#Special Advisor to the Mayor
santaclaralocalnews · 2 years
The Santa Clara City Council once again dealt with the conundrum of who polices the majority. Four community members brought forth petitions asking the council to place an item on a future agenda to discuss the behavior of Council Member Kevin Park at the Feb. 7 council meeting. At issue, comments Park made near the close of the meeting when he left a book titled “All My Friends...Read more at svvoice.com
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reasonsforhope · 6 months
"With “green corridors” that mimic the natural forest, the Colombian city is driving down temperatures — and could become five degrees cooler over the next few decades.
In the face of a rapidly heating planet, the City of Eternal Spring — nicknamed so thanks to its year-round temperate climate — has found a way to keep its cool.
Previously, Medellín had undergone years of rapid urban expansion, which led to a severe urban heat island effect — raising temperatures in the city to significantly higher than in the surrounding suburban and rural areas. Roads and other concrete infrastructure absorb and maintain the sun’s heat for much longer than green infrastructure.
“Medellín grew at the expense of green spaces and vegetation,” says Pilar Vargas, a forest engineer working for City Hall. “We built and built and built. There wasn’t a lot of thought about the impact on the climate. It became obvious that had to change.”
Efforts began in 2016 under Medellín’s then mayor, Federico Gutiérrez (who, after completing one term in 2019, was re-elected at the end of 2023). The city launched a new approach to its urban development — one that focused on people and plants.
The $16.3 million initiative led to the creation of 30 Green Corridors along the city’s roads and waterways, improving or producing more than 70 hectares of green space, which includes 20 kilometers of shaded routes with cycle lanes and pedestrian paths.
These plant and tree-filled spaces — which connect all sorts of green areas such as the curb strips, squares, parks, vertical gardens, sidewalks, and even some of the seven hills that surround the city — produce fresh, cooling air in the face of urban heat. The corridors are also designed to mimic a natural forest with levels of low, medium and high plants, including native and tropical plants, bamboo grasses and palm trees.
Heat-trapping infrastructure like metro stations and bridges has also been greened as part of the project and government buildings have been adorned with green roofs and vertical gardens to beat the heat. The first of those was installed at Medellín’s City Hall, where nearly 100,000 plants and 12 species span the 1,810 square meter surface.
“It’s like urban acupuncture,” says Paula Zapata, advisor for Medellín at C40 Cities, a global network of about 100 of the world’s leading mayors. “The city is making these small interventions that together act to make a big impact.”
At the launch of the project, 120,000 individual plants and 12,500 trees were added to roads and parks across the city. By 2021, the figure had reached 2.5 million plants and 880,000 trees. Each has been carefully chosen to maximize their impact.
“The technical team thought a lot about the species used. They selected endemic ones that have a functional use,” explains Zapata.
The 72 species of plants and trees selected provide food for wildlife, help biodiversity to spread and fight air pollution. A study, for example, identified Mangifera indica as the best among six plant species found in Medellín at absorbing PM2.5 pollution — particulate matter that can cause asthma, bronchitis and heart disease — and surviving in polluted areas due to its “biochemical and biological mechanisms.”
And the urban planting continues to this day.
The groundwork is carried out by 150 citizen-gardeners like Pineda, who come from disadvantaged and minority backgrounds, with the support of 15 specialized forest engineers. Pineda is now the leader of a team of seven other gardeners who attend to corridors all across the city, shifting depending on the current priorities...
“I’m completely in favor of the corridors,” says [Victoria Perez, another citizen-gardener], who grew up in a poor suburb in the city of 2.5 million people. “It really improves the quality of life here.”
Wilmar Jesus, a 48-year-old Afro-Colombian farmer on his first day of the job, is pleased about the project’s possibilities for his own future. “I want to learn more and become better,” he says. “This gives me the opportunity to advance myself.”
The project’s wider impacts are like a breath of fresh air. Medellín’s temperatures fell by 2°C in the first three years of the program, and officials expect a further decrease of 4 to 5C over the next few decades, even taking into account climate change. In turn, City Hall says this will minimize the need for energy-intensive air conditioning...
In addition, the project has had a significant impact on air pollution. Between 2016 and 2019, the level of PM2.5 fell significantly, and in turn the city’s morbidity rate from acute respiratory infections decreased from 159.8 to 95.3 per 1,000 people [Note: That means the city's rate of people getting sick with lung/throat/respiratory infections.]
There’s also been a 34.6 percent rise in cycling in the city, likely due to the new bike paths built for the project, and biodiversity studies show that wildlife is coming back — one sample of five Green Corridors identified 30 different species of butterfly.
Other cities are already taking note. Bogotá and Barranquilla have adopted similar plans, among other Colombian cities, and last year São Paulo, Brazil, the largest city in South America, began expanding its corridors after launching them in 2022.
“For sure, Green Corridors could work in many other places,” says Zapata."
-via Reasons to Be Cheerful, March 4, 2024
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quitealotofsodapop · 2 months
Funfact did you know the Mayor is actually a War General?
Yes, it's shown during the Season 3 special;
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The Mayor/Not-Mayor/Thrall was the War General to the Emperor who employed The Ivory Lady/Lady Bone Demon as his advisor.
Oddly, the Mayor already has the whited-out eyes in the past - suggesting that he was already possessing some of the Bone Spirit's power
He's also seen briefly along with the Lady Bone Demon in the Memory Scroll when Tang is running around in "The Court of the Yellow Robed Demon"
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Again, even in a time of peace, it appears that the Mayor's/General's eyes are all white.
According to one of the first three seasons' writers, the Mayor was partially "created" by the Lady Bone Demon, suggesting that he's not even alive or never have been.
Maybe he's just a golem made from ice and bone used by LBD to shoot up in the patriarchal political world? She could have easily passed the really-durable soldier as her husband or brother.
Still no idea where he is after Season 3. They just sorta left him at the temple site where they did the Samadhi Fire ritual. My dude probably is locked in there like a Minecraft mob.
