zeezelweazel · 1 year
omeshot of best friend! lottie confessing her feelings to reader wile in the woods at night?? (wilderness timeline ofc)
Lottie Matthews| Confession|
I'm actually really excited to write for the wilderness timeline for once so thanks so much for the request!
Also sorry for writing this so late I picked up like five new hobbies, this is kinda short too.
Another stressful day in the wilderness has passed and as the sun is setting the girls one by one gather back in the cabin to sleep. It's dangerous to stay out for long after the sun has set.
You take the remaining pots and head towards the entrance of the cabin when you hear someone call out your name from behind you. You turn your head and see Lottie, standing by, nervously playing with her hands.
"Could you, uhm, come with me? I want to give you something."
You look up at the sky and notice that the sun is now fully gone, replaced by the beautiful stary sky. You know you shouldn't go for walks at night but you can never say no to your best friend. You smile and set down the buckets.
"Oh sure Lot. Just promise we won't go too far away from the cabin."
Lottie nodded with a smile and led you in to the forest.
You and Lottie have been walking for a while, casually talking about your day and the forest and what you did with the other girls. It reminds you of back when everything was normal and you'd hang out on Lottie's giant house talking about anything and everything. Suddenly Lottie stops walking and looks around. You're about to ask her why you're stopping but Lottie starts digging around her pocket for something until she finds it and thrusts it into your hands.
You look down at the object in your hands to see a rock. It's light in colour and it's shape reminds you of a heart, it's completely smooth and when you turn it around you notice the symbol engraved in the middle.
It was such a cute and thoughtful gift, you don't know what to say. You are a little confused as to why Lottie had to bring you all the way out here to give you this gift though.
"Thanks Lot, I really appreciate this."
She looks surprised at first like she wasn't expecting this.
"Your welcome. I wanted this to be special. I know we've been best friends for a long time and before all of this happened I promised myself I wouldn't ruin it. But we almost died and now we're stuck here and I'm... Whatever, my point is that I like you. More than a friend."
Your heart is beating out of your chest and you feel your face heat up as your brain tries to process what she just said. Your brest friend and long time crush actually likes you back.
The only thing that you can think to do is kiss her. Frame her beautiful soft face with your hands and bring your lips together in a slow and sweet kiss under the light of the stars.
When you pull back both of you are grinning from ear to ear and Lottie takes your hand and locks your fingers together. Your life might be going from bad to worse to downright hell but hey, at least you're dating your hot best friend now.
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fucksurass · 10 months
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Hes so dumb look at his dumb hat hes soooooo lame like look at him hes an asshole always givin people the finger like bro whats yo problem why you got beef wit everybody who blink at you like he probably likes space and fluffy animals like broooo hes prolly a nerd too like if you say "Stars are so shiny" Bro will be like "Erm actually☝🤓" and look at all his dumb expressions like oh my god bro needs to stop doing this hes ruining my life with his lameness and uglyness and stupidness and I just want to grab him and squeeze the hell out of him then take him home and put him in a nice cozy bed and give him a deformed bootleg Tweek plushie with a stary nightlight and I will say, "Night night you stupid idiot" and he will say, "Fuck you"
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m1d-45 · 1 year
[summary: i like him bc i pity him]
basically we are going to talk about dottore's pre-fatui days and we will be using the speculated name 'Zandik'.
TW: grooming speculation and neglect
<#1 — using the wise doctor's pinion set for our knowledge we can actually take a somewhat detailed but still foggy look into what Zandik's akadeymia life was like. now since i am an anon i cannot show imagery but i will put what i remember but you can search it up if you'd like.
>"will you treat me like the akadeymia did? will you call me a monster..? a madman..?"
• now using this alongside the information that dottore was chased out of his hometown in sumeru by an angry mob (assumed to carry torches and pitchforks) being outcasted and rejected by his own nation for a second time during the akadeymia 'outcast' era it was obvious he was used to it and spiraled into hating himself and others. he could never fully trust someone, not anyone. he viewed the world as an experiment, his playground. holding no regard for the life that had shown him no mercy to name calling etc.
• what he went through during his akadeymia days (the bullying) can be classified as child neglect by the akadeymia's staff AND student, it can just be neglect since his age was stated as 'youth/young' and nothing more. no true clarifications to how old he was. however using this information you can only imagine how this affected his very well still underdeveloped frontal cortex (young mind)
• he was stated to have 'knowledge not of this world' and 'a heretic who possessed forbidden knowledge' (stated by people to be assumed from the akadeymia and his hometown) and if you wanna pull the 'he killed and fed his date to the lions of the forest during an expedition date they shared together' card then go ahead because i will be using my own opinion to be defending this one however not completely, only giving an insight into what i think his thought process was during the murder.
<# using the 4th statement we can see that he did not trust others, nor will he ever. his mind probably developed to shut others out, he must've viewed soreh as a threat or so. thinking she was only going to use him.
<# 'he activated a ruin guard only to shut it off and portray himself as a hero!' the praise he knows of is through what he sees throught the akadeymia. the praise he rarely ever gets OF COURSE HE WOULD BE ATTENTION STARVED.
closing reason #1-
<#2 — people have widely speculated that pierro (the jester) had gr//med zandik into joining the fatui. now before you come at me for using this statement i can quite literally pull up the definition of grooming.
the action of attempting to form a relationship with a child or young person, with the intention of  inducing them to commit an illegal act such as selling drugs or joining a t3rr0rst organization.
we aren't going to use the other reason because that is disgusting! it's speculated that pierro had gr//med zandik into becoming dottore, not the human experimention part though, zandik already showed signs of insanity revolving around that during his akadeymia days. pierro had only fueled it. turning him into the fatui's weapon maker.
you may assume i am using pity to troll you into our hehe haha hoho dumpster cat scientist, however i can state a few more reasons that do NOT revolve around his sad backstory
1/2 of the asks im going to send
—🚬 anon
cig- cig stop talking it’s working-
FUCK my brain chemicals are eating this shit UP
i will pass verdict after the second ask, however.
stew…… avert thine eyes-
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alwek · 1 year
I'm being moved again. 14th time in 24 years. This morning I saw a video of a vagabond recording their various train hoppings, and I was overcome with sadness.
I think the two are connected. I've quite literally never known any form of stability in my entire life, and that makes the life of a wanderer very appealing to me I think. It's like, some form of sameness in the lifestyle itself. A life of always seeing new things, always being somewhere different, and THAT being the sameness, that sounds great to me. And I think it's because being forced into new places so many times, being told for half of them that the next would never happen, it's ruined the part of my brain that supposed to like consistancy. I hate it when things are the same for too long.
The longer somethingnis the same, the harder it hurts when it's inevitably taken away. The longest I've ever lived in one place is 5 years, and when that 5th year came around I got so anxious. I knew at that point we'd never been in one location longer than a few years, and I figured being here for so long was a sign we were going somewhere soon. So I started distancing myself from everyone around me. I didn't want them because I thought theyd be gone soon anyway so whats the point in keeping trying because well, I'm never gonna see them again after next year.
And then i didn't get moved. The 5th year came, and I heard nothing about moving, so I tried again to make friends and a place for myself, just be told shortly after that that "we're moving again, kiddo! So exciting right?" Like no. You telling me we're moving again in a happy voice doesn't change how much i hate you for dragging me around to your fucking wims. That was move 12.
I physically can't stay in one place too long now. Like, if I'm in one location for longer than 6 hours I go buck wild. Dissociation starts to trigger, my mind starts racing, I lose everything that is me. I don't know how its going to effect my own livong situation when I'm able to have my own and be free of the choices my parents make for me against all my wishes. Will i be able to do it? Will i go crazy trying to aclimate myself to a single place? It's already a fucking problem with people. The longest I've ever had a single friend is 6 years now, and I'm starying to get thoughts of abandoning everything because of how all this terrifies me. I'm not used to people being in my life in posotive ways for so long and I have no clue if this neutral feeling i have to them is normal or not. I know I like them, and enjoy talking to them, but is that it? Is that all friends are? A neutral feeling of non-annoyance? That's not what literally everyone has told me though. Which I guess means I'm broken somehow. Fuck man. I don't know. I hate this so much. I just wanted stability in any fucking form in my life and I've never had it. Not for anything, you name it it wasn't a constant in my life.
I have been told everything is mine but was denied ever touching it. I have been left to everywhere and given nothing.
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ribbonmiku · 2 years
vent in tags. tw self harm mention, alcohol abuse, relapse, mom issues, death mention, jail and probation mention, general oversharing, uhhhh. yeah. sorry.
#im gonna stary biting my fingers off fr fr fr#everyone is being so frustrating#just. DO the shit you said you werr gonna do#im so tired of being the only reasonable one one in my family and having to play phone tag with mh parents#and try to micromanage my mom into staying alive#trying to talk her through her drunken breakdowns so we can figure out if relapsing will be a violation of her probation#trying to keep her from just decending into hesterics because probation violation means going back to jail#and just the THOUGHT sends her careening into sobs#and it takes forever to reel her back in#and then i think i have but when i trh to call her back later she’s sloshed again#IF she picks up#im TRYING to keep this from becoming life ruining or deadly again#but i just cant! get! her! to! work! with! me!#im trying to be patient with her but it’s SO fucking hard#I JUST NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET HER TO INPATIENT#she wants to ho but we dont know what legal barriers and dangers we’re dealing with!!#im so fucking tired#and i was gonna go on a date with my gf tonight but she canceled last minute#i really needed it#this fucking sucks this all fucking sucks and im getting too deep into trying to save my mom#and SOMEHOW i’m keeping it together. SOMEHOW i’ve been emotionally stable through all this and more present then i’ve been in months#i think i’m just. heavily numbing out and in crisis mode#i dont even know how to end this rambling mess#whatever#i’m gonna try to call my mom again#fuck.#edit: context my mom’s relapsing andi i’m trying to send her to inpatient about it but she’s have to tell her probation officer#she’s on probation for felony DUI and in my state drinking at all CAN be a probation violation but not always. it depends on the case.#until we know for sure we don’t know how to get her into inpatient without risking her going back to jail.#idfk what im doing and no one is helping and I’m so FRUSTERATED and TIRED and I hate that I’m DOING THIS AGAIN
0 notes
greenhappyseed · 3 years
BnHA Ch.337 - Review, parallels, and comparisons
Hagakure is the hero of this chapter, saving Izuku from Aoyama’s laser attack and preventing another brawl in the UA forest. Her quick use of her quirk allowed Izuku to use Blackwhip for restraint until the police could show up to arrest the Aoyamas, which is how heroes and law enforcement are supposed to work.
BUT. I’d like to start off by focusing on Bakugo, which is kinda rare for me (I feel like his panels are picked over by the fandom and there’s usually nothing new to say.) Here, for the first time, I think we see Bakugo truly, TRULY understand Izuku. Not just apologize to him. Not just acknowledge Izuku’s innate heroism. Hell, Bakugo even refers to Izuku as “one of us who” just happened to “start out quirkless” — and that’s NOT his biggest moment of the chapter.
