#Rowena writes stuff
shallowseeker · 10 days
It's so interesting too, that in sundering themselves from their humble backgrounds, Crowley and Rowena mirror that which was inflicted on them, trying to become their oppressors (a Godstiel theme, if you care):
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In Hell, Crowley is a king who commands no respect and begets no real loyalty. He's become a classist bastard. Dark ages-mentality.
Along with Rowena, Crowley inflicts pain on the ones "beneath" him, trampling the rebellious demons, especially the ones that stand up for "equal pay for equal work."
And it's not exactly as Crowley tells Sam at the end of s10—a long con to "change" Hell for the better.
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That's a half-truth Crowley is using to make himself feel better.
A LOT of Crowley's behavior has been shown to be flagrant, for his own amusement to satisfy his own pain and loneliness. We got to see that all season long. Even before Rowena showed!
This line is intended to appeal to Sam and soothe Crowley's deeply wounded humanity. It's another version of "for the greater good."
Sam also uses things like this to pad his own wounded humanity.
In Girls, Girls, Girls, Crowley insists that "human trafficking is tacky," which is another form of padding to protect his pride. This helps Crowley look away from reality. He did the same, trafficking Dean to Cain, as Randy trafficked Claire to Randy in order to get a stronghold against his enemies/debt.
Most importantly, Crowley is looking away from the fact that his clients are all selling their souls, that his Hell-workers have already sold theirs.
But most importantly, he's looking away from the fact that he trafficked himself. That's how he got here. He, like Rowena, was dealt a horrible hand.
It's as in 10x21:
STYNES: There's always profit to be made from desperation.
And it's no accident that s10 dead-ends in themes of Frankenstein.
Crowley wanted to rule over Hell, but in Demon Dean, he wanted to patchwork someone together who could "see what he sees, feel what he feels."
It's Crowley's very own Nick the SIren, an immature combination of all things familiar, someone "just like me!"
And when Dean fled to Anne-Marie "humanity," Crowley was gob-smacked. Dean and Anne-Marie linger in the spectre of Daniel and Adina, Adhina resembling Anne-Marie AND Dean, wanting to go "somewhere else," and like Cain, "wanting to be left alone." (It's no wonder, then, that is is Crowley who kills Adina?)
Dean was supposed to be Crowley's perfect Hell-Queen, someone just like him. But Dean wasn't a queen. He wasn't a lot of things people wanted him to be.
Not what John wanted, not what God wanted.
Dean wasn't even a knight. As much as Cain pegged him for a mirror, as being "just like Cain himself," Dean didn't do ANYTHING Cain predicted because Cain, like Chuck, like the audience, has got Dean dead wrong.
Dean is Dean. He's not John. He's not Crowley, and he sure as Hell isn't Cain.
Note that in 10x21, a girl was killed and her EYES were taken.
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This blindness mirrors Demon Dean. His "pretty black peepers." Crowley said to him, "See what I see, feel what I feel."
These themes swirl around the whole season because as Dean is reckoning with what Crowley did to him, Crowley is reckoning with his own life. What Rowena did to him.
But to Crowley, it seemed like Dean could be the answer, the balm to his boredom, to his lack of purpose and, like Amara being wounded by Chuck, a Holy tourniquet to that core wound left by Rowena.
As a human, Dean tries to reckon with how he was wronged, commanding more loyalty and respect in his world than Crowley does in his.
Crowley gets a lot of what he has through Mark of Cain!Dean's battle prowess against Abbadon. Dean's sacrifices are the foundation of his current kingdom and ability to succeed.
It's interesting, too that Sam's ability to go to college was, in some ways, was also enabled by Dean's sacrifices.
Even now, Sam gets a lot of friendship and love by-proxy... through Dean's pre-existing, strongly forged connections. Sam manipulates others via the loyalty Dean has earned, like a parasite or a vampire.
Sam's (and Rowena's and Crowley's) lack of social grace and inability to make friends stand in stark contrast to Dean. Sam, Rowena, and Crowley feel like outsiders, and they can't reckon with why. Even getting power and status doesn't seem to help them, and that frustrates them all!
SPN has plenty of other outsiders, sure, but even with Cas, people seem to follow him even when he doesn't want them to. People don't follow Sam, (and actually, it's even more complicated than that—he's afraid of leading).
In some ways, Dean and Mary and Cas and Jack, all characters with big hearts, seem effortlessly able to form these deep connections, and without a recipe for success, without a rulebook, with a list of "How to Win Friends and Influence."
(It doesn't save them from manipulation, of course, and certailny Cas and Dean are fresh off manipulation by Metatron and Crowley! But I don't think it's a stretch to say that Sam might not consider their pains over that, instead spiraling and hyperfocusing on his own failures.)
I think it's interesting.
But anyway, Crowley wants to be top dog, and it's a losing battle.
Crowley denigrates those who remain loyal to him, calling them stupid and useless, and one wonders if this is what Crowley heard daily after his mother left and he went into the workhouse.
It's not a good look for Crowley, and his behavior actually makes him a weaker king, not a stronger one. He becomes paranoid that their loyalty is cheap and that they'd betray him the first chance they get.
And well. He's right.
Interestingly, it's this that Sam senses in him—this that Sam hates. It's a self-hatred, too.
And the thing is, there's something to Rowena hating The Men of Letters and spitting on Sam and Dean as a "fuck you" to the upper class. Sam certainly ACTS like Men of Letters, using Rownea the way Ruby used Sam.
And spiraling outward.
So too does Sam spit on Crowley as emblematic of Hell, as emblematic of the thing that had tried to lure him in as a boy-king, a promise of power but with the harsh reality of only being needed for his parts (meat suit).
Sam beats on Crowley because he can't beat on Ruby, on Lucifer, on John. Because (and Sam's not exactly wrong!), "because Crowley has it coming."
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(But it isn't all Crowley's fault! It's the system of Hell.)
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(But it isn't all Metatron's fault. It's the system of Heaven.)
They're ALL in Hell, in one way or another. Climbing down off the rack to stick it to perfect scapegoats (monsters, demons, whatever) who has it coming.
Metatron and Crowley are also intrinsically linked. They both have extremely UGLY family wounds, and they're slowly falling towards their own humanity.
Preying on desperation:
You know the ruse: finding vulnerable people and preying on them by promising them either protection or something to protect their families.
Like Cas preyed on Jimmy, like Dean manipulated Kevin emotionally, like Metatron preyed on Cas, like Crowley dangled Dean in front of Cain then used him as a Hell-worker, like Randy swooped in on Claire, like Rowena is trying to prey on Crowley.
YET. Sam doesn't want to admit that he's done the same! He swooped in on Lester when he was at his lowest in order to manipulate him, like Sam's using Charlie's love for Dean to get her to go whole-hog into a dangerous mission.)
The backdrop of forgiveness:
Interesting then, that you have this whole backdrop of forgiveness: Claire forgiving Randy, Dean forgiving Crowley, Claire forgiving her mom, Cole forgiving Dean, Claire forgiving Cas.
Crowley laments that Rowena is a liar, and Dean calls him out about lying to him and setting him up to be the fall-boy with the Mark, "guess it runs in the family."
Cas laments that he can't put Claire in danger, and she calls him out, "Anything else, you mean."
But it's not THAT simple either! Even "virtuous, forgiving" characters like Dean and Claire are still spiraling down into hunting, and Cas is still eagerly sticking his knife into low-level demon-soldiers.
No one's hands are clean, not even those who symbolize forgiveness and change. It's so messy!
It's so interesting, then. How Sam and Rowena mirror each other more directly.
They can't seem to forgive anything. Because they can't bear, in all of their stalwart perfectionism, to really look at themselves.
