#STP x reader
slaythebirdman · 10 months
how do the two of you kiss when the protagonist/hero/slayer/long quiet has a beak?
💛I immediately jumped on this one because I have STRONG feelings about our local bird boy and his touch-starved-ness. Hope you enjoy~!
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How to Kiss a Bird Man
-Very carefully. -Jokes aside, kissing a beaked creature, no matter how determined, isn't exactly a straightforward task... But quitting is for losers, and he deserves kisses. -Quiet hasn't had much in the way of non-hostile physical touch in quite awhile, with his only positive non-princess company being voices in his head.
So that task is yours. -The presence of a beak is only a limiter if you believe kisses have to be lips on lips. There are SO many creative ways to kiss, and he wants them all. -First thought that comes to mind is just kissing along the top of his beak like you would kiss the tip of someone's nose. That level of face-to-face closeness is super sweet and intimate. -Kisses to the cheek and forhead too: thin, soft feathers make it very easy for him to feel it, and there's always something tender about a forehead kiss.
But the face isn't the only place that needs attention. -He has a neck and shoulders covered in down feathers, ready for you to bury your nose in and snuggle into. -And of course we have the most sensitive part of any bird-esque creature... the wings. -If you manage to sneak up behind him and plant smooches on his wings, you're going to end up with a very surprised, very flustered birdie. -Or you could always take it a step further: getting him to lay down on his stomach while plant touches and kisses all along his wings. That's a sure fire way to rile him up and get him needy and flustered. -All kisses, like any touch really, is good, and he's sure to be receptive to most any positive physical touch you're willing to share.
So, what about Him? How does He kiss you? -It is a little hard with the beak, but little gentle soft pecks to cheeks or shoulders or even the neck. Very gentle, very slow, just touching his beak to you. -He never suprises you with these because he's definitely worried that he'll startle you and you'll accidentally bump yourself on it. He really doesn't want you to get hurt because he tried to kiss you, especially since good touch is so new to him. -But he's found a middle ground touch he's very happy with: gently headbutting you every chance he gets. -Little bumps on the arms, shoulders, back, just whenever he can. Never with much force, just tiny little reminders that he sees you and loves you and wants your attention. -His favorite version of this is when he gets the chance to rest his forehead against yours. It's just so sweet and intimate, and he dosn't have to worry about hurting you. -Please let this bird boy show you how much he cares for you.
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dangthatscrayz · 6 months
Due to being held at gunpoint by the slay the princess fandom and voices in my head:
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I guess it’s finally time for someone to write slay the princess x reader fanfiction headcannons (I haven’t done this stuff before but It is criminal how there’s only 1 on this platform)((my one true fear is somehow the creators see this because they have tumblr))
BTW: for this one the hc are for a voice inside the LQ head reader (if requested I’ll do different readers and other characters in slay the princess)
Characters for this one: voice of the stubborn, The narrator, voice of the smitten
Cw: the voice of the stubborn has to be a cw, possible ooc, slay the princess spoilers ofc, poly vibes going on for smitten and stubborn
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Alright. First up is the voice of the Stubborn:
-Why? Jk jk I can’t talk on concerning choices when I’m a vot broken fan
-I don’t think he would talk much to you but like if you indulge ing want to fight the princess I picture you two being great friends
-I have a image in my head of this scenario if you indulge the “I wanna fight tendencies”
“See? They agree with me, the princess agree’s with me why can’t we just fight her like we are ment to?”
And Ig the reader hyping them up after this idk this is just headcannons
-yet again WHY? Jk jk
-the stubborns voice is hot
-well if all there voices are hot cus they are all voices by the same guy
-idk when the route ends and you both are in the flood of the shifting mound maybe you, him and the adversary could have the most violent polycule to exist
-the stubborn doesn’t strike me as the romantic type (for obvious reasons)
-but I do 100% believe he gets all cheesy fighting cmon man did you hear how he was talking abt fighting the adversary
-felt like he wanted to take her in a fight in both ways
-he would absolutely be similar to that with you
-maybe if your ok with ooc enough you can pretend he will be nicer or something
-if this was a tangible reality I think he would be the kind of person to grab stuff that makes them think of there s/o and not really talk all that romance
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The narrator:
-why the narrator? Idk it’s not like anyone else is gonna do it
-I’m sires there’s the 4 narrator simps out there who are starved for food
-if your on-board with slaying the princess I’m sure he will like you if you aren’t annoying
-maybe if your one of the few sane individuals he would probably say something like
“Why can’t you all be like them?” If the other voices are being too annoying
-your man won’t even remember you whenever the LQ dies
-if you choose to go that route with the narrator idk man
-I don’t see him being very romantic ether
-I see him saying something like
“We can worry about that after the world is saved”
-gl your cooked
-if the princess does die for good ig you can all sit and enjoy eternity together
-if you get bored I guess I see him doing something like telling a story to pass infinite time or something
-I have a vivid image of the LQ in purgatory forever and just you marrying the narrator or something
-why did I choose this one I genuinely have no idea who wants this
-whatever it’s ok
-at least I’m 99.9 percent sure he wouldn’t be totally heartless. He says many times how he doesn’t like how romantic the smitten gets but that’s because it’s to the world ending princess
-feel like he would do some random bird things like nest if he was tangible
-no bed for you
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Voice of the smitten because this is what everyone is probably looking for
-You and him will get along if you both want to save the princess
-the narrator will probably be annoyed at you two talking about her
-if you indulge the smitten’s tendencies it just gets worse
-he will get more romantic and sappy and peotic
-you can’t stop him
-he will not shut up
-the narrator is in tears
-he will be every more sappy and romantic
-now that one of the two of his loves can hear him you will not hear the end of how much he loves you
-he will go off on a tangent mid narrator narration to explain the Mariana Trench level love he has for you
-and the princess
-you thought he wouldn’t shut up in the real game?
