#Salem Art Gallery
hellgirl666xx · 5 months
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🦇 Morninggg hope everyone has a fabulous day!🦇
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pataliemortman · 2 years
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𖤐All hail Daddy Baphomet𖤐
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pupsmailbox · 3 months
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NAMES ⌇ adeline. agatha. alastair. alex. alexander. alexandria. alisa. amber. ambrose. ambrosia. amorette. andrew. annabel. annabeth. annalise. anya. arden. artemis. arthur. ash. ashford. aspen. athena. atlas. atreus. augustus. avery. beatrix. blair. blake. blythe. bram. bronwyn. caspian. charles. charlotte. christopher. circe. claude. coraline. crimson. damian. damien. damon. daphne. darcy. demeter. diana. dorian. durant. ebony. eden. edgar. eleanor. elenor. elizabeth. elvira. emberl. enid. eris. everett. fantine. felix. fern. genevieve. george. grey. griffin. haven. hazel. hecate. henry. hester. holmes. hyde. inkesse. inkette. inkie. inky. isolde. ivie. ivy. james. jane. journalle. julian. julius. juno. kane. killian. lenore. lilith. lorelei. luna. magnus. malachi. mallory. maude. meredith. naomi. narissa. nicodem. nightesse. nightwing. nimue. noire. noiresse. noirette. odessa. odette. oliver. ophelia. orion. percy. persephone. peyton. phineas. phoebe. quill. quille. quinn. raven. ravenesse. ravenette. ravenne. remus. romero. rory. rosalind. rose. rowan. rowena. rufus. salem. scriptesse. sebastian. stoker. sylvain. tanith. theo. theodore. theodosia. trista. tristan. victor. victoria. vincent. virgil. wilhelmine. willow. wynona. xanthe. zoltan.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ acade/academia. amber/amber. an/antique. arch/architectself. arch/archive. art/art. art/artist. arti/article. arti/fact. artifact/artifact. baro/baroque. bea/beauty. bis/bisque. book/book. bookworm/bookworm. calligraphy/calligraphy. can/vas. candle/candle. cer/ceramic. char/charcoal. chess/chess. clas/classic. clay/clay. clock/clock. co/collect. coco/coco. cocoa/cocoa. cof/coffee. coffee/coffee. col/color. coll/collection. collage/collage. con/cept. crea/cream. crow/crow. cur/curate. dra/drama. dust/dust. essay/essay. fea/feather. feather/feather. fig/figure. fil/film. flicker/flicker. gal/gallery. glaze/glaze. globe/globe. gold/gold. hazel/hazel. his/history. history/history. hon/honey. hue/hue. hypo/hypothesis. illus/illustrate. ink/ink. journal/journal. ki/kiln. knowledge/knowledge. le/letter. learn/learn. letter/letter. li/library. lig/ligature. lit/literature. mar/marble. mur/mural. murder/murder. muse/muse. muse/museum. night/night. no/note. novel/novel. page/page. paint/brush. paint/paint. paint/painting. paper/paper. para/dox. pen/pen. pho/photo. pi/pigment. piano/piano. poe/poet. poem/poem. por/trait. porcel/porcelain. print/print. qui/quill. quill/quill. raven/raven. rea/read. read/read. ren/renaissance. rev/revolution. scrapbook/scrapbook. script/scripts. scroll/scroll. sculp/sculptor. sculp/sculpture. sketch/sketch. speci/specimen. spine/spine. sta/stamp. stai/stain. stamp/stamp. statue/statue. story/story. stu/dy. study/studie. study/study. surreal/surrealism. tea/tea. theo/theory. theory/theory. thes/thesis. time/time. tweed/tweed. violin/violin. wheel/wheel. ⌛/⌛. ⌛︎/⌛︎. ☕/☕. ✒︎/✒︎. ✒️/✒️. 🏛️/🏛️. 🏺/🏺. 📜/📜. 🕯️/🕯️. 🖼️/🖼️.
