#Rubble Saver
wd-ghosty · 1 month
2012 Ophelia fic
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The three of them were out in a park walking, doing normal people stuff, even though you weren’t normal people. They got weird stares from mothers walking with their children, people walking their dogs, and elderly couples stare at you guys in shock.
“You guys don’t think we could’ve gone to prince’s house, look at all the people staring at us” Jean puts his head down in slight embarrassment, all the eyes on them were too much for him to take.
“Well I wouldn’t say these outfits are the most family friendly…” Val tried to cover her waist with her flowy sleeves to moderate success.
Irritated by all the shame oozing out of her friends, Ophie decided to speak up. “Why are you two acting like this? We cosplay all the time, do you shouldn’t be embarrassed. And Valley, my love, cleavage and mid drift isn’t gonna send you to the ninth ring of hell.”
Ophelia’s a 16 year old designer, and cosplayer, with a couple of hustles on the side. She doesn’t like being her own model so she’ll get her friends to do it, sing the do gladly. Today was like any other, they go somewhere to take pictures them leave, but today was different.
While walking back to the car, they were putting all their stuff in the trunk, when a bright purple triangle tore through the sky. And what is best described as a lovecraftian apocalypse begun.
While running through the city, the clothes she was wearing ripped up, but that was the least of her concerns. All she could hear were the blood curdling screams of people all around her, she wanted to help but she knows helping is meaningless in a situation like this.
Ophelia ran back to her house, she hastily changed out of the clothes she was wearing and plot something more practical on. While running she saw orbs transforming whatever they scanned into monstrous anthro things, and she knew it wouldn’t be long before they reached her place.
After grabbing light water and food, stuffing it into messager bag, she grabs three things off her shelf. A purse, and parasol, and two lace fans. She grabbed a back and white snake mask before heading back out.
She planned to go upstate, thinking that’s far enough from the city, but to get out of manhattan she’ll have to go back to the city.
While creeping around the streets, sticking to the shadows trying to stay as, discrete as possible she hear rubble falling, then someone screaming.
“…I can’t. I shouldn’t.” She thinks to herself, “it’s the fucking apocalypse, I need to worry about myself, and anyone else skilled enough to get out…” she gets up to try and walk away but right before her eyes she sees someone her turned into a tentacle monster, she freezes.
Watching as that person loses all humanity, she snaps back into her body quickly hiding so the scanners won’t catch her. Even the coast is clear she gets up and starts running, in the direction of the screaming man.
“Hello?” She tries to project her voice while whispering, hoping the guy can hear her, “Sir are you still here?” A pit formed in her stomach, and the sinking sense of her mistake sprints to catch up with her. “HELLO” silence, the severity of the situation weighing in on her she lets out one last call. “sir please say something…”
“Over here, it’s hard to talk while trying to push cinder blocks off unit chest…”
She rushes over to the voice, seeing a guy wearing a bunch of… stuff? And a hockey mask, that supposed to look like a skull I guess.
She instantly drops to her knees and try’s to pry the blocks off of the guy, with their combined strength he’s freed and stands up on his own too feet, and dust himself off.”
“You’re a real life saver, thanks for that.”
“You’re wel-“
“No time get up we have to go.” He runs head first onto one of the scouting eye ball things suns destroys it
“Whatareyoudoing!” She harshly whispers, trying to stop him before more come.
“Just follow my lead viper, I’ll get us to safety.” He runs down the street, and Ophelia follows him.
“What did you call me?”
“Well your whole snake motif, Viper, it just fits.”
“Well I’d like something more like Boa, or inyoka, mabey even na-“
“You talk a lot,” Casey grabs her but the wrist and starts running “just follow me!”
The eventually made it into a car and they started driving,
“OMG that was…”
“So cool.”
“We almost died” she shrieked, “we almost got turned into monsters by a green substance and we had to escape laser and alien stuff while doing it!” She went on a tangent, about how Casey’s actions almost got them killed.
“But it was fun.”
“It kinda was- BUT that’s besides the point.” She slumped down in the passenger seat of the car, “what were you doing wandering around, and not hiding?”
“You were wandering.”
“I was escaping.”
There was a short silence in the car before Casey spoke up, “if you need to know I was looking for my sister, and dad. But as you can tell I didn’t find them…”
“Damn…” she was never the best at cheering people up, so she would always try and make them feel like they have common problems.
“Well my family left me, if that makes you feel any better. I know left is weird terminology but it’s the truth. Moved me across country and only calls to make sure I’m alive. But they also bought a nice house for me so I don’t mind it as much as I could.”
Casey just started laughing his ass off at her statement, “I- I can’t believe you just said that!? So uncalled for… also sad, but funny”
“Okay dude just drive.”
“Just saying”
Casey and Ophelia went driving around the city, barely evading krangg solders. It was obvious he was looking for someone but he didn’t find them. All of a sudden he made a super sharp right turn,
“What the fuck, what happened!?”
A red head, jumped in the car and instantly told Casey where to go. She was in too much of a panic to notice Ophie, so she kept her mouth shut.
It felt like she’s before nightfall came, but finally the dust settled… more like people disappeared. It’s unusual to see such a populated city, so barren… all of a sudden she hears the back door swing opens, she draws her parasol seconds away from opening it, until she sees.
“oh my god, IS THAT GUY DEAD!?”
everyone in the car instantly turns to her in shock, and she’s looking at them in shock.
“Well considering this is an apocalypse, I guess that’s normal…”
Then she looks at the passed out guy, and the people who carried him in. And she screams.
“HOLLY SHIT ARE THOSE ANTHRO TURTLES!? Huh twitter furries really over exaggerated you looks…”
“Never mind that, CASEY!”
“On it.” He instantly hit the gas and Ophie fell back in her seat. The tension in the car was thick as the headed for upstate New York, but when they got to the farm house she decided to stick around.
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Thx for reading, I’m currently working on chapter 2 so if you liked this then you should read it when I post it<<<333
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One Person's Waste is Another's Wealth.
Save things or waste, it's your choice. Be a Recycler, Be a Saver.
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Waste is any material that is not needed by the owner, producer, or processor. Humans, animals, other organisms, and all processes of production and consumption produce waste. It has always been a part of the earth’s ecosystem, but its nature and scale were such that the ecosystem could use waste in its many cycles. In fact, there is no real waste in nature. The apparent waste from one process becomes input to another.
It is the exponential growth of human activities that has made waste a problem to be managed. We are simply producing much more waste than the amount nature can handle.
It is far better to prevent generation of waste than to produce waste and then try to ‘manage’ it. We cannot simply throw away waste. ‘There is no away in throw away’. What we throw away often comes back to us in a different form. What we dispose of remains in the ecosystem and causes some form of pollution. This pollution can have an impact far away from the point of generation and far removed in time too.
The composition, quantity and disposal of waste determine the environmental problems it creates. To minimize the adverse effects of any waste, it has to be recycled, isolated permanently in storage, allowed to decompose and degrade into a harmless state, or treated to remove any toxicity it may have. 
Gaseous waste, which is caused mainly by emissions from vehicles and other sources and caries fine particles of matter, leads to air pollution and smog. When gaseous waste is deposited on land as acid rain, it pollutes the soil and water. 
Most disposable wastes are in the form of solids, liquids, or slurries. The main categories of such wastes are the following: 
Domestic Waste : Sewage, waste water contaminated by detergents, dirt, or grease, household garbage, and bulky waste including packaging material, appliances furniture, office equipment, and used cars. 
Factory waste: Solids and effluents from factories of all types. The worst polluters are slaughterhouse, breweries, tanneries, textile, paper and steel mills, and most chemical industries; power plants discharge heated coolant water causing thermal pollution. 
Waste from the oil industry: Oil spills, oil leaks, water used for cleaning tankers, etc. 
Construction waste: Materials from buildings that are demolished or renovated and materials discarded after completing a building. 
Waste from the extractive industries: Mining, quarrying, and dredging create solid waste and slurries.
Plastic waste: Thousands of different goods made of plastic, thrown away after use, are everywhere on land and sea. 
Agricultural waste: Mostly organic waste from plants and animals; irrigation water from farms containing fertilizers and pesticides.
Waste from food processing: Organic solid and liquid waste from discarded food materials.
Biomedical waste: Originates mainly from hospitals and clinics and includes blood, diseased organs, poisonous medicines, etc. 
E-waste: A more recent form of waste from discarded electronic equipment 
Nuclear waste: Radioactive waste from nuclear plants and the manufacturer of nuclear weapons; remains active and dangerous for thousands of years. 
Apart from these regular sources, waste also comes from special events: 
Waste from natural disasters: Rubble from earthquakes, slag and ash from volcanoes, wastes left behind by floods, cyclones and typhoons. 
Waste from wars and conflicts: Apart from dead bodies and destroyed building, wars leave behind exploded and live shells, landmines, etc. In some cases, deadly war material has effects lasting decades. Agent Orange, a herbicide, used the in Vietnam war, and depleted uranium in the 1991 Gulf War are example. 
It is very difficult to assess the effects of all types of waste on the environment. We do not know the total amounts, composition, and dispersal of waste. Nor do we have enough scientific knowledge of the long-term impact of most substances that form part of the waste. What is considered non-hazardous today may be declared dangerous tomorrow. In fact, environmentalists feel that we must follow the precautionary principle and treat every chemical or waste as being potentially harmful unless proven otherwise. 
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Municipal Solid Waste-
According to the municipal solid waste definition, it is primarily produced in houses. In other words, most municipal solid waste comes from household consumption. However, municipal solid waste includes also some commercial and industrial waste.
Municipal Solid Waste Examples-
The largest component of municipal solid waste is everyday items, such as packaging, Grass clippings, Bottles, Furniture, Clothing, Food scraps, Newspapers, Appliances, Paint, Batteries.
These come from our homes, businesses, schools, and hospitals.
How is Municipal Solid Waste Disposed?
There are helpful disposing methods for half of the annual worldwide municipal solid waste like:
Recycling programs
Municipal solid waste landfill with advanced technology
Unfortunately, the remaining 50% of worldwide waste products lots of damages due to inappropriate management. This municipal waste is dumped in rivers, on land, and on seas. In the worst case, it is openly burned!
Municipal Solid Waste Pollution
One of the significant sources of environmental problems is incorrect collecting and disposing of municipal solid waste in urban areas. The waste streams originating from industrial commercial solid waste sources are different from the hazardous substances in household waste.
For example, unfortunately, municipal solid waste may be mixed with regulated medical waste. This global issue can cause real problems for many industries, such as factories, farms, hospitals.
Besides, improper disposal of municipal solid waste can cause unsanitary conditions. In turn, these conditions lay waste to human health and the environment, like the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Consequently, living things’ lives are in danger due to many factors, from water pollution to large carbon emissions. So, proper solid waste collection, management, and disposal are essential for public health, safety, and environmental quality.
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Hazardous Wastes.
hazardous waste means any waste, which by reason of characteristics, such as physical, chemical, biological, reactive, toxic, flammable, explosive or corrosive, causes danger to health, or environment. It comprises the waste generated during the manufacturing processes of the commercial products such as industries involves in petroleum refining, production of pharmaceuticals, petroleum, paint, aluminium, electronic products etc.
For the first time, Rules have been made to distinguish between hazardous waste and other wastes. Other wastes include- waste tyres, paper waste, metal scrap, used electronic items, etc. and are recognised as a resource for recycling and reuse. These resources supplement the industrial processes and reduce the load on the virgin resource of the country.
Problems associated with unscientific disposal of hazardous and other waste
Burning or incineration causes emission of toxic fumes comprising of Dioxins and Furans, Mercury, heavy metals, causing air pollution and associated health-related problems.
Disposal in water bodies, or in municipal dumps leads to toxic releases due to leaching in land and water entailing into degradation of soil and water quality.
The workers employed in such unscientific practices suffer from neurological disorders, skin diseases, genetic defects, cancer etc. Hence, there is a need for systematic management of hazardous and other waste in an environmentally sound manner.
Scientific disposal of hazardous waste through collection, storage, packaging, transportation and treatment, in an environmentally sound manner minimises the adverse impact on human health and on the environment.
The hazardous waste can be disposed at captive treatment facility installed by the individual waste generators or at common hazardous waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities.
Hazardous waste such as lead acid battery scraps, used oil, spent catalysts etc. and other waste such as waste tyres, paper waste, metal scrap etc. are used as raw material by the industries involved in recycling such waste and as supplementary resources for material and energy recovery. Accordingly, it is always preferable to utilise such waste through recycling, or for resource recovery to avoid disposal through landfill or incineration.
What is a Sanitary Landfill?  
Sanitary landfills are sites where waste is isolated from the environment until  it is safe. Waste is deposited in thin layers (upto 1 m thick) and immediately compacted by heavy machinery. Several such layers are placed and compacted on top of each other to form a refuse cell (up to 3 m thick). At the end of each day the refuse cell is covered with a layer of compacted soil to prevent odours and windblown debris. 
