#Sam I’m still looking for work if you need a new writer
roweclementine · 5 months
I love Zac as Grant in the new Game Changer but I think it would’ve been objectively funnier if they got Keith to play him instead and then Sam never mentioned it
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gretavangroupie · 6 months
The Ripe and The Ruin - (Chapter 1)
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader, OC x Reader
Word Count: 14.3k
Warnings: Language, Alcohol, Smoking, Angst, Unwelcome Advances, Kissing.
Find the Playlist Here: Apple Music | Spotify
A new series in collaboration with my talented co-writer @gretavanmoon.
"Like all good fruit, the balance of life is in the ripe and ruin."
You absentmindedly swirl the skinny black straw around in your glass, scoffing to yourself as you wonder why the bartender put a stirrer into your Whiskey in the first place. It didn’t need to be stirred. You took it straight. It was fine on its own. Regardless, you sipped around the straw, letting the oaky liquor trickle down the back of your throat.
It wasn’t that you hated flying. It was more that you hated being alone with your thoughts for extended periods of time. Only your phone or a book to occupy your brain, but you knew that only worked for so long. Eventually you’d be left alone to tumble down into those dark, dusty memories that would torment you until you touched down in whatever city you were slated to be in that day. 
You hear Josh’s voice, instinctively causing you to turn your head, watching as he and Daniel stand in front of the camera recording whatever video the social media team planned for the day. You gracefully bowed out of that process all together, the team knowing not to approach you about an idea unless they knew it was something you would agree to. Usually though, it wasn’t. You turn to look at Sam on your right, seeing his gaze fixed upon the two of them. Both of you were now watching them as they played along with the skit, a huff of secondhand embarrassment sizzling through you as you sip from your glass. You’d never be caught dead doing that.
Fools. How is anyone ever supposed to take us seriously if all we show them is this? 
“You ready for another few months of this shit?” you mumble, your lips barely parting from the edge of your glass. 
Sam snickers as he turns back to you. “No. But that’s the job isn’t it?” he answers, swallowing down a gulp of beer, turning to look at you.
“I’m hitting that wall, too.” you answer, meeting the eyes of his girlfriend, Lyla. She sends you a sympathetic look as she squeezes Sam’s arm, giving him the little bit of reassurance he needs. “S’been a shit few weeks.”
Sam doesn’t say anything, instead pursing his lips together and slowly nodding his head as he peers down into his empty glass. Everyone knows better than to indulge you in your misery at this point, vowing not to pick at the festering wound. It’s still fresh and you’re still too volatile.
“Well, we’re going to your happy place, right?” Lyla asks with a hopeful smile. 
“Yeah, yeah we are,” you answer, taking another long pull of Whiskey. It was clear she didn’t know the reason it made you happy in the first place was because of the memories you made there with the person no longer around.
You turn your head ready to fall into those memories you’ve been pushing away for weeks, but fate has other plans as you spot your production team walking towards the boarding gate. They look frantic as they talk to each other, their eyes flicking up and down from their phones in their hands. Paul, your band Manager leads the group, finally slipping his phone into his pocket as he spots the gate. Next to him is Corrine, the Production Manager talking on the phone, balancing it between her ear and shoulder as she follows Paul. Wes, the Tour Manager continues to talk to Paul as they step into the waiting area, but behind him is someone you don’t recognize. 
She’s looking down at her phone, unaware that Wes has come to an abrupt stop in front of her. She runs into him just enough that it gets his attention, a profuse apology falling from her mouth. You laugh a little at the exchange, wondering who this girl is, and why she is with your team. She’s dressed like the rest of them, casual, but still comfortable for a day of travel. A slouchy white long sleeve shirt, a little too thin for the cold January weather, a brown leather backpack, worn and well loved, and a pair of olive green pants that hug her ass just a little too well for 10AM on a Thursday morning. You find yourself unable to pull your eyes away from her, a magnetizing feeling sucking you in the longer you look at her. She laughs with Wes, a bright smile lighting up her face causing an unwelcome twinge in your chest. It’s when she fully turns though, allowing you to see her whole face through the curtain of tousled waves, that you find yourself needing to know who she is. 
You swallow nervously, licking your bottom lip as you turn to Sam. “Who uh, who’s that?” you ask, nodding towards the group. “With Paul, Wes, and Corri?”
Sam turns around in his barstool, looking across the busy walkway to the group standing at the gate. “Oh, um…” he pauses, assessing the situation. “She’s with Paul, so that must be our new runner.”
“What happened to Lucy?” you ask, letting your eyes drift back to the mystery girl. 
“She got engaged and moved to Scotland or some shit, I don’t remember. Ask Josh,” he laughs. 
You hum, trying to remember the email thread where Paul’s new assistant was approved. What was her name…
“You know her name?” Lyla asks, looking at Sam.
Yes, Lyla. Yes. 
“Um, I think it’s….Y/N. Yeah, yeah, Y/N,” he answers confidently, snapping his fingers as he speaks. 
“So she’s the new Lucy…” you hum, flipping your sunglasses down over your eyes. 
“Guess so. We’ll see if she can hack it,” he laughs, sliding his card to the bartender. 
You turn back to look at her, this time your eyes concealed. She is rocking back and forth on her feet, looking around as she hugs her arms across her chest. She seems nervous, pushing her hair behind her ears every few minutes. You’re positively taken by her, unable to peel your eyes away from her every move. You can’t help but study her, and you briefly wonder if it's the alcohol rushing through your brain that has you so focused on her.
The gate agents’ voice blaring through the intercom system snaps you from your thoughts, announcing that your flight was ready to begin boarding. You look to Sam, who is signing the check, and nod your head in silent agreement that you should head over. You toss back the rest of your Whiskey, letting out a sigh as it warms your chest. You grab your black leather backpack and sling it over your shoulders, straightening out your shirt before following Sam across the walkway to the gate. With your glasses still down, you step into the waiting area, watching people line up around you. 
Josh, Ty, Mia, and Daniel appear behind you, startling you a bit as you fumble around in your pocket for your boarding pass. Their conversation is loud and grating, but you tune them out. You check your seat assignment as you move forward in the line, repeating it in your head over and over so you don’t forget it. You try not to pay attention to the pretty mystery girl five people ahead of you, but you just can’t seem to take your eyes off of her. You watch her disappear down the jet bridge as she talks to Paul, and before you can even register it, it’s your turn and the gate agent is scanning your ticket. She sends you on your way with a smile, and as you make the long walk to the plane you wonder if the girl in the green pants is going to make this tour just a little bit more interesting. 
3E. 3E. 3E.
Your eyes scan the row of numbers at the top of the cabin, finally catching sight of your assigned seat. You slide into the aisle seat, tossing your backpack to the floor as you let out a sigh of relief. You made it in one piece. You weren’t late, and everyone seemed to like you so far. 
You take a look around you, admiring the plush seats and ample legroom. You’d never flown first class before. You felt a little out of place as you looked at the people around you. Thankfully it was filled with team members you knew, and the band members and their partners, but still you knew you didn’t belong up here. You kicked your bag beneath the seat in front of you, pulling your shirt sleeves over your hands before reaching up to adjust the air vents that were blowing far too hard. A small shiver left your body as you spun the vents closed, sitting back comfortably in your seat as you waited to see who your seat partner would be. 
Your phone buzzed on your lap, a text from your best friend lighting up your screen. 
10:57am: How many hours is the flight again?
You smile as you quickly text back, running the numbers in your head.
10:58am: I don’t know, like 7 or 8 hours? You’ll be fine. Read a book or something. I’ll text you when I get there. But it will be late…or early? I think? There is a big time difference.
10:59am: Ok, be careful.
You lock your phone and shove it under your leg, your eyes darting to the aisle as more people pass you on their way to their seats. You couldn’t believe your first leg of tour with them was taking you across Europe, allowing you to see places you’d only dreamed about. It wasn’t the job you were worried about, you could do that in your sleep. It was the uncertainty of being in another country with people you didn’t really know. 
Getting to know the bands you worked for was a precarious thing. Always walking the thin line between friend and employee. You knew your place though, and you knew where that boundary lied. Your eyes refocus as someone stops in front of you, dropping their hands. As you look up you see Jake, one of the band members staring back at you.
“I’m…right there,” he says, gently pointing to the seat next to you. 
“Oh, right here?” you ask, genuinely curious how you were seated next to a band member and not with a crew member.
“3F? That’s what this says…” he asks, checking his boarding pass. You nod and stand, letting him slide into the seat. He drops his leather backpack to the ground with a thud, letting out a sigh of relief, much in the same way you had. 
You resettle in your own seat, buckling your seatbelt and pulling it tight across your lap. Your heart is still pounding as you try to calm your nerves, suddenly feeling put on the spot next to your boss. Or– your boss's boss. Shit.
You realize that you know practically nothing about this band, about its members, and really even much of their music beyond their hits. You planned to spend most of this flight acquainting yourself with them, learning their likes and dislikes before making a fool out of yourself in front of them in the green room. You don’t know if you should speak to him, and truthfully you’re a little hesitant since that day at the office, catching him and Josh in an argument. 
You didn’t even know they would be there as you went in to sign your paperwork, but to your surprise they were, standing in the middle of the office playing around on instruments and talking. You made a beeline straight for the management office, mostly unseen, and quickly signed your paperwork. Paul went over some of the timelines and the things you would be responsible for as you took detailed notes on your phone, not wanting to miss a single thing. 
Though, all of that came to a screeching halt as the sound of a chair skidding forcefully across the concrete floors pulled you both from your conversation. From your seat you watched through the small office door as two men moved towards each other, while two more intervened to break up whatever was about to happen. 
You then learned from Paul that the two people that were arguing were the twins, Jake and Josh, and that the other two were their younger brother Sam, and their honorary brother Daniel. You observed in shock as the two of them shouted profanities at each other from either side of the piano, both red faced and worked up over something. 
Paul quickly walked you out the front door with an apology and a laugh, and that was the last you saw of the band and its members, until today.
Out of the corner of your eye, you try to get a good look at him without him noticing. First impressions have always been a big deal to you, and since your first impression of him was nothing short of off-putting, you decide to try again. Give him the benefit of the doubt. 
Worn-in black pants, cuffed at the ankle, a wrinkled beige button up that only conceals half his torso, a thick dark navy overcoat, and a stack of heavy silver necklaces. Oh, and blue-tinted sunglasses. His cologne… now that will be sticking around in your mind for a while. Clean, woodsy, a hint of musk but still kind of sweet.
You hear him clear his throat as he fidgets with his things, putting them all in their places as he finally settles into his seat. He reaches down into his black leather bag that appears to be well-loved, and pulls out a set of wired earbuds. They’re tangled and bunched, and you can’t help but smirk as you watch him try to untangle them. His fingers pull through the twisted white wires, and before you can offer your help, he reluctantly tosses them back down on top of his unzipped bag. “Fuck it,” you hear him mumble under his breath. He huffs again and leans back, tapping his fingers anxiously on his arm rests. 
You let yourself drift back into your own thought as the plane takes off, going over the hundreds of miniscule things you know you’ll have to accomplish as soon as the plane lands. It’s quiet in first class, something you aren't used to with flying on the regular. The peacefulness that comes along with the drone of the plane and the light conversation between everyone is almost enough to help you relax a little, if not for the damned cool air still blowing through the vent above you. 
You shiver a little, cuffing your hands over the ends of your shirt to pull it in more closely to your body. Why you had chosen to forgo a heavier jacket in the middle of winter, you truly don’t know. You decide to distract yourself a little, pulling up the string of endless emails that lie in waiting on your phone, getting a nice head-start on your duties before you have to hit the ground running. 
Jake has been sitting beside you quietly for about an hour now, alternating scrolling his phone every few minutes and looking out his window. The cloud cover is heavy, so being able to see even a glimpse of the ocean below you is a lost cause. You listen as he sighs, crossing one of his legs over the other and folding his hands in his lap. 
Should you strike up conversation? No, he probably doesn’t care to speak to you. But is it rude not to? You’ve already been sitting here for over an hour…
Just as you decide to open your mouth to speak, the plane hits turbulence. The cabin shakes and rumbles, and you can feel your stomach fall. Your hands grip the arm rests with white knuckles as the plane passes through, your eyes gripping shut as tightly as your palms on the arm rests. 
Finally, after what feels like forever the plane evens out again, and you hear the pilot come over the intercom to apologize. You finally let the breath you were holding free from your lungs, and you open your eyes to see Jake with his head leaned low in front of you. 
“You okay?” he asks, an eyebrow cocked. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just…don’t really enjoy this part much.” you admit, running your sweaty palms over your pants. 
He sits back in his seat once he notices your calmness return. “Me neither, to be honest. No matter how many times you hit turbulence on a plane, you never get used to it. I don’t care what people say.” he says with a sweet smile. You can tell that he was coming down from an anxious episode just the same as you. 
“No joke…” you agree, suddenly wanting a drink even if it was before noon. You push the tiny hairs away from your face as you regain a hold on your bearings, picking up right where you had left off before the turbulent air sent you into a spiral of doom. “I–I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself before, my name’s–”
“Y/N.” he cut in, extending the tips of his fingers out to offer you a friendly handshake. 
You let your hand slowly come up to meet his, suddenly uncaring that it was probably still clammy. “Yeah, that’s me. It’s nice to meet you.” 
For the five seconds your bodies connect, and the even shorter few seconds that his honey brown eyes meet yours, you feel like you were worried for nothing. This guy is nice. Maybe he’ll be easier to talk to than you thought…
His hand disconnects and flies to his chest. “I’m Jake.”
You nod. Of course you already know his name. “Yeah, um…guitar. Right?”
He smiles harder this time. “Yup. That’s my forte, at least. Have you um, ever been to Europe?” He brushes his hand over his nose a few times as his eyes dart back and forth from the seat behind you and back to your face, unable to hold eye contact. Is he nervous?
You turn your body a little more toward him. “No, actually. This is my first time. But I hear good things…”
“Oh shit, you’re gonna love it. Especially this time of year. Things move pretty fast when we get there, but we always try to explore as much as possible. See some sights.” You can tell that he’s truly excited about this excursion, and to be completely honest, you found yourself wanting to hang on his every word. 
“Anything in particular?” you press, wanting to hear the gritty rich sound of his voice again. 
You let him talk on and on about the places he wants to see, and the places that they had already been, even bringing up a few older photos on his phone as he describes their past trips. You try not to look as he scrolls, but his camera roll is full of tons of scenic photos and videos, landscapes, mountains, waterfronts… and of course a few rogue photos of guitars and guitar parts. You wonder if he’s planning to make little vlogs. 
“Italy is my favorite, I think. So much history there. I could’ve stayed for six months if they’d have let me.” Your shoulders are pressed up against each others’ now as you watch his thumb glide over the multitude of media, speeding through the less important ones to get to his favorites. Strange of him to trust a stranger this much to watch him scroll his personal camera roll. He obviously doesn’t have much to hide, even if this is crossing that boundary line…
“The people are great, the food is great, the wine, oh god, don’t get me started on the wine…” he chuckles, and you feel yourself bumping your shoulder against his a little as you laugh along with him. “The terroir is fuckin’ phenomenal, obviously. It’s like a different world.”
“I like a moscato every now and then.” You add, trying to throw in your two cents on your crumbs of wine knowledge. 
He returns with a scrunched nose. “Hmm, a bit sweet for my taste…So, Y/N. What’s your story, how’d you end up with us?” he asks, switching to cross his other leg over, now. 
You swallow, unsure of how to explain years’ worth of ups and downs you’d gone through to a rockstar. Your boss. You decide to keep it short and sweet, he didn’t need to know everything. 
“Well, I spent my entire youth attending a small private school and private high school, so I came up quite the determined and disciplined kid. Kinda sheltered.” You turn again in your seat, tucking one leg up underneath you. “But, I ended up moving away from home and away from family, been in this business for almost, eh, six years now?” You go on, and he listens intently. “Guess you could say I’m a pro at making things happen out of thin air.” You give him a long wink as you snap your fingers together. 
His eyebrows shoot up, and he finally gives you a hundred-watt smile. My god, he’s…
“A-ha, so you got all the good hookups, huh?” He asks, running his fingers over his chin as his cheeks turn the palest shade of pink. 
“S’what the runner does, isn’t it?” You pull your eyes back down to your lap. “Get you everything you need, right when you need it?” 
You bring your eyes back up to his and watch as he swallows hard, his mouth hanging open for just a split second before he catches himself. “Yeah, ehm, I suppose it is. We’re not too bossy, though. Josh can be, but.”
“So I’ve heard, he’s kind of a…diva?” You hadn’t done too much research on them, honestly. You hadn’t had the time. But, what few tiktoks and musics videos you had managed to see were fairly telling of their personalities. 
“He is. He is.” Jake laughs. “Don't let him fool you, though. He’s a big softie with an attitude problem. We all kind of are, honestly.”
“You’re a softie?” You press with a teasing tone. “From the few videos I’ve seen of you playing guitar, you look a little intimidating…” 
“Me? Intimidating?” He clicks his tongue. “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet, Y/N. It’s dangerous…” he growls the last word, and you can feel your insides ripping themselves apart just at the sound of his voice. You have to pull back, now. 
“All the runners we’ve ever had did extensive research on us before they came on tour, did you not do that?” he inquires, throwing you off a bit. 
You don’t really know how to answer, so you tell the truth. “Honestly Jake, no, I didn’t. I’ve toured with a few other bands in my career, and I did that. I researched them, learned all things I thought I needed to know so I didn’t go in blind. And, this time around, I did a little bit, but I kind of wanted to meet you all for myself. Get my own versions of you.” 
“Hm.” He responds with an understanding nod. “Well, you’ll be the first.” 
“Speaking of,” you go on, candidly glancing around the cabin and deciding to go ahead and ask the question that’s been nagging you. “Everyone else is seated with someone, wonder why I’m not with the rest of the team.” 
“What, you don’t wanna sit by me, Y/N?” he asks with a shred of a grin. 
“No no, it’s not that.” you laugh. “Just—“
“Normally I have someone with me, but…we’ve recently…gone our separate ways, I suppose.” He trips over the words a little, stammering through them like it was the first time he’d admitted it. 
“Oh… I see.” you pause, “That’s…never an easy thing.” 
I wonder if that was why he was so snippy that day at the office when you saw him fall off his rocker? 
“Eh, s’alright. Win some, lose some. We had a good run.” He says as he waves off the question. “So, you say you’ve been doing this awhile, you must really miss whoever you’re leaving at home.” 
Skating around the question, aren’t you, Jake?
“No, I’m single, if that’s what you’re asking.” You bite your lip as he doesn’t stop you from elaborating further. “I’m pretty independent, I like structure and uniformity. Growing up I wasn’t allowed much time on my own to have hobbies outside of school and practice. Strict parents. The job has kept me pretty adhered to that mindset, even in my personal life, so.” 
His eyes flick to yours and he squints them a little, as if he’s collecting every single one of your words and hanging them in a closet in his mind. He’s trying his best to figure you out, you can see it on his face. But why? He shouldn’t care…you don’t matter. 
“I can respect that.” He nods again. “My brothers and I, we grew up in a fairly religious household. Was great, don’t get me wrong. Really formed our roots but, as we got older and started to see the world, we kinda got away from it. Began to start seeing things in a different perspective.” He sucks his teeth, as if he’s recounting a hard memory. “Kinda why we moved to Nashville. We knew we had to break away if we wanted the band to be successful.”
You nod in understanding. “I mean, it worked, didn’t it?”
His laugh fills the cabin as it bounces off the walls, a sweet chuckle that makes your heart rate pick up. You could listen to him laugh all day long. 
“S’pose it did.”
