vnknowcrow · 5 months
They did WHAAAAT TO THE NCR?????
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intheticklecloset · 6 months
🫐 🏖️ KiriDeku (no ship required, just having fun).
Kirishima buried at the beach, Midoriya keeping him company.
🍋 Lemonade Special Order 🍋
“Are you sure you’re comfortable, Kirishima?” Deku asked, glancing at his friend, whose only body parts he could see were his head and his feet.
The redhead grinned up at him. “Oh, yeah! It’s actually kind of cozy.”
“Just making sure,” the smaller boy replied. He turned his attention back to where Bakugou, Mina, Sero, and Kaminari were roughhousing near the shoreline, trying to wrestle each other into the oncoming waves or something of that nature. Under other circumstances Deku would worry that Kiri wasn’t with them, but their mutual friend had asked to be buried in the sand and left to rest for a while, so that’s what had happened.
“Uh-oh, you’ve got your thinking face on,” Kiri teased, drawing his classmate’s attention back to him. "What’s up, Midoriya?”
“Oh, I was just thinking about your quirk,” Deku admitted sheepishly, grinning a little. “Like, if a villain attacked right now, would you be able to get out on your own? Would you be stuck there until someone got you out? That kind of thing.”
“Hmm,” Kiri mused, closing his eyes to soak up the sun for a few moments before saying, “Let’s try it.”
Deku blinked. “What?”
Kirishima grunted, and it took the greenette a moment to register that he was trying to break free of his sandy grave. He watched for several seconds as the redhead huffed and puffed and managed to free just a bit more of his neck and ankles, but that was it.
“Well, I guess they did a good job,” Kiri chuckled. “I’m not going anywhere, even with my hardening quirk activated.”
“Interesting,” Deku hummed, filing the information away for later. “But maybe you need better motivation?”
“Like what?”
With a smile, Deku snaked a hand down to Kirishima’s bare foot and scribbled against it gently.
“Ah! Midohohoriya!” Kiri giggled, eyes going wide for a split second before squeezing shut. “No fahahahair! I can’t defend mysehehehelf!”
“Are you really stuck?” Deku asked, scooting down to get better access to both of his friend’s feet now, scribbling freely along them with very little resistance due to his friend’s position. “You’re hardly moving at all; are you actually trying to get out?”
“Of cohohohohourse I ahahahaham!” Kiri whined, snickering helplessly, the only free parts of his body shaking and wiggling slightly from the sensations. “Midohohohoriya! W-Wahahahait, the ohohohohothers—!”
“Ooh, why didn’t I think of that?” Mina squealed as she hurried over to them, the rest of the gang right behind her, all with mischievous smiles on their faces. “He’s in prime position for some tickle torture!”
Kirishima shrieked, but the flash of excitement in his eyes wasn’t lost on anyone. “N-Now hold on a second! I didn’t ask for this – Bakugou, I swear to gohohohohohod! Ahahahahahaha, nooooo!”
But Bakugou was just smirking knowingly, and soon all five of them were taking turns tickling the trapped redhead. This day at the beach sure had taken a turn, but no one was complaining about it.
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Sandy Steps (Che'nya x GN!Reader)
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You laughed as you watched Ace get hit square in the face with a beach ball. Though he stumbled, he somehow found his footing and didn’t fall. He glared daggers into Cater, who only shot back a smug grin in return. 
“Better start paying attention!” he teased. 
Ace let out something akin to a growl under his breath, teeth grit in frustration and he grabbed the beach ball from the ground. “Yeah, I’ll pay attention - pay attention to how I’m about to pummel you into the ground!” 
“Oh nooooo!~” Cater cried sarcastically. “He’s going to attack me!” Cater put on a facade of fear as he stepped over to Trey’s side and hugged his arm, puppy eyes staring sappily up at him. “Protect me, Trey!”
Trey cracked a smile and raised an eyebrow at Cater in a way that said ‘really?’ Even so, Trey played along, a smirk beginning to replace his smile as he crooked his fingers at Ace. “Give your best shot, Ace.” 
Ace took up that challenge as he threw the ball into the air, then struck it with a harsh slap of his hand. The impact was so loud it almost sounded like Crewel’s whip hitting the desk. The beach ball shot towards Cater and Trey at alarming speed, but Trey, who saw the trajectory from a mile away, caught it with ease. “Woo!” Cater cheered as he pat Trey on the arm. “Nice catch!” 
Trey chuckled in response, “Thanks.” He shot Ace his own smug look as he directed his next words to him. “It wasn’t like it was a good throw anyway.” 
“Oh, like you can do better!” 
“Challenge accepted.” Trey rolled his shoulders in preparation. He slowly raised the ball in the air with one hand, prepared to send it flying as he eyed Ace. “Let’s see you catch thi-”
Everything changed when the ice water attacked. 
A sudden, harsh gasp was forced from Trey and Cater as a large splash of ice water suddenly hit their backs. Though Trey was slightly shielded from the blast of cold by his opened shirt, Cater wasn’t so lucky. Both of their bodies stiffened; while Trey just stood there in shock, glasses askew, Cater let out a surprised shriek. One could have mistaken him for a little girl for how shrill it was. As Ace erupted into a fit of laughter, the two older boys turned on their heels to see just who’d play such a dirty trick. The only person in sight was Deuce - who just so happened to have a half-empty water bottle in hand. 
“Traitor.” An evil smile spread across Cater’s face, narrowed eyes filled with a mix of frustration and the beginnings of evil schemes brewing. “You said you weren’t going to play.”
“So, you were working with Ace all along, huh?” Trey adjusted his glasses; his eyes were as conniving as Cater’s. “Smooth - but you aren’t just going to walk away from that.”
“Wha-?!” Deuce seemed just as surprised as they were a moment before. “W-What do you mean? I just got here!” 
“Suuuuure.” Cater’s evil grin grew along with Trey’s as he got into a stance, looking ready to jump the first year. “Play innocent all you want, Deucey.” 
“But I didn’t-!” 
Deuce’s sentence was cut off by his own scream as both Trey and Cater charged at him. The poor boy began to run for his life - but didn’t make it far before Cater tackled him. You kept forgetting how fast the guy was; even though Deuce was on the track and field team, he couldn’t outrun the third year. Maybe it was just because of the sand. Either way, you kinda felt bad for the guy. To have both Cater and Trey gang up on you, with no help from Ace in sight (he was still laughing), was sure to be a bad time. 
…still, you knew Deuce had gone to get himself some water right as the other three started tossing around the beach ball. When Deuce had said he didn’t want to participate this time around, since it would be an uneven match (Riddle and Ace had been on the same team, but the former ran off minutes earlier to scold some other Heartslabyul students for breaking some rule), you knew he’d meant it. Why would he suddenly turn to Ace’s side now? That, and you hadn’t seen any ice in Deuce’s water bottle. Sure, the water could’ve been really cold, but you could have sworn you saw solid ice hit Cater and Trey’s backs. Deuce wasn’t the type to lie…what could have-
You suddenly heard hushed giggling somewhere nearby. It came from the two wooden lounge chairs a little ways from you, around where the guys had been playing. For a moment, all you saw were Riddle and Trey’s things laid out among the chairs, along with their large umbrella towering above. Then your eyes landed on the sand below; while it was shaded by the aforementioned umbrella, you could make out two deep footprints. You thought they were just from Riddle or one of the others when they came over before…but then more began to appear. They formed as though someone was walking away from the scene. What the…?
A certain someone came to mind. You slowly stood from your own chair, tiptoeing behind the invisible footprints. When you finally reached where a person would be, you took a leap of faith and grabbed at the air below. It looked as though you’d grabbed air, but you could feel fur against your palm. That hair quickly stood on-end as you made contact with it, and along with it came a surprised noise. As the steps came to a sudden halt, a long tail slowly appeared before your eyes. You quickly recognized the purple color of the appendage - your suspicions were correct. 
You smiled as you looked up. Your gaze beheld a head slowly forming in reality, its expression one of surprise. The cat had been caught. “Che’nya,” you chuckled, “it was you, wasn’t it?” 
Though his voice was one of innocence, words filled with ignorance, the cat’s wide, mischievous grin gave away the answer. “Hmm?~ I don’t know what mew mean.” 
“Oh, I think you do.” You eyed the empty plastic cup in his hand as the rest of his body finally materialized. “You know, if they find out, you’ll be the one getting attacked.” 
Che’nya showed no fear whatsoever as he shrugged. “Nya, I’d like to see them try. Mew know I’m a fast runner.” 
“You wouldn’t even run,” you said. “You’d just disappear and sit somewhere to watch them try and find you.” 
“Mmm,” Che’nya’s grin grew more devious by the second, “not what I had in meowind, but I like mewr idea better.” 
You nearly regretted opening your mouth. To try and spare your friends the trouble, you changed the subject. “What’re you doing here anyway? Don’t tell me you snuck in when we got here?” 
“Nope.” Che’nya gestured behind him with his thumb. “I’m staying at the resort next to mew - my school’s on a trip, too. We mainly stick to the beach there,” that playful grin was back, “buuut I thought coming over here would be mewore fun~” 
Oooh, that’s why Crowley decided on this sudden field trip. Figures. You suppressed an intense eye roll as you gave Che’nya a smile. “Well, I hope I get to see you more often.” 
Che’nya’s eyes narrowed in amusement. “Just mew? Not mewr friends - my friends?” 
“Yeah, I meant them too-” 
“M’awww~” Che’nya’s new target was you, apparently. “Mew want me all to mewrself? So cute!” 
“I-I didn’t mean-!” 
“Sure!” Che’nya’s tail flicked your leg. “I’ve been wanting to spend time with mew anyway.” He took your hand as he began to walk away. “C’mon, let’s get ice cream.” 
You looked over your shoulder to see your friends still preoccupied with Deuce. Poor guy…as Che’nya continued to tug you along, you looked forward again and protested. “W-Wait, I need to-”
“Mmn?” Che’nya looked back at you, actually seeming confused. “I thought mew wanted to go on a date?” 
“I need to save - wait, what?”
“Yeah.” Che’nya grinned again, eyebrows raised. “Mew aren’t going to back out, are mew, [Y/n]?~” 
He…Che’nya, you, on a date. A date…your mind swam with questions, flustered ones. You could feel your face begin to heat up, which only caused the cat to chuckle. His smile was more gentle as he held your hand a little tighter. 