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techwrecker · 4 months
"You're my brother, until the end of times. Even after that."
I found this quote on pintrest, and it reminds me of the batch.
It's in your hands now.
whatever you do, don’t imagine Omega saying goodbye to Hunter for the very last time.
𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬
Genre: just.. sad.
Word Count: 1.8k
TW: death (non-violent), SFW (please let me know if I missed any)
After the fall of Tantiss, the Batch had retired to Pabu in order to raise Omega and give her the childhood she deserved. As well as catching up on much needed rest and relaxation, the remaining members of Clone Force 99 integrated quite nicely into the island's rich community.
Crosshair became extremely proficient in net weaving. His synthetic hand was able to twist and weave at twice the speed and accuracy with the fibers. With his eyes going as he got older, he was able to rely on muscle memory to make the most intricately woven nets in the galaxy. Wrecker's main job had been boat building & repair, but as time waned, the elderly man had shifted to quiet fishing. As was his kind nature, he shared whatever he caught with anybody who asked. When he was younger and his hair had not yet begun to grey, Hunter had served as Mayor Shep Hazard's advisor on the goings-on of the outer galaxy. As he grew older and frailer, the children of Pabu would come to Hunter for his grand stories and tall tales of his time serving in The Republic. He was careful to omit the more gruesome details or skirt around sketchy missions. He became known on Pabu as The Storyteller.
It had been 3 years since Wrecker had passed away, and 6 before that, Crosshair had gone first. That made today even harder. Hunter had always been there to console Omega. Their bond was special and innate. Who was going to be there for her today?
Lyana had commed Omega about a week ago.
"Ly! It's so great to hear from you!" Omega beamed at the holographic image of her best friend.
"You to Meg. I just wish it were under better circumstances," she said.
Omega's face fell. "What is it?" she asked, though she already knew the answer deep down.
"It's Hunter. He isn't sick or anything, but our healer has assessed that he is at the end of his life-journey," Lyana replied, looking down at her hands solemnly. "I think you should come back."
"I'm on my way."
Omega immediately shut off the holo and raced to the pilot's chair. She flipped on the ignition switches and punched in the coordinates to her home. From where she was in the galaxy, it was about an 8 hour flight. But not with Omega in the chair. She could shave it down to about 6 and a half. Once in hyperspace, the young woman let herself lean back, slumping into the chair. She looked at the dash where Tech's goggles called home ever since Omega had left initially to join The Rebellion. Gingerly, Omega picked them up. She felt the heat rise in her cheeks, hot tears already threatening to spill over.
"I miss you, Tech," she whispered to the shattered goggles. She let herself clutch the delicate goggles close as she fell into a light sleep.
After hours of travel, Omega brought The Mini-Maud into the Pabu atmosphere. The clouds were a thick grey color and dense as a Bantha. A sense of relief washed over her seeing the planet reflecting her mood. She flicked on the auto pilot and retreated to the back of her ship to change out of her grimy flight suit. She was careful to keep track of her belongings, always keeping them in their place on the small closet shelf. Wrecker's Lula doll was now ragged, with multiple tears along the seams. Thankfully, Omega was quick with picking up how to repair items so she could keep it a while longer. Omega stroked the right ear for comfort, a habit she had picked up as a child.
"Oh, Lula. What are we going to do?"
She quickly changed into her civilian clothes, careful to tuck the strip of deep blue mourning fabric into her pants pocket. It was Pabu custom for the women to weave it into their hair in a simple braid to symbolize their loved one's return to the sea. She would wear it until the after the cast-off ceremony.
Omega returned to the cockpit to pull her ship up to the open-air landing dock next to the various fishing vessels. She expertly landed the reliable ship without so much as a jolt. Omega glanced out the viewport. Lyana was already waiting for her on the loading dock. She released the hatch and walked out to meet her friend.
Lyana pulled her in for a tight hug. "It is so wonderful to see you, Megs."
Again, tears welled up in Omega's eyes, distorting her vision. She squeezed them shut before they could fall. "You too."
They pulled away and began up the steps, toward Hunter's home. Ever since Hunter became the remaining Bad Batcher, he had moved to the lowest level of Pabu. He claimed that he had seen enough of the sky and wanted to be close to the ocean, that it reminded him of Kamino. Though Omega knew it was because his knees were beginning to give out, he just didn't want to admit how weak he was becoming.
"He sits for hours on the rocky beach, just listening to the waves," Lyana said. "But since last week, he hasn't been able to get out of bed. Too weak."
"He wasn't only listening to the waves," Omega said, ignoring that last part. "His ears remained sharp all these years. He was taking in all sounds, from the sand-crabs to the fishing bells out at sea, making up the landscape of his peace,"
The pair had reached the door.
"Are you ready?" her friend asked gently.
Omega hardened her face in resolve. She was going to be strong. Hunter had been strong for her all her life. Now it was her turn.
She opened the creaky, wooden door and stepped into the homey, one-room hovel.
"Hunter?" Omega inquired gently into the air. She knew he knew they had arrived, but it was more habit than anything. Especially since he couldn't be anywhere else except in bed.
"I'm in here." She heard him call back.
The door to his room was slightly ajar. All it took was a gentle push for it to open further, revealing Hunter, covers pulled up to his chest. His hair was thinner and whiter than the last time she had seen him, making the now-dull red of his signature bandana stick out even more. His eyes drifted to meet hers and he smiled.
"You're back." He began to reach out toward her, hand shaking. Omega pulled up a chair and sat at his bedside, encasing his hand gently between her own.
"Yes, I'm home," she replied.
"I'm afraid this old clone just isn't what he used to be, Omega," he said with as much humor as he could muster. Even his voice sounded weak.
"Are you comfortable? Is there anything I can get you?"
"Oh, no, no. Now that you're here, I have everything I need." He smiled up at her. "Now tell me about what you have been up to."
