ravengards-rogue · 4 months
im sure everyone is familar but i just noticed this and Man...when you're romancing astarion and you've already slept w him before the tiefling party (and u have high approval i think) - you can get this line where you can basically goad him into shooting pickup lines at you. and through the different dialogue options, at one point - he'll say i love you insincerely.
you have like several ways of going about this dialogue, and my tav (this time) chose the option to say "having fun are you?" it was really... interesting... astarion in general has a really tonal way of speaking. and he has a line after you ask this of him, where he says he is and its hard not to with you. and he sounds... genuine.
when astarion is trying to get something out of you, he's always really theatrical but when he's being sincere that quality really Mellows. the pitch in his voice is higher and he speaks less smoothly. ike its hard to get the words out almost. he still has the same like delicate quality in his voice, the same airiness but its noticeably sounds more touched.
but its. interesting. that by that point (in act one before anything happens) that astarion knows really little about you other than you tend to look out for him and that you're capable. but when i consider it from astarions perspective, being with you even in (im)mortal peril and the connection you share is probably the first genuine, tangible connection with another being that he's had in his life or at least for 200 years. completely and entirely his outside of being a spawn.
its by a truthfully fucked up metric, but. he really does have fun with you. like he means that part. something about that is So devastating. because at that point, im sure astarion considers it temporary. he's manipulating you and he's trying to take advantage of you and its not real (so he tells himself over and over.)
except. sometimes it is. and sometimes you tell astarion you'll have each others backs. and sometimes you come back to camp covered in blood and you'll laugh with karlach trying to get it out of your hair and the fireplace is nice and crackling and it smells like smoke.
sometimes you'll trek through the forest and mountains and gale will say something and maybe you'll tease him. and you'll laugh. and so briefly he forgets what he's running from.
astarion will offer you his body because he's hoping you don't realize that's all he has to offer, but you're not expecting anything. there's no price to pay for laying under you except maybe his own guilt.
and even still. even with all the caveats. well its fun. maybe his standards are low, but its fun to be with you in some way. and its masked with so much of his usual poetry but maybe that is more meaningful than an i love you. you make him remember so basic, fun. genuine, silly fun.
he doesn't love you there. not yet. but maybe it is more meaningful for astarion at that stage, to simply admit that he doesn't want to be surrounded by unpleasantness forever. that there is more to getting his freedom than survival being easier. maybe he wants to have fun in ways that aren't drinking himself sick even when he can't taste the alcohol.
you're fun for him to be with..that means more than anything for him there. how do you teach someone who's suffered so much anything other than teeth-gritted, matted fur survival is unfamiliar? except trying to show them that it is fun, and good to be alive?
even if its all a sham. a mirage. well it was fun for astarion. he couldn't even forget that. you have so many of his firsts.
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madfantasy · 3 years
Dear blogging
t's cold and all I want to do is draw Juicy and his bros cuddle for survival
Hope your doing well my dears. I don't know what I have been doing all this time but just trying my best not to. Just not.
I have this immense guilt in typing any sort of update because, I'll be just repeating myself.. I wish so hard that things change, gets better and stop sucking to a point it feels like I'm disappointing others, in way that I got not much of progress..
I haven't thought of nothing but vagueness and leaving earth. One day dreaming of a bliss between the nightmares, being the very -impossible- thing I wanted, and feeling such disgusting overwhelming happiness I don't think I experienced, tears welling up in my eyes every time I remembered the scene.
I don't know what I truly want and I always figured that i don't really need to know, I don't need to be something specific, or want one thing with all my might, everything can come and go, and thats okay, everything can be hard or easy, I laughed at all my sorrows and drew them and made them into stories I retun to..
I don't know maybe that thick shield of the accusatory insanity wore off, or maybe its called maturing, cuz I can't deal with it anymore, I can't keep fighting over losing the very few things that pleasures me in life.. and the more I do, the more I feel truly closer..
It was prayer time, and during the announcements its favorable that one mute sounds and listen to it and quietly say it alongside. The masque people were praying, but at home most of us finished. I got my game running. Got cussed at, and ofc I replied of how much longer ppl pray u think, my guardians exploded with stream of demeaning and colorful swears, eventually kept praying that I die for saying that line.
I was shaking with anger head to toe, if we kept it religious, u can't just pray for ppl to die, or accuse them of not having faith. I called it out on them, and they kept saying it.. with every prayer of death I answered with Ameen, equally yelling how Im tired of this life
I went to my room and couldn't stop hyperventilating and weeping, my heart felt like it will escape my chest. Suddenly i hear them approaching, they never came into my room. They told my sib who ran to deter them from entering, they were like "I want you to stand witness that I cam here to apologise to your elder sib, and I didn't mean what I said" then they came in anyway and hugged me and kissing my hands and the top of my head, saying sorry. Telling me they never wanted to hurt me and they're nothing without me, that I run this house and without me they are lost, and the reason they lost it because they remembered their job, and wish that they never worked that job because it ruined they look on life
This is the first time that they ever apologised to me, in my whole frkin life. And actually admitted that their job was toxic among many things..
But in that moment nothing mattered. I went to bed that day expecting to leave earth. But I'm thankful I woke up the next day, still convulsing like I was hit by a truck
I don't know how to explain how faith is important to me, as in I'd be long gone without it, and it's something between oneself and God only, and not for people to judge or control how it "should" be. But they weaponize it more than practice it, as the still on going example used against me and my art and how I sm treated, in general..
I didn't get much work for this month, mum suggesting because it's the holiday season, which was a good time to spend it improving my art, but I spent it trying not to sit alone conscious or not escaping through flash backs and the torment of their words on never ending repeat , playing my hp over and over, till I notice the rats there danced, something I have never noticed and made me laugh
I want to do more art, the more I doubt it the more I'm sure it's what my soul aches to do if one day left un-art-ed In. I was even drawing while telling myself I'm not, escaping my notice till sib told me. With it I want to grow, even if hypothetically, with people I imagine how it is to meet one day, and enjoying every moment and not live undead.. one of my vids were, sorta replied to by a human being saying words, I know im making it sounds extremely basic, but my god, I have been isolated from people for so long even pics and vids are super hard for me to look.
Like, I just realised this the first time in centuries I seen a live reaction to my art, I still couldn't look at them directly but the resistance to look away decreased and I lost myself in this person's infectious joy saying how amazed they r by my art.. they don't know that gave me so hope that yes, maybe I can look at people one day, I can be with people one day, I can be okay one day..
I'm still open for commissions, now that my art apps subscriptions near expiry, and I don't want to use ProCreate cuz is icky and ewy and I want my smooth CSP specially after their upcoming update <3
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Wish you the coziest safest, thrilling times, and happy holidays and birthdays, if I couldn't make it
All the love;
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2:30 am, 4 Dec 2021, frozen toes
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azucanela · 4 years
Could you do another Sokka with the fire nation reader and maybe something domestic? Something after the war potentially? Please and thank you!!!
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SUMMARY: after years of chaos, Y/N can’t help but feel weird when everything is peaceful. but hey, weird can be nice. especially when weird is with sokka.
WARNINGS: kissing, soft, pretty basic.
A/N: this is gonna be the least heartbreaking thing i’ll ever write super domestic 10/10 soft. also it feels wrong to not write something thats like 10k words of pining askhdkjsah also this is weirdest title ever im sorry
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The sun poured into the room, indicating that Sokka had in fact, awoken, and opened the curtains, much to Y/N’s dismay. They were on vacation and yet he still insisted on waking up at the most ungodly of hours to work. Y/N had no doubt that he’d heard the whispers in the Southern Water Tribe, he’d done so much for the small nation that Y/N wasn’t shocked when rumors of Sokka potentially becoming the next chief came about. He was still young, but that didn’t stop people from talking, and maybe thats why he was putting so much pressure on himself.
But it was vacation, on Ember Island, alongside the rest of their friends. They’d agreed to head out later in the day together, to the beach to catch up with one another. Regardless, Y/N couldn’t help but groan, running a hand through her hair when she realized Sokka had gotten up early for no reason. Y/N had searched him prior to their departure to the island, ensuring he had no work at all, and yet here they were.
Sitting up in the bed, she stretched out her arms, allowing the sun to hit her face. Y/N squinted at the sudden brightness as she moved to stand, a wave of dizziness washed over her momentarily, causing her legs to wobble as she took her first few steps of the day. Y/N quickly recovered as she made her way outside of the room, bringing a hand to her forehead as she sighed. The Ember Island rooms were like small homes at this point, so Y/N wasn’t shocked to find Sokka in the kitchen, cutting up some fruits into the bowl. 
He looks up at her, a smile on his face as he put the knife down and tries his best to lean against the counter alluringly, only for his elbow to miss the edge of the counter. Sokka stumbles slightly, causing Y/N to laugh as she greets him, “hi there.”
“Hey, beautiful.” Sokka greets, recovering from his fall as he jogs over to press a kiss to her cheek, wrapping his arm around her waist to pull her closer.
Y/N hums in response, wrapping her arms around his torso, “why are you out of bed?” She presses a kiss to his jaw before resting her head on his chest.
“I was making breakfast, per usual.” Comes his reply. Y/N had found that Sokka was actually a great roommate, he tended to wake up early to handle his duties in the Southern Water Tribe. Which meant he’d cook breakfast for the two of them, and get his fair share of cleaning done. 
Y/N is pulling herself away from him to grab his hand and pull him towards the bedroom, “let’s go back to bed.” It was vacation, and they could probably order some sort of room service seeing as Ember Island was practically a resort.
“We have to meet the others later.” Sokka reasoned, resisting her aggressive yanks at his arm, feet remaining firmly planted on the floor.
Y/N playfully glares at him, “yeah, later. Not now, we have time. I don’t know why you woke up so early.” She’s scolding him, mostly because he’s been having trouble sleeping lately, and refuses to drink the tea she offered him. Iroh had kindly taught her how to make a ‘proper’ cup of tea, as he’d put it. 
“It’s midday.” He points out, causing Y/N’s eyes to widen a fraction, her eyes flickering over to the windows momentarily as she tries to understand how she managed to sleep well into the middle of the day.
Her mouth opens and closes for a moment, brows furrowing in confusion as she looks to Sokka, “are you serious?”
Sokka blinks once before throwing his head back in laughter, “yes!” 
With a rather aggressive tug at Sokka’s arm, Y/N pulled him closer bringing her free hand to his cheek as she pulled him in for a kiss. Sokka melted into it, bringing both his arms to hand loosely around her waist
It was peaceful. Watching him look so happy, the way the sunlight gleamed on his face as Y/N practically tackled him onto the bed, the bright smile on his face lit up the room more than the sun ever could. It wasn’t the first time she’d seen these things and she certainly hoped it wouldn’t be the last. And given how few threats of war and death and chaos there had been lately, Y/N had a feeling that she wouldn’t have to worry about losing Sokka to some insane enemy anytime soon. 
Y/N hated how weird it felt. Being able to relax for once because there’s no threat of impending doom, no need to be alert despite the habit she’d developed to always have a hand ready to grab the knife at her side. Y/N hated that she couldn’t allow herself a moment of peace even though there was nothing to worry about. 
Even when the war had ended, Y/N had to be on her toes for all the riots that started across the world. She and the rest of Team Avatar weren’t necessarily prepared for all the diplomatic work that had to be done to repair all the damage that had been done to the world during the 100 years of war. Aang had a lot of other issues to handle as the Avatar, Katara and Sokka had to work on rebuilding the Southern Water Tribe, Toph had to handle her parents though she had favored spreading the wonders of metalbending instead. Zuko was rebuilding the Fire Nation was simultaneously tearing down the century’s worth of brainwashing. And as for Y/N, she was just trying to figure out where she fit in to all this.
For the first time in a long time, nothing was going on. Y/N didn’t need to bring her weapons, and she didn’t need to look over her shoulder ever moment for potential enemies. And it felt weird.
They’d returned to Ember Island for a vacation, a reward to themselves for everything they’d done. And it had been a while since they’d been able to actually catch up, Y/N wouldn’t deny it, though they saw each other fairly frequently when it seemed the world was about to end, time to talk was rare. And now that they could talk, she didn’t know what to say.
Yeah, it felt weird.
Sokka’s arm had wrapped around her waist, and Y/N found herself watching as he threw his head back in laughter at something Toph had said. The girl in question seemed pretty pleased with herself, Zuko on the other hand was looking rather embarrassed. Not that Y/N was really paying attention to the conversation. They had gotten to the beach not too long ago, and Y/N had a feeling they would stay awhile, but she was a little busy getting lost in her own thoughts. 
Was it wrong of her to wonder what happened next now that they had entered what would —hopefully— be an era of peace? The only person who could probably remember such a time was Aang, seeing as he was born before the war started, officially started that is. 
Pushing away those thoughts, Y/N returned her attention to the conversation at hand, “you know what, the rest of you never grew up with Sokka’s whining in the mornings— Y/N knows what I mean, right?”
Y/N found herself straightening beside Sokka, “actually, Sokka cooks me breakfast in the mornings, and he’s surprisingly neat, so I have no complaints.” She lets out a small laugh, and Y/N can feel Sokka’s eyes on her figure as everyone else laughs once more.
“Thank you Y/N, see I can be a fantastic roommate.” Sokka asserted, throwing a playful glare to Katara as he squeezed Y/N’s side gently. She and Sokka had gotten together shortly after the war, and they’d been living together for a while. Seeing as they travelled together for over a year, there wasn’t really much of an adjustment period if Y/N was honest, and Sokka was a model roommate. 
Sokka sits up suddenly, causing Y/N to raise a brow at him as she shifts in her seat, only for him to extend a hand to her, “I’m going for a walk, wanna come?”
She takes his hand, offering him a smile as she sits up as well, “yes.” 
From the corner of her eye, Y/N can see Aang move to speak, only for Toph to swat at his chest when he tries to stand, and Katara to glare harshly. Zuko simply watches the interaction in confusion, brow furrowing as Katara beams up at the couple, “have fun!”
Sokka fought the urge to roll his eyes as he took Y/N by the hand and began to drag her away from the campsite. He’d noticed her behavior, something was bothering her. Of course, Katara was reading into things again, she and Gran Gran had grown a little obsessed in regards to his relationship with Y/N. Mostly because Gran Gran insisted that she had to live to see the wedding.
Oh god, Katara must’ve thought he intended to propose—
Y/N had gathered that much as well, it wasn’t something the two had discussed yet, mostly because they’d never had time. When they officially got together, everything was so chaotic they just never had the time, and now that they had the time, well neither of them had tried to broach the topic. Katara on the other hand seemed to continue her meddlesome ways, trying to put the idea into Y/N’s head time and time again during their conversations.
Y/N did not approve.
The pair walked silently across the coast line, water washing up against their bare feet as Sokka comically swung their hands back and forth, earning a small laugh from Y/N. She came to the realization that as badly as she wanted to avoid this conversation, it was necessary. Looking up at him, her brows furrowed as she spoke, “don’t let Katara... pressure you into anything, okay?”
Sokka frowned, pausing as he walked, “don’t tell me she’s been talking to you about-”
“Marriage.” They both muttered, simultaneously. The pair burst into laughter, and Sokka simply shook his head. Katara had obviously been discussing the subject with the both of them.
Sokka simply facepalms, and Y/N finds herself smiling as she watches him, “I’m sorry that she’s been bothering you about that, even though I told her not to.” He turns back to look at the camp, that’s still visible in the distance, Katara is giving him a thumbs up alongside Toph, though the young girl is facing the wrong direction. A show of support as he attempts to ‘propose’ to Y/N, though he didn’t intend to, not today at least. 
Y/N offers him a nervous smile, pulling his attention away from their friends as they continued to walk, “it’s fine.” Another silence consumes them, and Y/N finds herself biting her lip as her gaze returns to Sokka, “have you thought about it though?” 
“Marriage?” Sokka asks, looking to her with wide eyes, “of course, I have. But we’re still young...” He trails off, tilting his head at Y/N as he mumbles, “have you?”
She shrugs, looking to the horizon, where the sun is slowly disappearing and the night sky begins to reveal itself, “honestly? Not really, no.” Y/N can practically feel Sokka deflate beside her, and quickly continues, “not because I don’t want to marry you. I just... I don’t know I never had...”
“Time. To think about it?” Sokka offered when she trailed off. He understood, in a way. They weren’t able to think much of the future while on the run, mostly because the future was a luxury that they were unsure they’d ever get. 
Y/N simply looks to him, nodding slowly she can feel her cheeks warm as she exhales deeply. “I want to though.” Her voice is quiet, probably because its the first time she admitting it to herself, that she does want to marry Sokka. There was always a small part of her that wondered what that would be like, and maybe moving in with him solidified the idea in her mind. Y/N didn’t know.
Maybe it was cliché but Sokka had known since they’d met. 
“I’ve thought about it for a while.” He mumbles, fidgeting with her hand. 
A smile graces Y/N’s face as she raises a brow, “what have you thought about?” She can’t help but feel curious, she’s well aware of how meticulously he plans things, and if he’s thought about their potential wedding it means he not only sees her in his future, but he also likely spent a lot of time considering minor details about the wedding. 
Sokka’s eyes are glued to her hands as he responds, “you would look really pretty in a wedding dress.” If Sokka was honest, she looked pretty in everything, but the idea of marrying her? It had crossed his mind in the past, several times.
She’s never seen him this shy and subdued before, and Y/N can’t help but feel shocked at how soft his voice sounds when he speaks. So, she finds herself considering what this imaginary wedding would be like. Yet all she manages to say is, “I was thinking about how I would never get married on a beach.” 
A small laugh escapes Sokka, “you hate sand.” They’d learnt that the hard way the last time they were at Ember Island, just before the end of the war. Sokka had spent about an hour convincing Y/N to come down to the beach despite her hatred of sand. She ended up agreeing— more accurately being forced to head down to the beach seeing as Sokka practically threw her over his shoulder and carried her there. Y/N vividly recalled the violent words she’d yelled at him when he threw her into the ice cold water.
Y/N is laughing alongside him, nodding,  “I do.”
She’d be saying those words again, not too far in the future. And maybe this possibility is why Y/N decides that she likes this whole peace thing, standing on the serene shores of Ember Island. Life is good when you aren’t worried about impending doom all the time, and its even better with Sokka in it. Y/N wouldn’t mind spending the rest of her life with him.
“Let’s prank Katara into thinking you proposed.” She suggested, grinning at Sokka. If the girl was so insistent on meddling with their relationship, then why not get a little revenge?
Sokka seemed to like this idea, as his eyes iit up at her words, “I love you, so much.” He exclaimed, grabbing Y/N’s face with both hands and pulling her into a kiss. 
Y/N finds herself smiling into the kiss, pulling away to say, “I know.”
“You’re supposed to say it back.” Sokka is pouting now, trapping her in his arms as he awaits the response he wants. 
Y/N hummed in reply, a pensive look on her face as she pretended to consider his words, “I guess I love you too.”
“You guess?!”
Hopefully their honeymoon would be far less chaotic, and further away from sand. 
