#Sapphic books
gwen-tolios · 3 days
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the-bi-library · 2 days
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Happy bisexual visibility day! Here are bisexual books out in September!
Books listed:
The Lovers by Rebekah Faubion
Pumpkin Spice & Poltergeist by Ali K. Mulford and Elle Morrison
Love and Loathing in El Olvido by Sylvia San Sebastian
At the End of the River Styx by Michelle Kulwicki
We Will Devour The Night (The Essence of the Equinox, #2) by Camilla Andrew
The Hunter's Gambit by Ciel Pierlot
The Seemingly Impossible Love Life of Amanda Dean by Ann Rose
The Age of Larkspur by Aleighsha Parke
She Slipped Through the Cracks by W. Payne Sillavan
The Glass Scientists, Vol. 2 by S.H. Cotugno
The Shadowbearer's Curse by Jasmyn Morning
Nightstrider (Nightstrider, 1) by Sophia Slade
No One Does It Like You by Katie Shepard
Imbued (Imbued, #1) by Helyna L. Clove
Ménage à Claws (Wayward Déine Chronicles Book 1) by Amelia Lascaux
Spells to Forget Us by Aislinn Brophy
Not The Fainting Kind (Not That Kind Of Dandy Book 2) by Will Soulsby-McCreath
Old Wounds by Logan-Ashley Kisner
The Gods Below (The Hollow Covenant, #1) by Andrea Stewart
Gravity’s Fire by C.J. Aralore
Hating a Witch by Brigid Hunt
Stuck in the Middle With You by Frances M. Thompson
You and I Collide by E. A. M. Trofimenkoff
The Kings of Dusk & Dawn (The Heir to Moondust, #4) by Lou Wilham
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layaart · 1 day
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An illustration I did for book two of Marie Cardno's Monster Girlfriend trilogy! It'll be the title page on the special edition that's being kickstarted right now! It's based on one of the lesser-redrawn la belle dame sans merci paintings (by john william waterhouse)
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aroaessidhe · 3 days
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aro & ace books: f/f adult
some of these are romance books, some just have a romance subplot (some have other non f/f romances too)
Someone You Can Build A Nest In - fantasy, ace coded MC, LI
The Cybernetic Tea Shop - fantasy, 1/2 MCs is ace
She Who Became The Sun - historical, an acespec coded MC
Kiss Her Once For Me - romance, demi bi MC
Thaw - romance, 1/2 MCs is bi ace
Here We Go Again - romance, 1/2 MCs is aroacespec coded (though she explicitly doesn't label herself as such)
Mrs Mix Up - romance, 1/2 MCs is demiro lesbian
The Murder Next Door - historical mystery, 1/2 MCs is an ace lesbian
The Winter Knight - urban fantasy, 1/2 MCs is bi ace
The Mystic Marriage - historical fantasy, demi-coded MC
Let The Dead Bury The Dead - historical fantasy, 1/3 MCs is an ace lesbian
Soft on Soft - romance, 1/2 MCs is demi
Fragments of a Fallen Star - fantasy romance, LI is demi
#aspec books / aspec database / tumblr masterpost
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I feel ashamed. No update and i'm already near the end of Nona. Here goes spamming every page that amazed/broke me.
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Expect more in more posts though
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beauttifullife · 2 days
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"Does that mean Freya will have two moms?" Joffrey asked, his innocent curiosity cutting through the moment like a knife. Just as I was taking a sip of my wine, I nearly choked, coughing as Freya stirred grumpily in my arms.
Rhaenyra's eyes widened in disbelief at her youngest son's bluntness—a trait I couldn't help but think he had inherited entirely from her. It was a moment of poetic justice, watching her grapple with the candidness she often displayed, even if it came at my expense.
"Joffrey," she began, her voice a mixture of surprise and a hint of amusement, "that's not—”
"But it is, isn’t it?" Joffrey pressed on, oblivious to the weight of the conversation we had just navigated. His face lit up with excitement, eyes sparkling as he looked between us. "Freya will have you and Elizabeth both! That’s like having the best of both worlds!”
Rhaenyra paused, momentarily at a loss for words, and I could see the tension ease from her shoulders, replaced by a reluctant smile.
“Yes, I suppose you could say that,” she finally replied, shooting me a glance that was both exasperated and affectionate.
The corners of my lips turned upward, warmed by the unanticipated joy that filled the room. Joffrey’s innocent enthusiasm was infectious, reminding us all of the love that bound us together, despite the complexities of our situation. I cradled Freya a little tighter, feeling the gentle weight of her against me as if she were the embodiment of hope itself.