There are several requirements for a proper sanitary landfill: 
It should be located above the water table.
The area should not be geologically active.
It should not be very near residential communities.
The land must be inexpensive to make the cost of operating the landfill worthwhile.
It must be accessible to roads so that garbage can is delivered easily. 
Trained staff should be based at the landfill to supervise site preparation and construction, the depositing of waste and the regular operation and maintenance. 
As the matter inside the sanitary landfill breaks down, it generates gases including methane. Some landfills simply vent these gases, while others collect and use them as fuel. Often, sanitary landfills are reclaimed once they are full. The area on top is used to make sports fields, parks, office parks, and so forth. 
 How is Liquid Waste managed? 
Sewage and industrial effluents are in most cases released directly into water bodies - rivers, lakes, or the ocean. Very often they are not treated before release. 
The 1972 London Convention prohibits the ocean dumping of hazardous waste. The ocean, however, is still not safe, since all the countries do not observe the Convention. Further, thousands of tonnes of toxic substances (including nuclear waste), dumped into the ocean before the convention came into force, are still present in the ocean and silently polluting the marine environment. 
With increasing amounts being generated, management of waste is becoming difficult and expensive. The industrialixed countries have found an easier and less expensive method: export the waste to other countries! 
Why are hazardous and Toxic Wastes Exported? 
Many of the industrialized countries have a waste management problem. Since their economies are based on constant growth, development, and consumption, wastes are mounting up and they are running out of suitable space for landfills or dump yards. At the same time, these countries have strict environmental regulations that make waste  management expensive. 
The most attractive option for the industrialized countries is to export the waste to developing countries, where disposal is cheap and environmental regulations are lax. The latter needs the money and the former wants to get rid of the waste. Developing countries do have more space for disposal, but their tropical ecosystems are more vulnerable to the damaging effects of the waste. There are many cases of environmental damage caused in the developing countries due to improper management of imported toxic waste. 
At any time, there are a number of ships carrying toxic prowling on the high. Seas, ready to dump the waste on an unsuspecting poor country. Alternately, they just dump the cargo somewhere in the middle of the vast ocean . 
Waste management has become an international industry and even some industrialized countries like the UK import waste and make money on it. 90% of the hazardous waste generated in the US is exported to Canada. 
The 1989 Basel Convention aims to minimize the creation of hazardous wastes, reduce transboundary movements of such wastes, and prohibit their shipment to countries lacking the capacity to dispose of them in an environmentally sound manner.
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windblooms · 4 years
childe scenario – after the golden house
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you, an ex-fatui executive, decide against your better judgment and tend to the wounds of the near-dead 11th harbinger following his duel at the golden house.  spoilers for the 1.1 archon quest.
gender-neutral reader.  enemies to lovers  soft spot syndrome.  sfw, but contains mentions of blood/injury.  also childe briefly in foul legacy armor.  canon-divergence.  2669 words (nice).  
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with the fatui’s nails so deep into the city, staying in liyue probably wasn’t your brightest idea in retrospect.  
you blame your sentimentality of liyue on the exact same thing that caused you to leave the fatui in the first place: wanting to live without fear.  while the fatui treated you well enough, as you were considerably efficient in your ranks, being part of a partially underground, partially illegal business wasn’t exactly the most liberating practice either.  it didn’t take long for you to realize that, behind their scheming and pretenses of fair economics, the fatui would have their underlings wound so incredibly tight around their fingers that their violent tasks would rapidly become suffocating. 
that is, once you were in the fatui, getting out would be akin to scaling qingyun peak with one arm tied behind your back.
the only reason you were able to?  because you ran.  you were desperate for a new life, sure, but also you weren’t below realizing when something was out of the question.  it took a few months to shake them off your trail, having to move constantly between fontaine and mondstadt, but you finally settled in liyue.
it was a quiet, peaceful city.  the governing body was fair enough with its jurisdictions, and after a year of hiding, you were able to enjoy the lantern rite festival without fear.
that is, until the northland bank sat its obnoxious ass down the street.
archons, really, once you found a place you thought was safe enough, you’d have to start moving again.  initially, you reasoned that it had been over a year, and that the fatui surely wouldn’t go hunting for a runaway executive.  hell, you weren’t even that high on the ladder.  however, a few run-ins with scaramouche and pulcinella had left you paranoid enough that, if they spotted you, they would surely put an end to your traitorism. 
honestly, you should’ve ratted them out to the knights of favonius while you were in mondstadt.  make a quick bargain, have jean toss a few coins your way, and you would be set.  it would’ve definitely been worth the trouble, now with the knowledge that the fatui were your neighbors.  
now, there’s no time to dwell on what you could’ve done.  it’s either run again, or hold your ground right under the fatui’s nose.  you might, sort of, maybe, probably do not have the funds to move for the third time in a row, but maybe counting couldn’t hurt –
no, yeah, it hurts, you grimace as you slide the coin bag back in your bedside drawer.  outside, it’s dark, and the sky seems a bit more disturbed than usual.  it isn’t usually overcast in liyue, and the blue lightning does nothing to quell your unease.  the streets are also empty, but lights illuminate each building.
from your window, a quick glance towards the northland bank reveals to you that it is uncharacteristically dark.  no lanterns, no lights.  you frown, troubled that the individuals you were so alert to monitoring, had a lifeless stronghold.  not typical of them at all. 
so, you decide while your long-time enemies are plotting (or whatever they’re doing that prompts them to close an entire bank for), now might be the best time to potentially make a run for it, light coin bag be damned.
hastily, you rid your apartment of personal belongings by unceremoniously shoving them into your bag.  if it’s one thing you were grateful for in this world, it’s archon magic.  you don’t fuss over the science behind it, but whatever made your bag feel like a bottomless pit was an actual life-saver.  packing is extremely efficient with it, and in less than fifteen minutes, you’re ready to go.
all that’s left is to write a thank-you note to the liyuen couple who let you stay while their son was out exorcising.  at the time, they assured you that you would be no trouble for you to take up a guest room, but nonetheless you tried to pay them with whatever you had left over after commissions.
you grab a writing utensil, still feeling a bit rude to leave on such short notice, and swear to yourself that you’ll visit in the future.  for good measure (after sullenly looking into your coin bag), you leave an acceptable(-ish) amount of mora on your former bed.
all right.  now, time to leave, with your foot out the door and wind scratching at your face, as if the odd overhead weather wasn’t already an omen.
you’re barely past liyue harbor, headed towards the luhua pools, when a comet shoots above you past mount tianheng.  no, not a comet, you realize as it dips from the sky, headed for landfall around a kilometer away.  a comet of water?
if a dead northland bank wasn’t the nail in the coffin, this surely is.  you’ve been around enough in the fatui to know that whatever fell from the sky has to be the work of a vision user, or some more powerful being.  turning towards where you estimate to be the crash site, you weigh your options.  you’re already outside of the city, and the fatui are probably preoccupied.  you can manage a detour for now and inspect the hydro-apparition.  regardless, you deem that the farther away you are from the water you are, the safer you might be from what’s about to happen – you look back towards liyue harbor, and nearly shudder at the rising tide and choppy waves. 
after about fifteen minutes of walking in the rain, you find yourself between the slope of the dunyu ruins and mount tianheng.  it’s vacant, save for the weathered ruins, and a sizable crater meters wide.  cautiously, you approach the edge, summoning your sword with one hand and conjuring your vision in the other.  you’re not going to let curiosity kill the cat, especially not if this turns out to be a prank by the archons.
in the center of the mess is, well, another mess.  you blink a few times, wary, as you discern that an individual lies in the rubble.  they’re actually conscious, you soon find out, as they righten themselves from the fetal position into a kneel, supporting their body weight with their arms.  their body is covered head-to-foot in dark, purple armor, and a red mask with a broken, center orb gleams faintly in the night.
it is only when you the individual looks up at you, straight at your head, do you realize that you should not be here this was a bad idea –
and then they collapse.
“shit,” you murmur to yourself, vision still pulsing in your palm, which has become increasingly sweaty.  you step back from the edge as an orb of water surrounds the armored-being, encasing him like a cocoon, before dissipating to reveal a much more vulnerable, tired man underneath.  his hair is matted to his face from the rain, yet a much smaller mask rests on his eyes; his clothes are somewhat torn (you suspect that whatever had happened, his armor absorbed most of the damage), and you can very faintly see his chest heave. 
but, ah, speaking of his clothes,
they were the colors of the fatui.
“no, no, bad idea,” you tell yourself over and over again, sword put away yet vision still bouncing in your hands.  you walk away from the crater briefly, before walking towards it again, peaking down to check on the fallen man, and then scamper back.  the whole idea was to run away, not go straight to them, as if you had managed to doom yourself after all.  
pacing back and forth, you contemplate for another minute.  he’s clearly injured, with how he’s laying on the ground and not moving, so the nice, not-so-hardened part of you wants to help him.  if he was a regular civilian, surely you’d already be down there and trying to take him back to liyue and patch him up, but he’s with the enemy.  no way someone who can transform into armor is just an underling, so he’s probably someone exceptionally powerful –
“i see you,” a voice comes from the crater, and your vision nearly explodes in your hands from your nerves.  summoning your sword quicker than you ever have in your life, you steel yourself towards the bottom of the crater.
except, he’s not holding a weapon to your face, or threatening to skewer you into a million pieces.  except, he’s not scowling at you, or demanding you assist him at once before he blows something up.
instead, he’s on his knees.  looking up at you with the desperation of a man completely robbed, crippled from something he can’t speak of yet wants to scream about.  his eyes, now free from the mask, pierce into you with a vividness that could rival the richest hues of luhua, and archons damn it do you melt. 
you melt, and realize you should run away.  you melt, all while cursing yourself, that this man might not be so kind as to spare you in the future, when he’s back at his full health.  you melt, thinking that, well, you haven’t seen him before, so maybe he doesn’t know who you are either.  you melt, even as you extinguish your vision and put away your sword, and slide to the bottom of the crater to lug his limp body back to the top, to the shelter of the ruins, and rummage through your bag for medicine.
he hasn’t said anything for the past ten minutes, and you’re thankful that there’s finally someone from the fatui who can keep their mouth shut, even if this is half-beaten to death.  “you’re not dying on me,” you insist, as if your words could will him back to full consciousness.  “not when i’m risking my life for someone like you.”
as you work on bandaging his arm, out of the corner of your eye you swear you see his mouth twitch.  is he trying to speak?  no, you want some silence for a bit longer, but pause as you notice a gash on his torso.
“this is medically consensual, okay?”  you wait two seconds to see if he objects, before unbuttoning the lower part of his coat and applying pressure on the wound.  the blood has soaked through his clothes, and just as eagerly, seeps into the cloth you’re shoving against it.  the man stirs as you continue to clean his wounds, and when his eyes open, you’re too preoccupied with your short supply of towels to notice.
when you’re aware of a gaze on you, however, you turn towards him with a hardened face.  you already know what you’re going to say.  even if he doesn’t know who you are, you’re going to make it clear that, for your own satisfaction, you won’t help him back to liyue and he’ll have to make the walk himself.
“you were out there,” you say simply, motioning towards the crater with a nod of your head.  “i’ll patch you up, but you’ll have to get further help yourself.”
the man with eyes of the deep regards you, but you busy yourself by applying gauze.  he’s propped up against a pillar, and you’re crouching at his side.  when you’re about finished, only then do you meet his eyes.
he beats you to whatever you’re about to say.  “i didn’t think,” he starts, and you’re already frowning, “that you’d come back.”
ah, referencing when you practically left him in the crater.  his words are vague enough when he says that you ‘came back’ that you aren’t too tense, and you indulge him in a bit of silence before responding.  “not like i’m used to rescuing people who fall from the sky.”
despite his injuries, the man manages a laugh.  he seems almost flustered at your statement, although you can’t understand why.  underneath his soaked bangs, his eyebrows rise, and he seems almost . . . nervous?  you can’t possibly fathom as to why, but dismiss your curiosity.  the more small talk he coerces you into, the longer you’ll spend with him.
you finish sealing the gauze, tossing the roll back into your bag before commanding it to disappear.  blood has soaked into the ground at his sides, also you’re sure that it’ll was away with time.  you’re about to stand up, satisfied with your good-samaritan duties for the day, when he stops you by locking his fingers around your wrist.
he’s in the middle of saying something, but you refuse to let him, drawing your sword and pointing it directly at his throat, his mouth agape as he releases his hold on you.  you consider each other, and when you’re certain you have the upper hand, you draw your line.
you spit the words like venom.  “do not touch me, fatui.  i’ve done what i can for you, and you won’t be getting anything else from me.”
your blade doesn’t lower from his form, and as you stand above him, you regard his hands, as if he might summon his own weapons in an instant.  if he’s smart (which you think he is yet simultaneously pray he isn’t), he’s probably plotting how to get out of your sword’s reach.  you’re not going to let him, after you’ve been so self-sacrificing, putting your life on the line for someone affiliated with the organization that suffocated the life out of you.
a tilt of the head, yet silence from his mouth.  he seems surprised that, while you allowed him to laugh mere moments earlier, you’re now pointing your weapon at him, although something in the ease of his facial features tells you that he’s not concerned in the slightest.