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A/N: lol writing something happy when you are sad is not it so im sorry that this is bad but i tried 🥺
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kareofbears · 3 years
finished my task early and realized that as a byproduct of our capitalist society, im unfortunately happier when i do tasks. here are my rankings of persona 5 awakenings spanning from vanilla to strikers. and i watched all of them again just so i wasn’t biased. i will also be attaching the splash pages they have of the group during awakening scenes because theyre fucking awesome 
morgana - no awakening, very sad
akechi - just a reveal, but an awesome reveal 
10. okumura haru  
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it feels like a lie to even say she got an awakening, because they didnt even let her rip off her mask. they gave her a half awakening like it was on clearance. sad stuff, couldve been amazing, instead felt underwhelming since there was no lethargic high point where you feel her anger. i liked the gun reveal though 
9. sakura futaba 
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same deal as haru, no mask ripping part :( that part of awakenings are very important to me, since its like, the whole deal with awakening your persona. its supposed to hurt, cause it hurts to throw away your facade and be who you really are!! also it just felt long and drawn out, making the tension feel...untensed. pliable, if you will. ranks higher than haru cause it still made me cry--futaba truly has one of the toughest and heart-wrenching motivations to persona awakenings, truly. 
8. niijima Makoto 
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no splash page for her which makes me sad. love how gritty her mask + scream were afterwards, you can really feel the impact of it. also, editing was great during this scene. ranks low (high?) on the list though because it was pretty unremarkable overall--thats because makoto’s awakening/arc is pretty detached from who she is. its not very personal, since the conflict isn’t specifically about her you know? 
7. Kitagawa Yusuke 
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a fan favorite and im sorry i couldnt rank it in a better spot. loved the camera work, loved the dialogue and his speech afterwards. it really is poetry infused with pissed-off and ready for revenge. if only the mask removal scene was grittier!! i like seeing them in pain!! it shouldnt be easy to take off the mask!!
6. takamaki ann
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beautiful spectacular awakening that always makes me cry, but docked many points off because of how sexual it is. why are they focusing on her torso when shes crying. enough with the jiggle physics. stop that!!
her rage and swearing is so on point, and i am in love with how she mows down her shadow self in one go. so cool. love ann.
5. Hasegawa Zenkichi 
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another fan favorite and its also one of mine as well. yall im just so emotional that an adult actually got a persona awakening. like, an adult who wants change just as desperately as the young people do? that means so much to me. dialogue is great, shadows are great. his mask ripping scene was so fucking intense that he snapped his mask in half like thats so rad 
4. yoshizawa sumire 
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yeah yeah whatever i love her awakening ok. its big cheating that she got two on camera awakenings, but the first one sucked so its fine. the second one is just so great and i love how quiet the music is . where some awakenings feel very disjointed and impersonal, hers was arguably the most personal out of all of them. like she saw her sister?? and that was what made her awaken for real this time?? fantastic. also her mask removal scene was so intense and i loved that nothing happened at first because it makes you think that something is still wrong. hated the first awakening though--why the magical girl sequence?? what the fuck 
3. Sophia 
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hehe her awakening is so fucking good. from the line read to the dialogue. this was the only awakening (besides jokers but ill get to that) that truly caught me off guard. i didnt expect that, even though it was the only logical conclusion to her character arc. brillaint. and i cant stress this enough--the line reads. the line reads. are so good.  thank you VA from puyo puyo tetris lmfao 
2. Kurusu Akira 
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no splash page for him either but i will forgive it since hes the first. this one fucked me over because one: the animation was amazing, two, he awakened for ryuji, and three, his mask removal scene is the best of them all. you can feel every centimeter of his mask forcibly peeling away from his skin and i love it. also, this one scared the fuck out of me because when i bought p5, i didnt know what a fucking persona was. i thought this was like, a high school adventure. so yeah, this had a big impact on me
1. sakamoto Ryuji 
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look man. this boy is just so angry. so fucking angry, and so intense about his feelings, and so desperate to help, and all of that accumulates to being the best awakening. where akira has the best mask ripping scene, he has the best scream after he rips his mask--you could feel that shit in your throat, in your lungs, the vibrations in your head. not to mention, he was the only one who was allowed to look fucking insane--rolling on the carpet and shit, sweating his heart out. i love how gritty it is. 
Those are my opnions thanks for coming to my ted talk 
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katara0524 · 3 years
Impromptu Ramblings about the NEO:TWEWY Demo
In case y'all weren't aware, I've been a pretty big fan of TWEWY for a couple years now, and with the sequel coming out next month, the excitement I feel for this game is greater than ever :) I played the Demo for the first time yesterday, and following a couple views of some livestreams of others playing it, I felt like sharing my (very ramble-y) thoughts prior to the release of the full game. This post WILL contain spoilers for both TWEWY and NEO:TWEWY, so if you want to avoid those from now on, please block the tags: #twewy spoilers, #ntwewy spoilers, #neo twewy spoilers, #ntwewy, and #neo twewy ^_^ Oh, and if you wanna keep up with any other posts I make about my experience with this game, please refer to the tag "kat plays neo twewy" :)
-First things first: I have not watched the Final Trailer and I don't plan on doing so to avoid spoilers, especially after the pre-release era of KH3 where a lot of the later trailers spoiled a lot of the endgame content. That being said, I've seen some minor screenshots from the final trailer including what many believe to be characters from the original TWEWY, namely Shiki and Joshua. That is all I know about the Final Trailer and I would very much like to remain as blind as possible going into NEO :)
-The very first cutscene was quite ominous in the sense that this game is likely going to be about "changing fate" (a recently common theme in Squeenix games, which I do appreciate), perhaps leading off from the end of A New Day in the OG and trying to stop an Inversion of Shibuya. Also worth noting that A New Day had similar aspects in which the main character experienced "future visions" of tragic events, although in A New Day these events were not able to be changed, while in NEO it seems like one of the main "powers" our protagonist has is specifically to rewrite these events and avoid a "bad ending." Very interesting indeed!
-I really like the revamped comic book style dialogue scenes, it's much more fluid and modern, which is an excellent direction for the series to take!
-I would love to have an actual PokemonGO knockoff of Final Fantasy creatures, please Squeenix that would be incredibleeeeee
-Also the LINE stickers??? Are so cute???
-I would just like to point out that Fret is an absolute treasure throughout this entire demo, he's hilarious and I will protect him with my life
-UHHHH don't like that Fret picked up some Reaper Pins just out of nowhere.....or the fact that they're apparently popular all over Shibuya.............did y'all not learn anything from the OG game or what lmao
-Okay so when I first got the "curry or ramen" scene and heard NPCs talking about the new curry place replacing the old ramen place I became IMMENSELY distressed that Ramen Don was totally cut from the game because....well, Ramen Don is a King okay?? But I'm glad to learn that no, he didn't fall off the face of the earth, he's still in business and he's the one opening the curry restaurant lolol. PHEW, crisis averted!
-.....I don't like the sudden appearance of a Wall Reaper and being able to read NPC thoughts. Wtf happened when they left the ramen place??? Are they playing the Game alive somehow?
-Okay so I have my own theories about this "Swallow" character and what they're up to but considering this is only the Demo and I still Have No Idea What's Happening, I'm just gonna say that I think Swallow intentionally led Rindo and Fret to the Crossing so they could join the Game. I mean, add in the fact that Swallow still communicates with Rindo during the Game and you've got yourself a suspicious character right there lol
-"Hey they're shooting off fireworks!" Fret honey that's not fireworks oof (see also: "*laughs* I'm in danger")
-WOOOOOO way to traumatize Rindo right off the bat like that LMAOO
-The visuals for the intro are VERY GOOD, the song is pretty decent until it gets all "screamo" (which I absolutely cannot stand sorry lol)
-Shoka is every Customer Service employee ever and I respect that
-Susukichi went from being "meh" to "WOW THIS GUY IS FUN" in the span of 10 seconds and I also respect that (he is also built like an Absolute Unit which is hilarious)
-The Wall Reapers (and just Reapers in general) seem.....way nicer and more helpful this time around?? Like in the OG the Wall Reapers were SO RUDE gfhjgjdfkhn and yeah I'm sure we'll get some like that but the juxtaposition of the first Wall Reaper in the OG compared to the first one in NEO is insane.
-The puzzles are quite a bit more entertaining this time around even if it's generally the same "fetch quest" formula lol
-"Rindo's Group" way to go Fret HFKJDGHSDFKJ mans really left the default name in there lmao
-OKAYOKAYOKAY so to those who aren't aware I am a MASSIVE SIMP for Sho Minamimoto, he's my absolute favorite and I think about him daily. HIS INTRODUCTION IS. INCREDIBLE. I LOVE IT SM.
-GOD hearing him actually SPEAK FULL SENTENCES is just SO SURREAL I love this sm
-Also the remix of his theme???? NEO TRANSFORMATION????? IT'S SO GOOD????????? It's like gone from a Boss Theme to a more triumphant sounding theme and I am HERE for it (every version of Transformation is just INCREDIBLE and getting a new one is even better)
-I Love Him, Your Honor
-Also idk how exactly but it's kinda weird seeing Sho in the OG vs NEO, cuz while he's mostly the same Insane Math-Obsessed Catboy, he's.....calmed down quite a bit?? Like OG made a whole point of how poorly he cooperates with others (not to mention just being completely unhinged and trying to kill everyone), whereas here in NEO he's......actually kinda working with others??? HELLO???? Sir what happened to you and Neku during those 3 years I would love to know all about it
-I guarantee you Sho is still probably scheming shite and will likely pull some total insane BS later down the road, and I am very much looking forward to that. Also, is he looking for a certain Pin or something??? Cuz he keeps talking about different Pins and even mentions "this is just another Psych Pin" like he's actively looking for a Pin to do something with. Maybe it also has to do with the "latent powers of Players" thing he mentioned as well??? What is this dude UP TO oml (also is he in contact with Neku at all?? they're both technically fugitives at this point right?? WHAT HAPPENED AFTER A NEW DAY I AM BEGGING YOU)
-I seems like Sho ALSO has an idea of what's going on in this specific game (even if he won't admit it straightforward). Per his quote "The game's 142,857. Factor it out," he's essentially saying, "This game is a neverending cyle, figure out how to get out of it" (or at least that's what I got from his "cyclic number" nonsense lolol)
-I do like how Sho mostly stays out of sight until he's needed for a battle or assisting with a mission, that's kind of on par with his whole "uncooperative" quirk from the OG, plus he might literally have to stay out of sight of other Reapers and Players considering he's likely breaking the rules of the Game (not surprising considering him and Neku broke practically every rule in the book during OG)
-The nicknames for Sho- I can't- They're so FUNNYYYY GFHJSDFKJ
-He goes from being called "Pi-Face" and "Tabooty" in OG to "Mr. Minami" and "M-Teezy" in NEO LMAOO
-(Wowee I just realized I've been mostly talking about Sho oopsies sorry y'all, this is what I meant by thinking about him almost daily he is THAT much of a fav of mine ghfkjsd)
-Okay RIP Fret and Rindo for not getting literally ANY explanation as to how the Game works OOF, that is kinda cringe that whoever gets the Pin earns points, not whoever erases the Noise (which like I understand but also URRRGGHHH I WANNA SEE THE SQUAD SUCCEED)
-"I should be going home now it's getting late" Oh you sweet summer child-
-Also love the mention of parents in this game???? KH you could learn a thing or two from TWEWY (poor Rindo's mom fhgjkdh)
-KUBO IS HILARIOUS I SUPPORT HIM AND HIS GROSS FACE (also thank you Final Trailer thumbnail for spoiling my suspicions about him very cool smh)
-Kaie is a LAD I also support him, go King type those funky texts I believe in you
-FRET PLS STOP SCANNING FHGJKSDHKJFGHFKJ he's like me when I scan in OG during Weeks 2 and 3 and see Taboo Noise coming after me ghfjdshfj
-Also Rindo can you stay off your phone for TWO SECONDS ik you're trying to figure things out but Fret is a jelly boi and I don't want him to be upset with you my guy
-Sho being an actual sorta mentor to the kiddos?? Who are you sir this is so unlike you ghfgskj what happened to the guy who tried shooting children in the face 8 times over LMAO (granted he's probably just using them but it's still nice to see him actually cooperating and sharing knowledge with the kiddos aaaaa)
-hgjkfshgkjf "we aren't glorifying capitalism on my watch" THATS SO FUNNY TO ME GFHJFSDGHJKS (also an all-orange ensemble is disgusting you deserve jail for one thousand years fkn Cheddar Goldfish Cheezit ass woman)
-gfhsgjf Poor Rindo embarassing himself for the sake of the Game that's incredible
-R e t u r n t o M O N K E. That is all.
-Dialogue during boss battles is HELLA cool i love that
-HHHHH THE KANON SCENE MADE ME A N G E R Y FRET STOP SIMPING MY GUY says the girl with a Literal Simp Encyclopedia and simps for pixels on a screen daily
-Can't wait to see the other Reapers :eyes emoji:
-CAN'T WAIT TO SEE NAGI MY BELOVED YEAHHHH WOOOOOO AAAAND that's about it for the demo lolol, I absolutely CANNOT wait for next month, this game is gonna be INCREDIBLE holy hell Prepare for more simping, more screaming, and more vibing from Yours Truly :) I fully intend on sharing more general thoughts like this on both Tumblr and Twitter so it's not just reblog-retweet-reblog-retweet with the occasional comment fhgskjd
If you wanna witness my insanity up close and personal I have a Square Enix Discord server called Sea Side Dreamers! You can look it up on Disboard, or you can add me on Discord @Katara0524#9244 for a direct link :) We have topics about Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, NieR, and ofc TWEWY (as well as other topics!), so if you want some good ol' chaos and chitchat, you're more than welcome to join!
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dis-easedfairy · 3 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.9
Male Path | Female Path
Chapter 9 : Just A Normal Day At The Office
Warnings!: Swearing
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au 
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok x Reader / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader / Min Yoongi x Reader
Summary: M/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. M/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic M/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but M/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
Word Count: 8,349 (roughly 30 minutes of average reading time)
A/N: The boys aren’t in this chapter that much purely so I can develop plot and give background info. So, filler. (the gif is basically a hint to next chapter)
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Spending my morning on Jason’s couch wasn’t the plan, but the break was almost too sweet to give up. I sat up, reaching over for my turned-off phone. I could hear muffled talking coming from down the hall. I looked over, seeing Jason holding a laundry basket, his phone pressed between his face and shoulder and he came into the living room.  I grabbed his laptop off the chair just in time for him to sit on the said chair. He dropped the laundry basket on the floor and got a better hold of the phone.  
I reached over to get Jason’s laptop off the coffee table. I opened his laptop and began looking up a few things.  
“Listen, we had a plan for the character model! I understand when you program something, something else can mess up but it’s YOUR JOB to fix it! I’ll extend the deadline but that’s it, good-bye!” Jason hung up with a groan.
“I haven’t even had my damn morning coffee yet and these people are going insane.” He grumbled, beginning to sort through his laundry.
“Yeah, sorry about that, but it needs to happen,” I muttered, still researching.
“So your plan is to what? Get Jill’s help but keep the company anyway? How will that work? I get you ARE the owner, but she now has the upper hand to destroy you…” Jason trailed off, folding a pair of pants.
I scoffed, “She THINKS she can destroy me, but if she helps me avoid punishment and makes her lawyers paint a pretty picture as truth, then she’ll HAVE to run with it. If she turns on me and says it was all a lie and I’m a criminal, then she is too, then she gets nothing either. The only one with us listening to the WHOLE conversation was my nephew and no one will take his word because he still thinks Santa Claus can come through the furnace vents in their modern home. ”
“He’s really are losing his mind oh my God.” He mumbled to himself, trying to seem interested in his laundry.
“I love my sister, I really do, but last night… She showed me that she would sacrifice everything if it meant keeping the company and her status. She doesn’t care what I want and isn’t doing this out of the kindness of her heart. She’s doing it for my spot. She’s doing it because she doesn’t want to be removed from the high pedestal my father put her on.” I argued, shutting the laptop.
“What about the guys? What if your sister gets access to the bunker?” Jason questioned.
“She won’t. It surprised me when she knew about it, but the location, locks, and layout will be foreign to her because she doesn’t have access to those. I’m assuming she only knows because our accountant slipped up. The only one who knows the location is you and I. The locks are designed by me and you barely even got the keys last month. The layout is only known by twelve people, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, RM, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Seongmi, Linza, Jeonghun, and only you and I REALLY know the layout of the bunker. ”
“I feel as though you being there with them was a bad idea.” Jason shook his head, judgment was written on his face.
I exhaled, leaning back into the couch, “It really was. ”
“Well, If I would’ve known you had so much shit going on I wouldn't have invited you for a night out with Daisuke and me!” Jason threw an article of clothing back into the laundry basket roughly.
“If anything, it’ll get my mind off everything for a few hours,” I stated bitterly.
Jason let out a sigh, almost irritated, “We can’t be teenagers anymore, M/n.” He said, his voice was too serious for my liking.
I rolled my eyes, “Jason, I know. I get so much crap for being uptight. Maybe I should actually live like a 20-year-old CEO.” I smirked.
“Oh God, please no.” Jason made a face, going back to sorting and folding his laundry.
“Yeah, overpriced alcohol and drunk people telling me I’m attractive aren’t really for me.” I chuckled, sitting up to get the laptop again, this time to check my e-mail for work.
I started replying and even turned on my phone.
“Your sister….” Jason began, making me look up.
“…She used to wear really nice things, yes, but she would’ve never done that to her little brother. She loved you too much for that.” He stated sadly, looking at a single shirt like it was able to replay memories.
I frowned, sighing, “It happens to those who are in power enough, Jason. It happened to my brother, then to my older sister. I hope my little sister doesn’t catch that bug. Lord knows my mother is secretly becoming like that as well. I understand it a little bit. There are competitors who want our company forgotten, so we have to protect our image, but for her to ask for my place instead, just…” I trailed off.
“I just hope it’s because she has kids to think about now. My brother just wanted to be on top. Maybe my sister wants it so her kids have an assurance that they’ll have something too.” I reasoned, going back to my e-mail in hopes to end the conversation there.
Jason scoffed, “As if you would ever cast out your nephews. Lord knows you spoil them even if they aren’t yours.” I felt a twinge of pain in my heart.
“I mean what would your father say about your sister getting the company?” Jason prompted.
“…I have that decision for a reason, so let that reason play out.” I muttered, no longer interested in the work I was doing.
We fell into slightly uncomfortable silence.
“Can you take care of the boys and girls? With my dad’s party coming up and setting everything up for the future, I will be busy and my family will expect me to stay by their side. They’ll know something is up if I’m constantly leaving.” I explained, pulling out my phone and turning the screen on.
“Uh sure, I’ll try to work and things from there. Maybe I’ll set up a tent there or something. ” I chuckled at his response.
“Why a tent?” I questioned with a smile.
Jason smiled, letting out a chuckle of his own, “So I can get cellphone service.”
I only shook my head, I was about to open my mouth to speak but the doorbell rang. Jason looked at me puzzled for a bit. I only shrugged, leaning back into the couch. Jason stood and opened the door.
“I have your truffle pizza and 20 hot wings. Your total is 66,000 won.” The delivery man stated quickly.
Jason looked over his shoulder at me with a glare. I only smirked with a shrug. Jason grumbled something under his breath and took his wallet out of his pocket. He swiped his card in the delivery man’s card reader and took the pizza and wings.
“Have a nice day!” The man said, quickly taking his leave.
Jason mumbled something along the lines of, “I won’t while he’s here.” as he closed the door.
Jason turned to look over at me, eerily calm for a few moments.
“6,510 yen.” I helped him out.
“EXACTLY!” He exploded.