“I promise I’ll have you back before they miss you too much.” He dropped the cat puns. That wasn’t like him. “Just c’mon - I promise it’ll be fun.” 
You said nothing for a moment…then you squeezed his hand. “Okay.” 
You could hear a small purr leave him as he began to lead you again. Your sandy steps grew as you walked away from the beach. Though you felt back, you promised yourself you’d explain everything to your friends later, including who the actual ice water assailant was. For now, though…you simply enjoyed the soft hold of Che’nya’s hand, the affectionate brushes of his tail, and the fond way he looked at you. 
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amyfevernight · 1 year
What i learned from All Engines Go without actually watching the show (Season 2)
Yep, Season 2 is done, here we go again. Season 1 + Shorts if you wanna read that, here we GOOOOO
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thebest-medicine · 4 years
Steven Tag (2.0)
A/N: had this idea a while back, spoilers ish for the Steven Tag episode of SU future. I JUST WANT STEVEN TO SMILE AND BE HAPPY OK
Words: 1,869
AO3 link (x)
“I’m NOT playing! You guys CAN’T make me!” Steven insisted with a huff. Though the anger and annoyance didn’t really hold in his voice as he‘d hoped; he was busy running through the snow trying to avoid the multi-colored Stevens pursuing him.
Garnet, Amethyst, and even Pearl... They were being ridiculous. All three of them were shape-shifted to look just like he did years ago, a little kid version of Steven. Playing tag. Steven Tag. Of all things. He didn’t have time to just sit around and have fun like that anymore, and even if he did, he didn’t want the same kind of fun they had when he was 13... Though he had to admit he was a little impressed and a teensy bit flattered that Pearl shape-shifted for him.
Steven swiftly darted behind the shadows of a rock formation on the beach. He kept low to the ground, tried to slow his breathing and calm his jittering heart. Adrenaline coursed through him in a way that he wasn’t used to these days. Before, sure, he’d felt the adrenaline of a chase, a battle... but lately, he realized that most of the adrenaline rushes and stress he felt was related more to....thinking about all the things he had to do with school and the diamonds and his future and his friends and his family and the gems. This time, however, his brain could be totally focused something simple, hiding from the gems who were just being...silly. Maybe this wasn’t so bad. He wasn’t ready to admit that just yet.
A huge purple fist smashed down and crushed the boulders to the left of Steven. He jolted, his eyes nearly popping out of his head upon being discovered.
“I know you’re in there Steven.” Sugalite smirked as she bellowed out the damning information. “It’ll be easier on ya if ya just come on out now.”
Sugalite. Steven felt himself sweating as he thought. Gosh and even she was shifted to look like kid-Steven. Somehow ridiculous and terrifying.
He jumped up, suddenly making a break for it, when he felt Amethyst’s whip wrap around his ankle. “NOOOOO..!” Steven cried out.
“Come onnnnn! We’ve got you!” Amethyst teased having just separated from the fusion with Garnet as she pulled Steven to the ground and rushed toward him.
Steven twisted his leg free in a miraculous escape. He stood and turned to run just as Garnet!Steven appeared in front of him, a miraculous feat of her own. Steven teetered backward in surprise and landed on the sand on his back. Garnet peered down at him, and when Steven blinked he saw Amethyst’s face (or, more technically, his face) lean down over him.
“We’ve got you now Steven....” Amethyst grinned.
“That’s right.” Garnet added.
Steven rolled his eyes. “Whatever, you got me all sandy. Doesn’t mean I’m playing. And definitely doesn’t mean I’m turning into little Steven. You guys are-“
Amethyst put her finger out over Steven’s lips, making him glare at her for a moment as she cut him off. “Oh you’re playing. You’re gonna have fun! You’re gonna laugh! Don’t make me make you...” Amethyst smirked. “Actually, now that I’m thinking of it, I think I would like to make you.”
“What?” Steven narrowed his eyes at her.
“I know how to get him to do what we want...” Her eyes turned to meet Steven’s. “I know your weakness, Steven...” Amethyst teased ominously.
Steven watched her nervously, “Y-You do?” He knew he’d been having trouble controlling some of his newer emerging powers, maybe he had some diamond weaknesses he wasn’t aware of yet either...
“We do, Steven, I’m afraid it’s true.” Garnet hunched closer. Two small child-Steven frames boxed him in on the snowy beach.
Steven looked between the two of them, unsure of what would happen to him just as Pearl caught up to them. Her shadow blocked the sun from Steven’s face. The three gems encircled Steven entirely as he curled in on himself on the snow.
“That’s right.... you’re... TICKLISH!” Pearl proclaimed, immediately reaching her shorter-Steven-arms to poke and tickle all over Steven’s underarms and neck, just as Garnet reached out and did the same to his knees. Amethyst made short work of his stomach and ribs, squeezing and pinching all the most effective spots.
And right, they were. Steven may have grown taller, stronger, and older, but he also had grown arguably more ticklish. Maybe it was just that he hadn’t been tickled in so long? But something about it had him cackling beyond belief when they had barely even begun.
This had not been what Steven was expecting at all, and yet it somehow fit so well with how silly the gems were being. It was disastrously effective. Steven took a moment to thank the stars that no evil gem they had encountered had any kind of evil tickle machine, or had ever even tried tickling in general against him. Steven thought, for a moment, that would have made him lose.
Steven lost himself in giggles, thrashing around in the snow.
“Need a hand, Amethyst?” Pearl quipped.
Steven felt a brief respite as Amethyst’s tickling fingers left his torso. He opened his eyes to a scene of horror as Opal stood over him, shape-shifted to still look like Steven but with her four arms.
Two of those arms took Steven’s hands in theirs and held them up next to his head.
Opal tickled from his neck over to his underarms, then skittered her nails up and down Steven’s ribs for a while. She periodically switched up her spots, like getting Steven’s tummy and then neck, and then his armpits and then belly button, sides and then ears! So many places to tickle and tease. Much easier to do without Steven’s pesky hands getting in the way to block her.
Meanwhile, Garnet had been squeezing Steven’s knees and lower thighs, but decided she may want to get in on the more-hands party.
Steven didn’t even notice her un-fusing until he felt both of his shoes being untied and tugged off.
They all paused a moment, giving Steven a chance to catch his breath.
“That’s wonderful news Steven.” Sapphire assured him, patting his shin in approval.
Steven glanced between the three gems now still holding him. “So uh, are you guys gonna... let me go or...” Steven began.
“I’m sorry, Steven...” Sapphire sighed. “There’s no-“
“There’s no future where you just let me go without tickling me more first.... is there..” Steven felt himself shrink as he guessed Sapphire’s prediction.
“I could’ve told you that.” Ruby snickered.
They resumed their fun torture of Steven, Ruby and Sapphire pulling his shoes and socks off and wiggling their fingers around his soles, between his toes. Ruby tickled much harder and faster, while Sapphire scribbled mercilessly, somehow light yet unbearable at the same time. She could see the future of your reactions to different spots and thus tell exactly where to get you just right.
Opal unfused after a few more minutes of rib squeezes that had Steven arching his back off of the ground. Amethyst kept a grip on Steven’s arms while Pearl stood up and summoned a few feathers from her gem.
Steven’s eyes widened when he saw them, and suddenly there were two holo-Steven’s at either side of him, each given two feathers from Pearl herself. They reached down and pulled up Steven’s black star tee and began wiggling the feathers all around his sensitive tummy and sides.
“NOHOHOHO GUYS! I CANAHHAHAN’T- PLEAHAHES- OHmyGODAHAHA ahah DON’T SHSHSH Ahaha HAAGA STAHP-“ He couldn’t even feel the snow around them anymore. All he could feel was being tickled and tickled.
Amethyst almost jumped with joy at the tease Steven set himself up for. “Did I hear... don’t stop?”
Amethyst shape-shifted one finger from each hand to extend longer, twisting the two fingers up over Steven’s head and then slowly descending them toward the center of Steven’s armpits.
Pearl kneeled down beside Steven as well and began counting his ribs. Meanwhile, Ruby and Sapphire each really worked over his feet. At one point even having Ruby sit over his ankles and hold his toes back while Sapphire wiggles her fingers all over his soles, scribbling up and down around the balls of his feet.
Steven couldn’t even protest, just laid there giggling and giggling and squirming. For the first time in years, he felt himself just laughing and having fun, not thinking about anything else. It was driving him absolutely crazy, but he felt something in his heart warm as the gems spent this time with him. When was the last time he let himself be silly and just let go?
He found himself thinking about this until one of the holograms brought their feather to the center of his stomach and began twirling it around his gem. Steven felt his laughter going hysterical as the sensation on his gem tickled and vibrated through his entire nervous system. Coupled with the tickling on the rest of his body, it was practically unbearable.
After a few more minutes, they finally slowed down and let him up, all hugging him in the process. Maybe making some more time to play games and let loose was something Steven needed to work on... maybe it was something they all needed to work on!
Steven had a few residual giggles leftover as he let go of the gems’ embrace. “I love you guys, I just... I don’t want you guys to always think of me as Little Kid Steven. I know time is different for you and you don’t change as much as I do, but I’m growing up! I don’t wanna be reminded every time we goof around about how I used to be weak and young and naive....”
“Oh, what if!” Amethyst piped up, changing back into her normal form. “Instead of Steven tag....”
Pearl returned to her normal form as well just as Garnet re-fused and did the same.
They all glanced Amethyst’s way as she allowed for a dramatic pause. “We could play... TICKLE TAG!” Her fingers wiggled menacingly.
“WHAT?” Steven blushed, a silly grin creeping onto his face.
“Just like we just did... except I think we could get a lot more damage in if we don’t have to stay shape-shifted to look like Steven. It’s perfect!”
“N-No I don’t- haha- I don’t think that’s such a good plan Amethyst.” Steven put his hands up, giggling a little as he backed away from the group.
“Oh come onnnnnnn. It’ll be fun!” Pearl nudged Steven with her elbow.
He squeaked defensively and jumped back from her. “You’ve already tickled me enough for today... please...” Steven whined.
“That’s fair... but I like this plan. Next time!” Garnet announced.
Steven laughed nervously. “Oh noooo....”
“Oh yes. Can’t wait!” Amethyst winked. “Better watch outtttt Steven.” She sing-songed. “We’re gonna getcha again.”
Steven laughed. “You guys are ridiculous.” He couldn’t say he wasn’t at least a little bit looking forward to it.