“The fuck are you two over here laughing at, huh?” Suddenly Josh’s curls are squished between your seats, his cheeks pinched together as he speaks. “I’m trying to get some shut-eye but I can’t from all the babbling—”
Jake places his hand over entirety of his twin’s face, pressing him through and back into his own seat. “None of your business, fuck off.”
You laugh at their antics, knowing in the back of your mind that you had better get used to it. You feel the air kick on again, fiercely blowing the freezing cold air directly onto you. You shiver a little, balling yourself up and pulling your sleeves closely in toward you again. 
“You want my jacket?” Jake asks, already starting to pull it from his shoulders. 
“No! No no no, thank you, but I’m fine, really.” The last thing you need is that right off that bat. A bad look. Day one. Nope. 
“Seriously, I run naturally hot. Take it.” He replies. 
“Oh yeah? Hence all your layers?” You tease, repositioning in your seat. 
“It’s a fashion statement, thank you very much.” He bites. “All about comfort for me.”
Gotta change the subject. 
“So tell me something I should know about your brothers. Something that would give me brownie points if I wanted to say…impress them with my craft service skills…” you press, giving him a new challenge. 
“Wow um, let’s see…” he brings his fingers to his chin and thinks hard, and you can’t help but feel endeared by the fact that he truly wants to help you out. “Josh stays away from chocolate and dairy and sweets and all that, but his guilty pleasure is those cotton candy flavored grapes. Weird, I know.”
“Oh my god, those are so nasty!” you laugh, but still take note. 
“Danny would be over the moon if you surprised him with salsa verde Doritos, and Sam drinks kombucha more than the normal human should.” he finishes with a stern nod.
“Got it. I think I can make most of that happen, aside from the grapes…” 
“He would kiss you right on the lips, I’m telling you.” Jake giggles again, and you notice how he lights up when he talks about them. 
“So Josh is the dramatic softie, what about the other two?” you ask. 
“Sam’s kinda serious but he’s playful when he wants to be. Sneaky, too. Daniel’s always into something, always busy. Man doesn’t like to sit still,” he concludes, and you commit it all. 
“And what about you?” you ask, feeling your stomach flip for some reason. 
“I thought you said you wanted to get your own versions of us,” he quipped back, parroting your words from earlier. Damn, you had said that.
You toss your hair behind your shoulder. “I did but…You’ll tell me all about them, but not about yourself?”
He crunches his lips together as his eyes scan your face. It makes you a little uncomfortable, how hard he’s really looking at you, but you let him. Stopping him would be a sin you weren’t ready to commit just yet. 
“That’s right.”
The two of you drift off into silence again as the minutes tick by, thankfully not being embarrassingly interrupted by Josh anymore. You decide that you want to listen to some music, so you reach into the pocket of your bag and pull out your AirPods, slipping the left one in first followed by the right. You pull up your music and begin flipping through your playlists, searching for something to match the relaxed tone of the hour. Truly, you feel like you could easily drift off to sleep. 
You find a nice quiet playlist and curl up in your seat, halfway reluctant you didn’t take Jake’s jacket, but also proud of yourself for saying no. You’re fucking freezing. 
You turn your head to the side and close your eyes, ready to drift off into another world. 
You’re jolted awake by turbulence, the plane shaking again as you wake up and get your bearings. “Shit,” you breathe as you sit up straighter, remembering exactly where you are. You notice that in your slumber, your head had fallen against Jake’s shoulder. Fuck. Fuck fuck.
The turbulence only lasts a few seconds before it evens out again, and the calmness returns to your body. You glance at Jake, seeing him looking a little drowsy and shaken, too.
“Jake, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do that, why didn’t you wake me? I—”
“Hey, don’t worry about it. I kinda dozed off, too,” he replies, stretching his arms high above his head without a care…not like he didn’t just have a stranger asleep with her head on his shoulder.
You look down, noticing that in the time you had drifted off, Jake had covered you with his coat. 
You panic, scrambling a little as you work to pull it from your body before anyone notices. 
His hands are quickly on yours, stopping your action. “Leave it, Y/N. You were shivering in your sleep…you can’t tell me you aren’t cozy right now…” his voice is barely a whisper, and the warmth of his hands grazing overtop of yours, even for a second, is enough to give you a whole other type of chill. 
“Yeah, I—I am warm…” you can’t deny that your body temperature has increased by at least a couple of degrees, and your fingers don’t feel like they’re going to get frostbite anymore. The jacket is heavy, heavier than it looks, and it smells like fresh pine needles and woodsy body soap. Just like…him?
“See?” he growls, backing away. “Just stay put.” 
Stay put? You want to bite back with something that will put him in his place; you explicitly told him you didn’t want his jacket, and he covered you anyway. While you were unconscious. While you couldn’t turn down the offer. 
…But you’re so warm, now. Your tense muscles are finally relaxing. The frigidity of the space has suddenly turned into a toasty furnace with a crackling fire.
Okay, but just until we land…
“What are you listening to?” Jake asks as he stretches again. You turn your phone for him to see, showing a generic playlist of Peaceful Sleep Songs lighting up your lock screen. 
“Agh, no, what is that shit?” Jake snatches your phone from your hand, quickly flipping the screen to unlock with your face before he begins shuffling through your playlists. 
“What are you doing?!” you yelp, reaching for your phone back. He raises his free hand to the air, stopping you from taking it. 
“Aht aht… I’m finding you something better to listen to. Don’t worry about it.” You suddenly hear the quiet music in your ears switch to something else, something you knew for a fact you hadn’t ever heard before. You give it a second as he turns the volume up a few notches, and you realize that it is most definitely brand new to you. 
It’s a solemn, tense-feeling piano beat, followed in by guitar. Lyrics only come in after a minute and a half or so. It sounds like growling, deep and hollow and a bit scary, but beautiful nonetheless. He’s watching your face as you experience it, quickly pressing pause as the song comes to a close. 
“What was that?” you ask, realizing you had really enjoyed it. 
“That was a song called Intro, by Alt-J. I know you’ve heard of Alt-J.” he says as he goes back to work on the phone. 
You slowly shake your head from side to side. “Can’t say I have, actually.” 
His jaw goes slack as his eyebrows raise in disbelief. “What? Like, never?” 
You feel your cheeks turning pink at the thought of a literal rockstar calling you out on your lack of music knowledge. 
“I don’t think so! That’s not what I normally listen to…don’t judge me,” you laugh, reaching for your phone again. 
He swats your hand away. “Ohh no, little fledgling. You’re listening to this. This is the good shit…” he presses play again as a twinkling high-pitched voice comes through your ears. It’s just jumbled words, no backing music or tune. The acapella strikes you as strange at first, until the end when it changes tone a bit, and it’s almost as if the lyrics are giving you advice you didn’t ask for. Warning you of something new and exhilarating, or better yet, dangerous and foreboding. It almost feels as if a black cloud has overcome you, only for a split second, letting you feel the nonexistent pokes and pinches that come along with the emotion of worry. 
The song flows directly into another now, one layered with a lot more sound, and it pulls you from that odd headspace the previous had put you in. You lean over the armrest, looking at the screen to see the title Tessellate. You’ve never heard anything like this kind of music before, and you wonder why Jake chose this particular artist. 
“This is one of their more popular ones, like radio popular, but it’s still one of my favorites on this album. Here in a second you’ll hear it slow down—”
You stop him by pulling your right earbud out, shoving it in his hand. “Shh, you can talk me through the songs later. Let me listen.”
He shuts his mouth, giving you a sweet grin as he takes the bud, placing it in his own ear and pressing play again. You continue on through the album, each song something brand new to you, a genre you’d really never delved into but wish you had, now. It’s enthralling, different, and full of sounds that make your mind sway and swim through mixtures of color and gray. 
You watch as Jake’s fingers tap along exactly with the beat of each song perfectly, down to a tee. The words don’t make much sense to you, and you can hardly distinguish what the singer is saying, but you know that Jake will give you a rundown of it all as soon as time allows him. You don’t know much about him, but his persistence is already apparent. You glance to see his eyelashes hitting his cheeks, his head barely bobbing side to side as he feels the music. You find yourself envious that he can draw inspiration and act on it, turning it into art of his own, whereas all you can do is sit back and listen to it.
Every couple of minutes he perks up from his meditation and adds new songs from their other albums onto the little playlist he’s started for you. You can’t quite make out what he’s titled it, but you can tell it's an emoji of some sort. His thumb flips and flies with precision across your screen as he scrolls and adds songs, and you have to admit, you’re a little excited to get your phone back and learn just what he’s creating for you. Especially for you.
You take a quick deep breath as you recenter yourself, catching your eyes drifting over his hand as he grips your phone. The veins in his hand roll over his knuckles, and you can just barely see the scuffed and calloused ends of his fingertips. Dial it the fuck back Y/N, remember the rules.
“Oooh, this is another one of my favorites,” he remarks, his mouth fairly close to your ear as he tries not to raise his voice over the volume of the music. He turns the screen a little so you can see the title, Taro. “You haven’t— You didn’t come to any of our shows last year by chance, did you?”
You feel a big pang of guilt shoot through your chest, remembering that you had actually been invited by some friends to see them way back when, but you’d turned the invitation down, not knowing who they even were at the time. You shake your head from side to side. “No, I didn’t.”
“This is one of the ones we play to the crowd before we go on. We all love it, it’s a sad, sad love tale based on true events. That’s the cool thing about this group, their lyrics are never really about what you think they are. They’re storytellers, a bit like Josh is, if you think about it. Their themes and over arcs are just…mind blowing sometimes.” Jake’s voice is a tiny murmur in your ear as your shoulders lean on one another’s again, still very taken with the music flowing through your ear. “We grab a lot of inspo from them, sonically and melodically…” You can feel his breath on your cheek, and you find yourself wondering what it would taste like…
“Here, read along with the lyrics. Try not to cry.” He hands your phone back, letting you keep up with the words floating down your screen. And he’s right, it’s heartbreaking without even knowing the context. 
“Wow…That was really beautiful,” you choke, realizing the depth of the story of the song. 
“Yep. Good shit, I told you.” He whips his hand around and takes the phone back as the next song comes in and warms your bones up again. You can feel the bare skin of his elbow brushing against yours, realizing that he was telling the truth about being naturally warm-bodied. Suddenly you don’t feel so bad about cuddling up under his coat. 
He opens your contacts app and adds himself, placing the sword emoji beside his name. He smirks as he hands the phone back. 
“Added your phone number, huh?” you ask rhetorically.
He sucks his teeth as he cracks his fingers. “Yep. How else will I let you know what I might need? Plus, never know when you might need to call me.”
You watch the signs overhead illuminate, a gentle tone ringing through the cabin as the Captain starts to make an announcement. You pause the song and pull your AirPod out, watching Jake do the same. 
“Hey folks, this is your Captain speaking. Just want to let you know we will be landing in Hamburg shortly. I’d expect to be on the ground in the next ten minutes or so, putting us about fifteen minutes ahead of schedule, so sit tight and we’ll have you on the ground in a few. Attendants please prepare for arrival.”
You turn to look at Jake, shrugging as you slide your AirPod back into the case. He raises his eyebrows and drops his jaw. “But we aren’t done! Wait! Hold on!”
He grabs your phone again, and from what you can see he is adding more songs to your playlist. You watch as he scrolls through various different albums by different artists, adding songs as quickly as he can. You smirk as you catch sight of the emoji he’s chosen, the chick icon, a playful nod at his earlier fledgling comment. He peeks over at you every few seconds, trying his best to hurry so you can pack up your things, but in a last effort you watch as he adds himself as a collaborator to the playlist. 
You raise an eyebrow to him as he hands your phone back to you, shrugging with a soft laugh. You feel your insides swirl at the sight of his smile, and you turn your eyes to your phone scrolling through the songs on the playlist. You turn back to him and nod, a silent agreement that you will listen just as you feel the plane starting to land. 
“I wanna keep adding songs for you to listen to, fledgling. If you want me to, of course…” 
You nod. “Of course I do. School away, Jake,” you reply with an air of playful annoyance.
He chuckles. “I plan to.”
As you brace for the landing you grip your hands into the arm rests, letting go of the soft worn in corduroy fabric you’d been playing with for the last hour. Your eyes squint closed as the plane touches down, jolting everyone forward in their seats. Jake grabs his phone as the plane slows down, flashing his screen at you to show a local time of 12:13AM. 
“I see some jet lag in our future,” you smile, sliding his jacket off of your arms. You fold it the best you can and hand it back to him, almost sad you have to give it back to him. “Thanks again for that.”
“Oh yeah, no problem.” He accepts it graciously from you, letting out a soft breath as he unfolds it and slides it back over his shoulders. It fits his personality well, soft and sturdy, worn in and weathered. He flips his hair out from beneath the collar, a barely there smell of peppermint passing through the air. You pull your gaze away from him just as you see his cheeks start to blush from your gaze. You lock your phone and stick it into your backpack at your feet, wondering how in such a short amount of time Jake has managed to infiltrate your thoughts so completely. 
As she turns to grab her bag you open your phone, tapping on the notification that she has added you to her playlist. You accept the invitation with a sly smile before sliding your phone back into your coat pocket. It smells like her now, soft and floral, very different than anything you were used to. Your mind was already circling with things you wanted to add to that playlist when you got a minute, finding it was harder than you thought to think of songs on the fly. 
The first few rows begin to file out of the plane and you watch as Paul stands and turns to look at Y/N, motioning to her to meet up with him after she got off the plane. She nods her head and slides her backpack straps over her shoulders, waiting for her turn to stand. 
“For jet lag…You know…Um, Benadryl,” you offer, your voice a little soft and unsure.
She turns to look at you, pinching her brows together in question. 
“When you get to your room tonight, take a Benadryl. Should knock you out until the morning and help you get on a normal schedule. Works for me, at least.” you finish, nodding to her as the people in front of you stand to leave. 
“Thanks, Jake.” She smiles and nods, sliding out of her seat to walk down the aisle. 
You watch her as she walks up the jet bridge towards the gate, seeing Paul waiting for her in the doorway. The two walk together through the airport, finding it fairly quiet at this hour as most of the flights have landed for the night. You push your sunglasses down onto your nose just as you feel Josh walking up behind you. 
He gives you a gentle nudge in the side to get your attention. “You good?”
“Yeah, yeah. Easy flight,” you answer, still listening and catching bits and pieces of whatever Paul is saying to Y/N, prepping her for the hotel check in and details for the morning. She is typing notes on her phone as she walks, barely looking where she is going, clearly trusting Paul to look out for her more than she should.
You tune out Josh as he rambles on about the flight, Ty jumping in every few words with a retort or a laugh. Your eyes don’t seem to leave her though, watching her talk, watching her walk, shit, just watching her. You can’t seem to shake it. You’d never met anyone like her before. Someone you were so instantly taken with. You wanted to know every single detail about her. 
You feel Josh’s hand as it comes up to your chin, pressing it upward and forcing your jaw shut. “There, you seemed to have dropped that.”
You turn to him angrily, knowing what he’s insinuating, giving him a hard elbow to the arm. “Fuck off, Josh.”
He laughs and pushes you with his shoulder, readjusting his backpack on his other shoulder. “Just an observation, that’s all. Can’t say I blame you, though.”
“Oh are you talking about Jake and Y/N?” Sam interjects, stepping up on your right side in a lanky stride. 
Josh nods, laughing slightly, wanting to keep this banter going. Asshole. 
“Can you two knock it off, fuck,” you growl, hoping she can’t hear them. Your eyes are locked in on her again, and much to your relief she is talking to Paul and can’t hear a word they’re saying.
“He didn’t shut up the entire flight. Lots of whispering and giggles from up there. I didn’t sleep at all. But I did hear his monologue about the genius of Alt-J for the fourth time this year.” Josh quips, earning a laugh from everyone around you. 
“Fuck you again, Josh,” you spit, annoyed at his lack of respect. 
“Damn, so you’re trying to scare her away, then?” Sam teases, giving you a sideways grin. 
You shake your head and push past them forcefully as you step off the escalator into baggage claim, not wanting to engage in this conversation a second longer. Especially because you were afraid they might be right. 
“Shit, not again,” Danny mumbles as you all approach the baggage claim area, immediately noticing a group of fans obviously waiting for your arrival. You take a deep, preparational breath as you can’t help but run into them on your path to the carousel. 
“Let’s just get it over with,” you hear Josh complain as he puts on his faux-happy face. You all love meeting fans. Truly, watching their faces light up when they see you is something that is unparalleled. But coming off of a long flight and already feeling the effects of the time difference, starving, and ready for a drink usually puts all of you in a mood that is generally irked overall. But you always suck it up; this is the life you signed up for. 
This time though, unlike most encounters with fans, is enough to make your general irritation quickly turn into intense aggravation. They swarm you, hugging and pulling and invading your spaces in an extremely unwelcome attempt at meeting each of you. You feel surrounded, and unable to get to your luggage in time before it rounds the carousel again. You keep your cool, just as you always do, curtly smiling and pulling away as your body instructs you to. You pause for quick photos as your eyes search the spinning luggage again. You see your brothers out of the corners of your eyes doing the same… quick ‘hellos’ and ‘nice to meet you’s’ as the crowd just seems to get bigger and bigger. 
Just as your eyes finally fall on your suitcase, you hear a loud clack as you turn and notice someone has knocked Sam’s phone out of his hand. It lands face down on the tile floor, likely cracked and scuffed from the people crowding around you all. You watch as Sam’s face turns up in annoyance, his eyes closed as he composes himself. 
“Okay, that’ll be enough!” You hear Dean, your security, bellow across the crowd. “Please step away, no more photos, no more photos…” Dean makes his way into the center of group, quickly dispersing them. You give Sam a quick look that says, ‘get your phone, let’s go’, and soon enough you’re rolling your suitcase through the middle of the crowded room. 
You see Y/N in the crowd, finding her to be a little flustered from the encounters, but alright nonetheless. You lock eyes with her as she mouths, ‘Are you okay?’, and you nod her off with a look of, ‘Yeah, this happens all the time.’
Your team is surrounding you as you quickly walk through the hallway toward the exit, ready to hop into an unmarked van and zip away to your hotel. You’re still being followed as you make it through the back exit doors.
When you’re finally safe outside the pickup area, everyone breathes a sigh of relief. “Fuck, that was a bad one.” Danny says. “Sam, how's your phone?”
“It’s ok, just a little scuff in the corner but it’ll be fine,” he answers, scanning his eyes over it.
“Guys, keep your phones on, Wes will be texting you tomorrow with where we’re headed next. Get some sleep and something to eat.” Paul instructs as everyone loads their things into the vans. Y/N is standing nearby, and you can tell that she feels a little out of place as she awkwardly crosses one ankle over the other. You take a quick opportunity to knock your elbow into her side, feeling comfortable enough to do that now that you’d sat together so long on the plane, but she’s avoiding eye contact. You hope she doesn’t feel uncomfortable around you.
“Hey, thanks for letting me jam a little with you on the plane,” you say sheepishly. “Sorry if I overstepped any, but I really think you’ll like the music I added for you.”
Finally her composure opens a little. “No, no! You didn’t… overstep. I’m actually excited to hop in my big cozy hotel bed and listen again.” Her words make your stomach fall with nerves, but you quickly suppress it. 
“Y/N, you ready?” you hear Wes ask her as he passes by, heading toward another van.
“Yep, all set!” she answers as she follows him through the dwindling group. She hops into another van, and you worry she’ll be staying at another hotel. For a second you think you won’t see her as much if she is. You climb inside the van and slam the door closed behind you, seeing the group of fans with their phones pressed to the windows of the airport. You plop back down into the middle seat beside Josh, and finally take a full breath of relief. 
“Fuck! I swear to god if I’m getting sick again…” Josh says as he bangs his head against the headrest behind him. You scoot sideways on the van’s bench seat, staying as far away from him as you can. 
“Are you serious?!” Danny says from the seat behind you. “You need a mythical medicine man or some shit.”
“It’s fine, I’m fine, just feel a little congested. I’ll send Y/N out on her first mission for some meds after we get settled in the hotel.” Josh answers, and you keep yourself pressed against the van’s window, purposefully turning your back to him. Can’t have that again. You realize, though, that of course she’ll be in the same hotel as you, management always is. 
The vision of a worried Y/N replays in your mind, seeing her face full of concern as the fans did all but ambush you earlier. You shake the thought, suddenly having a realization that, most likely, everyone else is having, too. 
“I think we should amp up security,” you blurt. “No offense to Dean, but he’s only one guy. There are more than ten of us…” you’re met with a little bit of silence, so you press on. “Just while we’re over here, at least. We’re going to be separated a lot, and I think it would be a good idea if Dean wasn’t being pulled in all different directions.”
“Don’t you think we should have thought of that before we got over here, Jake?” Josh counters. 
“I’ve actually been thinking it for a while. Today just…made me feel like it’s necessary, now,” you respond quietly. What could it hurt? You have the funds, and a few extra eyes on you and your team couldn’t be a bad thing. 
You hear a collective sigh from your brothers, until Sam finally speaks. “Yeah, I kinda felt a little overwhelmed when I dropped my phone and it got kicked away from me. First world problems, I know, but—”
“But someone could have picked it up, and ran off with it. Gotten access to your private information. Stepped on it and shattered it. We’re probably just paranoid, but I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a bad idea…” you suggest. 
“I like the idea.” Josh adds. “Wish we would have talked about it sooner, but I’m sure Paul could get something arranged for us. Those security companies are always looking for overseas gigs.”
“Daniel, you agree?” you ask, twisting your body to the backseat. 
“Yeah, I do, actually,” he decides. 
“Good. It’s settled, then. We’ll talk to Paul first thing in the morning,” you say, happy with your decision of bringing it up. All you can see is a memory of Y/N’s scared face replaying over and over in your mind, and you just can’t seem to shake it.
You quickly curse yourself, you’re in no headspace to be worrying about a woman right now. You’ve gotta keep your head on straight. Tour hasn’t even started yet, and you’re already letting a new girl give you butterflies. You audibly scoff at yourself as you lean your elbow on the window, looking out at the bustling streets outside. You throw your earbuds in, letting the tangle of cords just be what it is, and you pull your phone out to switch the volume up. Of course, Alt-J pops onto your screen the second you look at it, and you wonder if she’s already listening to them, too. 
The city lights are twinkling through the light drizzle of rain, and you finally feel your bones starting to settle into tiredness. Though your mind is racing with excitement to play shows, you let yourself ignore the thoughts and relax into the music blessing your ears. Some room service and a down comforter is calling your name. 
The shrill sound of your hotel room telephone wakes you from a half-sleep. What the hell? What time is it? You don’t remember falling asleep, but the loud TV and the lights still illuminating the room signify you must have accidentally dozed off. 
“Hello?” you answer, realizing that no matter the time, duty calls. 
“Hey, Y/N. It’s Paul. Sorry if I woke you…”
“No, you’re fine. I’m awake,” you lie. 
“Cool. Um, Josh was wondering if you’d run to the pharmacy down the street and pick up the meds I just texted you. He said he would go get them himself, but he’s doing a lung steaming treatment or… something. I dunno. But if you don’t care, here’s your first assignment! I know it’s late, but the pharmacy is apparently open all night.”
You glance at your watch and see that it’s already nearing 1:00AM. “Sure! I don’t care at all. Tell him I’ll have them to him ASAP.” 
“Will do. Hey, turn your location on for me and Wes, okay? Be safe, thanks again,” Paul hangs up the phone before you can say goodbye, and within seconds you’re crawling out of bed and putting your pants back on. Your stomach growls as you realize you fell asleep without eating anything. You make a plan to make a quick trip to the pharmacy, deliver Josh his medicine, then go back out to find something to eat before you end up eating the bag of peanuts you stuffed in your bag on the plane. 
You take a second to check your messages, finding you have three unread messages from Ruth. In the mess and confusion of the day, and the time difference, you’ve been thrown for a loop. You shoot her a quick few texts to let her know you’re alive and well, but you leave out the sweet little detail that you’d shared AirPods with the guitarist of the band you’re touring with. You’d get into that part later.
The walk to the pharmacy is short, thankfully, and you find the things Josh needs without much of an issue at all. The city is still fairly crowded with people at this hour, and you make sure to track your steps backward just the way you came to get back to the hotel. Your stomach rumbles again, and the smells coming from the various restaurants around you have your head spinning with hunger. 
A few quiet knocks on Josh’s hotel room door bring him to answer it within seconds, and his warm composure instantly makes you feel welcome. “Y/N! Thank you so much, seriously. I need to knock this shit out before it gets any worse, and I think you just saved the day,’ he gushes as you see clouds of steam pouring out of his cracked bathroom door, and smell the sweet scent of herbal fragrances as they waft through your nose. “You have any trouble finding the place? Google said it was close by…”
“Anytime, Josh. And no, actually. It was right around the corner,” you answer, handing him the bag of meds.
“Good. Well I won’t bother you again, you heading to sleep?” he asks with a warm tone.
You bite the inside of your lip as your stomach screams at you again. “No, I passed a little pub on my walk, and it smelled amazing as I walked by. Think I’m gonna go have a drink and get something to eat. I’m starving.”
“Go feed yourself, love. Enjoy the city. We’ve got a long day tomorrow!” 
“Will do, see you tomorrow!” you say as he closes the door. 
“Thanks again! See ya!”
You make your way to the elevator and down to the bottom floor, digging your phone out of your pocket to check your location and make sure the pub is still going to be open at this hour. A quick search for Le Marmitone tells you the kitchen doesn’t close for another hour, so you pick up your pace and head straight for the pub. 
The wind and rain have picked up a little bit, and you thank yourself for adding a few layers on before you left your hotel room earlier. The cold air bites at your cheeks as you meander through the people still out walking the streets, and the smell of the food drifting on the wind draws you straight back to the pub. Upon entering the double doors, you find that it is actually a nice restaurant with a bar. 
You grab a seat at the corner of the bar, glancing to the coolers and shelves to see what your drink options are.
“Evening madame, here is a menu. Can I get you a beverage?” a man in a sport coat asks as he hands you the shiny white menu. His accent is thick, but you can understand him fairly easily.
“Hello. Could I have a whiskey soda and a water, please?” you ask as you remove your heavy jacket and hang it over the back of the stool. You look over the menu choices and decide on a bowl of soup and a sandwich, more of a lunch option, but a steaming hot bowl of soup sounds exactly like what you need right now. 
There are a few people still scattered throughout the restaurant, most closing their tabs and leaving for the night. There are a few patrons still at the bar, stuck in conversations with one another or watching whatever game is playing on the big screen. 
The bartender sets your drinks in front of you as you tell him your food order, and you pull out your phone to begin fishing through emails and making your daily checklists. The Whiskey drink is strong, but not too strong, and you let yourself enjoy the immediate warmth it sends coursing through your veins. 
You fill your stomach up as far as it will allow you, and you decide that one more drink probably won’t hurt, as the place doesn’t close up for another hour. You’re enjoying yourself, basking in the calm before the storm that is going to hit promptly at 10AM tomorrow. 
“‘Scuse me, sir. I’ll take one more drink and my check, please,” you alert the bartender. He nods and turns to concoct your drink and print your tab. When he returns, he plops a bright red maraschino cherry onto the top. 
“Gentleman at the end of the bar says this one is on him, ma’am.” He places the white slip of paper in front of you as he removes your dishes, and disappears. Your eyes slowly drift to the left, landing on an older gentleman who had been lingering at the end of the bar since you’d gotten here. His friends have since left, leaving him to finish off a few more rounds by himself. 
He smiles hard when you notice him, and slides off his stool, stumbling his way toward you. You feel your heart rate pick up as he approaches you, and you remember that you do have mace in your purse, should you need it, Ruth’s one request.
“Hello, lovely. Enjoy that drink on me this evening,” he slurs with a heavy accent. He sits down in the stool beside you, and suddenly you’d rather not have that second drink, after all. You glance at the drink, and back to him, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable in his presence. 
“Um, thank you, really. But I—I’ve actually got to go. It’s getting to be later than I thought…” you lie, pulling out some cash from your purse to pay the bill. 
“Nonsense! Have the drink, beautiful. Tell me, where are you from? Your accent tells me it’s somewhere far away from here…” he presses, pushing the drink toward you. His hands are giant, and covered in dark hair. He has a beard of the same color that reaches almost down to his stomach, and you can smell the alcohol radiating from his breath. 
“The States,” you say bluntly, avoiding eye contact with him as the bartender is nowhere to be found. You immediately kick yourself for not telling Dean where you had run off to, all by yourself. You know better than this. 
“Obviously, sweetheart. But where?” he asks. 
“Um, a small town, you’ve probably never heard of it,” you go on, beginning to pull your jacket on and leave the money on the bar top. Suddenly the man’s hand is on the back of the stool, holding it steady as you try to turn it. 
“I’d like to hear all about it, love,” he growls, and you suddenly feel very intimidated. There is no one else around, no other patrons at the bar, you couldn’t feel the presence of another human or employee running about, and you contemplated making a run for it. 
“I promise I’m not here to scare you, just talk. That’s all I’d like to do…” he goes on, backing his hand away from the chair as he notices your panic. Finally, the bartender makes his way back, but instead of taking your check, he continues cleaning and re-stocking for the night. You’re alone, and uncomfortable. Why did you do this to yourself? 
Suddenly you remember that Jake put his number in your phone. You know you can’t get a hold of Dean at this hour, especially since you didn’t tell him you were going anywhere. You can’t make that bad of a first impression before your first day even really happens. 
You quickly turn your attention to your phone, trying to figure out what to do, but then it hits you. You type in the name, taking a deep breath before sending Jake a risky text as a last ditch effort. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, hmm?” the man asks as you turn away from him to type as quickly as you can.
1:47AM: Jake, are you awake?
Your foot taps nervously on the floor, the man next to you doing everything in his power to corner you into this seat. A text bounces back after a minute, and you feel your shoulders relax just a touch. 
Jake 🗡
1:49AM: How did you get this number?
1:50AM: You put it in my phone today on the plane. Are you busy?
Jake 🗡
1:51AM: Oh, hey. No, I’m just getting ready to go to bed, why what’s up? You okay?
1:52AM: No. I don’t think so. I hate to ask this, I know it’s late. Is there any way you could come meet me? I left to get something to eat and didn't tell anyone and this guy here has me cornered into my seat and I don't think he is gonna let me leave alone.
Jake 🗡
1:53AM: Share your location, I’m leaving now.
1:54AM: Thank you. I owe you.
“Did you hear me sweetheart? I said, are you expecting someone?” the man asks, a sly grin on his face as he leans closer to you. 
You quickly glance back down at your phone, sharing your location with Jake and hoping he can find you. You lock your phone and put it in your purse, pretending you’re a lot less anxious than you actually are.
“Actually, yes, I am. My…boyfriend is on his way. He’ll be here in just a second.” you lie, doing your best to speak confidently. “I should probably step outside to meet him.”
“No, no, stay, you haven’t touched your drink,” he says, gesturing to the glass of alcohol. “I know a place down the street, stays open late, too.”
You feel your skin start to grow clammy, the man's intentions suddenly becoming very clear. Your heart is pounding as you try to talk your way out of the situation. You clear your throat, and just as you start to speak you see the front door of the restaurant open. Jake steps inside, looking side to side, his eyes quickly scanning the entirety of the restaurant until he locks eyes with you. 
He nods to the host at the door as he walks toward you, wearing the same clothes from earlier but now his hair is a little messier. You know he got out of bed to do this. 
You instantly stand from your seat as Jake steps up, reaching towards him as he settles himself between you and the man. 
“Hey baby, you finally made it,” you coo, your pleading eyes locked on Jake’s as he wraps his arm around your shoulder in a welcoming hug. You can smell him, the cologne lingering on his coat. The same coat that was wrapped around you only hours ago.
He pulls away and drops his arms to his side as you turn to him. You stare at him just a second longer, hoping he can hear the words you are screaming in your mind. He blinks and turns to look at the man before letting his eyes flick back to you. 
“Yeah, yeah, of course babe, sorry I was late,” he pauses, turning to face the drunk man beside him. “Who is this?”
You let out a small breath of relief as he silently agrees to play along with you. “Oh, he came over from the bar. He sent this drink over, but I just can’t drink it. I already had one and you know I work in the morning,” you answer, hoping he is understanding what you’re trying to say. “Do you want it?”
He looks so effortless standing there with a hand in his jacket pocket. He tilts his head and scrunches his nose just a bit before answering, “Ahh, nah…It looks like a watered down well pour and I just had one myself before I got here. I’m alright. We should probably get going though, we have an early day tomorrow and it’s fairly late already.”
“Oh, you two are terrible liars. He isn’t your boyfriend, is he sweetheart?” the man asks, scoffing at Jake. “You should come with me, I can show you the city better than this fool.”
“That’s an awfully brazen assumption, sir, I must say.” Jake argues, pulling his hand from his coat pocket and grabbing yours. You suck in a harsh breath feeling his fingers lace with yours. Fake or not, there was definitely a new feeling swirling through your veins. 
“Look at her, she’s flustered. This woman hasn’t ever been touched by you. It’s written all over her face.” he continues, looking Jake over. 
“Your boyfriend, your husband, he isn’t any of those things. I don’t see a ring on your finger, and I don’t know how they do things where you’re from, but in this country, you my dear, are fair game.”
You want to snap back. The audacity is astounding. You start to step forward, ready to lay into him, but you feel Jake’s hand squeeze yours and you know he’s telling you to follow his lead this time.
“She is with me, sir,” Jake spits. “And it would be in your best interest to back off.”
“Oh, is that right?” the man counters, standing up from his seat, giving him a few good inches over Jake. Jake didn’t falter though. Of course he didn’t. He knew that didn’t matter.
“Kiss her, then. If she’s yours, kiss her,” he quips. 
“Absolutely not, I don’t have to prove anything to you, and quite frankly sir, it’s none of your business,” Jake snaps, you can tell he’s starting to get mad, his hand gripping yours a little harder. “Let’s go, babe.”
You stand firm next to him, not letting your face show a single waiver of emotion as the man waits to see if you’ll crack. Jake starts to walk away pulling you behind him, but before you can move the man grabs your other arm, taking both of you by surprise. 
“Stay, sugar. Let a real man take you home.”
Jake snaps his head around, hearing the words fall from the man's drunken mouth. For a minute you’re scared. You don’t know how Jake is going to react, his jaw is hard set and his nostrils flared in anger. You hear him curse under his breath as he shakes his head. 
“You know what? Fuckin’ fine…” he challenges, looking at the man then to you, nodding just enough for you to notice.
Just as you feel the anxiety of what he is about to do bloom in your chest, he reads your body language, letting a sweet and quiet ‘S’okay’ slip from his lips.
Your eyes widen a little as you realize what’s about to happen, but take solace in the fact that he’s likely just as nervous as you are. He stops, pulling you in towards him as his hand grabs at your waist.
His fingers grip into your hairline as he tilts your head just enough to deepen the kiss. His tongue swipes over your lips, hot and wet as your hands slide up his body to rest on his chest. You kiss him back, you’re trying to sell this as the real thing, but also partly because you just want to. You try not to think about that part too much as you let your tongue flick against his just for a second before pulling it back. You feel the vibration on your lips as the softest groan leaves his mouth just as he pulls away from you. 
Your lips are wet with the taste of him and your chest is heaving as Jake rubs his lips together and clears his throat. He turns to the man who is standing there staring at the two of you, a bit of challenge in his tone as he speaks. “You good now?”
The man scoffs, mumbling a curse as he bats at the air between you. You feel yourself relax in Jake’s grip as the man turns to walk back to his original place at the bar. A quiet ‘fuck’ leaves Jake’s mouth as he turns his attention back to you, stepping back and releasing his grip on you. 
His eyes search yours just as yours search his, both of you unsure what to say. Instead he looks over to the man again, nodding his head to him as he grabs your hand again and guides you towards the door.
“You okay?” he asks, opening the door and letting you walk out into the drizzle. You pull your jacket closed across your front, the cold air chilling your skin. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay. Thank you– for that,” you murmur as he steps up next to you. He grabs your hand again, lacing his warm fingers with your cold ones, taking you by surprise. 
“Oh, it’s okay now Jake, he isn’t following us,” you offer, looking over your shoulder to check. He doesn’t drop your hand though, in fact you feel his fingertips brush across your knuckles, sending a whole different kind of chill through your body. 
“I know,” he answers, smiling shyly as he peeks at you out of the corner of his eye. You’re positive he can see the blush that has taken over your cheeks, your mouth suddenly dry, and your mind unable to form a response. You feel the butterflies swirling around in your stomach as you walk towards the hotel, the rain starting to taper off finally. 
“You can trust me, you know,” he says, his voice sincere as he guides you around puddles. 
“I barely know you, Jake,” you smile, bumping your shoulder into his. 
“For now,” he answers, squeezing your hand in his. 
He opens the door to the hotel lobby, the warm air instantly hitting you. Jake drops your hand, your fingertips brushing against his. You kind of miss it, in a way you definitely shouldn’t be. 
“Thank you again, for doing all of that. I’m really sorry. I fucked up, I won’t make that mistake again,” you say, watching him press the button for the elevator. Your eyes linger on his lips, a little pink from the cold air outside. 
“It was no problem, I promise. Stop apologizing,” he pauses, motioning for you to step into the elevator. “Let me walk you to your room, what floor?” he asks, his finger hovering over the buttons.
“Oh, no it’s really okay, you don’t have to do that. I promise I’m good now,” you stammer, watching his lips turn up in a huff of laughter. 
“Y/N, what floor?”
“Nine,” you squeak, your eyes fixated on the dimple in his cheek. You feel your skin growing warm just from looking at him, you feel like you might burst into flames just at the thought of how his lips felt on yours. Did you imagine that whole encounter? No way all of that just happened.
“Me as well,” he says, pressing the button as the doors close.
The two of you ride up in silence, casting each other the occasional glance every few seconds. His tongue darts out to wet his lips and you're positive you stopped breathing. The elevator chimes as it reaches the ninth floor, and you nearly jump out of your skin at the sound. 
He smiles at you again as the doors open, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him. “Your room number?”
“Um, I think I'm 924, all the way down,” you answer, your heart jumping in your chest. 
He nods his head and puts a hand into his pocket. “Alright, I’m just up here in 915, but I’ll walk you down.”
“Jake you really don’t have to, you can just–”
He turns to you and laughs, shaking his head again. “Just let me.”
“Fine.” You huff a breath, pulling your own keycard from your purse. He walks only a step behind you, both hands in his pockets now as you step up to your door. You tap your key to the lock and hear it beep, signaling for you to enter. You turn to look at Jake, seeing a softness to his face you hadn’t noticed until now. 
“Thank you, for…being such a gentleman,” you say playfully, smiling at him. 
“My pleasure, Miss Y/N. There is some chivalry left in the world…” he answers, bringing his hand up to rub at his lips. 
You start to enter your room, and hear him speak again, this time very quietly.  “We’re not all bad.”
You turn around to see him shifting his weight still rubbing his fingers over his chin as if he expected you not to hear him. 
He hesitates as he makes eye contact with you, clearly shocked you heard him. You can tell he wants to say something but he’s holding back. Maybe you’ve spooked him. 