“58 U.S. dollars to be exact. ALSO, it was actually 50 U.S. dollars, however, it was an extra 4 for 20 wings since it was on sale I figured why not?”
“…4 dollars for 20 wings? Holy shit that’s a good deal.” He muttered, moving his hands to open the container with wings.
He made a face as if to say ‘not bad’, “They are pretty meaty too, what the fuck.”
“The pizza has a lot of truffles. Never had it before.” I shrugged.
“Then why did you order it!?”
“…I feel like ordering you the most expensive pizza I could find last minute was doing someone justice? Like I personally don’t think I’ve ever said that, but I’m sure someone said they would. Figured I’d be petty for them.”
Jason looked at the pizza then at me, “You’re so fucking weird. If this tastes bad then that someone is getting coal for Christmas.”
Jason walked over to place the food down on the coffee table. I happily helped move things out the way and opened the pizza box and Jason decided to go for the wings first.
“What’s the game plan for today?” Jason asked, mouth slightly full as he spoke.
I gave him a look and shook my head as I picked up a slice of pizza, “You know I hate when you do that.”
“Why? No food is going to fly out and you understand me.” Jason said after he swallowed, shrugging like it wasn’t a big deal.
“No one wants to see your chewed up food, Jason.”
“Then look at my eyes, not my mouth.” I sighed.
“Stop talking about things that annoy you! What’s the game plan?” Jason pressed, his hand moving to get a slice as well.  
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I ended up at the office, but instead of working, as usual, I was only lost in my thoughts.
I thought if I was far away from my problems, it would just solve itself.
I had to deal with Daisuke.
I had to prep for my father’s party.
I‌ had to deal with nine people in my bunker.
I looked over at my sad excuse for a couch setup. A pillow and a fluffy blanket folded over the armrest. I was going to be beyond busy and I‌ need to avoid the boys for a bit to get things sorted out.
I let out a sigh, “How long will I‌ be here?”‌ I‌ asked myself as I made my way to my desk.
I sat down and tried to focus back on writing out what I could have planned for the game and if there would be more.
It suddenly hit me. I launched myself up from my desk and ran out of my office to find my sister. It might have been easier to just make her come to me but the idea suddenly coming to me clouded any other thought as I ran as fast as I could to the broadcasting department.
Once I got there I could see my sister talking to employees and making sure everything was in order for the new animation to be aired.  Some who were talking a small break immediately got to work when I entered.
I proudly went next to my sister and blurted “I‌ can have the game department only.”‌ in an out of breath tone.
Her eyes grew wide, “Excuse me?”‌ She seemed more concerned than confused.
“You have broadcasting, Jae has the toys and shit, Eun will have food and drinks and I’ll have games. We’ll all just decide together!”‌ I couldn’t suppress the excitement in my voice.
Jilly took a quick look around and grabbed my arm to lead me to the hallway.
“What’s going on in that over-active brain, huh?”‌ She asked me while folding her arms.
“We won’t have to fight for the top if we’re ALL‌ at the top. Jieun isn’t old enough yet, so I’m not worried about that side of our company for at LEAST 2 years!‌ Jae has a thing for money but loves the designs we all come up with. You love the bustle of the broadcasting. You are literally our voice, and it’s good that way. I can be in charge of the game department. Any videogames are managed under me and no one will have to come to you about my bullshit because it’s MY bullshit.”
“This isn’t the four kings. This is a company.”
“A‌ company that will work as long as we all stay in our fucking lanes!‌ Jae is too stubborn to evolve with the company. You won’t take too many creative risks that we need. Jieun will crack under the pressure of handling EVERYTHING. I’m too impulsive or too stuck in my head. But if we all work together we’ll check each other. No fights for the top, no one coming to just one of us for decisions on something the other is working on. No pressure to hold the entire company on our backs. We get our zones and stay in them!”‌
Jilly seemed to look down at the floor, letting my words absorb. After a few long moments, she finally spoke.
“I remember sitting down on the living room floor during Dad’s days off. Our sister helping our mom, Jae being pissed off because Dad just wouldn’t give him a win, and you sitting at the table always learning something new.”‌ Something about her words caused a weight to form on my chest.
She let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling, “Our father was a strong man. After his will, I tried so hard to understand why he left the company to you. You were so young when he wrote the will. You were still young when he passed. Our mother got into a few fights with him before he died,”‌ She let out a scoff, “Like she was just TRYING to find a reason to be mad at him. And when you got the company, Jae was so angry at you, at Dad. I want it to stop. All the fighting. ”‌ Her eyes landed back on me.
“I‌ even went after you, and I shouldn’t have. This isn’t a competition. I was so upset that you kept it from me and that you would even find yourself in that situation. But yesterday night it finally hit me on how you might’ve felt. I‌ just know you went in with it being a joke that you thought wouldn’t be too serious, and when it was, you weren’t sure what to do. If you reached out to our brother, you would go to jail. He’s too into old-fashioned justice. If you went to mom, she would hide you, but her mouth was too big. Eunnie is still a child. And I‌ would’ve done what I did yesterday. You HAD‌ to hide it.”‌ Her voice seemed to waver as she went on.
I tried to remain completely silent. I could feel a sting behind my eyes, she was starting to understand what kind of stupid I was. Yet there was always a method to my madness.
“I‌ judged you, and thought of our image rather than thinking of you as my brother. I‌ thought of you as a reckless child rather than an adult who was afraid. Our mother wanted you to be a pushover, someone she could dump her problems on. Our brother wanted to knock you down to get to the top and I‌ made you feel like shit when I was supposed to help you.”‌ Actual tears began to run down her face, “You’re my little brother, not my child, and not a fucking punching bag. I shouldn’t have made you feel so judged for something that was an innocent mistake, I’m so sorry, M/n-ie.”‌
She bit her lip, seeming to take a moment to control her emotions before finally saying, “It’s your call. I’ll help, but please, don’t do anything stupid.”
I left a large weight lift off of me.
My sister wasn’t against me. She could never be.
My eyes watered as I waited, wanting to see if maybe she would change her mind.
Her features softened even more, “Oh, M/n-ie. I won’t take it back, I promise. Come here,” She held her arms out and I immediately went into them.
Pressing my face into her shoulder and wrapping my arms around her. As she embraced me back I could smell the comforting scent of her jasmine perfume that she’s been using since middle school. Her hand went up to pet my hair soothingly.
For a moment it was as it should be. A little brother being comforted by his big sister.
“What are you two doing in the hallway?” We heard.
Before I could pull away Jillian held me closer, “Hugging. Like family.” Her voice was almost cold.
“He’s the owner of a company, you shouldn’t be holding him like that. He’s not a child.”
It made sense who it was now.
“Jaeseok, he’s our little brother. It doesn’t matter if he owns a company or not. He felt under the weather so I’m helping.” Our sister shot back, keeping a firm hold on me.
“He’s an adult. If he has problems he needs to deal with them on his own, Jiann.”
Great now my brother and sister were bickering in the hallway. What made this worse was I couldn’t really say anything, due to my face being in her shoulder.
“Family is supposed to help!”
“Family is to help expand the name.”
My sister let out a frustrated groan. I lightly pushed on her hip and she let me go.
I was met with the sight of my brother. He looked well-kempt yet so unkempt. He had on his usual suit, wrinkle-free, and lint-free. His hair looked like he had run his fingers through it repeatedly, and the dark circles under his eyes were impossible to ignore.
“Jae, when is the last time you slept!?” I asked, genuinely concerned.
Jae scoffed, “We don’t all get day-offs whenever we want. ”
I frowned at his response, of course, he would turn this into a fight, “But you should still take breaks. Your hours should give you plenty of time to sleep.”
Our sister tsked, “Don’t snap at our brother because you’re working overtime.”
“You’re working overtime!? I told you not to!” I exclaimed.
Our brother rolled his eyes, “If I don’t do it then who would?”
I scoffed at his clear delusion. These next few days would be hell.
“Why did you come over here for?” Jiann changed the subject.
“Right, our mother wishes to reserve a large building for our father’s birthday. She also would like to invite some of his family to our childhood home.”
There was silence.
“Well tell her she’s out of her fucking mind. The party happens here. This meant everything to Dad. The party happens here and we go back home for the night. Like always. I don’t care who she invites to the party but no one follows us back to our childhood home. That’s for family only. My sons and husband don’t even join us and neither does your wife, what makes her think they’re invited? No.” Jiann was firm, crossing her arms, just waiting for someone to defy her.
“They’re even lucky to be invited to the party itself. They call us entitled pricks but want to be part of us when it comes to social events.” I muttered.
“Exactly my point. No. They don’t get to come back to our family home. They also don’t get family passes as they are here. They don’t get special treatment.”
Jae seemed to nod thinking it over, “I agree. Having them think they can do as they please won’t be good for our company’s image. Or our family’s image. I’ll let security know of their names and faces. I’ll also brief them on how to properly handle them if they cause a scene.”  
Like I need more problems.
“What will they do if they DO cause a scene?” Jiann asked.
“Well, we can’t have them be loud, they would draw too much attention we’ll just–”
“CEO-nim!” I heard, making us jump a little.
A woman, looking highly professional jogged up to us, holding documents to her chest.
“We have another problem. Some of the computers in the game development floor have been damaged. I attempted to get ahold of Mr.Katashi but was unable to.”
Oh great, more problems.
My favorite.
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I somewhat had everything under control by lunch. Someone had corrupted a few computers. I had to emergency order new ones and help transfer the files over and had the corrupted computers stored away as evidence. I was walking around the programmers, making sure I was there if there were any signs of any glitching computers.
I was pretty sure that whoever was doing this was selecting a special set of computers, the ones with all the character designs and code that took too long to recreate at this point. I made sure to tell Jason to find the best cybersecurity team he could. I needed to guard this project with my life and I wouldn’t let my father’s dream die with me.
I was pacing back in forth between the row of game developers when I was approached.
It was a nice looking man. He seemed small. Not in height, but in the way he presented himself. He was dressed in a simple dress shirt, straightened pants, and tie. His dark hair was covering his forehead and he looked out of place. Afraid to meet my gaze, afraid to catch too much attention. He was holding files and USB drives but looked like if I said “boo” he would drop everything and run.
He must be new.
“Hello, how can I help you?” I asked in the nicest voice I could.
He played a little bit with the edges of the folders before speaking, “I’m with the cybersecurity team… They sent me to…,” He seemed to be stuck or thinking of what to say, “To set up.” His voice sounded like it could be attention-catching if he tried. Not too high-pitched and had a certain roughness to it.
“Ah! Of course! We had computers and space for your set up in the room next to the security room.” I informed, moving to borrow the post-it notes from one of the developers to write down the code to the mostly empty room, “If any of you have any questions or needs, feel free to call my personal number. It’s close to us all ordering lunch so call the front desk if you have any differences in dietary needs.” I handed him the post-it note with a warm smile.
He quickly took the note, gave me a small bow, and rushed off.
Poor dude.
I moved back to my work at hand, making a mental note to visit them later.
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A little later into the afternoon I was in my office, trying my best to look over the security footage. It didn’t look like the files were corrupted manually. No one was there in person but it still gave me a strange feeling. This obviously wasn’t just some teenagers just goofing around. I let out a loud groan, knowing this would kill me until I figured out who did it.
I got up out of my seat and gathered the papers I needed to sign off on and approve. I shoved them all into a folder, grabbed a couple of pens, a few stationery items for organization reasons, and headed off to the cybersecurity room.
Upon reaching the room I began to think about how they would all react seeing their boss watch over them as they worked.
Would they feel pressure?
Would I make them uncomfortable?
I decided to just knock on the door. If I made them uncomfortable they could tell me and I would leave.
As soon as my knuckles hit the door it flung open to reveal the guy before. This time his hair was a little ruffled, pushed back to show off his forehead, and his tie pulled loose.
“Good! Saves me the trouble of having to find you, come in!” He gave me a smirk and went back into the room.
Well, that was a turn of a personality.
The room we had set up for them was all set up into cubicles. At first, I was against it but they had large whiteboards on the cubical walls and had their own privacy. The guy before led me to the end and sat down at his new desk, his screen was pulled up to a jumbled mess of codes that hurt my eyes to look at for too long.
“You were definitely about to be hacked. I’m not sure what they did that they ruined it so badly but we can try to trace him in a few moments.” He explained.
“So what's the next step I should take after this?” I questioned, putting my hand on the back of his chair to lean forward and look at the wall of code.
The man seemed to be thrown off by my question. I wasn’t going to be confident if I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing or what this all meant. He was a professional. I saw it best to ask for his opinion.
“Uh…Uhm…W-Well, the next step is to contact the authorities. This is a crime after all.”
“Isn’t tracing them a crime too though?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“Eh, not really. If I was hacking into their computer for private information then it would be a crime. Like they tried to do here. But I’m just getting the general idea of their location, its pretty public despite what everyone thinks.”
There was a pause.
“…..So how much can I pay you so we aren't public?”
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“Hey, dick, we need to talk.” Jason busted into the once quiet cybersecurity room.
I had taken up an empty cubical that was at the very end facing the other cubicles. I could see the door and only the sides were up. I had papers scattered around in semi-neat piles, my hand starting to cramp from all the signing and notes I’ve made.
The small cybersecurity team almost jumped out of their skin upon Jason’s entrance.
I let out a large sigh, “If it has anything to do with I.P. Addresses, VPNs, or how I’m a fucking idiot, I already got that talk, and I don’t want to hear it.”
Jihun, the man who did a fucking 180 in personality held back a laugh at my irritation.
“Do I look like I know anything about computers? It’s not about that, the police are in your office right now waiting for you. ”
“Police? I requested only one detective?” I looked up from my papers.
Jason let out a sigh, “I tried to tell them that but he insisted that he needed his partner.”
I let out a groan, “Fiiinnnne.”  I stood up reluctantly and shot Jihun a quick, “I’ll be back.”
As soon as we were out the room, Jason shoved me into the wall.
“Ow! What the fuck was that!?” I asked, my voice higher pitched in shock.
“This is by far the dumbest thing you’ve ever done!” He hissed.
“That’s not true! I’ve done far more idiotic things in my life!” I defended, standing straight in protest.
“You asked for the detective working the kidnapping case to work your hacking case!”
I let out another sigh. I should’ve known he would lose his mind.
“Seung Eunsuk isn’t going to link the two. Relax.” I rolled my eyes.
“And if he does!?”
“Then it’s your fault for being so jumpy. He was pretty opinionated and since he’s newish, he’s going to be fair.” I reasoned as I pressed the elevator button.
“You think that now, but when he has cuffs on you I will be there to say I told you so.” I gave Jason a side-ways glance in judgment.
“…He’s not going to solve THAT problem. You dirty-minded jerk.”
Jason’s eyes widened as I stepped into the elevator, “…You kinky bitch.”
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“Detective Seung! I’m glad you can make it.” I announced as I entered the room.
Sure enough, there were two officers in the room. The older officer was the same from last time, only this time he looked more fidgety. Like something was off.
Eunsuk was looking at a paperweight I had on my desk, completely calm. Upon seeing me a small smile lit up his face, “Mr.L/n. Glad to be here.”
I could feel Jason roll his eyes behind me at our teasing remarks, “Please, have a seat. We have a few things to talk about.”
Eunsuk put down the paperweight and patted the older officer’s arm like he was telling him silently to do so as well.
“So, we heard you had a hacking?” Eunsuk questioned, pulling out his notepad and flipping to an empty page.
I made a hum of confirmation as I began to pour them water, “It wasn’t too long ago. They somehow messed up so badly that they corrupted a few of our computers.”
“Any idea where the hack came from?”
“Not yet. Our CyberSecurity team is working on it.”
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to have a few programmers from the police department to come down and check it out as well.”
“I don’t have a problem with that. Just be sure to ask our teams leader, Jihun about it as well.”
“Jihun? May I have his full name?”
“He just goes by Jihun and doesn’t seem to fond of formal speech.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. May we take the corrupted computers in as evidence? That might help.”
“Jihun had the computers sent to their room. You should be able to get at least one or two from him.”
“Understood. Lastly, do you know anyone who would think to do this? Any enemies recently for  Barnanby Inc? Piss anyone off?”
“Eunsuk.” The older detective’s voice sounded like a warning. Like I was going to rip Eunsuk’s head off for asking such a question.
“Our company is now the third biggest in South Korea. We have many people jealous, but no one has threatened us or made their hatred obvious enough for us to see.”
Eunsuk nodded as he wrote one last thing then closed his notepad, “Alright, I have a feeling the cyber people will point us in the right direction. It’ll help us narrow it down so much more. We’ll keep in touch?”
I nodded extending my hand out to shake his, “We will, Jason will give you my number as well as escort you to our CyberSecurity room. If you should need me or have any questions, don’t hesitate to call!”
Eunsuk happily shook my hand, “We’ll figure this out, M/n. I promise.”
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I had worked well through the morning. When lunch had swung around I was planning on putting it off in all honesty. I hoped the lunch break time would be put to me making a serious dent in my work.
I still had several things to go through and about 3 meetings scheduled back to back. I had been neglecting my work for a little too long that it came back to bite my ass. As I was calling an investor things took a turn, however.
“You want the first-ever game my father developed? May I asked why?” I was taken aback on why this would even be asked.
Ever since my father started to company, his game developing had been long forgotten since he wanted my mother to be the spotlight. No other investor or partner has asked about his work. They were more interested in how well we would market the game and how much income would come from it.
“You said that most games would be inspired by your father’s ideas and unfinished projects. I’d like to see what he had in mind.”
“I understand. If you could, may I have a few days to get it to you? They’re all in our family home, I’m just unsure of where.”
“Of course. I’ll give you a week. That will give me enough time to look over what else you have to offer me.”
“Thank you, Sir. I’ll be sure to make sure your time is not being wasted. I hope you have a great week.”
As soon as I hung up I let out a groan.
I had to go through everything in my father’s office. That didn’t seem too hard, however, my mother just gathered almost everything my dad had and just stashed them in his office. An out of sight out of mind tactic that would be my doom.  
As I cussed under my breath I reluctantly grabbed my blazer to pull on like a child who got yelled at his mom for not wearing their jacket outside and made my way to the elevator to go to the parking lot.
I didn’t even know where my father stashed all his games. I just found one of his notebooks with ideas inside of it. Even then I didn’t feel right reading it. Like it was a private thing. Now I had to look through EVERYTHING.
Out of irritation I began to press the parking lot bottom harshly and was jump scared by the doors opening at the lobby.
At the door stood Jason with a cooler bag slung over his shoulder, looking irritated and tired.
“Hey there, Loser. Got any lunch money?” I teased.
Once he looked up he seemed relieved and rushed into the elevator to push a random button to make the door closed. As soon as the door was closed he shoved the bag into my hands with a sigh.
“And this is?” I asked, not fully understanding what was in the bag.
“If it’s body parts, there are better ways to get me to dispose of a body for you,” I added.
He only gave me a tired glare, wordless.
My eyes widened, “IS it body parts!?” I quickly unzipped the bag.
No body parts. Only tupperware with food inside of it.
“It isn’t. That’s disappointing.” I mumbled.
“It’s from the guys. They were worried that you’d skip lunch.” Jason grumbled as he leaned against the wall.
“Oh. Well, that’s nice. I was about to head to grab something then go to my mom's. One less stop.” I smiled, feeling warm inside with the thought of them making my lunch.
“What? Why?”
