yudgefudge · 1 year
thought it was ryan gosling’s ken as your pfp
it’s not. it’s better…it’s JACK GREALISH!!!
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ozzgin · 8 months
A nice character with a yandere split persona. The Yandere persona was born out of the abandonment of the character by a loved one, maybe mom. Did he kill her just so she could stay? Maybe. Only the Yandere persona knows, the character is oblivious, he just knows his mom left him. But he oddly feels ok about it as though the situation has been reconciled... which is weird to him.
Now he meets and falls in love with yn. She must not leave. It's f around and find out
Btw I love you ❤️❤️❤️ The Yokai series is my fave
Oooh, I’ve been thinking of a context for your idea and I somehow got stuck on a serial killer who is unaware of it most of the time. Since you mentioned abandonment and obsession, my mind wandered to some of the typical habits, such as collecting trophies. I’ve also been wanting to try my hand at writing a serial killer, so hopefully it turns out to your liking. (Sending back the love, always a pleasure to see your comments ❤)
Although let me include a little disclaimer, because I am aware many things in the sphere of true crime are problematic: this in no way glorifies or romanticizes serial killers. Just a reminder that this is a work of fiction and all behaviors displayed are for the sake of an interesting story, not to be admired in real life.
Yandere! Serial Killer x Reader
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You're temporarily staying with a kind, quiet man renting out a room in the house he inherited. It's just the two of you, and a locked bedroom he claims to be vacant. Yet as night falls, you hear the whispered arguing of a voice you don't recognize. Is anyone else there?
[Part 2] | [More original works]
Content/TW: female reader, mentions of murder, obsessive behavior, horror
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You must break the pattern today, or the loop with repeat tomorrow
He stares at the locked drawer of the bureau. The clock ticking in the background fades into an irritating buzz, drumming against his ears at irregular intervals like a swarm of insects. Once again, he cannot remember where the key is. Yet he does not feel compelled to search for it. It cannot be anything of significance, he tells himself. Forgotten knick-knacks, perhaps. Despite the apparent lack of curiosity, he is drawn here every morning. He wakes up, carefully folds the sheets, and goes to sit in the office. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Until, at last, the noon hour strikes, and the hallways are flooded with ghastly chimes.
Lately, however, other sounds have taken over the usual silence that envelops the house. The main door rattles faintly before opening with a creak.
“They were out of our bread rolls. I got a baguette instead.”
It’s you.
He stands up, as if startled from deep slumber, and hurries downstairs to greet you. He takes the grocery bags from your hands, flashing a smile of gratitude. Somehow, the idea of another person living here is still foreign to him. He’s gotten so used to the solitude, the quietness of the house. Time stands still when there’s no one else to remind you of it.
You glance up at the tall man, noticing his slight frown.
“Another brain fog?” You ask, worried.
“Don’t mind me. It’s a morning routine at this point”, he jokes. “More importantly, what would you like for breakfast?”
He always cooks for both of you. Initially, you were rather hesitant to go for his offer. You’d been looking for temporary accommodation and stumbled upon his advertisement. A cozy, vintage house the man had inherited from his lamentably departed mother, with one too many spare rooms. He had no need for all the space, he said in his description. You paid him a visit and were taken aback by his appearance. A massive, muscular frame that did not fit the rest of his mannerisms and features. He was soft-spoken, polite, and terribly shy. His eyes reflected the kind of gloom to be expected from anyone in his situation.
A sweet, gentle soul looking for company. On top of that, if you are to be technical, he’s a housemate difficult to compete against. Well-kept, mannered, organized, and thoughtful. He keeps to himself. You’d learned, soon after moving in, that he suffers from the occasional brain fog and memory loss. He goes for walks at odd hours to clear his mind. Enjoys reading in his office, although you’ve caught him just staring into space many times. Terribly inconvenient for the poor lad, you imagine.
The house itself is also not a bad deal by any means. Old fashioned, littered with trinkets and paintings. “My mother liked to collect many things”, he’d told you. It certainly has personality, to put it mildly. Some belongings are more bizarre than others: portraits of faceless people, with features smudged or distorted, doll heads in pompous, feathered collars hanging in clusters across the musty walls. Peculiar, but manageable.
Only at night does it become unsettling.
“Going for a walk?”
You’re curled in one of the armchairs, flipping through a magazine you found. It’s been hours since your little breakfast together and now the sun is beginning to set. The man is buttoning up his coat, standing in the doorframe and gazing at you with a smile.
“Yeah. I’m starting to detach a little. Maybe some fresh air will help.”
It’s nice, he thinks, having you here. He didn’t expect much when he ventured to rent out a room. He just wanted to hear the murmur of life again. Ever since his mother has passed…when did it happen, again? Better yet, how did it happen? Christ, he can’t remember. The last memory he has of her is not something to cherish. She was angrily shoving him out of the way, visibly annoyed by his cries and pleading. “Please don’t leave me”, he kept croaking in a pathetic tone, dragging his knees like a beggar. Then it’s all black. Black, like the cover they kept over her body at the morgue, to hide the mutilated remains. Black, like the tie he struggled to knot before her funeral. At that time, the sheets of her bed were still scattered, as if she never left. He could almost see her there, reflected onto the mirror’s surface – rather dirty as a matter of fact, he should wipe it soon – sitting melancholically on the edge of the mattress.
To think he’d be hearing footsteps again. A soothing voice. Even if it’s temporary, your presence in the house has been a blessing. Even if you must leave eventually. His lips purse involuntarily.
You hear the door close, followed by the key twisting inside the lock. You’re alone now.
With haste, you get up and sprint upstairs. You pull out a hairpin from your pocket and discreetly insert it in the cylinder. Today you find out if the spare bedroom truly is as vacant as your housemate claims.
When you first viewed the house, he mentioned that only this room will remain locked. It was his mother’s and he’d rather not look at it, he said. Let it gather dust, for all he cares.
Only at night, you’ve been hearing someone else’s voice. It didn’t happen immediately. Weeks after you’d moved in, you woke up thirsty and tiptoed on your way to the kitchen for a glass of water. On your return, you were surprised to see dim light coming from underneath the door of the forbidden bedroom. Visitors of your housemate? You hurried back into your bed, not wanting to intrude. But the following night you jolted up from the same mumbled voice. Strange that he’d invite someone over this late - twice in a row! - without saying a word to you. Even more, they were arguing like this. Curiosity got the better of you, so you snuck out and placed your cupped ear against the wall.
“No, no, no, no. I’m telling you, it’s different. She’s different from the others.” A deep, ragged voice retorted angrily.
Suddenly, there was a loud thud, a fist smashing against something, then glass shattering over exasperated, shouted curses. You ran back to your room, baffled. Who on Earth was there? You could feel your heart throbbing inside your chest.
Morning couldn’t come quick enough. You marched over to your housemate, demanding to know who this stranger was. He stared at you, wide eyed and incredulous. “There’s no one else here, dear. Just you and me.” Nonsense. You knew what you heard. You’d been wide awake! He gently placed the back of his hand against your forehead. “Could it be that you’re sick? Weather has been dreadful lately.” You scanned his face with hitched breath. Was he mocking you? Yet his features betrayed no such intent. The man seemed genuinely worried; face twisted in a caring frown.
Then what? A ghost? An intruder that fancied having a chat in a dead woman’s bedroom?
You fiddle with the pin until you hear the click. Finally. Surely whoever has been frequenting the place must’ve left some clues behind. You carefully open the door and peek inside. A broken mirror and some furniture covered in webs. There’s a lingering rusty smell that tickles your nostrils, and soon enough you find the source. Next to the old bed lays a cloth splattered red. On top of it, a leather folder from which scalpels and other surgical tools fell out haphazardly. Blood? Your mouth curls in disgust. You crouch to the floor to inspect the odd items and notice a jar glistening from underneath the bed. You pull it towards you and give it a rattle. Nothing heavy. You lift the jar into the light for a better look and gasp.
