#Snape Stans
batwingsrosa · 2 months
I‘m just so glad i‘m a part of this fandom.
I just feel like all of our interactions in the snapedom are so wholesome.
(Whereas people in the mauraders fandom are oftentimes just hostile. )
In the snapedom people are always interested in understanding and giving good advice.
And to help other members.
It‘s like having a second family.
And i‘m very thankful for that;)
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rebelside · 1 year
The weasley.Honest question, no judging. What's snape's stans opinion on them.
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halfbloodgf · 16 days
So, I was reading Tumblr posts, and I came across many analyzes and arguments in defense of Severus Snape; arguments between those who support James, or the rest of the marauders, and those who defend Snape...
And I just laughed alone because the arguments of those who try to justify the actions of the marauders are so insipid and ineloquent, while those who support Snape expand and practically write a bible in defense of the man, with solid foundations in their arguments, demonstrating how much they know about the subject and what good people they are.
It's like Severus practically has an army of intellectual warriors and cool people who fight with his words and defend him to the death... It's just excellent.
I just wanted to say that. I adore you. I love my community <3
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artist-> @ershebet
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fanfic-lover-girl · 22 days
Snaters strike again
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It's pathetic people call Snape's resentment a 'high school grudge'. Especially when his former bully shows little to no remorse for bullying him. And when Snape is helping said loser live a normal life by brewing the wolfsbane potion. For free since I don't see any evidence Remus is paying Snape for his time and labor.
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moonlightdancer26 · 14 days
Hello, why do people who say Snape outed Remus out of spite still exist? I thought we all knew that it was because Remus quite literally endangered the lives of all the students, of Harry (who Snape literally swore to protect), of the staff, and of Severus himself.
If he truly wanted to out Remus out of spite, why couldn’t he have done it when he was a Death Eater and Remus was an Order Member, when Dumbledore no longer had any control over Snape’s actions and when he and Remus were on opposite sides of the war? Why couldn’t he have done it at any point throughout the year in PoA? Why did he only expose Remus after he found out that Remus endangered students’ lives by not only forgetting the complicated potion Snape took the time to brew for him, but by also purposefully holding back info that could’ve prevented Sirius Black (who everyone, including Remus, believed was a mass-murderer) from entering the castle and hurting/killing students? Do you believe that’s merely some coincidence?
Say whatever you want about Snape, but one thing about him is that he will NOT stand for anyone endangering the lives of his students, especially not Lily’s son. He priorities safety above all else. He may be an asshole to his students, but he’ll protect them with his life. The fact that he only outed Remus once he knew what Remus did should tell you enough, I don’t know why people choose to live in denial over this debate even though it’s practically spelled out to us in the text. It makes sense for a kid reading PoA to think “wow! Snape is so mean for that! How could he do that to Professor Lupin?!!” but for grown adults to still think this? It’s ridiculous.
And to the people who think “Oh yeah Snape totally outed Remus because he lost the chance of receiving an Order of Merlin,” did this part of The Prince’s Tale chapter completely fly over your heads:
There was a long pause, and slowly Snape regained control of himself, mastered his own breathing. At last he said, “Very well. Very well. But never — never tell, Dumbledore! This must be between us! Swear it! I cannot bear . . . especially Potter’s son . . . I want your word!”
“My word, Severus, that I shall never reveal the best of you?” Dumbledore sighed, looking down into Snape’s ferocious, anguished face. “If you insist . . .”
This simply goes to show how little Snape antis actually understand Snape’s character. He wanted no one to know of the good things he’s done. He never did anything for positive attention or praise, and he certainly would not expose Remus out of pure spite of having lost his opportunity to win a stupid award.
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cvntkisser · 1 month
Every time i see someone say the marauders weren't bullies and their relationship with snape was a rivalry i remind myself that a rivalry is when two groups/people are against each other and have similar or equal power/abilities, and therefore a marauders stan is saying that it took four popular wizards (two of which were rich aristocratic purebloods) put together to be strong enough to rival teenage severus snape.
