#Ruby's siblings adore her
rooksamoris · 3 months
Amora, thoughts on this? And how can it be applied to the scarabia duo
omg my cousin sent me this video too!!
in regard to JAMIL <3
he definitely gives me cat person vibes (literally everyone in the middle east/north africa is a cat person from armenia to oman to algeria). i headcanon that scarabia has a bunch of cats around the place. jamil carries heavy baskets of laundry while kittens brush by his bare ankles as he walks about.
its so funny to sit beside him while the cats hide under his hair.
"Ah--out of my hair," he grumbles, pulling the kitten away from his hair. Its tiny claws were clinging to the thick strands, tangling them up with its excitable movements. When he sees the amusement on your face, he rolls his eyes and places the kitty in your lap, gently. He was always so mindful of how he held them, "Pull their hair instead, Za'afaraan (saffron)," he commands. He named the cats in Scarabia after spices. How cute.
i bet he and his family would go on park days too. it's a quick and cheap way of them getting to enjoy each other's company, but it is always so short lived. his responsibilities to kalim are all consuming.
Najma leaned over and glanced at her brother's phone, "Can't you put that down for a minute, himar (donkey)?" she asked, gesturing to the ma'amoul (date stuffed biscuit) and chai that was in front of them. His father had bought it from the souq (market) and his mother made the tea. It was the recipe she had taught him years ago. Jamil rolled his eyes, and shoved his sister's cheek away, "I need to make sure he stays at the estate." He kept his gaze away from his parents. There had to be some sort of tension and guilt... "Yeah, whatever..." Najma trailed off, before sipping her own tea. Her fingers traced over patterns on the sheet they sat on. Ornate swirls and floral motifs. Her unsaid words were weaving their way into the designs, never to be said, but to be seen in her dark eyes. When was the last time they had even spent family time like this? Her brother sighs and breaks his ma'amoul in half, "Here," he says, setting his phone down. Hopefully for longer than a few minutes.
as for KALIM!!
im sure he loves all animals, but cats?? he loves them, especially big cats. you can't tell me that the al-asim family don't have their own version of raja from aladdin. it gives jamil a heart attack at first, but soon enough this tiger is kalim's favorite thing in the world. the tiger ends up trained to protect and coddle kalim. whenever he's in the scalding sands, after greeting all his siblings, he rushes into the fur of his tiger.
"Ra'isa!" he yells, as he leaps against the large tiger. His arms wrapped around her back and then he nuzzled his cheek to its fur. There was a grin on his face as Ra'isa began to curl her body around him. You just stared in a mix of fear and apprehension. You glance between him and the tiger that was cuddling up to him. Of course, you expected chaos when you decided to visit the Scalding Sands with your boyfriend, but this? "Uhm..? Kalim..?" When his ruby eyes notice the look on your face, he laughs and grabs your hand, pulling you closer, "Don't worry. Ra'isa is very friendly with people I like," he reassures, guiding your hand over her fur. Ra'isa leaned into your touch, sensing her owner's adoration for you. When she curled her head in your direction, her face found its way to your belly, clearing signalling for your to scratch behind her eyes. Kalim leaned against the big cat, watching you with a look of joy. His two favorite people were getting along.
kalim's family is MASSIVE. i don't imagine they all go out too often due to how much security would be needed, but they all definitely have chaotic tea parties. you'd think with all that wealth the kids would not have to fight over who gets the last piece of ma'amoul or the last bite of fatta tamr (yemeni dish. its just small pieces of bint al-sahn mixed with minced dates and honey).
Kalim was holding up a box of assorted Turkish Delights away from all of his younger siblings who immediately rushed to his side when they heard he had brought them. He laughed as they reached up their short arms for the box, "There's enough for everyone, just get into a line," he said. The box was full enough to give each of them three pieces of the treats, and yet they still argued about who would get the first piece.
overall, yeah. arab men aren't scary. they literally kiss their homies good night, since when you greet a friend or are leaving for the night, you kiss each other's cheek.
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
yandere! aquamarine x reincarnated! reader x yandere! ruby blurb
warnings: yandere themes, spoilers(?) just don’t search up kamiki if you don’t want to know. rushed and unedited.
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Much like the twins you, Saitou [Y/N], were born into the world with memories of your previous life intact. As their younger adoptive sibling from Miyako and an unknown male idol, you were pretty much under strict supervision since day one.
You preferred to keep your reincarnation a secret as you had no idea they were reborn like you. Thus, to them you were just a frail little child that needed protection.
Ruby didn’t know why she was so entranced by you, perhaps it was because you were just so adorable — so utterly irresistible with those huge, sparkly eyes — that despite her overflowing obsession with her mother at that time, she still had room to swoon over your plump cheeks. She was a face-con at heart after all.
Aqua didn’t really appreciate you much until the death of his mother and even then he was still a cold bastard. You could see the bloodlust in his eyes, the way it would darken when he would give into those emotions. You acknowledged his authority over you, and would always follow his instructions to a tee. You were the moon between two stars, a lonely and shy existence.
It was until you didn’t go through that he finally noticed your true brilliance.
The one benefit of being the moon was that you could easily hide behind the clouds to do whatever you want.
Throughout your teenage years you’d actually been performing in your school and other venues. You had even revealed yourself to previous friends and colleagues.
One such colleague, had an offer. You were to perform as an idol once again in his company, in exchange for a few favors, that is assistance to be provided to Komachi B in their promotions and Aqua’s in his search for his father.
At this point Ruby and Aqua were quite literally your second family.
And you had a feeling, a feeling that if you’d do this everything will be unveiled.
“Don’t look away — !” You sang the last line to the song you’d written for this moment.
The stage, it had been so long since you’d been on it yet it still felt like home. You see in your previous life you had breathed and lived through music. It was your air. Your reason and basis for life.
When Aqua and Ruby saw you perform it was as if explosives had gone through their head. Their eyes were glued to your movements and ears were peeled to your voice throughout the entire song. They had never seen you dance or sing before, they didn’t even know you could do so. But in that moment you looked you like you belonged under the spotlight. No, you were the spotlight.
What they thought was the moon was actually the brightest sun.
“Fantastic performance. As expected from the top of the international industry.” Your benefactor clapped. They’d seen you perform before a multitude of times but you never ceased to entice them with your stage presence.
“You flatter me.” You smiled, your eyes glowing as bright as the binary stars your stagename was chosen after. Your gaze flicking back and forth at those flowers they’d given and their face.
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[note]: will be expanded upon if asks are sent/if this gains enough traction lol.
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
Last night, despite getting done with a week-long subbing stint at work and finally arriving at that sweet SWEET weekend... I lost my drawing drive. X3
So, I decided to play some Pokemon.
And I went on a Lati spree.
I brought up that Jamie knows a Latias and Latios on her blog. I've had the LatiAs in question for a few years now, but as far as the LatiOs... I had nothing to work with. XD
So, I started an Omega Ruby (accidentally started Alpha Sapphire first, thankfully realized my mistake early on) and binge played to the point that I could get the boi~
And now that I have him... I thought I'd dive into their characters and some small Lati lore!
And my current idea for how I'd draw them~
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Mention of death and injury ahead, but nothing graphic.
Areth and Thusa are siblings--Older sister and younger brother. I'm leaning toward having Latis be laid in twin pairs. However, due to unfortunate circumstances, these two both lost their respective twins, and they come from separate clutches.
Their parents were also lost when Thusa was young, so Areth took up the role of raising her little brother.
One day, Areth was attacked and badly wounded by Sharpedos, so her devoted little brother went to find help. That help was in the form of Jamie's eventual sister-in-law, Rose, who was in the midst of her own trainer journey through Hoenn. Rose took Areth to the Pokemon Center and provided comfort for Thusa as she recovered. Although wary of her, Areth came to trust the human and became a loyal member of her team. Thusa himself never battled, but tagged along and had a jolly old time~
In Scarlet, Areth is a good sight larger than normal, while Thusa is a little bit smaller. I was kinda hoping he'd be smaller than that, but I adore the dynamic I have going with these two! ^w^
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superiorsturgeon · 8 months
Mutually Exclusive Sibling Goals
Yang: Listen, Jaune, you’re my friend, but if you lay a finger on my sweet baby sister, we’re gonna have a problem.
Jaune: Even if we’re playing tag? 😆
Yang: I’m serious, Vomit Boy! 😡 Ruby is still too young to be dating right now and she’s under a lot of pressure!
Jaune: I get it! I’m just kidding around! 😅
Jaune: Besides, I’m actually kinda dating Pyrrha anyway! She’s the best…! 🥰
Yang: …what, so my sister’s not good enough for you or something?
Jaune: But you just said…?