“Oh, I forgot to put those away.”
It’s the same deep voice you’ve been hearing at night. Your stomach drops and you turn, slowly, towards the entrance. Horror is swiftly replaced by confusion once you realize it’s none other than your housemate.
“Y-you’re back from your walk?” You blurt out.
“Walk?” He inquires. “Ah, that’s what he told you.” He steps towards you and lowers himself to your level with a grin.
“Have you come to say hello?” He points towards the tall, shattered mirror. “This is (Y/N), mother. See, I told you she’s stunning. You didn’t believe me.”
He ruffles your hair with a boldness completely unfamiliar.
Nausea overwhelms you and your ears ring in panic. Whatever is happening right now is beyond your understanding.
“I’d like to go to my room now.”
“I recognize that speech all too well. You want to run away.”
Within seconds, he grabs one of the scalpels and points it towards your throat, poking your skin with its cold tip.
“Now, don’t embarrass me in front of her like that. Do you know how hard it is to convince this bitch of anything? I told her you’re not like them, (Y/N). Don’t prove me wrong.”
“Them?” You whisper, lungs devoid of air.
“Come, let’s put this with the others first.” He pockets the scalpel and lifts you up by the hand, tenderly kissing your fingers in the process. “Then we can talk.”
You follow him into the office, and he unlocks one of the desk drawers. Against your better judgment, you stretch over his shoulder and glance inside. ID cards of various women, jewelry, lipsticks. Teeth. Fingernails.
You want to cry.
He nonchalantly dumps the contents of the jar into the drawer and slams it back shut, then throws himself in the chair and pats his thigh, eyeing you. With a sob, you clumsily climb onto his lap.
“Back to our matters. What were you planning on doing?”
“I just wanted to lay in bed.”
He takes out the scalpel and draws a line across your cheek. It stings.
“Don’t lie, (Y/N). You have nothing to gain from being naughty with me.” He coos, placing a kiss over the fresh wound.
“I wanted to run away.” You confess, petrified.
“Good. Do you now understand what happens if you try to run away?”
You briefly look at the drawer and nod.
“I knew you would. You’re so smart.” He strokes your hair fondly. “Not an easy decision to make, mind you. I love you more than anything in this world. Who’d enjoy killing their one and only?”
The man ponders his next words with a hum.
“Don’t count on getting away while he’s awake, either.” He taps his temple and chuckles. “He has no idea and won’t stop you, but I can easily find you again.”
The eggs sizzle in the pan as you stare at your plate, background sounds melting into shapeless static. After a couple more minutes, the man turns off the stove and places the food on the table with a cheerful whistle.
“Eat up!” He encourages you.
You hold onto your fork with faintly trembling hands.
“This might be the last breakfast I cook for you, after all. You’re leaving tomorrow, aren’t you?” His last sentence trails off and he smiles, dejected.
“Actually, I was wondering if I could…stay here instead.”
He gazes at you in disbelief.
“Truly? I-…That’d be fantastic.” He laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his head, a deep red blush spreading over his cheeks. “Do excuse my rudeness. To be honest with you, I’ve grown quite fond of our arrangement. I really do like having you here.”
You return the smile without responding.
“Most exciting news. I’ll get the documents from the office after we eat, so we can draft a new lease.”
“That’d be lovely”, you answer curtly.
“Say, have you by any chance stumbled upon a small key around the house? I wanted to finally unlock the drawer upstairs, but I can’t remember where I could’ve left it.”
The knot in your stomach tightens.
“Not at all.”
“Don’t sweat it. I’m sure it’s nothing important, anyways. Old memorabilia, most likely.”
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cheapshrimpysheep · 1 year
Hii!!! I want to say how much I love your blog!!! From the aesthetic to the writing everything is just so cute and enjoyable!! I also love how you write Jamil personally hehe.
Idk if you still have your requests open buttttt I have a fluff idea for the basketball club :) the boys want to invite their (freshly obtained) partner!reader to a pretty important basketball match but ✨circumstances✨ happen (anything you can think of really) and they end up not saying anything to them about it. But on the day of the match their partner shows up anyway fully dressed in cheerleading attire, facepaint, pompoms, loudly cheering for them (embarassing them a lil but in a wholesome way y'know ❤️) maybe you can write some post match fluff?
Thank you so much for sharing your writing with us!! It's a delight to read it all!!
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COMMENTS: Awww, thank you 🥰 It so happens that I identify a lot with Jamil (perhaps even too much). And maybe that's also why I had never thought of writing an MC that, let's say, out-going? Because a shy person like me would never do that cheerleading thing in public at least. 😅 But I wrote it. 😉
Btw: That cheerleading thing doesn't exist in my country so the only things I know about it are whatever I saw in american movies. But in return, I played basketball for 3 years when I was younger. So in that regard I know a few things.
I hope you and all enjoy 🏀
PS: I was waiting for Floyd's basketball card to come to the english server to write something with them. I still want to do it, in addition to this one.
CHARACTERS: Basketball Club (Ace, Floyd & Jamil)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Established Relationship; Kissing
WARNING: Spoilers from Ace's and Floyd's Basketball Jersey Lines
WORD COUNT: An average of 500 words per character.
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Ace really wanted to invite you to the game, but in the meantime, he got into some misbehavior issues and spent the whole time trying to make sure Coach Vargas wasn't going to ban him from playing.
He ended up forgetting to invite you, as it wouldn't make sense to do it without being sure he was going to play. He sends you a message at the last minute and that's why he doesn't even know if you'll make it.
I can see him dating a more outgoing person, so let's go that route. You appear in the game, yes, dressed in cheerleading attire alongside Cater and Deuce. Cater because I can see him doing that for being great for magicam. And Deuce because he really wants NRC to win.
While he is overjoyed to see you and thinks this is an excellent opportunity to show himself off to you, he is also a little embarrassed by the attention you are diverting to him.
We also go the route where they win. While the players are celebrating, they go to you and the rest of the cheerleading group. Ace runs up to you and hugs you so happily he lifts you off your feet. And in the midst of happiness he kisses your lips, while holding you.
He did it on the spur of the moment, and when he realizes what he's done, he's extremely embarrassed. Great chances of Floyd messing with him for that.
If someone from the opposing team starts looking at you while he is not with you, he will say with a smirk: “Can look, but not touch, you hear me?”
Before the players go to shower, Ace asked you to wait for him behind the gymnasium. It was already night. You were waiting outside and after a while you got distracted. When he goes outside and sees you distracted, he sneaked up on you and hugged you from behind. And kisses your cheek.
“Hey, what do you say to a celebration party tomorrow~? Trey said he's going to make cupcakes shaped like basketballs. Isn't that cool?” and then you hear him moan in pain softly and for a second.
You had felt his fingers curl a little when you heard that. And you remembered that one day he commented to you that his fingers get sprained all the time when he is playing. That it hurts to bend them. After a game like that, they must be hurting a lot then.
You take his hands. “Ouch...” you bring them to your lips, and kiss them softly. You tell him you could take care of him. “I deserve that, don't I?~” he says and goes back to kissing your cheek affectionately.
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Floyd really wanted to invite you to the game, but in the meantime, on the one hand, the Coach Vargas wanted him to train even more. Being the tallest, the coach had high expectations for him (pun not intended). And on the other hand, Azul wanted to do something special at Mostro Lounge, as a lot of people from off campus would come to watch the game and it was an opportunity to have more customers.
