#Sorry ;w; I'm sure I'll feel much better eventually
blackbleedingrose · 4 months
Long Lost Morningstar - Part Four
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing(s): Seven Virtues' x reader (platonic), Charlie x reader (platonic), Lucifer x reader (platonic), Lilith x reader (platonic)
Genre: Angst/Betrayal
Warning(s): Cursing, lies, betrayal
Notes: FINALLY! I'm sorry this took me forever to post. I was, and still am, dealing with some school stuff. Truthfully it was a little rough trying to get this one out - along with school and work, I am losing motivation to write this. It could be that I burnt myself on Hazbin after reading so many fanfics for days on end until I eventually got tired. I'm still going to be writing this either way, I'd feel bad to suddenly stop out of nowhere. Funny thing is I'll probably feel motivated again once the second season airs. Oh, well. I'll post part five when I can and am able, so please bare with me and hopefully enjoy this long part for the time being. Thank you for your support - I'm really writing this for the ones reading this series and am grateful for your patience.
Words: 3,298
"I-Is that. . . my name? W-Why would my name be in Lucifer's court record?".
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After learning about the exterminations (Y/N) wasted no time flying to the archangels' castle - her home.
She needed to know if they knew about the exterminations, and if so. . .
No, there's no way.
The Virtues' duty were to help remain peace and order - there's no way they'd be okay with the murdering of sinners.
Still, the fear and pain she felt for Charlie and Sera's betrayal made her impulsive.
So much so, that she flew past the archangels' secretary and burst through the doors of the meeting room where they were discussing important matters.
The archangel's were shocked to see (Y/N), who had just interrupted their meeting, looking completely disheveled and breathing heavily.
This behavior would normally be unacceptable, and if it were any other seraphim or angel they would be scolded and punished depending on severity of the offense.
But this was their little (Y/N), whose never interrupted their meetings without reason (or when she was a curious infant who somehow wandered in).
Michael stood up from his seat and flew over to his distressed daughter, "(Y/n). What's the matter?".
(Y/n) struggled to catch her breath, her mind and heart racing.
Michael placed his hands on her shoulders, "Deep breathes, sweetheart. Try to calm down". He gently cooed at her trying to help her find her breath and calm her nerves.
When (Y/N) had finally caught her breath she looked up at her father staring right into his eyes, "Did you know?".
Michael furrowed his brows confused, "Know what, sweetheart?".
(Y/N) took a deep breath before looking at him with sorrowful eyes, "About the exterminations."
Michael and the other archangels' were even more confused than before, "What exterminations?".
"The exterminations of the human souls in Hell."
The archangels' eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Michael looked down at his daughter with slight sternness, "What do you mean?".
(Y/N) went on to tell them all about what had happened at the trial from Charlie's hotel, Angel Dust, Sera's betrayal, to Adam's threat towards her cousin.
To say the archangels' were pissed would be a gross understatement.
How dare Sera and Adam play God and order such an atrocity right under their noses - and for it to be going on this long!
They were embarrassed to have been so ignorant.
Michael felt very uneasy about (Y/N)'s interaction with the Princess of Hell.
Yes, he had been aware his brother had birthed a child in Hell and hadn't seen an issue of (Y/n) of knowing as he was confident the two would never meet.
Well, that back fired horribly.
He couldn't discuss that with (Y/N) right now because, other than letting curiosity get the better of her once again, she hadn't done anything wrong.
She was clearly out of sorts with worry. She didn't need anything else but reassurance and comfort.
"Thank you for telling us. Don't worry, we'll be sure to handle this," Michael said trying to comfort his daughter.
"B-But, Charlie," (Y/N)'s breathing spiked, "A-Adam threatened t-to, to!". Tears flowed down to her red cheeks, her eyes red and puffy.
Michael gently shushed her wiping her tears, "Calm down, sweetie. We'll handle everything, especially Adam. Just go to your room and try to relax. I'll tell the staff to get you some tea."
(Y/N) shook her head, "B-But I need to help Charlie. I-I need to do something -,"
"No." Michael's tone was stern but gentle. "This is for the higher ranking angels to handle and you're too emotional right now to think clearly. Let us take care of this."
"Listen to your father, (N/N)." Azrael said his grin more menacing than usual. "And don't fret over Adam, we'll make sure to deal with him personally."
The other archangels' agreed without question. Adam wouldn't get away with making their precious niece cry.
(Y/N) realized her father was right, she was too emotional right now.
She was in no condition to deal with this as she was.
After saying goodbye to her family, (Y/N) went to her room to try and calm down.
Feeling completely exhausted and emotionally drained, (Y/N) passed out the second her head hit her pillow.
The next day (Y/N) woke up later than usual and saw a note on her beside table.
It was from her father telling her not to worry about her duties that day and to just rest.
(Y/N) was grateful to her father, but she was so restless about the trial and the upcoming extermination.
She got ready for the day and went down into the courts archives.
Maybe there was something she could use in the courts records to help Charlie.
Since she was a stenographer, a seraphim, and Michael's daughter no one questioned her being there.
In fact, many of the simps angels there were more than happy to help her.
(Y/N) declined most of their help, not wanting to garner unnecessary attention to what she was looking for or why.
She continued doing this for days making sure to cover her tracks so her father and uncles didn't catch wind of her little excursions.
Which was why most of them were in the dead of night.
She hadn't heard a word of what her father or uncles' were going to do about the exterminations.
But the times she's seen Adam and Lute, the two were still their cocky and douchey selves.
So, she knew the extermination was still on.
Why haven't the archangels' done anything yet?
What were they waiting for?
A small part of her wondered if they ended up agreeing with Sera and Adam and wanted to keep the exterminations on, but she quickly pushed those thoughts aside.
The archangels' duty was to follow the laws of Heaven, and the exterminations clearly went against that.
There's no way they'd be okay with keeping it going.
Still. . . they weren't working fast enough.
The month was almost over.
So, she continued researching wanting to find anything that would prove Sera and Adam wrong about Hell and prove Charlie's hotel worked or could work.
One night while everyone had turned in, (Y/N) snuck into the ancient archives - court records that dated over billions of years ago.
Maybe there was something in the older court records she could use.
She spent hours going through file after file, pulling out possible references to use, and making piles based on the dates.
The long hours started to get to her, the bags under her eyes more prominent with each passing minute.
Without realizing, her eyes lids shut and she slowly drifted to the side accidently knocking over a large pile she hadn't checked yet.
The sound of the falling files scared her awake.
"Oh shit!"
(Y/N) rubbed her eyes awake before going over to the scattered files. She really hoped no one had heard that thud.
As she was gathering all of the loose documents, there was one file folder that caught her eye. Labeled on the tab was 'Morningstar vs Heaven'.
Morningstar? That was Charlie's last name but this file was in one of the older court piles meaning this file was about -
"Lucifer. . .".
She's never read her uncle's trial record before. . . but if he was anything like Charlie then maybe there was something in those documents that could help her prove her cousin's dreams and beliefs.
After all, it was because of Lucifer's desire and dreams to show humanity free will that gifted humans the ability to dream and choose to be better.
She knew her father would frown at her view on Lucifer, but she had always thought there might have been some merit behind her uncle's choices.
She started to collect the documents, sometimes glancing over certain parts that caught her attention. However, as she was going through the files she saw something in one of the documents that she had never expected to see.
"I-Is that. . . my name? W-Why would my name be in Lucifer's court record?". (Y/N) bit her lip deciding if she should look through it or not.
In the end she decided to go through with it and read the document. It was probably nothing, just her mind playing tricks on her. She had been up for hours, after all.
However, the moment her eyes scanned through each line her heart dropped into her stomach.
Sera: Take the child.Court angels: (takes the infant (Y/N) Morningstar from the arms of her parents, Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith)
The rest of the documents recounted Lucifer and Lilith's guilty verdict, their sentencing to Hell, and the courts final proceedings.
(Y/N) wanted to refuse everything she had read, wanting to call it all lies.
But stenographers, especially in Heaven, cannot lie when recording. The magic imbedded within the typewriter wouldn't allow it.
Still, it just couldn't be true. . . Maybe this was another (Y/N), one she's never met. There was no way it was talking about her.
However, before (Y/N) could attempt to convince herself even more she noticed one final document lying on the floor. She recognized what kind of document it was immediately.
It was a Heavenly Ordinance.
She slowly reached for the golden paper and started to read it.
"By Heavenly decree, it is now ordered that all residents, and new ones to come, are forbidden from tempting humanity or breaking Heaven's rules. All residents must obey and turn from all misguided thoughts, dreams, and or endeavors. All violators will receive punishment. It is also ordered that the Heavenborn seraphim, (Y/N) Morningstar, is now under the care of the Seven Virtues; specifically Archangel Michael Demiugros. The infant's name will be changed to (Y/N) Demiugros. The child will have no connection to Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith, and will be told Michael Demiugros is her father/parent who crafted her from stardust. All Heavenly residents aware of the child's true lineage are forbidden from speaking on the matter. All violators will be punished severely."
(Y/N) felt like she couldn't breath.
Her hands were shaking, her heart pounding in her chest.
Oh, God.
She wanted to deny it and believe all of this was some sick prank.
But even she knew no one in Heaven would dare fake writing a Heavenly Ordinance, let alone play such a cruel prank or joke.
Besides, the Heavenly Seal at the bottom of the document was proof of its authenticity.
Heaven would never allow a fake to be placed with the court records.
It took a while for her to calm down.
Looking at the clock mounted on the wall, she saw how late it was.
The court angels who had the early morning shift would be here in two hours.
Wiping the tears that had gathered in her eyes, she used her magic to help clean up her mess and put all of the documents back into their original places - except for one.
When she started to put Lucifer's file away, she stared at the ordinance.
She paused for a moment before folding it up and shoving it into her pocket.
After everything was put away (Y/N) went back to her room with her mind buzzing and heart racing.
She woke up five hours later to the sound of her alarm.
She felt absolutely exhausted.
At first she thought it had all been a dream, a really bad dream.
But when she checked her pockets and pulled out the folded up golden paper, she knew it wasn't.
She was heartbroken.
The feeling of betrayal and hurt plaguing her soul.
Why did they lie to her?
Why did they do all of this?
Now everything made sense.
Why she was so restricted from practically everything.
Why everyone in her family kept her so close and away from any of the higher seraphim duties.
Why she really looked like Lilith. . .
To top it all off, the person she had believed to be her father this whole time was actually her uncle.
She truly didn't know how to feel, and she wondered if Charlie knew.
Probably not given how shocked the Hellborn had been to hear she had a 'cousin'.
Though, now she knew why she felt such a strong connection to Charlie.
They were sisters.
And if Charlie hadn't known about her, she doubted Lucifer or Lilith did.
She wondered what else Heaven has lied to her about.
. . . Did they even love her?
If she really was the spawn of the ones who damned humanity, did they only keep her for their own benefit?
Have they actually hated her this entire time?
These thoughts brought tears to her eyes.
The rest of the day as she continued on with her duties, she thought back to her family and her newly discovered ones.
Whenever she interacted with her family in Heaven, she did her best to keep up appearances.
There was no way to tell what would happen if they found out what she knew.
So, she decided to bite her tongue.
No matter how much she wanted to scream and cry.
She wondered if they were even going to do anything about the exterminations.
She was starting to doubt it since she hadn't heard anything new; though, would they even tell her?
And Adam and Lute were as smug as ever.
That made her angelic blood boil.
Did they really hate Lucifer, Charlie, her, and sinners so much that they would allow this atrocity to continue?
Even though it went against everything Heaven stood for?!
(Y/N) wouldn't stand for this.
If she was going to help Charlie, she would have to take matters into her own hands.
Luckily, Michael and her other uncles' taught her basic combat.
Hopefully that would at least help her fed off a few exorcists.
The next few days leading up to the extermination, (Y/N) secretly stole some angelic armor and weapons.
She eavesdropped on Adam and Lute trying to find out their plans and the exact time of the extermination.
She even continued to gather information for Charlie to help prove her hotel could work.
She acted as she usually did in front of others to avoid suspicion.
She planned to sneak out the night before the extermination to help Charlie and her hotel prepare for the fight.
She was a little nervous about seeing her newly discovered sister, and possibly her biological father, but she knew she would have to suck it up and wait until after the battle was over.
The morning before the extermination, (Y/N) felt more than prepared - she had everything she needed before tonight.
Everything was going according to plan.
"What seems to be the problem here?" Michael asked the court angel who seemed to be a bit out of sorts.
"W-Well, sir, there seems to be a document missing from one of the court records".
Michael rose a brow, "Okay? Which records?".
"U-Um. . . one of the ancient records, sir."
'Ancient records?'
Michael's brows furrowed - why would a document be missing from one of the oldest records in Heaven? Hardly anyone uses or reads them. They're mainly there as historical records now.
"Strange. . . Which record was it then?"
The court angel gulped, "U-Um. . , i-it-"
Michael glared slightly annoyed, "Just say it!"
"I-It was from Lucifer Morningstar's, s-sir!"
Michael's eyes widened, "Lucifer's?"
"Y-Yes, sir. We noticed some of the court records had been a little out of place the past couple of days, but thought nothing of it as everything was neatly put back. But this morning one of the court angel's found a feather between Lucifer's record, and when they opened it they saw one of the documents inside was missing."
Michael frowned, "Which document?"
". . . The Heavenly Ordinance, sir."
'The Heavenly Ordinance? Why. . . Why would anyone take that?'
"This was the feather that was found inside the court record."
The court angel presented Michael a singular feather. It was beautiful and the design looked very familiar -
Michael's breath hitched as he looked closely at the feather. He snatched the feather out of the court angel's hand looking at it even closer.
'No, no, no - it can't be!'
Without another word Michael flew out of the room leaving very confused and concerned court angels'.
'There's no way! She cannot possibly know!'
Lost in his own frantic thoughts, Michael failed to notice a certain archangel in his path, and proceeded to crash right into him.
"Woah, Michael! What's the rush?" Azrael asked wincing from the impact.
Michael looked at his brother, fear in his eyes, "Azrael. I-It's terrible. . . (Y-Y/N). . . S-She-"
"(Y/N)? Did something happen to her?" Azrael asked worried. He's never been his brother so distressed before.
"S-She. . . She knows."
Azrael furrowed his brows, "'Knows?' Knows, what?"
"About Lucifer. . . the truth about Lucifer and Lilith."
Michael proceeded to tell Azrael the events that happened taken place in the courts archives.
"That's strange," Azrael hummed. "Just as strange as the report I just got that some angelic armor and weapons are missing."
Azrael saw Michael's expression morph into one of absolute horror and waved his hands trying to dismiss his brother's thoughts, "But it could all just be a coincidence!".
Placing his hands onto Michael's shoulders, Azrael looked into his eyes, "Michael. You know (Y/N). As curious as she is, she's not reckless or stupid. She knows her place in Heaven and wouldn't dare ruin that. Have more faith - after all, you are the one who raised her."
Michael calmed his nerves as he listened to his brother's advice. He's right. (Y/N) was raised right and she would never do something that would jeopardize her place in Heaven. Someone else had to have misplaced the document, armor, and weapons.
. . . Still. . .
He couldn't shake off the ugly feeling in his gut.
Hours had passed and it was now late into the night.
To everyone around her (Y/N) was her normal graceful, polite, and dutiful self.
Almost like she hadn't been stressed out the entire month worrying for her cousin, who she recently discovered was actually her sister, and finding out her entire life has been a total lie.
She really played the part of the obedient seraphim quite well.
But right now, she was anything but.
Right now she was the sleep deprived heartbroken, scorned girl who no longer knew who she was or who she could trust here.
But, she was going to find out.
While the rest of the castle was asleep, (Y/N) changed from her night gown into light but durable angelic armor.
She wore her long blonde hair in a high ponytail and carried a long angelic spear on her back (along with a few angelic daggers and a whip on her hips).
Once ready, she quietly unlocked her balcony door trying to make as little noise as possible.
She could feel her nerves shake.
She's never been in a real fight before.
She knew what she was doing was dangerous; and if found out, could lead her into a world of trouble.
Looking back behind her she glanced over her room.
Her eyes landing on a picture frame found sitting on her vanity.
It had a photo of when she was little.
In it she was hugging Michael with her favorite duck plushie in her arms.
They both had such big smiles.
Sadness filled her heart as tears pricked her eyes.
Had it all been a lie?
Well. . . either way, she would find out later.
Charlie needed her right now.
She smiled sadly at the duck plushie laying in her bed silently wishing for luck.
Steeling her nerves, (Y/N) internally prepared herself for the battle ahead.
What she wasn't prepared for was to come face to face with Michael the moment she turned around.
@soobryu @kyo-kyo1 @miyako-night20 @charliecharlie65 @unknow-sama @myluckymoon @lbcreations-blog @moonchaos18 @sirenetheblogger @jagharamira @el-hajj @azharyy @glowymxxn @itsmonicabc @lxkeee @aria-tempest @glowinthedarkbones1150 @sashaphantomhive @0strawberrysorbet0 @serenity-loves-red @snowy-violet @aishallnotbefound
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koolades-world · 4 months
Can I request headcannons of MC getting in a fight with Solomon and Simeon (separately) about something pretty big and how MC (or Solomon/Simeon depending on the reason for the fight) makes up for it/apologizes? I just need some good old angst to fluff man.
Thank you and your writing is amazing!
hi! of course :)
the solomon one was def a lot more serious that the simeon one just because i couldn't think of much that mc and him would get into a serious fight about haha (this only thing i could think of was mc confronting him about his choices that led to him becoming humans and that needs it's own piece for sure)
i kinda deviated from the prompt as a wrote, so sorry about that haha. that happens sometimes as i write. the solomon one is much more on prompt
enjoy <3
Mc gets into a fight w/ Simeon and Solomon (separately)
you get jealous that he's been spending so much time with the members of the school's art club
that in itself isn't the problem and you're glad he's getting out there more with something he doesn't normally do, it's just that you can tell that two other members in specific are very into him
they inserted themselves into your relationship and specifically tried to upset you, which cause you to blowup at them
"So, what time are you going to be home?" You pinched your D.D.D. between your shoulder and your ear as you got together the ingredients for dinner that night, since it was your turn to cook.
"In about an hour. Art club will take a little longer today. We're finishing our paintings. I hope you'll like it." The melodious voice of your boyfriend, Simeon, was piped into your ear.
"I'm sure it'll be amazing. If you're going to be late for dinner, let me know. I'll set aside a portion for you." You smiled at the nervousness you heard in his voice.
"Alright. I'll talk with you later then. Love you, Mc." Simeon said.
""Love you too. Stay safe." You put the phone down, and went back to preparing dinner. After you were done, you left it on the stove on keep warm and went off to get some homework done. Eventually, dinner time had rolled around, and still nothing from Simeon. You assumed everything was as normal, so you called your other housemates to dinner.
"Thank you Mc." Luke sat down at the table with his plate.
"Let me know what you think! I tried a modified recipe today." Before Solomon could speak up, the front door finally opened. You got up to greet who you presumed was just Simeon, but there were three people in the doorway.
"I'm home. Hope you don't mind I brought a few guests." Simeon stepped aside to fully reveal his two companions. You recognized them as two other members of the art club, an incubus and a succubus. They really liked Simeon, which wasn't wrong, but they liked him too much. They knew he was currently in a relationship, but that didn't seem to stop them.
