I’m like 100% sure that Aragorn and Thranduil don’t know each other’s names
In the two towers, when aragorn, gimli and legolas are surrounded by the riders of rohan, aragorn says “i am Aragorn, son of Arathorn. This is gimli, son of gloin, and Legolas…” …… “of the Woodland Realm.” He doesn’t know Legolas’s dad’s name. Could’ve just said “Legolas son of Thranduil”, that’s not even awkward to say!
And then at the end of botfa, Thranduil is talking to Legolas and he’s like “There is a young ranger amongst them. He is known in the wild as Strider. His true name……..” ……… “you must discover for yourself.” Just admit it, you two. You don’t know each other’s fucking names.
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the-elvenprince · 1 year
Baby Leggy 😍🥰
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formenos · 2 years
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Drawings from the files part 4/?
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lizzielovesmovies · 2 years
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elrond sipping his tea: how nice of you to join me for breakfast, thranduil. it’s certainly been a while hasn’t it. you remember bilbo, the hobbit from like seventy years ago? he has a kid now. i know you would just love frodo
thranduil: elrond, where’s my son
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Ngl, obsessed with the idea that the questers know that legolas is, if not thousands of years, then centuries old, but it not regestering until he mentions having met their ancestor or a historical figure to them. It doesn’t help that legolas looks like a teenager.
Just like that scene with eowyn realizing aragorn is a legit grandpa but with legolas and the rest of the walkers instead.
Legolas: i never had the pleasure of having a conversation with the man, but from the brief glimpses of (insert boromir’s ancestor from 1000 years ago here) that i saw, he was an honorable man.
Boromir, bluescreening: yes, he was known as quite the chivalrous man. But for you to have met him you must be at least a thousand years old!
Legolas: *clicks tongue and doesn’t say anything with an amused smile*
Aragorn, who has gone through all these emotions already: older.
Gimli: Older?? Are you telling me that this beardless, pointy elf with a face of a teenager is, what? 2000?
Aragorn: more.
Gimli: MORE???
Merry: if he is close to 3000 years than he was probably born around the last war for the ring!
Legolas, enjoying this all immensely: i was old enough to fight in it actually.
Pippin: alright, so legolas is 3000 and a few centuries. That’s a lot older than i thought to be honest. He looked like the youngest elf in rivendale.
Legolas: i’m 4000, actually.
Gimli: GODDAMN IT! I knew we shouldn’t trust these babyfaced point ears! You can’t even tell their age!
Legolas: if it makes you feel better, other elves also have a hard time discerning the age of silvans. They’ve routinely thought of mine to be millenia younger that we actually are.
Boromir, having an existential crisis: what the fuck
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memray · 8 months
a dad and his weird son doodle
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i just wanted to figure out some stuff with making them actually look related and settled on legolas having his dad’s nose, skin tone and eye colour (and judgemental look)
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royaltea000 · 1 year
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Do you think this has ever happened before
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nihilizzzm · 11 months
lotr/the hobbit incorrect quotes
part 3, i do not intend to stop
*three hunters at night*
Legolas: i love you Gimli
Gimli: yeah, i love you too
Legolas: we both love you as well, Estel
Aragorn: thanks, i was starting to feel left out
— — — —
Bard: you know, i wish you would just admit that you made a mistake
Thranduil, stirring his coffee with passion: i PREFERE it with salt
— — — —
Pippin, excited: hey Boromir, we made you a friendship bracelet!
Merry, also excited: *showing boromir a very ugly, yet made with love bracelet*
Boromir: Yeah, you know… i’m not really jewellery person…
Pippin: oh… it’s okay…
Merry: it’s fine, you don’t have to wear it…
Boromir: No. I’m gonna wear it forever, back off.
— — — —
Legolas: whoops-
Aragorn: whoops? WHOOPS? We are far past the ‘whoops’ situation! ‘Whoops’ is but a distant speck in the review mirror! We are firmly in the ‘oh fuck’ territory and i expect you to ACT LIKE IT!!
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meteors-lotr · 7 months
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Lotr + The Hobbit as The Onion Headlines
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the-elvenprince · 1 year
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galadrielspeaks · 2 years
you guys seemed to enjoy my cringe-fail legolas sexy gimli post so here’s some more of my thoughts ab that dynamic:
-when legolas goes home and announces his engagement to gimli thranduil is shocked but every other elf is like “yeah checks out. that kid’s always been a little weird.”
-gimli goes home to announce his engagement to legolas and every dwarf promptly loses their SHIT at the fact that THE gimli, son of gloin, is betrothed. only to further lose their shit at the fact that it’s to that weird elf prince that they have never heard speak unless to send some sort of diplomatical message for his father but some dwarflings once saw him sobbing in front of a tree in the middle of a rainstorm while gripping a fallen branch.
-thranduil only gives his blessing to the proposal once he realises just how angry all of erebor is that their most eligible bachelor, gimli, the silver-tongued battle ready diplomant and descendant of kings, has been stolen away by thranduils weird tree-hugging naked star gazing hippie son.
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chicotfp · 2 years
Oropher and little Thranduil.
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Little Thranduil is a very restless and energetic elfling. It's so difficult for him to sit in one place and do nothing, so his ada gives him a very important task - turning the pages, because if you don't turn the page in time, ada will not be able to read further and the story will be interrupted. Little Thranduil takes his duties very seriously.
Thranduil and little Legolas.
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Little Legolas is very fond of listening to stories, because he is a very curious elfling, but his ada's voice, deep and bewitching, calms him and makes him sleepy. Listening to ada's stories and not falling asleep is very difficult, but someday he will definitely be able to listen to the story to the end.
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lizzielovesmovies · 2 years
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use as you’d like
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autistook · 3 months
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Aragorn, Gimli & Legolas meet Gandalf the White in the Fangorn Forest
'I am Gandalf the White. And I come back to you now - at the turn of the tide.'
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Silvans send messages using flower language. I’m sorry, i don’t make the rules.
Imagine Sam and Legolas sending each other bouquets of flowers after the quest, and everyone’s either delighted at their friendship or low key worrying that there’s an affair going on.
Turns out they’re shit talking and gossiping with each other in flower.
Sam: *receives an intricate bouquet *
Sam’s daughter: wow, it’s so pretty papa! Who ever sent you this must like you a lot!
The bouquet: Gimli and Aragorn got into a drinking competition again and lost. Badly. I got so much money.
The rest of the questers eventually catch on and it leads to things like this:
Gimli: *pissed off* *storms into Legolas’s study* *slams hand down* how do i passive aggressively say “fuck you” in flower?
Legolas: *vibrating with excitement* My Time Has Come.
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