diddle-riddle · 2 years
Vicki: [...] I'm sure you get it, we are... made of the same wood, aren't we? Edward: We sure are. You say that because we are both smart, sassy and gorgeous? Vicki: And redheads. Gingers run the world. Edward: Couldn't agree more! You know, Batgirl refused I name a badass concept, that... suits you and I better that me and her when I think of it. Vicki: What was it? Edward: Nerdy Gingers Solidarity. Vicki: I'm in love.
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uzurakis · 22 days
could you maybe write when reader throws an engagement / promise ring at jjk characters (please include gojo) during an argument? i love your work btw😩🙏
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featuring: gojo satoru. nanami kento. fushiguro megumi. choso kamo.
n. thankchu for liking my works, it means a ton to me nonnie XD u ask and i shall deliver !
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the tension in the room was thick and neither of you seemed willing to back down. voices raised, accusations flew, and frustration mounted. finally, in a fit of anger and hurt, you yanked off your engagement ring and threw it across the room. it landed with a small clink on the floor, the sound echoing in the sudden silence that followed.
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GOJO SATORU. gojo’s eyes widened in surprise, and for a moment, he was speechless. then, in the midst of that, one irritatingly smug lips played on his face as he tried to lighten the mood. "wow, you’ve got quite the arm," he joked, he literally. just. joked.
his tone playful despite the situation. "maybe you should try out for the baseball team." you glared at him, intensely, still fuming. "this isn’t a joke, satoru!"
still joking around, held up his hands in mock surrender, stepping closer to you. "hey, i get it. you’re mad. but throwing jewelry? that's a new one, baby.” he teased, a soft chuckle escaping his lips.
you crossed your arms, trying to maintain your anger. "i’m serious, satoru. this isn’t something you can just laugh off."
he sighed, his expression softening as he reached out to gently take your hands in his. "i know, i know," he said, his voice more serious now as he picked up your ring from the floor. "but you know me. i joke when i’m nervous. and right now, seeing you this upset makes me really nervous. i might piss my pants already, really..”
hesitating, you slowly took the ring from him, the anger starting to melt away. "you really know how to defuse a situation, don’t you?"
the guy grinned, that familiar, mischievous spark returning to him. "it’s one of my many talents. besides, i can’t let my very beautiful fiancée stay mad at me forever, can i?"
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NANAMI KENTO. although nanami's body moved briefly, his expression stayed calm and composed. he took a deep breath, clearly trying to keep his emotions in check. “alright,” he said, steady as ever. “let’s pick up the ring and sit down to talk.”
“kento, this isn’t something we can just sit down and talk about like it’s a business meeting.” you weren’t dealing with his cool demeanor.
nanami exhaled, running a hand through his hair. “i know you’re upset, sweetheart. i beg you to not throw our ring again. let’s approach this rationally.”
“you always want to be so practical about everything. sometimes, i need more than just rationality…” you complained.
the guy walked over to where the ring had fallen, bending down to pick it up. he held it out to you, expression sincere. “sweetheart, i understand that and i need you to calm down. but we can’t resolve this if we’re not willing to communicate properly.”
“i just… i feel like you’re not listening to me.” reluctantly, you took the ring from his hand, your pent up starting to wane.
he nodded, eyes meeting yours with genuine concern. “i’m listening. i promise. let’s sit down and talk about this. i want to understand what you’re feeling.”
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FUSHIGURO MEGUMI. “really?” he said, voice low and simmering with resentment. his sharp, green eyes were narrowed and those dark eyebrows were furrowed in frustration, casting a slight shadow over his eyes, which were usually so composed. “you’re just going to throw away the ring?”
you glared at him, your chest heaving with the force of your emotions. “you’re not listening to me, fushiguro megumi! you never listen!”
“oh, i’m listening, alright. you think this is helping? throwing our engagement ring?” he scoffed, jaw clenching, muscles tight as he tried to keep his emotions in check.
you felt a wave of regret wash over you, but your pride wouldn’t let you back down. “maybe it’s the only way to get through to you.”
megumi clenched his jaw for the nth time, maybe holding back other words to keep them from lashing out. taking a deep breath as he tried to rein in his anger. “you know what? fine. if that’s how you feel, maybe we both need to cool off.”
he turned away, clearly struggling to keep his composure. the silence that followed was thick and uncomfortable. after a few minutes, he took another deep breath and turned back to face you, his expression softer but still strained. “look, i don’t want to fight like this. throwing the ring… it hurt, alright? but let’s not make things worse.”
you looked down, feeling the sting of guilt. “i’m sorry. i shouldn’t have done that.”
the man sighed, his shoulders relaxing a bit. “yeah, well, it’s not exactly something you can just take back. but i get it. you’re frustrated. so am i.”
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CHOSO KAMO. “no, baby, please,” he pleaded, voice breaking as his heart sank deeper. it felt like time slowed down, the metal glinting in the light before it hit the floor with a dull thud. he moved towards the ring, expression a jumble of desperation and panic. “don’t do this, please.”
you could see the raw emotion in his eyes, at that moment you knew you did such a wrong thing. choso reached the ring and picked it up, clutching it tightly in his hand as if it were a lifeline. “i’m sorry,” he said, turning back to you whilst trembling. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean for it to get this bad. please, let’s talk about this.”
the sight of your fiancée, normally so strong and positive, looking so vulnerable tugged at your heart. “choso, i…”
he took a step closer, holding out the ring to you. “i love you,” he said, being earnest. “i don’t want to lose you over this. can we just sit down and talk? please?”
his genuine remorse washed over you, crawling under your skin. “okay,” you agreed softly, your anger beginning to melt away. “let’s talk.”
choso let out a breath of relief and carefully slipped the ring back onto your finger, “thank you.”
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gojoidyll · 3 months
Topaz x gn reader
Reader waiting for Topaz to finish with a meeting so the reader is talking with Numby not knowing that Topaz is watching ❤️
love the so much anon <3 I can definitely see Topaz being a tease if she catches reader talking with numby XD
You were a very patient person...some times. However, you always tried your best especially for Topaz. Though, passing time with numby definitely helped cure your boredom when Topaz' meetings ran long.