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Bakugo finally grasps that the heroes can defeat AFO by saving. Saving — particularly saving villains — is a legitimate battle strategy with a compound effect that tilts the numbers in the heroes’ favor.
Saving isn’t just sacrificing yourself to save a friend. It’s not some uwu goody-two-shoes pseudo-power for people who can’t throw a punch. Saving means your side has more reinforcements in battle. Last chapter, both Bakugo and Momo recognized that survival against AFO is a numbers game. Endeavor and the Lurkers recognized this in earlier chapters too, talking about how too many heroes were quitting.
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What’s the best strategy for racking up the numbers? Is it saving Izuku, the civilians at UA, and the people on the street? Ofc, that’s what’s at stake and what they have to protect.
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But is it how the heroes will WIN? Will citizens sheltered at UA defeat AFO and his legions of “friends”? Not quite…..
Converting villains to the hero side is what tips the numbers. Every converted villain is -1 for AFO and +1 for the heroes. It’s not just about saving Aoyama (although having a spy on the hero side is a good start and gives the heroes a solid opening move). The full path to victory is about reaching out a hand to the enemy to deplete their ranks. Perfect victory, no villain casualties, is the best strategic move the heroes have. Killing an enemy removes them from your opponent’s side, but it doesn’t ADD to your own.
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At this moment, Izuku is showing Bakugo that saving villains is possible. Bakugo knows AFO doesn’t have “allies.” AFO’s “many friends” are just tools he’s using, and when they are of no use to his goal, he will toss them aside. Like Endeavor with Toya. God, AFO’s “lighter” reference was so painful to read. Bakugo knows, from first hand experience, Izuku would never leave a friend behind. He doesn’t think in terms of a person’s utility to him (he’s too self-sacrificial for that). In return, Izuku’s friends are genuine. They share his resolve, they run alongside him, and they smile together. To Izuku, Aoyama’s life isn’t disposable — even though Aoyama is a villain. And Aoyama, as a villain, doesn’t see Izuku as his enemy. It’s heartbreaking to watch the poor kid try to convince himself that the friendship was fake because he and Izuku were proxies of AFO and OFA, unwittingly trying to stop the other.
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Luckily, Izuku had never seen such bullshit before. He knows his friendship with Aoyama is real. Lemme shout that louder: THESE BOYS WERE ON A MISSION TO RUIN EACH OTHER AND BECAME FRIENDS ANYWAY. If they can come together and be heroes together, then why NOT other villains? Especially once the villains know AFO isn’t a true “friend”? It’s becoming clear the LOV is disillusioned with AFO. The cracks have formed. The panel of Spinner comforting Shigaraki, still writhing on the ground in pain, after AFO stopped patting Shigaraki to return to his throne, shows exactly how much AFO cares about his “new me.”
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From here, my ideal headcanon is Bakugo untying Aoyama so he can take Izuku’s hand, with All Might watching proudly as the “ultimate hero” duo arises to win by saving a villain. I don’t think it’s an accident we see All Might surrounded by focus lines, staring wide-eyed at Izuku right as Izuku reaches a hand to Aoyama. When All Might is close enough to Izuku, he can feel what his vestige, Aura Might, is thinking and feeling. All Might knew, from Ch.305, that Izuku wanted to save Shigaraki and Aura Might supported this. But given the mess of the Nagant arc, it doesn’t seem that All Might and Izuku ever actually talked about it. I’m hoping this panel means we’re finally going to see All Might, whose calm chat with Stain gave the heroes intel AND renewed All Might’s own heroic soul, support villain outreach.
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Last��� I noticed Aoyama and Toga have similarities in their background stories. Born different, unappreciated by their parents. driven by a desire to fit in as they are. Both have parents who take “responsibility” for their children’s “evil,” but are also the source. (Toga bc her parents don’t help her find a constructive outlet for her quirk; Aoyama bc his parents get him mixed up with AFO, which turns him into a criminal.) Neither wanted to be a hero OR villain, really. They got pushed into their roles because their parents forced them to make awful choices.
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doctenwho · 4 years
A Night With The Stars
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Hello! So, a bit of housekeeping first! Sorry once again for this taking a while, I mentioned yesterday in an ask that I hurt my shoulder right after Christmas, so writing was a bit of a struggle! Thankfully it’s starting to feel better now, and hopefully I can keep working through the requests I have waiting! Sorry if you’ve been waiting a while, I promise I’ll get to it!
This request was so much fun to work on, and how cute is that idea? Just sitting with Ten looking at the stars? Adorable! Also, cute and flirty Ten is best Ten. That’s all, so, please enjoy!
Rating: None?
Word Count: 2,707
Summary: Read prompt above!
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(As always, lovely gif doesn’t belong to me! Credit to the creator!)
You liked quiet evenings with the Doctor in the TARDIS. Sitting with your legs hanging off the edge of the TARDIS doors, just taking in what the universe had to offer.  
There really was nothing better than sitting up in the stars, seeing it and, if you really wanted to, leaning out and touching those stars (though the Doctor strongly recommended you didn’t touch stars, nor lean out too far). You’d heeded his warnings, of course, but the thought still crossed your mind every so often.  
The universe was far more extravagant than anything that the earth had to offer, and it felt like it was just for your eyes. It put earth planetariums and that experience to shame, and you weren’t sure you’d never manage to find anything quite as beautiful anywhere else. 
This was a special gift only you, a few other companions you knew about, ever got to see. A privilege that came with the Doctor’s hectic life.  
Sure, you could see the stars from earth, or with a telescope, but once you’d experiences this, seeing planets, and stars and all their details and glory up close, a telescope would no longer deliver that amazing experience.  
Honestly, if you had to guess, you were sure the Doctor really just liked to ruin telescopes and star gazing for people when he got to option too, because now that you’d seen this, nothing would ever compare.
You crossed one ankle over the other, and just stared out. Taking it all in.  
It was early in the evening, you knew, not that the darkness around you told you anything regarding what time of day it was. It was always dark and stary in space, the sun certainly wasn’t the way to tell time in the TARDIS.  
The Doctor was behind you, not that you bothered to look. He was probably steering the TARDIS silently, like he tended to do. There was a gentle hum of the TARDIS surrounding you, one you’d gotten used too early on. It was a comfort to you now, more than it was annoying.  
You drew your attention back to the Doctor, turning to look at him briefly.  
The Doctor moved to join you, sitting down beside you and shifting so his legs were also hanging out like yours. The doorway was wide enough to accommodate the two of you perfectly well, but he still chose to sit beside you so his thigh settled against yours.
You smiled to yourself, as you leaned a bit into his side. You could feel his fond gaze on you, but you didn’t look towards him to confirm it. He lightly tapped his foot against yours, hanging down into the darkness of space and shimmering stars beneath the TARDIS, and you pushed yours back against his playfully.  
You liked this.  
Just being with the Doctor in the best sense of the word. Just... being.
Where you weren’t in danger, or being chased, or any other dangerous situation you’d been stuck in before while accompanying the Doctor in his travels. The good times far outweighed the bad ones, but it just made moments like this all the while more special.  
Moments where you could just breath, with the Doctor by your side.  
“What’re you doing?” the Doctor questions, kicking his feet lightly so they waver back and forth. You don’t have to look at him to know he’s look at you. You can feel his eyes on you, so you keep your attention straight, looking over the beauty of the universe. Taking in the details that were always passing you by as you whipped off, to whatever destination the man beside you had in mind, now that you had the chance.  
“Taking it in,” you mumbled, finally lulling your head in his direction, “I still can’t get over how... pretty this is,” you gestured a hand towards the expanse of the stary world surrounding you, “it’s just... so much more beautiful up close...”
“Indeed,” the Doctor agreed, looking out as well. He didn’t look quite as impressed as you, but he had been travelling space and time for over nine-hundred years. He’d seen it since he was young, you were sure.  
But he still did like to be the one to introduce space to people. To experience it with his companions and share the beauty of it all, and you could tell that just from the knowing smile playing on his lips as he looked back towards you, “nothing your earth has to offer will ever truly capture this kind of view, will it?”
“Not in my time,” you shrugged with a light smile, “but that’s alright, because I get to see it with you. Not everyone is that lucky.”
A grin spread across the Doctor’s face, small but prideful, “I’m honored.”
“You should be,” you laughed. “Don’t get cocky, Spaceman.”
“Never,” the Doctor teased. He gave an easy sigh, leaning back with his arms supporting him. “I’m truly lucky to have a companion like you, (Y/N). Nothing cocky about that, now is there?”
You shook your head with an embarrassed smile, ducking your head so he couldn’t see your face anymore. Beside you, the Doctor cleared his throat, voice following a bit nervously, “I’ve prepared something for us, if you’d like to see?”
“You did?” You raised an eyebrow skeptically, “and what would that be?”
“It’s a surprise,” the Doctor grinned, shaking his head as if saying he wasn’t going to tell you, like his use of ‘surprise’ had implied, “you wait here, and I’ll be right back with it, alright?”
The Doctor was only gone for about a minute—maybe two. You didn’t bother looking back at him until he was sitting himself back down beside you. He’s set something down, then pulled it close so it took up residence between the two of you, which drew in your attention.  
You looked down at what the Doctor had brought, eyeing it thoughtfully.
“A picnic?” You blinked in surprise, eyes lifting up to the Doctor’s smiling face.
Beside the Doctor, settled between the two of you, was an old picnic basket. The kind you’d really only seen in films, or tv shows. Old and probably obtained before you even existed. You weren’t even sure they made picnic baskets like that anymore.  
It was perfect down to the checkered fabric covering the inside and peeking out of the rim of the basket.  
“A picnic,” the Doctor confirmed, flipping the top of the picnic basket open so you could gaze in at what he’d brought along, “you didn’t seem too keen on leaving the doorway today, and I know you humans tend to eat three meals a day so... I thought you’d like to have something to eat... a picnic in the stars?”
You shifted your eyes from the basket, back to the galaxy before you, smiling lighting up slowly. You looked back at the Doctor to see him watching you, a fond expression on his face. “Do you like it?”
“It perfect,” you decided. And it was.  
No one had ever gone the lengths like the Doctor was. You’d never even really been on a picnic on earth, where you were sure the idea stemmed from, unless it was one of those whole neighborhood picnics, or family gatherings. Never one as... romantic as this.  
Your cheeks flushed at the thought-- at the Doctor being romantic-- since he was usually all hyper and bold, running you ragged on various adventures. He had his sweet and tender moments, of course, when he’d come to your aid, or put himself in harm’s way for your sake, but there was just something so... genuinely sweet about this.  
About him putting in the time and effort of organizing and making a picnic up for the two of you. The thought that had gone into it, when he could’ve just told you it was close to dinner time and you would’ve stood to leave the TARDIS doorway, shutting the doors behind you.  
“Good,” the Doctor flashed a grin, digging different food items out of the basket to show you the selection. There were basics, like earth sandwiches and snack items like chips and cookies—a few fruits and vegetables that had been cut down to bite sized pieces for easy eating.
