#Shinazugawa Koto
I already read Shinazuagawa family tree from KnY Fanbook and it says:
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Although that solves which is the youngest child which is Koto (the kid that sleeps in Genya's arms and the smallest one among the other siblings).
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I'm still confuse who's who among the siblings, because when I'm searching the name didn't match up the character. Like which one is Sumi, is it the red one or the green one? Because I search her name and she ends up with two pictures. In website A she's the red one, but in website B she's the green one.
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All I know is:
Shizu [mother]
Kyogo [father]
Sanemi [1st child/1st son]
Genya [2nd child/2nd son]
Koto [7th child/5th son]
The rest is Sumi, Teiko, Shuya, and Hiroshi. I don't know who's who here. I hope someone tell me the correct information.
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kimetsucollection · 6 months
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ymirsenn · 11 months
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Sketches of my interpretation of modern!Shinazugawa family (minus Kyogo, fuck him) The highlights are mainly just sorta fun things, except for Shizu, her hair is greying lol. Let me know if you guys are interested in more!
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petitelepus · 2 months
The Shinazugawa household X slave fem reader!
She is an exotic demon slave because she is from another country, been thrown all over the place, fought another demons that are bigger than her, killed one of her past owners, and they choose her because they heard rumours of her never harming children and instead protecting them like a big sister. She could manipulate bones, has a big spear made of a huge demon spine she killed, and can easily rip bones out of anyone, she wears the bones of everyone she had killed to keep as trophies and turns it into accessories. She is literally a Savage Skeleton girl. She a bit insane in a deadpool way but flirty like knockout
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Summary: The eldest Shinazugawa brothers head out to find a guard Demon for their younger siblings, but are low on money... But then they found you, a little weirdo Demon, but you should be able to keep the kids safe, right?
Warnings: Slavery
A/N: Slave!AU, Demon Slaves, Sanemi Shinazugawa, Genya Shinazugawa, Female Reader, Demon Reader, Teiko Shinazugawa, Hiroshi Shinazugawa, Sumi Shinazugawa, Shuya Shinazugawa, Koto Shinazugawa
When the two oldest Shinazugawa siblings went to the Slave House to see Demon slaves, they didn't expect to see you there… But let's back up a little bit.
Sanemi and Genya had gone to the house to find a guard dog aka guard Demon to take care of their siblings. Their late father had been abusive, but mostly towards their late mother.
Both young men wanted to keep their siblings safe from any harm and while a dog would have done the deed, Demon would be able to play with them, clean, and cook while Sanemi and Genya weren't there.
But damn, Demons were expensive!
"What the Hell…" Genya grunted as he rubbed his eyes, "How can a Demon cost this much?"
"Yeah, I'm starting to lean towards a dog more and more," Sanemi growled in frustration. They had some money saved, but feeding 7 people cost a lot…
"Maybe this isn't a good idea…?" Genya frowned and his older brother nodded, but before they could turn and leave, a man appeared behind them.
"Are you looking for something specific?" The man asked and the brothers shared glances with each other.
"Yeah, but we doubt what we are looking for is in here," Sanemi grunted, and the man smiled, "Depends. What do you want?"
"We need a guardian for our younger siblings-!" Genya was saying but his brother shot him a glare, "Shut up Genya!"
"A guardian, huh?" The man nodded, "Well, we have some great guardian Demons here that would no doubt satisfy y-!"
"Thanks but no thanks." Sanemi frowned, "We don't have the money for one so we'll just leave."
"No money, huh, and kids to protect…" The salesman nodded and any other time that would end the conversation, but this man wouldn't give up, "What about if I told you there is something that would fit your taste and prize rank?"
"I'd say that you are full of shit," The oldest brother said and the man laughed, "Come, follow me!"
The brothers shared glances and the man laughed, "Don't worry, looking doesn't cost you anything!"
He was right about that. So the brothers followed the salesman to a locked door and watched as he dug out a key and unlocked the heavy padlock, uncovering stairs to a basement.
"Come come!" The man smiled and the brothers followed him into the darkness… And their eyes widened as they smelled the blood and mold in the air. An awful combination that made their noses burn.
"Pardon the smell," The salesman chuckled, "We don't actually take other customers down here."
"W- what is this place?" Genya asked and the man chuckled as he turned on the lights, and showed the cages full of what appeared to be feral Demons.
"This is the place where Demons are brought to die." Sanemi frowned as he shot a glare at the salesman, "Right?"
"Something like that, yes." The man nodded as he led the brothers to a cage with a female Demon hunched at the back of the cage, sleeping. That was you.
The man chuckled as he looked at the brothers, "This here is a rare one. It was imported from abroad where it was actually a fighting arena Demon. They called it Bone Demon because of its abilities to fight and take trophies from its kills."
"An arena Demon!?" Sanemi snapped, "Are you crazy!? Those things were made to kill! That's all they know!"
"Well, yeah, but-!"
"But what!?"
"Well," The guy shrugged, "The truth is that it killed its previous owner…"
"So it isn't safe!?"
"Well, you didn't hear this from me…" The man looked around to see if anyone else was listening and then continued, "That fucker had it coming."
"What?" Sanemi and Genya blinked and the salesman nodded, "Rumor has it that he was beating his own kids and the Demon took him out for it."
"Then, why is she being put down if she was only protecting the kids?" Genya asked, but Sanemi frowned, "Are you stupid? When Demon kills its owner, it's deemed dangerous, no matter what the circumstances were."
"Yeah, I'm a dreamer myself and always want to believe in second chances." The salesman chuckled, but he didn't sound to reassuring.
"Look, these Demons are going to be put down anyway, so why can't I give them a new home and earn a little while doing so?"
"And how much do you think you earn with this plan of yours?"
"Well, how does 600 sound?"
That offer was beyond good, it was almost too good to be true. The brothers shared glances and frowned as they turned their attention to your peacefully sleeping form. You looked so graceful and like you were in peace… Maybe you weren't that bad?
"Still, it needs a ton to eat…"
"Well, there is a… You know?" The salesman said and the brothers frowned, "Know what?"
"There is a rumor, but it's only a rumor…!"
"Just tell us!"
"Okay! Demons, if you give them fresh blood they can go on for days without anything else to eat!" The man smiled, but the brothers didn't share his excitement, "Duh, everyone knows that Demons need mean and blood-!"
"I meant human blood!" The guy snapped, "Give it some blood and you don't need to feed it!"
"That's illegal!" Genya cried out, but the man shook his head, "Look, everything that happens or is talked in here stays between us!"
"Still, that Demon is way too dangerous!" Both brothers frowned and the salesman sighed, "Okay, here is my final offer, 100 and it's yours!"
"Cheap!" Genya gasped and Sanemi frowned, "Why so cheap suddenly?"
"Look, it costs me almost 500 to put it down and it has a good bloodline! If I had any spare time or funds I would breed it, but I don't! So?" The man sighed, "Do you take it?"
Genya swallowed nervously as Sanemi frowned, "We will take it but only if it has a kill switch installed."
Ah, the kill switch. A collar that could capitate and therefore kill any Demon that could be deemed as dangerous to innocent humans. The salesman sighed as he nodded, "Alright, I'll lock one around its neck and you can take it home right away."
"Good." Sanemi nodded as he dug out the money the salesman wanted and handed it to him, "Make it hasty, I can't stand the smell in here."
"Yes yes," The man nodded as he went to pick up a collar for you. Genya though, glanced at his older brother in worry, "Big brother, is this really a good idea?"
"It's cheap, it can protect our siblings and it has a collar to end its life if it acts out." Sanemi nodded, "It has to do."
Genya wasn't as sure as his brother was, but he trusted his older brother, no matter what… And if you ended up becoming a risk, you would have to be taken out.
The brothers watched the salesman pick up a collar and open your cage enough to slip the kill switch around your neck while you were still in deep slumber. While he was at it, he picked you up so he could hand you over and that's when you started to wake up from your sleep.
"Morning sleepyhead," The salesman chuckled as he placed you on your feet in front of the Shinazugawa brothers, who blinked as they got a good look at you.
For a Demon, you were a petite little thing. It was almost impossible to believe that you had taken out Demons bigger than yourself in the fighting arena. You yawned and rubbed the sleep off your eyes as you inspected the brothers before you.
"Howdy…" You greeted them quietly and the salesman laughed, "It's a little groggy after a long sleep, but should wake up in any minute now!"
"Great, we will take it to the car and get out of your hair." Sanemi nodded as he grasped your upper arm and yanked, "Come on, we're leaving."
You yawned but nodded as you followed the oldest brother out of the dark stinky basement, Genya and the salesman following quickly behind you two.
"Remember!" The man shouted, "No refunds!"
"Fuck off…!" Sanemi growled under his breath as he, Genya and you left the Slave House and took you to their car. It was a dark rainy day so there wasn't sunlight to worry about as they got you into the car.
As Sanemi got into the driver's seat and Genya next to him, you were already feeling better. By the time the car took off, you had woken up and done a perfect flip with your personality.
"Hey hey, are you my new owners?" You asked happily and the brothers shared confused glances before Genya looked at you, "Yeah…?"
"Fantastic! Terrific even!" You giggled as you grinned from ear to ear like a Cheshire Cat, "Haven't had an owner for a while now!"
"Because you killed that fucker?" Sanemi asked and you hummed like you were thinking something hard.
"Yeah, he was a bad man," You nodded, "But his kids? They were sweethearts!"
"You protected them, right? From the guy you killed?" Genya asked and you stilled as you stared at him… And then you looked down on your feet, "Kids are precious. So innocent, so sweet. Strong must protect the weak."
The brothers glanced at each other. So far, you didn't appear like a bloodthirsty arena Demon… Genya smiled a little as he looked at you, "Well… In your new home at our place, you will have kids to protect again?"
"Kids?" You repeated and the younger brother nodded, "Yeah, our younger siblings. There are 5 of them."
"If you hurt them or even pick a hair out of their heads, I'm killing you on the spot!" Sanemi snapped and you hummed happily as you swayed your head from side to side, "No worries! I love kids!"
"We trust on that…"
The drive to their apartment complex was quiet… If they ignored how you seemed to think what was going in your mind out loud.
"Kids kids, cute and sweet!"
"Must protect!"
"I'm starting to think that guy at the Slave House screwed us over…" Sanemi grumbled as he and Genya listened to you hum by yourself like a… Like a crazy person.
"So?" Your eyes focused as you looked at the brothers, "Which battle earned you those scars?"
"Battle?" Genya wondered out loud and you nodded, "We Demons fight all the time, but if you don't kill you heal and won't scar."
That made sense. Sanemi growled as he glanced at you from the mirror, "We had our own fights. That's it."
He wasn't really in the mood to share how he and Genya were scarred, but you seemed to understand that he wanted to stay quiet about it. So you hummed, "Makes sense! But…"
"But what?"
"Humans are so resilient!" You grinned, "Your scars look cool! Wish I had some to show off my strength, but the bones of my opponents were all that I had!"
