head behind Dew as they both awaited your answer.
“I don’t have favourites,” you said hesitantly, watching Cirrus point at herself. “But if I had to choose, Cirrus is better,” you added, slyly looking at Dew. Cirrus made a heart with her hands at your response, while the fire ghoul crossed his arms, scoffing.
“Don’t have too much fun,” Cirrus said with a teasing wink to you. “And you better be finished all that work when I get back.”
You gave her a little wave as she left. Dewdrop took a step into the room, closing the door softly.
It was his first time in your room—only Cirrus and the ghoulettes had been in here, as well as Rain on one occasion. It wasn’t that you didn’t want them here—rather that you spent most of your time in the ghoul quarters that it was practically home now. This room was more of a storage place where you kept all your belongings and work-related items. You only really stayed in it when you needed a break from the chaos—which was very rarely.
Dew seemed to be taking in your room, walking around as he scanned through your items, though there weren’t that many. He lingered at the small shelf housing your favourite books, running a finger delicately across their spines.
After ensuring he wasn’t up to anything that couldn’t be classed as strangely typical ghoul behaviour, you forced your attention back to the screen.
There was one more document left and then you could call it a night, and you’d have an entirely free day tomorrow to admire the fire ghoul. It was harder than it should have been to ignore him though. It was like your eyes were drawn to him, and you had to keep fighting the urge to look back at him.
You were typing the last part of the document when you suddenly became aware of his presence behind you. You stilled, catching his reflection on the screen.
Dew placed his hands on the desk at either side of you, his arms caging you in as he leant over you. His breath touched your right shoulder as he took in the screen.
“Someone’s eager to watch me play tomorrow,” he whispered smugly. You huffed, unlocking your fingers and typing again, furiously telling yourself to calm down.
“From what Cirrus told me, you’re the one who can’t wait to show off. How many times did you get told off by Copia today?”
Dew laughed lowly, resting his head in the crook of your shoulder.
“You’ve been talking about me, dearest sibling?” he muttered, a teasing tone in his voice. “Seems you just can’t get me out of your head.”
“I’m surprised you fit through the door with that ego. Then again, you are pretty short,” you teased back, hearing a quiet hiss in response.
Dew burrowed his face against your shoulder, his hands running along your arms. The movement jostled your hands as you were typing, turning the next word into a jumble of random letters. You quickly pressed the back button, acutely aware of the way his hands glided smoothly over your skin and the weight on your shoulder.
“Do you mind?”
“You don’t smell like me anymore,” he murmured, sounding disappointed.
Ah. So that’s why Cirrus had given you a whole heap of hugs, and why she had been so eager to cuddle tonight, especially after you’d showered earlier. You wondered if it was to reinforce her claim on you, or an attempt to piss Dew off.
“Well I’m trying to type here.”
“Don’t care. This is what you get for calling me fucking short.”
You sighed dramatically, reaching a hand up to push his head away. He grabbed at your arm, pinning it to the desk with a sound of amusement.
You raised an eyebrow at his reflection on the screen.
“Really?” You flexed your trapped hand, trying to loosen his grip. “Let me go little gremlin, I’m trying to finish this work so I can go watch you practise. You know, like you so desperately want me to.”
Dew lifted his head, watching you through the reflection. He was silent for a moment as you held his gaze.
“How much longer until you’re finished?”
“About five minutes. And don’t tell me that’s too long to wait,” you added, well aware that the fire ghoul was known to be exceptionally impatient.
He huffed.
“Fine,” Dew said as he withdrew, trailing his fingers across your shoulders then your neck the way Cirrus had earlier. He lowered his mouth to your ear. “Five minutes.”
You relaxed as he threw himself on your bed, the phantom tingle of his breath on your ear lingering. Five minutes—then what? Was he wanting to sleep here tonight as well? How long was Cirrus going to take?
You mentally cursed the air ghoulette for leaving you in this situation. You hoped she would be back soon—although you were definitely enjoying Dew’s attention. Maybe he really did...
You would think about that later.
It was silent for a few minutes, the tapping of your keys the only sound. You resisted the urge to check what the ghoul was up to—once you did you knew he would try to distract you again, and you only had two more minutes.
“Has Cirrus been sending you more porn?” You startled, twisting your head to see he was holding your phone. Fuck.
“No she has not.” You tensed—you knew he shouldn’t be able to get into your phone, but you still felt a small fear curling in your stomach at the thought of him somehow seeing your conversations with Cirrus. The ones that were mostly about him.
“Then what has she been sending you?” He mocked a gasp. “Not her own videos?”
You stood, closing your laptop. It’s not like you were going to get anything else done anyway.
“Give me my phone back Dewdrop.”
He twisted around so he could see you, the balaclava under his mask slipping enough to give you a glimpse of a toothy smile.
“Make me.”
You narrowed your eyes, taking in the ghoul on your bed. He stared back at you, lifting his chin slightly in a challenge.
At that moment, the door opened, Cirrus returning from her meeting with Papa.
She glanced between the two of you, bracing her hands on her hips. You shot her a look of relief, gesturing towards Dewdrop.
“Can you help me with this?”
Dew snorted, rolling onto his stomach to face you, the phone still in his hands as he propped himself up on his elbows.
“Told you my company was better,” he said to Cirrus.
“I can see that.” The ghoulette sounded amused. “Now get out of my spot or I’ll tell Mountain it was you who broke his drums last week.”
Dew scowled back. “You wouldn’t dare.”
Cirrus tilted her head, a knowing smile breaking across her lips.
“It would be very unfortunate if Sister Imperator was to also somehow find out about what you did to that shelf of rare books in the library—“
“Fucking okay!” Dew sighed, languidly stretching before rolling reluctantly off the bed.
You watched as he stepped around the bed, wondering just how much blackmail Cirrus had on each of the ghouls. Maybe she was on to something—you made a mental note to hold on to any future information.
Dew stopped in front of you, holding out your phone. You hesitantly reached out for it, expecting a trick of some sort.
Instead, he let you take it, although he made sure to brush his fingers against yours.
“See you at rehearsals tomorrow.” He leaned in, whispering cockily. “I know you won’t be able to take your eyes off me.”
You gave him a small smirk, though your heart was racing. “We’ll see.”
He hummed in response, before Cirrus grabbed him by the arm and pushed him out of the room. She shut the door, cutting him off mid-curse.
You raised a questioning eyebrow at her.
“Don’t tell me you wanted him to stay,” she said, mocking disbelief with a hand to her chest. You rolled your eyes playfully.
“And if I did?” A smile ghosted your lips at the thought of Dew staying—but you also needed to actually sleep, and that wasn’t going to happen with him around.
Cirrus sighed, shaking her head. “Do you believe me now? You definitely have a chance with him.”
You felt red creeping across your cheeks. You really were starting to think that it was possible, but a part of you still held back a little. Before your thoughts could begin to drown you, Cirrus grabbed your hand and pulled you down towards the bed. You flipped your phone onto the bedside table—those videos could wait until the morning.
Cirrus pulled you in close, nuzzling into your shoulder as you wrapped your arms around her. She flicked off the light with her tail, plunging the room into darkness.
“What did Copia want?” You asked quietly as the two of you settled into a comfortable position.
“He wanted to check everything still fit for the upcoming performances, and that there weren’t any adjustments that needed to be made last minute.”
You nodded against her shoulder. That sounded like Copia—he was always remembering something he had forgotten right at the last minute. You thought fittings would have been sorted a few weeks ago.
“Annnd,” Cirrus dragged out the word, a hint of excitement in her voice, “we’re all getting capes.”
Capes? “No way. That’s going to be awesome!”
She hummed in agreement. “They look fabulous too.” You chuckled.
“I’m sure you’ll look ravishing.”
“I always do,” she purred. “Everyone else will have one too, even your little fire ghoul.”
Dewdrop with a cape? Fuck, you couldn’t wait to see that. Wait—
“He’s not my little fire ghoul.” You rolled over a little, peering at her through the darkness.
Cirrus laughed quietly, and you scowled.“He’s not.”
“Whatever you say, sweetheart.”
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wander-wren · 5 months
small things to stop doing in your fics
(or any kind of writing, but i live on ao3. we begin with flat-out crimes and then slowly start moving into things that just bug me personally but aren’t wrong)
epithets. if i’ve said it once, i’ve said it a thousand times. you should only be using epithets for characters whose names we do not know. they can also be used VERY rarely to break up the repetition of names/pronouns or to emphasize characters’ relationships/viewpoints, ie “his boyfriend” or “the asshole.”
writing out accents. please stop. you can include a couple of small things, like “somethin’” or “ya” (for “you”), but even keep that to a minimum. specific turns of phrase/references go way farther imo to establish a character’s culture/background/etc. a little goes a long way, and doing it repeatedly can make sentences hard to parse. this also! applies! to children and babytalk! have you ever listened to a child speak? toddlers can enunciate pretty well!
not enough commas. put commas before names and titles. it’s not “Hey John” or “I’m on it captain,” it’s “Hey, John” and “I’m on it, captain.” also, put them after discourse markers/interjections such as “well,” “so,” and “now.” you should be writing “So, how are the kids?” not “So how are the kids?” even if your character is speaking quickly, you still want the commas because of grammar. it can occasionally be acceptable to omit them if you want to indicate extreme excitement/panic/anger/etc, but use it sparingly.
too many commas. i’m a comma fiend like the rest of you so i’m guilty here too, but we gotta at least stop with the comma splices. commas split and independent and dependent clause, meaning that one part of the sentence cannot grammatically stand alone. if all parts are complete sentences on their own, that’s a comma splice. try splitting it into two sentences, using a semicolon, or rewriting. this is usually fine in dialogue, though, that’s just how people talk.
also, using a lot of commas to denote panic is something i used to be HUGELY guilty of and now i hate it. instead of, “I, I, I don’t, I don’t know,” you can try, “I-I…I don’t—I don’t know!” probably not that much punctuation that close together, but for the sake of example. emdashes and ellipses, my beloveds 🫶
roleplay speak. i don’t know what else to succinctly call this? i’m referring to the tendency to be redundant and over-explain, especially in dialogue. it’s a phenomenon i see constantly in rp circles, usually because of post length requirements (and i have little issue with it there, it’s just the culture). things like:
“Surprise!” Adam shouted, popping out from behind the door.
