#Ryan West
soranatus · 2 months
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Justice League Unlimited (2024) #1 cover by Dan Mora
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dailydccomics · 1 year
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Ryan Sook’s Heroes in Crisis variant covers
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montygatorguy · 3 months
theatre fans that hate on any cast of a show that isn’t the original are the bane of my existence. literally just shut the fuck up do you hate joy magic and fun and seeing different interpretations of characters.
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turbomnstr · 7 months
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transbookoftheday · 11 months
Books To Read For Genderfluid Visibility Week
Happy Genderfluid Visibility Week! Here are some books with genderfluid main characters you should read and/or preorder:
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Book titles:
The Honeys by Ryan La Sala
Dragonfall by L.R. Lam
Something Spectacular by Alexis Hall
Salt the Water by Candice Iloh
Lakelore by Anna-Marie McLemore
Valerin the Fair by Rien Gray
Nine of Swords, Reversed by Xan West
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller
The Manor House Governess by C.A. Castle (comes out November 7, 2023)
A River of Golden Bones by A.K. Mulford (comes out December 5, 2023)
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milton-dammers · 2 months
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Herbert and Dan in search of fresh corpses!
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Dillinger and Capone (1995) Gilroy (Jeff Combs)
Johnny Ryan (1990) Tom Kelly (Bruce Abbott)
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brooklynbadboys · 1 year
reason #?? they are the best cast ever
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layla-keating · 2 years
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Well, I should be getting back to Gotham City, and I appreciate you all looking for me. Especially you, Iris.
THE FLASH Season 9, Episode 5: The Mask of the Red Death, Part Two
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asexualenjolras · 1 year
It is one week until Newsies London closes in Wembley, and I got to see it again the other day, so I want to talk about Ryan Kopel and his beautiful portrayal of Davey Jacobs one more time.
I love how Ryan portrays Davey to be autistic. Ryan has said that he plays Davey in a way that exemplifies his quirks, and it really works in this production. It’s what I am going to miss the most. I’ve never felt more seen.
As an autistic person myself, I have always headcanoned Davey as being autistic – in every format of Newsies previously. Ben Fankhauser’s Davey was always autistic-coded to me – his portrayal was one of my favourites. And I was nervous about seeing another actor take on a character that means so much to me ... but Ryan took Davey and made him even more autistic and I am so, so grateful and in awe of his talent.
Let’s talk about Davey Jacobs and his autistic traits, as portrayed by Ryan Kopel in West Endsies:
- Stimming:
Davey is stimming the WHOLE SHOW. And that’s not an exaggeration. He is shown to bounce on his toes, he is constantly fidgeting with his fingers (and standing with those stereotypical t-rex arms) and he runs his hands along his newsie bag, and he does a few little spins when he's excited, and he jumps up and down at one point.
- Difficulty with social interaction:
From the first moment that Davey is on stage, he is shown to be incredibly uncomfortable talking to other people. He is shown to stammer over his thoughts and struggles to coherently converse with the other characters on the stage. He is portrayed as someone that is reluctant to speak, and he stutters and rambles and struggles to maintain eye contact, looking down at his fidgeting hands a lot. Ben Fankhauser made Davey more confident in his ability to share his thoughts, but Ryan’s Davey struggles - both internally and externally - with this.
He is also shown to have a one track mind in conversations. He struggles to see why Jack is having doubts after the rally because he, personally, thinks it was a success. Davey is bouncing around and his tone is so light and he is so confused by Jack's doubts. It's so autistic. It's so relatable.
- Relationship with physical contact:
Davey is shown to struggle when people suddenly touch him, he flinches and wipes the touch away whenever he is uncomfortable. BUT he initiates touch with those that he trusts. He's so physical with Les, constantly holding him and giving him reassurance through taps. He is shown to hug Jack and he hugs Crutchie and it's nice to see.
- Strong moral compass:
Unlike Ben Fankauser’s Davey (who I LOVE), Ryan’s Davey is shown to be more reluctant to join in on the strike – he is a lot more sheltered, and is completely isolated on one side of the stage in that scene. Davey looks down to his feet and looks to be at war with himself. He looks completely defeated when Jack asks if his father would be in the mess he was in if he had a union, because he knows that Jack – this boy that he has just met – is right. But he is so conflicted because he knows that this is going to be difficult, and he’s so worried and so anxious and so questioning about what the right thing is. It’s such a minor part of the show, but it’s there and I love it.
- Autistic joy:
I don’t know how else to word this but the way that we see Davey unmask throughout the play makes me so smiley. We see him go from this uncomfortable, awkward, masked version of himself in the beginning to someone that genuinely feels accepted and like he has a place in this strike and in the Newsie family. The excitement in his voice when he is talking to Jack in Medda’s is UNMATCHED. He’s so bouncy and light and he’s STIMMING and he’s so happy. I love it.
I could go on and on but I won’t. I just really love the artistic differences between Ryan and Ben’s Davey Jacobs’. I love both of their adaptations, but Ryan’s Davey feels so authentically autistic. And I am PRAYING we get to see his Davey immortalised in a pro-shot?! PLEASE?!
