#So he's second place but uh... My sister and other older brother? I'll say hi to them and answer if they talk to me but thats that
mrfoox · 2 years
The few times I suprise people or have them disagree badly its usually concerning family and relative logic
If no one knows anything of my family or that situation they'd probably think im a big fan of family bc im generally caring and loving but man....
In my opinion, if an person is an asshole or overall just very bad for your mental health and they are unwilling or unable to change... You don't owe them your time. Ive had people argue with me about it and that's fine everyone thinks differently but imo... 'sharing blood' doesn't mean you owe them your time and health etc
I'd rather invest time and love into the people who are good to me back, whether we share blood or not
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gayfanservice · 1 year
Its your favorite Demi here! I absolutely loved how you did the chaos duo poly request and I was wondering if you could do a part two where Kiyoko's brother becomes a manager too. Again I love the idea of over protective older sister Shimizu. Like Imagine they have a practice game/or at a tournament and shy little Y/n went to go and check if the team left something behind and a guy corners him and now you've got not only the chaos duo but big sis coming to the rescue! Also if you ever need any ideas let me know. I'll help anyway I can👍
Part 2s are always welcomed
Ooc Kiyoko whoops :P
“(Y/N), you’re looking extra lovely today!” The two boys squealed at each other as (Y/N) passed them, laughing at their antics as he hopped down the bus’ stairs. Kiyoko glared at them, dragging (Y/N) away from the duo, their cries echoing throughout the valley, “Shut up!” The captain of the team scolded the two. The breeze flew past the siblings, a content look taking over as they carried the luggage towards the building the team would be staying at for training.
The siblings talked as the rest of the teams found their rooms, bags going in their respectable places, “Oh, I think my bag’s still in the bus.” The older of the two looked through the pile of bags, “I’ll get it,” (Y/N) set down his bags and made his way to the bus, “Thanks, (Y/N),” He hummed as he made his way to the bus.
“Thank you, bye.” (Y/N) watched as the bus drove away, “Good thing the bus didn’t leave yet, hehe.” He let out a exasperated sigh before making his way back to the building, Kiyoko’s bag hanging on his shoulder. The wind gave a slight chill, neither too cold or unpleasant as he made his way back to the building. The sky was a beautiful shade as the sun began to rise, orange and yellow replacing the darkness.
The walk back to the building was short, nothing worth taking note of as (Y/N) walked back to Karasuno’s quarters, only realizing he had no idea where he was. (Y/N) forgot to ask where the team was heading, and now he was lost. Silly (Y/N).
A boy came into view. (Y/N) was having an internal debate whether he should ask for directions. He decided yes, as he would just become more lost without it. The walk towards this unknown person was dreadful, filled with cold anxiety as he mentally prepared himself to talk. Coming up to the guy, before he could say anything, the stranger leaned on the wall with a smug look, “Hey man, you look a little lost, need a hand?” Nope, nope, nope. (Y/N) did not like him already. “Uh, y-yeah. I’m, uh, with Karasuno and a little lost so…” he trailed off, wishing Kiyoko was there with him. She talked even less than him, but she was definitely better at it.
The stranger’s face faulted, his eyebrows twitched subtly as (Y/N) mentioned Karasuno. “Oh really? What do you do?” (Y/N) adjusted Kiyoko’s bag on his shoulder, eyes looking around for any way out. “Uh, stuff, manager stuff,”
“Oho, a manager?” The guy leaned closer to (Y/N), who stepped back.
“Yeah, do you know where they are?” Please just leave me alone. (Y/N) wished he had just gone the other way. Each second that passes, the stranger gets promoted; now he’s a weirdo. (Y/N) wished anyone from the team would pop out of nowhere and save him from this awkward interaction. The weirdo kept talking to him, not answering his question. “Dude, this is nice and all, but I really gotta find my team, so if I’m just… gonna… go.” (Y/N) slowly stepped away ready to turn around before the weirdo started up again.
“C’mon, man, they can probably wait a few minutes, nothing-” He suddenly stopped talking, his eyes wide as his collar scrunched up.
“Get. Away. From. My brother.” Kiyoko stood behind him, eyes glaring into his soul as she held him in a death grip. The stranger stuttered, a panicked look on his face as he stumbled.
“What? We were, just, uh, we, yeah okay!” The weirdo comically ran away with his metaphorical tail between his legs. Kiyoko hugged (Y/N), “Are you okay? He didn’t do anything to you, did he?” (Y/N) let out a sigh, happy to finally have his sister with him. He shook his head, handing Kiyoko her bag as they walked to wherever the team was.
When they returned, the two (lovable) weirdos immediately ran towards the two. Hearing about what happened, they acted like guard dogs, barking up a storm about how they would of kicked his ass if they’re were there. Kiyoko sighed, (Y/N) snickered, and Daichi was seriously considering kicking them off the team.
This was mostly focused on Kiyoko cuz she deserves to be seen #kiyokosurpremicy
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 15
Request: Yes or No
Nebula and Tonys friendship was v cute and we deserved to see Tony be a dad to her. This feels v short so I'm sorry
"Maybe some company will do you good, (Y/N)." Natasha said softly, rubbing your arm. You stayed silent, staring at the table. Rhodes had offered you your old room back but you couldn't give him an answer. Your gaze shifted to the glass of water, brows furrowing when the water in the glass began to move. Natasha followed your gaze.
"I'm not doing that." You said softly, glancing at her. Steve entered the room, heading towards the exit.
"Something's coming." He called. Rhodes and Bruce quickly followed him out. You stood up, doing the same. You walked out onto the field, seeing Pepper staring up at a ship. You watched the woman set it down, looking back at you all. Steve ran forward, helping Tony off the ship. Pepper sobbed, running forward as well. You turned, walking back towards the facility.
"Great, the douchebag survived." You muttered, opening the door and sitting back down. You knew loss would come with trying to save the world but you didn't expect to lose everyone you loved. Clint and Natasha were still around but they were grieving as well.
"(Y/N), this is Carol Danvers, a friend of Fury." Natasha said as she entered the room. You turned to look at the blonde, giving a small nod. You watched as Rhodes pulled up images of everyone who had been lost to catch Tony up. Your gaze dropped onto the table when you saw your friends images appear.
"World governments are in pieces. He did.. He did exactly what he was planning to do. He wiped out.. 50 percent of all living creatures." Natasha explained, voices getting softer. You took in a shakey breath, sitting up and glancing at everyone. You made eye contact with Tony. He was skinny and weak but he held sadness in his eyes.
"Is Barton..?" Tony trailed off.
"Clint survived... Laura and the kids are gone." You told him, voice threatening to crack. Tony inhaled deeply, nodding.
"Where is Thanos? Where is he now?" Tony asked, looking at Steve. Steve frowned.
"We don't know. He just.. Opened a portal and walked through." Steve said, staring down at the floor. Tony hummed, turning to look at Thor.
"What's wrong with him?"
"He's pissed. He thinks he failed. Which, yeah he did but so did the rest of us." The talking raccoon, Rocket, said. You didn't have enough energy to question how a raccoon ended up in space, much less question how it could talk.
"Honestly, until this exact last second, I thought you were a build-a-bear." Tony said, looking at him.
"Maybe I am." Rocket muttered in a tired and defeated tone.
"Thanos has been missing for three weeks now. We've got nothing. Tony, you fought him."
"Who told you that? No, he wiped my face with a planet while the magician gave away the stone. That's what happened. There was no fight-"
"Okay, okay.. Did he give you any clues?" Steve asked. Tony blew some raspberries, shrugging. You sighed at his childish response.
"I had a vision. I didn't want to believe it.. Thought I was dreaming-"
"Tony, I need you to focus."
"-And I needed you. As in past tense. That trumps what you need. You know what I need?" Tony knocked over some glasses, standing up from his wheelchair. "I need to shave."
"Tony, Tony, stop." Rhodes approached him as Tony ripped off his IV needle.
"What we needed was a suit of armour around the world! Remember that? Whether it impacted our precious freedoms or not." Tony looked over everyone.
"Your project got Sokovia destroyed and ruined." You reminded him, finger running over the rim of the glass cup. Tony began stumbling as he argued with Steve, stumbling towards him. He ripped off the Arc reactor, putting it in Steve's hand before falling to the ground. He fainted afterwards so Rhodes and Steve got him to the medical unit.
"This is such a shitshow. I'm going home." You said, standing up and picking up the glass. Natasha turned towards you.
"Stay for a little longer-"
"For what? So I can be told nothing's gonna bring back by family? My best friends? I had nothing then I had something and now I have nothing again." You flinched when the cup shattered, pieces of glass and water landing on the ground. You sighed softly, taking the shards stuck in your skin out.
"Sorry. I'll clean this up." You mumbled, using your other hand to get the water off the floor. Carol blinked, watching in surprise. You opened one of the cabinets, pulling out the first aid kit. You turned your head when Carol stood beside you.
"Hey." You breathed out, running your hand under water to wash away some of the blood. Carol picked up the antibiotic cream, using a cotton ball to dab it onto your cuts. You didn't really feel like healing yourself.
"I'm sorry you lost so many people." She said quietly, picking up the bandages and wrapping them around your hand.
"Well, shit happens." You looked at your bandaged palm, sighing softly.
"I lost two best friends." Carol said, leaning against the counter.
"Nick and Monica, the daughter of a good friend." Carol looked at you, arms crossing.
"Sams' sister calls nonstop and I don't know what to tell her. She has two toddlers, both parents passed away, and she's a widow. How can I tell her that her older brother turned into dust and I couldn't do anything to save him? Dad and I can't even look at each other without noticing how empty the house feels. I wake up everyday hoping it was all a nightmare but then I don't hear Laura telling the kids to get up or Clint going on about teaching Lila archery." You looked away from her, eyes watering. Carol placed a gentle hand on your arm, giving it a light squeeze.
"You did what you could. What you have to do now is be there for the people who are still here. Your friends sister needs you. She needs someone familiar. Someone close to Sam and someone who was there in his last moments." Carol said, watching you.
"You'll never get back up if you keep knocking yourself down." She said softly. You let out a shakey sigh, nodding and sniffling. Carol offered you a napkin, patting your back before she walked away. You wiped away your tears and splashed some water on your face, patting your face dry. You turned and grabbed the broom and collector, taking care of the glass. You put the first aid kit away as Carol re-entered the room with Natasha and Steve following.
"Hey, we usually do things as a team here." Natasha said as Carol spun around to look at her.
"We realize up there is your territory but this is our fight too." Steve added.
"Do you even know where he is?" Rhodes asked, head tilting. Carol shrugged lightly.
"I know people who might."
"Don't bother." You looked at the blue android girl, Nebula.
"I can tell you where Thanos is." She revealed. The humans glanced at each other before gathering in the office to hear what she had to say. You leaned against the doorway, semi interested.
"Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. When he worked he talked about his great plan. Even disassembled I wanted to please him.. I'd ask where we would go once his plan was complete. His answer was always the same." Nebula turned her head to look at everyone. "To the garden."
"That's cute. Thanos has a retirement plan." Rhodes mumbled as Rocket climbed onto the table, making a hologram of Earth appear.
"When Thanos snapped his fingers, Earth became ground zero for ridiculously high cosmic proportions. Nobody's ever seen anything like it." Rocket said, making the hologram change to a different planet.
"Until two days ago on this planet." Rocket motioned to the planet shown. Nebula nodded, leaning forward.
"He used the stones again." Natasha whispered. Everyones attention shifted onto the planet.
"You can count me out. I have a therapy session soon." You called, turning around and walking down the steps.
"You go to therapy?" Rhodes asked, brows furrowing as he turned to face you.
"Yeah, it's called napping."
You entered the house, taking in a deep breath. Neither you or Clint dared clean up the place. Everything was left exactly how it had been left after Thanos snapped his fingers. You entered the livingroom, gaze landing on the metal on the ground. You sighed softly, picking up the monitor. Clint had broken it. Clint not following the rules of his house arrest was probably the least of the governments problems. You tossed it onto the couch, walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"Beer, beer, beer, leftovers, beer." You mumbled as you sorted through the fridge. You shut the fridge, looking at the drawings and pictures pinned to it with magnets. You swallowed, leaving the kitchen. You stepped over the Legos on the ground, going to the front door. You watched as Clint drew an arrow, shooting it at a target in the distance. All Clint did was practice. Probably to get his mind off things.
"Should I head into town for food?" You called out. Clint stayed silent so you took it as a no. You took out your phone, looking at the contact.
Sarah Wilson
You watched it ring, guilt creeping into your heart. You sighed, licking your lips and answering.
"Oh, thank god! I've been trying to reach you for the past few weeks. I haven't heard anything yet about Sam and the others. How is Sam? Is he with you?"
"Sam.." You started, biting down on your lip as you shut your eyes. You let out a heavy sigh, taking a seat on the stairs.
"I should explain everything in person, Sarah. I'm not gonna make you wait until I get to Louisiana. Sam.. He, uh.. He didn't make it. I'm s-sorry." You sniffled, hearing a soft gasp leave Sarah.
"Oh, God.." She whispered.
"I-I'll stop by. I tell you everything but.. Sam.. Sam was a hero until the end." You said softly, hearing the kids in the background. You were relieved she wasn't completely alone.
"C-Could you just stay with me on the phone?" Sarah asked softly.
"Yeah, of course." You replied, answering her softly cry.
"What the hell am I gonna do now? Half the folks in town are gone and.." Sarah sniffled. You listened to her soft sniffles and sobs, sighing softly.
"I'm not gonna leave you, Sarah. Sam would have my head if I did." You smiled softly, hearing her chuckle.
"Thank you."
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astronomoney · 4 years
Heyo! I heard you were open for requests, so I thought if I can ask for a fluffly prompt of 18? Like Jon kent x batsis? ( I noticed this dude don't get much love at all.) Maybe it has like a tiny (big) crush on batsis, and accidentally ends up following her. But don't rush your self, I know you got alot to do. I'll wait! Ty! (This is alot of reading, sorry.)
Pairing: Jon Kent x Fem!reader
Prompts: Prompt list 18-“Care to explain why you’ve been following me for 6 blocks?” (Apparently “care to explain *inster text here*” is a common prompt theme on my list)
Summary: Jon Kent meets the one and only batsis (that’s you) and being the idiot he is, falls madly in love... naturally.
A/n: Ok so this took a while and i didn’t like where it was going for a while but after some editing i actually really like how this turned out! (Also sorry this took so long life hit me like bitch this past week) And Jon and the reader are about 15 16 ish here which makes damian 19ish. Masterlist
Word count: 1.5k it’s not a super long thing but i’m pretty pleased with that number
Code: y/n=your name
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Not So Super Stelthy
Jon Kent floated in a small circle about 4 feet above the ground, trying his best not to fall asleep. He had been watching Damian watch security footage on the batcomputer for 30 minutes and he was bored out of his mind.
“What are you even looking for?” Jon asked, letting himself land and walking over to the computer.
“Proof.” Damian replied, too focused on the tape to give more than a one word answer.
“Right, of course the proof,” Jon nodded his head before pausing awkwardly.
Damian sighed and paused the video. “You have no idea what i’m talking about.”
“And you’re extremely bored.”
“Yup.” Jon rocked back on his heels, dragging out the Y sound.
“Fine then, you can look around the cave but don’t touch anything. Got it?” Damin said sternly, knowing that if he didn’t give Jon something to do he'd start asking questions nonstop.
“Really! I can go explore by myself!” He exclaimed, instantly more energetic. “I promise i won’t break anything!” He called flying swiftly out of the room before Damian could change his mind.
He walked down a random hallway looking at the various souvenirs on the walls. He heard some grunting and the sound metal against metal coming from a room down the hall. He made his way toward the sound using his super hearing to try and figure out who it was.
“That was so not fair!” An unknown female voice exclaimed.
“Technically that’s not stated in the rules.” a smug voice shot back. Jon recognized it to be Tim’s but he still didn’t know who the other person was. He kept walking towards the sound until he found a large open room with weapons on the walls and mats on the floor.
In the middle of the room he saw two people holding metal bow staffs and walking around each other.
“Well it was implied.” The girl said before charging Tim. She swung at his left but he blocked and twirled the bow staff around to hit her in the side. She stumbled back but quickly regained her balance and came at him again, this time faking a hit to the right before sweeping his legs out from under him so he landed on his back. His staff rolled away and it was very clear that he had lost that fight.