“Oh my god!” Scott screamed, having been completely startled and not expecting Adam to be home yet.
yeah, we can guess that Scott is startled, right? because of the screaming? and clearly if Adam is surprising Scott it stands to reason his presence is unexpected? why are we stating this twice?
i believe this also comes from the mistaken idea that every line of dialogue needs a tag attached, which is….horrible. you can let the dialogue exist on its own sometimes, friends. you can also include an action beat without a tag. like above, i could have just said “Adam popped out from behind the door” and omitted the shouting altogether. we can assume he is being loud because that’s usually how people do surprises. anyway. moving on.
condescending to readers. this isn’t so much about writing as it is author’s notes and the like, and “condescending” may be a strong word, but i’m trying to be succinct. at any rate, please stop telling your audience to not read your fic? “do not read if sensitive to [blank]” or “if you have [disorder] skip this fic!” is a horrible way to trigger warn. people know their own boundaries. tell them what the work actually contains and let them self-select.
i also find “rest stop/check-in” type notes condescending, like “if you are reading this between the hours of 10pm-4am, go to sleep” and “STOP! have you eaten/drank/walked around in the past few hours? go do that!” again, we know ourselves. i’m not your kid, don’t tell me what to do. i don’t mind a polite, casual little “thanks for reading, remember to drink water and take your meds, bye” note, though.
the others in this category? i will straight up not read the fic over that on some days. ESPECIALLY because, in my experience, the people who are most intense about warning for every little thing are the ones with the mildest fics, and that’s not what i’m here for.
complaining about your own wrong tags. this is, admittedly, such a nitpick, and it definitely is more common in certain communities than others. but as longtime followers may know, i’m a bit obsessed with ao3’s tagging system and it drives me BONKERS when people use the wrong tags and follow it with “not actually but there’s no tag for xyz.” here’s the thing: you can still look at all the works that have ANY tag, just the non-canonized ones can’t be filtered on. and the best way to get a tag canonized is, guess what, to USE it! imagine that. also, if you’re using the wrong tag, you’re just going to clog the filter results and get people who don’t actually want to read your fic. just stop.
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csbenthusiast · 7 months
May your heart never stop beating for me - Choi Yeonjun X f!reader
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a/n: *ahem* hi😭 it’s been a long looong while since I last wrote something and posted in here(my apologies), but ummmm this is a comeback ? sort of? idk, but what I know is that this was sitting on my docs app FOR SO SO LONG LIKE SINCE FEBRUARY and it was supposed to be out on Halloween and then on Christmas but I got sick😬 anyways consider this a miracle and a late gift 😀 (I’m also planning a Soob fic that was supposed to be out on his birthday but shhhhhlets not talk about it for now).
a/n²: y’all I lied😨 I’m late once again, but what matters is that it’s finally here!! Literally a year later 😀 and ummm I tried to mix two ways of writing this, so I hope it was not confusing!
Genre: angst? it’s bittersweet.
CW: toxic relationship (nothing to worry about, YJ and mc just go back and forth), language, Yeonjun has a bad behavior(I’m not sorry, I was feeling very angsty), implied suggestive touches? they both need each other in a not so healthy way. Lemme know if I missed something!
WC: 2.2k
disclaimer: this only fiction and does not represent this idol in any way.
Pls enjoy and give me feedbacks:DDD they make me very happy (English is not my first language, excuse any mistakes 😙)
Songs I listened while writing this: here
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The weather outside was definitely a mood killer. As the days passed by, October just got colder and colder. And it’s not like the chilly weather wasn’t nice, in fact, it was actually quite pleasant.
The season was nice, sure. But spending the days alone was not on your ‘to do’ list, to be honest.
Yeonjun left without even explaining himself once again. Everyday life seemed meaningless and the urge to check up on him was growing more and more.
It was worthless, though. Why bother yourself when he has never put you on the top of his priority list? Was it too much to ask?
Despite that, here you were, almost 10pm on a Tuesday trying to cheer up your mood with a random movie playing on the TV.
It was a terrible film, though. The best option was probably going to sleep, but you knew better; going to bed meant reminiscing everything until the first ray of sunshine was peeking through the curtains.
In the end, you tried to go through that mess.
And, somehow, that thing was able to get your attention to the point where you ended up startled by the sound of the doorbell.
You tried to ignore it at first, too scared to check who it was, but it rang again. Was it a murder? No, no murder would ring the doorbell before making a victim.
In defeat, and dragging your feet to where the door was, you took a look through the peephole and, right now, the person outside was probably worse than a murder.
Yeonjun couldn’t be on the other side in the middle of the night, right? It was like he read your mind.
You twisted the keys in a hurried move, though. Being curious sometimes was a curse.
“Hey.” It’s the only thing he bothered to say, looking at his feet like he was ashamed. As if.
“What are you doing here?” You hissed, not really sure of how you were supposed to feel. It’s kind of bittersweet.
He was still looking at the ground, but you took notice of how Yeonjun was shivering. Was it due to the cold and the lack of clothes? You’re not sure.
“I…” a sigh escaped his chapped “I don’t know, all the roads lead me here at the end of the day, I suppose.” It was an attempt to cheer up the mood, but by the look on your face he quickly replaced his smile with a frown.
Two pairs of eyes bored into each other, and it was clear that you were anything but pleased to see him standing by your doorstep. But, again, being good could be a curse, perhaps.
It was cold outside, and Yeonjun was shivering. Maybe you should invite him inside. Unfortunately, you did.
Huening Kai will have to deal with this later, I guess.
"Come on, you're clearly cold." You stepped aside, making room for him. "I can make some tea if you'd like. What do you say?"
"That's what I like about you, Y/N." Yeonjun winked "You're always looking out for me." and made himself comfortable on her couch.
"Do you deserve it, though?" the girl mumbled, occupying herself in the kitchen.
Meanwhile, the older boy was looking around the room and hallway. A few things changed; the picture you two took back in July was no longer hanging on the wall and a few decorations were out of place. Odd.
"Hey, Y/N?" he called, receiving back a hum. "Where's our photo? You know, the one you're kissing my cheek."
The nerve. Where does he think it went?
"What do you mean 'Where's our photo'?" She scoffed, dropping a few things while doing so. "I put it in a box, of course" and mumbled loud enough for Yeonjun to hear.
The boy frowned as if she said the most horrible thing in the world. How could she put it in a box? Does that mean their relationship meant nothing to her?
"I can see the gears turning inside your head." Y/N said from behind, which scared him a little. Did you have a sixth sense or something? "Don't think too much about it… or do, it's up to you since I don't have a say in any of our conversations anyways."
Now, that definitely bruised his ego. Why were you being so passive aggressive all of sudden?
"What's wrong?" He asked, sitting by the couch once again.
Is he playing dumb? Or is he just trying to get under my skin?
Y/N bitterly chuckled. You surely could've ignored him when he knocked on your fucking door a few minutes ago, but you didn't and now you had to deal with his stupid behavior.
No, wait. Why were you complaining, though? You were the one who agreed to play his little games, right? Little games? Is that what this is?
"Hey, Y/N, look at me, will you?" Ah, it took him long enough. He used that sweet tone; he always did. Maybe that's his curse, being awfully sweet yet such a jerk sometimes. "What's wrong? Now I'm the one who's able to see the gears in your head." He chuckled and grabbed her hands, gesturing for Y/N to sit beside him.
His touch sent shivers down her spine, but it’s not like she would admit it. And Yeonjun must’ve noticed that, because he took this opportunity to bring Y/N closer to his body with a hug.
That touch was supposed to be an act of comfort, but it only made her feel more anxious than when she saw his face earlier that night. However, it was impossible to ignore his scent; y/n’s senses were drowning with every touch and breath lingering on her skin. Yeonjun was sneaky, he moved his hand off her arms and stroked her back, and, maybe, just maybe, y/n’s heart started to beat a little bit faster and louder.
Perhaps that’s your curse. Yeonjun always found a way to drive you insane, and you always tried to push his buttons. But by the end of the day, you two would always get back together. Saying that it would be the last time you’d hurt each other was pointless, because it was not the truth.
Despite everything, y/n wanted to be mad, sad and let everything out. But she couldn’t, her mind was a complete mess with every brush of his fingers on her skin.
“Hey, you seem off.” Yeonjun brought her face closer to his by holding her chin.
“Am I now?” Y/N flinched at his touch, face burning with the proximity. Your body betraying your emotions made him smirk.
Yeonjun’s breath was against her neck, with lips slightly brushing over her ear.
“Yes, you are.” He whispered. “Kitten, talk to me. Why are your walls suddenly up, hm?” And planted a kiss by her pulse point.
This situation was uncomfortable, to say the least. But it’s not like you wanted him to stop.
Really? He should stop. You had to stop it.
“I hate you…” y/n’s breath hitched. She pushed him away, but that was not enough. He frowned and tried to get closer to you at all costs. “I hate you for lying to me. And…and for running away when you sensed something was wrong. You always do that and then come back here to say it’s the last time, but let’s be honest, we both know it’s not the last time and…”
Yeonjun kept quiet the whole time. He knew you were right, it was a very good point, but he wouldn’t admit it. As always, he tried to stand up for himself.
“Come on, Y/N, that’s not true. We both know that.” his thumb grazed the line of her upper lip and her whole body tingled at the touch.
You were better than that, of course. Your hands wrapping around his wrists to push him away were enough of a sign to startle him.
“You’re making me look like some fucking crazy ex-boyfriend.” His words were sharp; sharp enough to make Y/N chuckle and cry at the same time.
Maybe that's what he is. Ex-boyfriend. The words matched his actions, but why hearing or even saying it out loud left a bitter taste in your mouth?
“Maybe that’s what you are.” hurt was evident in her voice. “You run away, fuck some other girl and then come back to me expecting everything will be alright? I’m tired, Yeonjun. And I’d appreciate it if you could just…leave me alone.”
