#Scott Lang x Reader
gfmaximoff · 9 months
Scott: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Tony: Self-esteem, haven't seen you in years!
Steve: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this!
Wanda: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!
Natasha: My moral code, is that you?
Scott: I was just gonna show you this cool trunk my mother left me but do you guys need a hug?
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weyirn · 1 year
Marvel men with a bf that's bigger and taller than them and likes to carry them in a bridal style or likes to pick them up randomly
Marvel x Male!Reader
Taller/Bigger Boyfriend That Likes Picking Them Up
☆Steve becomes flustered at first, and it takes him a little while to get used to it (not that he doesn't enjoy it or anything). Nowadays, he just relaxes in your arms, liking to be vulnerable and letting go once in a while. It shows how much he trusts you, allowing you to show this side of him. But picking him up randomly will result in him scolding you.
❄️Bucky likes it way more than he thinks he should...At first, he was surprised by it and stiffened up in your arms, but slowly relaxed and leaned into your chest, because he knows he can be vulnerable with you. He feels safe with you. But when it comes to being picked up randomly, he doesn't enjoy it. He would rather have a heads up before you do it instead.
💲Secretly fanboying Tony doesn't admit that he enjoys it and makes snark comments about it, but then he starts to complain when you would put him down. It's fun to use this to your advantage and tease him about much he likes being carried by you, watching him roll his eyes and get flustered by it.
🕸Peter blushes and shyly clings to you, not wanting you to put him down. He feels a little secure being in your arms. There are times where he just wants to be in your arms, so he'll just sit in your lap and you'll have your arms wrapped around him. Just anything to feel your touch.
⌲If you're randomly picking him up, Sam would kind of take it as a challenge, as he would try and catch you right before you can put your hands on him. If he fails to catch you, then he'll be like, "you're not going to put me down anytime soon, aren't you?"
🐜Scott feels his heart flutter whenever you pick him up, and immediately clings to you. Sometimes, he holds his arms in the air, hinting that you should pick him up and carry him. He will have fun if you pick him up randomly, being both surprised but also laughing it off.
💚The only time Bruce will let you pick him up is when he's exhausted and you're carrying him to bed. He doesn't feel comfortable being picked up randomly (cuz it might make his nerves bad).
⚡️Thor is...actually surprised that you can pick him up, but that doesn't mean it's not a pleasant surprise for him. He's always clinging to you and smiling, liking how easy it is for you to carry him. He'll always laugh along with you when you would pick him up randomly, enjoying the pleasant surprise.
🐍It always makes Loki grumpy that you pick him up; he thinks you're doing it to tease him, or to rub it in his face of how bigger and stronger you are of him. He will never admit that he may enjoy it, considering the fact that he doesn't even try to get out of your arms when you hold him.
🖤Eddie actually thinks this is much better than him walking on his own (and Venom telling him how much of a slow walker he is). He just doesn't let you do it in public unless he's exhausted. But you're not picking up Venom any time soon (cuz he won't let you, and he's way bigger than you anyway, lol).
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kaivenom · 3 months
How would you meet the avengers' men
A/N: I know this is very long, if someone wants a one shot about some of these, tell me about it. This is an attempt to remember the good days of Marvel and these awesome man.
Steve Rogers:
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You where a new agent in S.H.I.E.L.D and you got assigned to be the supervisor when Steve woke up from the ice.
He was scared about the new era, the technology and all the things but you tried to teach him the best you can about the 21th century.
At some point he got so used to your presence that invited you to take dinner. The night was so pleasasnt that you decided to set the sundays as a 'study period' to do outside.
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You were his neighbor at Bucarest and when you heard that someone was moving on you decided to welcome him to the comunity. He got very surprised to see you being so nice to him.
Since then you start to meet many times, ussually in the market. Or in the stairs of the building but he never said more than three or four words, you thought he didn't like.
One day you were carrying a large amount of purchase and he appeared, seeing that you needed help he took some of the bags and you two started going up stairs. He looked nervous but soon started to start a conversation with you. He wasn't very good at it, it was clear that he didn't socialize very often.
From that time he began to talk to you more often when you coincided.
Bruce Banner:
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You were sent to Banner's lab to help him with his experiments, especially they selected you because you have a psychology degree and Fury expected you to know how to calm him down if something happens.
The time you got there, Bruce made you work instantly. He was rude and strict. Weeks passed by and at some point you started to get annoyed about his attitude towards you because you didn't do anything to get him angry.
When you aproached him about it he started to say that he was reaching your limits to see where was your limit, because everyone will abandon him. You confronted him about it using all your psychological skills from university, trying to figure out his personality.
He didn't like it, even the Hulk started to show up, seeing that you got on his nerves that much, it was time to show up your mediation skills. He was surprised to see that you got to calm down the Hulk, from that day he started to be more nice at work.
Clint Barton:
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Being new on S.H.I.E.L.D and being an awesome archer was something that Clint didn't take well. First started with showing off on the training season, then continued to get on your way on missions.
It was after that you saved his life that he started to calm down with the competitive aspect. Though it didn't disappear, it was easier to cope with it.
Especially because you aren't really good at socializing, at some point Clint realized that and started to be more close to you and include you on plans with other agents.
When you discovered you thought it was because he felt pity about you, after some discussion he said that he felt the same. Being an archer when everyone has guns can be a little isolating from partners and he didn't want you to feel that way.
After that you two started to be inseparable, although you didn't leave the competitive side.
Peter Quill:
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You hired the famous Guardians of the Galaxy to get you an object that was stolen from you. Apart from the fact that Quill was just coming in to get extra information about the case every time he can, he even tried haggling for payment.
He tried to add a date with you to your previous agreedment. You tried to decline it, but then you realized that you both where humans but you were never on earth. So that could be the perfect time to see a true human experience like a romantic date.
You accepted and at the end, you were very excited about it. He took you to take dinner and then some drinks in a club. You danced until sunrise and ended up having a very good night.
You thought he would try to make you go to bed with him but he was even more lost in the music than you. It was very fun and you hope to hire them again if that would be the price.
Peter Parker:
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Being a new student at Queen's high school was difficult, even more if you didn't fit quite well with other girls or anyone popular.
Then appeared like a miracle, the science club, maybe you can make some lab friends there. When you got there you saw to boys, one was especially cute
They seemed very surprised to see someone there, they asked you if you were lost and when you said It was because you liked to join then it was like a blessing to them. Apparently they dont have many females in the club, they were exited.
The boy named Peter asked if you needed help to know the high school, the classes or anything. You accepted the help and was one of the best mornings you could have, from that day you pass almost all your time on the science club, especially with Peter.
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You were a sorcerer well known on Asgard. One day he appeared asking for you help and you accepted, after all he was the prince.
After that and some awkard flirting from his side while you were casting the spell, he started to ask for your help more often.
There was a point where it wasn't even credible anymore and It was very obvious that he wanted some excuse to see you.
After confronting him about that behaviour he tried to deny It, but when you said that if he wanted to get you on a date all he need to do it ask, he inmediatly regretted his words and asked you out.
Pietro Maximoff
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(in this i imagine he is still alive)
Sokovian invassion, the worst day possible you can have. Dangerous robots and some strange blue and white lighting appearing on the street from time to time. You took a gun and started evacuating all the people you can, you were no soldier or superhero but seeing children being in danger wasn't your preference.
When you saw the strange lighting again you shot it. It turned out that wasn't a robot, it was a men. At least the bullet only skimed his arm but the discontent on his face was obvious. You yelled an apology and when he saw the kids behind you he took them to the evacuation transport.
You didn't let him take you there and obliged him to escort you while you continue to save some people. After someone shoot you on the arm he took you to the transport without the posibility to complain from your part.
Later when all the disaster passed, he searched for you and invited you to dinner, in expense for shooting him.
Tony Stark:
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You were an interviewer of the news, one day your boss decided that you would do an articule about Iron man.
You spent the next three months investigation and searching everything you could find about the millionare. And finally you published your work.
