#Severus is an angel
aisling-therose · 7 months
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moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
People need to understand that when Snape fans call out the other professors’ behaviour, we are not saying that Snape’s actions are automatically justified because of it. We mean that he was one of the best when compared to the rest of the professors. It’s similar to being the tallest dwarf—it’s not exactly an accomplishment, but you stand out from the group.
When compared to the rest, Snape was a surprisingly tame professor. He was mean to (four) students, but he had never gone out of his way to endanger any of their lives, nor did he consider it a reasonable punishment (which can’t be said for some of the other teachers).
He is not a suitable professor, especially for students like Neville. However, when you start bashing him for supposedly being “abusive,” we hope that you also call out McGonagall and Hagrid’s inappropriate behaviour. Hogwarts as a whole was just a very messed up school, but Snape antis shouldn’t have to single him out and act like his behaviour is completely abnormal merely because they hate him. If Snape is an abuser, then so is almost every other Professor at Hogwarts.
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vanillen · 7 months
excerpt from my Jegulus fic that i hope to finish sooner than later
Raw draft
„What do you want?” Serverus asked and Barty looked at him with a dead pan expression.
„Purge of the wizzarding word,” he said coldly. „Death of all muggles, yey!” He rises his hands in a cheering gesture, and Severus squeezed the bridge of his nose. Maybe Severus would kill him and end his misery.
„Crouch,” Severus signed, and Barty just shrugged his shoulders. „Dark Lord is getting impatient.”
„Well,” Barty said, spreading his arms. „I was fired, why should I care?”
I love Barty. He is so done with everything.
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dandelionscarf · 11 months
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Child's dream
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slyther-bi · 6 months
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This took awhile (more like 2 days). Especially figuring out who to make Husk and Angel.
But I figured it out! I have a headcanon that Avery has a severe allergy to cats and the only person Mulciber truly cares for is Avery. What better way to make their lives hell, then to have Mulciber become a cat that Avery can't hold and comfort and have Mulciber hate himself and live in fear cause his worst nightmare is to hurt Avery. So neither can go near eachother and its killing them both.
Oh and I would have tried to kind change Evan's attire but I got lazy so have him in niffty's little dress. Plus I've decided to change Mulciber's first name from Klaus to Veles.
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wolfieloveswade · 8 months
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mystery-redacted · 11 months
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Drew this today!
Dawn belongs to the wonderful @sanctuary-angel
Was such a joy drawing her
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crystcllise · 4 months
kelton!albus potter doing snow angels in godrics hollow you will ALWAYS be famous
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lilithofpenandbook · 16 days
Something I think about is how irrelevant James truly is to Harry
James, who Harry wanted to be like, is literally nothing to Harry. He threw himself at the dark lord, yes, but that's all. Just throw, no thoughts.
Lily? Lily had the chance to live. She didn't take it. She chose death, for her son. She's the one who saved Harry. Not James.
And then Snape. Snape who wanted to die when Lily did. Who would have killed himself. But he didn't. Because he agreed to protect Lily's son Harry. He lived for that.
Lily who died for Harry. Snape who lived for Harry.
Lily gave Harry her death. Snape gave Harry his life.
James Potter may have been why Harry was born. Lily Evans and Severus Snape were why Harry lived.
And Lily and Snape, in a way, are united through the boy they sacrificed it all for. In a way, Harry is more Snape's than James'. James is more central to Snape's story as his main abuser, and Sirius' as the love of his life his best friend. In Harry's story? Just the man who impulsively threw himself at the Dark Lord.
But Lily and Snape? They're parts of Harry. Harry carries the love of his mother, the weight of her protection, and he was under Snape's protection even when he didn't know it. They're Harry's protectors. His guardian angels
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nightsmarish · 4 months
Summary: James might actually like Slytherins.
Poly!Starchaser x Reader (James Potter x Reader x Regulus Black) | 1.2k words
TW: mentions of Sirius leaving, getting kicked out(?), honestly not a lot I think
✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ˙⋆ ✶⋆.˚꩜ .ᐟ
When James started Hogwarts, he had a certain distaste for Slytherins. Never an outright hate, unlike his best mate, Sirius. But something about the house always put a sour taste in his mouth. 
