#Sorry this is just aimed at a comment I got about a spell not being lore accurate
sorceresssundries · 5 months
Oi! Knob'eds!
Let people explore their ideas and fantasies in a safe place with characters they love in a story they feel connected to.
Let them bend the canon and twist the rules and create something new with the precious material they've been given.
This is how new worlds are built.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
uhhh i tried dming you but that didn't work so. ask.
went to a few friends about you because i got a bad feeling from those anons. uh. basically uh. i don't think that anon wants you to apologize. i guess with the way twitter is it is right to be a lil cautious.
so uh. play pokemon and don't hurt yourself ok? sometimes i see myself in you. specifically when you talk about how stupid you feel for trusting the ccs. that relatable feeling. you're not stupid tho i don't know what the fuck happened either
also uh. answer this privately. please. for my sake.
(somehow i get the feeling that person was from twitter)
~ skyhighchibi
on one hand, that was also my thought when they first sent that ask. but on the other hand, I genuinely didn't want to seem willfully ignorant because I wanted to better understand the protentional harmful word I'd used and how to better educate people about it. I wanted to be educated! But when I went to research stuff and learn about it on google, I kept getting info that didn't align with what was being said to me, and there was conflicting information in many of the sources(some said it was from a rap lyric calling someone stupid, others said it was from the world simpleton, others that it was a way to call someone short, one said it was an insult aimed at men who weren't abusive towards their wives because that was somehow emasculating, etc etc)
My confusion and comments about it stemmed because I wasn't able to find any good information to understand a term that I'd previously never known to be hurtful/derogatory. I'm autistic. Sounds very lazy, but not understanding things and needing stuff spelled out is kinda on the label.
I can't say this enough, and it's at the point where doing so probably makes me seem a bit stupid, but really, PLEASE tell me if I ever misuse a term/word/phrase in a way that's harmful.
And please, if you can when you do, if it isn't too difficult or too much of a bother, maybe give me a way to further research and understand WHY that word is harmful so I can better understand it myself and use that knowledge to educate others. Because that's what I want to do: be educated and educate others.
But if someone reacts that way when I express feeling bad for not being able to understand, then well. I don't know! Dunno what I can do there. Just feel bad and sit with my guilt and not know if I'm allowed to say anything that isn't a self-flagellation plea for forgiveness? That doesn't sound very productive now that I'm not having a moral anxiety induced meltdown. But oh well what do I know.
I do feel like that person was maybe from Twitter.
I'd love if I could learn about that word more to better understand how it's used and when/if it's okay.
That's all I can really say rn. And I'm very sorry if it isn't sufficient.
0 notes
peach-the-owl · 3 years
Would you be willing to do one where the child calls the vox machina mom/ dad like you did for the M9?
I would be absolutely delighted to
You Call them Mom/Dad 2.0
Vox Machina & Child!Reader (Kids Machina)
Pike had taken you in as an acolyte when she found you abandoned outside her home, you were so young but showed great interest and potential in the worship of Sarenrae. Soon enough though she quickly turned from being just a mentor to being a parental figure towards you. She mostly taught you spells aimed more towards healing and support, but did show you how to use a few damaging spells, not wanting you caught in the fray of battle but still able to defend yourself if you had to. After casting a successful Guiding Bolt followed by a Cure Wounds on Grog, who agreed to be your "punching bag" (his words not yours), she gives you a cheer and applause.
"That was really well done, you'll be surpassing me in skill in no time." She says with a smile.
"Thanks mama, I’m gonna be the bestest healer you’ve ever seen one day." You say with a happy giggle, but pause when you see her shocked expression. "What’s wrong?" You tilt your head at her, worried you may have said something wrong. She shakes her head, her smile returning brighter then before.
"No, no nothing's wrong. I ummm, just wanted to know if I heard you correctly. Did you… did you just call me mama?" She looks you in the eyes, a hopeful sparkle in hers.
"Uhh, uhh… maybe?" You scratch at the back of your head and look away embarrassed until you feel yourself get lifted up and spun around before being placed down again.
"Does this mean I’m an uncle now?" You hear Grog ask off to the side, you both stare at him and laugh a little, leaving him very confused.
Zephrah was a beautiful place and with the Chroma Conclave defeated you finally got a chance to see it all for yourself, Keyleth all too eager to show you around her home. The view was amazing, seeing mountain peaks through different layers of clouds, or watching the skysailors ride along the winds. The plant life was lush and bright be it from farmers cultivating the land or the fact that you were so close to one of the elemental planes portals. You hear Keyleth let out a light laugh beside you and look up at her with curious eyes.
"What’s so funny?" You ask. She kneels down and smiles at you, booping your nose, now making you giggle.
"Not much really. It’s just seeing all that wonder in your eyes, I couldn’t contain my own joy I guess." She replies.
"It’s so pretty here, thank you for showing me around mom." You comment without thinking, just letting yourself take in the view again.
"Wha-what did you just call me?" Her voice comes out softly making you turn to her with concern. She had a hand over her mouth and her eyes were starting to well up with tears.
"Ah! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to make you upset." You apologize in a small panic, only to stop when you’re pulled into a bit of an awkward hug due to your positions. Keyleth quickly adjusting herself to make the hug more comfortable.
"No no, please don’t apologize. These are happy tears, I promise." She assures, there was a small shake to her voice. "I never thought you’d come to see me as your mother, that’s all." When she finishes her sentence you finally bring your arms up to return the hug, feeling her hair tickle your nose a little as you snuggle into her.
"You’re weird in all the best ways to me, and lots of fun too. You do all these cool druid tricks, like turn into animals and you always know how to help me fall asleep when I can’t. I know you’re not always perfect but I don’t want you to be, I like you as yourself." You say with a big, proud smile.
"You’re going to make me cry again." She says, taking a moment of pause to collect herself. "You know what? I like you as yourself too, because I don’t have to worry about how I act with you around… since you’re more clumsy then me." She jokes a little making you playfully push away from her.
"Am not!" You argue with a fake pout before smiling again.
"Are too." She boops your nose again. "Come on, we should head back before Vax starts to wonder where we went." She stands up, keeping you secure in her arms as you make your way back to the village.
You aimed your bow unsteadily at the target, missing completely when you try and take a shot, letting out a sigh you turn to Vex.
"It’s too hard, I can’t do it." You pout, rubbing the soreness out of your arms.
"Not every shot's going to be perfect at first dear. That’s no reason to give up." Vex soothes walking over and helping you notch an arrow. "Try one more time and then we can take a break, okay?" She encourages.
"Okay." You replay with a small nod, pulling back the string and shakily taking aim.
"Remember, relax yourself a little, deep breaths, keep both eyes open and keep your sight set on where you want to hit your target." She advises. You do your best to follow her instructions before firing the arrow, watching it soar through the air and finally strike into the target. It was no bullseye but that didn’t matter to you, you actually hit the target and you were ecstatic about that.
"I did it! I did it! Did I you see that momma! I finally hit it!" You beam in pure excitement, not noticing Vex’s shocked expression. When you look back over to her you tilt your head to the side with a worried look. "Are you okay momma?"
"Momma?" She lightly clasps a hand over her mouth. You feel even more worried when you hear the shake in her voice but before you can say anything she speaks up again. "You see me as your mother?"
"I didn’t mean to make you upset." You turn your gaze to the ground and shrink into yourself a little. "I won’t call you it again, I promise." You finish feel bad but she quickly kneels down and cups your face to have you look at her again.
"No, don’t say that dear. I’ll happily be your mother, if you want me to." Now you’re the one staring up at her in shock before you beam at her again and wrap your arms around her neck in a hug. She places a soft kiss to the top of your head and lifts you up, bringing the both of you back into Greyskull Keep for a much needed break (and so Vex could brag to her brother, but who's keeping track).
Vax had been really quiet and much more reserved then usual lately, avoiding people and locking himself away for long periods of time. You were getting really worried about him, missing your favourite rouge. You approach the door to his room and do a special knock to let him know it’s you without having to say it outright. After a minute of silence you sigh and are about to turn and leave when you hear some faint shuffling, the soft click of the lock and more faint shuffling. You open the door cautiously and peek your head inside seeing Vax sitting on his bed looking deep in thought, you softly close the door and pad your way over, climbing onto the bed to join him. You sit in silence for a while, you didn’t really have anything planned to say if he let you in so you just sat next to him and play with your fingers, trying to find something to say.
"Why come all this way if you’re only going to sit here and do nothing?" Vax asks, looking down at you with a raised eyebrow. You furrow your own eyebrows at the question as the room falls silent again, after a few minutes of this you scoot yourself closer to him and lean against his side, feeling him tense up at the sudden contact before relaxing again.
"Well, why not? You haven’t been around for a while so who’s going to teach me about picking pockets to dumb rich people, or who’s going to help me mess with Grog and… and I miss you." You say with a slight giggle looking up at him, he doesn’t look back, only letting out a sigh.
"You really don’t have to, I don’t want you to waste your time pitying me." There was a slight bitterness in his tone and it made you upset that he thought this about himself.
"But nothing! I don’t need a child’s pity." He blurts out unexpectedly, you frown scooting away, shrinking into yourself feeling like you did something wrong and upset him further.
"I-I’m sorry papa, I didn’t mean to make you angry. I’ll go." You mumble, lowering your head before sliding off the bed and walking to the door. You’re about to turn the knob when he pipes up again.
"Wait." Slowly turning back around he was finally looking back at you with a look of utter guilt, one arm outstretched towards you beckoning you back. When you shuffle back to the foot of the bed he gently lifts you up and places you on his knee, using his thumbs to wipe the tears in your eyes. "Did I hear you correctly? Do you really see me as your father?" He asks in a soft voice, you give a tiny nod.
"I’m sorry." You say just as softly.
"No don’t say that. I’m the one who's sorry, I let my thoughts blind me from what’s important here." You look up at him again with big, glistening eyes and see a small but genuine smile on his face. "I’ll happily be your father, and I promise to do all I can to protect you and treat you as you deserve." There’s a new sense of purpose to his tone that helps place a smile on your own face as you cuddle into his side.
Bars aren't really the place for a child to be, now on one hand you were with Grog so you knew you'd be safe no matter what, on the other hand… you were with Grog so trouble was close to follow regardless. The bar you found yourselves in, you couldn’t remember its name for the life of you, probably something dumb anyways, had its own little pit dug out for brawls and of course Grog took full advantage of that.
"Come on! Is that the best you lot can do!" Grog challenges as he easily wins another brawl, pounding his fists together waiting for anyone else to test their luck. Meanwhile you were sitting off to the side happily watching the show and drinking some milk, apparently they didn’t know what water was here, but they had milk? You didn’t understand the barkeeps logic but at least you still had something to drink.
"Well now, what’s a tiny thing like you doing 'ere?" A burly half-orc asks, you did not like the tone he had. You shuffle uncomfortably as you try to figure out what to tell them.
"I-I’m here watching my papa beat up meanies like you!" You say with some confidence, the half-orc snorts at your comment.
"Right, and just who would be able to do that wif a weak little thing like yerself as their kid?" He teases, leaning uncomfortably close to you. A hand is placed on the half-orc's shoulder and he’s quickly turned around coming face to face with Grog.
"What did you just call my little warrior?" Grog growls, having seen the entire thing, a rage starting to boil in his eyes. The half-orc shrinks into himself a little but quickly proceeds to puff out his chest.
"You ‘eard me-" Before he’s able to continue Grog grabs them by the skull and slams them against the table, effectively breaking it into pieces. He then reaches over and picks you up gently, easily holding you in one hand and walks out of the bar, a very shocked crowd of patrons staring as you left. He doesn’t say anything at first and you didn’t know what to say, so you settle for snuggling a little more into his secure hold.
"Did you mean it?" You suddenly hear him say, you give him a doe eyed stare in slight confusion. "I know I’m not… the best, but do you really think I’m a good papa?" He asks genuinely, his eyes no longer showing anger but curiosity and concern, not something you see often from the goliath.
"Of course!" You beam up at him. "You’re always super fun and funny to be around, and I know I’ll always be safe when I’m with you." You reply hugging his arm since it was the only thing you could wrap your arms around, even then they didn’t completely connect. Grog has to hold back the tears from the feeling of pride welling up inside him at your statement.
You sit mesmerized as you watch Percy work, effortlessly switching between tools while he tinkered away at his invention. Normally people weren’t allowed to be in his workshop while he was "in the zone" but you were a special acceptation, I mean how else was his little apprentice going to learn anything without seeing the work in action.
"Grab me a fine tipped star screwdriver." He says mindlessly, he wouldn’t admit it aloud but having you around, willing to help grab tools for him while he worked was greatly appreciated. You reach behind you, already knowing where it is and grab the requested item.
"Here you go, dad!" You chirp happily, handing over the screwdriver. He takes it from your grasp and continues to work away at the device. You continue to watch until he pauses abruptly, nearly dropping the items in his hands before carefully setting them down. You look at him concerned as he slowly turns to look at you.
"What did you just call me?" He asks, genuine shocked. You tilt your head in confusion, did you say something wrong that upset him? But what could you have said? You replay your previous sentence until you realize what accidentally slipped out, your own eyes widening in shock.
"I umm, I was… I just… I don’t know…" You stutter and trail off slightly embarrassed. Percy let’s out a long sigh, running a hand through his hair.
"How?" He mutters just loud enough for you to hear, you look at him confused. "How could you ever see me as a father… after everything I’ve done?" He looks back at you waiting for some kind of answer. You, having shaken off your embarrassment, don’t take long to answer.
"You did bad things, and sometimes still do them, but that doesn’t make you a bad person. You helped me, taught me everything I know and let me watch you do your work, which is awesome!" You say with a large smile. "Besides, I’d pick you over my real dad any day." You mumble out that last part, subconsciously rubbing your side. You feel a hand place itself on your shoulder, looking over you see Percy had kneeled down to your height, a small smile on his face. You take advantage of his position and give him a hug, he tenses at first but after a few seconds relaxes into the gesture. He wouldn’t admit it aloud but having you around was something he greatly appreciated.
Scanlan (this is set a little before he met Kaylie)
Scanlan was not the greatest influence, yet no matter how much the rest of Vox Machina tried you just couldn’t help but hang around him and look up to him. He always snuck you a little something to drink when no one was looking, he was tons of fun and really funny, great at singing and making up songs, and even if it wasn’t explicitly shown he did care a lot. He was fine with you hanging around, kids were great chick magnets, what he didn’t expect was just how much you came to look up to him. You were sitting on a barstool while he smooth talked with the bartender, humming a little tune to yourself for self entertainment.
"You know babe, why don’t we ditch early and have a much better talk in my room." You overhear him say, laying on the charm.
"But papa, you promised we’d get a treat first." You blurt out without much thought. To get you to help pull in the ladies Scanlan often promised a walk around the market and either a frozen treat or baked good as payment.
"What?!" Scanlan having completely forgotten you were there wipes around, nearly falling out of his seat, and looks at you with wide eyes.
"Aww, that’s really sweet," the bartender who showed some interest shifts their gaze onto you. "What a nice dad, taking there kid out for a treat, I wouldn’t want to intervene." With that the bartender walks away to tend to another costumer.
"I-ju-bu-ahhh!" Scanlan for once was at a complete lose of words, stumbling over himself to try and regain his composure. "You did that on purpose!" Once he could find his words again he gives you a sharp look.
"Did what on purpose?" You look at him innocently. His demeanour deflates at your genuine curiosity, again finding himself lost for words, constantly opening and closing his mouth with no sound coming out. He shakes himself off and takes a breath.
"You can’t be serious kid. I’m not your dad."
"So?" You tilt your head questioningly.
"So, why do you see me like I am?" He flings his arms up in exaggeration.
"I don’t know, a dad is supposed to be fun and caring, right? That’s what you are to me." You shrug, not really sure how to explain yourself.
"I uhh, huh…" He places a hand under his chin in thought. "You know, I never really thought about it like that." It goes silent again after that but not in an uncomfortable way.
"Sooo…" You cut into the silence, regaining his attention. "Can I get that treat now?" You ask, really looking forward to whatever sweet delight you’d get. Scanlan laughs at the change of subject and your eagerness.
"Sure thing kiddo." He says patting your back. "Whatever you want."
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the-phantom-ender · 4 years
S. So. I reblogged this post earlier. And. And I wanted to see a fic for it.
But, uh... I'm very impatient. So I wrote it myself.
Watson Phillips. That was the name he was going by at this point. He had his wings, practically useless by now, binded and pinned to his back. You could hardly see the bump left by them under the layers of clothing. It was uncomfortable, sure, but not bad. The ruler of this land was a Piglin, he couldn’t help but be reminded of… an old friend.
He sighed, waiting quietly for the event to start. And it did! Oh it did. He didn’t get much of a view of things when the first two gladiators went up to bat, being much to caught up in aiming the bow in his hands, quiver strapped over his shoulder. All he knew was that one of them, Lagius was it, lost miserably. Not that he would judge much, really.
He only really came to be aware of what was happening when he was approached. And… then he saw a very, very familiar face. Watson almost froze where he stood, but covered his tracks with grace, saying he was more or less just focused on target practice. It was a lie, but not an unbelievable one. He rolled his shoulders, back aching.
The cameraman was Karl Jacobs.
There was absolutely no doubt in his mind. For one, his clothing was absolutely not time appropriate. The brightly coloured spiral hoodie did not fly anymore, no sir. For two: Watson knew what reincarnation looked like. This was the same face. This was different.
He decided that when this was over, he would get a chance to talk to Karl.
Watson lost his fight. He kind of threw it, in fairness. The other guy was drunk off his ass and he felt a little guilty fighting him. Also the zero gravity ruining his shot did him in a little. He was deadly on target with a bow, but if a person could easily side step because of how slowly it moved, there was really no point.
After that, he was content just… standing around. He got a little drunk at one point, but he sobered up quick enough that it may well have never happened. It was nice getting to know the rest of the people around, they all seemed alright enough.
Then he spoke to the Ran fellow. An enderman, surely, through and through. Had the same genetic mutation as… someone he used to know. Made the eyes green. Not very common, but not terribly uncommon, either. They carried themselves like anyone could come at them at any time. And considering everything going on, he might have been right with the caution.
“So… Ran, was it? Enderman name.”
He perked up, ears flicking slightly,” Yes. It’s common. You’re... versed in the culture?” “Eh,” Watson shrugged,” I’ve been taught some things by some old friends. Know a little of the language. I’m a little rusty, though.”
The two of them stuck by each other through a lot of the rest of the tournament. Warbling occasionally in a language others didn’t understand. Though Ran did comment, at one point, that the way he spoke it was very outdated. All he did was shrug and say that the guy who taught him might have thought it was funny. That seemed to be enough of that.