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runicrigel · 5 years
The Dead Hen
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Author’s Note:  In November of 2019 I went to live off grid and work on an organic farm outside of Austin, Texas for a month.  I stayed in a camper from 1973 I renovated and wrote small memoir blurbs.  This is one of the most poignant.
“They’re dead,” I announced sagely.  "Everything and everyone dies.“  It was a finite statement made desperately upon a patch of sandy earth in southeast Texas.  I loosed a guttural, "Huuuugh!”  Into the sky, literally hanging my head back for additional dramatic effect.  For a moment, I was vaguely self-conscious about this display but no one was around other than the chickens at my feet, clucking and strutting.  One chicken crowed and stomped a single foot.  It flapped it’s wings as though acknowledging the death of the grey hen crumpled at our feet.  I stared at the odd ritual, then back to the corpse.
I understood both then and now that this level of gravitas is likely not befitting the life of a nameless hen. She is just, “chicken.”  But I have no direct experience with dead things, or escorting them to their final resting places.  When I was young I had a small dwarf hamster named Tutter that had died.  My dad had gently carried him into the computer room, cradled in a large, callous palm, and offered kindly, “Do you want to see him?”
“Nooooo!”  I howled, and ran out of the room.  Death is natural, but there was something terribly unnatural about it to me.  I wish I could say that uncanny feeling vacated with age and maturity but it didn’t exactly.  All I know is that  I couldn’t bare to see my little Tutter lifeless, even if he was but the size of a pair of cotton balls.
Those strong but tender hands that had once cupped my little dead hamster were cold when I wrapped my own hands around one of his palms.  "His hands are so cold.“  I’d remarked through a shutter and then tears broke free as I stood by the casket that made him seem so small.  I didn’t sob.  I just cried, hard, like a helpless person does.  When my father died we knew he had wanted a close casket funeral but somewhere along the line that idea had received an override by those left to grieve.  He hadn’t wanted people to remember him that way, and after the funeral, I had an inkling as to why.
As I stood both staring and trying to not look at this chicken memories flooded me of pets I’d known to pass.  I was there for my boyfriend when his cat was put to sleep, and when the other began to labor and then died right in his arms.  More than once I had considered how grateful I was to Spooky and Baldric that they had let me be there for them at the momentous occasion that is the end of a life.  Yet, when each feline was buried I had let Jason go alone, unable to look on their corpses.  Afraid of what I might see as they disappeared underneath a bed of loam.
I had always been this way.  When I was a girl and our dog delivered a stillborn litter I sobbed outside on the suburban sidewalk of our street in my nightgown while my younger sister (who wanted to be a nurse) helped my mother deliver the unmoving pups.  When my step-father’s brother killed himself I cried terribly at his funeral and was a ghost of myself for weeks.  It didn’t matter that he and I hadn’t been close.  I barely new him.  At a young age, every one of Death’s intrusive visits were otherworldly and bitter.
And now there was this nameless chicken, it’s death incomparable to my father’s own.  This defiant chicken, who had decided to die during my journey of healing and renewal.  Rude.
She had been refusing to sleep in the coop for days — opting to hide under it at night instead.  While the others piled into the coop to be stowed away from the jaws of coyote or other predators, she scrambled under it to take her chances.  Only when the sun warmed the sky and the coops were opened to let the others flutter out to feed, did she enter to perch alone.
Looking back on it, this behavior was likely indicative that she was nearing the end of her life.  That night she had died under the coop and now she was laying there so still — like a pile of slate feathers.  Morning dew glistened on her neck.  When I’d come upon her I’d gasped in surprise.  It was apparent immediately that she was dead, lying in a completely unnatural slump unachievable in life.
I knew right away that it was unsanitary for her to stay lying there.  It was also my first day completely alone on the farm.  There was no one I could defer the task of moving her to.  No one to set upon this task that I myself had always avoided.  So now here I was howling into the sky, trying to convince myself that this chicken was dead and that no matter how much I didn’t want to touch it I had to touch it and move it out of the pen.
I stood in the sand trying to force my brain to reckon with the fact that the chicken was not going to move.  "It isn’t sick or debilitated.  It’s dead.  It’s not going to move now or ever again.  Really?  Are we sure.”  I had to process, “No it’s really never moving again and nothing I do can change that.  It’s final.”  I felt cold some where deep inside.
I’m on a farm. And chickens die on a farm sometimes.  "Where there’s livestock, there’s deadstock,“ John (the farmer and my host) had warned me with a chuckle.  
"Goddammit.”  The sentimental, mostly vegetarian in me, wanted to say something to mark this occasion which I’m sure my hosts, now callous to chicken death, would’ve have groaned or laughed at.  This chicken didn’t even have a name.  It’s just a chicken.  And now it died.  It’s no one’s fault, it just died and that’s how things were.  "You were a good chicken,“ I finally decided on with a gulp.  Was she?  I have no idea.
I reached down with my work gloves, the body felt heavy and everything in my body crawled.  I stepped back.  Another five minutes explaining to myself things die, and this was my task.  I was going to hold my own on this farm, so help me.
Another round of my mind flashing back to the pets I’d watched surrender to darkness and what I had learned from those moments.  I thought of what it might be like when my dogs pass.  Would I be so remiss then to cradle their small bodies one last time?   My heart broke a little at that thought but I knelt down, took a deep breath and very gently lifted the hen from the ground.
It’s bony feet were curled.  It’s tiny head and bushy neck lulled back almost delicately.  I rested the little body in a tote and found myself adjusting it so that it wouldn’t lay on its head or neck, as though it might find that uncomfortable.  I had to remind myself that she no longer felt anything.  I carried the tote away from my body illogically anticipating the chicken might spring out at me, and then as my boots crunched up the hill I huddled the tote more comfortably to my body.  I trekked along in resigned silence.
I got to the house in time to see that John was just pulling out.  I hadn’t missed him after all.  He lifted the creature by its feet and rest it in the back of his truck. "It took everything in me to pick up that chicken.”  I confessed.  He gave me a smile that was both sympathetic but rueful.
“Sometimes chickens just die, it probably won’t be the last time.” I nodded and wished him safe travels.  He bid me a good day.  I crunched back up the hill and stowed the once again empty tote in my Jeep.
I embarked on this journey largely in part because my father’s death had left me feeling changed, hollow and wounded. Stowed in the confines of a suburban household I was listless, heavy.  The walls became a reflective chamber with no tunnels or corridors towards escape.  There was only rumination of thought like chewing on already regurgitated cud.  I could not obtain peace through anything side of me, it was time to reach outward.
During my walks among the rustling leaves and cool nights however, I had felt free.  Something called me beyond the shores of a linear lifetime spent roaming a cage of drywall.  I yearned to  — if not attain my father’s joy for life and those he loved — then to at least strive towards it.  I wanted to work with my hands, feel fatigue in my body at night and go to bed satisfied with my day’s work.
I thought of my Zazen Buddhist practice and studies.  I recalled, as I often do, the stories of the Buddha, sitting in meditation, legs crossed with his fingertips pressed to the earth. It’s called the Earth Witness mudra.  The story goes that as Siddartha obtained enlightenment under the bodhi tree he reached down to touch the earth, quite literally grounding himself, and the Earth cried, “I am his witness.”  Fibers of carpet and scored linoleum did not offer the same effect I yearned for.  I wanted to go to bed with dirt under my nails.  I wanted to touch the earth.
So I embarked in a camper that’s older than I am and took a chance on this gorgeous farm in southeast Texas ran by one of the most generous married couples I have ever encountered.
The stages of grief and the stages of enlightenment share a certain quality.  The pursuit of acceptance.  Part of life is sitting with death, and I am grateful to this nameless chicken who taught me another lesson.  As I took that small body into my hands, and lifted it from the sand I believe I cradled acceptance there too.  Maybe there isn’t as much gravitas in the death of a single bird as I wanted to assign to it, but maybe there was just enough.
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
💃 Once on This Island AU 🌺
Musical AUs have continued! Check out my masterlist (in my bio) under Multifandom for the others!
Black!reader x Yoongi
Major Character Death (spoiler it’s the reader)
Jimin vs Jeongyeon
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Agwe- Key (SHINee)
Asaka- Rosé (Blackpink)
Erzulie- Jimin (BTS)
Papa Ge- Jeongyeon (TWICE)
Ti Moune- Reader
Daniel- Yoongi (BTS)
Mama Euralie- Taeyeon (SNSD)
TonTon Julian- Shindong (Super Junior)
Andrea- Jamie Park (femme Jimin)
There is an island where rivers run deep. Where the sea, sparkling in the sun, earns it the name “Jewel of the Antilles.” An island where the poorest of peasants labor and the wealthiest of Sacred Bone play. Two different worlds on one island! The Sacred Bone, with their pale skins and their American ways, owners of the land and masters of their own fates. And the peasants, tan as sand and black as night, eternally at the mercy of the wind and the sea...Who pray constantly... to the gods.
On this new day, they said the usual prayers of a villager, “Rosé, grow me a garden.”
“Please Kibum, don’t flood my garden.”
“Jiminie, who will my love be?”
“Jeongyeon, don't come around me!”
An older but spry older woman laughed and grabbed a visitor’s hand, “Ah ha ha ha! Such powerful, such temperamental gods rule our island!”
A woman with raspberry colored hair grabbed a table cloth and wrapped it around her waist, “Rosé, Mother of the Earth.” and wrapped it around her waist.
“Kibum, God of Water!” A man with a beautiful face and blue pants, a fisherman, put on a wave printed top.
A blonde boy with squishy cheeks, pushed down a short haired girl and placed a mosquito net around his shoulders like a shawl, “Jimin, beautiful God of Love.”
The girl then stood up and slit a juicy pomegranate and let the juice run down her wrist, “And Jeongyeon, sly Demon of Death.” She laughed and pointed the knife at Jimin.
“Rosé, grow me a garden.” They all echoed. “Please Kibum, don’t flood my garden. Jiminie, who will my love be?” A flower was placed in her lap. “Jeongyeon, don't come around me! Please, Kibum, don't flood my garden. Rosé, grow me a garden.”
A villager with red hair and a wide smile picked up a small girl and swung her around while singing, “We dance~”
To which the others repeated in a similar tune, “We dance~to the music of the gods.”