A good selection of the foods you’d brought into the TARDIS after your latest trip to earth.  
As interesting as space foods, and the kind of things the Doctor liked were, you still liked to stick with what you knew. There was always an off chance something could make you sick, or even be poisonous to humans, so earth food was usually the way to go. Plus, the Doctor didn’t mind occasional trips to earth for you to pick up earth food.  
Then there were other snacks from other planets—various berries and vegetables that you’d tried along the way and liked, as well as some snacks the Doctor liked that you wouldn’t try. Somethings just didn’t look very appealing to an earthling.  
It was all so carefully constructed, put together with you at mind. From the sandwiches, to the snacks he’d selected for you (your go to snacks when you were hungry), even to the food from different planets that you liked.  
“You made sandwiches,” you mumbled out, looking at the plate of triangle sandwiches. They were made exactly the way you liked them, down to the smallest details. The Doctor had never made you sandwiches before. He’d never really made you anything food wise, just since you had such vast different tastes in foods—much less earth foods.
“I did,” he gave a hum of agreement, pawing through the snacks he’d brought, before pulling out your favorite type of drink, “earth-y, isn’t it? It’s what you usually have on picnics, right?”
“Yeah,” you blinked shyly before shaking your head, “I mean, I think? I’ve never... No one really does picnics anymore—Not like this, I mean... Not, like, as a date, I guess?”  
“Oh?” the Doctor tilted his head. “You humans always seemed so proud of your picnics.”
“It’s just easier to go out to dinner, or catch a movie now,” you shrugged, playing with your fingers nervously, “but, wow, this is... it’s perfect, Doctor. Really perfect.”
“I just thought you should eat,” the man gave you a small smile, “I know it’s been busy these last few days, and you just looked so content out here tonight... Didn’t want to disturb it.”
You opened your mouth the reply, but the Doctor beat you to it, “anyways, sandwich?” He offered you the plate of sandwiches, to which you took one without speaking. The Doctor grabbed his own off the pile and took a bite.
“I’m never sure about your earth food,” the Doctor mumbled after swallowing his bite, “I barely branch out further than the occasional holiday dinner I get invited too, but these sandwiches are really good.”
You eyed him for a second before taking your own bite. It was really good. It tasted just like you’d made it, but you knew you hadn’t. You actually wondered when he’d managed to slip away to prepare this meal.  
“You did a good job,” you told him, taking another bite. The Doctor gave you a wide grin before you looked back out at the world around you. You finished off your sandwich, just looking at the stars that gleamed around you.  
It was quiet, but you didn’t mind. You were both just enjoying the view around you, and the company beside you. You didn’t have to be talking, it was a comfortable silence.  
You ate together, not really talking more than occasional comment about something being good. It was nice. You didn’t get a lot of time with the Doctor like this, where nothing was happening, or going to happen. Where he wasn’t distracted by one thing or another, because as much as he rarely had a plan, he was always busy.  
“You should try this,” the Doctor waved a piece of some kind of fruit in front of you, “it’s a delicacy on the planet Sontar. Those little guys love this stuff, and for good reason too. It might be one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. You won’t believe what I had to go through to get it.”
“What’s it taste like?” You wrinkled your nose at the fruit held a couple inches from your face. It smelt sweet, almost familiar, but not all the same.
“A mix of earth fruits really,” the Doctor gave a shrug, as he inched the fruit towards your lips, “c’mon, (Y/N) trust me. It’s very good, and perfectly fine. You’re not the first human to be wary of this stuff. You’ll love it though.”
His voice dropped, and his smile widened as you looked towards him, unsure even though it had clearly been tested by other companions before you. The thought of biting into the fruit held in the Doctor’s fingers had you shyly staring at man’s fingers and not letting your eyes wonder back to his face.  
You gave in after a second though, leaning forwards to taste the fruit. His hand didn’t waver as you finally bit a small piece off, biting the cubed fruit from his fingers as a blush crawled up your cheeks.  
You leaned back, chewing slowly and trying to understand the mix of tastes in your mouth. It didn’t taste bad or anything, it was just overwhelming. It was good, you decided. The Doctor’s eyes were on you again, watching and waiting for your opinion.  
“So?” he prompted with a crooked smile, “how is it?”
“Good,” you told him, ducking your attention from his charming glance, “really good. Can I have more?”
“Of course,” the man grinned. He paused briefly, between moving to offer you the bowl. His eyes flickered up to your face for a moment before he slowly lowered the bowl back into his lap, and instead offered you another bite, testing his luck.
He raised one eyebrow, almost challenging you to repeat your actions and let him feed you more fruit. Your cheeks lit up once more in embarrassment as you leaned over the basket in a bold move to bite the fruit again. The Doctor watched your movements, smile fond.  
You didn’t hate being fed by the Doctor, in fact it was nice.  
When you leaned back, the Doctor popped the remained of the piece you’d bitten into his mouth, grinning at you. You giggled at him, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
You ate a bit more of the Sontaran fruit before you both called it quits on the picnic. You were full. You made it through a lot of the food, but the Doctor had definitely overpacked. You tidied up, putting everything back in the basket to be sorted back into the cupboards and fridge later, before flipping the backet closed again.  
The Doctor pushed the basket back so it sat just behind the two of you, before sliding closer to you and settling at you side, like he had earlier that night. You looked towards him with a smile, but he wasn’t looking at you now, or, he wasn’t until he felt your gaze on him, “what?”
“Thank you,” you told him, looking down at his knee, just barely touching your own. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget this it was... amazing.”
“It was my pleasure,” the Doctor told you softly, “I’m so glad you enjoyed this.”
His arm wrapped around your shoulders, pulling you carefully into his side. You let your head fall against his chest as you looked out around you. It hadn’t changed, but it was just as beautiful.  
“It really is beautiful,” you sighed fondly, not bothering to look up at the Doctor. His arm tightened around you, holding you against his side. You melted into the embrace, just enjoying this one night of perfection, since you were sure things would return to their usual hecticness tomorrow.
But you wouldn’t want it any other way. ��
“Yeah,” the man’s voice broke the quiet atmosphere after a few seconds of silent contemplation. He spoke softly, agreeing with you distractedly. “Indeed, it is.”
But the Doctor wasn’t looking out at the starry universe—no, his eyes were trained on you.
Another beautiful gif just to give you an idea of what I pictured while writing this, I stumbled upon this gif and thought it was perfect! Credit to the creator once more!
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Thank you so much for taking the time to read, and I hope you enjoyed! As always, if it wasn’t what you were looking for, feel free to prompt me again! Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year (RIP to me saying that way too late).
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saffron-nova21 · 4 years
XIX. Secret Tours
Remember Me Masterlist
< Previous Chapter • Next Chapter >
Warnings: Strong language
A/N: I know, I’m so sorry about the lack of a read more, I might try to add one later, but currently, they aren’t working on my phone and my laptop is out of commission. I’m really, really sorry, guys.
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With a sweet, but sleepy, smile plastered on your lips, you step away from the train with Atsumu, your bag slung over your shoulder, finding yourself excited to meet Tetsurō in person. You might not have known him for very long, nor had you met him in person yet, but all he’d been was a good friend to you. One you had come to need and depend on, with all that had been going on in your life. All of those lonely days, who had texted you and grounded you throughout all of it? Not your brother, not any of your team mates, no... It had been a stranger you’d met through Twitter, by pure coincidence.
He was the one who had knocked some sense into you to stop giving Rintarō chances. He was the one who talked you into telling Atsumu what had happened, rather than continuing to allow yourself to be manipulated. He had been the one to tell you that quitting volleyball club and practicing on your own would be best, with the way the other team members continuously made you feel like shit and gave you the cold shoulder.
When you spot he and his best friend standing there, the latter with a game in his hands, you nearly jump out of your skin as a jolt of excitement runs through you.
Looking at who who assumed to be Kenma, you found yourself touched that Kenma continuously glanced up to search for you, immediately getting the sense that he probably didn’t do that very often.
You end up walking towards them without a word to your best friend. Though Atsumu would tease you later on, saying you were borderline running to the two. When they caught sight of you, Kenma and Tetsurō go bug-eyed for a moment. Kenma’s arms fall a bit as his attention shifts to you, completely.
Both of them were quickly able to come to one conclusion: Any pictures of you did you no justice.
As you reach them, you stop just short of them, having to retrain yourself from leaping on them both... They’d been so good to you, it only felt normal to want to hug them.
“Hi,” you grin at them both, effectively breaking their momentarily stunned silence, your smile shining nearly as brightly as the sun.
A grin emerges on Tetsurō’s face as he shakes his head and offers open arms, to which you nearly jump in, hugging him tightly. Very quickly, he had become your anchor, being there for you and believing in you, when even your team lost faith in you and you could only hope your embrace conveyed all of the emotions that you couldn’t voice.
Hugging Tetsurō felt like hugging an old friend, or an older brother you never got to see. His embrace felt warm and it made this sense of security wash over you that you hadn’t felt in a very long time.
“Ready to go?”
“Of - fucking - course I am!” Your voice attracts the attention of people around you and makes Kenma look back down at his screen, being knocked from his trance. He hadn’t been staring, he hadn’t been staring, he hadn’t been stari — “I get to come and play volleyball with some of Tokyo’s best. Not to mention, Tokyo has some other-worldly pretty setters.”
Kenma doesn’t respond, his head just shooting up to give you a brief, almost confused glance look before returning his attention to his gaming device.
Though you don’t miss the reddening of his ears.
“Yeah, I meant you, Kenma, baby.” You grin, finally slipping from Tetsurō’s embrace to look at Kenma, who looks at you again.
Momentarily, the faux-blonde looks confused, before he lets out a small exhale, opening his own arms to you. Moving forward, you embrace him, without a care in the world that you hardly knew him. And as he rests his chin on your shoulder, you miss the slight smile that forms on his lips.
Pulling away after a moment, you allow Kenma back to his game, “You guys give some amazing fucking hugs. Just thought you should know.” You inform them, before turning to face an oddly quiet Atsumu.
You always complimented people a lot and borderline flirted with everyone around you, until you and Suna started dating. And now, you were back to being your normal flirty self.
Though Atsumu was the same way, consistently flirting with everything that breathed.
You both weren’t together, you’d just been flirting, putting your past feelings out in the open, and opening the doors to a relationship between you both maybe having a relationship one day.
There was nothing exclusive between you both, as far as you were aware. Not to mention that he was still talking up a storm with his fan club, just yesterday.
But apparently you were wrong.
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You shouldn’t have been as excited as you were about touring Nekoma High. You’d be transferring for your final year of high school, leaving behind all of the people you’d met. Leaving, even if Suna could regain his memories any day now, leaving even though you and Atsumu had only just laid out all of your feelings out on the table, together.
As you approach the large gym, a smile forms on your face, eyes shining as if you’d just opened a present. Everyone around you could see the way you picked up your pace and held your head up higher, even if you didn’t quite notice it.