Omega began to tell him of all the missions she had been on now that she had been promoted to a pilot in the Rebel Alliance Starfighter Corps. Being as tired as he was, Hunter didn't ask many questions, but his interest was piqued when Omega told him she had been working closely with Hera Syndulla before she was transferred. He was relieved to know she was doing well. She only took a break from her stories to make Hunter a quick clear broth for his midday meal that he could sip on while she continued.
The day went by too quickly for Omega. She could feel Hunters grip slowly getting weaker as the hours passed. The inevitable was coming.
"Omega," Hunter began after a lull in her stories. "I need you to do something for me."
"Of course, Hunter. Anything." She squeezed his hand tighter.
"When I'm gone-"
"No! Stop." Omega cut him off. "Don't say that. Not yet. You're still here. You're not going anywhere." The tears that had been threatening to arise all day had finally won. She let them fall down her cheeks and drip onto their hands, all hopes of staying strong out the viewport.
"Omega, this is important. When I'm gone," he began again, slowly. "Promise me that you will not hold on to the past too tightly."
She felt betrayed. Her face burned. "How could you say that? I owe you and our brothers my entire life! I can't just forget that, Hunter." It came out harsher than she meant it to.
He tried to push himself up with one elbow to meet her at eye level, struggling. Omega reached behind him as support so he could sit up. "I didn't say forget us. That would be an impossible ask, even of you. I said don't hold on to the past. You have to let us go, continue your life without us. You deserve to be happy, Omega. And being happy means making peace with the past."
She knew what he was trying to say, but how could she let go of her brothers? Of her family? Omega slipped of the chair and kneeled at his bedside. Now looking up at him, she felt like a kid again. She was taken back to the first time she had seen them at full maturity when they came back to Kamino as a whole squad. They had been wary of the little female clone trying to tag along with them. She was eternally grateful that they had put up with her and welcomed her as one of their own.
Hunter reached over to her cheek and wiped away her tears with his thumb. It felt icy against her burning cheeks. All the love and kindness in the entire galaxy couldn't compare to the look on his face now.
"Okay, Hunter. I promise."
That was enough for him. He laid back down against his pillow and gave one last look at Omega.
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, Omega"
"I love you too, Hunter."
His gaze shifted to the ceiling above his bed. She could tell he was looking past the plaster, already seeing the stars of the galaxy ahead of him. She gripped his hand tighter and watched as he closed his eyes one final time. Hunter's chest rose and fell a few more times before he drifted into the forever-sleep.
Omega placed his hand gently across his abdomen, never to hold it again. She leaned over him and placed her hands on either side of his face, bringing her forehead to meet his own. She whispered the phrase Clones say when releasing one another back into the stars.
"You're my brother, until the end of times. Even after that."
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shepherds-of-haven · 2 years
Hi, Lena! Red ended up being one of my favourite characters in ShoH (he's such a sweetheart!) and I have a few questions about his family, if you didn't mind answering them. No pressure of course! Where does Red's family live? Are Red's sisters much older than Red? What are the mage specializations in Red's family? Do any of the family members share Red's red hair? How intentional was naming Red "LiefRED" by his parents? What were Red's parents's occupations before their retirement (?)? Have a nice day! <3
Hi anon, I'm so glad you ended up falling in love with Red! :) He actually talks quite a bit about his family in Chapter 7 if you choose to share a room with him and ask him the right questions, as well as during his first day off interlude, so some of this information is in the game itself (just in case you're curious to hear it straight from him)! And in case you haven't seen this post, here's that as well! To answer your questions:
His parents/family home is in Stroud!
Idalia is 6 years older than Red, Isodel is 5 years older, Lydda is 4 years older, and Gwyn is 3 years older!
I haven't concretely nailed down his parents' specializations (I think his dad tends towards Binding and his mom towards Conjuration, but don't hold me to that too concretely); as for sisters, Idalia is talented in the astral arts and favors Elementalism, though she's a fair hand at Battle Magic and Healing when she has to be; Isodel is strong in both Shifting and Wild Magic; Lydda is mostly a Scryer; and I'm pretty sure Gwyn is a Binder!
Red gets his vivid red hair from his dad, whereas his mom is more of a strawberry blonde/faintly reddish-goldish, so technically everyone in his family has red hair, it's just to varying degrees! Idalia's hair turned darker as she grew older and is now more brownish, Isodel has dark red hair, and Lydda and Gwyn both have goldish-reddish strawberry blonde hair, with Lydda's hair being a bit paler/more yellowy than Gwyn's?
Here are some visual references because I realize I described that kind of terribly lol:
Idalia's hair (ish, it's probably a bit darker):
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Isodel's hair (ish, without the different streaks/highlights):
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Lydda's hair (ish, it's probably a bit paler and more yellow in tone):
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Gwyn's hair (ish):
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Actually, Red's name wasn't intentionally chosen because of his hair color, they had already picked it before he was born and didn't know he was going to have such red hair until he came out! Liefred is kind of an uncommon, old-fashioned Mage name that is typically shortened to "Freddy," which was what they were originally planning to nickname him LOL. I think the girls might have picked it out of a baby name book and were like 'omggg we can call him Freddy, wouldn't that be so cute <3' while all excited about the prospect of having a baby brother, and his parents, a bit worn after having four strong-willed girls, were kind of like *shrug* yeah sounds good to me!
I think his parents are semi-retired, but still work a few days out of the week. His father works as a court scribe/trusted advisor to a local mayor, while his mom works as the bookkeeper and master of records for a Healer's clinic, though she used to work for a physicker when he was a kid! Right now they're mostly concerned with tending to their garden and hosting reading circles (aka book clubs) :)
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workersolidarity · 9 months
An advisor to the mayor of Ivano-Frankovsk, Nazary Kishak, announced on the social media platform Facebook the installation of roadblocks and checkpoints across every Ukrainian city at the end of December in order to call up citizens for general mobilization.
"From within the framework of general mobilization events in every city and region will set up control checkpoints, we take care of mobilization!" Kishak wrote on Facebook.