The rest of what happened was somewhat of a blur. You vaguely remembered getting progressively more upset at the two newcomers, until eventually, you stood up from the dinner table and went upstairs to your room.
"Mc? I know you're in there." Simeon knocked on the locked door. you didn't answer him. "I'm sorry for bringing them home. I didn't know they'd say that to you. You can blame me all you want." Instantly, you felt bad for unconsciously pinning the blame on him. He had such an alluring personality, so it wasn't really his fault that everyone liked him.
"It's not your fault." You opened the door, and pulled him into the hug. "They were trying to get a rise out of me, and I took the bait. It was a result of pent up feelings I should've share before. I'm sorry."
Simeon sighed and patted your back. "No need to apologize. It's normal to be jealous. I could have done better and asked, but the past is in the past, isn't it?" He took a step back and picked something up that was leaning against the wall. "This is for you. I'd wanted to prepare some of your favorite cookies to go along with it, but I thought now might be a good time to give it to you." In his hands was a portrait of you.
"Simeon! This is beautiful. Thank you!" You hugged him again.
"I'm glad you like it." Simeon moved to set it down, but you stopped him.
"Let's hang it up right now. I have the perfect spot." Simeon was glad to have been graced with seeing your beautiful smile once more.
the two of you get into a fight about his tendency to hole up in his room for days at a time
he says he's doing important experiments but you just want to spend time with him
when he does leave his room, it's a weird hours and it's at one of these times that you happen to run into him
"Sol." You held up your D.D.D.'s flashlight. In front of you was your boyfriend, looking like he hadn't slept in at least a few days. The situation might had been funny if you weren't so upset with him. He froze in the beam, looking like a deer in headlights.
"Mc, my love, my joy, my sunshine. What are you doing up this late?" He chuckled nervously, trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes.
"I could ask you the same thing." You stared at each other in silence. "Babe, it's been three days since I last saw you." He smiled at you sheepishly.
"I've been doing important work." The response he came up with was lackluster.
"What could be more important than your significant other?" You sighed, lowering the flashlight. Solomon didn't respond. "Our anniversary was yesterday. You promised to take me out to dinner. I waited and waited, and even knocked on your door, but you told me you'd be out soon. You never came out." Tears began to well up in your eyes despite promising yourself you wouldn't cry. As the realization hit him, Solomon began to move towards you to comfort you, but you took a few large steps backward.
"My work really is important, but let me make it up to you. We can go out tomorrow morning for brunch, or whatever you'd like." He kept trying to move towards you, but stopped once he realized you didn't want him to close the distance.
"Maybe. I don't know. My feelings are hurt is all. I got dressed up and even had a present ready. I left it outside your door, not that you noticed." You wiped the tears away with your sleeve.
"I made a real breakthrough in my research, if that helps." Solomon suddenly looked much more awake.
"It doesn't. At all. I only wanted one thing from you, but somehow you've managed to avoid it at every turn. I admire your passions, really, I do. But sometimes, I feel like that's the only thing you care about." You turned around, and ran out of the room, taking the only source of light with you.
"Wait! Mc, come back!" Solomon promptly ran headfirst into the door you'd just slammed shut, leaving him alone in the dark, and upset himself.
The next day, he showed up at the HoL, bouquet of flowers in hand. He hesitated for a moment, but knocked. Unfortunately, Satan greeted him. He looked mostly collected, but that didn't stop him from being nervous.
"Hello." Solomon smiled at him.
"I presume those flowers aren't for me." Satan raised an eyebrow.
"Haha, no. They're for..." Your name died on his tongue when he saw you in the background. Your eyes were rimmed red and you had messy hair, but you looked rested. When the two of you made eye contact, you froze.
"Mc, I'm sorry." He held out the flowers to you over Satan's shoulder. He rolled his eyes and stepped a little out of the way. Far enough to give him room, but close enough to force him back outside if needed. You burst into another round of tears, and before Belphie, who was next to you, could grab you, you ran towards him and hugged him tightly.
"That's all I wanted to hear yesterday." Solomon held you close with his free hand.
"I'm sorry for making you think my research was more important that you, I'm sorry for forgetting our anniversary, and I'm sorry for not communicating better." He extended the flowers to you again once you stepped back.
"Thank you. You remembered my favorites." You took them, and gave them a quick whiff.
"Is it too forthcoming of me to ask if you're still up for brunch?" Solomon chuckled.
"No. I'd love that. Just let me get changed." You handed the flowers back to him temporarily to run back inside to get out of your pajamas. Satan had left at some point, but Asmo had found his way into his place.
"Sol. I love you, but if you ever try that again, I think I'll have to put your heart on a spike in the RAD courtyard." Asmo giggled. That was the second time he'd heard his usually endearing nickname spoken in such a threatening way in the past day.
"Noted." Just the reminder he needed never to piss off his s/o or Asmo ever again.
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h-c-u · 1 year
Bose with the Boss
Summary: Toto has to stay in the office late, but that doesn't mean he can't help you in different ways.
Pairing: Toto Wolff x shy fem!reader
W/C: 4.8k
Rating: +18, age gap, daddy kink, dirty talk, praise kink, dom/sub, phone sex, guided masturbation, cockwarming (if you squint), somnophilia
A/N: I will never be able to look at my headphones the same way. BTW - does anyone know how to get on Bose PR list? Asking for a friend...
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It was getting really late...
You knew what you were getting into when you started a relationship with such a powerful and important man, but there were moments when you hated that he had so many things to think about, because when he was taking care of them, he wasn't taking care of you. It's not like you resented him for it, but there were times when you just felt lonely, and this evening was one of those times.
With a heavy sigh, you put away the dinner you hoped to eat with him, opened a bottle of wine, and poured yourself a glass. The house you came to love seemed too big and quiet right now, and you honestly didn't have the energy to do anything, so you just moved to the bedroom and changed into a shirt he wore yesterday to trick your brain into thinking that he was near. With a pilot, you turned on the fireplace and after a few minutes of staring mindlessly into the fire, you decided to call him. It was late and it was a wind-tunnel day, so you suspected he wouldn't answer because he was still with the team, going over the results, but to your surprise he did.
- I'm sorry I'm not home yet, Schatzi... - he started with an apology, which was both good and bad. Good, because even though he didn't say he'll be back for dinner, he still felt guilty for leaving you alone for so long, and bad, because it meant that he wouldn't be back soon.
- Tunnel day, I understand... - you said, your voice much quieter than you wanted it to be, but that made him realize that something wasn't exactly right. And the fact that you logically understood why he had to stay longer didn't change how you felt. But you weren't going to take it out on him; he didn't deserve it.
- What's wrong...? - you could hear the creaking of the chair, which meant that he turned around from the screens and now you had his undivided attention, even if he wasn't as close as you wanted him to be.
You wanted to say it was nothing, that everything was fine, but the lie got stuck in your throat. Well, not exactly a lie, but also nothing serious enough to burden him with, especially when his work most likely already emotionally drained him.
- I feel alone... And I miss you... - you whispered eventually after a long moment of silence. It was still hard for you to be vulnerable with anyone, but it was something you were actively working on.
- Oh, Schatzi... - his voice was dripping with guilt because he hated making you feel like that.
- I have wine, I turned on the fireplace, I'm in your shirt... I'm going to be ok, I just wanted to hear your voice. - you almost instantly tried to make him feel better, which wasn't the healthiest response, but it was the only one that came to the surface. You heard a loud sigh from the other side of the phone, and for a moment you felt bad for bringing it up. In the end, you were living in his house, on his money and you could do whatever you wanted without any worries thanks to him... And yet you still dared to crave more...
- I'll make it up to you, I promise... - you couldn't help but smile, because you knew that his word was his bond, and you couldn't wait to see what he'll come up with.
- Are you alone...? - you asked in a barely audible whisper. You weren't sure if it was loneliness, the wine, or the mix of both, but you needed something from him.
- I am... - he replied in a soft, deep voice, that by some miracle was able to make you feel warm all over.
- Could you...? I need... - even though you were completely alone, you still couldn't say what you wanted out loud. - Please...? - you knew you didn't have to finish the request for him to know what you needed; the desperation in your voice was louder than any words. There was a very subtle chuckle from the other side of the line, but you knew he wasn't making fun of you.
- Do you need Daddy to tell you what you want...? - he almost growled and you felt the blush spilling all over your cheeks and down your chest. Out of instinct, you nodded enthusiastically, forgetting that he couldn't exactly see you at the moment. - Use your words, Princess... - the wave of embarrassment instantly washed over you.
- Yes... - you whispered into the phone, hoping that the microphone would pick up your quiet voice.
- Yes what...? - there was no need to be as embarrassed as you were. Having needs and wants was normal. But you still needed a moment to gather the courage to say what he wanted to hear out loud.
- Yes, I need you to tell me what to do, Daddy. - as soon as the words left your mouth, you felt the warmth traveling down your body.
- Get the headphones from my nightstand, since you'll need both of your hands today, Princess... - you instantly rolled over to his side of the bed, turned the headphones on, paired them to your phone, and put them on your head.
- Done... - you said, but you didn't move back just yet.
- That's my good girl... - you felt his deep voice traveling down your spine, and your eyelids fluttered involuntarily from the sensation, but you wouldn't dare to lower the volume; not when Toto's voice reached the places you didn't even know needed scratching. - Now take out that special toy Daddy bought for you... - you did as he asked, feeling his every word in the back of your neck and you had to bite your lip not to flinch. - Do you have it...?
- Yes... - you whispered. Or at least you thought you did, because you weren't able to hear your own voice through the noise-canceling headphones.
- Perfect... But we're not going to use it just yet, Princess. I want you to lean back on all those pillows you made me get, and close your eyes. - he gave you a moment to follow his instructions and then he continued. - Now put two of your beautiful fingers in your mouth and make them all nice and wet for me... - you would do anything he asked of you right now, because his voice was shooting straight through every single part of your brain, consuming anything else. - You know how Daddy always places a string of kisses along your jaw and down your neck...? I want you slowly trace it with those two fingers... Gently, don't put much pressure... - you took your time moving your hand right below your earlobe and slowly glided your fingers over your skin, leaving a wet path behind. Wetness soon turned into cold, which shot straight to your nipples, because that's where usually Toto's mouth went next. Even though you were the one responsible for this sensation, the delay in your barely noticeable touch and the coldness made it easier to imagine that it was someone else. - Now wet your fingers again and go a little bit lower, in between your breasts... And come back up. - his voice shot through your core again and you did exactly as he requested. - Tell me, Princess... Are your nipples already hard and perked up...? - the confidence in his voice was contrasting with the blush that instantly covered your cheeks. And you were the one who was alone in your house, while he was at the factory where anyone could enter his office at any time.
- Yes... - you whispered quietly. You wanted to hide your face from embarrassment, but there was no one to hide from.
- Yes what...? - he urged you to continue.
- Yes, Daddy... My nipples are hard... - you bit your lip right after the words left your mouth.
- You're doing amazing, Princess... - the praise was so genuine that you almost melted into the pillows below you. - Now gently pinch and roll them in between your fingers, just like Daddy does... - you moved both of your hands down to undo the first few buttons of Toto's shirt and slid your hands under the white material to follow his instructions, and as soon as your fingers fount their destination, you couldn't help but moan, even before you continued... You barely did anything, but his voice dominating everything else managed to rile you up so well, that you could feel the wetness gathering on your folds already. - Louder... - you could just say that he was smiling, hearing how strong of an effect he had over you. So, when you finally rolled your fingers, you let the moan slip from your lips uninterrupted. - Come on, Schatzi, it's just me and you... Louder... I know you can do it. - for him, you could do anything... So, the next time you tightened your fingers, you went all in... You could feel your own moan vibrating through your chest, even though you could barely hear it through the headphones. - That's my girl... Again. - how could you say no when he was speaking in such a commanding voice?
Your cheeks were hot from the arousal, your lips dry and puffy from the constant biting and sucking, but somehow you could still feel the trail of coldness left by your own fingers on your skin, and it felt like his ghost was there with you. Electricity was buzzing in your nerve endings, and your whole body was singing for more, but you didn't dare to do anything he didn't tell you to do.
- Run your fingers through your folds for me... - one of your hands instantly shot down. - How wet are you, Princess? - you had to take a deep breath before you answered because you knew that one word just wouldn’t be enough for him. He wanted to push your boundaries, force you out of your comfort zone and make you feel so good as a reward... Sooner or later you would have to be a bit more descriptive, so why put yourself through the embarrassment twice...?
- I'm soaked, Daddy... There was barely any resistance when my fingers glided... Glided through m-your pussy... - you could feel the uncomfortable heat pooling in all the wrong places. He hummed, clearly pleased at your choice of words.
- Hmmm... What did I do to deserve such a good girl...? - his voice shot all the way through your spine once again. - And good girls like you deserve a reward... - even when he didn't tell you to do anything, your breath was still quicker than usual, and you could feel your walls involuntarily clenching around nothing. - Get the toy, Princess... Run it through your folds, but no dipping just yet. Make it all nice and slick first. - you fumbled for a moment in search of the vibrator you pulled from the nightstand earlier.
At first, you just wet the tip without putting any pressure, because you were afraid of the sounds that would have come out of your mouth if you did. But eventually, you had to change the angle, and you ended up gently nudging your already oversensitive clit, which made you shiver and moan even louder than before.
- Beautiful... Don't hold back, Schatzi. You have a voice of an angel... - you weren't sure if the heat in your cheeks was from his compliments or from your arousal, but it was definitely there.
The smooth silicon was gliding through your folds without any resistance in no time, and you couldn't help but wonder if the microphone picked up all the sounds your soaked pussy must have been making... You couldn't hear them yourself because of the headphones, but you were sure they were there.
- Turn it on, lowest setting... And hold it just above your lovely clit. Let the vibrations travel through your skin and bone and tease you for a moment. - as soon as you pressed the vibrator in the spot he was talking about, your whole body curled up, and out of instinct, you covered your mouth with your hand, because you didn't want to be too loud, but you still didn't move the toy. Even the slightest stimulation traveled deep into your core, reaching not only the exposed bundle of nerves but the parts that were hidden where they usually couldn't be reached. - Schatzi... - he warned you, and you instantly realized what you did wrong. But instead of punishing you, he was giving you a chance to correct that mistake.
- Sorry, Daddy... - you mumbled, right after the vibrations tore a loud moan from between your now uncovered lips.
- Good girl... Now stop. - you moved the toy away from your pussy, but you didn't turn it off. You felt a thin layer of sweat already gathering on your skin and being almost instantly absorbed by Toto's shirt. Your hair was sticking to your face, but you couldn't find enough care to move the strands away, because your whole brain was consumed by the need to get closer to that hot-white, overwhelming pleasure.
But he remained silent...
- Daddy...? - for a moment you were afraid that the connection dropped or that he hung up.
- Yes, Princess...? - his deep voice was both like a cooling pad for your brain and a heating one for your body. But now he was just being mean... He knew how close you were, yet he still chose to mercilessly tease you. You also knew what he wanted you to say, and why he wanted you to say it... He enjoyed making you all embarrassed and flustered, but by forcing you to word your wants and needs, he was actually helping you in the long run. Still, that didn't change the fact that using your orgasm as leverage wasn't something you enjoyed.
- Can I please put the vibrator inside me, turn it to the highest setting, and cum...? - you finally asked, the words leaving your mouth so quickly, that you were afraid they all merged into one.
- Since you asked so nicely... - you could feel the pride in his voice. It was such a small thing, but it was really far out of your comfort zone, and he understood that better than anyone else. - And let me hear it, Princess... - you carefully pushed the toy deeper inside you, trying to find the right angle, and when you did, your knees flew open and your hips rose up, trying to accommodate and meet someone that wasn't there... By the sounds you made, Toto instantly realized what happened. - You're doing such a good job... - his deep voice rumbled through your whole body, as you were struggling to catch your breath. He was so composed compared to you, and even though you couldn't see him, you knew, there was not a hair out of place and not a wrinkle on his clothes, while you were a whining mess, barely able to control your moves, not to mention the sounds you were making...
You finally got enough brainpower to turn up the settings, and your moans became higher and more frequent, even though you were currently clenching your teeth from all the sensations; you didn't even have to move the toy inside you, because the constant stimulation of your g-spot was already pulling you to the top. You wouldn't be able to last long like that, but that wasn't the point... He wanted you to feel good, even though he wasn't there to help with that.
You didn't realize when you turned to your side and pulled your knees to your chest so close, that you were able to rest your sweaty forehead on them. You felt the tears streaming down your cheeks from your shut eyes, and you were no longer moaning... There was only a high, steady sound escaping your mouth through your bitten lip and then it happened.
- That's it... That's my good girl... - you heard Toto's voice just as you were being violently pushed over the edge. Your body uncurled with such force that few of the pillows were thrown off the bed, and one of the still-closed buttons of Toto's shirt flew somewhere nowhere to be found again. And then you collapsed and buried yourself deeper in the pillows below you with the vibrating toy still inside you, but it was no longer pressing against your g-spot, so you were able to catch a breath. - You did so well, Princess... - you couldn't help the smile that bloomed on your face.
- Thank you... - you mumbled into the soft material of the pillow, so you weren't exactly sure how eligible it was. You reached down to turn off the toy, but you couldn't bring yourself to take it out just yet, because somehow it made you feel less alone.
- I love you, Schatzi... Go to sleep, I'll be there when you wake up, I promise... - your mind was already drifting somewhere far away, but his words cut through the pleasant fog and gave you an idea. With your eyes still closed, you reached to the drawer of your nightstand, pulled out a small figurine, and placed it on top, right next to an unfinished glass of wine.
- I love you too... - you responded automatically, almost as a reflex or muscle memory, but it didn't change the fact that it was true. You didn't hear the sound that indicated that the call was disconnected, because you were already asleep.
Toto knew you were asleep, that’s why he did his best not to make any sounds when he entered your home. He reset the alarm, took his shoes and the jacket off, and left his bag, phone, and keys on the dining room table. He poured himself a glass of cold water from the dispenser in the fridge and took two deep breaths to reset himself and put some distance between his life at home and work. And when he finally felt the threads tethering him to the office unhooking from his brain, he was ready to go to the bedroom, where you were currently sound asleep.
As soon as he entered the room still dimly lit by a fire from a fireplace, your sight took his breath away. He leaned on the doorframe and just stood there for a moment with his arms crossed on his chest, basking in your glory. You were laying on your stomach, with your left leg hooked up and resting on one of the soft pillows, around which you also had your arms wrapped. You were still wearing his headphones and your lovely figure was hidden by his own shirt, which almost made him purr, the possessiveness in him completely satisfied with you covered from head to toe in his things. Only after a moment, he noticed the smooth silicone toy peeking from between your folds, and his eyes immediately shot to your nightstand, where he noticed a small porcelain figurine, which made him smile.
He rolled up his sleeves and lazily strolled to the bed. You didn't react in any way when the mattress dipped under his weight when he started crawling in between your legs. Not even when he gently traced his fingers up your thigh until they reached the smooth silicon toy still buried deep in you, with the other end digging into the inside of your thigh, the angle being the sole thing holding it in its place.