"We don't need to hear about that!" Sanemi snapped and you giggled a little as you looked out of the car's window, humming by yourself again.
When you made it to the Shinazugawa household, the eldest brothers called their siblings over and all 5 of them came when called.
"Kids, this is your new Demon!" Sanemi said and the kids were awed as they looked at you.
"My, and who are you, little angels?" You giggled as you looked at the kids who eyed you shyly and carefully. Genya smiled as he pointed at his younger siblings, "From eldest to youngest, Sanemi, me Genya, Teiko, Hiroshi, Sumi, Shuya, and Koto."
"Hello everyone," You smiled as you pointed at yourself, "I'll be your new nanny, your servant, your friend, your bodyguard, your-!"
"Are you our new family member?" Shuya asked and you blinked, a little stunned, before nodding happily, "Yeah! I can be anything you want me to be!"
"Remember kids, she is a Demon so you have to be careful also!" Sanemi said, but his younger siblings were all so impressed by you and curious about you.
"You're very pretty." Sumi smiled a little shyly as she looked at you and you grinned, showing off your sharp teeth.
"Aww, thank you, little angel!" You laughed as you bent down to the kids' eye level and held your pinky to them, "I pinky promise you guys that I will always keep you safe and sound! No one will harm you as long as I'm here!"
"You promise?" The kids asked and you waved your pinky finger at them, "I promise!"
"Jay!" The kids cheered as they rushed to see you better, giggling and laughing as they surrounded you. Meanwhile, Genya and Sanemi shared glances and nodded.
"She appears like a good purchase." Genya hummed thoughtfully, but his older brother frowned as he crossed his arms, "Time will tell."
"And if she isn't?"
"Then," Sanemi's face twisted with an angry scowl, "I'll take her out myself."
And that was his promise to Genya, their siblings, and you.
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bakvrue · 3 months
genya x reader, 1.4k, genya is taller than you, fluff, fem reader, maybe unsafe swimming practices, divider by saradika
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“How did you hear about this again?”
Genya’s hand is in yours as you lead him along a dark path. The trees and bushes towering over you are bathed in nothing but the light of the stars as their leaves dance in the wind.
“The little old ladies in town told me about it. They said that it’s a town tradition to go, so we have to!”
You hold his hand a little tighter, asking him to trust you. 
You’re only here for a small mission but you quickly came to love this small town and all of its people; the grandmas who pile food on your plate, the kids who run up to you to hold your hand, and the streets that make you feel like you're walking home. 
You smile remembering the faces of the women who told you about the town’s unique lore, their whispers and giggles had followed you all week as they watched you and Genya patrol the town together. They saw you hang off his every word, how your heart flutters every time he looks at you for too long, and how his face turns red every time you catch him. 
He looks at you as if you molded the sun in your two hands and you look at him as if he hand-carved every crater on the moon. How could they not notice?
But what you neglect to tell Genya is what the town’s folklore actually says. 
The dirt path slowly gives way to sand as you continue to walk and the stars guide you until you hear the faint sound of waves crashing. 
The path straightens out in front of you and your breath hitches in your throat.
The sea meets the horizon in an explosion of stars, interstellar colors dance across the water that crashes along the rocky beach, and with each break of waves a bright blue sparkle dances along the sand. The blue sparkle glows so brightly, you’ve never seen anything like it.
“Wow,” you sigh with wonder. Your body feels lighter than it has in years, the beauty catches you off guard and you can hardly take your eyes off of the crashing waves.
Genya squeezes your hand tightly and your gaze turns to him. He opens his mouth but he doesn't have the words he wants to say yet. There's a familiar feeling in his chest, like an old memory waking up from a thousand years of slumber.
“Come on, let's get closer!”
You let go of his hand and run towards the beach, your arms held out to your sides like a little kid running toward the ocean for the first time. 
And his memory comes flooding back. 
His mother sits along the banks of the river that runs near his childhood home. The sun casts shadows through leaves onto her hair as she mends the holes in his younger brother's clothing. Most of his siblings are all playing in the shallow water, their giggles and shouts bouncing off of the river's surface, but Koto, his youngest brother, sleeps gently in Genya’s lap.
“Genya,” his mother calls, remembering the sound of her voice for the first time in a long time. He takes a deep breath in and watches you reach the glowing water's edge. “Genya, my wish for you is to find someone who shows you what it’s like to have wonder. You and your brother take care of our family so well, you both grew up so fast. You’ll meet someone—”
The tiny version of himself cuts her off, “Like a wife?” Baby Genya’s eyes pop open, his face growing more and more red, and his mother chuckles to herself 
“Something like that,” she smiles at him and Genya looks down at his sleeping brother in his lap. “I can take Koto,” she motions to him. puts down her sewing as the Shinazugawa sisters come running up, begging to play with him.
“Come on Genya!” “The water is so cold!” “You have to play with us!”
Another nod from his mother and he gives in. Sumi pulls at his hand while Teiko runs ahead of them, her arms spread out to her sides before she jumps in the water.
The sun from that day fades and he sees you smile at him.
You extend a hand to him, inviting him to join you.
He’s heard the tales of this beach, and even the old wives tale the women have probably told you. He takes a deep breath and exhales. 
Wonder, huh?
He kicks off his shoes and gives you a dastardly smile, one that you're soon to regret.
“Genya, what are you—” 
He runs at you, catching you off guard. This mountain of a man gets to you in mere seconds and throws you onto his shoulder. You scream and laugh as he continues running into the water, each glowing step getting slower and slower as the water rises. Every splash he makes in the water glows brighter blue.
“The water’s freezing!” you squeal as the bioluminescent waves splash against your heels.
He takes one final step, “Better hold your breath!” He laughs before dunking you both underwater.
You surface quickly and realize the water is only waist deep, you keep your shoulders under the water. The night air touching your wet clothes is colder than the water now.
Genya surfaces and flips his hair back, the sea sparkle illuminating his face with a beautiful blue glow. He takes your hand in the water and pulls you to him and in turn you wrap your arms around his neck, not letting your nerves have any say in this moment. You’ve never been this bold with each other, hugging quickly or poking at him or sleeping on his shoulder is the closest you've been. But now you're face to face.
You playfully slap at his chest for dunking you, stirring up the water and with it and even more blue blossoms around you. You don't have the heart to chastise him, even as pretend, so you just laugh. And he joins in, his head falling back in true laughter.
Watching him laugh, the way his eyes wrinkle at the corners and how each laugh comes with rippling blue waves… you don't think you've ever felt this happy in your whole life. 
His laughter slows and he sighs your name, bliss leaking out of his every pore. His hand rises out of the water and he cups your neck. 
Any last nerves you had melt away just looking at his face. This is the man that you… You stop yourself. Maybe you shouldn't say it yet, even in your own head. But the man that you like very much, and the two of you are floating in the ocean together, not a care in the world. 
Your breathing starts to match his as the two of you fall into sync. Your eyes map out every feature of his face, committing it to memory as his eyes fall to your lips.
Genya’s face starts turning red, the glowing algae gives him away, but you're sure that it's doing the same for you. Letting him see every imperfection you have, every scar and doubt and negative thing about you. And he's here anyway. His heart is so close to yours that you can practically feel it beating in time with yours.
His lips are soft against yours as you breathe him in. A culmination of everything you've ever felt for him being poured out under this night sky. Your arms tighten around him, holding onto him with everything you have. Your ache to be closer, your desire to have him all to yourself, to give him every piece of yourself and watch him cradle it, and then to do the same for him. He’s desperate to keep you close, arms sliding around your waist and holding you so tightly. 
His lips pull against yours as the waves continue to crash, the illuminated ocean guiding your way back to his lips over and over again, your body finding its new path home. 
Your first kiss with him will always taste like the salt of the sea.
It is said that lovers who bathe in the blue sea sparkle together will have their love story written in the stars, for two lovers who take the plunge together are bound to become soulmates and live out the rest of their days together, in this life and the next.
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sunandflame · 1 year
Hi :) I’m sorry but my request isn’t there so it may have not sent properly. Please could I request headcanons of the hashira reacting to their crush being very kind and loving to their sibling/siblings :)
Aaah yes! This is such a cute request and I loved doing that! Please forgive me if it took longer than you expected. I hope it is to your liking and if not please let me know through an anon ask.❤️
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Hashira's reacting to their crush being kind to their sibling(s)
Warnings: maybe a super tiny nsfwish? mention of trauma and abuse in the past
Word Count: 955
Pairing: Hashira's x Fem!Reader
crossposted on AO3
Kyojuro Rengoku
Listen to me. This man would blush. And you know why? Because of his crush he got on you.
And now he sees how kind and loving you act towards Senjuro?
This of course leaves him with the question of whether you are so loving with small babies.
Of course you would, what a stupid question from him.
But now he just can't stop imagining you with a baby. A baby from you two, because this man definitely wants children later.
He later needed a cold shower to calm his flushing down, since he recalled how babies were made. 😉
Sanemi Shinazugawa
He would watch you silently and while he does an inner image would appear in front of him.
That of his mother's.
And that would confuse the Wind Hashira very much.
Especially when he sees how warm and kind you act towards Genya and other younger people?
He can't stop thinking that Sumi, Hiroshi, Teiko, Koto, Shuya and Sanehiro would adore you.
And that brings a comforting inner warmth that he had always felt towards his mother back then.
You remind him so much of his mother that he got flashbacks of how she protected her children from their brutal father like a lioness.
That spoiled his mood in the usual way and the gentle smile that briefly reflected on his lips disappeared.
He swore to protect you from everything and everyone, because such a kind soul had to survive in this world and not the murderous scum that he saw in himself.
Giyuu Tomioka
He too would be very subtle in his observation.
You probably wouldn't even know that he saw you.
But he did. And it had definitely triggered something in him.
And it was rare smile, but he kept turning away so quickly so that nobody would be able to see it.
The first time he wants to start a conversation with someone. And then with you of all people.
But he is so awkward and shy in it because he had never done anything like that, especially not with someone who he has a crush on. So double awkwardness.
So he keeps watching you, this time a little more obviously, hoping that you might start a conversation with him.
And while he was watching you a soft smile would play on his lips and this time he wouldn't turn away and look directly at you.
Tengen Uzui
The man had 9 siblings and they all died before he was 15
Then seeing you treating a younger one with kindness and love he wished he had felt when he was younger?
Yeah, this man is gonna come to you and lay the world at your feet together with his 3 wives.
But firstly, he would come alone, take your hand and gently kiss your knuckles.
"Be my 4th wife and have my babies. I know you would be a great mother!"
Mitsuri Kanroji
Our beloved love Hashira
She would probably hear it first from her siblings, before seeing it herself.
"Mitsuri neechaaan! Can we (y/n) see again? She was so nice and kind to us! She even brought us sweets!"
Those would be the words of her little siblings as they are all stand very close to each other.
This made her curious.
And if she then sees with her own eyes?
She would squeal in happiness, seeing how loving you are to them.
And would come up to you and hug you. Her breasts press against your shoulder. "Y/n you are so adorable!"