“i wanted to say thank you,” he breathes finally, and you look as if he’d just punched you in the gut.  “being in your position probably isn’t easy, and i’m the last one you wanted to see, but you still . . . ”
fuck, no, not this.  you don’t know if he’s a prophet, if he knows who you really are, or the ‘i’m on the run’ stamp on your forehead is that obvious, but you aren’t going to fall for the fatui’s words.  your fists clench, and you once more prepare to denounce his organization,
and you’re disarmed in an instant, sword thrown to the side and fingers restricted by his larger grasp.  archons, you couldn’t even see him move, what a deceptive bastard, feigning injury –
“stop,” he hushes, and despite your fury you register it as a plea, not a command.  the man repeats himself, before continuing,  “we won’t haunt you any more; i’ll make sure of it.”
five seconds, then ten.  you had determined that his grip was too strong to break free of, and are left in no position to move unless he releases you.  he holds your gaze without a hint of malice, even though you try your hardest to find any in his eyes.  
when he does let go of you, fingers skimming past your flesh, you run faster than you ever have before.
you run, past the ruins, past the harbor, and until you can’t see liyue behind you any more.  you run, unable to see a palace fall from the sky and crash into the ocean, and until you’re surrounded by mountains and there’s not a ginkgo tree in sight.  you run, unsure if his words are true, but certain that he knows who you are.
you won’t trust him.  as you lay on the ground, wheezing to catch the air that’s left your lungs, you once again swear to yourself that you can’t trust the words of the fatui.  
as the northland bank lights ignite themselves in welcome of its master, childe presses a hand to his bandaged torso.  a spark of your vision lingers between his fingers, and he observes it before it disappears.
he’s already hurt enough people.  he heads to the second floor, and erases your name from the fatui files. 
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goothemighty · 4 years
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Alright gang, I’m calling it here. As of this moment I, in the year of 2020, have beaten 69 video games.
It was my resolution last New Years to clean up my list of way to many half finished games, and I dare say I did that. I didn’t wind up beating everything on my list, but still.
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OOF. I’ve been updating this one piece of art all year, which encouraged me to keep going!
I’ll include the full list under the cut, but easily the single biggest personal accomplishment for me was beating Tower of Druaga! That game is the closest thing I’ve ever had to a genuine NEMESIS, but I finally beat it (you can hear my reaction at the very bottom of this post)!!
Here’s the full list:
Beaten (69)
- Dark Souls
- Dark Souls 2
- Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Iron King
- Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Sunken King
- Dark Souls 2: Crown of the Ivory King
- Nier Atomata (AKT)
- Digimon World 2
- Dino Crisis
- Dino Crisis 2
- Silent Hill
- Sa•Ga 2
- Seiken Densetsu
- Super Mario Advance 4 (Mario Bros 3)
- Link’s Awakening (Switch)
- Zelda 2
- Zelda Oracle of Seasons
- Survival Kid
- Mole Mania
- Banjo Kazooie
- Macbat 64
- Kiwi 64
- Pokémon Bronze
- Pokémon Sword
- Pokémon Sword: Isle of Armor
- Pokémon Puzzle Challenge
- Star Fox
- Star Fox 64 DS
- Panzer Dragoon
- Nemesis
- Psycho Soldier
- Samurai Aces
- Gun Bird
- Dragon Crystal
- SNK Gals’ Fighters
- Tail ‘Gator
- Trip World
- Mr. Gimmick
- Hebereke
- Wing of Madoola
- Psychic World
- Gargoyle’s Quest 2
- Castlevania
- Castlevania II: Belmont’s Revenge
- Metroid Fusion
- Rubble Saver
- Rubble Saver 2
- Penta Dragon
- Pokémon TCG
- Pac-Land
- Mappy-Land
- Tower of Druaga (March 22, 2020)
- Wondergirl: Dragon’s Trap
- You Have to Win the Game
- Minit
- (Start With) Nothing
- Princess Maker 2 (beat the War god!!)
- Assault Android Cactus
- DOOM 2
- Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
- Halo Reach
- Crash Bandicoot 3
- Sorcery!
- Dragon Quest Monsters 2
- Dragon Quest V: Estark
- Arduventure
- Ardynia
- TackleBox
- Mario Golf Advance Tour: Story Mode
- Spyro 1 (ain’t got time for Gnasty Gnork; I have a job and a family)
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Drawn, but not beaten...
Special Offenders
- Shin Megami Tensei 2
- Fire Emblem: Monshou no Nazo (Part1)
Got close
- Super Mario RPG
- Digimon Cyber Sleuth
- Ch 17 of 20
- Digimon Cyber Sleuth: Hacker’s Memory
- Ch 12 of 18
Way too much left
- Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen
- Dragon’s Dogma
- Etrian Odyssey V
- Golden Sun
- Chono Trigger
- Final Fantasy VII
- Fire Emblem Echoes
- Dragon Quest XI
- Shiren the Wanderer: Oni Shuurai! Shiren Jou!
- Actraiser
- Zelda Oracle of Ages
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thebladeblaster · 3 years
Pokémon: the Dark Circuit (aka Vanguard Descends season 2)
Chapter 8 Prelude To The Circuit Part 1
Aichi’s current team
Level 81 Wingal (Lycanroc (dusk)) rock
Stealth rock
Stone edge
Play rough
Level 79 Llew (Golisopod) water/bug
Sucker punch
First impression
Level 80 Gancelot (Lucario) fighting/steel
Focus blast
Stone edge
Meteor mash
Dragon pulse
Level 86 Soul Saver (Haxorus) dragon
Iron tail
Dragon dance
Scale shot
Level 100 Alfred (Aegislash) ghost/steel
Sacred sword
King’s shield
Iron head
Shadow Claw
There is only an endless void around.
“Some people thought of you as the devil.”
A child Oliver sits on the ground looking over to someone.
“However I knew better.”
The person he was looking at was a younger Aichi with his back turned. His face was hidden though tears trailing down his cheeks were visible.
“I knew that in reality you were kinder than anyone.”
The young Oliver got up and approached Aichi.
“You simply wouldn’t let your enemies see it.”
The young Aichi briefly looked over to Olivier acknowledging his presence. Olivier put a comforting hand on Aichi’s shoulder.
“You had the burden of a great destiny. One that far exceeded me or anyone else. However I wasn’t envious in the slightest. I knew it was tough for you extremely tough especially with your kind heart.”
The young Aichi walks forward as he does; he seems to grow older. His clothes changed from his attire as a kid. He now wore a long black general-like coat lined with red. The side of the shoulders had a yellow part hanging off. Underneath was some sort of white zipped up top. He wore grey pants and long white boots. He had a belt similar to his father’s with a red A.
“I decided I wanted to be by your side. I wanted to protect you and aid you .”
The young Oliver followed Aichi, also growing older and wearing the same clothes as his current self.
“Conquering others. Subjugating nations. Bringing the world to your feet. Guiding the world. That is what it means to be the messiah. The world may consider you a devil. But I consider you as what you truly are. You will do what needs to be done even if the world curses you as a demon. You are the true messiah who brought peace to the world.”
Olivier vision got blurry and he swayed. He held out his hand desperately out to Aichi as he got further away.
“So why…?”
“Why have you betrayed Team Asteroid? You were more loyal to Team Asteroid than anyone else?!”
Oliver blinks looking around feeling confused. His vision started to become clearer as it did he noticed the pungent scent of smoke everywhere. He noticed his feet were moving as despite his state as if he wasn’t really there and simply reliving a memory. He walked by the side of Aichi in the same attire he was wearing before. The land around them was scarred and billowing with smoke. Once radiant gold buildings had been tarnished in the destruction. The once magnificent structures were now nothing more than rubble. Even the grandiose statue of Arceus was not unscathed. He could make out a stronghold which they seemed to be heading to. You could tell that the building was a bit worse for wear.
Oliver wanted to reach out and speak to Aichi beside him like when he had finally reunited with him. Aichi’s eyes were trained forward as straight as an arrow towards the stronghold. He felt completely different then from when he met him before or even when they were kids. No trace of weakness shown in his expression. He was completely focused on the objective in front of him like a good soldier.
Various elemental attacks shot at them. He felt like jumping, but his body didn’t move. Aichi didn’t seem alarmed in the slightest. They continued to walk forward unfettered to his shock. He noticed a psychic barrier had formed around them. Tons of smoke blocked his vision as they were continuously bombarded with attacks. After a few minutes the attacks ceased.
“Haha! We did it”, one of the people in the stronghold said.
“Those demons must be dead, not even a legendary can survive such an attack!”, another gloated.
Underneath the cover of smoke Oliver saw Aichi’s expression shift to amusement. Aichi continued to walk forward before in an instant he seemed to vanish. The smoke cleared from his vision and the barrier still remained. Aichi stood behind the soldiers holding their general in one hand casually. The general was sweating rivers of sweat and shaked. The soldiers gasped, turning to Aichi and their Pokémon faced him. The general seemed to be struggling to breathe possibly due to the effects of Aichi’s aura like what happened in Hammerlocke caste.
“Guess who?”, Aichi said with amusement.
You could see the general’s hair turning white from all of the stress. His heart beating loudly against his chest and sweating rivers of sweat.
“P-put h-him down!”, a soldier demanded.
Aichi just scoffed, having a very confident look.
“Honestly...you dare tell your god what to do.”, Aichi finally said...no it didn’t seem like exactly the Aichi he met or even the 003v he knew.
The soldier flinched and he backed away unconsciously and noticed their Pokémon had moved back far away from Aichi quivering in fear. These weren’t wimpy Pokémon either, these were: Charizards, Tyranitars, Aggrons, Nidokings, Gyaradoses, Electivires, Hydriegons, Garchomps, Druddigons, and far more.
“You aren’t in the position to make demands anyway.”, Aichi said as he raised up his hand to the general’s neck.
“H-hey what a-are you waiting f-for attack him!?!?!?”, a soldier ordered the Pokémon pointing at Aichi who wore a smug smile.
Tyranitar is a Pokémon that lives for a battle, a Pokémon that actively seeks out challengers and is said to have unbreakable armor. It nervously shuffled back like it was a Pachirisu or something. The Pokémon looked over Aichi cautiously full of fear. Aichi outstretched a hand to the Pokémon with a smile on his face.
“Do you want to come with me? Do you want to get back at them for how they have been treating you?”, Aichi asked.
The Pokémon shuffled nervously looking at each other. A shiny Lycanroc looked down at its damaged paw. You could tell that it had been whipped and beaten a lot; the signs were all over a few of the Pokémon to varying degrees.
“You really think our Pokémon would betray us?! We have raised most of them since they were babies!”, a soldier said.
The Lycanroc looked over to Aichi feeling almost lured in. The aura he gave off while to enemies it can choke the will out of them to others it can feel extremely warm and inviting. It was an aura that naturally made those exposed to it want to give up everything for him. Some Pokémon tensed closer towards Aichi. The soldiers expression shifted to disbelief in horror as the Pokémon started walking over to Aichi’s side. A soldier raised a gun to shoot the Pokémon however Aichi used his psychic powers to jam the gun.
“Good choice. Now...”, Aichi said as he turned to the frightened soldiers.
He walked over to Aichi’s side raising a Poké ball. Aichi raised up one as well as the soldiers cowered.
“Go, Morgana!”, Aichi called out, throwing out a Inteleon.
“Go, Percival!”, Oliver called out, throwing out his Cinderace.
“Morgana use snipe shot!”, Aichi ordered.
“Percival use pyro ball!”, Oliver ordered.
Their attacks hit the soldiers and the other Pokémon joined in.
“W-why?!”, a soldier questioned.
“You shouldn’t be surprised. Considering how you have been treating these Pokémon. It’s ironic this place used to be a preserve but the moment the rare Pokémon that it was supposed to be protecting became useful to them of course as you humans tend to do...you exploited them.”, Aichi said, frowning.
Aichi turned away walking as Oliver followed. The soldiers screamed as they were attacked by their former Pokémon till eventually they went silent.
“It was just platitudes. They didn’t care at all…”, Aichi said, his voice more quiet now.
Oliver put his hand on his shoulder as they walked through the former preserve. He noticed a flicker of sadness in Aichi’s eyes. Many were beaten pretty badly which was likely intentional considering they can easily be healed by the healing stations all over the faculty.
“Olivier can you call for some grunt to pick them up?”, Aichi asked.
“Yeah...It’s fine 003v they be fine now.”, Oliver replied as he pulled out a communicator.
As Oliver made the call he noticed two employees of the company standing in front of an injured Haxorus. It seemed they had been rushing, likely hearing that they had arrived. The Haxorus growled at them stubbornly grabbing one of the whips the employees had with its teeth.
“Darn it you stupid reptile! Just give it to us! Before that-“, one of the employees was saying before he froze.