Instantly your report was really popular and in a couple of days Tony Stark was at your job, he was looking for you.
When your boss left him on your office, mister Stark started to ask you questions about why you wrote that things and quarrel you about not asking for a private interview with him. When you said that to already did that and ended up with a refusal he said it was a mistake, so he gave you a date.
When the day came, he was really excentric and full of pride trying to flirt with you but after seeing your compromise, stopped little by little on his attempts... at least during the interview, after that he invited you to another date, this time more casual.
Sam Wilson:
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This is simple, you two were recluts on S.H.I.E.L.D at the same time, this included rivarly, competitions and you dying of jealousy when he got into the avengers.
You decided to try to ascend the more you can on the hierarchy of S.H.I.E.L.D's comands and you succeded.
After a couple of years you had to supervise an international secret mission that was shared with the avengers so you two encountered. He was shocked to see that you got so far and you made fun of his wings. That resulted in your rivarly to be reactivated during the mission.
When quest ended successfully he offered you to train together again. You accepted and started to spent at least one morning of the week kicking his ass.
Scott Lang
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You were the babbysitter of Cassie, provided by the police to be there if it was a problem because she is the daughter of a superhero. The thing it's that you didn't met Ant-man yet because he was on house arrest.
Until one day he showed on the door, without the ankle strap, you supposed his sentenced finished. He was suprised too, someone new was on the house playing with his daughter.
The day was really funny, he was funny, you two instanly connected and tried to make the best day for Cassie.
A couple of days you discovered that he escaped from the house arrest, when he showed up again a couple of days later you aproached him about it. When he didn't take you seriously you sent him to the ground with a fight technique, he didn't expected you to be a trained agent.
After all you had to be more permissive because the man loved his daughter a lot and you can't take that from him. You keeped and eye on him and the surroundings, but the day was as funny as the first day.
Bonus Loki
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You were a librarian on Earth, a friend of Jane Foster. One day Thor appeared with his brother. You heard about him, especially after New York's invasion but he didn't look like a maniac.
It was charming, aside from the dislike and upset he appeared to had from being on earth. While Thor was with Jane, he started to look at the books with a annoyed face. You decided to aproach him and offer your help, in the end this was your library.
At first he didn't quite like your presence and he made it clear, but during the evening, your book recomendation's made him change a little his mind.
He started to acompany more his brother to the library and started at some point taking books with him, making a license was very funny. There was a time that he started to bring books from Asgard to you and incredibly, he offered himself to teach you magic. In his words, someone with that much knowledge should be able to used it.
The afternoons on your small library started to be very intriguing.
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louwaffles · 1 year
Y/N: Hey guys, guess what I did today?
Tony: Destroyed another one of my suits?
Steve: Blew up the White House? Or was it the Pentagon?
Sam: Sent out an atomic missile for fun?
Scott: Oh, I love guessing games! Did you disappoint Fury and all of us again?
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Scottie slides up to Hank…
Scottie: quick question, if there any way to make me slightly bigger?
Hank: why?
Scottie: Y/N likes bigger women and I really wanna wow them
Hank: don’t even try it, Lang!
Scottie: fine! I’ll just use my powers of seduction on them
Hope: powers of seduction? You mean your up close personal magic?
Scottie: it works! I know it will!!!
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For @iamnicodemus
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romanoffshouse · 10 months
Y/n: [singing Feliz Navidad at the Avengers Compound]
Tony: [shacking his head]
Peter, Thor and Scott starting to sing along with it.
Tony: [gets more annoyed] Can you please stop it's July!
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winters-hysteria · 1 year
Could you maybe write an nsfw Scott Lang x reader with the prompt 4. Scott tried a new sex position where he tries prone bone and she’s just sobbing moaning and can’t even say anything coherent
And maybe to add to it, It’s a similar situation to the one where she couldn’t cum without clit stimulation, and she surprises him by cumming quickly because of the new position
bitch /aff i fucking love you that you for this idea hskdhbsabk
so to shorten it :
scotty (our lovely lil baby) wanted to try a new position with reader and it just feels so good, reader is pretty much melted. she even cums from just penetration, whereas originally she needed clit stimulation and she ends up surprising scotty (and letting him know he was gonna be doing this a lot more.)
pre-thanos so cassie is lil babey
803 words
warnings: smut (obvi)
nsfw below the cut
"you alright baby?" scott asked, concern lacing his voice as his hands planted on either side of your head, the rest of his body straddling yours.
you were laying on your tummy with your back slightly arched into him, your face pressed into scott's soft warm pillow. you two had asked maggie to watch cassie for the weekend because you two wanted some (much-needed) alone time. you'd stood at the door next to him with one of his arms around your waist and waved off maggie's car until you could no longer see it, giggling at cassie's small hands stretching out the open window.
the second it was no longer in view he pounced on you, locking his lips with yours. he pushed you out of the doorframe and slammed it behind the both of you, using his entire body to pin you to the door a couple seconds later. you let out soft moans as his hands grabbed everywhere they could, letting out a whine of "scott!!" when he palmed your breast through his your t-shirt you wore. the sound of his name falling from your plush lips drove him absolutely feral, only breaking the kiss to rip his and your shirts off.
he practically dragged you to the bedroom, throwing your smaller frame onto the soft bed. he followed soon after, kicking off his jeans and crawling on top of you. his lips had found your neck, the soft whines you'd been letting out developing into loud, needy moans.
he'd canted his hips up into your core when he heard them, tightening his grip on your hair. he whined, really whined- into your ear, causing your eyes to roll back and your spine to arch.
his hands had travelled lower and lower until they reached the waistband of your gray cargo pants, undoing the buttons and yanking them down as fast as he could. he had to pause for a moment at the sight of your black panties. they made him nearly want to bust right then and there, but he had something he wanted to try before he did.
he slipped his fingers underneath the black fabric, pulling it down slowly and reveling in the sweet sweet sounds slipping from your lips. he could hardly wait any longer and made quick work of the rest of your clothing before using a strong hand to force your thighs apart, ring and middle finger running along your soaked slit, earning a long, drawn-out cry from you.
"that good, huh?" he smirked from between your thighs, turning into a giggle when you lifted them and squished his head.
"shut up and fuck me, scotty." your exasperated (albeit very turned on) voice floated down to him.
"aw, no asking nicely?" scott pouted mockingly before you raised yourself on your elbows and glared down at him. he'd never tell you, but seeing you give him that look made him impossibly hard.
"scott i swear if you don't fuck me right now i will get up out of this bed and go stay at maggie's." you huffed.
his eyes narrowed. "you wouldn't."
you moved to get off the bed. "i would." rolling onto your tummy and reaching for your shirt, you put one foot on the floor before being stopped by scott climbing back up onto the bed, on top of you.
"i wanna try something', okay?" scott whispered in your ear, and a heavy blush painted across your face as you nodded.
and that was how you ended up here, face pressed into the pillow while scott slowly thrusted above you, drawing out small huffs and whines from his throat.
"can i go faster? please?" the desperation in his voice stoked the fire in your lower belly even more, had you mewling and whining in response as his hips bucked faster and harder into you, relishing in the loud incoherent cries you were letting out.
"that feel good, baby? yeah? you fuckin' love this, don't you? god, you're such a good girl. yeah, yeah, my good girl."
his eyes were closed in concentration. "mm, gettin' close, honey. gonna fuckin' fill you up so good."
he let out a loud groan of your name as he came inside you, riding out his high while you sobbed in pleasure beneath him. listlessly murmuring while you felt that coil in your belly start to tighten. your whines got gradually louder until it snapped, surprising both you and scott as you clutched at the sheets and cried out from beneath him.
"jesus christ. did you just cum?" he whispered in shock, staring down at your trembling form, breathing heavy and deep. "fuck, honey, that was hot. oh my god. we are so doing this again."
your only response was a quiet whine that sounded vaguely of a "yes."
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incorrectquotesmcu · 11 months
Scott, doing a magic trick: Take a card, any card.