Sam can't forgive Crowley. He can't forgive himself.
Sam goes through the motions of "a team effort" with Charlie and Cas, but like Rowena, like an angel, he trades more easily in the business of selective truths and manipulation.
And that's a big thing: Sam, Rowena, and Crowley are alike in this manner. They want people beside them to tend to their own wounds, all while ruling in fits of misguided ruthlessness and subterfuge to get people in positions where they can use them (as they themselves have been used).
Rowena can't forgive the entire world for being rigged.
Neither can Sam.
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He couldn't be further than Claire Novak this season. But can we blame Sam? Let's step back for a sec and cut him some slack:
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Sarah Blake in season 8. That was like two seconds ago for Sam. She was killed right in front of Sam BY Crowley. To think this is ONLY about Dean oversimplifies Sam. (And yeah, Sam could've stood up to Crowley for Kevin Tran, but that doesn't change that Crowley tortured the Trans.)
That Sam hasn't forgotten this isn't unforgivable, per se. His need for vengeance shouldn't come as a surprise, and I don't think it should be simplified to "homophobia" either.
CROWLEY: Well, I think the people you save, they're how you justify your pathetic little lives. The alcoholism, the collateral damage, the pain you've caused – the one thing that allows you to sleep at night, the one thing is knowing that these folks are out there, still out there happy and healthy because of you, you great, big, bloody heroes! They're your life's work, and I'm going to rip it apart piece by piece because I can, because you can't stop me, and because when they're all gone, what will you have left?
It's another way that Rowena and Sam's plots are hopelessly intertwined.
Sam's hangups are about being squashed beneath the boot, but instead of finding another shoe, he's so afraid and so paranoid that he becomes the boot.
Dean and Cas are not immune to this. (Ahem, Godstiel.) And Kevin Tran is to Dean as Charlie is to Sam, perhaps. Miracle cure-Gadreel is a little bit like miracle-cure Book of the Damned, just on a smaller scale.
Sam tries to save his family not dissimilar to how his family saved him, by locking him up for detox, for doing "whatever it takes to save him."
But he's Sam, so it comes out... very Sam-like. On a big, destructive, and very CUNNING, pragmatic, and manipulative way. Like Rowena, Sam WILL tend to save his own skin this season, and with them both, there are "substitute sacrifices" involved.
Symbolically, Oskar is a substitute sacrifice for them both. (And before you get too into the idea of Dean being "immune," it's the way Jack will later, unfortunately, be allowed to be a "substitute sacrifice/bomb" - re Dean's: "Thank you, Jack. / For once he and Sam won't be the ones sacrificing etc etc war son stuff)
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But other characters' struggle with this theme of class doesn't seem as prolonged and ever-present as what we see in Sam, Rowena, and Crowley. Cas and Dean are, on the whole, more likely to be upset with systems and forgive the individuals caught up in it. (SEE: Cas even has mercy on Metatron in s12).
But still...
DEAN (s15): When things go bad, it just comes out.
The fear, the desperation, the need to be safe and keep others safe..
It just really sucks.
That was a lot of words to say that Sam, Rowena, and Crowley are fundamentally linked and it's so tasty.
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secretly-a-catamount · 8 months
I’m Dreaming of a Circus Life
I wrote this on Ao3 under the account Beatty_About_Books, which can be found here.
Braeden Vanderbilt had always been lonely.
He was placed on a pedestal by the newspapers and their reporters. They were a sleepless pack of wolves always waiting for him to slip up, always hungering to spill his lifeblood, the most intimate moments of his life, across poorly-printed paper in ink.
He was merely tolerated by his aunt and uncle. They paraded him around like a prized show-dog when their friends were around but paid no attention to him when cameras weren’t turned their way.
He was the lover of a girl who made no secret of her indifference towards him. Rowena wore her elegance and her brutality as easily as she wore interest in the old war-veteran who dragged her across the dance floor, his mouth near her cheek, his hands on her waist. Braeden should have felt jealous at this, but as hard as he tried he couldn’t.
Was he lonely because of them? Or was he lonely in spite of them?
He didn’t know, but he grabbed a champagne flute and sipped it slowly, eyeing everyone and everything with the same amount of calculating interest.
And it was then — among the snow, and the lights dripping from the trees, and the people he would never really care about — that he met her.
She looked somewhat peculiar and wore nothing of note, but it was her eyes, those glorious yellow eyes, that ripped his soul from his breast and slammed it to the marble floor below — the same marble floor she was now crossing with a cat-like grace.
He’d heard hundreds of stories about love at first sight, and while he always listened politely, he never believed it, and even at the moment he didn’t think he was going to. Because it wasn’t love that the woman had in her eyes — something that was mirrored in his own — it was understanding, a sense of companionship, almost. Braeden had always been lonely, had always been caged. Was it too much to hope — too cruel to hope? — that she had had similar experiences?
“Are you lost?” Braeden blurted out, because his conversational skills were immaculate.
“As much as you are, I would think.” She made no curtsy, no introduction, she simply plucked the champagne flute from his hand and drank it.
Well-versed in the street-talk that men of his social-status scorned in public but let flow freely once doors were closed and a bottle of brandy emptied, Braeden waited for a pang of desire to spear his breast, and was both relieved and vaguely disappointed when his common-sense and critical thinking remind intact as he watched amber beads of the liquor cling to the woman’s lips before slowly trailing down her scarred jaw.
“I’m Serafina,” she said, without prompting of any sort, “dance with me.”
Serafina wiped her mouth with the back of her hand — still nothing, but maybe, Braeden realized, she liked this absence of physical want, maybe she liked that the first thought he had wasn’t one of her scarred face but of the scarred mind behind it — took his hand, and lead him onto the dance floor.
“I’m Braeden Vanderbilt.” He said in response to her introduction. When they twirled, Serafina’s skirt flared around bare feet and legs cloaked in men’s working pants.
“I know.”
“I am known by most of the people here,” Braeden admitted, smiling sheepishly, “one of the perks of your uncle paying off the law-enforcement for the largest gang leader in the city.”
“No, you misunderstand me.” Serafina said, eyes flickering like the matches he’d played with as a child, “I simply know most things about most people.”
“And how is that exactly, Serafina, you don’t seem the sociable type?” Braeden thought back to when Rowena and him had made their rounds of the party earlier, Rowena draping herself over him like stolen mink, Serafina nowhere to be found among those who were wealthy, those who were criminals, and those who were both.
“One does not have to be sociable to stay in the shadows, steal secrets, and slit throats.”
“You’re an assassin—“
She smiled at that, a quick flash of sharp teeth.
“—doesn’t that conflict with your religious views?” Braeden asked, unaware that this was a question that had led many to the end of a knife, to spilt blood and the frantic gasps of the dying.
“I see no reason it should, does not the Lord strike down sinners with the bladed-wings of angels?” She went on to ramble about her scars (a sign of her baptism) and how she only preyed when she was covered in the blood of her enemies, or rather, Uriah Pemberton’s enemies.
Braeden whispered in her ear as the music crescendoed — “I think you and I were meant to be friends.” — and from the way she laughed — which he loved, even if he couldn’t hear it — and squeezed his hand let him know she thought so too.
Perhaps they were destined to be friends. Perhaps they weren’t.
But in the end it didn’t matter.
Because with songbirds, particularly those a bit too smart, too feral, too bloodthirsty, it was always a matter of time before they broke free from their cages. Broke free, and killed those who had imprisoned them. Killed the fools who had tried to net a songbird and instead caught the storm.