-we won’t ever shut up now that your here
- if you tell him to shut up he will do so gladly
-even if you do it rudely
-you can do no wrong in his eyes unless you try to slay the princess
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There here is some sustenance I genuinely was pulling stuff out my ass cus I do not have any spesific requests for anything rn.
Id I was a bit ooc sorry I do not write fanfiction or these headcannons.(at least I don’t post them for fear of being cringe)
But if anyone wants to slide into my inbox or comments with suggestions I will not deny any of it (unless it’s nsfw I’m sorry I can’t do that, I think I’m on the ace spectrum somewhere)((romance and sex are hard man))
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dracobrooklyn · 3 months
When you finally play Slay The Princess and your obsessed with the monster x human dynamic they have and it’s a Monster x Princess 😭
Also giving me ideas for Durge x Tav with that game HHNNGGGGG
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stp-imagines · 13 days
Welcome to stp-imagines! This is a new blog that focuses on headcanons and imagines (one-shots) for the video game Slay the Princess. A copy of the rules is below the cut for those who are mobile-bound, and for any Path to Nowhere fans, check out my other blog, @ptn-imagines!
Be patient. I am a single person struggling with chronic fatigue. I will try to get to requests as quickly as possible, but some wait time should be expected, particularly with imagines.
Be kind. Again, I am a single person, and my perspectives and interpretations of the characters may be different to yours. Be respectful when interacting with this blog, please.
No bigotry allowed. I will not tolerate any form of discrimination on this blog, whether it be LGBTQ+phobia, racism, ableism, religious discrimination, or anything along these lines.
Specify if a request is a headcanon or imagine. Headcanons are bulletpointed lists of, well, headcanons. Imagines are full one-shots. I will write the same request as both headcanons and an imagine, but not in the same ask.
Be specific. This greatly increases the likelihood you’ll get a satisfactory response. In particular, if it isn’t specified, I will assume the “reader” in each scenario is the Long Quiet.
I will write for fan-made Princesses, but again, being specific gives a higher likelihood of getting what you want. If you can’t fit all the information into an ask, you may send a DM with any addendums.
Please request no more than three characters in any given request.
I will write scenarios for the Long Quiet, the Narrator, and the Voices, not just the Princesses. Ask if uncertain. This includes romantic scenarios (such as Skeptic x Hero content, for an example).
I will write NSFW content. Please only request this if you’re 18+.
I will not write romantic or sexual content involving the Den (the Beast is fair game. She passes the Harkness Test).
I will not write content that includes p*dophilia, r*pe, in*est, or abuse. “X helping the reader to escape an abusive situation” and similar requests is alright, though I reserve the right to decline any.
Please do not use characters from other media as a basis for your request. If you want a Voice/Reader/etc. who acts like, say, Dante from Devil May Cry, you will have to describe the desired personality traits the long way (so for Dante: a flamboyant, larger-than-life personality which they use to cover up how much they deeply care).
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ptn-imagines · 6 days
If you're struggling to find the rules for this blog, they're below the cut. Also, if you're a Slay the Princess fan, check out my other blog, @stp-imagines!
Be patient. I am a single person struggling with chronic fatigue. I will try to get to requests as quickly as possible, but some wait time should be expected, particularly with imagines.
Be kind. Again, I am a single person, and my perspectives and interpretations of the characters may be different to yours. Be respectful when interacting with this blog, please.
No bigotry allowed. I will not tolerate any form of discrimination on this blog, whether it be LGBTQ+phobia, racism, ableism, religious discrimination, or anything along these lines.
Specify if a request is a headcanon or imagine. Headcanons are bulletpointed lists of, well, headcanons. Imagines are full one-shots. I will write the same request as both headcanons and an imagine, but not in the same ask.
Be specific. This greatly increases the likelihood you’ll get a satisfactory response. In particular, if it isn’t specified, I will assume the “reader” in each scenario is the Chief.
Please request no more than three characters in a headcanon, and no more than two in an imagine.
I will write scenarios for the Chief, and many important NPCs, not just Sinners. Ask if uncertain.
I will write NSFW content. Please only request this if you’re 18+.
I will not write romantic or sexual content involving minors.
I will not write content that includes p*dophilia, r*pe, in*est, or abuse. “X helping the reader to escape an abusive situation” and similar requests is alright, though I reserve the right to decline any.
Please do not use characters from other media as a basis for your request. If you want a Chief/Reader/etc. who acts like, say, Dante from Devil May Cry, you will have to describe the desired personality traits the long way (so for Dante: a flamboyant, larger-than-life personality which they use to cover up how much they deeply care).
I will not write for Victoria. This is for personal reasons.
This blog will not be spoiler-free. I typically play new content as soon as it comes out on global.
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tai-janai · 6 months
ive gone through the entire stp ao3 tag and every single voice has at least one ship tag EXCEPT cheated. this saddens me. i think i will have to pick up the slack.
edit: i missed one, an x reader. i need to make huntcheat fic. i need to make contropp fic. i need to make stubskep fic. also how is there no ship fic for smitty and the cold bitch. girl i thought thatd be one of the first
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nian-7 · 2 years
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Saki, Shizuku, Toya, Tsukasa, Ena x gn!reader
✧random texts with them
✧fluff, mild swearing (ena)
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how are you so positive all the time, saki??
i hide my negativity in musicals and large sweaters!
??? you don't wear large sweaters?
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(name)! what is missing?: A, E, _, O, U
what is the opposite of hate?<3
and what is the opposite of ⭐me⭐?
a star. /j
what?? you were supposed to say 'you'..
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hey, (name)?
can i vent real quick?
like in among us??
no, you dumbass.
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Hi, what's your favorite color?
why are you asking such a basic question? ask me something more interesting
Okay. How many moles of sodium bicarbonate are needed to neutralize 0.8ml of sulphuric acid at STP?
my favorite color is (color).
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i'm going to the store, do you want anything?
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worm on a string, please!
what the hell.
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please do not repost any of my work without my permission, thank you for reading.