"You're so cute, Numby!"
You were hugging the small trotter close to your chest as you snuggled your face into Numby just as Topaz would do.
"And you know who's as cute as you? My beloved girlfriend Topaz! Ahhhh, she's so pretty. Don't you agree?"
You held Numby up face level with you. They let out a squeak of approval to which you nodded with a bright smile.
"You got that right! Now, help me come up with date ideas. I really want to surprise her, you know? Since you and her been working so hard and been gone all the time."
And that's how you managed to spend your time as you waited for Topaz. You fired question after question at Numby. The cute trotter answering as best as they could even though you couldn't understand anything of what Numby was saying.
"And then, the movie ended with a cliffhanger when the main character-"
Numby was quick to cut you off as they wriggled out of your grasp and ran off behind you, causing you to spin around only to stop right then and there.
And there was the lady of the hour, a smug grin on her face as she leaned against the doorframe.
"How... how long have you been standing there?"
She pushed herself off the doorframe and sauntered up to you, Numby following after, "long enough to hear you call Numby our little baby," she teased.
You would be embarrassed being caught using the baby voice on Numby, but seeing Topaz happy and carefree made the embarrassment worth the wait.
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Now I need to see baby Donnie on Meemaw's shoulder, looking all smug 🤣
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Look at that little evil gremlin XD
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partywithoutsmiling · 2 months
Alright darling (can i call you that?) the Rock Beast AU just became my new ✨️hyperfixation✨️ so prepare! Please tell us how does John reacts to his bitty B becoming a Monster
Once he actually finds out who the great Beast is, not very well obviously XD
But if that AU would be a fic, it would be at least couple chapters down the line. My idea for Poppy's and Branch's escape is that while at first they crossed quite a distance through air, soon they were forced to travel by foot, as Branch's wing becomes injured and trying to take flight again would be foolish.
A blessing in disguise it turns out, as the Rock Trolls under Barb's command do not think to stop and search the ground, not that close to their territory, and our duo hides out of sight in the undegrowth, just to see their Angler Ships pass overhead, clearly heading towards the Pop territory
(the thought for this AU being that Barb is convinced that Pop poses exactly the same amount of threat as it did in the ancient past, where they were the most numerous, and seeing the pitiful number of Pop trolls rounded up, figures there must be more Pop villages hidden deep inside the woods that make their territory- so it would make sense to her to think Poppy and Branch went to get more back up- which is correct in a way, as Branch's intention was to fly them all the way to Bergentown, as having giants for allies would become handy in this case)
Meeting John Dory was a complete accident. Headcanoning that he had bad business with the Rock Trolls in the past, he probably decided to skeddadle into the wilderness once he saw the activity in the sky, not wanting to deal with that business- and I liked the idea that the Neverglades were actually a sort of natural border between Pop and Rock, a contested piece of land for both. Usually quite content to sleep out and about, either under stars or in Rhonda, the storm and all the chaos happening around him has him relocate to well known and explored caves- in which he finds Poppy and Branch, who sort of unanimously decide to keep their travelling to the night time, where it gives them less chance to be spotted.
Neither group is thrilled to be discovered by the other, at first- John Dory simply on the principle that lone trolls seems to be bounty hunters more often than not (and this one has a literal monster by her side!) and Poppy... well, for the exact same reason really XD she had been burned by her trust in a stranger- one that led her into this mess she is in- and the source of her major guilt is standing right behind her.
However, compared to JD, she is injured; an unexpected dip in the lake left her feeling sickly, and she is starving- and Branch is hardly doing any better. So it all ends up in a rather tense stand off, where Branch is the only one spiralling, because holy shit that's his brother
And he wants to wail and he wants to sink his claws into JD's face and tear that smug ass grin off his face- and it's the shock of that thought that has him to do neither of those things, and instead forces him to evaluate the situation a bit better.
Because for all JD's abandonment, he is a Pop Troll- and that means a potential ally- and so it is with a gentle nuzzle that he sooths Poppy's unvoiced fears and worries, and encourages her to ask JD for help
The introductions come, of course- but Poppy doesnt mention that Branch is a troll-turned-beast, and while JD's expression turns rather strained at hearing Branch's name, there is nothing that would clue him in that Branch is *his* Branch (His precious baby brother, who he thinks is dead for several years, and being an expert at avoidance of painful truths, there is no way he is sharing that with a complete stranger)
So as far he knows, Poppy's "pet" just has a rather unfortunate name, and Branch's colours are again rather washed out.
Branch just doesnt want to deal with the mess that is his familial trauma and is quite relieved JD doesnt have a clue to his original identity
(of course Poppy, desperate to socialize after being locked up with no-one but mute Branch for company, ends up bonding with JD rather quickly- especially after he treats her wounds and offers her a safe shelter- and finding his collection of memorabilia snowballs into discovering his identity as THE John Dory- and Branch's connection to it all, when John Dory, unable to resist the force that is Poppy, eventually talks about all his brothers- including Bitty B)
Also, this isn't connected to that scene, but even then I think you would enjoy this little treat:
Branch was injured.
That much Poppy could observe, from the simple way he was carrying himself.
The rush of their escape didn’t seem to want to pass; the pink troll felt like every breath came out with accompanied tremble, and her heart was keen on making itself as loud as possible- it drummed hard in her ears and pulsed in tandem with the ache that throbbed mutely through her sore arm.
The sudden dive and crash into the murky depths of the lake jostled it- but at the time, her mind was hardly crystal clear enough to focus on anything but uncoordinated flailing as she panicked from the shock of the chilling water, trying to instinctively kick herself up to get to the surface. A great deal of her attention had also been overtaken by fear; for her life, yes, but also for Branch, as she had seen him seize up in one blink and then start falling out of the sky in another, his grip on her- previously strong and secure- now limp and weak, a puppet losing all motion as if its strings were suddenly cut.