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moishecampbell · 1 year
on the other hand s10 could get 'worst written season' for all the wasted potential with claire alone
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swampstew · 26 days
Fic authors self rec! When you receive this, reply with up to five favorite fics you've written (include links, and if you want- a few thoughts about each one), then pass on to at least five other writers if you're up for it. Spread the self-love ✨
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMAndie! I can't believe you've done this. Well, I did one version of this where I talked about my pretty much all my fics - however, this will go a little more detailed with other things I've done :)
Captain Kid's Fiery Passion - !Yandere Kid. I really enjoyed exploring a darker, crueler Kid that would take reader with no hesitation. I know I only scratched the surface of 'dark fic' with this one, but part of me is entirely too hung up on Kid being an actual cinnamon roll to his beloved that I can't really imagine him being mean mean. That doesn't mean the inspiration isn't there. I have plenty of questionable scenarios I'd like to write out, and my only fear is accidentally triggering myself XD
Spoiling Killer - this is my guilty pleasure. Subjecting my comfort characters to simple pleasures. I can't help writing rottingly fluffy stuff. It's my nature. And I'll do it again too. I won't stop until every crew member is given the pampering they deserve.
Meet the Kid Pirates series - Heat the HR Director and emotional support human! - We know SO LITTLE about this crew and their roles so I decided to make up roles and titles. IF we ever get canonized information, I will update these. However, this was meant to just be fun head canonning :) I was going to do every crew member but after...THAT...chapter, I was too depressed to continue. Still kinda am. BUT FRET NOT - I DO INTEND TO FINISH THIS! and also do the Straw Hats section. In time in time.
Ok, I know I said I was gonna limit this to the drabbles, BUT I JUST REMEMBERED, I also have a WIP book that's part of the What's the Magic Word? universe. Rowena's Future Vision! This is gonna be composed of just drabbles, thoughts, and ramblings of things I wanna see for my ship. Nothing is canonized until its written in the official book(s). This is my sacred space for adding more to Rowena's lore, her relationships with Kid and the world around them. It can kiiiinda be spoilery if you're not caught up to the main fic. Inspired by @abysscronica 's standalone fic "Emperors (dad!Kid x mom!Reader)" which is SOFCKING GOOD but also gave me the courage to write beyond my main fic and explore other themes and tropes that would not otherwise fit in WTMW? NGL I'm inspired to do a Stampede book too cause my mind literally cannot shutthefuckup about Kid and Rowena and making Kid stressed about showing off that he's a better Captain than Luffy, but I have too much on my plate already. I hope that's not stepping on your toes Abyss!!!!!
Ending on a collaborative note, it was a DELIGHT AND HONOR to host this collection of stories for Halloween 2023 with some of my dear moots. SUPER SECRET HALLOWEEN PROJECT was so much fun from conception to execution. I had so much fun envisioning the theme, and hearing from my friends how much they enjoyed being able to do something low-pressure and just for funsies. Plus being able to include fandom by voting on the best costume was really cool - and I'll take any excuse to commission @yamiyamiart ;) Shoutout to my crew: @quinloki @zoros-sheath @sanjis-all-blue @writing-yarn-goblin @icy-spicy @mewiyev @bulle-d-bulliver @leakyweep
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monstermoviedean · 1 month
Honestly for me Jared's acting starts to dip in quality around s4-s5 (it's still decent but his face becomes weirdly stiff) and then by s7 I genuinely can't take it seriously, whereas Jensen seems to get better at acting overtime. I wonder if some of that contributed to the writers sometimes focusing more on Dean's relationships than on Sam's and consequently made Sam feel less important? Also Jared's behaviour onset meaning that Sam is closer to women like Rowena and Eileen wouldn't surprise me, by the sounds of it they wouldn't get much done if there were any men other than Jensen there for him to terrorise.
yes, agree with all of this! and i do sympathize with the writers who were really backed into a corner here. why bother writing sam plots if they're going to look like that? (if it were me i'd try to do something to get sam involved and jared onboard, but i don't blame the writers if they didn't take that approach)
it's interesting that you mention women because charlie in s10 came to mind - someone who has always been perfectly fine with sam, but closer to dean. it makes sense that they would avoid dean since they're doing stuff that directly affects him and which he's asked them not to do, but it is still odd to think about sam and charlie spending a lot of time together. and still, there's so little emotional substance to their interactions (barring the conversation about why sam is doing this - in the episode where they pretend to burn the book of the damned). it's plot-driven and there really isn't much beyond that.
i'm saddened and frustrated by this. i think better plots for sam would have had a positive impact on the show. and it would have given jensen a break from doing all the heavy lifting. and i was thinking about it more - i miss when sam got mad. i miss when he had some passion. yknow? even though i was never a samgirl i did enjoy watching his character, and now in s12 it's just like. Oh. sam's here too ig. could be anyone in the world standing there like this 🫤
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ananke-xiii · 8 months
My ranking of SPN seasons (based only on their PLOT) pt. 1
Okay so I've finally watched all 15 seasons of Supernatural and, I must say, what a journey!
The show has releaved itself to be a pleasant surprise, I've learned a lot thanks to it. I must confess that I had strong prejudices against it and had been avoiding it all these years because I thought it was... well, tbh not worthy.
Of course, since now I am here writing about it, it's useless to say that I was wrong. It's not the perfect show, sometimes it's not even a good show, but for sure it's an enjoyable, interesting and exciting show.
The following ranking is based solely on the plot (and subplot) of each seasons and my personal opinion about it.
15. Season 14: Frankly, I don't know what to say about this season, LOL. There is no real plot. We are led to believe that the story will revolve around Dean being possessed by Michael, okay. Basically Michael!Dean from the AU goes to Earth 1 to create an army of monsters (?) but then says bye bye to Dean and leaves (??), but oh wait, no, he re-possesses him (???), and then the army disappears (???) and then he gets trapped in Dean's mind and then he posseses Rowena (???????????). In the mean time, Jack is sick, dies, gets rescued by Castiel who makes a crazy deal with The Empty, then kinda goes crazy and starts killing angels (?????) and then gets killed by God. He also accidentally kills Mary Winchester (???????) in the process. I dont' get it, okay? Maybe it's just me! At any rate, we discover that Michael can possess whoever he wants since he easily changes his vessel without consent multiple times. This fact alone contradicts the whole of season 5 (Dean is the chosen one, the one and only Michael's vessel, hello writers?). Finally, the whole Nick/Lucifer thing. I get it, Mark Pellegrino was GREAT as Lucifer, I loved him, I wanted to see more of him. But his subplot was nonsense and meh. So, yes, the plot was bad. Reeeeeal bad.
14. Season 15: One of the the fun things about Supernatural is, for me, the fact that it doesn't take itself too seriously. Throughout the whole series we have continuous meta incursions and I find that extremely interesting. However, I think that with the final season they went too far. The plot (kiling the manipulative and frankly insufferable God) is stimulating enough until the episode named "The Trap". After that, I felt like the writers didn't know how to fill the remaining episodes until the end and just wasted half of the show on basically nothing really noteworthy. Also, one could totally see that the main worry was not the plot but trying to tie all loose ends off. It was unsuccessful. I would have preferred a well-executed plot rather than a plot that aimed at"filling in" all the gaps of a 15-year-old TV show (read: it's almost impossible, also unnecessary). The final episode was just bad, like really really bad. The plot was resolved by episode 19, so the last episode really felt like something made to end the show forever, kill everyone off and never talk about them anymore. It didn't make any sense at all.