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cablyunkataplum · 1 year
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HI! Thank you for taking the time to see my work, i hope you like it--- I'm not an English native speaker so I support on translators!--(WIP): Work In Progress (STP): Soon To Post
Lavander petals (Vi x Fem! Reader) Angst
Summary: Life took everything from you that tragic night. Years have passed and the ghosts of your past knock on your door unearthing intense feelings, could you forgive? Let go?
A lot of pressure (Casey x Fem! Reader)
Summary: Casey goes to your house and she notices the unusual machine in your living room, so you teach her to use it. And maybe tease her a little.
Milkshake (Zuko & Sokka)
Summary: Sokka and Zuko meet again with the gaang in the Earth Kingdom, after enjoying themselfs, Sokka tells Zuko about a supposedly legendary milkshake so the duo sets out to look for said drink.
Never meant to be (Sully family x Sully! Fem! Reader) Angst
Summary: It does not matter who's fault it is right now. You're gone, it won't be the same any more. In the way to your eternal rest, memories come out and fill the sad enviroment.
What makes us alive (Jake Sully x Sully! Neutral! Reader)
Summary: After the occupation of the humans and having to leave her old home, the eldest daughter does a few activities to lift the spirits of her clan.
Dancing Queen (Neytiri x Sully! Fem! Reader)
Summary: Neytiri was always de option of Y/N to practice her dances, after a long time without doing it she decides to return to the habit.
Hypnos, what are you doing?(Mom! Grace & Daughter! Kiri)
Summary: After a hard day, the night comes, and dreams take over, but peculiarly she is no longer on her planet but her mother's, together they discover the things that the planet had to offer.
Pajarito colibrí ( Sister!Neytiri & Sister!Sylwanin+Grace)
Summary: Neytiri always admired her sister, she was strong, stoic in serious moments but also kind; a warm spirit. When Grace read a story Neytiri couldn't help but compare the title to Sylwanin.
Sand Castles(Sully kids+ Tsireya+ Ao'nung & Sully! Neutral! Reader)
Summary: In the new clan, still getting used to the new environment, an opportunity for a common human practice in these types of places is turned into a competition.
Promises (Sanemi & Male! Reader)
Summary: The relationship between (__) and Sanemi could hardly be called that. After the defeat of Muzan Sanemi will try to form a link with (__).
Stanford Filbrick Pines Original version-Español
Summary: He was so small next to him, he could fit in the palm of his two-dimensional hand and peel millimeter layer by millimeter layer to do whatever he wanted with the raw materials and waste. Previous enjoyment, at this moment repulsion for what is felt.
Angry too (Hobie Brown x Neutral! Reader) pt2 pt3 pt4(WIP) pt5 pt6
Summary: V.E.N.OM is not the word you'd like to be associated with after all the implications it has but, you don't have V.E.N.OM but Venom in your side. In the very same night you meet Venom you meet Hobie, the spider man of your universe.
Take me away (Hobie Brown x Fem! Reader) (STP: December 20th)
Summary: In many of the clubs, competitions between bands have become popular; tonight you and your band compete with a very well-known band in the area. During the show the atmosphere turns into an unforgettable night with Spider-man.
Spider tag (Hobie Brown x Fem! Reader)(STP: September 26th)
Summary: When your favorite spiders are in your dimension they take the opportunity to have a good time, including Hobie.
Art explosion and implosion (Miles Morales & Neutral! Reader Platonic!)
Summary: Miles lost his sketchbook after a while he finds it with a surprise inside
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calypso707 · 1 year
tu peux faire un nemesis x monsieur X x Wesker x Reader stp ?
bonsoir non
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Take Time with a Wounded Hand
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Pairing: Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!Reader
Writing Genre: story
Genres: angst, hurt/comfort from author
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: smoking, blood, death, murder, violence, graphic depictions of murder, angst, wounds, nudity for medical purposes, suggestive?, implied nsfw, explorations of grief, major character death | please do not read if you are not comfortable with the themes above
Notes: the title is totally not based off of a stone temple pilots lyric... Anyways, I hope you enjoy this fic! It was painful fun to write! :)
Read it on ao3!
You sat on the decaying steps of your dark house, a cigarette sitting loosely between your lips. The air around you bit and froze your skin through your thin clothes, but you no longer cared. A tranquil depression had taken over your life years ago, on a night like this when you sacrificed emotion. Your scarred right hand came into view as you lifted the cigarette from your lips, blowing out the smoke and looking up at the moon. Your young soul carried a desperation, a longing for a home. A home filled with people who would know you inside and out, just as you would know them. A makeshift palace filled with family. 
You once shared that vision with a young man. 
A man who named himself Sigma. 
You shivered as you recalled the past.
His head laying in the front of the dilapidated mansion you once called home. The despair that made its way through your veins, feeling electric as it passed through. His clouded grey eyes filled with questions, screaming why?, staring through your frantic face. His soft features tarnished by blood, his long hair chopped short. Soil in his mouth, now without a tongue. Stroking his cheeks and sobbing, you could see his cervical spine and carotid arteries, causing another sob to wrack your body. A large hand placed itself on your left shoulder, as the familiar figure of Nikolai plunged into the dead garden beside you. You set down Sigma’s head and placed your head in the crook of his neck as he cried with you. Fyodor stood to your right, a tear dripping down his face, eyes filled with pain and a longing for vengeance.
You sat alone after his death, seeking the comfort of a man who no longer existed. You often busied yourself with observing life, and feeling powerless to the world changing and moving on without you. Breathing became the hardest thing to do. It became much easier, though, when you felt the blood of those who captured, tortured, and killed Sigma run over your hands and decorate your face. Having their heads was an act of Fyodor’s vengeance, a mission which you gladly carried out. That night, he carefully cleaned the blood from your hands and thanked you for serving him.
Nikolai went next.