At the end, Ran managed to yank both of them out of the lava, keeping both from a rather unsavory death by fire. They stood behind a pillar, listening to chaos erupt around them. Jackie had won. And he was directed to… kill the cameraman. Oh no, absolutely fucking not.
Watson nudged Ran,” Hey, mate, when the kid goes to deal the killing blow to the camera man, is there any way you can just… blip over there and make sure he doesn’t actually die?”
“... Yeah, I can manage that.”
Ran delivered on his word, too. Before Watson knew it, Karl was behind the pillar with them and no one was the wiser. He lurched up, bewildered, clearly expecting to be anywhere but there.
“...What the honk?”
There it was.
“Ran, mate, if you don’t mind. I’d like to have a private word with him.” A shrug,” Alright. I have some… business to attend to, anyways.” A slight salute, and then he was gone.
Karl had tried to slink away, but Watson firmly grabbed his arm and forced him to stay. He threw a cloak over the man’s shoulders and snuck them out with the crowd. To his credit, he didn’t complain. It was… almost uncomfortable how resigned he was to this, honestly. Eventually, Watson tugged Karl around a corner and out of sight.
“How are you here, Karl Jacobs?”
“Don’t play stupid, mate.”
“H-how…” Karl blinked, moving to hold his head,” How do you know who I- have I met you? My memory, um, it isn’t… the greatest. So. If I’m forgetting you, I’m sorry-”
“I, gah, do I really have to spell this out for you?”
“... Yeees.”
“I swear to gods if this is just because I binded my fuckin’ wings…” Watson sighed.
It wasn’t like he could just… take off the binding. He’d pinned them down pretty damn well, it’d take a while to unwrap things. Still, he supposed those were the most defining features about him. Unless… did he still keep that thing in his bag? It was old and busted by now, but he’d replaced it more than once already and didn’t wanna do it again.
He opened his satchel, rustling around for a few moments. A small smile grew on his face as he saw the edge of the green and white rim. With a flourish, Watson pulled out the bucket hat and placed it on his head. It fit better when his hair was longer. Waving his hands, jazz hands, he whispered out a little ‘ta-da!’
“SHHHH!” Watson hissed, shoving a hand over Karl’s mouth,” Not so fuckin’ loud, mate.”
A beat.
“Yeah, though. You died. A very long time ago. How the fuck are you… here, Karl?”
“Uh…” Karl’s eyes darted around,” Would you… believe me if I said that I’m, uh, I’m on… business.”
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ - ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴛᴇɴ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki @miraculoustaytiny [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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The King wasted no time. After getting you back, he immediately scheduled the coronation, as he couldn't wait to call you his Queen. The Castle was in a frenzy, the sound little frog feet slapping against the marble floors echoed in every division. Seonghwa refused to have the coronation in the same room where he got married, he didn't want to re-live the awful moment when his wife got stolen from him... So the maids and butlers found new decorations, moved the paintings and transformed another one of the King's dark and cold rooms into a place worthy of a welcoming party.
"Let's do it in the throne room. Place her throne by my right." He had said.
The tradition was for the throne to be moved in front of everyone present, so they could witness the changes and their new reality first hand, but Seonghwa was a little tired of following tradition.
You and him stood in the middle of the throne room, with every single maid and butler running around frantically, trying to get everything done on time. You looked on proudly, enjoying the way it was all coming along.
The excess of red and black was gone, it was now balanced with white and gold, and with the new paintings and lights giving the room a new life it looked like a completely new place. The blinds behind the throne were finally opened, revealing the most beautiful stained glass images. There were four people, who you assumed were Seonghwa's family.
You reminisced the first time you had come to that room, panting and confused, standing in the dark, cold room being judged by the merciless man Seonghwa once was. The contrast was almost unbelievable, but you were glad you had gotten this far.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your figure and a chin on your shoulder.
"I'll have it replaced. First, just the two of us, and then, once we have our little prince, or princess," he paused, caressing your stomach, where you'd carry your future child "I'll have it replaced once more, with a full picture of our family."
He kissed your cheek and you smiled.
"But Seonghwa, are you sure you wanna take down the picture of your family?" You questioned, feeling honoured yet a little wrong, replacing the original King and Queen.
He stood straight, and his cheerful expression was immediately replaced by one of pain and confusion, remembering all of the memories alongside those people.
"Why not? They have given me nothing but a lifetime of suffering, you have given me nothing but happiness and a chance of redemption. You deserve to be up there, immortalized, as a part of the new Royal family."
"Thank you..."
That was all you could say, as there were no words that could possibly describe how you felt.
One of the maids stole you away from your husband for a second, so you could change from the dirty, ripped-up wedding dress for the new ceremony. She helped you switch to a princess-style dress, all in red silk. The revealing heart-shaped neckline was covered with black lace, that extended all the way to your hands and wrapped around your index finger.
"You look lovely, Miss." The maid said as she fixed your hair.
You thanked her with a small smile and headed towards the throne room. Usually, it would be packed with people, but due to the previous altercation, the only people attending the coronation would be the castle staff, aside from the knights who were assigned to protect the castle during the event.
You carefully sat on the throne, feeling Seonghwa's eyes (or... eye) inspecting you. He leaned over, so he could whisper in your ear.
"You look marvelous in red."
He sat back straight in his throne and smiled at your shy expression. A tall man soon entered the room holding two boxes. He opened one of the boxes and slowly (and carefully) placed the crown on the King's head. It was exaggerated, yet classy and sophisticated like Seonghwa. You could tell it had been specially done for him.
"We shall now begin the coronation of Miss Y/N." The man announced.
He opened the box in front of you, revealing the most beautiful, victorian crown. It was made up of white gold and adorned with the most beautiful red and white stones.
"I hereby declare, by the powers given to me by His majesty Park Seonghwa, the new Queen of Wonderland, Queen Y/N."
The man slowly placed the crown on your head, and it was a perfect fit. He stepped away so the painter could see your smiling faces, as he immortalized the moment on a canvas.
The castle staff smiled and cheered for you, their new Queen.
"Bring her!" The King shouted, and the whole room froze.
The thought on everyone's mind was 'Who's her'.
The heavy doors to the room opened, and a chained woman, dressed in a black cape with her white, disheveled hair showing stepped in, with the help of two guards.
"Unchain her."
The guards obeyed the King, and unchained the woman, who rotated her wrists with a sigh of contentment.
"Finally, what do I owe the honour, Sir?"
The crowd in front of you looked on, petrified. Who the fuck was she?
"Undo the room." Seonghwa commanded.
"Hm there have been some changes, I see." The woman said, her voice cracking mid-sentence.
She looked at you, with her bright purple eyes, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Yes, there have. Now please do as I asked."
"Very well Sir."
The woman removed her black cape, revealing a small, crooked young-looking woman. She lifted her hands in the air, creating a small green fog in her hands, that she aimed at all beings in the room. The people, who were previously humanoid frogs, were turned back into their original form. Tears of happiness formed in everyone's eyes and cries of thankfulness echoed in the room. One maid approached you and knelt by your feet.
"Thank you... Thank you so much!"
You recognized the voice, it was the maid that had thanked you the other day for staying with Seonghwa, and the one that usually helped you dress. You smiled and held her hands.
"No need to kneel around me Miss, thank you for your hard work."
She bowed to you as she walked back to cheer with her peers.
Seonghwa stood up and held out his hand for you to take, and so you followed.
"Iracebeth, follow us. You two," the King said, looking at the two guards who had brought the witch "make sure everyone is gathered at the town center by the time we arrive."
The guards nodded and immediately headed out. Seonghwa took your arm and started walking with you, headed to the town center, you guessed.
You looked behind you to look at the witch, that stared at you with a sinister expression.
"Are you sure it's safe to bring her along, won't she like... curse you? You know, for keeping her locked up?" You whispered.
"Oh, no that won't be an issue."
You tilted your head to the side.
"How come?"
Seonghwa blushed, embarrassed to recall what he had done.
"Well, I tricked her into falling in love with me so I could get her to cast a spell on herself that would only allow her to cast the spells I request her to. I then locked her in the dungeon because I didn't want to deal with her constant crying and blabbering about how I tricked her, that's probably why she's looking at you like..." He glanced over at the witch "... like that."
You hit his arm.
"Park Seonghwa!"
"Ow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I regret doing it but if I undo it now it could have severe consequences, not only for me but for you too. And we can't have that."
You sighed and nodded. It's true that it was cruel, but you didn't want any consequences headed your way, you'd had enough.
You stopped in front of a black and gold carriage, the one that would take you into town. Seonghwa helped you get on and then sat beside you. The witch rode in front of you, her creepy smile and envious eyes staring into your soul the whole ride. Seonghwa held your hand tightly, also feeling uneasy by her presence.
"We're here, Sir."
Seonghwa took a deep breath. You could tell he was nervous, as all of the people from the Kingdom looked at the carriage, expectantly. You kissed his cheek and held his hand tighter.
"It will be okay." You assured him.
Seonghwa smiled softly and exited the carriage, alongside you and the witch. The expressions of the people once they saw the witch were the same as back in the castle, and they braced for the worst.
The King said nothing, he only turned to the witch and said 'do it'.
Once more, she cast the spell, that supposedly returned them to what they once were, but it didn't go as planned. Some people returned to their original state, but the ones who had turned from animals to humans, not so much... Some had the luck of being completely turned back to who they were, others were left hybrids, mixes of animals and humans. You found Cheshire, still as a human, happily playing with his ears and tail, and Haiga, the Hare, jumping about with his hare feet about the return of his long ears. It didn't take much for those two to be happy. There was a mix of emotions among the crowd, however, some people that had married into families who were previously human, were happy they got some of their old life back and they would still be able to maintain their relationship, others were sad (and mad) that they would never be able to return to whom they once were.
"What happened!?" Seonghwa whisper-yelled to the witch.
"The curse has been cast for far too long, I wasn't able to undo it completely." She explained, ashamed of her own skills.
"People, I apologize," as soon as he spoke those words the commotion calmed down, and everyone seemed shocked. The King? Apologizing? "it seems the curse has gone on for too long and is irreversible in some cases. I ask that whoever has been affected attends the castle tomorrow so I can offer a proper compensation for all of the damages caused, that would be all."
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shadowsinger11 · 4 years
You, The Stars And I
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 3.8k (oops)
Requested by @amira3113: Can I request a fic abt the reader seeing Fred and George comforting a kid after Umbridge punished him and the reader helps them and Fred thinks it's so cute what she is doing and she does the same and extra mega fluff, pls?🥺 you don't gotta do it if u don't want to btw.. so no pressure ;)
Warnings: A bit more angst than intended, Fred being a soft boi™️
A/N: I don't know how to feel, I just roasted myself hardcore with this and I'm feeling even more single. I'm sorry for not being able to use a 'keep reading' tab
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The sun fell asleep behind the endless hills, enveloped by dense, opaque darkness. Its golden rays no longer shone through the wide windows of the castle and instead let shadows creep into the long, empty hallways, revealing the ugly truth about what the school had turned into over the past few months.
The naked walls stood tall, towering over you and inching closer with every step you took, and you hung your head low, aiming to block out the singular buzzing thought in your head.
Hogwarts was no longer home.
Your heart ached at the memory of hundreds of students chattering and laughing all day long, freely walking around the school grounds and simply being children. You so terribly missed being careless and having fun without the fear of potentially facing a life-threatening punishment.
But now there was no laughter, only your footsteps echoed in the hallway.
You were headed straight to your common room, determined to go to sleep early. The curfew and the dozens of new restrictions prevented you from meeting your friends, and you hoped that sleep would at least somehow distract you from your worries for a couple of hours.
The deafening silence nearly caused you to miss the muffled sobs and quiet whispering, coming from a turn not far away. It seemed as though there were more than one voice speaking, and your chest clenched with dread.
You hurried your pace until you reached the source of the noise, and peeked from behind the wall.
The sight most definitely surprised you, but the pain in your chest only sharpened.
There, on a bench, Fred and George were sitting, hunched over a small boy, probably no older than a second year. You could tell by his green robes which house he was in, but his red, tear-stained face was what alarmed you.
You immediately approached him and fell to your knees. George was on his left, rubbing slow, soothing circles on his back, while Fred was on the other side, holding his small hand in his, on the back of which a few words glistened with fresh crimson blood.
I must not ask questions.
You sent the twins a questioning look, but Fred dismissed it by shaking his head; clearly that was not the time for an explanation, nor was one necessary to begin with.
You placed a hand on the boy's knee to make your presence known.
"Hey. How are you feeling?"
This only caused the child to sob harder and you internally cursed for having to go through this routine.
"It hurts…" he whimpered, "I thought Hogwarts was fun. I met friends last year and it was great. But now… Now I really want to go home."
Your jaw clenched and you swallowed hard, furious about seeing innocent children slowly losing faith and joy in life, turning into hollow shells of the amazing people they could have grown to become.
The horrifying experience would inevitably have a massive impact on them and unexplainable guilt twisted your stomach. And even though the long-term damage had already been done, you could at least take care of the temporary pain.
"It's not going to hurt for long, I promise," Fred whispered, tenderly playing with the boy's trembling fingers. "Ours are already fading."
"That's true, see?" George showed the back of his hand on which you could make out the faint, bloody words 'I must not cause trouble.', and you felt sick. "Soon you won't even remember it was there."
Tears stung in your eyes, but before you gave them a chance to fall, you turned to the redheads.
"I can heal the wound. Well, to an extent. If anything, I can lessen the pain," you began. "But I need to grab something from the Charms classroom."
Fred frowned, confused, "Wouldn't you need a potion for that? Why Charms?"
"Snape isn't the only one armored with potions for just in case things go wrong. And we can't risk going to the dungeons at this hour. It's not wise to tell Madam Pomfrey yet either."
The twins nodded. George said.
"It's not a good idea for all of us to go at once. I suggest one of us returns and covers the others up if necessary."
"I'll go with her," Fred stated without a second thought. "I can get them safely where they need to be, let her do her thing and bring them back."
Fred's eagerness to help filled you with warmth and for once that night you had the strength to smile, even for just a second.
"That sounds like plan then. But you should really take the map," George added, already pulling out the neatly folded Marauder's Map from his backpack. "Don't wanna risk getting caught by the ugly toad, you know."
"As if she'd be strolling down the hallways late at night. Doesn't she have hobbies?"
"Does hanging creepy pictures of cats on pink walls count as such?" you commented and the second year giggled, which made you feel slightly better as well.
Fred took the map from George and you grabbed the boy's hand.
"Good luck, guys. And, like, don't die."
"Woah, greatly encouraging, Georgie," you replied sarcastically, but appreciated it nonetheless. "You sure you'll be fine?"
"Absolutely. I got the route memorized like the back of my hand. I'll be careful."
And with that, George headed towards the Gryffindor Tower while you, Fred and the boy went in the opposite direction - the East Towers.
The night was eerily quiet, only the footsteps and shuddering breaths of the three of you keeping you sane. The soft light, gleaming at the tip of your wands, didn't do much to brighten the empty hallways which now seemed like endless voids of darkness.
Occasionally Fred would warn you about Filch's cat approaching, or Peeves causing trouble nearby, but fortunately, you reached the classroom sooner than expected.
"Alohomora," you whispered, but the door didn't bulge when you tried to open it.
Fred grinned, "Surely a Charms professor wouldn't let such a cliché unlock his own classroom."
"Shut up," you grumbled. "Aberto!"
The door opened. Fred's eyes widened in amusement and you flashed him a charming smile on your way in.
You placed the boy to sit on a desk as you and your friend rushed to look through drawers and chests for something useful. Most of them were full of basic items such as old books and quills, half-full jars of salamander blood, pearl dust and gillyweed, and after long fifteen minutes of not having found anything, you slid your back down against the wall, sighing in frustration.
Sleep-deprivation was kicking in, but your anxiety was getting stronger.
You needed to do something. Fast.
"What about this chest right here?" Fred asked from the other side of the classroom, pointing at something under Flitwick's desk.
You shook your head, "Doesn't open, already tried. Even if the cure is there, we can't get it."
"I take it your brilliant spells don't work anymore?" the redhead teased and you so badly wished to slap away the cocky smirk on his face. Or kiss it. There was something oddly attractive about the way he'd set your nerves on fire, and you hated yourself for enjoying it. Fred seemed to love it too.
"If you're only here to be annoying, just leave."
"I'm here to help too. I can multitask."
You nearly jumped from the ground to strangle him, and he clearly saw through your intentions because his toothy grin almost split his face in two. That bastard.
That super annoying, devilishly handsome bastard.
"Are you gonna keep staring at me, or are you coming? Not that I mind the attention," he shrugged.
You rose to your feet and made your way over to where he was standing, not granting him the pleasure of facing him, "Don't flatter yourself, Weasley. Your stupidity is simply impossible to be unnoticed."
Fred laughed, "Oh, so I was annoying and now I'm stupid too? Make up your mind, woman."
You pulled out your wand and smirked at him over your shoulder.
"You said it yourself that you can multitask. Aberto!"
Fred squinted his eyes as he stared at the wooden chest. What spell could the professor have possibly used? Could you have even heard of it? The chances of ever finding the precious item were becoming grimmer with each passing second and the inevitable sense of dread had started to settle in.
After a minute Fred finally spoke.
"I think your problem is that you're using spells that only work on doors. You need a charm which unlocks containers."
"You might be right. What would that be then?" you enquired, glancing at the redhead. He took his own wand out of his robes.
"I know a spell that's come in handy before. Hopefully it will work now," he wettened his lips and said. "Cistem Aperio!"
Blinding light caused you to cover you eyes,  and the chest opened with a loud thud which could have easily alerted the entire floor of your presence if it wasn't for the silencing charm you were lucky to have used when you first entered the classroom.
You finally dared to open your eyes and kneeled on the ground, carefully rummaging through fancy-looking boxes and vials sparking with liquids that seemed to be quite important.
"What are we looking for?" Fred asked as he crouched next to you.
"Wound-Cleaning Potion. Purple."
It was weird having Fred stand this close to you; sparks of electricity would pierce your heart every time his shoulder brushed against yours, or his fingers would accidentally graze yours. And when they did, they had you longing more and more for their touch, for their warmth.
But this warmth did not belong to you.
You swallowed down the disappointment and instead attempted to focus on the task at hand.
Just as you had expected, the precious crystal bottle was carefully wrapped in sparkling cloth and placed inside a box that was hidden deep in the corner of the chest. You breathed a sigh of relief and got on your feet, determined to stay away from Fred. For his sake and yours.