Yang: I’ll have you know that Ruby is super smart, kind, and damned adorable! What’s your problem?
Jaune: You just told me not to date her!
Yang: …oh right…
Jaune: What’s happening right now?
Yang: Sorry! My big sister instincts have a conflict of interest! I want to protect Ruby’s innocence but I can’t stand the thought of anyone turning her down! 😖
Jaune: *puts a comforting hand on Yang’s shoulder* I understand completely…😔
Saphron: It was so nice to meet you, Pyrrha! I’m glad my baby brother has a girlfriend who will take care of him! He’s our special little boy and deserves all the good things! *pinches Jaune’s cheeks* 🤣
Jaune: Saaaaaph…! 😫
Pyrrha: Thank you so much, ma’am! It was lovely to meet you too!
Pyrrha: *joking* And don’t worry, I intend to take VERY good care of him…! 😉
Saphron: *slams her hands on the table* DO YOU INTEND TO STEAL MY BABY BROTHER’S INNOCENCE?!?! 🤬
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midsummer-semantics · 5 months
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Schoolyard Crush
[This is originally posted to twt as threads, but I'm posting the parts here as a full bit and will update as it updates]
Preschool teacher Steve/Single Dad Eddie
Threads: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
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[Part 1]
Steve knows he's not allowed to play favorites. All of his kids are amazing (except Daniel, that kid is a rabid chipmunk in a human suit). But most of them are fantastic.
Minnie, though. She's probably his favorite. Big eyes and thousand-watt smile every time Steve comes in the building. He's only been at the job a few months, but every day reminds him why he took the job in the first place. Especially with kids like Minnie, who always grabs "Mr. Steve's" hand and drags him over to do puzzles or read one of the Dr. Seuss books in the little corner library.
As Mother's Day approaches, the other teachers in his pod get the kids set up to make hand-flower bouquets for their mother-figures. Some do it for their grandmother, others for older siblings, some do two for both mom's.
Minnie tugs on Steve's pant leg while he's helping Braden with his hand prints.
"What's up, Minnie-moo?"
"How do I spell 'daddy'?" she asks, a D and A already written on her vase. She's always been so smart.
Steve helps her spell it out, not even questioning it.
He doesn't know a lot about her home life, but maybe she has a dad she considers a mom as well. Kids are always figuring things out as much as their limited experiences can help them understand.
He's not entirely incorrect. At some point, Minnie wants to show off her dad, grabbing Steve by the hand and taking him over to the wall of family photos in the room that he hasn't actually looked at too closely before.
"That's my daddy!" Minnie says excitedly, pointing to a picture of a curly-haired blast-from-the-past smiling at the camera, Minnie clutched in his arms. Steve's not sure how he didn't put two and two together before. Minnie's hair is the same wild curly brown, her eyes too big in an adorable doll-like way, and her clothes a mix of baby band t-shirts and tutus.
"That's your dad?" he asks to clarify.
"Yep!" Minnie says proudly before walking away, leaving Steve staring at the smiling face of his high school crush like it's not the revelation it really is.
Eddie Munson, notorious metalhead shit-stirrer — who Steve was pretty sure was as gay as he is — is the father of his favorite kid. Somehow, that figures. Steve's always had poor judgement.
It's not until a couple of days later that Steve gets the reality check.
It's recess, Minnie running around the playground with her friends when Eddie shows up, in the flesh. He doesn't stop Steve right away, leaning against the gate to watch his daughter screech and giggle with her friends. He looks good, because of course he does, he always has. But it's been 8 years since Steve's seen him and he's a man now, not the awkward, table-top-rant nerd he was in high school.
Steve takes a chance.
"Mr. Munson," he greets with faux happiness, his heart rabbiting in his chest. He keeps his body turned toward the playground, as per protocol, but mostly so he doesn't have to look in Eddie's stupidly beautiful eyes. He wants to look, but he fights it.
It doesn't matter, though, because as soon as Eddie mutters a shocked but quiet, "Steve?" he knows he's done for.
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[Part 2]
Before Steve can respond, Minnie comes running up to the gate screeching excitedly.
“Daddy! Daddy! This is Mr. Steve!”
Steve watches Eddie’s eyes soften so quickly at the presence of his daughter that it makes Steve’s teeth ache.
“I know, sweetie,” Eddie says, turning those same soft eyes on Steve now. “I’ve known Mr. Steve a very long time.”
Minnie’s head tilts like a puppy and Steve has the sudden urge to squeeze her until she pops. “What? But Mr. Steve is new here. And you’re too old for him to be your teacher.”
Steve slaps a hand over his mouth to cut off the cackle that nearly escapes. Yep, that’s Eddie’s kid alright.
Eddie, meanwhile, has gone ruby in the face, sputtering at his daughter’s lack of a social filter.
Steve takes pity on him, though he’s still snickering a little as he swings Minnie up into his arms. She giggles delightedly and boops Steve on the nose.
“I wasn’t your daddy’s teacher, Minnie-moo. I was his classmate. Kind of like how you have classmates here,” he explains.
Minnie’s eyes go wide at that. “Were you best friends like me and Grace?!”
Now it’s Steve’s turn to blush. He looks at Eddie for help, finding his own confusion about how to answer her reflected back at him.
“Uh, not exactly,” Steve starts. “But maybe… we could be?”
The last part is said directly to Eddie, who looks a little shocked at the question.
“Oh, uh. Yeah.” Eddie nods, curls bouncing. “Best friends who… maybe get dinner together? Friday?”
Steve can feel his blush deepen. He hasn’t seen heads or tails of Eddie in 8 years and the man is just… asking him out on a date? While Steve’s holding his child? How does Eddie even know Steve might be into that?
Then, Eddie’s eyes dart down to Steve’s work polo, and Steve puts it together. Eddie’s eying the rainbow pin there. Steve’s suddenly grateful for his boss that lets him wear it. The kids just think it’s pretty, but it’s really coming in handy right now.
“Yeah, Friday,” Steve agrees.
“Seven is perfect.”
Suddenly, Minnie makes an indignant noise, a pout on her lips. “But I’ll be with Grampa on Friday.”
‘Grampa’ must be the older gentleman that normally picks Minnie up, Steve supposes.
“That’s the idea, kiddo. Time to go,” Eddie says, shooting a subtle wink Steve’s way.
Steve gets her passed off to the front office girl, still standing near the gate as Eddie and Minnie take their leave. Eddie stops by the gate once more, Minnie’s head resting on his shoulder while she fiddles with a band pin on his jacket, still looking put out.
“Seven on Friday.”
“Seven on Friday,” Steve confirms. Then, much lower: “You can tell me how you became a daddy.”
Eddie’s smile turns a little wicked, a flash of high-school Eddie rushing to the front of Steve’s mind.
“Well, Mr. Steve, if we’re 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 friends, I can show you as well.”
Steve inhales sharply, listening to Eddie’s responding cackle as he starts walking away.
Friday it is.
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[Part 3]
Steve's not sure he's ever been so nervous for a date before. Which is ridiculous because he knows Eddie. He's known Eddie since he was 15. Surely that has to count for something? But no, the moment he sees Eddie at the table, everything Steve knows leaves his brain in a rush.
Dinner is nice. Great food, better company, but the biggest question is still harping on him.
"Go ahead," Eddie prompts after a time, "Ask."
Steve blushes, knowing he's been clocked. "Sure, yeah. Um... so... Minnie."
Eddie snorts, clearing his throat with a drink of his wine, like he's lubricating his throat for the answer.
Okay, bad thought.
"Minnie is mine, in case you're wondering."
Steve blinks, taken aback.
"Yeah, clearly. Same—" he gestures to Eddie, "everything."
Eddie grins, nodding. "Yeah, clearly. Her other dad is..." Eddie pauses, visibly recalibrating several explanations. "His IUD failed," he settles on. "We weren't dating, just casual, but he got pregnant anyway. And I'm the idiot who didn't wrap it before I tapped it."
Steve waits on baited breath, knowing there's more.
"He wanted to... terminate," Eddie continues. "Even made a couple of appointments, but never went through with them. He never wanted kids and I respected that! It's not my body, ya know? But I think part of me always hoped. And then he made me a deal: he would go through with the pregnancy in exchange for relinquishing all parental rights. No child support, no contact, total single parent life."
Eddie shrugs, like that's just the way the cookie crumbles and not like it was a drastic life decision.
"And I got Minnie out of it," he says, pride clear in his voice. Steve melts, seeing the obvious love in Eddie's voice. "And I wouldn't change a thing about it."
Steve nods, not getting it personally, but empathetic nonetheless. "She's a fantastic person. You've done an amazing job raising her," he says, reaching across to take Eddie's hand. It feels over-familiar, but Eddie doesn't pull away, just turns his hand to interlace their fingers together.