This time it's you who's blushing.
Obanai Iguro
He and Kaguramaru would watch you from afar.
The man didn't have a good experience with women as they were all terrible to him.
But you? You were the opposite and showed him with your gesture that there was also kindness in this world.
And that was one of the reasons why he had a huge crush on you.
And your gesture would make him fall even more for you.
He would sneak gifts to you.
(I am sorry. I feel like I am describing Obanai x Mitsuri as I always see them as canon and his type.)
Gyomei Himejima
He is already a big soft teddy bear
So expect it to grow into an even bigger one.
The first time he noticed tha, he wouldn't think anything of it.
But he sees that it's your nature and that you do it not for yourself.
And he would be touched by your kindness that he would shed tears (as he often does)
Gyomei eventually coming to you and while he towers over you with his height (man is huge) he would ask you.
"Do you want to talk about cats?"
Shinobu Kocho
Shinobu witnessed your kindness towards the younger ones in the butterfly mansion.
And she thinks you are downright adorable.
And she wants to tease you about that.
Which she will certainly do. (Nothing is going to stop her anyway) And oh she loves to tease you.
But on the other hand she will praise you. Telling you how admirable your kindness and love is.
"This reminds me of someone..." And for the first time her smile turned sad.
You could help but hug her and comfort her, as you did with the younglings.
Muichiro Tokito
Empty eyes would clear at that moment and would look at you in surprise.
It is not about how you look, but the way you treat other the younger ones. It would bring back certain memory he thought it was long gone.
He would look at you with wide big eyes.
"Y/n..." That he remembered your name would make you turn in surprise, but there would be a smile. "Yes, what is it Tokito-san?"
And then he would remember and he would hold your hand and smile. "Your kindness... It made me remember something very dearly to me. Of my father and mother... Thank you so much for that"
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Now that the Shinazugawa babies have been animated I feel like I can talk about them more freely without risk of spoiling others. So, here comes May’s tsunami of big bro Sanemi HCs.
Since his mom (Shizu) is always working, Sanemi took it upon himself to learn how to do his little sisters’ hair.
Sumi and Teiko learned how to do their hair themselves forever ago but preferred when Sanemi would do it for them. They always requested that he did their hair in the same style as their mom’s
Sanemi and Genya took it upon themselves to bathe their little siblings in order to take some of the work load of their mom’s shoulders
Sanemi is actually a great cook because he would often cook for his little siblings and his mom.
While Sanemi cooked, Genya would try his hardest to do the laundry but he would struggle to get some of the larger items on the line and need Sanemi’s help
Sanemi often stood up to his abusive father, trying to get his attention off of his small mother and little siblings. He was convinced he could deal with the man’s rage and survive while his mother and siblings may not.
These attempts were often futile because Shizu couldn’t stand to see her oldest son trying to protect her. She was the mother, it was her duty protect her children. It destroyed her any time Sanemi tried to intervene.
Sanemi would often stay up until his mother fell asleep, which was a rare occurrence. The woman slept at most for two hours before going back to her daily routine.
But on nights where he managed to stay awake longer than her, he’d cuddle up to her under the blankets and fall asleep listening to her heartbeat (he’s a mama’s boy)
Sanemi learned to sew, that way he could repair the little clothes he and his siblings had. Which meant his mother wouldn’t stress about getting them new clothes and save more money.
When his father died, he was relieved. He knew the role he needed to take on, but it wasn’t as daunting because he knew Genya would be right there with him. Their live would be easier with that man out of the pictures
I’m a twisted way, Sanemi hopes he would receive his father’s strength. Not to hurt those he loved, rather protect them from any evil.
Similar to how Nezuko would carry Rokuta in a wrap, Sanemi would carry Koto the same way.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 4 months
A gift for Mother | The Shinazugawas !
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Theme: Fluff+Angst (50/50? sorta)
Note: I was going to say happy belated mother's day but this isnt supposed to be happy
anyway, writing this bc the shinazugawa ep was released on mother's day
the Shinazugawas (im taking this off some video so it might not be accurate):
Shizu(30 smth-), Sanemi(13?), Genya(8?), Teiko (7?), Sumi (6), Hiroshi(5), Shuya (4), Koto(2).
For a couple months now, they had been doing small things in order to get a little money. Since their father had died, though it had been quite a relief, it also brought about a lot more pressure on their mother. Shizu had to work a lot more often and barely saw them anymore. Sanemi and Genya were doing their best to care for the younger children while their mother acquire money for the family. Shizu appreciated them greatly, more than she could express. But she made sure to leave them small things when she was able to get a little extra money—and though it wasn't often since she was getting less money than a man would've, it was her own way of showing her love.
Sanemi and Genya tried to get her to stop buying the excess things but she said she just wanted them to be happy. She would buy them books or toys, especially for the others so they could be entertained during the day.
Because of this, however, it only drove all of the children's desire to help her in a way. The younger children admired Sanemi and Genya especially since the two had managed to get a little money from helping around the town here and there. So they all made sure to behave well as much as they could will themselves to so it would be easier on everyone.
It did help a lot and Sanemi made sure to show he was grateful for it. Eventually he brought up the topic of Mother's Day as May approached. 
"We're supposed to get her something?" Shuya had asked, confused. "Mother has a day for her?"
Sanemi nodded. "There's a day where we specifically have to show allll our appreciation towards her and all she's doing for us."
"What appre-ation?" Koto asked curiously, crawling over to nestle himself in Genya's lap.
"Ehm... Like giving her presents or telling her we love her and telling her thank you for being our mother," Genya suggested. 
Sanemi agreed. "Exactly. And you know how we have been saving up the money and not buying other things?"
"Are we gonna buy Mother something?" Sumi asked, eyes lighting up when Sanemi nodded. "We can buy her a new house!"
"...we don't have quite enough money. But I saw a kimono on sale somewhere while getting food," Sanemi said with a gentle laugh. "Tomorrow we can go through the town and look for something to buy for her after breakfast."
"Mochiiii!" Hiroshi said. "The sweet ones!"
"For breakfast or for Mother?" Sanemi asked, a smile curving his mouth.
"Mother! And breakfast!" Hiroshi said enthusiastically.
Sanemi shook his head. "Mochi takes too long to make and I don't think we have the right ingredients. Besides, it's not long lasting. We should buy Mother something that would be more helpful."
"...fine." Hiroshi huffed but didn't push it further.
Koto had fallen asleep somehow and Genya stood, cradling his brother carefully as he stumbled to one of the futons. 
"I have money tooo," Teiko said. She rummaged in the obi of her kimono where she'd apparently hidden a couple coins. She held them up proudly. "I can help buy too!"
Sanemi smiled. "Yes, you can. We'll put the money in a jar to keep it safe, alright?"
Teiko nodded and Sanemi produced a jar which he'd already put his and Genya's money in that they would use for their Mother. Teiko dropped the coins in, giving a satisfied smile at the clinking sound they made as they hit the other coins.
"Where did you get money from?" Sumi asked, eyeing Teiko suspiciously. 
"Uh... Not from a bet!" Teiko said cheerfully with a clap.
Sanemi narrowed his eyes. "Don't do that, Teiko. It's not good for habits either."
"...well I won!"
"Doesn't make it any better," Sanemi said with a sigh. "But alright. Just don't do it again."
"Yeah, yeah, fine," Teiko conceded with a frown.
The night continued onto their normal routine and they awoke the next morning with newfound energy. They were all enthusiastic at the idea of getting their Mother something as the chance was rare and all wanted to please their Mother.
They set out about town in a peculiar line as they strolled through the streets holding hands so none would get lost. Sanemi was carrying Koto in one arm and holding Shuya's hand in the other—wanting to keep track of the youngest two himself. Genya, Teiko, Sumi, and Hiroshi were in a string of children with Genya in the middle as they marched along the houses, the two at the end waving at random people as they walked. They felt particularily proud of themselves for going about and buying something for their Mother, as if they were all grown up.
They arrived, finally, at a market square which had people opening their own stalls almost every day, selling what they could. Sanemi and Genya would come here now and then to buy the necessities for the family so some of the stall owners were familiar with them and greeted them with friendly smiles—most of them, at least. 
Though the other children were tempted to go straight to the food stalls, an occasional glint of jewlery sparking their attention, but Sanemi guided them to where the clothing tended to be, searching through the early morning crowds for the kimono he'd seen a couple days prior. 
Finally finding it, he tried pushing his way through the small crowd. The stall owner greeted them as a couple people parted to let the strange parade of children through. Sanemi glanced over the clothing, barely grazing over some of them as he gazed at the racks. 
Then Teiko pointed excitedly at one stack of kimono's. "Look! That one looks like Mother's!!" she said, breaking free from Genya's hand grasped around hers to grab the top one.
Sanemi sighed but followed her. "We have to stay together, Teiko," he lectured. Then he looked at the folded kimono in her hand. It was a shade of bright yellow with printed flowers along the hem and on the obi. It looked similar to the one their mother already had—though considerably newer and in better shape. 
"Can we buy this one?" Teiko asked.
Genya, who had followed them with the other children in hand, said, "It looks nice. Mother will like a new dress, right?"
They all turned to Sanemi who, being the eldest, was apparently in charge. To be fair, he had also suggested this in the first place.
"Ah... How much does it cost?" he said doubtfully. Surely they couldn't afford such a nice dress.
The stall owner, who had been watching them was mild curiousity, leaned over then. "Buying something for your mother, then? How gracious of you. I'm sure your parents are quite proud to have such children like you," he said with a smile.
Hiroshi frowned. "Father used to hit us, though," he said uncertainly.
Sanemi shushed him, giving the stunned stall owner an apologetic look. "Sorry. I hope our mother's happy with us. Our father died so she has to work more so we're buying her something," he explained. "Can I know how much this costs?"
"Hmm, how much money do you have?" the owner asked in response.
Sanemi ratted out the number, having counted the money in the jar several times the night before. Sumi held the money jar tightly, not wanting it to drop or break and risk losing any of their so hard-worked for money.
The owner smiled. "Take the kimono for half of it."
All of the children's eyes widened—although some were mostly surprised because Sanemi was surprised. 
"But"—Sanemi glanced at the price which sat on a folded paper in front of the clothing, which he had noticed a moment before—"it costs double the amount we have in total...!"
"So? You..." the man paused, scanning them, "seven? You seven are angels, I'm sure, doing your best to help your mother. You know, there aren't a lot of children like you out in the world. Please take this a quarter of the price. Consider it like a hope that your family will fare well in the near and far future. You need not pay more than what I've said."
Sanemi was hesitant but the other children were already becoming restless with all the talk and no action so he accepted it after some seconds of consideration. "Thank you," he mumbled, handing over the money.
The man only smiled, waving to them as they left.
Teiko held the kimono tightly to her chest, skipping along the road as they went home.
"She's going to be so happy!" she said giddily, twirling around.
"Be careful," Sanemi warned. "Don't drop it or you'll get it dirty."