“I have work still. But an investor asked for my dad’s earliest game, so I have to go through his office to find it. ”
Jason only nodded as the elevator doors opened.
“I’ll be sure to stop by the bunker to talk to the boys.” I promised as I began to exit.
“Good. They ask too many questions. I’ll get a few things off your desk to take to the bunker so you won’t miss work.”
“I appreciate you!” I called as I began to jog to my car.
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I let out an irritated sigh as my third call to my mom when unanswered. I wasn’t going to play cat and mouse all day because she never liked to be home. So I walked off the porch and to a certain bush to get the spare key.
Once I opened the door I made a b line to my father’s old office and immediately opened a window. The room was almost foggy from the dust in the air. Like an ancient tomb that was too precious to open.
I let out a cough and tried to cover my mouth and nose with the neck of my shirt as I began to search through his desk.
I let out a groan once I realized NOTHING was organized. My mom must have gone through it when he passed and didn’t even consider that anyone would come back in here. I looked around the cluttered room in horror.
Books were thrown about. Papers scattered. Boxes loaded with everything from clothes to old computer parts were placed around the room.
Knowing there was no way around this I began to clean.
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Once I had almost everything in its rightful place I still hadn’t found my dad’s games. I figured I wasn’t looking hard enough and began to load everything into my car to look through at the office since I had been there for longer than needed.
I made sure to sit on my office couch as I went through box after box.
It was pretty mundane. It was starting to get really boring until I came across a book. It was a book about animation which was to be expected but a few of the pages had marks in the corner, like quickly scribbled numbers. A few pages were torn out and torn in half.
I frowned as I began to flip through, not really noticing a pattern in the numbers or even knowing what the numbers would be to.
“I HAVE MADE AN ENTRANCE!” A loud booming sound came from my office door.
Out of pure reflex, I chucked the book I was holding at the door.
A loud thud and screech rang through the room as my eyes began to focus on who came through the door.
It was my little sister, cringing away from one side of the door that the book seemingly hit. Her eyes were wide and her mouth parted open in shock.
I let out an almost snort as I held my hands out, “Jieun, my bad! Don’t do that! I get you wanted dramatic effect but holy fuck give me a warning.” I complained.
“Give YOU a warning!? You threw a book at me!” She got out of her shocked position to clench her fists at her sides.
“I thought you were a monster!”
“HOW OLD ARE YOU!?” I giggled at the question.
“Will you forgive me if I eat lunch with you?”
“…It’s 2 pm.” I rolled my eyes.
“All you had to say was ‘no’.” I pouted as I got up to look for the bag Jason gave me earlier that day.
“I dropped by to see how my amazing brother was doing,” I could practically hear the sugar drip from her lips as I began to unpack my food.
“Cut the uwu crap and tell me why you’re really here.” I sighed as I opened the larger container that had rice in it.
She let out a groan and stomped over to plop herself on the couch across from me, “Mom didn’t like that you guys cut Dad’s family out of visiting our childhood home so she’s inviting them to our apartment. One of their brats already occupied my room.”
The irritating thing about this was the fact that our childhood home was already paid for, but my mother refused to live there because it was too much of a reminder to what was. So she insisted to move into a luxury two-bedroom apartment in Gangnam.
I let out a scoff as I poked at the fried chicken that had gone soggy in a container covered in some kind of sauce. Jae was paying for that apartment, yet even HE couldn’t enforce anything, “I bet Jae would love to know that.” I smirked.
“I tried to tell her we don’t want them around us be she went on and on about how we were family and how I should be nice! Can I just please stay with you?” She whined.
I began to think it over as I chewed, “I don’t think you can.”
“Why nooooot!?” I tried not to enjoy her misery.
“I’m not staying at my apartment. So you can stay there, you’ll just be alone and then our siblings will chew me out for leaving a 17 year-old girl alone in an apartment in Gangnam.” I muttered, shoving my face with more food, and then moved to open another container.
“We can just keep a secret!”
“I doubt that.”
“C’monnn! Pleasseee!”
“How about this, you go ask Jilly and Jae about staying with them, if they both say no, then you can have the keys by tonight.” I bargained.
She lit up, “Seriously!?” I nodded, “ILLGOASK!” She nearly yelled and bolted towards the door.
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I quickly finished my work to look through old floppy disks and USB drives my father had stocked up. I had told my assistant to push everything back that day.
It was around dinner time when I found a flash drive that caught my attention.
Most of them were files for unfinished games, ideas, and a mess of coding that didn’t make sense to my idiotic brain. But this USB drive had only two folders.
Both were password protected.
Once I clicked on them the command prompt on my computer popped up asking for the password.
I let out a sigh as I entered my mom’s birthday.
Access Denied. The command prompt closed.
I opened and tried my twin sibling’s birthday.
Not it.
I let out a groan and began to enter mine, trying to get it out of the way before I entered Jieun’s birthday which I was SURE was the password if it wasn’t my mother’s.
Upon pressing enter after the last digit of my birthday year the words ‘access granted’ appeared in the command prompt, the small window closed up, and the file opened.
There were 4 documents there.
My fingers itched to click on one of the other files. Two were popular in media. Lee Animations had rebranded to Lee Entertainment a few years back. They hired idols and actors. Their animations were no longer being made by them, they chose to switch to the idol and film business pretty late. Everyone thought they would go bankrupt.
Gwan Broadcasting was a thing before my father even went to America. Years and generations in the company as well as very good dramas and sub-networks under their belt.
An Haewon. The name didn’t even begin to register in my memory.
Against my impulses, I clicked on the ‘READ FIRST’ file.
You’re reading this because you snooped in my things… OR I handed you this after you finished college but let's be honest with ourselves the first option is more likely.
I hope by now you’ve grown and I’ve handed the company over to you. So just have a drink with me after this because I have a few things to get off my chest.
I didn’t get this company JUST through hard work. I hope as time goes on you begin to understand the circumstances that led me to make the decisions I made and the actions I took.
I won't ask for forgiveness.
Just understanding.
I’ve made the three other files to explain why these three people, these three companies want to see you suffer. To see us suffer.
Against my instinct to be the father you respect and admire, I tried to explain the truth and not what would make me look good.
The second password-protected folder is of the things they wanted from me. Either wanting them back or wanting to steal away.
I love you. I hope by explaining these things you can learn from them and make better decisions for the company and family.
Whatever you decide, just know I fully support it. I would never be disappointed in you. You’ve been the most hard-working out of all my children. You were quiet but your drive to achieve was always there. Even as I write this you’re at our dining room table studying. I still don’t know what the fuck twelve times nine is and to be completely honest I couldn’t care less.
Take care, Mn-ie.
Your Reckless Asshole Father,
L/N Jaeseong
I could feel tears trail down my cheeks as I quickly closed the document and raced to click on the one under it.
“M/N!” The sudden sound of my office door flying open again made me jump.
My siblings have arrived.
Jiann was now in front of my desk, arms folded in anger. She looked like my mother ready to rock my shit.
Jaeseok was holding firmly on our younger sister’s arm as she was pouting, looking at the floor.
“Why are you crying?” Jae asked, making my older sister’s face soften.
“It’s over my dick size, what do you all want?” I quickly replied.
My older sister’s face hardened again, all business, “Did you tell our sister that if we both said no to her staying with us that she could stay at your empty apartment!?”
“I did. Jae, don’t hold too tight her skin is sensitive.” I frowned.  
“Exactly, she’s sensitive and you want her in an apartment by herself!?” Jae threw back in my face.
I rolled my eyes, “That apartment is more than secure. It’s not like I live in a crappy apartment give me SOME credit.”
“She’s going to be seventeen soon. I know that’s not an adult at that age but I was that age when I started taking care of her and started getting ready to take over the company. She’s not a child.”
“Yes! She is! And so were you! Don’t make this a toxic cycle, M/n!” Jiann snapped.
“Don’t be dramatic. It’s not like I have a kid and handed it to her like ‘you’re the mom now’, it’s just a few nights in a secure apartment that she wouldn’t HAVE to stay in if you two got your mother in check. ” My voice was filled with irritation that began to build.
I closed pulled the USB out and put it in my desk as Jiann began her verbal assault, “She’s OUR mother. Just because you helped raise our sister doesn't mean you stop being her son! We’re getting the situation handled.”
“Well until you do, I want my baby sister comfortably living in my apartment.” I snickered as I stood up to try to pry Jaeseok’s hand off of my little sister.
“She can put up with it for a day or two.” Jaeseok growled.
I shoved his hand off and turned Jieun towards the door to leave, “She already did put up with it for a day or two. My sister shouldn’t HAVE to put up with anything uncomfortable in her own fucking home. So I’m taking her to mine since our mother STILL isn’t a considerate enough parent to care about her child rather than fucking leeches. Now if you would excuse me, I’m going to go have dinner with my PERFECTLY CAPABLE sister and then show her where she will be staying. I want you out of my office when I get back and I want the situation handled within 48 hours.” I ordered as I guided Jieun out the office.
“They’re going to get mad at you for talking to them like that.” Jieun warned.
“They’ll have to deal with it. I’m their boss until we split the company. I give orders not sympathy.” I grumbled as I pushed the elevator button.
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I had taken Jieun to my apartment. I had ordered us dinner while she unpacked.
The mood was light but had a dark undertone.
It was oddly nostalgic. My sister moving things in my closet to make space for her things because she didn’t feel safe in her own room.
Us alone in the apartment getting our own dinner because we didn’t expect our mom home until the very early hours of the morning.
“I ordered fried chicken. The app said it should be here in a few minutes. I hope that’s okay with you.” I called over as I began to clear off the coffee table.
“Is it yangnyeom?” She called back.
I couldn’t help the smile that came onto my face, “Yes. I even asked for extra sauce because you like the spice.”
“….what about beer?”
I rolled my eyes, “I have some in the fridge you delinquent.”
She let out an excited ‘yay’ and began to put her clothes in my closet in a more excited manner.
“How is school going?”
“Alright, It’s pretty boring though.”
“Boring, how?”
“Well, I only have one true friend and days just repeat themselves.”
“Then join a club.”
“I DID.” I let out a chuckle at her outburst.
She skipped out of the bedroom and bounded over to the fridge, “Who would’ve thought at 16 I would be drinking a beer with my older brother in a penthouse apartment in Gangnam that he’s going to leave me with.” I only shook my head at her.
“Please don’t filter yourself when you tell me how living with mom is REALLY going.” I began as she made her way to the living room with two beers.
“Well, mom is just like she was before. Never rhere. Sometimes she goes out with friends or she just kinda leaves and doesnt say anything.”
“…Does she at least make dinner?”
“Nope. She barely speaks to me unless we’re all gathered together.”
I knew this was going to be a mistake. One that would make my sister and brother furious. My mother would kill me. I knew if my dad were here he would understand at least.
“Okay.” I sighed as I fished in my pocket.
I pulled out the apartment keys and placed them on the table.
My sister looked at them then back at me in confusion, “You can have it. Don’t worry about rent, or money. I’ll handle it. Just please be safe and stick to studying and working hard. The last thing I want is you deciding to fuck off instead of go to school.”
“YOU’RE GIVING ME AN APARTMENT!?” Her eyes twinkled with tears and excitement.
“Yeah, everyone will kill me if they find out so move in slowly. Act like you’re just staying here for a few days. I’ll tell security that you’re staying here now. Just please don’t burn the place down.”
“I would NEVER.” Jieun gasped dramatically.
I gave her a pointed look, “Remember when you tried to be nice to me and make curry and yo–”
I only shook my head and reached over for the remote.
Even when I turned on the TV I didn’t focus on it. My mind only wandered to what the following days would be.
After all I left 9 people alone in my bunker with no contact all day. I mean they could wait.
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( Previous Chapter ) - ( Next Chapter : COMING SOON )
Taglist: @butterfliespoison​ @hermionepweasley​ @jikooksgirl19​ @toddsgirl27 @armycandy10​ @justqueerandhereforthetea​ @luvufoolish @bubblegummbutts @krystle1990​
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artificialqueens · 4 years
The Goode Case, 14/14 (Multi) - Juno
Chapter Summary: Jaida, Brita and Jackie try to plan for the three of them to go bowling. Of course, that might not work out quite as planned!
(A/N: So ….. this is the end of TGC! It’s the epilogue, and I wanted to give them all an ending, so here it is. I’ve been so blown away by the support I’ve received for this fic, even though it’s completely insane and no one asked for it! Thank you to everyone who has left me a like, kudos, comment, or just read it and enjoyed it. It really does mean the world! xo Juno)
Tuesday 14thNovember
Brita:Do u want to go bowling this Friday? Xx
Jackie:The three of us??
Jaida:I don’t think three is quite enough sis. Not for a good game. We’ll be done in half an hour!
Brita:LOL if that’s a hint then yes u can ask Jan xx
Jaida smiled to herself. If she hadn’t been thinking it before, she definitely was now. She was having a great time getting to know who Jan was, and what made her tick, these past ten days or so. Hearing Jan’s unbelievable singing voice at full pelt in Jan’s little Fiat 500. Playing around doing lay-ups at the basketball court and normally losing to Jan, even thought she was the shorter of the two. Getting their legs tangled in the sheets at the end of the day …
Oh yes. Jaida had enjoyed every minute.
Jackie:Ok, I don’t need to read minds to see how this will go……..
Jaida: lmao really? X
Brita:Enlighten us Jacqueline xx
Jackie:Obvs we three want to go
Jackie:Jai invites Jan
Jackie:Brita wants to invite a gf if Jai is inviting one
Jackie:So now Aiden is coming
Jackie:Aiden always brings Crystal
Jackie:Crystal always brings Gigi
Brita:Aiden isn’t my gf
Jaida:and Im Oprah
Brita:shush Jai xx
Brita:we just had a couple dates so far thats all xx
Jackie:Ok so I actually laughed
Jackie:Heidi & Nicky heard me
Jackie:So they invited themselves
Jaida:oh that’s cool no problem x
Jackie seemed to see more of Heidi than Jaida did right now. Jaida might have felt strange before, the thought of her friend and her colleague mingling, no careful divide in her mind; but that was fading fast. Nicky had started teaching Heidi some useful French, rather than just more swearing, and now they were organising for Nicky to come into Heidi’s kindergarten class with some basic French for the kids.
As for Brita … well, if there was one thing Jaida had learned about her through the Goode case, it was that she often had a slightly devious ulterior motive in these innocent suggestions. And although Jaida still didn’t feel as if she knew Aiden very well yet, she’d noticed that Brita had never spent more time daydreaming in the office; prompting a few pens being thrown at her by Jackie all last week.
Brita:How many is that? I suck at math lmao
Jackie:is that nine?
Jackie:one more to make it even??
Jaida: Dahlia, I said I would organise something with her
Brita: sis u cant invite Dahl without Rock xx
Jackie:Ok look
Jackie:We can’t have eleven
Jackie:That’s an even weirder number than 3!!
Jackie:Maybe we should stick to us 3
Jackie:No friends
Jackie:no gfs
Jackie:No psychics
Brita:no psychics? So we not going either?? LOL
“Hey, Jaida.” Widow came out of her room, waving to Jaida on the couch, as she walked past to the kitchen. Jaida gave her a smile and a wave back.
Widow was still walking a little slower than usual, but finally getting back into a routine. She’d flown back from KC on Sunday night, but even the week before that, she’d seemingly made some progress. She had even started coming to talk to Jaida, feeling a bit more comfortable sharing things with her.
Jaida was struck with inspiration.
Brita:also Jackie why cant u just type a message in one line Xx
Jaida:I got it, my housemate Widow to make it 12 x
Jackie: Who?
Brita:yeah u may not have met her yet
Brita:Jai I thought u said she doesn’t like big crowds xx
Jaida: something tells me things may change x
Friday 17thNovember
“Child, I still don’t get why it’s called football.” Jaida teased Jan, as they sat waiting for their turns to come back round. Heidi was lining up her shot in the distance, but neither Jaida nor Jan knew the scores at this moment. “They don’t even use their feet! They use their hands! And it’s not a ball! It’s an egg! Hand-egg!”
“Jai, if you insult my precious Patriots one more time, I’ll –“
“Jan! Focus!” Heidi was calling her. “Your shot, boo!”
“Be right back after I hit a strike!” Jan reached over to kiss Jaida gently on the lips.
“Oh, so you’re not coming back?” Jaida tutted, unable to stop the grin spreading across her face. Jan playfully slapped her arm and grinned back at her.
The aisles were only good for six people each, so they’d booked two beside each other, and it looked like couples’ night in the opposite lane. Brita’s impressive round of strikes and spares was almost matched by a few strikes from Crystal, all of which she claimed were flukes. She hadn’t stopped laughing all evening, clinging to Gigi, who smiled coolly and pushed her hair out of her eyes whenever Crystal did so. Gigi herself was making a respectable score behind the two of them, claiming to just have a magic touch.
Dahlia, however, kept sinking almost every ball into the drain and sulking as she did so, going into the sixth round with only seven points on the board. Aiden, whose twelve points were almost as bad, ended up insisting on the fences being raised after her third straight round of hitting nothing, prompting Rock to hit trick shots for the rest of the evening, bouncing her bowling balls between the fences and making her turns take twice as long.
It was Widow who came to sit in Jan’s empty seat, the mischievous glint in her eyes slowly returning as the days went on. Jaida returned her smile, and Widow reached and rubbed Jaida’s forearm.
“Thanks for inviting me, sis,” she muttered. “It’s – it’s a good night.”
When Jaida had asked, Widow had hesitated in coming out as part of a large group. Following Tori’s funeral the previous weekend, Widow had insisted on a quiet time all week. But the crowd brought her straight in, particularly Heidi and Brita, who she had already met. She even seemed to click with Jackie almost immediately, both of them shrieking with glee at discovering a mutual love of Overwatch and swapping Xbox names to link up later.
But Jackie and Widow were already competing. On the scoreboard in their lane, Widow was leading the team, but only by two points, with Jackie right behind her, almost matching every single strike. Jaida was enjoying seeing them show competitive sides that they rarely did, both of them playing up the competition by pointing menacingly at each other after each turn. Jaida, Jan, Heidi and Nicky were all lagging behind them, all in a cluster, but none of them minded; they were far too amused by Jackie and Widow to care.
Jaida looked at all their names altogether on the scoreboard, and the other names on the other lane. It still felt a little weird, but Jaida was actively trying to focus on it, and tell herself that it was all good. The separation she’d held onto for so long had crumbled, and here they all were – friends, colleagues, housemates, girlfriends – all in the same space.
And bringing her friends together, into one space in her life, made Jaida feel a lot more complete.
She grinned at Widow and turned to watch Jan, who was picking up every spare bowling ball and testing their weights, before commenting on the balls all being too big and settling on the lowest weight. Jackie, next to her, was giggling at her comment.
“You like them, now that you met them?”
“I hate to admit it, but yeah,” Widow chuckled. “They’re all really, uhm –“
“Exuberant? Energetic?”
“Loud,” Widow chuckled again. “I’m getting a headache. But – they’re all so nice as well.”
They were interrupted by a whoop of joy and a leap in the air; Jan had somehow managed a strike with her tiny ball and was twirling on the spot, her blonde hair spinning a whirlwind round her face and shoulders.
“Your girlfriend – Jan – is she your colleague as well?” Widow motioned to Jan.
“No, I met her through Brita.”
“And the three students? Sorry, I can’t remember their names.”
