#Spirit's feelings are mutual💘
Can you do a spirit with a bad period with Aiden maybe on a date 👉👈💕
Other ask:
love the amberlynn period fic. would also love to see eliana or spirit’s period fics sometime 👀
More focus on the romance than the actual period in this one, but I still love it😘 I hope you love it, too!!
After sending a pic of her face and a text that said ‘#SkateboardFails’, Spirit witnessed the group chat with her friend fill rapidly with concerned responses.
Jor: Holy shit. . .
Oliver {lil bro}: Spirit!!?
Amber: Omg, Spirit! What happened to you?!
Eliana: Jeesus, your eye!
Spirit quickly texted back, ‘I am fine, guys. I just had an accident at the skate park’.
Isaac texted, ‘Y’all should’ve seen it🤣!!!! Complete wipeout!!!’ in order to feed the lie, and Spirit was grateful for him.
But suddenly, Birdie texted Spirit outside of the group chat, and Spirit frowned.
Nico_from_Rio: Did you get in a fight?
Her best friend knew her too well.
Spirit texted ‘No’ and gave a detailed (fake) story about how she nearly collided with someone at the skate park when she was hanging out there with Isaac, and wound up turning too sharply and skidding onto the concrete, faceplanting.
Birdie interrogated her via texts for a while before she gave up, and Spirit let out a sigh of relief.
Now she only had one more person to show her face to.
It had been a few days since she and Aiden had saw each other. Because of their regular texts, Spirit knew he was out of the hospital now and fine, but his mentor forced several extra sick days on him just to be sure.
Spirit was more anxious about showing Aiden her face than she was to show it to her friends. After all, they were her friends, but this was. . . Aiden. The guy she liked. She didn’t want to scare him off.
She took a deep breath as she pressed the FaceTime button, her camera facing her ceiling so that her face wasn’t visible yet.
Aiden answered after just a few seconds, smiling widely with his glasses slightly crooked on his nose and his hair all messy. “Hey!” he said. “I bought and started reading the book you recommended; ‘The Initial Insult’. So far, it is absolutely amazing. Very dark and depressing, but amazi- Why am I staring at your ceiling?”
Spirit sighed. “Aiden,” she said hesitantly. “Please just. . .” She sighed again, not exactly knowing what to ask him not to do. Then she lowered the phone.
Aiden’s smile vanished, his eyes widening and his mouth opening and closing in shock.
“Spirit. . . your face.” He shook his head, looking dumbstruck. “What the—? What happened?! Oh my God, are you okay?!” He looked closer at the phone, looking so concerned and Spirit forced herself to smile a bit to calm him down.
“I’m fine,” she said. “I just—” she hesitated, simultaneously wanting to tell him the truth and shield him from it at the same time. “I had a little incident,” she settled for saying.
He frowned deeply, eyes still wide and concerned.
“Seriously, I’m fine, Aiden. Stop worrying.”
Aiden nodded. “Well. . . okay then.”
They remained silent for a second before Aiden said, “I’ve been wanting to ask you something.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I was going to tell you that day, but then. . .” he shrugged, “all hell broke loose.”
Spirit was nodding, waiting for his question.
“Feel totally free to say no if you don’t want to do this. I’m really hoping that you will want to do this, just so you know, but it’ll totally be fine if you say no to—”
“Are you asking me out again?”
Spirit could see him startle and blush through the screen, looking just a bit sheepish. “How’d you tell?”
Spirit grinned and shrugged. “Your rambling sounded just a bit familiar.”
“Yeah, well. . . So, yes or no?”
Spirit then frowned. “You’re really asking me out when I look like this?” she asked.
Aiden stayed quiet for a second. Then shrugged. “Umm. . . yeah?”
“Yes,” Spirit said. “But, something small? And maybe we should schedule something a few weeks from now? Just so I don’t go out on a date looking like this.” Spirit gestured to her face.
Aiden’s brows furrowed ever so slightly since he was still concerned and curious about how Spirit’s face wound up so beaten and why her answer was so vague.
If he was being honest, he didn’t want to wait super long for a second date. Suddenly, he had an idea: “What if you just come to my place? We can do Netflix and chill.”
The suggestion surprised Spirit. “You want our date to be at your apartment?”
Aiden ran a hand through his longish messy hair. “I mean, only if you’re comfortable with it? We can wait if you really want to, but you could just come and hang out at my place. I basically have every microwavable unhealthy snack you can think of, and we can watch a horror movie like we did at the theater. What’dya think?”
Spirit didn’t have to think it over very long. “Yeah, sure. Can you text me your address? I don’t remember it.”
“Yeah, sure. This weekend? Saturday again?”
“It’s a date.”
— — —
Spirit whined as she woke up to the sound of her alarm.