"And we'll take care of her, right?" Joffrey continued, his expression serious now, though his eyes still shone with that childlike brightness. "We’ll make sure she has everything she needs."
I glanced at Rhaenyra, but before she could answer, I found myself speaking, my voice steady, filled with conviction.
“Absolutely,” I said, meeting Joffrey’s earnest gaze. "We will protect her, just like we protect each other.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rhaenyra turn toward me, her expression softening in a way that made my heart ache. There was something in her eyes, a depth of emotion I wasn’t sure I could fully grasp at that moment, but I could feel it—her gratitude, her trust, her love.
Lucerys, his earlier confusion now replaced by a wide grin, nodded enthusiastically.
“Yeah! We’re a family now, right?” His voice was full of certainty, the kind that only children seem to possess—the unwavering belief that family, no matter how unconventional, would always hold strong.
Rhaenyra’s smile broadened as she turned her attention to her sons. There was a radiant mix of pride, love, and something deeper that glimmered in her violet eyes as she gazed at them, but when she finally answered, her eyes weren’t on them—they were on me.
“Yes,” she said, her voice soft but resolute. “We are a family.”
The words hung in the air like a promise, heavier than they seemed. A warmth spread through me, a quiet assurance that, despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded us, this—what we had here—was real. It was something we could hold on to, something that could carry us through the battles ahead.
Freya stirred in my arms, her tiny fingers curling tighter around my thumb as she let out a soft coo, as if she, too, was claiming her place in this newfound family. I looked down at her, then back at Rhaenyra, and for the first time in a long while, I allowed myself to believe in the flicker of hope that sparked within me—a hope that maybe, just maybe, we could survive this.
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battyaboutbooksreviews · 10 months
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🍉 Queer Palestinian Books 🍉
🇵🇸 The algorithm is going to keep silencing my posts, but they're not going to silence me. I grew up with little to no books that made me feel seen as a queer/bisexual Palestinian Arab American. Today, it's still not easy enough to find those books online, even though we have thousands of lists, posts, and directories to guide us. To make your search a little easier, here are a few queer Palestinian books to add to your TBR. Please help me spread this by reblogging. Consider adding these to your least for Read Palestine Week (click for resources)! 💜
🍉 The Skin and Its Girl by Sarah Cypher 🇵🇸 A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar 🍉 Hazardous Spirits by Anbara Salam 🇵🇸 To All the Yellow Flowers by Raya Tuffaha 🍉 You Exist Too Much by Zaina Arafat 🇵🇸 The Specimen's Apology by George Abraham 🍉 Birthright by George Abraham 🇵🇸 Nayra and the Djinn by Iasmin Omar Ata 🍉 Where Black Stars Rise by Nadia Shammas and Marie Enger 🇵🇸 The Twenty-Ninth Year by Hala Alyan 🍉 Guapa by Saleem Haddad 🇵🇸 From Whole Cloth: An Asexual Romance by Sonia Sulaiman
🍉 The Philistine by Leila Marshy 🇵🇸 Love Is an Ex-Country by Randa Jarrar 🍉 Shell Houses by Rasha Abdulhadi 🇵🇸 Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique by Sa'ed Atshan 🍉 Belladonna by Anbara Salam 🇵🇸 Confetti Realms by Nadia Shammas, Karnessa, Hackto Oshiro 🍉 Blood Orange by Yaffa As 🇵🇸 The ordeal of being known by Malia Rose 🍉 Decolonial Queering in Palestine by Walaa Alqaisiya 🇵🇸 Are You This? Or Are You This?: A Story of Identity and Worth by Madian Al Jazerah, Ellen Georgiou 🍉 This Arab Is Queer: An Anthology by LGBTQ+ Arab Writers 🇵🇸 My Mama's Magic by Amina Awad
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justbeingayhere · 3 months
Lesbian Bridgerton Esque Books
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{Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend is my favorite}
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madi-konrad · 5 months
It is the curse of ADHD that, at least for me, I'm always running to the next project, and then the next, chasing the new shiny thing. And that has served me well in my creative endeavors, as much as it has stymied me. But I really do think that I caught something special in my first novel, A DEMON'S NAME UPON YOUR LIPS. And thanks to how my brain works, I rarely ever promote it! Which seems unfair for how much effort I put in, alongside my friends who patiently helped me edit it.