13. Season 7: I didn't hate season 7 per se, but the plot was not great. Like season 15, the season starts off strong with the main event but then it drags itself out until the end. There's no meat in between. The gist is to kill the Leviathans, the subplot is Sam's confronting Lucifer's mental abuse. The most interesting stuff (aka the introduction of the Word of God) happens around the last 3 episodes. This is one of those seasons that are needed to "connect" different points in the myth-arc, however it was not done brilliantly. I felt like Bobby's death was not necessary to the events, it was poorly done for emotional sake. The"Dick jokes" are funny at first, then they are tiresome. After a while I couldn't take the characters seriously, it was all one big dick joke after another, please stop. At the end, we find out that the whole subplot was utterly useless: Castiel shifts the Sam's mental problem from Sam's mind to his, goes crazy in exchange, ultimately to be cured once he's in Purgatory. I'm sorry, what? Also: the Leviathans (the close-to unkillable monsters the heroes have been fighting for the whole series) become just "regular monsters" and that's it. I'm sorry, WHAT?!
12. Season 3: This season contains arguably some of the best episodes of the whole show. The 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America Strike affected the way the plot was planned (I presume) but I think it was for good. As a result, the plot is clean, simple, easy: the heroes need to rescue Deam from the demonic deal he has made. I like when there's a sort of "deadline" in the plot, it keeps things interesing for me. That's it, that's the plot. There's no subplot either. So why this low in the ranking? WELL. The first half of the show made me very uncomfortable. The jokes sounded very, very problematic and I had a very hard time finishing the episodes. Now I know this has nothing to do with the plot, but hey. It made me feel uneasy and the ranking is mine so ranking n. 12 it is!
11. Season 6: I appreciated the writers' attempt with this season. Basically, both the plot and the two main subplots make zero to no sense until the end, when we discover "the truth". As a matter of fact, until episode 19 we don't really understand what's going on. The plot seems to be the hunting of the Alphas and, eventually, of the Mother of them all: Eve. One subplot seems to be a civil war in Heaven, although we are only told about it and never see anything. The other subplots is Sam being soulless + the fact that now he's been hunting with his resurrected grandfather who, in turn, was resurrected by Crowley and now works under him (LOL). For the plot and the first subplot to make sense the missing link is this: Castiel and Crowley have been pulling the strings all along without the heroes' knowing. For the subplot... well, for the subplot (Sam being soulless), too LOL. Cas and Crowley are having an "affair of sorts" and plan to open the door to Purgatory to take souls from there and use them as... energy? Yeaaah. I liked the "whoaa I didn't see it coming" factor. HOWEVER, for it to REALLY make sense one needs to acknowledge Cas and Crowley relationship. Like, seriously, the reason why everything starts to go wrong (and interesting) is because Dean feels "betrayed" by Cas. Which makes zero sense. But I digress. What I want to say is that the turning point of the plot is understated unless you get the "romantic" implications. It's left to the audience to get it but, honestly, I didn't get it at first so I didn't get why the characters were so angry at Cas and why Cas didn't tell Dean about his affair with Crowley. Then when you get it, you get it but anyway the plot is not the best the show has to offer.
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incesthemes · 5 months
final thoughts: supernatural season 15
holy shit. i did it. i finished supernatural. i actually finished it a couple hours ago but i'm still having trouble processing it. i've been working at this for six months (but with a one-month break back in december) and i'm finally finished. honestly i don't think i really believed i would do it because shit this show is long, and i am not predisposed to enjoy shows like this. so this is a huge mark of pride for me, that i can finally say i did indeed sit down and watch all 327 episodes of supernatural :)
anyway all that to say i hated this season with a passion lmao, hasta la vista baby ✨
honestly i think i'll end up keeping this short because frankly most of my criticisms boil down to
how did you fuck up your own lore this badly
holy plotholes batman
this is so disrespectful and irreverent toward kripke's supernatural
nothing about this writing makes any kind of sense
well, that's convenient (in the most boring way imaginable)
so it's basically just a game of spin the wheel and see what it lands on.
the season started super weak; the concept was bad from the get-go and executed only to a mediocre standard, so i couldn't help but cringe my way through it. rowena's death was really well done, but her character was never well developed, in the same way most side characters on this show are never well developed, so while i appreciate the care that went into that scene it felt rather empty. it made me regret how poorly and inconsistently written she was. and yeah most side characters get this treatment—hell, cas gets this treatment which is why i don't care about him much—but she had such a provocative death scene that it had me lamenting that she didn't get a better foundation and better development. alas, that's just what it means to be someone other than sam and dean on supernatural.
after that was... the eileen subplot. i do really like eileen despite her being a rather flat and uninteresting character the way most women are on this show (y'know, kickass independent "girl power" women without nearly any other significant personality trait), but i really didn't appreciate the substantial pivot sam took from dean-focused to eileen-focused in this season. yes, season 12-14 did go to great efforts to make sure this wasn't The Sam And Dean Show anymore, but season 15 is so dramatically incongruous from even 12-14 that it just boggled my mind. the sam/eileen stuff was a major part of that, and it just didn't feel good because it was one more nail in the coffin with regards to how little the showrunners respected the foundation of the show (y'know, "the epic love story of sam and dean"). the only real salmondean moment in the entire season was the 7-minute incest speech in the finale—like what? i couldn't even properly enjoy that because of how poorly it was set up, thanks to the four seasons of retconning their relationship and making it less important to the series overall.
anyway all that to say, they had this massive sam/eileen subplot and then nothing even came of it. sam didn't even call to check if she was alive after jack resurrected everyone? he didn't meet up with her on screen even once? like if you're going to give him this season-long romance with someone other than dean, you could at least have the balls to commit to it. i find that just. godawful writing. eileen didn't have to be sam's blurry wife or anything, but he should have had some kind of resolution, literally anything at all, if we're meant to believe she's in any way important to him. c'mon.
more incongruous moments: dean got weirdly angry in this season. like what's with episode 17 man? there is nothing about dean in that episode that feels even remotely in character. from "jack's not family" to dean pulling a gun on sam, it all felt wildly overblown, way too melodramatic and sudden, and just not anything dean would do. yeah he's an angry guy, but???? this was too much, even for him. and the whole jack argument between sam and dean made me roll my eyes hard. because how do you expect me to believe that after all of the developments up to that point, that
dean wouldn't consider jack family. first of all that's stupid, dean drops the f-bomb on literally anyone he thinks is useful to further his goals. second of all it contradicts the bond they've formed since season 13, and it no longer fits with the parallel themes set up between sam, dean, and jack. it undermines what's been established, what's been developed, and what jack means to them on a thematic level. so so so stupid. cannot stress how dumb this move was. it just felt like the writers pulling out yet another OOC moment just so they can conveniently move the plot in the direction they wanted. so annoying.
sam and cas are equals in dean's eyes. like that's just hilarious to me. the last time cas died dean got sad for a little bit and burned his body on a pyre. the last time sam died dean committed suicide. these are not equal reactions. and sam and cas have never been equal to dean because dean always chooses sam over everyone, again evidenced in the series finale. so it was just hilarious for this one episode to pretend like sam and cas could ever be equal.
of course season 15 did really push a destiel agenda in the most unexpected and bizarre way. like wow, and i thought seasons 12-14 were a totally different show. no, season 15 is so much worse than that. i have absolutely no idea why they made the choices they did with this season, but they were not good, they routinely disrespected kripke's foundations of the show, and they ignored every theme ever laid out up until then. all for... what, exactly? so dean and cas can have a weird little non-romance together for 18 episodes only for them to slip wincest back in at the end? what's up with that? no like seriously, what were they trying to do here????
i told my friend this earlier, but i do think it's funny how cas's death speech is just straight-up factually incorrect regarding dean. i'm 100% fully willing to believe that castiel was blinded with lust by dean winchester that he simply made up some guy in his head who looked like dean. and that will be my headcanon going forth because wow it's shocking and funny as hell how much he got wrong while waxing poetic about dean. "you're the most selfless man i know" when kripke spent 5 seasons pounding it into our heads how fundamentally selfish dean (and sam, obviously, but the speech is about dean) is. girl what are you saying. dick so good he rewrote dean's basic character traits to be more convenient to him. i respect it truly i do.