She didn’t whine because it was extremely early—since she always had to get up really early and was used to it—but rather because of the tight pain in her lower abdomen that let her know what time of the month it was.
Great fucking timing.
She grumbled curse words as she climbed out of bed, cringing as she shuffled to the bathroom.
Spirit hated her periods, as any other girl would. But her periods always seemed to have it out for her, showing up at the worst times: exam days, birthdays, holidays, and more.
Now, on the day when she was supposed to go on her second date with Aiden.
Spirit quickly got ready for work, barely managing to make it out the door on time. Other than her job at the mall’s music store, she worked as a barista at Starbucks. It was honestly worse than her job at the mall, because while her music-store-boss was rude and grumpy, her boss at Starbucks was even worse. The woman gave Spirit a death glare when she showed up just thirty seconds too late and reprimanded her on punctuality. And then threw a fit about Spirit’s face and how she’d fire her if they weren’t so understaffed.
Spirit was not having a good day. One customer was some man in a suit and his spoiled-looking teen daughter, and both of them were incredibly rude. Spirit also dealt with a mother who brought her five little kids and a screaming baby into the coffee shop, and it took twenty whole minutes to just get her order down. And the annoying encounters just kept coming. Not to mention the fact that her boss refused to give her a break that day since there was only her and one other barista working that day, and that barista had to leave early for a doctors appointment. Spirit didn’t even have time to take two minutes to take some ibuprofen.
It was gonna be a long day.
— — —
Aiden looked at the time on his phone. It was almost 8:00, which was almost 30 minutes later than the time they planned.
He had no texts from Spirit, and he was debating on just eating the fifteen taquitos he heated by himself.
Suddenly, his phone rang.
As soon as he saw Spirit’s name, he picked it up eagerly. “Hey!” he said cheerfully. “You on your way?”
Silence. Then, “I am so sorry, Aiden. Can we reschedule?” She sounded exhausted.
Aiden’s face fell and a weight settled in his chest. “Oh. Um, yeah. Is everything okay? You sound down.”
“I’m fine,” she mumbled. “Just exhausted. Again, I’m so sorry. I promise we can reschedule.”
“That’s okay,” he assured her. “Are you sure you’re fine? You sound really tired.”
She sighed. “I just had a long day. That’s all. I’ll text you tomorrow.”
“Okay then. Goodb—”
She hung up.
Aiden frowned as he looked at the words ‘Call Ended’ on his phone screen. He wound up eating two of the taquitos, and putting the rest in the fridge, along with the other movie snacks he heated up.
More than disappointed, he felt worried. Between the fact that she gave no explanation bout why her face was all beaten and the fact that she sounded completely exhausted over the phone, he was very worried, and he couldn’t help it.
He knew there wasn’t much he could do. But what he could do, and did, was send a text saying: ‘Hey, if you need anything, just let me know. Anything at all, Spirit ;)‘.
— — —
Spirit grinded her teeth together so hard that they began to hurt.
She was sitting on her bathroom floor, in too much pain to sleep and too nauseous to not be worried about throwing up.
Upon getting home from work, she was painfully aware of three things: she had no ibuprofen, she had only 3 pads left, and she didn’t have enough cash in her wallet to afford gas, meds, and pads.
Also, she felt absolutely terrible for cancelling her date with Aiden, and part of her was even a bit panicked that she had ruined everything. She was scared that he wouldn’t want to reschedule, and that he’d decide to stop seeing her. That kind of fear was new to her, but it triggered the same kind of reaction that any fear did.
So, there she was, sitting on the floor of her tiny bathroom, in pain and having to remind herself every few minutes to remember to breathe since she wound up holding her breath whenever she thought about Aiden.
Anxiety plus insanely painful cramps made Spirit’s stomach a complete mess, though she refused to puke, which was why she was grinding her teeth so hard together.
Spirit involuntarily gagged dryly, one hand planting on her aching stomach, and the force caused her to leak. She groaned, realizing she’d be down to two pads now.
Spirit sighed, knowing that she had to ask for help.
With a sleepy yawn, Spirit forced herself up and walked out of the bathroom, into her room. She picked up her phone, half asleep, to call Birdie and say that she’s not feeling well and ask her for help.
“Hey Siri,” Spirit mumbled, too tired to even open her contacts. Yawning, she mumbled, “Call Birdie on speaker,” but the command was half-unintelligible.
Spirit flopped onto her bed, closing her eyes as the phone rang. When she heard the call get picked up, she said, “Hey, Bird. Sorry for the late call, but can you come over with some pads and ibuprofen? I swear, this is the worst period I’ve ever had. Kill me, please, and then burn my uterus because it deserves it.”
Spirit frowned. “Birdie?”
“Um. . . Hi, Spirit?” a sheepish response came. