#Sanji and Luffy fanfiction and of course the crew!
ezraonfire · 9 months
I love to write
when I was kid I found my passion for reading and soon after I also found out how much writing was to me. But I had so much trouble making writing making sense. But over the time I gotten better, I started writing more and more and I wanted to write books.
I hope one day I can publish my book that I am currently writing for world to read
The book that hopefully continue to write is the VR Truth.
I started writing three years ago I believe and procrastinating to write more the chapters.
But I won't give up I have written so much that I can't give on it.
I will explain a little bit about the VR truth later in another post.
thank you for just looking at this
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leventart-den · 7 months
This should have been Sanji's Angst idea for a few sentences, I swear.
I'm still on episode 229 of One Piece so all my knowledge is only from spoilers and fanfiction and that means I know very little regarding Sanji's story. But the few fanfics I've seen about "Germa Sanji" make my brain work.
I just can't help but think what if Sanji had run away when he was little and met Zeff. So he learned to cook, fight with his feet, and was shaped enough as a person into the Sanji we know. But then, about a year before the canon meeting with Luffy and the others, he was somehow found and kidnapped back to Vinsmoke. He was again experimented, tortured and trained into the perfect soldier. Although his emotions could not be eradicated from him, so he is constantly kept on drugs that suppress emotions and feelings.
So these few years while the Straw Hats sailed the seas on adventures, Sanji did the dirty work of an assassin for Germa and the Vinsmoke. And then one day the target that Sanji was ordered to eliminate turned out to be the Straw Hat pirates. Of course this didn't end well for him and here he is tied up on their ship in the middle of the sea with Zoro as his overseer most of the time (hi ZoSan). He caused them problems in the first days, constantly running away and not having anywhere to escape, which ended in constant fights. Poor Usopp and Chopper all this time felt as if they were in a horror movie with a maniac on a ship who was hunting them. The nights were the most terrible times for them. Poor souls.
Although as the days passed, his escapes and attacks became less frequent. The crew did not understand why and were very suspicious of this. On Sanji's part, the reason was that the drugs with which he was pumped began to fizzle out and without a new dose he began to come to his senses. His emotions and feelings began to return and he began to wonder what he was doing and why, no longer being a weak-willed killing tool for his father. He began to remember Zeff and all the "good things". Although with this came the other side of the coin - a terrible withdrawal from the drugs to which his body had become so accustomed over all these years. The flow of negative feelings along with good ones turned out to be no less difficult. Sanji began to feel as if he was literally going crazy and dying. Although, he thought, maybe this is not so bad after all the terrible deeds that he committed and everything that his blood family and those around him did to him. 
The first couple of days were the most difficult because his training and the remnants of drugs in his mind competed with his awakening feelings and it drove him crazy. Those few times between the lulls in which he tried to escape and attack, Sanji was no longer a cold-blooded killer, but rather a driven monster. The crew had already begun to seriously worry about Zoro, who at these moments was left alone with him, only being able to hear all the screams and growls of anger and the sounds of a fight that made the walls crack.
It always ended in blood with Sanji manhandled and pinned to the floor and Zoro with another broken rib but on top, breathing heavily into Sanji's ear another "had enough?" And getting no answer, Zoro always dragged him back to the post, tying him up again. He wishes they had chains because the ropes are starting to run low with this bastard. He's strong, Zoro has to admit.
Although as the days pass, Sanji becomes less aggressive and more exhausted and sick mentally and physically. This stirred a spark of concern among the crew. Because when the constant battles for life and adrenaline began to end, they were finally able to look at the situation soberly. Everything about this guy was strange and abnormal. His eyes now had a very different look than when they first met. Not to mention his general demeanor. He even thanked Nami when she brought him food one day and tried to smile. Although it was very crooked and uncertain, like a shadow. It was as if the muscles of his face had become unaccustomed to this emotion and were trying to remember what it was like to smile. At some point, even Chopper, who was very afraid of him, volunteered to visit and check his condition, under the supervision of Zoro, of course.
Everything goes well in the sense that Sanji behaves relatively calmly, even perhaps overly clinical when answering Chopper's questions after learning that he is a "doctor". As if he was used to answering them. This worries the little reindeer. And not only this. What he learns about the condition of their unwanted guest upsets Chopper to the core. He expected anything but this. Awareness of the true situation turns everything upside down. When he leaves the cabin to meet the others, he does not explain anything (doctor's code not to disclose patient's secrets) but asks them to trust him and follow the instructions.
Over the next hour or so, the place where they are holding Sanji (they finally learn that this is his name) becomes more like a room with a mattress and a blanket laid down. A jug of water and a glass and a plate of sandwiches on a makeshift table from a box. They are hanging a few more lamps to make it brighter. Several books are placed not far from him. The ropes were removed although Zoro was now watching him even more closely.
The swordsman knows what this man is capable of better than any of them, he cannot underestimate the enemy. Although the more he watches him and listens to what he says to others, the more he feels the atmosphere is inexorably changing. He no longer clutches the hilt of his sword at every unexpected movement of the curly-browed man.
The Straw Hat Pirates don't know how or when it happened, but Sanji slowly but surely turned from a threat to someone who needed help in their perception and, a little later, a member of their crew. It’s just that one morning, when Zoro came to his shift, he didn’t find him in the room but with Luffy in the kitchen. He was making breakfast with unstable hands while their captain sat on a stool and silently smiled as he watched.
This was their new beginning.
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skullwillow155 · 4 months
Two years is a long time...
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Other chapters: should be the right link:
Chapter 3
Hi. Here is another chapter. The next one might have some fluff and more relationship stuff. Hope it's OK. I might reedit at some point as I feel I might need to add a few things.
Just for reference Shika = Jeshika it's Just easy to write
Sanji was grateful to finally see Shika; not just because it was her, but because he was also grateful to see an actual woman. The last few years had made him miss women; but most of all, he missed the touch and sight of women; more specifically, this one woman. His woman. Always his. As he remembered being on that godforsaken island, he clung to the smell and surroundings that he was currently. He couldn’t tell you how grateful he was to see all 3 ladies again, but the island did do one thing. It made him realise how much Shika meant to him. He knew they were something before they separated, but they were new and hadn’t put much thought into what they were. Over time, he came to realise he wanted; no needed more.
His thoughts kept coming back to that over the last few days, which prompted him to never leave her side, always within touching distance; almost always touching. Shika noticed the increased touching but didn’t say anything. She just enjoyed it for what it was almost afraid if she said anything it would stop. Sanji fawned over her, constantly making sure that she had everything she needed, even before she knew she needed it. Food parcels, clothes washed; anything. This made him happy, and it made her happy to be the centre of his attention. That’s all he needed for now.
Zoro was in a similar position; trying to sleep and drink and push away the feelings gnawing in his stomach; the more he felt the stirrings, the more he over drunk his Sake and slept. It was the only way to not think of her. Though sleep didn’t always stop that. He couldn’t say he hated it, but being as emotionally stunted as he was, he couldn’t place why. He just thought he hated seeing her with that stupid blonde haired moron but in reality, it was different. He couldn’t help but scowl every time Sanji touched Shika, and every time he saw he laugh at something. The feeling in his gut would not go away. It got to a point where Shika had noticed that she felt the swordsman’s eyes on her more than once.  Even Nami had felt the tension in the air, which made her curious.
During the next few days, none of them had moved off the ship; only to restock a few supplies here and there. That was until Luffy started getting bored. Once the festivities and reunions had worn off, Luffy was itching for adventure. One morning, they had been woken up to Luffy shouting and throwing himself off the ship in glee. There had been rumblings of marines in the area, and that there was something going down in Sabaody, and of course, Luffy was the first to throw himself into it.
Shika was woken with Luffy shouting and the whole crew running to see what their captain was shouting about. But they didn’t have much time to discuss. She had walked out hair a mess and her sleeping clothes hanging half off her body. Both the men stared at her. Sanji’s heart beating out of his chest, hearts already in his eyes. Of course, he had been up for hours, but to see her like this made him want to take her in his arms. Instead, he pressed a kiss to her hand and handed her a bite to eat. Zoro’s eye’s narrowing at the sight, and a sudden urge fluttered in his heart. He had never seen her so beautiful… he immediately pushed that thought out of his head and was pulled out of any further thoughts by his Captain’s shouting. He guessed their quiet was over for now… though a part of him was happy to be distracted for a while.
Luffy was already off the ship, no one really having a clue what he was shouting about bit knew something was going down. They all quickly ran to get dressed and get things ready before splitting up. One group was trying to find Luffy. The other heading into town to find out what the marines were doing back in Sabaody.
Of course, Zoro got put with the idiot cook, Chopper, and Shika. Whilst Nami, Franky, Robin and Brook went off to follow there captain. He let out an almost audible frustrated growl and being stuck with the love sick fool but he felt a small happiness at being with the other two, though he put that down to being with Chopper and not being alone with the chef.
Once they were all ready, they took a stroll onto the island. Sanji grabbed Shika’s hand while Chopper sat a top of Zoro’s head. Zoro narrowed his eyes at the sight but quickly looked away. His hand tightened over his katana.
The next few hours were pretty uneventful, they had found out that Sentomaru was around but they had yet to find out where he was and currently they wanted to stay low and find out what was going on. Obviously, Luffy was doing his own thing, but the rest had finally agreed to find out more information; much to Zoro’s annoyance. He wanted to beat the crap out of Sentomaru, but he was out voted and out voiced by everyone else he had no choice but to agree.
Though Zoro couldn’t quite be that annoyed now, they were in the bar. A sake in his hand, and Shika sat up close to him in the booth, which felt like a dream. He could feel his heart increase, and his body grew warm. He shouldn’t be feeling like this; he thought to himself, trying to ignore Shika and the blond idiot; instead focusing on chopper; who was currently sitting on Shika’s lap. Chopper was animated and drinking his milk, making an adorable picture. As time went on, they started to discuss what to do in regard to the marines and especially Sentomaru. But Zoro’s thoughts kept being distracted by the heat radiating from Shika.
As Sanji went to grab some more drinks for them all Shika shuffled a little to look at Zoro, slight concern showing on her face. Zoro was quieter than usual, and that didn’t sit right with her. Not one bit. She didn’t want to make a fuss in the presence of chopper, but she found his hand and squeezed it, raising her eyebrow to see if he was alright. What she didn’t realise was that touch made Zoro tense; though he tried not to show it… all his thoughts zeroing in on her hand in his and the heat coming from it. He cleared his throat and took his hand away, going to pick up his sake, but he could still feel the heat like it was seared into his palm. “Am fine…” he spoke in monotone, trying so hard to stay stoic and calm. Just as he was about to say something else, Sanji came back over with the drinks, while placing them down his gaze, looking to Shika, not noticing the tension.