anyway the finale. i hated it! to absolutely no one's surprise. a few days ago i wrote out what i thought would have been the most thematically cogent endings for supernatural. i knew what actually happens, obviously (hard to miss tbh), but my resolve on this front was only strengthened by actually watching it. yes the 7 minutes of incest were very nice and compelling, but... wow. this episode has some of the worst pacing i've ever seen in my life. dean died halfway into the episode? and the rest of that was... a sequence of short scenes that are too drawn-out to be a montage??? like there was no tension, no buildup, and no setup for what they did. it felt so lazy and underdeveloped, lacking any kind of poignancy or thematic cohesion. and then i had to watch TWENTY MINUTES of half-baked scenes of dean in heaven and sam growing old. i wouldn't have hated this ending so much if they had better pacing, i'm serious. like the outrage i feel is predominantly because of how badly it was written. the concepts aren't good, but they were par for the course. but TWENTY MINUTES OF MONTAGE. A MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH WITH NO EMOTIONAL BUILDUP, WHICH ACTIVELY CONTRADICTS THE THEMES OF THE SHOW. WHAT!!!!!!! WERE THEY THINKING!!!!!!!!!!
anyway i disliked that a little bit.
so overall i pretty much hated every part of this season and there were very, very, very few redeeming features sprinkled in. it's fine though! i'm fine. it's all over now :)
a few brief thoughts on the series overall: i regret ever speaking badly of kripke's supernatural; i didn't know how good i had it until it was gone. in hindsight, a lot of the seasons i thought were dogshit were actually not the worst things ever—i just didn't realize how bad bad could get. i know now. i will carry that knowledge with me forever.
dramatics aside, i honestly did enjoy watching the show. as much as i hated so many of the writing choices, the plotholes, the retcons, the way the writers just handwaved away anything inconvenient and rewrote characters entirely just to force them into the story they way they wanted them—it was still, like, fun. the agony was enjoyable (things masochists say). i think it helps that the fandom at large generally agrees that the writing is bad; it gives a sense of community and solidarity in the misery. there's no uneasy disconnect between myself and the rest of the fanbase, and that honestly does make all the difference. it's fun to suffer together, and i don't regret watching this show one bit :)
so with that said, here's my final ranking for every season:
season 1 (thematically strong, tight writing, incredible vision, truly foundational in its establishment of overarching themes, tone, and genre)
season 2 (such an interesting plot which builds on what was established in season 1. this is where the meat of the show is, where the heart is exposed to daylight as the chest is ripped open)
season 3 (well written, though disappointing in some areas largely due to kripke dropping the special children plot thus leaving a hole. not very noticeable due to the good writing, but still there. i'll never forgive them for killing off henricksen)
season 4 (this is the first real drop in quality imo, but it's relatively insignificant. the writing feels more meandering, and the tone shifts rather drastically away from the horror of its origin. the introduction of angels destroys a lot of the religious anxiety that formed the foundation of the show, but at the same time introduces a fantastic story about fate and doom)
season 5 (same as season 4, but with the flaws a bit more glaring. castiel's unclear motivations and underdeveloped shift in perspective are a major point of contention for me; i don't think it was handled well and could have been written better to make him a stronger character from the get-go, possibly allowing him to be a better character in later seasons instead of the conflicting mess we ended up with)
season 9 (the writing is atrocious, but the vision is so good. i still don't know how they managed that. they had such a great idea and they took kripke's supernatural and expanded on it in such a satisfying way. it drove me crazy! but holy shit the actual writing is so bad)
season 8 (i feel largely the same about 8 as i do 9, but i just think the writing was overall worse. it does get brownie points for having benny in it, though)
season 10 (boring. boring and paced so, so, so badly. the sole redeeming feature was how committed it was to its vision. it has the exact opposite problem as season 6 in that it has too little content to fill out the season. but god, the vision. you'll hear me waxing poetic about the season 8-10 vision on my death bed)
season 7 (it did a lot to pave the road for seasons 8-10 which i can't ignore. it also got itself fairly settled after the mess season 6 was and didn't try to bite off more than it could chew. i didn't love it, but it had a lot of moments that were provocative and interesting, and it provided pretty good setup for season 8. the writing was not good, but i think that goes without saying)
season 6 (introduced really interesting ideas, but tried to cram so much into one season that it failed to deliver satisfying payoffs for any of its setup. soulless sam was an interesting exception and really redeemed it for me)
season 12 (12 and 13 are about equal for me because i hate the plots, i hate the intense diversion away from The Sam And Dean Show, i hate the writing, i hate the concepts, etc etc. but they both introduce supporting characters which show off new and interesting sides to sam and dean: mary in 12 and jack in 13. it allows for focus to stay on sam and dean's relationship a little longer even though they're no longer generating any organic conflict between them, so i appreciate that at least)
season 13 (i fucking HATE the apocalypse world. that is my deciding factor between seasons 12 and 13. also i hate what they did to mary here)
season 14 (honestly an inoffensive season. i still hate the writing way more than anything else pre-12, and it doesn't have the benefits of a new character introduced to provide external conflict between sam and dean, so while it was relatively inoffensive it was also boring, lacking, and really obvious how little the writers cared about maintaining sam and dean's relationship as the emotional core of the show)
season 11 (the writing all things considered wasn't the absolute worst thing i've ever seen, if i'm being fair. on the other hand, i hated everything about this season conceptually, and i hate that it vouched for christianity as the ~one true religion~ which again undermines kripke's original series. this is me being petty and i'm okay with that)
season 15 (see above. oh but i'm honestly surprised it managed to surpass my ire toward season 11. like honestly it's impressive because i hold a massive grudge toward 11 which should have been insurmountable. a feat has certainly been achieved here!)
anyway. i said this wasn't going to be long but then i just kept on writing and writing. because that's what i do. i never learn 😔 i'll end it here then. i intend to go back and rewatch seasons 1-5 now that i'm finally finished, so i'm looking forward to that. i want to see if my rose-tinted glasses that i've been looking at kripke era with are based on reality or simply a longing to return to less terrible times :P
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darlings-starlights · 3 months
Hello my stars! Sorry I’ve been gone for so long :,) but it is now summer and have too much time so please give me all requests you want!^^
Fandoms I will write for
Supernatural (platonic and romantic)
- Team free will
-all the arch angels but Raphael
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The black phone (platonic or romantic)
- dead boys crew
-Finney and Gwen Blake
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Yurri voice (platonic or romantic)
- Everyone but Derek
(I couldn’t find a gif sorry, my stars🥲)
What I won’t write
Hurt no comfort
Piss or shit kinks
Child x adult (romantic)
Cis Fem readers
What I will write
Child x adult (PLATONIC)
Trans fem and masc readers
Male readers
Hurt with comfort
And pretty much anything else
Preferences for requests
Try to be at least a little specific in what you want and some story stuff you want ^^
That’s all my stars! Have fun requesting, make sure you drink water, eat food, and have a lovely day my stars!⭐️
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spnexploration · 2 years
Collared part 34
Pairing: Dean x Reader eventually
Series summary: Sam and Dean save a woman from where she has been held as a slave by a witch. But things turn dark whenever they try to take her magic collar off, leaving them with a slave to look after and a curse to break.
Episode summary: The drive back to the bunker
Warnings: Nothing particularly in this chapter.
Word count: 1.9k
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 33 <- -> Part 35
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“Dean, pull over,” Sam ordered. Dean stole a glance over his shoulder and hastily pulled to the side of the road. You were visibly shaking, your knees to your chest and your whole frame vibrating.