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painedpen · 4 months
I saw a tiktok about Ron yelling at Hermione and embarrassing her in public (he would never), and Draco punching him in the face and I am so. Tired.
Like. We’ve already established that once Ron is committed to his relationship with Hermione, he’s peak husband material. He’s lovely. Househusband extraordinaire. But the idea of Draco Malfoy beating him up???
I like Draco as much as the next person, but we need to acknowledge that he���s a lil bitch. Every time he pisses someone off, he eats shit. Ron beats that twink into the ground on the regular. Come on people, let’s be real.
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the-most-faithful · 5 months
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It continues to shock me how much the Snaters really don't know the canon.
First, Lily never rejected Severus the two of them have been best friends for years. The one pestering Lily to go out with him was James.
Second, the scene where Snape goes to Godric's Hollow doesn't exist in the book, it's just an addition in the movie to make everything more dramatic. (If we want to consider movie scenes canon then most of the accusations made don't exist since they don't happen. These people are really too confused) And then what? Or if we take the scene from the film at face value, Snape hugs the woman he loves instead of helping Harry, so what? This poor man was destroyed, can we leave him alone for two seconds to cry?
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impossible3girl · 20 days
Marauders stans/Snaters: I can excuse s*xual harassment, but I draw the line at calling someone a moodblood once in a moment of huge distress.
Me: You can excuse s*xual harassment?
That's how most of my interactions in the comments of my Snape TikToks go. Bonus points if they also can excuse bullying in general as long as the bullies are rich and conventionally attractive, or just ignore it for the Marauders but make up extra mean stuff for Snape.
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albondiguilla007 · 3 months
I mostly opened this account to talk about Harry Potter with other fans. I need potterhead friends I’m begging you, take pity on me.
✨ First though, here’s a Marauders playlist:
✨ my pinterest :)
Ok, so a bit about me and this blog contents:
✨ We don’t judge here, every ship is welcome
✨But if it’s gay better
✨ I love the golden trio, I won’t stand for ANY kind of SLANDER, not of Ron, not of Hermione, least of all Harry. They are human, and they are good friends with flaws who love each other very much. They are growing up, grieving, taking care of each other and learning about life. I adore their friendship, and fanfics that give a realistic portrayal of their relationship will always be a soft spot of mine. (wholesome one shot)
✨ Hot take: If you have any fanfic recommendation where they are romantically together (the three of them, as in an actual relationship), I would appreciate it very much
✨ Drarry (please) 🥵
✨ Wolfstar (they are my parents) 🐾🌒
✨ Jegulus (depending on the mood) Jegulily thooo 👀
✨ Tomarry? I’M A SLUT FOR TOMARRY (please I need more time travel fanfic recommendations) Some very good ones tho:
Terrible, but Great.
you belong to me (i belong to you).
Of Kings, of Pawns, and of Men. (This one is not time trivel per se but its AMAZING I’m telling ya)
Wear me like a locket around my throat
(all of them are in ao3)
✨ My boy Harry is incredibly underrated on his own series. He is amazing, I love him, I wish him all the happiness in the world. WE NEED MORE FANFICS WHERE THEY PORTRAY ALL HIS MENTAL STRUGGLES AND GRIEVING PROCESSESS. (He’s gone through so much, I don’t buy the way canon just swept everything under the rug and moved on)
✨ Draco Malfoy is a power bottom and you can’t change my mind
✨ Another soft spot of mine? Fanfics where Harry time travels to a time where his parents are alive or a different dimension all together.