When he turned on the vibrations on the lowest setting, you stirred in your sleep and pushed your hips higher up, as if you wanted to give him even more access. He very slowly moved the toy out and back inside you, which made you part your lips in your sleep. With his every move, your breathing became louder, and eventually, there was a soft whine that escaped from your mouth. He could already feel your slick on his fingers, but he didn't stop using the toy just yet; he wanted to make sure that you were as relaxed and ready as possible. He was satisfied only when you subconsciously started humping the toy to meet his movements, so he turned the vibrator off and slowly took it out of you while you tried to follow it.
He didn't even bother undressing completely, only undoing the buttons and zipper of his pants, and freeing his already hard cock from behind two layers of material. Slowly and careful not to wake you up, he ran his whole length in between your folds, lubricating it with your juices. And then he carefully guided his tip inside you, stretching you even more than the toy did just a few moments ago.
The softness of your warm, welcoming walls clenching around him made him moan, but even if you weren't asleep, you wouldn't be able to hear that because of the headphones. He stayed like that for a short while, soaking in the tenderness and intimacy of this moment... The amount of trust you were putting in him always got to him in those types of situations, and he would be a fool if he ever abused it. So instead, he leaned down, still holding his weight on his strong arms, careful not to put any on you, and placed a soft, gentle kiss on the back of your neck. Your face relaxed more if that was even possible, and he just rested his forehead on the place where his lips were just a second ago. He knew you would eventually wake up, but he wanted to challenge himself a little to see how close he could get you to an orgasm before you did, so his moves were slow and gentle... Almost sloppy... But then came a moment when your walls clenched harder around him and his hips snapped in involuntary response, slapping hard against your ass, and that finally made you regain consciousness. Although for a moment you weren't exactly sure what was happening, you knew you were safe.
It would be so easy to go back to sleep, but as soon as you realized what Toto was doing, you turned your head back and caught his lips in a deep kiss, in the middle of which he gently removed the headphones from your head.
- You're so good for me, Princess... So perfect... - he whispered, resting his forehead against yours.
- Just for you... Only for you... - you whispered trying to touch, to feel him more, but the angle made it impossible, so you move your knee even closer to your chest and did a complete 180 turn under him, somehow managing to keep him inside you. Your hands instantly shot down to unbutton his shirt and slide under the soft material and around his body, pulling him closer, as he finally got lower, now resting on his elbows instead of his hands.
He buried his face in the nook of your neck and deeply inhaled your scent, while you hooked your legs behind his ass and pulled him even deeper inside you.
- I missed you so much today... - his voice was almost desperate while he started moving slowly again, but with every snap of his hips, he was gaining speed. - Missed your scent, your touch, your perfect skin, your lips... - if his voice wasn't desperate, his kiss definitely was. It was all-consuming, devouring, and full of longing as if he was trying to make up for lost hours and already preparing and compensating for the next day without you. - Let me hear you, Princess... - he growled when you tried to choke the moan before it reached the surface after a particularly rough move. And after he realized that you were trying to contain yourself again, he did everything in his power to draw louder and more frantic sounds out of you, and he knew exactly how to play your body. He knew all the right places, all the right angles, and he used that knowledge to his advantage mercilessly until you were a moaning, sobbing, and shivering mess.
- Please... - you whimpered, hiding your face in his chest, because you were so desperate for release that you could taste its sweetness in the air.
- Please what...? - you couldn't see it, but you were sure that there was a cocky smile on his face.
- Please Daddy, can I cum on your cock...? - you didn't move your face, so the words came out muffled by Toto's skin. He chuckled and placed a soft kiss on the top of your head.
- Of course, Princess... You can always cum on Daddy's cock... - he placed another soft kiss, this time on your temple. There was an unbelievable contrast between what the lower parts of your bodies were doing, and what the top parts did. His hips were moving at the speed of light, and with every push and pull he was dragging his tip against your G-spot. The loud sounds of skin rhythmically slapping against skin every time he bottomed out when your hips moved up to meet his. Your ankles now were on his lower back, pulling him harder and deeper inside you. All that while he was whispering sweet praises directly into your ear when you were hiding your face out of embarrassment from your own reactions; your fingers were leaving light pink scratches on his back, while your lips closed around a soft patch of the skin under his shoulder, because you were far past moaning, and you needed to occupy your mouth in some other way.
Just before the wave of intense pleasure pulled you into its embrace, you could feel your walls clenching down so hard, it left you with a pleasurable burn that finally pushed you over the edge and your whole body reacted accordingly. Your arms and legs pulled him deeper and closer, and you basically wrapped yourself around him so tightly that you definitely left some marks, yet somehow, he still managed to thrust a few more times before he froze and spilled deep inside you, exactly where he belonged. He pressed his forehead against the top of your head for a long moment, trying to calm himself enough not to collapse as soon as he moved.
- So good... You were so good for me, Princess... - he whispered into your hair, and you almost started purring at his praise. Even though you were slowly regaining control over your own thoughts and body, you didn't let go of Toto, clinging to him for dear life.
- I missed you... - you finally whispered. He moved his arms under you, and he flipped both of you around, so you were now laying on top of him, while he gently stroked your hair and back.
- I know, Schatzi, and I'm sorry... I will make it up to you. - you rested your head on his chest and closed your eyes, soaking in his presence with your whole body.
- I'm not saying that because I want anything in return or to make you feel guilty... I just... I don't like when you're not nearby. I know it's clingy and desperate, but I just... - you huffed instead of actually finishing the sentence.
- I personally think it's adorable... - you could hear a smile in his voice, and you looked up to see it on his face. - And I'm not going anywhere, Princess, I'm all yours... And I can remain yours under the shower. - you chuckled, but he was right... You were both sticky from sweat, and your mixed release was all over your thighs.
- Bath...? - you quietly requested, rubbing your cheek against his skin.
- Yes, we can take a bath instead... - he stood up with you still holding onto him like a very clingy koala bear, and he supported your weight from below, so you wouldn't land on the floor.
Without letting you go, he run a hot bath, undressed and when it was time - he also took off the shirt you were wearing. He got into the giant bathtub first and then held out his hand to assist you.
- Tell me about your day, please... - you requested when you were comfortable sitting in between his legs, with your back against his torso and your eyes closed. He chuckled quietly, but you didn't have to wait long to hear all about the tunnel day. The vibrations of his low, deep voice traveled through your whole body, relaxing you even more than the dangerously hot water, and you had to be careful not to fall asleep in the bath, but even if you did, you knew Toto would take good care of you. 
A/N 2: Please don’t feel obligated/pressured to reblog, because I write mostly for myself. A comment would be appreciated though :) Love, G.
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motts-erella · 5 months
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Hazbin Hotel Murder Drones AU: Master Post
I love both shows so much and someone on twitter suggested that my Alastor w/ mic-tail looked like a Murder Drone and I just was compelled to draw it.
It's very indulgent and I'm sure some characters would fit better with others, but this is what I came up with and I'm running with it! (If anyone wants to take their own spin on it, please lemme know I wanna see)
It's a Radioapple AU, with minor Adamsapple
It's also got flavors thrown in from a few popular theories
Character sheets, art and more below
Alastor is the Uzi Character, I vibe a lot with the idea of Alastor in the Eldritch!Form
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A normal worker drone infected with Absolute Solver (which is Roo in this au!) Yes I gave the microphone teeth. I am so sorry. I imagine these versions of the characters are adults, instead of high schoolers to more vibe with Hazbin's character pool.
Here's a fully rendered art I did inspired from Episode 7. I really wanted to draw the lantern in the mic-tail's mouth
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Lucifer is in N's position
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An outcast among the Disassembly Drones. He has the biggest crush on Adam at the beginning of the story, but eventually develops feelings for Alastor
I like to think the Cyn in this au which is Eve/Roo gave him more wings then everyone else because he was nice to her.
Also look at him, he's baby, I wanna million of him
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Adam takes V's position
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He fucking LOVES being a disassembly drone, but after Al and Lu drag him into things he very quickly adapts and eventually becomes a part of the team. He ends up becoming the cool guy at the Worker Drone Colony
I went though a few incarnations before I found my final design for Adam:
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Lastly for characters whom have art that I have finished here's Lute in the 'J' position.
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She's sent down with Adam and Lucifer, and later is helping the Tessa character (who is Lilith). She's definitely the least fleshed out at the moment, and I might branch away from MD canon with her, but I do like her coming back with Lilith.
Like Adam figuring the exact style took a few tries:
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Other cast members I have worked out include:
Tessa - Lilith
Cyn/Absolute Solver - Eve/Roo
Alice - Pentious (my beloved snake boi I'm so sorry maybe I'll save you in the au somehow)
Beau - Frank
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midnight-black2 · 3 months
twin im back i js got the new idea of like some ppl purposely trying to fw kai and get him into trouble w richard and he got frustrated and whiny about it so like his mean gf yelled at him cause at the same time it WAS his fault. but then he ends up apologizing n you can take the smut from there like idk if that part makes sense
pairing : kai (voyagers) x reader
synopsis : basically what the req says
disclaimers : dom!reader, sub!kai, whiny!kai, light degradation, lowk mean!reader, handjob (m!recieving), a little short, kinda fast-paced
note : bro i'm so sorry this took so long to come out 😭 also ignore the title, i couldn't think of anything better
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your first mistake was allowing kai in your room at all. firstly, it was against the rules (you could've surely gotten in trouble), and secondly, you knew he would just throw a non-stop fit.
your second mistake was continuing to argue with him, instead of kicking him out as soon as he opened his damned mouth. either way, you couldn't go back, and you were really, truly, sincerely pissed off at him. after all, it was entirely his fault as to why he was so mad in the first place. maybe if he ever just shut the hell up, this never would have happened to him.
unfortunately, you knew it was only a matter of time before he began to actually feel some sort of remorse for what he did. so, you weren't surprised when he knocked on your door and so much as practically begged for you to let him in. and?...you did.
"fucking hell kai, just go back to your room," you spat, as your arms folded across your chest.
"no," he began, as he closed to door behind me. "please, i'm sorry, i am. i just..." he trailed off.
"you just what, kai? don't waste my time," you said, with an exasperated sigh. he fidgeted a bit, as his gaze lowered to the ground.
"look, you were right. i did deserve it, and i was being a brat, and im sorry."
"glad you finally came to that realization," you started. "never thought i'd actually hear those words spill from your lips." there was a moment of silence, you had nothing else to say.
"i'll do anything to make it up to you. just, stop being mad."
"kai, you can't just tell me to not be mad. that's not how it works," you said, with furrowed brows as you plopped down into the chair beside your bed. you rubbed at your temples in an attempt to calm yourself.
"i said ill do anything, please." you sighed at that. you knew it would be difficult to resist him. at least you tried...
"get on the bed," you instructed. he was quick to listen, as he fumbled a bit in the process of getting over there. he rested his back against the headboard, awaiting any further instructions from you.
you took your time to get over there. you mentally cursed yourself for giving in so easily. you sat across his lap, straddling him.
"you really have to learn to take accountability," you mumbled, leaning in slightly. he mirrored your actions, leaning in as well.
"sorry," he mumbled against your lips, his breathing becoming a bit ragged. you pulled away. and he chased your lips. you chuckled softly at that.
"you didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?" you teased. he felt a whine bubble in his throat, but to spare his pride (for now, at least), he swallowed it back. your fingers trailed across and down his chest, and he felt himself shiver as you did so.
"please, [name]," he uttered.
"be patient, kai," you replied, calmly. you pinched his skin in certain areas, just to see his reactions. it was entertaining, really. after a bit more of teasing. your hand found its way to the waistband of his pants. you tugged slightly, prying them open, before letting go, watching as they snapped back against his waist. he sighed shakily at that, swallowing thickly. you eventually began to pull them down.
"lift your hips," you said, and he did just that. you pulled the pants all the way down, the cloth pooling at his feet. you notice his semi-hard on, and you have to resist the urge to laugh. it had only been a few hours of not being with you, and he was already so riled up?
"jesus kai, you're pathetic," you said, under your breath. he elicited a soft whine at that, to which you smirked. you palmed him gently over his boxers, and he let out a low groan.
"please," he begged, looking up into your eyes. you didn't say anything back, relishing in the noises he made with every touch you left. you finally began to pull down his boxers, and he met you halfway by lifting his hips. they were discarded with his pants. his semi was now a full hard on; red and throbbing pitifully hard. pre was leaking steadily, flowing down and onto his lower abdomen.
"what got you so hard, hm?" you asked, as your fingers danced across his tip. he whimpered softly.
"you." you smiled at that, before completely wrapping your hand around his cock. you spread the pre, using it as lube. your pace began slow, painfully slow. he let out low moans and groans, hips bucking into your hand ever so slightly.
"stay still," you said, keeping a hand on his waist to ground him. "is this really all it takes for you to shut your mouth?" he whined, throwing his head back.
"f-fuck [name]," kai cried, brows furrowing in pleasure.
"say you're sorry, kai," you ordered, and he nodded.
"m'sorry, so sorry. you were right," he babbled.
"good. you're lucky i'm even doing this for you. should've just left you to get off yourself." you twisted your hand, speeding up. you thumbed at his slit a bit, making him moan out.
"y-yeah. s-shit, oh my god thank you," he mumbled. it was so uncharacteristic of him, and it was thoroughly amusing. as your hand worked on his cock, you gripped his chin, and planted a harsh kiss on his lips. he whined in your mouth, before you pulled away.
"here's what you're going to do. you're going to apologize to everyone, including richard, understand?" you asked, locking eyes with him.
"y-yeah, okay," he breathed out, whining softly as your grip around his cock tightened slightly.
"oh, fuck. think m'gonna cum [name]," he warned, as he pulled his lower lip in between his teeth. you laughed cruelly.
"oh no, i didn't say you'd be coming, did i?"
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𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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ironm4n · 1 year
wait I already asked for sum but I'm asking again — haha sorry
fem werewolf reader x garroth - my street location but after all the chaos so garroth is a werewolf too
nobody knows reader is a wolf as she got bullied for it when she was young, way before high school and she learned how to hide her ears and tail so she always did and eventually it became about of an afterthought at times although it was a topic she hates thinking abt
reader is Katelyn's best friend as they used to play volleyball together in pdh, garroth and everybody else obviously knows her too but Katelyn was closest with her. She always kept her friend group smaller than most and she was knows to be sweet, although she had an attitude and a sarcastic tone at times, which Katelyn loves most about her. tldr garroth and reader become close but he feels detached from everyone, as if he's keeping them at arms length, due to his trauma. Garroth has a breakdown in public when hanging w everyone (for reasons you can think of sorry Juliet 😭) and idk things happen and reader opens up to make him feel better and smooch they're baes
a/n this is such a fun request i LOVE this !! and tysm for requesting <3 i have a few other requests which I'll definitely get to eventually :)
not proof read !!! sorry, wrote this at half 2am and i really didn't wanna read it through😭
also the pic is from Pinterest:
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Garroth Ro'meave x fem!Wolf!Reader.
A social construct made up by lonely people who find sorrow in their isolation. Yet, no matter how much versatility love had in the eyes and, most importantly, hearts of people, the pain and adrenaline and even the dependancy love can cause is seen as a fundamental process of loving and being "normal". Now, I know this sounds pessimistic and something that a typical single, and way too desperate to mingle, person would say, I adore the idea of love and the feeling it gives us. Sometimes, life feels so meaningless and unnecessary, so the feeling of love and even the hurt or happiness it can often bring can make us as people feel so much less alien.
Now, the reason i'm so fixated on the topic of romance is due to the current predicament i find myself in. In high school, my friend Aphmau fell desperately in love with Aaron Lycan, it was cute. What was even cuter was the fact they stuck it out and are even currently engaged! Sure, we lost a figurative single soldier who ended up being taken but that was fine, it was fun fos us to gossip about and hope we could have what they have. Kawaii— no, Nana got into a relationship with Zane which was... unexpected to say the least, but it was nice to know Zane had opened up to someone other than Aphmau and that Nana finally had something she had always wanted. Katelyn broke up with Jeffory in high school too, she went through a tough time but i knew my best friend was going to be okay, and soon enough she was. However, what was NOT okay was that she ended up in a relationship too! I mean, of course she's an adult and i want the best for her and i truly am happy but wow, now i have the least amount of relatability, even to my best friend, all because Travis finally wooed her. I hadn't expected to be the only one on mystreet that was single.
Well, only single female, that is. There was Dante, who still had yet to manage his own love life but he recently went on a journey of self discovery and trying to be happy with who he is and not feel as though he had to change himself in order to be loved romantically. Kim and Lucinda were also single, although they never showed much interest in getting into a relationship, well not Lucinda at least. Kim seemed like she might just be too awkward to even try. But they didn't matter, i wasn't all that close with them, even though Lucinda and Kim felt closer than Dante due to the events of what had happened at the lodge... yeah, those experiences definitely brought us closer.
There was also Garroth...
Garroth Ro'meave, what a character. He's somebody that is incredibly attractive, objectively of course - i personally don't have feelings for him. He has this gorgeous head of sandy blonde hair, long enough to tie up into a tiny ponytail but still short enough to have tendrils of a mellow gold sticking out at the front. His skin was a pretty tan colour, he went outside alot and although he put on sunscreen, he never really bothered to apply more throughout the day so especially after coming back from holiday, his skin was lovely, sunkissed even. And although i could go on and on about his muscles and peculiar yet endearing fashion sense - I've yet to mention his best feature.
His eyes.
They were Sapphires, beautiful gemstones that shone with such luminosity that only the most expensive crystals could achieve. Although, the colour of his eyes moreso resembled Aquamarines, or perhaps even Blue Agates. His eyes were even more radiant when he smiled or laughed, and oh my god was his smile charming to say the least.
Everything about him was just - wow..
But again, don't get an ill idea, I simply see him as a friend. Maybe even a close friend. After the lodge, we had all gotten closer, especially as the feeling of loneliness often felt deadly at times.. Garroth and I had gotten much closer after the lodge, especially at Starlight as many tensions had eased between everyone and people had finally relaxed. Even now, we hang out much more often as we are some of the only single ones out of our close friends so we just gravitate towards eachother.
Unfortunately, I had grown a bit more distant from Katelyn, my ultimate best friend. After coming back from the lodge, we all spoke of course but there was so much.. uncertainty and lack of trust. It was as if we needed to reevaluate our friendships and see if they were genuine and not just Ein somehow hurting us again. We were broken. And of course the others that were not at the lodge didn't understand the change. Katelyn was never truly in touch with her emotions nor how to handle them, let alone other people's emotions. Of course she had realised there was a slight shift in my behaviour, especially as it wasn't just me. Everybody had noticed Aphmau's depression, and Katelyn was growing more confused. She wasn't able to speak to me as seriously as she wanted to or as deeply as she wanted to, so i managed to undermine how i was feeling each time she had asked. But, we both knew that a lack of much needed communication can cause cracks or gaps in friendships. Although it was obvious she felt guilty for not "getting through to me", I knew i was at fault.
Katelyn hasn't tried asking about the lodge or anything else about the time period of which we all came back from there since. She must realise how much of a sensitive topic it is. And, although I sometimes feel lonely knowing she's out having fun not missing me and instead replacing our hangouts with dates with Travis, I'm happy she's happy and I'm happy i have Garroth now too.
Truth be told, Garroth went through unforgettable things, specifically being turned into a werewolf via excruciating pain and suffering. He doesn't like talking about it, and while his ears and tail are always out, he doesn't like people mentioning them or bringing them to everybody's attention. He wasn't ready for the kinds of conversations he knew he was bound to have with everybody if he allowed them to talk about them or even just acknowledge them.