“You never guess what…” his voice cutting through the silence. “When I was at the bar… I heard someone say something about us… well, not us… someone pretending to be us. They said the Strawhat’s had already been in here, causing trouble. Luckily, they didn’t recognise us, but i do think we should maybe leave and find out who these imposters are.” All three listened to Sanji’s words. Zoro still slightly zoned out, focusing on his hand; that was until he felt himself being pulled out of the booth.
As they were about to leave, 3 people walked into the bar.
“Hey old man, get us a drink and maybe some food too.” A loud voice boomed through the bar and whispers picked up. “Is that… yes that must be… the Strawhat crew…” whispers picked up and the 3 men walked into view.
Fake Luffy, Zoro, Sanji.
Luckily, the other 4 were still hiding near the booth. Once they heard the whispers, they turned around to see who was the subject of those whispers, and Shika couldn’t help but let out a snort, half expecting Luffy to walk in, but no. These 3? These 3 looked terrible.
Zoro let out a laugh as the slightly blonde one called himself Sanji. Sanji just had a scowl on his face. “How in the world would anyone think that’s me.” He said with disbelief. Zoro laughed harder. He couldn’t help it. “I don’t know. I can see the resemblance cook. ” he felt Sanji glare at him but quickly turned his gaze to the imposter, sorrow plastered on his face as he felt disrespected. “Shut it, mosshead, yours ain’t much better,” he smirked back. Zoro was going to retort when he heard another gunshot.
Zoro stared at Sanji, not uttering a word. Instead, Sanji nodded and grabbed Shika’s and pulled her to get out of the bar; hoping Zoro would keep his cool this once. Luckily for him, he did. They knew they had to keep their heads down if the marines were looking for them, and a small part of them thought this could be a good distraction. Zoro grabbed Chopper, and they slinked out the bar as they heard a gunshot and someone fell to the floor. “I am captain Luffy,” the voice shouts… “I get what i want. ”… and with the commotion picking up, they managed to sneak out. Zoro’s free hand resting on the hilt of his sword just in case. However, they were soon to realise that this would not be the distraction they needed. In fact, these groups of idiots would create more problems than they would solve.
The guy that looked a lot like Fake Luffy decided to shoot another innocent bystander. As her friend protests, he is shot as well. There were whispers circulating and panic settling in. The Fake looking Luffy orders his crew to do something. The words are being lost in the commotion, but they are suddenly knocked down by the figure. Shika and Sanji didn’t realise that Zoro had moved. Already in front of the other man. His eyes glaring at the figures in front.
The guy who looks like fake Luffy starts getting in Zoro’s face and trying to threaten Zoro. Zoro just stares at them unbothered. The rest of Fake Luffy’s crew join in to try and intimidate Zoro, but Zoro continues to stare; his hand resting on the hilt of his katana. The only thought in Zoro’s head was him hoping Sanji had got Shika out of there, which, luckily for him, Sanji was also leading her out of the bar quietly. Sneaking through the commotion with every intention of going back in when Shika was out of the way.
The crowd in the bar were terrified, hoping they would go along with their wishes and threats. However, Zoro simply walks up to them and gets right in his face. Fake Usopp goes to shoot him, but Zoro manages to dodge the bullet and pushes his katana to Fake Luffy’s neck. Not before using his Haki on the Fake Straw Hats, causing them to faint, which astonishes the crowd. Once satisfied, he downed his drink and left to meet up with Shika, Sanji, and Chopper. He took one look behind him with a satisfied smirk and left.
“Too late stupid cook…” he smirked as he saw Sanji start to walk back. His thoughts were going to Chopper and Shika, hoping they were out of the way. Sanji scowled, but deep down, he was glad that the problem was over; for now.
“I think we should head back before we encounter more trouble…” Chopper said as he walked out of the alley that they had been put in. As they walked back, all was quiet until they heard a loud bang, and a flash of light came from the sky. Before they knew it, they were flung back and separated over the field. Chopper landing in the forest behind them.
 When Shika finally opened her eyes, she could feel a presence and a tension in the air. She tried to sit up; seeing all three of them spread out on the field. It took a few minutes to realise something was wrong. Until her eyes landed on what appeared to be Bartholomew Kuma and another guy in the background.
Her gaze was shifted to Zoro’s shouts of what the hell was that. Both Zoro and Sanji got to their feet slowly; Chopper was still out cold.
The air crackled with tension as Zoro and Sanji stood up and looked around, both realising the situation they were all in. Sentomaru and the Pacifista; or was it Kuma. They weren’t entirely sure, and they didn’t really care. Both of them took a quick look around to check where Shika and Chopper were. They couldn’t see Chopper, but they both relaxed a little when Shika moved a little. The relaxed state was quickly pushed away as  “Kuma” started walking towards them.
The two Straw Hat crew members stood back to back, their eyes locked on their opponents. “Get out of her Shika Chan,” Sanji shouted in all seriousness, “Go find Chopper,” Zoro also shouted. They couldn’t keep the worry out of their voices, but they both had no time for that.
Shika did what she was told. Her head throbbed a little as she felt blood running down the side of her face, but she slowly got up and crawled towards the forest, hoping that the other two were distracted enough.
Sanji and Zoro made quick work of the Pacifista, showing how much they had learnt in the 2 years away. They both kicked and sliced as though it was paper. Sentomaru was a little taken back at the difference from last time, but he didn’t let it show. Instead, choosing to glare at the two pirates in front of him with a steely gaze. Zoro and Sanji exchanged a quick glance, communicating silently with each other. When they weren’t bickering, they made a good team; not that either would admit to that, but they knew.
They turned to look at Sentomaru and knew that this would be a tougher fight, especially without the rest of the crew, but they were determined to give it their all. After all, they had Shika to protect; and Chopper. They weren’t going to be separated again. Not when they had just reunited. Zoro gripped his swords tightly while Sanji cracked his knuckles in anticipation and readying his foot for the upcoming fight.
As the battle began, the two Straw Hats launched themselves at Sentomaru with unparalleled skill and determination. Unfortunately for them. The group that had turned up earlier were also on their way towards the commotion, not one to forget.
Zoro took out his sword and put it in his mouth, readying to attack the men in front. He threw himself towards the group. Three swords sliced through the air with deadly precision, just barely missing the guy in front, while Sanji’s powerful kicks didn’t go unnoticed. The fake Strawhat’s fighting back with some intensity, but they were no match for Zoro and Sanji. The group was disposed of quickly as the clash of metal and the sound of grunts filled the air. Zoro and Sanji took care of the imposters and were not daring to stop and refused to back down until all of them were down. Both of their main thoughts were to protect Shika.
Unknowingly to them, Sentomaru had disappeared towards the forest in the commotion, looking for the other Strawhat’s. In that moment, there was a piercing scream which echoed through the forest.
In a flurry of confusion as Shika was still a little out of it. She hadn’t noticed she had company. She finally found where Chopper was and was gently picking him up. As she did so, she felt someone grab her arm. She tried to struggle but only had one arm and was feeling a little woozy. Sentomaru quickly grabbed Shika and dragged her away. This was one sure fire way to get Monkey D Luffy Sentomaru thought to himself.
Shika was already weak as the hit to her head was affecting her, unable to put up much of a fight. She did try to push him away, but her attempts were futile. She shouted for Sanji and Zoro. Her piercing screams fell in the air as Sentomaru hit her with such force she began to black out.
The last thing she saw was Sanji running towards her at full speed, Zoro not far behind, but they were stopped by another of Sentomaru’s Pacifistas, who stood in their way as she was whisked off, barely clinging to life. Of course, they both made quick work of the Pacifista, but by the time they were done, Sentomaru had taken Shika with them. Chopper falls from the sky as she lets go of her grip in unconsciousness. Zoro caught Chopper but felt at a loss at what to do. Both Sanji and Zoro’s hearts slowed. Not again, they thought as she was whisked away. Blood and sweat pooled on and around their heads as they stood there seeing Sentomaru disappear with her. Zoro snapped at Sanji, Sanji was a wreck, but they knew they had to pull it together. To see her again. This wasn’t how today was supposed to go. They had to get back to the Sunny. As much as Sanji wanted to run after you, he had to be the semi rational one. Sentomaru was no joke, and they both had to get help from the crew.
Zoro wanted to rush head first and chase after him, but deep down, he knew Sanji was right. Even if that did make him want to throw up at admitting that. Anything to keep her safe, he thought to herself. His heart beating at the thought of not seeing her again. They weren’t at 100%, and they couldn’t risk messing this up. They both took deep breaths, getting lost in their own thought’s.
Sanji picked up Chopper, trying to squash his thoughts. He had only just got her back. He didn’t know how he could cope with her gone so soon. He had tears down his cheeks, but he forced himself to drag his ass back to Luffy.
Both of them were in some agreement. If Sentomaru even touched a hair on Shika’s head, they would be the ones to kill him; no matter what; not Luffy… them.
When Shika barely gained consciousness, she felt her hands heavy and cuffed. The room she was in was dark and damp. She tried to take in any information she could but felt herself slip back into unconsciousness. All she thought of was Zoro and Sanji, as she closed her eyes again and heard Sentomaru laugh in the distance.
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fandom-girls-stuff · 3 months
If you got anymore abo acesan im not opposed to hearing it
YES, I DO! (I'm extremely excited to receive an ask)
One particular that is on my mind is a Modern Werewolf au inspired by the fic Heavy on my mind.
Here, werewolfs have secondary genders,  and some of these folsk are living in separate communities or some live in society. The Strawhats formed their own pack, which is mixed because some of them are human.
Luffy has a birthday party with his crew/pack, and of course, his brothers are there as well. Long story short, Ace and Sanji drunkenly hook up. Morning after they just decide this not going to affect their relationship. (Which a little bit sucks because Sanji has a crush on Ace) They go their separated way, but fate brings them back together when Sanji shows signs of pregnancy a few weeks later.
But that's impossible. Sanji thoughs. It should be impossible because Sanji is a werewolf, and Ace is a human. He tells the crew/pack, and they support him, but they still ask who the other parent is. Anxiously, but he confesses that it's Ace. What surprises him is that Luffy is not mad. Luffy is not mad because then, as the pack leader, he doesn't have to accept some rando into the pack (he would accept the rando too. They just have to be a nice person)
A few days later, Sanji builds up the courage to tell Ace. Which also has to come with him telling Ace he is a werewolf and that Luffy is the leader of a mixed pack. (And maybe he tells him he has a little crush on him) At first Ace is confused but not angry and pretty quickly accepts the responsibilities (mostly because he doesn't want to be like his own dad) After they discuss what exactly Sanji needs for a more bearable pregnancy, one which is the scent of the other parent, Ace decides to move in with Sanji.
One day they have a cuddle session which calms Sanji's omega so much he almost doesn't notice Ace shoveing his nose in the back of his neck, licking the scent glands, and almost biting it. Sanji quickly comes to his senses to yank Ace's head from his neck. The other just yelps in confusion being forcefully woken up from his nap.