"Here it is," you smiled at the boy as you walked over to him. "Fred, can you get me some bandages from the drawer in the back?" you asked, pointing right behind him, and he did as he was told.
You took the hand of the young Slytherin and examined it closely - the wound was sure to leave a nasty scar, one that would never heal.
"Can you make it disappear?" he asked, fearfully.
Your heart dropped. But you replied with all the courage you could muster.
"I can try."
Fred was soon by your side and placed the medical items on the desk; a half-full packet of cotton, some bandages and a small box of bandaids. You muttered a 'thanks', not even looking at him, and opened the middle-sized bottle. It spread a characteristic smell of ashes, mint and lemon when you lifted it towards your nose - it was ready to use.
"So what now?" Fred asked.
Not granting him a reply, you simply took a small piece of the cotton and dipped the opening of the bottle into it, soaking it with a generous amount of the purple, dense liquid. The smell grew stronger.
Fred could only watch as you yet again gently grabbed the boy's hand and carefully dabbed the back of it; a thin steam of smoke soared from the contact of wet cotton and wounded flesh, purple mixing with red, and the kid hissed in pain. You worked attentively but quickly, with measured gestures and a straight face, and you missed the way Fred's eyes seemed to soften at the sight of you helping a small kid.
But one thing baffled him - why did you suddenly start acting so emotionless? Even towards the youngling who didn't know a thing. And though your expression seemed calm and collected, the Gryffindor noticed your tensed jaw.
What he wasn't aware of, however, was the racing speed of you heart, increasing each second. He wasn't aware of the short, shallow breaths you were taking because if you had allowed yourself to breathe freely, you'd certainly let out tears along with the deeps sighs.
Every move was calculated, every word and breath.
You pressed a fresh piece of cotton against the now cleaned wound and kept it there as you began to roll the bandage over it, securing it in place. When you were done, you placed a gentle, lingering kiss on the hand.
"There. It should do the trick."
The boy's face lit up and he hugged you, not giving you another choice but to wrap your arms around his small body. At least you had managed to bring him back some of the lost warmth.
"We should get him to his dorm," you told Fred and despite not facing him, he knew the words were directed towards him. That still didn't prevent the stinging pain in his chest from being so effortlessly avoided by you, and he frowned, bewildered by your unexpected coldness towards him.
Had he accidentally done anything to upset you? Were you mad at him? What for?
The boy jumped to his feet, visibly less burdened despite the present tear stains on his puffy cheeks. You hoped he'd be able to get some sleep that night regardless of the circumstances.
The three of you left the classroom as quietly as you had entered it and went in the direction of the dungeons. Fred, as usual, did his job at looking at the map and keeping track of the names, moving on the yellow-ish piece to old parchment.
Fortunately, you reached the Slytherin common room without any disturbances along the way, and the boy went inside, eager to crawl into bed and not think about the ugly lady who had punished him so unfairly just a few hours ago.
The door closed without a sound, leaving you and Fred on your own.
His soft voice broke the burdening silence.
"Are you going to bed?"
If you were being honest, you hadn't even thought about sleep during your secret adventure and though your body was on the verge of giving out, your restless mind was sure to wander all night. And the idea of being alone with your thoughts scared you.
"Actually… I don't think so," you began, fiddling with your fingers in hopes to not let Fred see how much they were trembling. "I doubt I'd be able to get any sleep now."
"Me too, I admit," Fred scratched the back of his neck, uncertain as to how to make the situation less awkward than it was. Trying to get you to talk was hard enough as it was, but your sudden avoidance wasn't helping either. All Fred wished for was to witness the hopeful spark in your eyes, the spark that he had noticed diminish on the first day of school when the unsettling news was announced.
Fred was determined to bring the light back and see your joyous smile again.
Without skipping a beat he said.
"Come with me."
Your eyes shot up in surprise, meeting Fred's for the first time that night. You expected to see the ever-present playful mischief in them, but instead they glistened with something you could not quite recognize. The corners of his mouth had formed a smile, one that didn't intend to mock or provoke in any way, but still contained his usual boyish charm. It was humble and sincere, and along with the anticipating look in his eyes it read.
Trust me.
Your mouth went dry, any and all reasoning to stay vanishing in thin air as you tried to make sense out of your inner conflict. Fred surely wouldn't care if you said no, would he? It's not like he'd be offended that someone like you refused to go with him; why would he even be interested in you in the first place?
But the idea of spending some time alone with him did sound very tempting - you desperately needed some positivity in that moment, feeling exceptionally drained of all your energy after having to witness the emotional and psychological impact of Umbridge's dictatorship. And if there was someone who could lift your spirit even in such dark times, that would be Fred.
Screw the idea of a potential relationship, you needed a friend right now.
"Where to, Weasley?"
Fred grinned at the nickname and shoved hands into his pockets.
"The Astronomy Tower. Are you coming?"
You smiled at him.
It was indeed a brilliant idea to spend the night at the place where anyone rarely ever set a foot. Regardless of it being crowded during classes all day, the Tower wasn't a common choice for students to meet, them much preferring locations like the common rooms, the Great Hall, the school grounds or even the Black Lake. But the Tower did possess a magnetic, obscure charm which many people failed to comprehend and appreciate; charm only meant to lure the wandering souls seeking peace under the stars.
Fred approached the iron railing, breathing in the cold, early spring air, and sat cross-legged on the ground. As he saw you standing a few feet away from him, he patted the empty spot next to him.
"Come on now, don't leave me sitting on my own like that," he joked and his face lit up when he noticed the ghost of a smile on your lips for a brief moment. You joined Fred on the ground, settling on a polite distance from him, and though he was slightly disappointed by the gesture, he was grateful to be in your presence nonetheless.
Silence fell over both of you like soft velvet while you stared off into the horizon; the view reached the Forbidden Forest, the outlines of which had melted into the pitch black sky like ink, the lines between the two practically nonexistent in the dead hours of the night as they blurred into one endless void.
"I don't remember the last time I saw stars on the sky," Fred addressed your ever-listening companions above in a low, hushed voice that caused warmth to blossom within you regardless of the cold surrounding you.
"Me neither," you agreed, nostalgia creeping into you, but you decided you'd welcome it this time. "Such a shame we can't see the moon though."
Your friend nodded, lips pursed into a thin line, "That's because it's currently new moon. We'll need to wait for awhile until it's visible again."
You turned to Fred and the air was knocked out of your lungs. All you could do was silently admire the way the starlight was softening his sharp features and giving his usually flaming red hair a calming shade of copper. His eyes seemed to glow in the dark, and you found yourself coming to the conclusion you had realised long ago.
He was such a beautiful man.
Those glowing eyes landed on yours and you felt your face heat up.
"How are you?" he asked abruptly and you choked out in bafflement.
"Y-You mean, right now? Or in general?..."
"How are you coping?" he rephrased. "You know, with everything going on. I noticed Umbridge bothering you recently."
A shuddering breath.
"I like to think that I'm doing better than others," you nodded hesitantly, finding it hard to sort out your emotions. "I'm more worried about the most vulnerable among us, the youngest students. They're just children. They're the ones that are most terrified. I really hope Dumbledore will be able to do something about it… no matter where he might be right now."
Fred was watching you intently; he did not miss your expression, darkened with concern, nor did he miss your slumped figure, slightly hunched over for a reason he believed was other than exhaustion. Your friend moved closer and nudged your foot with his.
"I don't want you to talk to me about the rest. I want to hear about you. I can clearly see you're being tormented by her."
"As if you're not."
"That's not the point," he insisted and placed a hand on your knee, causing you to face him. His smile was gone. "I need to know how this madness is affecting you."
"I couldn't care less about what that toad puts me through," you shook your head dismissively and shrugged. Why was he getting so worked up about it? "It doesn't matter."
"Of course it does! It matters to me!" Fred hissed in frustration. "Do you think it doesn't hurt me every time I see Umbridge picking at you or calling you for detention? Because it bloody does and you have no idea how horrible it feels to not be able to help you."
He gave your knee a squeeze.
"For once, just for one time, please. Please, stop trying to be the hero of everybody. Believe me, we see- I see how hard you're trying to keep your chin up despite all the shit you're facing, and that's admirable, but right now it's not necessary. Let go. It's just me."
A way too familiar lump formed in your throat and your chest constricted painfully before it harshly dilated, letting out choked breaths. Fred was quick to envelope you in his long arms before your tears even rolled down your cheeks, and when they did, they met his shoulder. Your hands flew around his neck, body falling into his and soaking up his warmth. Fred pressed his soft lips to your temple, calming the racing pulse as you cried freely and unapologetically. Darling, you feel too much.
It's just me.
Your friend didn't let you out of his hold even when your heart-wrenching whimpers were reduced to weak sobs. He continued cradling your exhausted body which was on the verge of completely giving out. But Fred didn't mind, finding astonishing strength in your vulnerability.
After what seemed like hours, you forced yourself to timidly whisper, lip quivering, "I'm scared... And confused."
"Me too, sweetheart," Fred hummed into your ear. "Me too."
You wiped away the trails of dried tears lingering on your face.
"There's just too much going on. Too much that I'm not ready for."
Realization flashed in Fred's brown eyes and they looked down at you with so much longing, sincerity, but also sympathy and understanding.
You weren't angry at him. You were afraid.
And that was alright.
There was enough time, not need for a rush.
Fred had been waiting for years to find out whether his burning feelings for you were reciprocated, constantly suppressing them in fear of scaring you away and losing you. And now that he knew your heart belonged to him like his did to you, all the stars above couldn't contain his untamed happiness, pure and hopeful.
Surely he could wait a little more for you to grow comfortable with your own emotions.
Fred tightened his hold around you and pecked your cheek tenderly, the subtle touch sending a shock throughout your body and subsiding your need for sleep.
"That's alright," he whispered. "Rest now."
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@self-ship-love @susceptible-but-siriusexual @hufflexpuff @neovannii
Message me if you want to be tagged~
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I Would Never Hurt You
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning/s: injury, violence, blood
Word Count: 2,169
Request:  Can I just send this as a fic request....? Perhaps with a request for a little angst...? 🥺
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You were surprised to see Dean when you poked your head into the weapons room, the loud noises waking you much earlier than you would have liked, but still, you weren’t complaining that he was back early.
He didn’t notice you at first as you stood leaning against the door frame. “Knock knock,” you said, rapping your knuckles on the door a couple of times to get his attention, smiling as he paused and turned to face you, a gun in either hand from the box he had been rifling through.
“Hey,” he blinked, clearly not expecting you to be there, “I didn’t think you’d be up.”
“I wasn’t,” you laughed softly as he looked around at the mess he’d made, realising that he’d woken you up with all his moving around.
“Sorry,” he shrugged, putting the guns in his hands down. He looked awkward, like he was unsure what to do with himself as he stood in the room, looking almost out of place.
“What are you doing?” You asked curiously, glancing around at the sheer amount of opened box and weapons strewn about in the room. “What do you need all those for? And at this hour? Why didn’t you come to bed?”
Annoyance seemed to flash across his face, “you’re asking a lot of questions,” he commented, not answering any of them.
“I’m just curious,” you replied, feeling the need to get a little defensive at his unnecessarily snappy attitude, “weren’t you on a hunt with Sam? What happened with the shifted?”
“Oh, yeah, killed it,” he answered, clearing his throat as his eyes darted away from you slightly. Okay, what was going on? You were the one who’d been woken up early, and you hadn’t had any coffee yet, so why was he the one in a mood?
“Yeah?” You tried, hoping he’d elaborate a bit. He still hadn’t told you why he needed more weapons if they’d killed the shifter, and where was Sam? There was something he wasn’t telling you.
“Yeah, that’s what I just said,” he snapped, practically growling at you as you straightened up, shocked at the tone he was taking with you. He didn’t seem to notice, or care, turning back to the box he’d been going through.
“Are you sure everything’s alright?” You asked again after a moment, DDean slamming the box lid down as soon as you’d asked it, looking back at you in frustration. 
“I-” he began, the force of the slam not only making you jump, but making what looked like a knuckle duster fall down from the shelf nearby as it rattled. 
Instinctively, Dean caught it, realising his mistake a second later as he gasped in pain, letting it go as it clattered to the ground. 
“Dean-” You went to check if he was okay, taking one step forward and then freezing in your tracks. That’s when you saw it, the burn marks on his hand where the knuckle duster had just been. The silver knuckle duster. 
“You’re not Dean,” you realised with a gasp.
 Your instincts kicked in quickly as Dean, or rather, the shifter, grabbed the nearest weapon to him, any pretence of pretending to be the man you loved gone as he snarled at you. 
You were already turning on your heels as he lunged for you, pulling the door shut behind you with a slam and running as quickly as you could, very much defenseless right now. 
You needed a weapon, and you’d just locked him in there with an arsenal.
Turning sharply into the nearest corridor you collided with the wall, kicking off your slippers so you could move quicker just as you heard a door behind you slam open and fast footsteps begin to approach. 
Where could you go? You could try to get to the kitchen, but you had no idea what weapons the shifter had taken with him when he started chasing after you, you’d probably be bringing a knife to a gun fight. 
Dean’s room was the closest now, you barefeet slapping against the cold floor as you kept your pace, the sound of the shifters echoing footsteps sounding through the empty bunker. 
“Y/N!” He yelled in Dean’s voice, so very much not Dean as you stumbled slightly. You knew the bunker like the back of your hand, but so did Dean, which meant so did the shifter. 
This fact became all too apparent as the sound of his footsteps began to recede, lulling you into a bit of a false sense of security as you slowed your own pace, still moving but a little breathless as you turned another corner, only to find yourself face to face with the monster. 
He grinned when you stumbled to a hault, realisation dawning on you that he’d gone another way around, kicking yourself for not considering the possibility. He did have Dean’s mind afterall.
You were so close to Dean’s room, if you could just make it... He’d have taken his gun, obviously, but you knew where he kept his backup knife, his silver knife. 
There was a moment where you both stood still, neither of you moving before a spell seemed to break and he charged at you, barely managing to turn on your heels and make it a few steps away before you felt a hand unceremoniously grab the back of your night gown, tugging you back harshly and sending you crashing to the floor.
He all but pounced on you as you kicked up, winding him slightly as you rolled over and tried to stand. He was only slightly inconvenienced though, a rough hand grabbing you leg and pulling you back to the ground towards him as you tried and failed to claw at the ground for something to hold on to.
A predator and its prey.
He flipped you back over and pulled a knife out from his belt, the look in his eyes and his weapon of choice telling you that he had every intention to take his time killing you.
You barely had time to react as he began to bring the knife down, the look of enjoyment on his face made a million times more haunting by the fact that it was painted onto your boyfriend’s face. 
A knee to the groin was always the best bet, whatever the species, followed by a well aimed strike to the face and knife missed it’s mark, barely. The pain as it sliced through your side was excruciating, and deep, but it wasn’t life-threatening, yet. 
Another shove and he stumbled back, clearly not expecting you to put up this much of a fight, a fact which you probably blamed on the fluffy bunny slippers he’d seen you sporting earlier. 
Step one was to get up.
You shuffled back on your butt and hands a little before turning and pushing yourself to you feet, meeting the hand that grabbed your wrist with a quick punch to the face, feeling bone crunch beneath your fist. 
Step two was run.
You certainly didn’t need any incentive, using whatever strength you had left to propel yourself forward, somehow surprising steady given the gash in your side. It was going to be hell once the adreneline wore off.
Step three was hide.
Dean’s door was just there, you could make it... And you did, pushing the door shut with a slam and locking it with slippy, blood covered fingers. It wouldn’t hold on its own though, so you shoved a unit in front of it with all your might.
“Bitch!” You heard the shifter snarl as it tried the handle, shoving the door with all its might as the unit shook. Mercifully, it held. This was the Men of Letters’ bunker afterall.
Step four was call Dean and Sam.
You made your way to the other side of Dean’s bed, shaky fingers tearing open his draw and pulling out one of his many phones, dialing the number you knew by heart and sending up a silent prayer that someone picked up.
They didn’t.
It went straight to voice mail. “Dean- Dean, it’s me, you need to get back, the shifter-” you looked down at the blood soaking your night gown and dripping down your leg, “-please hurry.”
Step five, most importantly, was survive.
You put the phone back and went to his bed, pulling the silver knife out from under his mattress along with one of his shirts, getting as comfortable as you could on the floor against the unit and applying as much pressure you could to your wound, other hand wrapped tightly around the knife as the banging continued. 
Right now, there was nothing else you could do. You just hoped Sam and Dean got back before the shifter found a way in, or you bled out.
You didn’t know exactly how much time had passed since the banging had subsided, but now you could hear yelling, faint at first but getting louder as more footsteps sounded in the hall outside the door, tensing in anticipation and wincing at the pain that flared again in your side. 
It was Sam and Dean, you realised, or at least, their voices, was it actually them? Or just more shifters? 
If it was them, they must have just gotten back, they’d probably seen the blood on the floor...
“Y/N?!” Dean’s voice boomed, angry and concerned as he banged on the door, “Y/N, oh god baby are you in there?!” 
“Dean-” You heard Sam try to console his brother, “maybe we have the wrong room, maybe-”
“Y/N!” Dean yelled again with strained despiration, ignoring Sam as he pounded harder. 
You gripped the knife in your hand tighter, pulling yourself shakily to your feet. The shifter hadn’t sounded like this, he’d been cold, cruel, there was emotion in Dean’s voice you didn’t think even it could mimick. Maybe it was a trap, you doubted it, but even if it was, you wouldn’t last forever in that room.
So slowly but surely, you shoved the unit to one side, hearing Dean pause on the other side as the boys waited to see who emerged from behind the door. It opened slowly, and nervously, taking a big step back and raising your knife when you felt hands push it from the other side.
“Y/N,” Dean sighed with relief. He tried to rush to you but you leveled your knife, not wanting him to take another step closer. Not until you were sure. 
His face when from one of joy and relief, to one of confusion, to finally one of concern as he caught sight of the blood, and the way you were clutching your side, fire flashing in his eyes. 
“Are you, you?” You asked him, wanting desperately to fall into his arms but still being too scared of what would happen if you were wrong, if this wasn’t Dean. 
“What?” He replied, not really listening as he took in your wound and pale complexion.
“Are, you, you?” You repeated, slower this time as he took in the silver blade you were wielding with an iron grip. It all clicked then.
“I- yes, Y/N it’s me, it’s me and Sam,” his eyes were soft, raising his hands to show you he didn’t mean any harm as he glanced back at his brother, who kept his distance to give you some space but put his gun away to show you the same. “The shifter, he was here?”