The girl was set down and danced on her own now while the villagers began to sing, “The music of the breezes through the green plantain. The murmur of the river and the roar of rain and if the gods decide to send a hur-ri-cane…” A loud thump of a drum accented each syllable. “We dance~ to their everchanging moods.”
Rosé fanned herself and the little girl, “We know the gods are happy when the green things grow.”
Key got her attention and added, “They’re angry when the river starts to overflow.”
The performers shook their hips and hands, “And since we never know which way their winds will blow~We dance to the earth. We dance to the water. The gods awake and we take no chance.” A small upbeat tune played and they continued. “Our hearts hear the song. Our feet move along. And to the music of the gods, we dance!”
Jimin guided the small girl and pointed to a place where the villagers mimicked proper posture, “On the other side of this island, safe behind high walls and iron gates, the Sacred Bone dance to a different tune.”
The lighter skinned members served face and sung, “La la la la la la la la!”
Water god Key folded his arms, “They drink champagne, entertain tourists at their fine hotels, and tell their servants…”
A taller man with broad shoulders clapped his hands together and spoke to a darker skinned man, “Polish up the Mercedes!”
“La la la la la la la la!”
Taking the girl’s dolls from her hands, Jeongyeon spread her arms wide, “Two different worlds, never meant to meet.”
Feminine death looked at the girl and spoke with a man, “The peasants labor—” and then looked at the boy, speaking with a woman with long red hair, “The Sacred Bone eat!”
The Sacred Bone paraded around saying, “How fine our clothes are! How fast we drive! We dance at parties--”
Peasants interrupted, “While we are dancing just to stay alive!” The crescendo built and then softened.
“We dance~” Said the women.
“We dance~” Repeated the men.
Together, they asked, “What else is there to do…”
The peasant men then acted out what they did, “But plant the seed and pull the weed and chop the cane.”
“And bear the child and bear the load and bear the pain.” The women did the same.
Then they sung together once again, “And as the rich go racing to their own refrain, we dance to the earth, we dance to the water. The gods awake and we take no chance. Our hearts hear the song. Our feet move along. And to the music of the gods~”
People clapped to the rhythm while others lifted their skirts to dance and even got visitors to move and groove along with them.
“We dance to the earth. We dance to the water. The gods awake and we take no chance…”
An older man seemingly married to the woman from before said, “Two different worlds, never meant to meet.”
The music stopped and all heads turned towards the older woman who guided her there in the first place, “But if the gods move our feet!”
“We daaaaance! We daaaaaance! We daaaaaannnnnnce!”
With everything now settled, eyes settled on the one in the center who spoke:
Our story begins on the night of a flood. Many huts washed away, many peasants drowned by Kibum’s angry waters.
I was a child, walking home from the store in my hand me down red dress. The basket I was carrying was heavy enough to make my small body lean back in order to keep the groceries off the ground. Still, a lose grape fell onto the sandy dirt. I set the basket down to chase after it, and a small wave of water brought it back to me. Strange, I thought as I picked up the purple orb, water wasn’t usually this close to the market. There was a lot more and coming right at me!
I rushed back to the basket, but before I knew it, my body had been swept up by the waves and my foods taken hostage by the misplaced sea. My mother had been in front of me with her own basket, calling my name. Now she screamed it as I was taken way too far away for me to ever here it being called again. Villagers of all sorts hurriedly packed up and grabbed their own children, racing for higher ground. Some sort of safety.
A panel of roofing came my way, and I grabbed it. When I was knocked off of it, I felt as though an orphan plucked from the flood by Kibum, sheltered in a tree by Rosé. And little did I know I’d be sent on a journey by the gods. A journey that would test the strength of love against the power of death. On this island of two different worlds!
The story of (Y/N)!
I was just one small girl in a tree, torn from her mother. Crying in fright. One small girl tossed by sea and left to face the stormy night. I was one small girl. Holding tight...At last, the storm subsided and the morning sun glowed when two old peasants came cautiously down the road.
Eomma Taeyeon and Appa Shindong.
Taeyeon picked up a flower and tucked it in her hair, “Rosé is smiling again, Shindong.”
He was being grumpy, “This morning, she smiles. Last night, she tried to blow our heads off!”
“Hahahaha! Ah, Julian, just listen to those birds!”
Coo coo coo coo coo. Coo coo coo coo coo.
Waah!!! Sounded from up in a tree. “What kind of bird is that?” Shindong asked.
His wife pointed to the tree, at me, “Look! There! One small face, two small knees.”
“Why are you up there?”
“What is your name?” When I gave no reply, she looked to her husband. “The girl can’t speak.”
He pointed to the skies, “And they’re to blame. Kibum probably meant to kill her!”
Taeyeon rolled her eyes, “Then she’d be dead.”
“It’s possible he forgot.”
She looked around frightened the gods might be listening, “Shh! The gods don’t forget.”
“Then they had some reason to spare her life. It’s best that we don’t know what.”
His wife agreed even though she looked back at the child, “One small girl...better not.”
They shook their heads and started to go, but then something magical came over them. That child needed someplace to live.
“But we’re too old for children.” He tried to reason to himself.
She did the same, “And we have no room and no food.”
But I--the quiet girl in the tree--or something else, touched them deep inside. So not knowing quite why, they followed their hearts back to the tree, gently lifted the terrified child down…
I screamed, “NOOOOO!!!!”
And discovered I could speak after all. Now I had become one small girl in the way.Constantly hungry. They said I was learning too quick! Maybe because I was only about 6 when I learned how to climb to the top of the tallest palm tree without any help.
“She makes me smile.” Appa Shindong said when he saw where I was and pointed it out to Eomma.
“She scares me sick!” and she went pale at the sight of me so high. She clutched her heart and ordered the coconut gatherers to help me down.
But I lept right into my mother’s arms from what didn’t seem like a fifteen foot tree at the time. So they scolded and teased and held me. Ad mended the clothes I tore. The hut was crowded, and food was scarce. Yet somehow, their lives held more. They had one small girl to live for.
Because I had no idea of what my life was like or what my name was before the flood, they named me “Desirée Dieu-Donné,” or “God-Given Desire.” But in their affection, they called me simply (Y/N).
I recall a time when I was around the age of 8 and my curious nature came into play, so I asked, “What does (Y/N) mean, Eomma?”
“It means Little Orphan.” She tapped my nose. “You’re our sweet little orphan. We found you, and now your life is forever in our care.”
“Why?” I asked.
Appa answered, “Because the gods willed it.”
My mother shrugged, “Perhaps they saved you for something special.”
That simple answer made my eyes light up and I jumped up and down, “What is it?”
“(Y/N), if we knew why the gods did the things they do, we would be gods ourselves!”
I puffed up my cheeks cutely, “Someday I’m going to ask them, Eomma!”
Both my parents giggled, and she ruffled my hair, “Foolish girl! Run and hide!”
Growing up, I was called both sweet as a eucalyptus and terrible as a tempest while I was banging a drum and humming a tune. I was (Y/N) and did what children did. Falling and running and calling and growing...and growing and growing and growing up too soon.
Ten years had passed and I had grown into a beautiful young woman. Sturdy from living a peasant’s life and yet gentle with innocence claiming my heart. I folded the now dried blanket after taking it off the line, but soon slipped away to sit in a tree, allowing my mind to wander. I was now one small girl that wasn’t so small. Lost in my daydreams day after day.
“Call her name.” Appa Shindong said.
But Eomma Taeyeon replied, “No, don’t call. Her ears don’t hear, she’s far away.”
My parents watched from the distance, talking among themselves after my mother finished my folding for me.
He agreed, “And I know that she’s getting older.”
“I know that it's meant to be.”
Their arms couldn't hold me and keep me small, but all l that their hearts could see was one small girl. One small girl. Just one small girl in a tree.
The two then grabbed a few things before going to market. On their way, a car was speeding past and almost ran them over. No honking either, to warn pedestrians to get out of the way. The life of privilege wreaked of the silver mercedes. A few yelps of terror turned my attention to a stranger in white in a car. Going somewhere. Going far.
I wondered what it would be like to have a life like his.
How it must feel to go racing wherever you please, flying as free as a bird with his tail in the breeze. I thought even the fish in the sea must be longing to fly after catching a glimpse of a stranger in white racing by. “Oh, gods. Oh, gods, are you there?” You asked aloud. “What can I do to get you to look down and give in? Oh, gods. Oh, gods, hear my prayer!”
I’m here in the field with my feet on the ground and my fate in the air waiting for life to begin! I knew that Eomma's contented and Appa accepts what he gets. They were happy for tea in their cups and no holes in their nets. Happy to have what they have and to stay where they are, they never even looked up at the sound of a car.
A stranger racing down the beach. Racing to places I was meant to reach! My imagination took a step further and imagined him there in the middle of the drum circle. I joined him and swung my hips to the rhythm. Then I imagined his car would stop and in I’d hop and off we’d drive!
We’ll drive~! I turned around and he was gone.
I sighed and saw the setting sun. Had it already gotten this late? It was about time to go home. Before I did, I called for the Gods like I had been taught since I was little. I used my whole heart and my entire body.
“Oh, gods. Oh, gods. Please be there. Don’t you remember your little (Y/N) from the tree?” I even tried commanding them to see if I would get a sign. “Wake up! Look down! Hear my prayer! Don’t single me out And then forget me! Oh, gods. Oh, gods, let me fly!” I spread my arms like wings. “Send me to places where no one before me has been. You spared my life; show me why. You get me to rise like a fish to the bait then tell me to wait. Well, I’m waiting!” I called to the heavens.
Waiting for life to begin!
And the gods heard her prayer. Had a good laugh about it too.
Rosé fanned herself, “The peasant girl wants a grand homme to carry her away! I should find a tree all covered with mangos--juicy mangos, fat and well-fed. Pick a mango—” She took the one she just made from the tree.
Kibum took it from her, “A juicy mango.”
“A lovely mango.” Jimin added before the mango was taken from him.
It was by Jeongyeon who said, “A poison mango—”
But everyone scowled at her. She just shrugged it away. As a demon of death, it was her job to kill people. Poison did that. Anyways, Rosé dropped the mango. It made a whistling sound as it fell from the heavens. Then boom!
“To knock some sense in her head!”
They laughed and repeated, “Knock some sense in her head!”
Kibum offered to, “Splash her with a wave!”
“Scare her half to death!” Jeongyeon lurched forward.
But Jimin saw how honest her prayer was, so he said, “Give her what she wants!”