“YES!” The girl cheered “I win and you owe me 20 bucks.” She boasted in a sing-song voice, reaching out her hand to help Tim up.
“Yeah yeah I get it.” Tim grabbed her hand and hoisted himself up sounding annoyed at his defeat. The girl turned around and walked towards the bench where a plastic half empty water bottle sat. That was when Jon saw her face for the first time, that was also when she noticed Jon.
“Oh hey Superboy.” She said, sounding slightly confused as to why the Metropolis hero would be in the batcave.
“Jon?” Tim asked, turning towards him. “What are you doing here?” He smiled and walked over to rest his elbow on the girl's shoulder.
“Hi sorry i didn’t mean to bother you I was just uh exploring.” Jon said, semi awkwardly. “Damian’s doing some research on the computer and I guess he didn’t want me distracting him.” He pointed sheepishly towards the room where Damian was still watching security tapes.
The girl laughed and shrugged Tims arm away. “Well definitely don’t take that personally. Damian’s not really one for conversation. I’m y/n by the way.”
He remembered Damian mentioning her here and there but he’d never met her before. “I’m Jon, but you know that already.”
She laughed again which made him smile. “Well Jon it’s nice to meet you.”
“There you are.” Damian rounded the corner. “I have the proof but we need to hurry if we’re going to get there in time.”
“You better get going before Damian pulls a kryptonite katana on you.” y/n joked waving over at the very grumpy looking teenager.
“Yeah,” Jon laughed. “Wait? Does he really have one of those?” his smile was replaced with slight concern for his own safety.
“Superboy. Let’s go.” Damian sounded impatient, although he always sounded like that.
“Sorry i’m coming.” Jon began flying over to him. “Bye y/n!” he called before turning the corner and disappearing.
“Bye Jon.” Y/n leaned on the door frame and watched him fly off, a small smile on her face.
“Umm what was that?” Tim asked a very confused look on his face.
“What was what?” she turned around
“Oh I don't know, maybe the whole ‘oh hi i’m y/n nice to meet you’ thing?”
“Ok I know you don’t talk to people very often but typically when you meet someone new you introduce yourself.”
“Well your starry eyed stare might have been a bit too much.”
“Starry eyed?” she scoffed in response “I was in no way starry eyed.”
“Uh huh sure.” He said in an over-protective-older-brother voice.
“Shut up.” y/n tossed a bow staff to Tim and got into a fighting stance with her own.
After a mission went wrong, Damian demanded Jon train in the cave at least twice a week to make him, in Damians words “Somewhat competent on the field”. That meant Jon would spend more time in the cave and saw more of y/n.
Whenever Jon and y/n got a chance to talk it felt like they’d known each other for their whole lives. They had inside jokes and about 2/3’s of a secrets code memorized. Sometimes they would just sit next to each other, completely comfortable in the silent company. Jon’s heart started to beat faster when she was around and his cheeks would heat up when she smiled at him.
He got distracted whenever she came into the training room which resulted in a very hard kick to the stomach on more than one occasion. One day while Jon was on his way home from the manor, he spotted y/n walking swiftly across a rooftop. He hadn’t seen in the cave that day but Damian said she was at a friends house.
His exact words were “She’s at her friends house studying, now if you’re done being completely in love with my sister can we run the training again?”
Of course Jon responded by saying “I am not in love with her!” but it was clear that Damian didn’t buy that and at this point Jon wasn’t sure he believed it either.
‘What is she doing out?’ he thought while silently ducking behind a nearby billboard. Jon let her get about three rooftops away and used his super senses to keep track of her. She turned left, then left again, then right, then another left, and finally stopped on top of a random building.
Y/n turned to look at the city and let out a sigh. “You know,” she spoke softly with a hint of a smirk in her voice. “For someone with Superpowers you’re shit at staying hidden.”
“How could you possibly have seen me?” Jon came out from his apparently not so good hiding place and landed a few feet away from her on the roof. “I was in super stealth mode.”
“Well darling Jon i was raised by Batman. Noticing things is kinda, well my thing.” She laughed. “Now, care to explain why you’ve been following me for 6 blocks?”
“W-well i have a perfectly reasonable explanation for that and it is because,” he said slowly trying to come up with a good excuse as to why he’d been following her. The truth was he didn’t know why he’d followed her. Although he had a sneaking suspicion it had to do with his not so small crush.
“It’s because- Hey wait a second you’re not even supposed to be out here.” Jon cut himself off by changing the subject. “Didn’t Batman like, ban you from being a crime fighter?”
“What Batman doesn't know won’t hurt him.” She walked over to him so they were now about 2 feet apart.
“He’s Batman! He knows everything!” Jon exclaimed as if it was obvious.
“Well i’m not going to tell him.” She paused leaning closer to Jon so they were mere inches away from each other. His heart speed up and he felt his cheeks turn pink from how close they were. “Are you going to tell him?”
“N-no?” It sounded more like a question then an answer but it was good enough for y/n.
“Great!” She leaned away again, her smile returning. “Now that i’ve confirmed you won’t be snitching on me, we can go get some food. I am starving and there’s a great taco truck just around the corner that makes the best nachos. That is if you want to?”
“Want to? Yeah i’d love to!” He smiled happily at the idea.
“Perfect, then it’s a date.”
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abbatoirablaze · 2 years
Teller Morrow Tragedy, The Prequel, Chapter 16
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings:  teenage hormones, mentions of underage romance/interests, violence, mentions of murder, manipulation, blackmail.
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Missy's POV
"Mom," I asked, coming into the garage as I walked onto the lot of TM.  No one other than Jax was in the garage and no one was in the office.  I looked back to my older brother, my brows furrowing, "Jax?  Where is everyone?"
Jax shrugged, "maybe they went on lunch.  Let's check the clubhouse."
He stopped what he was working on, and I followed him into the clubhouse.   I could hear mom in the kitchen, a happy chatter of back and forth occurring.  The voice sounded familiar, but I couldn’t entirely place it, "Mom?"
"In here sweetie."
I followed the sound of her voice, and I could hear a small child.  We turned the corner, and I was met with Mikey attacking my legs, "AUNT MISSY!"
"Mikey," I smiled, picking her up, "When did you guys get here?"
"Mikey's here?" I heard Jax ask from the bar.  He turned the corner and she squealed in my ear.
He smiled and I passed her off to him.  They went back into the common area, "I take it that Alicia arrived?"
Mom nodded, continuing to make a sandwich for Mikey, "yeah.  They got here about ten minutes ago.  Chibs helped unload the bags and took them off to the dorms.  Will you go see if she and JC are hungry?"
I nodded, with a laugh, "bet you Chibs was looking to help unload something else."
My mom turned back to me, knife pointed, "be nice.  She's your sister and Chibs has been nothing but nice to you."
"I know," I said, rolling my eyes, "it wasn’t meant to be vindictive mom.  I’m just saying.  He's trying to bone her.  Always has been."
"Well, it's not your place to say it.  Go see if they are hungry."
I followed mom's advice and went down to the dorms dad had told me that they cleaned up for Mikey, JC, and Alicia.  The middle room was empty, so I knocked on the first door.  A few seconds later Alicia and Chibs opened it.  Alicia's eyes got wide, "Missy?"
I nodded, "hey sis."
"Oh my god.  You look so mature."
"Thanks," I said shortly, not really caring to interrupt their ‘quality time’ together, "hey uhm, mom wants to know if you and JC are hungry.  She's making some sandwiches."
"Sure...I uhm...I'll be out in a few.  I'm catching up with Chibs."
I rolled my eyes and walked away as the door closed, before knocking on the other door.  My breath caught in my throat as the door opened.  JC was shirtless.  His tanned skin led down to newly forming abs.  I felt kind of sad that he was wearing jeans.  He looked down, then cursed before grabbing a shirt from off the bed. 
"My uh," I began, shaking my head from the thought of him, "mom.  My mom.  She's making food for everyone.  Hungry?"
He shook his head, "no thanks.  Have we met before?  Who's your mom?"
"Gemma," I said quickly, "I'm Missy.  One of Alicia's sisters."
I looked around and made some random noises as we both awkwardly stood there.  "I'm gonna go."
"Okay, well, bye!" he said, closing the door.  I turned around and headed back to the kitchen.
"You okay honey?"
I looked over at my mom and began to nod my head, "yeah.  Sorry.  I was thinking about something else.  JC isn't hungry, but Alicia will be out in a few minutes."
"Okay," mom replied, sounding like she wanted to say something but didn’t, "you hungry, sweetheart?  Or are you just thirsty?"
I shook my head, thinking about JC, "no."
Mom came over to me and put a hand on my forehead, "you sure you are alright?  You look a little flushed.  Are you like this because of the Rican?"
"I'm fine," I lied.  She gave me an unsure look before going back to the fridge to make some more sandwiches for everyone, "hey is it okay if I hang out with my friend Tessa today?"
"I don't know how I feel about those girls," she said quickly, letting the prior conversation go, "it's nothing personal, but they live up in Oakland."
"Well, if you didn't send me to school in Oakland," I laughed, “I wouldn’t have friends up there.”
"You were the one that wanted to go to a performing arts school," mom said defensively, "your father and I just wanted to make you happy, sweetie."
"Diana and Tessa aren't bad people mom," I said, trying to reason with her, "we're 12- and 13-year-old girls.  You can't hold what their dads do against them."
"They're Mayans," she said slowly, "we aren't exactly on good terms with them right now...but I'll tell you what.  I'll drive you up there, and then tomorrow afternoon you girls can spend the day here...then I'll drive them back tomorrow night.  Deal?"
"I'll have to talk to them.  But their moms may not like it."
"Let Maria and Amani know that we won't kidnap their children."
I laughed, "mom, they're just as uncomfortable about me hanging out there as you are.  Just like you are just as uncomfortable with their daughters here."
"I'm not uncomfortable," mom lied, "I just don't see why you like spending so much time with them."
"She's got the hots for one of the girls’ older brothers," Jax laughed, chiming in, "it's why she always wants to go up there, and started dressing like that."
"Buzz out of the conversation Jackson," I growled, “because it’s none of your business.”
Mom raised a brow, "that true?"
"Sweetie," she laughed, "I can help you get any man you want...but a Mayan probably isn't what you want in life."
"Well, I don't exactly have any options with a son," I laughed, "they're either old, or my brother.  GROSS!"
"We'll get new prospects eventually," mom laughed, “like JC.”
"This is getting way too off topic mom," I said, trying to push her away from the idea of nudging me towards the cute guy Alicia brought home that was close to my age, "can you take me up there tonight, or no?"
She nodded, "I'll ask Luann if she can take you.  I've gotta head home soon and start dinner."
I reached over to the cordless phone, "can you call Aunt Luann now then?"
She sighed and dialled her up.  I went over to Jax who was playing with Mikey.  "You didn't have to tell her that."
He laughed, "better she hears it from me.  You are my little sister, and I love you...but I'll be damned if you end up a Mayan slut."
"It's not any of your business."
"Daddy," Mikey asked, "what's a slut?"
"You are 12," he said, reminding me, "and my little sister.  That makes it my business.  You are too young!"
"Wasn't Alicia my age when you knocked her up?"
He closed his eyes before turning back to me, "that's different."
"Daddy, what's a slut?  What is knocking up?"
"It's nothing," he said, dividing his attention between me and his daughter, "don't worry about it sweetheart."
"Mommy?" Mikey asked getting up.  His eyes got wide as she ran over to Alicia, "What's a slut?"
"JACKSON?" Alicia growled, turning towards him. 
"Well," I said with a smile, "looks like I'm not needed here."
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Alicia’s POV
"Happy," I said again, not really believing my eyes.  My bags had fallen from my hands and my breath was caught in my throat, "what are you doing here?"
I watched him look over to JC and Chibs, "she doesn't know?"
The men shook their heads.  He came up to me and placed his hands on either side of my face, "I failed you once, but I'm not going to fail you again.  This time I'm going to protect you."
"What are you talking about?" I asked softly, confusion lacing my features.  My voice barely felt above a whisper.  I looked at the pain in his eyes, "What's going on Hap?"
"I'm going to fucking murder him sweetie," he said, kissing the top of my head, "you are going to stay here.  Leone has someone watching you."
I felt the terror rise from the pit of my stomach and Mikey grabbed my hand, "mommy?"
"No," I whispered, "we're safe here."
"What's going on here?" My dad asked, coming into the clubhouse common area.  Jax told him what was going on, and my father immediately called for church.  He told Gemma to watch Mikey as Juice and I were forced into the room.  I couldn't tear my eyes away from Happy.  I couldn't believe that he was actually here. 
"They got to Juice," Jax said, taking my attention from Happy, "someone has been watching you all day.  Sending juice pictures.  Telling him that if he doesn't come back to New York, they'll kill you and Mikayla."
I looked back to Juice, horrified, "the warrants."
He nodded, "they found something.  They need me again."
I felt the tears well up in my eyes, "this will never stop.  They'll always come back for you.  They'll use us against you."
Happy stood, and pulled me into his arms, and I felt myself begin to sob against him.  He held me, and brushed my hair down, "they are never going to touch you again."
I pulled away, "you can't promise that Happy."
He nodded, "yeah I can.  I'm going to New York.  I'm taking Juice."
"No," I pleaded, "you can't.  Please.  If they have him, they'll hurt him.  Daddy, tell him he can't take Juan Carlos."
He looked at me, "we aren't just going to hand JC over.  Jax, I'm guessing you have a plan?"
Jax nodded, "Chibs came to me with it, since they are aiming to harm my daughter and ex.  Happy has already agreed to it.  So, we can put it up for a vote.  Happy, Chibs, and I will take Juice to New York.  We'll set up a meet and kill Leone.  Plain and simple.  That's how we end it."
"No!" I said defiantly, "you are not taking Juan Carlos." 
"I want to do this," he said, looking at me, "I can't let them hurt you because of me."
"It's because of me.  They need him again because of the case my boss and I put together against him.  The information that we have is backed up on hard copies, as well as online.  It's a trap that will take you down with them.  I won't let you do that Juan Carlos Ortiz."
"It's not up to you," dad said, tearing me away from Juan's eyes, “so unfortunately, you don’t get a choice, kiddo.”
"Alicia," he said, "you brought this on our doorstep.  You sought out our protection and hoped for the best.  You can't just come and go as you like, and expect certain parts of the MC.  You brought this here, which means it will get solved our way."
"I'm sorry," he said, cutting me off, "but you know the rules, Alicia.  Anyone who comes to us for help, abides by our rules."
I felt the tears welling up again and I stormed out of the room.  Gemma saw me push my way through some of the crow eater's that were sitting around, "hey.  Hey.  What's the rush?"
"I can't," I cried, pushing past her.  I made my way back to the dorms and closed myself in, sobbing.  I couldn't let them take JC with them.  I look at him like a son to me.  If something were to happen to him...I don't know what I'd do.
I looked up when a knock came from my door.  I didn't want to answer it.  A few seconds later, Chibs came through, and closed the door behind him.  I sniffled, "did they send you in here to tell me you guys are gonna use my kid as bait?"
"No," he said, sitting don on the bed next to me, "I was worried about yeh, so I came in to check on ye myself."
"Filip," I whispered, looking at him, "please take care of him."
"I will mo gra," he whispered, lifting my hand to his lips.  He kissed it, and I rested it on his cheek, "I won't let anyone harm him."
"Mo gra," I whispered, "What does that mean?"
"It's a Gaelic term of endearment," he said, "are you alright?"
"I'm just so thrown...everything that happened today," I sighed, "seeing Happy.  I'm exhausted.  I just don't know what to think about everything."
"Feelings coming back?"
I moved my hand from his cheek and laid back on the bed.  My hand absentmindedly moved down to my abdomen, and I shook my head, "no.  Any love I had for him died when our son was murdered, and he left me.  I'm just shocked that he would return."
He stared down at me, and I pulled him down, so he laid next to me.  His head turned towards mine, "why?  We all care about you."
"I guess," I sighed, "I guess I just figured that I would never see him again.  He's a nomad.  I hadn't heard anything from him since he left."
"He's been grieving too," he said.  I hadn't thought of that.  Losing the baby had affected me, but not once did I ever pause to think about how he may have felt about the situation.  I never wondered if Happy was alright.  I was completely selfish about it.  I looked back at Chibs and he brushed a tear from my face, "what are you thinking about?"
"I was selfish," I admitted, "I never stopped to think Happy was affected by losing the baby."