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olee · 8 months
Unexpected | Angus Tully
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For my bestie: @babybluebex
It was Christmas once again, and you found yourself alone. Your parents, deeply involved in “work” in Kenya, left you in your Salem Academy. The company of Mrs. Wheatley, a history teacher you disliked, was your only companionship. Despite her questionable claim of graduating from Yale, spending time with her has revealed a captivating side. On Christmas Day, exhausted from Mrs. Wheatley's insistence on avoiding outsiders, you shared a cold sandwich in the school kitchen. Unexpectedly, she mentioned the need to meet a friend in Boston, and soon, you agreed to a two-night trip, eager to escape the confines of your current surroundings.
Swiftly, you packed your belongings and hopped into Mrs. Wheatley's minivan, the sound of Led Zeppelin filling the air. Surprisingly, Mrs. Wheatley, usually in a sour mood during classes, transformed into a seemingly bohemian woman for this trip, even swapping her scarf. You couldn't help but speculate that her change in demeanor might be connected to meeting a "friend" – perhaps a crush. She shared that this friend was a history teacher at Barton Academy, a school your late brother had attended. The connection added an unexpected layer to the journey.
Upon your arrival, Mrs. Wheatley had arranged for you both to stay at a charming hotel in the heart of Cambridge. While you were still settling in, Mrs. Wheatley expressed a desire to visit a museum, a proposition that you reluctantly agreed to. Upon arriving at the museum, Mrs. Wheatley quickly conversed about the art and pottery on display while you followed her around, trying to appear engaged. As you looked around, your attention was suddenly diverted towards a young man walking down the hallway, accompanied by a man who seemed to be his father. You couldn't help but notice that Mrs. Wheatley discreetly checked her appearance and scent before making a beeline for the man.
As she hugged him tightly, you felt awkward, especially when you noticed the young man looking at you curiously, who appeared to be a student like you. However, you couldn't help but compliment Mrs. Wheatley on how nice she smelled, to which she thanked you before introducing you to her friend, Mr. Hunham, and his student, Angus, who he was in the custody of.
As Mrs. Wheatley and Mr. Humham were having a cringe-worthy and uncomfortable conversation, you looked at Angus and noticed that he recognized your expression. You both decided to leave the adults alone and went for a walk through the museum.
As you and Angus walked through the art gallery, you both suddenly stopped in front of an unusual Greek painting. The artwork depicted a naked man, and you couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as you gazed at it. You both stood there in silence for a moment, examining the painting's intricate details. The awkwardness of the situation was palpable, but then Angus broke the silence with a blunt remark, "Shit of painting." You couldn't help but chuckle at his comment and responded with a witty quip, "Classic. Maybe that should be the title." You exchanged a knowing look before moving on to the next painting in the gallery:
Angus: (smirking) “Well, it pushed something, that's for sure. (pauses) Hey, let's ditch Mrs. Wheatley and Mr. Hunham and grab some food. I'm starving.”
You: “Good idea. I'm hungry, too. How about pizza?”
Angus: “Pizza sounds perfect. Lead the way!”
After leaving the museum, you and Angus found a cozy pizzeria nearby. The warm aroma of freshly baked pizza greeted you as you entered, providing a comforting contrast to the cold December air outside. The two of you settled into a booth, the atmosphere lightening as you chatted about everything from school to favorite bands.
As you savored each bite of pizza, Angus shared stories about his life at Barton Academy. He mentioned his passion for photography and his desire to capture the essence of different cultures through his lens. Intrigued, you opened up about your interests, discovering unexpected similarities and shared experiences.
The conversation flowed effortlessly, and before you knew it, hours had passed. The initial awkwardness from the museum encounter now seemed like a distant memory. Angus's genuine laughter and easygoing nature had a way of putting you at ease.
After finishing the pizza, you both decided to walk through the nearby park. The city lights illuminated the night sky, creating a magical ambiance that enchanted the ordinary park. The crunch of snow beneath your feet added a serene soundtrack to your impromptu adventure.
As you walked and talked, you couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected joy this unplanned Christmas trip had brought. The loneliness you had felt at the boarding school was now replaced with the warmth of newfound friendship. Angus, too, seemed grateful for the escape from his routine, and you both relished in the moment's spontaneity.