"The guys on the front need to be replaced. Majors, silver spooners, children of posh figures, bloggers, everyone who gets caught will go on foot. There is war in our country..."
General Mobilization in Ukraine was announced in February, 2022 after the launch of Russia's Special Military Operation in Eastern Ukraine and has been extended repeatedly since.
The Ukrainian government has since done everything in its power to prevent men of draft age from dodging military service as Ukraine's military operations have faltered under the weight of Russian defenses in the east and south of Ukraine.
Ukrainian citizens are banned from traveling abroad, and draft notifications are being distributed at state institutions, in the streets, and in public gathering places.
Each week, a number of videos appear online of Ukrainian authorities rounding up men (and now women as well) in the streets, at restaurants, and other public areas.
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happiestplacehq · 1 year
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        “ YOU SAID IT YOURSELF...                      ONCE                                         UPON                              A DREAM... ”
                                     MYSTIC WOODS MASQUERADE EVENT
Founder’s Week and the Hollow Hootenanny is an annual event that has taken place in Redwood Hollow for as long as anyone could remember, and through adversity, it returns.
It seems in the past few years that unfortunate events have surrounded Founder’s Week, from break-ins, to theft of important town heirlooms, to suspected poisonings. Then again, weird things have been happening all throughout the past few years, leaving the people of Redwood Hollow more on edge than ever.
The circus’s visit in October was enough to have Mayor Burton question the need for events in town, after it ended so disastrously. For a time, he even considered shutting down the Community Events Committee for good. But advisors assured him that shutting down the committee would be terrible for the community in the long run. If disaster was going to strike, it would strike anyway; there was no point in leaving the town bored and miserable just in case.
And so, with a tentative dip back into a real community event, the Valentine’s Day Blind Date event went off without any real hitches. Food drives, song contests and an art contest here and there and things really seemed to be looking up again.
Queue Founder’s Week. Mayor Burton had been convinced to give the committee the go-ahead in order to boost town morale. The market prepared their stalls, guest artisans prepared their very best wares for the influx of tourists, and the Redwood Hollow Museum put together a special exhibition walking through significant events in the history of Redwood Hollow. Sadly, a space still remains where the infamous stolen book once lay. It now features an explanation of sorts, with the hopes that one day it will be returned to its rightful place in the heart of town.
As always, The Chest of Hope will be open during Founder’s Week, with hopes displayed at the entrance of the Hollow Hootenanny.
Now, Founder’s Week would not be the exciting time that it is, without the beloved Hollow Hootenanny to close the week. Perhaps due to the growing mystery surrounding Redwood Hollow in these past few years, it is fitting (or, perhaps, a little on the nose) that the Hootenanny theme reflects that. This year, all residents and visitors are invited to attend the Mystic Woods Masquerade. That’s right. A masked ball (just what we need when suspicions are already high). Look out your best regalia, revise your waltz step and get practising your fan signals. You will not be granted access if you are not wearing a mask.
Various prizes will be awarded throughout the night, including best dressed, most spectacular mask, and the most mysterious overall look. To add a little mystery, the events committee has suggested that all those invited attend alone, and do not reveal your masks before the party. The true test of your relationships will be in finding your friends and partners amongst the crowd.
When the clock strikes midnight, all faces will be revealed.
An OOC information post will be made shortly with OOC details for players, and will be linked in the source once posted. This event will take place between Friday 12th and Sunday 28th of May OOC. In character, this event will have taken place at the beginning of April.
If you would like to volunteer your character for any plot drop related business at the event, reply with their name!
Please like this post once you have read it.
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lboogie1906 · 2 months
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Ambassador Patrick Hubert Gaspard (born July 26, 1967) is a former diplomat who serves as president of the Center for American Progress.
A noted Democratic Party leader and strategist, he served as executive director of the DNC (2011-13). He served as US Ambassador to South Africa (2013-16). He served as president of the Open Society Foundations (2017-20).
He was born in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo to parents from Haiti. His parents had moved to Congo at the behest of revolutionary leader Patrice Lumumba, who urged French-speaking professionals to move to the country.
He moved with his parents to the US when he was three years old, and he was raised in New York City. He graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School and attended Columbia University (1994-97).
His political career began in New York City, where he worked on Jesse Jackson's 1988 presidential campaign. In the 1989 New York City mayoral election, he worked on David Dinkins's successful campaign.
He served as a special assistant in the Office of the Manhattan Borough President and as a special assistant in Dinkins' mayoral office. He was chief of staff to the New York City Council (1998-99). He became an aide and advisor to Lower East Side Councilwoman Margarita Lopez.
He was an advisor on Bill de Blasio's successful bid in the 2013 New York City mayoral election. In September 2013, he brokered peace between de Blasio and his primary rival Bill Thompson following a contentious contest.
He is married and has two children. He is known for his love of poetry and has cited poet and politician Aimé Césaire as a key inspiration of his. He is an admirer of Russian poet Anna Akhmatova. has taken part in acting and spoken word performances in his spare time. He has received honorary doctorates from Columbia University and Bard College. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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zooterchet · 3 months
Stages of Ethic
Preschool: Disturbed by the classroom placement schema, in parent company and success thereof, through athletic cheats in track and field.
Elementary School: Believed deeply in sciences and biome tests, to be performed without parent advice, assistance, or informing, instead as private assignments to be attempted for own self-sufficience; at cooking, automotive care, and insurance numbers.
Middle School: Introduction to the internet, and first person shooters; the game, as the learning device, to boost intelligence quotient, in mutual challenge at friendly sport; however of the mind, the proper physical fitness, not the body, the beaten nature of the lower development of the neurology.
Highschool: Hatred of holy wars; those spectral pledges, for a famine induced by wealthy wife of the patrician and centurion system, for a bridal broach; instead the poor, suffer as infantry, victim, and witness, the shutdown of farms for the halls of religion and country; not the common good, of the Catholic Catechism as promised; not refused and manipulated, by those princes held otherwise for hatred of rich girl netted as slave; and their lover, the handsome spy, a cunning and ruthless man.