Y/N: [Takes Scott’s credit card]
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moonlit-imagines · 5 months
Headcanons for being Scott and Hope’s child (Hank Jr. Edition)
Scott Lang/Hope van Dyne x child!reader
prompt: anonymous: “Scott and Hope have a baby girl (reader). And everything seems to be fine, but somewhere from the age of five, it becomes clear that the reader is a complete copy of her grandfather Hank Pym, that is: she is incredibly smart, she loves ants (she can talk about them for hours), she also has problems controlling anger (she hit a guy in the face at school for saying that ant-man sucks), thinks that there is no one smarter than her and her grandfather, and she also transferred his sarcastic communication style and views on things and people around, for example, when she first met Tony, she said: "You can never trust Stark."”
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somewhere in the distant future a special kid was born
and that special kid had special parents and special grandparents
and those parents and grandparents were two generations of superheroes who saved countless lives (and, well, the world)
so it was no surprise to them that this next generation would be just as intelligent and caring as the ones before them
*cue a toddler with crayons in class*
“and then my grandpa asked the ants nicely to fly him to a bunch of different places and do all these cool things like move stuff around and like do other stuff” -you rambling on
“do you like anything besides ants?” -your teacher
“no” -you, continuing to draw ants on your paper
hank and janet were quite proud grandparents
and scott and hope, your wonderful amazing parents…couldn’t get enough of it
“honey, what about wasps? wasps are cool, right?” -hope
“no” -you
“she’s spending too much time with my dad” -hope
“well, he’s the only babysitter we’ve got since cassie got that new job” -scott
“oh, you mean our old job? yeah, miss those days where we could go flying around getting into trouble and beating people up” -hope
“well, you promised we’d retire so y/n wouldn’t end up with a childhood like yours” -scott
“y/n’s gonna want to be a superhero when they get older, arent they?” -hope
“let’s not think too far ahead. it might kill me” -scott
scott reads you his biography every night before bed
and you always giggle at the parts where your mom and grandpa bully him
“hey, not funny!” -scott
“so funny” -you
“dont get any ideas” -scott
“daddy, are you gonna get arrested again?” -you
“if i do it’ll be grandpa hank’s fault” -scott
you continued spending time with grandpa hank and grandma janet
and they spoiled the crap out of you
hank…got you an ant farm
“now you’re just being ridiculous, hank” -janet
“what? i’m just having some bonding time with my grandchild! hope never wanted anything to do with me growing up” -hank
once you started getting older, you wanted to hang out in grandpa’s lab allll the time. day and night
your parents hated it
“hey, think this one will suck us all into the quantum realm?” -scott
“it was one time!” -cassie
cassie was at hank and janet’s a lot, too, actually. they always wanted to help her with her suits and gadgets and all that
and make sure she had plenty of pym particles
“you have enough, right? here, take some more, i have plenty” -hank
“grandpa, please, i have more than enough, thank you” -cassie
“can i have some pym particles?” -you
“we can play with them in the backyard next time youre over” -hank
you draw new suit designs for cassie all the time
some of them she actually incorporates into her suits
and as you get older, you try to start designing more tech for her
“y/n is really scaring me” -hope
“why?” -scott
“just watch her and my parents together…they’re the same” -hope
“dear god, what have we done” -scott
“dad, look at this new pym particle powered weapon, i just finished the prototype!” -you
“okay, now i’m mad because where was this when i needed it!” -scott
“fifteen to twenty years too late” -hope
“we should have gotten together sooner” -scott
“i disagree” -hope
“wow, not even a pity agreement” -scott
asking your parents if they’ll get back into crime fighting
they said no
asking if you can get into crime fighting
they said no again
so you just kinda stockpiled all your ideas
and did everything you could to further your grandpa’s work
and help your sister
and keep your parents’ minds at ease (doesn’t really work)
and maybe one day you’ll be able to ride those ants and kick some ass like you always dreamed
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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lesbian-deadpool · 1 year
Scott: If you water water, it grows.
Rocket: ... what?
Y/N: They've got a point.
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saiyanprincessswanie · 7 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie - Reading List Week 169 & 170
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Welcome to Weeks 169 & 170
A/N: Thank you again to those who gave me recommendations for fanfics. Especially all the Kinktober goodies. 💜 This week had me reading 60 fics. Absolutely amazing stuff here.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Falling in Love with You - (Bucky x Reader) - @/saiyanprincessswanie
Trapped in the unknown - @nekoannie-chan
Bad Moon Rising - @spectre-posts
Mine to Keep - (Scott L x Reader) - @the-soulofdevil
Kinktober 2023, Day 5 - (Ransom x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
Day 13: Somnophilia - (Bucky x Reader) - @writing-for-marvel
Kinktober Week 2: Formal Wear - (Bucky x Reader) - @lunarbuck
Insatiable - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
One Night With You ~ Pt 2 - (Bucky x Reader) - @jtargaryen18
Yes, Ma'am - (Steve x Reader) - @notyetneedcoffee
How Far Down - (Mickey H x Reader) - @navybrat817
Never His - (Destroyer!chris x Reader) - @/navybrat817
Forever In Your Eyes - (Bucky x Reader) - @flordeamatista
it's you and me - (Lee x Reader) - @nickfowlerrr
Stuck in an elevator - @drabblewithfrannybarnes
monuments and melodies - (Bucky x Reader) - @thornsnvultures
Heart of Darkness - (Bucky x Reader) - @/jobean12-blog
Puppy - (Cole T x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Kinktober 2023, Day 6 - (Bucky x Reader) - @/georgiapeach30513
Basement - (Brock x Reader) - @/nekoannie-chan
Mine - (Bucky x Reader) - @/notyetneedcoffee
Kinktober Week 2: Double Penetration - (Stucky x Reader) - @/lunarbuck
Just What I Needed (1) - (Bucky x Reader) - @/lunarbuck
Old pets - @/nekoannie-chan
Soft Hearts, Gentle Words - (Bucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Heaven on Earth - (Bucky x Reader) - @/navybrat817
Be Mine - (Bucky x Reader) - @flordeamatista
Trouble - (Dean x Reader) - @spnexploration
Soul enemies - @/nekoannie-chan
Just What I Needed (2) - (Bucky x Reader) - @/lunarbuck
Learn My Lesson - (Steve x Reader) - @cockslutpadalecki
Day 16: Massage - (Bucky x Reader) - @/writing-for-marvel
Home - @the-soulofdevil
Strut - (Bucky x Reader) - @/notyetneedcoffee
Fulfilled - (Curtis x Reader) - @stargazingfangirl18
Toys 'R' Us - @americasass81
Just Right - Chp 6 - (Steve x Reader) - @darsynia
Real Life Tasks With Ransom - Day 19 - @wiypt-writes @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
The Root of all Ransom - Part 5 - (Ransom x Reader) - @ronearoundblindly
Though I Have Never Read It - Part 5 - (Bucky x Reader) - @tuiccim
Threadbare - Part 5 - (Steve x Reader) - @/ronearoundblindly
Collared part 21 - @spnexploration
Collared part 22 - @/spnexploration
Fresh Fallen Snow, Part 8 - (Curtis x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
His Inheritance - Part 24 - (Steve x Reader) - @jtargaryen18
Temple in the forest - @/nekoannie-chan
Rules and Chaos - (Bucky x Reader) - @/navybrat817
Come Here - (Steve x Reader) - @/notyetneedcoffee
Curtis and Honey Autumn This Or That - Lots of Candles - (Curtis x Reader) - @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
Insider - @/nekoannie-chan
Day 19: Sex Toys - (Bucky x Reader) - @/writing-for-marvel
THE MAGICIAN - (Lloyd x Reader x Nick) - @/flordeamatista
Cat & Mouse - (Loki x Reader) - @animnerd
Sanctuary - (Robert P x Reader) - @/stargazingfangirl18
such a tease - (Stucky x Reader) - @/nickfowlerrr
The closet of desire - (Ari x Reader) @nicoline1998enilocin
The Bet - @/notyetneedcoffee
Alpha? - (Lee x Reader) - @/animnerd
Urban building - @/nekoannie-chan
Perfect Kind of Trouble - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
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satoru-is-the-way · 1 year
Kang × Reader
(PAST)Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Master List For more fanfics!