Eventually, you found yourselves sitting on a park bench, gazing at the stars overhead. The night's stillness allowed for a peaceful reflection on the twists and turns of fate that had brought you and Angus together.
As the night drew close, you and Angus decided to head back to the hotel.
Back at the hotel, you bid goodnight to Angus, grateful for the unexpected friendship that had blossomed. Mrs. Wheatley engrossed in her conversation with Mr. Hunham, smiled knowingly as you returned.
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queersatanic · 1 year
What happened?
One of the co-owners of the Temple claims he’s stepping down as national spokesperson after noted transphobe and longtime reactionary dingus David Silverman was touring The Satanic Temple’s headquarters/art gallery in Salem with Christine Shellska.
Satanic Temple owner Doug “Lucien Greaves” Misicko took a picture with Silverman (and Shellska) in front of TST’s “Baphomet with Children” statue.
Instead of apologizing or even explaining his seeming endorsement of a person now primarily known for being loathsome, Misicko doubled down and blamed everyone criticizing him.
Wait, that’s it?
Yeah, and it’s been tearing The Satanic Temple’s membership apart for the past few days to the extent Misicko is promising (again) to step down as national spokesperson.
OK. Back up. Who is David Silverman? Is he the Nazi lawyer guy?
That’s Marc Randazza you’re thinking of, but it makes sense that you’re confused because there are a lot of these figures. TST is awash in them, and that’s part of the problem.
Continue reading
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scryptids · 1 month
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sofia carson / she/her  ———  no way is that WREN WHITEWATER.. they’re a 30-year-old HUMAN notoriously known for being STUBBORN  &  RECKLESS but there are some people who have seen them being CREATIVE  &  MOTHERLY.  if you ask me, they remind me a lot of sketchbooks full of dark doodles and drawings on various shelves, an old camera nestled safely in a bag, a wardrobe full of black clothing, and horror movies always playing in the background, but that could just be because they’re considered the THE OCCULTIST around town. just keep an eye on them  &  see if their true colors shine through..
full name: wren winifred whitewater birthdate: october 31st age: 30 height: 5’4” occupation: photographer and paranormal investigator ship status: in a relationship with draven thorne bio:
the best way to ever describe wren whitewater is “strange and unusual”
wren and her twin sister willow were born on a particularly spooky halloween night, and some say that it was just an omen and testament to how they would turn out later in life
her parents owned a mystics shop, one that she was given the freedom to roam around and explore in, and she surely took advantage of that
she could usually be found in the paranormal section of her parents’ shop, a book about ghosts or cryptids in her lap at any given time while she soaked up every last bit of information she could
even as a little girl, wren began to develop a reputation as ‘the creepy kid’
school always proved to be difficult because of this, and most of her peers avoided her like the plague for fear she’d put some sort of curse on them
she adapted to being lonely all the time, hiding herself away in the corner of the art room or library, usually with a sketchbook in her lap
they encouraged her to try and go out and make friends apart from her twin sister, but it felt like every time she stepped foot out the door, people would give her a ten-foot clearance
it was around this time that her nightmares started; it seemed that wren couldn’t go a whole night without waking up screaming
she went to bed every night in fear, not wanting to see the monsters in her dreams again
so instead of sleeping, wren would put a horror movie on (something her parents blamed her nightmares on) and stay up all night
she’d obviously developed a case of terrible insomnia, often surviving off of only a few hours of sleep a week but hiding her struggles despite it all
wren’s outlet became her art, her sketches all dark and showing the creatures and scenery that she saw in her dreams
this concerned her parents, but she always insisted that she was perfectly fine so they would leave her be
her grandmother saw right through her act, however, and gifted her a camera to provide her with a new outlet
that camera became wren’s whole world, and by the time she reached high school she was showing her photos in local art galleries