The climax of Fyodor’s plan had been underway for a year. You stood together on a rooftop, looking down at the chaos in the streets. The sound of a helicopter grew closer, prompting Nikolai to use his ability and move the two of you to an empty rail yard. Once you arrived however, he lifted his overcoat once more and told you, “Fly away, little bird.” as hordes of people gathered in front of him, most with various weapons. You arrived inside of an abandoned apartment with a clear view of the rail yard where Nikolai stood. As the people opened fire on him, he vanished. A moment later he winked at you and pulled two grenades out from behind his back, vanishing again from the crowd as the grenades exploded. Chunks and limbs of people flew, along with their weapons. Blood spattered everywhere, mixed with brain matter. Nikolai appeared in the rail yard again, as people began rising and impulsively moving to attack him. Within the next few minutes, though, every member of the crowd was dead. 
Relief fell over you as he sighed. You began to move away from the window before noticing a floating sword. An invisible ability user. You yelled his name, trying to warn him of the imminent danger, he had to know they were there. Another figure, visible and dressed in navy, came out in front of Nikolai; a distraction. The figure rapidly approached him; a high speed ability user. The minute you noticed him, you searched for and descended the stairs of the abandoned apartment building. You remained in the doorway, trying to figure out a way to hide from the invisible ability user. 
The speed user grabbed Nikolai by his face and slammed him into one of the train cars. He slammed his head into the car three more times before flinging him to a different rail track. As Nikolai stumbled up, he reached for his overcoat only to find nothing there. The invisible ability user had sliced it off. Shock passed over his features as you shoved down the urge to yell his name again. He needed to remain focused on the fight, and you would simply be a distraction. You inched yourself along the building, now slightly assured that the ability users were focused on their main target. You laid yourself on the ground by one of the exploded bodies and grabbed their machine gun. You saw Nikolai take a punch to the gut, causing you to fire the gun where the invisible ability user should still be. Watching the bullets stop, most likely in a body, you felt a twinge of satisfaction. You fired at the high speed ability user as he moved to come toward you. He dropped halfway to you, bleeding and stunned. With both ability users dead, you rose to walk over to Nikolai. 
He was on one knee, his breathing choppy and heavy. He looked up at you, his eyes carrying bittersweetness and irony. He knew he would die today. His choppy breathing was probably a rib poking at one of his lungs, about to impale it. You knelt down in front of him, bringing his forehead to yours, sitting in silence. He gargled as a dagger pierced his upper and lower torso. Your vision flew to the left as you felt a blunt, stinging kick hit you. Nikolai’s body fell down, while you only stumbled over, body in shock from the kick. A man stood above Nikolai’s body, holding the daggers he just impaled him with. He stabbed him two more times, once in the chest and once in his left eye. He screamed while you grabbed a large rock. The ‘assassin’ moved to stab you, but he only cut your left little finger off as you smashed the rock down on his head. He fell down and you crawled to continue bashing his head in.
You turned your attention back to Nikolai once you finished. Blood was seeping from his mouth as his right hand rested on his chest. You grabbed his left hand and removed his glove, holding it up to your heart. He turned to smile at you as the sun continued setting. You began to play with his hair, as you had done many times before. Tears made their way down your face as you cried, knowing his death was inevitable. Tears welled in his eye as well. 
“Be happy for me, Y/n. I’ll finally be free.”
You had no words, so you moved your left hand from his hair to his cheek, stroking it and rubbing away the tears. Your blood tainted his face, causing you to let out another sob at these unfortunate circumstances. First Sigma, now Nikolai, why? How were you supposed to keep following Fyodor’s plan when your family kept getting slaughtered?
He moved his hand to stroke your cheek as well. “Thank you for everything, dear friend. It’s been delightful to have you as a companion. I find such joy in your presence. Will you guide me to the heavens?”
“It would be my honor, Kolya.”
He smiled softly, and continued to stare into your eyes. An eagle flew above the two of you, cawing as it passed by.
“How lovely.” he whispered, before his hand became limp.
You sobbed, lifting and clutching his body to your chest. You were sniffling and rocking him when Fyodor arrived at the bloody scene, coming to take you and Nikolai’s body home.
You moved to the grass in your front yard, sitting and looking at the stars. You looked down for a moment, noticing the stub where you lost your finger. You smiled bitterly, and continued through your haze of remembrance.
It was a couple months after Nikolai’s death, when Fyodor’s plan was reaching its end. He had been gone for two weeks now, where or why you could no longer remember. Your cup of tea has long been cold. There was only one member of your family left, and you spent too much time in fear of when he would leave you too. You don’t know why you stayed with him after Nikolai’s death. Perhaps it was because he was the only one who understood, the only one who could give you the answers you needed. 
A deep bang at the front door shocked you out of your haze. You slowly rose, a dreadful feeling setting into your body. As you opened the front door, a blur of white, red, and black slumped into you. Two figures rushed out of your view and away from the rundown mansion. You pulled the figure that fell into you inside, slamming the door with your foot. As you looked at the outfit the figure was wearing, you immediately recognized who it was.
Panic set into your bones, but you forced yourself to carry and drag him upstairs. You laid him on his bed before running to grab water, bandages, stitching supplies, and various other first aid materials. Once you arrived back in his bedroom, you decided not to waste time and opted for cutting his clothes. Looking at his bare torso, almost all you could see was blood. You grabbed the towel you had brought with the water and quickly wiped down his torso. The blood was not completely gone, but it was now easier to see what you were doing. Threading the needle, you began suturing his worst wounds. He stirred after you finished, his eyes opening. They held a pathetic and stubborn look. He turned his head away from you a moment later, his eyes shutting as you continued with your ministrations. You removed his coat and shirt entirely now, focusing your attention on his arms and neck. No cut needed stitching there so you temporarily taped down gauze on his wounds. 
Moving to his legs, you removed his boots and cut open his pant legs to reveal deep gashes. Threading the needle once more, you sutured the gashes on his legs and taped gauze on his less serious cuts. You placed the materials back on his nightstand, grabbing a fresh towel to wet and wipe his face with. His bloody hair would have to wait. You grabbed his chin with your thumb and index finger to center his head. His eyes bore into you as you ran the cold, wet cloth along his bloodied cheeks. He sighed, accepting your touch.