Sometimes he had fun doing these things. And when he didn't want to do them, he preferred to be left alone. This plus the fact that he thought that: "since you are his partner now, isn't it already implied that you're going to watch the game?” made him end up not inviting you officially.
Jade is the one who reminds you on the day of the game. Since it was an important game, you wanted to do something special for Floyd. And taking advantage of this, Azul suggests that you come to the game dressed in cheerleading attire. This type of incentive can increase their chances of winning the game and consequently the chances of increasing customers at Mostro Lounge. And if you don't want to do it alone, don't worry, at least Cater, Deuce and Kalim will be doing the same alongside you.
I definitely can see Floyd with an outgoing partner. All of his colleagues were worried because he seemed unenthusiastic. And if he continues like this, he might not even want to play properly and that would make them lose the game for sure. And what's worse is that they couldn't even complain about it or risk getting their asses kicked.
When the game starts, what they feared most was happening. He didn't feel like playing. Which also made the opposing team not worry too much about Floyd. Fortunately, a couple of minutes after the game starts, he hears you cheering him on. He looks at you dressed in cheerleading attire and his mood changes radically. “Koebi-chan~!” He waves at you with his cutest smile. Before turning to the opponents with a sadistic smile. Now he wants to play.
The one the players on the other team thought was a drag on NRC has suddenly become the most powerful athlete in the game. To the point that the opponent who was chosen to block him was afraid to do so. And the one chosen to be blocked by Floyd (who happened to be the strongest player on the opposing team) did his best not to keep the ball too long.
He usually gets expelled from the game before it's over, but this was a big one and you were rooting for him. He had to stay until the end! So he behaved and tried to make as few fouls as possible.
Hardly in these conditions NRC would lose. So they win! If during their celebration, someone from the opposing team starts looking at you. Floyd first smiles at them. "Pretty, right?" and then put on that scary straight face "Well, it's not for your eyes."
When he comes to you because you are all celebrating together, he will pick you up. “You look so cute dressed like that.” He tells to you. If there are kisses, they will be yours on his cheeks.
Before the players go to shower, Floyd asked you to wait for him behind the gymnasium. It was already night. You were waiting outside and after a while you got distracted. When he goes outside and sees you distracted, he sneaked up on you. And behind you, he whispers in your ear: “Baa~”
You turn and he picks you up again so that your faces are level. Your noses are touching. “Hey~ Came to Mostro Lounge with me. I'm not in the mood to celebrate without you. And I can get Azul to give you your favourite for free. Isn't that a good deal~?”
He's not much for kissing your lips in front of others, so he only does it now.
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Jamil really wanted to invite you to the game, but between babysitting, I mean, looking after Kalim and training for the game, he ended up not even getting to spend time with you.
Honestly, I don't see Jamil with a very outgoing partner. Since it could be like a Kalim 2.0 for him. But I certainly see Kalim going to you, already dressed in cheerleading attire himself and dragging you to dress like that too and go cheering Jamil and the others alongside him.
Because of Kalim, you two end up being a little late and when you arrive the game has already started. And Jamil had just scored. Kalim (and maybe you too) shout to congratulate Jamil. He looks at you two and is immediately flattered, shocked and embarrassed. Not because of you, but because he doesn't like to draw attention to himself, nor to have others draw attention to him that way.
Unfortunately his performance drops slightly. Until he overhears an opposing player commenting on you. At that moment, he manages to take the ball away from the opposing team, run to the basket and score.
This made him realize two things: first, your cheering the made the whole team’s morale shot up. And second, It’s also slightly distracting the opposing team. Genial!
Whenever he scores and you celebrate, he gets flattered and embarrassed but smiles at you discreetly.
They end up winning! While the players are celebrating, they go to you and the rest of the cheerleading group. He walks towards you, but is intercepted by Kalim, who hugs him. And it's only a few seconds later that he looks at you, looks at Jamil, smiles awkwardly and breaks the hug.
But more awkward than he is, you two are. Jamil doesn't like public displays of affection, so at first you don't even know what to do our say. You end up saying: "Congratulations on the victory" at the same time as he says "thanks for the cheering". And you two giggle.
Before the players go to shower, Jamil asked you to wait for him behind the gymnasium. It was already night. You were waiting outside and after a while you got distracted. He greets you as soon as he sees you and walks towards you.
He opens his arms, inviting you to hug him. And you do it. “Sorry I didn't thank you properly after the game.” He places his index and thumb on your chin, tilting it up and bringing his face closer to yours. “But now I can.” he whisper and kisses your lips.
“*Sigh* I really don't want to go back to Scarabia  and put up with Kalim's party spirit.” He hugs you around the waist and gently places you against the wall. “So would you celebrate with me a little while before I have to go?”
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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fatuismooches · 11 months
hihi! this is the anon obsessed with fluffy coats (oml that drabble had me giggling n kicking my feet fr) and im back to say
just hear me out smooches. cuddling with pantalone when he ends up having to leave for business stuff, and he comes back to see you curled up in his fluffy coat, nearly dozing off in his chair
7ets7xgucgu i go feral for men with fluffy coats that want to kiss mean
could i be 🍒anon btw?
HAHAH PLEASE THANK YOU 🍒 ANON FOR SENDING IN THAT LOVELY ASK <333 I love writing fluff like that, and honestly it was so fun because who wouldn't want to bundle up in their fluffy coats that also smell like them ❤️ Anyway... NJKSBWQJS YES!!! I TOTALLY AGREE THAT SOUNDS SO ADORABLE. Pantalone would definitely let you take his coat hostage <33 I imagine you have dozens of coats specifically tailored for you... but they always end up discarded to the side. Instead, you end up stealing your husband's coat since it's simply the best one for you! Yes, he does know about your little scheme even when you try to hide it and put the coat back in the same place. Pantalone knows. You can't hide anything from him. But he thinks it's adorable. He's just waiting for a moment when he can walk in on you snuggling with his coat.
Being with Pantalone while he does his paperwork is nothing new for you, it's so utterly boring without him around and of course, he welcomes the company of his darling! But you're going to have to settle for not shifting around too much and being silent because he does have work to do, you know? And his huge fluffy coat would make you feel a lot more comfy... but you weren't going to ask. Though you immediately steal it after he leaves. It would just be for a few minutes, nothing more! He wouldn't know a thing! Only problem was that you sorely underestimated how sleepy the fluffiness and his scent wrapped around you felt. You would never live it down when you woke up to Pantalone cooing and teasing about how cute you were.
From then on, Pantalone will literally offer you his coat first so you don't even need to ask. You'll just need to bear the embarrassment and his knowing infuriating smile as he wraps the coat around you however you like.
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so1arso1stice · 7 months
can you please write a bottom!yeji x reader? thank youuu
yas + ur welcomee
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stripper!softdom!yeji x f!sub!reader (reader is introverted and doesn’t really go out often)
summary: reader doesn’t really go out much, so when her friends decided to take her out to a club, they wanted to make it her best night yet 😉
warnings: smut,
inspired by another blog post i read (it was a ningning fic instead), i forgot the name so srry if it was u i sampled this from
btw pls send me more anon suggs! i love reading and writing anon suggs, but the only thing is pls give me plot!!! im not a good at coming up w/ plot
how did you, somebody who literally never goes out end up at a packed STRIP CLUB on a friday night? well you have your friends to thank you for that! your friends were always like “why don’t you go out?” “it’ll be fun, i promise” and “just this once, please!” eventually you started to get tired of them saying this stuff so you finally gave in and decided to waste your friday night this.