Maybe it was the stories Sirius shared of his family, or the way many of them seem to sneer at him, or maybe it was Severus Snape. He was never really sure. But, nevertheless, the Gryffindor seeker has always seemed to avoid Slytherins. 
Until James’ sixth year at Hogwarts. The previous year, Sirius had left Black Manor for good (but if you ask James, Sirius had left closer to third year, the incident in fifth year just made it official). 
All the Marauders know the story well, and all the boys know just as well how distressed Sirius was when Regulus didn’t take the chance to leave with him.
The refusal created a rift between the brothers—a big rift. Like the big crack in the earth muggles call grand that James never remembers the name of. And that rift lasted for the entirety of fifth year.
But the summer before their sixth year marked when Sirius couldn't take it anymore. So, the boys' sixth year marked when the Black brothers started mending their relationship.
And also when James became a pathetic mess for Regulus. Lily was the first to find out. Besides the boys, Lily was James' person. Once he finally got over the childhood crush he had on her, they became actual friends. 
Regulus is just so…. Regulus. He's pretty, first of all, like, so pretty. James isn’t very poetic, but he reckons one of the romance books Remus has read wouldn’t even begin to describe how beautiful Regulus is. From his well-kept, dark hair to his gray eyes, which at times reminds James of The Fallen Angel by Alexandre Cabanel. The same painting his mother has fawned over to him and his father many times. The poetically tragic painting. 
And dear Merlin, he's so smart. James has shared very few classes with the boy, being one year apart makes it hard. But when they shared The Study of Ancient Runes, James became almost certain that he's attracted to people smarter than him, (which he realized greatly limited his dating pool because it can be a bit hard to find people smarter than him (save Remus, Lily, and now Regulus)). Don’t get the seeker started on how good Regulus is at quidditch, he could talk all day. 
Honestly, not much changed with this crush when James met you. You had been friends with Regulus (and Crouch and Rosier, but that was irrelevant to James); maybe a little more; he wasn’t sure at the time; the little friend group had always seemed suspiciously close sometimes. 
You. Oh Merlin, you. It made a lot of sense, at first glance, how you and Regulus got along. Both of you seem to be able to sit in silence, not needing a conversation every time you hang out, yet still having fun. But at the same time, James had seen you able to joke and have banter with Crouch and give half glares at Sirius when he was trying to borrow -steal- Regulus for a bit. 
And finally, after months of talking to (mildly annoying) you too, the lot of you finally started dating. Even though Sirius nearly had a heart attack when he found out, either way, James has found himself walking to the Slytherins table before his own more often, and has found himself ducking from Crouch throwing potatoes at him even more regularly. James has also found himself sneaking into the Slytherin common rooms when he isn’t planning a prank. Like right now. 
It's not exactly necessary to sneak into a common room. The way to get into most common rooms stays the same. Ravenclaws answer a riddle; Gryffindors have a password that changes semi-regularly; Hufflepuffs have changed a few times over the past few years, but right now you have to tap a barrel located in the kitchen space near the Hufflepuffs door. But, as it seems, the Slytherins seem to change more regularly. 
Rarely just a simple password nor a rhyme or riddle. Though James likely doesn’t deserve the right to be annoyed by the constant changing because the Marauders pranks are often the reason for a change. And it's not like the boys exactly need a password to get in. Not when you have learned almost all of the secret passageways through the castle and can sneak in through one of them. 
James finds a way down to the dungeons, with or without any password or trick, and makes his way to Regulus' dorm. When he gets there, he's presented with a loving, beautiful, and perfect view.
The dorm is free of Regulus’ dormmates, Crouch and Rosier, the only people who lay claim are you and Regulus. There you two lay, your head on his stomach, arms wrapped around his waist as your body lays between his legs, any closer and you'd be under his skin.
Regulus is lying back on his pillows, jumper far too red to belong to him. As one hand rests on the top of your head, the other lies abandoned. It’s clear both of you had been reading at some point; books lay abandoned nearby on the bed. 
James could scream, squeal even, but instead he silently closes the door and locks it (the only people that would really need it are people with a key (Crouch, Rosier) or people who don't believe in locks (Sirius, and honestly, probably also Crouch and Rosier)). 
James slips off his shoes near the bed, climbing onto the bed with the two of you.