He just wanted to be Garroth, it seemed. And he was never not Garroth to me. I wish he realised that I of all people would understand.
I, too, am a werewolf - well, a wolf at least, but I've always hidden it. Nobody knows, I always intended to tell everybody but i was so so scared.. I was bullied relentlessly in my younger years for being a wolf.
I never had it easy, I was adopted by humans that didn't know i was a pup right away, so when my ears and tails had been shown after they had already signed the adoption papers, they kept me. They didn't know how to raise a pup so they brought me up like they would a human and unfortunately sent me to a human school.
I went to human schools up until high school, so until i was 14. Needless to say, it was the worst. I got beaten physically and verbally, jumped, stolen from and some people even tried to light my fur on fire, so i forever have had a burn scar on my left ear. Although i seemed brave and string after those experiences, i never got over them. Sure, i moved forward, but i dont think i ever truly moved on. Yes, Garroth and I have different experiences but I so desperately sympathise with him as i understand the pain these transitions can cause, and even just what being a wolf can cause. I want him to let me in, but there's no way in hell I'll force him into that. So for now, my friendship with him is enough.
I care for him deeply, and although i said i didn't have any interest in him, it was a pretty obvious lie.. I don't know if i would say i love him yet as its incredibly early to say such rash things but I definitely like him more than anybody should be able to like someone. But after what he's been through, I doubt romance is even on his mind, let alone me.
I turned on my side, staring aimlessly out of my window that resided next to my bed. The sky was an endless sea of midnight blue which was littered with glimmering stars.
I sighed.
I checked my phone around 10 minutes ago, so it was currently around 04:48 am if i had remembered correctly. It was getting harder and harder to sleep, and it didnt help that i kept thinking of Garroth.
Helping Garroth. Hanging out with Garroth. Liking Garroth. The beauty of Garroth. Just Garroth.
It was like a fever dream, only thinking of one person in millions of separate scenarios, i sound like an obsessed fan. I cringed, knowing i had to get up at about 11am tomorrow at the latest as I had to be at Aphmau's house by 12. She was having a hangout with everybody on mystreet as she felt like everybody had been so tense after recent events, she was always so sweet and looked out for everyone.
Well, I guess I need to at least try to sleep.
Yawning, my clenched my fists and rubbed my eyes with them, i looked beside me at my bedside table where my digital alarm clock was.
I was kinda proud of myself for getting up at a somewhat reasonable time and getting at least 5 hours of sleep. I had some pretty bad eyebags from having sleepless nights often, but i always hid it with makeup.
I got ready within around an hour and a half leaving around 20 minutes to walk to Aphmau and Aaron's place. I was actually really pleased, i felt nice today. I sprayed myself with my favourite perfume and left my place, grabbing my phone and keys before i left. I saw Zane ans Nana holding hands as they walked into Aphmau's house a few houses down, they were super adorable to be honest.
I walked to her house and hugged Aph as she greeted me. I sat down and glanced around the room, immediately realising i had been the last to arrive. I sat down next to Garroth which was one of the only seats not occupied by a couple. Everybody was chatting loudly in a fun light hearted manner, clearly happy to feel free of any tension towards one another. I turned to Garroth, wondering why he had kept so quiet.
Immediately, I had a good idea of why.
His normally honey toned skin looked pastey and blotchy, his eyes were red and tearful and his hair was unkempt. Had nobody else noticed the support he clearly needed??
He turned to me and attempted to give me a sweet smile and whilst he looked pretty like usual, it was disingenuine and full of melancholy.
"Yes, Y/N?"
I just looked at him, and my sympathy must have been misunderstood as pity as he suddenly stood up and spoke, "Don't do that."
"Do what?" I got up too, wanting to be on the same level as him.
"Give me that look o-of pity! Don't pity me, Y/N. I'm strong."
"I know that Garroth I just—"
"Just stop!" He exclaimed and although it wasn't loud enough for many other to hear, thank god, it had left me feeling scared for him. I just wanted him to be okay, dammit.
He left Aphmau's house, i quickly ran to the kitchen to say goodbye to Aphmau. I felt no need to expose Garroth to her so i came up with the classic "family emergency" excuse. Somehow, it worked and she allowed me to leave in my hurried state. Assuming Garroth went to his house, I ran over there as quickly as I could, which wasnt too hard considering I was a wolf, and knocked on the door. Unfortunately, it had been left open anyways so I peered in, seeing Garroth curled up on the couch, his ears drooping.
I walked in quietly and closed the door, although his long distance hearning abilities due to his new werewolf attachments heard me.
"Y/N please, i don't want your pity." I sat down on the floor just below him so i could see him face, although his eyes were looking at anything but myself, "Good thing I'm not here to give you pity, then."
His gaze softened and he spoke in a murmer, "Sorry for raising my voice." Tears were threatening to fall down his face, something he unfortunately looked like he was used to. I held his hands in mine, "Don't apologise. You're allowed to be upset, hell it would be abit odd if you weren't. No matter what ears you have, human or otherwise, or if you have a tail or not, you're always going to be my Garroth. This hasn't changed a thing."
His face tensed as tears cascaded down his cheecks, "You're too sweet to me... but no matter what you say, i know you don't understand. Not as well as you think you do. I'm never going to be the same Garroth i was because nobody will see me the same way. But i cannot handle the looks of pity i get..."
I kissed the backs of his hands, rubbing my thumbs soothingly against them, trying to add some sort of comfort that wasn't too invasive or overwhelming. The last thing i wanted was to drive him away. "Garroth, i understand more than you think i do."
He was still refusing to look at me, closing his eyes as he tried to prevent more tears from spilling. I allowed my ears and tail so show, I don't do it often so it felt foreign and hinestly, it was uncomfortable and way too vulnerable for my liking. But i knew it might help Garroth, and i was willing to take the chance.
"Look at me Garroth."
He didn't reply and instead jjst kept his eyes closed, "I said look at me." I tried to command, although it came out quietly and softly as I didn't want to add fuel to Garroth's fire.
He opened his eyes and — "what is this?"
"I.. am a werewolf. Well, a wolf. I was born one."
He was in a state of shock, "I didn't know.." I laughed uncomfortablely, "Yeah.. nobody does. I was ashamed, i got bullied by humans as a kid so much that my fear was domineering and I never really showed them. Having human parents adopt me didn't help either and they didn't understand me."
Garroth looked at me with a look that finally meant he understood, "You understand me because...you went through the lonliness and shame too." I nodded, "Garroth, I care so much about yoy to the point I can't sleep sometimes because of worry or out of happiness knowing I'll see you the next day or even just staying up thinking about how cute your stupid goofy smile is but—"
He gasped and I had thought i said too much and overstepped a boundary, "You think my smile is stupid and goofy?" He inquired dramatically and for the first time in a while, I laughed wholeheartedly, "Shut up, you know thats not what i meant!" "Well thats what you said!"
I smiled at his as our bickering dulled, "But seriously. I like you Garroth, more than a friend should, and you had me worrying so much but in reality, you're always going to be my Garroth to me, ears and a tail aren't gonna change that. Although they are devilishly cute."
He blushed and I removed my hands from his and wiped the tears off of his face. I kissed his cheek as he stuttered in response and merely kissed mine back. We didn't speak after, because words were not needed, the only thing were needed in that moment was eachother.
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annaphoenix1994 · 1 year
Dead Man Walking - Part 2
First Part - Masterlist
Tags: Angst/Eventual Smut/Confused Simon/Jealous Simon/Simon Doesn't Know How to Process his Feelings
Word Count: 2,228
Summary: Lila Shelby is a private investigator and right-hand informant for Station Chief Laswell, sending you undercover to pose as an American soldier to investigate Phillip Graves as Laswell has an idea that there was more to the story than just what Shepherd had told her. Nearly eight months into the investigation, Lila (you) befriended as well as grew feelings for the quiet, yet intimidating British Lieutenant Simon Riley. When an intimate encounter simmers, Simon is faced with a responsibility he had never been faced with: Lila's heart. 
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Author's Note: I'm so sorry I'm just now publishing this. I had saved it as a draft months ago and just now finished it! Part 3 coming sooner than this one! 
"You handled it well back there." Ghost commented, his gaze still solid on the amber-colored liquid in his glass, his heart racing as he processed her soft and vulnerable laugh at his comment. 
She shrugged, "It only gets better from here." 
"What're you going to do?" 
"Well," She sighed, crossing her leg over her knee. "I did my research and sent it to Laswell. Just waiting on her to call me back and give me the order." 
"I see." He nodded, a frown splaying behind his mask - a frown that she could not see. 
But she felt it. 
"After I get my orders, I'll still be here to locate the missiles and take out Hassan. I won't be going anywhere any time soon." She sighed. 
"Gettin' all sentimental, are we?" She teased.
"No, just saying that it's a good thing you're here." 
She hummed, "I could say the same about you." 
"You've saved my ass a couple of times already within these last few months is why," She giggled, playfully nudging his elbow with hers. A gesture of physical touch that nearly drove him wild. "Got a sharp eye on you, Lieutenant." 
He huffed in agreement, "I have to. You don't know what don't push means."
"Believe me, I do, but I'm not patient." 
"I'm well aware. That's why I've had to save your arse twice now," He grumbled, curling his fingers around the hem of his balaclava to bring it up to his top lip to take another sip of the bourbon, relying on the liquid courage for what was about to leave his lips next. "It was easy to spot where you were with an arse like that." 
Too fucking bold, Simon.
She was nearly startled by his words, wondering if she should take it as a compliment or an insult, but something told her that he was trying to hint at how he felt about her, which was a shock in itself. "Been staring at my ass much, Ghost?" She chuckled. 
"Can't help it," He shrugged. "It finds its way to my view all on its own." 
"I'll have you know that I'm very self-conscious about my body-"
"You shouldn't." 
"I do consider if my ass is the only thing you look at." 
"I look at more than just that," He huffed, the bourbon taking completely over with his internal fight with his own emotions - something that he had never been able to conquer without the aid of alcohol to take the edge off. "Especially when you revealed your face. Haven't been able to get it out of my mind." 
"I'm sure it was a shock," She giggled. "That typically happens when you thought I looked completely different than what you expected-"
"It wasn't what I expected, but it's not a bad thing. You're not ugly at all." 
"You're just saying that-"
"Stop. You're beautiful." 
He saw her arch her brow in his peripheral vision, hating how she refused to accept his compliment, but he couldn't blame her - he wouldn't believe her if she were to compliment him either. 
"If you say so." 
"I can show you how beautiful you are." 
His words didn't mean to leave his mind. He wanted her desperately - to show her how he could admire her with his own touch and body, to whisper against her skin that her insecurities only haunted her thoughts and not his own. 
She didn't respond as quickly as he would have liked and expected a rejection, something he was used to already. He sighed, breaking the silence as he regretted it almost immediately for possibly ruining their relationship. 
"H-How?" She asked, her foot tapping nervously against the floor. 
"It's just something I have to show. I can't just say it." 
"Why?" She nearly giggled in disbelief. 
"For one, I'm not good with words. Two, you wouldn't believe me if I said it." 
"You're probably right," She sighed. "Although I doubt you can show me that I'm beautiful and make me believe you."  
"We'll see about that," He grumbled, slowly standing to his feet. "That is, if you'd let me?" 
She nodded hesitantly for her own sake, growing intensely nervous as to what was about to happen. She watched him close the door to his bedroom before he locked it, turning off the light in the process, the only light illuminating the room was the single light that was above the sink in his bathroom. She soon felt his presence standing before her, watching his arm extend towards her, his hand opening as if he were asking her to take it. 
She did. 
She stood to her feet, feeling his hot breath fanning against her face, realizing that he had exposed his lips from the confines of his balaclava, the dim light bronzing against his exposed skin of his jaw, light stubble surrounding his lips. Her breath altered at the sight, wondering what he looked like without the mask completely, putting together a mental picture as best as she could. 
By what she could see, he was beautiful. 
With a gloved hand now grasping hers, he reached for her other hand before guiding her arms to where they were around his neck, loosening his grasp before his hands rested gently on her hips. He saw a gleam of excitement in her eyes, looking over her features before slowly moving his face closer to hers, the feeling of her lips on his being better than he imagined, although he felt as if he overstepped a boundary when her lips were tight against his, hesitant on roaming his shoulders with her hands. "Relax, love." He mumbled against her lips. 
"Hard to relax when this is happening," She giggled. "It's all overwhelming." 
"The excited type." She giggled, forcing herself to relax against his lips, accepting his gestures that she desperately wanted. 
"Good." He whispered before returning his lips to hers, sighing as he felt her relax, swiping the tip of his tongue against her bottom lip, a sly grin curling on his mouth as she accepted his tongue, deepening the kiss on her own terms, his grip tightening on her hips as he pulled her closer while he guided her to lay on the bed, settling his weight between her legs. 
Naturally, her legs hooked around his hips, the pinch of his holsters and belt nipping at her inner thighs as he couldn't help but grind his hips into her as his lips moved against her neck, striking those nerve endings that sent sparks throughout her entire body mixed with the smell of his natural scent and deodorant. "Is this okay?" He whispered against her neck as she felt his bare fingers grazing against the exposed skin of her hip. 
She nodded, "I want more of you. I want all of you, Gho-"
"Simon," He corrected her, feeling as if she deserved to hear his real name as she was about to give herself to him completely. "Simon Riley." 
"Lila Shelby," She giggled, pulling back from his lips to say her full name. "Definitely a new way to introduce each other." 
"I know who you are, love." He smirked at her expression when she realized that he had removed his balaclava completely, his words making her feel like she was melting under his words alone. 
All she could do was hum in response, her hands hesitantly reaching up to cup his face as his lips returned to lock with hers, pressing his growing erection into her at the same time, a heavy sigh leaving his nostrils at the tension he had been longing to relieve. "You can touch me. I won't stop you." 
"Not this time, huh?" She giggled, referring to the comforting hug she had tried to give him weeks prior after one of their talks, afraid that he'd pull away again if she began to explore his body. 
"Not this time." He said lowly, his fingers resting at the bottom of her ribcage, hesitant to continue forward as it had been a few years since he had been with a woman. 
"Touch me, Simon." 
"Say it again." He grumbled, the sound of his name coming from her mouth encouraging him to continue. 
"Touch me, Simon." 
His hand moved to cup her breast, her back arching against his chest as his other arm stabilized him as he hovered over her. 
Now fully feeling his erection against her core, a light sheet of sweat embraced her as her shirt had been removed fully, Simon sitting back on his knees to reach for the hem of his shirt to remove it only to be stopped. "Can I?" 
She watched him smirk through the dimly-lit room, "I'm all yours." He said, opening his arms as she moved to sit on her knees, reaching for the hem of his shirt to slowly pull it upwards, Simon raising his arms above his head to feel his shirt leave his torso, feeling her palm press against his sternum, trailing her hand downward towards his belly button, feeling the hard muscle under her palm before he guided her back down on the bed, his lips pressing against her collarbone before making a trail of their own over the mounds of her breasts, his hand replacing his lips when he continued downward, stopping briefly once he got to her belt, the heat of her core radiating through her pants, nearly driving Simon wild at the thought.
Removing her pants from her hips and legs, he tossed them carelessly to the floor, his hands returning to her bare legs as his fingers hooked around the hem of her panties, "You alright?" He asked, continuously asking for her consent as he truly didn't want her to feel uncomfortable. 
She nodded, lifting her hips as he removed her underwear, Simon noticing her insecurity by her thighs instinctively clamping together after she was bare completely under him.
His hands rested on her knees, "Gettin' shy on me, love?" 
He knew exactly why she was nervous, but he hoped that she knew that he wouldn't judge her for whatever insecurity she thought she had. 
"I-I can't help it." She blushed. 
"Don't be nervous," He assured her, moving to lay between her thighs after feeling her relax. "Just relax." 
"What if you don't like-"
"Shh." He smirked against her thigh, pressing his lips along her inner thigh from her knee to her hip, the smell of her pheromones enticing him further and further, his mouth watering for the taste of her to be on his lips. 
Feeling her relax against his touch, his lips latched around her clit as a loud moan escaped her lips, turning her head to the side and clamping her eyes shut to enjoy the sensation Simon was giving her so effortlessly. 
After a few moments, Simon sensed that she was anticipating more by how he felt her walls contracting over nothing. Slowly, he entered a finger inside of her, groaning against her clit at the feeling of her tightness. After inserting another finger inside of her, he curled his fingers upwards towards her G-Spot, continuing to nurse on her clit with the same motion of his fingers, effortlessly making her teeter on the brink of an orgasm. 
He waited until she got to that high, stopping before she reached that high to tease her instead of making himself feel selfish, standing to his feet on the edge of the bed to remove his pants, his erection springing free and causing her to shudder at the sight. He pumped himself once, precum dripping from his tip as he relaxed onto his knees, "Ready?" 
She nodded, reaching to grasp for his forearm and digging her nails into his tattooed skin, wincing as he entered her slowly, suddenly more aroused at the sound of a whimper leaving Simon's lips. "Fuckin' hell." He grumbled. 
"W-What is it?" She panted. 
"So fuckin' tight, love." He replied, pressing a kiss to her neck as he began to thrust into her slowly, resisting the urge to fill her to the brim just by how well she hugged him. She hummed, smirking at his compliment as her legs twined around his hips, her calves subtly pulling him closer against her.  
"I'm going to assume that's a good thing." She giggled. 
"Very good thing," He groaned, leaning up to view where they were joined, obsessed with how his girth disappeared within her with every thrust, grasping her ankles with his hands for leverage before he reached down and grasped a pillow, lifting up her hips to put the pillow under the small of her back, Lila unaware that the gesture was for her pleasure as he would perfectly hit her G-Spot with every thrust. "So fuckin' good for me, yeah?" 
She moaned in response, although it wasn't what Simon wanted to hear. 
He wanted to hear how good he made her feel. 
He put his weight on her, curling his hips into her as he was pleased to feel the firmer ridges of her as he thrusted against her G-Spot, kissing against her neck and jaw before he asked, "Tell me, love." 
"Yes," She sighed. "Always good for you, Simon." 
He smirked against her jaw, "Good girl."
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xxlady-lunaxx · 1 year
''Hey, you're okay..'' Pt. 2 | {SaneGiyuu}
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Theme: Fluff+angst+more fluff
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Note: <33 yes tyty :3 I'll do the all that 'cept the smut bc I'm shit at that (like maybe in the future i'll try on a diff acc but not now no no no.. 😶 I'll stick to reading it for now (haven't in a long time tho 💀))
He realized how close he was to Giyuu. Both the Hashira turned red at the realization but neither moved. Sanemi's hand was on Giyuu's cheek, having been inspecting the burnt lip, and the hand slowly brushed Giyuu's mouth lightly, carefully. Their gazes met and their eyes fluttered shut as Giyuu leaned down ever so slightly, closing the space between them.
Sanemi wrapped his arms around Giyuu, the tea cups forgotten on the floor. Their lips interlocked and they moved in sync, their bodies, their mouths, their breath. Sanemi's hands laced through Giyuu's thick hair, pulling him towards himself like a magnet. They only parted when Giyuu felt the need to draw up for air and the two Hashira gazed at each other in a sort of daze. Then, quickly realizing what happened, both scrambled back, flushed.
"E-Eh, sorry," Sanemi muttered quickly, getting up. "I'll.. go wet a cloth for you lip."