He shakes his head with a smile, as if telling himself whatever he wanted to say was stupid. He pulls his phone and his keycard from his pocket and grips them in his hand. “Nothing, nothing, um, have a good evening. I will see you in the morning, I suppose.”
You nod once, giving him a sweet and appreciative smile, “See you in the morning.”
He lingers for just a moment, eyes locked on yours before flicking down to your lips. He catches himself and looks back at you before turning to head down the hallway. You shut the hotel room door and twist the lock, letting out the breath you had been holding with a gasp. 
You spin around, letting your back press against the door as you sink down to the floor with a barely audible squeal. Holy. Shit. What the hell was that?
Pull yourself together Y/N.
You grab your purse and stand up, digging through it as fast as you can in search of your phone. You have no earthly idea what time it is in Nashville but you don’t care as you pull up your texts with Ruth, and begin furiously typing. 
2:34AM: Without going into detail I definitely just kissed the guitarist 🫢
You toss your bag onto the chair and change into your pajamas, your blood still rushing around in your body as you try to calm your nervous system. A text bounces back, and you know it’s her. 
2:40AM: WITHOUT GOING INTO DETAIL???? KISSED? I just got to my desk!!!! I’m here. I’m sat. I’m listening. I want every single detail in a five paragraph essay with MLA formatting.
2:42AM: Lol it is 2:40 in the morning. I will call you tomorrow, which is really still today for you, but kinda tomorrow for me? I don’t know this is confusing but I will call you and give you the full run down because we also shared airpods on the plane and he made me a playlist? Love you goodnight!
2:45AM: Okay. Hang on, I’m googling him. I need to see this man’s face
2:46AM: Wait there’s two guitarists
2:46AM: Ok one is the bassist HELLO?? You kissed HIM?! Aldjsfklsk
2:48AM: It’s totally fine and I am being so normal about this. Talk to you later, if I haven’t pulled all my hair out by then! I’ll be creeping his insta all day! Goodnight!
You laugh as you read her onslaught of messages, knowing that she is likely going out of her mind with possible scenarios. You make your way into the bathroom, washing your face and brushing your teeth so that you can positively melt into the bed and sleep until your alarm forces you awake. You’re patting your face dry as your phone buzzes on the bathroom counter, but the noise it makes isn’t one you’re familiar with. You hang the towel on the ring and pick up your phone, seeing a notification come through that is brand new to you.
‘Jake Added A Song to Your Shared Playlist: 🐥’
He what? 
Your blood runs cold just seeing his name on your phone after…well…whatever that was.
You turn off the bathroom light, hesitantly sliding your finger across the notification, and letting it bring up the playlist. There at the very bottom you see that a new song was added two minutes ago. But not just any song, no. You know this one. You know this one well. You tap on the song hearing the familiar and haunting guitar riff of ‘Kiss Me’ by Sixpence None the Richer start to play through your phone speakers.
You can’t help but to laugh, a smile of shock has your jaw hanging wide open as you stand in your giant fancy hotel room, listening to what you consider to be a fairly romantic song sent straight to you from none other than your knight in shining, well, corduroy, armor. You couldn’t even picture him listening to this song, and somehow that almost made it a little better. 
As the chorus plays you fall backwards onto your bed, the fluffy white sheets enveloping you as a giddy feeling swirls through your chest. He’s thinking about me. He’s thinking about that kiss. You felt guilty for thinking about it, but now? Now you weren’t feeling so guilty. He liked it just as much as you did, clearly. 
Jake Kiszka liked kissing you. 
You couldn’t wipe the stupid smile off of your face if you had to. You didn’t want to. This was quite possibly the most thrilling thing that has happened to you in months. Years! You had all but forgotten about creepy bar man at this point, but god you have half a mind to walk right back into that bar and shake his hand. 
But, you knew you had to calm down. Take a breath. The song came to a close, leaving the hotel room silent. Your mind was still swimming in bliss, replaying the feeling of his lips on yours, the way his hands held yours, the way he smelled, the way his lips tasted, oh god… He was thinking about your kiss. He all but told you so. 
You were also thinking about that kiss. He wanted you to know he was thinking about it. How can you– Oh. A sly grin spreads across your face as you type into the search bar. 
You find the song you’re looking for, your thumb hovering over the add button as you try to talk yourself out of doing this. It could end badly, terribly, really. He is technically your boss, and you know you shouldn’t be doing this, but. Hey, you’re just the runner. You smile as you watch the little box pop up reading ‘Added’.
Your heart starts to pound. Did he get a notification? Is he asleep? Did he see it? Will he understand? Since when did you start communicating with people through song titles?
You rush back to the playlist scrolling to the bottom and smiling as you press play on the new addition to your shared playlist. It's mere seconds before ‘Do It Again’ by Steely Dan starts to play and you laugh, knowing you are absolutely crazy. Do it again, of course you wanted to do it again. God he probably thinks you’re such a loser. Plot twist, you are, but he doesn't have to know that yet. 
You listen to the song, plugging your phone into the charger and turning off the lamp. You’ve always loved Steely Dan, it reminds you of your dad, but then again who doesn’t it remind of their dad? The song comes to a close, your giddy feeling finally starting to wear off as the exhaustion starts to step into its place. Your eyes feel heavy as you roll towards the nightstand to set your alarm, groaning at how soon it’s coming. You lock your phone and settle into the pillows, letting out a content sigh as you recap the day in all of its insane glory. 
Your phone buzzes on the nightstand, the glow illuminating the room for just a brief second. You freeze as you stare up at the ceiling, almost too scared to look. Did he add another song? What if he changed his mind? What if you overstepped? Oh god. You should not have done that. What were you thinking?  
You suck in a breath as you grab your phone, nervously tapping the screen that shows no new songs added, but a text from Jake. 
Jake 🗡
3:04AM: I fully intend to. 
Oh, he definitely saw it.
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spnfanficpond · 17 days
August 2024 Angel Fish Awards
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(Angel Fish design by @slytherkins!!)
Every month all of you fantastic writers work your asses off to post some truly incredible stories. Our Angel Fish Awards are the way for all of us, as a community of writers and readers, to lift each other up and give praise to those who have captured our attention and deserve a few kind words. (Click here to learn more about how to nominate a fic for an award!)
Nominated by @autisticandroids
like my waffle house hashbrowns by @spnregular
Extremely unique pwp. It involves at one point jerking off a plant. It also involves Dean comparing Cas to his car: “You know how I take care of my things. Keep ‘em clean, fine tuned,” Dean said, “Just like Baby.” Which is just *chef kiss*. And it's hair-washing kink. Which is so much fun.
Nominated by @aylacavebear
Things Learned and Unlearned by @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
The author has a way with words, pulling you into a world all their own. I got hooked on this with the first chapter. This story has ALL the feels and it's not even finished yet. A truly amazing author.
Nominated by @evadne01
Gabe Lives And Loves by @masoena
I find this story while I was trying to cope after seeing again season 13. And this warmed my heart and I felt so good after reading it! Loved it, loved the arts of the story!
Nominated by @heavenssexiestangel
A Means to an End by Pieafterdemons
I was looking for some darker stuff to read and as many know, I love Alastair/Dean. So, I found this li'l story here. It's Dead Dove so be warned of the tags and what they entail. I like how the writer wrote the whump and the darkness of it all, and how Dean came to say yes. I also like the dark and yet not stereotypical idea of Alastair.
Nominated by @leatafandom
Making the Cut by @deeranger
This story was so deliciously dark, creepy, and horrifying. It is wonderfully written, the word choice the way they wove themes through and illicit stomach-turning emotions. It was a thrill to read and just one of new my favorite dark fics. A wonderful read if you're into dark themes.
State of Grace by @cloverhighfive
It's a very different story! Very interesting read!!!
Nominated by @mariekoukie6661
The Harvest by @cloverhighfive
It's a very different story! Very interesting read!!!
Nominated by @mrswhozeewhatsis
The King's Seraph Consort (series) by @ladylilithprime
I've been enjoying Lady's Sastiel offerings when I need a little pick-me-up, and this little mini-series made me SWOON! Sam's so heroic! Sam and Dean are devoted to each other! Sam is so kind to Cas! Gabriel is wise, and yet still a wiseass! And this little two-part series is a perfect snack when I don't have time for anything bigger. It's adorable and sweet and makes me fall in love with Sam even more.
Nominated by @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes
The Perfect Submissive (Google translated title) by Natcumirun (AO3)
The story is in Russian. I use Google translate. Shhh. Aside from the kink, it’s interesting how fear shapes our views and that it tends to take a very confident, knowledgeable person to show that sometimes the fear is just us needing to process childhood pain. It’s an interesting take and I love how the relationship develops between a much older, teacher Castiel and 18 y/o Dean.
Thunderstorm by @anyreiart
This is such a twist to the Omegaverse and the human Castiel. I had never thought of this and so glad someone did. It’s so quaint and domestic. Oh, the fluff is amazing. The connection these two have and how Dean is able to overcome his expectations as well as their relationship hiccups because of his Alpha, it’s beautiful. He even aids in guiding the newly human Castiel and new omega in the human world with his love. Yes, I’m a hopeless romantic.
Soother by @hartlessfiction
I was literally jumping up and down when Dean started arguing with Cas and Cas is so confused, then the pheromones hit. True mates. Just fluffy-fluff, schmoopy and adorable!
Cornerstone by @gracefreakdean
That’s a love story. That’s a true love story. Oh; I hope one day they write more. I’m in love with this beautiful, well-done story that begins like it could be anyone else’s.
Castiel Enjoys Enya by @naked-covered-in-bees
It’s fluffy and cute. Cas is not getting that it's what's on the tapes that Dean likes, not the tape itself but points out that it’s from him, which is why he likes it. I love how Claire explains and their relationship dynamic. Seems so spot on and so canon. I love all of this. It’s an adorable and quick read.
Nominated by @spnbabe67
Touch Me by @zepskies
As a bigger girl whose love language is physical touch, this hit home. My best friend and adopted sister came from a place where physical affection wasn't prominent so trying to get used to it on both our parts is so real in this writing. Dean's uncomfortableness with the reader's overabundance of physical contact, and the readers self self-consciousness while they are trying to go to sleep is such a real, raw, human thing. I loved this so much!
He's Not A Machine! by @mind-empty-just-fictional-people
I love Stanford era!Dean and this is a scene I 100% know happened at one point. And on a biblical level I needed to have John be read a new one for the way he pushed and pushed Dean.
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(Divider by @glygriffe)
- From your Admins and Manta Rays, @manawhaat, @mrswhozeewhatsis, @mariekoukie6661, @thoughtslikeaminefield, @heavenssexiestangel, and @spn-fanfic-reblog-writes!
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itskattkm · 6 months
New York New Rules Pt. 8
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Warnings: Violence, Trauma, Fluff, maybe Smut, mental health, blood
Summary: Y/N meets the survivors of the last events in Woodsborrow and gets on Ghostface's list. But there is also a darkness in Y/N wich path is she going to choose
Female Y/N x Tara Carpenter
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
A/N: as promised the new chapter. I’m sorry it turned out pretty short. Even tho I have the plot and ending and everything already planned I felt some writers Block at this part of the story. I hope you guys can still enjoy. And I try my best in the next chapter. But I can’t tell when it comes out. Maybe I find some motivation and time over the holidays soon. Love - Kat
I made a last pull on my cigarette before Danny came to me and tried to comfort me. I dropped the cigarette and extinguished it with my boot. "someone took our knives..." I started and played the situation in the kitchen in my head again and again. I had often felt betrayed but that moment... was one of the highlites. "I don't know who to trust" I whispered and Danny gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead "then don't trust anyone. Not them, not me Sam" one last time I looked in his eyes before he left. Now that my view was clear, my eyes fell on Tara and Mindy who were sitting in the back of the ambulance. But they were not alone. Y/N... what was she looking for here? She should be in the hospital. I watched her calmly. Her forearm was still bandaged, just like Taras back then. So of course she could leave the hospital if she wanted to. Mindy reluctantly hugged her and in the way Y/N held Mindy I could see that she probably needed this hug more than Mindy herself. Her eyes were slightly reddish when she wanted to check on Anika but she had been driven ti the hospital already.
"She said anything?" I asked when I noticed Tara next to me and we watched Y/N together. Seriously and with a cool tone, she said "In fact, I texted her about what happened, but she was surprisingly fast here... maybe she came here with Kirby" slowly I turned to Tara and looked at her without emotion when I whispered "there was second ghostface... but he had helped Anika" Tara tried not to show any reaction so that no one would notice it, but her eyes widened "I also saw a second ghostface, I wanted to go back to the apartment and met him. But he didn't seem to care about me and he didn't want to let me into the apartment" what? Thought Sam.
That was new... Mindy was right. In this franchise, everything was damn possible. I bit my teeth slightly and looked back at Y/N "we have to find out what Kirby and Y/N supervision has to do" Tara followed my look and said coldly "I'm working on it" I nodded to her in agreement and looked back to the alley when a crying attracted my attention to me. Bailey.
Y/N a few minutes ago
Slightly out of breath, I reached the crime scene outside. Almost panicked, I searched for the faces of the Woodsborrow Gang and was more than relieved when I saw Tara and Mindy in the ambulance. With quick steps I ran towards her, few tears in the eyes "hey..." I said quietly.
Tara's gaze hit mine first. She was surprised almost beaten in the face when I pushed all thoughts and feelings aside and took her firmly in my arms. To my surprise, she replied, but only hesitantly. "I just had to come here," I said and detached myself from Tara. We briefly exchanged glances that I could not interpret at that moment that all I could feel and perceive right now was a mixture of worry and deafness. I looked at Mindy and took a step towards her. Silence... we stared at each other longer. Nobody knew what to say. One thing was clear, I was still mad at Mindy... the last few days she hadn’t been a good friend to me but I didn't care right now. On the other hand, Mindy probably only thought again about whether she could trust me.
She sighed as she got up and squeezed me tight. With all the strength I had, I put my arms firmly around her. I had forgotten how good a hug could feel. "How is Anika..?" I asked and managed to hold back my tears. Our embrace easily dissolved when we looked at each other calmly. Mindy's look was now much gentler and friendlier again. The last few hours I only got cold, skeptical and reproachful glances from her.
"They just left, she lost a lot of blood" I nodded "we should go back to the hospital right away" she nodded to me silently and said after a short rest "I'm sorry... I was quite a bitch" I had to laugh "yes and what a one!" With a raised eyebrow she looked at me "but I can totally understand you minds... believe me" now she had to laugh a little and squeezed me again.
And then I felt Mindy squeeze me tighter. It kinda showed me that she was suddenly mega pissed on and shortly afterwards I also knew why.
"I heard what happened, are you okay?" I heard a way too nice voice say. Mindy and I dissolved our hug and I turned around. When my and Ethan's eyes met, I recognized slight confusion in them, but before he could further reveal his reaction, Chad already pushed him furiously against one of the vans on the street and asked "where the hell have you been!"
I turned around. Lost in my mind. I looked down on the asphalt.
Why did Ethan look so surprised. I had to admit that only his eyes had betrayed him. But what did that mean? Didn't he expect me? My thoughts became wilder. Pictures of all events played out like a quick movie in my head when I tried to understand.
Ethan hasn't been at the hospital.
Maybe he was the one who attacked me? I wasn’t sure. But I had a bad feeling about that guy.
"Y/N... your coming?" A voice got me out of my thoughts. I looked up and looked into dark exhausted eyes. But there was so much more. So much more and I couldn't see it exactly.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
Tara was about to say something when suddenly Gale interrupted us saying
"I need to show you guys something".
So in the next moments I saw us following Gale, while she kept discussing with Kirby how to do to a proper job and telling Kirby how she didn't new about the place she wanted to show us. I was staying beside Kirby. Tara and Sam behind me. While Mindy and Chad where also right behind us with Ethan and the rest.
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Title: Perfectionists Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: Bucky x Female!Reader Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: SHIELD Games is behind one of the best MMORPGs on the market. SHIELD stays on top because of the super employees they have across the board from the tech innovation department, to the story writers, to their game engineers - including one Bucky Barnes. It's his perfection that has pushed him into this position at an elite place in the industry, period. But one game tester always seems to find the most frustrating things to send back to him.
Content/Concept Warnings: Gamer AU; strong language; explicit smut: oral - male receiving, mild dacryphilia, vaginal fingering, genital sex, voyerism, masturbation
Notes: TRIPLE THREAT SUBMISSION for @buckybarnesevents WEEK THREE of Hot Bucky Summer: "Where do you want me?", my fifth square of @buckybarnesbingo B5: "Playing Games," and my third square for Connect4 Alternate June-iverse: C1 "Gamer." Gamer divider graphic by @sgt-seabass!
Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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Bucky looked up as he heard Steve’s telltale footsteps – not the normal ones – the trepidatious ones.
“No,” he said, tone stone cold.
Steve stopped a few steps away and sighed, putting his hands on his hips.
“How long is the list?”
Bucky shook his head and pushed away from his desk. “You know what? No. I don’t even want to see it.”
He stormed out of the engineering and design lab, and Steve dropped his head back to look at the ceiling.
Sam chuckled. “I told you, man, you should wait until he’s out of the room to bring in new lists of purgatory for perfection.”
“He never takes a break. None of you take breaks,” Steve said.
“'Attitude reflects leadership, Captain.'"
"Don't quote Remember the Titans at me."
“Barnes just needs to fuck her.”
Steve’s head snapped over to Nat. “You know what, Romanoff?”
“She’s right,” Joaquin added without looking up from his screen, but a smirk on his face none the less. “His blood has been boiling for her for months, it’s about time he stops ignoring that.”
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“Shit, Barnes!” you yelped, clutching your heart with one hand and an energy drink in the other. “Anyone ever tell you not to lurk in the dark?”
“I’m not lurking,” he groused.
“What else do you call lying in wait to confront someone? Especially in the dark? Alone? Leaning up against the wall, no less.”
You knew you were far from the only person in the building, but this late at night, you were the only tester still around and usually had this wing of the offices to yourself. This was a side gig for you, you only did it because you loved the game and loved getting to preview things before it was even sent to the beta test group of users, but that meant you usually only crossed paths with the handful of other official tester employees for SHIELD Games like ships passing in the night who basically clocked normal business hours.
“I don’t see you turning on any lights,” he said as you returned to your preferred spot on the couch.
“I prefer to play by glow of television,” you responded with a dramatic tone.
If Bucky rolled his eyes, you didn’t see it. “It’s how I’d be playing at home, keeps me focused so I can help you do your job.”
Which is why he was here confronting you, as you had so aptly noted. “I’m damn good at what I do.”
“And the only reason you hate my lists is because you’re already a god damn perfectionist so you can’t stand when I point out the flaws you missed or suggestions to make your work even better. But that’s why Maria hired me. Your community manager knew the user feedback I was giving when you launched the game was excellent.”
Bucky scoffed and shook his head, crossing his arms.
“Your game is only perfect after they put it in front of my face, Barnes.”
“Shut up.”
It was your turn to scoff. “Make me,” you said and took a swig of your energy drink.
Bucky pushed off the wall and in three swift, silent steps was in front of you. With your head tilted back as you drank, you only saw him when he leaned forward, looming over you. You spluttered a little, and he smirked.
“You won’t be able to talk with this in front of your face,” he said, opened the front of his jeans, and pushed the denim and his boxers down his thighs in one go.
You would have roasted him for saying something so cliché in any other circumstance. But your brain was short-circuiting, and you were trying to rapidly re-establish the connections.
His right hand took the can out of your grasp and set it on the side table next to the couch, and his left hand cradled your chin, his thumb pressing on your bottom lip.