"What's wrong?" asks Ace
"You were licking my neck and tried to bite it!"
"I did? Sorry, I probably had a very vivid dream about food or something. Huh, but I did smelled something good. Is that bad?"
Bad? That's strange! It's peak alpha behavior, my guy. Which you shouldn't be!
This goes to the point that one day, while the Strawhats hang out, he out of nowhere growls at Zoro while he bickered with Sanji. Zoro, of course, instinctively feels treathened, and a fight almost breaks out, but Luffy and Jinbe stop them. Now everbody confused and Ace is even more. He has these thoughts and urges he can't put his hands on. As the senior Alpha Jinbe suggests that Zoro goes home to cool off, they cut their hang out short, and he stays to talk to Ace. This leads Ace to tell his new experiences since he lives with Sanji.
So Jinbe finally asks the question, "Are you sure you are a human? Because a while ago you were acting like you were protecting your mate from another Alpha." And Sanji, being there the whole time, understands what older means. Ace might not be what he thinks he is. It turns out, after some investigation (as in Ace telling the name of his bio parents), he is actually a half werewolf and an Alpha none the less.
I actually planned to write a fanfiction out of this. I want it to focus on Sanji's pregnancy and Ace learning to be a werewolf as well.
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bsgpiece · 6 months
hi! i enjoyed reading your headcanon about SaNami and pregnancy in Thousand Sunny because we have almost same headcanon!
but in my headcanon Sanami's child is a boy who will act as same as Sanji when faced with a woman or Zoro, but with a less exaggerated version 😂 but it would be very cute if their child was a girl, she would be spoiled by her papa, right? I'm curious what you think about the relationship would be like between Sanji's daughter and her Uncle Marimo?
oh and about the birth, do you think Nami will give birth on the ship? I think so. and I think there will be a little drama when Nami gives birth, for example a storm hits when their navigator can't handle it. I can really imagine the chaos of the SHP crew and Sanji's dilemma in choosing to accompany Nami or be by the captain's side 😂 what do you think?
I LOVE HOW SIMILAR OUR HEADCANONS ARE!!!! I have so much to say about all that, but first things first:
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Sanji will never get over this, but he won't ever get the courage to tell her baby girl not to be around someone she loves. So basically I imagine he and Zoro calling each other "less offensive nicknames" when she is near them lol (any suggestions? Haha)
And about Sanji and Nami having a little boy, I do think they'll have a son a few years later (this time planned). I agree he'll act like his dad, specially being overprotective to his older sister and loving all the girls!
Ohh the labor, this deserves a whole post about it, but yes I think almost the same! I believe they'll be planning to stay near an island known for good hospitals or being peaceful... HOWEVER, maybe a week or two earlier Nami will go into labor.
I love the idea they be facing some kind of danger, mostly a huge storm, and Nami trying to hide her contractions so she can help them.
Eventually they'll realize it and Chopper will take her inside to help her, with Sanji facing this dilemma of staying with Nami or helping the rest of the crew.
I picture Luffy and the others, or even Zoro talking directly to Sanji trust them and go help Nami. Like, "she needs you more than we do, curlybrow. Just stop crying and go inside" and Sanji just nodding with a thankful smile 😭😭😭
He'll be able to find Nami still an hour or two from the baby being born. Even though she's in huge pain, Nami will still worry about the storm and Sanji will calm her, saying the same he heard from the others!
Of course, since this is a complete movie in my head: the baby girl is born safely and the storm suddenly stops. An overwhelming silence reigns until they can hear through all the ship the baby crying for the first time! 🥹
Sorry it almost turned into a fanfiction lmao I got carried away. Maybe someday I actually write or draw it!!
Thank you again for your questions and sharing your opinions!!!
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zorume-star · 1 month
What are y'all's playlists for the Mugiwaras ??
I have a playlist for each Mugiwara for my self-insert fanfiction, but since I'm mostly a pop-rock-punk sucker I don't have much variety (well, I got some thanks to my best friend !) and I'm sure I'm missing some perfect character songs out there !
So please reblog/comment the songs you associate with one (or more) Strawhat 👀
Here are mine under the cut !
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Luffy (i'm not happy about it much :()
Nami (her pride flag in your face)
No, Franky ain't got a playlist. neither do Jimbe yet. I also have other characters joining the crew if you have ideas as well : Conis, Laki, and Perona. And of course Karoo but I haven't made him a playlist yet either. I've developped playlists for Hancock and Law as well.
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frobin · 2 years
Where do you think they would live after their journeys are over and what would they be doing(marriage,kids,career)?
Hey there anon!
I guess with "they" you mean the Strawhats? This goes kind of hand in hand with my posting about "death flags" and why I think all the Strawhats are going to survive.
Some things in this post will mirror what I wrote back then XD because of course I'm using headcanons here. So let's get down to it! ATTENTION THIS IS HEADCANON AREA!!
Let's assume they all survive and become old.
Luffy: He will never stop adventuring. He might say that he will finally settle down but that just means that he crushes for a week or two at a friends place and then drags them back into some adventuring until he is at the next friends place and stays there a few more weeks or months to then move again.
Will Luffy have a family and kids? Who knows. If yes he will return from time to time. If not... see above.
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Nami: She will finish her world map. When it's done she will stop adventuring and will settle down, maybe alone maybe with a wife or a husband. Depending she will have her own child... she will absolutely adopt. In her house will always be a place for abandoned children.
Nami will regularly rip Luffy a new one for continuing to adventure and dragging in some of the children. But honestly what are they supposed to do? Not become pirates?
Actually yes, some become Marines in the honor of Bellemere.
Nami also takes it on her to be the manager of Brook because he is still famous with a lot of fans and she enjoys to have an additional safe income.
Some become Orange farmers, some become cartographs. Nami is equally proud of all of them.
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Zoro: He returns home to the island where he grew up and becomes a teacher. He is surprisingly good at it. It does not matter if his students are boys or girls they all get the same treatment.
He might have a partner later in life. It takes him some time to figure himself out. Depending on the partner it takes them some time too.
There won't be any children though. I don't see him as a father but he has a whole school of children to influence... which is does not really do. He does not care what path they choose as long as it's the path of the sword.
(ngl I have written a fanfiction about that. it's ZoTash though, so sorry if that is not your cup of tea)
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Usopp: He returns home. He has become a great warrior of the sea. He tells Kaya all the stories, while she patches him up. They marry and while Kaya becomes a famous doctor, Usopp will take care of the children. And he will be a great dad and not abandom them. (Sorry, this is fix. I don't make the rules. I just make the headcanons)
Okay, there might be another partner. Because either way Usopp will continue to build, construct, create.
Maybe he will write down his stories and illustrate them, first for his children (adopted if with a male partner), later they are printed and sold and get more famous than "Noland the liar" also because of his alternate version of this old classic.
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Sanji: He will return to the Baratie. He has found the All Blue. Of course he becomes a world famous chef and the high society will dine at his place.
He feeds all hungry people who knock at his door and tells them to pay when they got the money. Some never return but most do.
He himself did not return with a partner but later a person appears and they fall in love (could be someone new, could be someone from his adventures or even a crew member). Since the Baratie is a ship they can move it anywhere so in case the partner is returning to their hometown too, at least the restaurant is nearby. No matter what gender his partner has in the end, women will always have a special place in his heart. And whenever he needs oranges for his food he orders them from Nojiko.
His place is Luffys favorite to crash.
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Chopper: He becomes - of course - a famous doctor who manages to create the ultimate medicine. If it's possible. But it still takes him long. He does correspond with many other doctors, Law, Marco, Kaya. The one thing he never manages to heal is Zoros sense of direction.
And yes Chopper starts a family with the Reindee-Mink-Girl from Zou. They weren't sure if they would be able to have children but they made it work. Very cute bunch of Mink children.
Doc Kureha for some reason does not really age she just becomes more awesome and would never admit it but she is very proud of Chopper.
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Robin: There is only one answer and that is that she stays with Franky. They visit Water 7 and help Iceburg to make the city float. They then return to Ohara and rebuild the island. It will become the new hub for scholars and they get visited by everyone very often.
They love all of the other Strawhats children and support them.
I can't decide if they have their own or if they adopt too or don't have children at all but they have a lot of apprentices so it does not really matter.
They are married and in love and amazing.
Sorry that is my headcanon and I haven't found any other that changed that yet.
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Brook of course meets with Laboon and the whale now travels with him. Brook will also accompany Luffy because he sees himself always at the side of his captain and saviour. There are only short amounts of time when they don't travel together.
He also continues to perfom as Soul King Brook, earning easy money, recording songs on dials and selling them.
Sadly, Brook will survive all Strawhats. And he will be the one staying with every one of them in their last moments. When they all have died he stays in Ohara because he is walking and talking history and knows that Robin would appreciate it if he did that.
Because he knows that he is - in theory - immortal he also does not get himself a partner. At one point a skeleton heart can only break so many times.
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Jinbe returns to Fishman Island where he helps to bring peace to the fishmen. He will be an ambassador. He keeps close connections to all the other Strawhats.
When he finally steps off the political stage he gets himself a little cottage near the underwater woods and a small garden for him to relax in. He never gets a partner because to me he still gives off those single-uncle vibes the children love because he is just so relaxed and calm, easily calming everyone around him too. He also visites everyone on a regular base.
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gloomy0x0phantom · 6 months
ʚ Nightmare ɞ chapter one
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ʚ synopsis ɞ You haven't been able to sleep for a while, and Bepo has the solution to your problem. As you develop a friendship with the polar bear, you fail to notice the jealousy of a certain captain.
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pairings : Bepo & Fem!Reader / Trafalgar D. Water Law x Fem!Reader
words count : 2k
content : fluff, a very tired reader, mention of nightmares.
note : Boo! This is officially my FIRST fanfiction! I'm super excited to share my writing with you. I started watching One Piece in 2013 and stopped around the fish-man arc. The live action revived my passion for One Piece, but this time I'm reading the manga and I'm at Water 7! So, the timeline of this fanfic makes no sense, sorry 😭 Also, very important, English is not my first language! If you see any mistakes, please let me know ~ + Law will appear more in the coming chapters, but the first ones are dedicated to the friendship between the reader and Bepo (●'◡'●)
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Next chapter // Chapter index
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In the middle of the ocean, on a small island lost in thick fog, were the Straw Hat Pirates and the Heart Pirates. Once again by pure accident, the two crews crossed paths, much to Trafalgar Law's misfortune and Monkey D. Luffy's delight. Even though they had seen each other a few weeks earlier, Luffy insisted that this umpteenth encounter should be celebrated with a big feast, a bonfire and music. The Heart Pirates, equally fond of a good night's drinking, gladly accepted the offer, without consulting their captain, who said he wasn't crazy about the idea. Even though Law was negative, his crewmates knew he didn't hate the Straw Hat Pirates and that he'd be incapable of declining an evening with them. Why? Well, let's just say they knew their captain's weak spot... a weak spot that was hiding in the opposite crew.