Rosé, Kibum, and Jeongyeon looked at him, confused, “Give her what she...?”
He nodded, “Give her what she wants. Love has many powers. If the love is true, It can cross the earth, and withstand the storm. It can conquer--” Jimin poked in Jeongyeon’s direction. “Even you.”
The gods of earth and water decided to walk away and give the two their space to talk, mostly because neither of them wanted to be put at odds with Death herself.
She scoffed, “Love conquer death? Why, I could stop her heart like that!” She snapped her fingers with a quickness.
Jimin smirked, “Stop her heart from beating, yes. But not from loving. Not if love is what she chooses.”
Jeongyeon shook her head dismissively, “Ridiculous!”
“Interesting!” Key piped up.
Rosé nodded, “More amusing than mangos!”
They came to a decision, “A journey!”
Jimin reached out to (Y/N), “I will give her strength when the time is right.”
Mother nature followed suit, “I will guide her way.”
“I will make her choose!” A wicked grin spread across Death’s face.
Kibum, already flowing down to Earth, said, “And I’ll provide the place where two different worlds will meet tonight!”
Tonight! God of water Kibum smeared his arm across the sky, “Let there be no moon. Let the clouds race by. Where the road meets the sea, let the tide be high.” And his head turned as he saw the girl about to return home. “Let there be a girl…” He drew her back to the beach. “Walking by the sea, and let there be rain!”
A small trickle began as Key continued to command his part of nature, “Listen to her prayers, full of hope and pain as she stares down the road in the pouring rain.” It quickly picked up.
She should’ve been home by now or trying to get there more quickly, but instead she stood transfixed in the middle of the empty road. There was rain on the road. Rain on her face. Rain makes a road such a dangerous place.
He smiled to himself as the other player came near, “Let there be a car racing through the night where the road meets the sea. Let her wait where the road meets the sea. Let him spin where the road meets the sea. Let their fate begin~ in the...Raaaaaiiiinnnin!” He bellowed and thunder clapped.
Kibum was gone as soon as he came, leaving an unsupervised driver swerve when he saw big brown eyes and a red dress in the middle of the street. He quickly ran into a tree which Rosé made sure was unharmed in all of this.
I heard the screech of wheels and metal bending. Saw lights brighter than the moon and then nothing. I went to him and screamed at the top of my lungs.
“Help! Someone! Come quickly! A car has crashed!” I held him in my arms. “A boy is hurt! Help me, someone! Where is everyone?”
Not a soul was coming near. It was if we weren’t on the sandy beach at all, but somewhere else where only the two of us existed.
“Hello? Can you hear me?” I asked.
His skin is so pale, I think.
“Can you see me?”
His eyes opened for a moment. They were eyes from another world. Gray as the sky.
I spoke to whoever heard, “Oh, gods. Oh, gods, you saved my life for a reason. And now, I think I know why!”
A man’s voice made me jump, “He roared down the road like the devil himself…”
More people started to gather.
“Going too fast around the curves!” A thick woman added.
“Sent us scrambling off the road like chickens…”
“He has what he deserves!”
No, what? He didn’t deserve this! He was too kind.
A beautiful woman squaked, “Jeongyeon wants him…”
The man she was with finished, “And Jeongyeon will have him!”
“The boy is dying before our eyes!” one of the men before spoke up again.
“Help him!” Mom said.
“Hide him!” One of her friends said right after.
Appa interrupted, “Noooo! Don’t touch him! Better leave him where he lies. Even a wealthy man sometimes dies.”
How could he? I spoke up, “Please! He needs help!”
“If this boy dies in our hands, the rich will send police.” He stated.
“He needs care!”
Eomma agreed, “And if he lives, oh, how angry the gods will be!”
Everyone around me seemed to have the same idea, “The only thing that will save the boy’s life is to send him back to his world!”
I knew I was being stubborn, but I had to be, “The only thing that will save the boy’s life... is me!”
All the villagers stared in disbelief, finally silent and still even as rain covered us head to toe.
So I continued, “I have prayed to the gods and at last they’ve answered. They saved my life so that I could save his. My heart knows this.” My eyes looked at my father. “Please, Appa.”
He sighed, “I will find where he comes from.”
“Shindong! No!” Eomma Taeyeon held his arm tightly.
He nodded, “I will find who he is, and soon! But ’til I return, you care for him, (Y/N).”
And, after he bid his wife and daughter goodbye, Shindong set off down the road, toward the Black Mountains. The peasants carried the boy to the village, and laid him on my mat. And so my long vigil began…
One day gone by like it was nothing, just making sure he was dried off as much as possible with rain pelting the windows. And two days gone by without him opening his eyes at all. People would stop by just to whisper about the whole situation.
They would say things such as, “The boy has the will of the devil himself, clinging to life by one small thread.”
“If it hadn’t been for Julian’s daughter, he’d certainly be dead!”
Even when I was just doing the most simple of things to make sure he was being taken care of properly, they’d whisper and gossip as if they weren’t standing outside of my hut. As if I couldn’t hear them. I did, but I was too focused on trying to save this boy’s life to care about any of it.
It was two women chirping back and forth, “Look how she bathes him--”
“And touches and protects him.”
Two men were by their sides, “She binds his wounds and she rubs his chest—”
“It’s as if the girl’s possessed!”
My mother worried for me as I looked through every book and was alarmed by every cough, “You need food. You need sleep. You just can’t go on without any sleep.”
“Eomma, sssh!”
“Have some tea.” She offered.
I felt his arm, “His skin is hot.”
“Have a rest.” She had even set out another mat for me in the corner.
“He needs me here.”
I was tired of her trying to convince me away from him, so I went to yell at her but we ended up talking over each other, “Can’t you see how much this matters to me? I know what’s best!”
Eomma was shocked at my words, but that didn’t stop her from sticking around me as I tried a new healing techniques. Now the sky was growing dim and the clouds are racing by. The gods are looking down at a boy they meant to die and a girl who placed herself in their way… So they prayed.
Three days gone by and my stomach was still empty other than what slithered down when I chewed up herbs and leaves and turned them into a fine paste. And four days gone by without one wink of sleep. I don’t know if I even blinked when keeping my eye on him.
Two brothers and their sister came to watch me work today.
The oldest spoke first, “I fear for the girl and her mother, as well.”
“Nothing but trouble looms ahead.” Their sister agreed.
“Mister Shindong could be deep in danger.” The youngest spoke.
Their sister spoke again, “Arrested, lost or dead!”
In the forest on the edge of the mountains, Shindong held a lit lamp and looked around with worry in his heart. He paused for a second and got on his knees.
“Rosé, mother of the earth, guide the feet of this poor peasant man. Hear my prayer. Which way there...and which way home?”
I called to my mom, “I need herbs.”
“Your father gone--” She replied.
“Eomma, herbs!” I didn’t have time for her nagging.
My mother was upset, “And you don’t care. Oh, my god what has this boy done to you?”
I grabbed her hands, “Mam...sssh!” and went back to the boy. “He needs rest.”
“Your appa lost.”
“He needs care—”
She pointed in my direction, “Because of you.”
We spoke over each other once more, “Can’t you see that he’s in terrible danger? What must I do?”
Now the sky is turning dark, and the wind is turning chill. The gods are out for blood. They’ve been cheated of their kill by a girl without the sense to obey...so they prayed. They moved their feet together in order to ward off evil because once it got in it probably wouldn’t leave with just a single casualty.
Everytime death came near, I’d use water and flame. Herbs and prayer to keep him alive. I didn’t even know his name, but I went without sleeping for many days to have the hope of knowing it from his own lips. “Yeobo! Where is my yeobo! Bring my Shindong home!” Taeyeon wailed.
At that same time, Shindong had made it to the gates but was confronted by the gatekeepers. He begged for entry.
“You want what?” The keeper scoffed.
The chubby man replied, “I’ve come so far and I need--”
“Get back!”
“I have some news for Kim-nim--”
The guard warned again, “Get back!”
“Min Seonsaeng-nim has a--”
“Peasant pig!” He slapped the man for his insolence.
Now on the ground, Appa Shindong said, “Please, I beg!”
The guard was surprised, “You must be mad!”
“I must see Seonsaeng-nim--”
“Min Seonsaeng-nim?”
“I have come so far--” He tried to get up but was stopped by the barrel of a gun.
“So far to die!”
His eyes caught a missing poster with the image of the boy from the crash and pointed desperately, “I have found his son!”
That caught their attention and so the guard helped him up, a bit suspicious but he wasn’t the one with a life to lose if this man was lying.
Now the sky has turned to black and the wind is like a knife. Jeongyeon is coming back for the boy who clings to life and the girl will have the gods to repay…
They prayed with their whole bodies, “Jeongyeon, don’t come around me! Jeongyeon, don’t come around me! Jeongyeon, don’t come around me! Jeongyeon, don’t come around me!”
Some say it was the worst storm the Gods had ever sent. Peasants prayed that they’d live to see the morning, but what of (Y/N)?
What of me? Well, some say I had gone without sleep for so long that my mind wandered further into my dreams. I had no wind nor rain, only my beating heart of this pale dying boy.
I even sang to him as comfort, “Sure as a wave needs to be near the shore. You are the one I was intended for. Deep in your eyes, I saw the gods’ design. Now my life is forever yours.” I smiled. “And you are mine.”
I changed his bandages and sang, “I am a tree holding away the storm. Here in my arms, I’ll keep you safe and warm. Even the gods won’t dare to cross this line where my life is forever yours, and you are mine.”
“And you are mine,” came his voice from the doorway.
I knew he’d be ok because of me!
Our hearts sang together, “Mine…We’ll race away in a car as silver as the moon, and the storm will turn to sun on an island where the earth and sea are one. Sure as this night leads to a sky of blue. Sure as my heart led me to be with you.” He leaned his forehead on my own. “Surely the gods meant this to be a sign that my life is forever yours and you are--”
“Miiiiiine! MIIIINNEE!” It was, Jeongyeon. There was no mistaking it.
Where was my boy?
She stood above him and grinned the darkest grin I had ever seen, “Arrogant fool. Think you can hold back death?”
Death herself came before me, but I wouldn’t let her ruin this, “Stay away!” I was shaking but stood firm.
Jeongyeon shoved me back without even touching me, “This boy is mine. I am his dying breath!”
“I won’t let you have him!”