He desperately tried to move and panicked as he realized he couldn’t move his body. Both of them screamed as Aichi walked between them. Aichi looked down at the injured Haxorus and it seemed to be protecting something. It held an egg close to its chest. The Haxorus backed away nervously as Aichi approached with eyes full of paranoia and roared at Aichi.
“Hey, it’s alright. I won’t let them hurt you anymore.”, Aichi assured.
The Haxorus growled at him and Aichi looked taken aback. Unlike him Olivier couldn’t understand Pokémon. The Haxorus staggered and swayed as Aichi reached out for the Haxorus.
“W-wait!”, Aichi pleaded, before the Haxorus started to fall.
He caught the Haxorus with his psychic powers before it fell. Aichi lowered his head, closing his eyes.
“She’s dead...you…”, Aichi said with venom in his voice and glared at the two employees who tried to cower but couldn’t move.
Aichi was surrounded in a dark blue aura.
“All of that for an egg! You killed her for her egg!”, Aichi said, his voice full of rage.
“W-wait we can explain?!”, the employee stampered.
“Explain it to Giratina after you see him in the Distortion World.”, Aichi replied as the two panicked more.
As Oliver finished the call the employees bodies crumpled to the ground dead. Aichi held the Haxorus’s egg securely.
“You gave everything to protect this egg. I won’t let it be in vain.”, Aichi said.
Olivier felt a sad smile form on his face. Aichi lowered down the Haxorus’s body gently and closed her eyes. Aichi’s eyes were shadowed as he did so.
“003v. It’s alright.”, Olivier assured patting his shoulder as Aichi stubbornly looked away.
“It’s alright for you to feel. No one else is here.”, Olivier continued.
Olivier could see him holding back his tears before finally letting them fall.
“W-why...can’t I just be emotionless?”, Aichi questioned, putting his hand over his heart.
He may be able to trick their enemies but he couldn’t trick him. Oliver gave him a small hug.
In reality Olivier rushes to Aichi and the others before they leave.
“It’s a long story but after I completed the Millennium Puzzle a spirit came from it.”, Yugi explained, gesturing his necklace.
“Alright.”, Aichi accepted nodding like that was perfectly normal.
The others sweat dropped at this. To be fair considering how weird Aichi’s own existence was it was no surprise he wasn’t bothered by something so ridiculous. Then suddenly Aichi froze and a worried expression appeared on his face.
“Wait...Oh...Arceus...my mom is going to kill me...”, Aichi realized, looking very pale.
Kai and Misaki sweat dropped at this and Kamui looked fearful knowing very well how Aichi’s mother could be.
“Your mom? Is something wrong?”, Tea asked.
“I-I’ve got to go back to Kakusa as soon as possible! I’ll just have to train there and make sure she does not find out.”, Aichi replied, looking very panicked and fearful.
“I don’t get what the deal is. It’s just your mom.”, Jonouchi replied cluelessly.
“Aichi’s mom is a scary woman…”, Kamui replied shaking.
“And she’s overprotective of him.”, Misaki added.
“Ooh…”, Jonouchi replied as Aichi quickly looked around for a way back to Kakusa.
“Well our boat got blown up so you would have to fly back.”, Yugi said.
“I...I don’t have any flying Pokémon. I’ll just have to…”, Aichi pondered.
Flying there with his Psyqualia crossed his mind though he was still a bit worried about losing control again. Still...he knew he would have to use it again eventually versus Leon. So, whether he likes it or not he must use it.
“I guess...I’ll fly myself.”, Aichi said, before his feet started to hover above the ground and the Kantonians jumped in shock.
“Wait...but Olivier...this might be my one chance to talk to him.”, Aichi thought.
“I have to do something here first.”, Aichi said.
“Well, your not going alone.”, Misaki said, and Aichi reluctantly nodded in response.
“Alright.”, Aichi agreed, knowing how much he had already made them worry.
Aichi sees Oliver approaching him from a distance. The others look a bit cautiously as he comes near. Aichi starts approaching Oliver much to their confusion.
“Hey bro what are you doing?!”, Kamui questioned incredulously.
“I need to talk to him.”, Aichi replied simply.
“Why? He could have been sent down here by Gin.”, Misaki asked.
Aichi said nothing looking towards Oliver who was now there. Jonouchi sneered at Oliver and Honda readied to hold him back if he needed to. Yugi looked at Aichi with confusion and curiosity as to why he was doing this.
“Oliver we need to talk before I leave.”, Aichi said.
“Wait...did...did he ever introduce himself?”, Anzu pondered.
“No, he didn’t.”, Misaki replied.
“How do you know him bro?”, Kamui questioned.
“Oliver is the son of Arthur Gaillard, my father’s brother. Making us cousins.”, Aichi revealed as the others gasped in shock.
The others gasped in shock besides Kai who just looked shocked but didn’t vocalize it.
“Your cousin?!”, Kamui questioned.
“I spent a lot of my early life with him. Just give me a few minutes. Please.”, Aichi said.
“...Alright. Fine, but me and Kamui will be there to make sure there’s no funny business.”, Misaki replied.
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sweetness47 · 5 years
The Newcomer
Pairing Cas x Dean x Sam
@castielspnbingo​ – pirate AU
@spndeanbingo​ – Castiel
@samwinchesterbingo​ – dry humping
@deanandsambingo​ – bed sharing
WARNINGS: MATURE 18+ READERS ONLY!!!!! Smut, threesome, wincest, three men, sub! Cas, amnesia, near death experience
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“This is gonna be one hell of a shitstorm Sammy!” Dean’s words carry through the walls of the cave. The waterfall gem was one of the best finds the brothers had discovered since landing on the island. It had proven a life saver many times, shielding the boys from the occasional tropical hurricane that passed through.
They had formed a routine for storms, the first was making sure the shelter was secure. Food was piled for the long haul, as the storms could last anywhere from a couple of days to a week. The boys made sure there was enough dry wood to last, then they spent their days and evenings huddled for warmth, fucking, making love.
Sam loved being the big spoon. He was taller than Dean, which made him a better cuddle buddy. He usually woke first, and he was always rock hard. Sam would grind his erection into Dean’s ass, the two pairs of thin boxers providing little shielding. He would start humping his older brother, holding his hips as he assaulted him. Dean loved how it felt, it was his favorite way to wake up, moaning as each push got more intense. When he couldn’t take it any longer, Dean would pull from Sam’s hold so he could turn and face his lover, their lips colliding in a heated exchange that left both needing. Sometimes Dean would go first, sometimes Sam, but neither one left unsatisfied. Their life was perfect.
“Captain! Hurricane!!!” Gabriel shouted. Cas looked to the skies, his eyes taking in the dark threat, mentally preparing for the worst.
“Secure those barrels! Get the sails rolled up! Move! Anything not tied down needs to get below deck! It’s coming in fast!”
Michael and Luci grabbed the sails, while Gadreel and Gabe began moving lose items below. The brothers were the most feared pirates to ever grace the seven seas. Modern day thieves, the family of brothers turned to piracy as a way to survive after they were orphaned. Cas wasn’t the oldest, in fact, he was the youngest of the five. He was ten when their father had passed. As he grew, none could deny his natural ability to lead, to be calm and level-headed, even when things went south. Actually, his leadership and quick thinking had kept them from getting caught numerous times.
They had enough to retire 10 times over, but the urge to venture out, to feel the thrill of the adrenaline rush as they lifted precious cargo from various places without being caught, was too great to resist. The sheer power they felt after each successful heist was beyond addictive. They had encountered storms before, even hurricanes, but this one was darker, more menacing than any previous ones. Indeed, this one was far more dangerous, and Cas was pretty sure it was a category five.
High velocity winds and lightning set up them much quicker than they had predicted. Visibility dropped to near zero as the heavens opened, unleashing a torrential rainfall. Cas yelled for everyone to get below, to forget the kegs that remained loose. The lives of his brothers were worth far more than some cargo.
He watched the last brother reach the safety of the cabins just before waves crashed into the sides of the boat, catching Cas off guard. The last thing he remembered before his head slammed into the rails, was the lightning bolt hitting the deck, cracking the vessel wide open and flames erupting to engulf the entire ship.
The brothers peeked out after the three-day event, eyes taking in the damage from the storm. Leaves and branches littered the swim hole, but thankfully the shelter remained mostly intact. That was the one thing they were grateful for, the shelter that the cliff provided them. Dean volunteered to check the main beach, mostly because Sam had done it last time. They usually came back empty handed, but occasionally were graced with various gifts, including clothing, well-packaged food, blankets, and even toiletries.
Today was different.
At first, Dean saw only the wreckage: broken wood, tattered sails. He began to pick through the rubble, finding a few surprises, including rare gold coins and jewels, hell, he even found a few kegs of beer and wine. Then he noticed the movement under a distant pile of rubble, followed by low moaning.
Fuck! There was a person under there!
Dean ran over, grabbing the wooden planks and tossing them aside. He uncovered the man’s dark hair first, then worked on the rest. Finely tuned muscle and well defined hips had Dean licking his lips. Jeez Dean, focus!
He found some rope and a made a makeshift sleigh to bring him back to camp.
“Sammy!” he yelled.
The younger Winchester came running. “Dean? What the…” he paused when he saw the unconscious man on the stretcher.
“Found him under a pile of rubble. I didn’t get a chance to go through the rest of the stuff. Thought this should be our first priority.”
Sam nodded and knelt down beside the stretcher. He checked his pulse and checked for any major signs of injury. Finding none, he checked for ID next. The family crest was the only thing Sam did find on his neck chain, but there was no name with it.
“Well, whoever he is, he’s going to have one nasty headache. He’s lucky he survived.” Sam noted. “I’ll go check through the rest of the stuff. You stay here. And, Dean?”
His brother looked up, meeting Sam’s lips in a gentle kiss. “Yeah?”
Sam smiled. “Be careful.”
“Don’t worry Sammy, I ain’t planning on dying today.” With that, he playfully swatted Sam’s ass while sending him to check the shore line.
Moaning from the makeshift bed had Dean focussing once again on the newcomer. His eyes fluttered open, trying to adjust to the sunlight. His eyes took in his surroundings, then they landed on Dean. The man tried to scramble away and gain a defensive stance. Dean put his hands up slowly, palms facing out to show peace.
“Whoa, easy. I’m not going to hurt you. I found you buried under some wreckage and brought you to our camp. You’re safe here.”
The man relaxed, then gingerly brought his hand up to the back of his head, wincing at the pain. “Thank you for helping me. Where are we?”
Dean shrugged. “No clue. My brother and I have been here a long time, over a year.” He held his hand out in greeting. “Name’s Dean.”
The man paused for a moment, then took the hand offered. “Cas.”
Both Cas and Dean stared a few moments longer, as sparks passed between them. It was almost magnetic. Both men pulled away quickly, embarrassed. Sam returned later to find Dean and the stranger talking while consuming some fruit. Behind Sam, a sled filled with men’s clothing, bottles of wine, a few kegs of beer, and a slew of well sealed rations, including granola bars, toiletries, dried fruit, jerky, and first-aid supplies.
Dean lets out a low whistle, then turns to Cas. “Sam here is my younger brother.” Then he turned to Sam. “This is Cas.” The two exchange handshakes, and again both feel a spark, a magnetic attraction that neither would admit to. However, this doesn’t go unnoticed by Dean. But instead of jealousy, he feels lust, noting the three-way connection possibilities. Dean feels himself getting hard at the idea, wondering if Cas would be interested in joining him and Sam.
The evening is filled with talk and laughter and food. Cas notes that the brothers are very easy going, and has also noticed that they haven’t pressed him for any information about himself, not that he can remember. He can’t even remember his own name. The only reason he was able to give a name at all was he had seen it tattooed on his forearm.
Among the notable details is the closeness the two brothers share, and the spark he’d experienced with both men. They were both devastatingly handsome, an instant attraction no one could deny.
Eventually, arrangements were made for sleeping. The brothers offered their guest the choice of cave or the lean-to cabin they’d built. Both had decent sleep areas and a fire could easily be built in the cave if need be. Cas chose the lean-to, giving the brothers the larger quarters. They bid each other good night and Cas watched as Sam and Dean wrapped their arms around each other and walked toward the waterfall.
Cas couldn’t fall asleep. He tossed and turned, feeling like something was missing. The boys had made quite the home here, the bed was more than comfortable, so whatever was bugging him, it wasn’t the comfort level.
Then he knew. It was the sleeping arrangements. Cas couldn’t explain it, but the desire to sleep with Sam and Dean was overwhelming his mindset. He wasn’t sure if he swung that way, but his mind didn’t care, and neither did his cock, now rigid with the idea of the brothers taking him. If this was going to be his first time, he wanted it to be with Sam and Dean.
Before Cas had even blinked, he found himself heading toward the cave. The closer he got, the more excited he became, as heavy breathing and lustful noises greeted him. He glanced inside to find the brothers entwined in each other’s arms, dry humping, grinding as they kissed. Cas began rubbing his own hard cock, moaning softly as he watched.