UMass-Amherst: The concern of the racketeered good; the boycott to control contract, labor, location, good, and contraband. The sharing of law in marital secrets, however marijuana shared in front of child; hence raids under racketeering statutes, by both propaganda's production, and actual law given politician of selectman and district attorney - under direction of mayor.
Bridgewater Triangle: The concern in creation of parent, to remove cycle of poverty downwards into military tradition removed, and instead the upward mobility and into this and inside, the practice outside the career. The refutation of the Lutheran, as peaceful and pacifist, against the common ilk and whetstone of the war, whatever your place may be; your right to make a career, as unique, not a simple action figure, the tool of the pederast.
SNHU: The application of all past sciences observed in highschool and college, to the writ of the advisor, as the superhero; to be interdicted and maligned, as the prime piece of protagonist in fiction. The hero, as the orphan, to be castrated and done aside, included in fiction as their power and base removed; hence the Judaism, out of Babylon, stands for rights of the African and the coloured; not the privileged and wealthy, advised by those in inner circle, instead to be done aside and crushed.
Biden: The false information through factory and warehouse workers, the homosexual working class, Marines, as to the nature of Islam, and the common tomfoolery on Trump's campaign; the common ignorant, as having ignored rights as privilege and assumed, instead of protected by own vote as other besides self, and constituency of family vote as the same, in supporting industries; all interconnected, the infrastructure; infrastructure being the subsidy of federal origin, to any good necessary to obtain for one person, being national, hence supported by the net profit of housing (any controlled or special substance, taught by police, in highschool, having supported shelters and industry; under bank removed ledger of digit, the food consumed from national farms).
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the--blackdahlia · 1 year
Am I The Asshole Chapter 7
Title: Am I The Asshole Chapter 7
Summary: Wrestling storylines (real and made up) in the form of AITA Reddit threads. Can you guess the storyline?
Warnings: Language
AITA for fighting with my family?
So I am from a large family. When I say large, I mean large. Half the people in our town are like some relation to me. From a pretty young age, my twin brother and I started a group with our cousin. He was a major nerd at the time and we felt bad for him if I’m being honest. So we all hung out together. He’s a little older than us, but not much. So we went to school together, same age groups, etc. About 10 years or so ago, the dude had a major glow-up and went from zero to hero. He decided to run for mayor of the town. He used to joke that since he was mayor now, he was the chief of our tribe. My twin and I played along and thought it was funny. Until he started getting power-hungry. First, he hired some conniving little dude from the city to run his campaign and be his advisor. Then he backstabbed one of our mutual friends in the back, claiming he had no choice. Now, he has hired my little brother to work for him, causing a rift between me, my twin, and our little brother. Plus now he makes rules, makes it so that he is like god’s gift to our town, and that he is the most special person on the planet. I finally had enough of his and little dweeb’s attitude, so I clocked them both one. Mayor or not, he’s still that little nerd that got beat up on the playground as a kid that we used to save. Several of my family members now are saying that my twin and I have tarnished our good lineage by fighting my cousin. But come on! He’s being an absolute douche to everyone except his select few. And I honestly blame a lot of it on that groundhog that he’s got planning his campaigns and whispering lies in his ear. I really don’t know what else to do besides try to knock some sense into the fucker. Am I the asshole for getting tired of my cousin’s bullshit and finally putting an end to it?
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grottweiler · 1 year
Rough size comparison between Grott and his self-proclaimed rival McCobb
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Grott is a late bloomer.
Thomas McCobb was raised by humans, and it shows. I've drawn him here au naturel, but he usually wears specially tailored clothes—sleeveless dress shirts with long arm holes for his wings, assless pants for his tail, and hoof-shaped dress shoes—to help him fit in. His family is old southern money, and they think of him as "one of the good ones," which tells you everything you need to know about them. He "works" at his dad's law firm (he recieves a paycheck for showing up), but his real job is being a close personal advisor to the virulently anti-gargoyle mayor, though they both insist that neither of them are anti-gargoyle.
He and Grott butt heads over their respective roles as cultural ambassadors. Grott was assigned by his superiors to be the city's official guardian (the legal jurisdiction of gargoyles in human society is a long and complex story for another time), while McCobb insists that human law is sovreign and therefore Grott has no authority over anything. The mayor calls Grott a vigilante even though his job is legally sanctioned. Gargoyles have acted as protectors for centuries, millennia even, but a handful of ambitious bureaucrats think they can make irreversible changes to the very fabric of society in an instant. McCobb will do everything in his power to stop Grott from helping anyone; he can't even rescue cats from trees or help little old ladies cross the street without having the cops sicced on him, let alone guard the city from evil.
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head-post · 2 days
5 best cities in Europe based on students’ opinion
The Campus Advisor, an online platform specialising in collecting the opinions of university and college students to create rankings on issues relating to the world of higher education, has published its ranking of the best student cities in Europe in 2024, The Mayor reports.
Czech capital tops the ranking
According to the ranking published today, the best city for higher education and unforgettable student life on the Old Continent is Prague.
The Czech capital took this top spot thanks to its combination of safety, accessibility and vibrant culture. The ranking shows that Prague’s consistent performance in categories such as cost of living, safety and entertainment sets it apart from other student cities around the world.
In addition, its convenient geographical location in the heart of Europe makes it a great place for short trips during the holidays when students want to unwind after exams.
Other four cities
According to the ranking, the second best city for students is Germany’s Heidelberg, which has long had a reputation as a classic student city with a long tradition and history in this regard. It is even ahead of Prague in some parameters such as academic environment, cultural diversity and public transport.
Third comes the Irish city of Galway, which perhaps only scored low due to bad weather. Otherwise, it is very convenient and picturesque due to its small size.
The fourth best city for students in Europe is the Hungarian capital Budapest. It scores high for nightlife and safety, and the cost of living here is quite reasonable.