for once life seemed to be happy for wren, and to top it off, she met the boy she thought was the love of her life
they spent too much time together, fused at the hip whenever they could be
wren was more than just smitten with him, and before long they began to plan their future together
she thought he was the one, and despite thinking the concept of high school sweethearts was stupid, she couldn’t help but play into it
but just before graduating high school, wren found out that he’d been cheating on her throughout their entire relationship, and suddenly her world came to an earth-shattering halt
wren shut down completely, all of her outlets suddenly not providing enough distraction, and that’s when the investigating began
she’d always been fascinated by the paranormal shows and blogs that she followed along with, and she wanted to try her hand at it
so she gathered some equipment and began investigating around her hometown of salem, massachusetts, knowing that she’d find plenty to work with
she shared all of her findings online, creating a little online community of people she could connect with and even inviting a lot of them on investigations 
she didn’t let her cynical attitude towards trusting people get in her way, and for once in her life wren had actual friends
when the time came to pack up and go to college, she chose a university in dallas-fort worth to get as far away from her old life as possible
she had more stuff with her than most, as she brought all of her art supplies, her camera, and her investigation equipment
instead of choosing to live in the dorms with a forced roommate, wren found herself an apartment, not wanting to inflict her terrible habits onto anyone else
she settled into life in texas easily, and the smile finally returned to her face
by day she was a full-time photography student, but by night she was letting herself into old, abandoned, haunted buildings to conduct her investigations
she was in texas for two years before meeting draven thorne, and suddenly life felt like it made sense again
she trusted them almost instantly, feeling as though they were always meant to be in her life in some way, shape, or form
wren didn’t want to trust her heart again, but draven was different and she could see that
needless to say she was in love with him from the very beginning, and it didn’t take long before they decided to be together
they were supportive of everything she wanted to accomplish in life, and wren was the same with everything draven wanted to do in life, even if it involved illegal hacking (they don’t talk about that)
wren knew that draven was her soulmate, and she has never once regretted letting him into her life
these days, wren and draven live together with their two black cats, poe and onyx
she does her photography during normal people hours (when the sun is still in the sky or just about to set), and conducts her paranormal investigations at night
she’s become rather popular online for her investigations, running an entire website where people can share their findings and connect with her (and yes, she had to ask draven for help when making said website)
she also still regularly showcases her photography, selling it whenever someone shows interest
for once in her life, wren is well and truly happy in both her professional life, and she intends to keep it that way
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sirbob-thebread · 3 months
🌿 🐢 Well well well, many years have passed, it's time to return to the social media platform that raised me 🐢 🌿
~ Name's Bob but you can call me whatever your heart desires
~ Pronouns are They/Them but I'll accept a She/Her or He/Him if I'm feeling generous
~ This account is 18+ plus, if blood, gore, or violence are not your cup of tea this art might not be for you. There also will likely be some suggestive themes with some characters
~ This is a OC art page above all else but I may dable in some fan art from time to time
👍: Art, clowns, dried flowers, bones, candle light, reptiles, birds, insects, linen, bread, a fall breeze, the moon
👎: Dead bugs, soft fabrics, summer, minimalism, crowds, root beer, nicotine
Triggers: mentions of narcissistic abuse, S/A, squished bugs, jumpscares
Fandoms: DnD, BG3, Skyrim, Stardew Valley, Arcane, Good Omens, Adventure Time, SU, Big Top Burger, TADC, Infinity Train, Over the Garden Wall, Hunter x Hunter, Avatar, LiS, RDR2, Ratchet & Clank, Spyro, Shrek, SpongeBob, Homestuck,ect. (I'm a simple human with simple tastes)
Music: Grizzly Bear, Florence and the Machine, John-Robert, clipping., Glass Animals, Fleet Foxes, Flipturn, Mt.Joy, The Paper Kites, Bill Wurtz, ect.