You forced his half-limp body to sit up, causing Fyodor to grumble. You grabbed the roll of gauze bandages, and wrapped his torso, before letting him lay back down. You then wrapped parts of his arms and legs, to which he would occasionally huff. Once you were finished tending to his injuries, you gathered your supplies and left the room. Your body shook slightly, coming off of adrenaline and worry. As you entered his bedroom for the final time that night, you helped him drink from the glass of water you brought and lightly pressed a kiss to his forehead.
Entering your room, a flurry of emotions hit you. You had almost lost the last member of your family. The one who understood you to the fullest extent. That night you thanked Sigma and Nikolai for ensuring Fyodor remained alive.
The stars burned even brighter as you lit another cigarette. You blew out the smoke again and carried on with contemplating the past.
Fyodor’s recovery was a lengthy process, filled with ups and downs. You took care of him every step of the way, cleaning his hair and his body. Changing his bandages and eventually removing his stitches. Holding his hand and reading to him. Helping him drink water and eat until he gained enough strength to do it himself. Aiding him in walking. 
During his recovery, you became familiar with a side of Fyodor that no one had been able to see; his emotional side. The first time you met this side was when you heard his cries of regret in the night. Your features dropped as you continued to listen, opting to let him be. You never brought it up, but you suspected he knew you were listening. The next week he started sharing stories from his life, some trivial and some deep, but you appreciated them all, sharing stories of your own which he gladly listened to. Some nights you could hear each other cry, reliving the traumatic events of the last two and a half years.
A vulnerability grew between the two of you by the time you had been caring for him for a month. You had finished changing his bandages when he lifted his right hand to hold your cheek.
“Thank you.” he spoke, leaning closer to your figure and placing a soft kiss on your lips. 
You were momentarily shocked, but let him run his lips over yours once more before he leaned back to his seated position and dropped his hand from your cheek. He smiled at you, and you smiled back.
By the three month mark, he was able to eat, drink, and bathe on his own. While still needing you to accompany him when he stood or walked, he had made excellent progress. His smaller cuts were fully healed, although his gashes still had some time to go.
You had gone on an evening walk with him, trying to get him out of the house and in nature. When you had gotten back, he sat on the side of his bed and removed his ushanka. You sat next to him, removing your gloves and shivering with cold.
“I appreciate you, Y/n.” he said, turning his head toward you. “I always have. And now, through my recovery, you have continued to support me. I have never felt anything similar to the way I feel in your presence. Never in my life have I felt such vibrant emotion, and such enchanting stirrings in my heart.” he placed his hand on your knee and smiled. “I absolutely love you, Y/n.”
A smile found its way onto your slightly flushed face.
“I absolutely adore you, Fedya.” you spoke, cupping his cheek and kissing him. He cupped your cheek in return, moving his lips in time with yours. 
The night seemed to vanish as you remained solely focused on the only other person in the world who knew you inside and out, the same way you knew him.
The front door sounded shut as you heard Fyodor walk down the steps and toward your figure. He came to sit next to you in the grass in front of your new home, a dark blue blanket in hand. He placed the blanket over the two of you and you leaned your head on his shoulder. He welcomed the gesture, placing his right arm around your waist and lighting you another cigarette. The bright colors of dawn streamed through the sky, as the sun continued rising over the small city. The two of you stayed seated, conscience laden. Grief, despair, and sorrow were emotions that have plagued you your entire life while you searched for a home. Now they have begun turning into love and acceptance as you have finally found a home. A home in your Fedya, where he would always hold your wounded hand and you would always hold his wounded body.
- - - - - - - - - -
If you would like to read more of my Fyodor works, why don't you check out I Have Loved the Stars too Fondly to be Fearful of the Night?
If you're wanting to read another darker Fyodor fanfic, I would recommend my Hannibal!AU.
masterlists | upcoming works
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ventiddy · 2 years
i wqbna watch john wick 2 bro plz wgatw up woth ny wifi
dude ru kidding mee whats wrong with my wifiiiiiiuuu olzzzzz i wanna watcy john wick cuz yesterday i fell asleeppooo
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who tf cries like that
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slaythebirdman · 11 months
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Rules and info:
-This is a spoiler zone for STP, so be prepared to hear about all endings.
-We take requests! Feel free to pop your ideas in the Ask box, but know that we may not answer all asks.
-Sometimes we will repost art or other cool content under the "#SlayTheArt" tag.
-NSFW content will be labeled under the "#SlayTheNSFW" tag, so if you're not 18 or older, please make sure to block that tag when interacting with this blog!
-There WILL be X reader headcanon content!