"And you've taught her so much since you started. Every day she comes home and it's 'Mr. Steve' this and
'Mr. Steve' that. I swear, I don't know how I didn't put it together sooner." Steve chuckles despite the way his face heats at the praise. He takes another drink, just to steel himself before he says, "Well, now you've told me how you became a daddy... Still up to show me?"
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[Part 4]
They barely make it back to Steve's fully clothed. Eddie had offered up his place, but Steve didn't want the first time he's in Eddie and Minnie's house to be marked by sex they're apparently both eager to engage in.
Plus he really hopes this isn't the only time this will happen, or be the only date they go on, so he can wait to see the more domestic parts of Eddie's life until they have the "what are we?" talk.
Steve nearly leaves his cardigan in the Uber after it was yanked off by Eddie who apparently has no qualms about exhibitionism (Steve leaves a hefty tip in apology), but they managed to stumble into his apartment still mostly in-tact.
Eddie backs him against the front door the moment they're inside, his lips planted against Steve's throat.
"Tell me what you want, sweet boy," Eddie murmurs, seemingly careful not to leave any damning marks on him. Steve would let him if he knew it wouldn't subject him to a world of shit at work on Monday. His coworkers are nosey, and the kids are likely to ask how he got a bruise on his neck without realizing what it is.
"I already told you what I wanted," Steve groans, his hands fisted in Eddie's shirt, contemplating the merits of ripping it off entirely.
Eddie chuckles, a dark thing, and pulls back to look at Steve with dangerous clarity. His thigh is wedged between Steve's, right up against his rapidly growing erection, and Steve's practically vibrating with need.
"Remind me again what that was, sweetheart," Eddie prompts, grinding his hips forward and his thigh up, knocking a shaky moan from Steve's panting lips.
"Ah! Want- want you to show me—" he chokes out, rutting down against Eddie's leg, cursing the layers between them.
"Gonna have to be more specific," Eddie teases, even though he's already working on the buttons of Steve's shirt.
Steve's brain is already fuzzy, rutting mindlessly against Eddie's thigh while Eddie works his shirt open enough to attach his lips to his collarbone. There he finally sucks a mark in the safe zone, the first of many, Steve hopes.
“I w-want you to show me how you became a daddy,” Steve stutters out, fully yanking on Eddie’s shirt at this point. He needs him naked and inside him yesterday.
“Good boy.”
It’s a flurry of rushed movements after that. Clothes go flying, Steve trips on his way to the bedroom like he doesn’t know where he’s going, and Eddie’s laugh lights him up inside.
Eddie pins him to the bed, staring down with stars in his eyes.
“You want me to be your daddy, baby?” he asks, running his hands up Steve’s sides in a way that’s too ticklish for the words he’s saying. “Fuck you raw and keep you full ‘til it takes?”
Steve whimpers, reaching for Eddie’s arms to tug him down.
“Yes, daddy. Please,” Steve pants. Eddie’s cock brushes against his own every time Steve’s hips jump, needing to feel him. “Want it. Want your baby. Give your daughter a sibling.”
Eddie groans and captures his mouth in a filthy kiss before reaching for the lube.
Steve’s mind — and mouth — run through all kinds of scenarios while Eddie opens him up. If only he could get pregnant. Steve’s always wanted kids, a big family, a partner to love and kids to spoil. Maybe 𝘌𝘥𝘥𝘪𝘦 could do that for him. It’s way too soon, but —
“Fuck, 𝘚𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦,” Eddie moans, sucking another mark into the crease where’s Steves hip meets his thigh, three-fingers deep already. “You gotta shut up before I tie you down and keep you forever.”
“Want it, want it,” Steve repeats, past the point of caring that he’s a pathetic begging mess. “Please, daddy. Give it to me!”
And he does. Eddie’s careful when he finally presses in, but Steve’s having none of it. He wants this fast and dirty. They can make love later. He needs Eddie to breed him over and over until nature and the universe rewrites itself.
Eddie’s hammering at his insides, one hand jerking Steve off, the other holding himself up as he sucks another mark right over Steve’s heart. 
"𝘋𝘢𝘥𝘥𝘺!" is all the warning Steve gets out before he’s cumming hard, back bowing and blood boiling.
“Steve, baby, 𝘍𝘶𝘤𝘬!" Eddie grunts, finding his own end deep inside Steve.
It won’t take, but Steve can pretend it does. He can hold Eddie close like they’ve been doing this all their life and will keep doing it forever.
“God, I hope so, baby,” Eddie breathes against his neck.
Oops, apparently Steve was thinking out loud again.
“Me too, daddy,” he says nonsensically.
Eddie snorts and kisses the side of his sweaty throat. He leaves his face buried there while they attempt to come back down, just breathing together.
After a moment, Eddie mumbles, almost too quietly for Steve’s ears to pick up: “How many dates do I have to take you on until we can tell Minnie?”
Steve’s heart stops and restarts. Eddie wants to do that? Roleplaying was one thing, but he actually wants his daughter to know they’re… what? Dating? Officially together? Trying to get pregnant even though that’s not going to work?
Okay, maybe not the last part. She’s only 4. 
“Um,” Steve hesitates, swallowing around a dry lump. “It’s your call, Eddie. You already know I love her.”
Eddie nods against his shoulder and tucks in tighter against him.
They don’t have to figure it out yet. They have time.
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[Part 5]
Steve’s pretty sure he has a perpetual blush every time he sees Minnie now. Never mind that his coworkers seem to know exactly how close he is with her dad just by looking at him. It’s like he has “Daddy’s Boy” written across his forehead now.
The Friday before Father’s day, Steve and his co-teachers are helping the children make hand-print awards that say things like “# 1 dad” or “# 1 papa”.
“Mr. Steve,” Minnie says from across the little table that he and several of her classmates are sitting around.
It takes all of his self control not to keep her plastered to his side at all times. Eddie desperately wants to tell her about them, but Steve’s worried about confusing her.
He’s also worried that Eddie will change his mind, but he’s terrified to say that out loud, like it’ll manifest immediately if he gives it breath. The fact Eddie is so adamant means the world to him, but his own history with flighty parents means he doesn’t want to risk being that in Minnie’s life. She means as much to him as Eddie does, possibly more because she’s such an angel and he would be lucky to be there for her, however Eddie wants him to be.
So when she says his name in her little voice, his heart flutters and his focus is 100% on her -- a dangerous task when he has Daniel next to him with paint all over his hands.
“Yes, Minnie-moo?” Steve asks, the nickname still making her giggle.
“How do you spell rockstar?” she asks. She has her pencil poised and ready to let him list off the letters. Steve does, doing his best to not let Daniel run amok with gold fingers while helping Minnie create a # 1 Rockstar award for her dad.
“Thank you!” Minnie says excitedly before grabbing her art and running over to Robin. Steve just knows Eddie’s going to cry when he sees it. Hell, Steve can feel the burning of tears behind his own eyes as he thinks about the two of them. They’re a perfect family, and the fact that Eddie wants him to be part of that, even so soon, is something Steve still can’t wrap his head around.
Instead, he tries to refocus on helping the other kids who are making gifts for their parents, and probably doing a terrible job at pretending he’s not always half-watching Minnie.
At the end of the day, while Steve’s chasing the kids around during recess, a gorgeous swath of dark curls catches his eye. He spins toward the gate, spotting Eddie among the other eager parents waiting for their children.
“Happy Father’s day,” Steve says when he approaches the gate, once again keeping his attention mostly on the children playing.
“Thank you again, sweetheart,” Eddie murmurs, sending him a wink.
Again, meaning after Steve texted him first thing that morning. Steve feels his entire face heat up because what he actually told him that morning was “happy father’s day daddy.”
“Minnie has a gift for you,” he deflects.
“I’ll grab it!” Robin pipes up, nearly scaring the shit out of Steve in the process.
“Oh! Uh… thank you, Ms. Robin,” Steve stammers, before dropping low to scoop a giggly Minnie into his arms. “You ready to give your daddy a happy father’s day?”
“We made cards!” she tells him, proud as anything.
“Yeah?” Eddie chuckles. “Is it gonna make me cry?”
“Probably,” she states, suddenly very serious. Steve and Eddie both glance at each other, nervous smiles on their faces.
As Robin reappears from the classroom, arms held behind her back, Minnie wiggles in Steve’s arms. “Ms. Robin, I can give them to them, right?”
“Of course you can, Minnie,” Robin replies with a megawatt smile.
“Mr. Steve, can you put me down please?”
Steve blinks a few times, thoroughly confused. “Oh! Sure, of course, Miss Minnie.”