 A/N: So! I will say I loved this movie!! Im in love with Kang! He is daddy ngl!! Hope you enjoy. I am writing more Kang x Readers!! I am taking requests for Kang at the moment as well!!
Warnings: Angst, Mentions death, SMUT SMUT SMUT MINORS DO NOT READ. Im horrible at smut. Lmao.
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Evil, I've come to tell you that *he's evil, most definitely
Evil, ornery, scandalous and evil, most definitely
(Y/n) stood in the quantum real prison. On the opposite cell Scott Lang, Ant-Man, looked in her direction. "So this the first time you've been to jail?" He attempts to make small talk unsure of what fate held. (Y/n) (L/n) had been a long-time friend of Hope Van Dyne thus also a friend of Scott. She happened to be over for dinner when Cassie brought up researching the quantum realm. The six went down to the lab where Cassie made a device sending a signal down into this unknown realm. One thing lead to another and now here (Y/n) was caught up in this mess. Held prisoner in a castle of some conqueror.
"No, definitely not my frist time in prison." She replied before hearing footsteps in the distance. The man who approach the cells had a great deal of power (Y/n) could feel it. A power that no one should have. He far exceeded every foe she previously face. A man that would have Thanos trimble in fear.
"You two are very interesting. Scott Lang. (Y/n) (L/n)." He spoke glancing at each hero individually.
"Uh, I don't know who you are. But you have made a big mistake. We are avengers. We called the other avengers." Scott crossed his arms. (Y/n) knits her brows watching Kang's reaction. But this man did not care. In some aspects, she could see amusement in Kang's dark eyes.
"You are an avenger. Have I killed you before?" The conquerer asked.
"W-What?" Scott asked puzzled.
"They all bend together after a while. But you..." Kang turned around taking a few steps closer to (Y/n). "I remember ." A smile graced his lips. The blue shield that kept you imprisoned dropped.
"I do not know you." (Y/n) replied. Kang chuckled as he kept moving towards (Y/n) who stood her ground. That is what he loved about her. In every universe, she held powers that could far exceed his own. Yet this woman never understood how to use them.
"I know. But in time you will. Trust me I know." He sighed," In every universe, you are always the last one standing. Strong but useless. I was going to make a deal with Scott. However, my dear, are far more desirable." Kang's gloved hand cup (Y/n)'s cheek.
She leaned into his touch knowing what men like him wanted, love. "What deal are you offering?" (Y/n) whispers.
"You are desperate for him. The man you lost. It's irony. In every universe I have conquered, there is a trace of him in you. Call it destiny. The path other Kangs have written to make you vulnerable. Your one true weakness. The youngest prince of Asgard." He smirked. (Y/n) gulped heart beating fast as this man came into mind. The man she watched die in front of her. She was pathetic, ridden with fear, and helpless as Thanos murdrred him. Loki Laufeyson
"This deal involves him? Without the stones it's impossible to bring him back!" (Y/n) snaps.
"My dear, I am the all powerful Kang. I control space and time. If you help me start my ship. I can give you what you need. More time. I can create it where he never died. Would you like that?" He whispered.
"Don't do it. He is lying!" Scott's voice rang reminding you he was there.
"This does not involve you, Scott Lang. Need I remind you I have your daughter in a few cells down...Do not worry you are not entirely useless." He glanced back from the corner of his eyes.
"And if I say no?" (Y/n) asked.
Kang leaned closer his lips mere inches away from hers. "We both know you will agree. The greed inside of you leads you down the wrong path every time. Trust me I know you better than you do. I have seen you in many lives, in thousands of universes and timelines." He looked at her lips. "You desire more than just love. Security, loyal, trust....power." The last is barely audible. It was meant for only her ears. (Y/n) breathes in heavily knowing all he said was true. She walked the fine line between good and evil. The dark and light battled for her soul. Here in front of her stood temptation, the apple god placed in the garden. One bit would mean devastation.
"(Y/n) don't do this you are-" With a flick of his finger Scott is flying into the wall knocking him out.
"Come with me." Kang extends his hand without hesitation (Y/n) takes it following Kang up to his throne room. "You could have him back. It can be arranged. In your time, an alternate ending, or something better. I can create your own world. As you see fit. You can be happy with him and have everything you wanted. In a snap of my fingers, it will all be yours." He walked around (Y/n) stopping behind her. "And the best part is I can erase your memories so you never have to remember. Isn't that what your tortured soul requires? Peace." Kang brushed her (h/c) behind (Y/n)'s ear. She never felt scared like this before. Her body went cold. All her needs, darkest desires, and dreams can be made into reality. This man held power far beyond her imagination. Loki could be hers again. "I am Kang. Anything is possible with me."
"I want the deal...I want more than just that Kang. I need revenge. I want to kill Thanos. Slaughter every variant of him until he is erased from the multiverse no matter how long it takes." Her words brought joy to Kang's heart. He missed how dark (Y/n) could be. The evil that corrupted her inside. Kang hums and walked over to his golden throne.
"Is that all you want?" He asked innocently beckoning (Y/n) to come closer. The female took one step at a time until standing in front of him. "Sit." Kang pats his lap. (Y/n) straddles his lap sitting down. Large hands gripped her waist. "Your beauty never ceases to amaze me. In every universe. You still are the same." He pulled her into a kiss. She left uncertain about this. Why did she crave this man? Maybe Kang was right power attracts her. It engulfs her entire being. She craves it, yearns for it, and now power sits in this golden throne.
"I want you." Her silk voice lets a whine out as the conqueror trails his lips down her neck. (Y/n) grinds herself onto his bulge. He could not wait any longer. The way her (e/c) eyes tease him. "I need you." She gaped as Kang ripped her shirt off.
"You are so beautiful," Kang whispered unclipping her bra. "Fuck." He licked over (Y/n)'s hard nipples. The way she grinds onto his erection had Kang seeing stars. She pulled at his robes and in a quick snap of his fingers they are off.
"Damn." She whispered unable to pull her eyes from his chest. The Conqueror had abs. She traced them with her fingers. His arms had large muscles. (Y/n) left her cunt clench around nothing. His physique was perfect.
"Do you like what you see?" He purred roughly drawing her closer so their bare chests are pressed together. "I am all yours." He pulled (Y/n)'s skin-tight bottoms down along with her panties. "So wet already. We have just met and you are so fucking horny. How long has it been?... Since you have been pleasured by a real man?" Kang whispered pressing two large fingers into her wet pussy. A sigh of relief escaped her cherry-red lips. He moved them in and out slowly. This allowed (Y/n) to adjust to large fingers than her own small digits. Soon Kang's fingers thrust faster, rougher, and deep causing her to moan loudly.
"Ah- Fuck! Ngh~ Oh Kang." She cried tossing her head back. Kang his every spot just right. As if he knew her body already. Where to kiss her neck and how to rub (Y/n)'s spot deep inside her wet cunt. "I need you. Inside of mem" Her words are straight to the point. Kang chuckled and pulled his large cock out.
"Are you ready my dear? I won't hold back." He asked rubbing the tip against her entrance.
"Yes, Kang. Fucking use me." (Y/n) moaned loudly sliding down onto his erection. "So thick." She pants as his cool stretched her out. Kang did not wait any longer. He began thrusting up into her tight cunt. She took him so well.
"Mmm~ Fuck you are so tight." Kang pants watching his cock thrust in and out. She kissed him deeply moving up and down to match his thrusts up. The sounds of their sex filled his throne room.
"Im gonna cum." She whispers.
"Then come for me, goddess." He bites down on her neck. (Y/n) cried out softly clenching his cock as she orgasmed. Kang soon followed filling her cunt with his seed.