“y/n, i promise you’ll love this!” one of your friends say. “yea, and what if i don’t?” you say back. this causes your friends to roll their eyes in a sarcastic annoyance. “so, it’s the experience that counts, now come on let’s get in!” one of your other friends say as you guys enter the strip club. (pretend getting id’ed doesn’t exist here 🥰)
your goodness this was probably one of the craziest things you’ve ever seen. this huge strip club filled with tons of men and almost half naked women, it was kind of an odd sight for you. you didn’t even notice that you stopped in your tracks until one of your friends notices and says “y/n? you ok?” you nodded and your friend gave you a soft smile “i’ll be at the bar, come over if you need anything!” your friend says before she walks over to the bar, along with your other friends, leaving you alone.
you decided to just sit at one of the lounges and go on your phone, occasionally looking up at the pole dancers (i can’t blame you) until a specific one catches your eye. she was beautiful, those captivating cat eyes, that beautiful ginger hair, and stunning physique. you felt like you were being hypnotized with her beauty.
that wasn’t it, she actually walked off the stage, to you! “hey your cute, what’s your name?” you honestly thought you were dreaming. “my name is… y/n” you were honestly starting to forget your name
“that’s cute, i like that name.” you started blushing like crazy. “are you busy right now?” she asked. when she asked that you started to think about your friends, what they would think.
you thought that they would want this since they were the ones who took you out anyways. so, you nod your head no. “perfect! come with me!” she says after taking you into a room. the room was dimly lit with a chair in the middle. “can you sit in that chair?” she asks and you do just that.
she’s smiling and looks happy. randomly, she takes off her bra. “are you okay with this?” she says. you nod , excitedly waiting to see what’ll happen next. “alright, so i assume your also ok with this..?” she says as she goes to pull off your shirt, showing off your red bra. you start blushing like crazy. “yes, please continue” you speak out.
she goes down and pulls off your skirt and wet panties and starts going DOWN ON UR PUSSY. she starts to lick and kiss on your clit, slowly going deeper and into your g-spot. you were in heaven; you were a moaning mess and this was one of the best feelings you ever had.
“i-im close…” you manage to speak out. she goes faster and faster as soon as she hears your words, destined to make you cum. out of the blue she adds 2 fingers. you couldn’t handle it and had to cum all over her mouth & fingers.
“you did great. now, do it again for me.” you honestly felt tired from the first orgasm but manage to get the courage to cum again for her.
you spread your legs open, ready for her mouth again.
she smiles on your glistening pussy, then goes down to lick off the cum. she starts to each you up again like she’s hungry as FUCK. you already felt like cumming the moment her lips hit your clit.
you couldn’t help but push her head deeper inside. you didn’t want her to stop, it felt too good. “i’m close… a-again…” you said in between moans.
as soon as you said that, you came. all over the chair you were sitting on aswell. she chuckled, “i make you feel that good?”
you nodded tiredly. after that orgasm you were DRAINED. you also checked the time and noticed that it was late. “i really have to go…”
“awh, already? ok then.” she says as she gets up. you start to put back on your clothes and take your bag. “thanks for that, it honestly felt good” you say under your breath, which she still hears
“i’ll make you cum more, trust me” she says she winks and waves goodbye
you quickly leave, not noticing her comment and manage to meet your friends about to leave. “girl where were you? we were looking all over for you”
“it’s not special anyways,” you said, “let’s just get going” you say as you quickly leave and get into the car, your friends trailing behind you.
as you got in the car you checked your bag, everything that was originally there, was there! but there was something else in your bag. it was a note and it read “hwang yeji (the girl who fucked you) 000-000-0000, call me ;)”
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denki and kirishima boyfriend headcanons!! gn!reader
content warning: fluff, established relationship between reader and characters
a/n: when i got this note i was rly happe TwT thank you so muchhhh, it means so so much to me that someone likes the things i write <3 gives me so much power!! power to write more! so sry this one took long eheh. anyway i really hope you like this one!!
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he's my favorite boi!! 💖💖
you guys probably went from best friends to lovers!
the way he told you he liked you was by some really huge show XD
like he had sero and kirishima to be his wingmans to go to your dorm and they got fake rose petals and scattered them at your dorm doorframe
and you hear commotion outside your dorm like ("AAAAH IM FALLINGIMFALLINGHALP" "BRO THEY'RE GUNNA HEAR CHILL")
and you open the door and you see the trio all sprawled out on the floor and you hear like scattered whispering like "get into foRMATION"
(*ahem* "where's the script man" "bro i think i dropped it on the way here" "ya know what freaking screw it")
onto established relationship!!
in general he's a really goofy bf he'll send you enough memes in about 10 minutes to be a mini fyp
so i don't know if it's a style choice or he needs them for vision and stuff, but in official art he'll wear glasses, so i think that when he's just chilling with you, he'll wear prescriptional glasses (ughhhh he looks rly handsome in them)
speaking of, his hero suit has these blue glasses, so sometimes, he'll put them on you just for fun
i think his ideal date choice would be going to a cute restaurant or going to a cinema 💗
your friends are his friends!!! you won't have to worry about him cheating on you or falling for one of your friends because he does pda with you around them XD
his love languages are (to give)! quality time, physical touch, and words of affirmation. he likes receiving words of affirmation, also acts of service 💗
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he is a lot like denki XD just different font you know?
he lovessss to admire you <3 he'll buy you lots of nice suits/dresses to wear on dates
before you go out anywhere on a date he'll kind of study himself in the mirror before asking you if he looks sharp (no pun intended)
SUCH A FRIGGING GENTLEMANN like husband material if you ask me
he'll open doors for you and hold your hand in a big crowd
he's actually insecure about a few things, and if you let him, he'll open up to you about them because he believes communication is key in a relationship (not that he'll ever pressure or force you to vent to him about stuff)
in general he won't really force you to do anything you don't feel up to
he lovesssss cuddling you, him being big spoon 💗
his natural hair color is black, meaning he dyes his hair, so he'd be good at it i'd think, so if you're just chilling together, he'll ask you if you want to dye your hair
you guys have a lot of inside jokes, like you could be hanging out in public and he'll randomly say something like "hey remember the hairbrush" "oh my gosh STAWP" "AHEHWHEHHWHEHE" people in public be lookin at you like you're crazy
he probably has a rock on his desk in his dorm that he named harold btw
his love languages are quality time and words of affirmation! he likes receiving words of affirmation too!
he plans on marrying you a few years after high school 😂
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Hello, hope this message finds you well!!!
My birthday is tomorrow and I was wondering if I could request something for Wonwoo or Jeonghan,,, something that starts as angst and ends as fluff maybe? I've been feeling so shitty lately, sigh.
But also!!! I totally understand if you don't accept this req hehe
Have a good day/night ahead ❤️
P.S. if you accept anons, can I be 🦷 ?
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Paring: wonwoo x fem!reader, jeonghan x fem!reader
Requested: yes
Genre: fluff, angst
Warning(s): cheating, a bit of violence
Summary: wonwoo cheats and jeonghan swoops in to save the day
Word count: 1.0k
Other works
Beta reader: none (its not proof read)
disclaimer: this is not the exact representation of the subjects in real life. I just use them for my inspiration.
a/n: I request each and every one of you to comment on this fic don't be a silent reader it helps me as an author to understand my readers and i would love to communicate with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by me so do talk about this fic or send me an ask.
[permanent taglist] [only for those interested, don’t fill the form otherwise]
a/n 2: hey! happy birthday!! or advanced birthday! I wanted to post a proper fic, but as its your birthday, i didnt want to make you wait. so a drabble for i shall provide :)
plus i hope you feel better soon. im rooting for you!!!!!!
btw yes i accept anons, and i would love to talk with all of you! ✨✨✨✨
Wonwoo is a busy man. I mean of course he is. The stelar kid of the family, the only child to get a medical degree and also the one to have a fiancé at the age of thirty-one ready to get married and start his own family.