“I can’t discuss the case, but I met them through work.”
“And the girl with blue hair?”
“That’s Dahlia’s girlfriend, Rock.”
“Rock?” Widow repeated. “As in, rock solid? Rock ‘n’ roll?”
Widow’s eyes moved between them all on the opposite lane. Gigi was lazily twirling a finger through one of Crystal’s curls, while Crystal gazed enraptured at the scoreboard, for once still and silent; Gigi seeming to be the only person able to quieten her. Aiden, whose turn it was, held a bowling ball to her torso and was trying to keep a straight face as Brita, stood next to her, held another ball and was somewhat innocently demonstrating which fingers were best to use for the holes.
In their own lane, Jan and Jackie were calling to Nicky, whose turn it was; but Nicky was curled under Heidi’s arm in the booth next to them, her long legs swung over Heidi’s lap, holding her phone and scrolling down while they both stopped for a few seconds, chuckling at whatever was on the webpage they were going through.
Jaida smiled at Widow’s bemused expression. “You’ll get used to them.”
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baekhyub · 5 years
It’s different - Mark Lee
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warnings : car sex, fluff
Alternative Universe Mark Lee Best Friends To Lovers AU!
You and Mark had always been good friends ever since you’d met . You made him when you first joined high school and from then you instantly clicked when you began talking to him as he was the locker next to you
Not to be mean or anything but mark and I have always been at different “social standards” as people awfully would call these days and all my friends would tease me for hanging out with him even though I loved hanging out with Mark more than anyone in the world
He knows everything about me
He knows what i like
He knows what I love
What’s my favourite food
My favourite show
My favourite movie
My favourite words
Basically everything we get each other and i love it but no one else understands it usually calling us a “weird pairing”
I remember when we turned 16 we would always go to the drive in movie theatre and it was so cute but I remember the first time I was really nervous , do I cuddle him ? Or not , do we share snacks or not? Is that just a couple thing
I always turned away the idea that I ever had a crush on mark but I only realised it when he wasn’t around me anymore
We graduated school and promised to talk to each other every day
We went to two different universities in two different places
Sure we talked for a few days but soon after everything stopped
No texts
No FaceTime
No phone calls
No meet ups
That was it
A few months back I tried texting him but someone replied saying they didn’t know who I was and I found out he’d changed his number
I tried to find him on Instagram but i can’t
So I eventually gave up and officially got not so much mad but quite upset at the fact he done that to me
The next week i decide to take a trip back home and I’ve never been more excited to see my family I haven’t seen them in so long being away in a different country for uni
When I arrive I greet everyone and it really truly does feel like home
I decide to hop in my car and drive round the neighbourhood
As I’m driving I lose track of where I am and as I look around I realise I’m in marks street where he lived I notice all the houses and trees in the exact spot from when I used to come to visit mark usually taking the bus and finally I reach marks house . I stop outside and look for a minute reminiscing the past and how much fun we would have together for basically nothing I start to tear up but quickly wipe away my tears , why am I so affected by this he’s just a stupid boy
When I am getting ready to drive away that’s when I see him
He walks out his house
He has blonde hair now he must of dyed it
He’s wearing a shirt with a black denim jacket and black ripped jeans with a nice pair of boots but where is his glasses he would always wear ?
He looks good he looks really good, better than I remember
I’m considering going out to see him
Is that weird ?
We haven’t spoke in a very long time
Does he even remember me ?
And he walks back in his house after getting something out his car
I decide I’m gonna do this what’s the worst that could happen , we’re older now and more mature
I park my car and I nervously step out
I come to his fence and pause for a second contemplating if I should really do this
I decide yes just do it
I open the gate and walk up the steps and finally I am on his porch for the first time in 5 years
I knock the door and I stand there nervously
fumbling with my own hands and then becoming sweaty out of my nerves
I feel my heart beat out of my chest as I hear him walking towards the door
He opens it rather quickly and then looks at me for a second and then goes
He practically shouts before leaning in to give me a hug
I hesitate for a second before deciding to hug him back
“I’ve not seen you in forever Mark”
“Yeah i know it’s been a long long time”
“You changed your number” I asked with a slight show of annoyance in my voice making sure he would understand
“Oh yeah sorry I got a new contract for my phone and everything and I couldn’t message you any way to tell you I had a new number so sorry”
“I was really hurt about that you know”
“y/n I’m so sorry, please let me make it up to you”
“how can you make up ignoring someone for 5 years”
“You’re right thats not forgivable” he pauses for a minute, the air silent and things starting to be awkward
until he finally speaks up again
“Wanna go see a movie”
“At the drive in” ?
“Yes at the drive in”
“It’s still open”?
“Yes I actually checked yesterday that’s when i got back”
“You checked why”
“Just to remember old times you know”
“I get you”
“So tonight for the movie”
“Yes that sounds great”
“I’ll pick you up later”
“See you”
I rushed to my car I was excited? nervous? kinda scared? I don’t know how I feel I have mixed emotions right now
It was finally later on in the evening and Mark should be coming to pick me up soon
I wore a pair of leggings and an oversized jumper with some trainers but did my makeup nice
Just as I finished applying my lipgloss I heard a knock on my door...it must be him
I quickly grab my bag and head to the door
“Hey y/n you look nice”
“Oh it’s nothing”
I closed and locked the door behind me and I got into his car which was definitely upgraded from when what he would drive when we were in high school
we arrived at the drive in still as busy as ever and parked in our spot, it was a horror movie, Mark and I’s favourite
he reclined the chairs back and we sat down together in the back seat feat up on the chairs in front
We already brought snacks from both sides and had them placed in front of us
As the movie began me and mark didn’t really talk
Both of us definitely too nervous to speak
But I decided to crack the ice
“Feels weird doesn’t it”
“Yeah it does, feels like yesterday we were 16, I miss those days”
“Me too , so much, you don’t understand”
“You know I literally loved you y/n”
“I love you too mark your my best friend”
“No” he laughed “I had the biggest crush on you”
I went bright red “oh really”
“Yes i would die every time we hung out”
“That’s funny”
“Sorry are you weirded out by that, damn I knew I shouldn’t of said anything”
“No Mark It’s funny because I really liked you too”
“Yes dummy I always liked you I can’t tell you how devastated I was when we didn’t talk anymore it broke my heart”
“Me too y/n but I thought the only way would be to distance my self from you so it would hurt less and it worked for a while but now I’m back here” mark paused for a moment to hold my hand, “I’m back here with you in the drive in, our place, where we would spend countless weekends and we would sit here and cuddle and talk about everything together”
“Yeah” he leaned in and looked down at my lips
I looked down at his before looking into his eyes and then I closed my eyes and kissed him , I finally did it I’m kissing Mark Lee, my crush since forever, the moment feels unreal, my dreams coming true
He pulls away and then pulls me onto his lap
I sit on top of him kissing him more roughly and I start grinding down onto him(feeling confident) he grabbed onto my hips and starting rocking me back and forth against him until I felt him go hard through his tight ripped jeans he threw his head back onto the window on the back seat and I took this opportunity to kiss up his throat and I started to bite leaving hickeys down his neck “fuck y/n”
He sat up and lifted his shirt over his head and he did the same with me, lifting my jumper off and then quickly un doing my bra and my nipples went hard instantly as they hit the cold mark leaned forwards and started to bite my right nipple and then sucked on it making me whine he then did the same with my left driving me insane
He started to leave hickeys down the valley of my breasts and then trails kisses until he reaches my mouth again kissing me passionately
“I want you to ride my baby girl but we gotta be quiet”
“Okay” I reply quickly wanting to get into it
Mark helps me taking my leggings and underwear off, not caring who sees, and then I help him take his jeans off , as soon as they are off I start palming him through his underwear and I can see he is already wet leaking pre cum
“Fuck y/n stop teasing and take them off”
I take them off painfully slow just to tease him even more
I run my hand down his length and lightly squeeze him before I line myself up with his length
“Are you ready”
“I have been for a long time”
I slide down onto him moaning when he finally fits all the way in
I start to bounce on his dick gradually getting faster as I grip onto the headrest for support
Mark and I moan in sync but we’re trying to be as quiet as we can trying to make sure no one can hear us
Mark reached his hand out and starts to rub my clit and that’s when my hips twitch and I lose my fast pace
“FUCK MARK” I say as quietly as I can
He starts to rub faster trying to make me cum
“I’m gonna cum mark”
“Try told it in for a bit longer”
“I don’t know if I can”
Just then mark takes his hand away and grabs onto my hips fucking up into to me to try chase his own release
I start to clench around him really starting to give up
“Okay cum now”
I cum all over his dick and he pulls out and cums on my stomach pumping his length to get the last bits out
Luckily mark had towels so we cleaned ourselves up and got changed by the time we done that the movie had come to an end and we left to drive back to his house
“Well that was the best time I’ve ever had there”
“Not for me” I smirk
“WHAT how, was I not good enough”
Mark was concerned but I was laughing just teasing him
“My favourite time is when you got out the car and tripped in the mud , you were COVERED it was absolutely hilarious”
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coolgirl · 5 years
Jason expert rate Jason’s designs
sorry for being late i was busy with school but now i’m free so to celebrate. jason indulgence.
pre-crisis not robin
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very cute. i like that it has a lil more of flair to it? the collar and the lines on the gloves and the shorter cape.. also love it has pants. king rlly king. wonder if they already knew he was gonna be robin anyways or if they were still considering nightbird. anyways, 8/10 bc its cute
pre & post-crisis robin (bc its basically the same)
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i mean its a classic.. however it reminds me jason was the only robin who was simply given dick’s clothes rather than like. have an unique look? which sucks. 7/10 middle child syndrome is REAL
post-crisis robin (winter edition)
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OKAY NOW THIS. i absolutely love. is it tacky? oh yes without a doubt. i still love the pants and the sleeves. finally winter clothes for this child, especially considering his new titans scene where he was bitching about the costume not being snow proof. he got what he wanted! 9/10
new 52/rebirth costume by
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EPIC. IDC I LOVE IT.the circles on his arms and his boots.. the lines on his legs.. i just love it. i love the red mask too… it feels.. not more unique, but feels more jason-y than the other costume. 10/10
NOW. onto older stuff
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as u can see im VERY confusion about the pouches and the straps?? why??? whats the purpose.. generally its fine. the white strand moved a nation and i think the chest piece is cool, but everything else.. uglee. like the long as hell jacket and him looking 40 years old like why r u 19 looking like fifty? ugly white man. 5/10
winicks/utrh version
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LITERALLY A CLASSIC. i love this costume sooo much. like jason obviously grew out of it, as in it wouldnt make sense for him anymore to go with something like this as his main costume because i feel like this fit the utrh mood (him not veing a vigilante/hero/villain whatver but trying to be a mob boss n shit) and it just. fucks. i love the helmet just being plain with no stupid mouth or nose shape. i simply love it. 10/10
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its just. its just the nightwing costume. didnt even try he just stole that from dick. he still rocks it and looks better than dick, and u gotta give him points for accessorizing with his dagger. 7/10
red robin 
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im not. a big fan of this costume.. i think the cowl is ugly, it just does not work for someone as big as jason… however i do like why he took this mantle and what it meant.. 6/10 no words head empty. 
oh brother. furryman
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ITS SUCH AN UGLY COSTUME. muzzle batman walked so muzzle red hood could run. its just. ugly like ugly. i dont like the ears or again the muzzle or whatever the hell is going on in the arms.. its just so edgy. 5/10
Injustice 2 batman
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I2 HAD IT IN THE BAG BABY. i like that its like classic batman costume but again! with some jason touches! the red eyes, the electric tiddies making a comeback.. epic genuinely epic. 10/10
and if ur not into evil jason
100% dad ‘i have my life figured out’ batman jason 
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just like the nightwing costume this is just. batman costume. nothing special or different from it so its like did u even try? BUT in this scenario it actually means smth that he stuck to bruces costume.. sweet.. but boring. 7/10
speaking of. evil ugly designs. ugh i hate this.
this motherfucker
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ive never. ever. felt as humiliated by a costume than thetime jason wore this. like MORTIFYING RLLY. its DISGUSTINGGG. the helmet shape. the fucking WHITE. the SKULL PLEASE WHO DESIGNED THIS WHO HATES ME IN PARTICULAR SO MUCH??? THIS MAN DOES NOT FUCK! HES UGLY! HE STINKS!!!! the red guns are epic that much i can say. LOOK AT THOSE PANS GOD ITS SO HUMILLIATING. 0/10 WORST COSTUME EVER.
HOWEVER. winick and the artist spun GOLD from it, because next time jason wore possibly my favorite costume to date
this motherfucker…2!
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like look how much better it looks with a little of swag.. the helmet without eyes.. the belts.. the fucking leather jacket.. keeping the red guns/gloves.. like seriously i dont know a better man. the skull is still awful and i wouldve replaced the white for black and MWAH best costume. like the black part at the top make it all red and the white make it black.. god this jason fucks massively i love him. 11/10 my favorite by a landslide perhaps
new 52/rebirth red hood
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OKAY I KNOW theyre slightly different (rebirth has shorter sleeves and a more padded look) but to me its like. same thing. okay i think its.. fine. its not phenomenal but its not ugly.. i like the brown jacket more than the black jacket i have to admit, its more distinctive and i simply like the color more, however i do not.. like jason having the bat symbol.. but thats also a me thing about how badly written this is. anyways. the helmet with the mouth disgusts me and everytime its drawn like that its humilliating. like. 7/10. maybe 7+. when it has the mouth or like nose ANY FACIAL EXPRESSION RLLY its a 5. 
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oh i absolutely despise that helmet. he looks like fucking. terminator. its the ugliest shape ive ever seen and the visor is.. huge. i dont like the shoulder pads either idk what the fuck its going on with the thing around his neck either.. like hes. knockout batman and i HATEEE IT. damians costume slaps tho. i just… its… ugly. like.. 3/10. 
get damian back arc red hood costume
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oh im a HUGE fan of this design.i love how his costume is designed in a way thats like. if jason was a dnd character he absolutely would be a tank. the padding, the red undertones everywhere, i just.. love it. i like how all the costumes were done to reflect their personalities you know.. i like this robin red hood hybrid. 9/10 would even say 10/10 bc i just enjoy how gleason draws jason.
red hood/arsenal costume
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its like. i dont hate it completely (i love the way the hood+helmet looks) and thats.. yeah thats pretty much all i like about it. i HATEEEE the vest i hate it fr.i hate how huge the sumbol is and idk this costume just does not spark joy. 5/10
outlaw costume
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okay this one. this one drives me insane. because like. okay i dig parts of it. i like the lack of sleeves. i like the gloves thingies. i like the hood. i could get aboard him ditching the helmet - it breaks all the damn time anyways. i like the stripes on his pants in the boots. ALL SEPARATE? NEAT. now i hate. hate. the muzzle. like WHY IT LOOKS SO UGLYYY LIKE SO UGLY like unless the artist GETS IT and is SEXY it looks awful. look at this
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AWFUL. also like it made sense for when he was on the run and he had to make do and assemble a costume from what he had but like now hes sponsored by lex, get that man a goddamn new suit already please. anyways. 6/10.. like i said i like many elements from it but its still.. kinda ugly all together and depends A LOT on the artist.
three jokers
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im torn on this one.. i think its a bit boring.. i dont rlly like the top part, it reminds me SOO much of that one tt issue where he beat the fuck out of tim while wearing a robin costume like i understad the implications of him wearing a costume thats similar to the robin blouse but im not a big fan.. also i prefer the brown leather jacket. its like not his worst costume by far but not the best.. like pretty basic?  i would say 6/10
tiny titans & lil gotham
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okay these two are like. pretty much the canon versions of robin and red hood HOWEVER they both have details that are different from the original version and DESERVE a mention. the curls on robin jason and jasons red gloves/belt are ICONIC. whoever designed them knew what they were about, so 10/10 best bapy jason.
arkham knight
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does the person who designed this know how much theyve done for the lgbt community? i hope they do. i love.. a lot about this costume. i love the ears, i love how techno it is, i love the layers to it.. im.. not a big fan of the whole military thingy but i have to admit that applying it to the design itself is kind of neat.. i love the colors too and how.. practical it is while being. well. kinda dramatic? the whole bat aesthetic.. yeah. i love it. 9/10
arkham red hood
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this one.. when u think about it the outlaw version is VEEERY similar to this one: the pants, the hood, the jacket eve. however i like this helmet so much more, i have a weakness for eyeless (??) helmets.. i like the little details of it as well, i remember that pic going around of it being held together with like. fuckign stitches and bandaids. legendary. i love this look, i would say 9+/10
injustice 2 jason
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okay gonna go ahead and say it: not a big fan of the helmet. it looks like.. a bug? the lenses do not spark joy. this bitch has many styles and like toners etc and i will no rate them all. i think its a pretty basic design, not the best but not the worst either. like if it was an exam i would make them pass but make faces at what im reading like eeehhhgh. 7/10.
hag jason
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middle one is like literally, on the outside and superficial level, just. his usual costume. the jacket and the grey kevlar and the bat. now the gloves are sexy as hell.. and in the whit ebackground one u can appreciate the under costume better and i really like it?? i just.. like the design. I HATE HOWEVER the bat helmet. WHY IS IT HOLLOW?? BITCH HELLO?? AND THE BATMAN SYMBOL DOES NOT MAKE SENSE! and i like things making sense!!!. we will not talk about jason in this book. like.. 8/10. maybe 9 if im feeling it.
hag jason 2: the hagger and the furious
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hes just.. a little old man.. he cannot change this.. i like this design. i like seeing jason grow old. wish it wasnt in this context. my father rlly. 8/10
am i forgetting any jays.. i wont do all animated robins because they all look the same and the one that doesnt i do not like. SO HERES my thoughts..
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Madelaine Petsch//Spilt Coffee (Part 2)
Request: God I just love your stories!! Can I request a Madelaine x fem reader? Maybe a part 2 of "spilled coffee" or something else. I'd love to see some angst, sweet stuff and some jealousy :)
part 1
“Babeeee.” Madelaine’s soft voice makes you smile while she shakes you gently. 
“Yeah?” You ask sleepily, slowly opening your eyes to see her staring at you, a soft smile on her face. However, there’s a hint of sadness behind it, and then you remember. “Today’s the day isn’t it?” Today had been the day the two of you were dreading. The day she had to go back to Vancouver to start filming for the new series of Riverdale. 
“Yeah...” She sighs. “I’m sorry babe.” She apologizes. 
“Its okay.” You lie. “We had a great day yesterday.” You force a smile and she returns it, both of you knowing the others is fake. “Let me get dressed and I’ll drop you off.” 
“No, baby, it’s fine. Its like 3am, go back to sleep.” She argues but you sit up and rub your eyes. 
“No, I’m taking you to the airport.’ You reply and she rolls her eyes playfully. 
“You’re so stubborn.” 
“I know.” You reply, the two of you smiling at each other for real this time. 
The drive to the airport was quiet. Your hand was in hers, and she would squeeze it every so often but you think that was more for her than you. Once you arrived, you smiled seeing the airport where you’d first met. 
“Where am I standing?” You ask, your voice quiet in the almost empty airport. 
“In people’s way.” She replies and you furrow your eyebrows until someone pushes past you. 
“You could have gone round.” You mutter and she giggles. “All this space and he had to walk into me.” You grumble, crossing your arms. “Anyway, I’ll ask again. Where am I standing?” 
