icruze-priya · 10 months
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iCruze 3 in 1 Blaze Speaker
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darkfictionjude · 4 months
Random skit:
"Welcome to darkfictionjude blog!"
"At this side" points to a large group blushing and some having horns and tails. "we have the thirsty readers"
"Ah! Don't fear that dark impressionist side over there. It's just our fellow Sam the nymph, Sammy just got some horror creativity, a cute dork~"
"Looking at your right * point to a large and open space, seemingly like an ágora* you can see Sallylovers and at their side Imremancers. They usually have a close bond 'cause for not having sally some go to the imre camp"
"Going more to the left" *A vast camp with roses, and in the center a big leafless tree being watered by some grey beings with sunglasses come to your vision* we have Lorcanmancers. They're a cute breed, but don't be deceived by their looks: they can pick their torches and weapons to fight whoever kick their wet meowth meowth"
*Lead to a big lobby that has some artifacts* This is where the named nonnies are. They seem like their grey counterpart, but they are somewhat different, as you can see. *Point to a grey being with a book in hand, you can hear a faint sound of gears clicking and the book in their hand are being write-down, the pages passing as the letters fill the page* This one is the etymology nonnie, an sweet over analyzer. Let's go to the next part.
"Oh! You are curious about the cassino at this side? It's where the Percynickels work hard to get the green for their favorite gremlin. What can we do when his antics moves people around? They usually are in the carrousel thou"
* A sudden light flash can be seen in the horizon* "Come on, follow me!" * As you came near, you can see a camera emoji* That is selfie, Selfie is an old reader of the blog, a cute sweetpie. Come, wave at selfie~" * The camera emoji began to fade, and a sudden commotion began
"PLEASE! Donnot be afraid!! These people walking past us with shields and waraxes are Niamancers. They seem like they can kill you... well, they actually could kill you, so thinking some more, be a little afraid.... At least they don't attack unprovoked. Just don't attack their ice queen, and you will be safe. Their natural habitat is right there. " * points to a glamorous castle with impenetrable security* "They got some malicious comments, and this experience made them willing to become warriors, they are a growing group, but often stays where our eyes can't see"
* Walking a little further, you get near a bunker entrance, the guide knocks in some sort of code until the door is open by a grey being with armor* These little ones are the Orlalovers... for some sensitive reasons, they always are in the hide, you know, for their security *the door sunddely close and the spearker dodge a pickaxe* like I said.. security : 3 "
"... Our tour is sadly coming to an end T T... I hope you like it so far. This place is safe to be around, like even with the torches, rose thorns, weapons and etc, you can talk about a lot of things and laugh about all the situations or analyze every character behavior, respectfully hate and love, like: here is awesome! *you are now before a huge door, carved with beautiful scripts that seem like otherworldly letters* And last but not least TADA!
*When the door opens, you are welcomed by a big room filled with books, DVDs, and a comfortable sofa right in front of a 42' TV. The tour guide goes to one of the book shelves, they pick the first book of the first row, the ninith book of the second row, the eighth book of the fourth row and the fourth book of the fifth row, you hear a mechanism and the shelf moves outward like a door, inside you see a banner that goes from a wall side to the other writed-down:
"HERE is where our secret organization meets. we discuss a very important subject: "What cute thing did sweetie Jude have done today?" And "Did Jude make an RO like her today?"
I am sleepy, but: I love your blog, Jude. Everyone is so cute, especially you, lovely big evil Jude, you can do your worst, and the JudeNation will still persevere in their claim.
and if i said i hate being called cute💀😭
Apart from that this is a very well-thought out skit hahaha I feel like the horny readers can be found in every section though, they move everywhere they're like a virus
The Sam mention hahaha and they're called a cute dork, I guess they keep getting secret admirers
Question: is it true that Sallymancers and Imremancers have a close bond and some of you go there because you can't have Sally? (when sally is the dollar store version of imre)
You know an RO liking is basically incest since I'm technically their mother 😌
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lesser-sage-of-stars · 11 months
FUCK EN HELL HOW HARD IS IT TO MAKE A WEBCAME THAT ONLY DOES VIDEO. No mic, no spearkers just video input GODS DARMIET. like anything you can fit into a webcamera will be outclassed by stand alone spearkers/ headphones and mics.