She laughed, “Sure as the grave, you must accept what is! Now his life is forever mine~”
It was if death was pulling his soul from out of his body. It raised with her motion. I had to do something! Something now!
“Take mine for his!” I blurted.
She looked at me with shock, “What?”
With more conviction, I repeated, “Take my life. My soul... for his.”
“I am the road leading to no return.” Jeongyeon warned.
“I’m not afraid.” I glared at her.
She returned it tenfold, “Secret of life nobody wants to learn…”
“I would die for him!” I said firmly.
“I am the car racing toward distant shores.”
My eyes were on him, not death, “Now his life is forever mine…”
Jeongyeon pulled my attention back and pulled my soul into her grasp as well, “Your life is forever mine…”
It was excruciatingly painful, but as soon as it was over, I looked back at the boy whose life I was saving, “And I am yours…”
Our fates were sealed. Death left humming to herself followed by a laugh like the cracking of bones.
The next day I realized I had finally gone to sleep after staying up to protect my boy. I don’t know how long but I awoke to pale muscles holding me as they took him away! They gave me to my worried parents as they took him to a truck and laid him in the back still on top of my mat!
“No, stop!” I called. “You can’t take him! Give him back!” My arms flailed and failed to reach his still unconscious form.
He was getting better! The Gods--why was he taken from me?
My father’s grip was firm, “Now the Gods are happy! He is there in his world and you are here in ours! Everything is as it should be (Y/N)!” he looked me dead in the eyes. “There can never be anything between a peasant and a Sacred Bone.”
“Appa, he needs me!” My gaze held strong. “Without me...he’ll die!”
“Let the Gods decide his fate!” My mother said. “What can a peasant like you do for someone like him but shine his shoes?!”
I went to her and held her hands, “His ancestors one loved a peasant girl.”
I had heard the villagers gossiping about his heritage all while I did my best to heal him. His family cursed to stay on this island while their hearts forever yearned for their homeland.
“This time a Sacred Bone will marry one. I know it!” I made eye contact with both my parents. The ones who raised me. “I am in his blood and he is in mine.”
Eomma Taeyeon’s face fell, crumbled, “Marry you?” She held my face in her hands. “You are mad. He will not marry you, (Y/N)!”
“I must go to him.” I said, not a shred of doubt in my heart.
I took Eomma’s hands from my face and backed away from her. How could they not believe me? It wasn’t as if it were some random thing! It was my hearts! It was the Gods! I loved him and we were meant to be together!
“I must go to him! His heart beats for me like a drum. The gods are dancing for me, Eomma!” I said. “Please, Eomma. Please, Appa.” I begged them with my whole heart. “Give me your blessing and let me go.”
They said nothing with their mouths, but spoke to one another with their eyes. I knew my answer! Why didn’t they know theirs?
Stubborn words came out of my mouth, “ I will go!”
My mom sighed and tucked her hair behind her ear, “What can I say to stop you now now that you’ve heard your drums and seen your dancers? Now that you think your heart has all the answers?”
Her eyes were filled with sorrow as she looked at me, “Who knows how high those mountains climb? Who knows how deep those rivers flow? Who knows how wrong a dream can go, (Y/N)?”
Appa Shindong gently touched my arm, “I won’t be there to guide your way…”
“To braid your hair or dry your tears…” Eomma added. “As we have done these many years, (Y/N). (Y/N)…”
My father had me sit, “What you are, we made you. What we gave, you took. Now you run without one backward look.”
Mother smoothed my hair, “You’ll find some other boy to save. Some other life that you can share. Your heart is young; new dreams are everywhere. Choose your dreams with care, (Y/N).”
“But I have chosen. And my dreams are there, down that road!” I stood and pointed out the window.
“You’re a child, (Y/N)!” Appa bellowed. “The road is hard and dangerous. The city is miles away. And even if you get there, even if you get to the Hotel Holly, you will never get through the gate!”
His voice was anger and confusion and heavy with pleading. Why was he so worried?
“I will get there, Appa. I will get through the gate. I’m not a child any longer!” I knew their words but felt so different about them. “What I am, you made me. What you gave, I owe. But if I look back, I’ll never go. Who knows how high those mountains climb?”
I gazed out the window, “Who knows how deep those rivers flow?” and then turned my attention back to them. “I know he’s there. That’s all I need to know…”
As they always did when things were rough, they hid their tears even though their aged faces showed everything they were feeling. I couldn’t just give up, though. He was my fate! Us being together was destiny. I didn’t argue with it, so why--
“Go and find your love.” Appa Shindong said.
Eomma nodded and placed her necklace around my neck, “Go and swim the sea.”
Together, they assured me, “You know where we’ll be…”
“Always there with me…” I nodded.
“(Y/N)…” they hugged me tightly.
So I set off into the world with everything looking so bright and new! It was scary...just a little bit. Ok, maybe a lot of bit. I had nowhere...no idea where I was going. But on this island, the earth sings as soon as the storm ends. And as my feet set out, I realized I was walking with old friends.
The birds...The trees...The frogs...And the breezes… That’s when I lost all my fear. I knew Rosé was near! She appeared out of nowhere and had a huge smile on her face.
“You’ve never been away from the sea, child. You’re gonna need a helping hand. A fish has got to learn to swim on land!” She motioned me towards her. “Walk with me, little girl. Don’t you be afraid. Follow me, little girl, let me be your guide. A pretty thing like you will need a thing or two”
She booped my nose and I giggled.
“And whatever you need. Mama will provide. Ohhhhh! Down the road, little girl, you may lose your way. All alone in a world that may seem too wide.”
The red haired goddess sat on an upturned boat and tapped her skirt to motion for me to place myself there, “But sit on mama’s lap, and I will draw a map, and whatever you need Mama will provide!”
She sat up and twirled me in all sorts of ways. It was as if the earth itself was speaking to me and bending to her will.
“I’ll provide you moss to soften the road! Rocks to sit on! Trees to sleep underneath! Sand, fun for your toes! Plantain to fill up your belly!” And the wind danced through my hair as she sang to me. “Breeze to fan your face! Grass for making your bed!”
I pointed at a blood sucking little fella that kept buzzing around me, “Mosquitoes?”
She laughed, “Ha!”
I tried to clap it between my hands, but it must’ve flown away as my hands were free of any squashed bug bits.
“Bugs will bite, little girl and the night will fall. All alone in the dark, you’ll be terrified. But you will make it through ‘cause I am liking you!” She spun me around once more. “And whatever you need Mama will provide!”
“Mama will provide…Mama will provide…Mama will provide…” The forest sang as my footsteps became more sure.
Rosé belted into my ear, “Oh…!” and giggled at my startled reaction. “Walk with me, little girl and I’ll take you far! ‘Round each bend, little friend, I’ll be by your side. That’s what Mama’s worth, to give her child the earth, and whatever you need, mama will…” She took a deep breath as the plants twirled and prepared themselves for another belting moment. “PROVIIIIIIIIIDDEEE!”
I embraced her and with a wave of Rosé’s fan, a clear path came before me. She motioned me on and off I went.
Some say...How you began your long journey toward the city! Some say your feet were bare and the road was long and cruel Some say you got a ride from a vendor and his mule. Some say the gods pulled up in a car and drove you all the way. Well, no one knows how the real truth goes, but that’s what some say!
Some might wonder how far did she travel. The answer is as far as they suppose. And how long did it take you? Much longer than their nose! And were you ever frightened or was your love too strong? And did you know she’d end up in a story and a song?
What happened when (Y/N) finally reached the city? Some say they laughed at you for your peasant feet were bare. Some say that vendor man gave you shoes too small to wear. Some say...the gods said, “Put on the shoes! It’s the price you have to pay!”
The shoes were tight, but you said, “Alright!”
Well, that's what some say! Some say that at last (still wearing her painful new city shoes) you arrived at the gates of the Hotel Holly. But the fierce guard saw you had nothing to sell to the tourists.
“STOP!” They yelled.
But you must have smiled your most beautiful smile. And Jimin must have touched the fierce guard on the shoulder, for he nodded and some say the gate swung open and you entered and went in search of your Yoongi. Some say you scrubbed the floors ‘til you learned where he was kept. Some say you climbed a vine to the window where he slept. While some say the gods just lifted you up and placed you where he lay.
Well, no one knows how the real truth goes. It all depends what you hear from friends. It’s no surprise, if it’s all just lies, but that’s what some say...
I waited until I saw him struggle to get into his bed with his crutches that I came to help him. His eyes opened wide as he put his hand up to stop me and he backed up, frightened.
“Why are you in here? It isn’t allowed!”
I spoke up, “Don’t you remember me? It’s (Y/N).”
“Get out before I call a guard.” He hissed.
My body moved on its own, closer to him, “You don’t remember me? I saved your life.”
He scuffed, “You saved my life? What are you talking about?”
Did he really not recall? But the Gods…
I stood back at the foot of his bed, “You don’t remember?”
Yoongi answered with a quick, “No.”
He eyed me as I swayed nervously. I had come all this way to be with him. I pressed on.
“I’m the one who found you crushed inside your car.” My words were gentle but firm. “I watched over you when you nearly died. I bathed you and gave you my mat to lie on.” It was nowhere to be found.
My dark brown hands smoothed his expensive white bed sheets as they recalled how they cared for his unconscious body for days on end. Still no recollection was to be found behind his coconut colored eyes illuminated by the bedside lamp.
So I approached him, “I have seen the scar on your chest. It’s like a half moon.” I cupped my hand to match its shape and placed it near his heart where I knew the scar was. “Here~”
Yoongi blinked, a pout on his lips but finally a memory breaking through, “So, it was you?”
I smiled and felt his head though he flinched at my touch, “Yes! You’re very ill. You burn like fire!”
“My leg won’t heal.” He motioned to his bandaged calf.
“The Gods sent me to make you well.”
“You think your peasant superstitions can do what doctors can’t?” He squinted his eyes. “You, little girl?”
I took on a semi-scolding tone, “I kept you alive in the face of death! Anyone in my village would tell you so, and I can heal you. Now.”
Was he really going to keep doubting someone sent by the Gods after defying one of them? His future wife?
“You should go home.” Yoongi said.
I knelt at the side of his bed, our hands only inches apart.
“But I came all the way to be with you! Let me stay.”
He stuck out his chin, “Oh? So you can tell me more stories?”
“I am telling the truth.” I said simply.
The black haired man scoffed, “A pretty thing--what--sent by the ‘gods’?”