"When do we give it to her?" Genya asked, making sure he had a tight grip on Sumi and Hiroshi's hands as they walked.
Sanemi hummed, shifting Koto on his hip. Shuya was becoming tired from all the walking and was slowing their way home. 
"In a couple weeks," Sanemi said. "Do you think we can hide it from her till then?"
Teiko nodded. "I'm good at hiding things."
Sanemi frowned. "Are you hiding something from us?"
Sanemi sighed but didn't press the topic. "I'll use the rest of this money for our food if Mother doesn't come home tonight."
The days came and went and the children made sure to both keep the kimono a secret from their mother and have it ready in perfect condition. Mother's day had finally come and they were vibrating with excitement.
Shizu had already gone to work when Sanemi woke up first but she had left a note promising she'd be back by night. However the day rolled by and still no sign of their mother. Sanemi made them their dinner and later told them off to bed. Only, none of them wanted to sleep, wanting to present their gift to their mother today. 
So they stayed up.
The night continued without a sign from her. Eventually, Sanemi heard something from outside. It was coming past midnight and he wondered if Shizu had finally come back home. However it was late and the streets were dangerous at night. Therefore, he ordered Genya to make sure the others would stay inside as he went to investigate himself. The youngest of the children had fallen asleep hours before and the others were close to drifting off, drowsy and only barely awake with anticipation.
Sanemi crept outside, closing the door behind him. The night air was cold and he shivered, scanning his surroundings. His eyes had yet to adjust to the dark and he blinked several times. There was a scuttle of footsteps somewhere far off and he froze, listening. More footsteps, closer now. They seemed quick, however. As if someone was running towards him. His eyes had adjusted by now and he stepped forward, out into the street. Then a sudden flash hit him and he felt a streak of pain on his face. It blinded him for a moment and he staggered. Then he heard a crash and realized that whatever had attacked him had burst into the house.
A surge of panic hit him as he saw a dark figure dart through the broken doors, right towards his siblings. The lights inside the house abruptly cut out and he stumbled forward. Was it a wolf? Its eyes glowed slightly and he could make them out in the darkness of the room.
There was a cry of terror and he spotted the wolf, which was clinging onto the cealing. It lunged at what seemed like Genya and, in a split second decision, Sanemi propelled himself towards the wolf, ignoring the pain as it slashed at him. No doubt he was a mess now, his clothing ripped and blood dripping from his wounds.
He grabbed an axe which he had used to cut wood for the fire a couple nights ago. It had stood on its head by the doorway and had fallen down. The wooden handle splintered his hand—it was an old axe, unfit to be of use but the only one they had. He lifted it above his head, trying to hit the wolf.
The animal moved from under him and Sanemi almost fell forward, his weapon clutched in his hands. He saw it run forward a bit, its sillhouette dark from the dim light of the sun which had begun to rise. It was a strange wolf, its figure oddly distorted. 
He lunged at it, hacking at what he thought was its leg. If he let it go, it might go back to his house or to the village. He vaguely recalled his siblings' bodies laying on the floor and it froze him for a moment. The wolf was on top of him, getting the upperhand as he was caught in a moment of realization. There was something about the wolf that struck him familiar. But there was nothing of it.
A drop of his own blood fell into his eye and he blinked quickly, ignoring the tears that spilled over. He struggled to move his arms, closing his fist to attack again. To his surprise, the wolf offered little resistence, seemingly moving slower now. He took it to his advantage, pushing the axe into its neck. He rolled over on top of the wolf as the sunlight hit them both. Then he froze.
The light shone on the wolf's face. Only it wasn't a wolf. It was his mother. For a moment, he thought she would attack him again. But she simply fell back down, the sun somehow burning her skin. He scrambled back, shaking as he got to his feet. His eyes were wide and he felt lightheaded, gazing blankly into the closing eyes of Shizu.
There was a moment here when he didn't hear anything but a strange ringing in his head, his focus spinning, eyes unblinking. When he thought about it later on, he probably had heard but not registered footsteps as Genya ran towards him. Only he didn't know, then, that his brother was there until he saw him, cradling their mother's body in his arms.
"Why did you do it?! Why? Aniki! You killed her! You murderer!" Genya screamed, tears drawing shaky streaks down his blood-stained cheeks. He was trembling as he held their mother. Shizu seemed to be turning to dust, disintegrating in front of their eyes. And all Sanemi could do was stand, feeling as if all his muscles had gone limp yet he had to stay up.
His hand holding the axe had gone lax and the weapon dropped to the ground, only an inch from his foot. Then his legs gave out and he slumped to his knees, unable to process what had happened.
"MOTHER!!" Genya was sobbing. But his words were only a dim outline in Sanemi's memories as he felt his whole world crash down upon his shoulders and break into a thousand pieces.
He looked up and found that all of his mother except her kimono was gone. Her kimono. God. For one, stupid moment, all he could think of was that they had never gotten to show her what they had bought for her. The irony of the situation hit him and he forced down a bitter laugh. What the hell had happened? 
But then Genya was shouting at Sanemi again. Moving away from him. "It's your fault!" Genya cried. "You're a murderer! Murderer!! You killed her!"
Sanemi swallowed. He had, hadn't he? Yet it wasn't fair! It wasn't! He hadn't known—it wasn't his fault. It wasn't, it wasn't. It was, wasn't it? 
He drew himself up to his feet slowly. He felt numb, the pain in his face fading. Only that made it worse.
"Genya," he mumbled, starting towards his brother.
"Get away from me!" Genya snapped, terror lacing his voice. "Go away!"
The words were like a stab to the chest. Sanemi stumbled back as if he had been physically hit. He was at loss for words. Somehow, the reality of the situation had barely sunk in. But now it cut into him deeper than a blade could. His heart stung and he moved away from Genya. Then he ran. Towards his house, however. He had to see if any of them were still alive. He sincerely doubted it as he figured Genya would've stayed if they'd been alive. But he needed to confirm it. Maybe some of them could be saved.
He entered. There was no need to knock, not when the door was broken and on the floor. The lamps had been put out but they were no longer needed as the sun broke over the horizon. 
He knelt by each of his siblings in turn but there was no need to confirm anything. They were all dead. Blood was spilling from their wounds and onto the futons. All of them were gone. He turned to leave, no wanting to see their bodies anymore. Then something caught his eye. Under Teiko was the bright yellow kimono, the flower pattern sticking out from under her pale hand.
He stepped forward, nudging her aside to pick it up. He stared at it, his face blank. A drop of water splashed onto it, sinking in. He realized he was crying. The tears came out freely now and he hugged the dress to his chest, a sob breaking through his throat and into the air. 
Why? Why had this happened?
He wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and sleep forever. But he couldn't. He turned from his house, rubbing furiously at his eyes. He would have to stop crying now. He drew in a shaky breath, then let it out. The morning air was cold in his lungs but he barely noticed the sting as he started into a slow run down the street. His pace increased until he didn't know anything more except the ache in his legs and the kimono pressed flush against his chest. As he fled, he thought he caught a glimpse of Genya, still slumped down by their mother's tattered kimono. And then he was gone.
The Hashira were having some sort of party. Sanemi never bothered to attend the meetings like this. They were a waste of time. He was better off training then getting drunk and fucking around. However Tengen was quite insistent this time, though he knew not if it were for a real reason or nought. 
Tengen was in his house now, bugging him and chasing him through the halls.
"C'mon, it's only a couple hours! Besides, Oyakata-sama always says that as much as we should be working hard, that we're still human and should let our bodies enough rest. I'm slowly being convinced that you're not human, what with all your apathy and inability to be normal for once," Tengen said, poking Sanemi ceaselessly. God, he was so much like Shinobu sometimes.
"Go away, Uzui," Sanemi sighed. "I already told you that I'm not going to your useless parties."
"Don't be such a killjoy," Tengen chastised, crossing his arms. "Here—let's get you something to wear!"
He entered Sanemi's room without permission and rummaged through the closet. Sanemi growled. 
"Stop it," he ordered, trying to pull Tengen away.
Tengen jerked away from him and almost fell into the closet. When he stood, he was holding a dusty kimono. It unfolded as he held it up and for a moment the two were lost in coughs as the dust flew into the air. Then Tengen waved it away, inspecting it. It was a yellow, dull from time, small pink flowers embedded in a wavy pattern along the edges of the sleeves and obi. 
"Interesting. Is this some past girlfriend's clothes you forgot to give back?" Tengen asked, peering at it. "Or are you secretly into crossdressing?"
When he got no response, he glanced down at Sanemi. To his surprise, the man was standing stifly, eyeing the kimono with a look he couldn't distinguish. 
"Shinazugawa?" Tengen said uncertainly, waving a hand over Sanemi's face. "Should I have not touched this?"
Sanemi snapped out of his trance, blinking. He snatched it from Tengen. "That's... that's mine," he said, his voice tender. He sounded vulnerable and it caught Tengen with surprise.
"So... you are crossdressing?" Tengen asked, trying to lighten the mood.
"No. It's not mine. No—yes, it is. It... was my mother's," Sanemi mumbled, staring at the fabric distantly. Then he gasped, startling Tengen. He glanced up at him, throwing the kimono in the closet and slamming the door shut. "Nevermind. It's nothing. Fine, I'll go to your stupid party. Just go now, okay?"
Tengen frowned. He was still stuck on the first part about Sanemi's mother and it took him a moment to responded. "You don't have to go," he said quietly. "I'm sorry I went through your things."
Sanemi crossed his arms, not quite meeting his eyes. "It's fine, I said. Just go and I'll be there."
Tengen shook his head. "You don't want to be there, though, right? I won't go either, it's alright."
"...you don't have to do that," Sanemi said. He seemed quite out of it, not shouting. It unnerved Tengen.
"Well I will. Why don't we make some tea? We can just... enjoy some silence," Tengen prompted, guiding Sanemi out of the bedroom door.
"Fine," Sanemi grumbled. "Fine."
Tengen nodded, giving him an encouraging smile. "Right. Why don't you go get some tea leaves? I'll start a fire to boil the water."
"Okay," Sanemi conceded and they walked to the kitchen silently.
The kimono would be dusted and folded later and appear with a note at Gyomei's place later, in the room Genya was residing in temporarily. It would be held up to the light as memories resurfaced for another's brother. Then it would be tucked away once more, sent back to the original sender with another envelope containing paragraphs of apologies that went back years in time.
