#Sh text
shibbles · 1 year
not me showing up once or twice a week and binge reblogging only to disappear again . . .
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ace-of-pussy · 2 months
good GOD I am so angry.
I, as my bio suggests, am a minor. I am also asexual. And feeling quite dysphoric about all the adults in my life telling me ‘I wouldn’t know until I’ve tried it.’ But that’s a different topic.
I needed a little boost for myself so I looked at the asexual tag here on tumblr, so I’d feel less alone.
There are always thirst traps and other things of that kind on any popular tag. But I saw so many, on the asexual tag, that I actually cried, ripping my skin off as I did so.
There will always be people that abuse the tag system, I know. Tagging your posts with trending tags to make them more likely to show up on people’s dashes is a corporate tactic. But to see so many of these ads, I can barely call them posts, on the asexual tag, made me physically ill.
Asexuality is often overlooked by not just cishets but the LGBTQ+ community so often. To see that a safe space for positivity for such a overlooked community was being vandalised for the sake of marketing makes me so angry and so upset for myself and all the other people who fit under the umbrella of asexuality or aromantic who just want to feel like they belong.
I’m a relatively new blog, but I know how tumblr works. I know how the world works. The way the world is run means that we are all victims, and I thought that maybe society, that damned, twisted thing, could let us have a little corner to protect ourselves.
All it does is hurt. it hurts, and it hurts, and it hurts. Companies aren’t going to get new customers by ripping apart supposed safe spaces, and young asexual kids like myself aren’t going to get any validation or even feeling of home from seeing thirst traps targeted toward our community.
it’s targeted. I can tell. And I am by no means an expert, but this tag abuse is hurting everyone. And no one is doing a thing about it.
please boost this. Reblog, like, whatever. This is damaging people far more than you think, and it needs to be resolved.
thanks for hearing me
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ca-dmv-bot · 11 months
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littlestponie · 27 days
i love you anti recovery rqs❗❗
love you radqueers who don''t want to get ""better"" but instead take risk--informed choices for your body❗❗
love you radqueers who are ""unhealthy"" and ""making bad choices"" because it''s what makes you happy❗❗
love you radqueers who ""romanticize"" and ""glorify"" their ids❗❗
think all you are so cool and deserve to feel happy in your body no matter if you''re doing something ""bad"" x3c❗❗❗
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aropride · 2 months
i saw a poll a while ago about whether you've ever self harmed, and "yes, but i quit" was sweeping . and i remembered it today and it made me really emotional cuz like 60something percent of people picked a "yes" option but most who did were able to quit. idk i've been on this website for almost a decade i remember when it was the black-and-white depression aesthetic website to a good portion of society. and now a yes but i quit sweep... it's an honor to get older and get better with you all
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pineappleciders · 2 days
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i think keloidal scars are beautiful :-)
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samble · 2 months
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drew more unhinged homuras for the fans <3
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hallwyeoo · 1 year
Mildly controversial take but I think cumplane making out while their husbands chug vinegar outside is actually peak svsss content and def (probably…maybe) happened post-cannon. Sqh and sqq will schedule visits for “tea” that start with Sqq berating Sqh on his newest draft of a novel (the foreplay ofc) and end with a minimum of one (1) sloppy drunk makeout session.
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galedekarios · 7 months
it’s still so... hm. i'm not sure what words to use here tbh.
but to give the one character that has received such preferential treatment through early access development and full release even more new content + new lines even though he already has a wealth of scenes, detailed animations, incredible world responsiveness, that about totals to having a third more content than everyone else...
all the while the other characters, their romances, their stories and the way the world they're in reacts to them are still either a barren wasteland or bugged to the point they can’t be triggered.
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snouse · 4 months
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tell me I'm an angel, take this to my grave
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gaytobymeres · 2 years
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this is a joke but also i hate how influential bbc sh*rlock remains
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j-eazz · 6 days
I just want someone to hug me and tell me that everything is going to be alright
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a-forbidden-detective · 8 months
In defense of Totomaru Isshiki and the pitfalls of a John Watson-esque character
I am kinda frustrated with the way the fandom treats Toto Isshiki. This reminds me of the way the Sherlock Holmes fandom disregard Dr. John Watson. I’ve read some negative comments on Crunchyroll and see the lack of enthusiasm on Tumblr when it comes to Toto-centered gifs. Not a gripe, just an observation.
I can’t help it. I am a Watsonian by heart and will defend any JW-esque characters with the likes of Toto Isshiki, for example.
It is the same pitfall that befalls any adaptation or iteration that portrays SH and JW lookalikes.
People disregard the significance of a JW-esque character and elevate the SH ones, which of course understandable on the surface. The SH ones are flashy, eccentric, distant, aloof, but a genius. The JW ones are ordinary, insignificant. He’s one of us.
The adaptations I know that respect JW are the Granada Holmes, Elementary (in some aspects) and the early Sherlock BBC. And maybe, the mouse version.
Although, Ron’s attitude is miles away from the many adaptations of SH, he treats Toto as an equal as the latter has seen him at his lowest and the only one who succeeded in encouraging him to make a comeback, takes consider of the way Toto gauges people, in short Toto is his moral compass, knows that he’s in good hands with Toto around him, even in a dangerous situation. Ron also appreciates Toto’s empathy and feels humbled every time Toto admires his talent in deduction, which certainly feeds his ego. Most of all, in the manga, the two might have accumulated other friends, but they know that there are only the two of them together.