Entering the gym, you looked around, glancing at all of the people who looked towards you at your entrance. As much as you wanted to shy away from the attention, you couldn’t, just grinning as Tetsurō comes to stand next to you.
The realization seems to hit them, the teams walking over to speak and introduce themselves.
You were so caught up that you didn’t notice the way Atsumu watched you. Even though he introduced himself and conversed with his normal lazy smirk, he couldn’t miss the way you smiled.
For so many weeks, your smiles had been half-hearted. They hadn’t quite reached your eyes, and everyday, it seemed like you were dragging your feet, just waiting, wishing the days would come to an end. So how could he miss your first genuine smile in weeks? How could he miss the way your eyes lit up, while you looked around? How could he miss the way you spoke to them excitedly, without having to hold your tongue for fear of people attacking you for what you said? How could he miss the way you clicked so easily with these people?
That's the thing. He couldn't.
"I think you'll really like the people here, too. Of course, every high school can have a toxic atmosphere, but it hasn't really ever gotten half as bad over here as what you've had to deal with, in the past months." Tetsurō explains with a grin playing on his lips.
"Over here are some of our other clubs. I assumed you'd be signing up for the volleyball club, but in case you truly wanted a clean break, here you are." Reaching a hand to the bulletin, he pulls off one of the many sheets, filled with different clubs. "Do you want to look at the classrooms, or would you rather tour the courtyard?"
Thinking momentarily, you roll your shoulders in a nonchalant shrug, "Honestly, you said it yourself, the Chemistry classroom was the most interesting and you already showed it to me, so the courtyard sounds best."
With a nod and a teasing smirk cast in your direction, a 'this way, your highness' came from your friend.
Walking to the courtyard with Tetsurō, you smile, "So... Kenma. He's... Interesting."
The Captain goes bug-eyed at your words, though it's hidden behind a curtain of messy black hair, from the angle you're looking at him. He quickly hides it with a discreet shake of his head. "What happened to that setter of yours, that you were so in-love with?"
Embarrassment floods you, your face growing warm as your bring a hand to rub the back of your neck. "What-?" Your feigned ignorance doesn't fly with your new friend, though, who makes you drop your 'act' with a knowing look. "Look, I love Atsumu... But am I in love with him?" You sigh. "I told him that it might be possible that I attempted to move on with him... But I know how he's going to take it, when I tell him I'm changing schools.
"I love Atsumu, I do... But I know him better than anyone else. Except for maybe Osamu. And knowing him so well means knowing that he's not going to want to accept it. He's going to think I'm abandoning him and lash out. Then he'll feel guilty, but won't apologize, because he's prideful."
Tetsurō furrows his brows, looking at you, "Then what are you going to do? Just not say anything when you disappear, next school year?"
Looking around, you smile a bit up at the bright blue sky. A few fluffy white clouds decorated it, but otherwise, it was nothing but clear skies. It almost made you forget the fact that Atsumu wouldn't be able to handle you moving schools. He'd nearly lost his shit when you had changed middle schools and the only way that he had kept his cool was knowing you'd be going to the same high school together.
"I don't know."
Tetsurō nods a bit in understanding, opting not to say much more on the topic.
As Tetsurō continued to give you the tour, neither of you noticed the texts from Kenma, warning you that Atsumu had left the gym in search of 'the bathroom' and hadn't come back.
And you would soon find yourself regretting not checking your phone.
Tetsurō honestly hopes that you and Kenma get along. He worries about Kenma, for after he goes to university, and knowing that he's leaving someone behind who will make sure Kenma takes care of himself makes him feel a lot better.
Atsumu wants you happy. But he wants you happy with him. Even if you're not dating, he knows distance can ruin friendships.
You know that you're attracted to Kenma - of course, you wouldn't call it a crush since you only just met him, but you do want to get to know him more.
I hope you guys are enjoying, still!
You guys better be eating some food, drinking some water, and taking care of yourselves mentally and physically. But remember, no matter what, I'm proud of you and I love you. You're doing great, today. Even if you just got out of bed, keep it up, because you're doing great, alright? Things will get better, I promise.
@kookie-doughs @halesandy @ermahgerd-larry-and-ziam @kac-chowsballs @saltylettuce @its-the-aerieljeane @javj @ash-levi @babyshoyo @hiraeth-z @random-fandom-girl-24 @kodzuklutz @tsukkiswifeey @thollandx @pandauniverse @starylust
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horrorslashergirl · 3 years
I shuddered as his bare rough face rubbed against my neck, I wiggled a little from his prickly stubble and his hot breath but I didn't want to ruin the astonishing progress I made with him. Staying still I observed the large man as he pulled away slightly, also looking as if he wanted a pen and some paper. It was weirdly cute the way I could see the gears turning in his brain, almost like an animal or small child trying to come up with something.
The man began to write on the concrete with some mud and my eyes glanced from his golden eyes to the floor over and over, tilting my head when he tried to speak. So I was right, he couldn't speak, but he tried and that made him have some sort of charm.
Carefully I turned my head to look at the messy scribbled writing on the cold worn floor... Mitch. That must be his name.
Turning back to look in his eyes I nodded and slowly said his name "So your name is Mitch... I've always liked that name... Mitch."
I didn't really know what I could do next but his body weight was still crushing on mine, I had to slowly get him off me so I could run somehow. Part of me wanted to get the hell out of there but the other half was deeply intrigued by the "feral" man. I wanted to know more. Who was he? Why was he here? Did he have a normal life other wise?
My hands roamed along his shoulders and neck feeling the strong muscles and I slowly began to massage as I asked a question "Do you still want me, Mitch?... Want me to cry out your name, handsome?"
I couldn't believe my questions but made I could get him in a vulnerable position if I toyed with him, even though half of my heart didn't want to.
The moment she spoke his name, he purred more against her neck, his tongue coming out and starting to lick along her jugular, feeling her pulse.
She liked his name? What was so special about a name? That made him slightly confused... The lack of human touch and interaction that didn't included guts spilled out were foreign to the feral man.
His gloved hands continued to roam her body, getting familiar with every inch of the small woman, his arousal ever present against her and he groaned when she staryed to rub and massaged his tense muscels... Muscels that killed so many that entered his territory.
None last more than a few hours on his territory.
Golden hazel eyes widened at her question. She still wanted him... Why else would she ask him that?
He hissed into appreciation, his palms cupping her asscheeks and squezzing the gloved of flesh.
"Essssss....." it was the closest he could say the word 'Yes' sounding more like an animal hissing.
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Looking Back
[Lasting Embers au spoilers]
A constant in life is that life is constantly changing; a concept known to any huntsman that were worth their salt on the battlefield. As well as anybody who chose a dangerous life style. For Adam, it was the second constant in his life. The first was the stary void that dawned over him with its trillions of stars. It might be the only real perk of night watch. It was his turn to keep an eye out for any enemy that could’ve been following him and the rag tag fever dream of a team he found himself with. When Jacquelyn told him life is a story that goes the way each person decides, he never imagine somehow he had written a story that would lead him to helping members of team RWBY, their families, and his as well. Crazy for sure but hey, crazier had happened. This didn’t even make the list.
Yang approached him from behind with two mugs in her hand. The both of them were ordered to watch the forest clearing from the tree line. Ruby was dead set on making sure the two of them were in sync enough to fight together if things got hairy. Yang could think of a million other ways to spend the night but she wasn’t about to complain and handed him the coffee.
Yang:One coffee, black. If you’re going for something gross to keep you awake then I understand.
Adam:I told you black so you couldn’t slip anything in it.
Adam:Joking, I wasn’t serious. Mostly.
Yang:Your humor is more bitter than your drink. *sips* you should try to be more grounded.
Adam:That was terrible. We can’t both be bad at this or I might die from boredom alone.
Yang:Stabs to the chest didn’t end you. I doubt puns will. I’d be upset; could’ve gotten rid of you a long time ago if they did.
Adam:What can I say? I’m one lucky bastard.
Yang:I’ll say....
The blonde bruiser sat down with her head supported by her hands. Being here was awkward, too awkward. Neither of them really continued speaking. One watched the fields whil the other star gazed. Adam would sometime steal glances at Yang’s arm before going back to mapping out the sky. Yang let out a long and over the top sigh. At this point, talking to Adam couldn’t be as unbearable as saying nothing.
Yang:We should play a game.
Yang:You heard me. It’ll pass the time. Besides, I’m positive Ruby will keep sticking us as partners if we don’t even pretend to get along.
Adam:Who’s pretending? I made my peace with my thoughts on you a long time ago. If I hadn’t then I wouldn’t have entertained the thought of looking over your daughter for over a decade.
Yang:Hmm is that right? Well, can’t say I’m not entirely over that hump.
Adam:This makes the fourth of fifth time you’ve told me that. You need new material. Freeing Jackie, me, when I showed up at your home, the train ride; I get it. Messaged received.
Yang:Tsk, no need to sound smug about it.
Adam:I’m not. I just don’t see a reason for you to state the obvious. You don’t forgive someone who shouldn’t be forgiven. What, are you upset because people like your sister don’t share the sentiment?
Yang:Why bring Ruby up and not Blake?
Adam:Like I said, stating the obvious. How are you two though? You’ve had plenty of time to properly bury that hatchet.
Yang:We’re just fine. Even before this whole cult shit.
Adam:Good. It’s already insane you two “killed” me and didn’t get together. I’d feel some type of way if you weren’t even friends. Talk about a let down.
Yang:You’re the reason- ugh, why the hell am I even trying to hold a proper conversation with you? I might as well pull my hair out...
Adam:....The hate game.
Adam:It’s the game I wanna play. You and another person take turns talking about something you hate about the other.
Yang:That....sounds so stupid.
Adam:That’s the spirit, I’ll go first. You’re really loud all the time. Ever heard of a inside voice?
Yang:That’s rich coming from the screaming goat. All you ever did was scream Blake’s name.
Adam:All you ever did was scream in general. I hate how you always seem to butt into everything. It’s one thing to help a friend but you like act like you have a right to have an opinion on people you know by association.
Yang:I don’t need to know much about a terrorist to know you’re terrible.
Adam:I hate how you haven’t realized this is the first time you’re judging me by the crimes I committed for the first time, instead of claiming I was nothing but fake towards Blake and Ilia.
Adam:Everything is personal with you.
Yang:Says the hypocrite.
Adam:I won’t deny that. You feel better or you got more on your chest?
Yang:We’d be here for years if I said it all.
Adam:Then say the important ones I know you wanna say. “I hate that you’re still alive.” Or is it “I can’t stand your dismissive attitude?” The fact anybody like me was given a second-
Yang:I hate that you’ve spent more time with Yujin than me...
Adam:Oh....hmm. *lays back*
Yang:Got nothing smart to say, jackass?
Adam:Hey if you raised my kid with me barely around, I’d hate you too. Can’t fault you for that one.
Yang:It’s a twisted joke really. So many people to look over her from afar and it’s you. What was Sun thinking?