Yet it was him who dragged her out of the lake in the end, his great head going under her belly and chest and lifting her high above the surface, leaving her clutching onto his mane with painful grip, gasping and sputtering, a sob roughly tearing through her throat before she could stop it. The sudden relief of air filling her lungs once more was not enough to mask the sudden pain that laced through her right arm, and Poppy had sobbed once more, clenching her eyes shut, burying her face into the soggy mess of Branch’s hair.
Low rumbling moan echoed from the beast under her, the strength of it- for all that it was quiet- reaching all the way to her core- but she was unable to do anything but breathe, the action shallow and painful, as her arm throbbed throbbed throbbed.
Vaguely, she felt the chilling water lapping at her legs, and her ears twitched at the sound of soft splashes- the body under her rocking forward, Branch’s breath just as shallow as hers, but clearly now moving, swimming, towards what she hoped was dry land.
The sky crackled, a thunder left in the wake of it, and she shivered when a first drop splashed against her back, bringing a shock of ice to her already drenched body. Another moan and Branch lurched forward, his swimming now gaining urgency- even in this shape, he was well aware of the danger that rain possessed for species as small as theirs, especially when it caught them on a lake. The prickle of unease was what had her force herself to lift her herself up, her good arm gripping Branch’s mane more firmly while held the other more securely to her chest.
Already the drops were breaking the surface apart, the water splashing up and sending waves that clearly impeded her friend’s progress; one that seemed to be made difficult simply for the fact that Branch had extra set of limbs that were hardly made for swimming- with one wing flapping or paddling awkwardly to help propel forward, while her other followed at much slower pace. It was the trembles and shakes that seemed to run through the appendage that caused Poppy’s heart to plummet to the depths of her stomach.
He voice was a pathetically weak and wobbly thing- there has been a shock, followed by euphoria, when her companion suddenly ripped through the bars dividing their cells like knife through butter. His cell had been a dark and dreary place, cut away from any natural light- hers had a large barred window that showed nothing but the menacing glow of the volcano, its fiery tones casting orange hues into the grim, cloudy looking sky. She had often caught him watching through the gaps of his cell, great glowing red eyes focused intently on the singular glimpse of freedom, and many times wondered if his sudden critter like instincts urged him to take flight. He did many things in the time they had nothing but each other for company, that could hardly hint that his interest could have other reasons. He prowled around, as much as his chains allowed him, and quite often his wings would flap. His claws would flex and his limbs would stretch- and Poppy had thought it a simple restlessness of a trapped animal, frustrated at the lack of necessary space.
She had thought. She didn’t expect it to be a slow exploration and familiarization of foreign limbs and muscles- not until she had been scooped up like kittenbug, and not until they were hurling face first through the window, Branch simply tucking his head closer to his body and tearing through it like a single-troll battering ram.
“Branch,” she whispered again, the sound trailing into a low moan, not unlike his own- but he didn’t respond, not even with a growl- not until she let go of his mane so she could gingerly touch the trembling wing.
The limb flinched and Branch went stiff under her for a moment, soft warning hiss audible even through the loudness of the storm- and though he didn’t stop his swimming, Poppy withdrew her hand as if burned, realizing that now perhaps wasn’t the best time to find out where his hurts were coming from.
“I’m sorry,” her apology was quick and strained ,“I’m sorry, Branch, I’m sorry-“ and the water was now blurring her vision, and perhaps it was her tears and not the rain, and perhaps her ill timed touch was not what she was apologizing for.
But Branch suddenly made a soft chuff, and his head twisted to peer back at her, the lamp like glow of his red eyes more comforting than one would expect. But Poppy hardly felt unnerved by the sight of them- not when she couldn’t feel any drop of malice, and the pink troll heaved a shuddering breath, bowing forward so she could reach and gently rub one of the Beast’s long ears. The appendage flicked, and his eyes blinked slowly, another chuff falling from his lips, before he turned to face forward again, his swimming seemingly becoming more determined.
Poppy swallowed and closed her eyes, her exhale a tad less shaky than before.
They will be okay. They have to be.
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loveandleases · 10 months
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How would the ROs feel if MC's body has become super sensitive from too many hanky-panky?
Just imagine if the RO has done it with MC so much that MC's body is changing from it (sensitive ears, nipples getting hard too quickly, getting wet/hard/turned on just from a small reminder of what was done to that poor coffee table, developing kinks to the point of addiction, etc).
Just straight up ruining them for anyone else. 💜
You asked for this XD
LOL, I did ask for it. So I shall do my part! Answer below the cut!!!!
❤️ Cam - He will be so proud of himself, out of all his achievements this is up there! "No one does it like me, huh?" This will trigger his exhibitionist kink so fast. He will just be asking if you want him to breed you right where you stand, and let everyone see what a mess you make for him. MC will have to calm Cam down, he just thinks it's the hottest thing. Will he possibly use this to his advantage especially when Chris decides to come around...maybe.
💙 G - They think it's hot and mainly get a sense of gratification knowing they've ruined MC in such a way. Since G is very much into edging they will use MC's sensitivity against them. Especially when in the office and filing things away. G would think it a perfect time to just graze a finger on the back of MC's neck or a hand down their pants. They won't let MC cum though, instead, they will just get them right to the edge and make them wait until they get back to the apartment. Unless MC decides they can't wait, maybe they just need to put G in their place.
💚 Kara - She enjoys knowing how pleased MC gets by her, by the way she treats them. This makes her feel even more affectionate towards MC. I can see her purposefully using MC's sensitivity to her advantage, especially at the office. She will just caress MC's thigh, and accidentally brush her body against them. Bend over and press her breasts against MC's back when reaching for something on the desk. Then use that moment to whisper into Mc's ear. "You're liking this, aren't you? Such a needy little slut. I want you to go to the break room and start playing with yourself until I get done here. Understood?"
💛 M - They will be so flustered and yet so proud at the same time. Oh our sweet one will be so quick to suggest either MC sitting in their lap or them in MC's. M would enjoy turning on MC so easily they would want to know what exactly excited them. The way they think about using toys on them, just to see what a mess they make, or is it time for M to work on giving oral. They wouldn't stop until MC finishes in or on M's face. They promise not to write about this, but they will want to remember it somehow. Would MC be interested in that?