You swallowed tightly and nodded. “He looked like you- he-” you looked down at your injury subconsciously.
Dean clenched his jaw, “he hurt you, that son of a bitch-” he practically growled, “when I get my hands on him-” 
“Dean,” Sam warned, noticing how you flinched at the way his voice rose.
He focused his attention back on you immediately. “Y/N, look at me Y/N” he said softly, his voice catching a little as he made you meet his eyes, “I would never hurt you, you have to know that.”
It was all too much for you now, the knife feel like a tonne weight in your hand as you arm began to shake, letting it go as it clattered to the ground and collapsing with a sob. 
Dean caught you instantly, you arms instinctively wrapping around him as he held you, one hand gripping you tightly as the other stroked your hair. “It’s okay, shh, it’s okay, I got you, I got you...”
Dean looked to his younger brother, “I’ll go get the med kit,” Sam said knowingly, turning on his heals and hurrying. 
“Come on,” Dean muttered gently, moving one hand under your legs and picking you up with ease, “let’s go make sure you’re alright.”
“The shifter-” you began but he shook his head.
“-can wait, you’re more important right now,” he told you lovingly. 
“But we’ll get him?” You double-checked, feeling Dean’s muscles tense at the question.
“We’ll get him,” he promised, and a little part of you almost felt sorry for him. 
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blueroseblaze · 4 years
Who’s The Deadweight Now?
Word count: 2342
Image credit: @drusoona​
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The apartment was dark and quiet, despairingly dark, and quiet. The only sign of inhabitance was the dirty boots strewn about the entry way, and Red Queen, still coated in dried grimy blood, propped uncaringly against the wall. You sighed in relief, looking into the darkened living room; eyes fixed on the sliver of warm light shining through the crack in your closed bedroom door.
You sighed, placing your own gear and weapons haphazardly to the side, before slumping through the dark space. You reached the bedroom door, hesitating, nervously rubbing the back of your neck and taking a deep breath before opening the door. The door creaked as you pressed on the wood, it wasn’t even closed all the way.
You poked your head through, looking around until your gaze landed on the bed, more specifically the figure resting amongst the covers. His back was to you, bare as you watched the lean muscles ripple underneath his skin as he breathed, but other than that he was still. The warm lamp light from his nightstand coated his back in harsh shadows, highlighting the curves and valleys of his body not obscured by the sheets. He made no move to turn to you as the hinges of the door cried out when you fit your body through the rest of the way. Nor did he acknowledge you when you clicked the door shut. You didn’t deserve an acknowledgment anyway.
You didn’t say anything as you walked past the bed towards the connected bathroom. You deliberately left the door open as you started the shower and began stripping your clothes. You stole a couple of glances back at the bed, still nothing.
You wanted to call out to him and apologize for what happened, but you held your tongue. It was a rough argument, almost a full blown fight. Nasty words, and passive aggressive comments were flung back and forth, culminating in you calling him the last thing he would expect you to call him. A deadweight. That was the last straw, and you two separated for the remained of your mission, only spitting an aggressive, “see you at home,” followed by terse “fine,” before parting ways.
You could barely focus the rest of the night. The overwhelming guilt of your words weighed heavily on you, sure, but you couldn’t shake the ever present fear that overtook you when you realized that if anything happened to Nero tonight, your last words to each other would have been nothing but venom. You eyes watered as you dried yourself off, remembering how easily the words left you despite never once meaning them.
You took a few shaky breaths, looking to the bed again when you heard movement, only to see Nero, in the same position, facing away from you. You quickly through on whatever t-shirt was sitting on top of the laundry hamper and exited the bathroom, turning off the light so the only illumination came from the lamp on his side of the bed.
You carefully raised the covers, sliding underneath them and laying yourself against the pillows. You watched him for a few moments, tracing over his back with your eyes and his shoulders continued to rise and fall. You could feel the warmth radiating off of him even from this far away on the bed.
You couldn’t take it anymore, and closed the distance between you, wrapping your arms around him and nuzzling your face between his shoulder blades. Your heart dropped when he flinched at your touch. Tears streamed down your face and onto his back and the sheets as you quietly sobbed against him.
“Nero,” you choked quietly, “I’m so sorry. Please don’t hate me. I-I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
“I don’t hate you,” he said with zero hesitation, “I could never hate you.”
“But I-.”
You tired to continue but were silenced as Nero turned to face you, his strong arms wrapping around you and pulling you into him
“I was being an asshole,” he said, “It’s not all on you. We both said things that we regret. And I’m sorry.”
“I know but, I know I really hurt you,” you breathed out, “Please let me make it up to you.”
“You don’t have to make it up to me. It hurt, yeah but it doesn’t hurt as bad as the idea of not being with you, and I’m not going to let a stupid little fight come between us like that.”
You smiled at him and pulled yourself up to press your lips against his, he reciprocated without a second thought, one arm wrapping around your middle and a hand coming up to run through your hair and pull you in to deepen the kiss. Your lips parted and you moaned as his tongue ran across your bottom lip before fully entering your mouth. His taste sent sparks through your veins, and the heat from his bare skin made you melt.
“I love you so much,” he whispered to you before kissing you again and again and again.
Without breaking the kiss Nero ran his hand down your side, savoring your curves, slowing for just a moment on your ass and then running down to your thigh. He brought his hand under the crook of your knee and lifted it to hook our leg around his waist. You felt the heat pooling in your core as Nero began grinding against you. The hard bulge in his boxers rubbing against your bare flesh.
He pulled away from you, smiling devilishly as he tugged ever so slightly on your hair. You moved your head back and gasped, leaving your neck open for Nero to attack. He hummed as he covered your neck in kisses and would be hickeys, lightly sucking on your pulse as it continued to race.
You moved one of your own hands down his body. You tugged at the waistband of his boxers, pulling them down and setting his hard cock free. He hissed against your neck as you held it, pumping your fist up and down, in a steady rhythm. He moaned right in your ear, his hot breath spreading on your skin spurring you on. His burning flesh in your hand became slicker as the pre cum leaked from the tip.
“Hmmm,” he moaned, “You like that, naughty girl?”
“Yes,” you said breathlessly, “Please.”
“What do you want me to do, baby?” he teased,
“Fuck me, Nero.”
“Thought you’d never ask.”
In one swift move Nero maneuvered you on top of him, only to sit up and swing his legs over the side of the bed. Now perched on his lap, straddling his legs, and supported by his strong arms, you didn’t hold back from grinding your pussy harder on his aching erection. He grunted and groaned, smiling as he watched you lose yourself on him. His hands traveled up your torso and under your shirt. He groped and pinched every inch of skin he could like it was his life force.
He lifted the hem of the shirt so that it sat on top of your breasts, exposing your front completely, giving the devil hunter more than enough opportunity to take one of your pert nipples into his mouth. Tongue working expertly around the bud, swirling around it like a cherry lollipop. Your own hand moved to pinch and roll your other nipple between your fingers, adding to your body’s near overwhelming sensitivity.
“Nero… Please fuck me already,” you begged still grinding your most sensitive spots on his pulsing rod.
“So impatient,” he chided playfully, detaching his mouth from your skin.
His hands, still roving over every valley and mountain of your body, reached down between your legs. He expertly teased you with his fingers, before bringing them up for you to see. In the low lamp light you could still make out how his fingers glistened with your juices.
“You’re already so wet for me,” he said, “Are you that hungry for my cock?”
You nodded eagerly. You were impatient, you were needy, and you were hungry. He knew this, he just wanted to draw it out as long as possible. Whether this was his pay back for your fight or just him trying to savor the moment as long as possible you didn’t know. But it didn’t matter as his hands fell down your back, finding purchase on your ass. They moved with the gyration of your hips. He gave one of your cheeks a quick yet sharp spank and chuckled at your high pitched yelp.
He moved them underneath you, using only a fraction of that demonic strength to lift you up and place you back down, this time spearing you with his cock. Your warm wet walls clung to him, squeezing him from every direction, bringing him deeper into you. You let your head dangle back as his cock hit every sweet spot inside you, burying itself deep in your body and filling you to the brim in one go. You leaned your head against his shoulder, panting into his neck as you begged him to move, to hit even more of those delicious spots within you.
He obliged, of course, thrusting his hips upward as you rolled your hips and bounced your ass on his lap. A pleasured sinful dance accompanied by the melodic moans and cries of two passionate lovers close to a crescendo.
“God you feel so perfect,” he grunted through clenched teeth, “You’re so fucking tight and wet.”
“It’s cause your so fucking big,” you retorted with a cheeky smile as you clenched around him.
He got a solid ego boost from that comment, picking up the pace of his thrusts, aiming perfectly for your most sensitive spots while his fingers worked your aching clit. It felt so good, each little pass he made with his callused fingertips would make you gasp and lose yourself for a moment, before crashing back down. Your body moved on it’s own only guided by the desire for more pleasure.
You could always tell when Nero was getting close by the sounds he made, they were louder, more erratic and he lost his more composed dirty talk.
“Fuck yeah, baby. Yeah ride that cock, ride that fucking cock,” he moaned,.
You were reaching your limit but you held your pace, bobbing your ass up and down on him, rolling and spelling our words with your hips. The sounds of his slick cock moving in an out of you was the hottest things you had heard, second only to Nero’s lustful calls of your name. You didn’t even remember what happened earlier that day. This moment was too beautiful to be tainted by any such thoughts. All that existed was this room and your Nero.
“Oh god, baby! I’m gonna cum soon,” he grunted his head lolling back.
“Don’t stop,” you demanded, “Please don’t stop.”
“Want me to cum in you?” he asked, his voice getting more and more unstable as he closer reached his edge, “Want me to cum in your tight little pussy?”
“Yes! Yes please cum in me, Nero!”
His fingers left your clit and both of his hands were back on your ass, holding you in place as he bucked his hips fast and hard into you. His cock rubbed up against every inch of your inner walls, impaling you inch after agonizing inch.
Your mouth was back on his, tongues dancing together, eating each other’s sultry moans as you finally went over that anticipated cliffs edge, you walls clenched around him of their own accord, sucking him down once more as every nerve in your body lit up. You gushed around him before your body went limp in his hold. You pulled your lips away from his and laid your head back on his shoulder once again, physically exhausted from your little ride. Always such a gentleman he was, making sure you finished first.
But Nero wasn’t done. He was still rock hard inside you, reminding you with some smaller thrusts and chuckling at your oversensitive mewls. He took sick pleasure in watching you squirm as he brought himself to his own climax. Hands holding you firmly in place as he kept rutting into you, grunting and groaning with each thrust.
“Oh fuck!” he cried, his brow scrunching together and his mouth falling open in a look of ecstasy as he finally hit his limit, spilling thick hot cream deep inside you. With what little energy you had left, you clenched yourself around him, making sure to milk him dry as he rode out his orgasm. He went soft inside you but didn’t want to leave the warmth of your body.
Instead he wrapped both arms around you, holding you as close as he possibly could, like you would disappear if he loosened his hold even a little bit. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your sent from your hair as it fell around him and tickled his face. He pressed sloppy and affectionate kisses to your neck as you both sat there, basking in the afterglow.
Eventually he pulled out of you, and you shuddered at the feeling of his seed leaking out of you and cooling on your skin. You tried to move but couldn’t find enough strength to remove your body from his. You’d be content to stay like that forever. Nero noticed your pitiful attempts to move and chuckled to himself as he leaned back, moving his legs back onto the bed and laid down, all with you still clinging to him like a cuddly koala.
“Heh, who’s the deadweight now?” he teased as he ran his fingers through your hair, humming contently as you rested against his chest, you heartbeat syncing with his.
He reached over to the bedside table, turning of the lamp with a click and then returning his arms to envelope you again. He kissed the crown of your head, whispering affections until you both drifted off to sleep. Safe, together, and content.
Happy Valentines Day <3 
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xoxo-nikki-xoxo · 4 years
I put a spell on you
Kol X Female Reader  mentions of past relationship with Kol X Davina
Prompt number 26 and 31 “You ruined me; I don't even know how to look at you” “This can't be happening… you cheated” 
Word count: 1409
Notes: I am making its own special tag list for The Originals. If you want to be added send in a ask or a private comment. 
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It was late and no word from him. All Kol had told you was he was stopping by to see some of the covens of New Orleans to help find a solution for the hallow. That was about four hours ago and still no word from him, which was very unusual. Being a human, you had no advantages. You were just stuck at the compound pacing your bedroom back and forth waiting for his return. 
“Still haven't heard from him” Rebekah asks, peeking into the doorway. 
“No... I'm worried sick I only suggested he go to the covens because maybe they knew more information about the hollow” Sighing you sat down running your hand through your hair. 
“Well, you know better than no one that the covens would be stupid to do something to Kol, it would start a war” Rebekah said entering the room, she sits down next to you rubbing your arm to calm you down.  
“I just have this gut feeling Beks something terrible is happening right now...” You hummed  
You didn’t hear from Kol all that night, and even though you don’t want to admit it, something horrid had you just didn’t know what it was. 
“Y/N? Darling?!” His voice rang all throughout the compound, he sounded worried, or maybe a little on edge. 
“Kol where the hell have you been? You had me worried-” You paused looking at him. His hair was ruffed up “What happened to you... You look-” You paused again. His clothes looked messed up too. His V-neck was more like a U-neck and his pants wrinkled. He looked rushed, like he was rushing to leave somewhere. 
“I can explain everything darling you just have to believe me when I say I don’t know what happened. It was like I was under a spell. I only remember talking to Davina about some dark objects I had helped her family create then before I knew it, I was in her bed” He says walking towards you to grab your hand, but you move it away from him not wanting him to touch you. Tears started to build up in your eyes 
“This can't be happening..... You cheated?” You croaked out; this was too much to take. But you couldn’t help jumping to conclusion when he looked like that. Or when he said he was in HER bed. You knew they had had history before you but never to this extent. 
“No, I didn’t- no I wouldn’t have done that” He paused looking you dead in the eyes. 
“I just... I don’t know Kol. How do I know if you're lying or not? I'm not superhuman. I don’t have 
magical powers like you do with your vampirisms. You had to have slept with her if you woke up naked in her damn bed. How could you have done that to me?” You shouted, running a hand through your hair anxiously. Every step he tried to take towards you, you took one back. 
“How can you even say that? You know that I don't want to be like this. Some days it's hard to control myself. But that's not the point I'm trying to make. With or without super powers you should know I am not lying to you. I may be a liar to others but I’m not to you.” he shouted. He was starting to lose control of himself, but that's when she walked in. Her heels clicking off the cement floor.
“Kol?! Kol?! I can explain everything, you just have to hear me out!” Her voice sounds so angelic, you enved Davina Clare. Her beautiful brown hair, voice of angels, and she was a witch. Everyone knows Kols past relationship with her. So how can you not envy a beautiful girl like her?
“I can't, this is way too much for me to take. I need to go out for some fresh air” You sigh walking past both of them. Maybe Kol and you weren't meant to be. But that was a thought you couldn't handle. 
----------(Scene change)--------- 
The streets were busy in New Orleans, which helped clear your mind surprisingly. The thoughts of what conspired these past two days were eating at your heart. You love Kol and his whole family if you're being honest. But was this worth it; the pain and suffering of his family drama? You didn't know nor did you want to know the true answer to that question.
“I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying any attention” You blurted out when running into a complete stranger. But the person wasn't quite a stranger like you thought.
“It's quite okay darling” Kol replies back to you. “I can't leave you alone out wandering the streets. Now please can we go home so I can explain how this whole situation happened.” Kol says grabbing ahold of both your arms which forces you to look at him.
“I don't want to g-” Before you knew it he was pulling you into his chest. You tried to fight him off but the rush of everything happening at once makes you feel very dizzy. Your eyes closed after you got swept into his arm, fainting.
--------(Scene change)-------- 
“You have to believe me Rebekah... I would have never cheated... I don’t know what Davina did to me but I just remember waking up in her bed, but that’s not the point. I have no clue how I ended up in that bed with her. When I went after her she fainted right into my arms. I swear to what god you believe in I didn't hurt her. Physically at least” Kol pleaded his case to Beks 
“I believe you brother, but I don’t think I'm the one you should be pleading with” She whispers pointing to you in bed. ”It's her” You were just starting to wake up from when you fainted. The room was only lit up by the flame of two candles. He turns his head to look at you, his face glowing from the light. He knew you were crushed but you had to know. You just had to know the truth.
“Y/N... Please listen to me” Kol says, his voice soft as he moves closer to the bed. Sitting down next to you. He reaches his hand out to stroke your cheek like he always does when comforting you.
“You ruined me Kol; I don’t even know how to look at you” You whispered out flinching away from his hand that was aiming for your cheek. 
“Then don’t look at me... But please just listen to me, my love” He responded taking your silence as your answer he began to speak. 
“I don’t know how I got in Davina's bed, my darling. You have to believe me, Davina told me that as a joke some of her witchy friends decided to put me under an unconscious state. I wasn't even my true self. But anyways she did know what was happening okay. She thought it was real and came to apologize because she knew that I love you!” Kol says he was fighting tears from coming out.
“You're getting off track with your story...” You mumbled, still facing away from him. 
“The moral of the truth y/n is I didn't do it. I wasn't me while I was under the spell. I love you not her. It's you ” Kol communicated, putting his hand on your cheek, moving your face to look at him, which you allowed. 
“I’m still heart broken. My heart break will take a few weeks to heal” You replied looking at Kol as his mouth twitched trying not to smile “I may be a fool for this but I love you too, Kol Mikaelson ” You said looking at his eyes and glanced down to his lips.
“I will make this up to you” was all he said before your lips connected in a passionate kiss that spoke all of your unspoken words. 
“No matter how long it takes I will always try to make it up to you. I will spend my dying days telling you just how much you are worth to me” He whispered as both of your heads rested against each other in the beautiful/sweet moment of forgiveness.
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your-denki-kun · 4 years
Eijirou X Denki X Reader
A/N: This one-shot is a few months old. I have like 137 drafts of which only a few posted and a few unfinished, so I decided to post at least one tonight. So here it is. It's bad and I know it, but I really wanted to post. Also, I don’t play COD, so don’t come at me being all angry that i got stuff wrong. I write, read and play Minecraft, Sims and that kind of games. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, English is not my first language.
What: Angst, sad, cursing, fluff
Word count:  4.6K+
~3rd person pov.~
After a long day at school you go to sit on your bed after starting your PS4. You get comfortable on your bed and put on your headset. You start up Call of Duty and wait for it to load. Once it's done you go into a random online match and turn on your mic so you can talk with your teammates.