"Damn." He sighed rubbing her sides. "You are perfect."
"You are so evil. But I love it." (Y/n) leans down kissing him.
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doudouneverte · 1 year
Precious ones
a/n: I just notice that I don't know you, I'll be happy to talk with you but right now I give you that...
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*not my GIFs*
Yelena Belova x Stark!Reader; Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader; Scott Lang x Female!Reader(platonic); Hope van Dyne x Female!Reader(platonic); Cassie Lang x Female!Reader(platonic); Avengers x Female!Reader
Summary: you may have been married to the blonde widow since nearly two years now but nobody knew. When your father learnt that he didn't totally act like you except.
Type: generally Fluff but a big Angst part
Warning: mention of blood, car accident and mention of death
word count : 4771 (it's long sorry)
 "I'm glad it's finished; I need to take a shower and sleep," Yelena said. She was back from a mission with the Avengers. She joined them four months ago, and to be honest, you were the one who convinced her. You were relieved to know she was not alone, and you were sure your father would protect her even if he didn't know who she was for you.
"Oh, come on, Yelena, it was fun." Natasha said, and her sister glared at her.
"You were not the one who almost got hit by the green giant." She replied, and Bruce looked at the ground.
"Mr. Stark, Y/n just arrived at the compound." Friday said, and everybody looked at Tony.
"Thank you, Friday. Let her know we will lend in 10 minutes." He replied, and when he met the curious faces of the others, he explained, "Guys, be ready to meet someone really important to me." 
Now all the Avengers were more curious. Okay, maybe not all, Yelena was not curious; she was happy. It's been two weeks since the last time she saw you. You both have been married for one year and a half now, but nobody knew except three people. Antonia and Selina, two widows who were with you at this moment, and your mom Pepper. You hadn't told your father yet because you hadn't really found the time, and Pepper promised she would let you announce it to him.
Ten minutes later, like promised, they were walking to the living room in the compound. They were greeted by Friday and then by Pepper and Morgan. And when your little sister finally finished hugging everyone, you came back from the kitchen.
"Guys, let me introduce you to one of my favorite people in the world, my older daughter, Y/n Stark." Your father said, and you rolled your eyes at his attitude while everyone was shocked by his revelation.
"Nice to meet you." Steve was the first to come back to his senses. "I'm–" 
"Steve Roger, aka Captain America." You cut him off. "To be honest, I know all of you." you said, and you paused your eyes on the two new recruits behind them. "And you two should be the news recruits Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova, right?" You said, and the brunette nodded frantically while the blonde just smiled.
"Why didn't we see you earlier?" Natasha asked, and despite the fact that her sister groaned loudly, you chuckled.
"I was working in San Francisco, with Hope. I think you know her as ‘The Wasp’." you said
"Wait, Scott's girlfriend?" Sam asked, and you nodded. 
"And she didn't like to spend her time with her dad anymore." your dad added, and you playfully groaned.
"Oh, come on don't say that, it's just that I don't like the parties, but it's okay now." you said
"You want to come to my new party?" he asked.
"Definitely not. But, I move on in New York." You announced, and he raised his eyebrows, he knew how much you liked to work with the daughter of Hank, she was like your big sister. "I decided to spend more time with my little sister, so I joined Stark Industri." You explained, and he couldn't help but hug you tightly.
"Does that mean I will see you more often?" He asked, and you nodded.
After that, you properly introduced yourself and spent the afternoon with them before you went back to your house. Yelena had to finish her paperwork before she could leave, so when she was working, the rest of the Avengers were in front of the TV, watching a movie, when Kate broke the silence.
"Did you see how Yelena reacted when she saw Y/n?" she asked, and everyone thought for a moment before agreeing. "I think she likes her, but I can be totally wrong." she said.
"Yeah, but Y/n has a ring on her finger." Natasha said.
"Don't worry, it's nothing." Tony said, and everybody looked at him confused. "She just really likes jewels, that's why she always wears rings." he explained.
"Yelena is the same. She always wears rings." Natasha said. 
"I think we should let them know each other more." Kate proposed, and everyone nodded.
Two months after you almost spent all your free time in the compound, you were searching for the right moment to talk to your father about you and the Russian, but that was never really the right occasion. If he wasn't too busy with his work, you were working; if you were both free, your wife was busy, and you promised her to wait for her to tell him. But even with that, all the heroes seem to have noticed that you quickly became close to the blonde; they thought it was a good friendship. You both decided to keep your relationship secret until you talked with your father and her sister. Yeah, even the great spy Natasha Romanoff was unaware that her own sister was married.
You were in the kitchen with Natasha and Kate when Yelena came, "Hi Yelena." You greeted her without even looking at her. For everyone, it would be a little weird, but we talk about Yelena Belova, a super train widow, she was very discreet, so it was funny to see the face of the archer when she saw you recognize the footsteps of her friend when she couldn't yet.
"Hi Y/n, were you not supposed to work now?" she asked.
"Yeah, but I had something to finish before." you said, and you finished what you were doing. "Oh, I brought a new toy for Fanny. I left it in my dad's lab." you said before leaving the room.
"See you later!" the blonde shoots at you.
"See you later!" you yelled back.
When you were out of the room, Natasha cleared her throat, and her sister looked at her. "Oh, good morning, Nat, and good morning, Kate. I didn't see you." she said, and now her sister was surprised; it was not the type of Yelena to not greet her first in the morning. Of course she was happy to see her sister was making a new friend, but usually no one came before her. She wanted to say something, but Yelena started to leave the room. "I will train, but before I will pass by the lab." she announced and left.
"Wow, did you see that?" Kate was the first to talk after a moment. "Y/n could tell it was Yelena without even looking; do you think she had a superpower or something like that?" she asked, and the older Russian shook her head.
"No, I don't think so, but it's true; it's weird; even Bucky and Steve can't tell when Yelena walks to them, but the strange thing was that she greeted her, but she totally didn't acknowledge us." she said, and Kate chuckled. "What's so funny?" the older redhead asked.
"You're jealous that your sister didn't say 'hi' to you first." She said and quickly left before Natasha could do anything to her.
In the lab, Tony was working when Yelena came. "Hey little spider, how can I help you?" he asked, and your wife rolled her eyes.
"Y/n, said she brought a new toy for Fanny, and she left it here." She said, and Tony pointed to a bag in a corner of the lab. When Yelena opened it, she found not only the toy but also a new vest you brought her with a card. She smiled at herself and texted you to thank you.
Two days later, she was out on a mission with Tony, Steve, and Natasha, and the redhead noticed the change.
"Oh, it's new," she said, and Yelena followed her gaze and looked at her new vest.
"Oh, yes. Y/n brought it to me when she brought the new toy for Fanny," the blonde explained, and your father frowned his eyebrows.
"I know you are close, but I didn’t think it was her thing to bring a gift for her new friend. I think she really likes you." He said, and Yelena smirked. Of course you like her; more than that, you love her, and you promised to spend the rest of your life with her.
When she returned from her mission, she immediately left the compound and made her way to your shared house. There she found you asleep on the couch with the TV on; she knew you waited for her. She turned off the TV and delicately picked you up to your bedroom; after she placed you under the blanket, she took a shower and slid next to you.   
The next month, everyone was almost pissed by the fact that you were both oblivious by the way you looked at each other with heart eyes. But today was the day, Pepper was here with Morgan, your dad should come back from a mission with your wife, and you decided to finally tell him.
On their mission, Tony and Yelena found Antonia and Selina, and the blonde invited them into the compound and afterwards to your house for dinner. During the flyback, they didn't hesitate to tease them about you, and that made Tony laugh even if he didn't know who they were talking about.
"Tony, you should have seen her before," Selina started. "She was a badass widow, and now she's so soft. We call her the ‘soft widow’." she said, and Yelena groaned.
"Oh, why do you have this long face, soft widow? Do you miss your wife?" Antonia asked.
"Wait, wife?" Tony asked, visibly shocked.