Dean looked over to the entrance, seeing Cas standing there. He whispers something to Sam, who nods eagerly.
“Cas, both Sam and I would love for you to join us.”
Cas had never moved so fast as he did then, driven by lust and desire, his need to fuck and be fucked by these two sex gods dissolved any rational thought. Clothes flew in all directions as he strode toward his goal, till only his boxers remained. Dean grabbed him first, devouring Cas’s mouth with his own. Sam reached inside both men’s shorts, stroking the hard shafts that meet his hands.
They moan as the kiss heats up. Sam moves to stand behind Cas, nibbling along his neck and shoulders. He bites and sucks, leaving a few marks along the way. Dean breaks the lip lock long enough to suck on the other side, also marking Cas.
The brothers look at each other, then at their new toy. “Ours.” They said in unison.
With in seconds, all three are void of their shorts, eager for what’s to follow. Dean and Sam make a plan, then tell Cas.
“Cas, Dean wants to take you first. Then you’re going to take me, and then you watch Dean suck me off. Got it?”
Cas nods. Sam gets down on hands and knees, moving so his ass is in the air. Cas spits on his hand, then rubs it on his tip, mixing it with the precum that is already leaking out. He spreads the cheeks of the younger Winchester and pushes in slowly, groaning as he bottoms out. The shear pleasure it brings is more than Cas ever imagined.
Sam grinds against Cas, and Cas begins to move, pulling out then slamming back in, thrusting hard and without mercy, causing Sam to curse as he’s hit with mounds of pleasure. Dean’s eyes are full blown with lust as he watches.
“Hold still Cas. Present that firm ass for me.”
The command makes Cas even harder. The dominance radiating from both men has him whimpering with even greater need. He discovered at that moment how much he enjoys being a sub, being ordered around by the brothers. Cas bends down, covering Sam’s lean body with his own, shivering with anticipation.
Dean lines up with Cas’s tight hole, and first inserts a large finger, then a second. Cas moans as the large digits stretch and fill him. Dean pulls out and Cas almost complains, until he feels something bigger pressing in. Burning sensations jolt through him, then he sighs when Dean begins placing soft kisses along his neck and whispers in his ear. “Relax, take a deep breath. The more relaxed you are, the easier this is.”
Cas closes his eyes, willing his muscles to release the tension. He wants this more than he’ll admit, so he succeeds and the tension leaves. Dean feels the instant shift, and pushes his way in slowly. He stops to let Cas adjust, then pushes a little more. Each time he kisses along Cas’s back and neck, knowing he needs the tenderness for relaxing.
He finally bottoms out, and silence fills the cave for a minute. Then the three men begin, first Cas pulls out, then Dean, only to have Dean slam into Cas, which causes Cas to slam into Sam. The rhythm is almost too much, jolts of electricity envelope the three lovers, and they shiver with delight. They thrust again and again, picking up speed as they go. The cave echoes with the sound of skin slapping against skin, grunting, moans of ecstasy. Cas is the first to find release, his cock spilling inside Sam, then Dean follows, crying out Cas’s name as he cums inside the dark haired man.
But Dean isn’t done, as there is still one man that needs to be satisfied. Cas watches as Dean kneels in front of Sam, licking his lips as he eyes Sam’s erect cock, already dripping with precum. Dean runs his tongue over the hard phallus, teasing the tip, then taking his brother’s cock into his mouth. Sam grabs Dean’s hair and thrusts his cock forth, fucking his older brother’s mouth with gusto. Dean grabs Sam’s hips for support as the assault continues, and Cas practically drools at the entire whole scenario. Fuck! These brothers were hot and damn sexy! Sam doesn’t take long, a guttural cry escaping as he deposits his load, and watching Dean as his brother swallows every single drop. Dean stands, and taking Cas’s hand, the three men head to the pool to wash up before going to sleep, together.
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earthstory · 6 years
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Give a toast to the remarkable geographic, geologic, climatic and soil conditions without which your champagne would be … flat.
Champagne, the province where the bubbly was born. The “father” of the bubbly was Dom Perignom, a monk actually, who in the 17th century put together the knowledge-base required to make a good wine with the special fermentation, special mixture of grapes, and brilliant addition of sugar to create sparkling wine. The sugar is essential for dissolving the carbonate gas in the wine, and once this gas is in it, the wine needs something special to hold the fizz inside the bottle, so he apparently also invented using a cork as a bottle stopper. The Earth of Champagne… Why is it so special? –At the 49th parallel, this is one of the most northern of the world’s major wine producing areas. This gives it an advantage of longer days in the summer when the sun is all important to the vine. –The average rainfall is about 50 cm, ooh la la, perfect! –The average temperature, even in the summer, is a tad low at 18C in July. However, only at such cooler temperatures are high acidic levels reached in a grape, and this acidity makes for a perfect sparkling wine. –The forests in the area are an essential part of the wine environment, stabilizing temperatures and soil moisture, prolonging the ripening season despite what would be “too cold”. –The geology… oh, you were expecting I’d get into the geology of the province, weren’t you?
The bedrock of the wine district is chalk. Chalk is a limestone sediment made of the remains of the tiniest of oceanic microfossils, highly compressed – after all, you can write on a blackboard with it. At Champagne, the chalk was deposited in the Cretaceous, in a tropical sea closer to the equator than present day France, and apparently a lot of small squid-like creatures called belemnites also were incorporated into the deposits. With the incessant drifting of tectonic plates, the region slowly moved towards the north, then, about 30 million years ago, was uplifted to surface, fracturing the solid chalk into soil-friendly sizes, then again about 11 million years ago when the chalks were raised to form the welcoming landscape that would make the wine country. The convergence of the weather conditions with these uplifts created a two-tier chalks geology: the substrata is solid chalk, some of which provides the optimal settings for wine cellars, while the surface is made of the tectonically and erosionally broken rubble of chalk, especially those belemnite fossils, that apparently work their way up through the chalk like a splinter from your finger.
These chalky soils are heaven on earth for the grapes of Champagne: their light color is said to reflect much of the too-hot sun in the summer, while retaining the heat in the winter: their ability to retain moisture in fragments such as those in the belemnite fossil rubble is essential, while being broken-up they drain excess waters easily. And their chemistry – we’ve done this before, I think: calcium carbonate plus acidic water (or wine) reacts to release carbon dioxide: Voila! The Bubbly!
New Years’s Eve is not the time to debate whether the wines of Champagne really are the most superb on Earth: surely you have some favorites from California, from New Zealand, from Crete and Santorini, and there’s a bubbly from Rhodes that’s, well, truly decadent. And I hope you’ve had the opportunity to taste wines from all over the earth and discover that yes, there does seem to be a distinct “taste” that varies with the lands that produce the wine. Indeed, the extraordinary geology of wine producing areas has developed into a new specialty field over the last few decades.
Wine and Champagne and “bubblies” in particular are the very flavor of the Earth that produces them.
Cheers! and Happy New Year! Annie R.
The photo was downloaded from: http://www.russellgehlingwines.com.au/champagne-france-c-27.html and it is available as a screen saver from: http://m.wallpapers-catalog.com/panoramic-view-of-vineyards-champagne-france-wallpapers.1600x1200.download.html If you haven’t been sipping too much of that sparkling wine allready, try reading: http://suite101.com/article/the-origin-of-chalk-in-the-champagne-region-a130806#ixzz2GXtWShjYhttp://www.dartblog.com/data/2010/11/009215.phphttp://www.partnerswine.com/#!champagne-france/co30https://www.champagnegallery.com.au/champagne-science/viticulture/soil—the-magic-of-chalk/http://www.terroir-france.com/wine/champagne_winemaking.htmhttp://books.google.gr/books?id=gt517z302YcC&pg=PA68&lpg=PA68&dq=chalky+soil+of+champagne&source=bl&ots=LCmxwdQTq7&sig=JMAXwTqRDfKJPgZMwHLrrHQBeI4&hl=en&sa=X&ei=rkXgUPTlN4XhtQaroIG4BA&redir_esc=y
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1-highscore · 5 years
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New high score on Rubble Saver II (Game Boy) by S.BAZ 2,771 https://ift.tt/2OxYTs7
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chaoticnootrals · 6 years
Star Crossed
Pairing: Kylo Ren/Ben Solo x Reader 
A/N: I’m contemplating whether or not to make this a series, like, I have other chapters and all that so tell me if you like it! If you do, below is the summary for the possible series hehehe
Summary: In Ben’s search to become someone noble, he found his light within young Jedi pupil, Y/N, both falling for the other immediately. The pair sharing a connection far more meaningful than any alliance, coupling or marriage could ever bring thanks to the force. Yet, the pair are separated the night Luke unintentionally awakens the dark side within his nephew, ending in both thinking that the other had passed. This causes them to lead destructive lives for opposite sides of the intergalactic war where the two are bound by destiny to cross paths again. Star Crossed lovers at their finest.
Word count: 2099
There are tears streaming down his face, a luxury of expression he hadn’t allowed himself to relish in for what seemed like eons gone by. The emotions running through him were blinding, so many years spent in the shrouded mask of the dark side, consumed by his own despair and loss, yet he was finally set free. All because of you.
“Y/N,” His voice quivered out your name, “Is it really you?”
“It’s me Ben, it’s really me.” You choked through strained vocal chords, smiling with a genuine warmth, no longer forced by obligation.
For years you had both suffered through the utter bitterness and anguish that came with the pain of a shattered heart. An agony that could only be the result of the loss of one’s soulmate, it festered and ate at your reality, blinding the two of you to any kind of resolution. There was no moving on for you, nor for Ben Solo himself. With the idea ingrained in his mind by Snoke that he had lost you to the cold clutches of death’s hold,  the Dark side consumed him and left nothing but the infamous Jedi killer, Kylo Ren in it’s wake. As for you, waking from a harrowingly long coma endured from the night you had lost your Ben Solo, you had become a brutal yet essential assassin for the resistance, no longer the sweet and loving Jedi pupil you had once known yourself to be. That nigh Ben Solo melted away into Kylo Ren and moulded you into the ruthless nightmare of the resistance had been intentionally blurred from both lover’s minds, all until now.
“Ben, no!” The structure collapsed and from the rubble he arose, having given into the beckoning call of the dark side that haunted him. He didn’t feel anger, nor did he feel sadness, it was the betrayal that pumped from an already damaged heart that clouded Ben’s mind, but more than anything Ben was truly scarred by the utter fear of what he had just experienced. His flesh and blood, his master, the one he had looked up to to heal the darkness he felt brewing within him, even he had lost faith in Ben, going as far as to be rid of him. Now Ben was alone, left to ponder and fear what he had done, what he could become, yet his mind only wandered to thoughts of you; his saving grace, his sunshine.
Just like magic there you were, running toward him, calling his name, trying to grip him back to reality. A lighthouse in the black sea that threatened to drown him. You didn’t know what had happened, frankly you couldn’t care less, but you could feel it as you slept, a disturbance that beckoned  you out of your slumber and called out for your Ben. Even before you had officially met, you felt the connection between yourself and Ben Solo. Ever since then you had been an inseparable pair, and from then both you and the young legacy had felt an obligation to protect one another, no matter what. This night was no different.
“Ben!” You called, ignoring the chaos that surrounded him, more concerned for the well being of your love.
Your heart raced and with heavy lungs and shaking limbs you made it to a fragile Ben standing amongst the carnage of his hut, lightsaber drawn and tear welled eyes that hurt to look upon. The sight stung to witness, with each steady blink and observation an ache in your heart tinged. Your unsteady hands extended up to cup Ben’s debris sooted cheeks. He stared panicked into the distance, you could see the pain and trauma that stained his vision as he examined the chaos.
“Y’Y/N…” He muttered quietly. “Luke..He-he tried to-“
“Ben, it’s okay. Look at me, please. Tell me what happened?” For Ben’s sake you tried to stay calm, but you wavered speech only left you with transparency.
“He was going to kill me.” Ben’s eyes finally met yours, a connection so intense with sheer distress you could feel it in your stomach, twisting in knots and lurking it’s way throughout your body.
Ben then fell to his knees, his arms snaking around you as he buried his face against your body, only hoping that this was all a twisted nightmare. Hoping that if he held you tight enough, close enough that it would all go away, yet here he stayed. Surrounded by what he could only describe as the inevitable, he was becoming what most claimed he would, all except you.
“I’m so sorry.”
“Oh, Ben.” You whispered, hugging him even closer.
As if seeing the love of your life pained and broken wasn’t enough to break your heart, the force that connected you enhanced everything. Every memory, every emotion, every painful shake, you felt it all and it snapped your heart in two.
“It’s okay, my love. I promise you-“ You said assuringly, placing a long loving kiss to Ben’s matted jet black locks.
“Get away from him, Y/N!” A voice demanded from behind you.