Adam:We were under staffed and things got ugly really fast. Decisions had to happen quickly. Plus the threat was clearly too unknown and dangerous to half ass anything. They killed two of you after all.
Yang:It would be wise to keep that incident out of your mouth. Ruby might tolerate you but that’ll change before I can even lift a finger.
Adam:Now you’re warning me? I thought your sister stomping me out would make your day.
Yang:Dude...shut up.
Adam:....What happened to your uncle and friend was terrible, sorry.
Yang:Ugh, even you saying that feels so wrong.
Adam: Please, thank you, and I’m sorry aren’t that hard. It’s not even new. The white fang wasn’t all snarls and chanting like you think. For awhile I pretty calm there.
Yang:The key word being “awhile.” You murdered your own.
Yang*grits teeth* That’s all you say? People keep saying you’re different left and right and yet you don’t seem even a little regretfull. You’re sipping coffee and staring at the stars as if you hadn’t spent most of your life ruining other’s! What part of that sounds like a change of heart!?
Adam didn’t break his attention away from those stars. If he did, Adam would’ve no doubt seen how irritated Yang was. Her eyes burned red as she waited for an answer. Yang’s coffee was even boiling.
Adam:Regretting doesn’t bring them back, or the most heartfelt apologies. It just stirs anger. You wouldn’t feel better about your arm if I apologize.
Yang:So you choose to not even try.
Adam:No, I’ll just convince Jacquelyn to get the relic of creation whenever we eventually go to Atlas.
A perfectly good cup of coffee falls out of Yang’s hand. Did she hear that right? Adam just said he planned on creating an arm with a relic, for her!
Adam:What? It made me an eye. Making an arm is far less complicated than that. I’d say that would be better than any words I could say that you wouldn’t believe anyways.
Yang:....It’s your turn again.
Adam:Ah, let’s see. Well, if I were to be honest I guess...it really bothers me how similar you are to your daughter.
Yang:The hell does-
Adam:Let me finish before you break my ribs. That kid of yours pretty feisty and passionate about so many things. She bugged me to help train her until I finally said yes. Yujin gets frustrated easily and gets really sensitive about certain maternal subjects; yet it isn’t like she doesn’t want to avoid those conversations altogether. Seriously, your daughter is a little bit of a mess, but a fun mess. That bothers me because for a split second I can’t help but wonder that maybe if you and encountered each other on the same side in the beginning...maybe we’d be decent acquaintances or something.
Yang:D-Did you just say what I think you just said.
Adam:Who knows? I suck with words. I’m gonna rest for a little bit.
He turned his back to her to avoid eye contact. Yang couldn’t believe what she was witnessing. Was he embarrassed? Did he actually try some roundabout way of saying she was a good person? If only Blake was here for that. She would’ve flipped. Yang looked up the sky then back at the field; still nothing. When her guys went back to the stars it was curiosity.
Yang:Hey, were you staring a constellation in particular or something?
Adam:You can see Capricornus well from here. I joke all the time with Jael about that one since she’s into a shark faunus. Looking at it made me think about her is all.
Yang:Jael is your second daughter right?! I can’t believe I didn’t know that. I remember the first one for sure.
Adam:You were a little preoccupied to notice anything regarding Jael. Her and Yujin share a birthday.
Yang:No foolin!? Well how about that.
Adam:Yeah, life sure does like it’s jokes. I get a lot of flack if I’m not around for one’s birthday. Jael will get pouty and your daughter gets fussy. “You promised!” I’ve heard that too much.
Yang:Hehe, Jin might get that from me. It’s natural for your kid though. I know I wanted my dad around for mine. Even when I grew up and acted like I was too grown to really care, I wanted his birthday breakfast. Your kid looked like a real beauty.
Adam:Thanks, definitely got that from her mother.
Yang:Haha, don’t feel bad. Seeing Yujin with short hair made me think Jaune had another younger sister I just never met. His genes are way too strong.
Adam:Trust me, I’ve seen her with long hair and in the middle of a fight. I might’ve called her your name a few times.
Yang:Oof, that must’ve pissed her off.
Adam:No....she was actually surprised more than anything. Yujin never hated you Yang. Despite how she acted whenever your name was mentioned. I think she just wasn’t sure how to feel about you besides feeling lonely. I’m not any better with Jael. You wanna talk regrets, I don’t think I spent enough time with her the way I should’ve. Hopefully I’m wrong.
Yang:It’s very telling that you don’t regret your past but you regret something like that.
Adam:My past is terrible and dark, but it led me to my wife and kids. It feels wrong to regret it, so I’ll just accept it and carry on. Otherwise I don’t think I’ll ever have time to live in the present.
Yang:Geez, ever the drama queen. Though I can see a little bit of that view point. Still a spit in the face to people and yourself if you asked me.
Adam:The world thinks I’m dead and has made their mind up about me a long time ago. I go around taking down other terrorists and orginizations to keep them safe as a way to give back. I don’t owe the world anymore than that. I’m simply a remnant among Remnant. My regret is my kids have me as a dad. A kid should be able to talk about their parents and be proud.
Yang:Can’t argue with that. At least you stayed and are apart of their life. I can barely say that.
Adam:Helping save Remnant from another shadow war is a pretty strong excuse. Especially when the group has actually killed your family members. You’re just protecting them. Jaune and Yujin understand that.
Yang:....I hate that you’re not as terrible anymore. Reasonable you is too...
Yang:I really hope I don’t have with this for another ten years.
Adam:I give it two, tops. You have a maiden with you this time and me. I’ll just hit you so you can get stronger and wreck shop.
Yang:Hit me and I hit you.
Adam:I’ll block, now we’re both wrecking shop.
Yang:Jacquelyn must have the patience of a saint to deal with you.
Adam:Yep, she’s pretty great. Saved my life, saved my soul. Couldn’t ask for more. You two would probably get along.
Yang:Nah, we worked together once. Wasn’t the best experience.
Adam:I was kidnapped and you were both pregnant. I’m not the smartest person but I’m positive that was a recipe for disaster. She thinks you’re cool, really respect your virtues. Sometimes it feels like she’s quoting you unfortunately.
Yang:Oh, glad I left a good impression. Maybe I can have her whisper regrets into your ear. Seriously, I regret things like lying to Ruby about tiny things yet you don’t really regret anything?
Adam:My regrets take place before the white fang. They remain in the work camp I escaped from. It’s funny, Yujin reminds me of my little sister, Eve.
Yang:Are you telling me that you, Adam, had a sister named Eve?
Adam:When you live in a place devoid of hope or faith, you cling to it in any way can. So my mother named us to help maintain hers. Probably had something to do with the loss of our father. Can’t say, never met him.
Yang:What was your mother’s name?
Adam:Don’t know. I called her mom and the gaurds called her by a serial number. Even that’s a little hazy. Anyways, sis got caught in an mining incident; mother was gunned down because I furious at a gaurd that stopped me from saving Eve.
Yang:Wow that’s umm, heavy stuff. Is that how you...*point to face*
Adam:Yeah, called it my punishment for disobeying. As far as regrets go, it would’ve been nice to be a son and brother; one that got to actually have proper meals.
Yang looked at Adam stare deeply into the void of space. It was strange. Yang has never seen Adam look mournful before. His eyes seemed to get more lost in thought by the second. A part of her felt....sorry for him.
Yang:I’m sure they’ve watched over you since day one. Who knows? Maybe they’re the real reason you’ve survived so long? If I know a thing or two about little sisters and mothers, they’ll never let you rest until you clean up your act, hehehe. Ruby can vouch for that. I bet both of them would be proud of your end result.
Adam:That’s funny. It kinda sounds like you just tried showing me compassion.
Yang:Pfft, I think you may have brain damage you didn’t know about.
Adam:Oh it’s possible. Neo and Mercury have put me through some shit.
Both of them laughed and continued to chat aimlessly, unaware that Ruby and Raven were watching from their own vantage point.
Raven:Well look at that? Maybe the gods haven’t abandoned us if people like those two can chat like that.
Ruby:Looks like our colorful team has gotten a little more stable. Now if only Weiss can get used to Nora’s snoring.
Raven:That’s seriously on your to-do list?
Ruby:I refuse to lead my team poorly this time around. I’ll do whatever I can whenever I can.
Raven:Qrow and Oscar would be proud to see you back on your feet, the right way this time.
Ruby:Can’t mourn forever. This is the mission to end all missions. I’m going full throttle...
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chkristae · 4 years
The case of Ethan Ramsey and those unspoken words
Probably this will make no sense but I have to get it out. So here is why I understand that Ethan is hesitant about saying I love you to MC, l and why I also deeply respect him and would never push him to say it... and I apologise in advance, because English is not my first language so there might be many mistakes.
But first I would like to stary with this - I know you are probably gonna hate me for this, but I actually don't want a proposal in open heart. I would like to see a story that doesn't end with proposing/marrying your LI. My parents have never married and they have the sweetest relationship I have ever seen in my life and even after many years together they are still deeply in love. I would love to see this type of representation, that not all happily ever after have to end with marriage.
And also for those who are mad that you are not official with your LI, it sucks. Like I see no reason with Jackie, Bryce and Rafael to be official, like no reason at all. But I'm not romancing them, so I might be wrong.
But I have to say that I understand Ethan, that he haven't said those words we are all waiting for (I love you). I think it's because of his childhood trauma - his mother left him unexpectedly and with no reasonable explanation (which he got later, but he was confused for all those years and had to always wonder why she left him) and as Ethan said himself - his father has still loved her, even though she did this horrible thing to him, and Ethan had hard time to understand it, probably still is up to now, some things take time to process.
But as the story went (from book 1 to now)Ethan has actually changed a lot, like a lot. He hasn't said those words to MC, yet, but he shows it in many other ways - the way he looks at them, speaks with them, how he relaxes and freely jokes with them etc. And in my opinion that is enough.
From my own personal experience, some people are afraid of the words "I love you", so they show it in their action, how they treat the person they love and so much and deeply care about. Honestly it took me some time to understand it with my own parents, that you can instead of saying "I love you", show that "I love you". (Yes I wrote that they are very happy, even thought they're not married). I have never heard them to say those I love you (they probably do, but not in front of me, or anyone else). They don't say it, but I can see it in their acting, how they treat each other, I see it on the days when my father cooks if my mother is exhausted after a long day at work, he gives her free time to relax and have time for herself... how he gives her massage when she asks (she has problem with her back and sometimes she gets terrible back pain.)
So I understand that Ethan might be afraid of saying "I love you", because of his childhood trauma and I see that he is showing it, instead of telling it. And I respect it (he's my LI in the book) and I would never push him to say those words (if he was real, which he is not of course). It's up to him when he will be ready.
I was actually not sure if I should write this, but i cannot ignore this anymore. I love stories - reading them as also creating my own... and as I look at Ethan's story and also as a writer myself and someone who loves creating stories, I can see why he hasn't said those words yet, - I love you. He needs time and I imagine my MC being patient with him, because even after the time they spent together, Ethan still has some walls up, but he is slowly opening up, showing more of what he really is under those defensive walls he has built in his childhood to protect himself after his mother left him in big scary world. So if he is not ready to say it, he is not, no need to push him.