“I dunno.” She replies and you stare at her, fake offended. 
“Picture me with coffee down my shirt?” You say and her face lights up as she remembers. 
“You’re standing where we first met!” She laughs. “You changed my entire world, coffee girl.” She says, wrapping her arms around you and pulling you close. 
“And you changed my world, clumsy girl.” 
“Hey!” She shoved you away softly and you laughed loudly. “I told you to stop calling me that...I’m not clumsy!” 
“You are.” You argue while you walk her towards her gate. 
The two of you sit and talk for a while until before you know it, her plane is being announced. The two of you stop talking and just stare at each other, the feeling becoming all to real now. She was leaving and you didn’t know the next time you’ll see her. 
Tears pool in your eyes as the two of you stand up and she pulls you into a tight hug, burying her head in your neck. 
“I’ll be back before you know it.” She whispers in your ear, but it does little to comfort you. It only makes you cry harder when you realize just how lonely you’re gonna be without her. “You’ll not even notice I’m gone.” She adds and you squeeze her tightly. 
“I think I’ll notice every second of the day.” 
“...me too.” She sighs, wiping the tears from her face. 
“Oh, I brought you some coffee.” You say and hand her a flask and a cup. 
“Thanks.” She smiles, quickly pouring some in her cup. She hands you the flask back and you put it back in your bag, while she drinks quickly. Once you’ve turned back to face her she hugs you again, causing coffee to go down your back. 
“Ow!” You shout and her eyes widen as she pulls away. 
“Oh. Shit. Sorry!” She apologizes quickly and pulls a tissue from her pocket, starting to dab at the stain. 
“Its fine.” You say, through a watery smile. “I’m going home anyway.” You add and the two of you laugh, reminded of the first time you met. 
“I’m gonna be late.” She looks up at the board and the two of you are reminded of what is actually happening.
“I’m really gonna miss you.” You say. You want to say I love you, but you don’t want to ruin the moment. You’ve only been dating for three months, and even though you know how you feel, you don’t know if she does. 
She looks at you and parts her lips, like she’s about to say something important and you’re heart rate picks up. “I’m really gonna miss you too.” She replies and you let out a deep breath. “I’ll talk to you every day, I promise.” She says, hugging you again.
“Okay.” You nod before kissing her softly. She pulls away quickly, giving you one last goodbye before hurrying towards her gate. You sigh and turn around, starting your walk back out of the airport.
“Y/n!” She shouts and you whip your head around. “I love you!” She says, a bright smile on her face and you mirror it instantly. 
“I love you too!” You reply. “Now, go. Before you’re late!”
“Babe! Finally, I’ve been calling you all day.” 
“Is everything okay?” She asks, rather shortly and you flinch at her tone, even though she can’t see you. 
“Yeah. I just wanted to hear your voice. You haven’t called in almost a week, I was starting to worry.” You say lightly, trying to ease the tension but it falls short and you hear her sigh. “I er, I just wanted to see how you were.” You add, quieter this time. 
“I’m fine.” She says simply and you stutter, trying to figure out what else to say. 
“Thats good! I’ve been watching your Instagram stories and vlogs and you seem to be having such a great time! I was thinking I could come out and see you. I’ve managed to get a week off and I can take it whenever I want, so when you want me all you have to do is say and I can be on the next available flight! Isn’t that great babe!” 
“Yeah.” She says, her tone almost sounding fed-up and you frown. 
“Is everything okay?” You ask, your tone now serious. 
“Its fine. I’m just a little busy.” She says distracted. 
“Oh. Well you should have said. I’ll just talk to you later! Bye! And have a good day!” You say. 
“Yeah, bye.” She sighs making your frown again, but you decide to let it slide. She’s probably just had a bad day. 
“Well, don’t forget to tell me when you have a few days off.” You remind her. 
“God!” She snaps. “Why can’t you just leave me alone. We don’t have to talk every single damn day. Travis was never this damn clingy.” She says angrily and you hold your breath while tears spill down your face. There’s a few seconds of silence and you can hear her breathing heavily. 
“...right.” You mumble. “Okay, I’ll er. I’ll talk to you soon then.” You whisper, and pull the phone away from your ear. 
“Wait. Babe, I’m sorry.” You hear her say but by the end of her sentence you’ve already hung up making her curse loudly. 
“Everything okay?” Cami asks.
“Nope.” She replies, popping the p. “I’ve just fucked up a great relationship...again.” She sighs. 
“Ah.” She says, placing a hand on her shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “She’ll be okay.” 
“I really hope so.” She replies. And she did hope...until day three of you ignoring her calls and texts, basically everything. She even tried using the casts phone, but you knew better than to answer them. Knowing that there would be no reason for Charles to be calling you on a Tuesday afternoon, unless it wasn’t actually Charles on the other end of the line. 
For three days there had been radio silence, and it was driving Madelaine insane. She fucked up and she couldn’t make it better. Both things were her fault and she had no idea when she’d be able to go home and actually make it up to you. Hell, she didn’t even know if the two of you were still together. She certainly wouldn’t stay with someone who said that, so why should you. God she was an idiot. 
“She’ll call back. I know she will.” Vanessa reassured her from the other side of the phone. Everyone had finished early on set so they were sent home. Madelaine hadn’t felt like doing anything after work apart from go home and try and contact you, so thats what her plans were for the rest of the day. Vanessa had rang her while she made her way home so she didn’t feel as alone. 
“I don’t think she will.” She sighed, pulling the keys from her bag. “I can’t believe I ended a relationship to be with this girl, and then I fuck it up within the first three months. She means literally everything to me, and I’ve ruined it. I’ve literally never felt this way about anyone, and how do I show that? By snapping at her, calling her clingy and likening her to my ex.” 
“Yeahhhh.” Vanessa replies, unsure of what to say next. “Maybe give her a few more days.” 
“She’s probably gonna need a few lifetimes.” She grumbles and finally unlocks the door.
“Well thats a little dramatic don’t you think?” 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’ve just got in so I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” 
“Okay. Byeeeee.” Vanessa hangs up and Madelaine sighs, throwing her keys on the table beside the door and then flicking the light on. She searches through her bag for her purse as she walks towards the kitchen, however she quickly kicks something which makes her stand still. Pulling her attention away from her bag, she looks at the floor to see a knocked over coffee cup. Her eyebrows knit together in confusion as she looks around the rest of the living room. The floor is covered in reusable coffee cups and she’s now more confused than ever. 
“Hi.” You whisper and her head snaps up. 
“Y/n?” She asks in disbelief. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I got a few days off.” You reply, tears pooling in your eyes as you hold a coffee cup out to her. “I got you coffee.” You say and she giggles, the two of you crying softly. She walks towards you quickly, completely abandoning her bag as she wraps you in a tight hug. Luckily you manage to place the cup on the coffee table before she was a chance to spill it anywhere and you hug her back just as tight. 
“I’m so sorry.” She whispers in your ear. 
“Its fine.” You reply. “You’ll just have to buy me dinner to make it up to me.”  
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tearosesarts · 4 years
Hello there, I hope you have a great day! Also what are you thoughts about Tim Burton - Sweeney Todd’s movie adaptation? (Sorry thats pretty nowhere I just really appreciate u & Sweeney Todd very much 🥺💖)
Aww, thanks! Now, as for the 2007 Sweeney Todd... I hope I don’t get a lot of hate over this, but I had a lot of problems with this movie. I’ll try to go through this in organized chunks. I’ll put it under the cut, this is going to get long.
First off: the casting. We have to address the fact that, besides the actress playing Lucy, none of the cast really had any musical theatre experience, and it showed. This wouldn’t be as much of a problem if it weren’t for the fact that this was Sondheim music, which is insanely difficult, even for well-experienced musical theatre actors. Thus, we ended up with Sweeney awkwardly singing from his throat (sounding more like a pirate than Jack Sparrow) and frail, shrill vocals from Mrs. Lovett, Johanna, and Anthony. One justification that I’ve seen people use is “Well, Tim Burton was making a film, not a musical,” but in that case, why even include the music? Why not simply make a non-musical movie adaptation using those characters? Sweeney Todd has existed for far longer than the musical; the musical itself is based off of a play adaptation by Christopher Bond. It could have very easily been a movie adaptation of that play, instead. Moving past the singing, while this film did have a lot of really good actors, it wasn’t really any of their best works. I don’t know if it’s because of Tim Burton’s “style” or what, but a lot of the actors’ performances felt nearly lifeless compared to when they were in other movies (although Timothy Spall’s facial expressions as the Beadle were great!). Particularly, Helena Bonham Carter’s Lovett felt very flat and static. I feel bad for saying so, since this was apparently a dreamrole of hers (plus it was just her birthday yesterday!), but something about it just didn’t work. It seemed like she was torn between playing a doe-eyed damsel in distress, a jaded, sarcastic woman, and a suave, devious temptress (and being motherly for one scene, and the combination made for a bland and inconsistent performance. The inconsistency especially stands out during and after Epiphany, where she goes from looking quite terrified of Sweeney at the beginning to nonchalantly delivering the “That’s all very well...” line, even though the song got more scary towards the end, not less.
Now for what probably bugged me even more: some of the things that were cut. The film seems like it’s trying to be more edgy and gritty than the stage musical by cutting out some of the humor, but it also cuts out some of the darkest parts of the show. I can understand getting rid of the Greek chorus for the different Ballads of Sweeney Todd, but they really could have and should have included the ensemble bits for God, That’s Good. We can see the townspeople enjoying the pies, but it isn’t enough to see them simply enjoying the pies, we need them to be obsessed, screaming for “more hot pies.” Then there’s Toby, who doesn’t get his crazy part at the end. I understand cutting that bit short since we don’t have the final Ballad to end it (and therefore ending with the shot of Sweeney bleeding over his dead wife), but he could still do the creepy “pat-a-cake” stuff before slitting Sweeney’s throat and scuttling away. Besides creeping out the audience, this bit shows how everything has affected Toby and taken a toll on him.
And then there’s Johanna. Johanna, what did they do to you? Sometimes movie adaptations of musicals add some depth to some of the less-developed characters. Here, they seemed to do the opposite. She sings Green Finch and Linnet Bird, looks at Anthony, and after that only exists because the plot calls for her. Kiss Me is cut, which also cuts an entire plot point. She doesn’t even sing in the Johanna Reprise. It’s called the Johanna Quartet on the OBC album for a reason, guys! They not only reduced her to a prop who sings about her emotions once and no more, but her relationship with Anthony was also less developed. The two of them never really meet, they just look at each other once. That’s barely an interaction. It’s a wonder that she even recognizes him when he rescues her from the asylum. Speaking of, next came the thing that bothered me the most: she isn’t even the one to shoot Fogg (or whatever they named the asylum warden in this). In the musical, this was her moment of finally holding her own against one of the older male oppressors in her life. This was her breaking point, her loss of innocence she may not have even had in the first place. Changing this just felt wrong.
Alright, I’ve done enough ranting. There were a few things that I thought the film did pretty well, actually. Firstly, the cinematography. Tim Burton has a very specific aesthetic to his films, and this was no different. Some people like, it, others don’t, but the dark, muted aesthetic did work, in a way that may not have worked if another director did it. The opening sequence with an instrumental of the Ballad of Sweeney Todd playing looked really cool. I also especially liked the visuals during Epiphany, when Sweeney is outside having a mental breakdown as the crowds of townsfolk are completely unaware of his presence. While I didn’t care for his singing, Johnny Depp’s acting was pretty solid here. Sacha Baron Cohen as Pirelli was fun. The kid playing Toby had a good performance. I’m not usually a huge fan of children singing, but he handled the score well. Another thing I liked was the addition of the scene between Anthony and Turpin. It added an extra layer of vicious cruelty to the Judge that was more than just “creepy old guy preying after a teenage girl” (and the “You gandered at her” line was great, especially with Alan Rickman’s delivery).
All in all, I wasn’t really a fan of this adaptation, but there were some parts I did enjoy, and I appreciate that it did expose more people to Sondheim’s music and musicals in general.
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hazinhoodies · 5 years
No Love Lost (Part 1)
Harrison Osterfield x CF!Reader
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A/N: uh hi. so this is a lot. this was going to be a one-shot originally but then it hit 15k words so here’s some of that. I did as much research into cystic fibrosis as i could (thats what cf means btw). Thanks to @loverholland who helped me edit this (and future parts). Also this is my submission for @starksparker summer writing challenge. I had the prompt of “I know you. What’s wrong” and its used pretty bad but this will make up for it hopefully. its a whole mess of aus. there some fuck boy in there, some best friend. brace for impact.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: talk of death, talk of hospitals, talk of sickness, swearing,  messing with tenses, a ridiculous amount of parentheticals (yes they’re supposed to be there), cheesy writing
Harrison was sweet. You had to admit it. One of the nicest people you’d ever come by. He was your best friend all throughout school, he stuck by you through all the coughing fits, your plethora of medicines, and the multiple times you’d caught bronchitis or something along those lines, not to mention all the other things that come with being a teen in high school; drama, puberty, stress. You were insanely thankful that he put up with all his own problems as well as yours, health or otherwise, and everything that came with having cystic fibrosis.
You were diagnosed at five, after the third time you’d caught pneumonia. Most people are diagnosed before the age of two but either a) you weren’t screened for it at birth or b) your doctors missed something. Just your luck.
You didn’t really know what it meant at first. Just that now you had to take these medicines, pills, and use inhalers (which hurt on bad days). Your favourite part was always the gummy vitamin that you had to -no, got to- take. You heard your mom talking about how important it was that you cleared your airway every day and that you did some of, if not all, the exercise the doctors wanted you to take. They made your lungs burn.
Your mother, however, felt guilty. She blamed herself for your sickness, but her guilt was helping no one affected. She should’ve known that you were growing too slowly and that your breathing problems weren’t normal. She feels horrible.
But if she had and you’d been diagnosed earlier or later or exactly when you were, you would still have cystic fibrosis.
You started to understand what it was at the age of eleven after you’d decided to research it yourself. You knew better than to WebMD it. Long since being diagnosed, you weren’t looking for a cure, just an understanding of what this meant for you.
You found out too much. Things that you were certain a normal 11 year old wouldn’t know about. But you weren’t normal. Anything but.
You found out that the average person with cystic fibrosis died at the age of 37, it’s most common in Northern Europe and least common in Africans and Asians. Although not recognized until the 1930s, certain aspects of cystic fibrosis were identified as early as 3,000 BC, likely due to the migration of people, gene mutations and nourishment. One in Four people have cystic fibrosis. About eighty percent of people with cystic fibrosis die from it. There’s no known cure, if there is one at all.
Your first (and only, so far) double lung transplant happened about a year later. You remember the feeling of knowing something was wrong too vividly. Headed down the stairs, your twelve year old self had already run through your extensive morning routine but you couldn’t shake the feeling of something caught in your lungs. You had to breathe through your mouth to feel like you were getting anywhere near enough oxygen.
“Have you cleared your airways yet” Your mother had asked upon hearing how rough your voice sounded when combined with how much your chest heaved when you breathed. You nodded and she asked you to go to it again. It was on your way back down the steps when it had become instantly more difficult to breathe. Calling for your mom, your voice was weak and wheezed its way through the words. It felt like you were suffocating. You gripped the stair railing tight in your hand as you felt your vision start to tunnel. With whatever luck you still had, you made it to the bottom of the stairs without collapsing and she rushed you to the hospital.
You don’t know what they did to make it better temporarily but you remember being hooked up to all sorts of antibiotics to slow the mucus build up while they found a pair of lungs for you. A month later and they had found a pair. You spent the next while in the hospital from the surgery while the doctors monitored you.
Lung transplants either work or they don’t. There’s no in between. No ‘it works but could be better’. They do, or they don’t.
Your mother would tell you when you were older that yours almost didn’t work. You almost didn’t wake up, but you wouldn’t remember any of it when she told you so.
You were overjoyed when you got to go back to school, you knew you weren’t healed, you still had cystic fibrosis, but you were doing better. That’s when you met Harrison.
With Harrison, you felt like you could be somewhat. He didn’t know about your CF at the time, you held it back to not drive him away. You suppressed coughs as much as you could. He was good though. A good person, a kind soul. So good that when you were with him, you were normal. You felt like a normal kid. You forgot about the multiple inhalers that sat on the bathroom counter and the bottles of pills next to them. You forgot about the doctors, and your enzymes or lack thereof. With Harrison, you forgot you were dying.
He started to get curious when you were missing school a lot and played it off as a cold when you would cough a lot at one time, but Harrison isn’t an idiot and you’re his friend; he knew something was up.
So you told him. You told him you had cystic fibrosis. He seemed confused so you continued on. You explained that while it also affects your pancreas, intestines, and kidneys, it meant your lungs were weak and prone to infection. Mucus builds up inside your lungs and other parts of your respiratory system. You told him that if your lungs get worse then you’ll likely need a transplant.
He nodded along and promised that he understood but you knew he didn’t fully understand what it meant, just as you had.
You didn’t tell him you were dying.
Not then. Not at all.
He’d found out on his own that it meant you were dying. You never asked how. The pair of you were in your living room at the age of fourteen, in the middle of a game of Mario Party. The computer Boo was winning. You could tell that something was bothering him but weren’t sure if it was something to ask about, you did anyway.
“Haz? What’s bothering you?” You spoke as the Luigi on the screen moved 6 spaces.
“Nothing, I’m fine” He stared distantly towards the screen, it’s more likely he’s looking past it.
“And lying. I know you. What's wrong?" No response. "Harrison, tell me” You refused to press any buttons, letting the die on the screen roll above your characters head until he gave you an answer.
Harrison looked down into his lap, fumbling with some of the buttons on the remote. His voice comes out small and meek, “You’re dying”
“No, I’m not,” Some weird instinct told you to lie about it and protect his feelings, but the glimmer of hope he had when he looked at you made you wish that you hadn’t said that. “I mean, I am. But I’m not bad” You hesitate on ‘bad’, unsure of how you want to phrase things. You knew you had to be careful of what you say. “I’m not even on a transplant list yet,” His expression shifted to worry, “It’s a good thing” He somewhat relaxed. “It means that I’m managing it well. And I am. I take care of myself, take all the medication I need to. It’s a lot but I do it”
The look on his face made your heart go soft. Somewhere between worry and relief, happy and sad.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner” You whispered, your gaze falling to the floor. You felt bad about telling him, that’s for sure. But for once you wanted to be normal.
“It’s okay,” Harrison’s voice was almost as quiet as yours, the overly happy game music playing in the background (it really didn’t help with the mood). He looked over at you and your expression made his heartbreak. “Hey,” he grabbed your attention, “This doesn’t change anything. No love lost, yeah?”
You nodded. “What I meant is that you don’t have to worry about me” That was the end of it. You rolled a five.
The next few months saw a shift in your relationship. It’s not that you spent any less time together, quite the opposite actually. Harrison wanted to spend so much time with you, most of which consisted of the two of you doing anything either of you could think of. More games of Mario Party (you won more often, he’d say he let you but he definitely didn’t), going out for food, bowling, laser tag, you name it.
He also took care of you. No matter how much you said you didn’t need it and you didn’t want to bother him, you’d get text messages at the same time every day asking if you’d taken your enzymes, or cleared your airways, or if you were close to running out of anything.
Harrison was sweet. He was sweet to you and you couldn’t be more thankful.