Rounding out the top five is Granada, Spain. Students love this city for its laid-back lifestyle and the rich culture and traditions that make up the Spanish south.
Campus Advisor’s rankings are based on reviews left over the past year. Campus Advisor has collected 17,000 reviews from students around the world.
Krakow will have a metro
Meanwhile, Krakow will become the second city in Poland to have its own metro network, after the Polish capital. Local authorities in the country’s second largest city have announced that construction of the underground transport system will begin in 2028, with the first step being the creation of a special metro council in the local administration. Mayor Aleksander Miszalski, who was elected earlier this year, said:
“For years, the people of Krakow have expressed their will for a metro to be built in the city. Starting the construction of the metro is the most important commitment I made to residents during the election campaign.”
Miszalski also said he was “actively considering potential sources of financing” for the project, including state and municipal funds, private investors, and funding from the European Union.
Underground rapid transport is a fairly recent phenomenon in Poland, as the country’s first and so far only metro network was launched in the capital Warsaw in 1995. It currently consists of two lines, with plans to build a third and extend the previous lines until 2050.
Read more HERE
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binisaya · 1 month
“Ano nga ba talaga ang ‘Film Festival’?” (Pinoy Indies as Community Spaces) with Ed Cabagnot 
Importance of films and film festivals in bridging the gap between metropolitan advancements and cultural preservation
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Edward Delos Santos Cabagnot's career in Philippine cinema spans over three decades beginning as Film Programmer at the Experimental Cinema of the Philippines in 1982. In 1987, it continued at the Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) where he served as Director of the CCP Media Arts (Film & Broadcast) Division until his retirement in 2013. His work includes the establishment of alternative cinema networks nationwide (the CCP/NCCA Lakbay Sine and the CCP SineKlab), managing the Gawad CCP Para Sa Alternatibong Pelikula at Video (the longest-running independent film festival in Southeast Asia_, and co-founding the Cinemalaya Philippine Independent Film Festival. Since 2008, he has served as a jury member for numerous international film festivals including the Berlinale, the Busan International Film Festival, and the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, to name just a few.
In 2007, he was awarded an API (Asian Public Intellectuals) Fellowship Grant by the Nippon Foundation which focussed on the topic "Changing Landscapes, Changing Lives: the Changing Cinemas of Southeast Asia". In 2010, he also completed a five-week scholarship training on Film Festival Management for the Deutsche Welle in Berlin, Germany.
Cabagnot is a two-time Palanca awardee for playwriting and a prolific writer for Philippine and international publications. His latest work "Martin Heidegger's Being & Time and Manuel Silos' Biyaya Ng Lupa" on Philosophy and Pinoy Cinema was recently published by the University of the Philippines Press.
Currently, he is a member of the faculty at the University of the Philippines, De La Salle University, and De La Salle – College of Saint Benilde -specializing in Contemporary Southeast Asian Cinema, Film Festival Management, and, of late, AI Technology in Media and the Creative/Culture Industries.
In June 2024, he was awarded the Keys to the City of Manila by its mayor and vice-mayor for his role as Key Advisor to and Festival Director of recently-held The Manila Film Festival.
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ear-worthy · 2 months
Open To Debate Podcast Latest Episode: “Is the Two-State Solution Still Viable?"
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The Open To Debate podcast plays a critical role in our society today.
Open to Debate is a call to action: All of us should keep an open mind to solve the complex problems we face as individuals and as a nation.
The mission of Open to Debate is to restore critical thinking, facts, reason, and civility to America’s public square. Open to Debate is a platform for intellectually curious and open-minded people to engage with others holding opposing views on complex issues.
Check out Open To Debate. Perhaps you'll have a prejudice exposed or a firmly held belief questioned.
The nonpartisan debate series and podcast Open to Debate released the episode, "“Is the Two-State Solution Still Viable?," today. Unusually for such discussions, the debaters include leaders from all sides of the current conflict. The debate was recorded July 16th in NYC, in partnership with the Council on Foreign Relations. Arguing YES are Ambassador Dennis Ross, who for more than twelve years played a leading role in shaping U.S. involvement in the Middle East peace process, dealing directly with the parties as the U.S. point man on the peace process in both the George H.W. Bush and Clinton administrations, and Palestinian peace activist Mohammed Dajani Daoudi, founder of the Wasatia movement, which seeks to promote tolerance, interfaith dialogue, and peaceful coexistence. Arguing NO are former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, who has been serving as Israel's special envoy for innovation since September 2023 and is the first woman to be appointed as Secretary General for Kol Israel, the ideological successor to the General Zionist Party in the World Zionist Congress, and CFR Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies Elliott Abrams, who served as deputy assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor in the administration of President George W. Bush, where he supervised U.S. policy in the Middle East for the White House. The wide-ranging debate covered how we could potentially get back on track towards a Two-State Solution and reform the Palestinian Authority, more novel solutions such as regional splits or granting the Palestinian people an autonomous territory (i.e. Puerto Rico, Gibraltar) rather than full statehood, and more. Here's a clip of Ambassador Ross at the beginning of the debate: 
"Let me start off by saying, if the question of there was, is a two-state solution still viable today, meaning now, my answer would be no. I would say no because the Palestinians are split. They have an ideological gap between Hamas, uh, and Fatah and the PA. Hamas is an Islamist organization. It is an ideological movement that rejects the idea of Israel, that is driven by an ideology of resistance, armed resistance, uh, and that rejects the very idea of a two-state outcome. The Palestinian Authority and Fatah accept the principle of two states, but you never hear them talking or educating about the issue and promoting coexistence. The governance of the Palestinian Authority is basically bad, and it's fully corrupt. "On the Israeli side, you have a government that does not accept the two-state outcome. It has some ministers who are working very practically on the ground to try to prevent it."