I looked into his eyes, “Yes.”
Min Yoongi just stared at me, slightly taken aback by how serious I was. How could I not be serious when he doubted my very reality so? My people’s song came in on the wind. He seemed to have recalled something else. A puzzled look came across his face.
Another glance at me, “Alright then...What harm can it do?” He did a sloppy hand flourish towards his leg. “How me your powers. I’ll pretend to believe them.”
He looked at me as I sat now on the edge of his bed smiling at him.
“Who knows?” He raised an eyebrow. “Perhaps maybe the Gods did send me a gift after all.”
So I began to work on his ailing parts. I felt a presence but it didn’t interrupt, simply watched as I took care of my soulmate.
Jimin watched from the window, making sure he was known just enough but did not interfere. He wanted to help...move things along since you had worked so hard to get here. His song was like a spell nudging your hearts closer together.
“Ooh, ooh. The courage of a dreamer...The innocence of youth...The failures and the foolishness...That lead us to the truth.”
He smiled as he noticed how happy you were just to be near Yoongi.
“The hopes that make us happy. The hopes that don’t come true. And all the love there ever was: I see this all in you.” Because he believed that “You are part~Part of the human heart.”
Yes, the way you looked at him and took care of him. There was no doubt in Jimin’s mind that you were part of the human heart. You were part of all who took the journey.
“And managed to endure. The ones who knew such tenderness. The ones who felt so sure. The ones who came before you. The others yet to come, and those who you will teach it to.” His gaze reached to comfort Eomma Taeyeon and Appa Shindong. “And those you learned it from.”
The blonde beauty recognized the change in Yoongi’s eyes as he saw how you worked and got him to hold your hand to bring you closer to him. He continued to work his magic and almost giggled at how shocked you were.
“You are part~Part of the human heart. You are part...This is the gift I give through your love you’ll live forever...Forever~ Forever.”
Yoongi caressed your hair all the way down your cheek and to your chin. You couldn’t help but stare at his chin. Jimin made sure your love’s hand was firmly around your waist.
“You are part...Tonight~Tonight~Part of the human heart~~~~”
And he kissed me. I kissed him back of course. My heart was pounding inside my chest. I knew that he’d love me once he knew the truth, once he accepted it. I could hear the wedding bells already.
And the night became day. Still Yoongi kept the gentle (Y/N) beside him! The day became a week and still you slept in his room. After two weeks, the gossip began spreading through the walls of the Hotel Holly--even into the city--until everyone had heard that the ailing Min Yoongi had chosen a peasant as a lover. And little~by little~ you were “healing him”.
“Now, what can he want with a woman like her?” A man asked as he walked with a friend and two women.
“Blacker than coal and low as dirt!” The woman on his arm added.
Her friend agreed, “He could have the world but takes a peasant!”
The other man smacked his own head, “Perhaps his brain was hurt!”
Even the servants whispered, “Look how she holds him and touches and attends him. The boy believes she can make him well...and she has him in a spell.”
Yoongi had been laying with his head on my lap while I caressed his pale face. I tapped his shoulder so that he would stand. I did as well, fiddling with the locket Eomma had given me when I left the village.
“I have a gift for you.”
Yoongi grinned, “What is it?” tucking his shirt into his pants.
“A charm.” I kneeled on his bed and took it off. “If you wear it next to your heart, it will make you whole again.”
I clasped it around his neck and let my arms rest on his shoulders. He beamed at me with sunlight and affection in his gaze.
“You are my charm.” My love kissed my cheek. “Without you, I could never be whole again.”
“I will never leave you, Yoongi.”
Two women, overdressed for any occasion, commented on the relationship as well.
The one in green asked, “Now, what do you make of a peasant like her?”
“Putting on airs without a doubt!” Her friend in a lighter green replied.
A man passing by inserted himself in the conversation, “When the boy is well and does not need her—”
The two women joined him in completing his thought, “—How soon he’ll throw her out!”
Lifting his crutch off the ground, Yoongi spun in a circle, “Soon, I’ll be dancing again!”
I smiled and caught him before he fell and waited for his crutch to touch the floor once more, “And I’ll dance with you! But for now, walk slowly, Yoongi.”
A spark came alive in his eyes, “Then you must walk even more slowly~”
With a giggle, I asked, “Why?”
“So I can catch you!” He began to playfully chase me with a slight limp ang giggling, so I ran just fast enough to stay out of his grasp.
His father called out to him, “Yoongi-ah!” a paduk board in his grasp.
He stopped in his tracks, “Abeoji.”
His cold eyes glared at me, so I made my way back to my love’s room. Part of me was afraid Min Appa would hit me across the head with that board. The other guests turned their heads whenever I met their eyes. Nothing mattered as long as Yoongi love me, which he did.
“How long do you think you’ll be playing this game?” The older man asked.
His son shook his head, “This is no game!”
“Surely you can’t believe it’s real?” He scoffed.
Yoongi nodded, “I’m in love with (Y/N)!”
Min Abeoji replied sternly, “You are not the first to want a peasant. I, too, know their appeal...But you are my son. You’ll do what must be done no matter what you feel!”
He left his son with sadness in his heart. Yoongi began to go in the direction his love had gone while the guests snickered behind his back. The trio from earlier had seen everything but pretended like they had not by hiding behind fans and newspapers.
“I know what he sees in a peasant like her…” The man said coming from behind his paper.
“Probably makes him rise like yeast!” the light green clothed woman commented.
Servants continued to gossip, “Well, the girl may think she’s very clever. The boy may keep her here forever.”
However, sacred bone and servants alike agreed, “But I can tell you this: They’ll never stand before a priest!”
As Yoongi finished getting ready, I explained how our lives would be once we were a happily married couple. Every day with him would be happy because we were in love. We were together just as the Gods had willed. Just like we would be until we died.
“...and we’ll have a little house with pink walls and a blue roof. And a tree in a garden just like the one that used to shelter me as a child. Then you and I can lie under the shade of the tree~” I sprawled across the fine bedclothes.
My love Yoongi moved to sit, so I rolled on my side.
“And then our children will climb it.”
He stood with a start and looked at me. Maybe he hadn’t thought that far, but it would happen. We’d have children. I’d bear as many as he wanted.
“And it will be ours, forever.” I looked at him with wide and innocent eyes.
He gave me a sweet smirk and moved to a mirror to tie his cream colored bowtie. Yoongi began to talk about how he loved me. I folded my legs and kicked them out to lie on the bed once more.
I, Min Yoongi, son of a well known sacred bone, making me a sacred bone as well, continued to get ready for tonight’s ball, “Some girls take hours to paint every perfect nail...Fragrant as flowers all powdered and prim and pale; but you are as wild as that wind-blown tree. As dark and as deep as the midnight sea. While they’re busy dressing, you lie here warm and bold~”
This girl who had shown up out of nowhere claiming to have healed my body
I said as I finished doing his tie and moving on to fixing my color and suspenders. “Some girls you picture. Some you hold.”
You looked at me him still in awe, innocence in your loving gaze. I thought about what my father said and continued, “Some girls take courses at all the best schools in France; riding their horses and learning their modern dance. They’re clever and cultured and worldly-wise, but you see the world through a child’s wide eyes.”
I used hair wax to make my black strands stay in place. “While their dreams are grand ones. You want what’s just in reach.” Jamie wanted so much. Everything material, expensive, wanted what her parents raised her to want.
My smile couldn’t be contained as I wiped my hands on a towel, “Some girls you learn from. Some you teach. You are not small talk or shiny cars or mirrors or French cologne.” I sprayed a bit on myself since it had become routine for me, and you didn’t seem to hate it.
“You are the river, the moon, the stars: You’re no one else I’ve known…”
You tilted your head to get me to tell you more.
I replied, “Some girls take pleasure in buying a fine trousseau. Counting each treasure and tying each tiny bow. They fold up their futures with perfumed hands while you face the future with no demands. Some girls expect things others think nothing of.”
Then I turned to look at the door knowing my fiancee was just down the hall, “Some girls you marry.” Because there was no other choice. My eyes met yours, “Some you love~”
I loved you. Ever since you came into my room telling stories that I still wasn’t sure were true, but I didn’t care because my heart wanted you. (Y/N) was my happiness. You could never betray me for riches because you didn’t want anything but me.
Beautiful light music filled the grand hall as Yoongi greeted guests who congratulated him on his upcoming wedding with Jamie but whispered about him once he was gone. Large crystal chandeliers lit up the dance floor and the candlelit tables were attended by servants in the hotel uniforms. Flower petals cascaded from the ceiling and onto the floor. Laughter echoed off the walls.
The Sacred Bones at the Hotel Holly, dancing to their own little tune. Waiting to see... (Y/N)!
Jamie in her golden dress approached her husband to be who was probably on the lookout for his mistress. Jamie had not the...pleasure of seeing her. Yoongi spent all his hours with her other than the times she was sleeping and he had to to talk to her about their upcoming wedding.
“Some girls are saying she’s simple as any child.” She said with her arms folded.
He sighed, “Please, Jamie…”
She didn’t stop talking about the rumors, “Barefoot and praying and running the halls quite wild!”
“And is she as pretty as we’ve all heard? Your own pretty...Well, what’s the word?”
They noticed all the heads turning to see a girl with a red hibiscus flower crown and an extravagant red dress to match. It was me. I approached Yoongi eagerly and relieved to see him looking at me, completely smitten with me.
“Yoongi~!” I slowed when I saw him beside another woman.
“So this is your (Y/N). How beautiful she is.” She looked at me.
My love introduced us, “(Y/N), this is Gongju-nim Jamie. Jamie, this is (Y/N).”
A woman I did not know bowed to me, “I’m so happy to meet you, my dear lady. I’ve heard you’re a healer and a dancer, as well. Won’t you dance for us now? Won’t you give us a show? Please, dear girl...Don’t say no.”
I looked at Yoongi who held my hands, “Don’t be afraid, (Y/N). Dance as you always do… Just for me.”
I stood in the center of the room and began the dance I had known since I was a child. My feet nearly came from under me since I was not accustomed to dancing with shoes on my feet. So I took them off, but the familiar looking servants refused to take them from me. Hiding their faces and moving away. Then a man approached and took the bejeweled slippers from me.
Then I returned to my spot and felt the eyes on my. Looking around, it seemed as though I held the attention of the whole room.