« Word count: 3645 »
tell me you can never to end a writing piece without telling me you can't end one:
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myreygn · 11 months
kny modern au - characters: hashira
includes: gyomei, tengen, giyuu, sanemi, obanai, kanae, kyojuro, mitsuri, shinobu, muichiro
HUGE thanks and shout out to @giggly-squiggily and @trans-ace-lee for their contributions to this au and indulging my brainrots ♡
inspiration was taken from the german school system because that's what i grew up and am most familiar with:
ages 2-6 (flexible, not mandatory): kindergarten
ages 6-10 (grades 1-4): elementary school
ages 10/11-16/17 (grades 5-10): "secondary school", the diploma qualifies you for an education outside of university (craft sector, social sector etc)
ages 16/17-18/19 (grades 11-12): "upper school", the diploma qualifies you for university
Himejima Gyomei (27, theology major)
grew up in a buddhist orphanage after his parents gave him up because they were ableist idiots who didn't want to raise a blind child
had a very happy childhood, has never been adopted and isn't upset about it in the slightest
went on a spiritual journey for five years after school and wrote a bestseller book about it
started going to university at age 23, helps out at the orphanage whenever he can
has a seeing-eye dog named Curry (a four year old black labrador and the only being on earth he would kill for, he got her when he returned from his journey)
can afford his own flat and lives right next to the orphanage with Curry
advocate for a more inclusive university life and very active in groups fighting for disability rights, both on and off campus
Uzui Tengen (23, music major)
was somewhat of a public figure from a very young age because the Uzui clan is one the richest, most powerful families in the country and everyone in town knows who they are
always hated his parents and moved out at 18, got a small fortune (that's rich people slang for a ton of money, source: trust me) from a cool uncle and used it to open a night club which is very popular with the locals
has no contact to his siblings (even tho he'd like to) and avoids all of his dad's properties like the plague
started going to university at age 20 because he wanted to do something with his passion
plays a bunch of instruments (piano, harp, guitar, violin, shamizen, koto and like ten different types of flute)
lives with his girlfriends in an almost-a-mansion and throws the best partys anyone has ever been to
Tomioka Giyuu (21, philosophy major)
his parents died when he was three years old and him and his sister went through foster care until she came off age and became his legal guardian, they're super close
has been studying several martial arts at Urokodaki's dojo since he was in elementary school
picked philosophy as a major because he had no idea what else to do but it's actually fun??
he mostly just sits in the back and draws stick figures but once a week he'll say something that makes everyone rethink their entire life (no one really understands what's happening inside his head but his professors are convinced he's a genius)
teaches little kids in the dojo because Urokodaki thinks it'd be good for him, he's slowly warming up to it
the type of peanut allergy where his throat closes up at the sight of them, when they were in fifth grade Sanemi almost killed him because he didn't know about it and it delayed their friendship by roughly two years
Shinazugawa Sanemi (21, physics major)
abusive pos dad got stabbed when he was ten, helped his mom raise his younger siblings and is super close with all of them
moved out at 20 when his mom encouraged him to spend more time at university, roommates with Obanai, Giyuu and Sabito
colorblind from birth and dysgraphic when it comes to handwriting, uses recording devices and laptops in class
used to get into a lot of fights in school and still works on not doing that™, most people think he's scary and a delinquent (and also a murderer because it's kinda sus that none of the family members showed up at their dad's funeral)
biker, the motorcycle has wind art on it and he mostly uses it to pick up the tons of children that somehow snuck into his friend circle and take Kanae on drives, loves bringing his guitar to play her something in the moonlight
suffered through school for the most part, a new teacher (Kagaya) in tenth grade inspired him to finish "upper school" and study physics
loves Gyomei's dog like a daughter
Kocho Kanae (21, biology major)
lives with her family and has no plans of moving out until she finishes university, helps a ton in the household
the best big sister ever, drives all of her sisters and their friends around and picks them up at 3am when they're stranded somewhere (also doesn't pretend to hate it, unlike certain other older siblings with their own vehicles)
has always been into gardening and is really getting into permaculture, puts plants wherever she can and loves flowers
most of her cooking ingredients are from her own garden, vegetarian (everything she cooks or bakes will be the best thing you ever ate)
has the voice of an angel, Sumi, Kiyo and Naho refuse to go to bed without her singing them a lullaby
christmas is her favorite time of the year, she goes all out with planning the festivities and getting everyone gifts and needs three whole days to recharge afterwards
has to wear a biteguard when she's stressed because she'll start clenching her teeth in her sleep and works really hard to keep it a secret from everyone
Iguro Obanai (21, philosophy major)
somewhat of a local legend, not by his own doing but by people just making shit up about him
grew up in a cult of which all the members were killed in a fire with him being the only survivor and a huge news story all across the country at age 12
moved to another city as soon as he was old enough to start anew but the rumors follow him everywhere (and it doesn't help that he talks to his snake)
mostly annoyed by the rumors but also likes to use them to scare people of who are being super pushy or harassing his friends (that's the first time in his life he found friends, he can and will commit atrocious crimes on their behalf)
originally enrolled in zoology, then switched majors when the professors wanted to use Kaburamaru as a test subject
spends his time in philosophy class taking a stance against whatever Giyuu says and has an entire folder filled with essays criticizing his statements
always carries headphones with him, listens to lofi because he likes it, mcr because he feels it in his soul and doom metal solely to fuck with tengen ("Screaming is not music!")
Rengoku Kyojuro (20, history major)
still lives at home with his dad and brother because he didn't want to leave Senjuro behind, spends most of his time out of the house tho and is looking for a flat right now
works parttime at a restaurant that's called Umainia and his friends have yet to figure out whether he says "Umai" all the time because he likes his food or to advertise his work place
slightly hearing impaired, has hearing aids prescribed that he just forgets to put in at all times
doesn't have a driver's license, goes by bike everywhere no matter the weather
gets close to people easily, is well beloved amongst Senjuro's friends and also makes an effort to get to know them so he can be sure Senjuro's in good hands
regularly forgets people's names but never their birthdays
collects old books and learned a bunch of old languages just to be able to read them
Kanroji Mitsuri (19, art major)
still lives at home because she wants to stay with her family and help take care of her siblings, also claims that she had invested too much time in her room to just leave it behind (her room looks like every cool fluffy fairy core room you have ever seen on pinterest, it's the coziest place on earth)
if there's a sanrio themed version of stuff she needs, she's getting it, no questions asked.
slightly allergic to dogs, she doesn't care though and cuddles with Curry all the time, she calls it confrontation therapy (it works)
animal lover in general, she even built a little terrarium in her room so Kaburamaru has a comfy spot for his naps when Obanai stays over
has kept every drawing she ever made and sometimes looks through them for inspiration, also likes to track her progress that way
there's a coffee shop across the street from her house where she has been customer of the month every month consistently for four years as well as an honorary mention ever since she was six
Kocho Shinobu (18, student)
in her last year of school and likely about to graduate with a perfect score
founder and president of the first aid club, also head of the student council and an active member on every committee the school has to offer
recently got her driver's license but keeps it a secret so she doesn't have to play chauffeur for her sisters
effectively avoids getting asked out for dates by being very scary™ (and taking jiu jitsu classes since elementary school), she's also your go to person when creepy weirdos won't leave you alone
loves cooking with her sisters and often shares her own recipes with Kanao, she also has her own little corner in Kanae's garden where she plants stuff that she uses to make her own medicine
has a lot on her plate with school and her clubs and some volunteer stuff she does here and there, so she goes to the local animal shelter once a week to cuddle and play with the cats and dogs there, it's her little safe zone to unwind and she doesn't tell anyone about it
the biggest fan of psychological thrillers you will ever meet
Tokito Muichiro (14, student)
in eighth grade and no one knows how he did it but everyone suspects that his brother took at least some of his exams in his place
he's not bad at school per se but he just can't memorize stuff, you're lucky if he knows your name after sitting next to each other for six months
is a member of the cooking club tho and absolutely thriving there, he never goes by recipe and creates the most delicious things but he won't tell anyone his secret ingredients because he can't remember them either
absolutely loves visiting his friends' houses, he's so happy seeing how their rooms reflect them
followed Yuichiro everywhere all throughout elementary school, then made his first friend in fifth grade (Tanjiro of course) and has been getting more and more independent ever since
constantly misses bus stops or takes trains in the wrong direction and is always late because of it, however he has also acquired an extensive knowledge of the town and can give you directions to pretty much everywhere
tries his very best to remember his friends' birthdays but forgets his own every year because it just kinda slips his mind that he has the same birthday as Yuichiro
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silverynight · 4 months
Imagine a sibling age reversal AU:
Kamados: Rokuta, Shigeru, Hanako, Takeo, Nezuko and Tanjiro
Oh man, they all gotta protect little Tanjiro’s innocence from his suitors more fiercely than the eldest!Tanjiro timelines!
This papa Tanjuro lowkey babies Tanjiro a lot, more so than his canon counterpart.
Shinazugawas: Koto, Shuya, Sumi, Hiroshi, Teiko, Genya and Sanemi
This little Sanemi may be a bit more bratty around certain ppl but is more likely to admit his crush on Tanjiro.
Rengokus: Senjuro and Kyojuro
Big bro Sen often has to calm down little bro Kyo from making too much noise. But he does find Kyo giving gifts to Tanjiro cute.
Imagine the kid Hashiras constantly playing with Tanjiro as husband and wife. And they don’t share with the other children because Tanjiro is theirs and theirs only.
Every single one of the Kamados babies Tanjirou because he's a precious little sunshine and they all love him.
And even though the other little kids are cute, the Kamado family doesn't appreciate that they're always following little Tanjirou around.
The little Rengoku boy is constantly screaming at the top of his lungs that Tanjirou is going to be his wife!
And the Shinazugawa boy has bitten Tanjirou a couple of times on the cheeks.
That little Kanroji girl carries Tanjirou in her arms every time she sees him (the Kamados are pleasantly surprised by her strength) and she also claims he's going to be her future wife!
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kibutsujidemon · 2 months
kny character in hogwarts : part 4
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Suma .
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Zenitsu Agatsuma .
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Nezuko Kamado .
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Shigeru Kamado .
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Jigoro Kuwajima . (i was think that it will suit him more)
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Hand Demon .
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Hotaru Haganezuka .
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Tecchin Tecchikawahara .
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Kozo Kanamori .
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Gyomei Himejima .
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Uta Tsugikuni .
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Sumire Kamado and Akeno Tsugikuni & Rei (Kibutsuji?) and madoka (Kibutsuji?).
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Koyuki Soyama .(not akaza or hakuji he is not from hufflepuff)
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kotoha hashibira .
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shizu shinazugawa and hiroshi shinazugawa and sumi shinazugawa & koto shinazugawa .
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sayo and asami & ryotaro .
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akito ubuyashiki and Masao Maeda and shimamoto & yoshioka and ozaki and tomi and fuku .
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rui-ayaki-lower5 · 1 year
So because mod can't find the original tally post heres a new one that has been updated... "X" means there are none on here yet...Also mod insisted on using first and last names to avoid confusion among those from alternate dimensions and timelines, if either is unlisted it is because it has not been revealed yet...And for those that are Un-named mod has been coming up with names for them and will be listed in parentheses.