Giyuu nodded a little too quickly and once Sanemi had left, he buried his face in the bed sheets, embarrassed. Had he just kissed Sanemi..?
And then Sanemi was back with a towel. He crouched next to Giyuu and held it to him, not exactly meeting his eyes. The two sat silently, Giyuu tending to his lip and Sanemi drinking his tea to avoid having to say something. Finally, though, Giyuu said, "W..why did you kiss me?"—except that onnly made everything 100 times more awkward and he quickly relapsed into silence.
Sanemi eventually responded though, feeling he shouldn't just leave Giyuu hanging. "Because... uh.. Well, why did you not push me away?"
Giyuu turned bright red and said nothing for a moment, leaving Sanemi to think he shouldn't have said that. But then Giyuu whispered, "I don't know.. I wanted to keep.. uh.. nevermind."
(I keep typing their names wrong help.. I wrote Giuu and Sanmi- 🥲)
He didn't have to continue, because Sanemi knew what he was going to say. He wanted to keep going. And so, Sanemi propped himself up, setting his cup a safe distance away, and scooted closer to Giyuu. He set his hands on Giyuu's shoulders and pulled him in for another kiss, pausing for a fraction of a second incase Giyuu decided against it. When he didn't, he pressed his lips against Giyuu's and kissed him.
Sanemi pulled away, this time, and looked Giyuu in the eye. "Tomioka. Tell me, how do you feel about me?" he asked, going straight to the point.
"Eh?!" Giyuu said, aghast, not having expected that. "I.. Uhm.. Yes?"
Sanemi rolled his eyes. "Fine, I'll go first. Tomioka, I like you. Surprisingly, though. Not sure why. But yeah."
"Oh..!" Giyuu's eyes widened and he froze. "You do?"
"Was that not already obvious? We just kissed! Twice! And both times I initiated it!" Sanemi said incredulously.
"Right," Giyuu mumbled. He took a deep breath. "Well, ah, I think I like you as well."
"You think? Give me a forward answer, not a 'I don't know' one," Sanemi huffed, crossing his arms.
"Sorry, I'm just surprised. Well, then, I do like you too," Giyuu corrected, flushing.
"Better. And great. Would you consider being my boyfriend?" Sanemi asked, raising an eyebrow.
Giyuu, still processing what was happening, nodded absently, his mind going blank. Then he blinked and realized what just happened. He turned red and turned away from Sanemi, his face in his hands, his mind only just comprehending all of this. 
Sanemi laughed at his reaction and ruffled his hair then got up. "I'm going to put our tea back in the kitchen before we knock it down, I'll be back."
"Okay." Giyuu curled into a ball and screamed silently in whatever he was feeling right now—overwhelmed from shock, flustered, happy, and so much he didn't know how to translate. Then he felt arms drape around his body and he moved his head slightly to look up. Sanemi smiled down at him and said, "You're so naive when it comes to shit like this, no?"
Giyuu nodded despite himself. He really had no idea what he was supposed to do. Then a thought occured to him. "Are we.. are we even allowed to date? As Hashira and everything..?"
"Of course we are, Uzui literally had three wives!" Sanemi said, exhasperated. He untangled himself from Giyuu to sit next to him.
"But.. his wives aren't Hashira! And they're often with him so he can protect him," Giyuu said, hesitently.
"We're both Hashira, we can protect ourselves. I don't know where all this worry is coming from, but drop it because nobody cares." Sanemi hugged him in an uncharacteristically comforting way and kissed his cheek. "Stop worrying, Tomioka."
(Watch me struggle to write uncharacteristically-)
Giyuu nodded, less reluctant now. He paused, thinking about something. Then he said, his voice quiet, "Could you call me by my first name?"
Sanemi raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Sure, why not?" 
Giyuu smiled slightly, much to Sanemi's surprise, and said, "Could I call you Sanemi?"
His name on Giyuu's mouth was so sweetly said and tender that Sanemi blushed lightly and nodded, turning to face the other way. Giyuu's smile still played on his lips as he nuzzled Sanemi softly. "Thank you."
"For helping me earlier with the mission and for everything since then," Giyuu said, relaxing against Sanemi's touch.
"Mm, sure, of course. Hey, To- Uh, Giyuu, do you want out relationship to be known by other people or kept quiet?" Sanemi asked, looking over back at Giyuu.
"What do you want?"
"Whatever you want."
"I- Fine. Well, for now, I want it quiet, I guess. Like, just between us. It makes it more special, in a way. Like a secret only we know," Giyuu said, nodding to himself.
Sanemi smiled at this and cuddled closer to Giyuu. "Of course."
"Thank you."
"Stop saying that it's making me seem ungrateful," Sanemi grumbled.
"Huh? Why?"
"Because only you're say that!" he pointed out, huffing.
A laugh, soft and only for a second but still so wonderful, slipped out of Giyuu's mouth. Sanemi's eyes widened and he turned to look at him. "You know.. your laugh is so pretty," he said, almost in wonder.
"Oh, shut up," Giyuu sighed.
"I'm being honest!"
"But.. can I ask why I've never seen you laugh or smile before.. before today?" Sanemi asked, suddenly curious.
Giyuu tensed and didn't meet his gaze as he said, "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean," Sanemi said, his voice low. "I'm sorry, is this a touchy subject?"
"No, I.. Well you already know more about me than most people.. There's no harm in telling you, I suppose. Just promise me you won't chastise me or something, okay?" Giyuu said quietly, still not looking at Sanemi.
"Yes, but why would I?" he agreed, more curious than ever.
"Because.. because Tsutako, my sister, and Sabito, my friend, they.. ah.. they both died when I was young and they had both been the people who I cared for the most. I stopped smiling because they were the people who had made me smile, but they were gone now, and.. and I couldn't bear to be happy with both of them dead," Giyuu whispered, his voice so quiet Sanemi had to strain to hear despite their closeness. "That's... that's why I distanced myself from people because I didn't want anyone to get me to be happy when I felt I could never be with both of them gone."
"Oh.. I.. When did that change?" Sanemi said, unsure what to say.
"It didn't."
"You talk about it in past tense, though," he pointed out.
"Well.. it's still in the present."
"Why.. why did you smile and laugh just a minute ago then?"
"I don't know..!" Giyuu said, a hysterical laugh bubbling up in his throat. "I don't know, okay? You just.. just made me happy. I don't know! I don't know, I don't know, I don't know." He started rocking back and forth in a panic, his mind and heart racing. He shut his eyes tightly and his head buried into his knees. He formed himself a protective ball and tears poured down his cheeks as he tried desperately to calm down. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry," he whispered, choking on his words. "I'm sorry." 
Sanemi, frozen in shock and confusion, did nothing at first. He used to have random bursts of panic like this—a panic attack, he had been told it was—and he couldn't remember how he'd calmed down. It was.. how had he done it? He breathed deeply, trying to calm himself down. Panicking would make it worse for Giyuu. Nevertheless, his voice was breathless and he struggled to think of what to say. He put a shaky hand on Giyuu's back trying to get him to stop rocking back in forth, the movement making Sanemi sick to the stomach. "G..Giyuu, it's.. it's okay, don't cry. Uh. Uhm." Sanemi's mind drew blank and he didn't know what to do. He watched in desperation as Giyuu continued to cry. 
Then he remembered something. Something vague. Breathing. Control your breathing. Or was that for his training? Could it work here? He'd been taught to control his fear, but that wouldn't help now, so.. So Giyuu should calm down by breathing. 
A distant memory of his mother rocking him back and forth, telling him to breath deeply surfaced in Sanemi's mind. He paused, then nodded to himself. He breathed in and out, calming himself so he could properly help Giyuu. Yes, mother, he thought. I'll do what you did. I'll help Giyuu.
He put his hand on the small of Giyuu's back moving it in circles as his mother had done with him. Sanemi felt Giyuu tense and he decided that he should speak to make sure he knew that it was okay, that he was safe.
He said, "It's alright. It's just me, uh, Sanemi. I.. Breathe deeply, okay? Like, uhm, in and out, and.. you know?" Sanemi realized he was absolute shit at this.
He let out a shaky breath then embraced Giyuu, stopping the rocking momentarily. "Giyuu, it's alright. You can smile and laugh as much as you want and nobody will blame you if you can't. Your sister and friend would love to see you smile as much as I do so don't allow yourself to close off because they would've liked you to be happy and live the life they couldn't, I'm sure. Just.. just breathe in and out. Can you count?" Sanemi said, starting to get the hang of it. His voice came out calmer and steadier than before and he continued. "Put your hand on my chest." He guided Giyuu's hand to his heart and said, "Do you feel my heart? And when my chest lifts and falls?"
He didn't wait for Giyuu to nod and simply went on. "Each time it rises, breath in, each time it goes down, breathe out. Can you do that for me?"
Giyuu, feeling slightly calmer at Sanemi's soothing talk, nodded absently. Sanemi breathed in, and Giyuu felt this and mimicked the movement. The two breathed out together, and after a minute of this, their breaths fell in sync and Giyuu stopped shaking. He would hiccup occasionally, his head still turned away from Sanemi. The room was quiet, filled with only their breathing. 
In and out. In and out. In and out.
Sanemi's arms stayed around Giyuu, holding him in a warm embrace.
In and out. In and out.
Giyuu's body relaxed and his tears stopped falling.
In and out. In and out.
Sanemi sighed softly and he shifted. Giyuu's hand fell from Sanemi's chest and onto his lap.
In and out.
"Thank you," Giyuu whispered. "And sorry."
Sanemi looked up, smiling weakly at Giyuu. "You have nothing to apologize for."
"I don't care," he said, the ghost of a smile lingering on his lips. "Sorry anyways," he repeated. Giyuu leaned onto Sanemi who held him tighter in his arms. 
"I'm not going to accept the apology, then," Sanemi said, his head resting on Giyuu's shoulder. 
Giyuu sighed. "Fine."
Sanemi smiled. "Love you, Giyuu."
Surprised, Giyuu looked up, nearly crashing into Sanemi's head. "Huh-? Oh, sorry-"
Sanemi almost laughed and just scooted away a little so Giyuu could turn without injuring Sanemi. "I said I love you, you idiot."
"Why would you love an idiot?-" Giyuu asked, cocking his head to the side.
"I don't know, I just do," Sanemi said, shrugging.
"Fair enough." Giyuu sat up slightly and leaned over, kissing Sanemi breifly. "Love you too."
Sanemi smiled contently, lifting Giyuu onto his lap. He cuddled him gently and Giyuu made himself comfortable through Sanemi's touch. 
"You know, I panicked when you did because I didn't know what to do," Sanemi admitted, after a moment of silence.
"You did? I thought you did really good," Giyuu said, laying his head down on Sanemi's chest.
"Did you? Thanks. I was worried because I didn't know what to do but then remembered what my mom used to do, so I did that."
"Oh? That's nice," Giyuu said, closing his eyes.
"Are you tired? You should sleep, if you are," Sanemi murmured, resting his own head on Giyuu's.
"What about training?" 
"We can do that later, it's only noon," Sanemi said.
"Alright then," Giyuu said. He settled in Sanemi's arms and slowly drifted off to sleep.
{Word count: 2222}
😋loving the word count (I kept going till I got there on purpose lmao-)
Anyways writing this was so fucking comforting like oml.. <;/3
I meant at least I finished, no? 
(for the part where they were panicking, sorry if I wrote it unaccurately, I wrote it from how I've seen it depicted from books/ff's I've read over the time not actual experience (luckily-). Though I guess slightly yes? anyways, yeah, sorry-)
Okay, bye bye <3
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saynomorefic · 3 months
Hi June! If you're still up for it, 4, 5, 34, 35 and/or your choice for the otp asks?
Have a lovely day 💜
Hii W! Tysm for the ask <3 I kinda wrote a novel 😅
4. Their favorite show to watch together? 
Simon 100% watches anime. My knowledge of anime is next to nothing but I feel like he likes Deathnote, Attack on Titan, Hunter x Hunter, etc. I think Wille prefers teen dramas (he got a taste for them from Felice/ the girls) and docuseries, because he's hungry to learn more about the world around him. I think together they probably watch whatever anime Simon is into and nature documentaries because they're both kinda big nerds?! Oh, and Avatar.
5. Who is the cheesier one of the two? 
Sorry but Wille. I feel like I see this pretty much confirmed everywhere, from canon to fic. That boy knows how lucky he is and takes every opportunity to show it.
34. How do they cheer one another up during sad times?
I agree with the consensus that it's physical (lol) however I'll try to say some new things. Wille seems to want to talk it out, and Simon has demonstrated that he shows care by listening, asking questions, and offering support. I imagine he learned these skills from living with Linda and Sara. Sometimes when Wille's sadness turns to big anger (like once a year) they'll go to the junkyard and smash a bunch of shit, then go make out. Yeah. 
Simon seems to go within when he's sad, so Wille tries really hard to stop him from spiraling and get him out of his head until he's ready to talk. He'll plan little excursions, like a walk in the park, or get Simon to dance with him in their living room, anything to show him that it's not all bad. Wille also tries to make him laugh. I envision a lot of tickling. He knows not to rush Simon, who will share when he feels safe and ready. 
35. What are their tastes in music? 
I've thought about this one quite extensively. 
So I think Simon inherited a bunch of Micke's taste, because we know Micke exposed him to music and took him to concerts as we see in canon. I imagine it's a good mix of 80's and 90's rock, things like Nirvana and maybe some Swedish bands (like Kent, thank you Wilma @nothingadoaboutnothing ;)) 
As for contemporary music, I feel like Simon likes indie rock, some of it more underground, some more standard like the Arctic Monkeys, Vampire Weekend, etc. I see him listening to Lizzy McAlpine and Sufjan to cry and get his feelings out. I also feel like he likes Lady Gaga, perhaps a mix of her vocals and aesthetic. 
Wille likes rap and EDM as we saw in YR. However, much like the TV show thing, I think Felice and company have definitely awakened some love for queer pop / hyperpop in him. I see a burgeoning Charli / Chappel fan. Maybe this is just wishful thinking but I see it. Simon 100% makes fun of him (but definitely doesn't complain when he puts it on). 
Bonus / free question: 
39. Do they get along with each other's family? 
I want to say I'm hopeful on this one. Simon seemed to do fine with Kristina and Ludvig, although I'm sure there's going to be plenty more awkwardness and discomfort now that Wille has stepped down. Overall I think they're pleasant towards each other with occasional moments of connection. 
I think Wille is very invested in getting to know Sara, Linda, and possibly Micke. Post S3, I think he starts to form a closer bond with Sara; I'd like to think she becomes like another sibling now that he doesn't have Erik anymore. Wille tries hard with Linda in the beginning, and eventually realizes that all she wants is for him to treat Simon well and be happy, which for him is easier than ever. Perhaps Wille is the bridge towards a better relationship with Micke - he understands shitty family dynamics and is neutral where everyone else is scarred, so maybe he can help them be in each other's lives again in small ways. Like I said, wishful thinking.
I think Simon actually pushes for Wille to spend time with Wille's parents more, because Wille definitely prefers holidays at the Erikssons. S3 made me feel very hopeful about both fronts.
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chiscribbs · 9 months
Okay so the httyd thing. I've been so excited to share this idea w/ you you have no idea.
So what I've been thinking, is Hiccup seemed to recover wayyyyyyyyy too fast for someone who's been neglected and ostracized from his entire community most of if not all his life. Like when Stoick comes home from looking for the nest in the first movie, and the villagers are saying things like "congratulations" or "out with the old in with the new" and "good riddance if you ask me" and they're "throwing a party to celebrate" Stoick assumes Hiccup is dead and that Berk is celebrating. Berk hated him that much. So what I'm thinking is, Hiccup has made inventions and stuff, he's been trying to do something that will prove he's one of them, a real Viking, trying to make them like him, and none of it worked. The only thing that made them realize he was worth anything was when he started being himself, but what if Hiccup doesn't see it quite that way. What if he thinks that if they can change their minds that quick to like him, then they might change their minds again if he doesn't stay useful. What if no one apologized to him for how they treated him? Because I don't think anyone did. What if his self esteem is still 6 feet lower than the ground and he's walking around waiting for the other shoe to drop. In Gift of the Night Fury we see he feels guilty for Toothless needing him to fly, and so he makes him a new tail that doesn't need a rider. Toothless doesn't want it, but that's not the point. What if Hiccup gives people the option to leave him, because he still thinks its possible that they will. It probably wouldn't be super obvious if he did, but what if he makes them all (Astrid, Tuff and Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Snotlout, maybe even Gobber and Stoick) inventions and things that make it so they don't have to rely on him so much? Leaning a little into Race to the Edge, what if he gives Fishlegs some books he's always borrowing, just as an example. What if they all think he's just being nice, and he's actually trying to make sure they don't need to have him around? This is probably a bit of a stretch, but it's all to say that Hiccup deserved better, and I want the gang to see that and help this boy dig his very very low self esteem out of the hole they buried it in. (Also I like to think that hiccup did this with Gobber when he was younger, because Gobber being the only one who didn't hate him is my emotional support headcannon)
TLDR: What if the gang realized that Hiccup has no self worth and thinks that if everyone could suddenly like him then they could still suddenly hate him?
This might be out of character, but I think all of Berk hating his guts and calling him a screw-up probably did some nasty damage to Hiccup's self esteem, and I want to see that realized and dealt with, because being hated and then suddenly loved might have been a dream come true, but it also probably made him scared it was a dream, and that he will eventually have to wake up.
(Finally getting around to responding to this - sorry it took awhile, I've had my mind on other things and I really didn't want to give a half-brained response when you put so much work into this.)
Ahhhhh, "social outcast genius equating his self-worth to his usefulness in the eyes of others" trope, my beloved.
I will say, my perception of his relationship with the people of Berk was always a bit more on the "he's a nuisance, but he's still family" side of things than out-right hatred. Like the equivalent of a small-town's troubled youth, they don't like him, but he grew up there and he's the village leader's son, so they still have some sense of ownership of him prior to his making them change their minds. If that makes any sense? ...they're Vikings, though, so it's hard to tell the difference sometimes, lol. But, in fairness - it's been awhile since I've watched the first movie, so I'll concede to the freshest memory here. Anyway, that's beside the point-
I wholeheartedly agree with you on this! Hiccup was definitely owed a town apology, at the very least. I understand why they didn't go into that in the movie - limited time, plus the the Stoic-Hiccup relationship was really the core of the conflict, so they opted to focus on that instead - but I agree it would have been nice to see some closure regarding the people of Berk's attitude and treatment towards him. Or some recognition for how it might have affected him after the first movie's conclusion. Because you're absolutely right, that kind of emotional whiplash can be damaging - especially on a teenager who already has considerably low self-esteem.
This does feel pretty in-character for Hiccup, in my opinion, considering the doubts he has in himself as a leader. He neither wanted nor felt right for that job, even when everybody else was sure of his qualifications. So it'd be easy to see him projecting his own doubts in himself on others and assuming they might see things the same way as him. That's the kind of thing that eventually fades as it's repeatedly proven untrue, but it takes time for that reassurance to grow, and the doubts would definitely be pretty prominent at the start. And him wanting to do what's best for everyone else, having the sense of love and responsibility for his community that he has, it makes sense he wouldn't try to hold on too tightly and would instead provide ample opportunity for people to leave if/when they wanted to. (Just like he did with Toothless.)