“Love?” He whispers in your ear, brushing your hair away from your face as he gently rubs your shoulder.
You shift, barely coherent, as you open your eyes the smallest amount to look at who woke you. They soften a tremendous amount when you register that James is in front of you. 
“Hi, baby,” Salazar, his smile is so bright, he could make the Black Lake change its name with just a curl of the lips. “Your arms are gonna cramp if you don't move.”
James slowly draws your arms from under your shared boyfriend for you, limp like a liquid cat in his arms, and he somehow finds it the most endearing thing in the wizarding world. 
The movement makes Regulus come to consciousness, opening his eyes much quicker than you did and already more alert than you. “Chéri?” 
“Hello, love.” James drags your liquid body to the side of Regulus, instead of on him, and kisses his boyfriend's temple. Freeing a hand to smooth out his hair and stop him from getting up. “Go back to your nap, just moving you guys a bit so neither of you hurt.”
You are quick to go back to wrapping your arms around Regulus, now in a slightly less straining position, ready to go back to dreaming. James' smile might just grow impossibly founder.
James goes to the other side of Regulus, leaving you to cling to his left as James takes his right. “'S ‘kay to go back to sleeping.” 
“I know.”
You reach one of your hands blindly and grab James’ arm, resting it there as the three of you drift back to a lovely sleep.
Maybe James has a taste for a type of Slytherin after all. 
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thatlittlefangirl · 14 days
Argument plot-hole
I was speaking with a friend of mine about Lily, how bad of a friend she was, and how people tried to make her an angel, I then noticed a plot-hole in some people's argument.
"Lily didn't know the whole extent of James's bullying" but also "Lily always defended Severus when James bullied him". How can she defend Severus but not know the extent of the bullying? She was RIGHT THERE, she must've known how bad James was. Literally choose one of the other. Edit: Sorry, guys, I get it now.
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smilingbluetiger · 6 months
Hogwarts Talks
(Severus x Y/N)
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Severus: *finally tells his partner about what the marauders did to him at school
Y/N: *silently and scribbles something on a piece of paper
Severus: ... May I know what you're scribbling there?
Severus: *takes the piece of paper and sees a breakdown of the price of lime and the price of bodies on the black market
Severus: ... I appreciate it darling, but it's better to keep such things in your head
Y/N *with the smile of an angel: Okay, dear
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gg-neptune · 4 months
Severus Relationship HC
These are just some head canons I have for Severus Snape if you guys were dating. Literally just me typing whatever comes to my mind so yeah. It's going to be as gender neutral as possible but if I mess up anywhere, please let me know and I'll fix it. Sometimes I type without thinking. :) Hope you like it. Feedback is always appreciated!!
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he's very insecure sometimes
honestly when he's like this the best thing to do is just cuddle up with him and give him kisses and whisper sweet things to him
he's scared your gonna leave him for someone else one day
however, you know that's not gonna happen
he is also scared that you are ashamed of him when you go in public together so sometimes, he won't hold your hand immediately, but you put an end to this
everyone will know you are his and he is yours
end of story
his love language is Acts of Service
he loves doing things for you
making the bed in the morning, brewing you some coffee or tea
anything to lessen your load he will do
adores everything on you
thinks you are an angel sent from heaven
when you cuddle, he will wrap you in his arms and hold you so tightly sometimes you have to remind him you need to breathe
his hugs are so comfy
whenever something is wrong, you just go to Severus and demand a hug, and everything just melts away with him
his big arms protect you from everything
like a shield
he's a very good kisser
he is ok with just a peck in public however it's just you two?
honey you're going to be kissing him for at least long enough you lose your breath
then when you pull away and you all flustered because that was the most passionate kiss of your life, he casually turns back to his book oblivious to everything
and all you can do is stand there like "whoa."
you steal his sweaters all the time
he is often cold and since his quarters are in the dungeons he has plenty
he is always cold honestly
he is used to it though, so he'll hug you with his cold ass hands and then be confused as to why you freak out
even though he literally has ice on his hands their so cold
he gets offended when you talk bad about yourself
will hold you down until you say 10 nice things about yourself for the 1 one bad thing
may the good lord help you if you keep saying bad stuff
he will literally go on a rant and start pulling out measuring tapes and measure the distance between your facial features to prove you are attractive
will sound like "ermmmmmm actually...."
it's cute though
when he's brewing potions and he's been in is lair for far too long you do have to threaten him to get him to come out
"Severus Tobias Snape! Get yourself out here this instant and eat something before I bust down this door and I MAKE you!" - you literally all the time
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Alright that's all for now I hope you liked it. :) Hopefully more coming soon.