And in my opinion love is about respect and patients with one another.
But this is just mine point of view on Ethan's story as a reader but also as a writer and story creator. And also as a student of psychology (I think it would be interesting to look at Ethan from psychological point of view in more depth - to explain his trauma, why he built his walls, his character as why he acted in the first book the way he did... but so don't have time to do that...).
So in conclusion - I understand and respect why Ethan might not has said I love you yet. And also in addition I hope Open heart does not end with proposal (but this will probably end up as my unfulfilled wish...And there are many people that want their LI to propose. I won't be mad if they propose, not at all, only little disappointed, because K would love to see representation that not everyone has to marry to get their happily ever after. Also I've never been in relationship, and I don't known it I will or marry someone in the future, I am open to marriage, but in my opinion it is not necessity to be happy as a couple).
Thanks for reading😊 well if you could understand what I tried to say... And sorry for my bad english...
P.s. I hope PB is not planning on doing jealousy/love triangle route with Harper,I'm so tired of these stories when you have to fight some character for your LI ( aka Olivia, Cassandra etc.) I love Harper, she is great, so i hope they don't ruin her character.
And also on why I don't like MC getting pregnant - aka me looking at my male MC Sebastian, wondering how he would manage that. Like Ethan is awesome and great but probably even this is not within his power😅.
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obxlife · 4 years
Hurting (John B x Reader)
A/N: Ayeee another John B fic! I feel like John B is the hardest character to write about for me and I just don’t know why lol. Also, this was requested by my friend Maggie @anonymous0writer so I hope I did a good job with this. Oh, and go check her out! She’s amazing and really talented!
Pairing: John B x Reader
Word Count: 1,765
Request: I gotta give you a John B. Maybe an angsty one where his girlfriend realizes he’s dead (maybe without Sarah? or Sarah goes with him bc of her dad?) that or one where JB gets hurt and you have to take care of him and get super worried? Thank you! ily
Summary: John B is dead. And now you’re mad at yourself because of it. 
Warnings: Super angsty and a lot of guilt and self-loathing from the reader. Mentions of virginity loss and death.
I know this is short but I really am bad at writing angst :(
You thought you had known pain. You really did. All those times your parents would express how disappointed in you they were, or all those times where you had just fucked things up and felt guilty.
They didn’t compare to this. They really didn’t.
You couldn’t feel the cold, humid grass that surrounded your knees and legs, and you sure as hell couldn’t feel your burning tears. You could only feel pain, and your sobs and everything happening around you seemed to be muffled. Almost as if you were all alone.
You were certain that the rest of your friends were trying to comfort you. But you knew nothing would work. They were hurting almost as much as you, and none of you were in your right minds to even begin to comfort someone else. All they could do was share their pain as you shared yours.
JJ was the first to wrap his arms around you. This was mainly due to the fact that his father and your parents hadn’t shown up at the police tent. So while Pope and Kie hugged their parents and sobbed into their warm and comforting chests, you were stuck with the blond. Not that you really minded, as he was probably more warm and comforting than your parents could ever be. Besides, you were used to JJ’s presence, as you had been comforted by him before. 
Back then, your problems seemed to be the worst thing that had ever happened to you. The unreciprocated feelings you had for John B, JJ’s best friend, ripping you apart. All JJ could do was hug you and assure you that you would be fine. You would wrap your hands around the blond and tell him exactly how you felt and he would make sure you were okay again. And you were when John B finally got his head out of the gutter and realized he had feelings for you as well. 
Those problems and that pain were nothing compared to what you were feeling right now. They were stupid and silly and dumb and childish and nothing. Now you knew what true pain felt like. It was blinding in a way that made you not even realize what was going on. Your friends were now all around you, hugging you, but you couldn’t even feel them. It was enraging in a way that made you feel anger towards the people around you and those who were guilty. Deputy Shoupe. Ward Cameron. His son, Rafe. Everyone. Even JJ, Kiara, and Pope. 
The days before had been an absolute nightmare. John B had been blamed for a murder he didn’t even commit and he was on the run. And worst of all, he was on the run without you. And in your place was Sarah Cameron.
You wanted to hate her. You really, truly, deeply did. But you couldn’t. You knew the only reason she had followed after John B during his police chase was because she knew everything that had gone down at the runway. The only reason she had boarded onto the Phantom was because of her father. The only reason it hadn’t been you there with him was because he had begged you not to come with him.
The pain you felt was so enraging it made you hate yourself. Hate yourself for not getting on the Phantom and not following John B onto the runway and not going after him when he escaped from the car you were in with the rest of the Pogues. Your hate for yourself was actually guilt, just buried beneath the surface of what you portrayed to the outer world.
You didn’t realize how Kie and Pope had latched onto your arms and pulled you up while JJ kept himself behind you, preventing you from crumbling down again. Your tear-stained face was making everybody uncomfortable, never having seen you cry this way before, and your brusque movements were trying to push everyone away.
You didn’t have the strength for it anymore. You had kept everyone except John B at an arms-length during this whole treasure hunt, and now you just couldn’t take it. Your walls, much like yourself, tumbled to the ground and laid in ruins. 
Your friends moved you into a car that you recognized as Heyward’s old pickup truck. Your breath was shallow and coming out in rapid strokes, and JJ knew you were having a panic attack. He felt one rise in his own throat, but he pushed it down to help you. His strong arms wrapped around you, whispering into your ears about how to control your breathing and how to calm down.
His arms didn’t feel like home though. And they never would. Because they weren’t John B’s arms. They weren’t the arms of the boy you loved. Instead of smelling saltwater and orange-scented shampoo, you smelled freshly cut grass and a hint of weed. You tried to shake the blond boy off for a second time that night, but once again, your attempts were proved futile. You were completely drained of strength, of hope, of life.
You had managed to calm down when the car stopped, and Heyward opened the door for you and JJ to step out. You looked up at the old fishing shack. This place was a living memory of everything that happened. Everything you had gone through and everything you had ever said to each other was here, in the Chateau. The walls were filled with memories, the cracks between the tiles in the floor filled with laughter and cheap beer, and the leaky roof dripped happiness. Another sobbed raked your body as you tore your eyes away, not knowing if you would be physically able to enter the old house. 
JJ was speaking to Heyward, and after saying goodbye and wiping some tears away, JJ took you into his arms and led you inside. 
You both stood at the open doorway, tears streaming down your face as you saw all the good that was held inside the Chateau float out into the night air through the open door. Everything - the memories, the laughs, the cries, the good and the bad - passed right between you and JJ, and you tried to grasp onto it with all your might. However hard you tried, everything slipped through your fingers, and your shared look with JJ was enough to have the both of you breaking down.
Somehow you ended up in John B’s bed. One of his few shirts that wasn’t a Hawaiian button-up was adorning your body as you submerged yourself in the dirty sheets. When you inhaled you felt the salty smell with the hint of orange you wished you could be wrapped around permanently. Another sob broke out through your lips as you remembered everything that had happened on that very bed.
From sleepovers before you had developed feelings for each other to losing your virginity. From sharing your thoughts on growing old together to him tickling you until you would give in and kiss him. From your panic attacks to his. Everything in the room reminded you of your boyfriend. The one you loved with all of your being and soul. The one you would always think about before going to bed and right after waking up. The one that put you though hell sometimes but it was all worth it for. The one you would live and die for.
But how could you do all those things if he was gone? Gone and never return. You screwed your eyes shut, trying to push away these dark thoughts. You tried to remember all of the good things about him, about John B.
His hair reminded you of waterfalls because of how smoothly it was always in place. The color of his locks reminded you of the chocolate bars he would buy you every once in a while. The highlights between the brown tresses would remind you of the beach and surfing and having fun with the Pogues. His eyes were so green they brought life into the world, almost as if there was truly a whole forest contained inside of them. The shape of them, although not exactly symmetric, was entrancing, and pulled your thought towards what John B could possibly be hiding behind his orbs. His mouth was always chapped, and you almost laughed as you remembered how much you would insist on him wearing chapstick, but his kisses were so soft that you forgot about their dry state almost immediately. The curves of his lips reminded you of his smooth-talking, almost as if his words were born from the bends of their outlining. John B’s nose was straight and long, and you remembered how soft his skin would feel when you would trace your fingers down the bridge of it after spending nights together. His voice was silky and sweet, and the thought of it made you feel warm and fuzzy inside. His words were romantic and breezy, his leisurely pace when speaking reminding you of lazy days spent on the hammock together. His body was crafted by gods, and you remember every dip and ridge of his muscles and bone structure. His laugh reminded you of crashing waves on the shoreline and discovering new things to do together. The jovial sound brought back memories of cliff jumping with the Pogues, inside jokes, and late-night, stary-skied bonfires. And finally, you thought of him. John B as a whole. And you thought of how his soul reminded you of a new born’s first laugh or blowing out dandelions or skipping through meadows and fields or surfing your first wave. 
John B had been everything good in your life, and you couldn’t bear to even think he had been ripped away from you. 
Through the fine walls of the Chateau, you could listen to JJ’s sobs. The noise was loud compared to your cries, but you had your mouth pressed against your lips as you tried to ignore what had happened. You brought your hands up to your temples and almost ripped your hair out at the thought of not having John B by your side anymore. It broke your heart and your soul in a way that you knew you never be able to recover from. 
But that was okay. You didn’t want to recover. John B had been everything - and he would continue to be so. 
As you drifted off to sleep that night, you imagined he was still with you. At least when you lied to yourself you could smile.
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ask-darius-brando · 4 years
What makes you think that your father would be satisfied when brought back.
“Simple, the life he lived before becoming who he was wouldn’t be there, he’ll be at the top of society and for him, his life would be as peaceful as everyone else’s. I love and respect my father, but he understood that if he was going to live in the ideal world that we were going to make with heaven, he’d have to be a different person when it was over. So in the end, no matter what, my ideal world will never bring forth anything that could ruin it, nothing at all. Not even me.” The pillar looks up at the stary night and smiles lightly. “The people won’t be perfect, but the chances of everything being alright for everyone will be.”
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iwritefanficion · 5 years
Sanders Sides Dating Headcannons!
Prompt/Summary: Fantasy Au (because I can), (fem)reader is a witch, meeting the sides. Medieval-ish setting, if you want a more in-depth explanation, just ask.
Characters: Roman, Patton, Logan, Virgil, Remus and Deceit
Warnings: Remus, sexual innuendos, some swearing, inappropriate language, non-graphic violence, mentions of wounds. 
-Prince Roman had set out to kill the supposed ‘wicked’ witch that lived in the enchanted forest. 
-When he actually got there, he was surprised to find not an ugly old wench but a lovely woman who opened up her home to him and offered him tea.
-You told him that sure, you were a witch, but you didn’t harm anyone. You mostly just made herbal remedies and potions to help others. 