-This blog is run by two Mods: Mod Yellow 💛(They/Them) and Mod Pink 💗(They/Them)
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Characters we will write for:
(Warning: The Mods have NOT 100%ed STP and haven't met a few voices/princesses still! We'll start writing for them once introduced, so this list will eventually be complete:)
-MC (#MC)
-Narrator (#Narrator)
-Voice of the Hero (#Voice of the Hero)
-Voice of the Broken (#Voice of the Broken)
-Voice of the Skeptic (#Voice of the Skeptic)
-Voice of the Cold (#Voice of the Cold)
-Voice of the Hunted (#Voice of the Hunted)
-Voice of the Stubborn (#Voice of the Stubborn)
-Voice of the Contrarian (#Voice of the Contrarian)
-Voice of the Paranoid (#Voice of the Paranoid)
-Voice of the Smitten (#Voice of the Smitten)
-Voice of the Cheated (#Voicr of the Cheated)
-Voice of the Opportunist (#Voice of the Opportunist)
-The Princess (#The Princess)
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Other Links:
-Masterpost (To Be Added)
-TagList (To Be Added)
-Ask Box
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dangthatscrayz · 6 months
Jaz my man, Oppy and Para if I may ask so kindly :3€
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(I can’t talk I have the exact same flags as you)
Also challenge accepted
Here’s slay the princess characters x voice reader because someone has to do it (headcannons still cus I am NOT a writer)((don’t even look at anything I post which all includes writing it’s just the art backs up the writing)
I will feed you good
Characters: voice to the opportunist, voice of the paranoid
Cw: voice of the opportunist existing, heart lungs liver nerves, uuuuuuh mention of deaths bc ofc, slay the princess spoilers
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Voice of the opportunist:
-I keep asking why, but I’ve come to the conclusion that everyone kinda sucks in this game
-whatever they are all terrible people but in a good way
-in the witch route the whole goddamn time he will be trying to convince everyone to do what he wants and backstab the princess
-if you agree with him he will be louder with his ideas
-i do believe that he is the kind of guy who has alot of ideas but doesn’t say it outright unless someone also shares them
-he also jumps ships to whatever is winning
-so if you are backing him up that’s giving him more confidence in what he is doing
-I feel like if you change teams to be on team save the princess he will shut up more like in the thorn chapter if you get the smitten
-if you two become buddies I think he would just repeat stuff you said like it’s his idea
-if your chill with that I think he would do it more
-if you aren’t chill with it I think he would change tunes and say something like
“Oh really? Great minds think alike”
“I was just repeating your great idea, don’t take it personally”
-he will be more obnoxious
-he is absolutely the kind of guy to want to show off infront of someone he likes but in a way that makes him look aloof or something
-but like in the real game when he is sucking up to people to get them to what he wants it’s VERY obvious
-I’m picturing this happening during the thorn chapter
“What if we-“ <—the vot hero probably
“I don’t care what you think”
“Y/n what do you want to do?”
-probably will huff if you want to save the princess annoyed
-he’s the number 2 suck up (number 1 is the broken for obvious reasons and the smitten is number 3 bc he isn’t a suck up he just is always like that)
-the razor chapter I 100% think he would take the opportunity to try and look tough or something
-like Everytime he tries to look smart literally everyone can see through it
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(Don’t ask any the photo I didn’t have anything voice of the paranoid related so here’s something that almost made me need to “heart lungs liver nerves” to breathe again after I saw this pfp)
Voice of the paranoid:
-if you both were tangible I see him hiding behind you
-even if your shorter
-even if your skinnier
-he will find a way(this is a threat)/j
-if in the nightmare route you help him “hearts lungs liver nerves” every once and a while to give him a break he will thank you
-I see you having to calm him down after he gets paranoid alot
-may or may not work
-if you both are extra good pals I see him asking you to tell him a story or something to distract him
-maybe he also wants to look at a bird
-I see him as being VERY clingy
-he will ask you a lot of things
“What if (insert something about something bad happening)”
-of course you will tell him it will be ok
-welll I hope you do
-it would be weird if you told him that everything will go wrong
-after you tell him everything will be ok I think he will relax a bit but he will still ask you things
-probably the kind of guy who asks if you love him every single night before you go to sleep
-of course by law you have to say yes.
-he will get paranoid about stuff like what if something was secretly happening with you that makes you not like him but of course you probably will say that’s not true
-he needs some rest
Enjoy your food
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star-puff · 3 years
AHHH MEG CONGRATS ON YOUR MILESTONE!!! I'm so happy that you're getting the recognition you deserve 🤧 I hope you're doing well!
all of your options are so so so cute but I think I'll do the confession hcs! atsumu + quality time + intp-t / 5w6
also (if you don't mind me sending in 2) what are your top 3 songs rn?? sending lots of love + good vibes your way!
AHHH HI EL! thank you for being one of my biggest supporters omg i love you so much 😭😭😭 in any case, i would accept 5 million requests if it was from you 🙄☝☝☝
confession headcanons for: neonghxst
how atsumu confesses to you is surprisingly tender.
he knows you wouldn’t like the extravagant affairs, nothing like a giant bouquet of flowers or a dramatic showcase of his feelings for you. what he does instead takes more planning than it needs to, all things considered.
atsumu runs over his lines for weeks on end, trying to prepare what seems to be do or die. because he loves you. he loves you so deeply it hurts--the brightness in your eyes, the way you always strive to learn more, the passion that flows out of you in every moment of your life.
it’s weekly movie night, when he finally plans for it to happen. atsumu has everything ready--the movie to set the mood, your favorite food, his speech.
the movie is almost ending, the orchestral score swelling as the main couple confess their feelings for one another. atsumu turns to you, and his heart stops. 
“i like you,” he stutters out, and his perfectly prepared speech flies out the window. “will you be my girlfriend?”
you blink, processing his sudden confession, and then you begin to laugh. and for a brief moment his stomach drops. 
“i like you too, stupid,” you say, a smile still engrained on your lips, and you pull him in for a kiss.
his other half has finally joined him at last.
my top 3 songs:
NSDFLKJSDF as embarrassing as it is i’ve been listening to love you like a love song by selena gomez On Repeat recently 😭😭😭. i wouldn’t say its my Top song rn but ... it’s definitely been on the infinite loop lately 😭 top three rn would have to be (in no particular order):
1. weekend - taeyeon
2. a.m.3:21 - yama
3. ordinary - umi
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Narek - One In The Same
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♫ - The Great Pretender - Freddie Mercury
For a lovely Anon, thank you for requesting some Picard! I loved this show a lot, and I hope you all enjoy this one! Hugs! ♡
our life had never been easy sailing. Your father was a Romulan, your mother Human. You never truly fit in anywhere. People often looked upon you in either disgust or fear for your Romulan side, and you couldn't blame them. Romulans had been known to choose conquering over cohabiting with other species, though if it suited them then they were very happy to engage in diplomacy. For this, a wide view of Romulans was that, as a race, they were despicable. You, however, had never met any others of your kind.
When you were younger, your father had left, leaving you with your mother on Earth. Why, you didn't know. All you had known of him was that he was Romulan and that he worked for an intelligence agency, one that was responsible for so much destruction and hatred. Therefore, you weren't surprised when people turned from you for your heritage. Being raised on Earth, you were around humans all your childhood and younger years, and eventually landed in Starfleet Academy, with every intention of making a good engineer of yourself.