He sets her on the ground, looking over to find the overly fond look on Eddie’s face at the entire interaction.
“Thank you,” Minnie chimes, smoothing her My Little Pony dress out immediately.
“You can walk her out, dingus,” Robin mutters as Minnie walks toward the door to the office.
“But--” he starts, cut off by his boss who opens the door and waves him inside. Steve hesitates only for a moment before chasing after Minnie, scooping her back into his arms before carrying her out to the parking lot. Eddie has moved toward the front door, already waiting for them both with open arms. Steve just steps into them, melting immediately into a group hug with two of his favorite people.
“I missed you both so much,” Eddie coos, planting a smacking kiss to Minnie’s cheek while surreptitiously squeezing Steve’s hip. 
Minnie kisses him back before turning dangerously in Steve’s grasp to call out: “Ms. Robin! My awards!”
“Of course, Minnie, darling,” Robin says with over-inflated grandeur, bowing and then holding several pieces of paper between the bars. Steve shuffles them close enough for Minnie to grab, confused as to why there’s more than one.
“Here,” Minnie says, immediately holding them out for Eddie to take without explanation. Eddie’s eyebrows raise as he accepts them, turning them over to see.
The first is the one Steve helped her with, her hand the centerpiece of an award with # 1 Rockstar written on a would-be plaque.
“Oh, Minnie,” Eddie whispers, tears gathering in his eyes. Steve wants to gather him back up in his arms, but refrains in public.
“There’s more,” Minnie states proudly, and Steve watches Eddie shuffle the top award to the back.
The second says “# 1 grampa” spelled exactly as she pronounces it. Steve’s eyes burn and he’s not able to wipe away the tear that escapes since he has his arms full of the thoughtful 4-year-old.
“It’s for Grampa Wayne,” she explains, like Eddie might be confused.
Eddie sniffles, pressing the award stack to his chest as he says, “He’s gonna love it, sweet pea.”
Minnie looks proud, which makes Steve feel proud too, even if he knows Robin helped her with it. He’s so proud of Minnie for being the amazing little girl she is, but also so proud of Eddie for being the incredible father that she needs.
Eddie moves in to wrap them both back in a hug when Minnie cries: “Wait there’s one more!”
“Oh! Of course, I’m sorry,” Eddie says, his voice a little strained despite the breathtaking smile on his face.
He shuffles the pages once more, freezing when the last one is revealed. 
Steve only helped with the first one; he had no idea she made three of them.
He stands there with Minnie in his arms, watching Eddie’s eyebrows draw together and then up, the tears in his eyes pooling even more. It’s all incredibly worrying because Steve’s never seen Eddie cry this much, and now he’s terrified about what the final one says.
“Is everything okay?” Steve asks after a moment, glancing at Robin for a second, who looks on the verge of tears herself despite the smile on her face.
“Yeah, sweetheart,” Eddie whispers, and then turns the pages over for Steve to see.
There, on the would-be plaque under Minnie’s tiny hand print, says “#1 Steve.”
Steve gasps, eyes raking over the scribbly handwriting again and again.
“Oh no,” Minnie mumbles, her smile falling and big brown eyes tearing up, “It makes you sad.”
Steve chuckles around a sob and holds Minnie tighter, burying his face in her familiar curly hair. “No, baby girl. I’m so happy.”
“Happy tears?” she asks when he pulls back.
“Very happy tears. My number one Minnie,” he replies. Her face lights up once more as she throws her arms around Steve’s neck and attempts to squeeze the life out of him.
Steve looks to Eddie, making sure everything about this is okay. The man looks elated, tears flowing freely. Steve almost forgets they’re standing in the parking lot of his job.
“Now?” Eddie mouths. Steve, blinking back more tears, nods definitively. “Hey Minnie-moo,” Eddie says, running his fingers through his daughter’s hair to get her attention. “What do you think of Mr. Steve being around outside of school? Like, as daddy’s boyfriend?”
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I imagine Merlin having a cat mum and a bird dad, a tiny kitten with wings, a very magical bebe who'll eventually shape-shift into a human.
Cat mum finds him odd but adorable, she thinks he's a bit like his father a bird made of magic and warm feathers although her bebe Merlin takes after her in appearance; elegance covered in silky black fur with golden eyes, her mate has said he loves her shiny eyes hence he brings her pretty stones and gems for their nest. She purrs happily as her bebe Merlin wiggles beside her playing with the ruby her mate gifted to their youngest.
All their children were either cats or birds, yet bebe merlin is a purrfect mixture of her and her crow mate, the only birb kitty in all her litters. In a sense she is most protective of him, her crow mate has said he can shape shift into a human one day to fulfill his destiny.
She has asked what the fates has chosen for their bebe Merlin, crow dad has had glimpses of their youngest hatchling's future and mentioned a shiny crown, dragons, and dresses.
"Dragons? They're flying lizards are they not?" She questions her mate, who cackled and nodded yes.
"What are dresses?" She meows, her head nudging at bebe Merlin who was sleeping curled up around the ruby in his paws, her crow mate hopped next to their birb cub, softly pecking bebe Merlin's furry head and ears.
Head tilting, crow father answered.
"Something that humans wear I think, they don't have feathers or fur like you and I do."
"Will we need them for bebe Merlin?"
Crow father takes a second to think before nodding.
"Yes. A lot of dresses. Our bebe Merlin will grow bigger than his siblings and once he turns human he will not have much feathers or fur to keep him warm."
Cat mother stared down at her bebe Merlin snoozing.
"Then we shall start soon as possible. Where can we find them?"
Crow father chirped in delight.
"There are these humans who have magic, witches I believe they're called, they sometimes summon my crow sisters. I can ask them to bring back shiny dresses instead of shiny stones!"
"That's a start, we can see if there are other ways to get them yes?"
"Of course my love, we'll have plenty for our bebe Merlin!"
To be continued, maybe, lol
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acewritesfics · 10 months
Call Me Tommy | TOMMY SHELBY
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Fic Type: Imagine.
Request: No.
Warnings: There's a little swearing. Rose is the name of Tommy and Reader's daughter, Caroline is the name of Rose's daughter (Tommy's and Reader's granddaughter) and Jennifer is the name of Caroline's Daughter (Tommy and Reader's great-granddaughter), hopefully that all makes sense. Grace and Charlie did happen but Lizzie and Ruby didn't because that would have added more confusion for me. There is also names for Reader's siblings. This isn't meant to be cannon in any way, shape, or form. ITALICS ARE FLASHBACK'S TO 1925 
Word Count: 1,969
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Jennifer walks into her elderly grandmother's room at the rest home. Though the 92 year old doesn't remember much from the last 60 years, Jennifer still loved visiting her Grandma Rose. She enjoys listening to the stories Rose tells her, ever since the young 30 year old woman was a child. Her Grandma Rose told the best stories and in the best way. And Rose never forgot telling them to her. It was one of her memories that refuses to fade. 
"Good morning, Grandma Rose," The young woman greets her grandmother with a warm smile and kiss to her cheek.  
"Good morning, Jenny," the elderly woman smiles, her eyes lighting up seeing her youngest grandchild, the one she's always been closest too and the only one who name hasn't left her mind. All her other grandchildren were familiar faces that didn't visit her as often as Jenny does. 
"How are you feeling today?" Jenny asks taking a seat across from her at the small table in her room. 
"About the same," she replies. "How's your mother?"  
Jenny's mother, Caroline, is Rose's second child and her first daughter. Her uncle, Rose's oldest and only son, died a few years ago from an illness and her younger daughter died when she was just a baby. 
"She's good, she's hoping to come see you next week," she informs her though she knows she won't remember it by time tomorrow comes. "She found something for me to show you," she reaches into her handbag, pulling out an envelope. Opening the envelope, she takes out the three photos that are inside and lays them on the table facing Grandma Rose. "Mum found these in the attic and thought you might like them." 
A smile graces Rose's lips as tears build up in her eyes looking at the photos with so much love that it makes Jenny feel emotional.  
The first photo was of a young woman who couldn't be much older than Jenny is now. The second photo is the same woman with a handsome man, on what looked to be their wedding day, instead of looking at the camera. They were gazing at each other with so much love and adoration it makes Jenny's heart melt. The third photo was the same couple, a little older, with a baby girl sitting on the woman's knee, and a boy who couldn't be more than 10 standing beside her as the man stood behind her with one hands on her shoulder and the other on the boys shoulder. 
"This was my mother, Y/N," Rose tells Jenny as she picks up the photo of the woman. "This was before she met my father. Her first husband died in the war. She was only 23. They weren't married more than 6 months. It took her a long time to want to love again and then my father came along. He was a widow himself, with a son, my half-brother Charlie. Do you remember your Uncle Charlie?" 