You looked up at him. Your heart was racing, and your pussy was thrumming. You were not certain this was real. He’d been the quiet one, a bit surly, but you had been surprised enough he’d come to confront you about the feedback in the first place and never would have put a penny on the odds of something like this happening with the gorgeous game designer you’d harbored a bit of a crush on but decided after the first week wouldn’t come to anything.
This was an unexpected side quest.
You nodded.
He pushed the tip to the edge of your lips, your tongue slipped out to circle the head. In one swift motion he gripped the back of your head and thrust his cock into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat, and your hands flew up to hold onto his hips.
He used your mouth with abandon, and the hold of your hands on his hips was firm, encouraging. When you choked on his thick member, he slowed for a moment, then you squeezed his hip, and he speed up to his brutal pace again. This happened twice more, you having taken him deeper in your throat each time. Tears streamed down your face now, and he groaned when he looked down at you.
“You look so god damn beautiful,” he couldn’t help saying.
You whimpered, and he swept a thumb over your cheek, wiping away the tears, then brought them to his mouth.
He could feel the build of his climax at the root of him, and pulled out of your mouth abruptly, knowing he was too close to finishing and not ready for this to come to an end yet.
You fell forward, but he was instantly kneeling in front of you, ready to catch your lips with his. The kiss was hungry, and your mouth full of the taste of him made him groan again. Your hands tangled in his hair, slotting in despite being pulled back in a low bun. His hands had returned to hold your head as commandingly as they had when he was fucking your throat – one in your hair, one along your jaw.
When you were absolutely breathless, you finally pulled away.
Foreheads planted against each other, breaths still mingling, you licked your lips.
“Why don’t I show you what these hands can do?” he asked, one hand falling to your hip, rubbing his thumb down the crease of your thigh toward your core.
“Don’t tease.”
“Oh, no,” he agreed. Then with both hands, he pulled your hips to the edge of the cushion, hooked his fingers into the top of your pants, and peeled them down along with your panties. You pushed up to raise your hips so he could remove them completely, but your efforts were hardly needed as he used one hand to push you up, and the small show of unexpected strength made your insides squirm. He was built – you had seen it – but you hadn’t experienced the reality of it.
Bucky didn’t leave you a second to think about it any further as his fingers slid up and down your wet slit, he spread your outer folds and stroked your soft inner folds, and you moaned. Your eyes slipped shut, but you felt him watching your face. He was watching for how you reacted to each of his ministrations. He pinched your clit, and you yelped.
Your eyes flew open, and you saw his were filled with a mischievous glint. “Just testing all the possibilities,” he said.
You hit his shoulder. “I said no teasing!”
“You always want the experience to have more unexpected elements for the user to play with.”
“Bucky!” You did not want to hear one of your recent lines of feedback recited back to taunt you.
Except you did.
He was playing this game so well.
He slipped two fingers from that large, warm hand of his inside your cunt and began to pump. Your eyes melted closed again, and seemingly satisfied with his study, you felt Bucky claim your lips for more kisses while he pulled you closer and closer to an orgasm. It built steadily, his thumb at your clit, fingers in your channel, but when he curled those fingers and found the spongy spot against your pubic bone, it hit you instantly, and you cried out his name. He pulled your head into the crook of his neck while his other hand slowed in your cunt but helped prolong riding out the waves of your pleasure.
“Satisfactory experience?” he asked once your breathing started to return to normal.
You laughed against his shoulder, then pulled back to look at him. You pressed a kiss to his jaw, and he smiled.
“You know, I wasn’t afraid to poke the bear because you’re brilliant, I knew you could take it. You want to be the best, and I help give you that.” You reached down and took his still hard, leaking cock in your soft hands, and Bucky’s breath hitched. “Now, do you want to let me take you? I’m aching for you to fill me up.”
He groaned. “You can’t say shit like that.”
You nipped at his bottom lip and smirked. “Yes, I can. This company values my direct and honest feedback.”
He huffed a laugh.
“Where do you want me?”
Bucky quickly shoved his jeans all the way down his legs and settled down next to you on the couch, legs spreading wide. “In my lap.”
“Sounds just about right,” you said, straddling him.
His eager hands pulled your slick cunt flush against his groin, and you both moaned. You planted your hands on his broad shoulders, and rocked your hips just a little bit. Even that short back and forth of friction, his cock stroking your engorged clit, had your head falling back. Bucky pressed his lips to the column of your throat, not wasting an opportunity so inviting in the moment. You sighed and held his head to your neck where he continued to explore and mark you with slow, hot kisses, finding the places that made you shiver.
While you were lost in those sensations, Bucky reached down and lined his cock up with your slit, but that brought you back to the thrumming need to be filled by him, and you sunk down while he thrust up into you. He was thick, and he filled you more than you were used to, but not to a point of pain -far, far from it.
“Feel so good inside me,” you keened.
“No feedback?”
“Just fuck me until I can’t breathe, Buck.”
“With pleasure,” he growled.
After passing through two intense first levels of play, climbing to the final peak did not take long. One of his hands remained anchored at your hip to control the punishing but desired pace of thrusts, but his other steadily slid underneath your shirt and up your spine in a delicate way in contrast to everything else happening in the moment, including your lips returning to his in another kiss designed to devour.
Bucky felt you hit that crest of the climax, your muscles seizing in a moment of bliss, your pussy clenching hard around his cock. As you came down, he maneuvered you both to lay your back on the couch while he did just as you asked and continued to thrust into you hard, you boneless but in a blissful haze, unconcerned with trivial things like breathing, while he pursued his own pleasure. Then all at once he groaned and began to spill his hot seed inside of you, pausing for a second with the first ropes of cum, but then continued with deep, slow thrusts until he was completely spent.
It was a snug shuffling, but the two of you managed to get so you were both laying on your sides on the couch, your back up against the cushioned backboard, Bucky’s back to the glow of the giant television screen so all his muscled angles were sillhouted for you to admire in the afterglow. His legs were bunched up – possibly uncomfortably – and you tangled yours with his. You pushed some hair that had escaped from its knot at the back of his head off of his face, and he grabbed your hand and pressed a kiss to your palm.
“I think we’ll need to continue testing this,” you whispered against his lips.
You felt them curve into a smile before he said, “Thorough testing, absolutely. Need to explore all potential scenarios.”
“I’m glad you’ll be more amenable now to my feedback.”
“Oh, I never said that.”
You poked him in the ribs.
“Come on, you love the complex storylines. You don’t want me easily conquered.” And before you could protest, and claimed your lips again, this time in a long, slow kiss, no intention of leaving any time soon.
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Too caught up with each other, neither of you heard the approaching footsteps, the gasp on discovering you, the moans they bit back when they gave over to touching themselves there in the dark, watching you, or their nearly silent retreat.
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Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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lookingfts · 4 months
I love this new AU!!!! You’re such a talent writer. Im a sucker for angst. Maybe we could see Anthony getting jealous of Kate saying she has date ??
​​Thank you! I love jealous Anthony - let's do it.
*sexy snippet below*
I want to see you tonight.
Kate felt that familiar flutter in her stomach and in her core at the words. It was truly irritating, how quickly her body responded to the slightest attention from Anthony. When she had signed up to be a sugar baby, she was under the distinct impression that she would have the control.
Not that she was upset about how good the sex had turned out to be. Just that she didn’t think she should be so addicted to it. Craving Anthony was dangerous when all of this was only ever going to be a temporary arrangement.
That reminder doused cold water on the part of her that wanted to cave and say yes. Always. Every single fucking time.
I can’t, sorry, she typed with unsteady hands. We didn’t have plans tonight, and I’m going out.
Going out where?
Kate let out a frustrated breath. She needed to finish getting ready - she should just ignore him. He had no say in what she did outside of their time together, and he knew that.
And yet she could never let him have the last word, for some reason. I have a date. I’ll come by tomorrow, like we agreed.
Anthony didn’t respond, and Kate wasn’t sure what to make of the swooping feeling in her stomach. Did she want him to fight her on it? What the hell did she want from him, anyway?
Tossing her phone on the bed, she dug through her dresser drawer. Sam was a perfectly nice, attractive guy who had run into her at a coffee shop and asked her to dinner. There was nothing in her contract with Anthony that said they were exclusive, and Kate thought an evening with someone else might help shake off this strange grip Anthony had on her. Bring her back to the real world before she got lost in Anthony’s fantasy existence of luxury cars and huge homes and hedonistic weekends away.
She hadn’t even planned to tell him about it, but he asked, and she didn’t see the purpose of lying to him. Anthony might have been paying her, but he certainly didn’t own her.
Kate tugged on a modest bra and knickers set - she wasn’t expecting anything physical to happen tonight, but of course, she wasn’t opposed if it felt right.
A little voice in her head whispered It won’t feel as good. Nothing will.
She shoved it away.
After zipping up her purple minidress, Kate slipped into a pair of gold heels and matching earrings. Her hair was curled into loose waves, black liner rimming her eyes, and she had just finished applying gloss to her lips when there was a knock on the door. 
Without even looking, she knew who it would be. Sam didn’t know where she lived, and her family would have called first.
Kate was already furious when she threw the door open, Anthony standing there still in his work clothes, looking tired and a little haggard. “I told you I’m busy.”
His eyes went dangerously dark as he looked her up and down, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Yes, I know. You have a date,” Anthony said, putting venom behind the word.
“And you came to try and stop me?”
“No.” His brows furrowed, like he was surprised by the accusation. “I don’t think I can stop you from doing anything.”
She faltered slightly. Anthony had a way of always turning her perception of him on its head, a constant puzzle that she hadn’t even begun to solve. “Then why-.”
“I told you. I just wanted to see you.” In two steps, he was in front of her, grabbing Kate’s waist and tugging her against him. Instinctively, she melted into his arms, breathing heavily as he buried his face in her neck. “When are you supposed to meet him?”
“In half an hour,” she said, almost a moan as he kissed a path along her throat. “Anthony.”
“I won’t stop you from going on your date.” He walked her into the living room, until her legs hit the back of the sofa. “But you’ll have me dripping out of you.”
The breath was knocked from her lungs when Anthony spun her around and bent her over the sofa, her fingers curling into the cushions for stability. She knew this was insane, knew she could say the word and he would stop, but she made no move to halt the madness. Anthony groaned deep in his throat as he rucked her dress up over her arse and stripped down her knickers, leaving Kate to eagerly kick them off.
Two fingers slipped into her mouth as Anthony pushed into her, a little slower than he usually did when there was more foreplay involved. Kate whimpered at the stretch, her hair falling in a curtain around her face as he eased into her, playing with her clit to help them both along. There was something filthy about it - Sam was heading to the restaurant to meet her while she let another man hold her down and fuck her.
Once he was hilted inside her, Anthony gripped her hips bruisingly hard and pulled her back against him, rough, deep thrusts that did something good for her soul. He didn’t feel controlled, meticulous, calculating the way he often did. He was frayed, full of jagged energy and verging on desperate.
Kate got her bearings and slammed back against him, shattered cries leaving her lips as he invaded every part of her. Ensuring she would feel him between her legs with every step she took. Anthony’s guttural grunts on each thrust were making her brain fuzzy, a primal connection taking hold of them both.
His fingers were still on her clit, demanding little circles until it was all too much and Kate whined, coming hard on his cock. Anthony draped himself over her back, groaning against her skin as his warm release filled her.
They lay there for a long moment, panting, trembling with the aftershocks. “Close your legs,” Anthony ordered, gently pulling out of her, and Kate found herself complying without a thought. 
She turned around, finally meeting his eyes. He looked wrecked, and Kate stared up at him, brushing her hand through his hair. “Are you okay?” she asked quietly.
Anthony sighed heavily, something she had learned meant he was not okay in the slightest. “I just needed that,” he said instead of answering her question, pulling her into his arms again and kissing her head. “Thank you.”
As he held her in silence, Kate knew she had a choice. To kick him out and meet Sam and follow wherever that path might lead. Or to choose Anthony, even if at the end of it all, he wouldn’t choose her back.
“I can stay,” she whispered. It wasn’t really a choice. Or maybe it was one she had already made. “If you want me to.”
He sighed. “Kate-.”
“Ask me. Ask me and I won’t go.”
There was an aching stretch of silence, Anthony tense against her, a debate raging in his mind. Kate wondered if he would push her away, if she would offer herself up and be rejected and go on the date with Sam knowing that it wasn’t where she really wanted or needed to be.
“Don’t go,” he said tentatively. For as commanding as he was at work and in bed, Kate wondered how often he really asked for what he wanted. She had told him her answer already, and yet he didn’t seem to trust it. “Stay with me tonight.”
Kate nodded, running her hand over his back. “I’ll stay.”
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megamindsecretlair · 1 year
It Started With a Whisper
Chapter 2
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. This starts off tame, pure fluff. Soft Sam. Cursing and allusions to body parts and sex. This series will get explicit so I will keep the community label on mature. There will be angst and smut. Mentions of sick parents, responsible adulting, and unfair burdens. AAVE intentional language.
Summary: This starts off about a week or so before Captain America and The Winter Soldier. You are the front desk clerk who started a few months ago and you have a major crush on Sam Wilson, the handsome and sweet trauma counselor. Your best friend suckers you into going with Sam on a coffee run.
Word Count: 2,275k
A/N: The more I rewatch The Winter Soldier, I know I'm primarily drooling over Seb like everyone else, but I've really come to appreciate Sam. He's hilarious and Anthony Mackie is perfect. I just wanted to contribute a little something. While likes are awesome, please consider commenting and reblogging to support writers!
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“You got a little drool there," Your best friend, Ariel, said and smacked your face with a folder. You jumped, pulled from your daydreaming, and smacked her back.
“Am not,” you muttered. You covertly wiped your mouth and Ariel laughed. “I saw that, ho,” she said.
You rolled your eyes and shuffled papers in front of you, grumbling to yourself. You didn’t want to look, but your eyes were drawn towards the front. Towards Sam. He stood talking to a veteran after their meeting and he was engaged, focused, listening. You briefly wondered what it would be like to have that focus on you.
You mentally shook yourself. You did not need those problems. Still, your eyes tracked him. How he moved, how he laughed. His smile was infectious. He was the type that not only heard you, but listened. 
“When are you gonna tell that boy how badly you want to rip his–”
“Shush!” You scolded. 
Ariel laughed and continued filing away client files. “He’s way over there, you think he can hear me?” 
You shrugged. “We just found out Norse gods are real, supersoldiers coming back from the ice and shit, and aliens tried to take over New York. So yeah, you never know.” 
Ariel laughed. “If Sam is special or whatever, don’t you think we would’ve found out by now? With how much you stare at him?” 
“Hey, I don’t stare. It’s not like I can look at anything else. This is literally the front desk.” 
Ariel held up her hands. “He ain’t sorry to look at. I’m just sayin’. You’d know if his fine ass had any super powers.”
You rolled your eyes again and focused on the meeting schedule in front of you and client emails. You bit your lip as you concentrated, intent on actually getting some work done. 
Veterans Affairs was usually a chill place. As the front desk clerk, there wasn’t a lot of responsibility. Which you preferred. The hours were flexible, boss was understanding, and despite Ariel always talkin’ shit, you had good company. And yeah, the view wasn’t bad.
Again, your mind drifted to Sam. It didn’t make any sense for him to look that fine working in a place like this. But he was good with the veterans. His groups filled up fast sometimes, to the point where he’d stay for just one more. 
You sighed. You were a grown woman. You had no business lusting after a man. 
“Good afternoon, ladies.”
You jumped and looked over at Sam. Sam, standing in front of you. Sam, looking at you and smiling. You froze. Did you conjure him? Did he catch you staring?
Ariel elbowed you as she turned in the small front desk area and leaned on the desk. “Good afternoon, Sam. How goes it?” 
“Afternoon,” you managed to mumble. You think. Idiot. How exactly do you talk to a man that you were just picturing naked? You bet it was big too. Fuck. You were thinking it again.
“Pretty good. I got some time before my next group. I was going to head to the cafe up the street and get something.” Sam kept his eyes fixed on you. You pointedly did not look at him. You didn’t care if you were being rude. You just wanted your face to stop giving away your nasty thoughts.
“Really! What a coincidence. Y/N was just saying she felt a little peckish,” Ariel said. 
You whipped your head towards her and glared. You stumbled over your words. You couldn’t deny that shit fast enough. 
“I-uh, well, my-my family packed something for me,” you said. 
Sam laughed. “Don’t worry, I know you don’t want to be seen around town with someone like me.”
Your eyes widened and you shook your head. “That’s not true! I would never–I mean, I’m not…”
Sam laughed again. “I’m joking, Y/N.” How did he manage to make your name sound so…melodic? 
You laughed nervously and licked your lips. You were a well educated woman, oldest child, and Sam turned you into a bumbling idiot. 
“One of these days I’ll wear you down. You’ll have to give me a good excuse or go on and accept a date with me.” 
Your cheeks couldn’t burn hotter. You thanked whoever was listening that your dark skin hid your blush. “Sam…”
He shook his head and waved you off. “I’m not pressuring you, I swear. I’m just sayin’, I’m a good time.” His smirk made his high cheekbones stick out. 
“She knows it. She’s just stubborn,” Ariel said. 
You stood up and bumped her with your hip, offering a small and fake apology. “I am not,” you said.
“I know it. I’ll have to impress her, right? Get her to take a chance on me?” Sam asked Ariel.
“Mhhm, poor thing needs to be hit over the head,” Ariel said. 
“Are ya’ll done laughing at my expense?” 
“No!” Sam and Ariel said at the same time. You rolled your eyes and put your hands on your hips. 
Hell, you didn’t know why you kept saying no anyway. Well, you did. But your excuses never fazed Ariel. You had a busy home life, with family that depended on you. Was it really fair to start something up if you couldn’t follow through? 
Ariel would say yes. That you deserved fun. That it didn’t have to be anything other than casual. But your crush was anything but casual. You wanted this man, biblically. You couldn’t string two sentences around the man. 
But did you want your family to run your life? Just because you were responsible didn’t mean you had to be boring. You weren’t always like this. This…goop of a puddle who couldn’t look a man in the eye. You were gorgeous, goddamn it! You had curves, a nice ass, and a cute face. Tits weren’t bad either. 
“One trip to the cafe?” You asked.
Sam grinned and nodded. “One trip. Harmless,” he said and shrugged his shoulders.
Mhmm. You looked at Ariel who pumped her fist. The bitch could at least be subtle about it. You giggled and gathered your purse.
“It appears I’m taking my break now,” you told Ariel. 
“Take ya time. All the time you need,” Ariel said and eyed Sam up and down. She was embarrassing enough for the both of you.
You exited the closed off desk area, returning the half door to its place. You were doing it. You were standing next to him. You also felt like you were going to throw up, but you’d take the victory where you could.
Sam led the way out of the VA building and you blinked into the late DC sun. You forgot how dark it could be in the building. You needed to head out more and get some sun on your bones.
Together, you walked with Sam towards the small cafe on the corner. You walked in silence for a bit, biting the inside of your cheek. You were so painfully awkward.
“I gotta say, I’m shocked to see you out from behind the desk.”
You laughed. “Not what you was picturing?” You asked.
You laughed and rolled your eyes. “Boy…”
He laughed. “I’m sorry,” he said and didn’t look the least bit sorry. He always looked like he knew a secret you didn’t. Instead of looking like an asshole, he looked like he was dying to tell it.
“Can you blame me? I’ve been askin’ for months.” He said. You waited at a corner for the light to turn so you could cross. Sam got on the other side of you, so that he was closest to the oncoming traffic. Your heart melted a tiny bit.
DC was expansive and yet seemed so small. Cars were jam packed, honking, and everyone was rushing around. Everyone walked with a purpose, some place to be and something to do. There was a light breeze and the sun was losing its heat.