-You traded plants, food and money for these concoctions and that's how you stayed alive. 
-Sure you could cast spells, but you rarely used them. There were wards around the cottage, and you did use your magic on your garden but you didn’t actually like hurting people.
-So, Roman apologized profusely. You accepted the apology gracefully and told him you were used to it. People often made assumptions about witches because of the bad rep they get from fables and actual wicked witches.
-You two spent the day together, just talking and laughing. Each asking questions about your respective lives. 
-”Is the castle as large as they say?” 
-”What kinds of things do you put in potions?”
-Roman had a fantastic time with you! Honestly, he knew he fell head over heels in love with you the first time he heard you laugh. You were so incredibly sweet and thoughtful he thought he would melt. 
-When the sun was beginning to set, he knew he had to go back. His subjects awaited his return. But, he did ask if he could come to see you again. 
-”Of course, my home is always open to a friend,”
-Patton was a healer. One sought out far and wide because of his amazing abilities. He did live with his friend, the Prince, at the castle because of the abilities but also had a store in town. 
-Though his magic could heal wounds, he couldn’t treat pain with his abilities. But, he worked with plants and herbs that had medicinal and pain-relieving purposes. Some even had magical properties but he couldn’t make potions. 
-But, when he was working on a certain herbal remedy, he realized he needed a rare plant that didn’t grow in the kingdom. 
-He asked around but all that anyone can tell him is it grows in the darker part of Enchanted Forest. 
-No one really goes there but he was never one to let someone suffer, so he decided to go there. 
-He quickly finds himself lost. 
-Like, he spends HOURS trying to either get out or find the plant, neither which succeeds. By the time the sun is setting, he’s so close to crying. 
-That is until a soft voice speaks through the darkness and fog of the mystical forest. 
-”Are you alright? You seem lost,”
-Patton cries in relief when he realizes someone is there. The figure steps out, shrouded in a long robe, a basket at their side. 
-He, through snot and tears, tells the stranger that he is lost and can’t find his way out. He begs them to help them. 
-The stranger reveals themself as you, a lovely woman, and you smile so sweetly at him. You tell him that you can help him get out. 
-He grasps your free hand as the two of you exit the dangerous forest, being extra careful to stay close to you. 
-For some reason, he feels safe with you, as if you could shield him from all the darkness of the forest. As if you were a bright beacon, banishing all the evil creatures that lurked. 
-You can sense his uneasiness and talk with him. Distracting him is easy, you ask who he is, what he does. Basically, you learn his life story by the time you’re both out of the forest. He actually starts making dumb little jokes that make both of you laugh.
-Patton takes a liking to you, not just because you saved him. You’re just so sweet and kind that he wants to get to know you more. So, he does feel a bit disappointed when the two of you are at the edge of the forest.
-Then he realizes he never got any of that plant he was looking for and he heaves a heavy sigh. That just ruined all the pleasantness of being around you. 
-You ask him what’s wrong and he tells you about the plant. He mentions he doesn’t want to go back in there but he really needs the plant. 
-You smile at him, like an angel from above he could swear. You pull out some plants from your basket and hand them to him.
-”I have too many, will you take some off my hands?”
-Logan was a wizard, one who worked with and under Prince Roman, someone he could call a friend, even if the prince exasperated him most days. 
-Books and knowledge were his specialties, and how he gained his many magical abilities and spells. He considered himself quite powerful, and so did many others. He was trusted by the Prince, even to join parties on quests or go alone on these journies. 
-On one of these quests, he was sent, alone, to take out some rogues in a village who were stealing valuables and money of the poor people who lived there.
-But, as he was travelling, it soon got dark- just not from the night sky rolling in but by grey clouds crowding the stary skies. Rain poured down heavily, soaking him in a matter of minutes. 
-The road he travelled was absent of any shelter, he picked it so no one would know he was coming. Since there was no cover from the rain, he kept walking, knowing he would get sick from being in the cold. 
-He was shivering, his steps slowing. The chilly air nipped at his skin, and the water soaked him to the bone. With bleary eyes, he saw a light only a short distance away. 
-Hoping it was some shelter, he ran to it, finding it to be a small cottage. 
-Relief washed over him as he knocked on the door, his hands trembling. 
-The door was open by none other than you, who took one look at the shivering traveller and ushered him in without another word. You set him on the couch, peeling off his drenched robes and wrapping a warm blanket around him. 
-You set a fire with a few words and a flick of your wrist. This man, who was saturated with water, felt like death, blue in the lips, and paler than a corpse, had to be warmed before he joined the dead. 
-Logan could feel the energy of magic flowing through the air, sparking him with familiar comfort. The house was filled with the aroma of herbs, especially sage, and the smoke of the fire. It wasn’t hard to figure out the woman was a witch.
-You made him some tea and hung his wet clothes by the fire. 
-You asked him his name, giving yours as well, and smiled when he told you. He also mentioned what he was there to do, and thanked you for letting him in.
-The rain doesn’t let up, so you tell him to stay the night, and he weighs the options before agreeing. 
-The two of you spend hours talking about different subjects, astronomy, magic, books. Everything and anything. Time just flies by until you yawn, then you both realize how late it is. 
-You allow Logan to take the bed and you take the couch. He tried to argue with you but you use logic against him, saying he needs a good night sleep to continue his quest. He can’t argue with sound logic.
-By morning, the rain has stopped and you give Logan back his now dried clothes. 
-”Come back at any time. I want to hear more about the stars,”
-Virgil is an angel who fell because he wasn’t angelic enough but wasn’t accepted into Hell because he wasn’t demonic enough. This lead to him just falling to earth, his wings burning as he plummeted to the ground. 
-Still (sorta) a celestial being, he could survive without food or water. But, he spent a few days unable to move or speak, his physical body weak and none of his abilities working. 
-He thought he was going to die from his injuries, some were severe and, because of the limitations of his body, were prone to infections. The days he spent on the ground was filled with agony, and his mind was still reeling in all that happened to make this occur.
-But, a stranger had come around, and as soon as they saw the fallen angel, a small shriek of horror left their lips. 
-Virgil, being anxiety-ridden, thought they were scared of him because of the burnt, black wings protruding from his back that would usually be an indication of a demonic presence. 
-However, he was not expecting to be picked up and carried bridal style. He would have done something to stop them but he couldn’t move or speak. So, he could only watch as they carried him off. But, they were mindful of his wings, so that was a good sign.
-Being held only added to his suffering, physically speaking. This caused him to pass out from the pain. 
-When he woke up, he was in a comfortable bed, in a warm house, that smelled of candles and sage. Coming from angelic past, he was able to sense the magic that stuck to the air. It was something peaceful and soothing, so he knew he wasn’t dealing with something malevolent. 
-The creaking of the door alerted him to someone coming in, and you did, in all your witchy glory. In your hands were a basket of ointments, herbal remedies, bandages and something to drink. 
-You told him who you were, and that you found him when out in the forest. He was badly hurt, so you brought him back to patch up. 
-He asked if you were frightened of him. He was a fallen angel, and angels who fell became demons, usually. 
-You told him you weren’t, you were a witch, you could feel the aura’s all beings give off. His was not evil nor wicked, and you had no reason to believe he would harm you. 
-You gave him the hot tea and asked if you could patch up his wings. You examined them when he was asleep and they were broken, badly scarred, and burnt. If he didn’t want to get an infection or if he ever wanted to fly again, she would need to fix them.
-Virgil was skeptical. Why were you being nice? Why would you help him? Was there something you wanted from him? However, he could get his answers later. The pain was unbearable and he did need them fixed. 
-So, you did. You used healing spells for the major wounds, healing the broken bones and fixing the majority of the burns. You used ointments and herbs on the minor cuts and bandaged any open wounds. 
-Virgil was in misery the entire time, his screams echoed through the house. He bit into your pillow to try and silence himself but it was useless. Even with the trembling and yelling, you managed to finish. 
-You apologized profusely when it was over, putting a wet cloth to his forehead. You told him the tea would help soothe him, ease the pain and make it easier to rest. He would need it.
-Before he did, he demanded to know why you were helping him. Everyone had an agenda, everyone wanted something to gain. So why help him? What were you after?
-You told him you wanted nothing from him except for him to feel better. 
-He didn’t believe you but decided that you would have to mention something sooner or later. So he drank the tea and immediately felt better. 
-Before he went to sleep, he asked you if you were going to take any feathers from his wings. He knew that angel feathers- or fallen angel feathers in this case- can be used for spells.
-You laughed softly and shook your head. 
-”Of course not. If I wanted angel feathers, all I’d have to do is pluck a swan and soak the feathers in holy water.”
-Deceit was a naga. A serpentine-like creature with scales and a yellow tail, long enough to wrap around humans and constrict them. Though, being a naga, he could turn himself human or transform into a snake. 
-He often tricked rich people and stole their belongings for his personal stash. Unlike his brethren, he didn’t like to kill all that much. He was more into deceiving people and tried to make people do the worst they’re capable of.
-It was uncommon for people to venture into the dark part of the Enchanted Forest, where he resided in. It was nearly unheard of one to come into his cave. 
-Yet, there you were, coming in. You looked so naive, so curious. You had no weapons, no sword or armour, only a bag by your side. A smile lit up on your face as you wandered the cave, lightened by the pools of water that made everything glow. 
-He watched from the shadows, waiting to strike, to deceive and trick you. He watched as you took an empty glass vial, round in shape, and filled it with the glowing water before placing it in your bag. 
-Then you began searching for something. Deceit believed you were looking for his treasures, why else would you come here? Why else would you come into a dark cave in the most treacherous parts of the Enchanted Forest? 
-Slithering out, he turned into a human. Black and gold clothes adorned his body, looking much like some kind of nobility or royalty. 
-”Looking for something, little rabbit?”
-You spun around, hand clutching your chest. When you saw that it was nothing more than a man, you let out a sigh. You told him not to sneak up on people, you could have hurt him!
-He chuckled at your ignorance. Then he apologized in a way that was charming but it wasn’t sincere. However, you didn’t seem to notice. 
-You said it was fine, and that you were looking for something. Then you asked him what he was doing in the cave. 
-He told you that he was looking for the naga’s treasure since he lived in these parts. He asked if you were looking for it too. 
-You shook your head, saying you weren’t. Treasure meant little to you, you were searching for a particular plant. You also told him if he was going to steal from a naga, he was writing his death sentence. And that you wouldn’t blame the creature. 
-He was a little bit stunned by your words. He thought you were lying to him, or that you knew he was a naga and were trying to fool him. But, he watched as you were looking near the water, trained solely on the ground. 
-The two of you chatted for a bit, talking about your lives and such. You gave him your name and told him how you lived near the forest. He told you his name was ‘Dee’ since he didn’t tell anyone his real name.
-You let out a little ‘aha’ when you found a bundle of a certain flower, plucking them and placing them in a box then in your bag. 
-You told him you found what you were looking for and would be taking your leave. You also said you would love to see him again if he didn’t get killed, that is.