"Yeah, the soft widow has had a beautiful wife for nearly two years now." Selina announced, and his jaw dropped. But before he could say anything, the jet lent, and the three women ran out. To be true, Antonia and Selina ran for their lives while Yelena chased them.
You were in the kitchen, and everyone was in the living room, when you heard two familiar voices screaming playfully. When they entered the living room, they quickly hid behind the older widow. "Natasha, help us. Softy Widow wants to kill us." Antonia said, and you sighed.
"Who's Softy Widow?" Natasha was clearly confused, but Yelena quickly appeared in front of her, and the two women screamed like little girls, and that made your little sister laugh. Fortunately for them, you walked from the kitchen at the same moment Tony entered the living room.
"Please Y/n calm your crazy wife." Selina said while she was running to you with Antonia. You let them hide behind you, and everyone vanished when you saw Yelena stop in front of you with her disappointed face.
"детка(babe) I love you, but let me kill them just today." She said, and you chuckled.
"Oh, baby girl, you know you can't kill them," you replied. "And they're our witnesses, you'll not kill our witnesses, right?" You added kissing her nose, and she stopped.
You were in your bubble when Natasha and Tony cleared their throats, but before they could say anything, Kate seemed to want to exteriorize her emotion. "What's the hell?!!" she yelled, and you both looked at her. 
You smiled awkwardly and looked at everyone. "Surprise? I think." You said. Natasha was furious, Pepper was scared for you, Morgan was surprisingly happy, and your dad was...not there anymore. Tony left without even getting noticed. When you didn't hear him say anything you knew where he was.
"Yelena, what's the hell?" the redhead asked and her sister was now a little scared too.
The blonde looked at you and squeezed your hand "Go find him I'll handle this," she said and you raised your eyebrows at her "don't worry she'll not kill me, but I'm not sure about you." She added and you kissed her before quickly leaving. Now the young widow was facing the rest of the room.
You were in front of the lab, and the doors were closed, pretty uncommon. "Mr. Stark doesn't want to be disturbed." Friday informed you.
"Oh, come on Friday. I really need to talk to him," you pleaded.
"Sorry, MissStark, but even you can't come." The AI said.
"Friday, we both know I know how to open this door with or without your consent. And we both know I can easily hack you to turn you off. So, please." You said, and the AI didn't say anything for a moment. You were sure if she could, she would sighed, but she finally opened the doors, and you rushed in.
Tony was moving some boxes on the big table, he noticed some footsteps but didn't turn around. "Friday, I thought I was clear when I said I didn't want anyone here." He said.
"Um. I think we need to talk." You said, and he finally turned around to look at you.
"Oh, you want to talk now?" he asked sarcastically.
"Listen, I know we should have told you earlier, but we didn't find the right time."
"Since when?"
"Since when you two are-? You know."
"Two years soon."
"TWO YEARS?" He yelled, and you flinched. "You didn't find the right time during those two years?". He asked.
"I know it's long, but we both know we couldn't see each other for the last two years." You said, and you started to walk back and forth in the lab. "I know you are angry, but—."
"No!" He cut you off. "I'm not just angry, Y/n. I'm also sad and shocked. It's been nearly two years since my daughter got married, and I didn't know. And what pisses me off the most is that you were not even the one who told me. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I don't know."
"We were used to telling each other everything. How did something like that happen?"
"I know. I think I was scared."
He sighed, and you stopped to look at him. "Did Natasha know?"
"No, we wanted to talk with the both of you. But Pepper knew."
"Pepper?" He repeated, and he scuffed.
"She's my mom."
"Yes, but I'm your dad too, did you forget that? What happened to the little girl that I raised and always made sure she could tell me everything?" He asked and walked out of the room.
"She just grew up." You replied when he passed beside you, and he left without arguing more. You stayed in the lab for an hour; crying alone, when you heard someone come.
"Hey, Yelena said we could find you here." Antonia said. You wiped away your tears before facing her. The two widows looked at you and your pitiful state. Selina didn't say anything and just hugged you. "We're sorry." Antonia said, and you looked at her.
"Oh, no, it's nothing. I think you helped me in a way." You replied and tried to smile. "You both came tonight?" you asked them, and they nodded.
When you left the lab with your two friends, you saw Natasha. She was on the couch, and when you approached her to say your goodbyes, she didn't even acknowledge you. This night, the girls spent the night trying to cheer you up.
The next day, you went to the tower to pick up some files for work. Kate didn't leave your side; she asked you a lot of questions about you and Yelena. It was cute, and you were happy to finally talk about the woman who owned your heart, but right now you needed to talk to someone. So after the questions about your first meeting, and who asked who, you successfully found a way to escape in your dad's lab.
In there, you were surprised to find Natasha and Pepper talking about something that visibly concerned you because they stopped immediately when they saw you.
"Hey sweetheart. I thought you were already at work." Your mom said.
"Hi mom. Hi Natasha. I will go. I just wanted to talk with dad before." You said.
"He was tired from last night, so he should be sleeping right now." Pepper said, and you nodded.
"Okay, bye. I'll see you next week." You added before leaving.
"She looks desperate," Natasha said when you were out of earshot.
"She always was a daddy girl, she spent all her time with Tony. But he doesn't seem to approve of her relationship with your sister, so I think it's the best condition she could be in, actually." The blonde explained.
"But why didn't she tell him anything?"
"She wanted to, trust me. She just waited for the right time. They had planned to announce to you when they'd find a way to reunite you and Tony with them in privacy. But every time you were the three of you together, it was the time she was in San Francisco, and when she moved here, you were a little hostile towards her because your sister was mesmerized by her wife."
"Do you think I scared her?"
"Oh, don't worry, Natasha; she needs more than a shovel talk from an ex-assassin to be scared. But I think she's worried about not being enough for your sister."
You didn't find your dad, and you needed to leave for San Francisco this afternoon for a week; Yelena was out with Antonia and Selina. When you were ready to leave, you texted your wife and your father, even if you knew he wouldn't reply soon.
Two days later, you were with Hope and Cassie on the couch, talking about all that had happened since you left. "Wait, how did you want him to act when he just learned that her daughter got married to an ex-assassin?" Hope asked, and you rolled your eyes.
"Oh, come on, we all know she's not like that anymore." You said.
"Yeah, Softy Widow is totally different with you." Cassie said, and you looked at her confused.
"How do you know this nickname?" You asked.
"She came for a visit last month with Selina and Antonia, and they didn't stop to call her that." The young girl replied.
"You know she would kill you if you call her that in front of her." You replied playfully.
"Oh, come on, she loves me, I'm her best niece." She said with an amusing tone.
"You're technically her only niece," you said, and she rolled her eyes. "So, let's talk about something else. Like how my little Cassie is becoming a delinquent."
"Oh, come on. It was not bad." The young girl said and you chuckled.
"You miniaturized a police car. It's a little bad, but I'm not Scott, so, I'll let it slide." Hope said.
"You're a pretty bad mom, Hope." You said dramatically, and the girls laughed.
You spent the rest of the day talking and laughing with them, and Scott came a few hours later. You were grateful to see him, even if he was not the smartest of all of you, he was the one who always helped you with your family issues.
"Oh, it's a huge problem." Scott said, and you sighed. "I mean, I don't want to take his side, but honestly, if it were Cassie, I would act the same. Listen, you know how much he likes you, it's just a question of time. Let him process the changes and show him how Yelena could be a Softy Widow." he said, and you laughed.
"You really have a death wish in this family." You replied, and he smiled.
"I'm glad to see you smile. And don't worry, she already almost killed me the last time I called her like that, but she's not here." He said, and you laughed. "I have some ideas if you want me to help you," he added.
You were grateful for the time you spent with them; it was fun to see Scott come up with a few things you could do to make up with Tony. When you left at the end of the week, you were sad, but you promised to come with your wife the next time. When your flight landed in New York, you had already missed your time in San Francisco, but you were glad to see your favorite blonde again.