Ross continues: "But what's the alternative to two states? The alternative is one state. And one state, I can tell you, will never be viable, and for a very simple reason. There are two national movements competing for the same space. These are two national movements with distinct national identities. Those national identities are rooted in the land. They're driven emotionally, historically, psychologically, and culturally. They will not coexist in the same place. They will not disappear." Open to Debate is a reminder: To solve our greatest problems, we must operate in a contempt-free zone. We need to be able to sit in the same room and exchange ideas with people we disagree with. Being open to debate is a gesture of respect for the good faith arguments of those we disagree with, for the intelligence and integrity of those who watch or listen, and for the value of debate done right.
Open to Debate is a duty: The future of American Democracy depends on the strength of communities to work together and overcome our differences. “Us vs. Them” thinking is destructive to our social fabric, and we need a national model to guide debates to a healthy and free exchange of ideas.
Why settle for intellectually dishonest and deceptive soundbites? Why listen to entertainers masquerading as journalists who sell one-sided and ultimately unworkable solutions? Why watch a "news" network where hate and grievance masquerade as debate points?
 Check out the Open To Debate episode, "“Is the Two-State Solution Still Viable?"
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thebusinessmagnate · 2 months
Jaime Mayoral Diaz: Providing the Best Customer Experience in Buying and Selling Cars at Bellpi in Bogotá, Colombia
The Business Magnate. Jaime Mayoral Diaz, Founder and CEO, Bellpi. In Colombia’s automotive retail industry, the adoption and transition of advanced technologies and digital platforms are growing rapidly. Many companies, start-up businesses, and renowned organizations around the world now offer customers a range of online services that streamline the buying and selling of new and used cars. These extensive digital ecosystems allow customers to easily browse car listings and available car parts, compare prices, and gain free access to complete information about desired vehicles from the comfort of their homes. Usually today, such online retail platforms more than often always include various features like the visual display of products and services offered, 360° virtual tours, multi-optional payment modes, digitalized paperwork, and online communication with an advisor or consultant, to enhance the overall customer’s experience with their products and services. 
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Like the car dealership in Bogotá, Colombia, Bellpi – an automotive retail service provider founded by Jaime Mayoral Diaz, for the purchase and sale of new or used cars in the country benefits both buyers and sellers. The former – buyers, can choose comfortable financing options, upfront cash payments, or refundable payments. The latter – sellers, can choose to list their vehicles on the Bellpi platform reaching a broader interested audience and using the company’s team to facilitate communications between them and the buyers. This digitalization transition in the country’s automotive retail industry is revolutionizing the car retail market, making the experience of the complete processes and transactions smooth, hassle-free, efficient, and always customer-centric. 
Therefore this article shall delve into exploring how Founder/CEO – Jaime Mayoral Diaz founded Bellpi, his aim and mission in the type of services provided through Bellpi’s extensive digital ecosystem and online platform, and how the company ensures that the best customer experience and satisfaction are provided throughout the complete process of buying and selling cars with complete ease. 
Jaime Mayoral Diaz – The Visionary Behind Bellpi’s Automotive Retail Service Provider:
In 2021, Jaime Mayoral Diaz founded and established Bellpi in Bogotá, Colombia. To digitalize Colombia’s automotive retail industry to enhance the customer experience and satisfaction, and provide the best service in the process of buying and selling new and used cars, Bellpi was established to provide the market with a wide array of comfortably priced and guaranteed car brands delivered to clients within 24 hours. With the absence of any mediators and negotiators, Bellpi forms a direct line of communication with buyers and sellers, streamlining processes and transactions, by providing a hassle-free customer-focused experience.
Jaime is also Bellpi’s Chief Executive Officer and Board Member, with Degrees in Engineering from Colegio Berhmans; Electronic Engineering from Pontifical Javeriana University; Executive Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins University; Engineering Design, Innovation and Development from Stanford University; and a Master’s Degree in Executive MBA from INADLE Business School. 
With an entrepreneurial persona and a pioneering leadership quality, Jaime has led national, international, multidisciplinary, and multicultural teams in combining effective and strategic business operations with information technology, data analytics, innovation, and digital products. Having more than 14 years of experience, Bellpi’s Founder has amassed experience by working in various distinguished organizations under diverse roles like an Innovations Engineer, Engineering Tutor, Senior Consultant on projects, Digital and Transformation Manager, and Chief Strategy and Transformation Officer. 
Jamie has several licenses and certifications issued throughout his career and they are as follows – 
TOEIC – English Internationa Proficiency from ETS EMEA,
TOGAF Certified – Leve 2 from The Open Group,
ITIL Foundation in IT Service Management from EXIN,
Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering from the International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB), and most recently a 
Transformation Leader in AI and ML from Amazon Web Services (AWS). 
Bellpi – Colombia’s 1st Physical, Digital, and Hybrid E-Commerce of New and Used Vehicles:
Bellpi, not only allows the buying and selling of new and used cars and car parts but also provides services in renting cars and providing assistance on clients’ trips. The customer experience in Bellpi, Bogotá, Colombia managed by talented professionals in the automotive retail industry field stands at the company’s forefront enhancing its services and customer satisfaction. Alongside an even more incredibly customer-focused team talented in advanced digital technologies and innovations, Bellpi aims to – “Work for them and thus simplify the way of buying, selling, financing, and renting cars in Colombia.” 
Simplifying the processes of buying, selling, renting, and obtaining trip assistance by focusing on customer needs through physical, digital, and hybrid e-commerce services, Bogotá-based Bellpi in Colombia supports the growing use of hybrid and electric vehicles. Thus by promoting sustainable mobility solutions, this approach enables people to easily buy or sell cars on Bellpi’s platform, contributing to a more eco-friendly transportation ecosystem.
With its smooth multi-optional payment modes and flexible financing prices and tenures, Bellpi is a safe and reliable automotive retail platform that will take care of your needs and requirements from beginning to end. While you can purchase or sell cars, the company also offers insurance that is tied to Colombia’s Mandatory Traffic Accident Insurance – SOAT Insurance Policy (Seguro Obligatorio de Accidentes de Tránsito) that protects both vehicles and any of those parties involved in accidents. 