I think if anybody was gonna pull him out of that, or help him pull himself out of that, it would be Astrid. She'd immediately know something's up - she's always the one to ground him when he's too inside his own head to see things clearly. And unlike his confidence in himself, her confidence in him has never once wavered, she knows he's more capable than he thinks. Astrid also has a much healthier relationship with the rest of Berk, so if anybody can provide some reassurance on the public opinion front, it would be her.
All that to say - I like this idea! Very well thought-out and well-considered, imo. I'm not quite as well-versed on the HTTYD world as some people - while I adore the movies, I never quite reached fixation levels of interest in the franchise, for whatever reason - so I can't add too much to this. But I like it and I appreciate you sharing your concept with me! Thanks! :>
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koolades-world · 6 months
Hi can you do a fluff alphabet with Beel?
hello! of course :)
if anyone else requests a specific character for this prompt, i'll do it pretty quickly just because i'm in the mood to do this right now :)
Fluff alphabet w/ Beel
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
he loves how open and accepting you are to new people, and those who already know you. if you weren't, you probably never would've gotten to know each other and he's grateful you let him into your heart
B = Bonding (what's your favorite mutual bonding activity?)
any mealtime! belphie and you always sit on either side of him, so he can always be next to his two favorite people. even though he's always eating, he loves making it a habit to always make sure you're sitting before he starts to eat. it's just not the same if you're not there
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
since he's always a little afraid he's going to crush you, despite what you say, he likes to have you on top of him. he loves it when you're drape yourself over him and rest your head on his shoulder. he loves getting to hold you close <3
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
to be honest, any date that you picked and are enjoying (and involves at least one snack for him) makes him happy. if it's all up to him, you're going to an all you can eat buffet haha
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
he's very open with you, and while he struggles with putting words to his emotions, he's willing to at least try to tell you. he's not the type to close himself off from you, unless he somehow thinks he's the problem. you just need to reassume him, and it won't be hard to get him to speak
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
he very much loves his family, and while it's not a must, he'd be a great father. he's patient and understanding, and having a child of his own would make him an ever better demon than he already is
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
most of his gifts are your favorite snacks, whenever he takes a trip to the store. he always makes sure to buy extra so he doesn't eat what's for you. however, he once gave you a cheeseburger plushie which now never leaves your bed or stays behind while you're on vacation
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
a HUGE hand holder. anytime he has a free hand in public, he'll seek you out. if you don't have a free hand, he'll carry something for you so he can hold it. it's very sweet how even when you're only together briefly when he's walking you to class, he makes sure to hold your hand. just make sure to throw some wet wipes in your bag because his hands are probably dirty haha
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
he doesn't say much, but you can tell from the tight look on his face that he's very worried. he feels as if it's his job to protect everyone he loves. he's the type to break down in tears and tell you he's sorry that he failed because he cares so much
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
in general, he doesn't do a whole lot of jokes, but he can be funny. he tends to take things literally so if he hears a joke he doesn't understand, he's quick to turn to you to ask you explain
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
most of his kisses are quick, but you're still able to feel the love through his other actions, such as the way he holds you or the tenderness of his hands in yours. he mostly does forehead and top of the head kisses. his breath probably smells like whatever he last ate, so just be prepared for that
L = Love Confession (how'd they confess to you? how'd you get together?)
he at first struggled to find a way to tell you because he just couldn't put it in words, so after getting your permission, he tries his best to show you. when that doesn't work out, he sits down with you and does his best to explain. you eventually picked up on what he was trying to tell you, and let him know you had feelings for him too
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
his favorite memory is a late night at a fast food place together. after being hungry with no food in the house because he ate it all earlier, the two of you went out to get something to eat. not much was open because of the time, but the fact that you agreed to go on this journey with him was more than enough for him. your unwavering trust in him and your enthusiasm helped cement your way into his heart
your favorite memory was the first time he sat down with you and listened to you vent about your struggles in the devildom and everything you missed about the human world. he went through a lot of trouble, but managed to get your favorite human world snack. the look on his face as he presented it to you was something you'll never forget
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
failing to protect you. he's very afraid to lose another someone so beloved to him, especially if he deems it as his fault. he still sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmares about that very subject. after one of those, just seeing you alright brings him the comfort he needs to go back to sleep
O = Obvious (how obvious do they make it that they like you?)
he's not subtle at all and doesn't try to hide it. he's always by your side and offering you his snacks. the only other being that gets offered snacks that he's actively eating is his twin. it's no secret how much he cares for you and is willing to take on any challenge for you
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
he's not big on pet names until he discovers food related names. while he still prefers your name, sometimes he will use nicknames like muffin or honey
Q = Quality Time (how do they like to spend time with you?)
any free time he has, he wants to be by your side. whenever he's just idling and munching on something, he finds himself wanting to be in the same room as you, if not to have a conversation, just to be around you because that makes him so happy
R = Romance (how romantic are they?)
he tries, but honestly he's not very suave. his struggle to articulate what he's thinking leads to some more thoughtful, or funny conversations, but usually not romantic. but, it's the thought that counts
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
at first, he's kind of closed off, but once you get to know each other, he'll tell you anything on his mind, from very lighthearted, like what would happen if all his favorite foods grew legs and walked off, to serious, like his life before the devildom. he doesn't keep anything important from you because he highly values communication
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
at first, you weren't sure if you were going to get along with him, but after you made the pact, you kind of saw it coming. you really connected after you stayed in his room when he destroyed one of the walls to you room, and it was history after that
U = Unique (what makes them unique?)
his gentle giant, protective nature. no matter what, he's always sure he checks up on you and always finds a way to help you if you need it
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? do they like to show you off?)
he's proud of your cordialness, even towards those who spoke down to you in the past. nobody has anything bad to say about you
W = Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
he can't deny how nervous that idea makes him. even when he's right next to you, he's paranoid something might happen to you. but, he knows you can hold your own and trusts you. he would beat up someone for you though haha
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
he's very good at being able to tell how you feel, and is quick to ask how you're feeling if he notices any changes. sometimes if he's enjoying a really good snack or meal, it might take him a little longer, but he'll abandon the food to talk to you if needed
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
while heat of the moment is the wrong way to describe it, he found himself asking you after a moment where he knew he wanted to be with you forever. he actually went off to get the ring he had to then get down on one knee. he'd been trying to find a way to ask, but he was glad the moment came to him
Z = Zzz (how do they act when they're sleepy? what's it like sharing a bed with them?)
he's usually mostly coherent, and is easy enough to help into bed if needed. unless he's hungry or just had a nightmare, he sleeps like a brick, so make sure you're comfortable before he falls asleep.
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s-creations · 10 months
26 Ways to Feel Mortal - B: Bust
26 Chapters based around experiences that newly arrived Geno experiences while trying to find the Star Pieces.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Mario/Geno (Nintendo), Mario/Princess Peach (Nintendo) Additional Tags: Rating for Teen needed for later chapters, but shouldn't be to worrisome, I'll have warnings if I'm worried, Poly relations!, Main characters will always be named, Minor characters will arrive as needed, the chapters are not in a specific order, just meets the needs of the given word, please be aware of spoilers.
Bust: (verb) Come apart or split open. Cause to collapse;defeat. 
Stars were never tired. They would work endlessly to categorize the numerous wishes that were created and fulfill them to the best of their ability. Night and day didn’t exist. It was just a sky filled with their kin. Both senate and those of just blinding lights of energy.
It was the second night away from Rose Town that Geno felt exhaustion for the first time. 
Jerking away when something touched his arm. Blinking quickly to try and clear up the fogginess. Realization dawned on him that it was just Mario. 
“Hey, sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you. You okay?”
“Oh…I-I think so? I’m sorry, I’m feeling strange…”
“Strange? Are you sick?” Mallow asked worriedly, “Can Stars get sick?”
“No, I very much doubt so.”
Mario shifted closer. “Do you think you could describe what’s happening?”
“I feel…heavy. More than what I’m used to. My movements feel sluggish, I have a hard time keeping my eyes open, it’s hard to think…” Geno felt a strange sensation bloom in his chest when Mario placed a hand against the puppet’s cheek.
“I would say you don’t feel warm. But you’re wood, so I’m not sure if I’d really be able to tell- whoa!” Mario quickly reached out to hold Geno close. The puppet started to fall forward, eyes barely open. “Whoa, okay… When was the last time you slept?”
“Stars don’t sleep…” Geno replied weakly.
“Maybe they do when they have a physical body. I think right now that’s a different story. Come on, we’re turning in early.”
Mallow whined softly at that, but didn’t further complain as he and Mario laid out the sleeping equipment. Geno eventually brought over to a large blanket. Laid down on his back with his head resting on a contained cloud.
“How’d you get a cloud in here?” Geno asked, voice coming out in a gravel tone. He heard Mario give a small chuckle. 
“It’s not a cloud. Just some fluff, it’s a pillow.”
Geno let out a small hum, rolling onto his side to nuzzle into said pillow.
That’s the last he remembered before he fell into a blissful darkness. 
Stars never had a reason to eat. Sustenance was something only viewed as an interesting topic of conversation between them while they worked. 
What do you think certain items taste like? 
What do you think it feels like to swallow?
Is it as slimy as it looks?
Is it cold? 
It was an interesting way to pass the time. 
Geno couldn’t help but let out another whine as his midsection cramped once more. Arms tightly wrapped around himself in an attempt to alleviate the pain. Mallow paced nervously nearby as Mario quickly dug through their bags. 
“Hold on,” Mario replied to Geno’s noise, “Hold on, I almost- got it!”
He pulled out a glass container filled with something Geno did not recognize. Thin strands of something limp covered with a red, chunky liquid. 
“W-What is that? Are t-those worms?” The puppet asked nervously.
“No, it’s pasta. Specifically spaghetti,” Mario laughed softly, “It’s better warmed up. But I don’t think you’ll be able to last that long. Come on, let’s get you sat up.”
Geno was not pleased when he was forced to move. Hating how weak he felt, his body even shaking as he leaned against Mario. Watching with barely open eyes as the human easily twirled the fork around said noodles. Bringing up a decent sized bite to Geno’s mouth.
“Open up. I promise, this won’t hurt you.”
Still giving the forkful a concerned look, Geno did as asked. 
While the cold feeling was not the best first impression, it was quickly forgotten when Geno fully tasted the flavor from said bite. Eyes widening slightly as he tried to swallow it down. Only for his throat to fight the wad of food bight. The puppet coughing weakly, quickly leaving over and spitting the food back out. 
“Eww…” Mallow weakly commented as noodles splattered onto the ground.
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” Mario spoke softly as he rubbed Geno’s back, “How about we chew this time, yeah? Don’t swallow it right away. Use your teeth to turn it into mush. Then you can swallow. It’s better than it sounds, promise.”
Steadying himself once more, Geno gave a small nod. The second bite was handled much easier. The pair in his stomach slowly disappeared with each mouthful he took.
“Guess you need to add ‘eating’ to your daily list of normal activities.” Mario teased while Geno rolled his eyes. 
Stars don’t feel pain.
They don’t really feel anything. 
Gain and loss. Neither of those feelings, these emotions, are felt by Stars. 
Emphasis on the negative sensations. 
The worst they’d ever had to worry about was the worry over an unfulfilled wish. 
Geno hadn’t been paying attention. Honestly, with how normal it had become with daily fighting, he felt at ease. To at ease. Meaning he was unaware of how far his defenses had lowered. 
The attack landed squarely on his back. His body seemed to spasm before becoming unresponsive. For some reason, the other members of the party were watching on fearfully.
Geno couldn’t understand why.
He was fine.
Why wouldn’t he?
Geno fell to his knees. 
Nothing was responding.
Why couldn’t he move?
Why did everything feel…numb?
He saw tears pouring down Mallow’s face.
Was it raining? 
Why couldn’t he feel it?
As Geno started to fall forward, Mario moved his direction. Moving slower than what the puppet remembered.
Oh…he felt the pain now.
The world fell black.
“A-Are you sure he’s going to be o-okay?”
“Of course. You saw the items do their job to heal up his wounds. Plus, Geno’s tough.”
“B-But he fell so h-hard. A-And he hasn’t moved for l-like hours. A-And he l-looks dead. A-And-”
Mallow, I need you to take a few deep breaths for me. Okay? Everything’s going to be okay. If needed, we’re near a town and we’ll just take Geno to a doctor.”
Geno’s borrowed body felt heavy. The entire form seemed to pulse with muted pain. Not fully hurt, but he did feel extremely sore. 
A low groan emitted from his mouth. Attempting to open his eyes, the process being helped that he was met with the darkened night sky. The sun would have hurt far too much. 
Furious footsteps announced the puppet that Mallow was rushing over. Geno letting out a grunt of slight pain as the other wrapped his arms around the puppet.
“You’re okay!” the cloud child cried, “You’re alive!”
“H-Hey Mallow.” Geno attempted a weak reply while shakily patting Mallow’s back.
“Mallow, hey, how about you get a few Mushrooms from my bag. Yeah? I’m sure Geno would like something to help with the pain.” said Mario, joining the other two.
Mallow, smiling behind the tears, sniffed and nodded. Rushing out of Geno’s line of sight with Mario appearing next. With how calm the human sounded, his current state said that he was not feeling as confident as his words sounded. Skin a sickly pale. Shrunken pupils. Geno could even feel Mario’s hand shaking as he helped the puppet sit up.
“How are you feeling?” Mario asked, voice low.
“Okay…I guess? What happened?”
“You were… You took the full force of a pretty strong attack. The annoying…little thing snuck up. I wasn’t paying attention and…” The human let out a slow shaky sigh, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“...You just dropped like a rock. I thought…can you die? I never thought I would have to ask a…a Star this. But, I mean, can you?”
“I don’t know? I always assumed I would just be knocked out of this form. It’s borrowed, right? It’s not really mine. So I would just be launched out and I would wait until the toy was fixed.”
“Did that happen now?”
“No… No, I…fell asleep? I mean, I was in a lot of pain and then I remember nothing…”
“Sounds like you passed out. It’s what happens if your body can’t handle the stress put on it.”
“But, it’s not my body. It shouldn’t work like that.” Geno closed his eyes in comfort as Mario’s hands gently massaged his arm. 
“This is your body. I think we need a shift in our mind about you. What we need to be aware of and what to keep an eye on. Play it safer, yeah? Be a little more aware. Try and avoid a situation like this as best as possible.”
Geno nodded slowly. “Yeah… Yeah, that sounds good.”
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Being Thor's best friend + Týr's Fiance part 3
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Reader: female | Thor x sister-in-law Reader (Platonic)| Týr x reader (romantic eventually)
Notes: thanks for waiting so long guys.
Warnings: bitchy ass mom w / her bitchey ass friends.
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Týr would be up before you would the next morning, your cuddled in close to him, head barried his chest, his arm drapped around you
The loose shirt you're wearing exposes from your neck to your shoulder, and even a bit of your arm
He thinks you're pretty
And FUCK do certain people know.
Freya. Sif. His mother. The dragon that likes to sneak in and grab food off the counter
Anyone that would listen really
He's sure he's told you
But not really he tends to marvel at you instead
Which causes him to go silent and just stare.
Luckily his hands are warm and when he places one of your bare shoulder you sink into it.
And just casually rubs your shoulder, looking at your tattoos he hadnt seen before
He gets startled when you toss and turn, turning to your other side with your back to him.
He's just glad he doesnt disturb you.
He'll admit he wants to kiss you, but just wont.
Well a kiss on the cheek never hurt no body-
"OH Y/N!" Freyr cheered with a bright smile, slamming the shutters open.
"No!" She shouted, grabbing a nearby pillow and throwing it at him.
"Hey! Someone didn't get laid -" Freyr argued Y/n getting up on the bed, "Shit!"
She jumped out the window barefoot and in a night gown, chasing after him as if he was prey.
Choking Freyr out at the crack of dawn in a puddle of mud?
He rather you be passive, but he cant stop you
Plus, no real damage is being done.
You come back covered in mud.
"Ah. Good morning..." Týr chuckled, "You have fun?"
Y/n nodded, "Yeah. I think Freyr knows who's better anyhow."
So as the mud dries on your skin you offer him to go take a bath in a near by lake.
He takes you up on the offer.
You both dont think much of it as you walk together carrying your chlothes for afterward.
You only realized what you've asked as you both stand infront of the water.
"You can!-"
"Oh no-"
The two chuckled.
"Neither of us thought this through I think." Y/n laughed.
"No. We didn't."
Shit you might as well at his point.
Luckily you found a tree and hid behind it as you undressed before jumping in the water.
You manage to convince him in but turn your back, giving him the same amount of privacy he allowed you
Soon akward bathing turns into you guys messing around.
Because tbh your a massive child at heart
Throwing water at one another out of all things, till one gives up
Its you
You can't compete with the massive waves he can make with a wave of his arm
By the end of it your cleaned sure, but now exhausted
Both are now dressed. You sit on a log outlooking the lake
"I'll get you next time." Y/n told
"I look forward to it." He responded smiling at her causing her to chuckle and shake her head.
Its already turning mid-day as you guys sit by the lake in peace
You do feel like the conversation does go kinda dry between you two.
Its like there is nothing else to talk about but so much at the same time
The wedding, perhaps, or really- what to do after it...
"Are they expecting a kid out of us?" Y/n pipped up.
"I. I'm sorry?" He asked, confused.
"Our parents. Are they expecting ae have a child together?" Y/n asked, "like immediately. What happens if we hate each other."
"You are very much a delight to me, Y/n."
Y/n sighed, "I just..."
"Y/n." He spoke, she turning to look at him, "When you are ready, you are ready, when you are not, you are not. That is your choice. The greatest wars are often against oneself. The hardest to win is the one where your heart, your gut sides together, but your mind and your upbringing sides with another, your mother in this case."
"Read me like a book..." she chuckled under her bresthe, "thats gonna get tiring real soon you know."
Týr smiled softly at her, he letting y/n lean into his side as he wrapped an arm around her.
"What's your opinion?" Y/n asked.
"I have no opinion." Týr explained, "there's nothing to have an opinion on. Not on your feelings."
"Your opinion about our parents, I mean." Y/n responded
"Oh well, that. That's a different subject."
You felt the safest you have in a very very long time.
And its. Relaxing almost.
He's pretty sure your the god of sleep though, as you fall asleep on him after you had gotten comfortable.
He lets you snooze and soon snoozes himself
He'll admit he's not used to adventures like you take him on: for the laughs and the funs, his are usually go here: diplomacy here and there
When he wakes up a few hours later you're gone
Your mother had snatched you right from his side
You were just having the time of your life with your mother
"You should be glad I am giving you a choice here." Her mother ordered holding the dress up to Y/n's form.
Y/n yawned, pushing it away.
"I do like, it's pretty white is pretty," Her mother smiled, "You'll look to big in it."
Y/n was silent tired still in her eyes.
"What do you think?" Her mother asked turning to her friends.
"Do you want her look pregnant?" One chuckled.
"Are you pregnant dear? Or perhaps you should lay off the meed."
"Yeah and your all whores so I'll take your words with a grain of fuckin salt."
"Y/n." She was scolded by her mother, Y/n, rolling her eyes.
"Disrespectful little twat." Her mothers friend snapped.
"Oh no. Im so hurt. Mama! Tell the bad lady to stop it!" Y/n cried, a smirk painting her face as she walked away, "I'll find a dress on my own."
Unfortunately, your attempt to leave is well, non existant and your trying on multiple dresses.