To make it better
Devil’s White Knight
Across the universe
You’re somebody else
(all in ao3 except Across the universe, that’s a short story in fanfic.net)
Other recommendations
✨ My bedtime readings are hardcore Drarry smut with some very questionable dom/sub dynamics
✨ Canon Remus was a bit of a people pleaser with no personality, but I forgive him because fanon, obviously
✨Canon James Potter was a dick, but I forgive him too. He did change a bit after Hogwarts, but I keep hoping he would’ve matured more if he’d had the chance to grow up into an actual adult
✨ Aaron Taylor Johnson and every other version of James Potter is mine, no arguments
✨ NO SNAPE SLANDER. He is an amazing character, and a very complex one at that. He is not supposed to be a good person, but a complicated one with a gray set of values. Y’all do not understand that, and I’m tired of watching Marauders stans be so fucking hypocritical when it comes to him.
Crime and Punishment (an amazing severitus fic on ao3)
✨ August, Cardigan and Betty are about these three idiots (Lily, James and Regulus) and you can’t change my mind. You know the drill, if you have any fanfic recs I’m all ears baby.
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sctumsempra · 3 months
“stan james potter” i am actually exploding you with my mind
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I think there's too much moralizing in the HP fandom. Like, every time I see arguments between the Marauder/Snape fandoms, it boils down to morality, which is ridiculous because characters are not real people. They do not have morals, or thoughts, or actions. They're puffs of smoke that only exist inside your own brain. Imo, the worst thing a character can be is boring. Snape is many, many things, but he's not boring. Part of what makes him interesting is that he's contradictory, sometimes he does bad things with no real reason but to satisfy his own emotional stuntedness, sometimes he does good things because it's the right thing to do, and all of these actions remain in character.
James Potter is a footnote in canon. A tabula rasa. We know a handful of basic facts: he desired Lily, he bullied Snape, he saved Snape from getting eaten by a werewolf, saving Snape didn't stop him from bullying him, somehow Lily decided to date him even though he literally tried to blackmail her, his friends loved him, he was loyal to them, he was charming, he fought in a war. Everything else is fair game! Make him your own! Do something with these bare bones and create an interesting character! And yet when I see these interpretations of him that are like "Bambi did nothing wrong, Snape was actually the evil mastermind behind all of this just to make poor James look like the bad guy >:(" I just saw a take that had Snape as the mastermind of the werewolf prank that he designed to break up the group, and I'm just like, my friend, those horrible flaws make James interesting. You just turned him into a sad sack of goo. He's no longer a character who acts, he's a blank slate that things happen to. There's a difference. You somehow made a footnote even more boring. Don't be afraid to embrace the darker aspects of him just because you're afraid of a character who is not perfectly moral and good 100% of the time.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 months
something I thought of in the shower, picture any male you like, no specific character for this.
warning - lots of swearing.
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“Hey bab—“ Your man steps into the shower, wanting to join you before you and him seperate for the day (for work) “Shit! What the fuck, ow!” He screams before you even turn around to greet him, he immediately jumps out of the shower and runs from the bathroom.
After you finish up, having to take a good ten minutes to try and stop laughing. You get out, wrapping a towel around you and your hair/head. You find him dramatically sitting in front of a fan, fanning himself. “Why’d you leave so fast?”
“Why’d I… What do you mean why did I leave so fast?! Are you preparing for hell or something?! The shit was that? That wasn’t even a hand like when you do the dishes, no this was your whole arse body! Do you not feel that shit?!” His hands wave around, brows furrowed as he looks at you like you’re crazy.
You shake your head, walking over to him and kissing his head. “You’re so dramatic. It’s a good thing I love you.” You huff.
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somesnapefan2 · 10 months
"The marauders aren't bad! They're not bullies!'
The definition of marauders is raiders though...
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they must've known what they were doing since, yk, THAT'S WHAT THEY CALLED THEMSELVES!!
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fanfic-lover-girl · 1 month
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Sometimes I wonder how marauders stans are still alive the way they are so freaking dumb. Every time I see a marauder stan take, I fear I'll catch the stupid.
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moonlightdancer26 · 2 days
A challenge for people who say that what James did to Snape in Snape’s Worst Memory wasn’t awful: Read the whole chapter but replace Snape’s pronouns with she/her instead of he/him, and then come and tell me that what happened “wasn’t that bad.”
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