Bellpi today has more than 100+ employees and 1,500+ car deliveries made to clients’ houses in glass boxes ensuring safe transports, leaving over 2,500+ customers satisfied and has formed more than 20+ strategic alliances with successful companies like – Amazon Web Services, Automas, Ambitaur, BYD, GEA Colombia, Equirent, Bona Parte, Insbuilt, Nebula, and many more. Different Bellpi collaborators come together to streamline operations across different departments in the country like – logistics and admin; professional photography; advising and consulting; marketing; shopping; user experience; infrastructure, architecture, and development; data science; and communications.  
Just last year in 2023, Bellpi expanded its operations to establish experience centers across the country offering new products and after-sale services, all accessible through the Bellpi Mobile App. So come to Bellpi, book your desired car, and reserve it today!
Visit More : https://thebusinessmagnate.com/jaime-mayoral-diaz-providing-the-best-customer-experience-in-buying-and-selling-cars-at-bellpi-in-bogota-colombia/
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
Ypsilanti, Michigan, 1945. Engineer Preston Tucker dreams of designing the car of future, but his innovative envision will be repeatedly sabotaged by his own unrealistic expectations and the Detroit automobile industry tycoons. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Preston Tucker: Jeff Bridges Vera: Joan Allen Abe: Martin Landau Eddie: Frederic Forrest Jimmy: Mako Howard Hughes: Dean Stockwell Junior: Christian Slater Marilyn Lee: Nina Siemaszko Frank: Marshall Bell Kerner: Peter Donat Alex: Elias Koteas Kirby: Jay O. Sanders Noble: Corin Nemec Stan: Don Novello Johnny: Anders Johnson Bennington: Dean Goodman Ferguson’s Agent: John X. Heart Millie: Patti Austin Stan’s Assistant: Sandy Bull Judge: Joe Miksak Floyd Cerf: Scott Beach Oscar Beasley: Roland Scrivner Narrator (voice): Bob Safford Doc: Larry Menkin Fritz: Ron Close Dutch: Joe Flood Gas Station Owner: Leonard Gardner Garage Owner: Bill Bonham Ferguson’s Secretary #1: Abigail van Alyn Ferguson’s Secretary #2: Taylor Gilbert Woman on Steps: David Booth Newscaster (voice): Al Hart Security Guard: Cab Covay Man in Audience: James Cranna Board Member: Bill Reddick Mayor: Ed Loerke Head Engineer: Jay Jacobus Bennington’s Secretary: Anne Lawder Singing Girl #1: Jeanette Lana Sartain Singing Girl #2: Mary Buffett Singing Girl #3: Annie Stocking Recording Engineer: Michael McShane Tucker’s Secretary #1: Hope Alexander-Willis Tucker’s Secretary #2: Taylor Young Police Sergeant: Jim Giovanni Reporter at Trial: Joe Lerer Ingram: Morgan Upton SEC Agent: Ken Grantham Blue: Mark Anger Jury Foreman: Al Nalbandian Senator Homer Ferguson (uncredited): Lloyd Bridges Girl at Mellon Publicity Event (uncredited): Sofia Coppola Film Crew: Executive Producer: George Lucas Director: Francis Ford Coppola Producer: Fred Roos Additional Music: Carmine Coppola Director of Photography: Vittorio Storaro Production Design: Dean Tavoularis Editor: Priscilla Nedd-Friendly Casting: Janet Hirshenson Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Richard Beggs Producer: Fred Fuchs Casting: Jane Jenkins Music Editor: Mark Adler Supervising Sound Editor: Gloria S. Borders Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Tom Johnson Set Decoration: Armin Ganz Costume Designer: Milena Canonero Unit Production Manager: Ian Bryce Foley Artist: Dennie Thorpe Sound Effects Editor: Tim Holland Leadman: Doug von Koss Second Unit Director: Buddy Joe Hooker Assistant Costume Designer: Judianna Makovsky Assistant Makeup Artist: Karen Bradley Set Designer: Jim Pohl Camera Operator: Jamie Anderson Foley Editor: Sandina Bailo-Lape Stunts: Jimmy Nickerson Screenplay: Arnold Schulman Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Randy Thom ADR Editor: Louise Rubacky Original Music Composer: Joe Jackson Researcher: Anahid Nazarian Assistant Sound Designer: Mildred Iatrou Location Casting: Aleta Chappelle Stunts: Gary McLarty Screenplay: David Seidler First Assistant Director: H. Gordon Boos Stunts: Dick Ziker Makeup Artist: Richard Dean ADR Editor: Tom Bellfort Art Direction: Alex Tavoularis Assistant Hairstylist: Terry Baliel Technical Advisor: Enrico Umetelli Property Master: Douglas E. Madison Script Supervisor: Wilma Garscadden-Gahret Still Photographer: Ralph Nelson Jr. Stunts: Steve M. Davison Sound Effects Editor: Robert Shoup Stunts: Tim A. Davison Assistant Sound Editor: Martha Pike Hairstylist: Lyndell Quiyou Costume Supervisor: Winnie D. Brown Assistant Sound Editor: Michele Perrone Foley Editor: Diana Pellegrini First Assistant Camera: Billy Clevenger Assistant Property Master: Douglas T. Madison Construction Coordinator: John J. Rutchland Jr. Unit Publicist: Susan Landau Finch Second Assistant Director: L. Dean Jones Jr. Production Sound Mixer: Michael Evje Assistant Sound Editor: Clare C. Freeman Assistant Sound Editor: Paige Sartorius Location Manager: Rory Enke Second Assistant Director: Daniel R. Suhart Gaffer: Pat Fitzsimmons Dialogue Editor: Melissa Dietz Associate Producer: Teri Fettis-D’Ovidio Boom Operator: D. G. Fisher Special Effects Supervisor: David Pier Production Accountant: Joe Murphy Negative Cutter: Donah Bassett Second Assistant C...
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