He went silent. The room grew silent once again, and the only sound that dared break the silence was the soft thuds of his heart. His breath hitched, but he put on an act with a scoff, trying his best to look unfazed.
What else was he expecting? She was right, he messed up one too many times. Even when they did reconcile, it never lasted long.
After a few minutes of thinking, and an endless amount of silence, he looked at her with a sly smile curling his lips.
“Kitten, has anyone made you feel as good as I do? I don’t think so…” his lips widened even more with every second.
And, maybe, just maybe, he was right, and thinking about it left a bitter taste on your mouth. No one has ever made you feel like he did; does. Did it really matter if he shattered your heart? By the end of the day he would be just Yeonjun, the loving, caring and stupid boy you met through your friends.
Yeonjun could read you like a book, but you never really tried to hide your feelings or reactions either. Just the subtle brush of his fingertips on your arm was enough to get him under your skin again.
It’s all too overwhelming.
“You like this, don’t you?” He whispered. “It’s a cat and mouse game. Excited much?” Yeonjun added.
Oh, yes. This was nothing but a game.
Right before his eyes y/n was clearly aching. But you didn’t have anywhere to hide, did you? You opened the door and let him in.
It’s just you and me now, she thought.
“Who wins in the end?” Y/n looked at him with a bored expression, but in reality everything about her was fragile now.
Despite that, Yeonjun kept a smug look on his face, bringing her close to him. It was obvious what he was thinking.
“I’m not quite sure. Wanna find out?” He licked his lips and kissed her cheek.
His breath was hot on your collar, making you loudly swallow. He moved his mouth from your face to your ear, then jawline and lastly the neck, making you whole body shiver with the contact, a human contact you missed for weeks.
“Why do you treat me like this?” She mumbled, too dizzy with his touches.
“Now, that’s not what I asked, love. Do you want to find out how this game ends?”
A tear dared to almost run down your face. You wouldn’t let Yeonjun do that to you, though.
“M-mouse…” Y/N whispered. “Mouse wins.”
Yeonjun seemed amused by your response, which made his grin widen; you couldn’t properly speak without wanting to break right in front of him.
He pulled away from you, going back on his feet.
Is he going away again? You thought right before he offered his hands for you to take. And so you did, just like you did a few months ago.
Surprisingly, the palm of his hands were really warm and welcoming. Who would’ve thought, right?
“You’re so pretty, princess…” Yeonjun smoothed your hair and dragged his thumb across your lips.
Pretty? It’s more like ‘weak’.
He was asking for something, that was a fact even if unspoken. You couldn’t blame him, could you? He was just this good at turning the tables, so good to the point he would make you feel weak and break for him.
“You’re not supposed to be here…” That was everything y/n was able to reply. She was confused, frustrated. Why was he doing all of this? To torture you?
But it felt good, though; having him there in the middle of the living room under the dim lights of the apartment. You didn’t want to be alone, it was not a good option.
However, it was impossible to ignore the tension growing in the air.
Before she could think some more, Yeonjun stumbled with her into the kitchen, being quick to press a soft kiss on her lips and placing her on top of the counter.
It was a short touch of lips, but enough to make y/n sparkle inside and also shake with anxiety. He did know how to be convincing.
“This is the last time I tell you’ve got it wrong…the last time I’ll run away.” He mumbled, chin resting on her shoulder while she caressed his covered back.
“Only if you promise me your heart won’t ever stop beating for me.”
He nodded, a silent agreement.
Was it really?
“I promise.” Yeonjun smirked, holding y/n on his arms and dragging her down the hallway straight to her room.
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Heh happy Valentine’s Day y’all
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pookapufferfish · 9 months
Maybe I should rest, take it easy y'know
Just kinda stop everything for a bit
I wish my brain could be turned off and on again
Would probably fix a lot
Wish I could convey how I am feeling. Or more like, why am I feeling a certain way. People say I can talk to them about it, but what do I say
I wish seeing people or certain things didn't make me upset, I was actively thinking the other day "I wish I didn't have to see notifications from this person but I don't want to block them because they are a friend, I wish there was like, a one sided block that just hides them from you but not you from them"
Who even thinks that about their friends
I can't even talk to them about it because what do I say, they have probably been through stuff already, I don't want to make their day bad by going "hey friend, I feel like garbage when I see you. I keep trying to get better but I feel like I am moving backwards and now I am starting to go quiet when you are around."
I am scared to talk to them, maybe another day, or time. Or maybe the feeling will just go away.
Someone yelled at me today, I am not mad at them, I think they just had a bad day. But it was something I am kinda vulnerable about. They said sorry but I still feel off.
I feel like I am slow with things. I type slow, I move slow, I react slow. I feel like I slow others down. I am scared to play games with others unless I know the game well because I feel like I am just gonna slow them down or get left behind. And that sucks
I feel like I am out of the loop with a lot of stuff my friends do. And I feel like I can never get back into the loop because I will just get out of loop again. I am always a step behind. I am excluded from the silly inside joke. I am not a part of the fun exclusive group that I couldn't join because I was sleeping. And when I try to act chill and ask for more info or playful beg to join the group. They either ignore it or say that I had to be there. Or they explain why the group was made and "oh if you join next time then we can add you"
And "next time" sucks. Because when is next time, I live on the other side of the planet from a lot of friends. And the ones I don't have timezone differences with are the ones with the strangest sleep schedules or they are busy, or our schedules just don't align. And it hurts when I go to bed and I see friends all playing games together. And I wake up the next morning and people are laughing over all the fun that was had, all the silly jokes I missed, all the chaos. And when I talk about how I am sad I missed it "next time" they say.
As if they aren't gonna do another VC at 10pm my time. As if maybe I could join their game and not be left behind because they move too fast. As if I could be a part of their little groups.
I feel lonely, I feel like I am left out. Once I go back to school I will have no time at all to hang out with friends. But oh don't worry, this weekend we could hang out except no, because everyone is busy. And the cycle repeats.
And when I finally get to hang out with friends and have fun. I feel happy for a while. I feel loved and appreciated. But then I get weighed down, by seeing friends talking about stuff that I can never be a part of, because that stuff already happened, but hey always next time.
I am tired. I wish I could see some of my friends. I wish I could know them better. I wish I could be there for all the next times. I wish I could be happy hearing my friends happily talk about this dumb bit for the fifth time and trying to explain it to me over and over again. I wish I didn't have to cover parts of group artworks because seeing a certain design makes me feel like I am dying.
I want a hug, I need a nap. I have spent an hour writing this dumb ramble that nobody is going to read. It feels a bit cathartic though. Maybe this is how to show my feelings, but it feels too mean and raw.
I think screaming this into the void of the internet is fine, maybe everyone is right, maybe I do need therapy.
This post was just meant to be the first 2 lines, how did it become this mess
Anyways look at this cool dog, isn't he neat
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shwoo · 10 months
I was planning to be over the covid days ago, but my stupid body isn't cooperating. it's definitely improving day by time, but it's not gone yet, and I probably overdid it going to the shops today.
I want to edit the new Bugsnax wiki... I mean, I have been, but I want to edit it more. I should probably not be doing that after 10pm like I have been, though. If I do certain things after 10:10, I spoil my sleep for some reason, and it's hard to tell what will and what won't do that. So I probably shouldn't be pushing my luck while also sick.
But I'm definitely feeling a lot better, and my heart rate has been going down again. Soon I can focus on my mystery illness again! And getting more ADHD medication because my prescription expired and the app it's saved on didn't mention that. The pharmacist said it should be on the label, but I just checked and that information isn't there. It just says "Script Expires" and then the next line is just my name.
Still, the app does give the date the prescription was written, so if it always expires after six months, I can just figure out the expiry that way, now that I know it won't tell you if it is expired.
Also, the shortage of that antihistamine the doctor suggested I take is almost over for now, so I should be able to check that out soon. I just know that the H2 receptor regulates gastrointestinal motility? I don't know if it tells it to stop or tells it to go, which is important because it needs all the go it can get right now.
Also, I'm very glad I stocked up on electrolyte fluid before I got covid, because I've been waking up with such dry lips that the feeling stops me from getting back to sleep. I'm also glad I've figured out how to stop my teeth from hurting as much when I drink a lot of it. I guess my immune system really needs those electrolytes? Or something. The doctor can't tell me why water doesn't work, and I don't know what's going on either.
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thebtstaekooker · 1 year
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Nothing Ever - a Taekook fanfic
Jungkook x Taehyung
one shot
2.3k words
just fluff, a little bit of angst, and basically just a comfort story for Taekookers
Summary: In which a drunken Jeongguk starts a live stream and falls asleep without turning it off, revealing much more than he had intended to. The next morning, Jeongguk’s world has fallen apart. 
Jeongguk doesn’t know why he started a live stream out of the blue. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he’s completely drunk but who really knows because now all he’s focused on is trying to stay awake. The comment section is blurry but he can still read the worried messages from fans telling him to go to bed. 
“M’ not gonna go to bed yet,” he mutters, half consciously, hand gripping a glass full of beer. 
He sighs, resting his head on his arm and fixing his tired eyes on the screen in front of him. He doesn’t even know what made him start drinking tonight anyway. Maybe it’s stress, maybe he’s still immensely bothered by Hobi-hyung’s enlistment, he doesn’t know. His head is aching now and the room is tilting. Still, he blinks and sits up to try and keep himself awake. He doesn’t want to fall asleep while live; he should probably end it and go to bed like his fans are telling him to. But he doesn’t want to be alone again. His fans’ comments are comforting and keeps him tethered to consciousness. There are other reasons too, why he doesn’t want to end the live stream. More important reasons than not wanting to be alone. Jeongguk doesn’t dwell on them right now. He takes another gulp of the strong liquid in the cup, despite feeling sick to his stomach.
“Y’know…you guys make me feel so…so…so…so…hic…happ-fie,” Jeongguk slurs, words jumbled and messed up.
He giggles at how he pronounced the last word. “Happ-fie,” he muses, laughing again. “Happ-fie, happ-fie…hic…happ-fie…”
The fans in the comment section laugh along with him for a few minutes until they go back to their worrying and fretting over the young sleepy maknae. 