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snowyslytherinowl · 1 year
Mini Me, Kitty Me
PAIRING: Severus Snape x Reader
SUMMARY: You take home a stray cat, much to Severus's displeasure. But Severus and the cat soon get along, probably because the cat is a little like Severus.
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*GIF isn't mine; credit to @smilingformoney
“No! I will not hear any sort of protest from you! This decision is final! I am keeping Pepper!” you shout at Severus. 
Dear Merlin, he loves your stubbornness and strong will unless your stubbornness and strong will are directed against him. To make your point even more clear, you storm out of the room and leave him alone with the cat. 
Severus’s stare burns into the cat, or “Pepper” as you affectionately call him, sitting on the floor. He’s black and has small, tired-looking eyes. How could you ever find this scruffy, scrawny little cat “the most adorable little angel known to wizardkind?” And how could you ever insist on taking this stray cat home?  
As if to challenge the dominance that Severus is trying to assert, the cat’s yellow eyes glare back at him. The hard look he’s giving him reminds him of Minerva leering at him from a corner when she’s in her animagus form. Severus jerks forward so that Pepper is only one step away from him. Pepper hisses at him and scurries out of the room to wherever you are. Finally, some peace and quiet. 
Later that night, Severus tries to relax with you on the couch. You usually lean your head on his shoulder as he reads a book to you, but not tonight. Just as your cheek brushes against his shoulder, Pepper jumps directly onto your lap and snuggles into you. 
“Aw, sweet little Pepper. Do you like cuddling with mom?” you ask in a voice typically used for toddlers. Severus rolls his eyes as Pepper meows back, indicating that he does indeed love spending time with you. 
“Get that wretched deformed tiger off our couch,” Severus grunts at you. 
You ignore him as you stroke Pepper’s fur and sweetly say to him, “Dad doesn’t like you now, but I promise he will soon. He was moody when I first met him, just like you hissed at me when I saw you next to Honeydukes. But eventually, both of you grew fond of me.” 
Severus scowls as you compare him to the cat. “I am nothing like him. He is unwilling to be friendly and he is nothing short of hideous.” 
Both you and Pepper turn to glare at him. “He is loveable and he is not hideous! Just let him get used to you and he’ll give you kisses!” 
Slowly, Severus’s face turns red. “I want you to give me kisses, not the cat!”
“You’re not getting any kisses if you continue to insult my Pepper!” you yell at him. You take Pepper into your arms, stand up, and slam the door as you exit. All Severus can do is huff with frustration. 
Over the next week, Severus and Pepper are forced to be alone in the house together whenever you go shopping or peruse the streets of the nearby village. In some ways, your absence is for the better since Severus and Pepper aren’t forced to be in the same room together. 
As usual, Severus is brewing potions in the wee hours of the morning when the door cracks open. The crack is a little too small for you to fit through, so Severus doesn’t need to look down to know that Pepper has snuck into his “mini dungeon,” as you like to call it. Pepper meows softly as he jumps onto the stool that Severus was sitting on just seconds ago. 
“Shoo, you wretched cat!” Severus swats at Pepper, but he merely hisses in response. Swiftly, Severus lunges at the cat and seizes him with his arms. He rolls his eyes as Pepper thrashes against his hold. The deformed tiger clearly is not smart enough to bear its claws, Severus thinks. Severus drops him on the floor outside his mini dungeon, and Pepper falls onto the wooden surface with a plop. 
Several peaceful minutes cutting roots and organizing jars pass before insistent scratching sounds from the door. Severus does his best to ignore the sound until he realizes that he’s allowing Pepper to create scratch marks on the door. He grumbles loudly as he flicks the door open with his wand. As Pepper struts in, Severus demands from the cat, “What do you want? It is to my understanding that you want nothing to do with me.”