It's a sapphic romance between a (newly minted) Duke and the demon she summons. It's a fantasy which takes place in a secondary world loosely based on Victorian-era Europe, though without any of the queerphobic, or even sexist, hatred endemic to its real-world counterpart (or even to our modern day). It's fast paced, gay as fuck, and I poured my heart and soul into it.
I'd be honored if you picked it up; it's only $5.99. About the price of a Latte.
Grab it at the following places:
itch.io (PDF, ePub, and mobi all included!)
Kobo link (ePub version)
Apple Books, Smashwords, and a few others (ePub version)
Amazon (Kindle version)
Barnes and Noble (ePub)
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Synopsis below the cut:
Lucia is a succubus, a demon with the power to shape the emotions and passions of mortals. Summoned often into the world of Melodia, she takes pride in upholding her demonic contracts to the best of her abilities. She likes to think she does her job well … though a string of recent failures say otherwise.
Talia, the recently elevated Duke of Fallmire, summons Lucia for a simple reason: to pose as her wife and fulfill marital obligations to the satisfaction of Parliament. All to say, just a few weeks of walking around the estate and playing nice with the neighbors before a conveniently tragic death. Quick and easy.
But immediately, Lucia smells blood in the water. Behind closed doors, the Duke plots vengeance upon those who killed her father—and the demon wants in. Revenge, after all, is much more fun … and more lucrative, to boot.
But can Lucia predict how hard she’d fall for the Duke? (Not a chance). And can the Duke find it in her vengeful heart to love?
Spice Level: lightly described nudity, fade-to-black sex.
64,000 words.
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eunnieboo · 11 months
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after all this time... IT'S FINALLY HERE!!! thank you everyone for your incredible love and support! If You'll Have Me is out today ♥
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the-bi-library · 1 month
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As bisexual visibility month approaches us, I wanted to highlight a few bi books we don't see people talking about much and give people some recs for bi books to read!
Books listed:
Fall Into You by Georgina Kiersten
Splinter by Jasper Hyde
Spring on the Peninsula by Ery Shin
When Tara Met Farah by Tara Pammi
Forever Is Now by Mariama J. Lockington
More to Love by Georgina Kiersten
When the Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew
Lulu Sinagtala and the City of Noble Warriors by Gail D. Villanueva
No Two Ways by Chi Yu
Exposing Lesser Demons by K.N. Robertson
Wolfpack by Rem Wigmore
A Dance of Water and Air by Antonia Aquilante
Hugged by Verity Ritchie
Where Willows Weep by Luna Fiore
Fake it by Lily Seabrooke
Small Gods of Calamity by Sam Kyung Yoo
Beyond Repair by Catherine Stein
Baptism of Fire by Jessie Thomas
Poisoned Primrose by Dahlia Donovan
Birthright by M.A. Vice
A Masc for Purim by Roz Alexander
Your Driver is Waiting by Priya Guns
Errant by L.K. Fleet
Loser of the Year by Carrie Byrd
Fortune Favors the Dead by Stephen Spotswood
Monstersona by Chloe Spencer
Scoring a Spouse by Liz Lincoln
Tengoku by Rae D. Magdon
Leaving's Not the Only Way to Go by Kay Acker
Speech and Debacles by Heather DiAngelis
Things I'll Never Say by Cassandra Newbould
Chameleon Moon by RoAnna Sylver
Allure by CEON
To Beg or Not to Beg by Cat Giraldo
Shadows Dark and Deadly by Andrea Marie Johnson
Ride with Me by Jenna Jarvis
Dearly Departed by Heather Novak
Swift and Sudden Exit by Nico Vincenty
Wishing on Winter by Brenna Bailey
Crystrals and Contracts by A. A. Fairview
Tomb of Heart and Shadow by Cara N. Delaney
False Hearts and Broken Frets by Elle Bennett
The Blood Born Dragon by J. C. Rycroft
An Act of Devotion by A. M. Leibowitz
Biting down by Torrance Sené
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layaart · 4 months
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I’m going to start holding weekly giveaw/ys to raise funds for Palestinians in Gaza, for living costs & funds to evacuate.
This is going to be supporting Ahmed, an artist from Gaza who’s trying to evacuate with his family, including his 4, 14, & 20 year old siblings and nephew only a few months old. Their home was partially destroyed and they’ve been living in horrific conditions for months. You can find his art and updates about his family on insta and tiktok @ ahmedaldaalsa
This week's prize pack is all of my This Is How You Lose The Time War art. Go in the draw to win by:
donating at least 55nok ($5/€5) to this gofundme *
upload your receipt in this form
in a week I’ll randomly pick one winner & start a new one. Thank you.