As you protectively turned towards them, trying to shield Ben’s much larger frame with your own. Facing them, you were confronted by your Jedi cohort, all looking at the two of you with such animosity that you could practically feel it cutting through you with a simple glare. Each pupil was armed with a saber or blaster in hand. It was a Jedi’s duty to forgo anger, to avoid the violent situations of battle, yet they weren’t Jedi, they were scared children, but so were you; both of you. As frightened as you might have been, faced against hopeless odds, you swore to protect Ben’s innocence at whatever cost.
“Stay back!” You barked a warning to the oncoming swarm.
With an outstretched hand, the other gripping Ben’s own, pieces of debris levitated before you acting as a shielding wall. It was exhausting to use the force in the state you were in, and if you were honest the wall wouldn’t do much in your defences, but protection wasn’t the point. Very few of your peers were able to use the force to the extent both you and Ben could, and the levitation of broken down pieces around you was a display to show that you were not a pair to be trifled with.
“It’s not safe, Y/N” A female voice urged you.
“He’s a monster!” Another shouted.
“He killed our master, Luke Skywalker!” Yet another argued.
And finally, “He’s only using you!”
Ben had heard it all. Disgrace, monster, pathetic, disappointment, there was nothing he was not familiar with and he refused to let them get to him, or at least show that they did, but to be accused of using you was something Ben couldn’t allow. How dare they, he thought. How dare they accuse him of using you, he would never. Ben was already a damaged soul, with the absences of both parents as a child came the ever lingering feeling of abandonment. With he heavy expectations and legacy that hung above his head came the crushing pressures that tore him down. With the forever yearning to become something other than what was expected of him came the idea of being a Jedi would fix the torment within him, but that night; that night was the last straw.
The dark side had almost taken over and Ben wasn’t doing much to deny it anymore. As he rose from his knelt position he could see a sea of blasters all pointed in his direction, some even aimed at you and it made his blood boil. He no longer felt fear, no longer regret, instead replaced by pure rage. Right and wrong had no place in Ben’s morality, all he could see, all he could feel was your energy in which he was willing to protect at all costs. You could feel the shift in his energy turn cold, but not fast enough to realise what was happening. Ben’s mind was clouded and as if upon instinct his lightsaber had been drawn with malicious intent.
What happened next was a blur in your memory, but in Ben’s it was all too vivid of a sight. It happened so fast. With his saver drawn and lifted, your concern peaked as you could sense his malevolent intent. You turned towards him, the force wall you created dropping to the earth in the process, leaving the two of you defenceless.
“Ben, no!-“ And with that you felt it. Ben was feared and with that fear elicited a fear induced reaction, without strategy or thought. Clear on your back, three blaster shots had landed. Your breath hitch, the world falling silent and darkness consuming your vision your body fell limp into Ben’s arms.
You were unsure of what had happened. You felt as though you were floating, alone and cold in a void. Sounds of chaos attempting to break through, yet only sounding in muffled spurs and echoes.
“Is this it for me?”
“What happened?”
“Where is Ben?”
“Please, I want Ben…”
“Y/N, please. Open your eyes, my love”
In the void Ben’s voice resonated with you. The only voice you had wanted to hear had been the one to pull you back to life, but only slightly. You were weak, and there was nothing you or Ben could do to fix it.
Your eyes opened softly, as if the mayhem that surrounded you didn’t exist. The features on your face were gentle and soft, free from any worry that have previously washed over them. You’d heard that death was peaceful, in some way that’s how you knew this was it; the end of your legacy. As  much as you wanted to fight back, to deny this fate as thoughts of everything you had wished to do with your life, your body wouldn’t allow it. You were draining quickly, you could no longer reject it, so rather than having your last moments in sadness or mind raced back to Ben.
“Ben?” You whispered weakly.
You opened your eyes to be met with the beauty spotted features of your lover’s.
“It’s me, Sunshine.” Ben replied, his voice shaken and weary.
You were cradled in his arms, a burning sensation surging down your back as quickly as blood rushed in your veins. You exhaustedly turned your head to examine your surroundings, and through blurry eyes you saw it. The Jedi campus had been engulfed by flames, buildings and structures crumbling into nothing with no sign of your Jedi cohort besides the limp moulds of people scattered around the area, yet you were too drained to realise what had happened to them. The ground around had cracked, all except the surface beneath you and you knew it had been Ben’s doing.
Everything had collapsed into anarchy, but neither you nor Ben could care.
“Ben,” you laughed with a smiled, eyes welled with tears, “My beautiful, Ben.”
“I’m here, my love. I’m here.”
“What happened?”
“They hurt you, my dear.” He said weakly. “I’m so sorry I let you down, I should’ve stopped it-“
“You could never let me down, Ben.” You interrupted sweetly.
You could see the pain that masked Ben’s face, and with little strength you had left you could feel his heart break through you connection. His heart was in instability, ‘how could he let this happen?’ you could hear his thoughts echo in your mind.  “It’s okay, there’s nothing you could’ve done.”
You knew it was coming. You both knew. You could feel your grip on reality slipping through your fingers, melting away like frost in the morning sun.
One last time, you cupped Ben’s cheek in your hand, stroking away the tears that had fallen from the earthy eyes that stole your heart, “You have a heart of gold, my love. Never forget that.”
You gently tugged your fingers on Ben’s cheek, pulling him down for one last loving embrace. Ben leant down and placed a loving chaste kiss upon your lips, taking your breathe away as he had done so many times.
“You will always be the love of my life, Sunshine.” He choked through broken words.
You smiled. “As will you, Starlight.”
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you, Ben.”
With one last breath you felt cold and limp. Unable to move, unable to feel and unable to see. Life had finally left you, and you felt peaceful and contempt with this being your end. Yet, fate is always one to work in mysterious ways, and to that you were no exception.
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marvelhead17 · 5 years
Miracle (Original Female Character x Cable Fic)
Chapter 14
Summary: “How did you fix it?” he asked. “Ask Ellen the Teenage Warhead,” Wade shrugged as he stood up, “As for baby Hitler he ended up having a diaper change, funny story I was actually going to call Cable since he was so keen on killing Russel, I thought this would be like taking candy from a baby, if that means replacing it with a bullet that is,”
 Warnings to cover the whole fic: Graphic depictions of violence, use of weapons, mild to strong language, mentions of rape, mentions of pregnancy and miscarriage, referenced torture and psychological abuse/manipulation, nightmares and night terrors, sexual humour, sexual content.
Word Count: 2k
They gathered in the rec room, Hayden now wearing all black with a pair of sneakers, she handed Colossus his jacket, he thanked her and they all headed further into the mansion.
“Hey sweet pea, I’ve been wondering why we’re living in the furthest wing of the mansion, do you care to explain?” Wade asked Colossus, the man shook his head and glanced briefly at Wade as they walked.
“Why wouldn’t they want the most destructive mutant in the world, that’s also a sexual deviant and pain in the ass, to live closer to students who are younger than twenty one, I wonder?” Hayden said with as much sarcasm as she could muster.
“Exactly! She gets me,” he gestured at her.
“Da. That is precise reasoning that Professor Xavier had in mind,”
Wade gasped, “But I’m an angel!”
“An angel that wields katana, guns and switch blades, not to mention the weird stuffed unicorn fetish you have going on,” she added.
“You leave Cinnamon out of this!” She raised her hands as a sign of backing off and Wade eased up.
  After what felt like forever in the seemingly endless passageways they finally entered a large completely white and empty room. Nathan and Hayden both looked around the room before looking to Ellie and Colossus.
“This is the Trial Chamber,” Ellie looked at Colossus who nodded with his arms crossed, “We’ll be creating different scenarios from the control room and you’ll use your abilities against them, that way we can have a suit developed to suit your needs based on what results are recorded,”
Hayden was eyeing the room not paying attention, “Hades did you hear me?” Ellie asked.
“Haydes, you alright?” Wade put his hand on her shoulder.
“What? Yeah I’m fine,” she shrugged his hand off, “Just hits close to home is all.”
“Agreed,” Nathan nodded.
“Well let’s not get into details about the world’s saddest childhoods just yet; we need to get you a suit Haydes,”
“Wade is correct, but I think it is good idea for Cable to join too,” Colossus spoke up.
  “What?” Hayden and Nathan said at the same time.
“Is very simple, both Hades and Cable will be in chamber, computer will record results and we will have suits for both in no time.”
“Uh, wouldn’t it be easier to do the trial one at a time?” Hayden asked.
“Computer is very smart, it can record many results at one time, is time-saver for all of us.”
“I was hoping you wouldn’t say that,” Nathan sighed, they shared a look with each other.
“No offense.” They both said.
“Okay can we stop the Grady twin thing that keeps going on here?” Wade said.
“I agree with Douchepool, and it’s true, it would save us a lot of time,”
“Also it is good training as team, Hades you and Wade are already familiar with each other but you two without Wade, are not,”
  “Alright we get it; there are more pros than cons. Let’s just get this over with,”
“Agreed,” Hayden nodded.
“Then we will initiate Stage One,”
Wade covered his mouth and whispered into Hayden’s ear. “Now’s your chance to get Cable’s balls or get your own and fess up, this is the perfect opportunity, either way you’d be left with a handful of balls and that’s a win.” He winked before leaving.
“Wade you absolute ass,” she muttered as she watched him close the door behind him with an evil chuckle. Nathan raised a brow. “Just another dumb remark of his,” She sighed shaking her head and Nathan nodded.
                             “Welcome to the Trial Chamber, Hayden Jones and Nathan Summers,” a robotic female voice spoke, they both huffed at hearing their names, knowing Wade was behind that factor, the voice continued. “Initiating Stage One, prepare yourselves.”
The white walls and flooring seemed to stutter vibrate and they morphed, the floor turned to asphalt and the walls became buildings, parked cars and rubble were scattered around them. An entire city street setting formed within a blink of an eye, upon touching a nearby hydrant Hayden was surprised to feel how solid the object was, considering moments ago it had not existed.
The brick walls from the buildings nearby lifted up and a gang of men and women dressed as typical thugs emerged, upon seeing the two they charged forward and yelled, Hayden and Nathan held their fists up ready to fight.
Hayden landed a swift punch to a woman’s face and she fell to the floor, Hayden’s eyes glowed violet, she looked up to find the camera tracking their movements.
“Nanobots?” she stomped on the body and it caved in, they separated and seemed to disappear into the floor.
“Well we would certainly not use real people,” Colossus’s voice sounded over the speakers.
“I just wasn’t expecting the high-tech stuff to be here of all places,”
Cable threw a man over his shoulder and he disintegrated into the floor.
  “How’d you know they were nanobots?” he asked before punching another figure in the stomach and elbowing another in the face.
“When you look close enough you can see all things clearly,” she said, he frowned wondering what else she was referring to.
They fought off the wave of robots for another ten minutes before the two walls opened again and they disappeared into it almost like a cloud of dust, a green light lit up briefly and the walls closed, the voice sounded through the speakers once again.
  “Stage One, successfully completed, please use this time to catch your breath and prepare yourself for the next stage,”
“Is it me, or does she sound like Colossus?” Hayden asked Nathan.
“She sounds like me because I was part of group who programmed her, dialogue is all me. And this is unwise use of time to prepare for next stage.”
“Yeah, yeah we know we have to be efficient with what we do with our time, Jesus Christ do you have an off switch for that?” she rolled her eyes, Nathan smirked.
“According to results so far you are both lacking team skills, luckily next stage will fix this problem,”
  The female voice spoke once again, “Initiating Stage Two, on the platform that is rising up behind you, you will find a weapon that will help fight your enemies, prepare yourselves.”
They turned to look behind them and saw the platform rise up, only one weapon lay on it; they looked at each other and then back at the weapon. The walls opened up and a wave of robots flooded out, this time they were armed with batons, nunchakus and other arrays of hand-to-hand combat weapons.
“You know what, you take it. I don’t need it,” she said as she ran towards the robots and started to attack them in pairs.
Nathan gave her a glare and grabbed the Bo staff from the platform before running forward and using it to knock the robots down. It was easy for the pair to take down the robots on their own, but the number of enemies only grew, and they ended up back to back trying to cover each other.
                            Hayden grabbed a baton from an enemy once she had knocked it down but it disintegrated in her hands almost immediately.
“Hey! What the hell?” she said angrily and glared at the camera.
“It would be far too simple if you could use enemies’ weapons, this is a team building exercise,”
“Fine,” she looked over her shoulder at Nathan who was still using the staff. “Nathan, could I borrow the staff for a moment?”
“If you think you can use this stupid stick better than I can, go for it.” He passed it over his shoulder to her without looking back.
She smiled and began turning the staff in her hand like a pro before swinging and beating away the enemies, Nathan stepped away and watched as she worked the weapon with ease, and then she unexpectedly darted towards him with the staff pointed directly at him.
“Duck!” she warned and he crouched down just in time for her to stab an enemy in the chest. “Nice reaction time,” she offered her hand for him to stand up again.
“Didn’t really feel like becoming impaled today,”
“Yeah, sorry Olaf,” she said and they heard Wade laugh over the speakers.
He grabbed the staff from her and she furrowed her brows as he raised the weapon before yelling, “Duck!” and swung with great force, making the enemy bot explode on contact.