💜 Isaac - They enjoy knowing just how sensitive MC gets, that this bond between them has Mc only wanting only needing them. So much so that they will call them and tell them exactly what they should be doing until Isaac get's back. Isaac will have a special pair of nipple clamps that they expect MC to be wearing. Send Isaac a photo, and show them just how badly they miss their touch.
🖤 Ardent - "No one can fill you up like I do baby." He is so smug about MC being ruined by him. Does it stroke his ego, and make him think about how MC is his in every sense? Absolutely. Does it make him want to bend MC over and "warm up"...absolutely. He can't figure out what is worse, that MC only responds this way to him, or that MC is the only one who makes him feel that way. He will want MC to tell him they're ruined by him. Admit just how no one else can make them feel half as good as he can.
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It's sequel time baby
How would the M6 respond to MC aggressively kissing them when someone is blatantly flirting with the M6
The Arcana Mini-HCs: MC kissing M6 when someone else is flirting with them
I'm also going to drop this very old (but on topic) mini HC here from last march XD: MC slapping M6's butt
Julian: not complaining at all, are you ready to get out of here, because he's ready to get out of here, no he wasn't busy -
Asra: puts two and two together about why you're doing it, so they turn it into a very romantic mushy kiss with a smug grin
Nadia: very impressed with your boldness and more than ready to indulge you, whatever the reason. sweeps you up and carries you off
Muriel: surprised and flustered and ready for the kiss to end because he's being perceived right now and he'd like to continue this alone
Portia: super into it because it's telling her that you want her all over again, hangs around a little longer so she can be touchy with you
Lucio: is it kissing time?! hell yeah, it's kissing time!! will escalate things until either you stop him or he engages in public indecency
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
"a common theme among orphaned and/or socially isolated macaques is oral fixation - as they lack a mother, they subconciously seek out oral stimulation via thumb-sucking or chewing on twigs to simulate nursing. These repetitive behaviors follow them into adulthood, even when they've grown into healthy wild monkeys"
The truth is I got a little sad reading that, but then my mind went a little random and I imagined this:
Basically you can see Swk and Lem hugging each other lovingly, then the red-haired ape separates a little and looks into the other's eyes and say:
"Can I suck your chaest?"
This applies to any Swk in the Wukongverse probably ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Referencing this post about orphan monkey behavior seen in SWKs.
Short answer: YUP.
Long answer: Ultimately it would be another form of intimacy shared between two mates. Pretty much all the LEMs are aware that their Wukong was essentially an orphan, and after some confusion (or an indignant slap from some) they would be ok with it. It also makes them adoringly-smug to see the powerful Monkey King resting against their chest like a cub - its an extreme show of trust.
Godspeed to the SWKs who ask their mate that question when they're currently nursing a baby (like Zhanshi or Liang).
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The monkey king wonders if this is how he dies.
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murfpersonalblog · 3 months
IWTV Trailer (me losing my freaking marbles - YOLO) Pt1
I'm just going frame by frame thru AMC'S BEAUTIFUL new IWTV trailer. But I had to split this into 2 parts cuz Tumblr won't let me post 30+ pics.
We've already seen Lestat's Theatre portrait on fire (burn, bish!) but the TRANSITION they made here is DISGUSTING--they know what they're doing!
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Lou goes from thinking about setting the Theatre on fire (nervously/uncomfortably rubbing his chin, my poor baby), to another scene of him chainsmoking and staring sadly off into the void. I'm assuming it's the 1970s interview, cuz we see Afro!Lou in the same shirt when he effs up BB!Daniel a few minutes later.
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AND they said Louis's "stronger, and harder, too," during ANOTHER closeup of Louis chainsmoking. Pyromaniac du Lac LIVES.
Then we get that INTERESTING exchange with Loumand about Oldmaniel:
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Armand does NOT like this interview, no ma'am! What are you tryna hide?! 🧐
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The fandom legit already MADE THIS JOKE too! XD
The parallels with Loumand enjoying watching movies together (NO CLAUDIA 👀)--and Loustat enjoying opera & movies together.
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Loumand as a happy old married couple--I mean it, Rolin: what TF happened between the 1970s interview, the year 2000, and 2022, to make Louis' mental state get SO DANG BAD!?
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Armand seems to be implying that 1970s SanFran wasn't where he failed Louis, but 1940s Paris when he burns the Theatre--but I'm seriously wondering if something else went down, cuz LOOK AT MY BABY. BLOOD TEARS. I cannot.
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This hollow, fake smile Claudia gives when Loumand walks into the room; wearing makeup & an adult hairstyle tryna look grown--I wonder if this is the same night she joins the Theatre?
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Lou & Claudia--he just gives her The Eyebrows, not saying anything (but Armand looks WAY too smug ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)); and we know Armand AND Claudia can EASILY read his mind way better than he can read either of theirs.
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Louis calls her "a spark in the dark," right before they cut to the bombs falling all over WWII Europe with flames everywhere--including all over her face--foreshadowing her ashes to ashes, dust to dust. ("Rigged to burn," Louis said in S01E03.)
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Did they get hit by bombs, or fall into mine fields?! Jfc. (OR maybe they were sleeping underground, in the earth, and woke up in a battlefield--GOD.) And this must be the same scene where Lou eats the heart--we see Claud throwing limbs around--are they scavenging bombed up corpses?
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And the flame in the photographs Louis takes, which she's been tearing down--figuratively in the other teaser, and literally here.
Claudia finna GO OFF! (I HAD to make this one a gif, to see her wrath in MOTION 🤌)
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EAT that racist French White, Claudia, PLEASE. Colonizer Capital--Paris SUCKS!