Pepper meows softly as he jumps onto the table in the center of the room and strolls through the maze of mini cauldrons and jars.  He stops at the diced Observant Olives on a cutting board and pokes at it with his paw before hunching down to sniff it.
“If you break anything, I will throw you out of the house and tell my wife that you ran away,” Severus threatens as he watches Pepper explore his mini dungeon. Nonetheless, he turns back to his cauldron to continue stirring it clockwise since the allotted time for simmering has already passed. He isn’t going to ruin his potion just because of the wretched cat. 
Laying down on the counter directly beside Severus, Pepper lazily licks his fur and purrs. Severus watches him from the corner of his eye for a moment before poking the cat in the chest. Unbothered, Pepper simply rocks back once and looks his “dad” in the eye. “You remind me of Minerva,” Severus comments to the cat before he gets back to work. 
An hour passes by in which Severus suspiciously watches Pepper groom himself from the corner of his eye. A devious little voice inside Severus’s head tells him that perhaps this cat is a little cute. As if to reflect his thoughts, Pepper comes down from the counter and rests at Severus’s feet, softly purring.
Seemingly out of nowhere, Pepper jumps and hisses aggressively. Severus is about to yell at him and retract his thoughts about the cat being cute when he notices that Pepper is bolting after a rat. It seems like not even a second passes as Pepper pounces on the rat and grasps it with his mouth. He presents the rat to Severus, looking up at him with bright yellow eyes. 
“I suppose a thanks is in order,” Severus says as he takes the rat from Pepper’s mouth. He holds it by the tail with his thumb and forefinger and scrunches his face in disgust. “I do not like gutting rats for their spleens, but this will save me a galleon or two.”
Pepper purrs in response and settles in Severus’s lap. His instinct is to jerk the cat off; though when notices that the cat is gazing up at him, he realizes that maybe he’s not so bad. So Severus allows Pepper to snuggle into his lap as he cuts ingredients to place in storage. Occasionally, he even pets Pepper. His fur is a little greasy but a lot softer than expected.
“I see you two are getting along now.” Severus jumps in his seat, his hand still on Pepper’s fur, as he sees you standing in the doorframe. Pepper also jumps in surprise but remains on the lap of his “dad.”
Your smug smile bothers Severus. It’s clear that you’re holding back laughter as you bite down on your lower lip. With all the aggression he can muster, Severus sneers at you, “We are not friends.”
That finally does it for you; you burst out laughing. Severus glares at you as you reach him and rest your arms on his shoulders. “Tell yourself whatever you want. But how about you both join me in bed?”
“Fine,” Severus grunts. He carries Pepper into your shared bedroom and places him at the foot of the bed. Yawning, Severus realizes that this is the perfect time to head to bed. He holds his arm out as you snuggle into him and fall fast asleep. Seconds after you and Severus doze off, Pepper crawls over and settles himself between the two of you, deeming Severus’s chest a wonderful pillow to rest on.
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himegureisu · 7 months
Yule Ball [PT.1]
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Summary: Your husband is teaching his snakes to dance. You decide to meet them on this occasion formally.
Word Count: 1733~
A/N: This was longer than I expected and I also meant to publish this after You but I finished this one first. Enjoy! I know I did.
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“The Yule Ball has been a tradition conducted before the formal beginning of the first tasks in the Triwizard Tournament,”
His deep voice echoed throughout the expansive space as he walked around. Each Head of House was assigned to teach their students the waltz for the Ball. His Slytherins didn��t know that though.
“On Christmas Eve, we and our guests take time to gather at the Great Hall for a night of respectable frivolity by engaging in a dance,” Severus announced, the students groaned, “We may loathe to participate in such an endeavor, however, as a member of the House of Salazar Slytherin, I expect every one of you to be on your best behavior,”
“At the end of this session, you should be able to not stupidly slither and slip across the Great Hall,” Severus said,
You laughed.
Your laughter easily echoed in the hollow expanse of the room. Their attention suddenly turned to you by the entryway. Despite their whispers, you could hear their words. Who is she? What’s she doing here?
Severus turned. His stoic facade was unchanged in your presence.
“You sounded like Minerva just then,” you said, walking over, “She said something about her Gryffindors becoming a babbling bumbling band of baboons,”
“Did she?” he remarked, “How would you know that?”