The man was just the epitome of brilliance and was always diligent and hardworking. He was filled with back up plans and made more back up plans for those said back up plans. He was so into creating the perfect life for himself, he even made sure that he has another lady in store to be on the safe side because what if this one leaves him?
Now this is where you come to play. Unbeknownst to you the doctor you had been dating for the better half of two years, has already made plans for his happily ever after with another. What is more hilarious is the one said lover of his is none other than your distant cousin.
Being a woman with normal job that requires working for normal hours in the office, you accepted the fact that you would never understand the intensive hours these doctors work. Yes there were times when he was not called on his pager but his phone and was asked to immediately go to the hospital. Yes there were times when you had gone to the hospital to surprise him only to know that he was not there. And yes he specifically told you he wanted to keep the relationship private as all his coworkers are too nosy for their good.
Should you have figured out that the one guy you were madly in love with was already set to become the husband of other?
But did you?
Absolutely not!
Maybe that is why he kept you around, you were easy to lie to or were you just a good lay?
You would never know. Funnily enough you wouldn’t have know about the woman either if she wouldn’t have come to your house after your genius of a lover forgot to turn of his location during his nightly escapades with you.
The lady came storming into the house looked around in search of the man who had wronged her all while screaming at the top of her lungs at trying to make her presence known.
You would have never felt the hurt you felt that day if Wonwoo knew how to be a loyal man to his fiancé. You would have never have to hear the words, “this is the bitch you were fucking behind my back all this time,” from that lady. While she slapped you like she hated you and took jabs at your pride.
She made you question your integrity, your life and all your actions. Was it your fault that the man who said sweet ‘I love you’s to you every night was also telling them to his beloved fiancé. Maybe it was.
But the deed was done your self-respect was destroyed. Now you would always look at the mirror and realize that it was you who was the other woman. It was you who took the beautiful fantasy of one home away from another.
You left Wonwoo that day. He never tried to call. You were never important to him anyway. He left you broken, questioning your values, your life, and your actions.
This hurt more than any breakup you had been through because it was when you realized how naïve you were, how it was easy to lie to you. It made you feel like shit and there was no going back.
You stopped visiting your family, and meeting too scared to see those disappointed looks on their faces. What if you stumbled upon her when there was a function, she would hate you and you were too scared to face anyone let alone yourself.
She got married to him anyway. It was just a small hiccup in their relationship, while it did indeed destroyed you, they were happy. It is all that mattered to them. And although you would give them the credit for moving on with their lives, you couldn’t say the same for yourself.
It was then you had met Jeonghan, the man was funny and jovial, a bit of a prankster. He was exactly what you needed to escape life. He was the breath of fresh air you needed. He anchored you to reality and let to feel the happiness of life.
The friendship you both had built, had come shattering down one day when you got to realize he was friends with none other than the man you threw you down the shameful spiral of self-hatred.
That week you reused to talk to the man, at all. He suddenly made your skin crawl. For if he were friends with a man as despicable as Wonwoo after all his deeds, how much of a monster could he actually be. You didn’t want to stick around to get to know that.
Exactly a week after that Jeonghan was standing at your door. And was ready to make you talk no matter what. And talk you did that day. You shouted at the man for a whole hour to make sure he understood you would never be the other woman again. You were fooled once but you refused to be fooled twice.
After your shouting spree, he had held you to calm you down and told you he didn’t know what had Wonwoo done. He apologized profusely for the hurt his friend caused you while relentlessly promising to never betray you.
That day he asked you for a chance and just asked you to trust him for this once and let him in your life. He promised he would make sure you never you feel any less than what you should. He promised that you were enough for him and would spend his whole life proving it to you.
Surprisingly enough he did. He never left you once after that, never let you question your worth. Now after almost thirty years. You are happy with the man. You have lived a life were you enjoyed every bit of it. Jeonghan made sure you did. With your three kids happy and settled, you both went to live in the countryside seeking the peace that comes with it. You are happy and you are sure you would trade the whole world for this happiness. But good for you, you don’t need to.
a/n 3: i hope you liked this !!
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Hello! Hope you're having a wonderful day!
Just dropping in because I saw a Tweet that immediately screamed "hunger au!Grian" in my mind, and I needed to share.
Your hunger au is one of my favourite fanfictions of all time, and I had a few planned asks about it that I'll send sooner or later, but for now I'll just say that I clicked on it for the Scarian but stayed for the worldbuilding. Your ability to worldbuild tickles something in my brain and I have all these questions and theories and general curiosity and... When I have the time to draw again I need to try and make fan art of it, 100%.
As of now, expect future asks from me, because I took notes!
(This is the tweet btw)
Ohh this is such a sweet ask!!! Omg im so glad hunger au is one of your fave fics 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 that makes me so happy to hear!!! Im very much looking forward to any asks you send in the future :DDD
Okay im ngl i wasnt expecting that to be the tweet and when i tell you i AUDIBLY gasped when the video started playing.... [insert horse staring at the sea meme] Man..... /pos /pos how dare that video be SO ON THE NOSE TOO HELP... THATS SUCH A GOOD POST IM OBSESSED THANK U NEIGHBOR, ITS SO GOOD
Also im so glad you like my worldbuilding!!! Hunger au is perpetually so funny to me bc i used it as an excuse to try and brush up on my abilities in that respect, since i felt like it was a skill i was pretty weak in. Apparently it paid off tho, bc i get a lot of comments telling me that people love it, which makes me SUPER happy :]]]❤️❤️❤️❤️ i have a ton more worldbuilding posts i want to make in the future too, ive just gotta scrape up the energy to actually write them all first 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but its on my eventual to-do list for sure!!!
Thank you so much for such a sweet ask :DD it really made my day to get this, and i hope youre having an excellent day as well!!!
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smokersbaby · 1 year
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Fourth submitted request for the July Event, enjoy! 💕 SUBMISSIONS ARE OPEN (CLICK HERE TO SEE THE MAIN POST)
Request text: Hi Bea! How are you? It's my first time sending you an ask ❤️ I'm so glad you have your request open for this month. If I may join, I'd love to request Ace with a female reader NSFW with prompt #3 (telling dirty fantasy). For the kinks, maybe body worship and praise kink. For the details, Ace and the reader are best friends and they do it in car (on the backseat) at night while the rain is pouring heavily adbdjahsks 😭😭 thank you so much and have a nice day! 🥰 Written for: @downforsanji Character: Ace Reader: female reader  Prompts:  NSFW: #3 - telling you a dirty fantasy + praising kink + body worshipping TW prompt #3 NSFW: oral sex (receiving), penetrative sex, praising Total word count: +1,1k  Author's note: Thank you so much for giving me this idea to write for, it was my first time writing a fanfic with Ace and I was so involved in the dynamics of it that I finished this in a few hours! I hope you enjoy it! (I'm fine btw, thank you for asking!) 💕 -Every reblog is highly appreciated!-
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The rain was coming down hard, making the roads slick and hazardous. As Ace was driving cautiously, you were sitting in the passenger seat looking out of the car's window as the rumbling thunders were striking in the dark sky at night.
The two of you had known each other for years, just friends at the beginning and slowly becoming besties. Ace was the kind of guy who loved joking around with you and being flirty, but since you knew it was his way of being friendly, you never paid attention to his behaviour, so you never suspected that he may have a crush on you.