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LOUIS DE POINTE DU LAC, ladies and gentlemen. U_U
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You're one of a kind, sweetie--that's why the whole Theatre was tripping, cuz Lestat's "coven" in NOLA didn't look ANYTHING like how all other vampire covens worked. Lestat & Louis & Claudia were a FAMILY. They lived like humans--or as close to human as possible. Plus they were painfully weak, with none of the Dark Gifts. They weren't living like monsters--at least not on the surface....
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In the other teaser I thought this dirty heifer who attacked Louis was a revenant, but if she's in the Theatre then this must be Alessandra or Eleni (which means a Rhoshamandes name drop!? 👀💀)? Please random dude please be Benedict. 🙏 I need more TVC cameos!
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I'm wondering if this was part of a performance when Madeleine & Claudia were part of the Theatre, not during the Trial? OR this is AMC's recreation of the film version with the naked lady--"so we can eat people."
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Armand finna GO OFF! But WHERE TF are his FANGS!? That's my ONE major gripe with this show--I'm so sick of seeing these stupid acrylics everywhere but no FANGS.
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Then the trailer immediately tells me to STFU, LOL. XD
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Lelio Rising. Lelio Falling. (Ooooo--the Tower Scene should be SPICY)
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Then they use the "script" line to transition to The Trial, when Armand forced Lestat to be scripted! 😭 DIABOLICAL! And I LOVE this frame--it's giving me Oppenheimer when he was walking through the stands as everyone applauded him for dropping the bomb & he was PTSDing. (I had to make a separate post just for this brainworm.)
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So Dan's finished the interview and this is his editor. (OR, even spicier, this dude's from the Talamasca, and Daniel's broken the NDA & fled the penthouse?) But chile, ain't nobody scared of LDPDL. 🙄 Daniel should be well aware by now that Louis snapped in the 1970s, sure, but he's not the REAL threat in that house, Mr. Mediocre Star to a 500 Year Old Vampire. Unless they're talking about LESTAT? 👀💀 WHERE TFC IS HE IN 2022?!
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What in CHRIST'S NAME is coming out of his effing NECK? 😱 It was SQUEALING, like a KOCHON.
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Louis slinging blood at the Sea of Galilee Armand stole for him, LOLOLOL.
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Louis effing Daniel up--"you were disrespectful!" I wonder if BB!Dan crying was when Armand was busy stalking him when he was drunk AF & dying of alcohol poisoning.
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I LOVE THIS. Louis is the center of it all--"It's you and me. Me, and you." 😭💔 Said over and over--Louis and Lestat, Claudia, Armand, and Daniel (and even Santiago U_U).
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Going off the hand kissing posts, Remus has no problem pulling a Gomez Addams and trailing up his spider's arm, especially if the hoodie is out of the way. He'll even kiss the spider legs when they're out. He's so quick to be affectionate with his Screamie Baby.
It's Virgil who just keeps on surprising him. Spidey is more hesitant about showing affection, and like everything but shh. But if he's in the right frame of mind, and the opportunity is there, he will strike. Remus decides to flop over his lap and swing his legs in the air in front of Virgil's face? Virgil will suddenly grab his leg and plant a little smooch on his ankle before letting him go. And Remus either gets flustered and giggly and even more flustered because oops smug spider, or he nags for more attention and kisses, which he gets
God Y E S y'all do not understand how absolutely W E A K I am for the Spooky Beloveds kissing every inch of each others' skin!!! Vee knows all the ways how to make his ball of chaos a flustered puddly mess and if it means he gets both smug rights and an even more flustered dorky Duke you bet your ass he'll take it any chance he can get (It's a win win for them both after all XD <3)
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cat-dragoness · 10 months
Reading Castle in the Air to out loud to my housemates (pt. 2/2)
Picking up in Chapter 14-ish:
The djinn: "He first ordered me to steal a certain moving castle belonging to a wizard in this land of Ingary."
Housemate #1: "Oh my. Howl is furious right now." Me: "Yes, yes he is."
The genie is afraid of heights! I had forgotten about that detail. I don't think the housemates picked up on it mwahaha.
(I'm actually a bit frustrated now, because I feel certain that it came up in HMC that Howl is afraid of heights, and now I can't find where that was.)
Also the carpet being so smug that Abdullah is complimenting it while the genie is just wailing irately over both heights and having to listen to Abdullah flatter the carpet is just… it's them. It's very obvious that it's them.
All right, time to finish the rest of the book in one night, because Stuff Is Happening now.
Lettie: *realizes that Midnight is Sophie*. The housemates: "What?!!"
The housemates: "But that means Howl is Whippersnapper!" Me: *actually stops reading for like three minutes laughing uncontrollably*
The housemates: "Oh no, Abdullah's going to try to help with the wards and stuff is going to go wrong."
Sophie: "I have no idea where Howl is." The housemates: "What?!"
The housemates: "Wait, Michael must be Whippersnapper!" Sophie: *immediately clarifies that Michael left before the djinn showed up*. The housemates: *audible confusion*
*magic mirrors show Morgan*. The housemates: "They had a baby?!"
It honestly is interesting, though, because technically the reader has no proof and no reason to assume that Sophie and Howl had a kid between HMC and Castle, aside from the starting assumption that Whippersnapper is in fact Midnight's kitten. I hadn't thought of it but I can see why the housemates got tripped up on that.
Sophie basically scolds the air into letting them breathe properly on the way up to the castle and it's such a Sophie thing to do. Also it reminds me of a post about some old rain-spell that was basically scolding the clouds and about that being a Sophie-esque thing and I need to find that post and reblog it.
Sophie and Howl both hate heights. This is deeply entertaining xD
Sophie's ongoing commentary on which parts of the castle used to be the bathroom, or the broom cupboard, or something else, is just too much fun. The housemates seem to think so as well :D
There is so much screaming in the last few chapters and it is so much fun to read aloud but also my voice is probably going to regret it tomorrow.
After Flower-in-the-Night convinces the djinns to send the cook and his dog to Valeria:
Both housemates: "Wait!"
Housemate #2: "It's Howl!"
Housemate #1: "What? No, it's the squid maker guy!"
(Housemate #2 just really wants Howl back. Frankly I don't blame her.)