🫘 People who are cool beanz on here🫘
♠️ @emmettsantics, 10 years of hating you
🎃 @bomeaniebobeanie, sibling, clone, rockin co-DM
⚡ @sparkedblaze, grand friend, mayhaps a bringer of chaos in a DnD setting
🐦‍⬛ @caw-salem, another winner in the friend department, might eat dice
🐦 @misfitstraycosplay, cosplayin fiend, frond o' mine, irl Theora
✨ My brain may be broken but my ability to draw is not (BPD, GAD, OSDD. CPTSD)
✨ Ya'llternative punk in the mountains
✨ Primarily a fantasy/OC/creature artist but I also spend my time applying for galleries with my surreal artworks and will likely go into a tattoo apprenticeship within the year
✨Pole dancing, kickboxing, and weightlifting are some of my favorites
✨ I might be a dragon in disguise 🥸
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rabbithexrt · 8 months
Sunflower, writing and waterfall! 🌸🌱
hello lovely ♥ sunflower: if there was a door that went to a city that was a good representation of you, what city would it be and would you go through the door? - so I've never been there, but my partner grew up in and around there and has told me a ton and shown me pictures etc, so it just feels right: I think Derry, or really any small town in New Hampshire or Maine just feels like me. anything with pretty old buildings and lots of nature really.( also really controlling myself to not say Salem here aha ) writing: do you write letters? if not, would you like to be?  - I love writing letters but I rarely get the chance to these days. I think the last letter I wrote that was not some professional grown up nonsense was to my partner a while ago ♥
waterfalls: describe your perfect date. - phew meeting for breakfast in a cute lil café and then going to either a museum or an art gallery or even just a pretty park OR going on a little hike and having a picnic at the end. that sounds about perfect to me
thank you so much, beautiful ♥
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njtare · 3 months
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The Satanic Temple is “the only federally recognizd intrntnll (non-theistic) religious org.” Its Salem HQ maintns an art gallery w/ an xhibit on Satanism, witch hunts & moral panic. Membrs also prform ceremonial events & hold meetgs & lecturs there ~
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John Waterhouse, Circe Offering the Cup to Odysseus, 1884, Oldham Gallery, Oldham, UK.
When I think of depictions of witches, I think of a medium that predates popular media like television. I think of witches depicted in art. The painting above, painted by one of my favorite artists, John Waterhouse, depicts Circe(from The Odyssey) offering a chalice to Odysseus that she has enchanted. What Waterhouse has painted so well is the power she possesses innately in herself, so while Circe is not a queen, she has the power of one through her ability to do magic. The flowers around her being purple serve to advance that point.
In the mirror behind Circe, we can see Odysseus warily approaching. This perspective shows how Circe is attempting to bring Odysseus under her spell.
In 1884, this painting would have been a different depiction of witches than most depicted by the media. At that point, society had shifted to a more stereotypical depiction stemming from the Salem Witch Trials. However, Waterhouse depicting Circe as more of an Ancient Greek queen serves to convey the long history of witchcraft in the media.
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scurvyoaks · 1 year
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Fine Pair of Federal Carved Mahogany and Inlaid Satin Birch Side Chairs, Attributed to John and Thomas Seymour, Boston, Massachusetts.
35 x 19 1/4 x 19 in., seat height 18 3/4 in.
Note: This pair of chairs represents a fourth variation of Thomas and John Seymour's curved diamond back chairs. The same style is illustrated in Robert Mussey Jr.'s work, The Furniture Masterworks of John & Thomas Seymour (Salem, Massachusetts: Peabody Essex Museum distributed by University Press of New England, 2003), on pp. 388-9, no. 127. Mussey explains this chair is "the sole example found during [his] study that was designed for full over-the-rail upholstery." 
Sold at Sotheby's New York in 2004, these chairs were from The Collection of Alice and Murray Braunfeld. A single chair, of the same style and attributed to John Seymour, is in the collection of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). It is listed as a gift of Mrs. Murray Braunfeld in 2006 (M.2006.51.21). Although it is rare that sets of these chairs remain, given the fragile nature of their construction, it is probable this pair and the single chair at LACMA are related.
Two similar pairs of chairs probably by Thomas and John Seymour sold at Sotheby's New York in Property from the Collection of Dr. Larry McCallister, September 22, 2022, lots 98 and 99.
According to Sotheby's catalog note: "The masterful execution and carefully conceived design of this side chair places it among the most sophisticated examples of scroll-back chairs made in Boston. The exquisite combination of light and dark woods, reeding and carving, and rectangles, quarter ellipses and diamonds results in a tour de force of the Federal aesthetic.