Ryan Kopel, thank you so much for giving us this wonderfully autistic Davey Jacobs on stage.
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yourfavehaskenergy · 8 months
jack kelly from newsies?
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Jack Kelly from Newsies has Kenergy!
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have you done your daily click
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dailydccomics · 4 months
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a crossover years in the making Earth-Prime #6
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David Duchovny: ‘Love can happen at any age, right?
The actor, 63, on The X Files, songwriting and snacking
Interview by Helen Cullen
Wednesday January 17 2024, 12.01am GMT, The Sunday Time
Duchovny was born in New York City. He studied English at Princeton University and Yale, before breaking into acting in the late 1980s, starting in TV adverts and working his way up. In 1993 he began playing the role of the FBI agent Fox Mulder in The X Files, which ran for nine years. He later played Hank Moody in Californication. He has also released three folk-rock albums and published five novels — last year he directed a film adaptation of one of these, Bucky F***ing Dent. Duchovny has two grown-up children from his former marriage to the actress Téa Leoni. He lives in California, with his girlfriend, Monique Pendleberry, and his two dogs, Brick and Rookie.
I like to get up at dawn because those are my best thinking and writing hours. I love the sunrise but it also means I can get some work done before the sun gets too much. That’s the best time of day for me. I have a coffee that makes me think I’m brilliant for ten minutes and that’s all I need to get going.
Food to me is just fuel and I don’t have very advanced taste buds. I think everything kind of tastes OK, which people react to with suspicion. For breakfast I like oatmeal — what my Scottish mother called porridge.
If I’m filming I still like an early start, but I shot my recent film What Happens Later, with Meg Ryan, all through the night because we filmed in a regional airport after it closed at 9pm. That’s a bit of a nightmare for me as a morning person, but we developed a great camaraderie from working while the world was asleep. My daughter, West, thought it was great to see a romantic comedy film with people my age, but I don’t think of myself as any age, so I hadn’t thought about that. Love can happen at any age, right?
Everybody wants me to have a hobby, but I’m blessed because I love my work. I’ve been able to branch out into music, writing and directing. With songwriting I can pick up the guitar at any time. If you wait for inspiration to hit, you’ll be sitting on your ass for ever.
I knock off for lunch about 12pm. That’s when I have the one big meal of the day that would be recognisable to other humans as a proper meal — vegetables and a protein such as fish. The rest of the time I snack.
In the afternoon I work out. I love the games I played when I was younger — boxing, tennis and basketball — but as I get older I tend to get hurt doing those, so I’ve found Pilates is best for me. It’s still super hard but the least dangerous.
I live in Malibu and the height of my fame has passed, so it’s not difficult for me to move around any more. It’s a different era now because everybody has a phone, so paparazzi are more a thing of the past. I tend to go to the same places where people are bored of seeing me.
There are always different reasons why fans might stop me — it could be still because of The X Files or Californication. I am very proud of The X Files. I can’t think of another show like it in terms of cultural impact and longevity. I just thought we were making good, goofy TV but Chris Carter, the creator and director, saw what was coming in terms of the culture of conspiracy theories. Gillian Anderson [his co-star] and I went from being unknown to globally recognised in a couple of years. We don’t get to see each other that much as she lives in London, but there’s no one else I can share that with.
West is an actor now too. It wasn’t something that I would have charted out for her because I know how difficult it is, even more so for a woman, but I want her to do something she’s passionate about. There are still dark corners in Hollywood but the pitfalls and dangers are much more upfront.
I do enjoy a party, but I’d rather spend time with friends in the evening. Because I like to get up so early, I go to bed early also. I feel electric light has really f***ed with our sense of mind and body, and that we were made to hide in the cave at night from predators and wake up with the sun, so I try to do that. Constitutionally, I feel like that works for me.
Words of wisdom
Best advice I was given
It doesn’t matter if people laugh; it matters if it feels funny to you
Advice I’d give
There’s no such thing as good advice — you have to come to it on your own
What I wish I’d known
Take a moment to appreciate what you’ve done before worrying about the next thing
What Happens Later is in cinemas now and available to stream in spring. The Reservoir by David Duchovny is out now (Akashic Books £19.95)
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the-son-of-pluto · 2 years
having a ton of different productions of newsies is cool and all, like it’s awesome that it’s been adapted into so many successful shows with such amazing cast members, but .. but the issue comes with fanfiction.
i am reading a javid fic and it’s nice but then suddenly my brain decides that corey cott is cuddling with ryan kopel?? the next scene comes, i’m like ok let’s stick to one version of newsies— ah shit it’s michael ahomka-lindsay and ben fankhauser.
jacks in a scene with morris delancey and suddenly there’s two mike faists talking to each other and my brain doesn’t know what to do
and then finally my brain decides to imagine christian bale and david moscow for the fic But then the shot changes and What The Fuck how did christian morph into jeremy jordan
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splooosh · 4 months
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One Million
Ryan Sook
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codyoclock · 2 years
Im coming out as a bergirlie
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Another weird layout- this time less lyrics
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