Jenny smiles fondly remember the elderly man that always snuck her treats as she grew up. He had passed five years ago. "He was a lovely man. You both never spoke much of your parents. How did they meet?" 
"My mother always said it was fate," She says, her eyes moving to the photo of the married couple as she picks it up. "They met back in 1925..." 
Y/N was growing frustrated with Adam, her older brother, as she stands in the only suit shop there is in Small Heath, Birmingham. The 34-year-old didn't want to be here in the first place but of course Adam needed a woman's opinion on the suit that was currently being tailored for him. She doesn't understand why he needed a new suit when he has plenty at home. He told her he didn't have a date or that he wasn't going any where fancy, that he just needs one and that should be enough of an explanation. 
Leaving Adam to be tailored, she looks around the ready made suits to see if she could find one she likes for him. Nothing in particular catches her eye. They all looked the same to her but she was no expert on fashion. If it hadn't been for their older sister, Edith, growing up, she wouldn't know how to dress herself appropriately, let alone someone else.  
"You would have been better off bringing Edith instead of me," she calls to Adam moving the suits along the rack, "Or better yet that girl you fancy. That's why you want the suit, isn't it?" 
"You really thought you were my first choice to bring with me?" he teases and winces after the tailor purposely pokes him with a needle. "Edith was busy with her children." 
Edith is almost forty and pregnant with her and her husband's 8th child. Y/N is lost on how Edith could do it, popping out babies all the time. Edith's oldest child, a boy who's 17-years-old, the youngest, a daughter, is 2-years-old. She's due to have her 8th baby in two months.  
"And the girl I fancy, is out of town for the week," Adam continues. "I know you don't understand this because you haven't put yourself out there in 10 years, but this suit is going to help me finally ask her on a date." 
"Is the suit going to ask her for you?" she teases her brother, earning a chuckle from the tailor.  
"For your information my dear little sister, suits give a man a certain confidence like a woman with a beautiful dress that was made just for her," he states confidently. "And at least I'm trying to date. You're almost 35, with no husband and no children, you're a spinster." He winces again as the tailor pokes him even harder this time. 
"I'm a widow actually. You're the one who's never been married," she growls at him coming to where he's standing. "Why is it okay for you men to sleep with any woman you want and not have to consider marriage or having a family? But when a woman my age isn't married with children, we're spinsters and unlovable?" She ignores the smirk on the tailor's face as she directs her glare at her brother. "You know what, you're on your own." 
She turns on her heel and goes to storm out the door when she bumps right into another person, almost knocking herself back on her bottom. Lucky for her, the person's hands find her waist stopping her from falling backwards. "I am so so-" 
She is cut off when her eyes connect with eyes so vividly blue that she could drown in them.  
"Sorry," she finishes barely above a whisper, as though the air in her lungs have gone.  
"Don't apologise," he tells her. "Are you all right?" 
She nods unable to find her voice. She's never met a man with such beautiful eyes. She feels herself enchanted by them. When he removes his hands from her, a coldness settles over her. It wasn't until then that she noticed how warmth she felt when he was touching her.  
Finding her voice, she decides to introduce herself, holding her hand out towards him. "My name is Y/N L/N." 
"Thomas Shelby," he introduces himself taking her hand in his, the warm feeling returning to her. "Call me Tommy." 
"Mr Shelby!" the tailor calls to the man in front of her. "I won't be a minute." 
Tommy nods towards the man, before looking back at Y/N. "It was lovely to meet you, Ms. L/N."  
"It was lovely to meet you too, Mr Shelby," she agrees. 
He gives her a small polite smile and moves past her to go towards the tailor. She watches him for a moment, taking him all in, from the way he walks to how he stands, to his mannerisms when he speaks and listens. She didn't know him at all but there was something about him that drew her in, and it wasn't just his beautiful ocean blue eyes. She finds herself wanting to know him and everything about him. Little did she know that he was feeling the same about her. 
It was at this moment, her brother, fully dressed joins her. "I'm sorry for what I said. I'm just worried for you, sister. I don't want you to end up like mother when father died. I don't want you to end up alone." 
"You don't need to worry about me," she tells him as Tommy's eyes connect with her own. She feels her heart skip a bit and her breath catch in her lungs but manages to look away from the handsome man, with his high cheek bones, plump lips and beautiful eyes. 
Her brother notices what's happening and lets out a small groan as he pulls her out of the suit shop "Of course the first man to take your fancy after 10 years is none other than Thomas Fuckin' Shelby." 
"You know him?" her gaze snaps to Adam as they walk towards their shared home.  
"How do you not know who he is?" he answers with his own question, looking at her like she's grown three heads. "Everyone from Birmingham knows who he is."  
"We're not from Birmingham, are we?" she scoffs. "So who is he?" 
"He's the fuckin' King of Birmingham. Leader of the Peaky Blinders."  
"Well, that just makes him even more interesting," she mumbles more to herself as she gazes back towards the shop, hoping to see another glimpse of the handsome gangster. 
"Your Great-Grandfather had quite the reputation in Birmingham, even in London. A lot of people would say he was ruthless, cold, demeaning and a lot of other bad words and he was those things but he was also very smart, caring, loyal and he loved my mother completely. She was his Queen and he treated her like one. Everything he did was for us and the rest of his family," Grandma Rose explains after telling the story of how her parents met. "You look him up on that computer thing you have, but don't believe everything you read. The coppers had it out for him and tried to make him out to be the worst human being they had met. But there was also someone out there much worse than him." 
"Do you think about them often?" Jenny asks her. 
She nods, "All the time, more so now since I'll be joining them and Charlie soon." 
"Hopefully not too soon," Jenny smiles sadly. The thought of losing her Grandma Rose breaks her heart. 
Rose reaches out to hold her granddaughter's hand. "I want you to keep the photos. They would love for you to have them. You look just like her." 
"My mother? I know." She gives her hand a gentle squeeze, hearing the words Rose always told her, more so now that she was losing her mind. 
"No, not Caroline. My mother, Y/N. You look just like her but you have my father's eyes. Those beautiful blue ones that could drown someone in them," Rose smiles and stands up from her chair. "I love you Jennifer, don't ever forget that." 
"I won't," Jenny says as she helps the elderly woman into her bed. "I love you too, Grandma Rose." She places a kiss to her cheek and goes back to the table, looking at the photos once more as she picks them up and puts them back inside the envelope.  
Jenny looks back to her grandmother who's already drifted off to sleep and smiles. She goes back over to her and places a kiss on her forehead before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. The first she decides to do as she leaves the rest home is to look up Thomas Shelby, her great-grandfather. 
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CREDIT: Razorblade and dots dividers made by me. Peaky Blinders divider made by @/firefly-graphics. Support divider made by @/cafekitsune.
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TAGGED: @forgottenpeakywriter | @rainydayteacups | @bernelflo
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Ruby: (drunkenly slurring her words) Alright, Blake! Y-You better start eshplaining yourself!
Blake: (also drunk but articulate) Oh, so you want to start this now? Okay, Rose, whatchu got?
Ruby: (slams fists on table) Yang is MY sister!
Blake: (finishes her dr8nk and slams glass down) And I LOVE her VERY much!
Ruby: I KNOW!!! (Starts crying) Whichis why this is so hard to try to be all "You’re not good enough for my sister"!!! You've grown to be a second sister to me Blake!!!
Blake: (adorable kitty eyes) I've never had siblings!
Ruby: Well, you do now because YOU’RE fucking MY sister! (Holds arms wide) Bring it in, Sis!!!
Blake: (throws arms around ruby and cries) RUBY!!!
Ruby: (cries and hugs Blake) BLAKE!!!!
Weiss: Shall we agree to never let them drink together again?
Yang: (blushing and covering her eyes) Agreed.
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iwillalwaysremeber · 9 months
I looove the Christmas Special so much!
Ruby's family is lovely. Her grandma is an absolute boss.
The Doctor and Ruby both being adopted.