"Let him do this," Chibs pleaded with me, "allow him some sort of closure.  I understand that you helped yourself move on by adopting JC, but Happy has been alone this whole time."
"I can't lose JC too."
"You wont," he said, "I promise that.  Jacky boy and I are going to go with them.  The Leone's will never darken your door again, mo gra.  I promise you this."
Chapter 17
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @evyiione
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babygirlkiki1016 · 4 years
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Chapter 1: The Company
"Do you have to leave?" Lani asked as she handed me my bag, she was always the nervous one.
"Yes, it's important. Take care of things while I'm gone, I have faith in you Lani. I'll be back before you know it." Lani was like a younger sister to me, the one always hiding behind the older one. While I was going to be missing, I put her in charge of the kingdom. She knew how everything worked, she was always there next to me when I was taking care of business anyhow. Of course, after a few days of traveling to the shire I wanted to turn back to see if she was alright, but I knew I had to keep going. And eventually, I stood in front of the green door with a dwarven letter carved into it. Taking a deep breath I knocked, and the voices I had heard went quiet. It's just a bunch of dwarves, nothing to be worried about. The door opened to reveal a hobbit, not as tall as me but he was up to my shoulders.
"Uh, c-come in." He steps to the side, and I walked forward, they must've been expecting me. Setting my bag down by the front door, I took in everything. It was small and cozy, I wish my home looked like this. Continuing on I came across the thirteen dwarves Gandalf had mentioned.
"This is Y/n Y/l/n, I believed she could be a wonderful asset to our quest." The raven-haired man couldn't keep his eyes off me, it was like he was dazed, now that I think about it every dwarf's gaze was still on me. Including a young man about my height, maybe even taller. I smirked, hello handsome, my cheeks burned a shade of crimson as I realized my thought process. Gandalf nudged the man to get his attention, and he snaps out of his trance.
"My name is Thorin Oakenshield, it is a pleasure to meet you, my lady." He bowed his head slightly, giving me a small smile.
"You won't be saying that in a few seconds," I muttered, Gandalf swallowed nervously as he said his next words carefully.
"I should mention, that Y/n is also...The Queen of The Digonisks. The Soul Of The Black Dragon." Everyone's eyes widened, but no one said a word except the blond man in the back.
"What's a Digonisk?"
"There dragons, and murderers." Thorin glared at me with a fire in those blue orbs. I just rolled my eyes, of course, that's what he thought of me. Yet how could we be the murderers when their kind slaughtered mine? "I want her out, that filth cannot come on this quest with us."
"'That filth' has a name you know, and for your information, it's not really up to you now is it?" I exclaimed, he went to protest but Gandalf held out his hand to silence him.
"She can help us Thorin, she has the ability to take down Smaug. She might be the only one who can."
"I don't care." He abruptly stood, not even a foot away from me. "Leave, or I'll strike you down where you stand." Silently, I conjured a dagger and placed right against his side making him gasp.
"You'll be dead before you can even draw your sword, you should be thankful I came to help. I could've easily said no and let karma continue it's pace. Especially after what your kin did to us, you took my home, killed my people! Your no better than Smaug himself. Now sit." I forced him back into his chair, his hand gripped tightly on his blade. He wants to play does he? Bring it on.
"Enough!" Gandalf stood, making the room fill with darkness. "I brought her along, and so she shall stay, if you try to lay a hand on her I won't hesitate to lay one on you." He was furious, but as he sat back down the room turned back to normal. Each dwarf was scowling at me, except the two in the back. Right, they don't know the history between us.
"It was nice meeting you, your majesty." I bowed, and turned back towards the door. "I'll be outside, tell me when we're leaving."
"Wait! You haven't even heard about-" Gandalf stands but I raise my hand, silencing him. "At least stay and listen." I stopped, I already new of their quest, there was no reason for me to be in this room. And none of them probably didn't want me to stay anyhow.
"You can sit by us." The man in the back offered, patting the seat next to him with a smile. The other's hissed at him but he ignored their comments, making my way to the end of the table, I sit between him and the blond. Both were slightly blushing, and staring at me with those beautiful eyes though trying to make it less obvious. Thorin continues to eat his stew, making very little eye-contact with me.
"Perhaps we could do introductions? I still only know two of the people in this room."
"Right, that would be best." Gandalf agreed, and he pointed to each individual as he named them off. "Here you have Thorin, the leader of our company. Bofur, with his brothers Bomber and Bifur, then Dwalin, Balin, Gloin, Oin, Dori, Nori and Ori. Then last but not least the two next to you, Kili and Fili." None of them seemed happy, if looks could kill I would've been dead the moment Gandalf mentioned what I was. When Gandalf named off Kili, he winked at me while slightly smirking. I winked back making him look away embarrassed, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.
"What news from the meeting in Ered Luin? Did they all come?" Balin asked, looking over at his king, who nods.
"Aye, envoys from all seven kingdoms."
"And what did the dwarves of the Iron Hill say? Is Dain with us?" Dwalin asked, Thorin hesitated as he stated his answer.
"They will not come." The other dwarves become visibly upset, I decided that this might take awhile. So I played with the little flame that came from my finger, it didn't burn me for I was immune to fire. I was in my own mind, my own little world while humming a melody.
"Can she please leave?" I heard Thorin whisper, leaning closer to the wizard. "She does not belong here." Gandalf knew nothing would get done if I stayed, so he gives me a pleading look. Happily I left the table, and headed back outside, it felt nice out here. Sitting on the pavement I watched the stars, they were a lot farther away now. My kingdom was high up in the sky, higher than the mountain of Erebor. It's far above the clouds where no eye can see, Gandalf made it that way with the help of my mother's grimoire. He made what's called a floating island, only digonisks and wizards can enter. I heard the hobbit door open, and out came Kili with a bowl of food.
"Here." Kili smiled handing me a bowl of stew. "I thought you would be hungry, so I brought you some stew."
"I'm not eating that, especially not from a dwarf." He slowly brought it back to himself, he seemed upset for some reason.
"It's not poisoned if that's what your worried about." He muttered, sitting down next to me. "Here I can test taste it." He quickly took a bite, showing that it wasn't fatal. He handed it back to me with a look of hope.
"Thank you." I took it from him, and hesitantly took my first bite. It tasted delicious, even my people didn't have soup made like this. "Did you make this yourself?"
"Ah no, Bombur made it, mostly for us but I figured you were hungry." Well at least he had some manners, he's certainly more nicer than Thorin. "Don't worry about my uncle, he just, he told me why he hates your kind. Even though that happened, you weren't the one doing the killing."
"Of course he's already spreading rumours." Kili glanced over at me with curiosity. "How about you hear my side of the story. Believe which ever one you want, it won't matter." Cause soon my people will be set free, and each and everyone of you will be filled with guilt. "My kin aren't killers, the village of Hargen had been over run by orcs. We were the first ones to respond to the crisis, and we had driven out the enemy. Yet when the dwarves showed up, Thror believed it to be us who slaughtered them. That wasn't the case, blinded by rage he started rumours about us, saying we weren't peaceful and that we were murders. There already had been rumours, but that was mostly because Digonisks are extremely powerful. The people of Middle Earth knew that if we tried, we could over power them. When they started making rumours, they thought that we would go hide in the shadows. Yet we stilled stayed strong, and when that wasn't enough..." A single tear slipped down my cheek, the horror that occurred in that building was enough to make someone insane. I quickly wiped it away, I can't let him see me weak. "...The dwarves became the true monsters, them and mankind had invited us to the grand ball. I was only a child then, but I remember I was so excited to see the tiny men that roamed our world. Most of us had showed up, and when the doors closed the explosions started."
"...I'm sorry you went through that, but if you hate dwarves so much. Why come and help us?"
"There is something in that mountain that proves my kin is innocent. Reports from Thror himself about what really happened that day. And I intend to find it, so my people can be free once again. That's the main reason why Gandalf brought me here, he showed me a letter from Thrain. Explaining where to find the reports." He looked back to sky, wondering what to say next. I continued to eat my stew, and once I was finished he offered to take the bowl from me.
"Come back inside, surely if you explain to my uncle what's in that mountain he won't hate you as much." I hadn't thought of that, but what if he decides to go burn the papers before I get there? Though he seemed like a respectful man, and if we are going to be working together on this journey then he has to see me as an ally.
"Alright, might as well give it a try." He smiled and grabbed my hand dragging me along with him. "K-Kili wait!" He seemed more excited than I, as we passed each dwarf grimaced at the sight of me.
"Uncle!" Kili exclaimed catching Thorin's attention, he immediately separated our hands. Stepping infront of his nephew he pulled out his sword, pointing it at my neck.
"I suggest you put that thing away, wouldn't want a wizard and a Digonisk fighting you now do you? I have come to show you something, it might make this trip a whole lot easier." He didn't budge, reaching into my cloak I pulled out the same scroll Gandalf had brought me. Thorin slowly took it from my hands and undid the ribbon, his eyes widened in shock at his father's handwriting.
"How did you get this?" He looked back to me, he had hope that his father was alive.
"Gandalf gave it to me, it's the main reason I'm here." Thorin seemed to be more at ease with me in the room now. Did he actually believe his father's words?
"What does is say Thorin?" Balin asked coming closer, Thorin couldn't believe his eyes. Gradually he handed the scroll back to me, and all I saw was remorse in those blue orbs.
"It was written by my father, he says that in my grandfathers room the truth about her kind remain. The real reports about what happened that day in Hargen, if this is true then..." He couldn't finish his sentence, a thousand emotions appeared at once.
"This doesn't mean anything, it could be a lie. Those reports could show something different, but we still don't know if the evidence lies in the mountain." Dwalin interrupted, making the furious look on Thorin's face return. Well so much for that, Gandalf sighs in disappointment. Even he had hope that Thorin would be reasonable, I went to head back outside but Thorin grabs my arm.
"If your coming with us, then you have to sign the contract. I won't be responsible for your death, nor do I feel like dealing with a bunch of angry dragon slayers." Balin, kindly handed me a piece of paper, inside read the rules and what not. They would not be responsible for anything that happens to me, which was fine but if I were to die who would set my people free?
"I want to add something to this, if I am to go on this journey and I die. You must set my people free, get the reports from your grandfather's room and show everyone that my people are innocent. That is all I ask." He seemed shocked at my request, although I didn't want to trust him with this kind of task it was the only way my people would be safe after I'm gone.
"Get me a pen." He grumbled, using my magic I summoned an ethereal white feather. He watched as I wrote down my terms and signed it, then when I handed him the pen he couldn't help but stare at it. It glowed brightly in his hand, never had he seen something like this. After examining it he signed his name on the line, then handed the pen to Balin who signed it as a witness.
"Welcome, Queen Y/n to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." He smiled, that made me feel somewhat welcome. At least he has manners like Thorin's nephew, maybe all dwarves aren't so bad.
"Your welcome to stay inside, get as much sleep as you can. You'll need it for the journey ahead, I have a feeling we're going to be needing those wings of yours." Gandalf suggested but Kili and Fili perked up at his comment.
"Wings? She has wings?" Kili asked coming closer, taking off my cloak I spread them. "I didn't even realize the you could fly!"
"They look a lot smaller when folded, but yes I have wings. There easy to hide under a robe, and not very noticeable." He reached over to touch them, I flinched slightly as his fingers ran over the scales.
"May I?" Thorin asked with a light blush on his face, how could the king under the mountain have rosy cheeks? I nodded, watching him cautiously as he ran his hand over my skin. He let out a small smile as he stretched them farther to get a better look. "They're huge, how could they be so small when tucked away?" He muttered, but when he realized he was getting a little into this he stepped back. That stern look returning to his features. "Get some sleep." That was the last thing he said before walking away, at least he's somewhat warming up to me. I settled in the corner of the hobbit's house away from everyone else, surrounding myself with my wings to keep me warm. After a few minutes of silence, I heard voices again except this time it was the dwarves singing a song. "Far over the Misty Mountains cold. To dungeons deep and caverns old. We must away ere break of day. To find our long-forgotten gold." Thorin's voice was most audible, and for some reason, it soothed me.
"The pines were roaring on the height, the winds were moaning in the night. The fire was red, it flaming spread. The trees like torches blazed with light." I sang along, which made the dwarves silent. The song wasn't unknown to me, everyone outside of the shire knew the story of Erebor. After a moment they sang along after I joined, but softer than before. Maybe because they loved my voice? Or maybe my voice soothed Thorin and he wanted to hear more, as he reassured me.
@fili-is-my-lover @lunariasilver @kirenia15
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amanda-glassen · 3 years
The Wonder Years: Part 8
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While getting ready for her first school dance, twelve-year-old Olivia starts a path toward discovering who she is truly meant to be. Parts 1-7 can be found under the the tag #alex and liv: the wonder years
Thank you @ghostwritingcabenson​ @imaginaryoperagloves​ @cabensons​ @oliviaswifey​ and my lovely anon for all of your really sweet comments and tags.
Cover courtesy of my tumblr wifey @ghostwritingcabenson​
Seeing the brightly colored frozen yogurt shop put Olivia at ease because it was the setting of some of her best childhood memories and now she was going to experience it with her girlfriend.
Olivia did as Jamie had done for her mom and opened the car door for Alex. That small act of chivalry earned a big smile and a ‘thank you’ from Alex, which made Olivia feel as if she had butterflies in her stomach. 
“Babe, why don’t you take Alex inside?” Jamie suggested. “I want to stay out here and talk to Ollie.” Uh oh.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Serena gestured for Alex to follow her. “We can get first pick of the toppings.”
“Yeah!” Alex said excitedly. “I want chocolate chips and chocolate brownie bites.”
“Is everything okay?” Olivia asked, worried that Jamie had a suspicion that she and Alex were hiding something.
“Everything is fine,” Jamie responded. “This is a good talk, I promise.” She pulled a twenty dollar bill out of her wallet and handed it to Olivia.
“Cool! Twenty bucks!” Olivia folded the money and put it in her pocket. “Thanks, Jamie. I was saving up to buy a-”
“It’s not for you, kid,” Jamie interrupted. “It’s for you to treat Alex.”
Olivia tried to hide her disappointment. “But my mom always pays for frozen yogurt.”
Jamie made a failed attempt at stifling her laughter. “Think about it, kid. What’ll score you more points, you paying for her frozen yogurt or your mom paying?”
“Me, I guess,” Olivia groaned. “There goes my new bat.”
Jamie shook her head and wrapped her arm around Olivia to guide her toward the entrance. “I have so much to teach you, Ollie.”
Alex and Serena were already choosing their toppings when Olivia and Jamie entered the frozen yogurt shop. Olivia noticed that her mom had gotten their usual and she was eager to get the same-chocolate flavored frozen yogurt with Oreo crumbles, gummy worms and Fruity Pebbles-a tradition in the Benson household that they had named Dirt and Worms. 
“Mom, I’ll pay for me and Alex,” Olivia told her once all four cups of frozen yogurt were on the counter and ready to be weighed.
Serena took her debit card out of a pink and white polka dot Kate Spade wallet. “It’s okay, baby, I’ll get it. Save your money for that bat you’ve been wanting.” Olivia noticed her mom and Jamie exchange glances and she hoped Jamie could read her mind because she no longer had the slightest idea what to do. “On second thought, it’s probably not cool for your mom to pay for you on your first date.”
“I got this,” Olivia tried to say as smoothly as she could while she pulled out her twenty dollar bill and placed it on the counter.
“And I’m getting yours,” Jamie told Serena. “You already paid for dinner. We’re supposed to be in an equal partnership here.” After Alex and Olivia’s cups of frozen yogurt were paid for, Jamie inserted her card to pay for hers and Serena’s. 
“I paid for us to eat at Hot Dog On A Stick, not some expensive restaurant,” Serena reminded her. “That’s all we had time for after Barnes & Noble and GameStop.”
Jamie picked up their frozen yogurt cups and carried them over to the table. Olivia figured she should do the same for Alex until she saw Alex already eating brownie bites from her frozen yogurt. Better not take that away from her. “I learned an important lesson today, Ser. If I value my life, I will never attempt to take one of your fries. Is it the same with frozen yogurt?”
Serena scrunched her nose. “Yours is vanilla with strawberries, blueberries, and bananas. No wonder you want to steal some of mine.”
Within seconds of sitting down at the table, Olivia’s phone started to vibrate. It was a text from Elliot confirming he'd be at their secret meeting, but Olivia didn't want to risk her mom seeing a message from her dad come through so she decided to put her phone in her pocket. 