But tonight felt different. Maybe it was the late hour or the way the rain seemed to add a bit of magic to the world outside. Whatever it was, a spark seemed to ignite between the two of you, and Ace felt the urge to say something, anything, that would break the tension he felt between you two.
Ace stopped the car aside on an isolated country street, the rain wasn't giving any sign of stopping soon.
"You know," he began, his voice low, almost afraid of being heard over the sound of the heavy drops on the car's roof, "I've always wondered what your lips taste like." You chuckled hearing that from him, just as it was another flirty joke of his, but as soon as you turned towards him, you saw his dark eyes fixed on you, not a hint of playfulness in them.
As you realized that he was being serious, you felt your heart leap into your throat as you looked over at Ace. There was no denying the attraction that buzzed between you, the way the air seemed to crackle with electricity. But what about your friendship? What if that kiss would have ruined everything? "You may lose your best friend" a little voice echoed in your head, trying to find a way to deny what you were feeling for him.
"Fuck it" you whispered to yourself, driving out the rational side of you and leaning closer to him pressing your lips onto his. His lips were so warm, almost burning. Was that because he was the fire himself or because he waited so long for that kiss that he couldn't take it anymore and burning from desire?
His hands went immediately to your waist, pulling you closer as his mouth devoured yours, he felt like a starved man craving your lips. As he was wrapping your body, you felt the handbrake and other car accessories between your bodies and realized that the backseats were probably more comfortable than the front ones.
In less than a minute you were laying down in his backseat with Ace's body above yours, his lips not leaving yours for even a single second. "They are soft Y/N… just as I imagined" he whispered as Ace trailed kisses down your jaw and on your neck, making you feel butterflies in your stomach for the warm feeling against that sensitive part of you.
As the rain continued to pour, his hands started roaming your body hesitantly, making sure you were okay with him touching you. The way your body reacted to his touch through soft moans made Ace realize that you were eager to feel his touch on your skin. "Y/N, you know… I always had this little fantasy of mine, I want to try it with you.".
Ace worked his way down your stomach reaching the end of your dress and lifting it revealing your black laced panties. He started kissing your tummy slowly going down your inner tights, biting them softly but enough to let soft bite marks on both of them. Ace's hands wouldn't stop caressing them, as if he was obsessed with that part of your body.
"I want to know what you taste like, Y/N" Ace murmured as his face was so close to your already drenched panties, pulling them away to expose yourself to his touch. Ace didn't waste any time and went straight to the point, his tongue lapping your cunt to savour you and then lingering on your clit, making you whimper at every movement of his lips against your pussy.
"God, you taste so good Y/N, I can't get enough of you," Ace said as he was still eating you up, his tongue whirling around your sensitive spot and going down to lap your cunt to not neglect a single spot of your needy pussy. The rumble of the thunders outside the car and the heavy drops falling hard on the roof of it made Ace dive deeper into your cunt with his tongue, to make you moan louder so that he could hear your voice over the sounds of the rain and thunders.
Your fingers slid through Ace's hair as he continued his work of art making you a total mess, his hands still on your tights to keep them spread for him and gripping them as if he was obsessed with that part of your body. "Your body drives me crazy Y/N" Ace murmured lifting his head from your pussy, leaving it with a needy feeling of taking him inside and clenching around nothing as if you were starving for him.
You didn't need to tell him though, even if you were in almost total darkness, Ace could feel your heavy breath and your body asking for more. His boxers were pulled down by him immediately after, crawling over you in the little space of his backseats. Ace's kisses were needy and intense, his tongue entangling with yours before pulling away and looking down at you to meet your gaze.
"What are you doing to me? I can't resist you" he said just before stretching your throbbing pussy with his hard and veiny cock, making you whine his name as he buried himself deep inside of you. The way your cunt started to clench around his shaft due to the feeling of fullness he was giving you, made Ace groan more than he was already doing, praising words slipping out of his mouth.
"You feel incredible Y/N, please let's not just be best friends, I want you to be mine…". His thrusts were becoming faster and deeper, your hands holding onto his back to feel him pressed against you as Ace was fucking you so deliciously in the backseats of his car during that stormy night.
No way you could return as just best friends from that night on.
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teetlestansecond · 2 years
hear me out here, mayhaps rise!TMNT make a playlist that automatically puts their most listened to songs with their s/o or bestie but all the songs that the reader ends up adding from them is either depressing or "i slammed my penith in the car door" (btw really hopes this actually send tumblr mobile is sus sometimes jfjf)
this encouraged me to look at my spotify mixes with a few of my friends and the funniest thing is that my friend and i both have been playing edge of seventeen AND georgy porgy by toto so it’s safe to say we’re going through it out here rip
i used the wildest songs on my blended playlists for this do NOT ask me about my music taste
rise!turtles x emotionally unstable reader
gn!reader, no warnings just shenanigans courtesy of ya babe
Raph! ❤️
Raph listens to your blended playlist at least once a week, usually while he’s cleaning his room
because everyone knows the benefits of listening to music while cleaning. it’s the only way to push through cleaning a room
it’s a pretty chill playlist normally, but this week while Raph’s folding clothes he hears the waitress song “she used to be mine” for the first time and he has to take a second
he cries a little bit because everyone cries a little bit hearing that song, but after he gets over his own emotions he will be at your door and he won't be going away until you let him in so he can check on your wellbeing.
"heeyyyy y/n. i brought tissues. are you okay? are you sure? do you wanna talk about it i think we should talk about it -"
don't try and lie to him about it. if this song made it on the blend then you're simply not okay spare him the denial.
Leo! 💙
I fully believe that Leo listens to music all day every day. to hold the brain goblins at bay you know how it is.
he listens to the blend at least once a day and pays attention for any changes on your end because he's nosy like that. he's the friend that likes to see what his friends are listening to so he can make fun of them.
mostly he just leaves it at teasing but one time he does have to sit you down because your blended playlist has been adding more and more elton john songs but only the sad and nostalgic ones and it's all on your end and he's concerned.
he's especially concerned about elton john's hit song "Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting)".
"y/n. are you fighting people on the weekends? without me? maybe i wanna fight people too i can't believe you're not including me in your fights-"
you have to convince him that, no, you aren't fighting people on saturday nights. does he believe you? no. are you telling the truth? you tell me bestie.
Donnie! 💜
Donnie mostly listens to his own music but he does periodically check your blended playlist just to get a glimpse into your mind.
he calls it a vibe check and you hate it but that's not going to stop him.
he checks up on your blend and finds all the sad hits like "Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult, "I keep Forgettin'" by Michael MacDonald, and "Somebody You Loved" by Lewis Capaldi
naturally he calls you up to discuss the results of your vibe check and you hate it
"hello y/n I'm just calling to let you know that you have failed your latest vibe check and so I will be inviting myself over. do you want pizza or ice cream?"
you would find it touching if you weren't so annoyed by it. besides it's not like you're the only one failing the vibe check - Donnie's had cbat on your blend for weeks and you are mad about it
Mikey! 🧡
like Leo, Mikey also listens to your blend every day, he enjoys the mix of genres and songs.
but his favorite thing is when you listen to meme songs so much that they end up in your blend. he'll play the meme songs on repeat and sing them around you to tease you.
like that one time you had "here comes the hurricane legendary katrina" on the blend for a solid couple of weeks. Mikey still hasn't let that go.
anytime it gets cloudy out he gives you this mischievous grin and you beg him not to but he doesn't listen.
"you know what that looks like, y/n? the hurricane.... KATRINA!!!"
you smack his shoulder every time and he laughs like it's the funniest thing on earth.