You did indeed have every opportunity to make something of your future, to use your capacity for knowledge to help people. You could have been something so wonderful, had your name up in lights with the likes of James T. Kirk and Matthew Decker. Everyone around you always had the highest hopes for what you would become. Which is why, as you sat in a prison cell, you thought about the decisions you'd made that got you here. All through life you had tried not to become what they said your father was, and slowly but surely you had, you were now just as bad as the stories of him.
Remorse did not flash through you, however, you had no regrets for anything you had done. So lost in your thoughts you were, you had failed to hear the footsteps coming from the cell on your right, only noticing upon hearing someone speak.
"Well,"  the voice from the cell adjacent to yours was low, tone almost mocking. "What do we have here?"
The question didn't require an answer, and still you did.
"Nothing of your concern."
"Oh," you heard the persons voice change, this time it sounded as though whoever it was did not expect your remark. "Sassy."
Your head whipped round to see the stranger, and your eyes lay upon a man who defied every expectation of what you had assumed you would see. A man stood before you, clad in all black clothing, a tight coat hugging his form. His hair was messy, but in an almost neat way, and it hung just above his eyes.  You noticed his ears and that was when it clicked for you. He was a Romulan.
"Have we seen something we like, e'lev?" The mans voice pulled you out of your thoughts, glancing at his face to see his brows raised and a smirk on his face. He sat with his back against the wall next to the bars that separated you. Now next to you, you took in his eyes which were a striking shade of blue.
"Don't mock me, Rihana."
"Apologies," he spoke, most definitely not apologetic, but rather continuing the theme of biting remarks. He couldn't care less, knowing exactly what he was doing with his words. "My name is Narek, might I have yours?"
"You might," you spoke, your turn to test his wits this time. "If you tell me how you got here."
Narek scoffed. Something about his aura told you he knew who you were, and yet you couldn't put a finger on it. The feeling persisted.
"The same reason as you, no doubt. Some crime or another. You're very inquisitive, I must say. That comes from your human side no doubt-"
"How do you know about that?" You cut him off, now confused and rather annoyed at his statement.
"You think I can't see that you're not fully Romulan? What do you take me for.."
You sighed, narrowing your eyes at him. "Y/N."
"Y/N," he finished his sentence, and you liked the way he spoke your name. "Y/N.. hmm.."
"Oh, nothing." His smile unnerved you, and you turned to face him properly, curious as to why he seemed so familiar with you.
"No, tell me, what is it?"
"I never thought I'd see the muse behind all of Jarak's stories, and yet here you are." Narek was now eyeing you with wonder, a glint in his eye that seemed to spell danger. Still, he went on. "I hadn't realised you'd be so.. you."
Brows furrowed, you stayed silent as he analysed you, baffled by the whole of the last half an hour. He laughed a little, and shook his head.
"I take it you know me then, Narek." Your statement ended in a way that let the young Romulan know that you required some form of explanation. Whether you got one or not was still out for the jury.
"No, but I knew your father. Jarak, he was a great man, he did so much for us."
"Who is us?" You were fully engaged in his conversation now, hoping that he could shed some light on your father for you.
"The Tal Shiar. I work for an organisation called the Tal Shiar, and your father did a great deal for us to help us out with information and weapons. Renowned he is among Romulans. He spoke of you often, the child he had left behind, he had hoped one day to reunite with you. I only recognized it was you from the not-so-traditional name, of course."
As Narek spoke, you hadn't taken your eyes off him, listening to his every word as he reeled off story after story about your father. The rumours you had heard were true, he was indeed a horrible man. Though you could hardly judge him, the things you had done were of equal distaste.
"Are you alright?" he asked, a slight hint of concern in his voice. Your face was now looking down at the floor, your hands idly twiddling away with each other as thoughts ran amok in your head. You looked up to Narek, locking eyes with him once more.
"Yes, I just wasn't expecting this today."
"You seem like a rather intelligent person, dear Y/N, we could use someone like you if what I have heard about your doings is true."
So he did know how you got here.
"I could help you, we could be brilliant," he started again, looking at you with a small hint of hope that you would agree. "I know you haven't been around Romulans much, if at all, but I can show you our culture, our planet, our people. You could be home. We're one in the same you and I, Y/N. Think, you could be one of our most legendary operatives with that Starfleet training of yours. What do you have to lose?"
Silence fell around you both as you pondered Narek's words. You had a disdain for the Federation and the way they treated the Romulans, that much was true. The way they treated your people, your kind. You remembered all of the anguish you felt watching UFP officials each night talk of their victories against your race. Narek had mentioned home, something you had never truly had. Being amongst those similar to you, Narek included, sounded heavenly. He was absolutely right; what did you have to lose?
Pulled from your thoughts as Narek took your hand in his through the bars, you glanced at him once again. Smirking at him, he sent one of equal mischief back, though there was definitely something more held within the looks the both of you gave each other.
"Well, what are we waiting for?"
Narek placed a small kiss on your hand and you felt yourself blush. The two of your stood, walking towards the fronts of your respective cells. Excited for your life ahead, you heard Narek's voice from beside you, low and full of cunning.
"Then let's get out of here."
e'lev: my dear/darling
Rihana: a Romulan person, from Rihan meaning 'something Romulan'.
Website: Common Romulan Words from Federation Space Wiki
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mlm-writer · 2 years
Piss Paladin (Wade Wilson x FtM!Reader)
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Pairing: Wade Wilson/Deadpool x FtM Reader For the pride prompt: FtM reader learning to pee standing up, failing miserably, getting anxious and then getting help from their lovely AMAB partner Rating: Mature  Words: 1321 POV: Second Summary: Wade got you an STP and you can now finally pee while standing up. Easier said than doen tho. Notes: Happy Pride! See all works for pride 2022 here. Reader has not undergone bottom surgery, but everything else from HRT to top surgery is up to you. Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort sort of, domestic fluff, established relationship, we all know Wade is a horndog oh and he also breaks the 4th wall
“Babey!” Your boyfriend was as loud as ever, as he barged through the front door. Well, it was technically his apartment, so he was allowed. You looked up from your phone and shifted on the couch, bare legs no longer folded over. You tugged your shorts down, so they were no longer giving you a wedgie. Eyes narrowed at Wade, when he got a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. “I got you something,” he practically sang, approaching you with the glass and a package held behind his back. You were more confused by the glass of water to be honest. Wade was not one to hydrate voluntarily. “But - and that’s a big butt - you first need to drink this.” 