"What's this big science project about?" Serena asked them. "I've never seen an assignment have that effect on Olivia."
Olivia was in the middle of chewing a gummy worm, so she was grateful when her quick thinking girlfriend decided to answer. "It's the end of the year project which is worth 25% of our grade. Mrs. Rodriguez is supposed to give us more details on Monday, but my brother had her class three years ago and he said she lets her students pick the topic. Sometimes that's harder because the possibilities are endless. She also doesn't like us to pick partners because someone could get their feelings hurt if they aren't picked, so she puts us in alphabetical order. If she does that, it's fine because I'll get to work with Olivia. Alphabetically there's no one in between us. We should start brainstorming, Olivia."
The last thing Olivia wanted was to think about a science project that wasn't due for another month, but her girlfriend’s enthusiasm was contagious and the project was the only thing keeping her mom from asking questions about what was actually on her mind.
Olivia felt her phone vibrate again, except this time it wasn’t a text from Elliot or any of her other friends. It was another message from her dad that read, “Hey Sport. Wanna get some pizza tomorrow?”
“Who’s that, baby?” her mom asked her. 
“Just Elliot,” Olivia said nonchalantly. “He’s asking if I’m still coming over tomorrow to watch the game. I have to go to the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”
Olivia was grateful that the bathroom was a single stall so nobody could follow her in there. She pulled out her phone from her back pocket immediately after locking the door behind her and started to respond to her dad. “Yeah can we go to Another One Bites the Crust? That’s my favorite. I can meet you there at 1.”
She waited two minutes before another response came through. “Daddy/daughter day tomorrow at 1. They have those rotating basketball hoops outside. Bring your A-game.”
When she returned to their table, a feeling of guilt hit her hard and suddenly. She occasionally hid things from her mom like when she didn’t tell her she had a girlfriend, but this was the first time she had actually lied to her. It was the worst she had ever felt in her entire life and she knew that lie was only the first of many that she’d tell her mom that weekend.
Serena asked Alex about her siblings and Olivia heard Alex talk about her older brother who was fifteen and nice to her and her younger brother who was almost nine and kind of annoying. Olivia loved to hear Alex talk about her home life and her friends and her favorite movies and TV shows, but that night her mind was on her dad and how much fun the two of them were going to have the next day eating pizza and playing basketball.
“Do you have any brothers and sisters?” Alex asked Serena.
With Serena distracted by Alex’s question, Jamie took it upon herself to attempt to steal a gummy worm, but her attempt was soon thwarted by Serena gently smacking her hand. “Hey! Nope. Hands off my worms. If you wanted gummy worms, you should have added some to your frozen yogurt.”
Olivia handed Jamie a couple of her own gummy worms. “Here, Jamie. You can have some of mine. I have a whole bunch.”
Jamie took the worms and held them up to show Serena. “Unlike you, your kid actually shares.”
“What can I say?” Serena smirked. “My kid is better than me. That means I’ve succeeded as a mom.” She held Jamie’s hand on top of the table before turning to Alex. “Sorry, Alex, before we were so rudely interrupted by my gummy worm thief, I was going to tell you that my brother Kyle is two years younger than me and my sister Lexie is one year younger than me. The three of us are really close, like best friends. Kyle and I live in the same building, but Lexie moved back to California after college. She lives in Santa Monica now.”
“Lexie Benson is your sister?” Alex asked, wide eyed and completely in disbelief. “Lexie Benson, the YouTuber? I’ve seen every single one of the videos on her YouTube channel! She does these really funny videos where viewers can request what era or theme they want and she does these in-character spoofs about-” Alex started to blush. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m telling you all of this. She’s your sister so you know all about her channel and her videos. Wait, I think I’ve even seen you in some of them!”
“Yeah, she’ll force me every time I go out to Santa Monica,” Serena smiled at her. “And don’t apologize for getting excited over something. I’ll tell Lexie about you next time I talk to her.”
“Babe, your phone,” Jamie told her as she looked down at Serena’s phone and noticed an incoming video call. 
“It’s my mom,” Serena groaned. “If I don’t answer, she’s going to keep calling.” She swiped across the screen to answer. “Hi, Mom. I’m out right now with Olivia, do you mind if I-”
“Where’s my grandbaby?” Mrs. Benson interrupted her. “I want to talk to her.”
Serena handed the phone to Olivia. “Hi, Grandma!” Olivia said excitedly. “Wanna see my girlfriend Alex? She’s having frozen yogurt with me. Me and her went on our first date tonight.”
“Hi, Mrs. Benson,” Alex said after scooting closer to Olivia. “Pleased to meet you.”
“You’re adorable!” Mrs. Benson responded. “And so well mannered. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Alex. So, tell me, how is my grandbaby on a date? Does she hold open the door and pull out your chair?”
“She’s a perfect gentleman and she’s so cute and sweet and she got me a rose and frozen yogurt tonight,” Alex beamed. “I like Olivia so much.”
Olivia felt butterflies in her stomach and she wanted nothing more than to kiss Alex if they were alone. “Doesn’t Alex look like a princess?” Olivia asked.
“She looks like Princess Grace,” Mrs. Benson told her granddaughter. “She could be a classic Hollywood starlet. And you look so handsome and grown up, my darling grandbaby.”
“Jamie cut my hair,” Olivia said excitedly.
“Jamie,” Mrs. Benson said in a teasing tone of voice, hoping Serena would hear. “Tall, dark, and handsome, herself, the one woman I would consider switching teams for.”
“Mom,” Serena groaned and Olivia couldn’t help but laugh when her mom put her head down on the table in embarrassment.
Olivia handed the phone over to Jamie. “Hi, Melanie. You’re looking beautiful as always. Where are you? I can see the sunset behind you. Are you on vacation?”
“Oh, no, I’m just on our rooftop,” Mrs. Benson said nonchalantly. “Didn’t my daughter tell you about the beach house in Malibu?”
Serena took the phone from Jamie. “I have to go now, Mom. Alex has to get home soon.”
“Not so fast,” Mrs. Benson told her. “Since you neglected to tell me when your spring break was, I looked it up on Columbia’s website and saw that it’s the week after next. I’m booking your flight to LAX. You can bring Jamie so I can finally meet her in person and my grandbaby can bring her little girlfriend and before you object and say you had something planned for my grandbaby, I will save you the effort and say nothing you can plan in that gloomy state you insist on living in is as much fun as the kids will have at the beach and at Disneyland.”
“Disneyland!” Alex said excitedly. “I’ll ask my mom if I can go as soon as I get home.”
Olivia’s dream of riding the teacups together and buying Alex a pair of sparkly Minnie Mouse ears could finally come true. “Please, Mom. Please can we go? I’ll do anything.”
“Don’t be the bad guy, Serena,” Mrs. Benson told her daughter. “I can hear how happy the kids are.”
“It’s 9:45 over here, Mom,” Serena said in a frustrated tone of voice. “I have to hang up now so we can take Alex home. Bye, Mom. I love you. I’ll call you tomorrow.” Serena set her phone on the table and then turned to face Jamie. “One thing I hate about smartphones is that you can’t angrily close them when you wanna hang up on someone. Nothing gave me more satisfaction as a teenager than hanging up on my mom with my pink bedazzled Motorola Razr phone whenever she nagged me about something like she is right now. She completely undermines my parenting every chance she gets. What if I had something planned for Ollie?”
“At least you knew how to use that phone because, apparently, you can’t use this one,” they heard Mrs. Benson say. “I’m still on the line, Serena. I’m booking your flight and I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Olivia looked across the table at her flustered mom and at Jamie who was trying to contain her laughter. The short interaction with her grandma had made all of her negative feelings go away. Tomorrow, she’d spend the afternoon with her dad and, as long as they could convince Mr. and Mrs. Cabot, she’d soon be at Disneyland with the love of her twelve-year-old life.
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neptunetheplanet7 · 3 years
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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝐮𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐫
;mikasa ackerman x fem!lesbian!reader
;modern au, band au
word count: 2.0k
warnings: swearing, zeke
listen to the music masterlist
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Just as you were about to say something else to Mikasa, the doorbell rang, interrupting the moment. She let go of your hair and stood at her full height.
"Are you expecting anyone?" She asked.
"No, we're not." With confusion evident on your face, you got off the stool and lightly kicked it under the counter.
Your eyebrows knitted together as you made your way to the front door.
On the other side of the glass, you saw a blond bearded man struggling to hold around five suitcases. He noticed you reaching for the door handle and grinned widely.
"Surprise!" He shouted and dropped his luggage on the marble floor when the door was fully opened. He raised his arms and tried to hug you. Scowling, you evaded his embrace.
"Zeke, what the hell are you doing here?" Your grip on the door tightened with every word.
Zeke frowned. "Do I need a reason to visit my sister?"
You rolled your eyes. "I'm not your sister. And typically, yes, you would."
"Okay, well, you're like my sister." He paused to adjust his glasses. "Have you forgotten? Eren's twenty-second is coming up. There's so much to do!" His excited facade was transparent to you.
"You didn't care about his twenty-first. Or his twentieth, for that matter. What's the sudden interest in your brother's life?" You raised an eyebrow as he visibly grew nervous.
"Well, you see, uh-" He twiddled his thumbs and your eyes narrowed. "Here's the thing-"
"Spit it out, Zeke." Mikasa cut him off when she rounded the corner. She crossed her arms as she leaned against the staircase railing.
"Mikasa! I didn't know you were back!" Zeke made rapid hand gestures toward her, eager to change the subject.
"I didn't know you were back, either. At least I gave a warning," she uttered, earning an incredulous look from the blond.
"Zeke, why are you here?" you continued.
His eyes briefly shifted to a houseplant before training back on you. "What if I told you I'm not allowed in the state of Nebraska?" He gave you a meek smile and your jaw dropped.
Mikasa snorted. "What the hell did you do in Nebraska?"
"Nothing!" he assured. "It's just that I may or may not be several million dollars in debt and on the run from the police." He looked down at his muddy boots in shame.
"You're WHAT?" You gaped at him. You'd known Zeke long enough to have it figured out that he brought trouble wherever he went but he was usually careful enough not to get banned from a state.
"It's not as bad as you think! I just got into a little quarrel with some guys. Everything is fine. Just let me stay here for a while," he said sheepishly.
"I am not letting a fugitive stay in my home!" you exclaimed.
"I'm not a fugitive! There's no need to use terms like that!"
"You're banned from Nebraska! I'll call you whatever I want!"
"What's all the commotion about?" Eren was walking down the stairs when he saw his older brother at the door. His mouth dropped open and he gripped the railing beside him. "Zeke?!"
"Why didn't you tell me your brother was in town?" You glared up at him.
"Because I didn't know!" He started to flail his arms around while simultaneously trying to make sense of the situation.
"Hey, little brother. Can I sleep in your room?"
"Zeke's not allowed in Nebraska," Mikasa informed.
"What?!" Eren clutched the railing with one hand and his head with the other whilst continuing his descent down the stairs. "What even is Nebraska?" he mumbled with wide eyes.
"Doesn't matter. I wanna know how he managed to be banned from it." You glowered at the man in front of you.
"Y/n, will you please let me inside? It's cold even in March, you know." Zeke pleaded and pretended to shiver.
You glanced back at Eren for a sign of his approval. The house was yours, but Zeke was his brother. It wasn't like this was the first time he needed to stay over, anyway. Unlike mere seconds before, he now held a serious expression. He nodded at you and beckoned for Zeke to follow him.
He heaved a relieved sigh and nearly tackled you with a hug. "Thank you so much, Y/n! You won't regret this, I promise."
It felt like your bones were being crushed by his weight as your face was pushed up against his jacket. He reeked of an old car. "Okay, get off me, old man!" Your voice was muffled as you tried to push him away. He backed up and brushed your shoulders off before grabbing his luggage and disappeared into the basement with his younger brother.
You sighed heavily and plopped down on the stairs. "He got mud all over my floors. I just cleaned them too." Your head fell into your hands as you stressed over Zeke's sudden arrival. As if there wasn't enough on your plate already.
Mikasa laughed quietly as she draped an arm around your shoulders and sat down beside you. The sudden contact made your ears burn red. "Any particular reason for cleaning?" she hinted teasingly.
You lifted your head as you apprehensively stammered out a poor explanation.
She laughed at you again and you couldn't help but wonder if it's always been that easy to make her laugh. You thought about it for a moment and concluded to yourself that it didn't matter what made her laugh, as long as you got to hear it.
A dreamy smile spread across your face as you watched how her newly short hair fell in front of her eyes when she laughed like that.
It seemed she noticed your thoughtful gaze because she tucked the hair behind her ear and peered down at you. "What are you looking at?" she whispered.
The sound of footsteps resounded from the stairs behind you. "Woah, I hope I'm not interrupting anything," Jean smirked when he saw how close you and Mikasa were. He parted the two of you by removing Mikasa's arm so he could walk in between.
Your face grew red when you realized what you had said to her and it grew even redder when you noticed Mikasa had a similar amount of color dusting her cheeks.
"Heads up, I'm going to Marco's right now so if anyone asks that's where I'll be." He corrected the slight wrinkles in his new shirt and grabbed his keys from the key-hook.
Mikasa was quick to add to his words. "It's nice to see you and Marco are still going strong. I'm happy for you, Jean, really." She smiled up at him honestly.
Jean's tinted cheeks gave away his embarrassment. "Oh, thanks. Uh, I'm also really happy for, um, whatever you guys have going on." He grinned but quickly covered his mouth when he saw a look of distress flash across your face. "Uh, sorry, I have to go now. See you guys later." He mumbled another apology and turned sharply on his heel to make a mad dash at the front door.
Mikasa chuckled and shook her head. "He can be such a dork sometimes," she said when the door closed behind him.
"That's true," you admitted softly. You were a little displeased that she kept her arm in her lap instead of wrapping it around you again now that Jean had vanished.
"I take it Zeke's kept up with his habits since I've been gone?" she assumed.
An exasperated sigh left your lips. "He shows up at least once or twice a year wanting to stay. He always owes somebody money but, as far as I know, this is the first time he's been permanently banned from a state. I don't love letting criminals in my household but you know how Eren gets."
"I see. I do remember how angry he'd get with us when we wanted Zeke to leave," she recalled dejectedly.
"I just wish he wouldn't get his hopes up every time he asks to stay." You frowned and tapped your fingers against the wooden stair you sat on.
"I hope he can stay long enough for Eren's twenty-second. It'd be nice if he could spend his birthday with him."
"That can be arranged." You ran a shaky hand through your hair. "Will you be okay at a party for him?" you inquired timidly. Considering what happened the last time she was at a party, you felt the need to know if she'd be alright with going since Eren's birthday was rapidly approaching.
Mikasa was surprised by the question. "Of course I will be. Y/n, you know I'm over what happened. You don't have to worry about what I think. It's cute you care, though." She squeezed your shoulder gently and gave you a reassuring smile.
Before you could respond, she stood from her position next to you and started up the stairs. "I'm gonna get changed. I'll see you later."
When she was out of your sight, you gave a final weighted sigh. You had to figure out what you were going to do with Zeke. The feelings that came with Mikasa being home already clouded your mind, not to mention the stress of Hitch on your ass as well.
For Eren's sake, Zeke should stay for a little bit. Mikasa suggested he should leave once Eren's birthday passes and that made sense. However, that would mean he'd be living in your house for two weeks.
You groaned and leaned back. There was only one person who would know how to help. You spun around and scrambled up the creaky stairs.
Facing the office door, you opened it and watched Armin move hastily to turn off their monitor.
"What are you doing?" You raised an eyebrow and leaned on the doorframe.
"Important research." He swiveled the chair to face you and rested his arms in his lap.
"Yeah, right," you snickered. "Did you know Zeke is here?"
Armin nodded. "I overheard everything. It's not like you people are quiet."
"Okay, so what should I do about it?" Moving to sit on the couch, you placed your hands on the cushions under you.
They shrugged. "I don't know. What should you do about it?"
"Come on, Armin. I came in here because I need your help with this." You sent him a worried glance.
"Y/n, at the end of the day, this is your house. You decide who stays and who doesn't. If you want him here, let him stay. If you don't, kick him out."
He couldn't just ignore the obvious issue present. "But what about Eren?"
"What about him? Eren respects you more than he respects anyone else. He wouldn't want to do something if you weren't comfortable with it. The guy trusts you with his life." He spoke like the answer was so clear.