You texted your dad to let him know you were back, and you weren't surprised when he didn't reply. A little upset, you reached your car and started to drive to your home. The ride was pretty cool, and Friday told you that Yelena was required on an emergency mission. Okay, it was not really how you wanted to be greeted, but you knew how it was to be an avenger.
At a red light, you noticed a car that suspiciously followed you. It was not uncommon for some people to follow you when they knew that you were the daughter of Tony Stark. They usually just wanted a photo or to talk about business. At another red light, you took your phone and texted Pepper to let her know that you should be back a little later than expected. When the light turned green, you drove, but you didn’t see the same car speed up in your direction until it was too late.
On the other side of the state, the Avengers were coming back visibly exhausted by their mission when Friday alerted them:
"Mr. Stark, Mrs. Belova, you have an incoming call from Mrs. Pott." 
The Avengers exchanged curious looks.
"Take it." Tony said, and the AI did. "Hey Pepper, how are you?" He asked.
"Good, but I need you and Yelena to come here asap." She replied, and everybody was worried because of the little fear in her tone.
"What's happening?" Your father asked.
"It's Y/n. She got involved in a car crash." She successfully mumbled while she was sobbing.
"Where is she?" Yelena asked, clearly worried.
"In the hospital, I'll send you the address." Your mom said. After she sent them the address, the heroes didn't wait to come. 
Pepper was waiting for any information, while everyone burst into the hospital. She fell apart in the arms of your father before she tried to comfort your wife. They didn’t have time to sit until a doctor reached them.
“Mr. Stark, Mrs. Pott, I’m happy to see you. Did any of you know who Mrs. Belova is?” they asked.
“It’s me.” Yelena said, and it brought the attention of everybody.
The doctor nodded and gave her a little comforting smile. They took some steps away from the group before they told them about what happened to you and what they were doing in the operating room. After that, they joined the group, who were as worried as them.
“How is she?” Steve asked first.
“They almost finished the operation, so we need to wait.” Pepper informed them.
“But what happened?” Kate asked this time.
“Someone provoked an intentional accident, and she was obviously the target.” Yelena replied, and the group didn’t ask anything else. “She shouldn’t be here.” the blonde mumbled.
“Hey, it’s okay Yelena nobody couldn’t predict that.” Natasha said.
“No, that’s not what I mean. She shouldn’t have taken this trip to San Francisco if YOU’d decided to act like an adult and talk with her.” she said, pointing to Tony.
“What do you mean?” your father asked, visibly angry at your wife’s accusations.
“You know exactly what I mean. If you had taken the time to talk with her, she wouldn't have booked a flight for Hope’s support. If you’d act like a parent and didn’t use this mission to avoid the conversation, she would never take her car and never get here right now.” She explained. “I joined you because she wanted to make sure I could have somebody if something happened to me, but now, because of that, I couldn’t protect her.” Her tears started to fall on her cheeks.
Kate didn’t wait to lead Yelena to the nearest bathroom, leaving the team totally surprised and speechless. Natasha followed the two girls, but not before sending a terrifying glare at Tony. In the bathroom, Yelena was crying while the archer tried to comfort her, even though she knew it was impossible. A few minutes later, Natasha came with a water bottle.
“Hey, take this.” she said while handing the bottle to her little sister. The blonde took it but didn’t say anything. A few seconds passed before the older sister spoke again, “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll be alright.” 
“I know.” Yelena replied, “But I should be here; I promise to never let anything happen to her. If I didn’t go on this mission, we would be at home right now.”
“If you weren’t there, I could be the one here.” Kate said, and the blonde chuckled.
“You really need to learn how to fight Kate Bishop,” your wife said. She wanted to say something else when she received a text from Hope asking how you were. "Sorry, I need to call Hope.” she said before excusing herself.
A little over an hour later, the doctor came to tell them that the operation was successful, and they transferred you to a private bedroom. And that was where your father and your wife were—only the two of them because the other had plans for the rest of the day.
There was an awkward silence because of the earlier argument. Tony came back after a little trip to the vending machine, and he sat on the second chair near your bed. He took a deep breath, and the woman looked at him. “I’m sorry,” your father said.
“Excuse me?” The Russian asked; she was ready for another argument or sneaky comment, not an apology.
“I’m sorry for how I acted since last week. Hope told me everything you did for her and I thank you for that. I'm truly happy for you, it’s just that we used to tell everything and suddenly I learn that she’s married.” The billionaire said.
“Yeah it’s too much.” The blonde chuckled.
“Yeah that’s it…” 
“She wanted to wait for you but somewhere we knew that it may never happen so we did at the moment. But believe me, when I said I never regret this decision. She’s the love of my life, she’s the one who taught me to love properly since the Red Room and just for that I would give her my life even if she’s not ready to do that in return.” Yelena explained.
“We all know that I can give you anything for you, even my life.” You said, and the two of them looked at you. “Hey guys. How are you?” you said with a weak voice.
Tony called a doctor, and only a dew later a nurse and doctor were in your room doing some tests and asked you some questions to be sure everything was alright. They told you what happened and that they will keep you for three more days.  In the evening you were in your bed with Yelena cuddling with you because it’s been a while since you were able to see each other.
“So, with my dad? I hope you didn’t strangle him.” You joked.
“I was about to but I know how much you love him so I had to restrain myself.” she replied and you laughed. “I missed it.” she said softly.
“What?” you asked.
“Your laugh. Your smile. You. I miss you.” she replied, and you grinned.
“It’s only been a week, babe,” you said.
“I know, but it was a really long week. I had to support my sister and all her friends, and the pranks of Selina and Antonia.” she said, and you laughed.
“And what does my little drama queen need me to do to make up for this.” you cooed.
“Don’t do that again.” She replied, and you kissed her forehead.
“Okay, next time, I'll bring you with me." You said but she didn’t seem relieved.
“No, I meant don’t scare me like this, I thought I lost you. We both know I would not be able to live in a world without you.” She said, and with her tone, you were sure she was totally serious.
“Don’t worry, my love, I will always be with you no matter what.” You reassured her. “Now let’s sleep because tomorrow everyone will be here and they’ll not give us enough time to sleep.” you said, and she nodded.
“Good night, moya lyubov' (my love),” she said, and she kissed you.
“Good night, my love.” you replied.
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weyirn · 2 years
what about avengers (you can chose who) having a S/O who take no shit and is pretty independent, even if they are authority? it's like they have a quiet confidence that makes other people feel different
Help idk what to name this-
Marvel Men x Male!Reader
Marvel Preferences
☆This goes both ways. You two kind of clash every once in a while because of how much you can disagree with him, and how you're willing to stand up to any kind of authority. This includes you ordering him to take a break and relax, where you would just take care of him. Other times, you two make a great team during missions (Tony: "oh god we have two Steves now-")
❄️Bucky thinks it's a little funny, thinking that you believe nothing can touch you (not in a bad way though). He knows you can keep calm in certain situations, which is what he's thankful for. He appreciates how independent you can be, telling you how much he's happy to be your partner.
⌲Sam playfully tells you not to get too cocky (and you probably elbow him or smth lol). He tells you he better not get in your way, since you're a pretty busy guy (aka he's joking around again lol).
💲Tony is glad that you're able to fend for yourself, but he finds it a little annoying how you would challenge him or stand up to him when he's making bad choices ('cause you ain't taking shit from anyone, including Tony lol). It's common for you two to argue and have different ideas. On the other hand, he finds it amusing witty you can be, and warns your team members not to make you angry.
🕸Peter thinks you're a total badass, and he knows better not the piss you off (like he would anyway lol). But if someone else manages to, he would sit back and watch you tell someone off, not wanting to get involved (and he's probably hiding in the corner somewhere lol). He appreciates how independent you are, and even looks up to you, often asking you for advice when he needs help.
🐜Scott thinks you're so cool, and tries to be like you but ends up looking like an complete idiot and screws up lol. He feels proud to have you as his partner, and he knows he can rely on you.