I hate Misleading lists. IF You can only FIND one(1) thing THAT fits the list title FUCKEN DON:T make a list
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the-concrete-sage · 5 months
The Art of Active Listening...
Most of us only listen to reply Try to listen to understand Active Listening benefits all parties involved: The speaker feels heard, seen, and validated. The listener gains insights into the speaker's world forming a potentailly deeper understanding and connection with the spearker
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murcielagatito · 2 years
in an alternative universe earpods are called spearkers
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jaywritesrps · 3 months
Sorry, but your anons are so ridiculously uninformed, it’s kinda alarming. Pinoe was on multiple panels, one on the main stage- not the small ass one AH and SB were on, plus she was one of the 5 Olympians selected who ran and lit the Olympic torch. Like, all this is easily verifiable and documented. She was not there as Sue’s plus one. She had her own business going on.
And since we’re on this topic, Sue and Pinoe are in a different stratosphere of sports celebrities. Ash isn’t even *kinda* close. Nor is Sophia. They weren’t at the I heart radio, bc they were at VIP members only party in a club put on by real athletes.
Ash trying to pretend she’s an Olympian when she was an alternate? Complaining about not getting to wear the USA outfit, when alternates don’t get them (or an actual medal if they had won) was all kinds of delusion. She was a mediocre keeper, who got zero minutes TWICE in the World Cup, wasn’t a top 2 goalie for the 2016 Olympics, and was passed over in 2020. Sis has no business sharing a stage with Sue bird and micheala who have actual real life 🥇 She was only included bc her bestie Renee was the moderator.
And for anyone who thinks Ash isn’t devastated by Pinoe and Sue’s abandonment, they’re dead ass wrong. Ash clung to Pinoe like a life vest after the 19WC. She was her maid of honor, “chosen family”, one of two ppl told abt Sloan’s adoption, bestie/sissy for years. The fact that Binoe has dropped her like a bad suit is beyond hurtful and humiliating for Ash. Anyone who thinks otherwise wasn’t paying attention all these years.
Thanks for the info about Cannes. I totally agree about Pinoe, i don't like her cause she entered the USWNT being protected by Abby and the 99ers, she was one of the persons that reinforced back then the "mean girl" culture they had in the bts of the USWNT (especially in Abby's, Hope's and Carli's books it gets very clear that this is the team structure untl recently), but you can't deny that in the field Megan Rapinoe was one of the greatest in Soccer History, both female and male, and use that to shed a light in important issues and actually put her ass in the line against Trump. You can't talk about women soccer without talking about her and you can't talk about women basketball without talking about Sue Bird, she simply one of the two persons who won more golden medals in olympic' basketball history. It's why was absurd to me you having in your event two fucking olympians, a month or so for the Olympics start and have a Sophia Bush and Ashlyn Harris to be the spearkers on that matter. No offense to them and their experiences, but regular people only care about them cause of the Drama, and the public they wanted to draw attention to their event doesn't give a flying fart to them. I have watched a couple of cuts of the panels in ig and it's ridiculous, you can totally see that they were invited cause of the hype of what happened last year, not cause of their importance, experience, accomplishment as a pro athlete or involviment in sports' politics.
About Pinoe and Ashlyn, did you noticed that nearly everyone from soccer that was on Ashlyn's side over the years, when they get start talking with Ali they suddenly switch sides? Like Tobin and Press, they were neutral, but invited Ali to their show and not the other one. Pinoe and Sue were neutral too, but they are always leaning towards Ali's side. It's why I keep saying, we don't know the full picture, probably we will never know it, but it's clear to see that Ashlyn is not the saint as Sophia wants everyone to believe she is. And I get why Sophia thinks that, like, when you are completely lost and someone helps you and gives you new hope, you are going to be fucking loyal to that person, however, not everyone who shits on your head wants your bad, and not everyone who helps you clean the shit wants your good.