Kamaboko squad:
Tanjiro Kamado: /////-///// (10)
Nezuko Kamado: /////-/// (8)
Zenitsu Agatsuma: /////-/// (8)
Inosuke Hashibira: /////-/ (6)
Murata: / (1)
Kanao Tsuyuri: /////-/ (6)
Genya Shinazugawa: /////-//// (9)
Giyuu Tomioka: /////-/////-///// (15)(nopenopenopenopenope-)
Shinobu Kocho: /////-/////-/////-/ (16) (NOPE)
Kyojuro Rengoku: /////-/////-/////-/ (16)
Tengen Uzui: /////-///// (10)
Mitsuri Kanroji: /////-/////-/////-/ (16)
Muichiro Tokito: /////-/////-/ (11)
Obanai Iguro: /////-/////-/// (13)
Sanemi Shinazugawa: /////-///// (10)
Gyomei Himejima: /////-/ (6)
Former Hashira:
Sakonji Urokodaki: / (1)
Jigoro Kuwajima: / (1)
Kanae Kocho: //// (4)
Shinjuro Rengoku: /// (3)
Yoriichi Tsugikuni: /////-//// (9) (oh HELL NO)
Kakushi & Other demon slayer core adjacent:
Sabito: ///// (5)
Makomo: //// (4)
Kiriya Ubuyashiki: / (1)
Kanata Ubuyashiki: / (1)
Kasugai crows: / (1)
Hotaro Haganezuka: // (2)
Yushiro: / (1)
Tamayo: ///// (5)
Chachamaru: / (1)
Ukogi/ "Chuntaro": X
Kakushi: / (1)
Kagaya Ubuyashiki: /////-/ (6)
Hinaki Ubuyashiki: / (1)
Nichika Ubuyashiki: / (1)
Kuina Ubuyashiki: / (1)
Sumi Nakahara: / (1)
Naho Takada: / (1)
Kiyo Terauchi: // (2)
Aoi Kanzaki: /// (3)
Kozo Kanamori: / (1)
Makio Uzui: /// (3)
Suma Uzui: //// (4)
Hinatsuru Uzui: //// (4)
Amane Ubuyashiki: // (2)
Kotetsu: / (1)
Kaburamaru: / (1)
Civilians/Slayer's Non-slayer Family Members:
Kie Kamado: / (1)
Takeo Kamado: / (1)
Hanako Kamado: / (1)
Shigeru Kamado: / (1)
Rokuta Kamado: / (1)
Udon salesman: / (1)
Tanjuro Kamado: // (2)
Ruka Rengoku: // (2)
Senjuro Rengoku: /////-/ (6)
Sumiyoshi Kamado: X
Suyako Kamado: X
Sumire Kamado: X
Kyogo Shinazugawa: X
Shizu Shinazugawa: X
Sumi Shinazugawa: X
Teiko Shinazugawa: X
Hiroshi Shinazugawa: X
Koto Shinazugawa: X
Shuya Shinazugawa: X
Yuichiro Tokito: // (2)
Mr.Tokito: X
Mrs.Tokito: X
Uta Tsugikuni: /// (3)
Tsutako Tomioka: / (1)
Kotoha Hashibira: // (2)
Muzan Kibutsuji: /////- /////-/ (11) (i didn't say it mod did)
Kyogai: X
Rui Ayaki: ///// (5) (including myself)
Kamanue: / (1)
Mukago: / (1)
Wakuraba: X
Nakime Otokawa: /////-/ (6)
Rokuro: X
Enmu Tamio: /////-/////- / (11)
Akaza/Hakuji Soyama: /////-/////-///// (15)
Daki/Ume Shabana: /////-/////-/////- (15) (how are there more of daki than gyutaro??? Im not complaining but-???)
Gyutaro Shabana: /////-// (7) (how???)
Douma: /////-/////-/////-/ (16) (why tf are there so many?!)
Gyokko: ///// (5) (UGH as if one wasn't bad enough)
Hantengu: /////-/ (6)
Kokushibo/Mitchikatsu Tsugikuni: /////-/////-/////-/ (16)
Sekido: /////-/// (8)
Karaku: /////-//// (9)
Aizetsu: /////-/// (8)
Urogi: /////-//// (9)
Zohakuten: /////-/// (8) (how????)
Urami: /// (3) (how?????)
Kaigaku Inadama: /////-/ (6)
Hairo: X
Ubume: X
Temple demon: / (1)
Final selection demon A (Koorogi): / (1)
Hand demon (Takumi): X
Swamp demon: X
Susumaru: // (2)
Yahaba: / (1)
Tongue demon (Shun): X
Horn demon (Ryōta): X
Spider mother (Miu): // (2)
Spider father (Taiki): X
Spider brother (Masami): X
Spider sister (non-ponytail) (Rini): / (1)
Spider sister (ponytail) (Oni): / (1)
Slasher: X
Snake demon: X
Flute demon: X
Demon adjacent civilians & Family:
Mrs.Ayaki (Tori Ayaki): X (😭)
Mr.Ayaki: X (😭)
Koyuki Soyama: / (1) (akaza-san please remember there are a lot of you and only one of her and all of you love her equally)
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creative-kny-fics · 1 year
I just thought of this.. is it possible to do
Lee sanemi and ler genya with Hiroshi (Sanemi’s brother) Sumi (Sanemi’s sister) and Koto (Sanemi’s brother)
Yeah sanemi will probably die but ok and feel free to decline it if you’re uncomfortable of doing this
And possibly need to make it to the past of demon slayer
I like how you think Leafy! Well to be honest I tried to look for the ages but they didn't appear... So let's say...
Put the age you want, I'm so confused 😔
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Lers: Hiroshi, Sumi, Koto and Genya Shinazugawa
Lee: Sanemi Shinazugawa
'Neeemi~!', Sanemi ran, he wasn't sure because since morning his brothers were trying to corner him in every corner of his house, were they playing catch?
Sanemi didn't have time to think, whatever the reason, he was running as fast as he could
'I think I lost them...', Sanemi breathed a sigh of relief. 'NI-CHAN!'
'Shh! Koto!'
Sanemi tried to shut up his brother, he was going to get found out! But while he was distracted, someone behind him knocked him to the ground and sat on his thighs. 'HITOSHI!? LET ME GO!'
'No! Today you will play with us!'
Sanemi agreed to play with them, serious mistake... 'The game is... TICKLE OUR OLDER BROTHER!!'
'Whahahat?! Thahahat's nohohot a gahahame!'
'Yes it is! It's a fun game, isn't it?', Sanemi nodded slightly, he wasn't going to deny that he was having fun at that moment, but that feeling wouldn't last long...
'Ehehehe?! Suhuhumi?! Nohohot you tohohoo!'
'There are still 2 people missing!'
'Twohoho mohohore?! Whoho?! Ah!!', a pair of small fingers began to scratch at his sides 'Kohohoto! Nohoho! Wahahait!'
'And I haven't joined yet!!'
'Genya?! Hehehelp mehehe!', he was definitely not going to help you Sanemi, he was also part of the 'game'
'Guys! Mom told me what Sanemi's tickle spots are! Since we are 4, we can easily get them!'
'Whahahat?! Hohohold ohohon!! Nohoho! Let's tahahalk abahaout thihis!', well, they were willing to hear it, but still they weren't going to let it. 'So? I'll buy you all the sweets you want and whenever you want... But... Let me go...'
'Hmmm, that's a very convincing offer but... The only sweet we want... Is sweet revenge!', Genya yelled before digging his fingers into the space between Sanemi's armpits and ribs.
'Gen-Nii! What's the other spot?!'
'Oh yeah! It's him toes! Have fun and be sure to "sing" like he does...'
'NOHOHOHO!! NOT THAHAHAT!!!', Sanemi's eyes widened when he saw that he definitely couldn't escape this time.
'Teiko, where are the others? Genya came and asked me something, I thought they would all be with him'
'They are tickling Sanemi to death. I didn't get involved because he's nice to me, but they seem to want to destroy him', Shizu laughed before leaving her daughter and going to find the others.
She didn't have to search far because she heard Sanemi's screams, when she entered the room, she found Sanemi face down, hitting the floor with his fists while Genya and Koto were on his back, tickling his hips and the space between his ribs and armpits.
Just inches away, Hitoshi and Sumi were sitting on his feet, pinning him down as they tickled him like there was no tomorrow. 'I think you're having fun, don't you?'
'MOHOHOHOM!! *snort* HEHEHELP MEEE! PLEASE!!! *squeal* HIHIS LITTLEHEHE FINGEHEHERS!!! *two snorts* IT TIHIHICKLEHE SO MUHUHUCH!!', Sanemi screeched as he held out his hand and begged for his mother to help him.
Shizu smiled and ordered them to get off his brother, he needed a break after all.
'Kids, apologize to Sanemi. That was very cruel'
'Sorry Nemi...'
'I-it's ohokahahay! Gohohod...', Sanemi sat up but was knocked down again when his brothers came to hug him.
He sighed, he wasn't as upset as before.
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nerosdayinanime · 2 years
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Shinazugawa head family! (whos still alive at least, minus Kyogo)
I dont have anything like. history/folklore/origin myth for them yet but present-time the Shinazugawa clan is generally known as barbaric and merciless in their endeavors and lifestyle. They train children from the moment they learn to walk and expected to give their life to help the clan, Kyogo as clan head (was) the latest link in the long line of war-mongers who thought that more land = better and used the clan as fodder to get more riches & reputation.
Said reputation was not improved by the clan's kekkei genkai, an ability to consume chakra and absorb it for their own use. the 'consumtion' is infamously mistaken as just plain cannibalism, because the most common method of getting another's chakra is from the source. Users who have the kekkei genkai have englarged fangs, slit pupils, and when the ability is activated, dark sclera. Those who carry the gene for it (even if they dont have it) have sharper canines and their pupils can stretch to slits.
the Kochos were in some deep shit with a lightning-natured clan & agreed to a marriage alliance in turn for protection, thus Shizu got stuck with him. It was almost good at first because Kyogo thought he could trust her with his back, but he decided she was too weak to do that and she turned into a glorified paper pusher.
Shizu was still a hard worker and did her damn best to make life even a little bit easier for those she saw, and when she had children she tried to shield them from the horrors the best she could. when she couldn't she'd at least be there to comfort them.
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Teiko was the first child to die- she was being trained by Shizu as a medic since Kocho are well versed in iryo-jutsu, but Kyogo had her sent with a patrol group in one of the more contested areas and she was killed in the fight.
Koto was second- he was brought to a border battle and was subsequently killed in action.
Shuya was last- he was sent on a mission with Sanemi and a few other clansmen, it went south very fast and Sanemi couldn't save him.
When Sanemi got home after that to give a mission report, Kyogo completely waved it off as the usual casualties and was generally disrespectful and dismissive about it. Sanemi finally snapped. He started laughing & Kyogo told Shizu to get her kid under control, but she was still in shock processing that another of her children were killed. When he slapped her Sanemi went into a fit of rage and enhanced his muscles with chakra and sent his fist right through his chest.
After all that chaos was processed and settled out, Sanemi was then the new clan head. He his mother and a few trusted advisors set about fixing a lot of shit wrong with the clan and set about improving relations with the surrounding clans.
Kumeno were wary about the sudden change in authority but weren't adverse to Sanemi being head, Kocho were very glad that 1 they were still allied even tho Kyogo's dead 2 they still get protection & 3 that they're trying to change the deeply violent & toxic culture within the clan
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petitelepus · 8 months
I just remembered one of my c.ai convos and thought if you'd like to make that a fic because i knew it would just be magnificent.