-He didn’t know why but he almost wished you would stay. You had this warmth to you that a serpent much like him adored. But, your last words to him were anything but warm, and that made him all the more interested.
-”I’d wish you luck, but you’re stealing from someone, so I give you a warning instead: don’t do it.”
-This was so not your day. 
-First, you were forced out of your home by a fire started by royal soldiers. Then, said soldiers tried to kill you because you escaped. So, you had to wipe out the miserable little bastards. Then, there’s a bounty on your head, so you had to stay away from all towns and villages. 
-Oh, then there was the matter of all your stuff being burnt to a crisp. You managed to salvage some things, some books and vials of potions. Anything you could grab, basically. You could make new stuff and many of your most valued items were safe, but still!
-You had to hide, so the darkest corners of the Enchanted Forest was a good place. Sure everything there wanted to kill you but they were mostly just creatures and plants. Those you can deal with because sooner or later, they’ll get the hint. 
-You’re not to be trifled with. 
-However, as you’re searching for a cave to hide out in, you spot a dark tower in the distance. As you get closer, you can see how worn down it is. 
-The windows are cracked or shattered, the stones are crumbling, vines are invading the walls from below, the doors look like they’d turn to ash by being touched. 
-Despite being a powerful witch, a certain uneasiness grows in you. Something sinister lived in there. Was it more powerful than you? You didn’t know but you were dying to see what lied beyond those walls. 
-So, you started walking towards it, making sure to keep your magic at high alert. 
-That did not do much because the second you were close to it, slimy tentacles popped from under the ground and wrapped around your arms, legs and neck. 
-You grimaced at the wetness of the tentacles but otherwise, weren’t bothered by it, besides the fact that you couldn’t move. Sure, you could wipe these suckers out, by why do it now?
-The person living there would come out and not be on guard. If you did it now, they would know you had abilities. But, you could surprise them with your powers if they posed a threat. 
-So you waited for a few minutes before a cackling laugh echoed through the forest, coming from all around you. You rolled your eyes at such a cliche. 
-A man showed up, looking very similar to the goody-two-shoes prince of the land, besides for the fact that this guy had a mustache and a silver streak in his hair. 
-”Well, looky what we got here! What should I do with you? Maybe replace your fingers with your toes and your toes with your fingers?!”
-This guy threatened you with a few more very weird ideas but you weren’t scared. You were actually kind of amused. Sure, he had a wacky brain, but those are the best.
-So, you cut off his rambling by asking who he was. 
-He stopped talking, looked you up and down in more of a quizzical manner, before grinning. He did a bow, over the top and very dramatic, introducing himself as the Duke, but he said you had a face worth his tentacles, so you could call him Remus. 
-That’s when it clicked. Ah, the Prince’s evil (and demented) brother! He was mostly forgotten about after he escaped execution and all attempts to find him were unsuccessful. 
-Smirking, you told him it was nice to meet him, before saying your name. He was taken aback by your politeness to him, even after everything he’s said and done. 
-He whined that you shouldn’t be nice to him. He had you as his prisoner! You were supposed to be begging and pleading to be let go, as well as disgusted by his presence. 
-You shrugged at his words. Honestly, you’ve imagined worse than some of his ideas and after everything you’ve done, nothing really grosses you out anymore. You’ve stuck your hand up a dragon's ass. It doesn’t get much weirder than that.
-That’s when a mace just randomly appeared in his hands. It was just there. But you sensed no magic. Huh. Wait, was that a dead mouse on the mace? 
-”Well, if you’re not going to be any fun, no point in keeping you around. At least I can cut you up and start making a meat dragon out of you,”
-At that point, you let your magic flow through you, generating a skin of flames around your body that burnt the tentacles to a crisp and made calamari. With a wave of your hand, you melted the mace in his hands and stepped closer to him. 
-Next, you made stone hands rise from the earth and grip onto him, everywhere. They wrapped around him and held him in place. 
-”You were saying?”
-”Well, now I just want you to fuck me until I’m covered in sweat and come, so I can lick it off my body,” 
-You laughed at his words, again, finding him amusing. He had zero filters! You loved it, it was refreshing. 
-With a wave of your hand, the hands all crumbled to the ground. 
-You hooked arms with him, deciding you’re going to stick around with him for a while. Not like you had anywhere else to go. Then you ventured to his tower, saying a few words as your life changed. 
-” We’re going to be great friends, I can tell,”
That’s it for now! If you want another scenario with this au, just let me know! I’m going to be definitely writing some more! If you have any other ships, ideas not related to this au, or imagines you want me to write, don’t be afraid to ask! My inbox is always open!
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drarrylover4life · 5 years
Stary, stary night
Word count: 1016
Author: me
“Draco loved to paint, he said it helped him to escape. I would tease and call him vincent, and he would pretend to be annoyed. But it always made him smile.”
He was the love of my life, I could not imagine life without him. It was our 7th year at Hogwarts, and there was a lot of shit going on. I learned about the prophesy. And he got confronted by his parents. He was scared to death. He didnt want to take the mark. He didnt want to fall in the endless trap his parents fell in. He didnt want to be his father. He didnt want to give up.
Their relationship started when Draco came to Harry for his help, his support and love. At first Harry was sceptical, ofcourse who wouldnt be if your enemie from the past 6 years came to you with ters in his eyes begging you to help him. But soon they became friends and finaly ( cus damn couldnt they feel the sexual tension?) Harry confest his feelings. And when he final deared to look up, and catch Harry’s eyes. A mouth was on his and before he could stop it tears where running down his cheeks.
The longer there relationship lasted the more he found out about (his) Draco, for starters he really liked it when he could fall asleep on Harry, he will do so, whenever he can ofcourse. But the thing he most loved to do ( besides Harry ofcourse 😉) was to paint. To just grab some paint and make what ever comes to mind. He was so good in making thins up and painting from scratch. And he absolutly loveed to paint Harry’s body. It was like something to settle him when he was nervous, it would calm him.
The more the end of the year came closer. The more anxious Draco became, Harry saw it happening in front of his eyes. But he didnt know what he could or should do, he was totally clueless. He tried to let Draco talk. But he wouldnt say a word and act like there was nothing. Harry first though that it was because Droco’s parents didnt aprove of him dating Harry. But that he wouldve told to Harry. There had to be something else. Harry tried everything to make him smile again. To make him not look that sad nd feel so anxious. Until Draco snapped.
Draco was so mad. They fought for so long, days they would not speak to eachother. And nights they would cry themselfs to sleep. It was a though and hard time for both of them. Until one day Harry was fed up with it. he confronted Draco and they fought again. So bad that Harry ended there relationship. Harry felt his heart actually break. He felt the crack run to his heart, from top to bottem. Felt the grief run through his veins. Felt the loss in his bones. He didnt mean to say it, it blurped out. He sagged against the wall, tears running down his cheeks looking up at Draco. But he was gone. He felt heartbroken, but angry at the same time. He didnt want to speak to Draco, not now not ever. Thats what he tried to make himself belief. It was hard
“You stil tried to tell me , looking back I see that now. But I just kept telling myself that it would be okay. When we got on the train that day, I had no idea it would be the last time I saw him. But I think he knew.”
Harry went to the Weasly’s, together wih Ron and Hermoine. They started to plan. Now that they new what they had to do. They really were preparing. Harry kept telling himself, that there was no room for his sadness. He couldnt afford it. the lives of so many people where on his shoulders. He couldnt let a little childhood love ruin it for him and everything. Right? It was a schildhood love, wasnt it? He read the newspaper ones in awile. It would keep him up to date. Not because he might find some news about Draco! No never! Until one day it did. ‘Draco Malfoy spotted in knokturn ally with dark mark on his left arm! Do not approach! Harry was devastated. Draco didnt want to take the mark. He never did. Didnt he?
"And when no hope was left in sight on that stary, stary night. You took youre life as lovers often do"
"It was Narcissa who found him. You thought you had lost me. I know thats why you did it. But God, Draco, didnt you knew? I’m impossible to lose. ‘wait for me’ i wispered, and i could have sweared i heard you whisper ‘forever’."
After Draco’s death I was like a zombie. I couldnt sleep couldnt feel. I hardly could talk. But I knew I had to blok it from my mind. I had so many people depend on me. I couldnt get distracted. So I moved on, went searching for the horcruxes with Ron and Hermoine. And tried to be as helpful as posible. Sometimes I would slip in my depressing self. But that was okay. I couldnt let Draco be forgotten, never wil I let that happen. We found the horcruxes, one by one. And then we were at Hogwarts. The final battle only mere seconds away from happening. When Snape was killed and gave me his memories. I knew what i had to do. I went searching for neville, I knew he had the sword. Kill the snake I told him. Kill the snake and then it’ll be just him. As I walked into the forest, I took out te resseruction stone. “I’m ready to die”. And there he stood. In al his glory. White blond hair. Pointy features. Skin as pale as snow. My Draco.
“It took eighteen long months, but at last voldermort lay defeated at my feets. Two days later I would be find cold and lifeless, clutching a box of paints. I have done what was expected of me, now it was my turn to find peace.”
The legends wil say, that if it is dark and cold. And you go to the clearing in the forbidden forest. You see 2 ghost figures Holding hands.
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prunejuice4 · 5 years
8 September 2019
I honestly dont know how I have gathered the strength to face all of this. I think and I hope Allah will reward me immensely for this struggle.
7 days after my last post, Baba hit me 3 times across the face. Big, hard slaps that ran through my entire body and shook me to the core. I was too shocked to respond when he threw my phone several times and broke it. The events thay followed include your Dadi calling to say I was the worst bahu and i was responsible for him slapping me. HB also regarded that I was responsible for all of this. And then it continued. January 2019 was the same. We almost parted away. 10 days we did not talk and at the end when i was ready to give up my marriage I said If I dont try one last time I may never know. For you Beta. I did it for you. I would do it for you 100 times and over. To give you a home where you deserve to be loved and cared for. I love you. Fot you Is bleed myself dry. You have grown up to a beautiful strong boy and I pray Allah SWT rewards you with the best ot both worlds and eventually my struggle would be worth it. I am crying as I type this beta. My life is ruined. The last 3 years have completely changed my life.
They have stopped talking or meeting me. I made a mistake and I took responsibility for jt but it was enough to create a huge fight. I also neglected your rights for a very long time. And I am very guilty of it. I went into severe depression and Baba admitted he did not love me. And he hit me again when I tried to confront him. He was still partying late till 4 am till I was in Bahrain 2 months back. And Nana was sending us huge amounts of money to spend to make it through. Baba was not given his salary for 4 months I was there and ir was a very difficult time for me. I wish I really wish my difficult times end soon because I am done now.
I can only struggle to some extent and if I, give up beta, please forgive me. Forgive me because none of this is your fault.
I am doingg my best to provide you with the best of everything. With every comfort you deserve. So i decided to work. And to work I needed to study. So this is where it all begina. I have staryed a Montessori degree and In shaAllah by next year I will have a good job. So we can enjoy ourselves. In sha Allah
I love you.
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