The Doctor with children - adorable
Ruby and the Doctor arguing like siblings
The Doctor (as always) just caring sooo much about every single being in the universe
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dollyyun · 2 months
Hi Ruby! How do you think DKP hyungs would be as dilf- DADS I mean 🤪
I'd imagine they'd make their Poly r/s with Y/N work even in the future and they'd all somewhat father each other's kids but I see all of them being girl dads. Like they have such a soft spot for Y/N and they would for any of their daughters too bc they probably looks like their mother too 🤭
hii dear nonie! plss just say dilfs, i don't mind🙏🏻especially when im currently taking my masters in dilfology😌i'm glad you sent me this ask because i'm actually a huge sucker for when they have kids🥹
also, i wholeheartedly agree with you on them being girl dads🫶🏻 i know that this might seem unrealistic but they would actually make their poly r/s work, including having kids of their own. you are correct about them fathering each other's kids, because in the end, they're all siblings and y/n's their mother.
so, here is how i imagine about them being (hot) dilfs in dkp:
heeseung: he would not mind the gender of the baby as long as the baby came out safely and healthy. now, i see him having a son instead of a daughter, and he would be gentle with him yet strict when needed. he would also set a good example to his son, which led to his son loving and protecting y/n fiercely from any potential harm as well as treating her like the queen of their household, but his son might have a slight obsession towards y/n, as in he would be very easily jealous whenever her attention on her other children. now towards the children of his best friends, heeseung would love them just the same and a little more lenient towards them. maybe it had to do with him being the oldest out of the four, but their kids would listen to heeseung more than they do towards their own dads. if he had a daughter instead, trust that he would treat her like a princess and would be more gentle.
jay: just like heeseung, he doesn't mind the gender of the baby, but i actually see him being a girl dad! he would be hesitant to hold his baby girl as he's afraid of dropping her, but as soon as he finally got to hold her for the first time, i could imagine tears in his eyes, because he never would have imagined having a child of his own. jay would be the one changing her diapers and feeding her bottle milks instead of y/n, even if it meant sacrificing his sleep. jay would be obsessed with his baby girl in a way that he is so fiercely protective of her that even the slightest cut on her finger would worry and anger him. he would also spoil her excessively more than he should. he would give his baby girl anything she wanted, literally anything, and he would make it happen either way. if he had a son instead, he would treat him way better than his own father did to him. now towards his best friends' children, he would be intimidating and scary in their eyes because of how stern he looked, but he would be loving them like his own children, just that he's unsure of how to express his love the way his best friends do because more than one child would be overwhelming for him.
jake: a girl dad only, period. twin girls, to be specific. he would be a tad clumsy and awkward when handling his newborns in the beginning, but he wouldn't drop them under any circumstances. i imagined him the fun and outgoing dad, always bringing his twins out to the park to play. he would teach them how to ride a bicycle or even a pennyboard, and would be so encouraging if they ever fall and scrape their knees. his twins would love his hugs, just as his best friends' children do, because something about his hug made them feel safer and more comforting. he would read bedtime stories to his twins and give them goodnight kisses. he would entertain them by playing tea party with them and even allow them to tie his hair with pink ribbons. he would be sending and fetching them from school on most days, and sometimes he would bring them to eat some ice cream. his best friends' children would absolutely adore jake just like he adores them. to them, he would be the most fun and adventurous dad compared to their own dads. hence, jake would often bring all of them out, like to the beach, etc.
sunghoon: a girl dad, he even wanted to be one. now, i imagined him getting disappointed when his first newborn turned out to be a boy. of course, sunghoon would love his son, but i could imagine him trying with y/n for another, and he would do it again until he finally got his baby girl (also rip to y/n's pussy). he would definitely treat his baby girl like a princess. i see him as the type of domestic dad to fix and build something that could grant his baby girl some entertainment, like a cute princess playhouse or even a mini-library for her and for him to read her books despite his dislike for reading. he would be tying her hair into a neat ponytail or braid before sending her off to school. if someone were to bully his baby girl at school, be it in kindergarten or even university, trust that her bullies would be dealt with. just like his best friends, he would be so overprotective over his daughter that he would threaten her pursuers to stay away from her while she would obviously be embarrassed and annoyed at him. with his son(s), he would be a little rough, as in whenever he played with them in a playful wrestle on the bed. towards his best friends' children, he would love them, but not more than he loved his own children.
also i forget to add that they would gift their children devil’s knight masks of their own <333
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I was just about to say I LOVE ABSOLUTELY ADORE the dynamic between Ruby and the doc. Having it as a sibling relationship works so much better than the potential love interest (for me personally) . Ruby loves and cares about the doctor. That’s her brother, her family. She cries with him and she cries for him. She laughs with him and she laughs for him.
They are such a family I adore them
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kepnerandavery · 4 months
Bridgerton season 3 (part 1) review
Thoughts on polin this season:
I stand corrected, people. I loved Penelope and Colin this season. I found the writing of those two as individual characters and a couple (on the show) to be mediocre before, but my god, it's like they jumped straight out of the fourth book this season. It's like I finally got to meet book Penelope and Colin (especially Colin). And the chemistry of the leads really surprised me too. I don't know what was going on before this season, but they are great together now. The writing/portrayal of the personalities of the two characters and their connection was spot on, and I honestly have no notes. I wish they had kept this same essence since the beginning, but I get why they were saving this until their season. As I expected, the execution of the translation of this season and couple from the book to screen was the best out of all three seasons. I wish the past two couples got the same attention and treatment (specially kanthony), but alas, there's nothing to be done about that. RMB is my fourth favourite book in the series, but this season is honestly my favourite. The dialogue, costumes, locations, aesthetic of the sets, and even the silent moments between the leads were so poignant. And this season made it clear how a show having a female show-runner can impact it so positively.
Now, on to the other things:
I really liked how they handled Penelope and Eloise's friendship and its fallout this season. Their friendship was written more subtly and with care this season and resembled the one in the books for the first time ever for me. And how they both changed as individuals by the absence of the solace the two of them found in each other in the past as they stood against the confoundedness and cruelty of society was written so well.
Kanthony were adorable and really cute and it's such a shame that we got so few scenes of them. At least they are together and happy.
I hate how they keep making a mockery of Benedict's character. It's clear that he should have already met Sophie and gotten his story cause his character feels lost among everyone else, but the poor boy is still smiling, so that's something I guess. I just wish they would for once properly focus on his love for art and improvement of his talent instead of his little dalliances. It's almost like the writers think that he has no other values/interests beyond that. I feel like the writers are so much better at handling Eloise's character and preparing her for her season than they are at writing Ben's. For god's sake, they should at least give him a best friend, or further build his relationship with one of his siblings or Violet to give his character some substantiality.
Eloise was really great this season and seemed so much more mature and grounded. Her costumes were immaculate too. I just wish we had seen her bond with Francesca more cause they're really close in the books.
As for Francesca, I'm sorry, I didn't like how her character or story was written this season. She was never meant to be this.. idk... plain and quirky? (no one come at me cause I'm a book Fran apologist). After watching these four episodes I feel like Ruby had a better grasp on Francesca's character than Hannah does but it could also have something to do with the very bland writing. But then again, most of what we know of Fran is from WHWW and she is more mature in it, so like polin, her character could also get major development later on as she gets older. But I don't have high hopes for that. And dare I say, I also didn't like how John was written either. He was always way more confident and outgoing in my mind (I also expected them to cast an actor of a larger build and screen presence to play him). But I do see how this version of him suits the new version of Fran. But all in all, neither of them were this particular in my imagination. I hadn't had any hopes for the adaptation of Michael's character since last season came out, so this is literally the nail on that coffin for me. At this point, I'm very desensitised to being let down by this show and prefer to be pleasantly surprised, so who cares.
The soundtrack was great (though nothing can beat season one's in my opinion). But Snow On The Beach playing in episode four at the exact moment it did was really poignant and sweet so it's my favourite song they used this season (so far).
Favorite quote:
"Eros and Psyche battling it out." "What you are trying to say, Miss Cowper? Are they not old friends?" "The oldest of friends, really. Ever since the Featheringtons moved in across the street." "Across the street from the Bridgerton house?" 😭 (argghhh! why is that the cutest thing? whoever wrote that deserves a raise!!!)
Suffice to say, I'm very excited to see how the rest of the season is written. I hope they handle the whole LWD thing with care too.
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daisysolovely · 2 years
Aemma Targaryen
Losing an eye. 
So, hear me out, I have this imagination where the babe Queen Aemma carried survived and they were a girl who was born blind. Instead of Aemond who losing his eye, it would be this princess. 
I think I might turn this into a series but Idk yet, as I still have a lot of idea for this what if thingy. As far as I could tell, I don’t know who Aemma will ended up so this would be a platonic/family story for now. 
Summary: What if the child Queen Aemma carried was a princess and she actually survived? And what if that child was born blind? 
P/s: English is not my first language, so please forgive for my grammar mistakes and I am an unexperienced writer so feedbacks would be highly appreciated. 
Anyway, enjoy~ 
Aemma’s series: Aemma’s dragon, A Ruby eye, A Pawn, A Proposal
What if Queen Aemma gave birth to a princess who was able to survive? 