Genya fluff (idk guess it would be slightly suggestive???)
Like, Genya is just casually walking down the street and is met with a stray cat that he decides to adopt!!!!!
But, the twist is, when he wakes up the next morning, he's met not with a cat, but with a girlie HAHAHAH
(i'm smiling like stupid writing this and i'm currently in public.)
WARNINGS: None, CAT PUNS, Reader has a name, Set in Modern!AU
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Genya sighed as he was on his way back home from school. Despite just recently turning 18, he was still living with his big brother and younger siblings. He had to, he was a student still after all, and his brother could always use an extra pair of hands to help around the house.
One day he would move out and live on his own, but until that day came, he would live with his siblings who loved him and he loved them.
Suddenly something caught Genya's attention on the corner of his eye and he looked to see a cardboard box lying on the side of the road. The young man was about to ignore the box, deeming it as someone's trash, but then he heard the softest little voice and saw that the box actually rattled a little.
"What the…?" Genya grunted as he kneeled and opened the box… And saw the cutest little ball of white fur look up at him with big beautiful green eyes.
"Mew!" The little thing meowed as it moved to sniff Genya's hand and the young man flinched when it so carelessly licked his finger with its rough little tongue.
"What the Hell are you doing here?" Genya wondered out loud as he looked around, but the people ignored him and the kitten as if they didn't even see them. The young man frowned as he looked at the little creature and he decided that he couldn't leave it on the streets.
Carefully, he closed the box's lid and grabbed the whole thing into his arms, soft meows coming from the box as it moved in his arms.
"Hold on little one… I'll get you somewhere safe…" Genya tried to sound reassuring and the small meowing stopped, as if the kitten had understood him and that he meant well.
So he carried the box all the way to the apartment building where he and his family lived. Getting in was one thing, but getting the kitten inside without alerting his younger siblings was another thing.
Genya was sure that his younger siblings would love the kitten, but he couldn't tell how their oldest brother and the head of the household would react to the kitten. Sanemi might get upset and tell them that they barely had enough money to feed themselves and the kitten would be on the streets again…
He would have to think about it later. Now his priority was to get the kitten something to eat and a place to rest for the night. Genya closed the front door carefully behind him, hearing his siblings welcoming him back home from the living room, too busy with their own homework or games to come and greet their brother properly.
Genya placed the box on the floor for a second so he could take his shoes off and moved to rush to his room, but a voice caught him off-guard.
"What's in the box?" Teiko, his younger yet oldest sibling and sister asked. Genya almost choked in panic, but he quickly recovered, "Just, uh, some books! I have an exam coming so I need to study! Please don't barge into my room, and knock at least!"
"Okay?" Teiko nodded as she turned and returned to the living room where the rest of the siblings were. Genya sighed in relief as he quickly rushed to his room and set the box on his bed once the door was closed behind him. The young man held his breath as he opened the box and the little kitten mewed at him.
"Shh, you gotta be quiet!" Genya whispered as loudly as he dared and the kitten tilted its head curiously at him. God, it was a cute kitten. The young man carefully picked up the kitten and set it gently on his bed and the little thing looked around his room curiously.
"What the Hell does a cat so small even eat…?" Genya grumbled by himself and then he remembered that they might had some leftover tuna in the fridge… But he wasn't sure if the tuna was healthy for a kitten. He would have to find out.
"Stay here," Genya ordered as he left his room and headed toward the kitchen to find out if they had anything good for a cat.
…But unbeknownst to him, his room's door clicked open, and little paws carried the kitten all the way to the-!
Genya felt his heart jump into his throat when he heard his beloved siblings screaming. His fight-or-flight instincts took over and he rushed out of the kitchen and into the living room, ready to protect his brothers and sisters.
"What- What happened-!?" He was asking when his eyes widened at the sight before him. His younger siblings were admiring the white kitten who jumped on their small coffee table and meowed like the little thing owned the place. Cute, but how!? Just how!? He was sure that he shut the door behind him!
"Genya, there's a cat here!" Hiroshi, who shared the same mohawk style as his brother said, and Sumi, the youngest girl cheered, "It's so cute!"
"Guys no-!" Genya was saying but as if things couldn't get any worse, the front door snapped open and shut and Genya flinched as he heard their eldest sibling call out, "What's with all this noise!? I could hear you guys all the way down the hall!"
"B- brother-!" Genya tried to stop Sanemi from entering the living room, but he had no chance against the oldest brother.
"Genya brought us a cat!" Shuya, the second-youngest brother shouted excitedly as he and his older siblings spoiled the kitten with attention and scratches.
"Oh, he did…?" Genya could almost see the vein on his brother's temple popping as he made his way past Genya and towards the kitten. Genya swallowed nervously, his brains working really hard to come up with an explanation that Sanemi would accept, but his mind was blank.
So Genya and his siblings watched closely how Sanemi picked the small cat and inspected at it from different angles.
"Okay, first, she doesn't look starved… And she is flea-free…" The white-haired man said as he looked at his siblings, "So there is a chance that she has an owner somewhere."
"I, uh, I found her in a box by the road?" Genya said and his brother frowned as he gently handed the white kitten to Teiko who was closest to him.
"Better take her to the vet then first thing tomorrow to see if she has a chip and if not then at least give her a worm medication, just in case."
"Does that mean we are keeping her!?" The kids looked at their oldest brother with their eyes wide and cute and Sanemi crumbled as he dragged his hand through his hair, "If and I mean IF she doesn't have a chip then I will consider it!"
"Jay!" All the kids cheered as they surrounded the kitten to gently pet and spoil the little thing with affection. Genya sighed in relief, thinking that the worst was over, but it wasn't.
"Genya!" Sanemi snapped and his brother flinched, "Y- yes brother?"
"I'm making an appointment with the vet so the cat stays in your room for the night! Am I being clear!?"
"Yes! Thank you, brother!" Genya exclaimed, followed by their younger siblings singing, "Thank you, big brother!"
The way went on with someone nearly every second with the kitten and as the day passed, the younger family members started to think about names for their possible new member.
"How about Suika?" Genya suggested and his siblings looked at him, "As in watermelon?"
"Yeah, since we like them so much?" Genya nodded and his siblings shared glances, "How about Lily?"
"No, Rose!"
"What's with girls and flowers?"
"You're all wrong!" Sanemi snapped, "The best name for it is obviously Gintora!"
Genya and his younger siblings shared glances before the younger ones laughed, "Brother, that's an awful name for a kitten!"
"How about you Koto?" Shuya turned to look at the youngest sibling, two-year-old Koto. The little boy smiled as he reached for the kitten, who walked up to the little boy as if she understood that he wanted to pet her.
"Coco," The little boy said happily and the kids automatically turned to look at the carton of coconut water on the table. The kids looked at each other, but the kitten meowed and gently patted Koto's hand with her paw.
"I like it." Sumi nodded and Teiko and Hiroshi smiled, "The kitten is white like the inside of a coconut?"
"Then it's settled!" Shuya cheered, "Kitten is Coco!"
"IF the cat stays here!" Sanemi snapped but his shouting got left in the background as the kids played with the kitten.
The night came and the kids wished good dreams to the kitten as they went to sleep in their own or shared rooms. Genya took the kitten to his room like his older brother had told him to do and set the little creature on his bed as he changed clothes.
"You're pretty famous." He told the kitten who meowed back happily. Genya smiled, "Of course, when you're as cute as you are it's expected."
"Ha ha, I bet you would be cute as a human also." He chuckled as he put the lights out and settled on the bed, pulling the blanket over his body. The little kitten meowed as it settled next to Genya's head on his pillow. The young man smiled as he closed his eyes, and drifted to sleep while listening to the kitten purr happily.
That night Genya dreamed about an amusement park and its main theme was watermelon. Treats, rides, and mascot, everything reminded him of watermelons. It was honestly a weird dream, but fun nonetheless.
Time passed faster when someone was sleeping and having pleasant dreams and soon it was morning and sunbeams slipped through the curtains and hit Genya's face, but what ultimately really woke him was the alarm next to his bed.
"What a nice dream…" Genya grumbled tiredly as he blindly shut the alarm and rubbed sleep off from his eyes.
"What did you dream about?" A small voice asked and Genya grumbled tiredly as he recalled his dream… But then he realized that someone actually spoke to him and he did not recognize that voice!
"What the-!?" The young man looked next to him and to his shock, there was a young girl next to him on his bed, wearing his hoodie!
"Good meow-ning, Master!" The girl said happily and Genya shouted in shock as he jumped up, but his leg got caught with his blanket and he fell off the bed and on the floor.
The young man could hear footsteps closing in and a second later his room's door swung open and his big brother was there.
"What's wrong, why did you scream-!?" Sanemi was shouting when his eyes landed on the girl on his younger brother's bed and the vein on his temple popped as he cracked his knuckles.
"Oi, talking to girls is one thing, but sneaking one to your room in the middle of the night…!?" Oh crap, Sanemi was mad.
"B- brother, this isn't what it looks like!" Genya stuttered as his older brother approached him, ready to give him a good beating, but the girl jumped between them and spread her arms as if she were protecting Genya.
"Wait a meowment!" The girl snapped and that is when Genya and Sanemi noticed the white cat's ears and tail that the girl had. The same tail went from left to right and her ears pointed at the roof, "I'm Coco and I'm young Master's familiar!"
"You're what!?" Both men shouted and the girl giggled as she turned to look at the younger man, "Ge-NYA was your name, right Master?"
"Y- yes, but… Who are you?"
"I'm Coco!"
Sanemi and Genya shared glances, but before neither one could do anything, they heard footsteps.
"Brother, what's happening-?" Teiko, Hiroshi, Sumi, Shuya, and Koto came to see what caused all the shouting and their eyes landed on the cat girl. The same girl grinned and waved, "Hi, I'm Coco!"
There was a small moment of silence before the younger siblings screamed and ran past Sanemi to admire the new girl and her ears and tail. Somehow the younger kids were able to accept what was happening much faster than their older brothers.
"So are you Coco?"
"That's me!"
"Are you the cat from yesterday?"
"I am!"
"How did you become a human?"
"Master GeNYA's wish made me turn into a human!" She said happily and everyone turned to look at baffled Genya who was still lying on the floor, "W- wait, what!?"
"I’m just kitten around!" The cat giggled mischievously, "I was tasked to find myself a new Master and GeNYA was the first to show me kindness and generosity!"
"So you are some sort of Familiar?" Hiroshi asked and Sumi smiled, "Like what witches have?"
"Something like that, yes!" She nodded happily and then looked at Sanemi with those green eyes of hers, "Oh, and I don't have worms."
"Well nice to know!" Sanemi snapped, "So what, you are going to stay here or something?"
"That was my plan!" Coco nodded and the kids turned to look a their eldest, "Please big brother, can she stay?"