A cheerful melody of violin takes possession of the night. Between the beach and the tropical forest, a huge fire lights up the faces of those around it. Luffy, Penguin, Shachi, Usopp, Bepo and Hakugan dance around the fire, waving their arms and having fun. Even after a huge meal, the guys find the energy to spin around and celebrate. Chopper, with a belly full of food, sleeps peacefully in Robin's arms, as she talks to Jean Bart. Brook plays the violin and Franky accompanies him by singing an old song. Nami, Zoro, Uni and Clione are competing to see who can best hold their liquor, and Nami is winning, of course. Sanji tries to seduce Ikkaku by promising her the moon and the stars, without success. Law is leaning against a tree and observing the scene, looking bored, but a small smile is visible. And you, you are sitting in a spot a bit apart from the others.
No one tries to convince you to join them in their activity. You don't want to dance, you don't feel like singing. You don't drink alcohol, so there's no point in facing Nami and losing money. You're not in the mood to get into deep conversations with the older members of the group. You stay away from Sanji to avoid hearing him shout his love in your ears. You wouldn't refuse to be close to Law, but you suspect that he doesn't want you near him at all. You know he's not too fond of Luffy and his crew. You don't want to add to his annoyance. At least he's smiling. You noticed it when your gaze landed on him. The glow of the fire is so beautiful on his skin. He's wearing a white tank top that shows off his black tattoos. You're secretly admiring the artwork - well, you think you're being discreet, but you soon realize that Law is watching you. Caught red-handed, you turn your head in another direction. You can feel that he's still watching you, it's embarrassing. No, really, you are happy just watching the fire and being surrounded by your loved ones. 
The guys stop dancing when Brook takes a short break to stretch his bones. Bepo is exhausted and needs to sit down for a moment to catch his breath, so he decides to settle down next to you. "Bepo." you say, offering him a warm smile. He didn't sit here by coincidence. During the dance, he noticed that you were the only one not enjoying the evening. You seemed distant and tired.
"How are you doing?" 
"Fine and you? Life with the Heart Pirates isn't too hard?"
"I could ask you the same question with the Straw Hat Pirates," he replies, laughing. "I'm fine, a little out of breath."
You snort as you understand what he means - after all, you've just seen him dance for thirty minutes non-stop. It was a great entertainment. It's a good thing everyone was wearing casual clothes, otherwise you're sure Bepo would have fainted. 
Brook picks up his violin and starts playing again, but the polar bear doesn't leave your side. You can feel the warmth of his body against your arm, it's not unpleasant.
Over the years, Bepo has become an expert at spotting signs of fatigue in his captain. He had no choice, otherwise the guy would stay awake for days in a row, and that's never a good thing. Although Law had good reasons for not wanting to sleep, it's dangerous to have a commander who's not in his right mind. So yeah, the navigator recognizes when a person is in a terrible or unusual state. He met you at Sabaody and remembers seeing a young woman full of life and ready to attack. Which is quite the opposite of you right now, ready to fall asleep on your feet. If the marines were to attack the beach, Bepo isn't sure you'd react. 
"Are you sure everything's okay? Your dark circles are starting to look like Law's, that's never a good sign."
You appreciate the little joke, even if you know that it hides a strong concern. It's true that the captain of the Heart Pirates has impressive dark circles, and even though they look great on him, you'd rather not have the same look.
"I have trouble sleeping. As soon as I close my eyes, nightmares invade my dreams and they're so… real. I haven't had a full night's sleep in a while."
You don't know what made you decide to be honest with Bepo, but you did. Maybe it's his kind, caring side that's pierced your defense. Even Chopper couldn't get you to open up. You don't want to worry the reindeer with your anxieties and fears, his mind is too pure.
"Have you talked to your crewmates about it?"
You look briefly at your friends and sigh.
"No... They know I don't sleep much, but I don't want to tell them why. I don't want them to see me as fragile."
"I'm sure your friends won't treat you any different, but I understand what you mean. It's not always easy to let your guards down and open up to those you love and respect."
You put your hands over your face and drop your head. Okay, what the hell was that? Bepo panics at your reaction - he wasn't trying to make you sad! He shakes his hands and mumbles a series of "Sorry, I'm so sorry". Should he give you a hug? Is he allowed to hug you?? Oh no, the mugiwaras are going to kill him! 
Behind your hands, a strange noise escapes, causing the bear to stop freaking out. "Huh?" You remove your hands from your face and reveal a huge smile and tears in the corner of your eyes. You laugh out loud, relieving the navigator. Damn, he thought he'd committed a crime, but no, you're smiling!
"I don't allow myself to talk about my problems to my friends, but I had no trouble opening up to you!"
You gently tap your interlocutor on the arm. Unsurprisingly, he apologizes and bows his head. You continue to giggle softly and to reassure the bear, you decide to cuddle him. You don't know if he likes to cuddle, but... he looks like a guy who enjoys a good hug! But to do that, you have to get up. Bepo is much taller than you, towering over you by a few heads, so you have no choice but to stand up and wrap your arms around his neck. It's the first time you've exchanged a hug with him and wow, you regret not doing it sooner. He's so... so... SO FLUFFY! Your heart explodes with joy and your eyes turn into heart shapes.
"Give me your fur!"
"Huh?! No way!"
His answer makes you laugh. You don't know what's gotten into you, but the warmth in your chest encourages you to climb on the polar bear and sit on his lap. It's impossible to wrap your legs around his waist, his stature is impressive, but that doesn't stop you from trying. You squeeze him with all your strength and rub your face on his furry chest, releasing a high-pitched squeal. "You're so cute and soft, I want to bite you!" Your sentence surprises him; he's used to getting compliments on his fur, but this is the first time someone's wanted to bite him for it. He doesn't know how to respond verbally, so he responds physically by wrapping his arms around you and rubbing his head against yours. The two of you smile and giggle like children. 
It's official, you can die in peace.
You let out another cry of joy that turns all heads in your direction. Within seconds, rubber arms are wrapped around your bodies. Luffy laughs as hard as you do.
"Oi Bepo, you are soft shishishi!"
Soon Penguin, Shachi, Hakugan, Franky and Brook join the hug.
"Yohohoho, your fur is so soft! Oh but I can't feel it, I have no skin yohohoho!"
When the group hug ends, you're the only one left in Bepo's arms. His face is flushed with embarrassment, but he seems happy to have caused this lovely moment. You let out a long, satisfied sigh and close your eyes. Slowly, your body relaxes. You listen to the crackling of the fire, Bepo's heartbeat, Brook's music, the many voices exchanging words... the atmosphere is perfect. You feel a protective hand on your back, a confirmation that Bepo isn't complaining about your presence on his lap. In no time, you end up falling asleep in this position. It feels like you've got a huge teddy bear protecting you from the demons of the night. He kicks your bad memories and the monsters of the past away, making sure you're safe and sound in his arms.
A little further away from you is Law, arms crossed and jaw clenched. He shouldn't be feeling jealous, especially not of his best friend , but... he can't deny that this situation annoys him to no end. It takes him all the effort in the world not to get up and go back to the submarine, that would be too suspicious. Anyway, the party will go on for maybe another hour, and everyone will go back to their rooms and sleep in their beds.
"Holy shit!" exclaims Nami. She taps Zoro on the shoulder and points to the glued duo. The swordsman nods and glances at his captain. "Oi, Luffy." The young man tilts his head to the side and stops playing with the guys. He follows the navigator's finger and a huge grin spreads across his face when he sees you sleeping in Bepo's arms.
"The party's over."
Oh hell no, Law thought. He knows what's coming. 
Brook and Franky immediately stop playing music, leaving only the sound of the fire and nature. The Heart Pirates are visibly intrigued by this drastic change of mood. When Luffy says the party's over, something's wrong.
"What's going on?" Ikkaku asks, a worried look on her face.
Robin stands up while keeping the little reindeer in her arms, gently stroking its head.
"(Y/n) hasn't been sleeping much lately, and this is the first time we've seen her sleeping peacefully. Bepo, would you agree to keep her with you tonight so she can get a good night's sleep?"
"Sure, no problem!"
"Thank you. Maybe we don't have to interrupt the festivities. Bepo, stand up."
The polar bear tries to stand up, but halfway through, your eyebrows furrow and you look like you're about to wake up. He immediately sits back down.
"Hm, looks like you'll have to stay here all night, and therefore it's impossible to continue the party. Sorry captain."
"That's okay." Luffy replied, shrugging his shoulders.
"Don't worry bro, I'll go and get some blankets and pillows to keep you comfy, I'll be right back." Franky adds, thumbs-up, walking toward the boat.
Law is living a nightmare.
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guilty-lights · 5 years
Law cuts his gaze to directly across the dining table, to where Nico Robin has deliberately seated herself right in front of him. She’s sipping calmly at her drink (conscientiously prepared by Black-Leg, if the fruit wedges cut into hearts and excessively swirly straw are any indication). Sensing the weight of his gaze, Nico Robin looks up and meets Law’s eye, and smiles; Law merely narrows his eyes for a second, before looking away.
I know you don’t trust me, is what Law’s gaze says.
I know you know that I know that, is what Robin’s smile says in response.
When Law’s proposal for a pirate alliance gets accepted by a beaming Straw-Hat, Law is under no illusions.
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rueririn · 3 years
What's your favourite One Piece fanfiction? I don't know what to read and from your fics I trust you to have excellent taste lol
daslkdajslkdja stop flattering me I might combust in happiness TwT
Strangely enough, despite being a writer of mostly tropes, I think I tend to read things with unique premises. Not saying other stories aren't unique though! And I avoid OC-centric fics because, idk, the fact that I wrote OCs too would confuse my goldfish brain or something maybe.
Anyways, warning long post.
First of all-- anything by Gerbilfriend, WhirlyBird70, Aibhilin and stereden will always be on the pedestal of my heart.
so first, time travel ones
The Coward's Redemption by Brucenorris007 I will scream about this story every day every night. Usopppppppp!!!!
switching places by fireflywitch. Wano Zoro switches with Alabasta Zoro, shenanigans ensue, and of course Luffy notices immediately.
The Next Right Thing by MelodramaticCoffeeAddict includes Zoro and Vivi, Vivi joining the crew, and Zoro needing ten thousand hugs.
A Split Thread by SrirachaBunny. Zoro and Luffy time travelled, but they decide to split up instead of go on canon together.
etc, they have fascinating premises
Your True Colours (are beautiful) by ScarletSorceress. Never knew I needed a story about the ASL boys and their hair colours but here I am, obsessed.
The Living in Memory series by Stelra_Etnae has always fascinated me. I've always loved stories about Brook being able to see the dead.