“I’m sorry about that…”
“I’m not saying it to make you feel bad. I’m just sayin’ I’m grateful I get to spend any time with you. Whatever you’re cool with, I promise.”
“I like that you ask me out. I hate havin’ to say no.” You admitted. It was so damn true, it hurt. You did hate saying no. You hated that he would smile through it all, so understanding. But you knew he was disappointed. 
“Why do you say no?” He asked. He asked it softly, not judging. Sam was so damn sweet, you should have a cavity.
You took a deep breath as you crossed the street. It was a loaded question. Where did you start? A hermit mom who was too scared to leave the house after New York? Your stubborn but ailing dad who refused to go to the hospital? Your wild and out siblings who never took shit seriously? 
“Home life is kind of…chaotic. After New York, everyone’s been on edge. I know it was two years ago, but it doesn’t really help. We had live footage that nasty aliens exist.” 
Sam nodded his head. He held the door open for you as you went inside the cafe. The heavenly aroma of fresh bread and coffee made your mouth water. The cafe was smallish, mostly for getting the order to go. There were tables and chairs for people to sit but they were all occupied. 
The shop itself had a new age, almost hippy vibe but was every inch the upscale coffee shop political types loved. Everything was modern, clean, and even had a chalkboard menu. Because of course they did.
You stood in line. “Yeah, that was insane to watch on TV before the cameras went down. I’ve talked to plenty of people that still fear going outside. You afraid of another attack?” 
You sighed. You knew he wouldn’t judge you, bless him. But it wasn’t you that was afraid. Your mother’s nerves were so bad, they were contagious. It was easier to stay home than have her call you ten times per minute to make sure you were safe. Yes, you were aware that it had nothing to do with you. But you were trying, okay? 
“Not me, exactly,” you said and laughed. “It’s hard to explain.”
“It’s cool. You don’t have to. But I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to,” he said.
You smiled at him. “Thanks, Sam.”
He smiled. You approached the barista and ordered. You reached for your wallet when Sam stopped you. “I asked you here, it’s my treat.”
“Sam, no. I can pay for my order.”
“Never said you couldn’t. My treat,” he said. He handed the barista his card and paid for the order anyway. You scowled. It only made him laugh.
“It’s only a few bucks.” 
“That’s not the point. I don’t like people paying for me,” you said.
“Not even as a treat?” He asked. You both moved off to the side to wait for your coffee and muffin. 
“Not really,” you said.
Sam smiled. “I’m sorry. Tell you what. We can walk here again tomorrow and I’ll let you pay. I’ll even order the most expensive thing on the menu.”
You laughed and shook your head. “You just want to walk here again with me.”
“Did it work?” He asked.
You pursed your lips. Dammit, yes. You nodded and he celebrated. “I’ll take it.”
You grabbed your order and headed back towards the building, asking how he got started into counseling. 
“Counseling helped me a lot when I got back. I wanted to pay it forward. I’m pretty good at talkin’ to people. Figured it was my calling,” he said.
“You ever miss it?” 
Sam shrugged and sipped some of his coffee. You admired anyone who could walk and drink. Your drink would’ve ended up all over your outfit. And you rather liked these jeans and your flowery blouse.
“Yes and no? I don’t miss the action. I miss my brothers though. There’s a deep bond you form over there that never really leaves you.” 
You nodded. You never served but you heard that sentiment repeatedly as they checked in for groups, signed up for others, or needed resources. The military chewed you up and spat you out and never stopped to give a damn.
You continued to learn more about him, more than you managed to pick up when you started working at the VA. He was from Louisiana, he has a sister, and two nephews. His parents owned a fishing business. 
He was so easy to talk to, once you got past your initial dirty thoughts and weird hangups about him. He made you laugh so many times on the way back, your sides were hurting as you entered the dimly lit, bland government building. He walked you back to the front desk where Ariel was grinning like the Cheshire Cat.
“Nothing for me? I’m hurt.”
“Good. That’s what you get for being a smart ass,” you said.
“Got your behind out walking with him, didn’t it?” Ariel laughed and high-fived Sam.
You narrowed your eyes. “I hope ya’ll didn’t plan this,” you said.
Sam held up his hands, raising his cup in the air. “On my honor as an Airman, I did not plan this.” He walked backwards as he winked at you.
“Until tomorrow, Y/N.”
“Bye, Sam,” you said and rolled your eyes. Even if it was a set up, you didn’t mind. You had a lot of fun. 
You entered the booth and sat down. Ariel leaned her hip against the desk and flipped her long hair over her shoulder.
“Spill, bitch!”
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Masterlist | Chapter 2
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imomnba-x07 · 1 year
Okay I think I’m ganna elaborate on my Thunderbolts and New World Order theory because I can and I’m having IMMENSE brain rot rn. (Also please lemme know your thoughts or feel free to add on to this)
- General Ross as we know plays a pretty big role in both films. Neither of our boys have any love for Ross ESPECIALLY Sam, after the way he was treated on the raft. So when Ross starts gaining more political power, Sam is most likely immediately distrusting and suspicious of it and knows Ross well enough to know that he would be up to something more now with his presidential power.
- so essentially (either through the grape vine, walkers big ass mouth, or possibly even Everett Ross, I’ll get into my theory about him in a minute😏) Sam gets wind of what Thaddeus and Val are up to and don’t trust either of them to have control over a team of super powered individuals. So Sam wants to know more about this new team on the playing field but doesn’t have a contact on the inside that he trusts enough to get more information.
- that’s is, until Bucky potentially volunteers himself. Then there’s a lot of back and forth between them “Bucky no it’s dangerous” Sam my middle name is danger 😡” “Sam you trust me right?” “With my life Bucky” “then trust me to do this for you, we need a man on the inside” “if you do this, you keep in contact with me you understand? No more of this disappearing on me act” “I promise, you won’t lose me again” blah blah blah I’ll let the fic writers come up with more poetic shit
- But the question is, how do they get Bucky into the Thunderbolts without drawing suspicion? Well, anyone remember this?
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- there’s a video of Bucky acting as the winter soldier somewhere out there. It’s likely that Sam asked Sharon to get a hold of it and keep it off web. But for Operation infiltrate thunderbolts, its the perfect “evidence” to have released. So Sharon, with the permission of Sam and Bucky, leaks it online. It’s the perfect ploy to make Thaddeus think he has some sort of leverage or reason over Bucky now. Because let’s be honest, Thaddeus can’t refuse the offer of getting the winter soldier to work for him and do his bidding. Bucky of course acts oblivious to the video, and let’s himself get arrested once Thaddeus gets the authority to do so.
- Wam Bam Bippity Bow, Bucky is now on the thunderbolts team, acting like this wasn’t the plan, acting pissed that he’s there, acting forlorn and dejected that he’s tied back down to the government, leaving Val and Thaddeus none the wiser (Ha ha suck it assholes) all while secretly reporting back to Sam every-time he can when the cost is clear.
- and all of this can either take place in the final or first act of Cap 4 or the beginning act of Thunderbolts. It’s the perfect reason as to why They won’t be in the same projects, but would still give them each an opportunity to appear for some scenes in eachothers movies (BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT GETTING DIVORCED DAMMIT).
- Now if you want to add ANOTHER spicy level to this well look no further! Remember that I mentioned Everett Ross before? There have been a few rumors that Thunderbolts is going to mainly center around the search for Vibranium, and it would make sense from what we saw of Val in Wakanda Forever. There are also rumors that Sam might appear in secret invasion, where Everett Ross also is. Thus giving them a potential connection.
- Everett as we know is highly trusted by the Wakandans, so we know he likely tells them what Val is up to with the thunderbolts and the potential vibranium plot. Everett however can’t get involved because he was already arrested once by Val, and the Wakandans can’t be seen interfering with international affairs based off a hunch they got from an “anonymous” source. Gosh if only there was an avenger with ties to Wakanda who still may have to redeem themselves after releasing Zemo…..oh wait😏
- It’s a nice way for Bucky to earn the trust of the Wakandans back completely while simultaneously keeping an eye on the new team recruits to see who may actually be avengers material for Sam (Yelena and Ghost obviously) instead of just being a thunderbolt for the government to use as a living weapon.
Ok that’s it, that’s my master theory. I’ll probably add to this later cause I just have too many thoughts and the brain rot has overtaken me once again
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jemgirl86 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💜
I’m late as hell lol. Thanks for the ask twin! ❤️
Hmm okay, my 5 favorite fics that I’ve written in no particular order:
Stolen Moments
“No,” Sam said, chuckling. “I don’t cheat,” he swept his gaze up and down James’ body, “even with guys who look like you. But, I’m bored and a little pissed, so if you wanna sit here and shoot the shit ‘til my man shows back up, I’m game.”
Never one to back to back down from a challenge - especially a challenge who looked like Sam Wilson - Bucky took another swig from his bottle and replied, “Sure, doll. I’ve got nothing but time.”
Or: Steve has Sam. Bucky wants Sam. Sam wasn’t expecting any of this.
Language: English Words: 98,826 Chapters: 20/20
Your Secrets are Safe With Me
Bucky didn’t plan this in advance.
It wasn’t some sinister scheme he had been hatching for months in an evil lair or something.
No, Bucky wasn’t really a bad guy. He was just a guy who saw an opportunity and took it.
Or: Bucky does Sam a favor, and ends up doing himself an even bigger favor in the process.
Language: English Words: 5,451 Chapters: 1/1
You’re Blowin’ My Mind (With the Things You Say to Me)
“Now you know I hate to get all in your business,” Sarah said, in lieu of a greeting, as she walked into the kitchen.
Sam’s resulting scoff was so loud she almost threw the coffee cup she was holding at him.
“Yeah, since when?” Sam shot back, not even bothering to look up from the table where he was working on Redwing.
“But,” she continued sharply, choosing to ignore his remark. “I think you need to talk to your boyfriend.”
“My what?” He spat, his head snapping up to stare at her.
“You know, your boyfriend,” she repeated, smirking over at him as she leaned against the counter. “The non-aging former assassin who pops up at our house on a regular basis. The same guy who drove an hour out of his way to Long’s Bakery yesterday just to get that cake you like, so he could bring it to the party. Your boyfriend, Sam.”
Or: After getting an earful from Bucky at the cookout, Sarah suggests Sam and Bucky have a chat... and they do.
Language: English Words: 2,137 Chapters: 1/1
We Need A Resolution
“All in all, Bucky had been on his best behavior. That is, until Joaquin had shown up and latched himself to Sam’s side… the way Bucky was planning on doing for the length of the party. Sticking close to Sam had been the one thing that was going to make the evening tolerable. But the new Falcon had been in Sam’s face all night, stealing the spot that was rightfully his.”
Or: Sam’s throwing a party. Bucky’s just trying not to throw hands.
Language: English Words: 2,449 Chapters: 1/1
Things Were Lookin’ Grim, But They’re Lookin’ Good Again
“How couldn’t you have known that, when you knew about Isaiah, man?” Sam hissed. “Maybe you didn’t know he was jailed and tortured and experimented on, but you sure as hell knew there was a Black super soldier who saved countless lives, who put your cyborg ass outta commission, and you knew nobody talked about him. You knew there weren’t any parades or news appearances or Smithsonian exhibits dedicated to him, even though he deserved as much praise as Steve and way more praise than Walker’s crazy ass, and yet you still couldn’t figure out why I might have been hesitant to take up the Captain America mantle? So, yeah, you’re right, I am angry with you, and, more than anything else, I’m disappointed in you.”
Bucky blanched. He had been ashamed before, but now he felt about as small as a person could.
Bucky needs to apologize. Sam needs to get some stuff off his chest.
Language: English Words: 3,543 Chapters: 1/1
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firstelevens · 8 months
hi zainab!!!! 2, 3, 6, and 29 for the fic writer ask???
Hi Mak! Thank you for sending these in!
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
Yes, because I am absolutely my own biggest fan!
On a much more practical note, sometimes I reread because it's part of a series and I'm checking a canonical detail (although if it's in the Bake Off AU I'm better off just asking @sesamestreep, who is the official lorekeeper and knows that universe's canon better than I do.) Other times, there's a fic where I just really like what I did with a character's voice or the general tone of a scene and I'll go back just to get a feel for what I did the last time.
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I mean, the Bake Off AU has my whole heart and there's so much of me in it that it will always be special to me BUT!!! I really love the Thunderbolts-era epistolary fic counted days, counted miles because I think it's an exercise in me managing to show writerly restraint, which is a skill I'm still working on. (And also I got to come up with so many fun spy tricks for hiding letters; it was great.)
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
How fortuitous that you picked this question when I have reread wish that i could wind (like a spiral stair through time) FIVE TIMES in the past month. That fic is a work of art. I am also never far from rereading and never ever watch the ten o'clock news, which is Emma's phenomenal Psych AU of Rogue One which is just so wonderful and funny and it continues to hold up. Oh also! There's don't read the last page, which is a Brooklyn Nine-Nine fic that is short and sweet and just so warm and cozy and I go back to that one a lot just for the mood of it.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic.
Okay so this question reminded me that there's a 1200 word scene from the Formula 1 AU that was originally going to be the epilogue but got canned which SUBSEQUENTLY reminded me that there's a whole scene that I wrote for the Bake Off AU that got cut from Chapter 6 because things ended up going another way!
The beginning will looks familiar if you remember anything from that chapter, but then there's a sharp left turn that involves the lost plot point of Becca Barnes creeping on Joaquín's thirst trap and restaurant review filled Instagram in order to figure out where Bucky could go for dinner. I was sad to lose it tbh but the restaurant still made it into the fic as the place where Sam and Bucky go out on their definitely-not-a-date in Chapter 10.
A peek at the alternate timeline under the cut!
Bucky is starfished on his bed, trying to muster the energy to get up when his phone rings. His eyes are squeezed shut, but he opens one to peer at the screen. He only answers because it’s Becca, but he’s too tired to do more than grunt into the phone when he picks up.
“Good day, huh?” she asks, laughing when he just groans in response.
“Hope yours was better than mine,” Bucky says, when he finally manages to talk. “How’s day shift treating you?”
“I’m discovering that there’s this thing in the sky called the sun, and it provides light? And makes people happy? Do you think other people know about it? Should I be telling them?”
He laughs tiredly. “You can use all this newfound energy to make a TikTok about it.”
“I’ll get on that,” Becca says. “What about you? You okay?”
“Yeah,” says Bucky, bringing his hand up to his face. “I just need to lie down for a while.”
Not that lying down for the past half hour has helped, but he’s got high hopes for that sixty minute mark.
“No, what you need to do is eat something,” Becca says, sounding remarkably like their mother. “Tell me your head isn’t hurting right now.”
Bucky freezes, his fingers still pressed into his temples. “It’s creepy when you do that, you know.”
She laughs. “I know. Hey, why don’t you go to that place that you and Steve went to all the time, the one with the waffles?”
The last time Bucky had been there, four years ago, he’d spent the entire evening bickering companionably with Sam while Steve dealt with a work emergency. It had felt remarkably like flirting, and he’d even thought about asking Sam to get a drink sometime—and then Bucky had been eliminated after the next day’s Showstopper, and that put an end to that.
He shakes his head to clear it. “I’m tired, Bec, and they pick us up at like, six AM. I think I might just grab something from the convenience store.”
“Buck, I spend half my time listening to newborn babies cry and that is still the most pitiful thing I’ve heard this week. You are not eating yogurt for dinner alone in your hotel room.”
Bucky huffs. “Well, I’d grab a random stranger off the street to join me, but I’m not looking to get murdered today, Rebecca.”
He can hear the sound of Becca typing, doing the thing where she studiously ignores his asshole behavior until he comes around and starts acting a more like a person. It’s annoying how well it works. 
After a minute or two of typing and what he assumes is scrolling, she lets out a, “Huh.”
When he waits for her to elaborate and she doesn’t, Bucky sighs. “What is it?”
“Do you know a Joaquín Torres?”
It’s far from the question he was expecting but Bucky answers in the affirmative. “He’s a baking consultant on the show.”
More typing. “Does he have good taste?”
There’s a tiny, childish part of Bucky that wants to say no, because Torres is chirpy and bright-eyed and his unfailing enthusiasm is exhausting at times, but that would be a lie. “Yeah, he knows his stuff. Why?”
“He lives in Atlanta; he posts about a lot of local hidden gems. There’s a Tunisian restaurant a couple blocks from your hotel, apparently? Kind of looks like a hole in the wall but he says the food is amazing.”
“I don’t know, Bec. It’s late and eating out alone is depressing.” His limbs feel heavy, and his shoulder is starting to hurt from having the prosthetic on for so long, and he knows that food would make his headache go away, but he just can’t drag himself off the bed.
Like Becca knows what track his mind is on—and honestly, she probably does—, she chooses this moment to go for the knockout. “Come on, Buck; it’s my job to look out for you, and you’re too far away for me to drag you out to dinner and make sure you eat. Throw a girl a bone here.”
She’s too powerful for her own good.
Bucky drags a hand down his face, sighing again. “You know, I hear some people don’t let their baby sisters tell them what to do all the time.”
“Poor them,” says Becca.
“Poor them,” echoes Bucky, and asks her to text him the address.
When she does, he looks it up and realizes that it really is only two blocks away: completely walkable, even in Atlanta’s late spring heat, and only a little further than the convenience store where he’d planned to grab his apparently pathetic dinner.
It’s only when he gets to the door of the restaurant that he remembers it’s a Saturday night and he probably should have thought to make a reservation. The place only has a handful of tables to begin with, and they’ve all got people at them. The host already has an apologetic look on his face as Bucky walks in, but they both turn in surprise when they hear someone inside the restaurant call out to him.
“Bucky!” says Joaquín, as brightly as ever. “Come sit with us.”
Because the universe has a sense of humor, ‘us’ is of course Joaquín and Sam, who are having dinner together. Alone. On a Saturday night.
It can’t be a date, Bucky reasons. No one would invite a random acquaintance to third-wheel their date, right?
He realizes that he still hasn’t responded when the host assures him that of course they’ll be able to add another place setting to the table, and before he knows it, Bucky is being whisked over to their table.
Whatever mood had settled over Sam after the signature today seems to have dissipated, and he turns to Bucky with a grin on his face. “I hope you trust Torres over here, because he ordered way too much food for us and didn’t let me see the menu.”
Joaquín shrugs. “I come here a lot,” he says. “Not enough people know about it, but it’s amazing.”
“Which is why he’s on a mission to be their one-man marketing team,” says Sam. “We got here half an hour ago and he’s already posted on Instagram like, ten times.”
Bucky thinks of the sound of Becca on her computer as she’d talked to him earlier, how she’d pivoted from suggesting the diner he’d probably have ended up at to this specific restaurant, and suddenly, this coincidence feels markedly less like a coincidence.
He’d probably feel more annoyed about it if he didn’t spend the meal close enough to Sam for their shoulders to constantly be brushing. Torres is right; the food is great, but if anyone asks, Bucky’s pretty sure the only thing he’d be able to recount is how many times Sam touched his arm to ask him to pass things, or dished some more food onto his plate, or gently nudged him while telling Joaquín stories of their time filming season two.
When the check comes, Bucky insists on paying, to make up for crashing Sam and Joaquín’s dinner, and as they stand on the sidewalk outside the restaurant, Joaquín offers to drop them off at the hotel on his way home. He’s about to accept when Sam waves it off. 
“I think we’ll just walk back,” says Sam. “It’s so nice out, and the hotel’s probably closer than your car is.”
There’s a moment where all three of them silently commiserate over the trials of city parking, and then Joaquín says he’ll see them tomorrow and heads off.
Bucky glances sidelong at Sam, whose eyebrows are knitted together as he looks down the street towards their hotel. He can see the entrance from where they’re standing, but Sam gently touches his elbow and nods down the street to their left—the long way, Bucky realizes, a moment too late.