"Tch…!" Sanemi hissed, knowing he was disadvantaged there, and if he said no then he would be the bad guy… But before he could say anything, Coco meowed to get their attention, "Pawdon me, but I swear, having me around will benefit you all!"
"You do know the tail about Maneki Neko?" The white cat girl asked and the siblings all nodded, familiar with the story about a cat who brought luck. Coco grinned as she pointed at herself with her thumb, "Let's just say, I am a descendant of the first Maneki Neko there ever was!"
"This is madness…!" Sanemi grumbled and Genya was so confused while his siblings were even more excited than they were a minute ago, "Can you bring us good luck?"
"Fur sure!" Coco nodded and then looked at Genya who was still lying on the floor, "I purr-mice that I can be helpful!"
Genya didn't know what to say as he was still trying to wrap his head around all this. Good thing he didn't have to think long because Sanemi made up his mind, "We will figure this out later, but now you all need to get ready for school and daycare!"
The younger kids groaned but did as they were told to and rushed to get ready, leaving Genya and Coco in the second-oldest's room. Sanemi looked at his younger brother and growled, "We will talk about this and that cat when we get back home, am I clear!?"
"Y- yes brother…!" Genya nodded and Sanemi closed the door behind him as he left to get everything done before his work at school started. Genya was still baffled and turned to look at Coco who smiled cutely, "So? School, huh?"
It took a moment and by the time Genya was done and ready he was the last one to leave the apartment. There was just one problem.
"Why are you following me? I thought I told you to stay at home?" Genya asked as he looked down at the white kitten who followed close behind him as he made his way down the streets. He didn't expect Coco to reply or how her voice seemed to echo inside Genya's mind, "I'm proving to you that I can be useful!"
"And how do you plan to do that?"
"Just wait, Master GeNYA."
Genya sighed as he tried to hurry but then he felt his foot kick something and he looked down to see a wallet lying on the ground.
"Oh? Lucky?" Coco giggled as Genya leaned down and picked up the wallet. Out of curiosity, he opened the thing and his eyes widened in shock. There were at least 100, 000 Yen in the wallet! Genya swallowed heavy feeling down from his throat and Coco grinned, "I told you I would bring you good fortune!"
"I can't keep this money," Genya said as he closed the wallet and started to walk in the opposite direction from school. Coco blinked as she followed her Master.
"Why not?" The little cat asked.
"That would be stealing!" Genya snapped, "I better take it to the police booth where the wallet's owner can come and pick it up."
"Do as you want," Coco nodded as she followed Genya to a police booth. The officer at the booth looked busy with this man in a suit talking to them, sounding panicked and restless, "I can't find it, what am I going to do…?"
"Calm down, sir," The officer tried to calm down the man, "We will find it and return the wallet to you at once when we find it."
"A wallet?" Genya thought out loud and the two adults turned to look at him Genya, who recognized the suit man's picture from the ID in the wallet.
"This must belong to you?" The young man said as he handed the wallet to the man in the suit.
"Oh, thank God!" The man immediately opened his wallet and started to go through its contents while the officer turned to look at Genya, "How did you get a hold of this wallet?"
"I found it on the street," Genya replied honestly but it looked like the officer suspected him of something he didn't do, such as stealing the wallet… But before he could ask any more questions, the man in the suit turned to look at Genya, "Oh thank you, young man, you saved me!"
"It's no trouble. I'm happy if I could help." Genya nodded as he turned to leave, but the man quickly called after him, "Hold on!"
"Hm?" Genya stopped and the man dug through his wallet and handed Genya 10,000 Yen bills, "Here is something as a reward."
"I- I can't accept this!" The young man stuttered but the man insisted, "Please, you saved me. The least I can do is reward you. Buy yourself something nice with that money."
"I have to go, but I won't forget this kindness young man!" The man said as he rushed to leave. Genya was speechless and the officer nodded at him, "Well done boy."
"Th- Thank you, sir." Genya nodded and the officer looked at the watch on his wrist, "Shouldn't you be at school by now?"
"Y- yes, sorry-!"
"Don't worry, I will write you a note explaining why you are late." The man nodded as he took out paper and pen and while he was writing Genya wondered how he could be so lucky.
Wait, lucky? He turned to look at Coco who was sitting next to him and looking up at him with her green eyes. Genya couldn't really tell, but he had a feeling that she was smiling at him.
"Here you go." The officer handed the young man the note and Genya thanked him as he left to rush to school. While he walked, he heard Cocos who was right by his side talk in his mind.
"I knew I chose well when I accepted you as my Master." The cat said and Genya looked at the cat, stunned, "Wait, you did all that?"
"Of course! I had to make sure that you were as kind and honest as I initially thought." Coco nodded and Geny blinked, "So it was all just a test?"
"Yes, and you passed with purr-fect scores!" Coco sounded extremely happy as she meowed, "And now you can buy something nice for your siblings."
"Just what exactly are you?" Genya wandered out loud and Coco giggled, "I told you. I'm your beloved little familiar and you are my Master GeNYA!"
That didn't offer many answers, but maybe time would.
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Reunions 𓇬 Sanemi Shinazugawa
Request from @cyber-traaash that gave me brainrot.
Sanemi and you take your little family to meet the Shinazugawa’s.
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Sanemi grumbles one night about taking a day trip with the kids. You listen intently, because if Sanemi wants something - he usually just takes it, so this almost shy behaviour is worrying
You lay down beside him and tug his hand to rest on your cheek.
When he says it, finally, it takes lots of effort for you to not burst into tears.
“I thought - I don’t know, ‘s fuckin’ dumb - we could bring the twins to see my family but they’re all fuckin’ dead. Not like they could see ‘em anyway.”
“I think the twins would love to meet their grandma and aunts and uncles. It’s just like when we take them to see their Uncle Genya and our friends - isn’t it?”
You referring to the trips you take monthly to where all your old friends and comrades are buried - the hashira. You tell the twins all the stories you know of them all, Tengen and his gaggle of kids often meet you there and you drag Giyuu too.
Sanemi drinks in your words, silently contemplating before nodding with a clenched jaw.
“We’ll go tomorrow then.”
When you wake up, you make breakfast for you all while Sanemi helps the twins, 4 year old Izumi and Mizuki into their clothes for the day as you pack a picnic.
Sanemi is mostly silent throughout the journey, you can tell he’s on edge, worried. You’ve been with him before, just before you got married when you promised the graves you’d care for Sanemi for his lifetime and after. You’d never brought the kids though.
The walk is warm, and the twins are running around playing as you amble along - the heat from the sun feeling nice on your skin as Sanemi protectively walks with a hand on your lower back.
Sanemi falter a little as you approach the stone with ‘Shinazugawa’ inscribed.
‘Papa! That’s my name too, look! It’s like where Uncle Gena sleeps!’ You smile as Izumi recognises the letters of his name, but can’t quite say Genya just yet. Mizuki is picking some Sakura blossoms of the ground and insisting you put them in her hair.
‘Yeah, kid. That’s our family name.’ Sanemi nods, staring at the stone before him. You figure this is where you take the lead.
‘Babies, C’mere.’ They toddle over to you and sit beside you and their father, as you clutch Sanemi’s hand in yours.
‘So you guys know how your Uncle Genya and all the Hashira were so brave that they made the world safe for all of us and you guys? And because they fought so hard, and defeated the monsters - that they died? So when we go to see Uncle Genya, we leave him gifts to say thank you and we love him? And all mama and papa’s friends?’ You nod, explaining your post to your kids is necessary, but never easy.
‘Yeah! I always share my mochi with Mitsi!’ Izumi beams, he’s getting there with names - slowly but surely.
‘And I brought Obi the stick that looked like a snake!’ Mizuki adds, equally excited. You knew that Obanai would complain that you’d let your kids call him a nickname, but he’d secretly love it.
‘Yeah babies, just like that. So this stone, where you saw your name. This is where all your other Aunties and Uncles and your Grandma are resting. This is where your Papa and Uncle Genya’s family is. Why don’t we say hi?’
You glance to Sanemi who walks towards the stone, kneeling before it.
‘Ma - you remember Y/N, my wife? Sorry it’s been so long but, we’ve been a bit busy. Izumi, Mizuki, c’mere. Ma, Sumi, Teiko, Hiroshi, Koto, Shuya - this is Izumi and Mizuki. My kids.’
‘You had loads of brothers and sisters papa!’ Mizuki adds.
‘I did, yeah.’ He smirks, huffing.
‘Why don’t you guys say hi, hm?’ You say, nudging the kids.
‘Hello Grandma, and aunties and uncles. I’m Izumi and this is my little sister Mizuki -’
‘I’m older than you! By 5 minutes!’ Mizuki adds. You regret telling her that.
‘Yeah but you’re shorter. Like mom. I’m tall like dad and uncle Gena.’
‘Oi, no fighting. See, as I said, been real fuckin’ busy.’ He rolls his eyes and you flick him for swearing in front of the kids.
But you can’t help the giggle that escapes you and the smirk on your husbands face brightens your day.
‘Papa! Did gandma like flowers?’ Mizuki asks, poking her dads cheek.
‘Yeah kid, she kid. Why?’ He says, ruffling her shiny white hair.
‘I’ll pick some for her, and we can put them on the stone for a present for her like mama and you do for Miss Kanae.’ Your heart melts, your baby girl is so sweet sometimes she reminds you a little of Nezuko, who’s now a married woman herself.
Izumi decides to find some cool rocks and pebbles for his aunts and uncles, thinking that maybe if there’s water where they are they could skim them like he loves doing with his papa.
As the two of them wander looking for their respective gifts, never more than 20ft away from you two, you turn to the stone.
‘We will be back sooner this time, we’re sorry it took so long - but the twins are little whirlwinds. We think even though they both have Sanemi’s hair colour, and Mizuki has my eyes - we think Izumi has Genya’s eyes. Izumi is gonna be tall too, like all you Shinazugawa boys. Mizuki is a sweet girl, so brave too.’
‘She’s like you that way, Ma. A bit like me too though, she punched a boy in the village for pulling her hair.’ He added, pride on his face.
‘I wonder which one of you this one will take after?’ You say, looking at the stone but laying your hand and Sanemi’s on your still flat tummy.
He takes a second to think over what you said before spinning around to you, clutching your bumpless belly.
‘Y/N - are you -? Really? You’re pregnant?’ He asks, eyes wide and feral grin back on his face.
‘We’re about to be outnumbered, ‘Nemi.’ You nod as you giggle.
He pulls you in and mashes his lips against yours, holding you close to him.
‘You’re fuckin’ amazin’, ya know that? I’m one lucky bastard. Another baby, holy shit.’ He presses a messy kiss to your belly.
‘I love you, ‘nemi. I can’t wait to bring another Shinazugawa into the fold.’ You say.
‘How’s another grandkid sound, ma?’ He smiles, leaning back and pulling you to sit on his lap, as the twins run over with their gifts for their family, a small bouquet of wildflowers and handfuls of colourful pebbles laid on the stone as 7 faces smile down at the scene.
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