The One Piece Soulmate AUs series by charlie_mou that is so damn good I don't even understand
The Lazy Painter! by BlackMageofPhantasm. It's the best Miss Goldenweek fic. Ever.
Paper Monsters by MaiKusakabe is so good. Law stays with the Donquixote family instead of going with Corazon and aaaaaa
Be Brave Usopp by DrizzlyMango. Before I'd even noticed, there was another Blind Usopp fic on AO3. Damn is it great and underrated.
Won't You Send me a Flower, Send me a Secret by CastledRook. Anything by CastledRook, seriously. Bittersweet flower language drabbles I am W E A K
Threadbare by Depths explores an immortal Marco backstory. I love it.
"mon propre accord" by suguear. I already said I avoid OC fics, but I read this one and I loved this one and-- I love Goji, okay???
Flashy Brotherhood by Airuna. Buggy adopts the ASL kids somehow.
Heart Pirate Sanji by PumpkinPieTimb, it's exactly what it says on the tin.
these below are all oneshots
Knife Wife and Trash Husband walk into a bar (The bartender keeps them both) by Justm3h kills me with so much happiness just look at the title pls
whatever you can still betray by midnightluck. 6k words of pure crackhead energy among the whitebeards, because Ace makes no sense and Haruta's losing their mind about it.
Three Truths, One Lie by Setyourlazerstopew is of a similar premise, just as awesomely written.
Magic Paint by 8ball. I like to hold it in my hand like yes. This is my favourite dose of strawhat domestic fluff. it keeps me alive.
an in-between thing by PilotStudios is about Franky being a Klabautermann, somehow. Cutty Flam is a weird name for a person.
Bonds Broken by kittyface27, an Ace time travel fic that doesn't go right for our poor firecracker-- it hurts me very much. but it's so well written sometimes I just scream about it in the middle of the night because oh my goddddd
pumpkin soup with three spoons by razbliuto is the domestic dadMihawk I never knew I needed. Same thing to Accidental Child Acquisition and Other Adventures in Piracy by Souless_Robot.
Doesn't matter where I come from anyway... by ToshiChan is a fic where Judge is even more of an absolute asshole, but it's okay now, Sanji gets all the hugs he deserves.
I probably forgot a lot of the ones I liked, but this list is hella long, so I guess that's it. Do give these stories some love!
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unknown-writing · 3 years
Let’s face it. You despise being a Celestial Dragon. You find them absolutely deplorable and want /nothing/ to do with the lot of ‘em.
You’ve seen how they treat other people and fishmen alike. It disgusts you the levels of inhuman actions they’ve done towards the innocent just because the world government /ASSUMES/ they’re the ones that came from God or whatever the fuck.
So...You ran away. You stole some cash, took some of your stuff, and then ran to the open sea. The sea where it held nothing but lowly pirates and Marine forces fighting for a twisted version of what they call “Justice.” You left a note stating that you had “died” in an “accident by falling out of your window”, using ketchup as blood stains to make sure that somebody would just believe you.
After setting all of your slaves free the night before, you knew the only sense of freedom you had left was at sea. After all, setting your slaves free like that would be taken as treason against the Celestial Dragons, and you refused to give them that kind of power over your head just because you had better morals than them.
Warning(s): Mentions of abuse, slavery, Celestial Dragons, angst A/N: Yet another purely self indulgent fanfiction reaction of the Monster Trio, also, sorry, it got a bit angsty for Sanji’s part lmao ^^;
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Luffy has had bad experience with Celestial Dragons. He absolutely despises them. And when he hates somebody that much, he never wants to see them again. Unless it’s of course, to kill them.
Hearing your past shocked him to his core. You had kept it a secret for over a year now for the sake of your own safety, but being Luffy’s boyfriend was beginning to be harder and harder, especially since he’s friends with a Fishman. You /had/ to tell him the truth, no matter how scared you were of his reaction towards it, fearing that he may dump you and toss you overboard because of his hate towards your kind.
A brief silence filled the room that you two had been in, discussing your past and why you ran from home, and why there was suddenly a news report of you “Being Dead” in the latest newspaper. He had demanded some answers from you. You sighed, rubbing the back of your neck in awkwardness and gulped, “So....I ran.” 
“I ran away from that place...I couldn’t stand being part of their kind. Seeing them hurt innocent people and fishmen alike just because of their “Social Status” grossed me out so bad that I faked my own death, and ran to the sea.” Using your fingers to create quotation marks with them, your arms fell down to your lap as yet another awkward silence filled the captains room, you hated that he was quiet.
“So...You ran away because you dislike the Celestial Dragons?” He commented, holding the piece of paper that had your face on it, only to then tear it to pieces a few moments later. You saw the pieces fall on the bed, somewhat stunned by what just happened. “Then that version of you is dead!” He simply says with the biggest grin you’ve seen from him. “You’re new name is y/n, and you’re a pirate! And you’re my girlfriend too!” He says cheerfully, pulling you into a tight but gentle hug. You couldn’t help but start to cry of relief, knowing that the captain of the Straw Hats wouldn’t judge you for your past despite his hate towards your kind.
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Standing in an area on some Island, you stood awkwardly staring up at the green haired man. Despite the thin air, it seemed like he didn’t give two fucks about what was happening. He just stared down at you for a while, almost like he was judging you for your past, you could sense it too.
He lets out a sigh, a hand reached to your head and he patted it gently, “You’re no longer a Celestial Dragon right?” He asks, still petting your head, “No! Absolutely not! I ran away and faked my own death for a reason!” You responded quickly, feeling your anxiety start to get worse as time goes by almost at a slow pace. “Then it doesn’t matter who you /used to be/. You’re better than them. You freed all of your slaves the night before, and then ran the day after. The fact that you did that just proves to me that you’re one to be trusted.” He says then let’s go of your head and then grins
“Besides....If I felt like you were a threat, you would’ve been dead before Luffy accepted you into the crew.” He admits while rubbing his head. He was right though, he would’ve killed you if he’d sense you where a bad person to be around...A soft smile started to form on your face, you ran up to him and hugged him tightly, burying your face into his body as you felt a weight was lifted off of your shoulders. Zoro only stood there, allowing you to hug him
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Much like Luffy, Sanji is disgusted by Celestial Dragons. Even more so coming from a family of Maids and Butlers, as well as slaves to do their work for them as they sat in the lap of luxury.
So, hearing that his darling s/o was born from their kind, made his stomach churn in pure disgust. You could tell by the look on his face that he was disgusted about your heritage, finding out about how you were raised to believe that your family was somehow the ones that “created this world.” But, what he was most disgusted by, was how your parents treated you, despite the fact that you where also a Celestial Dragon...YOU where abused too! Now it all made sense to him.
It made sense why you can barely handle being touched without jumping, or why it looks like your scared at somebody slightly raising their voice towards your general direction. How you flinch whenever you hear somebody bang a wall or surface. How you bite your lip when somebody asks for your honest opinion...All of it started to click into place in his head...It had hurt him to hear the news so abruptly that he left the room to cool his head off and have a smoke or two.
Watching his back leaving the room made you start to panic. You’re heart sank to the pits of your stomach as the door slammed shut in front of you...Even though you had mentioned that you had ran away and faked your own death to become a Pirate, seeing this reaction hurt you the most.
So....You broke down. You broke down and started to softly sob, as it became a habit to hide your crying due to your past. You knew that this would happen...But seeing it happen in front of you right now, it still hurt regardless if you “mentally prepared yourself for it.” All you could do was just sit there and cry. You had cried for what probably seemed like for a few hours.
With how drained you where from crying, you had fallen asleep on your bed, falling to your pillow after the first 45 minutes of sobbing. You didn’t hear the door being knocked on, “Y/n san?...” Sanji spoke out in a more calmer tone of voice. He opened the door to see that you had fallen asleep...Guilt hit his stomach like a two ton truck, “Oh no...Don’t tell me...” he thought as he gently placed the tray of food for the both of you to enjoy together to forget about what had happened and make amends for it.
        He leaned over the bed gently to see that you had cried so much that your eyes were red and puffy, he could see some kind of a shine on your cheeks that could only resemble the shine of tears. “This was my fault...” he thought to himself as he tired fixing your sleeping position so that way it wouldn’t hurt you so bad the next morning, only to get an idea to have you sleep on his chest instead to cuddle you throughout the night.
“I’m so sorry y/n...” He would repeat until he himself had fallen asleep, and the two of you had peacefully slept with each other that night, you had never felt safer asleep than you where with Sanji.
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softrozene · 2 years
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I posted 740 times in 2021
127 posts created (17%)
613 posts reblogged (83%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 4.8 posts.
I added 1,343 tags in 2021
#pretty art - 304 posts
#one piece fan art - 271 posts
#fic recs - 143 posts
#fic recommendation - 139 posts
#fluff - 114 posts
#trafalgar law - 91 posts
#my writing - 74 posts
#one piece fanfiction - 69 posts
#fanfiction - 69 posts
#one piece x reader - 69 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
#i have been revamping my old cringey hetalia fics though since i can't concentrate long enough for my other stories/requests
My Top Posts in 2021
Monster Trio Reacting to Mute Significant Other
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Anonymous requested: Happy New Year!! ✨✨Could I request headcanons of the monster trio being in love with a mute member of their crew? You know how each one of them would act and stuff. (Only if you would like of course!!)
Very late ahhhh but I do hope the new year has been treating you well hon! Enjoy!
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro x Reader (Gender Neutral/Non-Binary)
Warnings: fluff!
*Reader is mute meaning they do not talk either from an inability to speak or an unwillingness to speak.
Words: 680
Monkey D. Luffy-
Luffy does not really understand why you do not talk at first but eventually he is fully aware that it is either by choice or an inability, so he does all the talking happily!
He loves to include you in conversations even if you can’t contribute vocally and enjoys seeing that you feel included!
He has his own way of looking out for you and most of the time it does not even look like he is since he usually pulls you and the whole crew into some sort of dramatic adventure
Luffy is also a wild card when it comes to love (meaning he treats you like other people but does have his romantic moments in very… Inconvenient places. For example, running away from people. Or when he occasionally shouts, he is the King of Pirates he will gladly say you are his partner).
He will be your voice for you more often than not and make sure no one is treating you bad (and “accidentally” be stealing your food of course. It is just part of the package.)
Besides that, Luffy pretty much treats you normally!