''We're killing these fuckers.'' An aggressive, male voice says, a speaker appearing behind the name; King Explosion Murder.
''Calm down King, they're new to this.'' Another male voice says, the speaker appearing behind the name; Red Riot.
''Yeah King, Red is right.'' Yet another guy says, his name is Charge Bolt.
''Guys, calm down.'' Another male, Spidy Man, says.
''Yeah!'' A girl, Pinky, says.
''Shut it extra's!'' King barks.
''Calm down bro, the game is starting.'' Red says, the numbers on your screen counting down.
''Lets win this shit.'' King says, you can basically hear the smirk in his voice.
As the timer hits zero you run off, walking through the map and searching for a good snipper spot. Once you find one you take out some people, your teammates talking to one another, but you choose to ignore them. As no more people appear you go to look for another spot, taking out someone while looking for it.
''FUCK!!'' King yells as you see he died.
''My ears man.'' Charge Bolt whines.
''Shut it Pikachu!''
''Guys, focus.'' Red sighs.
They keep talking, but you tune them out once again and keep taking out people. As you shoot someone else the winning screen appears. You smirk as you see you killed the most people. Everyone cheers except King who's just grumbling. You tune everyone back in in order to be able to follow the conversation.
''So manly, BB!'' Red cheers.
''Woo! Finaly someone who's better than King!'' Pinky cheers.
''Nice.'' Spidy says.
''Shut it! We're playing another game!'' King barks.
''No need to be salty.'' You mumble.
''Ohh~'' Everyone except King says.
''SHUT IT EXTRA!!'' King barks.
''Come on King. They're new.'' Red chuckles.
The new game starts and you repeat what you did before. This goes on for multiple rounds, you barely talking and if you talk it's mostly a comment on King. As the night ends you go offline and shut off your Playstation. You get ready for bed and lay down, getting comfortable as you let sleep take over.
Over the next two months you keep running into the group of friends and slowly you start opening up to them, actually talking and working together with them. Everyone's scores go up and even King starts accepting you, clearly favoring you over everyone else in the group. That is something the others often complain about.
''King, go a bit to your right behind the wall, I can't get a clear shot.'' You say.
''Got it.'' Is all he says as he aims at the person and kills them.
''Why are you so good at this BB?'' Charge Bolt whines.
''Well, my brother taught me and I play a lot. Red, left, behind the stack of boxes. Like, I play a lot a lot.'' You shrug as you shoot someone.
''Lets just focus on the mission.'' Spidy sighs.
''Got it.'' You all, minus King, reply, going silent once again except the occasional instruction.
Just like always you guys win the round and Red, Spidy, Charge Bolt and Pinky compliment you just like always. You just brush it off and you all start another round. After a few rounds Spidy, Pinky and King have to leave, but Red Riot and Charge Bolt stay. You three play a few more rounds before just deciding to talk.
''So you're telling me none of you guys have ever met?'' You ask in disbelieve.
''Yeah, King doesn't want it and he's always here because we don't play unless he's online. Though that did change since you're here now, but we just never really thought about it anymore.'' Red explains.
''Well, how about we three meet up?''
''Really?'' Red and Charge Bolt ask.
''Yeah, I trust you guys and we can meet up in a public place.'' You shrug, indifferent about your won idea.
''Sure thing.'' Charge Bolt says.
''Great. Okay so I'll tell you guys my number, but don't give it to the others.''
''We don't have their number.'' Red shrugs.
''Okay. So my number is; 0X-XXXX-XXXX.''
''Great, I'll text you. You can make a group chat and we can decide when to meet up.'' Charge Bolt explains.
''Sure thing. Bye guys.''
You disconnect and wait for them to text you. When they do you save them in your contact list before making a group chat. You name it; Gaming Idiots and wait for them to send something. You don't have to wait long for them to do so.
~Gaming Idiots~
Red Riot Do I need to feel offended?
Charge Bolt No idea bro
You Nah, don't feel offended
Red Riot Okay
Charge Bolt So when are we meeting and where?
Red Riot This Saturday?
You Sure, at the mall in Hosu?
Charge Bolt Sure thing
Red Riot Fine by me
The three of you keep texting for a while until you say good bye because you're almost falling asleep. The rest of the week you guys don't bring up the meeting in front of the others, only mentioning it in the group chat or when you guys are the only ones online. Right now it's Saturday and you're at the mall, waiting for the two males to show up.
You glance around at all the people that are walking around the mall. They both told you what they look like and you did the same. Red Riot said he has red hair and is decently tall while Charge Bolt says he has golden blond hair and isn't all that tall. Red also mentioned something about being buff, which made Charge Bolt jealous because he isn't, or so he says.
As you look around you spot two males, fitting the descriptions you were given, looking around as if they're searching for something. Deciding to test your luck you walk over to them. The closer you get the more sure you are it is them. As you reach them they stare at you, as if waiting for you to confirm things.
''Red Riot? Charge Bolt?'' You ask softly, hoping you're right.
''BB?'' The two of them reply in sync.
''Cool, we all found each other. Me and Charge Bolt saw each other a bit ago. Have you been here long?''
''Nah, just a few minutes. My real name is (y/n) by the way.''
''Kaminari, nice to meet you gorgeous.'' Kaminari smirks confidently.
''You're the flirt I see. Anyway, what do you guys want to do?''
Months go by and the three of you meet up almost weekly. You've developed a crush for the both of them and you have a feeling they have as well. You aren't sure however, but the way you all get flustered and blush a lot is a good indicator. Right now you're on your way to Kirishima's house where you all decided to meet up. You knock on the door and wait.
''Ah, (y/n). You made it. Come in.'' Kirishima smiles as he steps aside to let you in.
''Thanks.'' You smile as you walk past him and into the house.
You take off your shoes and walk further into the house. You soon spot the living room and walk in only to see Kaminari sitting on the ground in front of the coffee table. He smiles at you and waves you over, to which you comply. Kirishima sits down with you guys pretty soon and you look at their nervous faces.
''Something wrong?'' You ask them worriedly.
''We want to tell you something.'' Kirishima starts, avoiding eye contact.
''We've known each other for a while now and.... We started liking you. Would you be our partner?'' Kaminari blurts out, also avoiding eye contact.
''Of course.'' You smile as you hug them both.
They stare at you in shock for a bit before they start laughing as they hold you close. As you all break the hug after a while you all talk and laugh. When it becomes late Denki walks you home before going to his own house, which you and Eijirou really apreciated. You've never been a big fan of walking outside alone in the dark.
''Guys, we should all meet up.'' Pinky states as you all wait for the new round to start.
''Sure, I don't see why not.'' Eijirou says and you can basically hear him shrug.
''Why not.'' Denki hums.
''Sure.'' You mumble as a reply.
''When?'' Is all Spidy asks.
''Such colorful vocabulary.'' You joke as you roll your eyes.
''YOU WANNA GO?!?!'' King barks into your ears.
''My ears man!'' Eijirou whines loudly.
''How about this Saturday at the mall in Hosu?'' Pinky suggests as the round starts.
''Sure, it's crowded so if any of you are creeps I'll be safe.'' You shrug as you shoot someone.
''Don't worry BB. Me and Red will protect you.'' Denki says in a confident tone.
''You're dead.'' You deadpan as you see his name fade.
''WHAT?!?!'' Denki exclaims loudly.
''Jezus. Could you all quit yelling.'' You groan as you slightly shake your head.
''We both know this was gonna happen BB.'' Eijirou sighs softly, amusement clear in his voice.
''But he didn't have to yell.''
''True, but still.'' Eijirou replies to which you sigh.
You all keep talking until King says he's leaving because it's getting late even though it's only nine thirty, but he always goes to bed at this time. As you shut off your Playstation you hear your phone ding, causing you to smile. You grab your phone and unlock it, seeing Denki send something in the groupchat.
~Gaming Idiots~
Denki<3 But I wasn't kidding, Pichu, we will protect you
Eiji<3 Denks is right. We will
You I know, but it's fun teasing you Denki
Eiji<3 You both looking forward to Saturday?
Denki<3 Mhm! I'm curious as to what they look like
You Well one will have wrinkles from all the shouting and scowling
Denki<3 XD fnwfelsfflwnjk
Eiji<3 That's rude, but it is true
And so you guys keep texting until it's late into the night and you're all barely awake. The next two days you all play every night and you text your boyfriends until late into the night on both days. Right now it's Saturday, about eleven in the morning and you're getting ready. You know Eijirou and Denki will be there soon, so you quickly finish up.
Just as you put the last things in your pockets and bag you hear the door bell ring and a smile appears on your face. You walk over to the front door and put on your shoes and coat. After that you open the door and smile brightly. Your two boyfriends do the same, wearing some simple clothes just like you.
''Hey, Pichu, you ready?'' Denki asks as he gives you a quick kiss.
''Hey, Babes. I'm ready.'' You smile as you walk outside and lock your door.
''Good.'' Eijirou smiles as he gives you a kiss as well.
The three of you start walking towards the mall as you all talk and laugh, memories of your first meeting flooding all your minds. As you all reach the mall you look around, looking for anyone fitting any of the descriptions given to the three of you. You soon spot an annoyed looking, ash blond guy.
''Guys, isn't that King?'' You ask your boyfriends as you point at the guy.
''You might be right. Lets go check if it is.'' Eijirou smiles as he starts walking.
You and Denki follow after him, all of you pushing past people and excusing yourselves. As you reach whom you assume is King a pink haired girl and a black haired guy also walk up to him. You look at Eijirou and Denki and they just nod. Now you are almost a hundred percent sure it's King.
''King?'' You ask as you reach the man.
''Yes, who the fuck are you?''
''(y/n), but better known as BB.'' You smile at him.
''Kirishima, better known as Red Riot.''
''Kaminari, better known as Charge Bolt.''
''Ashido, but you guys know me as Pinky.'' The pink haired girl smiles.
''Sero, but you know me as Spidy Guy.'' The black guy smiles.
''Bakugou.'' is all King says.
''now that we're all here and know names, how about we get something to eat and drink before we just do whatever?'' you suggest as you look at them.
''sure.'' they all reply.
you start walking to your favorite coffee shop which you always go to with Eijirou and Denki whenever you guys are here. Two said males smile once they notice and grin at one another. Cheerful chatter fills the air around the six of you. As you all reach the coffee shop you all order and sit down. You sit in between Eijirou and Denki, Bakugou sits in front of you, Ashido in front of Eijirou and Sero in front of Denki.
''This is so exciting.'' Sshido gushes as she takes a sip of her drink.
''Mhm, I finally have faces with the voices and names.'' You smile as you take a sip as well.
''Yeah, that is nice. We should totally exchange numbers though. That way we can talk without having to play.'' Denki chimes in.
You all keep talking while eating and drinking. Once you all finish Eijirou pays and you all start walking around, walking into random shops and buying random things. As you're looking at some books together with Eijirou and Denki you feel someone stare at you intently, so you look behind you and lock eyes with Bakugou's burning gaze.
''Pebble, something wrong?'' Eijirou asks worried.
''Bakugou is staring at us rather intensely.'' You mumble as you keep staring at him.
''Then ask him what's wrong.'' Denki shrugs as he grabs another book.
You simply nod and walk over to Bakugou, never once breaking eye contact. He doesn't move towards you or away from you as he follows you with his eyes. As you reach him you stand in front of him and look up slightly seeing he's taller than you. He glares down at you, eyes burning with something you can't quiet place.
''Something wrong Bakugou?''
''Why the fuck are you so close with Shitty hair and Dunce face?''
''Can't I be?''
''You fucking can, but it's different. Soy sauce and Pinky are close as well, but you three are acting fucking off.''
''Not everyone is the same Bakugou.'' You deadpan with a soft sigh.
''Just fucking tell me, do you already know the other extras?''
''I d-''
''Ie! Denki!'' You hear Eijirou exclaim, causing you to look back.
You see Denki laughing as he runs off with Eijirou chasing him, a playful yet annoyed look on his face. Sighing you walk away from Bakugou and towards your two idiotic boyfriends. First you grab Denki by the back off his collar, causing him to yelp. Next you do the same with Eijirou. They both look at you sheepishly as you sigh.
''Yes.'' They both reply.
You nod and let the both of them go. They sigh in relief, but that's short lived as you hit the both of them at the back of the head. They both yelp in pain and rub the back of their heads as they weakly glare at you. You simply smile at them and ruffle their hair. You hear someone stomp over and look behind you to see Bakugou.
''Fucking spit it out!'' He barks as he glares dagers at the three of you.
''Spit what out?'' Eijirou and Denki ask confused.
''Do you guys fucking know each other?''
''Of course, we all game together.'' Denki asks, confused at the question.
''That's not what he means. He means if we know each other outside of the gaming.'' You explain, not looking at him but Bakugou.
''Ah, yeah we do.'' Denki smiles obliviously.
''Denki.'' Both you and Eijirou groan, he can be too dumb for his own good sometimes.
''What did I do?'' He asks worried.
''We promised to meet up all at once and not separately, remember?'' Eijirou asks him.
''Ohhh, right. We did promise that.'' Denki mumbles. ''Oopsie.''
''Dunce face!'' Bakugou barks.
''Back off Bakugou. He might be an idiot, but he's our idiot.'' You say in a low, threatening voice.
''YOU'RE ALL PIECES OFF SHIT!! FUCKING LIARS!! I FUCKING HATE ALL OF YOU!! NEVER FUCKING SPEAK TO ME AGAIN!!'' Bakugou yells as he stomps off and out of the store.
''Well, that happened.'' You mumble, but as you look at your boyfriends you see their teary eyes.
''Ei? Denki?'' You ask as you walk closer.
''He hates us......We promised to always be there and....Now he hates us.'' Eijirou mumbles as he looks at you with sad eyes.
''Ohh, Ei, he'll turn around.'' You shush him softly as you hug him.
''He won't. He's the reason Ear Jack isn't in the group anymore. She kept canceling whenever we decided to all come online and Bakugou blew up on her.'' Denki mumbles as tears fill his eyes to the brim.
''I'm sorry. I didn't know.'' You whisper as you pull him into the hug as well.
''What happened here?'' Ashido asks worried.
''Bakugou blew up on us. Something about hating us and never wanting to talk to us again.'' You explain, holding your boyfriends close.
''I see. Well, it was nice knowing you guys. Bye.'' Sero says as he waves and walks off.
''Come one guys, cheer up a bit.'' You whisper as you look at your two sad boyfriends.
''We lost our friend, Pichu.'' Denki mumbles as his eyes fill with tears again.
''He hates us. We failed him.'' Eijirou mumbles as he hugs himself close.
They've been like this for two weeks now and it isn't helping you either. You were the one who suggested meeting up in the first place, only the three of you. 'If I didn't ask them to meet up with me, just us, non of this would have happened. This is my fault.' You think as you walk out of Eijirou's house where Denki has been staying since that day.
You walk to the park and google Bakugou's number, finding some social media pages linked to it. After a bit you see a house, with a house number. He's standing in front of the house together with a green haired guy who seems to be the same age. You recognize the buildings and start walking to the neighborhood where those houses stand.
As you walk around you try to find his house, different scenarios running through your mind. After a while you see the house and walk up to it. Sighing you ring the doorbell and wait. After a bit a female version of Bakugou opens the door. You assume it's his mom. She looks at you in shock before smiling brightly.
''Hello, what can I do for you?'' She asks sweetly.
''I’m here for Bakugou. I'm a friend of his and I want to talk to him.'' You explain.
''Come in. KATSUKI!!'' She yells as she turns away from you and walks into the house.
''WHAT YOU OLD HAG?!?!'' Bakugou's voice yells back.
''THERE'S SOMEONE HERE FOR YOU!! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!!'' She turns back to you and smiles. ''You can sit in the living room.''
''I'll stand right here, ma'am.'' You smile with a slight bow of your head.
You hear feet stomp down the stairs and look up, seeing and annoyed Bakugou stomping down them. Once he sees you his look turns even more annoyed and even angry. You look at him with a neutral face as the mom walks into the kitchen after excusing herself. Bakugou walks over to you with a burning glare.
''What the fuck are you doing here?'' He hisses.
''It was my idea. I suggested to meet up, just the three of us. I asked if you guys ever met up and they said no. It was my idea. Don't punish them for my mistake.'' You state, meeting his gaze and holding it.
''And why the fuck would I believe you?'' He asks in a skeptical voice.
''I have no reason to lie to you. Eijirou and Denki are hurting, they're devastated that they lost you. Hate me all you want, god you can wish me death, but at least accept them into the games. You don't have to be buddy buddy with them, but they need you.''
''Believe what you want. Deep down you know they're devastated and that it was never their intention to hurt you like this. I caught them off guard and got us to meet, it was my idea. That's all I have to say. Do with it what you want. I'll be leaving now. Bye.'' You say as you turn to the door and walk out.
The doorbell of your house rings, causing you to frown. You walk over to the door you open it and see Bakugou, causing your frown to deepen. You open the door and let him in. He walks past you, takes off his shoes and walks deeper into the house, eventually sitting down on the couch. You follow after him, frown not leaving.
''What are you doing here?'' You ask as you sit down on a chair facing the couch.
''Where are Shitty hair and Dunce face?''
''At Eijirou's house. They haven't left it after that day.''
''Shitty hair has his own house?'' Bakugou asks surprised, although he doesn't really show it.
''Yeah, me and Eijirou have our own houses. Denki still lives at home just like you.''
''Get them to come over.''
''Okay.'' You take your phone out of your pocket and call Eijirou, putting the phone on speaker, causing Bakugou to frown.
''Pebble, we are not going outside and coming over. You know we aren't in the mood.'' Eijirou's tired voice mumbles after two rings.
''I know, Ei. I know.'' You whisper as your eyes sadden.
''Then why did you call?'' Denki mumbles as you glance at Bakugou who looks shocked.
''There is someone here who would like to talk to you guys.'' You sigh as you hand the phone to Bakugou. ''Hurt them and I hurt you. I'll be at the store. I'll be back in half an hour.''
Bakugou nods as you walk over to the door, put on your shoes and leave. Bakugou looks at the phone as Eijirou and Denki keep calling for you and asking who it is. Bakugou takes a deep breath and shakes his head to get rid of the thoughts. By now it's silent on the other end.
''Is it fucking true it was their idea?''
''....Bakugou?'' The both of them ask softly.
''Answer the fucking question.'' Bakugou groans in annoyance.
''It was. They suggested to meet up. Why are you at their place? I thought you hated us and wanted nothing to do with us.'' Eijirou mumbles defeated.