The same overall configuration, wood combination and exceptional craftsmanship is found on chairs attributed to John and Thomas Seymour of Boston, whose furniture epitomizes the height of workmanship in Boston during the Federal period. Several similar sets of seating furniture are known. Once is represented by two settees and a pair of side chairs at Winterthur and a pair of side chairs at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, all with out-turning front legs (see Charles Montgomery, American Furniture, The Federal Period, nos. 37-9, pp. 90-2 and Edwin Hipkiss, M. and M. Karolik Collection of Eighteenth-Century American Arts, 1941, no. 116). A chair at Bayou Bend and one at Yale University also with out-turning front legs offer another variation (see David Warren, et al, American Decorative Arts and Paintings in the Bayou Bend Collection, 1997, F157, p. 99 and Patricia Kane, 300 Years of American Seating Furniture, 1976, no. 154, p. 174). Additional examples of the form representing two different sets are in the Kaufman Collection and the Henry ford Museum (see J. Michael Flanigan, no. 48, p. 134-5 and Vernon Stoneman, A Supplement to John and Thomas Seymour, Boston, 1965, no. 57).
Another side chair of this type in the Kaufman Collection displays ring-turned reeded tapering legs related to those on this pair of side chairs (see Flanigan, no. 47, p. 132-3). Similar legs appear on an octagonal center table attributed to the Seymours that sold at Sotheby's, Sinking Spring Farms: The Appell Family Collection, January 18, 2003, sale 7867, Lot 1265.
Both in overall good condition with expected nicks and wear. One with small repairs to the back splat. Both with old repairs and replacements to the upper section of the front legs. New corner blocks underneath the seat. Finely carved and structurally sound.
Stair Galleries, Americana sale 8/10/2023.
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intcritus · 5 months
❛ well? how do i look? ❜ // Yuriy @ Elliot
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❝ ━ like a sculpture made by loving hands ; the stuff gods rejoiced over and peasants would kneel just to experience. ❞ most would have kept it simple -- to tell yuriy that he looked handsome even the most casual wear and absolutely delectable in anything he put on his body but elliot would never mince words for the tiger. he deserves the best and if no one else would do, the phoenix would, without question. ❝ ━ thank you for accompanying me tonight. ❞
salem's new gallery viewing was tonight, a huge event that elliot, of course, had to attend to congratulate his psuedo-sibling. and to show off his new beau. though, beau wasn't quite the right word, and yet it paled in comparison to the wealth of emotion that is invoked when he thinks of the masterpiece that yuriy is. hand settles on the tiger's forearm, a hum of contemplation on his tongue. ❝ ━ do you mind me showing you off ? i won't if you're uncomfortable but...❞ he shrugs, a slight grin curving his lips, ❝ ━ i feel like you should be openly appreciated and in this world, i know that most people will, not as much as me, but...❞
he chuckles as his words drift off, gently drawing the tiger down to press kiss to furred cheek, ❝ ━ don't worry, it'll be a quiet night. i'll introduce you to my sibling, we'll view beautiful art, eat fancy snacks then hold hands and sneak off for quiet conversation. maybe a kiss at the end of the night ? who knows.❞
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katherinebotten · 1 year
Jack Donoghue, the opioid epidemic merch hoodie, and Salem
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Jack is cool because of what he brings to the situation. The situation isn’t cool. It’s cool because jack is there. Jack sets the tone he does not let the tone dictate how he is received. He has a romantic mid-west America sensibility. Humble. Disappearing to become a heroin addict ploughing the fields of Alaska like a gold-rush miner in the 1800s. Always in a BPD codep relationship but he remains the Elvis of his life. The captain of his ship. Enough self hating insecurity that we relate to him yet enough mastery over his exterior material conditions that we are in awe. The shame never takes him under the way it would us. He is a god amongst men because shame would kill us mortals yet he takes his shame and turns it into capital through the commerce possible from fine art. Everyone else tries to be Salem but only Salem is Salem. Everyone else should try being themselves. He dated lana because they are both magicians. Liam wanted to be Jack. Every boy wants to be jack. If I saw a person in a Salem t-shirt I would make sure not to talk to them. I think identifying with Salem is for losers only. But I can’t deny the appeal of jack. And of Salem! 