Loud banging came from the boot of the car. It’d started a couple of minutes ago, but he had been going to wait until he found a good place to pull over to deal with it.
Dean jumped out of the front seat as soon as the car was off. He quickly opened your door, being careful that you hadn't been leaning on it. Sam was opening the other back door.
Dean tentatively reached out to you, not wanting to startle you.
“Hey, hey, it's ok,” he said in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “How about you come out here and get some air?”
You looked up at him then and nodded, placing your hand in his and letting him help you out of the car. He shut the door behind you and led you around the front of the car, further off the road and further from Azaneth.
“I forgot he was in there,” you whispered, your voice shaking.
Dean pulled you to him, wrapping his arms around you. He realised partway through it that he'd acted on instinct, forgotten to be cautious and confirm every movement before doing it. He was reassured when you leant into him and even raised your own arms slightly to clutch at his sides.
“He's an asshole, but he can't get to you, ok? I promise, he cannot get out of there.”
You nodded, still shaking.
Dean was worried, there was still hours of driving left and they hadn't expected Azaneth to wake up this soon. He and Sam would just put up with it, but it was clearly going to be a lot harder for you.
Sam had been checking through the supplies in the car. He came around the front to where Dean was holding you. “We've got one more dose of Rowena’s stuff, but with the speed he’s metabolising it, it won't last.”
“Wh-what?” you asked, pulling back from Dean's chest slightly.
“We've been keeping him drugged, but he's churning through it faster than expected.”
“What happens if he's not?”
“He just annoys us. He can't do magic, he can't get out, he can't hurt you. But, he can bang on things.”
You nodded slowly, biting your lip. You were still holding on to Dean and so he kept hold of you. He liked having you in his arms, liked that you let him look after you. He tried not to continue that thought any further though. He was here to protect you, that's all.
“Possibly more important to have him drugged when we’re going through Lebanon than on the highway, don't want someone noticing,” Sam said to Dean.
You took a deep breath, “How long do I have to put up with it then?”
“Couple of hours, before we can give him the last dose. Sorry.”
Dean held you a little tighter, feeling the tension building in your body again. “How about you sit up front? Or one of us can sit in the back with you?”
“I'll be ok,” you said unconvincingly. Dean felt your grip on him tighten as you said it.
He glanced at Sam over your head, expecting his help to convince you to sit with him. Sam surprised Dean though by holding his hand out, “Pass me the keys.”
Dean raised his eyebrow. Sam gestured up and down at you, still held against Dean's chest. Dean supposed he could see his point, but Sam had always been the one to comfort you since the collar came off. You didn’t like Dean, you didn't like Dean touching you, Dean made you angry.
And yet, he couldn't deny the evidence in his arms.
“How about I sit with you, Bambi?” he asked you gently. You sniffled and nodded, but didn't pull away from him. He held you a few moments more, until you finally started to straighten up. “Ready?” he murmured.
“No, but yes,” you muttered.
He chuckled and rubbed his hands gently up your arms, then spun you around and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. He led you to the backseat, opening the door for you and then climbing in after you.
Azaneth was smashing out the beat to Baby Shark. Bastard.
Sam jumped in the front and started the car.
Dean held his hand open to you. You put your hand in it. He gave it a squeeze.
A very tiny smile appeared on your face.
Azaneth was like a child trying to entertain themselves. Dean was sure he was actually trying to think about what would be most upsetting and traumatising to you, because he’s a total dick. And a demon. But what it came across as was a little kid kicking the seat in front of them on the plane.
The problem was that he was good at knowing what would upset you.
Eventually, you seemed to have gotten used to just his normal tapping. Azaneth couldn’t see you to know that, so there was maybe half an hour where you were a bit more relaxed, sitting on your own side of the backseat and looking out the window.
Then he changed tact.
There was silence for a short while, then a loud BANG on one side of the backseat. You damn near jumped out of your skin. Dean reached out to rub your arm gently and you smiled weakly back at him. “Just gave me a fright,” you whispered.
You settled back down, leaning against the door, when BANG! BANG! Azaneth had managed to do it right near your head. Dean supposed he was trying out different locations, as the first bang had been closer to him. It didn’t help your nerves, though.
You started to shake. He could tell you were trying to suppress it, but failing. He reached out to you, gently grabbing your arm. You allowed yourself to be pulled to him. He tucked you against him, his arm around your shoulders.
“He’s an asshole,” he whispered. “Just remember that.”
You smiled slightly, but it didn’t reach your eyes.
BANG. Again, where you had been just before. Quickly followed by BANG, on Dean’s side. Azaneth must be using his hands and feet, maybe even his head. What would a demon care about whacking the vessel’s body around?
Your frame shook each time he did it. He’d definitely found the winning formula, making his blows unpredictable and incredibly loud. Asshole.
You covered your ears and hunched your shoulders. Dean could see how exhausted you were, how much this was taking a further toll on your body. You’d slept a bit last night, but not enough. He rubbed his hand up your arm, “How about you lie down and see if you can get some rest?”
You looked at him wide-eyed. “What, here? And I’m not going to be able to sleep through that.”
“Let’s just try, hey? It’ll stop you having to listen to it.”
“There’s not enough space.”
“Sure there is, put your head on my knee. It’ll deaden some of the sound.” You bit your lip, but eventually started to move. He guided you to lie down on the backseat, your head on his leg, facing away from him. He put his hand over your ear, trying to help block out Azaneth’s banging.
As he predicted, you were out cold pretty quickly.
With you no longer upset about it, it was much easier for him to tune out Azaneth’s stupid banging, too.
You woke up as the car pulled off the road. You were suddenly aware that you were literally lying in Dean’s lap, with his hand over the side of your head to help cut down on the noise from Azaneth. You felt incredibly embarrassed about what you were putting him through, when he was just trying to be nice. You quickly sat up and moved away from him.
“What’s going on?” you asked drowsily.
“We’re going to dose him up so he’s unconscious when we’re driving through town.” Dean reached out and squeezed your hand before jumping out of the car with Sam. They both went to the boot, Sam carrying something from the front seat. You decided to stay where you were, not wanting to see Azaneth.
There was more banging, probably Azaneth trying to fight them as they drugged him. You shivered and tried to reassure yourself that he couldn’t see you, couldn’t get to you.
Sam came around to where Dean had gotten out of the car. “Dean’s gonna drive again, do you want me to sit in the back with you? Or you could sit up front if you want?”
“How long does it take to kick in?”
“Maybe a minute or two, it’s pretty quick.” As he spoke, the banging was getting weaker and softer.
“I’ll be ok.”
“Alright. But you let us know if you want to change, we don’t mind.” Sam shut the back door and climbed in next to Dean in the front.
“Everyone ok?” Dean asked. You nodded and he started the car.
“Hey look Bambi,” Dean joked, “I can see your tree from here!” The woods around the bunker had come into view, you were finally nearly home. You smiled weakly.
Sam spun around to face you. “I think it might be better if Azaneth doesn’t see you until after he’s in the devil’s trap in the dungeon. We have demon cuffs on him and he’s drugged, so it should all be fine and he certainly won’t be able to get away from Dean and I, but just to be sure. Is that ok?”
You nodded, biting your lip. You hadn’t really thought about how they would get him out of the boot. You hadn’t even thought about how they got him in there.
“Ok, so I’ll take you to your room and then come back and help Dean with him. And then we’ll come get you as soon as it’s all clear, ok?” You nodded again.
“It’ll be alright, Y/N,” Dean said, looking at you in the rearview mirror. “Nothing’s going to happen, we just like to be cautious.”
You felt your fear and worries starting to creep up again, and fought to push them back down. It was fine. It was going to be fine. You could do your part, you could stay out of their way.