Aemma Targaryen, named after her late mother, was born blinded. Some said the princess was cursed for she wasn’t meant to survive death. Some said it was a price for her being alive. Either way, Aemma had always been grateful for her life. She had a loving father who tended to her every need, a beloved sister who was understanding of her disability and an uncle who had an overprotective tendency due to her lack of vision. Not to mention her stepmother, who had been kind and her adorable siblings. 
Her disability didn’t mean that she was clueless about the conflict that set her family apart or the game of politics they were all playing. She was well aware of them, even the secret they thought they had hidden from the world. She might be able to see like a normal person, but she wasn’t completely blind to the world. 
“Aemma.” Yelled Aegon as he approached his sister in the hallway, his words were slightly slurred. The princess flinched at the sudden noise and dropped her cane to the ground, causing Aemma to crunch and pat around, finding her cane. 
The Prince soon approached his sister and stood her up before shoving the cane in her hand. Despite his reputation, he had always had a softer approach to his older sister. The prince wrapped his hand around her wrist and gently guided her, walking slowly as he talked to her.
Aegon, ever since little, had a habit of sneaking into Aemma’s bed. He found comfort in Aemma’s calmness, something he didn’t experience with his mother. It soothed him when she caressed his hair or when she hummed to him at night. As a child, he loved to listen to Aemma’s voice or her lullaby. The prince would voluntarily become her cane just to be in her presence for longer. And as he grew older, he confided in her and confessed to her all his emotions and thoughts that were suppressed inside him. 
However, their closeness was frowned upon and it stirred controversy, even more, when Aegon gained his player reputation. So, the prince changed his method and instead became more discreet with his affection for Aemma. 
“Lady Laena had passed away.” He told her while eyeing her warily. The boy, even in his drunken state, was concerned for his sister. 
Aemma paused at her pace, she turned in the direction of Aegon’s voice. The princess could feel her hands starting to shake as her eyes began tearing up. If it wasn’t for Aegon holding her, Aemma would surely collapse on the floor due to the shocking news. This was just so sudden and Aemma couldn’t imagine what her uncle and cousins must be going through right now. The cursed princess suddenly turned on her heels and walked the opposite way. 
It took Aegon by surprise but the boy was quick to react, he immediately held his sister and exclaimed. “Where are you going?” 
“To Pentos.” She reluctantly answered as she made her way to the dragon pit. “I need to give my condolence to uncle.” She said. 
Aegon’s wrap around Aemma’s tightened, he didn’t wish for her to fly to Pentos. She was in no condition to do so and the boy didn’t particularly like his uncle either. The feeling was mutual for both parties and Aemma knew that as well. But right now, she couldn’t care less. 
“You will meet him soon. We’ll go together.” Explained the boy and Aemma compromised even though she knew deep down, nobody trusted her enough to let her fly alone. A bitter taste settled in her throat, but the princess pushed it aside like many times before. 
Aemma didn’t understand what was going on, she was standing behind Aemond as the boy and her sister’s children argued. It was chaos, Aemma felt as if her ears would explode at any minute. The cursed princess turned her head left and right, trying to analyse the direction of each child. Yet, it was all a failed attempt. 
And the children, too heated, forgot completely about the appearance of Aemma. 
The Cursed princess knew the argument would take a downturn when Aemond called the boys “Strong”, something that was unspeakable among the court and the Targaryen family. Aemma then proceeded to tap on Aemond’s shoulder in an attempt to call him off, yet the boy was too caught up in the moment to notice. 
It was when Lucerys took out his dagger that Aemma’s presence became noticed as she shoved her brother aside and took the hit instead. 
All hell broke loose after that. 
Aemma couldn’t quite remember the details as every time she recalled it, all she could feel was a sharp pain on her right cheek and the cry of her brother along with her nephews and cousins. If she thought this was chaotic, she was proven wrong the moment her sister made the appearance. The realm’s delight cried out as she reached for her sister as Aemma was tended to by the maester. 
“This shouldn’t have happened.” She would hear Rhaenyra mumbling. “I am so sorry, dear sister.” The cursed princess tried not to frown as it would damage her wound. She understood how Rhaenyra must feel, blaming herself for Aemma’s wound. If she was in her sister’s shoes, she would probably feel the same. 
Truthfully, Aemma was angry. Not because she had lost an eye, after all, her eyes were useless, to begin with. She didn’t necessarily lose anything. But she was angry because Lucerys thought he could hurt his kin and because Aemond dared to take Vhagara when lady Laenor’s funeral was just that morning. 
Still, she suppressed it all down for the sake of her family or specifically, her father, the king had exclaimed in horror upon seeing her wound. It must be horrible, Aemma thought as she could visibly hear everyone flinching or whispering about her lost eye. “My sweet child.” The king wrapped his arm around Aemma as he cried. He had always felt bad for Aemma, feeling as if she suffered more than all of her siblings and yet, he was helpless. As a king, he could only try to provide her with the best material he could find. And as a father, he could only hope he had done a wonderful job. 
But now, with an eye lost, the King felt as if it was his fault. Had he not done a great job of protecting her? 
Much to Aemma’s dismay, the Queen demanded justice for the princess, claiming an eye for an eye. Aemma hopelessly sat at the chair while listening to her family tearing each other apart, her uncle Daemon beside her and Aegon next to her. It seemed that Daemon was the only one who enjoyed the show, so far. While Aegon tended to Aemma as if she was porcelain.
“ENOUGH!” The soft Aemma finally had enough as she practically shouted, shutting down the entire room. And she didn’t see how everyone turned to her immediately. “This is absurd!” 
“I don’t need revenge and pithiness. My eyes have never functioned anyway, losing one would hardly make a difference.” Aemma let out a chuckle at the last part. 
But her jest wasn’t well appreciated by many people, except for Daemon who the princess could hear a small chuckle from him but suppressed when his brother cleared his throat. 
“Aemma,” Rhaenyra exclaimed in shock at her sister’s dark sense of humour and its ill timing. 
“Of course, it matters.” The queen interrupted. 
All Aemma responded was a faint smile, she knew what the queen was worried about. Aemma was a challenge to marry off and now she lost an eye. The girl was spoiled for good. Blind and ugly, who would want her? The princess lightly shook her head and shoved her thoughts aside. Instead, she chooses to reply. “It’s not. I can’t see, therefore there isn’t any big damage. So I’ll ask kindly for you all to get over this. Now, if you excuse me, I need to retire to my chamber.” 
And with Daemon's help, the young princess stood up. It didn’t take long for Aegon to take over his uncle’s duty, subtly glancing at the man. He placed his elbow in Aemma’s hand and slowly guided his sister out of the room, not forgetting to sneer at Lucerys.
It was only when Aemma met her bed that her knees finally gave up and her mask slipped up. She groaned in pain, her hands gripped the mattress to find some relief. After a few minutes, the princess finally calmed down and took the cup of tea from Aegon. 
“I will skin that bastard alive for what he has done.” The prince announced as he sat on her bed, practically gauged at Aemma’s now lost eye. He didn’t think her wound would make her ugly, truthfully. Aemma could never be ugly in his eyes for she was his angel and the boy couldn't care less if people thought she had no chance to marry off. He would marry her in a heartbeat. Yet, he was angry that someone dared to hurt his sister, the princess. 
Aemma hissed at the harsh word, shoving the hot tea back in his hand. “What have I told you, Aegon? That word is not to say, what if people hear? You will get in trouble.” The princess didn’t need eyesight to know that her brother was rolling his eyes at her. “I am serious, Aegon and I’ve said previously, I am fine. There is no need to be worked up.” 
“He took your eye, Aemma!” 
“An eye that I have no use of.” Aemma calmly dismissed his point. “I don’t feel a thing if I must admit, couldn’t care if he took both. It’s better me than Aemond or anyone else.” 
“Mother would have the bastard’s eye if he dared to take Aemond’s.” 
“But she won’t, father would never let something like that happen.” Aemma shook her head, she knew her father too well. She also knew that he probably wouldn’t punish Lucerys too harshly for his doing. Her father was anything but fair and was a man with an objective point of view. 
Aegon scoffed, but he didn’t argue with her. Instead, he took a book on her nightstand and opened where the mark was last left. “Do you want me to continue reading for you?” He asked. 
Aegon had offered to become Aemma’s eyes since they were children. Because of her disability, Aemma had difficulties doing simple tasks such as reading, sewing or cleaning. She couldn’t study like the rest of the ladies at court did and sevens hells, she was completely clueless about the world. But Aegon’s assistance did help ease her a bit when he read or told her tales at the Westeros that he knew of or had learned a few days prior. The boy would try his best to describe everything in as detail as possible, which took a lot from him, Aemma could tell. Aegon wasn’t exactly the most patient person, but he tried and that was all Aemma needed. 