You pursed your lips and thought over what they said. "I don't want to hurt him, though."
He wore a compassionate smile. "None of us do, but the difference between us is that he would listen to you.  So, with that said, how long will you let Zeke stay?"
You looked down at your hands and thought back to your conversation with Mikasa and about the conversation you just had with the man across from you. "He can stay until Eren's birthday party. When that's passed, he'll have to leave."
When you looked up, you noticed Armin was still smiling at you. "I knew you'd make a good decision."
"I always do, don't I?" You joked.
He snorted and adjusted his chair to face his computer again. "You wouldn't be able to without me."
You feigned offense and stood up. "You're too cruel."
"Sure I am. Now leave my office, peasant. I'm busy." He waved you away with a dramatic flair of his hand.
You scoffed. "I bet you don't have actual work to do and you're just being a freak on the internet, like usual."
He flipped you off. "If you don't leave I'll have to use brute force."
"Whatever, whatever, Armeen, don't be harsh." You sauntered out of the office before he could scold you about the nickname.
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posted: 8/31/21
neptunetheplanet7© 2021
no edits, reposts, or modification to my work by anyone other than me.
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
Here’s the link for the full version ^ ——
Sister dear (Steve x sister reader)
(This is preseason one to show you what the background is on the whole story)
(let me know if you think this should be published as a separate book!)
You and Steve had a rocky start to being siblings.
You were born four years apart.
He was born in a time when your parents actually loved each other. They had time for birthdays and family weekends together. They went out to the park on saturdays. They were a picture perfect family.
It just so happened that when you were born, your father stopped being quite so faithful to your mother. When you came into the world, your father was in Europe on a business trip. And he wasn't only up to business.
Little Steve had adored you at first. He always wanted to hold you or play with you.
But then their parents no longer had time for him.
It was always work... and taking care of you.
It slowly changed over the years to only work, as your mother could no longer trust your father. Steve was left to watch you for weeks on end. He was good at it at first. He used to watch you carefully. He used to make sure you were happy and well...
Until he could no longer see his friends.
He was ten. You were five.
He began to leave you at home. At first it was only for thirty minutes while he went to the park. Then it was an hour every day during his elementary school days while he went to the movies.
You were seven when you began cooking your own meals.
You TRIED talking to him. You really did.
You tried catching his sleeve whenever he breezed past. You tried showing him crafts you made. You tried playing music you thought he might like.
That ended with twelve year old Steve pushing you away.
It ended with your works of art thrown in the trash.
Your music cassettes were thrown onto the road.
Your mother made sure both of you knew to never walk into the middle of the road, so you could only cry as some unknowing stranger destroyed your wonderful music. The music you had saved up all your allowance for. The music that you had thought your older brother would like. The music that you thought might bring you two together.
When your mother and father returned, you tattled.
Steve was grounded for a whole week.
But he always needed to have the last say. So he sold your boom box and spent all the money on comics. He threw your sketchbook in the quarry water. He shoved you to the floor, saying that if you ever tattled again then you would join your drawing book in the cold water.
You stopped trying to give Steve your attention and love. You no longer wished he would spend more time at home. So you began exploring the town by yourself at the age of nine. You didn't really have friends to hang out with so you would browse through stores.
The arcade was your favorite place.
You loved showing up early on Saturday mornings, before Steve was even awake, and leaving behind a new high score on the dragons lair.
Because it always riled up a group of boys your age. They had no idea who kept beating them over and over. Every Sunday morning you watched them walk in... only to scream a few seconds later about how someone had beaten their score by ONE point. Again.
You loved having some sort of connection to them. Even if they didn't know it was you. Or even who you were at all. They were a weird little group, strictly sticking with only other A.V club kids. Besides, you hardly ever talked. What would be so special about you?
It also didn't help that your older brother had begun to build himself a reputation. When you were ten, he began to be known as king Steve. You knew he bullied one of the kids (wills) older brother while beginning to flirt with another's (mike's) older sister.
You knew this because your father began forcing Steve to drive you home from school. That was the rule he set when he gave Steve the car.
Every day you trekked to the high school, only to watch Steve hang around Nancy Wheeler and push Johnathan Byers. You would have intervened and told him that you really didn't want to wait twenty minutes (out of sight) for him to be done. But the last time he did that he made you ride the way home in the trunk of his car.
When you were eleven, you started hanging out at Melvald's convenience store in the town square. Your favorite time to go there was at 7:00, because Mrs. Byers would always work the morning shift.
Wills mother was really quite wonderful. Every time you walked in she greeted you with a smile and lowered her magazine.
"Whatcha lookin for today, kiddo?" She smiled softly, leaning on the counter to watch you browse.
"Any new cassette tapes." You shrugged, fingering each music case that caught your eye. "Do you have any Clash? I... lost mine." You didn't lose it. Steve broke it when he heard you mutter about how much you hated Tommy H.
"Yeah, we got a new box of cassettes delivered this morning." She hopped up and waved for you to follow her to the back room. "I miiiight have snagged a Clash cassette for you when I saw it." She grinned as she held the door open for the young girl.
"You didn't need to buy anything for me!" You gasped. You knew that the Byers needed all the money they could get. "Can I pay you back?" You immediately began digging through your pockets for spare change.
She placed a guiding hand on your back as you both entered, pulling you away from your search. "Oh no it's fine! It's the least I can do for my most frequent visitor."
She plucked the music case off the shelf and handed it to you. "You go to Hawkins elementary, right? You should talk to my son. Will. He also loves the Clash."
You turned red and clutched the cassette. "I've...seen him around before. I don't know how to talk to him."
"Oh it's easy!" She grabbed the spare paper and crayons you always used when you visited. "You just need to find common ground. For example," she pulled up a stool beside her for you to sit at, "you both like to draw!"
You placed down the paper and got working on your art. "Will it make a difference if I draw cartoons and he draws realistic? What if the difference is too big for him to want to talk to me?"
"It'll give you more to talk about!"
So began your quest to pursue friendship.
You attempted to speak to Will and his friends in the hall.
They were talking too loud about their latest campaign to hear you.
You tried asking to sit by them at lunch.
They were too busy launching potato's at the ceiling to notice.
Right when you almost gave up... Will and you were paired together as partners for a history project.
'Don't mess it up, don't mess it up', you told yourself over and over as you moved to sit by Will. 'Don't be weird. See if he'll talk first. Don't be clingy.'
Wills was equally quiet. He just read through the rubric of the project and stayed silent.
'What can we talk about... what should I say?'
A drawing poking out of wills bag caught your eye. It looked like a wizard casting some sort of spell.
"I like your drawing!" You blurted out, wishing you could just shut up.
Wills jumped, startled. "Yeah... umm.. it's from... uh... it's from our last campaign.." he began fiddling with his thumbs, unsure of what to say to a girl. "Our DnD campaign... I mean."
You nodded along. "I like to draw to! I've never... I've never played DnD before... so I like to draw people."
Will cracked a shy smile. "I'll show you my drawing if you show me one of yours."
You agreed hesitantly.
He took your cartoon and you took his master piece. You desperately wished you could draw like him. Your cartoons looked so simple, as Steve always said.
"You're a cartoonist!" Will smiled, holding the paper out in front of him. It was a caricature of Mrs. Byers. "You must be the girl my mom sees at her job!" His eyes were wide with recognition. "This is so good! I wish I could draw cartoons. But whenever I try... they look like potato's." He laughed.
You flushed a deep red. "I... I'm also the one that beats your scores every Saturday." You admit.
His jaw dropped. "No way. We've been trying to figure out who that was for months! We formed a whole list of people to interrogate!" He ran a hand through his hair.
You giggled. "I can prove it... if you want. Next Saturday I could show you and your friends? At the arcade?"
"Yeah! I'm totally down to hang out at the arcade!"
Will had brought you to the A.V club after to ask the rest of the party. You had protested at first. What if they didn't like you? What if they said no? You would look so stupid! You tried to use your brother driving you home as an excuse.
But if you brought Steve up... no. You couldn't start a potential friendship like that.
Will proposed the ideas to everyone excitedly.
It seemed that Lucas had a problem with it immediately.
"Sorry Will, but we can't." Lucas shook his head. "We've got plans."
Your heart dropped.
"Wait," Dustin frowned and turned to his friend. "What plans? I wasn't aware of any plans."
Lucas crossed his arms. "Remember? Our campaign?"
"We don't have a-."
Lucas elbowed him harshly and looked at you. "Can you leave for a second? We need to talk. ALONE."
You nodded and stepped out of the room. "Yeah totally! Just let me know when-."
The door slammed in your face.
You know you shouldn't have but you pressed your ear to the door anyway.
"What's your damage?" Mike Wheeler hissed quietly.
"Don't you know who she is?" Lucas accused.
"No... should we?" Will whispered in confusion.
"That's Y/N Harrington!" Lucas spat out.
"Steve Harrington's little sister." Dustin stated, now understanding.
Mike groaned. "The douche bag my sisters hooked on?"
"Yes! What if she's exactly like him?"
"You mean a total mouth breather? A player? An absolute jackass?"
You sunk to the floor. Of course Steve ruined the only chance you might have of a friendship. How could she think that these kids would look past her family's reputation? No one ever did. Even her teachers expected her to be disruptive and rude.
"Guys." Will intervened. "I talked to her in history."
"What about the party?"
Will lowered his voice, causing you to lean a little closer to the door. "She doesn't act like him. She never called me any names. She never told me that I'm a freak. She tried to talk to me about art."
"Steve definitely doesn't appreciate art." Dustin mumbled.
Wills continued. "She's a cartoonist. And I think she might be like us. You know who kept beating our dragon lair record?"
"Please tell me it wasn't Troy."
"Y/N Harrington."
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 5
"Father you know I respect you." Damian said and everyone at the dining table stilled as they were about to get up and leave. "But I must admit, as my brothers would say, you've majorly fucked up." 
Bruce sighed. He had thought about that - had Alfred scold him for having benched Damian - for doing as Damian had said and taking out his anger about his own failures on his other children. But that didn't make this any easier.
"Damian I know you're mad I didn't tell you about your sister-"
"Oh this is not about that. Well not entirely. They are connected but this is not about Marinette alone." When no one spoke, he took it as his cue to continue. 
"You saw in her files that there were some vague details about her being possessed by an akuma. Did you figure out what they are? Because I have an its not pretty. Actually, it's bad enough to warrant an intervention of the Justice League as a whole but my sister tells me that they were told not to waste the JL's time." 
His youngest's face was worryingly blank. It reminded him of all the times he was set upon something and right now it seemed that his new focus was his older sister. Bruce supposed, he should be thankful that Damian's attention towards her was not of the murderous kind. 
"What do you mean?" He made sure to keep his voice free from emotions. 
"From what she told me, they asked for help several times until someone from the JL dismissed their problems as a prank, a joke without any investigation or anything about their claims."
Someone was going to be hearing from Batman soon. 
"And what about the akumas?" 
"It's enough to need more than one member of the JL. I've see a video of one of the attacks, it's...horrifying and according to Marinette it was one of the tamer ones." 
"Do you have them?" His sons all looked annoyed and he knew they were probably thinking that he was letting superhero work take precedence over his family again. But that was how he worked. He didn't know what to do about the situation with Marinette but this - this could find a solution to. 
"There are videos of them online." 
Damian seemed to take that as his cue to get up and walk away. 
"I'll play the videos in the cave." 
Marinette hadn't necessarily had the best time in the last years but one thing he had definitely learned was who were her real friends and who weren't.
It was before the worst month of her life but things had already started taking a turn for the worse for her at that point. 
Her so called friends all started to believe Lila over her, started to - as she now knew - emotionally blackmail her, only gave her the time of the day whenever she did something for them or to scold her for whatever she apparently did for poor Lila. 
She was oh so tired and every second she wasted made her feel more guilty. 
Hawkmoth had come back more enraged than ever after the Miracle Queen incident and she had done the mistake of lending the more Miraculous out.
She had given Kagami and Luka both different Miraculous for them to fight alongside her because they both have strong spirits and a good resonance with several kwamis but... let's just say that she would never forgive herself for what they had to experience because of her.
In desperation, she tried to find other holders that she hadn't used before who resonated but that...that had been a huge mistake. She almost lost more than one Miraculous that day. 
She was their Guardian. And that day she vowed that she would die first before letting something happen to the Kwamis.
She was fighting alone now. Chat Noir...Chat Noir was even more pushy about revealing themselves after the the chaos that had occured. He hindered more than he helped, never showing up on time. 
Things had come to head one day as she walked into class. The whole incident had involved a bunch of sheep and a ripped sketchbook - hers to be precise. 
It proved to actually be a relief to let go if them. She had never realized how much their 'friendship' had been dragging her down. 
I got permission to use this fic as a reference for her backstory so check it out. Thanks for that btw.
That experience proved to be helpful later when she felt like there was no one she could trust. 
Apprenticeship with Master Fu had since long taught her that it was better to feel than to see. She had learnt to recognise auras rather than faces and in the end that might have been her saving grace - or well at least the start of her path back to sanity. 
She had learnt to see and remember the auras of her friends rather than anything else because afterall the soul didn't lie.
After everything, well her reliance on auras had only increased. 
Meeting her brothers had been amazing and even more so now that it seemed that they wanted to have a relationship with her.
But one things that bothered her were their auras. 
It wasn't that they were bad - it was that they were scarred, hardened and she could basically see that they had suffered in the past. 
The worst of them were probably Jason and Damian. Their auras made it very clear that they had been dipped in the Lazarus pits.
Jason...Jason's soul had been corrupted at such a point that she doubted that the pits had been used for anything less than bringing him back from the dead. 
And Damian - Damian's soul seemed to have some of the pits as a foundation. She gathered that he had been dunked into the pools more than once when he was a child. There was something else in his aura too that showed that he had died not long ago too. 
There was also another aura that seemed to have to have linked with both of them which made her sure of their last fates and Marinette shuddered to think what had happened to them. 
She had to remind herself that the past was in the past and while she couldn't change that, she could at least help them have a better future. 
So, one could say, that she was nervous for this upcoming dinner.
The dinner didn't go as expected - at all. 
Firstly, they were late. All of her brothers and sister were late, very very late. Marinette was not impressed, especially give that Damian wasn't answering his phone. 
But this was Gotham, the few kwamis she had brought with her reasoned, there was probably a problem and wasn't it better that were safe inside than stuck outside and hurt? 
Just as she was about to say screw it and transform using the fox Miraculous to see if she could help the bats, she felt the magic around the house shift. 
Marinette focused in the disturbance and closed her eyes reaching out for their auras. She soon snapped her eyes open and let a smile come on her face - she knew those auras. But why were they entering from the window? 
Marinette shrugged it off and signalled the kwamis to hide while she went to greet them. 
She was not ready for the sight that she came upon. Her siblings were all in a state of disarray and it looked like they were trying to be silent. 
They were of course failing miserably given what seemed to be a bullet wound in Jason and a stab would in Dick and the rest of them all seemed to have been beat up to at least some degree.
"What the fuck?" Marinette felt like the situation called for her language to be excused. 
They all froze in place before slowly turning to look at her. 
"Uh hey." Dick or should she say Nightwing because apparently she wasn't stressed enough gave her a short wave.
She cursed and buried her face in her hands. "Of course I can't have normal siblings."
"Siblings?" Black Bat seemed suprised. She couldn't recognize her aura, Marinette decided that she must have been Cassandra. 
"You must be confused ma'am." Red Robin jumped in and Marinette rolled her eyes. "I'm not stupid Timothy." And then just to prove her point she point at each one of them in turn. "Jason, Dick, Damian and who I'm guessing is Cassandra."
"What makes you say that?" Tim seemed to be ever the player of words. 
She sighed, knowing they wouldn't budge until she proved that she truely believed her words. 
"Well, why else would you be here?"
"Uh because it was the nearest place we found to nurse our wounds and last time we checked this place was abandoned?"
"Let's say that's true. Wouldn't it make more sense for you to go a place where you could actually have access to supplies to treat your wounds? Not to mention the fact that that-" she pointed at the hole in Jason's shoulder. "-is a bullet wound and I heard no gunshot. And lastly, what a coincidence it is that Black Bat who is known to work in Hong Kong comes back to Gotham at the same time as my sister Cassandra who from what I've heard also is currently living in Hong Kong too." 
No one replied. 
"So do you want to continue arguing or are you idiots going to let me help you before you bleed all over my floor."