  “Stage Two, successfully completed,” the walls closed as the robots disappeared once again.
“See, not so hard to work as a team.” Colossus said smugly.
“Whatever tin man,” she sighed, “Nice swing by the way, you have a good arm,” she nodded to Nathan.
“Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself,”
“Your final stage is coming up, and then we will have results ready to start on your suits,” Colossus said.
“Initiating Stage Three, by the way Colossus you have a fine ass,”
“Bozhe moy, Wade I told you not to touch computer, what are you doing?”
“Relax Rasputin Russia’s Greatest Love Machine, I just played a little with the dialogue,” Wade said as innocently as he could, “Haydes remember what I said about balls? Now go get ‘em!”
  “Bozhe moy indeed,” she hit her face with her palm and sighed.
“Balls?” Nathan asked, “Never mind it involves Wade, I don’t think I even want to know.”
A platform rose behind them once again, this time an array of guns, knives and other weapons were displayed across it, Hayden quickly grabbed two small handguns and hung them into the space of her belt and jeans and she armed herself with two daggers as well.
Cable’s cyborg eye glowed and the large gun hovered from the platform and moved into place on his backside, he winced slightly at the contact, his grip tightened around the staff he was still holding in his hands.
                            The platform disappeared and the panels opened to release a flood of robots, this time armed with similar weapons to their own, Hayden stood with her back to Cable’s and turned her head slightly over her shoulder.
“Always,” He said.
She shot down the robots that were coming in on her side and Cable knocked down those on his own side, soon they were surrounded to the point of suffocating their movements, Cable grunted in the effort as they were hitting him from all angles. Each hit pained from the torture he had endured just weeks earlier, becoming almost unbearable as he moved and bent his frame in different directions to fight.
He turned his head to see that Hayden was glowing bright violet, she crushed the robots’ heads in her hands and others she snapped the necks of, the masses were lessening around her but increasing around him.
  “Cable, behind you!” she yelled without turning around, he was confused but ducked and managed to avoid the hit from a robot that had tried to attack him.
He decapitated it with the staff, “Thanks,” he muttered a little taken aback.
It took some time to finish the final stage as Cable was struggling with the pain shooting through his spine to the rest of his body and Hades had to do most of the work while guiding Cable to destroy the other bots.
  When they were finally finished Nathan had a glistening forehead and his hair was damp from sweat, Hayden on the other hand looked as if she just come from a morning stroll, the scene changed back into the white room it was once before and the main door opened.
“Trial completely successfully, you may now leave the chamber.” The voice said.
“Thank fuck,” Nathan sighed and rested his hands on his knees, his breathing was uneasy. “I thought that would never end,”
“You alright old timer?” she asked, her hand rested gently on his shoulder as she leaned over to look him in the face.
“My spine,” he stated.
She lifted his shirt which startled him and she looked over the scarring, brushing her hand along it as softly as she could, the muscles twitched and appeared to be swollen and deep purple in colour.
“You need to lie down, the nanobots nearly opened your wound up again,” she lowered his shirt and soothed the material down. “C’mon,” She eased him from his bent position and wrapped an arm under his shoulder, supporting his weight easily, and they slowly walked out the chamber.
>> Chapter 15 <<
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igazikutya · 6 years
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2018 - Összegzések II.
Kétezertizennyolc elektronikus zenei undergroundjának legtöbbet hallgatott és legérdekesebbnek ítélt művei három halmazba sorolva.
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ASC – Cerulean Retina.it & Plaster – Amphrysia Redshape - Blink (Original Mix) Elektro Guzzi – Compas Eric Copeland - Neckbone (Cooper Saver Remix) Fischerspooner - Have Fun Tonight GusGus – Featherlight Inigo Kennedy – Magma Kris Baha - Notion Of Dismay Nathan Fake – Arcaibh Nathan Fake – Sunder Pris - 17-17 Der Dritte Raum - Visitors (Original Mix) Luke Vibert – Arcadia Luke Vibert – Phlacid Slam – Mellifluous ASC - Vortex Ring Imre Kiss – Love Jimmy Edgar -Burn So Deep ft. DAWN (Extended Mix) PanTone - Booya Boy (Original Mix) Paul St. Hilaire & Rhauder - Redeem (Soulphiction Reconstruction) Talaboman - Brutal Chugga Chugga (L.B. Dub Corp Remix) Tapan - Europa (Timothy J Fairplay Remix) Thievery Corporation feat. Racquel Jones - Letter to the Editor (Thievery Remix) Blawan – Careless Galcher Lustwerk – Wristbands Luke Vibert – Turn Daniel Avery – Projector E-Saggila - Striving For Action Jensen Interceptor - Route E Lucy – Tarkomania Redshape - LoveInsanity (Original Mix) The Micronauts - Acid Party (Original Mix) Underworld & Iggy Pop - Bells and Circles I Cube - Fractal P Death In Vegas - Witchdance Dub Die Orangen - Yaranabe (Live Mix) Ken Ishii - Malfunction Manipulation (Funk D'void Remix) Marcel Dettmann & Silent Servant - The Bond Teste – Lyubov Tony Allen & Jeff Mills feat Carl Hancock Rux - The Night Watcher Underworld & Iggy Pop - Get Your Shirt Vril – Riese The Orb - The End of the End The Orb feat Hollie Cook - Rush Hill Road Overmono - Daisy Chain Pascal FEOS - F & L (Original Mix) Phil Western - Fear of Intimacy Roisin Murphy - World's Crazy Anthony Rother – Brahmall Art of Tones - Rainbow Song (2018 Rework) Felix Da Housecat & Kristin Velvet - Uneducated Thief (Louie Vega Remix) Khidja - Haetrin (John Talabot’s Late Remix) Lake Haze - Hydro Blast Pearson Sound - Our Spirits Soar Slam - Athenaeum 47.20.991 Youth & Gaudi - The Four Horsemen of Dub Desert Sound Colony - Fast Life
II. Move!
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Black Merlin – 12515 Leiras - 33 Degree Headless Horseman – Gravity Pinch - AHH FFF SSS Rrose & Lucy - Inverted Limb Acronym - Planetary Boundaries ASC - Gravity Distortion Fixmer - The God Jensen Interceptor - Horner Acid Octave One presents Random Noise Generation - (Age Of) Endustry (Original Mix) Surgeon - The Primary Clear Light Surgeon - The Vibratory Waves Of External Unity ASC - Dimensional Rift Blawan – Klade Developer - Frozen Shadow (Original Mix) Inigo Kennedy – Shudder Phase Fatale & Silent Servant – Confess Shinedoe vs 2000 and One - World of Acid (Shinedoe Remix) Broken English Club - Funny Games Dasha Rush - Time Coil Echologist – Dispatch Ground – Logos Jensen Interceptor feat. Kirin J Callinan - Delayed Response LB Dub Corp feat. Aurelie Yung – Edge Ancient Methods feat. Regis - Array The Troops Cub - Seeing From Above Giant Swan - High Waisted Leiras & Svreca - Naacal (400PPM Remix) Juan Sanchez - Fokus (Matrixxman & Echologist Remix) Matrixxman & Echologist - Expiration (Juan Sanchez Remix) Pris - Velvet Lips (Original Mix) Underworld & Iggy Pop – Trapped Vril – Paradiqma Acronym - Burgundy Soul Clouds - Eclipser «Neurealm Ultra Signal» (Clouds Remix) Exium - Non-Cellular Life (Original mix) Frak - Tarpaulin (Original Mix) Marcel Dettmann - Autumn77 Marcel Dettmann - Test-File Shinedoe - Mutant Frequencies Gary Beck - Bone Jacked Handbraekes – Intertwo Pearson Sound - Rubble The Micronauts - Polymorphous Pervert
III. Special
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Meat Beat Manifesto – Lurker Tapan – Bogovi Tomaga - Fist to Fist Tomaga - Memory in Vivo Exposure, Pt. 1 & 2 Primitive World - Matrix of the Visible Primitive World - Space, Movement and Light Recondite – Daemmerlicht Recondite – Lichtung Acronym - Hydraulic Fracturing Alva Noto - Uni Blue Alva Noto - Uni Normal Arte Moderno - Soy Feliz Biosphere - De Doornboom Biosphere - Rovertse Heide Edit Select & Claudio PRC – Contacts Hieroglyphic Being - The Red Notes Low Jack - Raid Leader Low Jack - They Rule Mouse on Mars - Dimensional People Part II. Mouse on Mars - Sidney In A Cup Solar Fields - Parallel Universe Caterina Barbieri - Virgo Rebellion Fluxion - Another Side Imre Kiss - You And Me Are The Same Marco Shuttle - Lux et Sonus Sigur Ros - 64o02'44.1N 16o10'48.5W Talaboman - Dins El Llit (Superpitcher Remix) The Future Sound Of London - Old Empire Actress & London Contemporary Orchestra – Hubble Daedelus - Pulse Width Fluxion - Poise (Original Mix) Funki Porcini - The Mulberry Files Gas - Rausch 5 Inigo Kennedy – Oblivion Lucrecia Dalt – Edge The Black Dog - Black Daisy Wheel Transformations - Bona Fide Pt. 1. Chris Liebing feat. Gary Numan & Ralf Hildenbeutel - Polished Chrome (The Friend Pt 1) Jon Hassell – Dreaming Mika Vainio & Vigroux – Brume Soundwalk Collective – L’ Impossible du Possible Aphex Twin - T69 Collapse Cub - Primitive Sleep Die Orangen - Metal Man (Tapan Remix) Leiras & Svreca - Tilling Ceramics (Volte-Face Remix) Neil Tolliday - Koskaan Herätä Psychic TV - Thee Whale The Black Dog - Literal Optical Slant The Black Dog - We Must Repeat (Fake News RMX) The Orb & Jah Wobble- Doughnuts Forever The Residents - Freaky Wake Tomaga - Breakfast at the Volcano Tony Allen & Jeff Mills - Locked And Loaded Tony Allen & Jeff Mills - The Seed Vril – Haus Delroy Edwards & Dean Blunt - Desert Session - Audio Track 07 DJ Boring & Stanley Schmidt - Stay Young Heinali - Rainbow Folding Neneh Cherry – Kong Phil Western - Requiem for Love Samantha Glass - Carriers of the Wind Scuba - Rolling Hitch Teresa Winter - For Murder Best Available Technology - Nick and Kev Set Controls For The Waning Moon E-Saggila — Glass Wing Khidja - Kraftfeld (Lena Willikens Remix) Laurel Halo & Hodge - The Light Within You Panda Bear – Cranked Rapoon ‎– Na Ru Slam - Athenaeum 05.09.059
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adhdvane · 2 years
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0(:3 )~ =͟͟͞͞(’、3)_ヽ)_ i wanted to see how far i could get on a galleon raid without using elixirs. the absolute danger...
honestly it wouldn’t have been as bad if i hadn’t FRCKED UP TWICE AND HIT FIGHT WITH THE WRONG GUARD SETTINGS. first time i ACCIDENTALLY ONLY HIT GUARD ON MYSELF instead of everyone (except seven who had an unchallenged) so Fryer and  Maya took big hits they really didn’t need. The second time I HIT GUARD WHEN NO ONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN GUARDING BC A WAS A NON-ATTACK SPECIAL AND IF I HADN’T GUARDED FRERY WOULD HAVE GOTTEN HIS SACRED SWORDS BACK AND COULD HAVE DISPELLED THE PLAIN DMG RUBBLE BUFF GALLEON GOT. honestly thought i was done when i fucked that up. but i made a choice to have maya sub all the plain dmg one turn to herself as a sacrifice so i could get judgement revived frery out for one last dispel chance and then prayed to rnjesus that the plain dmg spreads out okay and seven doesn’t get shit on completely (bc he had some real low hp for a while bc of that) (as much as i love to see seven get the shit kicked out of him... he was apparently the dps mvp of this fight). tbh tia and katz really did help pull it together at the end, katz healing boost and charge bar consumption = healing + tia’s delay and Sky-Rending Lament were live savers wwwww, the dmg output when down but survivability went up...