“I t-told you…” Jeongguk whines, fidgeting with the cup handle. “I ‘old you…hic…that I wasn’t ‘onna go sleep…” 
He’s getting worse, he knows it but he can’t stop. God, he’s so tired. It would be so easy to just…close his eyes…melt into the couch…sleep forever. He hums softly, smiling at the thought as his eyelids get heavier and heavier. His grip on the cup loosens as he sniffles, yawning and slumping down on his arm again. He thinks about how he’ll be in trouble with the manager for starting a live stream without permission just to fall into a drunken stupor again. Not even any of hyungs know he’s live streaming. It’s 10pm in the evening after all. Namjoon-hyung is probably on the phone with the manager or writing lyrics to a new song, Jimin is probably over at Yoongi-hyung's place after the elder’s birthday live earlier in the day. Jeongguk is still fuming over the fact that his hyung didn’t bother responding to his “Yoongi, marry me!” comment and only took notice of Jimin. 
Jeongguk forces his eyes open and blinks up at the wobbling screen in front of him. Everyone is still telling him to go to bed. He groans, leaning against the back of the sofa and thinking about the rest of his hyungs and what they may be doing. Jin-hyung is probably sleeping in his barracks so many miles away from Jeongguk and the rest of the members. Hobi-hyung is probably home doing god-knows-what to get ready for enlistment. Jeongguk misses his oldest hyung dearly and already misses Hobi-hyung even though he hasn’t left yet. Jeongguk decides to complain to his anxious audience.
“I really…hic…really miss Jinnie-hyungie hyungie. ‘N now Hobi-hyung‘s leavin’ ‘n I’ll miss him lots…hic…too,” Jeongguk began, finding it harder to speak in clear sentences. “I was talkin’ to…hic…Jin-hyungie earlier. He said he was ‘k. Hobi-hyung visited him…hic…too. With Chim. I…I wanted to go too but Hobi-hyung was a meanie ‘n didn’t let me.”
With that, Jeongguk frowned, lips pressed together in a pout he knew his fans would think was adorable. But all he got were more pleas to go to bed. 
“I don’t wanna go to…hic…bed,” Jeongguk whined again.
Why were his fans so mean today? He rested his chin in his hands, staring at the white screen, sleepily. 
Taehyung. Taehyung wasn’t home. Jeongguk knew that. His youngest hyung was out late night shopping before the stores closed. Jeongguk missed him too. He missed him like crazy. More than he’d ever admit to his fans. Just yet, at least. Maybe someday he’ll tell them. Tell them just how much he misses Taehyung when they aren’t together. Just how much his heart aches. It’s worse than his headache right now. But it still hurts. Jeongguk pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a shuddering breath. The comments seem to explode with worry. It’s overwhelming, words beginning to swim in front of his eyes. Jeongguk blinks once, twice. It isn’t helping. He’s fading out of consciousness and fast. 
“M’kay, guys. Imma take your advice,” he drawls, reaching for the record button.
He doesn’t even make it halfway there before black edges his vision and he’s asleep. After thirty minutes, half the viewers are gone after wishing fond farewells to the sleeping boy. But some fans still linger, admiring the peaceful face in front of them. And because they stay, they are the only ones there to witness the following hours.
Jeongguk is still unconscious on the couch in the dark after an hour, the only movement being when his hand slips from the cup handle entirely and joggles the screen a bit. Then comes the sound of a door opening, bags rustling and keys jangling. A light flickers on somewhere in the apartment and a familiar shadow appears in the front entrance. Even in the dark, it’s clear to see that it’s none other than Taehyung.
“Jeongguk? I’m home,” the older boy begins, pulling off his shoes before venturing into the dark kitchen in the background, hands full of groceries. “Sorry I’m so late. There were a lot of people in line and it took a while.”
When he gets no response, Taehyung glances over into the living room. He doesn’t notice the live stream however or the group of fans watch in stunned silence.
“Gukkie?” He calls, hesitantly, placing the bags on the counter and walking over to the couch. 
Seeing the younger fast asleep, Taehyung looks relived before spotting the cup of beer beside the couch. He sighs, still not noticing the live stream. 
“Guk, baby? How many times have I told you not to drink so much? It’s not healthy,” the elder murmurs before leaning over and shocking the watching fans even more by kissing Jeongguk’s cheek, softly. 
Jeongguk whines in his sleep, pouting and Taehyung smiles, walking over to the other side of the couch where the younger is sleeping. It’s only then that he notices the camera. He stops short when his eyes land on the bright screen and recorder. The comments stop just as abruptly and the fans wait with baited breath to see what Taehyung will do now. Taehyung stares at the camera for a moment before glancing around, hurriedly, seemingly trying to decide if there even is anything he can do now. Finally, he moves over to where Jeongguk is and picks him up gently. 
“Taetae-hyungie hyung…”
Taehyung glances swiftly at the camera again when Jeongguk whimpers his name before burying his face in Taehyung’s shirt. After a moment of silence, Taehyung carries the younger boy out of the room. He returns a few minutes later and simply stands, staring at the screen. He looks horrified but kind of relived at the same time; none of the fans quite know why though. Finally the boy speaks, moving closer to the camera.
“Sorry, guys. I’m ending this. I promise to try and explain everything to you tomorrow. I’m really sorry.”
With that, the live ends and the fans are left reeling in shock at what they’ve just witnessed. 
Jeongguk wakes up with a terrible headache and hangover. He’s hot, sweaty, and feels like he’ll throw up which he promptly does a few minutes later after rushing to the bathroom. He sinks to the bathroom floor and leans against the toilet, vision still blurry. His phone is on the counter so he reaches up to grab it, hand fumbling for a second before locking onto the device. The screen lights up with a hundred notifications from his hyungs, from his family, and from the manager. Confused, Jeongguk opens his messages and his unstable stomach lurches. He leans over the toilet and throws up again before turning back to his phone, horrified. The first message he reads is from Jimin:
Chim: Jeongukie! What happened?! It’s all over the news!
Chim: Gukkie? Are you awake?! 
Chim: I think your in a lot of trouble, Guk…
Chim: Jeongguk? ANSWER ME!!
Jeongguk reads the message from his manager next:
Then his mom:
Eomma: Jeongguk. Please explain. What’s going on? I need you to talk to me. I’m here for you but I need you to tell me what’s going on? Is he your boyfriend? Are you living together? Please. I just want to help you and be there for you.
As loving as his mom’s message is, it’s the one that makes Jeongguk’s blood run cold. He quickly checks the news and is even more horrified to see last night’s live as headline news. Jeongguk realizes he doesn’t even remember turning off the live and he frantically searches it up and watches the full thing, heart sinking when he sees Taehyung appear. Jeongguk slams his phone on the counter, feeling his stomach lurch again and turning around to throw up for the third time. He’s suddenly scared to face Taehyung and waits a full ten minutes before venturing back into the bedroom only to find that the bed is empty. Jeongguk panics, running out into the living room. Empty as well. And suddenly, Jeongguk gets it. It’s his fault. He messed up big time and it’s caused trouble for not only him but Taehyung as well. Why would he still want to be with Jeongguk now. Yes, he admits it now. Him and Taehyung have been dating for the past five months now.
Well, they were dating, Jeongguk thinks to himself, bitterly. He wanders back into the bedroom and is able to make it back to the bed without crashing into anything which he considers impressive taking into consideration that the room is still tilting. He folds himself into a tight ball on the sheets, and, after a moment of internal panicking and wondering just what he should do, guilt and grief sets in. Jeongguk starts to cry not just because of how miserable he feels from his hangover but mostly because of his mistake having caused the love of his life to walk away from him. It’s all his fault. He’s the one to blame. He curls up tighter, body shaking with sobs as he shuts out everything around him. He doesn’t even hear the sound of the front door slamming open and footsteps pounding against the floor. Jeongguk doesn’t bother to move when a familiar voice calls his name but when he feels a hand on his shoulder, he jerks up off the pillows and stares into the face of a very anxious Taehyung.
It takes a moment for Jeongguk’s still muddled mind to process what he’s seeing but when he does he doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into the elder’s arm, crying even harder than before.
“Hyungie! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” Jeongguk sobs into Taehyung’s shoulder, hoping the elder doesn’t completely hate him.
He’s surprised that Taehyung doesn’t push him away. Instead the elder boy hugs him tighter, pulling him into his lap and pressing kisses to his forehead. 
“It’s okay, Gukkie. It’s okay. Everything’s okay,” Taehyung murmurs, softly.
But it’s not okay to Jeongguk. Frankly, he just doesn’t understand why Taehyung is even here. Jeongguk has messed everything up, has maybe endangered their careers.
“No! It’s not okay! I’ve messed everything up!” Jeongguk wails.
“You didn’t, bun! You just made a mistake. It’s okay. I’m more worried about how you’re feeling after drinking so much. I brought some medicine,” Taehyung says, reassuringly.
“Don’t you hate me? We’re both in trouble now because of me, Tae. It’s my fault!” Jeongguk continues, pulling away, wiping his tears with the back of his hand, and completely ignoring everything Taehyung just said.
“Guk, baby, I don’t hate you! I love you more than anything, you know that! I don’t care if we’re in trouble if we’re still together, okay?” Taehyung protests, bringing Jeongguk into another comforting hug, running a hand through the younger’s hair. “But-“ Jeongguk starts but Taehyung shushes him with a sudden kiss followed by another tight hug. 
“We’ll figure this out together and if that means finally telling people about us, then that’s okay. We’ll get through that too and one tiny mistake isn’t going to make me stop loving you, okay, Gukkie?”
“What will? Tell me and I won’t ever do it,” Jeongguk sniffles.
“Nothing, Jeonggukie. Nothing will ever make me stop loving you,” Taehyung whispers, cupping the younger boy’s face and pulling him in for another sweet kiss. 
Jeongguk accepts this kiss and returns it, wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck and enjoying the feeling of the elder's lips on his own. They always taste of strawberries and coconuts and one thing is for sure. Jeongguk will never get tired of kissing Taehyung. He pulls away after a minute, finally feeling happy. 