Your mother ended up picking a white one: just as bland as she is.
You picked a soft red one, its not bold or strong in color, but it's old, older than you, and decorated beatifully.
So while your mother's too busy laughing it up making fun of you, you take it and leave quickly.
You run into your father outside tending his little garden he always did that.
He looked to see you, holding the dress bundled up, ready to run for the hills with it.
"Quickly. Come on." He spoke guiding her along, "lets get it all folded for you to not ruin."
He's quick to rush you into his little shed where he kept to himself most of the time.
He helps you fold it and put it in a handmade sack and handed it to you.
You thanked him.
You and your dad were always awkward in a sense.
He loved you, and you loved him, but your mother always ruined everything
And that caused a rift.
"Go. Quickly." He spoke, "before your mother finds out you've taken it, go now!"
Y/n nodded and rushed off quickly.
When you get back in the room, your starttled by Týr.
How fast he comes at you next almost scares you as well.
"Are you alright?! You disappeared! I was worried!" His words quick, his voice raising with every word which were laced with concern.
Y/n shifted slightly, back against the door, and sack in arms.
He sighs in releif, the sigh visibly easying Y/n.
"I'm... okay..." y/n spoke softly, "sorry..."
"No, it..." he sighed, "I should have not of rushed you in such a way. I was..."
"Worried?" Y/n asked he nodding, "you don't have to apologize for being worried...I should be sorry I worried you so much."
He looked down at her as she looked up at him, soon moving her eyes away from his gaze, just to look back at him and chuckled softly.
"You... do that a lot."
"Stare." Y/n responded.
"Ah. I." Týr chuckled, his laugh having a flustered tone to it, "I'm sure I have told you before, of your beauty."
Y/n's expression told it all, her lips formed a goofy smile as she looking down in response.
"Oh..uh. my dress." Y/n responded, "for...the ceremony...would you uh...like to see?"
"If you'd like."
Y/n nodded, passing him and making it to the bed to put the sack down and pull out the dress.
"It's uh..red and uh black." Y/n smiled smally, "I liked the sleeves..."
She held it to herself, turning to look at him, "I wasn't going to wear shoes with it...since no one would see my feet anyway. Plus, the cold never really bothered my feet."
A finger carefully grazed the deep v neckline.
"It'll look beautiful on you." He told.
Y/n smiled, looking up at him, her stomach in knots. Face hot to the touch. Her skin glowed and seemed soft as ever. A hand carassed her cheek she leaning into his touch.
"Can I....confess." Y/n spoke.
"Has something gone wrong?"
"I...believe I have....fallen." y/n responded, "for...you that is..."
Týr looked at her, she was concerned, worried. Afraid.
"Y/n." Týr spoke, "I...I..."
"I shouldnt have-"
"No- Y/n-"
"I got caught up I am sorry-"
"I feel the same-"
"Please, don't say that to make me feel better-"
"Y/n." He stopped her, "I feel the same."
You kinda don't care what happens to that dress you once had in your hand as you melt into his palm
Bro didnt even have to kiss you before you were melting for him
Kiss him. Kiss him. Kiss him.
He ends up just placing a firm kiss on your cheek, holding your face as he does its so sweet and soft.
His beard tickles you.
And your doing stupid laughter.
He starts laughing too he doesn't know what's funny even.
You guys are having a laughing fit.
And it ends with you both dying on the bed. He looks over at you to have you start laughing again
And you both start up again,
This time he grabs you: softly too, ontop of you as you laugh and smile, crying almost.
"I don't understand!" He laughs, Y/n taking a deep breath to calm herself down.
"Okay. Okay..." she breathes, the smile hurting her face as she looked up at him, "im okay..."
He raised an eyebrow as she started up again.
This wasn't ending any time soon.
But it made him happy, to see you laugh so hard it hurt.
He's gonna be telling anyone about it for days.how pretty it was to just sit there and watch you smile and laugh.
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Tags: @gabedreeam
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echantedtoon · 11 months
Demon Bride Ch18 Curiouser And Curiouser
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Well ...This day had gotten much more awkward  .
This day had already been eventful with meeting Akaza and saying a sudden good bye to the small children you'd been reading too so quickly.  Then Kyogai had been so kind to offer you both another book to read during your stay and a delicious  lunch. It was actually pretty peaceful and honestly one of the best meals you'd ever had! You weren't sure what spices  Kyogai's chef used to cook the chicken meat in but it was delicious. But what you weren't expecting was for Kaigaku to come back with a vengeance. Or...what you thought was vengeance at first- Just a few hours later.
"Don't these hurt?"
You both might've lost track of time before Eri had awkwardly suggested she gets you back to bed as it had gotten late. Kyogai seemed ..strangely reluctant, but agreed that it would be best for your health to get some early sleep. However something had eventually caught your eye and it just so happened to be the  drums that was sticking out from his body. They were half way embedded within his flesh and looked to be one with him. You couldn't help but stare and ask which caught him off guard, more so when you suddenly reached out and touched  the drum embedded within his right shoulder. It didn't  feel like it was flesh.  It was made of leather and wood like a regular tsuzumi drum. Your fingertips grazed across the smooth leather one would be at for a drum. It seemed he used them to get around the mansion like a ghost. Did it hurt when he moved and shifted them around? Did it hurt when he placed them in his body? Does it hurt when he hits them?
"I-I...W-W-What are you-" His gaze fell silent when your other hand gently reached for the other.
"Your drums. Do they hurt your body embedded in like this?"
Her purple eyes gently looked up at him making his face light up a bright red. Too close! Too ..pretty- "I-I-IM FINE!" Her eyes blinked as  he suddenly backed away from her clearing his throat. "T-They do not cause me pain. Although your concern is a-appreciated. *AHEM!*" With a hand wave to Eri, he dismissed you both. His other hand shakily reaching up to grab the drum your hand touched. "P-Please escort Lady Y/n to her room. I-I have to finish settling some paperwork."
..You looked to Eri who seemed to be both knowing of something you didn't see and almost dying of second hand embarrassment. You were going to ask her what was up with all of that but the four armed demon only forcibly turned you around by the shoulders and pushed you down the hall back towards your room.
"Haven't you ever heard of keeping your hands to yourself? You embarrassed him! And why would you run through the halls after Lord Akaza!? You're supposed to be taking it easy until Lord Enmu comes back! Are you trying to get the both of us in trouble? I'm supposed to be taking care of you!"
"Sorry. I couldn't just let Kaigaku get hurt because of something I said." 
"Hmph! He would've been fine considering he's survived Lord Akaza 's punishments before, YOU however are more squishy than a sponge! You need to be more careful around the Lords. You're very lucky the few you've encountered aren't interested in harming anyone without a better reason than just 'she annoyed me'. If you did that to someone like Lady Daki or Lord Gyokko, then your life would've been forfeit!  From now on, you need to be more careful until you can safely leave."
"I know. I know. And I apologize for that. I promise I'll try not to do anything else that'll worry you but now that you mention the other Lords just how many are there?" Eri hummed as you turned to look at her. "It's just that I've lived on the other side of the mountain all my life and never even believed you all actually existed until three weeks ago. Why do to you all have Lords? Is your Master more of a king? I'm very confused."  
"Oh. I keep forgetting you're not from here so you wouldn't know." She looked at you know with a smile. "I guess you'll have to know if you stay here. That way if any more Lords show up, you'll be more careful."
"Thanks. I guess.," 
"You'll thank me later when I save your life. But since you asked, our Master is I guess our equivalent to an Emperor to you humans although he doesn't like being called that or so I've heard. He's one of the oldest and most powerful demons besides a few handfuls of  ancient families. He is in rule without question over all demons and the humans who live in his territories.  His family are the most wealthy and prominent of all of us. Under himself are the Twelve Kizuki or the twelve Lords as you probably have an easier time remembering." 
"Are they all relatives of his?" Was that why they had such high positions compared to the millions of other demons living around you? But you thought Eri said Kaigaku and Kyogai weren't related?
"Only a few of the Lords are related to each other since they're siblings but otherwise no. No Lord is related to the Master. There's always six of them and each of them has a very important job assigned from the Master to keep our kind from running rapid and wild." 
"What kind of jobs?"
"Well it depends. The twelve Lords are decided into two groups of six. The Upper and Lower Moons. The Upper Moons are the most powerful demons under the Master and are given the most important jobs. The strongest of them is Lord Kokushibo who holds the place of Upper Moon One. He's the delegate between humans and demons as well as in charge of the other Upper Moons. Lord Kokushibo is also Lord Kaigaku's sensai. He teaches him sword fighting." A grimace suddenly appeared on her face. "And just under him is Upper Moon Two Lord Douma."
"That was the man you mentioned before!"
She glumly nodded. "Yes. He's also the human recruiter." You gave her a look. "By that I mean he's in charge of attracting more humans to live in the Master's territories. He's also in charge of managing the..." She hesitated for a moment. "Managing the shipment of certain..'goods' for all demons. But he's rumoured to be a womanizer and constant flirt with many humans and demon consorts however I don't know if that's true."
"Well doesn't he sound like a great ray of sunshine."
"Well they say he's also very beautiful and can't feel emotions. But I've never even seen him so I don't know if any of those things are true. But none sound pleasant. Not like Lord Akaza!" 
Your eyes lit up. "That's right. He said he was an Upper Moon."
"Number three to be exact.  He's security for humans. You can say he makes sure no human is harmed by any demon unless ordered by the Master or Lord Kokushibo. He's the kindest of all the Twelve Kizuki besides Lord Kyogai. Directly below him is...Or should I say WAS Lord Hantengu, but since he retired from the position earlier this year the title of Upper Moon Four is shared between his five sons."
You blinked. "So... Upper Moon Four is shared by five people then?" 
Eri nodded. "Lords Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, Urogi, and Zohakuten. They're all brothers and sons of Former Lord Hantengu.  They are all Upper Moon Four and the newest Lords. However they haven't had their initiation ceremony yet so for now they are just placeholders of said title. They are the punishers and collectors. They're in charge of chasing down any traitors or law breakers whether they are human or demon and enacting righteous punishments, they are also in charge of collecting any owed debts to our Master whether it be money, land, or even blo-.. Goods. You'd be surprised exactly how many there actually is ." 
"They sound scary." 
"I wouldn't know. Never met them. However to keep on track is Lady Nakime as Upper Five. I don't exactly know much of her other than she's the communicator between all the twelve kizuki. No one I've talked to knows that much about her, I just know she's been Upper Five since Lord Gyokko retired over a hundred years ago.  Under her is the last of the Upper Moons. Upper Moon Six Lord Gyutaro and Lady Daki. The brother and sister. They're informants and work underground, whatever that means. They both live and work in the entertainment district however they're well known because of their...habits."
"What...Kind of habits?"
"Well...It's rumoured that Lady Daki is very beautiful. I don't know if that's true or not, but even the rumor is enough to make desperate men go and look around mating season. Many men go but ...no one I've heard that went has ever come back. At least not in one piece. Lord Gyutaro's very protective of his sister you see. That's what brings on much of the carnage from desperate suitors. "
You didn't know what to say about that. All these demons, other than Akaza, sounded scary. You wouldn't want to meet them without protection either 
"And what of the Lower Moons? What do they do?" 
"Oh! Well you already met three of them! Lower Moon One is Lord Enmu! He's in charge of all travel within Masters provinces and transports most of the goods in and out of his domains, also responsible for helping Lord Douma bring in other humans by train. And Lower Moon Two is Lord Kaigaku. He's the guardian of the Eastern Mountain Border and Lord Kokushibo's apprentice. Lower Moon Three is a mystery however...I heard someone new is getting the role but it's unconfirmed."
"And the last moons?"
"Those would be Lord Yahaba at Lower Moon Four and Lady Susamaru at Lower Moon Five. They both work together and are the personal guards of the Master's family. And last but CERTAINLY not least is Lord Kyogai in the last position. He's the record keeper. Documents any important event in our history, any information Master would want or need, and he's also in charge of documenting many laws, deaths, births, and marriages."
You stared semi in awe at her as you both passed other servants approaching your room.  "That sounds like a lot of work and pressure for one person. " And you were kinda glad you didn't have any drama in your life-
Eri only shrugged and reached a hand out to grab the sliding door. "Well they're all perfectly capable of handling themselves. Besides you don't have to worry about anything they do."
The door was slid back in one motion and both of you turned to the room...Only to pause at exactly who was inside waiting for you.
"It's about dam time you showed up! I've been waiting here for hours!"
You blinked as blue and black eyes glared up at you from the floor as Kaigaku sat there cris crossed, tail curled by his legs, and with one hand tapping the floor while the other held his frowning face. He continued to stare at the two of you just dumbly staring back at him.
"...Why are you in my room?, " You eventually asked raising a brow. Did he mix up rooms? His was right across from yours, so you pointed behind you. "Your room is right across the hall from mine."
"I KNOW THAT!! I'm not stupid! I've been waiting for you to show up!", He countered back which made you blink, "Hey, Eri. Go get us that food I mentioned to you earlier !" Eri blinked. "Well what are you waiting for? Go get it!"
Eri blinked as Kaigaku waved a shooing hand at her making her blink at him then turned to you with a half worried look before sighing and bowing to Kaigaku. "Yes, Lord Kaigaku. As you wish?"
You made to call Eri back as she turned to walk away- "And you!" You turned back to him as he motioned for you to come inside. "Come in and close the door. I want to talk to you."
...You scowled at him before stepping in and grabbing the door. "You know you're really making it hard for me to like you!" 
His face perked up slightly. "Oh. So you DO want to like me?"
You closed the door a little harder than maybe you should've. "Well you're not making it easy! You're really rude you know." 
"I've been told. Would you sit down?" ...Your brow rose. "What?"
"It couldn't hurt you to say please?"
He inhaled like he was trying to compose himself to not get angry, but his eyes narrowed at you. "MAY I be able to get you to sit down and talk with me?"
Well...he didn't say please but you supposed that was as close as a please you'd get from someone like him. So you went over and with about a yard between the two of you, went to sit-... purple eyes blinked at the floor. 
"What now?"
"Did...Did you bring me a pillow to sit on?" The small pillow looked like the one you'd seen in that one dining room when you first got here 
"Does it matter? I'm here to talk, not discuss furniture."...Well you guessed it probably didn't matter but it was still strange he brought it here. Perhaps he wanted to get on your good side, which only made you give him a suspicious look before slowly sitting down. "Hmph. What took you so long? I've been waiting for you long enough."
"Well excuse me if I promised Kyogai I'd talk with him." He was starting to get on your nerves again.
Kaigaku flashed his eyes and gripped his face harder. "Oh yes. And just WHAT exactly were you both talking about?"
Tch. Why did he want to know? Y/n's face deadpanned. "He just wanted his book back is all. I don't see how that concerns you." 
"It does  concern me thank you very much considering what happened between us!! First Akaza and now Kyogai's budding in where they don't belong!" 
What was he talking about now? What did those two do to Kaigaku to make him mad this time? And how did that concern you?...Oh no. You groaned annoyed. Was this because you got between their fighting? Was he really that annoyed by a girl stopping him from getting flattened like a plank of wood?
"Is this about what happened earlier today with Akaza?"
"And Kyogai now! Yes!"
So it was because you embarrassed him. You groaned again reaching up a hand to rub your face. "You can't be mad about that-"
"The hell I can't!'' he pointed at you. "Don't think I didn't see how you were gripping his arm!"
TO SAVE YOU!! You wanted to yell but instead sighed. "Alright. So just so I get what you're trying to say... You're angry about what I did today?"
"And the parts they played."
"Right, right. *Sigh* Alright. Just to make you happy, what if I promise to never do that again?"
That sure made him perk up in interest. Making him raise a brow and eye you carefully. "... You're serious?"
"I promise you. I'll never try anything like that again if it bothers you. And I always keep my word, but in return can I ask something from you?" Perhaps you out could use this moment to bring some kind of peace.
He only looked more suspicious now crossing his arms. "Yeah? And what's that?"
"Would you please tone it down with the attitude for me?" It surprised him enough to raise both brows, your hands gestured around. "If  we're going to be living together then we can at least show each other some courtesy can't we?"
To your surprise your words seemed to actually make him think because Kaigaku hummed and looked off in thought. "...Yes..If we're going to be together." He then nodded. "Very well. Just stop doing things to annoy me-"
"And I have a name. I'd like it if you used it more."
"Ugh. Fine if it'll make you less annoying about it." 
Wow. You were honestly surprised! The last thing you were expecting was for Kaigaku of all demons to somewhat apologize and somewhat be polite-ish. To be honest this was something you didn't think he could do but it still make a suspicious feeling bubble up in the back of your mind that he was doing this for some other reason besides wanting you to stay out of his business, which fair enough you guessed. But it still begged the question.
"So was this it?" He hummed at you in question. "What you wanted to talk about. Was that all? It's odd you'd want to stay for dinner and be so nice to me if there wasn't something else."
He frowned again and huffed before rolling his eyes. "Can't do anything without you being antsy. But now that you brought it up, yes I do. And it's something I would've done before if I knew them what I know now." 
What was he talking about now? Was he talking about kicking you out again? Oh no. Was he about to lecture you about how you should be kicked out again? You thought he was done ranting about that. Instead purple eyes watched as he lifted his right arm up, and with his other reached towards his wrist. The confusion in your eyes diminished some when the hand went to the blue charm dangling from his wrist. That's right. He wore three of them all the time. Two were secured around his neck in some kind of necklace, and the third was wrapped around his wrist. Sharp black claws gently tugged and pulled at the thick string keeping the third blue charm stuck  around his wrist until it all fell away, the now lose charm harmlessly falling into his grey palm. With a final stare at it, he exhaled and turned back to you.
"This is a magatama charm," he said holding it up to you. Now closer, it seemed to be made out of some kind of polished smooth stone. "I figured out a way to get out of the trouble you caused me by coming in here and also our little problem with others budding into things they shouldn't, I'm planning on making a statement about exactly what I think of you."
...Your brow rose deadpanned between him and the charm. "And what exactly does that have to do with me or your jewelry?' your hand pointed at the admittedly lovely piece.
"You gifted me a dowry so I'm simply gifting you one in return as is customary and to show that there isn't anymore hard feelings about losing my last peach from your blunder."
"...So you're trying to make peace with me so Akaza doesn't try to flatten you again?"
He squawked and you saw him instantly scowl. So that was a yes then- "IM DOING THIS TO SEND A MESSAGE TO THOSE ASSHOLES TO BACK OFF AND MIND THEIR OWN BUSINESS!!"
So that WAS a YES. Nice. But you'd play along if it meant Kaigaku would be 'nicer' to you, and so the other two would stop arguing with him. So rolling your eyes and sighing, you nodded.
"Alright. You win." You blunt response got him to shut up in the middle of calling Akaza a woman stealing something whatever he meant by that. "I accept your apology. And your promise. And your terms of the deal from before as long as you accept my terms. I also accept your generosity of the gift, but I can't take your jewelry."
"WHAT?!", He yelled but not in anger, he looked more..lost. Sputtering he blinked back to the charm in his hand before holding it up to his face and twisting it this way and that as if to check for even the slightest imperfections on the beautiful blue surface. "...Well what's wrong with this?!"
"Absolutely nothing. It's perfectly beautiful."