Some anon in a Sophia' blog compared Ashlyn to Dunn's husband, saying "oh the fans and the players didn't do the same with him", I agree with that, Pierre deserved backlash for what he did as Thorns' doctor and woso fandom should simply ignore Ashlyn and let her be, the thing is, to the fans and players, Dunn and her husband were not part of the 15er's/19er's inner circle, Ashlyn was, and she was a big part of it. This whole situation of the divorce/cheating rumors and yada yada yada was just a excuse for them to drop Ashlyn's hand, because she caused a lot of damage by acting through the mean girl mentality and ignoring she was only accepted in the inner circle, cause of Ali was one of the leaders of this group, without Ali, Ashlyn was like Dunn, just another blue collar player* that was there to replace someone and that's about it. It's why they are mostly acting this way, cause it's the first time someone of one of the inner circles fall from grace and fell spectacularly great and the group also uses it to reinforced their status quo, by showing power and what happens when they are contradicted.
*blue collar player: it's a term that Carli Lloyd uses in her book to denominate the USWNT players outside the inner circle that was seen as "disposable" by them. It was generally those players that are good and played eventually, but never got a starting spot or never stayed too long in the main string in big competitions.
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apexmission · 10 months
MUHAMMAD SHARIF (APEX Mission) Public Spearker
Muhammad Sharif Software Engr. SKMCH&RC Lahore, Pakistan. Motivational Speaker & Entrepreneur, Mentor. Copyright (c) APEX Mission, 2018-2023, All rights reserved. I have APEX_Missions. ~~ Note Please: Video(s) Uploaded/made by Muhammad Sharif are signed as #muhammadsharif or #apexmission.
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@apexmission/ Profile: http://bit.ly/mohammadsharif
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trippyinkwitch · 3 years
Damned be the poets. 
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transette · 4 years
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I finally finished my cabinet for my (secondary) hifi setup in my room! It's taken me about a week an a half to make, it's not perfect, but I'm pretty happy with it! It has a built in power strip and audio output switcher.
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samaya-samachar · 3 years
सभामुख सापकोटाद्वारा संविधान र कानूनका विज्ञसँग परामर्श जारी
सभामुख अग्नि सापकोटाले संसद विघटनका विषयमा परामर्श गरीरहेका छन् ।
काठमाडौं । सभामुख अग्नि सापकोटाले संसद विघटनका विषयमा परामर्श गरीरहेका छन् । बिहीबार संविधान, कानून र न्यायिक क्षेत्रका विज्ञ, विशेषज्ञहरुसँग परामर्शमा व्यस्त छन् उनि । परामर्शका लागि नेपाल बार एशोसिएसनका पूर्वअध्यक्षहरु, वरिष्ठ अधिवक्ताहरु लगायतलाई बोलाइएको छ । सभामुख सापकोटाले यसअघि विज्ञप्ति जारी गरेर संसद विघटनलाई असंवैधानिक भनेका छन् । भने उनले यसअघि पूर्वसभामुखहरुसँग परामर्श गरेका गरी…
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lilttlefloffu · 2 years
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Little information about this blog and me!.
For now I'm posting:
Fnaf x Y/N
Fnaf ASK
Buy me a Kofi!
Twitch , Instagram and Twitter!.
💜-I'm not a native spearker, so if I write something wrong, let me know please, I´m still learnig and grammar its not my best quality.
💜-I'm 24, Any pronous are ok for me ✨️.
💜- I'm a multifandom, now I´m on fnafnsb, Transformers Prime, BNHA/MHA, TMNT, Undertale and a little minecraft serie in Spanish (Karmaland).
💔 Please don't repost art, when someone reposts art, even with good intentions and creadits, they are taking interactions and followers that should go to the artist, PLEASE SHARE DON'T REPOST!
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kaimaciel · 2 years
Portugal: Excuse me? I lost my son. Can I please make an annoucement?
Store clerk: Sure.
Portugal, on the spearkers: Goodbye you little shit!
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elytrafemme · 3 years
“tell” is such a good adjective. makes spearker tags less hell
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gwyn-h · 4 years
I'm very proud :)
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Btw i'm doing english through german, i'm a native English spearker
Also my other two languages are Welsh and Scottish ( but i haven't done them much, i'm mostly focusing on German )
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sokumotanaka · 5 years
Wait spearkers were past down and you didn’t feel to tell us now?
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