"Nothing?" He asks, curiously. 
Taehyung smiles. 
"Nothing, Guk. Ever.”
Jeongguk hugs Taehyung again, feeling himself melt into the elder’s arms. He’s so glad he has Taehyung. 
“I love you, hyungie,” Jeongguk murmurs.
“I love you too, Gukkie.”
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unbrcakablc-hcart · 11 months
sleep, chronic, relaxation, stress
all about health meme (answered ooc cuz vash would never share any this shit)
sleep: how many hours a night does my muse sleep? do they take naps? how restful is their sleep? do they experience nightmare? if so, how often?
{honestly, for vash, it varies... a LOT. in extreme cases, he gets as little as 3 hours (which is thankfully rare), and on the other end, he's been known to sleep for 12 hours straight (which generally means he's about to fall ill). most of the time, he falls between 6-8 hours, due to the fact that he wakes up between 7-9am no matter how late he falls asleep, which ranges anywhere from 10pm to 1am. it doesn't help him feel any less tired most of the time.}
{if he thinks he can get by with it, he DEFINITELY takes naps, and it's something he's started to do a lot more now that he's travelling with a group and feels safe enough to. he did it occasionally when he was on his own, but usually when he was between towns; he otherwise felt like he was being lazy and wasting time that he could be spending helping other people, and it's still hard to fight the feeling sometimes.}
{his general sleep quality HAS improved though, because now that he sleeps with wolfwood and the rest of the gang every night, he feels like it's relatively safe to take off his prosthetic arm and that they'll probably protect him long enough for him to put it back on if something were to happen.}
{but he still isn't very restful when he's asleep; he shifts around a lot and finds himself waking up slightly through the night whether he really registers it or not, typically because of chronic pain. on top of that, he's a light sleeper anyway; he used to be a deeper sleeper, but he's kind of trained himself out of it... in that he has so much anxiety. all the time. and knows it's never really safe to get TOO deep in sleep.}
{he's also... pretty nightmare prone. he tells himself he's used to it and for the most part, that's true, but god knows there's a lot of shit he just REFUSES to process and acknowledge that his subconscious dredges up when he's asleep and they've just gotten worse the longer he's been alive. he has nightmares more nights than not, and he tends to remember the more intense ones.}
{this man is honestly so sleep deprived please help him.}
chronic: does my muse have any chronic health conditions / illnesses? how do these affect them from day-to-day?
{so first of all. by this point vash definitely has chronic fatigue. and he definitely has a form of chronic pain. i'm tempted to give him fibromyalgia on top of everything else he has going on because it's something i personally have and idk what it's like to NOT have fibromyalgia honestly.}
{if you were to ask vash, he would tell you that it doesn't affect his day to day life much. and probably he's not entirely wrong, because this is just... The Way He Lives Now.}
{but he looks perpetually tired and almost always looks like he's in a little bit of pain, but he's gotten good at playing it off and hiding it. it's a small part of why he wears his shades All The Time; if he does things right, no one can notice the circles under his eyes and the wrinkle between his eyebrows that reveal these things.}
{he also tends towards having a bit of a limp when the pain really starts to get bad; he can force himself to ignore it, and usually he puts forth an effort to hide it so no one will notice enough to either worry, or take advantage of it.}
{vash is a very paranoid little man who hates giving off signs of weakness or vulnerability and if he starts to actively complain, he either trusts you a LOT, or you should worry. most likely, both.}
relaxation: what does my muse do to relax? do they find it easy to carve out time to relax?
{answering this one for lostcompact!!}
stress: does my muse handle stress well? what is a surefire sign for others to tell that they’ve become stressed? how does stress affect them mentally / physically?
{vash can handle short-term stress pretty well; if it's something he knows how to handle, and he feels like he's helping someone, he almost relishes the stress and is pretty in control of the situation. it's why getting shot at doesn't REALLY bother him anymore, at least in the moment; it's afterwards where you have to worry.}
{the more stressed he gets, the more vash fidgets and squirms idly. this can be hard to detect if you've just met him because the guy already naturally fidgets, but if he starts to mess with his handcuff or if he starts to mess with his hands more than usual. he usually only really touches his handcuff when he's getting VERY nervous.}
{and, of course, he starts to whip out the empty, hurting grin.}
{in terms of behavior, he kind of goes... just about everywhere, but he makes an even more concerted effort to be funny, like SEE WOULD A DEPRESSED PERSON DO THIS [becomes the worst most annoying clown of a man no man's land has ever seen], but he's also got a tendency to just start crying at the drop of a hat without even knowing why, usually the moment he stops being busy and stops performing for people. this habit is one he hides the MOST.}
{stress especially results in him eating less frequently, feeling more nauseous, starting to shake, and having a harder time putting his thoughts together. if he's stressed AND feeling useless and worthless, his self-care just walks off a cliff to die, much to the chagrin of literally everyone he travels with, and he's being forced to learn to stop doing that.}
{his mental issues... also generally get a lot worse. his depression and anxiety ESPECIALLY.}
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silentspaces · 1 year
Guess who miscalculated the arrival of their family by a whole DAY
And then probably got ripped off by the ""hotel""
Mishap details:
Keep in mind my sister and I have been planning out this trip for *weeks* but I thought my dad and sister were coming tonight at 9pm. Thought I was gonna have a place to stay tonight. My dad gets a hold of me at 10pm while I was in a subway station headed to our airbnb. He was calling to check about our flights to Hong Kong at the end of the trip, and he mentioned it was 7am and he was headed to the airport soon. My brain was like, wait...and I said to my dad, "I think I'm having some revelations right about now." Why did I phrase it that way? I do not know, but it's a good thing that I'm not a panic-er, otherwise I'd be freaking out about being in a random subway station in the suburbs of Taipei without a place to stay.
Anyway, found a "hotel," though they're like, "Oh, we've only got 1 room left... It's a room for 4 people, but we'll charge you only half!" My ass. But we both know I'm desperate, and by this time it's 11pm, and I'll take whatever this hostel/hotel has to offer. I really should have said no thank you after seeing the price, but I'm still tired from the lack of sleep for the past two days. Also I was glad for their fluent English.
Let's just say I'm SO glad I'm a long way off from being a starving student anymore so that I could drop this money on a room with a loft. (but still I would have preferred not to.)
(also I had bought a bunch of bread for my family for breakfast but now it's just me XD I told my dad and he said to save it for when they come, which is really sweet)
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godlovesmemore · 4 months
a d d e r a l l & I got high driving again.
did not get pulled over by police. took more then last time but was more careful/safe — besides popping them while driving. was it cool? no but theres the rush when it feels illegal. i spaced them all out and thought about each one. the first one was genuinely because i was due for one and i forgot to take it before i started driving. that one was legal.
on the second one i knew it was more than necessary. i questioned my motives — is this my addiction talking ? its me and yes both are true. i also felt in my heart god said its ok to go ahead so i didn’t question the gut instinct. by this I mean it was a calling to do it and not a want of my own, my want comes after from curiosity, the pull where will this pill (direction) lead this time, good or bad? if i know its gods call i should take it, trust, break the law. if you’re not sure ask permission. be sure god says its ok, not yourself. then it’ll work out
By the time i took the 3x i was lost at some deadend — and thought wouldn’t this be a perfect place to pop a final one — my gut reaction (addiction) says take another — I wonder is it ok god? whatever the fuck you wanna do; god says — he’ll get high too. Update hours later. its 10pm and i just took another even though god said no. free will? actually it’s the opposite = addiction
i just got home from seeing family, took a 2 hour long car ride in the country. trying to find god, reasons to live. reconnect by drowning out my feelings with bass music. i needed to decompress, so did some recreational drugs, slightly testing to see the effects going over the prescribed dose. its difficult to tell how it affects you unless your actually doing something (driving) so 3x in one hour and id say im feeling like i took a small dose of xanax — adhd meds really do calm me but its the mania = my addiction. if you’ve never done manic before you’ll just never know the high. i couldn’t sleep the past 2 days now and i haven’t eaten but i hope i can get real sleep tonight. new rule never exceed 6 pills in a day and try to stay below 4 — im only ordered 2x a day
5x today total i need to order more pills tomorrow
—feeling a come down from the last tab at 10 pm. this mania is truly tired out i hope she’ll still be with me tomorrow. mania must have just started today, honestly right when driving home. i guess something about leaving my familys house triggered it. id been feeling mad depressed lately. last night i felt so worthless deep down in my core. it was right there like i could hold onto it. yet ive managed to have my pills under control pretty much since being pulled over. yea nobody wants me manic—but its the only time i ever want to be alive. if you cant love me manic you dont get to know about my medication usage either. remember next time always hide mania from everybody — never trust anyone close to you but god
Im in bed right now, almost 1 a m — with bipolar i fear feeling better (moments like these) ill fear this moment because feeling better is probably gone tomorrow. so we stay awake, dont eat or sleep because maybe ill get another day with myself — the best part of me — a lovable me. i will remain sober from drugs. jesus help me i cannot go on with this life soberminded.
medicine is safe — its clean, im prescribed it. so what if i found the magic pill to become manic when it suits me: life fucking hacked.