Lastly, culled from this thesis:
It is Watson’s regular function to register bafflement in the face of mystery and to express wonder as Holmes solves it. Perhaps it should be emphasized, however, that though Watson is a foil he is not a burlesque character, as the radio and motion picture dramatizations have portrayed him. His bewilderment is intended not so much to reveal him as the butt as to add luster to Holmes and his deductions. If Watson does play Sancho to Holmes’s Quixote, the joke, when there is one, is as likely to be directed toward the eccentric knight of the nineteenth century rationalism as made at the expense of his faithful squire. We may patronize him somewhat, but we also take our cue from him on how to react.
That’s also Totomaru Isshiki in a nutshell.
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ofmiceandwomen · 2 years
Gondolin lasted for like four hundred years. Impressive, right.
But imagine living 400 years in one city in relative peace. It necessarily means that at some point Turgon’s council must have been discussing something really petty compared to the struggles of the rest of Beleriand.
Such as how many trees should they plant. The maintenance of public spaces. Lack of trash bins. Overpopulated pigeons. Loud night life.
Imagine being one of the greatest warriors ever and having to sit through endless council meetings about new benches in the Lesser Market instead of taking down Morgoth.
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it is getting too lonely, too cold, too empty, and too dull for me
Warsan Shire 34 Excuses For Why We Failed At Love (via @metamorphesque) / @loubis-and-champagne / unknown / unknown / Mahmoud Darwish (trans. John Berger & Rema Hammami) Mural / unknown / image: unknown words: Mitski Crack Baby / Franz Kafka diary entry dated April 27, 1915 (via @dailykafka) / unknown / Shirley Jackson The Haunting of Hill House / Vincent Van Gogh from The Complete Letters
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aropride · 9 months
i saw a post the other day that said that gen z/gen alpha say "unalive" and "seggs" and stuff bc they're afraid of being "punished by an invisible force" and while i do think that the self-censoring sometimes unnecessary and worrying, i also don't think they're self-censoring for no reason.
i think there are a lot of situations where talking about suicide/death in general and sex outright would be punished by very real visible forces like parents and teachers and instagram community guidelines. like these kids (i say kids but i know people my age (20) do this, i feel like it's mostly younger genz and genalpha though at least in my experience) aren't just self-policing and self-censoring for no reason. some creators learned to adapt their language to unclear nebulous guidelines to try and avoid their accounts being taken down or their videos being shown to fewer people, then people started assuming any mentions of death or sex would be punished and started doing the same thing, and now younger kids have picked up on it bc they're online a lot and don't know any different.
but that's not the only part of this that matters bc while that is strange and a little dystopian. there are also offline real-life reasons kids would be scared to talk about this shit with actual words. like i was raised very christian, evangelical, not quite fundamentalist, "we don't use labels but we have stage lights for the worship songs but don't wear skirts above the knee" type of thing. my parents didn't teach me about sex until they found out i would have a sex ed class bc they had to sign a permission slip. and then they gave me a book for kids about sex that was heavily christian, abstinence-only, deeply homophobic etc. it didn't teach about birth control, about what things are not normal, any of that. and i was not raised in a way where i was even the slightest bit comfortable asking my parents or talking about it at all. my twin brother got the same book and would talk about sex or make jokes about it and our parents would get upset because it was "inappropriate" and he shouldn't be thinking about that or whatever. and if i had tried to talk about like, menstrual health or signs of abuse or even just made a joke about sex at all my parents would have been upset.
you can probably guess this from what i just said but unsurprisingly my parents weren't big on being upfront about mental health issues either. i have been depressed since before i can remember and was suicidal by the time i was eleven and i had no idea that the way i was feeling wasn't normal or that there was a word for it. i don't remember when i learned about suicide but i know my dad was at least willing to say the word in conversation when i was 12, which my mother wasn't happy about because it was "too dark" a conversation to be having (he had been telling me about a friend he had in college, specifically about how he had recovered from substance abuse issues and suicidal ideation).
and my parents were definitely not normal but there are objectively situations where parents are way worse about this type of thing. there are absolutely kids who aren't allowed to say words like suicide and death and sex. and they're not afraid of algorithms, there are real-life offline consequences if they slip up. so they self-censor, they talk quietly in the lunchroom with codewords and euphemisms with their friends. and that's not even to mention school, and how kids will get in trouble for anything an adult doesn't want them to talk about, how they can get in, again, real-life offline trouble for speaking frankly about this type of thing. because it's "inappropriate," because it's "upsetting," because their teacher is having a bad day, because god said not to, because they don't want their dm to a friend on tiktok to be flagged.
and i would much rather kids talk about these things with sometimes-insensitive code words than to not talk about them at all. if it's a choice between someone coming out as "tr4ns" to their friend and not having someone to support them at all, if it's between saying they want to "unalive" themself and never seeking help, i want them to go the sometimes-silly code word route. because i think they should be allowed to talk about these things and if they're not i think they have the right to try to do it anyway. the unnecessary self-censorship has been criticized to hell and back and i'm not saying it shouldn't be, especially when it's adults saying these things in real life situations. i'm just saying i think kids have a lot more pressure to censor themselves than people think, even offline.
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