High school came and the world watched on as the two of you grew closer than ever. He was there as soon as he could be whenever you were in the hospital and even if you weren’t, he was at your house or you were at his as much as you could be.
Looking back, you weren’t sure how you didn’t see it.
While you were still Harrison’s best friend, he spent time with a lot of other girls. You weren’t dumb. You saw the way they looked at him. Their looks were anything from ogling or as if he was the moon. Their never-ending night light. The one that lit up the dark for them.
It was cheesy and sometimes (usually) gross, but he never looked at them that way. Even while his arm was wrapped around them in the halls he was either making some joke towards you (you’d say he was bullying you, but you weren’t that hurt) or laughing at something someone else had said or done.
Every two weeks there was a different girl on his arm. It didn’t really make sense to you. He was so nice and caring towards you but then these girls that he claimed to have feelings for barely got a second glance from him.  Even still, part of you wanted to be in their position, if only for the title that came with it.
You fell in love with Harrison slowly. Like when you come home late and don’t want to wake anyone, so you shut the door precariously, even the small click after it’s shut is too loud. Or like waiting for a flower to grow. Checking on it until you saw the first sprout and then the first leaf.
Your sudden realization, your ‘click’, was when you’d heard one of the girls talking about him after they’d ended things. You weren't sure if you could call it a breakup, we’re they even official? Who knows.
Water ran from the tap in the bathroom as you washed your hands, you couldn’t help but listen to the conversation she was having on the far side of the room. It was whispered and sobbed but you still managed.
“What’d he say?” Her friend, you thought her name was Olivia, places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“He just said he didn’t feel anything for me anymore” Harrison ex-thing, her name was Erica, (she was one of the “you are the moon” starers) barely got out the last word before sobs racked her body, her upper body and torso shook forcefully with each one. She was really hurt. “Said that there was something about someone else. I don’t get it. It was three weeks how could there be someone else”.
If it was three weeks then why are you so worked up over it? You fought not to roll your eyes.
“Erica, I told you that he was a bad idea. I told you that he’d hurt you. And you still…” Olivia trailed off with a sigh. Some best friend.
“I don’t know. Maybe I thought I could change him or something. Fuck, I don’t know. He’ll always be a fuckboy I guess. Can’t wait to see who he’s got next week” Sarcasm drenched her words. She sniffled, wiping her eyes.
You dried off your hands and left the bathroom.
It hurts to hear people talk so horrendously about your best friend. That wasn’t the Harrison that you knew, the Harrison you knew was gentle and caring and wore his heart on his sleeve. What about you made him that different?
Harrison came over that night, you helped him with his English paper and then the two of you retreated to doing your own things on your phones. He laid on your bed and you used his stomach as a pillow, lying perpendicular to him. Your legs hung off the bed a little, but you didn’t care.
The room was silent for at least fifteen minutes with the exception of the odd chuckle followed by the other asking to look at whatever it was they laughed at. That was until you piped up. Your mindless scrolling only lasts so long before you fall into your own thoughts.
“Heard Erica talking about you in the bathroom today” You let your hand fall to your chest, phone facedown against your sternum. Harrison didn’t really talk about the girls he was involved with. At least not with you. You weren’t sure why but never pressed.
“Yeah? What’d she say?” His eyes didn’t leave his phone.
“She was talking to Olivia, I think it was Olivia. The one who sits next to Tom in English”
“Yeah, Olivia” Harrison confirmed.
“Yeah her. And she -Erica-  was saying about how you broke up with her and said that there was someone else. And then Olivia said something about how she warned her not to go for you because you’re a bad idea and you’d only hurt her and shit like that”  
“Sounds like Liv” Harrison chimes in.
“Then Erica said that she thought she could change you or something like that? I don’t know. It was just weird to hear them talk so bad about you when what I see is the polar opposite” You started your scrolling again.
“People talk Y/N. She was just upset I guess. That’s okay” You nodded and there was a moment of silence
“Just out of curiosity. Why do you go through girls so fast?”
“I just don’t feel anything with them really. I know what I want, and sadly it’s things that I don’t think they’d ever be able to give, or have, or be”
“What do you want?” Your question threw him off guard and he had to pause for a second.
“I want pure love. It’s not driven by lust. A kind of love where I don’t have to worry about what I look like or how I act around them because I know they’ll love me just the same. One where we have electric conversations one moment and then the next we’re in silence but it’s fine. Because it’s comfortable. I want to have a connection. I want the kind of love where you’d die for the other person. I’d die for a love like that. And it’s something that I don’t think I could get from Erica or Megan or Hannah. No matter how long we’re together”
“But you’re not even going to stick around long enough to see if there is all that with them?”
“No. I know it makes me sound like an asshole but I know what I want. I just have to wait until that love realizes what they want”
You thought for a moment. Maybe it made sense? In some weird, twisted, ‘i’m an asshole but don’t want you to think so’ sort of way. “Okay” You trailed off.
“Also we were only a thing for like three weeks why is she this upset”
“That’s what I thought!” The two of you laughed and settled back into a comfortable silence.
You’d since learned to trust what you knew about Harrison, disregarding parts of what was said that night. He was kind, and took care of you, and cared deeply about so many things. You knew about his reputation, but you didn’t care. He was your best friend, and what kind of friend would you be if you changed your opinion based on what other people said. Certainly better than ones who date the guy who broke your heart (*cough* Olivia, *cough cough*) The same one who warned you not to date him.
And sure enough, the following week, Olivia and Harrison were together.
Olivia was the longest he’d been with someone that you knew about. A whole eight weeks was a record for Harrison. It almost made you think that maybe he was capable of finding love on his own. And that made you happy. Happy for him.
Then there was that damn click. That fucking leaf. The one that made you sad when you saw them in the halls, her hand in his. The same one that made your stomach drop when he'd kiss her cheek before class.
Although his time never wavered with you, you couldn't help but wish it was you under his arm. With his lips against your skin.
High school ended, Harrison went on to drama school. It fit, he’d always been dramatic (haha very funny Y/N) but you were proud of him for pursuing his dream of acting. You’d gone onto university as well. Although the two of you didn’t see each other nearly as much, you were still his best friend, and him yours. The texts to take your meds had changed from whenever you had to take one to only every morning, and the two of you would talk that night.
June Twenty-Second. You’d finished all your exams two months ago. Still riding on the high of being a university graduate, you didn’t expect for it to drop so fast.
You were put on the transplant list your sophomore year of university. But you were getting worse, you’d moved up significantly since being put on. June Twenty-Second is when your doctor told you that if you couldn’t get one of the next few lungs, you’d be out of time.
When you’d discovered that you were dying when you were eleven, you struggled to cope with it. Slowly but surely, you’d learned to accept that you couldn’t live forever, and if you’d been asked a month ago how you felt about death, you know how you would have answered. You would have said that it’s a part of life. That every journey has its end. You would have said that no matter what you did you couldn’t change anything and you were okay with dying. Maybe it was your time.
But when your doctor finally, officially tells you that they don’t know if they'll get you a pair of lungs in time, one thing comes to mind.
I’m not ready for this.
Immediately followed by another thought.
haz tags:
@summernykole @hjosterfield @imagines-andshizz @thequeensardine @artemisiaarm @sincerelymlg @butithasntkilledyouyet @bitchymathematician @ixchel-9275 @honeyyhuggs @nedthegay @ohyouremymedicine @awkwardfangirl2014 @parkerpeterholland @screeching-student-unknown
@osterfieldholland01 @happymagicbee @headsup-itsmostlypeter @starlightfound @spideyyypeter @empressdreams @isabellyduh
Others who i think might enjoy or hate me for it (or already do)
@wazzupmrstark @parkerpuffwrites @parrkerspeters @nnatasha @lamptracker (really i just want you to read this)
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Your Type (Dean Imagine)
hi can i please have a dean x reader where the reader is best friends with charlie and she introduces you to sam and dean (she told you about the hunting) and the reader and dean instantly have this connection and he uses some cheesy pick up line to ask her out and its super fluffy thank you sooooooooooo much you are one of the few active supernatural blogs
Dean fic where you aren’t interested in meeting the boys cause youre friends with charlie and are mad at them for ruining her life, but then fall for dean?
I dont know if anyone out there still cares but i recently found the password to this blog that i lost 2 years ago. Im sure none of you are active anymore but heres a dean fic in case anyone is? I started this like 2/3 years ago... 
“Hey Charlie?” You called to your best friend through the hall of her apartment, having just woken up from your room where you had been staying for the past few days. 
“In here!” She shouted back from the living room. You wandered in spotting the clock on the wall noticing how long you had been sleeping for. Charlie was sitting on her couch with her foot up on the coffee table lacing her boots up.
“Headed somewhere?”
“Im off to see Sam and Dean, they called this morning they need help with a case” she answered 
“Oh god not all that monster crap” You replied with dread in your voice. Charlie had got pulled into this insane life by these two boys about a year ago now. As her best friend, she told you everything and you would have thought she was mad if she hadn’t shown you cold hard evidence. You slightly despised these men. Your friend was happy, in a good job, enjoying her life for the first time in a while, then they showed up and took that all away from her forcing her to leave her life behind. 
“Yes, monster crap.” She rolled her eyes at you. “Look, I know you don’t really like the brothers, but honestly they’re like my family. You should come along and meet them, you wont have to do any hunting they’ve got a pretty neat set up and you can kick back for a few days” 
“I’m not sure..”
“They’re also both totally hot and single! Dean is so your type” She teased.
“I don’t like them, i will definitely not be getting with either of them. But ill come along for you.” You agreed hesitantly.
About 45 minutes later, you arrived at your destination. It would be so easy to miss if you weren’t aware of exactly where it is. Charlie got out of the car and gave you a reassuring smile before heading down the steps towards the door. You had expressed your nerves to her about meeting the boys in the car ride down. 
She knocked on the door and was greeted by a tall man with longer hair. A huge smile beamed across his face as he scooped charlie up in a hugged as he greeted her happily. You stood back from the door not really sure how the man would receive you. 
“Sam this is my friend, y/n. I’ve told you guys about her before. She’s been staying with me so i brought her along i hope thats ok.” Charlie explained to Sam as she stepped away from the hug and took a few steps towards you. 
“Yes of course, hey y/n” Sam smiled at you extending his hand for you to shake it. You were kind of taken back. Unless this guy is an incredible manipulative actor, he does not seem like the type of man who would have destroyed Charlie’s life.
Sam invited you all inside where his brother, who must have been Dean, was standing at the bottom of the staircase, who greeted charlie just as happily as his brother did. You took in the surroundings of the Winchesters home, as Charlie explained who you were to the other brother. It was incredible, it was a massive underground building and definitely had Tardis style architecture. You were instantly drawn to the massive world map table that was located in the middle of the room, in front of a library type room. 
Dean said his hellos to you, much less receptive of you than Sam was. You were kind of hoping he’d be just as friendly because Charlie was right, he was your type. You all sat around the table in the library for around an hour, done some quick catching up and some getting to know you before they dove into the case they were working. Charlie needed to help Sam hack into a security system as he just couldn't crack it alone, as the Winchesters needed to break into a facility to steal some weapon to kill some monster or other. You didn’t pay much attention to the details, to be honest you couldn’t as it was all still quite confusing to you. 
“I’ll take Charlie to the site tonight so she can figure out what she needs to break this, and if she can do it we will come back in the early hours and break in. Sound good?” Sam explained his plan to his brother. He nodded in agreement and got up off his seat in sync with Charlie and Sam who started to head off.
“Alright follow me and i’ll put the TV on for you in Sam’s room, food and beer is in the fridge help yourself.” Dean said before he started off in the direction of the hall.
“Umm Dean?” You called, he stopped and turned round. “I don’t mean to be rude, but this place creeps me out a little and I’m not a crazy hunter who’s not afraid of anything, so if you’re not busy would you mind staying with me?” You spoke this half truth, yeah it was true that you didn’t want to be in this place alone, you didn’t know it at all and it was quite uncomfortable to be left in someone’s bedroom. But at the same time, you could help but remember Charlie saying how Dean was single.. and he definitely was your type. 
“Look, i’m going to be honest. I don’t know you, and sometimes I don’t take too kindly to strangers. But Charlie is like a little sister to me and if you’re her friend then i guess i want you to be comfortable.” He started towards the kitchen and you followed him in. “We’ll grab a beer and... get to know each other” he said almost through gritted teeth. Yeah, he was right about not being the most welcoming. 
You sat down at the kitchen table and Dean set down a beer in front of you before he went off down the hall and came back with a cassette player, and stuck in an ACDC tape. You smiled and expressed your love for the band, and once you began talking music, Dean started to relax a bit. You talked for around an hour, and the previously off standish Dean had started laughing and joking. He explained a bit more about hunting and how he met Charlie.
“I’m going to be honest Dean, once you came into Charlie’s life everything got a little but fucked up and I kind of hated you both a bit for it..” You brought the laughter to a halt.
“Believe me, no one hates us more for that than ourselves.” Dean said bowing his head. You regretted bringing this up. He took a swig of his beer after shaking his head a little, clearly this was a hard subject to deal with. The whole time you were hating them for ruining Charlie’s life they were hating themselves 10 times harder, you had never actually considered that they never ever wanted to do that. 
You reached your hand across the table and placed it on top of Dean’s. The many beers you’d put away giving you the confidence to touch this magnificently attractive man in an attempt to comfort him. He brought his eyes to yours suspiciously, not understanding what was going on.
“I didn’t mean to upset you” You started to apologize when he snatched his hand away to fish out his phone that was vibrating in his pocket. 
It was sam explaining Charlie can hack the system with everything they have with them, and Sam is going to go in alone tonight, then they’ll stay in a near by hotel and will be back in the morning.
“Looks like it’s just you and me tonight kid” Dean remarked, finishing off his beer. You smiled to yourself, you’d come to quite like this man and a night of just you and him didn’t sound too bad. 
An hour later you found your self in Dean’s bedroom, however not in the way you had hoped. You were both sitting on the edge of his bed watching Batman. Somehow you ended up on the topic of this film and how long it had been since you both seen it, and it just so happened Dean had the DVD. 
“I’m sorry..” you interrupted the film “I know you like batman but MAN am I rooting for the Joker so hard right now” 
“You’re a horrible person” Dean said sarcastically 
“Oi!” You yelled, gently punching his arm to express your annoyance at his comment. He nudged you back instantly on the shoulder pushing you backwards onto the bed. You yelled out his name with a laugh and pulled him down with you, wrestling around for a minute before he pinned your wrists above your head and the smiles both faded from your faces. He was leaning over you, his eyes searching in yours looking for permission to kiss you. You leaned up slightly and he brought his lips to yours, kissing you passionately before letting go of your wrists to trace his hands over your body. He melted into the kiss as his hands felt every inch of you, sliding up your shirt to feel your breasts over your bra. You grabbed the back of his neck forcing him to sink even deeper into the kiss. He paused and pulled away from your lips, as his hand moved away from under your shirt and lingered on the button of your pants, as he looked into your eyes. You smirked and nodded your head at him before he undid the button and ripped them off you. 
The next morning you were woken at 6am by Dean’s alarm, you groaned as you rolled over to smack it to shut it up. You looked beside you and saw a half awake Dean, who was completely naked under the blankets, with messy bed head and an annoyed look on his face from the screeching alarm. Beer bottles, snack wrappers and a whiskey bottle were littered over the floor. As you sat up your hangover suddenly became apparent to you as you moaned a little before forcing yourself to get out of the bed.
“Mornin” he grumbled as he picked up a pillow and put it over his face and rolled over. You laughed to yourself and got up, throwing on Deans plaid shirt and your underwear. The smile didn’t leave your lips as you put the clothes on, the memories of last night spent with Dean was one of the best you’d had in a long while. 
You left Dean to sleep a bit longer, and walked out of the bedroom making your way to the kitchen to find coffee. You didn’t notice Sam and Charlie sitting down with some breakfast before it was too late, they’d spotted you in the older Winchester’s shirt and no pants. “I told you he was your type” Charlie giggled, erupting laughter from Sam as your face turned red from embarrassment. 
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peggysousfan · 5 years
Agent Carter An Au Series
Here is chapter 10, it is the longest by far!! I’m getting close to crossing over the story with the show, so I may take a short break from writing to figure out how to get all the details in and continue this story. I hope y’all enjoy:)
Peggy's POV:
I feel as if I'm going out of my mind. I was never meant for motherhood... Stephanie was only born yesterday, and already I'm going mad. I don't understand how Mum had two children close in age! Micheal and I are only 3 years apart and yet the idea of having another anywhere in that proximity of time gives me a migraine. I can't do this, I just can't... Colleen left for work early this morning and I know Daniel is gone as well. Stephanie refuses to eat anything, no matter what I do she just won't latch! Shes been crying non stop all day. I've changed her nappy, given her a pacy, and tried to feed her; but nothing seems to calm her down! For hours I have been pacing around the apartment, bobbing her up and down, everything I can think of doesn't seem to work. I'll be damned if I ask Mrs' Keller for any assistance. I know Steph has, in fact, inherited part of the serum. I've tried swaddling her, but she somehow manages to get out of it. And when she smacks, it hurts. Actually hurts. Not enough to bruise, yet, but I don't want Mrs. Keller or anyone else I don't trust to touch my child. I give up....
Daniel's POV:
"Sousa! You're late."
"Thanks Thompson, I hadn't noticed." I crutch over to my desk and sit down. Man last night was rough...
"Yeah, sure you did. We all thought you lost your footing and didn't know how to get back up. But, I guess you kinda need a leg for that," Krzeminski laughs.  Low life dick...
"Is that right? I would have thought you were to hung up on some bimbo broad to come in at all.. or is that your wife?" I say, and instantly, he shuts up. But the rest of the office bursts into laughter. His wife spends more time on the streets than she does with him, we've all seen it.
"Damn, Sousa! What cat dragged you out of bed this morning!?" Thompson says. I ignore him and get to work. Thankfully, Krzeminski doesn't bother me the rest of the day. Hours later when I look at the clock, I see its time to go. "Sousa. Where are you going?" I grab my jacket, slip it on, and crutch to the elevator.
"Yeah.. you've been leaving pretty early lately.. Got somethin' to share? Maybe you met a nice gal?" He says as he starts to walk with me.
"And why the hell would I tell you anything, Thompson?"
"Hey, I'm just asking. Normally you stay as late as possible. But here lately you've been leaving at 7 O' clock on the dot. Everyday, for the past week."
"Great observation skills agent. Are you gonna tell me what I had for breakfast next?" He laughs and I start to walk away.
"I'm being serious, Sousa. What changed?"
"Simple. I have a life. Maybe you should get one." And with that, I leave. I wonder how Peggy's doing with Stephanie...
Peggy's POV:
I fear I may be doing something wrong. How can she still not latch on? What do I do? I think I might actually need Mrs. Keller's help... I pick Steph up again and hear a knock at the door. Did Colleen forget her key again? I walk to the door and unlock it. When I open it, its Daniel. Oh thank God!
"Daniel!" I sigh in relief.
"Hey, I thought I'd drop by and see how you were doing..." He looks down at her and shes still fussing.
"I'm going insane, I'm afraid." I step back and let him in. "I-I-I've tried everything I can possibly think of and nothings working! I've tried feeding her numerous time and she won't take. She doesn't seem to be latching at all! I've changed her nappy, I-Ive given her  a p-pacy.. I- I walked around bouncing her! I-I-I just don't know Daniel I don't-"
"Peggy! Hey, calm down."  Its then I noticed how wet my cheeks are. "She hasn't eaten anything today?"