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storiesofsvu · 8 months
Happy Thursday hoes, let’s get to it!
Todays pros: citytv thinks im in TO so I’m getting it started at six!
Cons: no subtitles.
Alright, OG up first.
Love this new detective that’s a fanboy of everyone, makes me miss rollins lol
Pls let it be a female perp. We love a good female perp.
Okay seriously, this very subtle shaky cam is fucking terrible and hurts my head.
The GROAN I let out at the sight of Samantha in her well fitted pants suit sitting there like a fucking badass pissed off look on her face. Ma’am. Please. (yes, she is the only reason I watch this show)
Okay, the pedo may be the only eye witness, but they still have blood on the murderers pants, don’t they? Would that not tie it together enough? Or is it because the eye witness was the one who lead them to him? God I hate the legal system.
I REALLY wish this show would show more of the arguing between Nolan and Sam, like these two do NOT see eye to eye or have the same opinions on basically anything. And while I know major fighting would be called unprofessional, we at least used to see the lawyers get into it, or bantering. There’s so many times that you can tell just by the look of her face that Sam’s pissed, that she doesn’t think highly of him or his decisions on cases, like she hates him. I wanna see that play out on screen LOL
SVU time!
Let’s see if this week is any better than the last ones
Liv back in therapy, we love to see it.
A crumb of EO? Will that keep the crazies at bay? (like, I don’t even ship it but fuck am I sick of it now, the baiting is hella annoying and terrible, make it happen or not, don’t keep leading the actual ship fans on…)
Uhhh… is there not some kind of patient dr confidentiality? Like this bitch could have just lost her job (esp with someone like mcgrath involved… wtf..)
ITS THIS KIND OF SHIT THAT MAKES ME FERAL. In previous episodes they’ve had situations where shrinks couldn’t testify when they were the ONE witness, and like the entire case went into the trash because of it based off this exact type of situation… where TF is the continuity??
Okay… so she’s a minor so I can see the loophole here, BUT the therapist should have told her parents….
I knew it wasn’t the math tutor…
Ok… so mcgrath threatens to kill the math tutor, but when they’re picking up the son across the street he goes rage on benson?? And the iab captain? Shouldn’t you be attempting to punch the kid or something? God I really hope this ep is his last…
“can you drop that to me?” good thing Bruno’s there cause fin would have ZERO ideas on how to do that…
“until the age of 25 the male brain is about as useful as an electrified meatball” jfc… that wins for best line of the night.
Where the fuck is Velasco? Like.. man deserves his paycheques too..
Okay, mcgrath’s wife needs to shut the fuck up, liv’s trying to help her daughter and she accuses liv of gunning for mcgrath’s job.. jfc..
I was expecting mcgrath to throw hands not pull out his fucking GUN jfc… and like.. that was infront of two cars, that’s gonna be on a dash cam somewhere…
This is one of those one case turns into 4 but there’s only 5 mins left of the episode… cmon…
“I guess I didn’t see it in myself…” THANK YOU I was just gonna bring up the whole half assed back plot of mcgrath being abusive… (which is on par for cops, and ironic that the woman playing his wife was the wife of a cop who abused/raped her in 1.o)
This very much seems like a good bye. Pls let it be a good bye. Petition to bring back Garland!
Okay… im confused, I looked at my phone for 5 seconds and lost track of what was happening. Is the iab captain joining svu, cause that doesn’t work…theyre both captains. Or is she saying she’ll be filling in for mcgrath in the meantime??
Onto OC!
Okay, I am incredibly thankful for carisi on oc, but he’s the *sex crimes* ada.. not the only Manhattan ada, he wouldn’t be prosecuting this case… lol
Me: “wait I thought he was an officer.”
Reyes: “detective?” *side eye*
Me: ah yes, okay he was promoted the writers didn’t forget between weeks.
God this entitled pos teenager… wtf… its not *your* house bitch.
Ah, thank god, here’s the arguing that was missing in OG, not surprised its Elliot. Lol.
Oh god..the bratty teen overheard that didn’t she? Fuck..
God… this girl is gonna blow the entire thing, isn’t she? Like, in todays day and age with all the social media and how teenagers (and some adults) don’t know how to go without it, there’s no way they’d cut contact with everyone and delete socials and keep things quiet.
Aaaaaannd here we go. 5 seconds in and she’s blown their new location. (also WHY would the cops even tell them the location? That seems like something they wouldn’t do until they were halfway there…)
Okay… we’re missing a daughter.. I don’t know if this is supposed to be Maureen or elizabeth but I’m assuming liz as it looks like her kids are twins and she was the twin… Also where’s dickie? (I know the brother said something about someone not being able to get a flight? Im just deaf and without subtitles I couldn’t tell ya what exactly was said lol)
How old is this younger brother supposed to be? The only info online I can find is the actor is 50 which im not sure I believe.
Okay there’s dickie he’s in the background!
These guys KNEW they were in a high risk situation and none of them have a vest anywhere near them? ARE WE DUMB?! IS IT OUR FIRST DAY ON THE JOB?
Okay, there’s the other kid.
Maureen and Kathleen giving side eye while sipping their drinks while the tea is being spilt is the highlight of this moment.
This is SOOO awkward for everyone else at the table jfc… ESPECIALLY Eli’s poor girlfriend.. like. Welcome to the family drama, don’t worry we never have to come back…
Why the fuck did jet not grab the other gun?!
Me: unfazed at Elliot body slamming a teenager.
Bell: *casually* “I’m shot”
I knew this other captain was going to be coming more into play, but im pissed its cause bell’s out with a gunshot wound.
Okay well, another week and OC is continuing it’s reign as superior of the three!
Some pics for context/hilarity
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ageofbajabule · 2 years
Dear Patience | Part Four
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Jake Kiszka x F! Reader
Warnings: 18+ NO MINORS!! Arguing, alcohol consumption. Fluff
Word Count: 2.8k (It’s shorter than the other parts previously. It’s nearing the end of the series and my writers block was really kicking my ass)
Summary: 2020-2021 Time jump, and some very emotional moments.
Author’s Note: Hey y’all!! Here is part 4, this is a bit shorter than I wanted it. But I’m nearing the end of this series, I really think part 5 will be the end, or part 6 I’m still deciding as I write. So please bare with me🤍
Dear Patience Masterlist
General Masterlist
Apple Music Playlist
Spotify Playlist
The sound of your alarm was going off. 8am. “Shit!” You shot up from your bed, seeing Jake sleeping peacefully on your bed. You crawled over to kiss his cheek. “Hey… Jakey…” You whispered in his ear, making him groan. “What is it?” He shifted to look at you, “I have to get ready for class. I need to be there in order to graduate early this year…” You smiled softly, he got up kissing your lips softly. “Alright, I should probably head back home anyways. Josh has been wanting us at the studio by 9am ever since we started working on the album.”
Jake got up from your bed, putting his clothes back and getting his things together. You smiled, grabbing a robe to put on, walking up to him. “Will you call me later?” You looked up at him, he nodded. “I’ll talk to you as soon as we’re done darlin.” He kissed your forehead. And walked out your apartment leaving you to your lonesome self.
You headed to the bathroom to start the shower, and waited till it was at the perfect temperature to get in. Throughout your shower you exfoliated and shaved like your normal routine. And washed your hair and body. After a good 15 minutes spent in there, you got out blow drying your hair before throwing it up in a messy bun. Grabbing a pair of comfy clothes, to head off to your morning classes.
Luckily you only had two more months left of this hell. It felt like an eternity, but wanting to graduate early meant taking up more classes.
Your day was going by like any other, Mr. Zovaks seminar was an absolute bore. But of course you needed a good recommendation letter for the job you were hoping to get after graduation.
“Y/N!” You heard your friend Emily calling you. You turned around to face her, “Hey Em, what’s up?” Emily got close to you, “What’s going on with you and Sam? I haven’t seen him around.” You sighed, “Sam and I have broken up. It’s for the better anyways… He’s focusing on music, and I’m focusing on this…” You hated having to lie, but you didn’t want her to know what Sam had truly done. “Aw, I’m sorry babes… I’m sure everything will work in the end.” You nodded, smiling, “Hey, do you think Mr. Zovak is gonna lecture us on that stupid book?” You giggled.
Emily nodded to you, “Why wouldn’t he, especially in his monotone voice…” She groaned hearing the door to the classroom open, revealing the professor himself coming in. Here we go.
Throughout the lecture you took notes, and shared thoughts with the class. And before you knew it, class was practically over. After class Mr. Zovak called you over to hand you your recommendation letter. “Miss Y/L/N, I must say. You will do excellent in your career. You are a brilliant writer.” He complimented your work, “Thank you Mr. Zovak, I’m really hoping this publishing company in Nashville accepts my application…” You smiled softly. “I believe you’ll end up in good hands there. Good luck.” He went back to cleaning up his desk area, you then left the classroom.
On your way back to your apartment you had received a phone call from Emily.
You: Hey Em, what's up?
Em: Have you seen twitter yet?
You: No, why what’s going on there…
You put Em on speaker and went to look at twitter.
Em: Jake’s got a new girl, I didn’t even know he had a heart to give like that.
That’s when your feed refreshed and surely enough Jake’s arm was snaked around the mystery woman’s waist. You felt tears build up.
You: Good for him, hopefully he doesn’t break her heart.. Em I’ll talk to you later, I have to finish up some work for some classes.
Em: Alright, I’ll talk to you later Y/N.
Why would he do this to you? Were you just a joke to him, an easy lay? Maybe it was just in the boys' nature to be such assholes. You carried on with your night finishing up work for classes, keeping in contact with the job opportunity waiting for you in Nashville.
Then you heard a knock on your door, you shot up from your couch looking through the peephole. It was Jake on the other side. You opened the door, revealing him in front of you. “Hey Dar-“ You cut him off, “Don’t darlin’ me, how could you Jake!” You yelled at him, he frowned. “You weren’t supposed to find out like this, and it’s more complicated than you think.” He walked in trying to hold your hands, you yanked them from him. “Complicated! It looks pretty blunt to me. Jacob, you're dating someone! A very beautiful girl, who probably has no idea who I am, and that you just fucked me.” You started to cry, “Y/N, I love you…” “Save it. You never loved me, all I ever was to you was someone to play mind games with. You will never change…” You felt you fists clench.
“Please just give me a chance.” “Jacob. No. Just, just get out. Pretend like I never existed and that you never cared… As a matter of fact, that goes for all of you. Don’t contact me ever again…” You started to push him out, “But Y/N!” You slammed the door on his face, you could hear him hit the door as you locked it.
This was the last you heard from him, from any of the guys. You kept Danny’s contact in your phone, but as far as the rest of them. Gone. Deleted. You just focused on yourself.
Summer of 2021
A world pandemic had hit back in early 2020 making graduation an unusual experience, and your move to Nashville quite difficult. Since then, you’ve been making quite the reputation for yourself while living here. You loved your job, attending concerts, taking photos and interviewing artists. It was all you could ever dream of. There were times where you felt alone, all your family was back in Michigan while you were on your lonesome self in a big city.
However you kept yourself busy with writing and taking up some side gigs to photograph weddings and family shoots. You were never really home, you were constantly out with the traveling your job brought you. And when you were home it was just to catch up on sleep and spend time with some friends.
There was a new gig offered to you for this week. A show back to back, you couldn’t turn it down. Especially since you were asked to interview the band, and take some photos for the magazine. You weren’t told who the band was, most times it wasn’t announced until the day of, or when you arrived. It built up the excitement for you, leaving it a mystery.
The show was taking place at the Firstbank Amphitheater. Beautiful venue, you showed up to get your all access badge. “Hi I’m here for the show tonight, I’m from Nashville Music Guide. I’m conducting an interview and taking some photos of the band.” You smiled at the lady at the front entrance, she nodded. “Just need to see your confirmation and then I can bring you back.” You smiled, pulling out your work badge and work paper.
She then brought you past the gates, handing you your all access badge. “There is a lobby over there if you’d like to help yourself to coffee, water, and whatever appetizers. Their manager should be out shortly to discuss whatever before meeting them.” The lady smiled at you, leaving you on your own. You grabbed a water bottle, taking a sip from it looking around the lobby to see if there were any signs of who was performing. But nothing yet.
Then you heard footsteps coming your way, “Hello! You must be one of the writers from Nashville Music Guide.” You turned around to face who you presume is the band's manager, “Yes, yes I am. I’m Y/N, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” You put your hand out to shake his, which he kindly shook. “The guys are just finishing up getting changed, they are to be on in an hour, and this interview should take about 40 minutes.” He said to you, you nodded in response. “And I will be sure not to go over.” You giggled softly, “Alright if you would follow me this way, we have an area set up for you all to sit.”
You sat in a chair across from a couch in the room. You got your tape recorder out and notepad to write down whatever responses they have to your questions. After about 5 minutes you heard footsteps approaching, you looked up to see the 4 guys you grew up with. “Y/N?” Danny looked at you, “Hi guys.” You smiled softly trying to not make it obvious that this was awkward. “It’s so nice to see you, how have you been?” He pulled you in for a hug, you hugged him back. “I’m good, I've been working a lot lately.” You giggled, “That’s amazing, really dove into writing and photography huh?” He chuckled softly, “It’s really nice to see you Y/N!” Josh chimed in hugging you, you hugged back.
“This is just crazy! I can’t believe you guys are performing tonight. Album is completed?” You smiled, “Yeah, we released it back in April. And now we’re debuting it for some shows.” Sam chipped in, he cut his hair. All the guys looked great after not seeing them for a year and a half. “I think it is our greatest work yet.” Jake smiled. “Well if you guys would sit, and we can start this interview. Your manager told me you’re on a time limit, and I don’t want to overstep…”
The guys all nodded and sat down across from you. You caught a glimpse at Jake. He looked good, and definitely changed his style a bit since the last time you saw them. Throughout the interview you asked basic questions in regards to their new album, upcoming shows and what not. And also asked some silly little questionnaires for the paper. Overall you all had a good time, even caught up a bit in the midst of it all.
“Alright guys, I think that’s all I need. Thank you all so much for your time. This has been great.” You smiled at them all, catching Jake staring at you. “Don’t worry this won’t be the last time you see me, I’ll be photographing tonight and tomorrow’s show.” You smiled at them, “Maybe after the show we can all get together.” Danny chirped, “If you’re all okay with that, I’d love to.” You smiled. Josh, Sam and Danny said their yes’s and Jake nodded in agreement. He stayed silent for most of the interview and time you were together in the same room.
The guys had left the room, leaving you to gather your things and put them in your bag. You set up your camera gear, and made your way to where the other photographers were. This venue was gorgeous and so many people were here. You were impressed with how far they’ve come.
Throughout the first two songs you took pictures of all the guys making sure they were good shots as well. You loved this part of your job. It was a passion really. After you got your pictures, you hung out off to the side stage to watch the remainder of the show. Their new music was definitely brilliant work, and you couldn’t believe all of the work they put into it.
After the show was over the guys met up with you taking you back with them. They all had gotten showers and decided on going out to a bar, you had agreed to join them. You left your work stuff in your car and decided to drive over and meet the guys at the bar. Once you arrived you got out and met them outside the building and walked in together.
“I really appreciate you coming out with us. I’ve definitely missed hanging out with my best friend.” Danny pulled you in for a side hug. “I’ve missed it too. I’m sorry for going M.I.A.” You looked up at him, “Hey, no need to apologize. I get it, you were going through a difficult break up with Sammy. But I swear to you, he’s worked on himself since then. You should really talk and make amends at some point.” He smiled softly and you nodded.
You all sat at a table in a corner ordering drinks and shots. You guys were catching up, filling them in on what you’ve been doing where you live and etc. The guys filled you in on them moving to Nashville this fall to be closer to their recording studio, which made you happy knowing you would have people that felt close to home.
Going up to the jukebox to play some music Sam joined you. “Hey bug… I just want to formally apologize for the way I acted. You never deserved that kind of treatment and I never wanted us to end on bad terms. I miss my best friend…” He looked at you. “Sam, I know. And I’m sorry for going ghost on you. You didn’t deserve that either… I was just, really going through it. And didn’t know how to cope any other way. I just want to move past it all…” You smiled at him, “So are we good?” You asked him, “Of course bug.” He pulled you in for a hug.
When you hugged Sam you saw Jake peeking over from the table, he was watching the two of you. But when he caught your eyes he looked away. You departed from the hug and picked some songs with Sam to play in the bar.
The remainder of the night was fun, filled with dancing, drinking and singing. Drunk singing to be exact. But it was time to head out as the bar did last calls. You had sobered up to drive home, but before leaving you made sure to get all of the guys new contacts. They all started to make their ways to the hotel they were staying at, but Jake stayed behind.
“Y/N…” You were walking but stopped and turned around. “Yeah Jake…” You looked up at him, “I just, I just want to talk… If you will hear me out.” He looked at you, fidgeting with his belt loop. “I’m all ears…” You held onto your sweater. “I’m really sorry for being a dick and treating you the way I did all these years… I just. I never know how to express myself, and all I’ve ever been good at is fucking up any good thing that ever comes my way…” “Jake that’s not true, you’re doing great with music.” You smiled softly at him, “No, this doesn’t have to do with that. I let my ego get to me and pushed you out… And I know you will probably never forgive me for that, and I completely understand. But I just want you to know how sorry I am.”
You could see the tears in his eyes, “Jake. I’m…” You started to choke on your words as tears formed, “I’m so sorry for not giving you the chance to speak that night… I was just so angry.” He looked at you, “I know, I’ll never forget the look of hurt on your face… I really let you down that night. I’ll never forgive myself for it.” He sighed, “I really appreciate you coming to talk to me, and clearing this…” You hugged him tightly, “Thank you, for giving me the opportunity.” He hugged back tightly and kissed the top of your head. “Would you want to get together sometime to discuss things some more?” He looked at you, “I would like that Jake.”
After your conversation the two of you remained in touch letting the boys finish their small debut tour and press releases. You had gotten close again with all the guys, it's like you never left.
4 Months Later
They boys had officially moved to Nashville, Jake and Josh had bought a house together. And Sam and Danny got their own place as well. You had shown them around town to get them comfortable in the area, not like they’ve never been here before but to show them the best places to eat and such.
Jake had texted you one evening.
Captain Jake: Hey, are you free Saturday night? :)
You: Yeah, did you have something in mind?
Captain Jake: I was thinking about dinner at my place? Josh and the guys are going out, and I’m really looking forward to that conversation I wanted to have with you.
You: Yeah, absolutely. Do you want me to bring anything? :)
Captain Jake: Just yourself and that delicious apple pie you used to make for us back at home.
You: Alright! I will be sure to do that, I’ll see you this weekend Jake :)
Captain Jake: See you Saturday darlin :)
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
First and foremost....happy birthday to one of my favorite writers and mutual 😘🎂🎉
I am participating in your celebration by requesting a blurb with the following prompt with any of the amazing Avenger men of your choice
oh it's nothing it's just. you sing when you're happy and the place has been so quiet for so long, and I heard you- nevermind,
Lots of love 💗
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Kris thank you so much, you’re so freaking sweet!!!
A song in a quiet places
Pairing: Tony Stark x Reader
A/N: love that prompt!! I hope you like it. I’m going out of my comfort zone and writing for Tony!
The compound had been eerily quiet for months. Some team members were on the run, others were retired or under house arrest but you were still there. People still needed help and you just couldn’t turn your back on them. The first few months were the worst, you missed your friends and knowing they were on the run saddened you. Knowing that the team as a whole was gone and would most likely never get back together broke your heart.
The only other person in the compound was Tony. He mostly kept to himself when he isn’t out in the city but he can’t stand much of that either. People tend to be cruel because they’re divided on the accords. Everyone saw the videos of the fight at the airport and they’re very opinionated on the matter.