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historyofthebatman · 7 years
“5 Times Batman’s Life was Saved” - Trusted Butler, Father and Life Saver: It is safe to say one of the most important members of the Batman family is no one other than Alfred Pennyworth. Created by Bill Finger, Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson, Alfred Pennyworth is Bruce Wayne's dedicated butler, assistant, best friend and father figure who debuted in 1943's Batman (Vol 1) 16. In the Post-Crisis era of DC comic books, Alfred was part of the Wayne family since Bruce was young, being his legal guardian after Thomas and Martha Wayne's death. After this event, he has a large part of being there when Bruce makes a vow to avenge his parent's death. Alfred is there even through the hardest times of Bruce's life, such as his back-breaking experience with the villain Bane and his apparent death against Darkseid. This dedication is shown in outside media as well, such as Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight film trilogy. In 2005’s “Batman Begins”, after Batman (Christian Bale) confronts Scarecrow who not only puts him under his fear toxins but lights him on fire, Batman stumbles into an alleyway and calls for Alfred (Michael Caine) to rescue him, later given an antidote created by Lucius Fox. Alfred also rescues Bruce when Ra’s al Ghul sets Wayne Manor ablaze as he escapes to make Scarecrow’s fear toxin airborne. Bruce becomes trapped under flaming rubble and Alfred helps lift it off him and they escape the fire by going into the Batcave. Acting as both a medic and father figure, Alfred has saved Bruce’s life many times over, whether physically or mentally, proving to be one of the best figures in Batman’s Life when he needs a rescuing hand. While there are many other times Batman needed to be saved, the five we have discussed illustrates Batman’s humanity and flaws which makes us as fans respect even more all of the people he saves in his crusade for justice. ✌🏼💙🦇🎬
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noctilaze · 5 years
Dream Saver
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Dream Saver: (Marketing a product in the end of times)
After the nuclear world wars ended the tectonic plates on the planet earth have shifted heavily and earthquakes have become more common in certain parts of the world, the Dream Saver is a bed that is designed to detect earthquakes and to protect the person or people sleeping on the bed. How does it work? If the current occupier of the bed is asleep during an earthquake the bed will fold in on itself to protect the person sleeping. To prevent the sleeper from being harmed the bed does close in on itself forming a small triangle roof over the person, there is a slidable door at the foot of the bed that allows the person or people under it to escape. The Dream Saver will also be fitted with a GPS signal emitter that will let local rescue teams know where people are just in case the area surrounding the Dream Saver is covered in rubble trapping people in the Dream Saver. To further ensure the location of the person being sheltered within the Dream Saver is known to any rescue teams the Dream Saver will also have a speaker built into it that will let out a noise every hour, just in case there is too much rubble that blocks off the GPS signal emitter. There will also be a compartment inside the Dream Saver for people to store any life and food provisions, to help people survive for after an earthquake, weather they be stuck under the Dream Saver or need equipment. Dream Saver is to be marketed within countries that suffer from high counts of earthquake activity. Due the common rate of earthquakes putting up posters or billboards have become harder due to the earthquakes breaking down the walls that support the posters and billboards. In order to advertise the Dream Saver we will be using blimps to carry banners of the Dream Saver, this will be perfect because all the skyscrapers have either fall due to the earthquakes and they were demolished to ensure the safety of people and to prevent falling rubble to harming and killing anyone during any and all earthquake. The reason as to why we’ll be using blimps and not planes is because runways are no longer flat enough and tend to have large holes in them, making it very difficult for planes to take off making blimps more suitable for easier take off. Due to the same reasons we will also be using helicopters, helicopters make more noise when flying and will most likely be able to grab people attentions when flying around. Other than banners we will also be advertising the Dream Saver on both radios and TVs, the advertisement for that will be made to air on TVs will also be aired online as YouTube ads, this same ad will also appear on screens within earthquake bunkers. Where can our customers buy our product? Other than buying the Dream Saver from furniture store people will also be able to order and buy the Dream Saver online as well as inside earthquake bunkers for any future earthquakes.
Image scources:
Nepal earthquake of 2015 | Magnitude, Death Toll, Aftermath, & Factshttps://www.britannica.com/topic/Nepal-earthquake-of-2015
Intelligence Anti-earthquake Bed - Liyang Zhengxiang Precision Machinery CO., LTD - ecplaza.nethttps://www.ecplaza.net/products/intelligence-anti-earthquake-bed_2419481
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starsscribble · 7 years
All The Time In The World
Ship- MiniCat
Tyler was the last of his family with this power, the power of time travel. Every male in his family had this power but because Tyler’s blood was so diluted he couldn’t control his ability on his own. Because if this his father gave him a watch, something simple that would alway help to control his abilities. He normally used his power for small things, like saying the right thing to comfort a friend, get the right answer in class, or maybe to flirt with someone. However, for his 11th-grade history project, he went back farther in time to get the real facts. This was how he met Craig.
Craig didn’t remember much of his past, he had lived too long. Craig was an immortal with no clue why. He lived through the rise and fall of many empires, the colonization of America, the French Revolution; which was where he learned that not even cutting off his head would kill him. So the point was Craig had lived a long time and hated it. Fleeing from France he went to America, the once British Colony that was now free and trying to become its own country. He didn’t take part in the war but if he had, he would have when on America’s side. Walking down the cobblestone streets , of New York, late at night, Craig stopped when he saw a boy just appear in front of him. The boy wasn’t older than seventeen and with his clothes he clearly wasn’t from this time period. “Hey, you. Boy.” Craig walked over to the young man as the boy looked at him. “You are going to stand out wearing those clothes. Follow me.”
It was a simple meeting not big and flash, Craig helped the boy blend in and Tyler got the information he needed. Tyler asked Craig one night why he didn’t freak out when he just showed up in front of him. Craig didn’t answer just shrugged his shoulders. Soon enough Tyler returned back to the present getting an A on his paper. His father also tore him a new one for using his powers to pass an assessment. Tyler counting that the teacher asked for facts that were true and that was what he gave her. His mind often wandered back to Craig the man that helped him. The clothes Craig gave him had been foldaway and space saver bag that was on his closet shelf.
His next major jump back in time was after watching a documentary on Prohibition in the United States. It was summer, most of his friends were on family vacation, his own parents were working, and he was bored. So Tyler put a date on his wristwatch and went back in time. He was in Philadelphia this time, placed in the back alley of a place he peeked out to see people moving around. He heard a door open behind him, turning to see who it was his eyes widen.  “Craig?” He spoke without thinking, there was no way this was Craig. With the time it was now Craig had passed on. This must be someone from Craig’s lineage, that look so alike to Craig. The person that looked like Craig set the box in his hands down. “Tyler get in here.” So this was the same Craig but how? Listening Tyler walked through the door and waited for Craig. Looking around the dim room Tyler could tell that it was a speakeasy. As the door closed he turned and looked at Craig. “You run a speakeasy?” He asked, Craig just shrugged and gestured for Tyler to follow him. “Didn’t think I would see you again. Since you left without a goodbye.” Craig said climbing the stairs. Tyler catches the hurt tone in Craig’s voice. “Sorry. I’m not good with goodbyes.” Craig nods his head as they reached the top of the stairs. “Craig.” Tyler start as Craig unlocks the door and pushed open the door. “Yes?” Craig replies as they start up another thing of stairs again. “How are you here?” Tyler is halfway up the stairs when he sees Craig stop at almost the top.  “I guess I’m just lucky.” That was all Craig said before he got up to the top of the stairs. Again Craig gives him some clothes, they are a bit tight but they work. This time he asked Craig for his last name and Craig gives it to him. It sounds pretty common but Tyler hopes he can find Craig when he gets back to the present. “So.” Craig begins as they make their way back down to the bar area. “Why are you here?” Craig glance over his shoulder to see Tyler shrug. “Bored. Parents were working and most my friends we off with their families on trips.” Craig chuckles as they reach the basement. “Well, you could help me out for a bit. Since the boys, I hire always show up late.” “Sure why not.” So that is what Tyler does he helps Craig around the bar, cleaning it up and stocking. He learns why Craig runs this speakeasy, it was a good way to get money and even though Craig had enough money to live on he knew he always needs more. Tyler stays for two weeks this time, he enjoys his time with Craig and he feels that Craig enjoys him being there. This time when he leaves he tells Craig bye. He can see the sadness in Craig’s eyes but he knows he has to leave. “Visit me anytime you want,” Craig tells Tyler, he nods before pressing the button on his watch and returning home. Tyler does the same thing with this clothes that he did with the first set Craig gave him.
Tyler starts his search found for Craig Thompson, he was right the name was common and hard to search for. Most of his summer and senior year in high school was filled with him trying to find his Craig. However, it wasn’t until the started college did he find the Craig he was looking for. He was in another history class, the professor giving a lecture about the Second World War. She had a slideshow and would change in between the slide when she finished with it. One picture caught his eye, in the background was destroyed a building, however, there were American soldiers standing in front of the camera smiling. In the middle was Craig, even with the black and white Tyler could see that the man hadn’t aged a day since when he last saw him. The bell ring signaling that class was over, as everyone rushed out Tyler stayed behind to talk to this professor about the picture.
Tyler rushed back to his house once he got the date of the photo, it was towards the end of the war. So hopefully Tyler wouldn’t be in any trouble when he went there. He set his things on the kitchen counter and he pulled out the date his professor gave him. Putting in the date in his watch; he disappeared from present day and reappear in the ruin of a city. Seeing a picture was one thing but being here was something else. He walked around a bit looking for Craig and where the picture was taken. He figured that the last two time he met Craig was just luck so this time he went looking for him. Sure enough, Tyler soon came across the spot where the picture was taken.  “See you found me again.” Tyler almost jumped out of his skin when he heard Craig’s voice. Turning he saw Craig sitting on a pile of rubble with a smile on his face. “When I told you to see me again. I didn’t mean in a war zone.” They both chuckled as Tyler shrugged. “Believe me I searched for you after our last meeting, but you are so hard to find.” Craig laughed again before he stood up and walked over to Tyler. He wrapped his arms around him. “Seeing you here means a lot to me. Thank you for coming.” Tyler hugged Craig back, he could only imagine what Craig saw not just in this war but throughout his long life. “So catch me up on what’s going on in your life,” Craig said with a smile as he moved away from Tyler looking up at him. “Well, I’m in college now.” They both took a seat on some rubble as Tyler catch Craig up on his life. Craig listened to every detail. His mind was making notes of was the stories Tyler was telling him because he didn’t know the next time he would see Tyler. As Tyler kept talking Craig slipped off the chain that was around his neck. When Tyler noticed this stopped talking. Craig held his dog tags out to Tyler. Tyler opened his arm allowing the cool metal to touch his palm as Craig set them in his hand. “I always give you something when you show up,” Craig explains causing Tyler to smile as he looked at the tags. “I want you to do something for me, Tyler.” Craig was still looking at Tyler, as Tyler moved to looked at him. “What’s that?” “Find me in your time. When you do have the dog tags with you. I have something I would like to tell you.” Craig smiles at Tyler as he nods at Craig’s request. Craig hears someone calling for him, they are about to move out. “I got to go. See you in the future.” Craig waves bye to his time-travel as Tyler waves by to him. Before Tyler heads back to present time he puts on the dog tags.
Tyler wears the dog tags every day, at school or working they are always under his shirt. He looks for Craig but he doesn’t make it easy on him. Tyler had also started recording more gameplay and editing so his time is limited in his search for his Craig. He as also noticed that he uses the phrase ‘his Craig’ a lot. Today he was going to play some games when the guys, getting the call he greets everyone. However, he notices that there is a new person with them. “Hey Vanoss who is MiniLadd?” “Oh, Mini is just a guy I meet in a few games. You don’t mind if he joins?” “I don’t give a fuck.” Honestly, the more people that were with them in a call the funnier it would be. Mini can back from getting him something to drink and Tyler swears that it’s Craig who is talking. However, he doesn’t say anything and they begin to play.
The more they play together the more Tyler is sure that this is his Craig. When it comes out that his name is Craig, Tyler is 100% sure that this is the same Craig who he is looking for. At a PAX in 2014 that all met up and Tyler almost jumps out of his skin when he sees Craig. That is him, that is his Craig. When Craig saw Tyler he smiled as Tyler carefully showed him the dog tags hidden under his shirt. The spent the day together with their group of friends. Acting like this was the first time they ever met face-to-face.
When the group split up for the night, Craig grabbed Tyler's hand a pulled him along to Craig's room. “Jeez. Craig slow down,” Tyler said as with a chuckle as Craig opened the door to his hotel room pulling Tyler in. For being short than Tyler, Craig was pretty strong. As the door closed behind Tyler, Craig launched himself at Tyler holding him tightly. “I thought you forgot about me.” Tyler held Craig up as he carefully moved towards the bed in the room. “I couldn’t forget you, Craig. It was just harder to find you. But like always you show up and make it easy for me.” They both laugh as Tyler falls on the bed as Craig lays on top of him. “So what did you want to tell me, Craig?” Tyler asks looking up at curly hair man, he notices the Craig is moving closer to his face and before he could say anything Craig’s lips are on his. He is a little surprised but in no time Tyler is kissing Craig back. It's simple, not overdramatic, Craig pulls away looking into Tyler’s eyes. “I love you, Tyler. I have loved you for all of my modern day life.” Tyler chuckles as he sits up, Craig sliding off of him. “You are a major dork and I feel the same way, Craig.” Tyler watched as Craig’s face lights up, he felt his arm wrap arms his neck as he let out a happy laugh. Tyler rested his arms around Craig and his head on Craig. They just sat there for a little bit because this time there was no need to rush. They had all the time in the world.
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gamephd-wallpapers · 6 years
Play Rubble Saver II (Japan)
Play Rubble Saver II (Japan)
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Nominate for Retro Game of the Day!
Play Rubble Saver II (Japan) Online
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