"No!" I exasperate.
"Okay, heres what we'll do." He places a hand on my shoulder and I look at him. "First I need you to take a deep breath-"
"Oh really Daniel! I-"
"Peg, you can't help her and take care of her if you don't take care of yourself. Please. I need you to take a deep breath, and let it out." I look him in the eye, and see worry, nothing but worry; because of me. Ugh... I'm horrible. I nod my head and do as he asks, but I can't stop the tears as Stephanie wails. "Here, may I?" I open my eyes and notice him gesturing to the baby , and I gratefully oblige. He takes her to the kitchen and bounces her around, whispering sweet little things too her. I can't hear it all, only small words.. Words like "Sweet, anjo?, sunshine, and linda? What?  He sets his crutch against the sink,takes a clean cloth, and rinses it under the tap.
"Daniel? What are you doing?" I step closer and see Steph sucking on the cloth.
"All the crying shes doing will make her dehydrated. Its best to let her suck on this and get hydrated while you take a minute to yourself and relax."
"What did I do to deserve you?" Before I even think about it, it slips out of my mouth. Either he doesn't notice or ignores the meaning behind it.
"I'm just here to help, Peggy. You can do this, you just... need another hand to guide you through it."
"And that hand being yours, I hope." Now he looks at me. Damn. Why did I just say that? He laughs lightly.
"I don't know a whole lot, just enough to help. I don't have any of my own, so... I can't really give you the best advice." He soaks the cloth again and poppet keeps drinking.
"Do you want any of your own? I've never heard you speak of it before."
"Uh...yeah, maybe..."
"Well that doesn't sound so certain." I laugh. He looks at me with those deep brown eyes, and smiles.
"I mean I do, one day. But... thats not gonna be for a while."
"How do you know that?" He looks away from me and brings Stephanie to his chest. Shes starting to calm down.
"Lets just say I do..."
"Daniel? How do you know for certain?" His demeanor changes and his shoulders start to slump. Somethings upsetting him. "You know you can tell me, Daniel. I won't reprimand you for it." He finally looks at me, then glances back at Steph.
"Its just... gonna take some time."
"Time for..?"
"You know, time."
"Daniel." He sighs and and turns towards me.
"Lets just say... Girls aren't exactly lining up to be with a crip."
"I beg your pardon!" I shout, Daniel looks at me, shocked. "Why on earth would you say a thing like that?"
"I thought you said you wouldn't reprimand me?"
"Well I-.... damn what I said. Daniel... You shouldn't say that about yourself. You are not-" I sigh in frustration. "Please. Never talk about yourself like that again."
"Yes, ma'am," He laughs sadly. "Its just, they can't see past the crutch, Peg."
"Any woman would be lucky to have you, and those that can't see passed that symbol of bravery, then they're damned fools." I say boldly. Once again our eyes lock together, and seems like everything around us has stopped.
"Thanks, Peggy."
"I mean it, Daniel. What happened to you...Your injury... It doesn't define you. Not in that way. You sacrificed so much for your country; blood, sweat, tears... and your leg. But you shouldn't let that and what others think stand in your way. Believe it or not, you came back more whole than most soldiers, Daniel. You are an amazing person and a kind man. You deserve better than what others say, but they're just words. You know the full story, they don't. Know your value, Daniel. I know I do..." I didn't mean to make a speech, but I can't stand how down hearted he felt. The way people treat injured soldiers is bloody ridiculous; especially when they are as kind as Daniel. He looks up at me, as if I've grown a second head. Maybe, I've over stepped, but he needs to know hes worth more than the world gives him. Before he can say anything, the door opens.
"Hey, Peggy! I got some- oh, Daniel. Hi."
"Uh- hey!" Stephanie starts to fuss again, so Daniel re-soaks the rag.
"So, I got dinner, but if you two already ate thats okay."
"Oh, no we haven't, or well.I-I haven't ." I say. Since  Colleen has taken extra shirts to pay my half of the rent, and because of that I use to eat alone. But before poppet was born, Daniel and I had ate many dinners together; and Colleen knew this.
"Well I got some from food from The Automate, enough for two,though. Not three."
"Thats ok, I'm fine." Daniel says while rocking the baby.
"Have you eaten already?" Colleen asks as she sets down the bags.
"Uh, no, but its fine. I can eat later." I look at Colleen, and she looks at me. She's going to go get Daniel some supper, I already know it.
"I'll be right back." And with that she leaves.
"Wheres she going?" Daniel asks, thoroughly confused.I laugh.
"She went to get more food."
"What? She didn't have to do that."
"Colleen is Colleen. Thats really all I can say. You nor I could talk her out of it if we wanted to." We both laugh and Stephanie begins to fuss again.
"Peg? Do you..uh.. want to try and feed her? I'll leave, of course, just.. uh, do you want to try it?"
"I, uhm... I-I-can try but...She won't latch, Daniel." I walk over to Daniel and he tries to hand her to me. Its a bit of awkward shuffling and our hands graze each others several times; each time I feel a spark. "Sorry" We both say.
"I'll, uh, go." "But, Daniel..." He stops mid walk. "You don't have to leave, what about your dinner?"
"I can come back, but... I should give you some privacy to... you know." I look down at the baby and then at Daniel. Ugh, why must this be so difficult.
"Or you could simply turn away..." No, no no no. I hope I didn't say what I think I did. Damn, I did. The shock on his face is unmistakable, and I'm sure, I'm the same. "We-well that is, uhm, i-if you don't mind staying." Now I'm rambling... Instead of saying anything in return, his face turns a bright red, al the way to the tip of his ears. For a few moments, niether of us move; until the baby starts to cry. He turns around and distracts himself with a newspaper while I open my dress and try to feed Stephanie. Oh what was I thinking!? 'Or you could simply turn around'!?? God Peggy, what is wrong with you...
"Is she eating?" Bloody hell, I forgot he was here.
"Ugh, No! I don't know what I'm doing wrong." Steph tries to feed, but she can't find it. I try to guide her but she keeps squirming around and getting frustrated.
"Is she swaddled? If she not that might help, and then hold her really close and guide her, that way she can try and eat. That and you staying calm." I look for a blanket to swaddle her in, but I can't find one.
"Daniel? I can't find her blanket."
"Uhh.." He starts to search and finds it."Found it!"
"Good, could you bring it to me?" I hear him walk towards me and I cover myself up. "Thank you." He doesn't look at me, but he nods and walks back away. I'm not sure whats more awkward; this moment or when I invited myself over to eat with him for the first time. No its now, defiantly now. I swaddle Stephanie, take a deep breath, and try to feed her. It takes a few minutes, but she finally starts to get it. "Oh thanks God!"
"Shes eating?"
"Finally. It only took her all day..." We both laugh and Steph coos. After shes finished, I button my dress,and burp her. "You can turn around now." And he does. Now everything feels at peace, almost normal again.  I offer her to Daniel, and she starts to giggle. I've never seen him smile so brightly. "I fear shes put you under her spell." He laughs.
"Thats okay, I don't mind." After a few minutes of just being relaxed and enjoying Steph, Colleen comes home. We all sit around and eat dinner, Daniel continues to hold the baby, but I don't mind. Hes good with her. She likes him, and so do I... Theres no one I trust more with my daughter than Daniel Sousa.
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saerran-choi · 6 years
Unrequited Love
The college boy didn’t believe in love. After Rika, he didn’t believe he deserved to be loved, or to love. So he didn’t. He repressed ever feeling that he had for you. Telling himself that you’d be better off without him, that he is just a friend, that you’re better off with someone like Jumin, or even Zen. He learned not to love. So when you told him you loved him, he didn’t return those feelings. He thought everything would be okay, that you’d get over him, and move on and you would remain friends. What he didn’t expect, was the long  paragraph of a text he had gotten, stating that you loved him and none of this was his fault, that you were sorry. At first he didn’t understand, but then he knew. He saw the signs. He had the  proof he needed, yet, why couldn’t he move? Why couldn’t he go and see you, change your mind, show you he still cares, just not in the way you wanted. He could see the message, the time you sent it. Two hours ago. Two hours to late. He spent twenty minutes calling your cell phone, trying to make sure you were okay, trying to make sure you were alive. You never answered. What he didn’t know was your roommate had just found you after a night out. You were courteous not to  leave the bathtub water running over night, but the blood stains would never come out, nor would the memory of the phone call Yoosung got after she found the cold, lifeless, body that used to be so full of energy and warmth. How he would never get to make you smile again, or how you’d never learn how to play LOLOL. And Yoosung’s main thought? Why do I have to lose everyone I love? He would never get over it. It would be stuck with him for the rest of his life, because he only thinks this is my fault.
He didn’t have the time to love. He was a rising star, soon to have the name everyone would know. You thought you would get in the way of his career, just be a nuisance. But you decided to tell him anyways. You loved him, but he didn’t love you. He loved his career more, and brushed you off, saying it wasn’t love, but admiration,and you’d get over it. You never were given the chance to. While he was performing, the show was cancelled in the middle of the performance. Once his manager explains,he understands. They didn’t want to worry him, or cause him to freakout, but there were police officers and ambulances at his house, and the reporters were already there, and he needed to go. Now. But when he got there,and saw the stretcher being carried out of his house, white sheet over the body, he freaks. Who was in his house? Only the RFA members had access to his house. One officer walks up to him and explains. Suicide. Pills and alcohol, taken together in ungodly amounts. A note written addressed to him. The only thing written on it: Please continue your career. You’re gonna go far Zen. Goodbye. - MC. After that, he quit acting, and starting drinking away  his sorrows, maybe attempting to join you, maybe just  trying to forget you.
The CEO was the emotionless type.He did not fall in love,for love would just distract him from his work, and his dear Elizabeth the third.  To show emotions to him, is to  show weakness, to show his bad side, so he swore it off. But you fell for him anyways. With the way he cared for everyone and for the intelligence,  but he didn’t love you back, and he made that very clear,  saying it publicly. How he knew, no one will know, but he did know, and he did not approve. He told you you would never have the status to marry him, or to even help run the company at a beginner job. You were worthless to him.  He said that so you wouldn’t love him anymore, but hate him, because in his eyes he was not worth it, and would rather you  hate him, the be in love with him when he didn’t deserve it. When he found out, he broke. It was all over the news. The RFA leader had hung herself in her apartment, and had left  a note addressed to Jumin  Han, and that was all. He didn’t want to open that letter, he knew what was going to be written. This was his fault. But in your eyes, it wasn’t. You had written him, telling him that this was not his fault, a=and that you were worthless, you couldn’t even hold off the idea of dying, that you couldn’t even die without that liquid courage running through your veins. This wasn’t his fault, it was yours, but he knew deep down, it was his.
He didn’t love you, because if he did, you’d be as good as dead in the life he leads. He was too busy, too dangerous, to horrid. So when you told him you loved him,he blew up and grew angry. He stated lies. He hated you, you were horrible if you loved him, he prefered Rika over you. He thought it would keep you away from him, that it would keep you safe. It was when Saeran came to him, breaking down and sobbing, he finally gets the idea. You had taken his gu, the one he taught you to use in case of danger, and painted your bedroom wall blood, and carved countless lines into your wrists, that you took your own life because he wouldn’t give you his love. He didn’t talk for weeks, only threw himself into his work.Didn’t eat, didn’t sleep,  and threw himself into unnecessary danger,so one day, he could meet you again,and explain why, and apologize, because it was all his fault.
He was damaged, and needed to heal,  but you fell for the damaged boy anyways. He felt rushed, panicked, and told him he despised you when you said you loved him. He didn’t hate you, but he didn’t love you either. He values your friendship,  but destroyed it in the process. It was Seven that told him. You were still in Rika’s apartment. The cameras showed you had went into  the bathroom 4 hours ago,and never came out, and that  worried the choi  boys. Of course, Saeran  is the first to the apartment and  is the one that breaks down the locked bathroom door,  and the one who finds your cold, lifeless body. An open bottle of pills, a bloodied razor blade,and your lifeless body in the running water. He broke down, almost turned back into his old self. He did this. He caused you enough grief, that you decided to your own life. It was his fault, and he had to live with that guilt, whether he could handle that, or if he would join you.
Rika. He was in love with Rika, and didn’t have room for you in his heart. He wanted her, insane or sane, she was the one. When you admitted you loved him, he told you he only loved Rika, and no one else,  that it would always be Rika. He didn’t expect that call. He didn’t expect the message received. He didn’t expect the letter.  He wanted you to pop up and say “surprise, this is all a joke” when he got the call. He was listed as an emergency contact due to RFA business, and the only one they could get a hold of. They had fished your body out of the river, where you had thrown yourself off of the bridge. The unsent text on her phone finally went through when fished out of the river. It’s  not your fault” is all it said. The letter in her home said the same thing. That it wasn’t his fault, that she wants him to be happy with Rika and forget about her. Thats when V became a Believer in her cult. The Elixir helped him forget you, so he wouldn't have to live with the guilt of telling the RFA members about an actual suicide that was his faut.
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Becoming Human - Chapter 10
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Previous Chapters:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
After my shift finished, I took the quickest path to the subway, riding it home in a weird state of anticipation. Gunhee had messaged earlier on that he had taken Leo back to my apartment when his own shift ended, and for some reason, the desire to see if Sohyun’s words were right or wrong had left me in a state of unknown. It felt so unfamiliar to expect anything of someone passed Gunhee. I had grown up with him as a child and when I returned from England, we had fallen right back into our friendship where it had left off.
Relationships with other humans, however, had either been destroyed by my constant clinical thinking from my studies or just never pursued enough by myself. Sohyun was the only exception, and although we were complete opposites, I held her close within my world.
But that was it.
And now, after years of being the same way, I was strangely hopeful at the new interactions I was facing with Leo. I wondered if Sohyun and Doctor Jung were right, and because of my lack of physical connections with others, I was going to end up in a situation that would ultimately be undesirable. The cries within my mind that Leo was a robot were slowly quietening. They were still there though, and as I walked towards my apartment, I reminded myself over and over to stop expecting too much from him.
I’ll see you later.
My eyes looked forward then, a stupid smile crossing my lips at the idea that he could be actually waiting at home for me. Would he be waiting on the sofa? In the kitchen? Would he have made dinner? Would he even remember the words he had said that had worked me up so much today?
I entered the apartment complex finally and felt as if my heart would explode through my chest as I waited for the elevator to open on my floor, my door soon standing tall in front of me. I stood there for a few minutes, attempting to calm myself back down. Finally, I put in my passcode and then entered the apartment, shutting the door behind me and removing my boots before turning around.
And there he was. He wasn’t waiting on the sofa. The house didn’t have an aroma of a cooked meal, nor was he occupying the kitchen area. Instead, Leo stood on the landing of the small hallway, his eyes quietly soaking me in, relief that he could see me again after hours of being apart.
In that moment, our real and artificial worlds collided. I stepped up into the house and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head into his chest as the first tear fell. The tall man stood still for a moment and then his arms were soon around me, holding me close to his body. I couldn’t distinguish anything different within his embrace than others I had been in and smiled, my tears falling more readily.
“You waited for me,” I managed to splutter out after the tears stopped. “You actually waited.”
“Where else would I go?” he softly asked, his hand now up in my hair and patting the curls rhythmically. “You had to come home to me and I had to wait for you. Why are you crying?”
“People don’t wait for me.”
Leo shifted back, his eyes searching for more understanding. His thumbs came up and wiped away the tear lines stained upon my cheeks. He then sighed lightly. “Why wouldn’t they?”
“Today I laughed inwardly at a client we have for finding small issues in her Kboy bothersome and so she requested a face-up with a reason that to me sounded so silly. And then I realised, who was I to judge her for finding that annoying? Who am I to decide that her new choice was less suitable than she imagined it to be? As long as he made her happy and she was not in any harm, isn’t that the best situation?”
“I mean, I somewhat agree, but what does this have to do with people not waiting for you, noona?”
I lowered my head, fresh tears threatening to fall again. “I’m cruel. I act like I’m nice but really, I think of people and categorise them from my psychology studies. When I shouldn’t be diagnosing them with my self-decided theories but accepting them for how they are if I want people to accept me.”
“I accept you,” Leo said immediately, smiling lightly as he lifted my chin up so I could see him again. My chin wobbled in his hand and it made his smile grow. “And I think you’re kind. Your heart is in the right place, Choi Yerin. If it wasn’t, would you, the self-proclaimed never going to own a Kboy, have saved me otherwise? You saw something in me that others weren’t ready to. Maybe I’ll be the lucky one who gets to see things in you before others do. I think I got a glimpse of the more vulnerable you tonight.”
“Maybe I am blurring our lines too easily,” I whispered and Leo smiled again. It made me pout and he broke out into a small laugh. “Don’t laugh at me!”
“Don’t be insanely cute then.”
“I was being serious though.”
Leo nodded and gently guided me towards my bedroom door. I glanced at him with wide eyes and then at my door. Another laugh escaped him. “I don’t know what is processing through that mind of yours right now, but I can sense you have had a big day full of emotions. I read that humans are faced with constant emotions and an overload from them can be exhausting. You should get changed and I’ll prepare something for dinner, so you can rest for the remainder of the night.”
He eyed me carefully and then shook his head. “I don’t understand, why did you just say no? What exactly for?”
“I will change and I am tired but I want to cook dinner together.”
“Together? But it would be easier for me to just prep-”
“Don’t you want to know more about humans and why they interact with each other?” Leo nodded. “Cooking together is another way to be close with the people you care about.”
“I understand that, but it’s only one person eating so it would be too burdensome to have two individuals making one meal.”
I smiled, taking off my jumper and opening the door to my room. “Just listen to your noona for once, okay?”
  Music played around the apartment as we both managed to fit into my small kitchen, Leo preparing the vegetables as I worked on seasoning some beef before popping it onto the stovetop. I watched as he cut the cucumber and carrot expertly, fast and precise. I wondered during all these years of my adulthood if I would have felt this alive if I had invited someone else into my life earlier. Or if this was just the effect of having Leo around. His different way of viewing our human world made me question just how well I had lived until now.
“Your eyes should be on the food, not me.” His voice startled me and I jumped, shifting backwards. Leo dropped the knife and reached out to steady me before I knocked into the frying pan on the stove and potentially caused trouble. However, being back in his arms seemed just as dangerous to me. Again, like the night where he saved me on our walk, he jumped away himself, quietly going back to the preparation of the food. I frowned; he hadn’t resisted my hug earlier on.
I had been obviously emotional then. Right now he simply was helping me from a potential accident and then continuing on with his task. I decided it would make sense if I were a robot to not find the close proximity anything to give a second thought to.
It was how we differed. Since hugging him and being vulnerable, it was all I could think of. I thought of how I wanted to cook together, remembering my Mother telling me that food made together tasted better. I had wanted to try it once. Instead, I was starting to over think the situation. The music now seemed to mock me, and as I turned to check the beef, I noticed it was burned on one side.
This wouldn’t taste good at all. Reality was returning to me. The window I had seen of something magical happening to me was fading fast. Because it was hopeless to think of Leo as anything but what he actually was.
The sooner I remembered that, the safer it would be for me.
Next chapter!
A/N: Oh Yerin, what are you doing! She was so giddy and enjoying everything until that last moment. I sense some angst coming out way >_>
Sorry this chapter was late to be posted today Xxx
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