“I was there lurking in the hall,” you answered, standing by his side, “They said that you may need help teaching your Slytherins to dance,”
“You know, Albus,” you dropped names, “And, Minerva.”
“Those two meddling…” he sighed, the students watched on, “They sent me an incentive as if I need any,”
“Oh, so, I should go?” you walked towards the door, but one of his arms pulled you back, “See you want me here,”
“I always want you, my dear,” Severus said. Your cheeks heated up at the compliment. He whispered into your ear, “You know that,”
“I did bring gifts,” you remembered, pulling a pouch from the pocket of your robes, “Your favorite dark chocolate and gobstoppers,”
“You are an angel, my dear,” he said, raising a palm, “May I?”
“Later,” you said, and pocketed it, he nearly pouted, “For dessert after practice. You, Mister, have students to teach,”
“Shall I introduce you?” he observed them, silently squirming in their seats from curiosity, “I think we tortured them long enough,”
“Was it truly long enough though?” you chuckled.
He offered his arm to you, which you gladly accepted, as both of you faced the crowd of curious students. Their attention was focused as Severus commanded the room.
“Slytherins, quiet!” Severus bellowed, “It gives me the greatest pleasure to introduce to you, my wife, Madame Snape,”
Among the possibilities, their Head of House married was not one they considered.
Their voices were in an uproar of surprise, disbelief, and shock, especially a platinum blonde-haired teenage boy you knew from description as your husband’s godson, Draco Malfoy. Your ears could hear a faint There’s no way, even father doesn’t even know from his mouth.
“It’s nice to meet everyone,” you gently smile, and silently hope that they calmed down, “I thought you should get the courtesy of meeting me first in private rather than amongst other students at the Yule Ball,”
They were speechless. You were nice. The exact opposite of their Head of House.
“You’re going to attend the Yule Ball?” one of the girls dared to ask,
“Yes, I will,” you answered, “Barring any conflict of schedule, I should be there,”
The girls giggled. You were glad.
“Does this mean I can wear my wedding ring more often?” he asked you, lifting his left hand to gaze at it, “I did forget to remove it today, though, I don’t believe any of them noticed,”
“Or they were too afraid of you to say anything about it,” you answered, and exchanged knowing looks, “And, do wear your ring I’d love to hear, and for you to see your other students’ reaction,”
“That can be arranged,” he agreed, and turned to the students, “To resume our activities,”
They sighed. They thought your presence would be a sufficient distraction for him to forget about the task at hand.
“We will be teaching you how to waltz,” he started, “We shall demonstrate, and then after you will pair yourselves,”
“My lady,” Severus formally bowed and offered a hand, “Shall we?”
“Oh, am I part of this?” you teased, acting as if you wouldn’t take it, “Why, I’d be honored, good sir,”
His gentle but firm grip guided you to the center of the floor where every student could get a good view of what both of you were doing.
“Face your partners a foot apart, hold her hand then place the other on her waist,” he emphasized, doing so, “Not anywhere else,”
On the swish of his wand, the pin dropped and the turn table started to play the music.
“The steps are quite simple and gentlemen do pay attention you will be guiding the ladies,” he started the box step, which you just mirrored, “Do imagine you are creating a box on the ground. Your left foot forward, the other to the side, together, back, and repeat,”
“Ladies, you mirror what your partner is doing. If he steps, forward you step back,”
With you in his arms, his stern appearance disappeared. His body relaxed, movements fluid and precise as both of you seemed to glide across the floor.
His students watched in awe and amusement as both of you passed by. There’s an intimacy in the way he moves you, and in a single moment, they catch a glimpse of a smile on his face unexpectedly twirling you around.
“Show off,” you whispered,
“For you,” he quietly said, “Always,”
Your cheeks heated up at the statement.
It wasn’t long until the music and both of you stopped. You both bow to each other after as he addressed his students.
“Find your partners and don’t dally we don’t have all day,” he instructed, as the boys started to stand, “Those who find themselves with no partners will start with one of us and then will switch to other students,”
They quickly partnered up after that.
The older girls were afraid of being partnered up with him. The boys, however, would gladly be partnered up with you.