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outofcontexturi · 2 years
mon 24th oct 2022 21:34pm
currently listening to Evergreen (You Didn’t deserve me at All) by Omar Apollo. i’ve had a good day. its been a calm day. i went to see Mike today. didnt realise how funny the man was. and deeping that he actually has his own News Channel/Network. like how cool can you be bro? oh my mum is calling me. she said that she went to see uncle kwesi today and that she’s in a lot of pain. i hope she’s okay though. i’m realising more and more that i do have good people around me and good friends. i think i feel fine/content presently. think its one of the few times i’ve consciously acknowledged that i was presently happy and really meant it. im glad i documented this moment. its real. its possible. i love very beautiful women. thank God for the material comforts of this life. i do appreciate them. i also appreciate the spirituality you’ve given me and people i admire. thank you for my parental figures (guides) for they’ve given me so much in my life. i love you mum. i love you dad. thank you two. i love you both so dearly. both my hearts. i’m proud to be yours. i thank God for teaching me how to love properly. im on my way there baby. now playing No Good Reason by Omar Apollo. its currently 21:55pm. i have a 10am start tomorrow. i dont wanna go in i cant lie. im not looking forward to this 10am start but it is what it is man. i kinda want to eat more food but i dont know exactly what i want. mum called me and said she loved me. glad i got that documented too. listening to Evergreen again. theres a few hits on this album i must say. its 22:10pm. i think im like 40 pages into this revolutionary suicide book. i might try and finish my first book in years. that would be something. i dont read. unless it’s a script or like doing research based things that require me to read excerpts but like any other type of reading for leisure is not me. i dont know if im reading it for pleasure as such but more so to help me go to sleep. or in some way tire me out. However, i did find myself reading it on the bus journey to Mike’s studio. so i mean maybe it was pleasure based; maybe i did derive pleasure (albeit limited) from reading. its not even that deep but fuck it lets be dramatic for dramatics sake! i love me man. Thank you God for the life i live. I appreciate it. i cant believe tipping in America is such a thing. like i cant fathom that that is an actual thing that people complain about and more importantly make a living off. like what kind of government supports that? no one should have to make a living off of tips alone. its wrong man. might go and get some chips and ribs and then probably watch something on Disney+ cause Honey is a bad bitch that remembered not to log out of her Disney+ ugh i really love that girl. put it on record that i said this. I love Honey. Ninni. im going to take this fucking ice cream tub to the fucking estate cause its a fucking cesspit of fuckery that i did not approve of.. or not do enough to prevent on time. its 22:22pm. still an hour and a bit left of my Monday. i dont really care what i do rn as long as i get some food in me before i sleep. Amen to that baby. woooooooo. alright im gonna get ready. Oh yeah i met Marcel today. Mike’s colleague. good guy. also helped Mike put up some artificial plant tiles on his wall. redecorated it a bit and viola! idc if thats not spelt right or if it is you know what i mean. good stuff man. i cant believe i know him but i do and its cool so yeah. I need to piss. Im wearing my pink socks (Uniqlo) the grey long johns (Mums) and the Lyon football shirt (blue + Josh’s) right now. listening to Kanye West - I Wonder. life is beautiful. people are beautiful. amen to my friends and amen to me for still being here. cause we all know its not easy but im here man. so amen to that baby! deuces! sign out time: 22:28pm.
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Feathery Ink [Karasuno Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Karasuno x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: none
➜ Notes: This is a separate series from Crisp Leaves. Similar to Crisp Leaves, manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall. This is just my appreciation towards tall girls, you guys are amazing.
Previous:  ‹ Cogs › | Next:  ‹ Let The Games Begin! ›
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Last day of training calls for celebration for everyone’s hard work, so it’s barbeque time!
“All right, meat!”
“I’m starving!”
While the boys freshened up after practice matches, the managers were already on the move to prepare for the barbeque. Since there were quite a lot of people, the coaches decided to held it on the backyard of the gym, where the sharp hill stood just beside it. The coaches helped setting up the grills while the managers divided to cater different things.
Yachi decided she would get the utensils they needed; paper plates, chopsticks, paper cups, trays for rice balls, and other things. Shimizu would cover for the rice ball making, Yukie and Eri were in charge on cutting the vegetables in bite-size, Kaori and Mako would clean the vegetables before it was cut.
Meanwhile, you’re in charge of preparing the condiments and sauces, unwrapping the meat cuts, and arranged them on a bigger plate. Aside from that you had to make sure the meats searing on the grills weren’t charred.
“[Name]-chan, please replace me for cutting the onions,” Eri sobbed, reaching out to you with grabby hands.
“Alright, senpai,” you giggled in reply because Eri was clearly needing a break and watching the meats seared was a great break for her. Quickly, you stood on her place and started slicing the tear-induced-menaces after washing your hands.
It didn’t take long for you to suffer the same fate as the Ubugawa’s manager–the first seven slices went through without a hitch, but when you reached the tenth your eyes started to sting and blurry from the pain. Then tears began trailing down your cheeks, and you wiped it you’re your shirt sleeve.
“D-Don’t cry, [Name]-san!!” you looked up, seeing Hinata with his place face quivering on his feet. “W-what should I do!?”
“It’s fine, Shoyo-kun, it’s just the onions,” you sniffled pointed towards the bowl full of it. “It hurts my eyes.”
“I can take your place, Otohaku-chan!” Lev popped up beside Hinata.
“Instead of cutting the onions, you’ll chop your fingers off,” Yaku deadpanned before offering. “Here, let me do it.”
“No, it’s alright, Yaku-san,” you shook your head. “It’s time for you to have a break, not working.”
Being persistent sometimes has it’s perks, it took numbers of rejection to finally have Yaku gave up. You knew he was just trying to help, but you didn’t want to rob his time relaxing. When all the preparations were done, the boys were already surrounding the grills with hungry faces. Coach Nekomata gave them a light speech along with praises for their hard work over the week, and they dived to grab on the meat straight from the grill.
Just like Kaori, you brought a plate of rice balls to offer and managed to witnessed Yukie’s enormous appetite. She practically inhaled four rice balls in one go and you’re not the only who was dumbfounded from it.
Konoha and Komi almost had their souls went to heaven from the frightening circle Nishinoya, Tanaka, and Taketora made. Well, they did elbow each other to encourage one another getting close or at least having a talk with Shimizu. The girl walked pass them holding a paper plate with food–looking extremely gorgeous and she didn’t even try.
“That was scary,” Konoha muttered underneath his breath. The three finally stopped because of Karasuno and Nekoma’s captain scolded them–the three immediately shrunk.
“They really had their guard up, huh,” Komi added, feeling his energy drained from such a scary encounter.
“Uhm, excuse me,” the two turned to look over their shoulder and that’s when they noticed–Karasuno’s other first year manager who’s Bokuto constantly talking about. The owl captain wouldn’t shut up about her much to their annoyance and now they knew why.
“Would you like some rice ball?”
“Sure,” Konoha replied dumbly.
“I’ll take two,” Komi followed with a daze. You placed one on Konoha’s empty paper plate and two for Komi upon his request. Smiling at them, you proceeded to excuse yourself so you could offer to someone else.
Following your figure dazedly, they noticed how the light shone even brighter and basked you in a beautiful glow. That’s when they thought of a conclusion.
A goddess just graces us mere mortals! They screamed in their head.
You tried to calm Yachi down from her traumatizing experience being surrounded by absurdly tall boys (“Titans, [Name]-chan! Titans!”). Thankfully, all of them were nice enough to made room so your friend could reach for some meat. Yachi almost cried in happiness from the real taste of meat.
From the sidelines, Shimizu and the other managers were watching the two of you while talking about the boys sometimes.
“How much are you going to eat?” Kaori questioned because Yukie was having a ridiculous amount of food towering on her plate and she just kept munching away without care.
“The third-years in Karasuno all seems pretty mature,” Mako commented.
“Our ace is weak-willed, though,” Shimizu smiled sheepishly.
“What? Really?” Eri replied in surprise. “Even though he looks that scary?”
“Though, I think that’s still better than our simpleton ace,” Kaori commented. “Still,”
Their eyes were directed towards where the said simpleton ace was standing and placing meat until it towered on your empty plate.
“Eat more, [Name]-chan! Or you won’t get even taller!” he stated.
“And eat more vegetables!” Kuroo added, placing cabbages and carrots to your plate, adding even more food.
“Have some rice balls, too.” Somehow, even Akaashi participated in this whole fiasco and put a rice ball onto your plate. Now, there’s a ridiculous amount of food on your plate.
“…I can’t eat this much,” you commented, staring at the food filling your plate.
“Nonsense, I don’t see you eat anything even when the others are,” Akaashi stated. “You’re too busy handling other things nonstop.”
“Have a break will you,” Kuroo patted your back. “Everyone’s having fun and you should too.”
“Have more meat, [Name]-san!” Hinata said.
“You can have my share, Otohaku-chan!” Lev followed and you immediately shook your head.
“At least he and Akaashi took care of our baby manager well,” Kaori sighed in relief.
“[Name]-chan is close with Fukurodani’s captain and setter, huh? Even Nekoma’s captain,” Mako giggled. “She’s drawing everyone in.”
“Well, it’s rare for a first-year to be as tall as her,” Eri grinned. “The boys are especially poles so it’s probably great not to strain their neck once in a while from looking down.”
“Karasuno’s pretty lucky to have her, huh?” Yukie said after swallowing her food.
“Yeah, we are,” Shimizu smiled.
“Did you have fun?” Sawamura asked you when you’re helping other managers to clean up the remaining plates left behind on the table along with other scraps littering around. He picked up a few paper cups and placed it into the trash bin.
“Definitely,” you answered without hesitation. “Everyone’s so nice, it’s probably the most fun I’ve had.”
“Thank goodness, then,” he gave you a smile.
“I’m really glad I joined the volleyball club,” you commented, grinning.
“And we glad to have you here,” the captain chuckled and replied.
Everything was over by the time the sun started to sink into the horizon–time truly flew by when you enjoyed it. Since Miyagi was quite a distance from Saitama, they needed to depart first or they would be back extremely late at night. Yukie and Eri were fake-crying and joking about refusing to let you go–in the end, you’re all exchanging numbers so you could keep in touch.
“Did you have fun, Otohaku-san?”
“Coincidentally, you asked the same question as my captain, Akaashi-san.” The Fukurodani setter, like before, helping you on carrying the extra luggage in hand although you did tell him it’s only until you reached the stairs. “And to answer, I am. These one week of training camp is fun. Somehow, I don’t want this to be over.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll meet again,” Akaashi replied. “At the Spring Interhigh.”
“I’m sure we will, Akaashi-san.” you smiled. “And thank you for helping me with luggage.”
“[Name]-chan!!” Bokuto bounded over with a grin plastered on his face. “We’ll be waiting at the nationals!”
“Karasuno, Bokuto-san. Otohaku-san doesn’t play volleyball.” Akaashi deadpanned.
“Just agree with me once, Akaashi!”
“Well, whatever he said,” Kuroo piped up, approaching the three of you. “Made sure your team go to the nationals so we could meet again and make the battle came true.”