Now you’ve settled into a routine. You take the missions you can or you work on what you have in the lab. Projects that you had started with Tony but never finished. New suits for the team, updates for Sam’s wings and updates to Tony’s suits. On the bad days the pit in your chest that aches with loneliness consumes you. You kissed Tony most of all. The flirty back and forth and they way he would do whatever it took to cheer you up. There were a lot of reasons to be happy too. You still had a way of helping others, and you still managed to work on what you loved. On the good days you sing.
It’s what you were currently doing. Working on fixing your weapons and humming. It had started like a hum, then a murmur and then full blown singing at the top of your lungs. The guns long forgotten as you used the screwdriver as a microphone. Memories of late night jam sessions with Tony played vividly as you lost yourself in the music.
You scream when you turn toward the door as you realize someone was standing in the doorway.
“Tony! You can’t just sneak up on people like that.” You placed a hand over your chest trying to stop your heart from beating wildly. “What’s that smile for?”
“Oh it’s nothing it’s just… you sing when you’re happy and this place has been quiet for so long. And I heard you- never mind.”
“Wait. Don’t go, you just got here.” You moved to stand in the door so he wouldn’t leave just yet. “How have you been?”
“Just peachy.”
“Wow, I’ve never heard the Tony Stark with nothing to say.” You try to joke.
Tony pulls you close. Closer than you’d ever been before and your breath hitches.
“How about this for something to say. I’ve missed you. You have always been my favorite part of coming into the lab but for the last few months I didn’t have the nerve to come in here when you were so heartbroken. And that was my fault. But today when I heard you singing I thought that maybe you wouldn’t turn me away if I showed up.”
“Why would I turn you away?” You looked up at him confused.
“Because I was afraid you’d blame me for everything and I can have everyone hate me but not you.”
“Tony I could never hate you. I mean it, I care about you way too much.”
“Really?” His eyes lit up in a way you hadn’t seen in so long.
He smiles and leans in and presses a soft sweet kiss on your lips. Then he rests his forehead against yours.
Maybe now you had a new reason to sing.
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antigonewinchester · 11 months
ooh share something about hesitation or triptych? <3
I will self-indulgently to do both <3
Hesitation but IC is inspired by a Destiel fic called, surprise surprise, Hesitation, written by apokteino, who I think was a fairly prominent fic writer back in the day? She had a series of dark Destiel fics, including Hesitation, the Bone series, the When series, and most infamously With Understanding. I find her work interesting intellectually, in her focus on exploring questions around sexual violence, relationships formed under duress, and the complexities of perpetrators & victims & their dynamics, but it feels like she maps her ideas onto SPN rather than centering canon characterizations or dynamics (at least in my read of the show/characters).
So, I decided to try my hand at a fic with the same premise but more in line with canon, particularly taking into account Cas's control/power over Dean in S4 (and which I don't feel is negated just because of Cas's sexual inexperience, altho it does add some complexity) and Dean's full experience in Hell. Part 1 is from Dean’s POV and Part 2, which I’m currently working on, is from Cas’s:
“You told me Dean wanted to have sex with me. He did, and then he didn’t.” Zachariah and he are sitting at a bar in New York, the city. It’s night, but he can’t see any stars, only the glowing of offices and apartments and advertisements against the sky. One large, flashing sign reads: Open Happiness. The moon is a cut of pure white. The humans around them talk and whisper, blissfully ignorant of the angels and the war they’re fighting to protect them. Their breath forms clouds that rise to disappear into the dark. All are dressed in what he believes are fancy clothes, long flowing red fabrics and unwrinkled suits of black, but he’s no longer sure how much he knows about humanity. Zachariah shrugs. “Humans say they want one thing, then do another, and Dean Winchester is no exception. This is why they need Heaven’s hand, Castiel.” The woman sitting to his left laughs. The man she’s talking with has taken her palm and put it up against his. Her fingernails had been carefully painted in stripes of white and black.
Triptych is sort of the opposite end of the spectrum, in that it’s my attempt at a Dean/Jack fic after looking on AO3 and finding... 2 decent fics of the whole bunch.
I started out as just wanting to do Dean/Jack during S14, but its slowly turned into Dean/Jack in the aftermath of Dean/John, probably in part 'cause I started writing it in the midst of Utena rewatch, which all about memories & cycles & incest & eternity (and then when I got to the part of S14 where Dean suggested locking himself in a coffin for eternity to save the world...) I was also struck by a post of someone discussing a common Utena interpretation that one character didn't actually want to sleep with her brother, but the poster asked if she did, would that desire negate any harm? Does wanting something "bad" mean you can't be hurt by it? If a relationship was both meaningful & hurts you, how do those elements go together?
Got a bit stalled out on this one because Holy Shit the emotional complexities here, and I want to handle it respectfully? Not be gauche? My plan is to have it all lead up to 14x20 and Thee Dean Jack Moment, re-contextualizing it within the scope of my fic, but I'm still figuring out what it all... adds up to, I suppose. (Also that I'm bad at writing character being mean, and Dean has to be mean in this fic, at least for parts of it!)
Heaven turned out to be the world’s best movie night: his favorite memories playing over and over and over again. The road trip where Sam introduced him to Harry Potter and Dean taught him how to read a paper map. He could rewind and play through his favorite five minutes as many times as he wanted. He could make everything faster or slower, which was funny for a little while, but he stopped after it got weird, like when he repeated a word too much and suddenly something would change and it wouldn’t be a real word anymore, just meaningless sounds. He could change from memory to memory in an instant, if he really wanted, but mostly he liked to let them play out before he moved onto another. And once he got to end, it was back to the beginning: a conversation trailed off or a lesson finished and then he was back at the start, to Cas’s reassuring smile, telling him about mistakes and guilt and forgiveness, or Sam’s bright concern, telling him how to take a punch, or Dean’s warm hand on his back, telling him where north was. The one thing he couldn’t do was imagine anything new. He tried, at first, in the memory of that day with Dean, how their conversation at the river could have gone—Dean’s voice low as he’d whispered, “Come here,” and then—and then—but it never worked. Guiltily he’d moved onto other memories, and at least they were too the same: if he'd ordered a hot dog, all he could eat is a hot dog; if Sam and Dean had driven past the apple orchard on a hunt, there was no turning down the short dirt road to pick fruit instead.
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formosusiniquis · 4 months
20 Questions for Writers!
I was tagged by @augustjustice thank you!! 💕
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
47 at time of writing!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently pretty much exclusively Stranger Things, but I’ve written for several like It (2017), American Vandal (where are my Vandal friends at), etc.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
it's his party (and i'll fall if i want to) – Stranger Things, my first steddie fic in the fandom and most kudos’d by a mile thanks to hitting the biggest fandom window.
seven old losers on twitter – IT (2017)
sandra bullock eat your heart out – Stranger Things
if you like this you might also like: me – Stranger Things
starts with an h, sounds like potential – Stranger Things
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5. Do you respond to comments?
No… it’s my worst author habit and I’m sorryyyyyy I just get overwhelmed by them all, but I love you all and thank you so much to anyone who has taken the time to say something nice to me about my stuff. I keep them all in a special folder in my inbox.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I almost said I don’t have one because this is a happy endings only house and then I remembered that the rest of facts and pearls (both sensitive) only exists in my mind and is still technically a one chaptered ambiguous ending thing so probably that.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again this is almost always a happy ending only house. So maybe today is a new day to find you just because it’s so long and there’s some angst in the middle before we get to the ending (and also it’s my big bang fic from last year and my pride and joy)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Knock wood, but no. The worst I’ve gotten is a snarky comment in a bookmark and I think people forget that authors can actually see those.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
On occasion, though it’s rare. (Though there may be some more for Stevie Week if I can get my shit together). Usually it’s oral, because it’s easier to keep track of where everyone’s limbs are at.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not any that are published. As a baby writer I wrote some SPN/GO self-insert shit that will never ever see the light of day. Now it’s just not really my bag. I’ll occasionally sneak a reference to another piece of media in for my own amusement (see the Justified references that will be appearing in my summer exchange fic) but that’s about as far as I go.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nothing published, but I’ve had a lot of fun writing a ronance fic back and forth with my beloved @cauldronoflove and it’s definitely something I’d be up for doing with others if anyone is interested!
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Okay so I have steddie brainrot so if it’s romantic ships that, but actually it’s Steve&Robin. Some honorable mentions: Buckingham, Ronance, and for brain rots now dormant Sam/Peter (AV) and Newmann
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you will?
So the only blatantly unfinished WIP I have published is mi media naranja (and other things that need to ripen) which I do hope to one day finish (I have more chapters written that aren’t on AO3 but it’s been so long since I’ve posted I’m embarrassed to put them up). Technically facts and pearls has more to it that could be published that maybe one day I will, but the current ending is functional.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I write dialogue well. And I think I manage a pretty good internal monologue for my narrative POV character. Every now and then I’ll pop off with a little detail that implies significant character things.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I just can’t describe what a scene looks like, what are rooms and what are the characters doing in them? Idk use your imagination cause for all I know they’re all standing in a big empty room with big white walls.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I cannot do it! It’s part of why naranja is indefinitely delayed thanks to the plot I set up! I am monolingual.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
My first published fic (on a platform that isn’t AO3) is from the Mentalist. But I’m sure I have notebooks full of stories that I wrote as a kid for like Sisters Grimm or something.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I’m refusing to pick a favorite child so enjoy a collection of works that I’m proud of.
today is a new day to find you – my most beloved timeloop child. Possibly my magnum opus, a timeloop fic from a non-looper POV, it manages to be repetitive without feeling stagnant. I’m very proud of it!
Am I the Asshole? - it’s an epistolary fic in an atypical format so I’m actually pretty impressed with myself that I managed to get an actual overarching story that makes sense in the format. Also it’s Stobin QPR and that’s my favorite
the bells, the joy (together in darkness) – Stobin hivemind fic, it really does it all and I want everyone in the world to read it and love it
no pressure tagging some folks whose answers I would love to see if they want to do it! @cauldronoflove, @grasslandgirl, @aberfaeth, @thefreakandthehair, @stevespookington, @sevenmerrymagpies, and anyone else that would like to talk about their writing!
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buckets-and-trees · 1 year
Test Play
Title: Test Play Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: Game Designer!Bucky x Female!Reader Word Count: 1.8k
Summary: Sequel to Perfectionists. All hands on deck around the clock as SHIELD has to put in some extra work in order to get things ready for game approval before the beta test can be launched soon at PAX East, especially if they want to beat out HYDRA's new pending release. What will that mean for the new development between Bucky and SHIELD's top tier tester when there doesn't seem to be time for sleep, let alone... whatever this is?
Content/Concept Warnings: gamer AU; strong language; SMUT: vaginal fingering, cock warming; beefy Bucky who is soft but a menace
Catching up on @buckybarnesevents WEEK FOUR of Hot Bucky Summer: Free Week: suggested cock warming
Seventh square of @buckybarnesbingo C3: FREE SPACE - seemed fitting to couple it with HBS Free Week
When I wrote Perfectionists, I really didn't think I had more story to tell or that these two would get as much love as they did...so this is something I'm very excited to share for part of my Anniversary Sleepover event!
A/N: AND THANKS to @rookthorne who helped me with a bit of gamer lingo and encouraging these two and literally @vonalyn’s expertise in knowledge of the gaming industry! Chi especially not only steered me in the right direction, but you were so generous and indulgent of my inquiries!
story divider by @sgt-seabass, reblog graphic by @vase-of-lilies
Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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Steve looked over from his desk to see Bucky’s fingers tapping anxiously across the way on the corner of his desk, chin propped on his other hand, staring – glaring, really – at the clock on the wall. As the leads on the new Avengers story release for SHIELD, he and Bucky were on hold until the feedback from the latest round of testing hit their inboxes.
“You good?” Steve asked. None of them were great right now, but Steve felt keenly the need to make sure as captain of this crew that everyone was at least good.
The glower turned to him. “I’m fine, just… hate waiting.”
The icy blue stare didn’t faze Steve – he knew it wasn’t for him. “Maybe there are some preliminary notes we could get a jump on. Do you want me to go check on her progr–?“
“No, I’ll go,” Bucky cut him off and stood abruptly in the same second. He was out of the engineering and design lab before Steve could even respond.
Steve frowned.
Nat and Sam had gone down to consult with the marketing department, but Joaquin was still in the lab with him. “You know he hates these spots where there’s nothing to do until there’s something to do even more than you, Cap,” he quipped.
Steve sighed. “I know. But he seems even more worked up than usual, he’s never liked having to talk with the testers before now, but I guess desperate times…”
Steve went back to refreshing his inbox because there definitely were more things he needed to communicate back to the other teams, even if the other part of his work was on hold, so he missed the slight smirk on Joaquin’s face.
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Bucky was on a direct path, not to be deterred by anyone if they were trying to get his attention in any way. As he came around a corner, he nearly collided with T’Challah, lead writer on the story design team.
“Barnes! My apologies!”
“Oh, no!” Bucky’s face turned a bright red. Anyone else and Bucky with his broad chest and hulking frame would’ve probably bowled them over. “That was all me.”
Though they’d worked together from time to time over the last year, Bucky still didn’t know him very well, but T’Challah was one of the few others at SHIELD Bucky enjoyed working with outside of his own team and he had a fair bit of respect from the man.
“On your way to the test room?” T’Challah guessed.
Bucky rubbed the back of his neck. “Guilty.”
T’Challah smiled. “I just came from there. From our conversation, I expect we’re closer than we hoped on getting this mode online with the rest of the release. She’s not done yet, but I think you’ll like what she has to say.”
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You glanced over your shoulder when you heard someone closing the door to the test room. “I can not go any faster, I promise.”
You did a double-take and paused the game when you saw the giant gaming engineer who had ruined you a week earlier crossing the room. “Hi,” you breathed and returned the soft smile you saw on his face. You were glad it was dim in the room so he couldn’t see every detail of your expression, feeling flushed at the sight of him, and biting the slight edge of your bottom lip.
“Hi,” he returned warmly. There was a slight twinkle in his eye as his gaze swept over you. “What is this?” he gestured up and down as he planted himself down next to you, body angled to you and not the gaming screen.
You were cocooned with only hands sticking out from one blanket draped over your head and your shoulders and another wrapped around your legs. “It is Women’s Winter! I’m trying not to freeze in the extremes of corporate American summer air conditioning temperatures!”
Bucky laughed. He laughed around the team, but rarely around anyone else. And this? With you? This was still so new, but it was nice.
“Here, I’ll help warm you up.” Bucky settled in on the couch directly next to you. His hulking frame made the couch dip slightly beneath him, and that brought your cocooned self partially into his lap. He wrapped one beefy arm around your back and the other rested over your legs.
“Hi,” you said again, a whisper this time.
“Hi.” The dimness of the room did not prevent you from seeing the heat that was building in his gaze.
That look made you want to squirm in the best way – to be writhing under him. He was so big you had to tilt up your head to look into each other’s eyes, but that was no problem. It meant a natural invitation for Bucky to lean down and capture your lips in a kiss.
Which he did.
The sweet greeting of the kiss, not having seen each other for a few days, melted away quickly into more. His tongue teased at the seam of your lips, and you opened your mouth to him eagerly. It was hungry and demanding, and he pulled a moan from your throat.
And for some reason your brain switched back on, and you laughed breathlessly and pulled away.
“Buck, no.”
“Buck, yes.”  
He circled his arms around you completely now and burrowed his head into the crook of your neck, mouthing at the tender flesh there, a little nipping, kissing, and licking that had you moaning again.
The thud as the controller hit the floor reminded you again that you were supposed to be finishing the test play, not letting Bucky play with your body.
You jumped out of his arms and retrieved the controller.
“Buck, anyone could come in and see us! We’re lucky no one caught us the first time.”
The grin does not leave his devastatingly handsome face. “I specifically locked the door when I came in this time.”
You laughed but shook your head. “That was awfully presumptuous!”
His expression softened, and he reached for your hand. You let him pull you closer as he spoke. “It might have been presumptuous, but it wasn’t my only intention. I’ve been eager to see you, spend time with you. One night of fun last week and lunch the next day before the HYDRA shitstorm… that’s not all I wanted with you.”
He held your hand up and kissed your palm before pulling you even closer. You melted into him as he circled his arms around your waist, your blankets having pooled at your feet. One of your hands threaded into his hair, the other wrapped gently around his neck. He turned his head, resting his cheek against your front, and you felt and heard him take in a deep breath and then exhale slowly. You felt that energy mirror inside of you as well.
You didn’t think he had only used you for one hot night of pleasure – the hours spent wrapped up in each other on the couch after fucking, and then waking up in your own bed the next morning to a text already waiting asking if you wanted to get lunch had said a lot – but it had not been the week to jump into … whatever this was going to be. Ten days ago Barnes had only been the guy you had harbored a crush on and thought didn’t like you one bit since you had been professionally clashing for months as game engineer and game tester.
Literally while you had been at lunch, teasing him about his questionable choice of footwear, Bucky had received a flurry of Slack messages and then a call from Steve. They had intel on review notes from the beta release HYDRA had submitted to one of the first party platforms and Fury had decided to bring the Deep Shadow Conditions mode back into the release SHIELD was going to submit to the first party platforms for approval at the end of next week.
Meaning Bucky and the rest of his team had only by necessity taken any kind of breaks to sleep and refuel for the last seventy-two hours, you’d exchanged all of five texts, and had only seen him from across the main floor once in all that time.
So, this was nice.
Your Apple Watch buzzed at your wrist, and you groaned and pushed away from Bucky, hastily moving around to stand behind the couch.
“I’ve got to finish this test play!”
And you hit resume on the game, leaned forward, and planted your elbows on the back of the couch, getting back into the zone.
Bucky heaved himself over the back of the couch and closed in on you, caging you in on either side with his massive biceps, his big solid chest at your back.
“Bucky!” you tried to take a stern tone, but it was hard when you were relishing the measured weight of him against you.
“I’m not stopping you,” he murmured against the back of your neck.
“Bucky! Really!”
He shifted slightly and then you could feel the smirk of his lips on the side of your neck. He planted one hot kiss there, then said, “If you’re so damn good at what you do, keep playing.”
“Are you issuing me a challenge?”
“Just a chance to prove what a consummate professional you are.”
“Challenge accepted. You are an incorrigible menace,” you laughed.
“Actually, I’m cold.”
“You were judging me and my blankets not even five minutes ago,” you said, focused on the action on the screen.
While he remained hunched over your back, you felt him moving again, and you heard but didn’t register the sound of his belt unbuckling.
“Blankets? No,” he murmured in your ear, “I need you to warm me up.”
“Oh,” you moaned when his broad hand cupped your pussy.
“Think you can do that for me?”
He stroked firmly.
“Part of the testing is to see if we’ve got a game that captures the player’s attention, right? I’m just helping you test this aspect, see if a player can become easily distracted, lose interest – that’s the last thing we want.”
Slowly but purposefully Bucky undid your pants and you fought to keep your breathing even and your eyes open and where they were supposed to be as he pulled them down with your underwear. Then he nudged his right foot on the inside of yours to push your legs further apart while two of his fingers moved over your soft, slickening folds. Then he sunk his cock into you, and you both exhaled at the feel of him inside of you.
“How’s that?”
You let out a slight whimper.
“That good, huh? You’re never at a loss for words with that talented tongue.”
You elbowed him gently. “You really wanna play, Barnes? You tease that you just need some cock warming? You get me to break, and then you can fuck me however you like.”
“Oh, I can be patient. I’ll get you to beg for me to fuck you. We’ll see who gets desperate first.”
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Link to the List of Sleepover Games
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