#Rude people
yamimichi · 1 year
Please Watch Out For The Disabled
This afternoon my husband took me out for a walk. I can't tell you how many people looked at us, saw me in my wheelchair and continued to stay in our way. Oh, there were people who saw us and took their sweet time getting out of the way. This infuriates to no end. Privileged able-bodied people treating the disabled as second class citizens. One woman even looked at me with contempt.
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soulinkpoetry · 2 months
So yesterday someone in here started cursing me out in the comments thinking that I was his ex and my page and my posts somehow were about him. The old me would have returned fire but I’m very proud of myself for keeping my composure. I think most people who are hurting and broken have no self awareness and how hurtful they can be to others. Instead of getting mad at them, I truly feel sorry for them and I wish them healing.
Meanwhile…. Block….block….and block 🤣
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ask-a-bot · 2 months
I really like your voice. I'm often told my voice is annoying, too loud, obnoxious. There are few that appreciate the beauty of my voice. We have something in common.
That's so rude.
You're rude, Starscream. If you were polite-
People would be even ruder.
I wouldn't.
You're not "people". You're my sire.
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letitiaswrightone · 1 month
Imma start hanging up when ppl r rude to me bc sometimes ppl say such mean things :(((
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fuckasur · 5 months
Sometimes I feel like I'm kind of an option in everyone's lives. No, they tried to convince me otherwise, but it's a fact. People take me for granted. They know how to play me. They are aware of my weaknesses. That is what they take advantage of. People were never an option for me; they were always a priority. I'm still not sure why it didn't work. If I've done something wrong, please tell me. Everyone makes mistakes. But why do they make me feel like I'm not good enough to be with them?
When I think about these issues, they become more complicated. And, as usual, I end up blaming myself.
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transfaabulous · 2 years
It doesn't matter. You could rip a child in half straight in front of any yank, tell them biden did it and they would instantly believe you. Yanks do not understand what is happening at any time.
@spacelazarwolf I don't know what fungus this is but it's spreading :-(
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wolfcat-hybrid · 2 years
Guys I just got the FUNNIEST hate message
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[Image Description: a tumblr reply from @/barefootangell saying "You guys remind me of those Westboro Baptist Church group [sic]. Harassing people who don't share you're [sic] beliefs and being very cruel and annoying. You're just like them." End of description]
HOW do you not hear yourself. The (queer, for the record) person who is advocating against people playing antisemitism simulator set in terfland is just like the WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH.
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opscuritas · 5 months
I don't care if they're a genuinely nice person. If you call them blorbo, babygirl, little meow meow or the like, I'll punch you in the face until you grow some common sense, or better yet, die.
Good lord little meow meow go to therapy jeez
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yeesiine · 1 year
rude people are ugly! idc how pretty you are, if your personality is ugly then you’re ugly.
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blackberryjamboree · 2 months
Dickhead who replied to my comment
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alish-artie · 10 months
I have an announcement to make !
Later today I will post an animation video on YouTube !
It’s only about 2 minutes long, and it will be about rude people !
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(These drawings are from the video !)
I will talk about 2 of my (many) experiences with rude people ! And one of them got some consequences for their rudeness !
I’ll post the link to it when I’ll upload it later today !
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I firmly believe that people working in the service industry should be allowed to fight one customer a day with no consequences. I think people would be much more polite if they knew that the next barista or waiter they were rude to might come around the counter and absolutely beat the breaks off them.
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hello0780 · 1 year
I hate this kid at my school
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I'll call this kid from my school, Ryan, because I don't wanna name drop him. So Ryan has always been a jerk to and but lately, he has been being extremely terrible to me examples: he will fat shame me (I'm not that big of a person but he knows I struggle with stuff like that), he has helped spread rumors about me, he has tried to get my (ex) boyfriend to break up with me, he has tried to convert me to Christianity multiple times (I don't hate Christians but I have been forced into religion before so I'm kinda traumatized from that), and that's not even making a dent into what he had done.
I was wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to make him stop?
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stainedpoetry · 1 year
People on instagram be so rude like stories like krke nikal jate hai bc posts kon like karega??
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twisting-echo · 1 year
I was blocked by Lily Orchard for calling her rude and standing up for myself
I didn't even know who Lily Orchard was until 8 p.m. yesterday. It was my sister and a friend who told me that she is kind of famous for being toxic. and then we looked through the Tumblr hashtag and found out more less-than-ideal things about her.
I was casually looking for some Belle and Sulley Disney Mirrorverse content, and I saw a post about someone asking how long before someone starts to ship Belle and Sulley. So I decided to playfully reblog the post, and boy do I wish that I hadn't.
I just dropped two of my dumb ship edits in the reblog, and I wrote "Belley is my OTP!!!" with a triumph emoji indicating my derpy pride in it.
She reblogged me and said, "Congratulations, that is the worst ship name EVER. Bluebelle was RIGHT THERE."
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She didn't have to go out of her way to reblog what I reblogged just to insult me, bully me, talk down to me, and treat me like I'm stupid over a ship name. She didn't have to make me feel stupid, but she did anyway.
So, I did something that I normally don't do, which is stick up for myself. and it earned me a block. She didn't apologize for being so rude; she didn't even want to acknowledge what I had said, so she blocked me like I was nothing.
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If someone told me that they felt that I was being rude to them, I would immediately apologize because I actually care about how I treat and talk to people. And if someone pointed out that they already did something that I accused them of not doing, I would act like an adult and politely eat my words.
I'm so sorry about this vent, you guys. Maybe I'm a little too overly sensitive and let things bother me. 
Here is the post. 👇
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distracteddream · 16 days
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Unless you personally know a writer, don’t leave comments like this. It’s rude and demoralizing. Between this and the FU comment which was the first comment on this fic, it really sucks.
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