“I’ll do my best, Kuroo-san.” Then Kuroo reached out to ruffle your hair, it’s been a while since he did that and you weren’t even going to lie about enjoying it. The cat captain was similar to an older brother now.
“Off you go then, [Name],” he removed his hand from your head. “And don’t miss me.”
“How could I when I have your phone number, Kuroo-san?” you snickered. “You’re probably going to bombard me with chemistry puns at 10pm.”
“Then, I’m gonna call you every day so you won’t have to deal with Kuroo!” Bokuto declared before laughing victoriously.
“Please block his number immediately, Otohaku-san,” Akaashi stated. “Or you won’t be getting any sleep. His talking is endless.”
“Why, Akaashi!?” the said boy whined.
“Aside from that, be careful on your way home,” Akaashi decided to ignore the captain and gave you a small smile.
You returned his smile. “Will do, Akaashi-san.”
With that, the whole week of summer training camps has come to an end. The whole team watched you guys drove away into the other way back to Miyagi.
“You have a match tomorrow, don’t you?” former Coach Ukai questioned, brows creased from the insistence of your combi. “That’s probably enough, then!”
“One more! Just one more!” Hinata pleaded.
“We’ll finish after this one!” Kageyama added.
Two days of practicing to prepare for the preliminaries, just a day before the match Sawamura dismissed them early to get some rest. Since it would be impossible to use the gym unless getting an earful from him, Kageyama and Hinata needed to look for another place. Former Coach Ukai lent them the court only for a bit, just until the others who wants to practice comes.
And you were there to hold a leash if they’re being stubborn or something.
“This is the last, alright?” you scolded the two. “We shouldn’t bother the others who wants to practice here. And you should rest before the match.”
Thankfully the older man letting them had the court just one more time and you couldn’t help but feeling grateful of it. You sighed before turning to face former Coach Ukai and bowed down. “On their behalf, I apologize.”
“It’s fine.” Former Coach Ukai dismissed it. “Their eagerness is a great thing, but even eagerness isn’t going to magically give them energy. It would be bad if they burnt out even before the game started.”
“[Name]-san! Can you throw us the ball?” Hinata called out.
In the end, the two managed to successfully killed the quick–and sure enough, it also impressed former Coach Ukai which added more reassurance that your team would be more than okay to face the entire preliminaries and became champions.
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escapenightmare · 3 years
hi!! can you do scenarios for when mha characters (your choice!) go to a convenience store with their gn s/o at 10pm? how would they act and stuff! thank you in advance <3
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― izuku, katsuki, denki, tamaki x gn!reader
warnings ;; mentions of food, cursing, grammar issues (probably), everyone is aged up to 18+! notes ;; reminds me of the time that my friends and i went to a 24 hour store during a sleepover and we couldn't sleep! it was fun! i changed the time to 12AM btw, hope you don't mind, anon! <3
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―― IZUKU was the one who proposed going out that night since neither of you were sleepy and were extremely hyper at about 12am. when you counted sheep for what he thought was the 20th time that night, he asked you if you'd want to go to the convenience store, not that doing it would make you want to sleep but at leas the walk there would make you drowsy and when you get back, all you'd want to do was ― hopefully ― hit the hay hard. and so, you ended up walking to the closest convenience store that was two streets away in nothing but your pyjamas and jackets.
fingers intertwined and with slow footsteps, you lug yourselves on the street. “the road is so empty today,” izuku points out, gently squeezing your hand out of instinct when you near the store. “yeah, it's weird,” you agree, “people are literally roaming the streets at 12am most of the time.” holding the door open for you, he smiles, gazing inside the small place, “store's almost empty too, huh?”
you nod, humming as you wait for him to enter behind you. with a small yawn, izuku grabs a basket from by the door and gestures for you to go ahead. with another nod, you go in front of him and put random things inside the basket. behind you, izuku was getting really sleepy that he forgot what he put inside the moment he touched another item. “izuku,” you snort, “you put in six milk chocolate bars!” taking two out, you smile at his deer caught in headlights expression, “i guess what you said is working, you look like you're about to fall over right now.”
he smiles back in a sheepish manner, free hand coming up to rub the back of his neck, “sorry―” then looking down at the basket that was nearly full, he continues, “― do you think we should go back home now?” you hum, “mhm! we got everything, and extras courtesy to you!” he flushes bright red, sputtering out apologies even though none were needed, “jeez izuku, i meant it as a good thing!” you laugh softly, cautious as to not disturb anyone else who was in the store at an ungodly hour like you two were.
when you get home, just as he had hoped, you hit the hay, and hard. still in your jackets and your shoes being thrown away by you shaking your feet, hands been thrown around in hopes of wrapping around a pillow or even better ― izuku, you let yourself lull into a deep slumber with a small content smile. pulling a pillow under your head, izuku tries to fall asleep himself.
―― KATSUKI was surprisingly unable to sleep that night, after watching 'shitty' youtube complications, he resorted to reading a book and when that didn't work, he slams the book on top of the bedside table with a loud groan. you were used to sleeping really late on some nights, so you were just scrolling on your phone when the thump and the groan made you turn around and stare at katsuki skeptically. “what's got your pants in a knot?” you quirk an eyebrow up in a comical way and he starts cussing, “i can't fucking go to sleep! that's what's got my damn pants in a knot!”
you were unsurprised at his outburst and locking your phone, you sit up on your elbows, “well, do you wanna go to the convenience store with me?” he shrugs, “i guess we could.” and that's how you ended up at the store a few streets down with his car being the only one parked in the parking lot, the whole street was deserted. shoving the car keys in his pocket, katsuki grabs your hand with a roll of eyes at your smirk, “shut up.” “i didn't say anything!” you protest, smirk not dropping even after you enter the store, a small ding signaling that someone came in.
you go to take a basket since you won't be buying a lot of stuff, just some snacks and drinks. you glance at your boyfriend for a second and do a doubletake, “what're you doing?” he looks up from the list he had in his hand. a list. “huh? the fuck do you mean?” “katsuki...” you start slowly, “did you have to make a list just to come to the fucking convenience store?” he goes silent before he snaps, “shut it.” “and a hand written list at that,” you laugh. “i said shut it!”
after you buy everything, the drive back home was quiet, and the quiet keeps up until you get into bed and under the blankets. that's when katsuki starts talking, “was going to the dumb store at this hour worth it?” “what do you mean? i was planning on going after you sleep anyways―” he cuts you off with a hiss, “you were planning on going outside alone this late at night?” you nod, “yeah?” with a swish, you were hit in the face with a pillow, getting no time to react. “hey!”
―― it wasn't unusual for you and DENKI to end up at the convenience store during the early hours. sometimes it was because you ran out of snacks during movie night, sometimes it was with the whole bakusquad, sometimes it was when you go on a late night drive and need to use the restroom asap, it could be because neither of you could fall asleep and one suggested a trip to the store or, on the rare occasions that one of you was having a bad day and you both just lounge around the store like it was your second home ― but, to be truthful; it probably was. it was mostly because of the first or the fourth though.
“do you have your phone?” you question, locking the car and shoving your hands in your pockets to save yourself from frostbite in the cold air. “uh-huh!” he nods enthusiastically, holding up his phone, “you're mistaken if you think i'm going to leave my phone in the car after the incident.” he shivers, was it the cold air or if it was a flashback? you couldn't tell. opening the door to the store, denki ushers you in and quickly follows after, just one minute in the cold night air made him impatient.
smiling at him, you take a basket and start to go in the direction of the snacks, stopping when you realize he's standing next to you with a basket of his own. “i don't think we need two baskets denki, we're only buying stuff for us this time. remember?” you chortled. “but i wanna hold a basket too!” he says in a child like way, mimicking your tone. you roll your eyes at his antics, “i'll go leave mine then?” you offer weakly, knowing that he'd most probably disagree.
“nah, it's okay! we'll both carry one,” he replies with the most faint smirk at how you hesitated before nodding. “you get the snacks and i'll get the drinks? meet up next to the cashier?” he asks, already walking towards the soft drink isle. “yeah, just don't go to the kids section!” you call after him, snorting when he turned around, pouted at you and turned around again, striding towards the isle he needed to go to.
when you meet up with him, his basket is filled to the brim while yours is barely half full. “please don't tell me you bought something you shouldn't have bought and hid it beneath everything else you bought?” ears tinged red, he shakes his head, “no, i can't believe you think that low of me, babe.” his argument was weak, he wasn't even trying. when you hit him with a (fake) cold glare, he slumps, “fine! i bought a cat plushie and a dog plushie, so what?”
―― TAMAKI was more comfortable during the night, when half of the stores were empty and there were lesser (or if he was lucky; no one!) people to ogle at you. it's not that they knew you ― maybe they did ― it was just that most people are so snoopy it makes tamaki so uncomfortable he would almost run all the way back home, although if he ever tried that he knows he'll get more anxious from all the people who'd watch in curiosity as he ran through the streets. anyways, him being uncomfortable during the day was one of the main reasons you ended up at the store late at night.
“hey tama,” you quip, feeling his grip on your hand tighten, “you said you wanted to buy something right? do you wanna go get it while i get the eggs and stuff?” he slowly nods, releasing your hand and going to the next isle in search of whatever it is that he wanted to buy. you watch his retreating form with a tiny smile, it was nice to see him like this. a few minutes later, you feel your phone vibrate with a notification, pulling it out you furrow your eyebrows as you see tamaki's name.
opening the text, you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. the text read 'do you want to get ice-cream too?' and a second ping sounded with a new text reading 'love.' you smile, flustered at the single nickname that he was so hesitant to use even in text messages. your fingers move swiftly across your keyboard and in no time, you've sent a 'yeah! get your fav <3' to him. another few minutes pass by and you hear footsteps from your right, tamaki stops walking and gently puts the ice-cream inside the basket you were carrying, along with the books he bought.
“you okay, babe?” you ask, noticing his red ears. he hurriedly nods, “yes. is there― um, anything else you want me to get?” he questions hesitantly, ignoring how his pointy ears got even more red when you used a nickname. you reach out and squeeze his hand, letting him intertwine your fingers, “we got everything, so unless you have anything else to get, we can go home now.” he smiles softly, yeah, he wanted to go home.