''They came to my fucking house four days ago and explained it was their idea, not fucking yours. I just wanted to fucking make sure.''
''Okay.'' They mumble softly.
''Sorry or whatever. You guys can join games again and text or whatever. And don't make me fucking regret that shit.''
''We won't!'' The both of them cheer.
The three of them talk until you come home. You're glad to hear their cheerful voices over the phone. Bakugou looks at you with his usual scowl and holds the phone out to you. You shake your head, walk over and mute yourself. Bakugou frowns and it only deepens when he sees your teary eyes.
''This is all my fault. Here is Eijirou's address, you can go there and talk to them face to face if you want. Don't bother coming here again. I'll take responsibility for what I did.'' You whisper as you take the phone, unmute it and take a deep breath. ''Bakugou is on his way to you guys, bye.''
''What the fuck are you doing?'' Bakugou asks as he gets up and stares down at you.
''The right thing.'' You whisper as you walk over to your bedroom and close the door behind you.
Over the next two weeks you cry a lot, ignore Eijirou's and Denki's texts and calls and when they're at the door you also don't respond. You know you're worrying them, but you can't bring yourself to face them after everything you made them go through. they were heartbroken when Bakugou broke off contact.
''OPEN THE FUCK UP!!'' You hear Bakugou bark as he bangs on your door violently.
''Go away.'' You mumble before walking away from the door.
''Just go away! Leave me alone! I deserve it! I hurt them so much! It's all my fault!'' You exclaim as tears stream down your face.
''Fuck it.'' Is all the warning you get before you door falls to the ground. ''LISTEN HERE YOU PIECE OF FUCKING SHIT!! YOU'RE FUCKING HURTING THEM RIGHT NOW!! MAN THE FUCK UP AND TALK TO THEM!!''
''GOD DAMNED IT DON'T BE FUCKING STUBBORN!! YOU'RE ALL FUCKING HURTING!!'' He yells as he walks over and grabs your collar, lifting you up so you're face to face. ''Fucking talk to them. This shit isn't helping. Go over to Shitty hair's house and fucking talk to them.''
''I can't.'' You whisper in defeat as a sob escapes. ''I can't! I can't bring myself to do it! Whenever I see their picture flash across my screen I fucking break down! I can't!''
''Fuck it.'' Bakugou grumbles before slinging you over his shoulder.
You eyes widen in shock as Bakugou walks over to the door and steps over it, walking out off your apartment. You trash in his hold and yell at him to let you go as you sob and hit his back. He just stays silent as he walks to Eijirou's house. Once he reaches it he harshly knocks on the door, by now you're just limply hanging on his shoulder.
''Hey, wh-(y/n)? Bakugou?'' Eijirou asks confused. ''What is this?''
''Let me the fuck in.''
''Of course.''
Eijirou steps aside and Bakugou walks in, heading to the living room after kicking off his shoes. He throws you onto the couch and walks out of the house again. You just lay motionless on the couch with your face buried in the cushions. Denki and Eijirou stare at you with worry and confusion as they sit on the chairs facing the couch.
''Pichu?'' Denki whispers softly, breaking the tens and awkward silence.
''Pebble, talk to us please.'' Eijirou pleads softly.
''It's my fault. All of this is my fault.'' You mumble as you push yourself up and hug your legs to your chest.
''What do you mean, Pichu?''
''If I hadn't asked you guys to meet up non of this would have happened.''
''We could have said no to your offer, we're just as much at fault.'' Eijirou says in a caring voice.
''I surprised you guys.''
'Iis this why you've been ignoring us?'' Denki whispers softly as he gets up and walks over.
''I just feel so guilty and I....I feel like I don't deserve this.'' You mumbles as you glance at him with teary eyes.
''You do deserve this, Pebble. We don't hold any of this against you and we never will. I get why you feel like this, but there is no reason for you to feel like this.'' Eijirou says with a gentle smile as he walks over.
''You promise?'' You almost whimper.
''We promise. Now are we good again?''
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bakug0z · 4 years
class 1A’s tiktok fyp
request: “idk if ur familiar with tiktok but headcanons for class 1A and their fyps?”
i am on multiple sides of tiktok so HELL YEA IM GONNA DO THIS REQUEST! i did “widen” the request a little bit i hope you don’t mind!
characters: momo, ochako, toru, tsuyu, jirou, mina, bakugou, kirishima, kaminari, deku. and a special surprise at the end
warnings: language, bakugou, and mineta lol
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i’ve never been on japan tiktok so this will be based on stuff from the tiktok i know
please don’t attack me for this but...momo, ochako, and toru would be on straight tiktok
i think they would really love doing the tiktok dances and would mostly use charli damelio as a reference to learn most of the dances
when they record themselves in the cafeteria doing one of the dances they would get a lot of stares
did they give a fuck? hell no
momo would be the one posting the tiktok
mineta got smacked by mina who was hyping the girls up
the rest of the boys were hyping the girls up too
the girls just rolled their eyes at bakugou cus he’s just bakugou
since class 1A was already pretty famous, they got like around 500k likes and 20k comments.
the girls read through the comments
“now i finally seen not only two but three pretty best friends”
deku in the back:  🥝👄🥝
they were most definitely not gonna delete tiktok anytime soon
alt tiktok.
they speak ALT
they like posting tiktoks of them on the subway, the little space between the subway boxes, or just riding in the back of the subway
most of their tiktoks are pretty much rebellious
they like showing their “alt” outfits a lot
on jirou’s account, she would like to show off what instruments she has
is musical tiktok a thing? she would be on there
they would make tiktoks in the school bathrooms
aizawa would keep a close eye on them
their tiktoks got super popular ofc
some news outlets were concerned about their actions because it’s UA
they read the tiktok comments
“spare hand in marriage 🤲🏽?”
“their outfits are so good wtf”
“bark baaaark baaark 😏”
all of them are on different sides of tiktok
kaminari would be on the weirdest side of tiktok
you guys know those heavily filtered random tiktoks? yeah he would be on that side
kirishima would DEFINITELY be on workout tiktok or something like that
maybe his fyp would have a mix of alt, straight, and workout tiktok but just mostly workouts
bakugou’s not really a tiktok type of person but eventually his friends forced him to get tiktok.
and he landed on...
UA tiktok.
he wouldn’t post anything
he would scroll through the ua hashtag and see a bunch of memes of his school
eventually he saw a tiktok meme of himself
it  went like
not one soul:
bakugou when he was first place during the sports festival:
and it was someone in a bunch of restraints mimicking angry bakugou in like 2x speed
him literally yelling out his hate comment while he’s typing it
kaminari looks at his phone
“that’s not how you spell accurate...you spell it a c c u r r -”
even kaminari spelled it wrong
suddenly his phone was buzzing repeatedly
“look, people replied to your comment!”
bakugou taps replies
“when he spells accurate correctly 😍”
“damn hows the education at ua LMFAOO”
someone replied to that comment
“what he gonna do? reply? 😭”
bakugou was about to burn his phone until kirishima quickly snatched it away from him
“i think that’s enough tiktok for today...”
aww honestly he’s so soft
if mha was real he would be on all might tiktok
just a bunch of fun facts or people showing off their merch
ok i just thought of something funny
he would see a false fact about all might that was clearly a joke
did you know that all might’s daughter is reese witherspoon?
he would be like WHA!? NO!
he would immediately go to the comments
all the comments were sarcastic but deku didnt realize it
he starts rapidly typing
“what? this isn’t true.”
here comes the replies
“who gonna tell him”
“ur so pure zuku”
“i cant tell if this is a sarcastic comment or ur bein fr lmao”
deku realizes and basically goes beet red from embarrassment
he responds back to his replies immediately
“hehe sorry guys :p”
don’t argue with me, deku would definitely put that at the end
even more replies
“fuck i could never hate deku”
“is he actually this pure or is this just for the public-”
“did he just use :p at the end BYE”
he smiled at his replies and continued replying to as many fans as he could
this is gonna be super short
sometimes he would see prison tiktoks on his fyp
he’s inspired
he would use this audio
he would show each member in each clip
toga would probably stick her tongue out for her pose
twice would definitely just point and mouth the lyrics but you can only see his mouth moving around his mask
spinner would probably just roll his eyes and before the clip cuts off you just see dabi rolling his eyes
as soon as dabi aims the camera at shigaraki, he’s confused at first until he realizes he’s being recorded and lurches himself to grab dabi’s phone and you just see blur everywhere due to dabi trying to keep shiggy away from his phone
then you see dabi holding his phone above him while he’s running and shiggy running far behind him
i would think the video would hit at least 1M likes because they’re fucking criminals
comments IMMEDIATELY started rolling in
“this aint who i think this-”
“average life with the league”
“who let criminals run tiktok 💀” 
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givemeweasley · 4 years
Witchy Wednesday Pt. 2
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George Weasley x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Language, and there’s talk of assault it’s not too graphic but it could be triggering to a few 
A/N: Here’s part two!! Enjoy it and don’t forget to comment if you do :) 
Witchy Wednesday Pt. 1, Witchy Wednesday Pt. 3
After managing to get dressed, you’d made your way down the Great Hall to have breakfast. It was odd being George. For one, you were taller. Your limbs were longer and everything seemed to be easier. The walk to the Great Hall took less time with your long legs, and you weren’t as exhausted when you got there.
Seven flights of stairs didn’t seem so difficult when you were in George’s well built body.
“Earth to George?” Fred called with a broad smile on your face. You tuned back into the conversation and looked around for George before remembering you were George.
Fred nodded over to the door. “Look who just walked in.”
You turned to see the last person you wanted to see. Long red hair and soft bangs. Two pretty blue eyes and a soft smile that was pointed at you, you realized. Susan Bones was pretty, but you knew she was a snake beneath that smile. And worse? She was walking towards you.
You flipped around to look at the real George who was in your body. “George! What do I say?” You whispered beside you.
George only smirked. “I don’t know! She’s a she demon!” George’s voice raised about three octaves as he mocked you in your own voice.
You glared.
Fine. We can play this game.
“Hey Georgie!” Susan squeaked, a broad smile on her face.
You smiled back and slid down the bench, creating a spot between you and George. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him frown and glare. But you were on a mission.
“Sit! I wanted to talk to you about something.”
George’s eyes widened and he opened his mouth, but Susan cut him off. “Of course, Georgie! How could I say no to my Yule Ball date!” And with that she plopped onto the bench beside you.
The sickeningly sweet tone of her voice made you want to vomit, but you were going to make George regret wanting to take her to the ball.
You slung an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close to you. She smelled like lavender and honey, which isn’t a bad scent, unless it’s so strong it’s painful. But you pushed through.
“So what did you want to talk to me about Georgie?” She batted her eyes at you. You tried not to roll your own.
“Well, I was just wondering if you would want to be my-”
“Can you pass me the salt?” George shouted interrupting me. Susan blinked, glancing at him before turning her eyes back to me.
“Continue, Georgie.”
“As I was saying, I wanted to know if you-”
“Do you guys think that Polyjuice Potion could be permanent if you added the right ingredient?” George leaned forward on the table glaring at you. You knew what he was trying to do, but you wanted him to suffer a little longer.
“Excuse me, Y/N but we’re trying to talk.” Susan's voice was practically dripping with honey as she spoke to George. Then she turned back to you. “Please go on, sweetie.”
Sweetie? You shook your head.
“Do you want to be my-”
“I really do need some s-” George let out a grunt and based on Susan's sweet smile, she had kicked him underneath the table.
But then she did the last thing you were expecting. She cradled your cheeks in her hands and pressed her lips to yours. She tasted like cherry lollipops, which happened to be your least favorite. You tried not to throw up in her mouth, but you did manage to shove her off.
“I accept, Georgie! I would love to be your-”
“Well! Would you look at the time!” George shouted, standing up. “I do believe I promised George I would- uh show him my… my new idea for his products!” George’s small hand wrapped around your larger wrist and pulled until you were standing next to him beside the table. And before Susan could say a single word, George tugged you straight out of the Great Hall, Fred and Angelina’s laughs following you the entire way.
As soon as you passed the threshold, you reached your free hand up to wipe your mouth.
George tugged you all the way to the courtyard before stopping and turning to face you, a furious look on his face.
So that’s what I look like when I’m mad. Huh.
“Rule number two! No kissing! Rule number three! No dating! Rule number four: don’t go messing up each other's lives in the span of two days may I add!”
“We can switch back at any time, George.” It was odd to look down on him for once. But it made you feel slightly powerful.
“Not a chance.” He crossed his arms. “But do not go around kissing anyone.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned back against the stone of the wall. “Don’t act like you didn’t want to kiss her anyway, you’re just mad that I did it first.” What you wanted to say is she’s a shit kisser anyway and tasted gross.
George took a step closer to you, so close you could feel his body warmth. “No actually, I don't. The only person I want to kiss is-” He broke off and all the anger left his face.
You bit the inside of your cheek and tried to ignore the knots your heart was weaving itself in at the thought of George wanting to kiss someone. “Is who, George?” You whispered.
George stepped back and shook his head. “Forget it.” With that, he turned his back and walked away.
You stood in front of the toilet. Staring down into it’s white depths, dreading what was to come.
“I can’t do this.” You said quietly. But your bladder was about ready to explode and you knew if you held it in any longer you would pee yourself.
“Just pull down your bloody pants and pee!” Fred shouted from outside the door. You winced.
“How do I… ya know… aim?” You called back.
“You hold your dick and aim it! Think of it like a water gun!”
The blush on your cheeks was prominent, especially given how pale George's body was. “But I don’t wanna touch George’s… thing…”
“It’s called a dick, love. If you’re gonna use it for a few days, call it by what it is. Now quit stalling and go pee!”
You sighed, you really couldn’t hold it in anymore. “I’m sorry, George.” You whispered quietly enough that Fred couldn’t hear through the door before slowly sliding the zipper down on George’s pants.
You took in a deep breath before pulling the pants and boxers down. You felt the coolness of the air hit you, but you tried to ignore it. You simply looked up at the ceiling, tilted your hips forward and released. For good measure you closed your eyes too.
After holding it in for so long, it felt wonderful. It was also pretty convenient to pee standing up. It would be more convenient if you weren’t so terrified of seeing George’s...dick.
Finally, you finished which brought on a whole new set of problems.
“Do guys wipe?!” You shouted out the door.
You heard the loud tired sigh of Fred. “Not usually no. Just give it a shake and be done with it.”
Give it a shake? Are men barbarians?!
But you also didn’t really feel like touching it so you wiggled your hips a little before reaching down, eyes still closed, to pull up the pants.
When they were all secure you then opened your eyes.
And wished you didn’t.
There was pee everywhere.
On the floor. On the seat. On the wall behind the toilet. Everywhere. In fact, the least amount of pee was actually in the toilet. You decided maybe peeing standing up wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be.
Luckily, you were a witch. So you pulled out your wand. “Scourgify!” And the mess was gone.
“Bloody hell did you just use the cleaning spell?! What did you do in there?!” Fred shouted. But you ignored him and washed your hands, thankful the stressful ordeal was over. You dried your hands quickly and opened the door to an incredulous Fred. He looked over your shoulder before looking back at you.
“Next time, I’m not coming for a pep talk. I don’t care if you were Victor Krum in my brothers body. That-” he pointed behind you, “was nasty.”
You crossed your arms and raised a brow. “Coming from the boy who doesn’t wipe.” Shouldering past him you made your way out of the bathroom and down to the Gryffindor common room.
“It’s not just me!” Fred shouted from behind you.
“What’s not just you?” George asked, leaning back on the common room couch. Gently, you sat down next to him, throwing your shoulder across the back of the couch. You suddenly understood why guys did it so often. The back of the couch was right at shoulder height, and it was just nice to spread out.
Fred sat down next to you, looking across to look at his brother in your body. “Wiping.”
George sat up at that, a bright look in his eyes. Slowly but surely you were getting used to seeing your own facial expressions on your own face. Understanding that this was how everyone else saw you was sobering. “You mean you finally peed?”
You threw your head back against the couch feeling George’s short hair flop against your forehead. “Ugh. Yes. Can we not talk about it?”
George leaned up to your ear. “Did you like what you saw?” Your hand whipped out and slapped his chest. Hard.
So hard in fact that you forgot you were in George's body and he was in yours. A loud cough left him as he reached up to clutch the place you hit him. Immediately guilt flooded your system. One hand reached up to cup your mouth while the other reached out to touch his shoulder.
“George, I’m so sorry. Are you okay? I forgot how strong you were. I’m so-”
George was wincing still rubbing his chest but he looked at you with a small smile. “You think I’m strong?” He winked.
You desperately tried (and failed) to keep the blush from rising to your cheeks. Guessing by George’s smile, he had already seen it by the time you tried to cover it with a reply. “I know you’re strong George. You forget I’ve lived in this body for half a day already. I feel like I could lift a house.”
Fred laughed. “He can’t. He’s already tried.”
You opened your mouth to ask, but George cut you off.
“That’s a story for another time, love.”
It was the next day, you were sitting in the library trying to find any information about body switching when George came marching up to you. It was a good thing the library was near empty, because George looked positively livid as he slammed his hands down on the table.
“Can I help you?” You raised a brow.
“We need to switch back.”
A laugh bubbled out of your lips. “Ready to give up so soon, Weasley?” But your smile dropped when George glared right at you. Somehow you could tell it wasn’t you he was mad at though. You barely even noticed the oddity of staring into your own ferocious eyes.
“Switch us back.”
You sighed looking down at the books before you. “George it says there’s no way to do it, it’s like a curse that we have to follow the rules of-”
“Dammit, Y/N!” His hand slammed down on the table making you flinch.
“What happened? Why do you want to switch back so badly?” You reached to touch George’s hand still gripping the table.
“I want to pummel McLaggen and I’m not doing it in your body.” He said it under his breath. So low you wouldn’t have heard it if it hadn’t been in your voice’s higher octave.
Your back straightened as you understood his words. “George?” Your voice was soft.
But he wouldn’t look at you, you could tell he was still fuming. “He pulled me into a broom closet.”
You breath hitched. “George, look at me.”
After a moment, he turned. His eyes still were burning, but at least he was looking at you.
“What happened?”
He took a deep breath but shook his head. “You don’t want to know.”
Your fingers curled around his own. “It’s my body, so please tell me.”
George sighed but nodded. He pulled out the chair across from yours, his other hand still safely snug beneath your own, and sat down. “I was trying to find you and he found me first. He tried to get me to come with him to an empty classroom and when I kept hinting that I needed to find you, he pulled me into a nearby broom closet. And-” George took a deep breath but you could practically see the steam coming out of his ear. ��He kissed me. Tried to feel me up.”