In a tune that felt like home, one of the serving woman sang, “We dance~”
As if by magic, the song came into my heart, “We dance~”
My feet began to move to the music played by dark faces. I had danced as I always did to a song that I hadn’t heard in what felt like years. My skirt fanned out around me with every spin, and I noticed the pale pink of a hotel maid twirling next to mine. She must’ve gotten permission from her bosses. Eventually emerald green flew in rhythm with the legs of tailored suits.
The island blood could be hidden with powders and creams but it pulsed nonetheless. Guests clapped and cheered along to the tune as our reet moved to the rapid drums. Even my Yoongi joined in for the last bit. I really had taught him well. All the air in my lungs had gone through my feet, so I was panting hard once the song ended. My love held my hands for a moment before I went to retrieve my shoes but was stopped by an important looking man.
Jamie was upset as she pulled Yoongi to the side. Everyone was back in their places. Their roles...except (Y/N) and Jamie’s husband to be who had let this go on long enough.
“Well, it’s very clear. She’s in love with you. Yoongi, if you care, if you care at all, you must tell her.”
You came back to your Min Yoongi with a large dazzling smile on your face, “Yoongi! Oh, the Ambassador said I was beautiful!!”
I was giddy and joyful after dancing in front of so many people and getting so many compliments afterwards. I forgot about my shoes and went to tell the man who loved me.
“Everyone is so happy that I’m here with you!”
Something was off.
“What is it?” I searched Jamie’s and Yoongi’s faces for an answer.
She waited for him to speak, but was the one to talk when he didn’t. Jamie held my hands with affectionate concern.
Jamie, with her dazzling gold crown to match her dress spoke firmly, “My dear dear girl, I have something to say. Something I fear was left unsaid. Many thanks for all you’ve given Yoongi, but do not be misled. My dear Mademoiselle, you dance so very well. I pray you’ll dance for Yoongi and for me when we are wed…” She let go at my shocked expression. “(Y/N), Yoongi and I…”
She looked at me and at him. Wed? Her? Jamie was to wed my...my Yoongi? I felt my heart sink.
He tried to explain, “Jamie and I have been promised to each other since we were children. This is how things are done, (Y/N). It’s expected.”
I wanted to cry, “Yoongi-ah, please…?”
“There will always be a place for you here…”
Jamie decided it was best to give us space and left to talk with guests.
But our dream. “We'll race away in a car—”
“I can’t change who I am or where I’m from.”
“— As silver as the moon…”
Yoongi shook his head, “I wish it could be so.”
“We will live beside the sea. We’ll have children, a garden, and a tree…” I held him tightly.
He held me away from him, “I thought you understood. We could never marry.”
We could...never? Yoongi took off the necklace I had given him and placed it in my hands. Then he went back to the main room to continue being a part of the party. I was on the balcony, alone with my broken heart.
I called out to the gods once again with my whole heart, “Oh, gods. Oh, gods, Are you there? Are you there...?”
All the whispers from before and even after travelling to be with him swarmed in my head. “Blacker than coal and low as dirt.”
“What has that boy done to you?”
“I know what he sees in a woman like that!”
“Look how she bathes him and touches and protects him.”
“She’s going to have the gods to repay.”
“The gods to repay.”
“The gods to repay!”
“The Gods to repay!!”
The Gods to repay!
Jeongyeon appeared before me and everything went dead silent. She smirked at my current state of weakness. It’s as if the rattle of a snake was inside of me as Death slithered closer to me.
“There were promises made in the darkness; promises made in your sleep; promises the gods demand you keep!” She darted at me but I moved out of the way, “You gave him love. Love he would soon betray!”
“Stay away!”
“You gave him life. I am the price you’ll pay!”
“Sure as the grave. You must accept what is...Now your life is forever mine…” Death held a knife to my throat.
I didn’t want to die! “Please, DON’T!!!”
“Trade yours for his...” Jeongyeon said, removing the knife from my throat.
“You saved him. You loved him. And he betrayed you. Why should you die for him now?” “Kill him, (Y/N). Kill the love~ you feel for him. Prove that death is stronger than love and you can have your own life again. Just as if you had never loved at all.” She handed me the blade.
Death pulled him closer to me, “I am the road leading to no return…”
A song that I had heard before was sung between her words, but it was so quiet in comparison, “The courage of a dreamer…”
“Secret of life finally his to learn...”
“You are part…”
I had to choose. I could kill him. Easily. He wasn’t even looking. No one noticed the dagger in my hand as I approached him from behind. Things could go back to normal. I’d return to my own life just as Jeongyeon had promised. Just as if I had never loved at all.
“I am the car racing toward distant shores…”
I’d be able to step get rid of the pain step that HE caused! Step
“Part of the human heart…”
He was right there. Yoongi hadn’t noticed me yet. I had to do it now.
“Now his life is forever mine…”
I raised the knife to sink between his shoulder blades.
And I dropped it, “I can’t!”
People gasped and Yoongi turned with wide eyes to see me kneeling on the floor with tears streaming down my face. He stared at the knife. No matter how much he had hurt me by keeping the truth about his marriage a secret…
“Yoongi...I love you.”
He shook his head, “You tried to kill me!”
And so you were cast out of the Hotel Holly, your dress and chest being thrown into the sandy dirt. The gates slammed shut behind you.
Your eyes saw a couple on the other side you called out to them, “I am Miss (Y/N). I am the Mistress of Min Yoongi!”
If that was the only thing you could be to him, then you’d wear the title. As long as you could be near him. The couple ignored you. A man passed by who recognized you.
He held your hand through the iron bars as you said, “I was the one who danced at the ball!”
You wore a beautiful (and clean) dress.
“The people applauded! All eyes were on me!!!!”
He ran off at your outburst. Another Sacred Bone came passed.
“The Gods sent me! They sent me be with him!”
And another.
“Yoongi needs me! He loves me!”
It was his father who scoffed.
“Without me, he’ll die!” You spouted old phrases, ones you had used to get here in the first place.
It was still the truth still! Right? Even though you had healed him. Almost tried to kill him by literally stabbing him in the back.
“Surely...surely there has been a terrible mistake.” You said to yourself as the sun started to tint the sky pink. “He must be wondering where I am.”
Fruitlessly, you called to the couple you saw before as they were now returning to the hotel.
“Tell him...tell him I am here. Tell him (Y/N) is waiting for him at the gate!”
And so you did. For two weeks you did wait at the gate. Not sleeping. Not eating. Only waiting. Only watching as the grounds were made even more beautiful in preparation for the wedding. Even as Yoongi as Jamie were getting married.
As superstition dictated, they came to the gates of the Hotel to throw coins to the peasants thus assuring that their own fortunes would multiply. He was there with her dressed in white. You tried reaching out and waving to him, but he did not see.
Until you called his name, throat dry from having no water for a while, “Yoongi!”
His eyes finally met yours as Jamie walked away. Yoongi approached you and held your hands. Through the gate, he gave you coins since you had none. You hadn’t tried to get any. There was forgiveness in his eyes. He still loved you? But you didn’t want coins. You wanted him! Your beautiful love kissed the tops of both your hands.
“Yoongi~?” Jamie called from a distance, not knowing when he left her side.
He gave you one more look and then went back to his wife. You let the gold coin fall, heart completely broken. You laid on the ground and died. Your mother finding you too late. She had come just to try and pay you a visit.
Eomma Taeyong held your body and mourned, “Oh, (Y/N). Oh, (Y/N). You will always be a part of us. Oh, (Y/N).”
Your father and the towns people took your body home as your soul rose out of it. Everyone mourned the loss of the girl with big dreams. Who they had raised. Who they had loved and still did to be honest.
“You will always be a part of us. Oh, (Y/N)…Oooh…” They hummed as they set you down and buried your body.
And the gods began to cry tears of compassion for the orphan (Y/N) who proved that love could withstand the storm and cross the earth and survive even in the face of death. Jimin took you by the hand and led you to the sea where Key wrapped you in a wave and laid you to your rest. Jeongyeon was gentle as she carried you to shore, and Rosé accepted you and held you to her breast.
And then, the gods blessed you, and transformed you into…A tree!
A tree that sprang up and cracked the walls of the Hotel Holly, so that its gates could never close again. A tree that lived forever, sheltering peasants and Sacred Bone alike. A tree that watched over Yoongi for his lifetime...in which his children played.
And one day, as Yoongi’s young son sat in the shade of the tree, he noticed a beautiful young peasant girl high in its branches, looking out at the world. And the spirit of (Y/N) touched their hearts and set them free...to love!
People sang about your legacy.
A man with strong arms touched the tree to feel your spirit, “And she stands against the lightning and the thunder. And she shelters and protects us from above.”
“And she fills us with the power and the wonder.” Said a Sacred Bone who had come to visit.
“Of her love…” Yoongi’s son with a bunny smile commented while holding his crush’s hand.
And this is why we tell the story. Why we tell the story. Why we tell the story.
Eomma Taeyeon touched the tree, “If you listen very hard you’ll hear her call us…”
“To come share with her our laughter and our tears.” Appa Shindong put his arm around her.
And as mysteries and miracles befall us through the years, we tell the story! We tell the story!
“Life is why we tell the story!” Rosé said.
“Pain is why we tell the story!” Jeongyeon added holding her hand.
“Love is why we tell the story!” Jimin claimed.
“Grief is why we tell the story!” Key suggested while messing up Jimin’s hair.
A villager with a pink tank top agreed, but also said, “Hope is why we tell the story!”
Another with wide hips added, “Faith is why we tell the story!”
Then everyone looked at the little girl, “You are whyyyyyy Why we tell the story. Why-y we tell the story~Why we tell the story. Why-y we tell the story!” While dancing a new dance. Jimin tapped the little girl’s nose, “So I hope that you will tell this tale tomorrow. It will help your heart remember and relive.”
Eomma Taeyeon grinned, “It will help you feel the anger and the sorrow…” and turned the girl towards the tree.
Where you floated down from the branches, “And forgive…”
You kissed her forehead and pet her head while everyone including you sand, “For out of what we live and we believe, our lives become the stories that we weave.”
Everyone got around the girl who began to speak and you returned to your tree, “There is an island where rivers run deep... Where the sea sparkling in the sun earns it the name ‘Jewel of the Antilles’ An island where the poorest of peasants labor... And the wealthiest of Sacred Bone play. And on this island, we tell the story!”
We told the story~
Thank you for reading! What musical would you like to see k-popified next?
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