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join my taglist!! | taglist :: @therealcozyy @satansspacebubblegum @filmsnroses @tamakii-amajiki @royalelusts @qtsuki @shotorozu @cloudytamaki @p1xura @tamewkii @rinnegankakashi
all reblogs are appreciated and everyone who reblogs deserves a hug, so does everyone who likes this! <3
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
New Years Prompt: Gundham Tanaka w/ falling asleep before midnight.
Entry for @the-invincible-mikey
In hindsight, you probably should have seen this coming. You were always the only one to stay up to midnight, no matter how hard he actually tried to keep his eyes open. You do have to admit, he did try. That's all that you could really ask out of him at this point.
Of course, you did almost have to blackmail him into staying up with you in the first place. The man always went to bed early, usually around 8 or 9pm. Then he'd sometimes get up before dawn to start work. Somehow he always made sure not to wake you up while going through this process.
"Aren't you going to stay up with me?"
"I have a quest to finish at the eve of the rising sun."
He has to get up early to work in the morning. How wonderful. Not only will he not stay up with you, but he'll be gone by the time you wake up. You can already tell he's tired, but this so not up for debate.
"You never want to stay up with me."
"I refuse to let a plague intoxicate my body. As a dark ruler yourself, I wouldn't think you allow yourself to prey victim to mind warping creatures either."
"The dark devas already said they'd stay up with me. Plus, I'm a night owl, remember?"
"Ah yes, your rituals before dawn. Assaulting my senses and casting spells upon me. Be glad I didn't cast my own hex on you for disturbing my slumber."
"You can't stay mad at me for waking you up once."
"You fiend, your rituals have happened more than once in a fortnight!"
"Well then I guess you're going to have to stay up with me, because when it hits midnight I'm using party poppers."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Gundham. I'm fully committed to celebrating the new year whether you are or not. You're not getting in the way of my fun."
You had a feeling he wouldn't exactly make it to midnight. Gundham, despite most people's beliefs, was very much a morning person. The latest he'd ever really stay up was 10pm, and that was when he was having issues calming his "wild beasts". That would lead him to a bad headache in the morning. He never really let it affect his work, but it occasionally would dip into his speech. The pain would cause him to be irritable, or straight up make him drop the "Prince of Darkness" act altogether. Hearing him talk like everyone else seemed foreign. Though it would also happen if he got sick, being miserable can do that to people.
"Y/N, please not right now..."
"You want to just go back to bed for a little while?"
".....I have work to do..."
"I can take over for a while."
It's rather surprising just how tired he can get from missing just two hours of sleep.
In all honesty, you didn't really care if he couldn't stay awake that long. You just wanted him to be a little bit closer to you when midnight hits. Leading you to the very situation you're in right now.
"If I awake with a curse, then you must prepare for the gates oh hell to open."
"I'm sure I can handle you being irritated and sleepy for a day or two."
Gundham barely made it past 11pm. He was so close to midnight, just an hour longer and he would have made it. Well, if you had kept waking him up he probably would have made it. But that would be mean to just torture him like that.
When he was out cold, that was game over. So the moment he slumped over onto your shoulder lightly snoring, it was time to start wrapping things up. No party poppers, you lowered the volume on the tv so it wouldn't disturb him, moved him to a more comfortable position on the couch, turned the lights out, and covered him with a blanket. The only thing he did while out was shift onto his side to avoid the glare of the tv shinning on him.
As well as let out a small whine of which you will never bring up to him for the sakes of his confidence.
You moved to sit on the floor and continued to wait for the countdown to commence. It almost seemed like an agonizing punishment with Gundham now asleep, at least the small talk you were doing previously would distract you from the time. You could always play on your phone, watch a YouTube video, check your social media accounts. Anything to distract you from the boredom. Though, if you did, you'd mostly likely become too absorbed in what you were doing and end up missing the count down altogether.
After what felt like forever, the count down finally started, you very quietly started counting back with the closed captioning on the television screen.
"10! 9!"
"8! 7!"
"6! 5!"
Moments like this always seemed to go by way too fast. It was over as quickly as it started really. With that, you gave Gundham a quick peck to the cheek and turned the tv off. The devas had already burrowed into the scarf he forgot to take off, seemingly fast asleep. They did keep their promise, so another victory for them.
"Goodnight Gundham."
It surprised you that he responded at all. You though he passed out over an hour ago. You must have woke him up again. You really need to stop doing that, he's such a light sleeper!
I tried with this one. It's obviously different than others I've done in the past. I hope you liked it though! Sorry it's shorter than the others, I just couldn't think of a lot to write for Gundham.
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american-idiot21 · 2 years
Since general amaya is ur fav character This is fluff(male reader insert)
Plot: Y/N and amaya were Cuddling at during a thunderstorm and All of the sudden their son Ezra comes In crying, Y/N and amaya were concerned so Y/N asks why was we crying Ezra Tells them about the thunderstorm and Nightmare y/n say's there's nothing to be Worried and scared about but Amaya says (signs) the next time the BoogyMan comes she'll punch him right on the nose this made Ezra feel better and asks if he can sleep with then the say yes and they k cuddled up and went to sleep(Pov: Y/N is also a General)
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This request is fucking amazing sorry it took me a little bit to got to it. Also you requested this twice and I didn’t know which one to respond too so yeah.
I just learned that she is lesbian. Son im changing it to fem reader.
General female Reader, ‘’ anything in there is sign language.
Now onto the story!
Amaya and Y/n had just gotten back from a long day at work. It had been stressful, sun fire elf’s had tried to cross the border to do who knows what. Generals Y/n and Amaya +2 troops where able to scare them off with minimal injuries too, which never happens. weren’t that lucky. Because of that fact Y/n didn’t let down her guard until she got got home with her lovely wife, Amaya, who she’d been fighting along side of just 30 minutes prior.
Amaya could tell her wife was still on edge even though the fighting was over. She didn’t try to get her attention or sign to her that its alright and they weren’t followed because she knew her nerves would be settled once they got to there house. Once they got home, about 40 minutes after the fighting, Y/n nerves settled right down and Amaya smirked. She hmph’ed in satisfaction. Her wife was too predictable for her.
A light gasp leave Y/n mouth as she turns around, turns Amaya, her lovely wife, then signs ‘Did you really just hmph me? You’re lovely wife?’ He says while having a surprise and betrayed look on her face but Amaya knows her too well. She knows she’s just joking so she smiles. As she was about to respond, y/n turns 80°, then catches Ezra, there lovely daughter.
“Mommy!! Mom!! How was work?! Did anything interesting happen at the border today?! Can you tell me about them?!” Ezra says while having a huge smile on her face and hugging her dad.
“Yes yes lovely, some very interesting things happened today. I’ll tell you about them once you are ready for bed since its past your bed time. Its 10pm! You should be in bed! Your bed time in 9pm young lady.”
As there conversation continues, Amaya is just silently watching while lip reading and leaning against the wall of there house. Once y/n is finished talking to Ezra, she put her down and she ran upstairs into her room to, what Amaya presumes, get ready for bed so she can hear all about there day.
‘We really need to get Ezra into sign language classes.’ Amaya signs once her wife is looking at her.
‘Yes we do. We’ve been slacking in that. Ok now that Ezra is going to get ready for bed…’ Y/n sign leaving it as a unfinished statement. Then right before Amaya had any time to question it, her wife picks her up bride style, kisses her, and walks up to there room.
When she puts her down, Amaya signs that they should probably get out of there armer.
‘Yeah we should its all sweaty and gross. It needs to air out before the morning.’
‘Yeah’ Amaya signs back with a laugh of sorts bubbling in her chest.
After about 10 minutes, Amaya and y/n are out if there armed and into there pjs. Thats exactly when Ezra comes running into there room yelling “MOM MOM!!! TELL ME ABOUT YOUR DAY!!”
“Ok ok hun!! Lets go to your room so I can put you to bed after.” Y/n says as she picks her up and boops her nose. Amaya smiles at them as they leave the room. Then she flops down on the bed, smiling.
After about 20 minutes her wife comes back and lays in bed with her. ‘We should get to sleep while we can. There’s going to be a thunder storm. You know how much Ezra hates those.’ y/n signs after laying down.
‘Yeah we should. Also come closer I want to snuggle with you while we can. Good night, love’
‘Of course I will. Good night to you too. I love you’ Y/n says with a little chuckle.
They am get about 3 hours into the night, or well morning now, before Ezra come sprinting into the room, banging the door wide open, making a lot of sound. That put both parents on high alert sitting up as fast as they can. Ezra jumps into there bed and snuggles info her dad.
“Hey hey, dove what hepp-” Y/n was cut off but a loud crackly of thunder and a bright flash of light. The moment that happened, both parents knew what was wrong. Ezra got scared of the thunder and lightning, so she ran to her parents, who could protect her from everything.
“Oh honey, you don’t need to be scared. Your mom and I will protect you from anything alright? Alright.” Y/n says comfortingly while hugging Ezra closer. Ezra nods as her dad finish’s the last of his sentence. Amaya just rubs her daughter back, knowing she cant really sign anything because he daughter doesn’t fully understand sign language yet. After a couple of minutes of Ezra still not calming down, Y/n has a perfect idea that’ll get her to not only calm down but also sleep.
“Hey Ezra, do you want to have a cuddle party with your mom and I? We’ll even sleep in today!” Y/n says as she looks at Amaya. Amaya catches on and nods understandingly.
“O-ok” Ezra responds, in a scared and unsure voice. Her father just looks at her with a bit of pity, before leaning back onto Amaya’s and her bed, putting Ezra in between them. Once all three got settled into place, Y/n starts humming a lullaby. Ezra falls asleep immediately between her parents protective arms.
When the sun starts to rise, both Y/n and Amaya stir awake, look and each other, then go back to sleep, silently agreeing that they will just take the morning off from work to spend it with Ezra.
I hope you like it! Because I had to rewrite the whole thing since it deleted the first time I wrote it.
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