"Abdullah thought the metal pulley noise Sophie used to make as Midnight was actually nicer than the noise she was making now." Housemate #2: *promptly starts imitating an angry cat*
Sophie: *talks the curtains into being soundproof*
And she thinks she's not a powerful witch? She basically can make anything true just by saying that it is true.
So, all of the relationships in this books are literally love at first sight, aside from the already established ones like Howl and Sophie. And that's a little… I need to not actually stop and think about that, because if I do I'll inevitably get frustrated about unrealistic relationships. So. Not thinking about that, the soldier/Justin and Beatrice are pretty cute, and I appreciate that, even in what's basically a "love at first sight" trope, they fell for each other's characters and not their appearances. It's refreshing.
The Princess of High Norland hires Jamal! *giggles in Has Read House of Many Ways*
Flower: "And how many young ladies have you kissed by now?" Housemates: "Of course her thoughts would be so simple."
Flower-in-the-Night is extremely dramatic. That is all I will say on that. But I kind of relate, honestly.
Jamal: *patting Abdullah on the head and calling him "good dog"*. The housemates: *dying laughing*
The climax has so much going on. If I thought HMC had a convoluted climax I was wrong. Castle is much more chaotic.
"Finally [Hasruel] folded his great wings and became a dog himself." The housemates die laughing, and I have to stop reading the book to catch my breath, because I barely got through that paragraph.
Just. The dog. Jamal's dog. We love him. He is an excellent dog, even if he bites everyone (because he bites everyone).
It's interesting to see Abdullah's progression from fully adhering to the manners of Zanzib, to the point where he kicks Jamal to shut him up without a second thought.
*not me pinching my nose to more accurately do Hasruel's lines after he gets his nose bitten*
The neices. I do not know what to do with the neices. I am kind of exasperated by them.
"I like them much better than princesses. Why didn't I collect fat ladies instead?" Okay, someone's going to come after me for this, but this is funny.
Sophie: "Hello. My name is Sophie Hatter. You stole my husband. Prepare to die."
Sophie is just on an entire vengeful streak after she gets un-cat-ified, and it's kind of hilarious.
Sophie: *mentions Howl*. The genie: *starts making a fuss*. The housemates: *audible screams of excitement*
It's Howl!!!
The housemates are just as "what, you didn't realize?" as Sophie is.
Housemate #2: "Man, Howl was a useless genie! Sophie must be furious with him, actively sabotaging his own rescue. Why is she not yelling at him?" Me: "First: this is Howl; what did you expect? Second: you think she's not going to yell at him? This is Sophie."
Howl, holding Morgan: "My word, he's ugly!" Both housemates: "Howl!"
But also I love how nonchalant he is about his kid. I mean, he knew Morgan existed. He probably knew who Sophie and Morgan were as soon as they showed up as Midnight and Whippersnapper. He's had time to get used to the idea. So now he's just casually holding a baby while confronting a djinn. Which I love, for whatever reason.
And now, yes, my dear housemates. Back when you realized the moving castle had been stolen and said that Howl must be furious, you were absolutely correct. Why did you think the genie wanted to ruin everyone's lives?
Howl: "Calcifer must be here somewhere." The housemates: *scream Calcifer's name right along with Howl (and me)*
The carpet: *moves*. Housemate #1's eyes turn to literal saucers because she realizes: "Of course! No wonder he only responded to flattery!"
Howl and Calcifer immediately start quarrelling and, I mean, they've been quarrelling the entire book. And it's hilarious.
*a ton of foreign ambassadors show up*. The housemates: "How did they get there?" Me: "Y'know, I actually don't know that one…"
"'Do you know me?' Howl asked. Abdullah bowed. 'At least as well as you know me.' 'That's what I was afraid of,' Howl said ruefully." Another grand moment of getting the housemates to crack up.
*the Sultan has a fifty-foot stake for Abdullah*. The housemates: "Oh, he increased it by ten feet!"
Housemates think Sophie's responsible for the ever-blooming bluebell wood at Abdullah and Flower's house. I'm inclined to agree.
In conclusion, the housemates were delighted by the book, and I was delighted by the entire experience of reading it out loud. We're going to start House of Many Ways now :D
Wait I almost forgot!
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(You can't change my mind on this one)
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cienie-isengardu · 6 months
No offense but I imagine Good Shang is still la trickster at heart and likes messing around. Its just not as noticable because Fujin(with Raiden's assistance) reigned him in so instead of scamming people, he just ends up pranking people.
It's not amazing for those who fall victim, but considering what most incarnations of Shang are capable of, this is a massive improvement.
Raiden is often the victim of said pranks so he doesn't appreciate it. Fujin thinks its precious and defends his precious baby(who is a grown ass man) and Shang has that smug ass smile knowing Raiden can't do jack to him.
So basically speaking good Shang Tsung may be like Marvel Loki? XD
Poor Raiden but did you consider the possibility that Raiden learned from Shang Tsung how to prank others and together they are the menace Fujin accidentally released upon his timeline? 🤣 I mean, Fujin and Raiden are brothers, so if Shang Tsung is Fujin's (adopted) son, wouldn’t that make him also Raiden’s nephew? And we know Raiden has a special soft spot for his nephew,
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so just imagine Good Shang Tsung as the Kid Thunder! 🤣
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altocat · 9 months
I am living for the implication that Seph is such an inexperienced lab rat when it comes to normalcy that he literally just acts like a little kid in the grocery store lmao (Poor mom Genesis xD)
Sephiroth is low-key the group baby. He's not only the youngest of the trio, but also the least worldly.
So while Mr. Smug Smirk McConfidence-Face might look and act like he knows what he knows what he's doing, I can fully assure you that he does not. And most of the time it's totally Genesis and Angeal trying to help him human correctly.