Unsurprisingly it was Damian who moved the first - it made sense, he was the one who had spent most time with her and at least had a modicum of trust in her. 
He removed his mask and met her eyes. "Do you have a first-aid kit?"
She nodded. "Get in the bathroom and get those two in the tub." She nodded towards Dick and Jason. I'll bring it to you." 
Marinette hurried to her bed room to find her probably over-packed first aid kit. She had brought it for herself so that in case of a bad akuma attack she could take care of her wounds - after all her cure took care of everyone else before her, she had enough scars to prove that not that she could distinguish them from those the cat had given her.
She was glad to see that they had followed her instructions. Jason and Dick were seated in her honestly huge tub and they along with the rest had made themselves comfortable, having discarded their armor. 
She placed the first-aid kit down and kneeled next to Dick. She felt that the stove would in the stomach took more precedence. 
Jason reached out for the kit but Marinette batted his hand away. 
"You're injured, sit down quietly." She snapped and to everyone's surprise, he did as he was told. 
Marinette started treating their wounds, thanking the kwamis that she had done a medical course as soon as she had realised that her wounds could not heal from the cure. 
She had finally taken care of the more dangerous wounds and Marinette had enough of them squirming so she broke the silence "So, why in the world did you come here instead of going to your hyper-tech batcave with most certainly more medical facilities than my humble abode?"
She had to supress a smile as the boys looked among themselves. Finally it was Cassandra that replied. 
"Did not want to miss dinner. You." 
"Well you were already two hours late, you could just have sent me a text that you'd be a little more late."
"Didn't want to take chance."
Marinette smiled up at her. "Well I'm done, come on, I'll get you some clothes to change into."
"I don't think you'll have anything that will fit us."
"I'm a designer." She called over her shoulder. "I always have spares. Anyways, Cassandra-" 
"Right, well Cass come with me, we're about the same size, you can take something of mine."
She led Cass to her bedroom and guided her to her wardrobe while she picked something for the boys.
She totally hadn't hoped to see her siblings during this trip and had this made something for them. Nope. Absolutely not.
She handed each of them their clothes. "Choose a room if you want, I have more than enough of them, then come down, I'm re-heating the food."
She smiled at Damian as he came down the stairs. "I tried my hand at some Arabic food. I hope you like it." 
The boy looked awed. He walked to her and gave her a hug. "You're my new favourite sibling." Marinette laughed and pressed a kiss in his hair. "I love you too little brother."
She heard the disbelieving whisper of Demon Spawn? And looked up to see the rest. 
She squeezed Damian's shoulder one last time before she pulled away, guiding him to sit down.
"Well dig in. You must be famished after your fight."
They did exactly that and soon were making their appreciation known. 
"It's the first time I've attempted Arabic food, I don't know if I got the spices right.*
"It's delicious Pixie Pop. Don't worry.*
"Todd's right Mari. I haven't eaten anything this good since I came to Gotham."
"Really? Alfred didn't immediately dote on you and cook you all the food you wanted. "
He looked uncomfortable. "I was a difficult child back then."
"Was?" Jason snorted while Dick elbowed him. 
Casssandra intervened. "You good at cleaning wounds. Hands stable."
"Yes well unfortunately it's not the first time I've had to do this."
"How come?" 
"Did Damian tell you about the akuma attacks?" They nodded. "Well, Paris had since adapted to handle the akuma attacks. A lot of people have taken medical courses for extensive first aid to be able to help the unfortunate victims of an akuma."
"I thought that your superhero reversed all the damage."
"Well yeah. But Ladybug was insistent to make it clear that they couldn't bank everything on her. If she's taken down, everything's lost."
"This has been going for how many years. How do you still trust that hero?"
"And for how many years have the Joker been spreading his terror?" She asked drily and saw several of them recoil - Jason and Tim especially. 
"Ladybug is doing all that she can only get so far with Chat Noir around."
"Chat Noir? I thought that he was her partner?"
"He's supposed to be but we'll these days he causes more trouble than he stops. People hope he doesn't show up because the battles are always over quicker when he's not there." She could see that they wanted to ask more but number one she didn't want to talk about Chat Noir and number two she felt like if she continued talking, she would slip up and say something she shouldn't know and the risk of them catching it was greater since they were themselves heroes.
"And anyways, Hawkmoth only comes out in a blue moon and that's only when he has a lot of faith in his plans."
"So there are a lot of these akuma attacks?" 
"I guess it's kind of become a daily event by this point. People plan stuff taking it into consideration and if we're unlucky, there will be more than one in a day."
"So what type of akumas are there?"
"It depends really over what you've been akumatized. We've had a Pharaon, a Mime, Mr Pigeon and Mr Rat as well as Syren in the first year." 
"Those seem like... interesting characters." Jason said. 
"Wait until you hear this." Marinette snorted. "We had a Batman knock-off once, Owlman - he had his own electronic butler and everything."
The bats shared a look before they all bursted out laughing at once. 
How could they not, imagining Bruce's face upon learning of this?
"You need to tell us this story."
Marinette was more than eager to comply. 
It's too long so I'm gonna reblog the rest
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bagelbright-tok · 4 years
Prompt #19
Prompt supplied by @write-it-motherfuckers​ (Sorry for the tag/ any disturbances!) Amazing prompts per usual.
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Malcolm Bright/Whitly x Aunt Fem!Reader
Warning(s): Violence, mentions of murder and killing, weird drama and interactions. I didn’t re-read through this, so there’s that.
Word Count: 1674 words
Good First Impressions
This next case was intriguing, frustrating, and far too personal for Malcolm to be working on. Another wanna-be serial killer was going around, having similar killing techniques to The Surgeon’s. In simple terms; The Surgeon’s Extension. The killer seemed to be having fun with it too. They only left evidence they wanted the team to find. They left cryptid messages. Clues. Things to throw them off.
There was one clue, though, that piqued Malcolm’s interest.
“His blood flows within me too. We are family.”
This was either a sign that the killer was deranged, or it actually meant something.
Gil was rather spooked. He knew something that he was keeping from everyone. Malcolm was surprised that Gil knew something about Martin Whitly’s family, when Malcolm himself was a part of that family. What would Gil know that Malcolm didn’t?
Malcolm entered Gil’s office quite suspiciously. He closed the door behind him, causing Gil to look up curiously.
“What’s up, kid?”
Gil set down what he was doing, now sitting straight up in his chair.
“What does the note mean?”
Malcolm asked bluntly.
Gil dropped his head and sighed. He brought his head back up, staring at Malcolm once again.
Gil sighed.
“Just give it to me straight. You’re obviously withholding because you think it will upset me.”
Malcolm approached the desk more.
Gil sighed once more, rising from his seat. He raised his arms slightly, just to slap them back down onto his thighs.
He relented.
“I’ll give it to you straight.”
Gil approached Malcolm, setting a hand on his shoulder.
“I can take it, whatever it-”
“Martin Whitly has a sister.”
Gil interrupted Malcolm.
“Your aunt’s name is [Y/N] Whitly. She changed her name to [Y/N] Ackers.”
Malcolm was shocked. He stayed silent, processing what Gil had just told him.
Malcolm took a step back, causing Gil to remove his hand.
“That can’t be right. Why wouldn’t I remember her?”
“She never really visited you as kids. She isn’t a kid kind of person,”
Gil explained regrettably
“Doesn’t this mean she’s a suspect? Are you going to bring her in?”
Malcolm was very concerned now.
Gil shook his head.
“I don’t know. She- She wouldn’t do something like this.”
Gil turned his back, making his way to his chair.
“How do you know what she is like? I don’t even know what she is like.”
Malcolm inquired, suspicious of Gil.
Gil just glanced over at Malcolm, almost sadly. He once again shook his head as he returned to his sitting position and back to his work.
Malcolm took this as a sign to leave. And so he did. He left Gil’s office, and left the precinct, off to find this lady he’d never met. How would he find her though? She was obviously in New York if Gil was nervous. But New York is an entire state with millions of people. Perhaps, just maybe, there would be one person that knew. Dr. Martin Whitly. 
(I don’t wanna create an entire ass conversation between Malcolm and Martin. I might lose motivation afterwards, so let’s just--)
It was the next day. More like, night. Around 7 in the afternoon. Malcolm pulled into [Y/N]’s driveway. It was a dirt driveway with only one other car there. It must be hers. She has to be home.
Malcolm hesitantly exited his vehicle, and approached her front door. The house wasn’t large, but it most certainly wasn’t a home you’d get for just yourself. It was a dark wood, almost cabin-like, home. Two windows looked out into the front, but you couldn’t actually see through them. They were covered with thick blankets. Malcolm looked at the windows, slightly confused. He knocked on the door, and waited anxiously. A minute passed. No noise was heard. Maybe he was being impatient, but did she even hear the knock?
There wasn’t a doorbell. So Malcolm settled for pounding on the door again.
“[Y/N] Ackers!?”
He bellowed at the door.
Little did Malcolm know, he was causing a great amount of fear to the one inside the cabin home.[Y/N] was awake, reading in her small library. It was dead silent until she heard the familiar creeks of the front porch steps. She closed her book slowly, setting it on her seat as she rose, turning out the light and slowly and quietly exiting the room. She entered the area just outside where her front door was. Then again, pounding at the door, along with yelling. She jumped in place, frightened by the aggressive pounding, and by the yelling of her name. [Y/N] bolted into her bedroom. She was panicking already. After recent events, she’d been on edge. The paparazzi had definitely become a blazing flame. Crazy people had tried breaking into her home already. She couldn’t stand it anymore. In an act of irrational reasoning, she broke the glass of her cabinet containing old antique items. One of those items being a one sided battle axe. It wasn’t too large, but [Y/N] still weld it with both hands.
Malcolm heard the shattering of glass, and sounds of movement. He hadn’t a clue of what was going on, but it couldn’t be good. Now worried, Malcolm knocked rapidly. In a series of odd events, Malcolm believed [Y/N] to be in danger due to her ties to The Surgeon, and [Y/N] believed she was facing another crazy person ready to break into her home. As [Y/N] cautiously stepped around her dark home, Malcolm took it upon himself to break in to see what was happening. He managed to break through her front window, barely getting cut as the glass shattered. [Y/N] was terrified now. She didn't think someone would actually do it and break through her window.
Malcolm was worried and concerned about her deep inside. As Malcolm made his way inside the home, [Y/N] continued to tread cautiously as well. 
Malcolm called out again.
Hearing her name being called out sent chills down her spine. She wanted to freak out. But panicking would kill her. She spotted the intruder's dark form wandering her living room. She hid in her hallway, terrified. Sweat dripped from her forehead.
"Ms. Ackers!?"
The man yelled again.
[Y/N] just needed a perfect moment to strike. And that moment came sooner than later. Malcolm turned his back to her. [Y/N] was behind him in seconds. She didn't know what came over her. Right now, she knew she was over him with a battle axe raised to take his head off. Right as she swung down, Malcolm dove to the right. The axe went into the ground, and so did Malcolm. He scrambled as [Y/N] was surprisingly quick to remove the axe from the floorboards. And once again, she was over Malcolm with her axe raised, about to swing down. Malcolm faced her from the ground, panic on his face as he looked into her burning (E/C) orbs.
"Whoa! Whoa! [Y/N]!"
Malcolm pleaded to her as he tried to crawl away.
"Who the hell do you-!?"
[Y/N] was about to yell at him when she realized who he was. She lowered the axe cautiously, a confused and concerned look on her face.
"[Y/N]. Uh…"
Malcolm didn't know what to say.
And soon, the broken window revealed blue and red flashing lights and the sound of the sirens blaring.
And now, [Y/N] was at the precinct. She'd been questioned. Nothing came of it. She never left her house and barely had any friends. People only knew her because of what her brother did and the conspiracy about her involvement. Apparently, she used to be a criminal profiler for the NYPD. For the same precinct. She had to quit when Martin was arrested for the 23 murders.
She finally returned to the precinct. And now she was pacing in Gil's office, embarrassed about the event that had just occurred.
"[Y/N], you need to calm down."
Gil pressed his wrists into his desk, shaking his hands in a directing manner.
"Calm down? Gil,"
[Y/N] began frantically.
"I think Malcolm is scared of me."
She stopped pacing, and looked over at Gil, hand on her hip.
"That might be because you nearly took his head off with a battle axe,"
Gil pointed out
"The first time you met."
[Y/N] looked to the ground, tapping her other hand's fingers on her leg. She shook her head.
"... To be fair, it was dark, and he had just broken into my house."
She finally looked up at Gil again.
A small smile was on his face.
"You realize how ridiculous this sounds?"
He struggled from laughing.
"Yes! But what if the poor boy's traumatized..?"
[Y/N] was obviously not clear on what happened to Malcolm in his younger years.
"[Y/N], he's going to be fine. Besides, whatever happened is his fault."
Gil stood up, trying to relieve [Y/N] of her guilt.
"Now, come on. I'll get you home."
Gil walked to his office door, opening it and motioning for [Y/N] to leave first.
She followed, swinging her arms to her side frustratingly. As she continued to make her way out, she combed her fingers through her hair. She felt the eyes on her from everyone in the precinct. The seniors she knew from 20 years ago, the newbies who had started maybe a week ago.
There was something about the way she looked, too. She looked just like her older brother. The only difference was that she was female and Martin was male. Even her hair grayed the same way his had. There was something in her eyes that people saw in Martin in the newspapers. Something that spooked Malcolm. He was scared of her, not because she nearly killed him, but because she was like his father. He stared at her like everyone else did. Except he had the look of knowledge.
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be-the-creature-fan · 4 years
The River by be-the-creatue-fan (Read my first story AIN'T NO TIME LIKE 1969 before reading this story)
Chapter 1
"Martin? What are you doing here again? Dr. Corvado was looking everywhere for you!"
Martin turned around to see who was talking to him.
"Mom?! What are you doing here?"
"It's a good thing that we've found you in time." Linda Kratt said as she grabbed Martin arm and took Martin away from the tomb stone.
"Mom, what are you doing? where are you taking me?"
She didn't say a single word and they both continued walking until they got to the parking lot. There stood an ambulance type vehicle with several doctors and police officers that ran towards him.
"Mom? MOM! What are you doing? what's going on!?"
Linda remained silent but her eyes were starting to water up as the doctors restrained him and shoved him into the back. One of the doctors looked very familiar, Martin looked at the name tag that was on the doctors shirt. Dr Corvado.
"Aviva! Oh man it's so good to see a familiar face!"
But Aviva didn't say a word, and ignored him. Martin being very confused still tried to talk to her, but with no luck.
"Aviva it's me Martin, Me, You, Chris, Koki and Jimmy would go around the world to rescue animals. you're a genius inventor and-"
"Smith! he's speaking crazy talk again, we should probably give him the shot now."
"Alright Corvado he's your patient."
"Wait what shot? Aviva you have to listen to me we were friends you have to beli-"
And just like that Martin was out cold.
Chapter 2
(Flashback to July 20th 1973)
It was what you would call a perfect summer day, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and excitement was still in the air. Chris had just celebrated his 4th birthday and he was still hyped about being another year older, but he was even more excited to go with Martin and his older sisters to the near by river at the place where the whole family camped.
"Bill are you sure Chris is old enough to go with them to that river?"
"Linda, of course he's old enough, they're going to the shallow part of the river, and plus I'll be close by incase the kids need anything."
"Oh alright, have fun you guys!"
As Bill, Martin, his sisters and Chris got closer to the river the more excited Chris became.
"Martin are we there yet?"
"It's going to be awhile until we get there, but don't worry we'll be in there in no time"
But Chris wasn't the most patient kid and decided to run ahead.
"Now Chris don't run to far ahead yah hear!" Bill called out.
"I won't!"
After a while of walking and running they finally made it to the river, only to find it flooded from the storm the night before.
"Welp, looks like we can't go swimming gang"
"WHAT!? But why Daddy?" Chris winned
"Well you see squirt, the river is over flooded, it's too dangerous to go swimming, but, it's not to dangerous to go berry picking" Bill said as he pointed towards some blackberry bushes. "Doesn't that sound like fun?"
"Uh I guess" Chris said a little disappointed.
So Martin, his sisters and Chris started picking blackberries close to the river as Bill went fishing just up river not to far from them.
"Man it's hot outside, I'm gonna cool off in the river"
"But Martin, Daddy said to not go in the river because it's to dangerous" Chris said
"Yea, he said it was dangerous for you because your to little"
"I'm not too little, I just turned 4!"