"Then take it!," He thrusted it back at you firmer, "If there's nothing wrong with it, then accept it! If you don't like this one, I have two others if you'd prefer one of them!" Already his other hand made grabbing motions at his neck. "Just name which one you want and it's yours."
"I wouldn't want those either-"
"Then tell me what you want and I'll get it for you! Whaddya want?! Gold? Dresses? Food? I can provide most anything."
"Kaigaku it's not about the gift! I just don't want to take something that might mean so much for you, and it's not fair for me to accept something so expensive from you when I just gave you mere peaches!" He paused. "Despite what you might think, I'm not a greedy or materialistic woman. I wouldn't want to accept such a thing unless I earn it or have enough money to buy such a thing."
"... You've already earned it from me. I wouldn't give such a thing like this to anyone unless I want to go through this. And I decided I wanted to with YOU. Although I never thought I would or with a human of all women. Y/n. Take it. I refuse to gift you anything less than this. If I want a new one!," He spoke louder interrupting whatever you were about to say when you opened your mouth, "I know where I can get another easily to replace this one. It's a perk of being a powerful man. Now will you accept this or I'll find you something else."
God's above! Just how stubborn was he?! ...sigh. He wasn't going to stop unless you accepted it was he? Ok. New plan. You'd accept it for now, and then 'accidentally' leave the charm in Kaigaku's room when you left. That way he'd stop bothering you with it and you'd be too far away by the time he found it to make you take it back. Yeah. That sounded like a good idea. 
"Alright, Kaigaku. I'll accept your magatama." For now. 
His face lit up in a smug, satisfied glee. "Heh. I knew you'd love it." Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you held out a hand- ?! You jumped when he literally leaned forward quickly towering over your body. "Hold still so I can put it on you!" You never even got to argue with him before he was on you, hands going around your head and something like thick string touching your neck. "Hold still!"
"Kaigaku, get off!"
"Stop being a spoiled child and hold still like I said!"The string was wrapped twice around your neck and a knot was tied to the left side of your neck before the hands finally backed off with a happy look from Kaigaku. "There....It's perfect."
You shoved his body away from yours with a frown. "I could've put it on myself." You glared at his smug face, and let you hand reach up to touch the necklace wrapped around your throat. It was some thick string, and soon your skin grazed the smooth surface of the charm hung off it. "...*sigh* But thank you. It's beautiful."
"I know. It's why I chose to present you with that instead of those cheap human items."
You rolled your eyes but didn't have anytime to say anything before the door slide back open and both of you turned to Eri who looked almost annoyed to be ordered to bring food a second time today. But paused when she spotted that shimmering charm on your neck all four eyes widening-
A rapid clicking came from Kaigaku's throat. "If you tell her ANYTHING I'll make sure you have a decade attached to your working years here." Eri snapped her mouth shut as you looked at him. "Now leave the food and wait for us to call you back in -"
"Eri stays." His head snapped back to you. "Eri is assigned to me, which makes her my servant, and she's supposed to take care of me. If something happens while she's not here, we'll all going to be in trouble. And I say she stays so she stays. That's FINAL, Kaigaku."
"....UGH! FINE! I can already tell you're going to be a hard one to live with."
"That goes for you too. Now shall we eat? It's been a long day."
"Tch. Fine. I've already done what I came here for anyways."
At least dinner was more peaceful. Kaigaku scarfed down what Eri had brought before abruptly leaving and leaving you with Eri for the rest of the night. Once he was safely out of earshot you turned back to Eri who had gone back to staring at the necklace around your neck with a half worried half deadpanned face.
"Hey. Are you alright?"
She slowly nodded. "Yes...So, what did you and my Lord speak about?"
You groaned. "Oh nothing much. Kaigaku wanted to...'apologize' because Akaza must've threatened him."
Her brows rose. "Oh. Is that all?" 
"He also told me to stay out of his business and gave me this-" You pointed at the necklace. "-in order to get on my good side. But I plan on returning it to him later before I leave."
Her face perked up. "Oh...So you DIDN'T accept it?"
"No not really." Eri breathed a sigh of relief placing a hand to her chest, your brow rose. "..Why do you ask?"
"No reason. But a word of caution, try not to accept any gifts from any men while you're here. Don't ask why as I'm not allowed to tell you but it'll just save us all a massive headache later."
You weren't sure what she meant about that but it must've been a demon secret so you'd keep in mind to do what Eri said and keep yourself out of trouble. Another half week passed by with yourself doing the same routine as before with Eri. You would read to her and both of you would be entertained by the many poems and stories unfolding within the pages. You were surprised more when Kaigaku seemed to keep his word about toning it down with his attitude. Whenever you saw him in the halls, he'd smirk proudly at himself and the fact you were wearing the necklace he'd given you. You only continued to wear it to appease him before you left, but the strange reactions you were getting from everyone was also suspicious. Many servants would stare at your neck or give glances at you before quickly turning away. You supposed it had something to do with it being a gift from one of their nobles. However you were not ready for the reaction from Kyogai when he saw you wearing it. It was when Kaigaku left to go back to his duties along the Eastern Mountain Border and you and Eri were passing by him in the hallway. Kyogai had lit up upon first seeing you approaching but it was completely wiped away when he looked lowered to your neck and saw a very familiar blue charm.
You were taken quite aback at the sudden yell and pointing at you in such sudden anger. It had Eri peddling back behind you, head instantly bowing on instinct in face of her main Lord's anger.
"Oh...You mean this necklace?"
"I WOULD V E R Y MUCH LIKE TO KNOW HOW IT HAD GOTTEN AROUND YOUR NECK!!," He strained his voice eyes narrowing at the necklace.
"Kyogai be calm," you said holding up your hands to try and calm the strange anger, "It's just something Kaigaku gave me to try and apologize. I'm only wearing it to keep peace, but I'm giving it back to him later."
That last sentence had him looking directly at your face for a solid ten seconds of silence. "...So you aren't accepting that?!"
"No! I only took it to not hurt his feelings but I never to told him I would be keeping it." With every word the largest demon relaxed little by little. "I'm just going to give it back later when he's not around."
"HA! So he doesn't know yet?'
"No. And I'd appreciate if you kept your mouth shut about it since if he knew I'm planning on giving it back he'd just throw another fit about it." 
A big smile broke across Kyogai's face as he hummed in thought staring at the necklace. "…..Very well. I will respect your wishes, but if he thinks this is going to change anything then he has another thing coming! He doesn't seem to understand the laws don't apply to this situation!"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing. ...Hmm. But perhaps he has a good idea for once. If the law doesn't apply here then it seems I might still get ahead."
Did he want to do this though? Marriage seemed like a big step especially with someone he just met a few weeks ago-
"Kyogai?" A hand softly grabbed his with a worried cute face beaming at him and the smell of roses hitting his senses. "Are you alright? You're worrying me here."
"I am fine. Perfectly fine. Do not worry. However I must leave. There's a special task I must prepare if I want to present it. Excuse me. Eri, let me know if Kaigaku returns immediately."
And he left just like that. Leaving you to stare at Eri who only groaned and shook her head, so you didn't bother to ask. It just seemed that the two demons really didn't get along. However Eri's strange behavior seemed to get more and more noticeable. You'd catch her staring off into space not paying attention to even the stories as you caught back her attention to which shed apologize and ask you to repeat yourself. Or sometimes she'd take glances out the window with a longing look. Or she'd give glances at your necklace with envy like she almost pictured herself in it-
"Alright. What's gotten into you?'' You finally asked her about it two days later when she stared off for the fifth time in the last hour.
Her many eyes blinked at you as you caught her attention back. "Uh...What ever do you mean?"
"This is the fifth time I caught you staring off, and you're starting to see worry me. Why have you been acting so strange?"
"Oh. Well..You shouldn't concern yourself with that.?" A nervous hand combed through her hair nervously. "It's not that big of a deal."
"It is if you're acting like this," you assured her, "You can tell me. I promise I won't judge you for it."
She hummed nervously wringing one pair of her hands together before sighing. "Well...Do you remember how I mentioned I was engaged?" You nodded. "W-Well it's February already. Usually I'd be permitted to visit him once a year, I haven't seen him since last last summer, and with a few ...'others' falling in love around here.. It's just reminding me a lot of him lately."
"Aren't you going to be marrying him soon?"
"When I agreed to work for my Lord, I agreed to work for him for a certain amount of time. I can't leave until next year when it becomes March, which is still a year away. I also can't ask to visit him now, not when I was ordered to watch over you.  I'll have to wait until you're free to go before I can see him again."
You looked at her for a long moment. "Eri, exactly where does your fiance live?" 
"He lives in a small series of ponds and water bodies five miles south from here. Usually I can go and be back within a single day. Why?"
"Well mating season is over right? That means it's safe for me to be outside for a while. If I explain to Kyogai how you're feeling then I'm sure he'd allow me to go with you."
"Mistress Y/n! No. You're still recovering and I couldn't ask that of you-" 
"Eri, if I spend one more day cooped up in here without stepping out once I'll go crazy! And I already decided I'm going to ask so there's no getting around it if he says yes."
"IF he says yes being the key words here," she pointed out, "My Lord is very worried about your health and safety. Even if you ask him in the politest way on earth and give the most reasonable of reasonable reasons back, how are you so sure he'll say yes to this entire thing?"
"By using a simple trick I've learnt from growing up with a grandmother like mine." You smiled very slyly making Eri raise a brow. "When would you say he's going to be the busiest?"
"Tomorrow when he'll be processing some treaty negotiations into the archives. Why?"
Eri didn't say anything but the very next day she seemed both anxious and curious to be seeing what you'd be coming up with when you had her follow you very early in the morning towards Kyogai's study. And it was EARLY. The sun had barely even risen out of the sky when you tugged a half asleep Eri behind you. Kyogai as always woke up before the sun even did to work, and combined with his workload would make for a perfect time to ask him. A few servants seemed surprised to see you walking around so early but most didn't pay attention to you just walking around doing their own chores, and Kaigaku still wouldn't be back for a few days so it'll all work out fine! The main study was the one he usually worked from so you went right up to the door and paused for a moment. Eri and yourself exchanging a look before your hands grabbed onto the door and slide it just open enough to pop your head in. Indeed Kyogai was there already working. The sounds of furious quill scribbling filled the air as the large demon sat down in his usual spot, a two foot stack of papers to the left of him on the desk. Yikes. He really was going to be busy wasn't he? Whelp. You came here all the way to ask so you might as well ask.
"Hey, Kyogai?"
He hummed not paying attention and not looking up from his papers.
"Can I go with Eri to meet her fiance?"
"Yes,yes. Whatever you need."
"Thank you."
You then popped your head back out, slid the door back shut, and turned back to Eri who had her haw dropped and all four eyes wide. "Well you heard him! Let's go! We can be back before nightfall."
".... I'm very much starting to think you have a death wish."
"And Ill take that as a compliment."
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dalmascan-requiem · 6 months
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Dalmascan Requiem Moments: Bath
(Vierapril Day 3 - Rest)
It's important to feel safe.
Read on AO3 or keep reading after the jump
content warnings: none
(vierapril main post)
They're just so sweet ;w; I just find the act of bathing together really loving and intimate, so Gale's main love language is acts of service. It's just nice and fluffy and wholesome
Laurent lets out a contented sigh as he settles into the water. "Your soaps always smell so nice, Eir."
"Of course." Gale chuckles as he runs his hands through Laurent's hair. "I take my hygiene very seriously." He hears Gale grab something from the side of the bathtub before continuing. "The lavender will help you relax. You just finished a job, so you need something to help you rest."
"Hm." The dark-haired Viera sinks deeper into the warm water as Gale gently works soap into his hair. After a moment, Gale begins softly humming--sounds like the song a patron at the tavern taught him a few days ago--and Laurent closes his eyes. This feels nice… 
At first, Laurent didn't really understand why Gale always drew a bath for him when he completed a job and insisted on washing his hair. It's not as though he needed help, even with his long hair--and if Laurent was being honest with himself, the thought of taking a bath together made him feel… vulnerable.
But he couldn't really explain why that was the case. They were not strangers--far from it, having known one another since they were children. And it wasn't as though they hadn't seen each other without clothes on. It just felt different.
But Gale was rather persistent about this new ritual, and eventually Laurent stopped questioning it.
"Fold your ears down, my love."
Laurent snaps out of his ruminations and gives a slight nod before folding his ears flat against his ear. As he feels the warm water run over his head, Laurent instinctively shuts his eyes--even though Gale takes care not to let any of the soap run onto his face. Besides, there was no harm in simply enjoying the moment.
Gale spends a few moments washing Laurent's hair, then silently wraps his arms around him and pulls him close. Laurent leans back against him, and the other Viera softly chuckles in response and kisses him on the top of his head.
As he lay in the warm water, surrounded by the soothing floral smells and his lover's arms, Laurent felt safe. He understood the irony in that, given his senses were addled and his weapons in another room. But his life in the village and as a Wood Warder would never allow this feeling of being able to relax. To feel like being home.
"Reyna…" Gale's singsongy voice is barely above a whisper. Laurent feels fingers ever so slightly tracing down his back, and he is suddenly very aware of his partner and just how godsdamn attractive he was--
"When were you going to tell me about this?"
The light-haired Viera lightly presses a spot on Laurent's back, causing him to jump up in shock. "Gods, Eir, that hurts--"
"It shouldn't." Gale's voice takes a more serious tone, and Laurent could imagine him frowning at his back. "Did you get hurt during the job?"
I had forgotten with the warmth of the bath… Laurent thinks back to earlier in the day. "That's right, the target had someone with them, and I was caught off guard. She kicked me in the back."
Gale sighs. "How can you say all that as if you were out for a stroll?" He holds Laurent again, mumbling mostly into his hair as he continues. "My love, you need to take care of yourself. I worry for you…"
Laurent felt a pang of guilt when he heard Gale's tone, and he reached back to touch Gale's cheek. "I'm sorry, Eir…"
"I'll accept your apology… if you rest for the next few days."
Laurent sighs, but he knows better than to argue. "Very well, my love."
"Good." Gale kisses one of Laurent's ears, his fair mood returning. "I'll keep you company. Make sure you rest."
"Ah, because I get so much rest when you're around." Laurent scoffs as he turns to face the other Viera, draping his arms over Gale's shoulders, and Gale rolls his eyes dramatically. 
"Well, Reyna, if you don't want me around--"
"I do." Laurent cuts his partner off with a kiss, then pulls back with a slight smile. "I love you, Eir."
Gale's expression softens, and he smiles before silently returning the kiss.
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a-moth-to-the-light · 7 months
Current Top 10 Bleachers Songs
Though I can't exactly say I grew up with Bleachers--I was 14 when I first heard of them--I feel like I did. Maybe it's because I actually did grow up with Bruce Springsteen, and didn't someone once call Bleachers a glorified Springsteen tribute band? I couldn't find the original reference, but I love Bleachers almost as much as Springsteen (who's only my favorite artist ever--sorry, Alba Reche, you're a close second I promise!!!), so I can't say that label is a bad thing. The Springsteen energy happening in their music is FANTASTIC, with some interesting electronic influences to spice things up! They released a new album last Friday, so it's time to do a top-10-so-far before I find any new favorites :)
1. Wild Heart
This is for all the kids who lived off the Love, Simon soundtrack in eighth grade, who huddled in their room and listened to "Wild Heart" over and over and over again and tried to work up the courage to ask their parents to take them to see the movie... but what if they guess? What if they figure out I'm gay? I'll just watch the trailers over and over again, listen to the soundtrack on repeat... Look, I like so much about "Wild Heart", especially the echo-y vocal effects and the way the chorus crashes in and the grumbling bass and the outro, but really this is my favorite Bleachers song as a salute to my past self. I'm sorry. And thank you. And I'm so proud of you.
2. How Dare You Want More
This song is layers and layers and layers, it's all the chaos and glee of a really great party, and I feel tipsy by the time that sax solo hits.
3. Hate That You Know Me
I thought this one was pretty weird for a longggg time, but it got me eventually. The production here is emptier than what I was used to from their first album, but over time, it started to feel less empty and more immediate to me, like I could just be hearing a couple of people giving the performance of their lives across the street. Speaking of which, shoutout to the backup vocalist who does those riffs--they bring out the best in this song's rhythm. Also, these might be my favorite Bleachers lyrics. They're fantastically fun to sing, without losing any meaning to the sonic whimsy!
4. Don't Take The Money
This is my comfort scream-it-all-out song--it has the perfect blend of genuine humor and equally genuine agony that I love so much in my favorite Taylor Swift songs. Experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known? Singing, "I SAW YOUR FACE AND HANDS / COVERED IN SUN AND THEN / I THINK I UNDERSTAND / ... OH I UNDERSTAND" is the most effective cure I know.
5. I'm Ready to Move On / Wild Heart -- w/ Yoko Ono
Okay, sure, this is kind of just "Wild Heart" again. But I think it deserves its own spot, since it really does have its own thing going on. I'm not as much of an experimental production lover as I want to be--though I respect attempts to expand the range of sounds we think of as 'music', I still have a hard time actually enjoying the more out-there electronic stuff. But I'll listen to this one any day, weird buzzing noises included, because Yoko Ono's melody instantly cheers me up, and I find myself singing it constantly. Snow is falling! All the time! Snow is smiling! All the time! I'm ready! I'm ready! I'm ready! To move on!
6. I Wanna Get Better (cw: sui)
This one is... intense. I think that's what I love most about Bleachers, though, is that you get all this emotion wrapped up in these ridiculously catchy rock anthems. There's so much feeling that's fighting to get out of these songs, and so much in my heart that's fighting to get out when I listen--but then I can free it by singing along. These are songs that want to be sung along to, that invite your shared experience of things that are too heavy to carry alone. Hell, maybe that's what drew me to Bleachers, specifically, out of all the artists on the Love, Simon soundtrack. Because their music felt like coming out, even before I actually did; it gave me an escape, to a place where I felt like my secret, my big terrifying secret, had already been shared. Even for just a few minutes, I could get that weight of things unspoken off my shoulders. And suicidal ideation is hard to talk about, too. And I didn't talk about it for a long time--not for years after coming out. But I had this song to process it with, and for that I'm eternally grateful <3
7. Like A River Runs
Okay, this spot could belong to a whole bunch of songs on the Strange Desire album, but I'll go with this one, which was my most-listened song on Spotify Wrapped 2020. I don't think I've ever been able to relate to this song--I'm lucky to never have experienced the death of a close friend, or of a family member I knew well--but the production always manages to capture me instantly. I guess this song gives us another good explanation of why I feel like I grew up with Bleachers: their music sounds like how my growing up felt--this overwhelming rush of reckless joy in the present, combined with intense fits of yearning for the past.
8. Everybody Lost Somebody
9. 91
I never really know what to do with this song, honestly--it's not let-it-all-out fun, like I usually expect from Bleachers. Rather, it's mysterious and reserved... but that makes it uniquely captivating, too. Its lyrics have beautifully executed time skips, and I love that string instruments are made central to the arrangement, rather than left to a low-volume layer in the chorus.
10. Rollercoaster -- w/ Charli XCX
I mean, Bleachers has some of the best hooks out there, and Charli XCX has a voice that makes any chorus a punch to the gut. A dream collaboration, for sure, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is my most-listened Bleachers song ever!
Honorable Mentions: Reckless Love, You're Still a Mystery, All My Heroes, 45, Big Life, Don't Go Dark, Anti-Hero (Taylor Swift feat. Bleachers)
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