You got out of the car after Dean parked it, Sam coming around to you and shutting your door behind you. He put his arm around your shoulders and led you inside and to your room. “Are you going to be ok here by yourself?” he asked gently.
“I’ll be fine, Sam. I can handle ten minutes in a room!” You understood why they were so cautious with you, but their overprotectiveness did get annoying at times. Even though you could also feel your anxiety increasing, knowing Azaneth was going to be nearby... But no. You could deal.
He smiled, “Sorry, I know you can. I’ll be back soon, ok?” You nodded and he left.
“All clear, Bambi,” Dean said, knocking on your door. “Package has been delivered.”
You laughed, “I didn’t realise we were in Independence Day.”
He grinned. “Come on, I’ll make dinner. Burgers?”
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deanbrainrotwritings · 8 months
just curious, when do you think you’ll post the dean fic ‘wild flower’? i don’t mean to rush you or make you feel obliged or anything, just genuinely wondering! :)
i love your fics sm, ty for writing such awesome stuff!!!!
hi, lovely anon!
I actually finished that fic three/four years ago, lmao, so there's no pressure you need to worry about <3
wild flower is basically fem/fem, or for wlw, since the plot is Dean turns into a woman, and I've been too nervous to post it, but just for you, I'll post it on the 27th of January.
thank you so much for asking! 💓
here's a little spoiler:
“We can call Rowena,” Y/N suggested, but Dean was too busy rifling through his duffle bag. “D, slow down, I’ll let you borrow some of my clothes.” She got off the bed and stopped Dean, who was still pretty tall. He instinctively leaned down to kiss her, his fingers tangling in her soft hair. She kissed him back, to his surprise, as if he were the same, as if it didn’t matter to her that he was a woman now. At least for however long he had to be one before they turned him back. “I wanna wear that dress that drives me crazy when you wear it,” he murmured playfully against her lips. She laughed at Dean, pulling away completely to dig through her duffle bag for a pair of her underwear and a bra. “Babe, your boobs are bigger than mine,” he pouted, experimentally holding his breasts in his hand and rolling his nipples between his fingers. He gasped softly and Y/N’s face heated up as she watched him touch himself. “Shit, am I pissing myself?” He stopped touching himself to look between his legs and then relaxed when he realised what was happening. “Oh,” he said with wonder. “Stop that,” Y/N chuckled, placing the bra back into her bag while Dean pulled Y/N’s underwear on. She then took out the dress Dean was talking about, wondering if he was serious or not. “Are you sure?” She asked, holding it up for him to inspect it—even though he’d seen it millions of times. He rubbed his thighs together and then looked up at her, his face flushed.
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draculagerard · 4 months
I was just talking to my sister about my current writing project, and after I went on a LONG monologue about plot, worldbuilding and character stuff I'd been thinking about, she hit me with the absolutely devastating sentence, "I hate to tell you this, but a lot of that happened on Supernatural."
(And then I thought through what I'd said and went, "Did I just reinvent Rowena?" to which the answer was, apparently, "Kind of.")
SCREAM.... I needddd to hear about rowena 2.0. idk if you were there for my constant rowena posting, but i need you to know im genuinely so obsessed with her
also dont even worry about writing stuff that happened on spn. the thing about spn is that EVERYTHING happened in it. you cant write anything unrelated to spn. it's not possible 😔
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izzysgoodgirl · 6 months
I wanna try writing some oneshots/headcanons so feel free to request anything you want!
A list of fandoms/characters/celebrities and things I’m willing to write is provided, as well as some stuff I won’t write.
• Guns N’ Roses
• Mötley Crüe
• The Marauders
• Supernatural
• Izzy Stradlin
• Steven Adler
• Axl Rose
• Slash
• Duff McKagan
• Nikki Sixx
• Tommy Lee
• Regulus Black
• Sirius Black
• James Potter
• Barty Crouch Jr
• Evan Rosier
• Sam Winchester
• Dean Winchester
• Castiel
• Ruby
• Rowena MacLeod
• Crowley
• Gabriel
• Meg Masters
Will Write
• Fluff
• Angst
• Smut
• Reader Insert
• Platonic
• Kinks
• Romance
Will NOT Write
• Band member x band member
• Ped0ph!lia
• Incest
• Weird kinks (such as p!ss kink) (sorry not sorry)
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spnfanficpond · 8 months
New Member Spotlight - January 2024
The Pond is always growing and we want to make our new members feel welcome! Here’s a list of recent additions to our fishy family, along with a little info about them!
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Guppies, Jellies, and Mutuals, oh, my!
@thebejeweledwatercat -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord and AO3
OTP? - Samwena bit it varies
Other fandoms? - Chicago Med, fire, & PD, Stranger Things, Teen Wolf
Looking for in the Pond? - Community
Pairings you read? - OC's and Poly fics
Genres you read? - Hurt/comfort
Favorite writer(s)? - winterfire22 on AO3
What do you like to write? - Hurt/comfort, Poly, What if, AU's
Most underappreciated fic? - Chicago Med - Sunshine, Moonlight, and Shadow
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - A lot actually. Mostly because I’m not good with the follow-through.
.@hello-starlingfics -
Other SM names? - HelloStarlingFics on AO3, HelloStarling on Discord, and hello-starling.bsky.social on BlueSky
OTP? - Sam/Dean. They're just too compelling!
Other fandoms? - Right now it's just SPN
Looking for in the Pond? - Connect with other writers and fans. Writing can be a lonely thing.
Pairings you read? - I mainly stick to Wincest, but will dabble in Wincestiel, Destiel, and Dean/John.
Genres you read? - I read a range of styles and tropes. Whump is probably my favourite, with the comfort optional.
What do you like to write? - I like to write a range of things! I have hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, crack where Sam and Dean are catboys, erotica, and even some gen.
Most underappreciated fic? - Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - This year I hope to write some darker stuff including Major Character Death. Balancing making it emotionally affecting while avoiding being heavy-handed will be a challenge.
.@michaelmilligan -
Other SM names? - QuicksilverCastiel on AO3, alexanderlewis on Discord
OTP? - Midam
Other fandoms? - Star Trek and Yu-Gi-Oh! (specifically JouKai as a ship - the resurgence of an old fandom for me)
Looking for in the Pond? - I would like to connect with other writers and share insights and hopefully bounce story ideas off each other.
Pairings you read? - Midam, Midamoul (Michael/Adam/Ghoul), I'm trying to branch out with Samifer and Sam in poly relationships (preferably with Gabriel, Eileen, Rowena and/or Lucifer)
Genres you read? - Fluff and Smut mostly, though some angst is good now and then. I enjoy AUs (especially fantasy and sci-fi) and won't say not to fake dating.
Favorite writer(s)? - I go absolutely feral about most (all?) of the Midam fics by saintmichael on AO3
What do you like to write? - Smut, fluff, AUs, fix-its, and lately I've been dabbling in dark(er) fic
Most underappreciated fic? - That would probably be this dark(-ish) Nickifer fic: Blind Trust
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? -I've never written a case fic, which seems criminal in the SPN fandom! So far I'm not confident I could pull off the suspense aspect of the search for what monster is involved, and resolve the whole thing competently. Some suggestions on how to structure/plan a case fic would be appreciated.
@kazsrm67 -
Other SM names? - Same name on Discord
OTP? - I would have to go with Sam x Eileen I suppose.
Other fandoms? - Not much really although I occasionally read Stargate or NCIS fics.
Looking for in the Pond? - I was invited by a friend on Tumblr to be honest I'm super introverted and I can't really answer this. But I was told its a good way to "meet" other writers and get help when stuck on an idea.
Pairings you read? - I mostly read Dean x reader or Dean x OFC (this is what I mostly write as well), I do read some Sam fics and dabble in some poly fics but only with specific characters.