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Daisies boyfriend wore a black hoodie it said “I survived the opioid crisis” and I wanted it even though they are the most loser couple of insecure losers on earth. Australia’s prom king and queen if the high school was Insecure High. And it really makes you think, huh, it must be true… money doesn’t make you happy. I didn’t know who made this hoodie - for days I was thinking about it. It was like a sigil. Charged with subcultural power. Then I googled it and saw it was Salem merch... Of course! Salem merch is cringe by nature because when you signal the code that your into Salem you also signal that your a desperate creton lazy death lover with no creativity. Like every art gallery in Melbourne named after death. But this hoodie got me. Death has built in sex appeal that’s why I think it’s lazy. I wish Salem made pro-life merch but they wouldn’t, couldn’t, and won’t. Because then they wouldn’t be Salem. I come for the death and stay for the sex. Jack is the Bee Gee’s “Stayin’ Alive” song, walking down the street in spring using your denim cock crotch as a compass. Jacks cock = true north. He is magnetic because he is a child looking for a whore and/or a mother and won’t break out of himself to become sovereign (ie to become a magician) and we identify, the magnetism is that he is us but he looks, sounds, and seems cool doing it, so we idolise. We want to feel okay. We also can’t break out to become sovereign selves, we want company. But jack is accidentally a magician and I can’t figure out why. He is a martyr in that he becomes magician so we don’t have to and we praise him for it. (Idk how u become a magician without becoming a magician????) He is America. He is a poet. He is a beat poet. He is a dumb hunk. Drunk. Drug addict. Sex addict. Bpd pest. Annoying regressed pitbull. The archetype of the Casanova, Eros, Mars the planet named after the Roman god of war. He signals an authenticity that hipsters feed off but being death obsessed isn’t authentic it’s fake and a cover and fear centric and our authentic core is always life obsessed. My magic coach max says life and death are the same thing. Idk I just know Jack is a loser because death is pathetic but I also know that he gets me everytime and we love him because we want to love the fearful parts of us too and in jack we see the dualism of fear and the things we do to camouflage it that to dumb people appears as fears opposite. We want to empower the parts of us that are scared and weak and lying to cover themselves over as strong (see: in Melbourne - indifferent, apathetic, amoral, apolitical). So we love jack. Scum John Travolta. A boobytrap. Salem is for the codependent. Salem is loaded, charged, cool. 
I watched a fan made documentary on YouTube about Jack and spent the next 12 hours totally desperate to relapse. Every product we want has a secret promise it will make us feel safer. No one wants to die and to change is to die and to be attracted to darkness is liking this sensation you get when you think you are changing because you are dying because you like darkness, and how happy it lets you feel making believe like you're changing when your actually not. Surrounded by darkness my loser XXXXXXXXX thinks he is so cool because he loves death but he doesn’t change he is stuck because he thinks the attraction to death is death (he's not brave enough to die). The final thing out of Pandora’s box was hope and it was the cruellest of all because it kept people exactly as they were. Unchanging. We are such liars. Salem hoodie losers declare themselves as liars. Looking beyond death is life, like in Zazen setting up seated meditation and staring through the hoodie. Refracted out on the other side is the understanding that there is a quality within you that is dependent on external validation for your sense of mysticism, and this is of a low vibrational frequency and probably blocking you from real divine union, being yourself, knowing your purpose and carrying it out.
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I wish they didn’t have the opioid brands on the back it makes it uncool, glib and heavy handed. It’s cheap like loser graphic design not fine art and you could find anything that looks like that at Savers or someone in Brunswick yuck. The front is kind of dope in that it’s a public service announcement and mysterious and doesn’t technically have to be true. Then the brands on the back is this energetic doubling down but it’s confused and Vibrationally comes off as not mysterious. Too “of the world”. Plus can you imagine all the losers behind you as you walk being intrigued or scared while reading the branding on your back it’s kind of beyond ugly thing to force to happen in the environment in fact I would go as far as to call the graphic element on the back of the hoodie environmental rape. 