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quillkiller · 7 months
you asked for rarepairs and i'm here to deliver (but tbh most of my rarepairs are from you and a few from other people on tumblr that you might follow) (also i'm not sure how many of those are actually rarepairs)
one time you made a post about sybill x bellatrix (i usually call them sybella in my head or crystalkiller) and i LOVE them
sirius and barty (starkiller for me but i've seen some people call them supernova)
i've read a sirius, barty and evan pwp and it was so good and the dynamic was amazing, so i love them now
does dorlily count? because i'm OBSESSED with them i love them they are PERFECT
lilylene (there is something so perfect about them)
xenophilius x peter (silvertail), i've seen a tiktok about them once and was never able to move on
roseseeker because evan and regulus are cute together. i don't think that they ever dated for a long time, BUT they were each other's gay awekenings and i will die on that hill
regupete. they can do no wrong.
peter was in love with james btw it's canon in my head not nessecerily required but peter was in love
BARTYLILY AND LILYROSEKILLER (i hate how marauderstok treats them) they are so amazing together and i love them aaaaagh
i also really like sunkiller (aithusarosekiller's work) them as childhood friends to enemies to lovers is amazing
1. i call them sybella too!! and i think about them SO often and miss them dearly. i desperately need to finish the museum/siren fic im writing for them….. also me and @sugarsnappeases are currently losing our minds over ritasybill…. like oh my god
2. sirius & barty: so like im a wolfstar truther through and through and its the one pairing i will never budge one…….. however.. i am so on board with sirius and barty fucking and honestly! i think they should❤️
3. sirius & barty & evan…… listen king. i need you to send me that fic
4. DORLILY ARE EVERYTHING TO ME. ACADEMIC RIVALS TO LOVERS…….. hear me out. dorlilylus college au academic rivals to lovers, jealousy, messy, staying up studying all night together, falling asleep together, triangle drama trope that ends in a throuple .
5. lilylene: i dont have strong feelings about them but like also. ask me again in a week and im sure ive created an entire dynamic in my mind. lia has talked about them and lia is always correct. kara mentioned them the other day and what kara says is law to me ❤️
6. xeno/pete: honestly……….. yes. i need to find some fics on them.. like i can just see it u know..
7. roseseeker: listen. i was thinking about this today and why no one (that i’ve seen) ships them …..? and why ? like the seed has been planted in my mind im sure it’ll take root❤️
8. regupete. dont even get me started. they’re literally my friends. they talk to me through visions. through the tv screens and radios. fat stoner hipster peter with autism swag and his mean goth boyfriend sitting on his lap with a resting glare face. holding petes spliff for him. peter looking so pleased and in love. what if i started screaming
9. no because agreed. i love this hc so much and i honestly love it even more if they’ve never dated. like i love unrequited prongstail so much oh my GOD
10. BARTYLILY!!!!!! LILYROSEKILLER!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!! i saw one single post about them on marauders tok and wanted to kms. i dont know what it is but the marauders fandom on tiktok are just collectively stupid. like not one single good or even interesting take ever
11 sunkiller is jarty right????? because ive been very pointedly against them. and vocal about it. but today i changed my mind out of nowhere and ive been spamming sude with their entire backstory……! like ive been losing my entire mind oh my god. im gonna check out aithusarosekillers work!!!! thank you<3
i hope u have a lovely night thank you for this ask 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞
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bump1nthen1ght · 2 years
Hiya! It’s the anon from the size difference merman ask (which was amazing btw thank you!) This time though I come with a more fluffy ask! I was wondering if you could do head canons for a childhood friends to awkward pining scenario between a lonely GN!Reader and a lonely Shadow Monster? I think it’d be cute :) Have a nice day!
Thanks so much anon! Glad you liked it, some mutual pining coming right up!
Shadow Monster x GN!Reader: Childhood friends to mutual pining Headcanons
- You guys have the kind of friendship that only blossoms between two kindred, awkward souls; It’s not even an exaggeration to say that you we’re cinstantly by each others side—They often hid in your shadow, just enjoying your company
- Big parallel play friends; something about doing things you love near someone you love is so special ❤️
- You two had a friend group, of course, but while the people you hung out with swapped and shifted as you got older, the two of you were still attached at the hip
- So yeah, you do think about how tall and big they are, how long and sharp those claws of theirs are getting, but like… not in a romantic way. Pffft, obviously
- And maybe they would hear you laugh and their heart woukd skip a beat, or see you smile and feel like their whole day got better, but like, whatever. You’re besties!!! This is normal
- But then you guys get into the dating phase of your life as grownups; Jobs and school limiting the time you can spend with other people, going on less and less dates as you realize that others just aren’t quite as appealing
- You both have small groups of friends, no one super close, but it’s overhearing them talk about their relationships that makes it click
- You both slowly realize; Huh hey I think I have a crush in my best friend
- and you both very much have similar but independent crisis’ about it
- You’re private hangouts don’t become uncomfortable, per say, but you both are now hyper aware of your bodies and how close you get.
- You wipe some food off their face? You bet they’re brain is blue screening for the next 5 minutes
- They gently scoot past you by placing a hand on your hip, not even thinking about how warm and big their palm feels on your waist?? You’re face has never felt more hot, skin tingling from the casual touch
- One movie night you fell asleep on their shoulder; They refused to move even an inch until the movie was over.
- They’ll eventually scoop you up, sinking into the shadows and bringing you to your bed. It’s almost embarrassing how hard it is for them to set you down, especially when you snuggle into their warm embrace, looking extra cute
- You’ll wake up next morning in bed, slowly piecing together when you fell asleep, and have a mini crush-crisis in bed
- (Did you drool on them?? Oh god did they hear you snoring????)
- It’ll probably take a mutual friend noticing for you to get together; Maybe you two are at a party, occupying a little loner corner together when they notice how close you two seem
- Unlike you two, this friend sees how a casual touch on the shoulder sends shivers down your spine, and how your shadow friend looks at you with such love when you not looking
- Maybe it’s by setting you up with a ‘blind date’ with each other, maybe it’s just straight up telling one of you to go for it, but the two of you end up at a cafe
- Of course you’re both wondering “Is this a date? Just a hang out??? Would it be weird for me to confess???”
- In a surprise turn of events, it’s your silent shadow friend that makes the first move
- They hold your hand, rubbing the large pad of their finger over your knuckles. A dark purple blush lights up their face.
- “I think…” the murmur, big luminescent eyes looking down, “I would rather like it if this was a date.”
- Words get caught in your throat, cueing an awkward silence
- But when you’re brain comes back from the reboot, you nod furiously
- “M-me too. I’d really like to…date you.”
- The rest of the date is in flustered silence, sipping on your drinks, but squeezing each others hand under the table; You’re rather excited to see what comes next
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hello! i'm not a follower (i'm sure your stuff is awesome, it's just that the content involves my triggers), but i heard from another awesome blog that you were getting hate and wanted to drop by with some positivity and support.
people who think that someone harmlessly enjoying something deserves to be harassed are just trying to play moral high ground because they're insecure about their own morals. they see people like us having the freedom to indulge in these weird or taboo subjects and start foaming at the mouth because we know it doesn't make us bad people, and they just can't understand that. it makes them so bitter and, dare i say it, envious, even if they don't realize it. i've been one of those people and i know how exhausting it is trying to keep your thoughts and interests 'pure' enough to be accepted.
TL;DR: i hope the harassment doesn't deter you and that you feel comfortable to make and post whatever your heart desires. from one degenerate (/positive) to another, this community values and appreciates you. ❤️ - @emmettverse
omggggg 😭 i love your blog btw
i appreciate the support <3 as much as i'm being probably a bit mean back to them, i really honestly just hope they're able to find things that make them happy and reach a better place in their lives where they can accept the things they like without shaming themselves. I've also fallen into that trap and didn't post whump or darkfic for YEARS because i was afraid I was too "bad" to be accepted.