"Yea, and I'm 7 almost 8, I'm technically a man, and I'm old enough to go into the river if I want to."
Chris didn't take that to kindly and wanted to prove that he wasn't the little kid that everybody thought he was. When no one was watching he decided that's when he would make his move to go into the river.
"Chris what are you doing?" Susan said (one of the twin sisters)
Chris didn't respond as he jumped into the river. Chris underestimated the depth and power of the river as he was swept away by the strong current.
"MARTIN! Chris jumped in the river!" "He's getting carried down river!"Both Christine and Susan screamed.
Martin turned around to see Chris's head pop out for a split second, before the current pulled it back down.
"Susan! Go and get Dad! Me and Christine will try to get Chris out!"
Susan ran to get Bill as Martin got out of the river because even he knew that the current was to strong for him.
"MARTIN! HELP ME! *GASP* MOMMA ,PAPA *GASP* SAVE ME!...... save me....." Chris's head went under again.
(A few hours later)
Mr and Mrs. Kratt, we've found your son's body down river and I regret to inform you that your son didn't make . We are so sorry for your lost. we need-....................................
Martin and his sisters were sitting inside the trailer, he could hear his mom screaming in agony, he looked out the window to see them both crying. That's when Martin knew, but that's not how it was happen, Chris didn't die, he couldn't have died, he didn't die, he didn't die, he didn't die!
(Back in Present day)
Martin woke up to find himself in what seemed to be some sort of jail cell.
"Martin, you awake?"
"Jimmy? Is that you?"
Chapter 3
"Jimmy! Oh my gosh I'm so glad you're here! Where is here anyways"
"We're in some sort of insane esylem, but that's all I know because HOW ON EARTH DID WE GET HERE!!!"
"What is the last thing you remember?"
"Well, I was asleep in the Tortuga and the next thing I heard was sombody screaming and when I woke up I ended up here. I saw Aviva but for some reason she didn't respond, it was like she didn't recognize me"
"Wait do you remember Chris being alive?"
"Yea why wouldn't he be alive...unless. What happened while I was asleep?"
Martin explained what had happened to him, Chris's gravestone. the strange dream and how Aviva treated him on his way to the esylem.
"Oh my gosh...OH MY GOSH!"
"Jimmy what is it?"
"Its all wrong, this wasn't supposed to happen, when Chris went to the past, something happened that messed up the space time continuum."
"Well, how are we going to fix it?!"
"I-I don't know, its going to be hard to find the cause of how or what caused this to be our new reality. Time is very complicated stuff."
"Wait, how do you know about this stuff?"
"Martin, I don't just sleep, eat pizza and play video games all day. I usually subcaunsely listen to what Aviva and Koki talk about when it comes to complicated things like time trampolines and such."
"Hey Cell 37! SHUT UP!"
Martin and Jimmy turned to see one of the guards banging his fist on thier cell door. Then they saw the shadows of two other faceless figures before the door opened.
"I don't know how you escaped this time, but we'll make sure that it doesn't happen again yah hear?" The first person said
Martin and Jimmy were very confused as the 2nd figure walked in. Aviva walked in with a huge syringe. That was the last thing both Martin and Jimmy remembered.
Chapter 4
Martin and Jimmy were laying on their bunks. Numb, Cold, Afraid, their heads were pounding and they both were uncontrollable twitching. Martin's eyes began to water from the pain that he felt. Jimmy on the other hand felt anger and rage, his blood began to boil. Jimmy jumped from his bunk and ran to their cell door.
"Jimmy?" Martin said with a weak voice. "Was Chris ever alive? Or was I just crazy this whole time?"
"No, Martin, your not crazy, we're not crazy, Chris was alive. He was alive..."
The Next few days were rough for Jimmy and Martin as their hope began to dwindle. Martin kept having the same nightmares of his brother's death as well as having the same horrible dream of him just disappearing from existence like what he had originally witnessed, as the days passed it was getting harder to believe what was true. Jimmy was also going through a rough time. He still felt utterly betrayed by Aviva and missed Koki dearly.
"I wonder where Koki is?"
"Who knows." Martin said kind of miffed
"You know I loved her, right? I-I wanted to tell her how I felt...b-but I was always too chicken, a-and now I might never get the chance."
"Well sucks to be you. At least Koki might be alive somewhere, but guess what, Chris is dead and everyone thinks I'm a looney!"
Jimmy fell silent as he was to angry to say a word.
Weeks turned into months and not a word was spoken.
Until one day Martin overheard a conversation.
"I think I did it!"
"Did what Ms Corvado?"
"Well, for the past couple of years I've been working on a time machine and now I've think I've done it!"
"So she has been working on a time machine" Jimmy said kind of miffed.
"But what good would that do" Martin said feeling rather hopeless "it not like we can fix any of this, or can we..."
(Meanwhile with Chris)
Martin, that was the last thing Chris saw before he felt as if he was drowning. Fear was the last feeling that Chris had before he dissapeared into the abyss.
"Wh-Where am I?"
But the only response he got was an echo. His surroundings were white at first before becoming more clear. The first thing that came into focus was the green grass and the surrounding tombstones, soon more things came into focus he spotted Martin standing infront of one of the tombstones.
"Martin!" Chris yelled as he ran towards his brother to embrace him, but he went right through him.
Martin didn't hear him, he couldn't hear him, he couldn't feel him, Chris was nothing more than a soul.
(I'm putting this story on hold I am so sorry for leaving this on a cliff hanger I just need to think how I'm going to continue the story because honestly I ran out of ideas. Oop)
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motleyfuckingcruee · 5 years
Rocket Queen
2.0: New Years Love
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Henley's P.O.V
Duff and I managed to calm Stevie down enough to get him so sleep. He lays in his bed with Bella curled up next to him. I lay next to him as well, mostly because he begged me to. Also because I wanted to comfort him as much as I could. Duff left to get us some Chinese food since it looks like we aren't going out tonight. I turn towards Stevie, lightly stroking his hair. This seems to calm him even more, which makes me smile.
Most would think I have a crush on Steven. I don't. I think of him as a silly older brother that only wants to protect me. And I believe he sees me as a sassy younger sister that only wants to protect him as well. I love Steven with my whole heart, just not in the way I love Duff.
A knock at the door startles me out of my thoughts. I look at Steven, hoping that the loud knocks didn't wake him. I let out the breath I was holding in.
I get out of the bed as carefully as I could. Bella stirs, but falls right back to sleep. I grin at the sight. Somehow Bella moved onto Stevie's chest, curled up in a little ball.
I walk out of Steven's room and to the front door. I open it to reveal Madeline, Hyde, Jake, and Evangeline. They try to walk into the apartment, but I push them back out.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I demand, just wanting them to leave.
"I wanted to apologize to Steven," Madeline explains, trying to push past me into the apartment.
"Oh, hell no," I say, pushing her back. "You are not going to upset him again. You need to get the hell out of here."
"What's with the hostility? I just want to say I'm sorry," Madeline says, crossing her arms.
I scoff. "I just now got him to go to sleep."
"What? Did you move on from Duff to Steven?" Madeline accuses, shoving her finger into my chest.
"No! Steven is my best friend!" I say, feeling myself get more and more upset. "Why did you get mad at him anyway?"
She shrugs. "I wanted to get with Hyde instead."
"Why would you hurt Stevie like that? He was in love with you."
"I don't deserve him," Madeline says quietly.
This catches me off guard. All of the insults I could think of died on my tongue. "W-What?"
"Nothing." She turns to the other three. "Let's go. I have no reason to be here."
Then they all walked off into the night, leaving me stunned. What the hell was that about? Then a saying comes to my mind. It's what my favorite teacher told me once.
We accept the love we think we deserve.
Madeline thinks that she doesn't deserve someone as great as Steven. And at the moment I agree with her. That's probably my anger talking, but I can't help it. She treated the sweetest guy I know like dirt! I'll probably regret those words soon, but for now, I stand by them.
I stand out on the porch for a little while longer. I don't want to go in just yet. I grin as I see the pick up truck Steven and Duff share pull into the small driveway. Duff gets out after a few minutes, his hands full of delicious Chinese food. He walks up the steps, his focus on the ground for some reason. He looks up and jumps fifteen feet in the year.
"Goddamn," Duff breathes, laughing a bit. "You scared me. I didn't expect to see you out here."
"I'm sorry babe," I giggle. I walk over to him and take a bag of food from his hands. I peck him on the lips. He has a dreamy smile on his face, that I think is so adorable. "You're something else."
"What do you mean?" He asks, clearly confused.
I just giggle and shake my head.
We went back inside the apartment and ate Chinese food while watching MTV. I got so excited when Looks That Kill came on. I literally stood up and said, "I know those guys!" Duff just laughed at me and made me sit back down. When we got bored of that, we turned on some stupid movie. Duff turned off the lights and pulled a blanket around us. I was focused on the movie. Duff, however, and different plans.
His hand started at my knee, which was innocent enough. I didn't think much of it. Then he slowly started moving upward. It now rests on my upper thigh. He rubs circles with his thumb on my inner thigh which is dangerously close to my heat.
"Duff," I groan. "Stop."
"Stop what?" He asks with a cheeky smirk on his face.
"You know exactly what you're doing!"
"No I don't," He says, moving his hand up even more. "What am I doing, babe?"
"Stop teasing me!"
"I'm not teasing you," Duff chuckles.
Before I can really register what I'm doing, I crawl into Duff's lap. I place my legs on either side of his thighs. I lean down and connect our lips. His tongue swipes my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I open my mouth more and his tongue slips into my mouth. I grind my hips down onto his, causing a groan to emit from him.
I break our kiss, kissing down his neck. I stop every once in a while to suck and, hopefully, leave a hickey or two. I palm him over his pants.
"Mm, fuck," Duff moans.
I use my other hand to tug at the hem of his shirt. He takes it off, causing us to break apart for a second. He picks me up, unexpectedly, bridal style. Duff takes me up to his room. He pretty much throws me onto the bed. I giggle as I watch him take off the skin tight leather pants.
Duff crawls on top of me, pulling his shirt that I had borrowed off oh my body. When he successfully throws the shirt across the room, he pulls my pants off with ease. He kisses me roughly. His hands reach behind my back to unhook my bra. My arms are wrapped around his neck tightly. I arch my back as much as I can to help him get it off. Duff gets it off after a few tries. He pulls away from me, his eyes raking over my body.
"You're so gorgeous," He says.
He starts to kiss down my body, and his hands massage my breasts. I try to keep my moans quiet as I remember that Steven is sleeping across the hall. Duff stops multiple times on my collarbones to leave hickeys that I'm sure are going to be bright purple tomorrow morning. His trail of kisses end as he gets to the waistband of my panties. That's when panic settles into my heart.
"W-Wait," I stutter.
"What's wrong?" Duff asks, immediately stopping.
"I-uh. . .," I trail off. "I'm still a virgin."
"Oh shit," Duff says, smiling a little bit. "I'm sorry, babe. I totally forgot. We don't have to do anything if you don't want to. I'm not going to force you into anything."
I smile at his concern. "I-I do want to. I'm just scared."
Duff moves up so that we're face to face. "I promise you, I won't hurt you. I'll be as gentle as I can. I'll make this a night you'll always remember."
I lean up and peck his lips. "Okay."
He grins, hooking his thumbs through the thin waistband of my lacy underwear. He pulls it off with ease, his eyes never leaving mine. He looks down to take off his boxers, trying his best not to kick me in the process. His erection springs free, causing me to blush. Duff reaches into his nightstand, and pulls out a condom. He rips it open with his teeth, then rolls it onto his length.
"Are you ready?" Duff asks.
I nod, gripping onto Duff's shoulders.
I wince as I wait for some kind of pain. I feel Duff start to slowly push in. He goes in inch by inch, making sure not to hurt me. I know it's taking everything in him not to pound into me. I whimper at the searing pain through my thighs as Duff pushes all the way into me.
"Are you okay?" Duff asks, worry flooding his voice.
"Yeah," I respond, adjusting to the foreign feeling. "Keep going."
Duff pulls out again, then thrusts back in. This time he's a bit faster. The pain soon fades as Duff continues to thrust into me. Eventually, Duff has me a moaning mess underneath him.
"Fuck," I breathe out.
Duff buries his head into the crook of my neck as he thrusts harder and faster.
"Duff, faster," I moan, feeling myself blush at my words.
"Anything for you, baby."
Duff does exactly as I say, his breathing becoming even more labored and I can see the sweat on his body. If possible, this turns me on even more. I feel Duff twitch inside of me, and at the same time, we both cum.
Duff collapses onto my chest, not pulling out. He lays there for a few more moments, trying to gather some energy.
Duff then pulls out, taking the condom off and throwing it into the trash beside the bed. He falls onto his back beside me. He smiles at me as he turns his head. His beautiful eyes look deeply into mine. Duff looks at the clock on the nightstand, and then starts laughing.
"What?" I turn to see that the time is 12:01 AM.
"I guess you could say I fucked you into next year."
"Shut up."
All fics: @the--blackdahlia @sugar-content @sharon6713 @siliwanoel @charlyallise @lo-bells @lauravic @livingdeadharley @kawennote09 @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @hllywdwhre @abbysdogcollar @nikkisixxwiththebass @waywardprincess666 @tommyleeownsme  
@rock-n-roll-soul-frankie @unholy-brat @eak1996 @madsthegroupie @sinningsixx @Kissyourrosegoodbyemotley
Duff: @daisystuffsstuff
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moistmailman · 6 years
Jaune, nervously: So uh....how do I look?
Pyrrha, smiling: You look very handsome, Jaune.
Jaune, smiling: T-thanks, that mean a lot. I'm just a little bit nervous is all.
Ruby: Don't worry Jaune, we prepped you for this date. So you got this. There's nothing to worry about. You're going to knock him dead.
Jaune, awkwardly swallowing: R-right. You're right. I just need to stay calm.
*Suddenly someone knocks on the door and Neptune walks in*
Neptune, in a suit: Hey, are you ready?
Jaune, awkwardly: Y-yeah, I'm ready. Let's go.
Pyrrha: Actually, can I talk to you for a moment, Neptune? It'll only take a second, I promise.
Neptune: Uh yeah, sure.
Pyrrha, smiling: Great. Be right back, sweetie. *Kisses Ruby's cheek*
*Pyrrha leads Neptune out of earshot from Jaune*
Pyrrha, putting an arm around his shoulder: So here's the thing Neptune. You see that boy over there? *Points to Jaune*
Neptune: Uh....yeah?
Pyrrha: You see, he's special to me. Treated me right when others didn't. So he has a special place in my heart, you know? Like a brother of some sort.
Neptune: Okay?
Pyrrha, patting him on the back: I like you Neptune. You seem like a swell guy, and Jaune obviously likes you.
Neptune: Oh, thank you.
Pyrrha: But.
Neptune: But?
Pyrrha, still sweetly smiling: So help me God, if you hurt this boy, make him cry or anything like that; then I'll hunt you down to the end of the earth. There won't be a place where you will be able to hide from my wrath. It'll be a game to me, and a game that I'll win.
Neptune, nervously: Uh......
Pyrrha: Not only that, but I'll then take you to his older sister, who would be equally as mad as me, and together, we'll make your death so painful and agonizingly slow that you'll wish you were never born.
Neptune, nearly shitting himself:............u-uh.
Pyrrha, still smiling sickly sweet: So, do we have an understanding?
Neptune: Y-yes ma'am. Ill never dream of hurting him.
Pyrrha, smiling wider: Good. Cause if you do *mimics scissors with her fingers* Then say goodbye to your boys. Snip snip.
Pyrrha: Now go enjoy your date. And don't worry about curfew, just show him a nice time.
Neptune: Y-yes ma'am.
*Neptune quickly hurries out the door while holding Jaune's hand*
Ruby, holding Pyrrha's hand: So, what did you want to talk to him?
Pyrrha, chuckling: Oh you know, just wishing him goodluck on the date.
Ruby, kissing her cheek: That was sweet of you.
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lastarabesque · 5 years
Best Friend Surprise (1/4)
Morning. Excruciating morning.
Nothing could ever compare to the pain that you are feeling right now. It pierces through your entire womanhood and lacerates the muscles in your body. Like a sharp edged knife, it tears every single tissue inside you.
You are all prepped for school but you are still rolling around your bed in your uniform. If only the pain would stop in an instant. You pick up your phone, left with no choice, as you dial a number.