Vinsmoke Sanji-
Sanji is the one to take notice of your muteness immediately-
Initially, he is only concerned and wonders why you can’t/don’t speak but after he gets used to it he makes sure to be the one to carry the conversation and make pauses to get your input through hand gestures and/or writing
He does eventually really start to read your facial expressions and the emotions in your eyes, and this makes him feel more connected with you as he starts to make sure you have a voice through him when you need it
Now- When Sanji falls, he falls hard so when he falls for you, I think, he would be more on the protective side just because you can’t speak
If something were to happen to you and you can’t call out for help- The thought scares him
Unlike Luffy (and Zoro) Sanji is the most romantic one and he shows it through his lingering gazes when he watches to make sure you are doing all right when interacting with the other crewmembers or when he touches you gently with his hand and appreciates the warm you give off
He learns to appreciate the silence though a part of can’t help but to wish to hear your voice- Just to know if it is as sweet as you- But he also would not wish for you to change in the slightest, loving every second he spends with you
Roronoa Zoro-
Listen- Zoro does not notice that you can’t speak probably for a few days maybe even a week if we are being honest
He already prefers things on the silent side, so he does not take it to heart if you do not speak to him- Even making him a bit happy that you do not (and a tad annoyed that you ignore him)
When he does realize that oh- You actually can’t/don’t speak in general that is when he takes an interest
He will be the one to pursue your company, enjoying it more than the others already since he gets ensured silence for any naps or exercises
Out of all three, in this scenario, I think that Zoro would fall in love the fastest
He shows it in cute subtle ways to such as never keeping his eyes off you off the ship (wanting to make sure you are not getting in any trouble when speaking to other people)
If you do need help speaking to someone or a crewmember does not understand your handwriting he will help and pretend to be annoyed but is happy that he can make sure you are doing good otherwise
He takes naps with you and always leans closer to you when standing with the group
Zoro would be the one to show his affections in subtle or subconscious ways
Besides that- He also treats you as normal as possible, knowing you can handle yourself in battle
377 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 02:58:10 GMT
Seducing Headcanons
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Anonymous requested: Hey! Is so cool what you do. I really like it. Iwas wondering if you can make some headcanons about how ASL brothers would seduce, tempt their fem s/o in THAT way.
Thanks Anon! I am glad you enjoy my writing! This… Was a ride lol- I absolutely love looking pick-up lines to use for requests like these. I had a lot of fun with this one. I hope you enjoy anon! <3
Ace, Luffy, Sabo x Female Reader
Warnings: Fluff, suggestive (The request is the men trying to SEDUCE/TEMPT Reader) uhh comedy? Ace’s is long because I love him, Luffy’s is short because FDKLSJFSAL I SEE HIM AS A CINNAMON ROLL, and Sabo’s is in the middle alfkdjakl
Words: 1027
So, assuming that Reader has been dating the ASL brothers (separately), they would eventually grow restless with wanting to finally seduce their partner into bed. This is how they do that:
(P.S if they were not dating it would be a straightforward question like “hey do you want to go shake the sheets?” alkdjsflaks)
Portgas D. Ace:
Ace is a romantic at heart for his partner
He wants the best for them, and he makes sure he delivers it because of his insecurities
However, no matter how romantic he may be, Ace is also a clumsy (not intentional) fool by nature, and I will explain why in a minute
Ace is a good boy but let’s be honest, he may have the worst timings due to his narcolepsy getting in the way or just because there are so many things going on at the Moby Dick that the world is just against him trying to ask
So, it is not his fault in the long run
And when he gets desperate to relay his new feelings to you and he will be afraid to mess up- He is going to ask Marco, Thatch, Izo, and anyone else willing, to help
Of course, they can’t get in the way of love and in this case also laid
They tutor him, teach him the ways of seduction, make him study their techniques until he finds his own, and then they test him
You may or may not walk in on one of their tests and it will be very awkward since it looks like Ace is professing his love (lust) for one of them
All of them will be embarrassed
You just walk out not wanting to be tangled in that mess and they all will apologize and assure you they were teaching him something
It is pretty much the big hint so you prepare yourself
Once it is drilled in Ace’s head on how to properly ask you to join him for bed in the smexy way, they will leave it to fate and of course, be eavesdropping when it happens to see if he succeeds (out of support of course)
Now Ace’s seducing technique?
This is just one way I imagine he would go if his insecurity become too much of a problem: He will refer to this problem in the third person so he will be talking to you, red-faced, worried, and say, “So, you are already aware there’s this girl I like” (it is you and you are suddenly confused why he is referring to you in third persona dlalsdfka)
“I like her so much and I was just wanting your opinion… On what she would possibly say if I asked her to advance in our relationship. I would love to take her to bed- That sounded kind of sleazy. I meant make love- I think that sounds better?”
Just kiss the poor nervous man
The other way is if Ace is extremely confident: He will start off with some pick-up lines
“I’m on top of things. Would you like to be one of them?”
“I love my bed, but I would rather be in yours.”
And of course his favorite cliché because of his Devil Fruit “Is it hot in here? Or is it just you?” With the added “Wait, it’s me?”
 Monkey D. Luffy:
Listen, I love him but, HE HAS NO TACT
He will be so forward with it
“Do you want to have sex?”
Does he even know what he is asking?
Sanji, Brook, and Franky are tasked with trying to improve his beginning seductions skills
He will be confident the whole time even if he has zero ideas of what he is doing (which will change upon practice. He will soon learn how to blow you away)
And basically, you will have to fool around together until he understands what feels good afjdlksafa
His seduction skills after still not getting the concept of flirting and that stuff is surprisingly on point, especially when he gets used to it
Sabo the Revolutionary:
Honestly, Sabo is the best out of the three when it comes to seducing his partner
Because he has tact, he has romance, and he has luck on his side
His only worry is if he is trying to seduce you too soon or too late?
He wants to be the perfect gentleman in your eyes because he loves you so much
He does not ask for help or advice
Because he wants his love and sex life with you to be just between you- Again, just a gentleman thing
But the way he does go about seducing his partner, is a pure romantic dinner, gifts, just pampering them before he hesitantly brings it up
“Hey, I do not know if this is a good time to be asking, but I care about you. A lot. And I was just wondering if you would like to take another step in our relationship. I would like to go to bed with you if you are willing. Of course, it is all up to you! I am okay with waiting!”
At the end of that speech, HE IS FLUSTERED
His nervousness leaves him when you give him that brilliant smile and share your thoughts with him
And just like that he remembers that you are understanding and no matter what your decision is, he is okay with waiting because it is you
Now after you guys have been having sex on a regular basis- His seduction skills do change just a little
He will turn to pick-up lines to hint he is in the mood and honestly, because they make you laugh and he loves your laugh
“You look great right now. Do you know what else would look great on you? Me.”
“If you are feeling down, I can feel you up.”
“I think I could fall madly in bed with you.”
And a cute one “Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I will give it back.”
442 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 16:45:27 GMT
ASL Reacting to a Celestial Dragon Wanting Their S/O
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Anonymous requested: Could do hc's for ALS reacting to some Celestial dragon being like "this is my spouse now" and pointing at their S/O but like their S/O deadass, without any hesitation says "oh ew" and then just BOLTS
THIS WAS FUNNY TO IMAGINE- The was a great request and I loved writing it so much. Thank you for sending it in Anon and I hope you enjoy it!
Ace, Sabo, Luffy x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary)
Warnings: Just fluff and comedy and a creepy Celestial Dragon
Words: 675
Portgas D. Ace-
Ace is already very protective of his significant other because if he is with you that means he trusts you and you actually make him feel safe
So if anyone threatens that you bet he will not back down from that
However, in this case, if it is a Celestial Dragon- I can’t imagine him ignoring that. They are bad news all around but he does need to think about what happens if he acts, what Whitebeard will say to that
That is until the Celestial Dragon points right at you and says “Take that one. I want them to be my next spouse”
Suddenly- Just like that, Ace can’t think straight nor see straight
He is about to whip out some flames but then you immediately answer that Celestial Dragon
You very loudly and without any hesitance whatsoever make a face and say “ew- full offense intended but screw that”
Then you just run for it
Everyone is flabbergasted
How did you have the guts to do that?
Ace is the first to laugh and feel his anger soothe by your response- He could just leave but of course, he needs to take care of the Celestial Dragon who will put a bounty on you after that and give a message to the world that the Whitebeard Pirates are not to be messed around with and no one messes with his significant other
Sabo hates the thought of you going on missions by yourself so he tends to follow his gut feeling which would lead to this scenario-
Only you would have the luck of running into a Celestial Dragon and having them “fall” for you
Sabo finds that a bit irritating, but he is also immensely proud since you are his significant other and he is pretty much like “Yeah- I don’t blame you for liking them. They are pretty great.”
Much like Ace, Sabo will instantly be unable to think, shrouded with anger and the need to abolish the Celestial Dragon then and there
However, his situation will depend on if you and he are undercover
If you are, he will have to hold off for the sake of not blowing the mission and your reaction is ew and running, he has to follow you to help you avoid the guards the Celestial Dragon sends your way
If you aren’t- Then he will not care, he will go out of the way to make sure the Celestial Dragon knows who he is and not to mess with his partner
It is only after he completely abolished the Celestial Dragon that he realizes that you said ew and ran off- He will smile at this and tease you about it later finding your reaction very fitting
He really does not possess the jealous trait (unless food is involved lol)
So when he sees the Celestial Dragon point at you and demand you marry him then and there he will just tilt his head like a lost puppy and go “(Name) you know them?”
LFKDJALFKSA ALL JOKES ASIDE, after he realizes that you do not know him and your immediate reaction was saying “ew” and running away the boy will start howling with laughter at the embarrassment/anger the Celestial Dragon feels (and worsens as Luffy laughs)
After the good laughing moment- If the Celestial Dragon says anything about harming you Luffy will flip the switch and get serious
He then does that amazing, you know, the crazy-eyed look that tells his opponents that they done for before saying “Sorry- Can’t have them that’s my partner”
It all takes but a few seconds to knock the Celestial Dragon out- It is not the first time he had to deal with these monsters
He does not care about hearing what other people say so it is witnesses that spread the word of what happened
Once Luffy finds you again he will just smile at you before suggesting to go eat or something
Another day another chance for food in his eyes
487 notes • Posted 2021-02-10 19:46:49 GMT
Totally Worth It
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@thedarksideofcassiopeia​ requested: Could you do a scenario with s/o smacks the monster trio + law's butt? I saw my sister do that to her boyfriend and his funny expressions just made me laugh.
So sorry for the wait, Lovely! I hope there is enough comedy from the reaction I imagined fdklsa Enjoy!
I added bonus headcanons!
Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Law x Reader (Gender-Neutral/Nonbinary)
Warnings: Sanji does not have a scenario, smacking of the bootie- So technically suggestive just for that, besides that fluff and comedy
Words: 1110
Monkey D. Luffy:
Life on the Thousand Sunny is all fun and games with the occasional get serious or we will die by the ocean or other fellow pirates. However, as Luffy’s partner, there is a much bigger risk you can take. One that has been eating away at you since you have been dying to know what his reaction would be.
What if… Just what if… You smacked his butt?
What would he do? You are curious to find out since Luffy does not react as most people would.
As his lover, you feel like it is your life mission to find out, so that is exactly what you do.