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thecloudstan · 1 month
Baby boy Cloud looks so cute in a Shinra uniform. I have to wonder what is going on inside Rufus's head as he watches Cloud performed (coughs) for him in his parade, all dressed up in a Shinra uniform, and being genuinely happy that his infantry actual won the president's commendation. He's clearly being smug and amused (and flirty) throughout the whole scene. XD
Oh my god, the way his voice is just dripping with all this mirth and sarcasm when he calls them up, I can’t get over it. I just keep wondering if, in that moment as AVALANCHE approaches the podium, Rufus remembers that line he shot Cloud when they first met, about “owning” him, and how Cloud so swiftly had his “ex-SOLDIER” comeback at the ready. And now here he is, prancing around in uniform emblazoned with Rufus’ family name and insignia, and how utterly fascinating it must’ve been to realize that Cloud is actually quite good at being a little soldier, a little leader. How cute. How utterly adorable 😈
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egg-emperor · 4 months
Orbot and Cubot are definitely giving Eggman sensual full-body massages when no one else is around. Whether eggman forces them to or they're into it is another topic. Probably a mix of both
Lol yes definitely. Boom Orbot and Cubot would be seen bathing Boom Eggman in the show which is a similar vibe but I can imagine game Egg being very strongly against that and insistent on doing it himself because he's not a baby. (He's a manchild but that's not his brand of it!) However they're not off the hook because he can't massage himself!
I mean he could use a massage chair or machine but he likes ordering them around specifically, he loves the control and their obligation to do everything he says, even when they'd really rather not, all that matters is his satisfaction. Plus I'm reminded of how it was considered for Cubot to be giving him a foot rub in a Sonic Channel art concept, so canon!
He just strips down completely and unexpectedly startles them with the sight of him suddenly standing before them nude and demanding them to grab the lotion. They're forced into it in the sense that one of them would really rather not but they have to do as he says as his assistants, so they didn't really have a choice to make anyway
They have to see everything and touch him everywhere (lucky) while he often acts very casual and unbothered, or if it's a case where he's feeling cheeky about making them do it then he'll have a smug grin on his face as he relaxes and makes them get to work. Part of it is for his amusement of how humiliating it is for them but he does really need it too
When he's been worked up and stressed as usual or working very hard and feels sore and tense, it's especially relieving and pleasurable along with how deep and sensual it is as he gets them to help him out on all the most tender places, loosening him up and finally making him relax. He sighs and groans and his body reacts very favorably ahem
It makes it feel awkward and a lot less professional, definitely too intimate, so it doesn't feel like a strictly professional assistants aiding their boss type of situation anymore. Well as much as that can be with the way he insists on being completely naked and going all in with full body, he clearly intended for it to cross the line in the first place XD
I can imagine it being a mix of both. Orbot really doesn't enjoy it and is very flustered but he bears it and keeps his behavior professional despite the task at hand clearly having a different vibe. Cubot on the other hand, with the weird thing he seems to have for Eggman, is into it and very happy to finally see his boss like this and be as hands on
Makes it all the more awkward to Orbot as his partner has too much fun feeling him up lol. Though I like idea of him feeling a little bit of conflicting feelings that he really doesn't wanna admit to himself too. They always feel weird about it afterwards while Eggman on the other hand either acts like it's no big deal or a smug bastard and is very content!
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talkfantasytome · 2 years
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Nesta gets a small injury in training, and Cassian won't rest until she's healed.
Warnings: Mentions of blood, nothing gory.
Word Count: 1,639 | Nessian Masterlist | Read on AO3
a/n: Well...it's been quite a while since I've written/finished anything that can be posted! I think I'm kinda out of practice. I guess I need to be writing more. XD Prompt request can be seen here.
For Day 1 of @nessianweek
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"I'm fine Cassian. It's just a scratch."
Cassian chuckled and let his gaze fall to Nesta. "I think we'll let Madja be the judge of that."
"You're fussing. Put me down!" Nesta demanded, wriggling in his arms.
"Why would I do that? We're fifty feet in the air, and I've grown to like you."
Nesta huffed loudly and grumbled under her breath. Cassian wasn't entirely sure what she said, but it sounded an awful lot like overreacting Illyrian baby.
"If the bleeding stops by the time we land, then we can skip Madja and go back home," he offered. As if there was a chance that was happening. Nesta had been slashed good during training. He'd told her the young priestess was too early in her training to be using a real sword, but did Nesta listen?
Of course not. She never did.
Fuck him, it was one of the things he loved about her.
Nesta nodded and sighed, "Fine. But even if I am still bleeding when we get there, I'm sure Madja will say it's nothing."
He flapped his wings and propelled them forward. It wasn't a long flight, but with each beat of the black leather, his heart grew louder.
His mate was probably right. It wasn't an awful cut, definitely something that would heal overnight. But with the blood flowing down her arm, dripping into the air beneath them, his hold on her was the only thing keeping him together. That and breathing through his mouth to avoid smelling the blood. Seeing it was more than enough to drive him crazy.
Cassian landed gracefully in front of the Healer's practice. Nesta attempted to wriggle out of his arms, but he held her firm as he rushed inside. The blood was still trickling down her arm, she had no way out of this now.
"Madja?" he called, entering the small building.
"Can I get down now?" Nesta asked.
He let out a small chuckle and set her down on a chair just as the small Fae walked in from an archway leading to her medical supply room. "Yes-oh! I see." The female eyed the arm Nesta was holding up with her other hand and then rushed back into her supply room.
Cassian flashed Nesta a smug grin. "Told you so." Nesta stuck her tongue out at him and then went back to examining the gash that just refused to heal as quickly as most injuries. He'd have to go check the sword when they got back to the House, make sure it was clean and there wasn't something else on it that could be affecting her.
Madja returned with a small box and some bandages. She didn't bother to address them or speak as she pulled another chair and a table over and began to set up.
"It looks like you're going to need stitches, dear," Madja explained, already threading a needle.
"What?!" Both Cassian and Nesta shrieked the word, Nesta also hopping out of her seat so fast the chair fell over.
Cassian looked over to Madja as he said, "I thought you'd just be able to give her a tonic or rub something on her arm to help her heal quicker."
"I'm not getting stitches!" Nesta added, not waiting for Cassian to finish.