But he continued. “So I pushed him off of me and punched him. I ran straight here.” His eyes dug into yours. And you wanted more than anything to go back to your body. The separation of having your body assaulted and not being able to protect it felt- more vulnerable than you anticipated.
But then you remembered that George had protected you. He kept you safe.
George’s eyes darkened. “But I want to be able to beat him at my full strength.” You frowned but his hand gripped yours. “Not saying you are strong, sweetheart, but I want to do it myself. In my own body. So he knows just who it is who’s beating him.”
“Thank you.” You murmured. He lifted your hand and pressed it to his lips. His eyes even softened a fraction.
“Anytime, love.”
You felt a slight tug on your hand and ever so slightly, you leaned forward. Then you remembered who’s body you were in. And who was in yours. You immediately snatched your hand back and cleared your throat.
“Anyway. So. Um. Right.” You pointed at the books in front of you. “This is basically some sort of curse. It’s often done for people who are fighting. Like family members or-” You cleared your throat again. “Lovers. Or even friends. It says here that it’s supposed to be a spell translation of walking in someone else's shoes.”
“Well how have those people broken the curse? Is there an antidote?”
You shook your head solemnly. “Unfortunately no. The type of magic this requires is solvable but you can’t undo it. The only way to switch back is by finding the true argument but our argument was about McLaggen and Susan. And I’m obviously not going with him now.”
You looked up to see George grimacing and rubbing his neck. “Which there’s something I need to tell you.” You raised a brow. “You were right. About Susan.”
Your jaw dropped.
“She cornered me this morning and basically bit my head off. Saying me and George are soulmates, when we’re dating I’ll make sure he dumps your ass and she went on and on about essentially everything a girl could be insecure about. Your hair, your body, your academics, your friendships. She really ripped me a new one.” You refrained from smiling but it truly took all your willpower.
“So what did you say?”
“I told her I was going to tell George what she said.”
You rolled your eyes. “She would’ve just told you to do it. That he wouldn’t believe you anyway.”
George winked and pointed at you. “Exactly. To which I said, we’ll see and then I walked away.”
You smiled. “So that should solve it then. We’re not fighting about Susan or McLaggen. We’re in agreement. Right?”
George nodded and smiled. “I believe we are.”
A second passed.
And then another.
A few minutes passed after that.
And still you were in George’s body.
You looked at George helplessly, but he only had a small smile.
“Guess I better go figure out how to walk in heels.”
Taglist: @huffledor-able541​ @sarcasticallywitty15​
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mrs-cavill-wife · 3 years
Forbidden Witch (2/?)
Pairing: Charles Brandon X Female Reader
Warning: Fantasy. Language. Forbidden Love. Tell me if I miss something.
Author's Note: This one is REALLY long chapter but here comes Charles Brandon, calm your tits! Hope you guys like it, if you do, please reblog it! I'm all ears to feedback and suggestions, thank you! DM or comment if you want to be on tag lists of Forbidden Witch!
Tag List: @lexyvaldez26 @thereisa8ella @natura1phenomenon @mrsavery @number1chonie @themanfromu @littlefreya @legendarywizarddetective @lovingbearherringhairdo @zealoushound @deangal-101 @everydaymultifandom @summersong69 @jgtfvhsg @tellingyouastory @sillyrabbit81 @nuggsmum @pussyverson @oh-for-fic-sake @foodieforthoughts @fanficlover91 @r-t-doll @its--fandom--darling @poledancingdinos @hlkwrites @rmtndew
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Riding for a few minutes, the boy was fun, he had many stories but I was grateful when he stopped chattering. I think this adventure exhausted him.
We arrived in Aluma and it was not difficult to find the castle, in a short time, we were well in freight for the construction. Aretuza was a beautiful place, but I had never seen such a magnificent castle, it was big, people were probably lost there. I approached the entrance and came across three soldiers, who immediately aimed the spears at me.
"Stop! Who's coming over there?"
I looked at them alerting them to stay quiet and I got off the horse slowly, the little prince was already asleep and I didn't want to find him. I think almost turning into monster food was a great experience, he needed to rest.
"Tsc-tsc. I don't think that's how you supposed to treat a lady. Especially when she saved and is in charge of the safety of her future king."
One of them approached to look closely and then looked at the others.
"Go, fast! Let your majesties know, Prince Eric has been found."
One of them ran inside the door, faster than a fox and I, even with the little boy, still had to wait outside. I looked at the blondie, and he slept soundly, hugging my Atlas, as if je were the most comfortable of the mattresses. Which is probably something he must have. Based on the aesthetics of the Castle, they must have everything from the good and the best, and even more.
"Eric! My little warrior!"
A voice, clearly desperate, screamed and, faster than her guard, the queen approached. A beautiful lady, blonde, thin but with curves, a beautiful green dress with gold details that matched with her hazel eyes and, of course, a simple but remarkable crown with rubies on the top of her head.
She approached me and the little boy, affectionately touching her face and then brushing her hair with her fingers. Her features were clear, pure happiness, relief and tears that I think, have been there since the little boy ran away. Eric woke up quickly with his mother touch and smiled softly, still tired.
She grabbed the boy, without caring about his soaked clothes, giving him a giant bear hug while sobbing.
"Oh my little prince, why? You know how worried your Mom is when you run away like that."
She said now looking at him with teary red eyes. I have to admit I felt bad for her.
"I think I'll have to put soldiers in to watch you again"
Again? Yeah, he didn't lie, and by the nickname "little warrior", I think he was really a little adventurer and a big runaway kid.
"Mom, I'm sorry and I'm fine. The witch saved me. Without her, I would be monster dinner right now."
Said the little troublemaker and after the brief moment of mother and son, the queen noticed me, gave a big smile and I bowed in respect, but she soon shook her head and held my hand.
"You, my young lady, no need to bow. You saved my son, my greatest treasure, you don't know how grateful I am. What's your name?"
I didn't knew exactly what to say. I looked at Eric and he just smiled comforting me.
"Oh.. your majesty.. I'm Cassandra, Cassandra of Boudicca.. and I just.. I just did what any sensible person would do."
"One way or another, me and your majesty, the king, we are very grateful, and by the way the king would love to meet you."
Meet me? Oh Lord, I can't say no to a queen, right? She's being so sweet with me but I'm even dressed properly to meet a king?
"My queen.. I.. well.."
"No no, I'll be offended if you refuse"
I sighed and nodded. The soldiers led the way and the queen took me into the huge castle, holding my right hand and with her son by the side, but within minutes he ran into a room with large wooden doors, apparently the throne room.
I thought we would get in there but the queen is still walking and I had no choice but to follow. We arrived at a door, it was opened and it was a beautiful room, with a huge bed that would probably fit three people, a nice balcony, a dressing table, a shelf with some books. The queen took me to the room on, had a huge mirror, a beautiful bathtub, prepared with some foam and next to it, a black girl with a simple dress, braided hair and a beautiful smile.
"This is Juliette, one of my chaperones, she's a wonderful lady, she will help you bathe and get ready."
The lady Juliette bowed at me and I looked surprised at the queen.
"Your majesty, that's not necessary, I.."
She cutted me before I could say something more.
"Darling, you can call me Madeline and maybe it's not necessary but I asked my man to treat your beautiful horse and I think you need too, besides.."
She grabbed a little cloth and gently rubbed under my nose wiping it. Something a mother would do. And I saw a little of blood when she pull away the cloth. Fire spells always consume a lot of my strength, occasionally, my nose would start bleeding and on the worst situation, I would pass out.
"..You look very exhausted, please, let my lady help you.."
Alright, maybe I need it and won't hurt, right?
I nodded causing the Queen and her lady to smile widely at me.
"Huh.. At least, lady Juliette, can she let me take care of my bath? By myself, please? I don't want to be disrespectful to your kindly, but I'm not used to undressing in front of anyone."
The queen smiled softly and nodded at Juliette and soon, she were our of bathroom.
"Darlin, one question. What's your favorite color?"
I answered a little confused and she left me alone in the bathroom. I undressed and went into the warm water.
I would not feel comfortable naked in someone's presence, at all, even if I were a man.. I imagine that some people think I can be experient, I admit that I have a beautiful body, at least I think that I'm beautiful, attracts many masculine looks, I have been courted but always by men who saw me with a piece of meat or out of curiosity to know what spell a witch knows how to do between four walls. Pathetic.
The truth is that I have never been with a man, I have never fallen in love. When I was younger, I used to imagine what my future husband would be like. I imagined your details, I remember everything I liked.. He would be a tall man, defined body, fair, strong, sweet, romantic, noble, fair skin, blue eyes like the sky in a spring morning, dark hair like the night, short or maybe curly, lips chubby that would always leave me wanting more, hands that when..
Oh my God, stop Cassandra, you're not a teen anymore.. and it's not going to happen.
I blew away those stupid thoughts and got up from bathtub, grabbed a towel and wrapped around my body. When i arrived on room, I meet Lady Juliette, holding a box and next to her, on the bed, a simple, but for my eyes, a really gorgeous black dress.
"Oh my God, that's..?"
Lady Juliette laughed softly and opened the box, revealing a necklace.
"The queen want you to wear this for tonight. She thought you would like the style and it's also a gift for saving her son"
I don't wanted to sounds dramatic but it's beautiful, the dress, the necklace. I grabbed the dress and ran back to bathroom to get dressed. I admired myself on the mirror for a second and quickly, Juliette was behind me, helping me with the necklace.
"By your smile, I see you approved. The queen will love to know. Your majesties await for you on the throne room, I'll lead the way."
I nodded and followed Juliette to the throne room
Charles Brandon POV
Another beautiful morning. I woke up and rubbed my eyes, yawned getting up and wearing a shirt. I went to the window, opened the curtains and let the sunlight in. Oh, fresh air. Honestly, I could not have chosen a better place to be my home, in freight to a beautiful and immense river, around the splendid nature, far from the city, that noise makes me crazy, horses running, people screaming, songs out of tune, poor people begging for help and old "relationships" knocking on my door. That's peace right here.
I looked to the side. Seeing my wife, Phoebe and my little princess, my daughter Mackenzie. Christ, she is growing up so fast, she is only six years old now but she is a very smart little girl, loves to read, write and draw. She is the most special thing in the world for me.
I remember when Phoebe told me she was pregnant, four weeks after our wedding. I have always been a man who lives in the present, the now. But at that moment, I cared about the future, about me, about being a better man, something I never was and my wife suffered a lot from it, she would pretend to don't mind sleeping all alone almost every night, pretended not see me arriving late, often drunk, lipstick and sweat on my skin. Today I don't like to talk but, loyalty was never on my list of tasks, not before Phoebe give me someone so innocent, so sweet and pure, someone who depended on me. There's a Charles Brandon before Mackenzie, and another Charles Brandon after Mackenzie, and long before that, long before I met Phoebe, I was just a farmer's son.
How do I become Duke? Well, I was always in love with horses and swords, my father died when I was little and my mother was a queen's lady. I practically lived in the castle because of my mother's work, and this work, gave me a chance to see the soldiers training, fighting, riding, I just loved it and the captain ended up realizing my admiration, despite my young age, I became a helper, simply started carrying things, gave a little help with the horses. My dedication took me far, in a short time I cleaned the armor and then I was sharpening and testing the swords and when I really became a man, after my mother died of natural causes, with the blessing of King Edward, I became knights, soldier, one of the best.
Going to war was incredible for me, it seems sick but I liked to cut off heads, tear apart, see blood and defend the kingdom that treated me like a son. King Edward had a best friend, a king from a distant continent. King Alexander. On one of his visits, there was a feast, and that's when we met. That same night, there was an ambush in the castle and unfortunately, the king in which I served since I was a child, was murdered, as well as several soldiers, I remained standing, even injured and saved King Alexander.
After all that, King Edward gave me a lot of support. He knew it was a big loss for me, I lost a lot of friends and he knew that King Alexander was almost like a father to me. He knew of my dedication and love for the royal guard, for being a soldier and he invited me to be part of his soldiers. I was reluctant but after thinking a lot, I really had nothing else, nothing to lose so, the next day, I am already on my way to Aluma, his kingdom. There I met his wife, he told me they were trying to have a baby, they hoped it was a boy, an heir, I honestly, I always thought it was bullshit but I wouldn't say that, I was treated like a son.
For a few years, I exercised my place in the royal guard, I became a captain, and of course, the title attracted several lovers. Redheads, brunettes, blondes, fair skin, black skin, a whole meal full of colors and tastes.. each dawn I got up from a different bed, and "finally", I met Phoebe, a young lady, from a noble family. At first, it was just a carnal thing but it ended up becoming a passion, and soon, we were married. Being a captain, having a wife and being a party boy. My favorite things in life, but they were colliding. Phoebe suffered from wondering if I would return alive from a battle and the other night, she slept alone while I had fun with some harlot. It got to the point where I realized that it couldn't be like that anymore, I had affection for the woman who woke up more than I want in me, so I made the decision to relinquish my post as captain of the royal guard. King Alexander tried to insist that I stay, it's true that we ended up becoming great friends but he ended up understanding my decision.
As a thank you for years of loyalty to him and his best friend, he gave me a title and his best builders would build my home, wherever I wanted. I chose, Sullfolk, a beautiful continent, full of nature. I became Charles Brandon, the Duke of Sullfolk.
I leave my daydreams of the past, hearing that sweet voice of my dear Mackenzie. I looked at the bed and saw her with a sleepy face and a smile in my direction. I walked over, sitting next to her on the bed and placing a kiss on her messy hair.
"Good morning, sunshine. how did my little princess sleep?"
"Good daddy, are we traveling today, right?"
I laughed softly nodding at her. Since King Alexander sent a letter, inviting me and my family to Aluma, my little Mackenzie is not holding on to happiness, she would ask me every night, "When are we going? It's closer daddy?".
It would be her first trip, she would know the place of my stories that she loved to hear. It would be a visit, it had been a few years since Alexandre and I had seen each other and he said he would prepare a banquet, talk about the old days, it would be fun for my family, a chance for Mackenzie to know a new place and Phoebe would review the place where he was born. In fact, we were all in stasis.
"I'll get ready and tell our servants to put our breakfast. Wake up your mother and meet me in the dining room. After we eat, we go to the road."
She smiled widely causing me the same action of affection and I left the room.
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queeniecook · 3 years
February 15 (warning, things get a bit...non PG)
I had been thinking a lot about my talk with Naya the entire day. Once again, I had stayed in my room most of the day. I texted Dakota to join me in my room for a chat before bed.
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He came in and made himself comfortable. Looking at him, I didn’t know how to tell him about making out with Caleb. I looked down a bit, in deep thought.
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Dakota must have felt I had something to say.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked me gently.
I sighed and looked back up at him. “The other day….after you left for your run. Caleb and I got into an arguement and it ended with us….making out.”
I decided not to get into a long story. It would just make him wait to hear the truth.
Dakota blinked at me and nodded a little bit before sitting up. I followed after him, he turned to face me.
“I know it doesn’t change anything, but I am sorry. I never mean for any of it to happen….but it does.” I said lamely, even if it was truth in my eyes.
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Dakota slowly put a hand on my shoulder “I don’t like it, but I know you two have some pull to each other. I’m not blind.” Dakota commented.
So far, he was taking it better than I would have in his position.
“I also know you have feelings for him.” Dakota added.
He’s not wrong.
“I may not be a mysterious vampire. But, I have been up front with you about how I feel.” Dakota went on.
“I know and I really appreciate that.” I told him honestly. At least with Dakota, I don’t have to guess how he feels about me. I’m not confused about his feelings.
I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes, I pulled away and swung my legs over the edge of the bed.
“I feel like I’m making a huge mess of things. I’m not being fair to you. I’m not doing it on purpose, but it’s happening.” I said, sniffling a bit. “Everyone is capable of resisting temptation. I happen to suck at it, it looks like.”
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I felt Dakota softly kiss my shoulder, to try to comfort me. I didn’t deserve the comfort in my eyes. But he was trying to give it to me.
“I have you. Caleb…..he says he doesn’t have feelings for me.” I said softly, though I was talking to myself. Trying to convince myself of something. I’m not sure what.
“Hmm, yeah. I don’t believe that for a second.” Dakota commented. Looks like even Dakota doesn’t believe Caleb when he says he doesn’t have feelings for me. “That probably don’t help my case any.”
“Dakota, you’re being really great about this. If I were you, I’d be flipping out.” I told him honestly.
“Don’t get me wrong. I don’t like any of this. A part of me is hurt. Jealous. I don’t like the idea of you with any other man.” He admitted slowly wrapping his arms around me. He pulled me back gently towards him. “Maybe….I should give you something to think about anytime another man tries to touch you.”
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I felt Dakota move his hand down my body, lower and lower….I won’t lie, it felt really good. He definitely knew what he was doing.
After a few moments, he moved his hand, while moving me as well. My body was for sure open to the idea of Dakota in that moment.
We started making out. Our hands everywhere on each other….
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“So sorry to interrupt, but this is against the rules of my house.” Caleb said loudly, clapping his hands together harshly. The sound echoed through the room.
Dakota flew off me and I rolled off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. I felt furious.
“CALEB!” I yelled, as I started crawling on my hands and knees around the side of the bed. I heard Dakota chanting in another language.
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I managed to look up in time to see Dakota aim a spell at Caleb and Caleb disappear in a poof of smoke, turning into a bat and flying out of the room. Dakota chased after him.
Normally, I’d be running after them. But not tonight. No. I sat on the floor. I cried in frustration. I sat there for the longest time, until Josie climbed in my lap and comforted me. I kind of don’t care if they kill each other tonight. I’ve had it. I’ll care in the morning.