"What? I'm eating." He nearly ended the call when your voice echoed in his ear.
"Ya!" You raise your voice at him. At the very least, he should listen to what you are about to say.
"What's your problem?" He returned your exasperation before finally recalling the reasons why you get real irritated. Either you fought with your boyfriend or no way— "Red day?"
"How do you know me so well? I love you." Now when you're sweet talking like this, he knows you need something.
"You should atleast say that with sincerity." His voice is low when he responded.
"I said why don't you ask your lovely boyfriend to buy those pads? It's embarrassing for me."
"If you're embarrassed then what more will he be? And, I'm not asking for pads. I only need a pain reliever so buy one along your way."
"Whatever. Hang up, I'm eating."
"Would you eat faster? I don't want to run late aga—" He ended the call because if not, you'll begin with your nonstop talking again. "That punk."
Seungcheol finished his food at once to get to you quick despite being grumpy about it. He may not show it but he cares for you a lot in his own ways not just as a bestfriend, but mostly like an older brother. He looks after you all the time and you're more than grateful.
"Good morning." The pharmacist greets him. He smiled back.
"Do you have any medicine for stomachache? Wait, technically not the stomach but the part where it hurts when ladies get their, um, well, period." Seungcheol looks like he's having a fight with himself. The pharmacist understood him anyway, she chuckled shortly before nodding.
"Dysmenorrhea, you mean. Here." The day just started, he hasn't even settled a foot at school but he already had his allowance deducted because of you. He doesn't really care much about it though. "For your mom or for your sister?"
"Not for them."
"So for your girlfriend? I knew it." She carefully handed him the small plastic bag.
"Yeah, girl friend."
"I suggest you also buy this.", pertaining to the chocolate bar displayed at the counter. "Chocolates release happy hormones. It can help remove her grumpiness."
"Give me two then. I think I need it more." He just knows that this is gonna be a stressful day for him.
He marched to your house, which is not really that far from his, just about two blocks away from the pharmacy right across their street. He didn't know that he'll need the chocolate as soon as he arrives at your residence because your boyfriend is waiting right in front of your gate.
"Dude." He nods at Seungcheol.
"Hey." Seungcheol awkwardly greeted back. He's not really close with your guy and they're uncomfortable together but he tries to put up with him for you. "Why don't you get in instead of waiting here?"
"Uh, actually I didn't tell her that I'm coming to pick her up today."
"Element of surprise?" He's definitely putting himself in danger. Surprise is the last thing you want anyone to do for you. You hate everything that is unplanned and Seungcheol knows better than your boyfriend.
"Surprise? Oh," Seungcheol ran out of words. Just thinking of how you would react to this is enough to make him speechless. "I'll get her."
Seungcheol opened your complicatedly designed gate easily as if he lives there, clearly shows how often he's been to your house. As he opened the door, your mom just knew it was him.
"Have you eaten breakfast?" She called out from the kitchen. He went to greet her first.
"Yes, mom. And guess what?" He rested his elbows at the mini bar while watching your mom prepare your lunch. "Her guy is waiting outside."
"Then let him in."
"He won't get in. He said it's a surprise." He has his voice real low as if sharing a very crucial information.
"Oh my god." Your mom remains calm. "He's trying to get himself killed."
"Well." Seungcheol shrugs. "I'll inform her before this gets worse."
"That's best. Go then, I'll pack lunch for you."
Sometimes when he's really clingy to your mom you think like she seems to like him more than you, her own daughter. It's fine though. Anyway, Seungcheol is like a brother already.
"Thank you." Seungcheol hugged your mom from behind before getting you.
"Are you serious?" You panic as soon as Seungcheol told you the unwanted information. Good thing you already ate the pill you asked him to buy.
"Why would I even joke about it?" He retorted as he opens a pack of chocolate. "But I bought this to calm you down. Here." He shove a piece in your mouth, you almost choke if the thought of the surprise doesn't dominate your mind.
Super annoying.
Surprises are not really a big deal but you just entirely hate the thought of having to react to it. It burdens you and pressures you a lot. Having things planned and laid accordingly is better than taking anything out of the blue. It's not a good attitude and you are trying to work on it but you can't be ready for it as soon as today. Especially because you have your period.
"I'm not supposed to tell you about it so act surprised, okay?" You glared at him shortly.
"Ugh, I hate this!"
"Aigoo," He clicked his tongue. "This is why you shouldn't date guys you don't know well and guys who don't know you well."
"You're the only guy who knows me too well, Cheol. Don't even suggest." You slung your bag and flew out of the room, almost banging your door. Your mom heard the heavy footsteps as you come to the kitchen to get your food.
"Calm down, honey."
"You didn't have to bother, mom. I can just eat cafeteria food but thanks." You kiss her cheek goodbye as she sends signals to Seungcheol. Seungcheol gave her a thumbs up before following you out of the door.
Just as said, your boyfriend is waiting outside when you walked out. You tried to act surprised despite the fact that you already knew about it and hated it before it happened. Seungcheol wants to laugh on your face for your awkward reaction but he couldn't do so after seeing your boyfriend buying the act. He can only shake his head.
Now, next to all this is Seungcheol's unbearable thirdwheeling. It's somewhat a usual thing now but he still can't get used to being silent whenever your guy is around. There's no other option but to zip his mouth and listen to your sweet talks and nonstop giggling. He gave out a heavy sigh for the nth time as you walk. He actually spent the weekend in his hometown and there are events that happened which he wants to tell you. He has stories about the breathtaking sceneries he saw, the great food he ate, the warm people he met and the unforgettable experiences he had but he can't cut through the conversation to even say a word. He just silently trailed behind the two of you as you go on with the lovey dovey moments, breathing a sigh once more.
It hasn't been a month yet since you started dating the guy but Seungcheol still remembers the day you told him about it, freshly, as if it was just yesterday.
"Then do so." He forced himself to say. "Just don't come crying."
"O-okay..." You are surprised of how cool and uninterested he was. "I'll try."
It may be the idea of having your first boyfriend or the thrill and flutter which got you there but whatever it is, Seungcheol just dislikes the thought of you having a boyfriend.
Simply because it was not him.
He saw him intertwined his fingers with yours, it killed him inside. He wants to beat him up for touching you, for even laying a finger on you but he's not in the place to do that. He doesn't have any right too. You glance at him from your shoulder as he press a faint smile. He has to be ready for all of this. Especially because not just a simple skinship may happen next.
He knows that he can do better and he's more fit for the role but he still let you do what you want because he doesn't want to tell you yet. Neither of you is ready for it plus he thought you'll get over that guy after a while and break up but seeing your smile as you walk together scared him. Because what if you eventually fall deeper and never leave the moment?
"Cheol," You kick his chair right across yours but he didn't look back. There's no teacher around but he's acting so serious over a book with his chin on his knuckles.
"Um,.. I just forgot to thank you yesterday. Thank you." Not that it's a very urgent matter but it has been your habit to always make sure he knows that he is appreciated. Well, partly is because you want to initiate a conversation. He's just acting indifferent these past few days, honestly not just recently but way before. You can't exactly recall but it started around the time you had a boyfriend. He just suddenly became so distant and difficult like he purposely doesn't want let you in.
"Whatever. Next time ask your lovely boyfriend to do that for you." His voice is so soft it's almost inaudible. His seatmate then stood up to leave his seat and the room so you took the chance to sit next to him. Only to find him sleeping.
"Wow, I really thought you're reading this stupid book." You pull his head to rest on your shoulder because he's struggling in his position. "Did you stay up late for computer games again? Why are you this sleepy?"
You stare at him from your shoulder, scanning his features for good seconds and realizing again that damn, your bestfriend got really beautiful eyes. You always envied him for it. Those pair of orbs that you always look into whenever you converse with him. You can willingly get lost in it and he doesn't even know.
"I'm having a girlfriend soon." He suddenly cut your thoughts with his announcement. His voice is weak and his eyes remains shut.
"You're what?" Oh, how you hate surprises.
"I said I think I'm having a girlfriend soon."
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chiliiscereal · 4 years
(This is preseason one to show you what the background is on the whole story)
(let me know if you think this should be published as a separate book!)
You and Steve had a rocky start to being siblings.
You were born four years apart.
He was born in a time when your parents actually loved each other. They had time for birthdays and family weekends together. They went out to the park on saturdays. They were a picture perfect family.
It just so happened that when you were born, your father stopped being quite so faithful to your mother. When you came into the world, your father was in Europe on a business trip. And he wasn't only up to business.
Little Steve had adored you at first. He always wanted to hold you or play with you.
But then their parents no longer had time for him.
It was always work... and taking care of you.
It slowly changed over the years to only work, as your mother could no longer trust your father. Steve was left to watch you for weeks on end. He was good at it at first. He used to watch you carefully. He used to make sure you were happy and well...
Until he could no longer see his friends.
He was ten. You were five.
He began to leave you at home. At first it was only for thirty minutes while he went to the park. Then it was an hour every day during his elementary school days while he went to the movies.
You were seven when you began cooking your own meals.
You TRIED talking to him. You really did.
You tried catching his sleeve whenever he breezed past. You tried showing him crafts you made. You tried playing music you thought he might like.
That ended with twelve year old Steve pushing you away.
It ended with your works of art thrown in the trash.
Your music cassettes were thrown onto the road.
Your mother made sure both of you knew to never walk into the middle of the road, so you could only cry as some unknowing stranger destroyed your wonderful music. The music you had saved up all your allowance for. The music that you had thought your older brother would like. The music that you thought might bring you two together.
When your mother and father returned, you tattled.
Steve was grounded for a whole week.
But he always needed to have the last say. So he sold your boom box and spent all the money on comics. He threw your sketchbook in the quarry water. He shoved you to the floor, saying that if you ever tattled again then you would join your drawing book in the cold water.
You stopped trying to give Steve your attention and love. You no longer wished he would spend more time at home. So you began exploring the town by yourself at the age of nine. You didn't really have friends to hang out with so you would browse through stores.
The arcade was your favorite place.
You loved showing up early on Saturday mornings, before Steve was even awake, and leaving behind a new high score on the dragons lair.
Because it always riled up a group of boys your age. They had no idea who kept beating them over and over. Every Sunday morning you watched them walk in... only to scream a few seconds later about how someone had beaten their score by ONE point. Again.
You loved having some sort of connection to them. Even if they didn't know it was you. Or even who you were at all. They were a weird little group, strictly sticking with only other A.V club kids. Besides, you hardly ever talked. What would be so special about you?
It also didn't help that your older brother had begun to build himself a reputation. When you were ten, he began to be known as king Steve. You knew he bullied one of the kids (wills) older brother while beginning to flirt with another's (mike's) older sister.
You knew this because your father began forcing Steve to drive you home from school. That was the rule he set when he gave Steve the car.
Every day you trekked to the high school, only to watch Steve hang around Nancy Wheeler and push Johnathan Byers. You would have intervened and told him that you really didn't want to wait twenty minutes (out of sight) for him to be done. But the last time he did that he made you ride the way home in the trunk of his car.
When you were eleven, you started hanging out at Melvald's convenience store in the town square. Your favorite time to go there was at 7:00, because Mrs. Byers would always work the morning shift.
Wills mother was really quite wonderful. Every time you walked in she greeted you with a smile and lowered her magazine.
"Whatcha lookin for today, kiddo?" She smiled softly, leaning on the counter to watch you browse.
"Any new cassette tapes." You shrugged, fingering each music case that caught your eye. "Do you have any Clash? I... lost mine." You didn't lose it. Steve broke it when he heard you mutter about how much you hated Tommy H.
"Yeah, we got a new box of cassettes delivered this morning." She hopped up and waved for you to follow her to the back room. "I miiiight have snagged a Clash cassette for you when I saw it." She grinned as she held the door open for the young girl.
"You didn't need to buy anything for me!" You gasped. You knew that the Byers needed all the money they could get. "Can I pay you back?" You immediately began digging through your pockets for spare change.
She placed a guiding hand on your back as you both entered, pulling you away from your search. "Oh no it's fine! It's the least I can do for my most frequent visitor."
She plucked the music case off the shelf and handed it to you. "You go to Hawkins elementary, right? You should talk to my son. Will. He also loves the Clash."
You turned red and clutched the cassette. "I've...seen him around before. I don't know how to talk to him."
"Oh it's easy!" She grabbed the spare paper and crayons you always used when you visited. "You just need to find common ground. For example," she pulled up a stool beside her for you to sit at, "you both like to draw!"
You placed down the paper and got working on your art. "Will it make a difference if I draw cartoons and he draws realistic? What if the difference is too big for him to want to talk to me?"
"It'll give you more to talk about!"
So began your quest to pursue friendship.
You attempted to speak to Will and his friends in the hall.
They were talking too loud about their latest campaign to hear you.
You tried asking to sit by them at lunch.
They were too busy launching potato's at the ceiling to notice.
Right when you almost gave up... Will and you were paired together as partners for a history project.
'Don't mess it up, don't mess it up', you told yourself over and over as you moved to sit by Will. 'Don't be weird. See if he'll talk first. Don't be clingy.'
Wills was equally quiet. He just read through the rubric of the project and stayed silent.
'What can we talk about... what should I say?'
A drawing poking out of wills bag caught your eye. It looked like a wizard casting some sort of spell.
"I like your drawing!" You blurted out, wishing you could just shut up.
Wills jumped, startled. "Yeah... umm.. it's from... uh... it's from our last campaign.." he began fiddling with his thumbs, unsure of what to say to a girl. "Our DnD campaign... I mean."
You nodded along. "I like to draw to! I've never... I've never played DnD before... so I like to draw people."
Will cracked a shy smile. "I'll show you my drawing if you show me one of yours."
You agreed hesitantly.
He took your cartoon and you took his master piece. You desperately wished you could draw like him. Your cartoons looked so simple, as Steve always said.
"You're a cartoonist!" Will smiled, holding the paper out in front of him. It was a caricature of Mrs. Byers. "You must be the girl my mom sees at her job!" His eyes were wide with recognition. "This is so good! I wish I could draw cartoons. But whenever I try... they look like potato's." He laughed.
You flushed a deep red. "I... I'm also the one that beats your scores every Saturday." You admit.
His jaw dropped. "No way. We've been trying to figure out who that was for months! We formed a whole list of people to interrogate!" He ran a hand through his hair.
You giggled. "I can prove it... if you want. Next Saturday I could show you and your friends? At the arcade?"
"Yeah! I'm totally down to hang out at the arcade!"
Will had brought you to the A.V club after to ask the rest of the party. You had protested at first. What if they didn't like you? What if they said no? You would look so stupid! You tried to use your brother driving you home as an excuse.
But if you brought Steve up... no. You couldn't start a potential friendship like that.
Will proposed the ideas to everyone excitedly.
It seemed that Lucas had a problem with it immediately.
"Sorry Will, but we can't." Lucas shook his head. "We've got plans."
Your heart dropped.
"Wait," Dustin frowned and turned to his friend. "What plans? I wasn't aware of any plans."
Lucas crossed his arms. "Remember? Our campaign?"
"We don't have a-."
Lucas elbowed him harshly and looked at you. "Can you leave for a second? We need to talk. ALONE."
You nodded and stepped out of the room. "Yeah totally! Just let me know when-."
The door slammed in your face.
You know you shouldn't have but you pressed your ear to the door anyway.
"What's your damage?" Mike Wheeler hissed quietly.
"Don't you know who she is?" Lucas accused.
"No... should we?" Will whispered in confusion.
"That's Y/N Harrington!" Lucas spat out.
"Steve Harrington's little sister." Dustin stated, now understanding.
Mike groaned. "The douche bag my sisters hooked on?"
"Yes! What if she's exactly like him?"
"You mean a total mouth breather? A player? An absolute jackass?"
You sunk to the floor. Of course Steve ruined the only chance you might have of a friendship. How could she think that these kids would look past her family's reputation? No one ever did. Even her teachers expected her to be disruptive and rude.
"Guys." Will intervened. "I talked to her in history."
"What about the party?"
Will lowered his voice, causing you to lean a little closer to the door. "She doesn't act like him. She never called me any names. She never told me that I'm a freak. She tried to talk to me about art."
"Steve definitely doesn't appreciate art." Dustin mumbled.
Wills continued. "She's a cartoonist. And I think she might be like us. You know who kept beating our dragon lair record?"
"Please tell me it wasn't Troy."
"Y/N Harrington."
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