*the gfm & currency has changed, but the amount is still the same
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aroaessidhe · 1 day
The Monster Girlfriend Special Edition Kickstarter is live!
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you can get a deluxe edition of all 3 books in one volume!
Three title page illustrations (by me! I'll post the other 2 on my art blog soon)
Illustrated endpapers (also by me!)
Rainbow holographic hardcover case designed by Isabella Cobb
Sprayed edges, ribbon bookmark, custom interior formatting, signed bookplate
lots more info on the ks page!
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 7 months
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‘I will be your champion. Your Knight of Stars. I am not valorous or virtuous, and I am not a . . . a lord, or a nobleman. I am not even a knight. But I will be your champion, Johanna. My Lady. If you will have me. If you will keep me.’
All The Painted Stars, Emma Denny
Art in the middle by @felrija 💖
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sapphicbookclub · 2 years
23 sapphic books in 2023
Here’s a list of 2023 book releases with f/f pairings that you can add to your TBR and you can preorder now to support the authors!  
Science Fiction / Fantasy books:
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The Daughters of Izdihar by Hadeer Elsbai
A Day of Fallen Night by Samantha Shannon
The Water Outlaws by S.L. Huang
Ravensong by Cayla Fay
The Valkyrie by Kate Heartfield
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The Mimicking of Known Successes by Malka Ann Older
Some Desperate Glory by Emily Tesh
Lucha of the Night Forest Tehlor by Kay Mejia
The Sun and the Void by Gabriela Romero-Lacruz
The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz
Juniper Harvey and the Vanishing Kingdom by Nina Varela
Contemporary romance books: 
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Life is Strange: Steph’s Story by Rosiee Thor
Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli
Out of Character by Jenna Miller
What a Desi Girl Wants by Sabina Khan
The Dos and Donuts of Love by Adiba Jaigirdar
The Girl Next Door by Cecilia Vinesse
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Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko
Mimosa by Archie Bongiovanni
The Rules of Us by Jennifer Nissley
Sorry, Bro by Taleen Voskuni
If Tomorrow Doesn't Come by Jen St. Jude
The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur
May 2023 bring you even more sapphicness and books! 🎆🎇
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🍉 Queer Palestinian Books for Pride Month 🏳️‍🌈
🍉 Want to add a bit more diversity to your TBR? Consider reading one of these queer books by Palestinian authors for Pride Month!
🏳️‍🌈 Fiction 🍉 The Skin and Its Girl - Sarah Cypher 🍉 You Exist Too Much - Zaina Arafat 🍉 Belladonna - Anbara Salam 🍉 A Map of Home - Randa Jarrar 🍉 Muneera and the Moon - 🍉 Guapa - Saleem Haddad 🍉 The Ordeal of Being Known - Malia Rose 🍉 The Philistine - Leila Marshy 🍉 Hazardous Spirits - Anbara Salam 🍉 From Whole Cloth - Sonia Sulaiman
🏳️‍🌈 Graphic Novels 🍉 Mis(h)adra - Iasmin Omar Ata 🍉 Where Black Stars Rise - Nadia Shammas & Marie Enger 🍉 Confetti Realms - Nadia Shammas 🍉 Nayra and the Djinn - Iasmin Omar Ata 🍉 My Mama's Magic - Amina Awad 🍉 Squire - Nadia Shammas & Sara Alfageeh
🏳️‍🌈 Non-Fiction/Memoirs 🍉 Are You This? Or Are You This? - Madian Al Jazerah 🍉 Love is an Ex-Country - Randa Jarrar 🍉 This Arab is Queer - (ed) Elias Jahshan 🍉 Decolonial Queering in Palestine - Walaa Alqaisiya 🍉 Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique - Sa'ed Atshan 🍉 Between Banat - Mejdulene Bernard Shomali
🏳️‍🌈 Poetry 🍉 To All the Yellow Flowers - Raya Tuffaha 🍉 The Specimen's Apology - George Abraham & Leila Abdelrazaq 🍉 Birthright - George Abraham 🍉 The Twenty-Ninth Year - Hala Alyan 🍉 Blood Orange - Yaffa AS 🍉 Who is Owed Springtime - Rasha Abdulhadi 🍉 Shell Houses - Rasha Abdulhadi 🍉 Halal If You Hear Me - (ed) Fatimah Asghar & Safia Elhillo
🍉 None of us are free until all of us are free. 🏳️‍🌈
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