Genres you read? - I'll read all of these (angst, fluff, smut, crack) but I spend a lot of time between angst and smut fics. I do love a good soulmate au.
Favorite writer(s)? - So hard to pick a favorite but @spnexploration and @jawritter on Tumblr are two of my top writers.
What do you like to write? - I write a lot of soulmate fics, but I try to write many different types.
Most underappreciated fic? - My Omega
Something you haven't written but would like to try? Why not? How can we help? - I have a rockstar!Dean fic in mind, it would be very angsty and discuss domestic violence against men, I haven't tried writing it yet mostly because time. I work full time and am a mom but it's definitely something I am looking at diving into sooner rather than later. I think the help I could use is someone to edit and bounce ideas off. I have a good friend I do this with but sometimes I wonder if it would help to have someone else to bounce ideas off (I get shy and don't reach out tho).
Tumblr media
That's all for this month, folks! (If we're missing anyone, let us know and we'll add them to next month's list!) Make sure to say hi to the newbies and make them feel welcome! Thanks to all from @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @spencereliotwinchester and @heavenssexiestangel!
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thepeculiarbird · 6 months
Last Line tag
Thanks @jezifster for the tag !
Context : They came home from the trip and poor Noe tried to unpack his stuff but got interrupted thrice so he just gave up lol
I pass it* to her and give up unpacking completely, it can wait until tomorrow.
*his dirty laundry (mom asked it)
Tag : @kaylinalexanderbooks @raiden-makoto @sarandipitywrites @jaelink @aalinaaaaaa @lyutenw @buffythevampirelover @nettleandthorne @finxi-writes @arwenschepers @corruptedbread @whimsical-blood-fairy @unrepentantcheeseaddict @kidukami @ryns-ramblings @rowenas-my-fave-child @mysticstarlightduck + open
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albertelaursen · 7 months
the harry potter sims 4 legacy challenge <3
If Hogwarts has ever said something to you or ever caught your interest, then I guess you might be at the right place :)
To my fellow Harry Potter fans <3 here's something I've got for you. Now let's get on with it, shall we?
General Rules:
Aging & Lifespan: Use normal lifespan or long lifespan. Short is not recommended.
Money: No use of money cheats. Earn your wealth through careers, skills, and other in-game means. Start with 1.000 simoloeons and work your way up. If you want to make it more difficult start out with 0 simoloeons.
Magic: Given the base game's limitations, use your imagination to simulate magical achievements (e.g., a Sim mastering the Logic skill could be seen as mastering potions or spells).
Legacy Home: Choose a lot to serve as Hogwarts, where all generations will live. You cannot move lots, but you can expand and renovate as your family grows and wealth accumulates.
Succession: The heir of each generation can be male or female, chosen based on the fulfillment of their generational goals.
Gen 1: The Founder (Godric Gryffindor):
Bravery has your name on it. Like I mean written all-over it. You always wanted to show it off. But will you be able to show it off? Or will something get in the way to take you down?
Aspiration: Bodybuilder (to represent bravery and strength)
Traits: Active, Good, Ambitious
Goals: Start of as a teenager, reach level 10 in Fitness, build a "common room" in your home, achieve the top of the Athlete career, and have at least 3 children.
Gen 2: The Scholar (Rowena Ravenclaw):
Your always loved books. Books has always been your safe space. If something happened at home you would just open a book, and zone out, for how long? I'm not that sure. Probrably long enough I guess.
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Traits: Genius, Bookworm, Creative
Goals: Master the Logic and Writing skills, write and publish 5 books, own a library filled with at least 100 books in your home, and have at least 3 adopted children.
Gen 3:The Loyal (Helga Hufflepuff):
You're the loyal friend everyone's looked for. I mean literally everyone. Anybody could use somebody like YOU!
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Traits: Cheerful, Good, Outgoing
Goals: Befriend 20 Sims, achieve level 10 in the Cooking skill, and throw a grand feast for your friends, and have 5 children.
Gen 4: The Cunning (Salazar Slytherin):
Who said enemy? Well, no one has said it. It just your the enemy. Everybody fears you. Yeah, YOU!
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Traits: Ambitious, Self-Assured, Mean
Goals: Reach the top of the Criminal career, achieve level 10 in Mischief, and have a basement dedicated to your "dark arts" (use creative decoration to represent this), and have 1 child and make their childhood a living hell - if the child dies before they are young adult, then you have to adopt a child if it's too late to make one :)
Gen 5: The Chosen One (Harry Potter):
Your the chosen one, as in the one Voldemort is after. Will you be able to take him down? Or would it be the other way around?
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief (representing his role as a leader against Voldemort)
Traits: Genius, Loner, Art lover
Goals: Form a "Dumbledore's Army" club with at least 6 members (do this imaginary), master Handiness (to represent his knack for getting out of tricky situations), defeat a "dark lord" by achieving level 10 in the Logic skill (chess matches against a designated rival Sim), and have 1 enemy as in Lord Voldemort, and have at least 2 children.
Gen 6:The Bright Witch (Hermione Granger):
Your always been on top of your game. Means you go back in time to go to class, because you missed it somehow. But you always find a way to get back up again. And catch up. With all the homework and stuff.
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Traits: Genius, Neat, Perfectionist
Goals: Master 3 skills of your choice (to represent her broad knowledge), achieve top grades in school, lead a successful protest against an injustice in your community, and have at least 4 children.
Gen 7: The Loyal Friend (Ron Weasley):
Your there then someone needs you. You are always there. Like for real always. Would it be to much to handle? To look after everybody?
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante
Traits: Good, Clumsy, Loves the Outdoors
Goals: Master the Comedy skill, have a large family (at least 5 children), and find and marry your childhood sweetheart.
Gen 8: The Protector (Sirius Black):
Azkaban has been your place, where your lived for as long as you remember. And you can't say that it's been fun. It hasn't. It's been an awful place to be. But someday, just someday you decide to escape and then you would be on the run again. How many times should you be on the run? Would you be able to escape succesfully? Or would it just be a fail all-over again?
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief (twisted to represent his mischievous nature and ability to evade capture)
Traits: Good, Hot-Headed, Genius
Goals: Escape a "prison" (lock yourself in a room for a week simulating Azkaban, then break out), live as a "dog" (Pet Lover lifestyle "like imagine it") for a period, prove your innocence by achieving high friendship with all household members, and have 4 children.
Gen 9: The Teacher (Albus Dumbledore):
Your always wanted to teach everybody all off your knowlegde. Would you be able to do that? Or would something get in the way?
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim (representing his wide range of knowledge and skills)
Traits: Genius, Good, Creative
Goals: Reach the top of the Education career (use your imagination for base game careers that could fit), mentor children in 3 different skills, have a significant artifact collection (minerals, elements, or fossils), and have 3 enemies & 3 children.
Gen 10: The Healer (Madam Pomfrey):
If you could heal everybody you would. If it was that easy to heal somebody. But it isn't, it's harder than it seems. Would you be able to heal your friends? Or would everything just turn out to be wrong?
Aspiration: The Curator (to represent her collection of cures and remedies)
Traits: Good, Neat, Genius
Goals: Achieve level 10 in the Gardening skill (to grow plants for potions and remedies), master the Cooking skill (to make food that heals), and "heal" 20 different Sims (make 20 friends by imagining you're healing them from various conditions).
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ofmythsandfables · 3 months
Okay, muses that are awake tonight!
Belle, Merida, Rowena, Elizabeth, Selina, Natasha, Brenna, Shani and Rory
Godric, Salazar, Vlad, Jamie, Sherlock, Evander and Aiden
They can all be found here if you’re needing to get a feel for them. Give this a like if you want to write stuff with any of them!
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