It's just sad because they come into these spaces and won't leave them be to be safe places. and they screenshot people's posts so that they can avoid alerting them but still sneer and bully them behind their back. I don't really care what they say about me, but it bothers me when they attack other people.
that said, it means a LOT to hear that i am valued and appreciated in this community, and if anything the harassment has only made me more spiteful in wanting to post what I create. I really appreciate you taking the time to send me this ask even when you can't view the content of my blog. us degenerates (/positive) have to have each other's backs ❤️
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
I'm glad you had a good time at the movies...
This is something that has been really bothering me since a few days looking at the entire Arthur drama thing. I think a few days back I wrote something like "Dabi don't you ever write anything like that for IALS and TLND". I was just thinking what if you were David, someone who associates himself with pain and sadness on such a regular basis and he would want to express that through his writing too. I dont know if im explaining myself well but maybe you might have been doing that with your writing too. It must have been so disheartening and demotivating to hear someone say that.
I am so so sorry you had to hear that. I am sorry if I ever made you feel even the tiniest bit hesitant or demotivated, il make sure I choose my words more wisely next time specially because we are communicating through words and one cab rarely guage the tone and feelings behind them (unless you are the writer ofcourse:))
P.S. I dont know if this apology was very good but it was certainly better than what I would have written maybe 2 years back. You taught me how to apologise btw...okay that sounds weird but I meant you taught me how to make sure the other person knows you mean your apologies. Okay byee
I actually liked Madam Web (it was a shit movie but Dakota Johnson is pretty i am sorry)
You are very sweet for sending this.
My intentions for writing are very much different from David's. But I have ALWAYS been very clear that I do not like being told what to write and what not to write. No reader (or any other person) has the authority to do that. I don't actually remember being offended by your ask (a lot going on at the time hehe) but I do appreciate the apology.
And I am very glad to see that you are learning from my stories. Sending love ❤️
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deepperplexity · 1 year
Hello, I hope you are doing well! How have you been lately?
I'm currently trying to read some of your works to revive such beautiful experiences with your beautiful work but I came up to something so strange and I hope you don't mind me asking 🙈
I wanted to read again -like for the 17837384 time- the Death's Judge Series you posted on AO3 but your account says you have no works posted so far. I clicked on each individual book and it said I have to have an AO3 account. So I put myself on the list and they said I'll receive an invitation near June 15th.
But I wanted to ask you if you deleted those books? I mean, if you did, I totally respect you for that and I don't want you to see this ask as some random anon pestering you about your work. I'm really just curious.
The Death's Judge Series is a beautiful fic I go back to when I feel nostalgic. Funny thing to say, I know haha, but I really enjoyed it and I can say it is my favourite fic of all times.
I hope you are doing well and that I'd be able to re-read your books in 10 days and if not, at least I can say I got to read it before and I totally respect your decision of taking it down.
Just know that you are a great author and I admire you so much. And if it manages to encourage you a bit, I finished reading the copy of Clearview Cove you send through your Newsletter and I can only say I really really really enjoyed it.
The plot was awesome and the character development was so beautifully built that I couldn't stop reading it. I just read it again btw. There's just something about your writing that makes me want to come back to it. And that's a lot to say from me hahaha.
Either way, Sorry if I rambled. Please take care and stay safe. I know you are busy now and that you will probably not see this ask right away but I wish you the best in both your writing journey and your personal life.
-Ninnie Noony ❤️❤️❤️
Hi there darling Nonny! ♥️♥️♥️
Don't worry! It's there! I've just limited it to AO3 users because of all the AI scraping 🥰♥️ I do recommend downloading it though, so you always have it whenever you want to read it no matter what ♥️
It makes me so so so incredibly happy to hear you're re-reqding my works, that my writing is good enough to bring you back 😭👏🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️ Thank you so much! Honestly, I'm so so so happy to hear that and thank you for being so incredibly respectful. So sweet of you ♥️
And gosh, I'm over the moon to hear you e read Clearview Cove more than once - THANK YOU! - and to hear you're following this journey if mine (that's a bit crazy ATM but, oh well, life happens 😅👍🏻). I hope you'll love my future works as well and thatill be able to give you more world's to visit, more people to get to know and see life through - that my words will continue to captivate you ♥️♥️♥️
I wish you all the best in the world!
And, again, THANK YOU!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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ruporas · 2 years
It’s been really nice talking with you too, makes my heart very happy, you’re so sweet and it’s been just really really nice <33333 I appreciate all your kindness very much.
There are at least 3 people sending asks about shops rn also btw, the first one about the zine yesterday was someone else and there was another today about a shop, I’m sure there are a lot of people who would buy things from you, you have such a… your art feels like when you experience it it’s inside your chest to me. Like it blooms with your heart as you get to touch it and sits warmly with you and doesn’t slip away if that make sense. It’s something that I know personally I would get a lot of comfort from being able to look over and see in my space and I’m sure other people would too.
Art is something I value so much, it’s worth so much to me and I love to make art and listen to it and see it and feel it and live in it as much as possible. It’s how I experience a lot of joy and love and process things and feel life. I love stories. It’s love to me idk!! I love artists and I love that people share things and I love to spend time holding art in my heart and experiencing it and I appreciate it more than I can articulate that you and other people post things and share things and I make art too so I know it’s often a part of our hearts and minds and it’s vulnerable to share things that come from us like that and it’s challenging to even make them often and it’s love to me. So yeah I want you to know that you’re doing something I think is so special and important and wonderful just by making art at all <3333
Art being accessible to people is what’s given me everything and I appreciate it so much. There’s something really nice about having art that’s not in my screen that I didn’t make myself to be in as well though, and that’s worth a lot to me. Your comics and other pieces are poetry and love to me and I’m like. Really deeply grateful and happy that you’re considering making things available for people to have in their physical spaces <33333
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ MUCH LOVE TO YOU!!!! I TYPED A BIT so i'll put it under a read more... but thank you so much...!!!
your words are so kind and dear to me and gahh the way you describe how my work feels T___T i had to literally take a minute or 20 to have that sink in -- IT MADE ME REALLY HAPPY TO READ, it feels so nice to hear that my work can have that lasting effect... i think i mentioned alr, but one of my biggest comfort when receiving replies and stuff about my work is just knowing that people can feel something strongly in my work and knowing it's a warm feeling makes me feel giddy.
you have such a wonderful way of describing your passion for art too, in the collection and making of it..! i share similar sentiments, nothing i can describe as well as u did already, but art is an important everyday intake for me too, just seeing it on the dash and other socmed is an instant serotonin... and also the community it can help develop, the connection built to others who love and share the same interests... i love that sentiment of viewing art as love!! because it really is, there's passion and life poured into works created and it's a special thing to have in the everyday.
i have a few prints on my walls and i understand completely that it feels different having it physically than on a screen..! i never considered it before for my own work, but looking at the prints i have, it really radiates an unique kind of joy and comfort. knowing that someone else could have my stuff on their wall and feel similarly gives me a lot of encouragement T_T thank you so so much again for your wonderful words and for giving me a push in this direction... and i'm very happy knowing that there's anyone at all interested in having my work physically.
i'm so so grateful for these messages!!! sometimes im doing other stuff thruout the day but i remember these messages and i feel like 800x better, IT'S JUST.. SO ENCOURAGING and keeps me going. i do a lot of art for myself, but in the end, i love it most when my work can make others feel happy in any way and hearing it directly from someone else is reassuring that im doing something right in my work..! thank you!!!
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