💚(Okay, if you're not even scared of Hulk then Bruce will think your confidence is through the roof lol) Bruce knows he can trust you to keep things under control, and knows you can fend for yourself, but he's kind of worried that you'll push yourself too much.
🐍Loki...is impressed and kind of scared of you at the same time. He's impressed at how you're willing to stand up to people and what you believe in, but he knows you won't take shit from anyone, even when it comes to him. When you catch him causing he trouble, he tries to sneak his way out of it so he wouldn't end up getting his ass kicked by you.
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fandomnerd9602 · 5 months
Scottie Lang and Y/N get up from the training mat, all sweaty…
Y/N: you’re getting better Lang
Scottie: better? I bet I could go toe to toe with an Avenger
Y/N: don’t get cocky. Remember this is about stealth.
Scottie: you know I’m feeling all sweaty. I need a shower. Care to join?
She strips off her top and walks away…
Y/N rolls their eyes and follows…
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mlm-writer · 9 months
Wrapped Around My Finger (Scott Lang x GN!Reader)
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Pairing: Scott Lang x Gender Neutral Reader Rating: General audiences Words: 1492 POV: Second Summary: You and Scott have a date at build-a-bear Note: I have seen this man only in the Antman movies and idc what happens in the crossover movies. I ain't watching em. Tags: fluff, return of my OC Daylen (only real members of the Thicc Court remember him), build-a-bear, established relationship and mentioned accidental fisting (just putting the tag here to fuck with y'all lmaoo)
All it took was one look. Just one look and you were in love. Just one look and Scott could not imagine a life without him. ‘Him’ being the frog at build-a-bear. “Look!” You both exclaimed before you even entered the bright-lit store. You looked at each other, looked at where you were pointing and like a cartoon you both realised you were in perfect sync. 
Your boyfriend almost trampled a toddler to get to the frogs. He pulled out two lime green, limp plushies from the basket and held them up next to his head. You two did not even bother bringing Cassie along to pretend you were going for her. You swerved around the poor, startled toddler to take one of the frogs from Scott. “They are so cute,” you scream-whispered, trying to hold onto some sense of adulthood. He nodded in agreement. “Shouldn’t we look at other options as well?” You questioned. Scott closed his eyes and shook his head aggressively. You giggled, getting the point; you two were going to bring these two frogs home. 
You already agreed before coming here you would add a voice message to each other’s plushie. Scott brought the one for you to the other side of the store so you would not hear it until later. You stared at the small device, still no clue what you were going to say. You just pressed the record button, hoping your heart would speak for you. “Scotty bear,” you started, “you may drool on me any day and I will never get angry at you for shoving your whole fist into my mouth while you sleep. Love you.” You giggled when you were done. What an odd thing to say, but you meant every word of it. When you returned to the lady that helped you out with it, you found her smiling from ear to ear with Scott. “He said something really stupid, didn’t he?” You questioned as you switched devices with Scott. 
She shook her head, while trying to hide her toothy smile behind her hand. “You’ll love it, trust me,” she reassured you, before sending you on your way to the filling machine. You did the whole shebang with making a wish and putting a heart inside, before going on to dress up your frogs. There were several Avengers outfits to pick from, but no Antman. Scott was a little salty about it and he did a piss poor job at hiding it too. You would write a hearty letter to build-a-bear later. 
In the end your frogs were wearing both very jolly outfits, but they did not match at all. You joked about it, while you were filling in the information for the birth certificates. The date ended in a rather sorrowful moment, when the cashier rang up your purchases. You felt your bank account weep as you reached for your wallet, but Scott had his credit card already out. “Come on, I could use a bite to eat.” He suddenly sounded very off. You supposed he wanted to make the grand gesture of paying, but also felt his bank balance plummet to subterranean levels. You mentally vowed to pay for lunch. 
You were not sure whether Scott was penniless or not, because he was suddenly very particular about lunch, but still did not pick the cheapest option. Instead you found yourself in one of your favourite cafés. It was relatively cheap, had sockets under the tables to charge your phone and the lunch menu had the best wraps in the world on it. Your favourite waiter was working today. You smiled widely at Daylen as he approached your table. “Welcome back,” he almost sang, ever the chipper college student. You sometimes worried if he was really that merry or if his bright smile was a secret cry for help. 
Daylen never asked you for your name, so you were pretty sure he had no idea what it was. To be fair, you only knew his because of his name tag. “The house special wraps, twice?” He asked while writing it down already on the classic good old notepad he carried with him. He always had one with a Sanrio character on it.
You huffed a laugh. “Of course.” Daylen looked up from his Keroppi notepad and winked at you, assuring you he knew what drink to get too. Before he left, he gave Scott a wink too. “I feel like I have become boring, always ordering the same thing here,” you sighed as you reached into your bag to grab your phone charger. You plugged it in and then grabbed your cheerfully clad frog. “Time to listen to the messages?” 
“Me first!” Scott exclaimed as he hastily grabbed his. You laughed at his enthusiasm. He held his frog close and squeezed around until he found the soundbox. ‘Scotty bear, you may drool on me any day and I will never get angry at you for shoving your whole fist into my mouth while you sleep. Love you,’ your voice came out from the green plushie. He chuckled, hiding his face behind his hand, the very one that your message was about. “That happened once!” He exclaimed, defending himself. 
“But you drool on me daily!” You countered. Scott reached around the table to give you a playful slap. “Hey! I said I don’t mind,” you added, before realising how loud you were being. Well, it was not like it was busy here. 
“Ok, time for you to squeeze your build-a-bear!” Scott loudly proclaimed. You frowned at him, but you were really curious what your frog had to say to you. You looked down at your frog and felt around until you found where to squeeze.
‘Hey sweetheart, today we are at build-a-bear, building frogs.’  There was a nervous chuckle. ‘Today it is frogs, but in the past years you have built me a better man. I’ll take you to the place where I fell in love with you later and I will ask you to build me into a husband. Please say yes. I love you.’
Your mouth fell open as Scott fumbled while getting off his chair. A box came out of nowhere. You turned your head to see Daylen toss it to Scott, the rest of the regular café staff filming the occasion. Scott barely caught it and you put your frog on the table while getting up, your hands covering your gaping mouth. “I know this is not our first date spot,” Scott started when he finally got on one knee, “but I actually don’t remember where that was.” What a great start. “Back then, I did not know what you would mean to me.” He sounded like he was about to cry and you already felt the tears pool in the corners of your eyes. “But I do remember when you took me here for the first time and forced me to try the wraps. I remember the first time I saw you eat them like they were the best thing in the world and I could not for the life of me figure out what made these ordinary wraps so special- I’m sorry Daylen.”
Scott briefly looked away from you to apologise to the waiter. “You’re ruining your own proposal!” Daylen yelled back and waved with his hand to Scott to make him go back to a very important milestone in his life. 
“Yes! Sorry!” He turned his head back to you and tried to open the box in his hand only to drop it on the floor. “Sorry! Uh… wraps! Yes!” He fumbled as he was clearly off track from his script. He had grabbed the box and went back to opening it while looking at you. “That’s when I fell in love, wait no, that’s not what I wrote down-” 
He dropped the box again. You bent down and grabbed it. You opened it for him and pressed it in his hands, holding them for a little moment. “Breathe,” you whispered. “I don’t need a beautiful speech. I always love to hear what you have to say,” you said a little louder, before letting go and straightening your back. 
Scott took a deep breath, before holding the ring up. “A couple of years back, I saw you eat wraps and I thought to myself ‘I want to make you even happier than these wraps do’. I don’t know if I’m there yet, but I promise to do my best every day for the rest of my life. So marry me? Please?” You wiped the tears off your cheeks and nodded, while holding a hand out. Scott put the ring on your finger and rose to his feet to kiss you. Applause and cheers exploded around you, Daylen’s quite possibly the loudest and when the waiter is out of earshot, you’ll tell Scott that he had surpassed the wraps a long time ago already. 
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