“Sure.” The princess whispered and, her chamber filled with only the sound of Aegon’s reading, fireplace. It was strangely soothing. Already tired from the day’s events, Aemma found her eyes begging to be closed quite quickly. 
The next morning, Aemma woke up to the news that her brother, Aemond took his eye out last night. The princess frowned upon hearing the news and immediately reached for her cane. She didn’t sacrifice her eye for him to act foolishly. 
Still in her nightgown, the princess rushed toward Aemond’s chamber, a knight trailing behind to ensure her safety. From afar, Aemma could hear the crying of the queen along with her mournful words as well as some whispering from the servants. The young prince’s action scandalised the entire court. 
Aemma didn’t go in at that moment, deciding to confront her brother in solitude. 
“May I ask why you decide to take your eye out?” She questioned the boy softly once she got to be alone with him. Her face and words were gentle and void of judgement. 
The Prince pressed his lips into a thin line, his eye practically bored into his sister’s scar. “It was supposed to be my eye he took, not yours.” 
Aemma shook her head, “It’s a price I must pay for my dragon.” The boy reluctantly said.
“I didn’t go those extra lengths just for you to harm yourself, don’t you understand?” Aemma raised her voice and for a moment, Aemond swore he could see the dragon fire in his usually sweet sister. Sighing, Aemma reached her hands forward, needing to have some physical contact with the boy. 
With Aegon, it was easy for Aemma to guess the boy’s reaction as he never hid it in front of her. But Aemond was a tough shelf to crack and preferred to keep it all to himself instead. So, Aemma always needed to be in physical contact with him every time, to feel his body language. 
Knowing his sister’s habit, the boy complied and wrapped his arms around her back, his head resting against a chest. For a moment, he understood why Aegon was attached to Aemma, for her presence was strangely calming. 
Aemma raised her hands to caress Aemond’s hair as she tried to understand her feelings. It was a mixture of complicated emotions, she was angry, yet felt his action was understandable. “I only wish for you to be well and healthy, Aemond.” She mumbled. “But it seems that faith had another plan for you… I hope you won’t regret your action, brother.” 
“Mother wasn’t pleased.” He softly confessed, pressing his face further into her chest. 
“I can imagine.” Aemma chuckled. While being suited for a Queen, Aemma found Alicent lacked what it took to be a good mother. All of her children were neglected and hurt by her. “After all, now she will have to work harder to find a bride for you, dear brother.” The princess jested. 
“She will need to find one for you first.” 
The cursed princess laughed as she shook her head. “Mine is a whole different matter, I’m afraid.” 
“How so?” 
“It’s complicated, with my lack of eyesight and now a scar, no highborn would wish for my hand. However, father would not give my hand for anyone but those he deemed worthy of a dragon.” She softly explained but the princess could tell by the way Aegon slightly turned his head that he didn’t entirely understand the matter. “You’ll understand it better once you grow up, I promise.” Although it was best if he didn’t, the princess thought. 
“Well, I can protect you when I grow up, therefore there is no need for other men.” Aemma was surprised by the determination in Aemond’s voice, one that was far too strong for a boy his age. And the princess was oddly proud of her brother. 
“It would be my pleasure, brother.” She said with a soft smile, holding no actual regard toward the promise as she deemed it as a child's word. “Now, I must make haste. I have a date with Rhaenyra.” 
Before the princess left the room, Aemond suddenly called for her. The boy didn’t wait for her to turn around as he spoke. “Thank you… for what you did” 
“I’ll do it a thousand times more if I must, Aemond. You’re my brother after all.” 
In the princess’s mind, dragons should always have each other’s back, not daggers at each other’s throats. But little did she know, she would get to witness it all happen, for her eye was the start of a war, one that was nothing but bloodshed. 
Many years later, people would often recall the event where princess Aemma lost her eye as the start of everything. 
The start of a war between the green and the red. 
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princess-sof-time · 1 year
I read You Headcanons of Ai (Oshi no ko) with a pregnant s/o and i want request similar headcanons but with Aqua and Ruby (childrens) to knew that gonna to have a little sibling and how they act with Ai's s/o and the baby
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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• Aqua is overjoyed when he learns that he's going to have a little brother. He loves the idea of being an older brother and is excited to take on the responsibility.
• He becomes very protective of his mother, Ai, during the pregnancy, making sure she rests, eats well, and avoids any stress or discomfort.
• Aqua spends a lot of time with his husband S/O, discussing ways they can prepare for the arrival of the baby. They read parenting books together and attend parenting classes, eager to learn everything they can.
• He helps his mother with the baby's nursery, picking out colors, decorations, and toys. Aqua takes pride in creating a welcoming space for his little brother.
• As the due date approaches, Aqua becomes even more attentive to Ai's needs. He offers to massage her feet, helps her with household chores, and encourages her to relax whenever possible.
• Once the baby arrives, Aqua takes on the role of a loving and doting older brother. He adores the baby and is eager to help with feeding, diaper changes, and playtime.
• Aqua enjoys sharing special moments with his little brother, like reading bedtime stories, singing lullabies, and playing gentle games. He loves making his little brother smile and laugh.
• Aqua also becomes his baby brother's biggest protector. He watches over him whenever their parents are busy, ensuring he's safe and comfortable at all times.
• Aqua's nurturing nature shines through as he grows older, and he often takes on the responsibility of babysitting his little brother when their parents need some time alone.
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• Ruby is initially a little hesitant about the idea of having a little brother. She's unsure about sharing her parents' attention and worries that things might change.
• However, as her mother's pregnancy progresses, Ruby becomes more excited and curious about the baby. She starts asking questions and reading books about siblings and babies to better understand what to expect.
• Ruby shares her feelings and concerns with her husband S/O, who reassures her that their love for her will never change. They involve Ruby in the preparations for the baby, making her feel valued and important.
• Ruby helps Ai with organizing the baby's clothes and toys, eagerly offering suggestions and ideas. She takes pride in being a big sister and wants to ensure everything is perfect for her little brother's arrival.
• During the pregnancy, Ruby also spends quality time with her mother, doing activities they both enjoy. They go for walks, have tea parties, and bond over their shared interests.
• When the baby is born, Ruby becomes fascinated by him. She enjoys observing his tiny features, and her curiosity leads her to ask many questions about babies and their development.
• Ruby takes on the role of an enthusiastic and caring big sister. She helps with small tasks like fetching diapers, soothing the baby when he cries, and playing with him gently.
• Ruby loves telling her little brother stories, singing him songs, and playing make-believe games together. She's imaginative and creative, always coming up with new adventures for them to explore.
• Over time, Ruby grows to adore her little brother and becomes fiercely protective of him. She defends him from any potential harm and stands up for him whenever needed.
• As the baby grows older, Ruby becomes his partner in crime, creating mischief and going on fun-filled adventures together. They develop a strong bond that lasts throughout their lives.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ──────
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harvesterhexenon · 9 months
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Ruby Marian Wilson
The name Ruby is a reference to Robin, as Rubine sounds like Robin
Dick and Slade argued which last name she’d have and went with Wilson as it protected her better (and Grayson-Wilson sounded a bit silly)
She was conceived through magic (or sth, it’s uncertain origins)
She got Slade’s enhancements and Dick’s love for acrobatics and both their dramatics
She likes tigers (reminds her of Slade) and she keeps asking for a tiger as a pet
Her favorite weapons are hatchets and axes
Ruby adores her much older half-siblings and her countless aunts and uncles, who all take turns babysitting her
Thinks how her parents met is very romantic (it’s not)
Dick teaches her many languages, acrobatics and gymnastics
She loves being carried around just like Dick (Slade thinks it’s a little bird thing)
(Tags never work for me, pls ignore the countless mistakes in both drawing and writing and also the cringe)
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penguinkyun · 8 months
what i gathered from this chapter is that any chapter with hoshino aqua in it has some level of comedy
its a nice break of a chapter and it takes some time to address things that had been left hanging like: does taiki know about his other parents crimes? how are they even making this film without permissions (which they do actually have)?
and as usual with the more questions that are solved...we're left with more lmao. another one is. if frill knows taiki and aqua are half siblings then does ruby know? or was that reveal off-screened? seems like a pretty big thing to offscreen though. i have so many questions
frill continues to be the best literally ever, every appearance from her is like a blessing, her relationship with mem cho is adorable
it was really nice to see these four interacting! its been a while since we've seen frill and taiki. the comedy potential is unreal
and finally, welcome back kamiki, its been 29 chapters since we've last seen you! (wow it feels way longer)
the conversation with kaburagi raises SO MANY questions. what debt? why is kamiki sponsoring the movie? it kinda brings into question what exactly is the movie trying to accomplish in terms of the revenge plan aqua and co. have going on
what a note to end the chapter on.
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