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wonderland-in-bloom · 4 years
vice dorm leaders taking care of their cold s/o
a♕-chan asked: headcanons w/ the vice dorm leaders and an s/o who’s currently cold on a rainy day and how they would take care of their s/o and overall how they would spend a rainy day together
i love the vice dorm leaders <3 uwu they deserve more love ;w; also i’m including ortho in this one (ik he doesn’t count as a vice dorm leader but like idk and yes it is platonic!!) 
headcanons under the cut :))
trey clover
you sat at a table by the window, gazing at the never-ending rain 
although you already wore a jacket, you were still feeling quite cold, causing you to rub both your hands together
“cold huh?” you looked up to see trey with a tray (hah i waited a long time to make that joke) in his hands
the tray had two plates, each with a slice of cake and a teapot along with two cups
he placed one plate and one cup in front of you and took a seat in front of you
“you made (insert cake flavor)! my favorite.” “of course. what kind of boyfriend would i be to not make my sweet their favorite?” 
he delicately poured a generous amount of hot tea in your teacup and did a little ‘cheers’ with you 
the warm cake fresh out of the oven and the hot cup of tea instantly made you feel all around warmer
what made you even warmer is your boyfriend, sitting in front of you and admiring you like you were a piece of art
the smile plastered over his face and the way he laughed when the both of you talked made you feel all warm and cozy on the inside 
when the two of you were done (talking for more than three hours), you helped him with the dishes
he may or may not have purposely added soap bubbles to the sink so you two were able to play around with the soap and the bubbles
luckily the water was warm so when the both of your clothes got a little drenched, it was okay :))
what was not okay was the fact that riddle almost screamed the living daylights out of you but trey was able to calm him down 
the perks of being the dorm leader’s significant other, i guess :33
ruggie bucchi
you sat on your bed, burying your head in a pillow as you hated the rain
you wanted to go outside and run around and have a fun time outside in the hot sun bUT NOPE, the weather had to come RAIN on your parade
you were in a t-shirt and shorts, the cold slowly starting to creep on you and latch itself onto you
you felt your door creak open and a sound of footsteps, followed by a loud ‘thud’ on the ground
you soon felt your big, soft blanket being draped over your head and was tackled by someone from behind
“CAUGHT YA!” that person yelled before wrapping their arms around your waist
“oi (y/n), you’re gonna get a cold if you don’t warm up ya know.” you popped your head out from the blanket to be face to face with your boyfriend, ruggie
you wailed and proceeded to throw yourself onto him, causing him to fall back, laying down on your bed
he felt his face flush and heat up by the minute as he struggled to get away from you
“HEY! (Y/N)! LET GO OF ME!” “no. you’re my oversized teddy bear. teddy...hyena...”
he couldn’t resist the innocent, adorable face engulfed in the blanket and so proceeded to gently poke your nose, this time causing you to blush
“shishishishi, your face looks red. you warm enough yet?” “no...that’s why hug me tighter...” OKAY NOW THE BOTH OF YOU WERE JUST BLUSHING MESSES
and so he did hug you tighter and you snuggled against his chest, both slowly drifting off to sleep and forgetting the cold atmosphere from the rain
jade leech
"hon, what’s the meaning of this?” you raised your eyebrows as jade seated you down in one of the chairs of the mostro lounge 
there in front of you was a vase filled with an array of your favorite flowers and a candlelight dinner-like set up
“my, my, (y/n). why would you wear something like this during a cold, rainy night?” jade commented on the outfit you wore. he told you to wear something a little bit fancy and not so casual, and you didn’t have any long-sleeved formal wear
“although you look stunning, my dear, you’re going to catch a cold.” 
jade proceeded to take off his own jacket and place it on your shoulders
“please wait a moment” he left to head to the kitchen and you just smiled at how much of a gentleman he was
he came back with two plates of food, ravioli 
“....mushroom ravioli? really?” you laughed. “both our favorites. so...cheers?”
he raised his fancy wine glass (FILLED WITH A SPARKLING DRINK NOT ALCOHOL DON’T WORRY) and so did you
that night you two indulged in plenty of warm food and sat near the candlelight, removing all the cold atmosphere away from the two of you
of course the lighthearted conversations filled with laughter and teasing made you feel warmer on the inside too
then he may or may not told azul and floyd to do the dishes as he continues to entertain you for the rest of the night :))
jamil viper
“J-JAMIL!?!?!?!?! WHAT IS ALL THIS?!” you ‘sort of’ screamed
in front of you was a pearly white bathtub made out of pure while marble, decorated with candles on the side of it and plenty of jasmine petals floating on the surface of the water as well as soap bubbles
“strip.” he commanded
you took your slipper off and aimed it right at his face as you threw it with all your might “YOU PERV!” he caught the slipper of course
he laughed at your reaction and your face which was all the colors of red possible 
“there, there, (y/n). i’m just kidding.” he patted your head. “i’ll wait outside.” he handed you a dark red bath robe made out of silk 
you made sure to change into it and hesitantly made it to the door
he was, well, shocked. he didn’t know you had that much confidence to invtie him into the bath with you 
“if that’s what you wish” he smirked “BUT NO PEEPING YOU PERV!” “relax, i’ll cast a spell that’ll make the rest of our body submerged in water invisible”
you both got in and sat at the opposite ends, good thing the bath tub was HUGEEEE  
you two spend the first few minutes just soaking in the hot water, letting your tense muscles relax and just inhale the relaxing, earthy aroma
but then you started talking with him about your day, how the rain almost destroyed all your textbooks, and that’s when the both of you talked about almost anything and everything
you two spent too long in there until your fingers and skin were all wrinkly
however you were a little sad when it was over
“let’s take a bath together again next time. shall we?” “hoo, i didn’t know you were so desperate, (y/n).” “EESH, SHUT UP PERV!” 
rook hunt
“MY DARLING! I HAVE A PRESENT!” rook banged the door against the wall, causing you to jump, almost falling out of bed but you managed to hold onto the sheets
“rook! you scared me!” he patted your head as he muttered a ‘sorry’ and started to unwrap a box in front of you
“taadaa!” inside were two pajamas made out of a very soft material guaranteed to keep you warm. one was dark purple while the other one was a lighter purple. 
“matching pajamas?” “MATCHING PAJAMAS!” you giggled at your boyfriend’s always cheerful and quirky behavior, then planting a kiss on his cheeks 
“well, go get changed! i have something special planned!” 
and so he left you and you did change. those were the best set of pajamas you have ever worn in your whole entire life. 
“(y/n), darling!!! head over to my room!” you followed his order and was met with a ton of pillows set on his bed and a movie starting to play on the screen
“well hurry up, we wouldn’t want to miss it.” you didn’t hesitate to literally dive into the bed and cuddled up close against him
he placed one arm on your waist as you rested your head on his chest while the movie played
it was a touching, sad movie, perfect with the rain gently tapping on the windows of his room
near the end, the both of you just gave up and managed to doze off 
the next morning you were greeted by the sunshine through the window, birds chirping, a smile plastered on both your faces, and....a very pissed off vil (because you left the movie running all night and his room was right beside yours so he couldn’t sleep lol)
ortho shroud
your boyfriend, idia, was cooped up in his room as usual, no matter during a hot sunny day, or a cold rainy evening, he was stuck in there playing games
you wanted to drag him outside to the ignihyde lounge but ortho stopped you before you were able to
“big bro/sis (y/n), why not we build a fort to set the mood?!” 
you agreed with ortho’s plan and started assembling your makeshift fort
you used the pillows and seating from the couches and also blankets and pillows from the different rooms in ignihyde
you and ortho managed to finish in less than an hour and turns out the fort was bigger than you thought
you illuminated it with some candles to keep you both warm and stuffed some more blankets and pillows inside
you then ran to idia’s room and quickly stole his gaming console and ran to your fort, causing him to scream
“(Y/N)!!! GIVE THAT BACK!” he screamed in anger/sadness (because honestly he looked like he was going to cry) 
however he paused when he saw the comfortable fort and his gaming console already set up
“onii-chan! let’s play!” you smiled along with ortho and idia agreed
you teamed up with ortho and tried to beat idia in whatever game you were playing
idia tend to curse a lot while playing those games and therefore you slapped his cheek everytime you did while trying your best to make sure ortho doesn’t hear his curses
each time you and ortho won, you would hug each other and give each other a high five
it was a cute and fun family bonding time
by the end of your tiring and enthusiastic gaming time, the two boys snuggled up close to you and you wrapped your arms around them “my two favorite boys”
a cute little happy family ;w;
lilia vanrouge
you ignited the fireplace in the diasomnia lounge to keep yourself warm from the stinging cold air due to the rain
lilia noticed this and jumped on your back 
“haaah how warm” “the fireplace?” “noooo, you.”
you giggled and sat on one of the couches beside lilia
you leaned your head against his shoulder, feeling the warm instantly becoming warmer 
lilia, with the help of his bats, wrapped a blanket around the both of you
you closed your eyes with a smile on your face, enjoying the moment for a while 
“you know what’s perfect on rainy days, my beloved?” “what is it?” “it’s the perfect time to tell you some stories.”
your eyes seemed to sparkle as in lilia’s eyes you looked like an excited puppy
“yes please! tell me some of your stories!” you cheered
he was only able to chuckle “alright then, get comfortable”
you rested your head on his lap and managed to lay down
he started his story with his past experiences, then he told you stories of malleus as a baby and how he wasn’t able to properly put his clothes on, then how he used to take care of silver
“but, my beloved, would you want to know my favorite story?” you nodded enthusiastically, causing him to chuckle at your cuteness
“well...it’s the story of how i met you. and the story of our love.”
this caused you to hide your face in your hands due to embarrassment and you almost fell off the couch
“lilia! don’t say that!” “but it’s true.” “okay! save it for another time!”
he planted a kiss on your hands which were hiding your face then allowed you to stay in that position for longer
meanwhile malleus, silver, and sebek were just listening and peeping from a corner
“why is this so weird?” “it’s so weird looking at the old man doing this” “we shouldn’t be doing this” “haha silver you were a pathetic baby” “not as pathetic as you” “wHAT DID YOU--” and well the three of them basically ruined your intimate moment with lilia 
anyone else super pumped for june? the events are gonna END ME and my gems lol ;w; i’m also making a kofi account soon, i thought that was just worth sharing lolol i might open three to five slots for writing commissions but i’m still unsure :))
love, a♕
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potassium-pilot · 3 years
Prompt 28: Bow
“So remind me why we’re doing this, if you’d be so kind”, Dia asked.
“You may be an all-powerful warrior with a spellbook in hand, but imagine the utility if you learned something new. Where better to learn than a training ground such as Camp Dragonhead?” Haurchefant reminded her kindly as requested.
“I guess. I don’t necessarily have anything better to do thanks to the Braves, now do I?”
“I hope this might prove sufficiently entertaining during your stay. Here is your weapon.” Haurchefant removed an oaken bow from the wall mount as well as a quiver filled with arrows.
“A bow?”
“Aye. Is aught amiss?” Haurchefant tilted his head at her comment.
“Well, no, I guess…I would have thought you’d recommend something a bit more, er, close combat than that.
“A knight cannot be content with simply one mode of combat. A quick marksman can have just the same impact as the mightiest of swords with the right timing.”
“Yeah, but the sword looks cooler.”
He sighed. “Aesthetics aside, I figured this would be an easier transition. Instead of slinging spells, you would sling arrows.”
“I guess. The bow is definitely a different medium though- easier to aim my hands than this.”
“Who knows? Mayhap you’ll find yourself enjoying it more than you think.”
She shrugged her shoulders.
“I’ll try anything once.”
“Attagirl! Now then, here is where you’ll stand.” Haurchefant lead her to a marker about twenty fulms away from a target. “Allow me to give you an example of proper bow handling.” He grabbed his own bow and quiver and prepared at a target next to hers.
“All right, first thing’s first, depending on your dominant hand- based off of what I’ve seen, you appear to be right-handed- you need to place one leg back and another to the front. As a right-handed woman, keep your right leg to the back for support…” Dia listened as he explained form for proper bow handling for about two minutes.
“….and last, but certainly not least, keep your eye on the target. If you’re aligned with your bow, you will hit your mark.” Finally, he demonstrated everything he said in one shot. Carefully, he drew back the bowstring, and fired at the blue and silver target in front of him. It flew skillfully towards the bullseye and landed perfectly, as if he told the arrow to simply go there. “Does this make sense, my friend?”
“I…think so. I guess there’s only one way to find out.”
“Indeed. Show me what you’ve learned.”
The answer was rather little. She fumbled with the quiver for a moment, failing to get an arrow since she failed to attach the quiver to her person properly. She spun in circles a few times as if she had a mi’qote tail she wanted to catch, but she did manage to get one.
“Got it! Now you said something about a nock”, she mumbled, looking for a slice of metal on the string as he pointed out. “Ah-ha!” she exclaimed quietly as she located it and placed the feathers against it. Slowly, she pulled back the bowstring, but found she couldn’t get it very far back, not to mention her slipping grip on the arrow.
Out of nowhere, Dia felt her arms be lifted upward gently. “Don’t let your elbows fall back into your sides or you’ll never get very far”, he spoke softly into her ear in a low tone. He slid his hands up her arm to her hand and corrected the positioning of the arrow, pulling it slightly backward so she didn’t grip the feathers. “Remember, slightly behind the feathers”, he instructed in the same tone.
Please don’t let go of me, she thought to herself, hoping to every god she could think of that he couldn’t tell how she drank up his warmth, that hot breath against her neck, the way he whispered to her just right, and how it made her heart race.
It only made things worse when he gently took her chin and tilted her head towards the front of her, pressing against his own cheek as he put his face parallel to hers.
“Eyes on the target”, he said just as low before turning his head to her ear, and whispering “Fire.”
She didn’t even register her own grip releasing. She just focused on her racing pulse and the shiver being sent down her spine at his whisper.
“Well done!” he exclaimed aloud, snapping Dia out of whatever the hells that was, and bringing her attention to the target. Her arrow pierced through the edge of the circle near the bottom.
“Uh…I-I didn’t even hit the bullseye.”
“‘Tis your first time, my friend. Many a fresh recruit have sent their arrows flying through our windows, so I consider this a rousing success for your first try!”
Now that he said it, it was rather nice to her that he could see a miss in such a way. To that end, she intended to try again. “Hey, so uh, you might want to help me try that again, Haurchefant. Maybe I’ll hit the bullseye this time with your help”, she suggested meekly.
“Nonsense! You’ll never learn with me hanging over your shoulder. Now then, use what you’ve learned, my friend.”
Dammit, she cursed in her head.
Dia picked up what he led her to do pretty quick, and went through the motions: straight arm, just past the feathers, eyes on the target. She waited a few moments as she felt herself practically fighting the bowstring, but the stage was set.
That is, until she took her eyes away from the target to look at Haurchefant, who seemed to stare her down as well, but why?
She would have thought about it more had she not just grazed his arm with an arrow.
“Oh, Twelve help me!” Dia exclaimed as she threw the bow to the ground to run to his side.
“I’m all right, I’m all right”, he tried to reassure her, but kept his arm conveniently covered. She pulled it away from the wound with great force as he attempted to keep the wound out of her sight. “Gah! I’m so sorry, Haurchefant!” she apologized as she began her ministrations on his arrow wound. “I’m an idiot; I got distracted by something at the last second and that arrow just flew in the exact direction I didn’t want it to go.”
He said nothing. He couldn’t; not when she was right there. The way the aether flowed from her into him electrified his senses. Her firm grip on his arms was exactly what he needed. The way she glistened with sweat in such a frozen wasteland; in this moment, she seemed rather…splendid.
“There. Are you all right?” she asked Haurchefant worriedly.
Halone help him, he needed out of there before he did something he’d regret.
“Oh, uh, yes, I’m fine now, thank you”, he answered rapidly and nervously, “Keep, uh, keep practicing with that bow. I just remembered that I have some business-like…business to attend to in my-my office. Excellent work! Keep it up!” He shot out of the shooting range as fast as he could and entered his office with all haste.
Dia, you fucking idiot, you scared him away. Focus! she berated herself in her head. She picked up the bow one last time, doing exactly as she was instructed, and fired the arrow. It hit the wood that held up the target. “Fuck!” she whispered loudly.
The evening sun hanged in the horizon of Ishgard. The golden glow of twilight still shone enough light that the garden she managed to keep alive in the courtyard behind Borel Manor could remain visible. She tended to her peppers and kidragora quietly in spite of the cold. None could make a master botanist stop doing botany, climate be damned.
Once weeds were pruned enough, fertilizer was laid down properly, and covers were applied to keep her labor of love warm through the night, she stepped away. Her garden was located in a different spot of the courtyard, separated by a wall, most likely at the former countess’s request. On that other side of the wall was a small area used to practice combat. Neither her nor Aymeric used the other side all that often; Dia had a proper setup for practicing gunbreaker maneuvers with Thancred back in Mor Dhona, while Aymeric preferred to use the mostly defunct Whitebrim front for his training. With that in mind, she was slightly curious about it, and decided to pay it a visit.
Upon reaching the other side, she took a quick look around. It was painfully obvious how unused everything was considering the frozen state of all the equipment. That said, there was one particular item that didn’t seem to share the same level of disrepair: a dark oak bow, complete with metal arrows in a quiver next to it.
It still hurt. After everything she’d seen and done, after everyone she ever met, after all the sacrifices she’d seen, it still hurt. But still, she always remembered how a smile better suited a hero. Dia picked it up off the wall, alongside a quiver that hung next to it, and stood at the line about 30 fulms behind the target.
The quiver was on correctly this time, making it much easier to pick one out of the collection. She found the nock easily, seeming to have been prepared already, and placed the arrow just above the feather. She placed her right leg back, and lifted the bow, ready to aim. “Arms up”, she whispered as she lifted her arms. “Eyes on the target”, she whispered as she focused on the target.
She could still hear him whisper, “Fire”.
In a moment, she let go of the arrow, and felt a small sting of disappointment as she just missed her mark. It landed on the right between the edge of the target and the bullseye. “Dammit”, she whispered.
“Fine form.”
She turned her head to see Aymeric at the doorway, clearly amused by her attempt. “Come to laugh at your girlfriend and her piss-poor aim?” she snarked, still disappointed in her efforts.
“I would never. Your aim is fine, my dear. That in mind, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you lack confidence in something before.”
“You should have met me when I first started adventuring. You’d be floored by how little confidence I’m capable of having.”
He smiled and laughed lightly. Aymeric walked towards her and said, “You look rather dashing with my old bow.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize. I’m sorry.”
“Naught to apologize for, my love. Consider it our bow.” He led her to lift up the bow again. “Your form is quite good, but don’t waver.” He held onto her bow arm to still her arm, and tilted her chin upward, keeping his hand in place. “Align yourself with the bow. Remember, it follows your lead, and you are a natural leader.” She kept her eye on the center of the target.
“Fire”, he ordered in a low tone.
Dia released her grip, and witnessed the glory of her arrow hitting the very center of the bullseye.
She squealed in excitement and hopped in place like a child, making Aymeric laugh in a mixture of pride and amusement. “Congratulations!”
She pounced him and kissed him in her jubilee, and he returned it happily. After a few seconds of enjoyment, she released and told him coyly, “Thank you for being such a great teacher.”
“Where would I be without my star pupil?”
She grinned and returned to kissing him with more passion behind her efforts than the first time, the both of them soaking in each other’s energy and warmth as the evening began to wane.
Thank you too, Haurchefant. I’ll carry your guidance with me always.
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