“You will get a minute of detention for each time you step on her toes or mine. Trust that we will be counting, and,” he warned, “Should I hear any sound of pain escape her lips you will be in detention for the week regardless of the number of times you stepped on her,”
“And should any one of you succeed in not stepping on my toes,” you added, “You’ll get to try the other candy I brought back from America,”
Their eyes lit up in anticipation at your words. They became a bit scared but eager not to mess up as the first young male Slytherin came up to you.
“Hello,” you introduced yourself, “What’s your name?”
You both exchanged pleasantries as he placed the appropriate distance and hand on your waist before the music started.
“You’re more likely to mess up if nervous so relax,” you said, as the music started, and you saw Severus glaring at the student in your arms, “Talk to me about anything to take your mind off it,”
“Oh, Professor Snape is the most…” he started to ramble off.
His feet did brush yours from time to time but no real painful step landed. Once he started talking about your husband, and the subjects he liked, he relaxed and the steps came more naturally.
“Excellent,” you said, “Now do that at the Yule Ball and you’ll be fine,”
You and Severus managed to dance with half the class before the bell rang to their relief.
There were some unfortunate enough to have two left feet which caused you to yelp effectively earning a week of detention. Others would be in detention for half an hour at least, and two hours at the most. Those fortunate to get it right were rewarded by the stash of no-maj candy you brought.
“Thank you, Professor Snape,” one student said, the other followed, “And thank you, Madame Snape!”
Slowly, the students thanked you and your husband and waved goodbye as they ran to the hall on their way to their next class.
“Must you give the whole stash?” Severus asked, the other pouch given away, “They’ll be insufferable for the rest of the day,”
“Those were extras. I refilled our stash at home,” you said, which caused him to perk up, “Don’t worry,”
You started to walk toward the door to leave but his arms wrapped around you, and refused to let go.
“Where do you think you’re going?” his lips at the nape of your neck, “Hmmm?”
“Leaving,” you said, “We’re done, aren't we?"
“No, we’re not,” he kissed your shoulder, and with a swish of his wand the music started again, “May I?”
His hand offered once again which you didn’t hesitate to take.
“Always,” you said, as he guided you once again, “You are and always will be my first and last,”
His defenses shattered at those words. His lips curled into a smile. His hands pulled you closer than you could ever be. His scent, the musk of old leather, fresh parchment, and sandalwood engulfed your senses.
In the emptiness of the room, there were no words exchanged. There was only the two of you against the world. Your feet followed his in harmony. Your robes and his flowed behind your backs.
Forward. Side. Together. Back. Again. A Twirl that caused you to laugh. Warming his heart.
So lost in the moment, both of you didn’t notice Draco and his friends enraptured by the intimate performance.
Once the music had stopped, you both briefly pulled away and bowed but after he’d recovered, he pulled you in.
“Sev, what—“
His lips fell on yours gently together. Rough but warm against soft and supple. His arms were around you, protective, possessive. You lean into the comfort of his touch. A soft moan escaped your lips.
“I love you,” you said, as you pulled away.
“I love you too,”
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foursaints · 1 month
my peter pettigrew exists mostly in terms of gender transgression 🐀. i feel that the specific kind of envy he holds for james — the mingled love & admiration, the longing, the wistful psychosexualism of it— it’s the kind of jealousy that young girls feel towards other girls.
peter is more complex in his longing than someone like severus! he’s more cynical about it! because peter doesn’t even necessarily want to BE james anymore, he’s known for a very long time that it’s impossible, all he wants is to subsume him. it’s like— 19th century sapphic vampire romance levels of psychosexual. Carmilla levels.
because the tragedy of it is that he loves james! not even romantically: peter KNOWS him, better and longer than anyone else. and the insane duality of that love is slowly driving him mad.
peter might be the most romantic character in canon to me. he’s the only marauder that knows they’re all doomed! he gave up the idea he could ever be normal about james a long time ago, but he also can’t not be around him, because he loves him. so he’s resigned to giving his entire life away - just wants to be near him, let it consume him, let it ruin them both! let them burn up with it!
it’s shakespearean in the scope of it. it’s the slow horror of this psychosexual envy overtaking him, extinguishing all that he cares about. not wanting to hurt someone and being unable to let them go.
and i think he’s pretty. these are thin actors and my peter is fat but i picture his facial structure all mousy & angelic like these two:
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