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It seems like no matter what he has friends and some what accepts himself. If it was one of us who ended up picking olives in willunga, South Australia, or being a cleaner on a FIFO offshore oil refinery, or in the mines of deep Queensland I doubt we would remain cool and desirable, it is the perserverance of Jack’s essense despite the material conditions that we admire. It’s like he is in the olympics of remaining cool despite what is happening around him. I would kill myself if I ended up childless and living in the fleurieu peninsula alas I am sober and Jack copes by smoking, driving a ute, staying reflexive to trends, and contributing to the zietgiest with markers reminding us of his virility via Instagram posts. I’m torn, it’s not king behaviour. I stan a drop-out, jack hangs-in. 
One day zac described to me that Ed Sheeran was famous because he distilled the essense of England into a man and that is what was being celebrated. England championing the spirit of “England”. The schizophrenia of it was enticing, I don’t know if it checks out. I think we just want to be carried off to sleep, our consciousness blunted. Nothing toooo much but enough of enough to think we’re being satisfied. A Course In Miracles says nothing of this world could be satisfying. I think jack represents the edge of an edge most hipsters are happy to occasionally occupy or aim for. If Jack actually was a frontier explorer we wouldn’t know or see him because he wouldn’t be so representable and locatable. (I wonder if that’s truly true?)
I like jack because he shows me beauty in hopelessness. Where jack is is ok not because it is ok but because jack is there. This is a representation of presence-creation. If I am ok then I can be present. At the end of it all we love hope. The art is dark but it represents making the most of nothing and that is hopeful. Jack is a magician because he is an alchemiser. 
I still think wearing Salem merch shows yourself to be retarded it’s the same as saying I am four years old but I can’t deny that the graphic design of the Salem font is an effective sigil. I respect the mastery of magic in this regard. Salem tea towels would be cool. “I survived the opiod epidemic” on a teatowel would have such a different register vibrationally than a black hoodie. I guess I’m missing the point again people want death not life from salem and tea towels are too life coded. I wonder if there is a way for salem to have less loser attracting merch? 
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I know they have such bad porn star sex. I actually feel so sad writing that, I look into their eyes above and see broken 4 year olds crying out for affection and security. They could perfectly heal together, two of the same wounds. My heart breaks to think of both of them stuck on the same merry-go-round from hell.
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voldarenscion · 2 years
Great art was seldom created without great suffering. Ludwig had been taught that by his grandfather who encouraged his creative pursuits. He kept that mantra in mind with every piece of work that decorated his gallery. Ludwig had just finished a painting of a witch being burned at the stake during the Salem Witch Trials. Instead of being horrified she looked enthralled in pleasure as her skirts caught fire. To Ludwig it represented the reclamation of power and the denial of satisfaction to her transgressors. Around him his other works decorated the gallery, showcasing ghoulish portraits and macabre statues. "Beautiful, isn't it?" Ludwig was marveling at his work, admiring the details and craftsmanship he had poured into the piece. His crimson colored eyes flicked toward the man beside him and his features lit up with recognition. "Your silhouette is stunning! I'd love to sketch you sometime if you'd let me." Ludwig takes a step back, allowing inspiration to stir within his brain. "It's going to be brilliant!"
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slayter-kinney · 1 year
hey did you know i (and my partner) sell cool art n shit? did u know we’re not doing financially amazing at this time and any support would be appreciated? now you do!!!!! (many items have free US shipping, if ur outside the US and see something you like send me a message and we can see what we can work out)
(if you can’t support at this time, reblogs are very welcomed and appreciated!!!)
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maculategiraffe · 1 year
just saw your answer to the last ask! which part of NC are you from? i was thinking of applying to a job in durham which is why i'm asking
I'm in the Triad, as opposed to the Triangle, which is what Durham is part of. the Triad is Greensboro, High Point, and Winston-Salem; the Triangle is Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. the Triangle is pretty great, maybe a tad bit more scholarly and hipstery and bikeable than the Triad. my sister lived there for a year or so after graduation and there were very good restaurants. lots of good universities too. and indie bookstores and music venues and art galleries. but again this is the only state where I've ever lived so I might be biased!
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