You sneak up on him, while he watches Usopp and Zoro go swimming to pull out a net, which hopefully means dinner- You decide it is now or never. You muster up your courage and pull your arm back before a distinct sound of a slap is heard.
Chopper and Brook who were beside him stare at you in disbelief. Nami and Robin who were relaxing appear confused. You smile proudly as Luffy looks at you before he just bursts out laughing.
“Did you just smack my butt (Name)?” Luffy asks.
You nod and he smiles- one that sends shivers down your spine because that can only mean one thing. He is going to get you back. You run fast and far, starting a long game of hide and seek. It was totally worth it.
Bonus Headcanons:
Anyway, if you do, Luffy will just laugh and think it is a start of a game
You signed your own death because he will have no mercy with this new game of tag
 Roronoa Zoro:
“I want half now,” You whisper to Nami.
She scowls for a second before giving you half of the money she promised. “I suppose that is fair. You may be walking into a death trap with this.”
“No maybe. It is definite,” Robin states.
You laugh. “Great. At least I will be murdered by someone who loves me.”
“Do not do it. We will not be able to protect you,” Usopp whispers.
Sanji chuckles. “Do it. He will not lay a hand on you.”
“You think so? I say it is a 50/50,” Franky states.
You nod. “I will be fine. If not, just make sure Chopper revives me after he is done bandaging Luffy. Both of them… Are still on the ship right?”
Once you receive a nod- It is go time. You spot Zoro finally getting up from his nap and headed towards the Crow’s nest. It is now or never. You run as quietly as you can and with a raised hand. Your eyes are on Zoro’s nice cake.
A truly beautiful sight you think, since he is your partner and all. As you grow closer, you see it, for a split second, he falters in his steps.
However, he continues- Which is odd because he knows you are behind him. Otherwise, he would have not faltered. Either way, he knows what is going to happen then and he lets it happen. You feel the smack resonate through your hand and up your arm as he slowly turns around.
To your surprise, he looks rather apathetic to this as he raises an eyebrow. Letting out an annoyed grunt he continues his way, but not before allowing you to see that tiny smirk on his face. He must have heard or known about the bet you had with Nami.
He let you have this then. You will take this as a worthy victory.
Bonus headcanons:
Okay so I think if Zoro did hear about Nami’s bet he would 100% let his significant other win
In any other case, he would go “Did… You just smack my butt?”
He would be instantly embarrassed and it is worse if there are witnesses
He will be all grumpy but let it slide
However, if it becomes a habit, there will be hell to pay and he will pay you back in his own way >: )
To be honest, I can’t think of one for Sanji- Just that if his partner smacked his butt he would let out a gasp, be embarrassed, and then just continue on as normal
He may even look forward to more interactions like that lol
 Trafalgar Law:
It was a simple dare. Even though you maybe, should, know better since the dare came from Sachi and Penguin but in your defense… Law is your partner, and you are curious to see what would happen if you smacked his butt.
His defense is down in the submarine so you manage to do it without much effort. What you did not expect was for him to freeze up and glare at you.
“I knew it was you. What do I owe the pleasure of such a forward action?” He asks in a rather dark tone.
As if… He was ready to deliver any punishments. All it takes is for his eyes to dart behind you to see who would of course dare you to this. He smiles. One that terrifies you because it is aimed at all three of you.
“That dare was rather tasteless. Next time come up with a better one. (Name), I would appreciate it if you did those actions when we are alone. Now… Excuse me while I go plan a way to get back at you. Who knows when… Or where… Or what I use to make sure you three will use your time better,” Law states.
It… Is enough for all three of you to be cowering together (and still thinking it was worth it) and that is revenge in itself. Law is happy until further notice.
Bonus Headcanons:
Okay, so if you smacked Law’s butt for the first time, he knows it is instantly you because who else would dare to do that? None of his crewmembers have a death wish like that
If anyone is present he will hide the instant blush and embarrassment and put on a disappointed look
If no one is present he just shakes his head at his partner and brushes it off
However, regardless of how it is done, Law guarantees there will be payback. The only thing he does is make sure that it is clear that you will never see it coming
And he is very sadistic and keeping you on your toes > : )
548 notes • Posted 2021-08-27 06:16:34 GMT
Happy Accidents Headcanons
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Anonymous requested: HI! can you pls write a female!reader where she is accidentally seen naked by ppl who crush on her (zoro or luffy) and they’re both flustered LOVE YOUR WORK BTW!! THANKS
I saved this one for so long because I love it lmfao- It is funny. So anon originally requested Zoro or Luffy (I did both) but I also added Sanji and then a bonus with Ace and Law! I just really had fun with this lol. Anyway, enjoy! <3
Zoro, Luffy, Sanji (Ace and Law) x Female Reader
Warnings: Comedy, slightly suggestive, I mean Reader gets seen naked by those who are crushing on her, Reader can be seen as crushing back or not tbh, Ace’s is probably the longest and most suggestive
Words: 1184
Monkey D. Luffy:
Chances are… Luffy goes looking for you and you are in the middle of a bath or shower and… of course, he sees everything
How he reacts? Perfectly normal
It is like you have clothes on afsdlkaf (a bit like the Hancock situation as in he is just apathetic to the situation)
He does not see a problem
And to be honest, the reason for entering the bathroom was to hug you or ask you to steal food with him
So he does not understand why you are screaming at him?
And why is Nami charging him the second she finds out?
It takes a very long talk with Mama Robin and Papa Franky for him to understand why it was a big deal (sort of) and then he starts to feel emotions he did not before
Like he still does not get it because he knows he likes you?? So he is happy he can advance in the relationship like this
Then he gets another long talk this time with Nami and Sanji to ensure it gets in his head
He will eventually apologize as instructed but then say something stupid like “you don’t have to be embarrassed because I think you are really pretty! Like meat!” or “it’s okay I saw you because I like you! do you want me to take off my clothes?”
Begins to take off clothes before anyone can stop him alfkdjsalk
50/10 obliviously cute
 Roronoa Zoro:
Anything could have led up to this accident of seeing you naked, but the most likely situation is he thought he was headed to his room and got lost and walked in on you changing
And the second he sees your naked body; it is instant embarrassment among the both of you
Worse on his part because THE MAN STOPS AND STARES TO TAKE IT ALL IN until you start yelling at him
Then he yells back like “I’M SORRY OKAY? PUT ON A SHIRT WOMAN” and instantly feels bad as he slams the door shut
His face will be red forever now
He is forever stuck in a flustered mode
Admiring the memory of your body along with how foolish he acted
Any eye contact from here on out will make him remember and get flustered
Robin and Nami tease him relentlessly after hearing what happened from you
Sanji tries to murder him countless times
Franky and Brook congratulate him
Luffy is clueless
Chopper and Usopp feel the second-hand embarrassment and shame him like “How dare you walk in on (Name)”
This goes on for a few days until you tell him it is all good (and maybe flirt with him a little to make him flustered again ; )) or he is forced to apologize and awkwardly compliments your figure in the process too
Either way, this poor man is the one that suffers the most out of the others
Instant death
That is all
He dies from a nose bleed
Or Nami murders him
He will burn the memory into his brain
However, if you do feel embarrassed or even upset about this encounter, he will grovel at your feet
He will feel so bad and make it up to you
Your favorite food will be made all the time
You want him to show himself naked too? (Not really a bad thing in his eyes but he will do it for you if it means you are even)
He will also constantly reassure you that seeing you in your glory was the best thing to happen to him
A+ for effort when apologizing
 Bonus characters-
Portgas D. Ace:
Being in the Whitebeard Crew usually means a party a lot of the times, dealing with quite a few drunks, and lack of privacy
All of this combined I would think spills are a natural occurrence and Ace is such a good friend that when you get spilled on he has to check on you… and accidentally see you naked as you change into dry clothing…
Shock. The poor man is shocked as you both make uncomfortable eye contact, and he allows his to roam. He will stare longer than normal before the manners Makino instilled in him kick in
He bows, apologizes, and leaves you confused
The leaving happened so fast that you are worried… He did not find you pleasing to look at?
He is telling himself (His boner) “Calm down boy. Down. Please for the love of-“
Yeah, he enjoyed the view
And yeah, he feels guilty as hell for enjoying the view
He will avoid you out of guilt now
And this leads you to be a bit sad because you thought he liked you and maybe he is turned off now?
He doesn’t mention anything to anyone and neither do you, but it becomes obvious to the crew that the once inseparable two are… Having problems
They don’t know what happened, but they do know they do not like how sad you become
So, they all beat up Ace- Just kidding, but Marco will point out that you seem miserable
Ace feels even more guilty, so he confronts you, he apologizes again for walking in on you, but he continues and apologizes for avoiding you and does explain he was too excited because he likes you
Now that sad behavior of yours can turn to one of joy at hearing this and with the truth out and about, you could pursue a relationship if you desire *wink wink*
Trafalgar Law:
Okay so Law coming across you naked on accident is very odd already, but I imagine it would be a set-up that you or Law do not know about planned by Penguin and Sachi
And it works
There are two ways Law will react depending on if he has made his feelings known or not
If feelings are known and he does see you in your birthday suit: It is an instant smirk as he eyes you up and down- Then a swift punishment for Penguin and Sachi after Bepo gives them up
If the feelings are not known, it is an instant blush and apology as he leaves
He will low-key need a moment to calm down too
The punishment for Sachi and Penguin, in this case, is more severe since he feels put on the spot
Afterward, in either case, he feels like he needs to tell you his feelings (or remind you of them) and without remorse, he will say he liked the view and would not mind seeing it again under better circumstances
Then he acts like this event never happened
(But on some occasions you can see him drinking you up with his eyes aldfadk)
He will bring it up verbally every now and then just to tease you
 What do they all agree on with this accident? That it was a happy accident ; )
1543 notes • Posted 2021-08-26 01:08:32 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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braindeadmaggot · 2 years
Hiya! For the OP ask: #3. Favorite romantic ship with Shanks? And Vivi? Hawkins too? #4. Favorite platonic ship with Usopp? And Robin?
I will be answering both of these from my pov as a writer. As a reader, I will read anything and will give you a 10 star rating no matter the pairing. Always. I found a random ZoroxBuggy knife kink PWP years ago (that is lost forever because I can't remember the name) and it was awesome. I recommend it.
3. Favorite romantic ship with Shanks? And Vivi? Hawkins too? I like to believe that Shanks had a preteen, puppy love romance with Buggy. While Buggy may have always had feelings for Shanks, he never acted on it until they were 13 and had their first pints of ale, got drunk and Shanks noticed how Buggy always looks at him with dreamy eyes. Since then Shanks instigated all their interactions and urged Buggy to open up and explore each other more. When the crew disbanded Shanks grew up and met new people, leaving Buggy behind to pine for him; begrudgingly so. It's one of the reasons why Buggy's so pissed off at Shanks now as adults. Of course Buggy got over it and no longer has feels for Shanks, not in the last decade or so, but getting over him was NOT easy especially when it wasn't even in his agenda to get under him, that was all Shanks' doing.