"Calm down, dear. It's completely safe. And the fastest way to ensure you heal." Madja leaned over to pick up the chair and motioned for Nesta to sit.
Nesta shook her head and took another step away from the seat. "No way."
That wasn't a look on Nesta that Cassian saw often. The way her eyes widened and refused to blink, how they focused in on the needle, how her jaw clenched - Nesta was…scared.
"Nes," he breathed, walking over to her, standing between her and Madja for a moment. He placed his hands on her arms and started to rub them gently. He whispered, "There's nothing to be afraid of."
"I'm not-" Cassian quirked his eyebrow at her and she cut herself off, pulling her lips thin. "I don't like needles."
"You were just slashed by a sword," he pointed out, laughing breathily. "I think you can handle a little needle."
He tried to hide the way the small frown broke his heart. That every moment she spent staring at the needle in Madja's hand with those big, grey eyes was torture. That wasn't what she needed.
No, Nesta needed a distraction, and a hand to hold. And maybe a reason to do this beyond herself.
"Can't we just let it heal naturally?" she requested, leaning into him.
She knew. Two years together, there's no way Nesta didn't know. Leaning against him like that, with so much of her body touching his…Cassian could practically feel his will melting away. That perfect scent of a winter's sunrise mixed with embers completely engulfed him, luring him away from reason.
And then the scent of the blood took over, and he was right back in that healing practice, an injured Nesta in his arms, a small healer watching them and waiting.
"The problem is that the cut is so deep, your body is struggling to heal itself," Madja explained. "You need something to help your body find its way, so to speak. That's what the stitches will do, just like they did for Cassian during the war."
"This wound is nothing like that."
Madja's expression didn't alter at the rebuttal. She simply patted the seat again and waited.
"Please, Nesta," Cassian begged. "You can still spend the afternoon recuperating. Maybe curl up with a book in the library. I'll have the House whip up an extra chocolatey cake for you."
Nesta rolled her eyes and huffed, "The House would do that for me anyway."
"Okay. How about you do this, and I'll join you in the library and read a smutty book of your choosing?" Nesta's eyebrows raised, her interest piqued. "And then maybe I'll draw us a bath after dinner?"
"With bubbles." It was an order as much as it was a request. She walked back to Madja and took her seat, and Cassian followed close behind, taking her hand so she'd have something to squeeze.
He lifted his other hand and pulled her face so that those crystal, blue grey eyes were on him. "Look at me, Nes. Don't watch Madja, it'll only make it worse." Nesta nodded, her eyes dropping to his chest as they started to shine. He pulled her head into him and kissed the top of it softly as he watched Madja work.
The healer broke the skin, and Nesta whimpered into him. He kissed her again, brushing his fingers through her hair and softly encouraging her through the process. Cassian wasn’t sure what else he could do, but this seemed to pacify Nesta. It was rather bittersweet, to be able to help her like this. It was nice knowing that he could. But he hated that he needed to.
She remained fairly still, only jerking slightly each time the needle had to pierce the skin again, but soon enough Madja was tying off the stitches and cleaning up the wound again before bandaging it.
"Is it over?" Nesta asked quietly.
"Yeah, it is. And you did so well, Nes," Cassian sighed, pulling back to smile down at her.
Nesta shook her head at him slightly, laughing under her breath as if she found his encouragement amusing now that Madja was done.
Using some fancy solvent, the healer sealed the bandage to itself so that it wouldn't fall right off and then cleared her throat to get their attention. "Now that you have the stitches, the healing will speed up quite a bit. The stitches should dissolve by tomorrow morning, and you'll be good as new by tomorrow night, no scar or anything."
"And I can train tomorrow morning?"
"Absolutely," Madja replied. "You may feel some pain tonight, but that should also be gone by tomorrow. Maybe a touch of soreness, but not much more than you're probably used to."
Cassian stood from where he'd been squatting. "Thank you, Madja. I really appreciate it."
She nodded and waved the gratitude off, focusing instead on cleaning and packing up the materials she'd brought out. "When you get the chance, can you please remind Rhysand he is no longer welcome at Nyx's check-ups? I cannot work with the way he hovers."
"I think you'd survive reminding him far more than I would," Cassian chuckled. He looked over at Nesta and found her wearing a restrained smile, as if she were trying extremely hard to not laugh. "Ready to go?"
She took the hand he held out for her. "Thank you, again, Madja."
"It's not a problem."
The two females nodded at each other. Nesta and Cassian made their way out of the practice and into the bright light of Velaris.
"So, where to next?" Cassian asked.
"We're going back to the House, to the family library. I'm going to pick out the filthiest book for you." Nesta's smile had turned into a conspiratorial smirk that had Cassian already regretting his offer.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and started walking down the street. "Yes, and we will do that. But I thought maybe we could stop by that bakery you love so much. Pick up some desserts for tonight."
"On top of the extra chocolatey cake?"
"On top of the cake," he agreed, pulling her in close as she wrapped her arm around the small of his back. He couldn't help but smile widely as they continued making their way to the shop Cassian spent too much of his money at these days.
Nesta looked up at him from the side of her eyes. "Sounds good. But I'm getting a snack for this afternoon, too."
"I figured."
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@live-the-fangirl-life @generalnesta @secretlovelybeauty @nestaisgod @julemmaes @boredserpent @autumnbabylon @lady-winter-sunrise @moodymelanist @sv0430 @nesquik-arccheron @gwynrielsupremacy @katekatpattywack @moonstoneriver77 @deedz-thrillerkilller16 @swankii-art-teacher @lemonade-coolattas @emily-gsh @my-fan-side @champanheandluxxury @sayosdreams @simpingfornestaarcheron @perseusannabeth @clemidansleschoux @meher-sumedha @labetenoir @vinylcryes @shinya-hiiragi @starryblueskies7 @the-key-to-me-myself-and-i @a-court-of-milkandhoney @pintas3107 @embersofwildfire @cannellefawn @superspiritfestival @aks18 @thewayshedreamed @lunabean @xstarlightsupremex @mis-lil-red @captainchris-pike
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