You let out a scoff and took the glass he held out for you. Wade had weirder antics, so you did not question him. You wished he had picked a smaller glass though. It took you a moment, before you had consumed its entire contents. Wade made in the meantime three jokes about swallowing and being so good at it. One time you laughed accidentally and almost choked, which triggered a choking joke or two. 
When you finally put the empty glass onto the already-full coffee table, he handed you the package. You raised a brow at him and took the package, ripping off the top while looking him dead in the eyes. “This better not be another strap-on, Wade. We already have enough.”
“Well this one you can use for multiple things.” You sighed and pulled the bubble wrap out of the box, then frowned at the hollow strap-on you found inside. It was limp and did not seem good for fucking at all. Then it clicked. You gasped and turned to your boyfriend hanging off the back of the couch. 
“No way!” “Yes way!” “Wade!”
You jumped and hugged him, slapping him in the face with your new dick. “Ho there fella, might want to wait with slapping me in the face with that thing until I’m on my knees.” You were giddy with excitement and took the glass off the table to fill it with more water, chugging it as if you’ve been in the desert. “It is for pack, pee and play, but I guess the first thing you want to do is pee while standing up?” 
You nodded. “Honestly, it is the best part of having a dick if you ask me.” You fished the harness out of the box and started placing your cock inside in various ways, until Wade grabbed the manual and helped you with sticking things in the right hole. 
“Well then let’s get you in this thing, go to the park and find you a nice little tree.” You wiggled out of your pants and underwear. Then tried to put the harness with the STP in it up, only to find out that it was rather tricky. 
“Maybe first try the toilet?” You suggested, as you moved the silicone around until it was comfortable. You then pulled the underwear back over it and your shorts. You wiggled around and reached into your underwear to find a comfortable position for the dick. “Where do you leave the shaft?” You complained. 
“You’re boring,” Wade sighed playfully. He nearly giggled like a schoolgirl as he watched you struggle. “Well I just leave it parallel to my right leg, but you can also do it to the left.” You followed his instructions and then stared at your bulge. “Damn baby boy, you are packing,” Wade exclaimed as he stared at your crotch with you. 
“Is it too obvious?” He shook his head. You read the manual to figure out what else came with the penis, while you waited for mother nature to make her call. When you finally felt it, you jumped up from the couch to go to the bathroom. 
“Go my piss paladin! My golden shower champion! My urine conqueror! My…”  “Shut up, Wade!”  “Hey don’t blame me! We are over 650 words in and the readers still haven’t gotten what they came for!”
You rolled your eyes and then closed the bathroom door behind you without locking it. Excitement coursed through your veins, but as you stood above the toilet, seat up and silicone dick in hand, nothing came out of you. As if your body was saying ‘we need to sit down to piss’. So you stood there a good minute or two… or three… Eventually Wade was knocking on the door. “You know, it is supposed to be quicker,” he called from outside the door. You tried to force something out again, but not even a drip left you.
“Urgh, it won’t work!” You exclaimed, stomping your foot and zipping your pants back up. You heard Wade come in, but did not look at him. “I just… I can’t do it!” You felt Wade approach from behind and then his arms were around you. 
“Yes you can, my piss paladin. Come on, let’s zip those pants down.” Wade pushed everything down to your ankles. “You’re just having a mental block so let’s try this a bit more like you’re used to. Bend the knees, rest that pretty butt on me, yes just like that.” You were sort of leaned forward with your butt on Wade’s knees slash thighs. Wade had his hands on your hips, steadying you. “Ok now close your eyes and breathe. Once you let go, everything will just flow.” 
It took you a good minute more, but with Wade keeping you calm and reminding you that one step at a time was fine, you eventually succeeded. When the dam finally overflowed, it was a relief like nothing else. The sound of piss landing in the toilet water had never before triggered so much relief and happiness. You and Wade were cheering like you just won the jackpot. 
However, victory did not last long, as you felt a warm stream trickling down your leg. “Oh shit,” you exclaimed as you tried to stop yourself from filling the overflowing penis even more. The idea was great, but the execution was not as smooth as you had envisioned. 
“Keep calm, king, this is fine,” you heard Wade say behind you, but piss was trickling down your leg and you could not really stop yourself mid-way. It felt like it was just coming and coming. By the time the STP was empty, you just stared down at it with absolute horror, trying to wrap your head around what just happened. 
“Oh my god, I am so sorry, baby, I pissed all over you. Oh my god this is so embarrassing.” You felt like crying. The entire vicinity was stinking and covered in yellow fluid. You heard Wade talking, but you were frozen in place and your ears had stopped working. 
Wade turned you around roughly, but you closed your eyes, unable to look at him. You pissed on him for fuck’s sake. “Hey, my handsome piss paladin, look at me. Come on, open those beautiful eyes… there you go. It’s all right.”
He smiled at you reassuringly, but you had tears pricking in your eyes and you could feel the distress everywhere in your body. “It’s not all right, Wade, I pissed on you.” 
“And I don’t care! Really! Look! Look here!” You followed his pointed finger to where you saw the stain on his pants and… a boner. Seeing it made you chuckle. 
“Really, dipshit? A piss kink?” He chuckled with you and reached past you to grab the roll of toilet paper. 
“Don’t blame me, you’re the one who is hot no matter what… just like your pee.” He whispered the last part, making you laugh again. Wade handed you some TP, but you refused, telling him a shower was going to be a better idea. He agreed and then joined you under another warm stream. 
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