Shanks is now married to Makino and they have a baby boy together. I haven't seen Film Red yet, as it has not yet been released to the public, but whoever the fuck Uta is, she is not canon and I will be viewing this film as a very expensive fanfiction. Just like HP and the cursed child. She ain't real.
With Vivi, I do enjoy reading her shipped with Ace (there's this one fic I read ages ago that I can't find again, I thought it was Water Sector but alas I was wrong) but in my own writing Ace is with Smoker and only Smoker. Vivi: I don't mind her with Koza, I think she might actually marry him one day in canonverse... maybe. I like the idea of her with Nami, just not sure if i can write that. I mean literally I can, but I don't know if I can write it well. My heart's not in it just yet. I noticed when color coding names, Vivi's partners are all orange. It's fate
Hawkins... This is hard. When HAK (Hawkins/Apoo/Kid) alliance first came up, I immediately shipped him with Apoo. Why? Because rule 34 that's why. Like, I had it aaaall planned out. The meet cute, the debacles, the inconveniences, the second meet cute, all of it. It was like a Hallmark movie where Hawkins was a 30+ year old head strong business person that moved to a small town on a whim in the milk of autumn and met an eccentric local that pissed him off every which way and what, but they had exactly one, count it, ONE thing in common and now they're madly in love. Hawkins and Apoo..... Why did I do this? I don't even remember what it was anymore!! Wano arc came and *spoilers* the bitches were bitches and now I hate them Fuck their love, they can die alone.
That being said, ship Hawkins with his black cat mink crew member Faust because fuck it I don't care anymore. Joey Jordison looking bastard can go to hell (this makes me so sad because I fucking love Joey Jordison so fucking much. RIP #1)
4. Favorite platonic ship with Usopp? And Robin? Usopp is technically in a platonic relationship with everyone accept Kaya. But if we want to get into the could-have-been relationships, first off is Nami. I like to think she fell in love with the nerd some time after Little Garden or Drum but he shot her down and she was hurt for a while but got over it. I can kind of see her in a Shakky/Rayleigh type marriage with Luffy, but that's more like a "I'm your wife so you better listen to me" kinda thing because someone needs to be able to legally control the rubber idiot and also she gets 50% of everything he has so it's also an investment. But this isn't about Nami!!
Second chb is with Sanji. I love seeing SanUso art and they look so great together. In a perfect world I think SanUso could definitely be a strong and healthy thing, but this is One Piece and not a single thing is even remotely healthy about anything.
Third (and fourth) chb is if Usopp had stayed behind on Water 7. Franky joined Luffy and left, leaving Usopp all alone with no one on a completely new island. No friends, no Merry; nothing. He probably would have started working for Iceburg and became Paulie's apprentice. His ship designs would be highly sought for and he more than likely would have invented a lot of stuff of the yagara bulls and he also probably would have a Sogeking statue somewhere like how the dwarves have a Noland bust in Tontatta Kingdom. The entire island would be his friends but the two people that would love him the most, and he would love the most would be Kiwi and Mozu. They're just a couple of years older than him (Kiwi was 20, Mozu 19 when they met SHP), they're Franky's backup dancers/little sisters, they know the ins and outs of the underworld and black market, AND they look like Banchina. HIS MOTHER. He would have followed them around like a lost puppy calling them "Big Sisses Big Sisses". They don't know why he looks that them weird sometimes, why he always makes sure they're comfortable and makes them tea, like, ALWAYS, all the time. TEA. He even has extra blankets out in case they get cold because one, his mom, and two, they wear bikinis everywhere. They might get cold. He'd subconsciously revert back to his 10 year old self talking care of his sickly mom, K&M would more than likely get fed up because A) they're older than him and B) not in their own house you treat them like little kids. It would be very awkward but in the end I think Franky Family would have turned into Usopp Pirates 2.0.
Robin's got a major broship with Zoro.
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clems-emi · 3 years
Zoro x tashigi little story
The crew are hosting a big banquet-style reunion. Everyone knows that Zoro and Tashigi have been living together for a few months after the crew split up. When Sanji wants to pour some wine into tashigi’s glass, she politely refuses, saying a little embarrassed, "Aah sorry sanji-kun i shouldn't drink alcohol at the moment." Then, everyone freezes, and everyone understands (except luffy of course).
I let you imagine the rest.
I hope you enjoyed 😄
I just wanted to share with you a little story about zoro and tashigi which has been running through my head for a very long time, and which i love to imagine the reaction of the crew and what would they tell to them.
if anyone wants to make a fanfiction about this little story, it's up to you. Cause I'm really bad at writing long stories 😅
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plume8now · 4 years
Quarantine Reading Material
Thank you @dimancheetoile for tagging me on this! Please check them out they are an incredible artist and writer!
Fandoms I have written for (on AO3):
One Piece (37)
Spider-Man (2)
K Project (1)
Voltron (1)
Might write about BnHA at some point~
Ships you can find in my fanfictions:
Most popular fics are:
Wrong Number (M/M, Lawlu, Zosan, minor Marace, Saboala & Navi) - AU [11/? chapters]
“Why do you care? We don't know each other.” – Torao “Of course I know you, you gave me your number and your name, Torao!” – Luffy “Wait, what? No, it was a mistake. And my name is Law, not 'Torao'.” – Torao “Torao is good too.” – Luffy
Law only wanted Bepo to help him at the hospital, he never asked to have this "Luffy" guy as a SMS penpal, all of this because he typed a wrong number!
First Thought (M/M, Lawlu) - Soulmate AU [2/2]
Prompt inspired by: "Soulmate [AU] where your tattoo shows the first thing your soulmate thought when they saw you" OR How long did it take for them to figure this out?
Subscription to Death (Gen, non-explicit Lawlu) - Canon Divergence AU [2/?]
Death met Luffy for the first time when he was a little boy. He looked confused, lost. That was normal. Law was used to that. People usually didn't realise it when they were dead. It could be so sudden. He leaned in, offered his hand to the kid and asked, trying to be gentle: “How did you die?” The kid looked up and said: “I'm not dead."
In which the One Piece universe remains the same, except that Luffy is Immortal and Law is Death.
Oh no you didn’t (M/M, Lawlu) - Soulmate AU [1/1]
Prompt inspired from "If you dye your hair, your soulmate’s hair color changes as well and you swear the moment you see your soulmate you will choke them [because you were just about to have a very important appointment now.]"
Until You Learn to Love Yourself (Gen, non-explicit Klance) [1/1]
There was a crushing weight on his chest. On his heart. It kept pushing more and more everyday. It kept hurting him deep inside, and the day after was always worse than the previous one. No one noticed it. His little, tiny human anxiety wasn't important. 
Personal favorite fics are (all of the above count):
Pour Me (M/M, Zolu) Major character death, mourning, alcohol [1/1]
Luffy is standing there, smiling. They’re in the middle of the ocean, and he’s sitting on top of the Thousand Sunny’s head. His favourite spot
I love you, please don’t go (M/M, Lawlu) [1/1]
Of course, nothing went according to plan. They were supposed to, at least, ‘surprise’ them after dividing the crews. And of course, they all know there were very little chances… Well, this isn’t all that bad. Black Beard’s ‘Champion’ was down, and so was Vasco Shot, the ‘Heavy Drinker’.
Promises (M/M, Lawlu) [1/1]
“We're gonna separate again soon, and we don't know when we'll see each other again.” Law couldn't help but smirk. “What, are you gonna miss me?” Luffy frowned. “What do you think? Of course.”
Not gay (M/M, Zosan) - AU [1/1]
Inspired by the prompt: "Person A is harassed by a random stranger in a club and people B is watching. After a while Person B steps in and pretends to be Person A’s partner even though they never have seen each other before. Person A just goes with it, but the random stranger is so persistent and doesn’t believe they are a couple that Person A grabs Person B’s neck and kisses them. Somehow both of them don’t back out of the kiss, because, fuck can we never stop pretending?"
Green (M/M, Zosan) - Soulmate AU [1/1]
Inspired from the prompt: "You see everything in black and white until you meet your soulmate" Sanji meets his new customers on the Baratie, and there’s a lovely redhead sitting at a table.
If you ever only read one story of mine, let it be this one:
I honestly can’t answer this one :’) Feel free to comment your favourite though!
The best story I ever wrote, in my opinion:
Subscription to Death [mentioned above]
Until You Learn to Love Yourself [mentioned above]
Tagging @shishiswordsman @lululawlawlu-writes @manicshipper  @petite-neko @akikofumi and anyone who wants to do this!
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opcoveraus · 4 years
Introducing OPcoverAUs
What is this blog?
Starting today, once a day, this blog will post a chapter cover from One Piece and present a possible AU inspired by the given cover.
A more in-depth FAQ, tag lists and ‘about’ under the cut.
What’s an AU?
AU, short for Alternate Universe, is a term in fanfiction that means exactly what it sounds like. It can be canon divergence, where a small change has large consequences, universe alteration, where most things are the same but something relatively small is different, or a true alternate universe, where the same characters exist in a different world.
On this blog, I will most likely have examples of all kinds of AUs.
How’s this going to work?
Each post will feature one chapter cover, a few lines talking about the cover, and then a short bullet-pointed list outlining a possible AU for the cover. sometimes there might be AUs that show up again from cover to cover.
The posts will be tagged with which characters are in focus, what kind of AU is featured, and if the AU spans several covers, the individual tag for said AU.
Chapter covers I am using can be divided into three rough categories:
Character does things with animals.
Scene that could’ve been canon (with animals).
Already an AU (usually with animals).
Of these, obviously #3 will be easiest on me, but with a little creativity, all three can be worked with.
Tag list?
> Character tag list:
#luffy focus
#nami focus
#zoro focus
#usopp focus
#sanji focus
#the golden trio (Luffy, Nami, Zoro)
#the straw hat crew
> AU tag list:
#canon divergence
#universe alteration
#true alternate universe
#AU: red hair pirate luffy
#AU: accidental heroes
#AU: slower days
#AU: farmhands
#AU: dishwasher
#AU: each man for himself
#AU: wild west
> Other tags:
 - none yet
Can you tag [thing]?
Yes, of course, just say the word.
Will there be shipping?
Will you do the cover stories?
No. Those are already stories.
Can I write/draw this AU you suggested?
Yes, absolutely, and send me a link.
Where do you get your chapter covers?
MangaSee, which carries the official English translation. When the covers are in colour, I get them from the digitally coloured manga, so these do not have the official translation.
Who are you, again?
I’m ThisCat. My main blog is @ii-thiscat-ii and my Ao3 is ThisCat. I’m no one important, really.
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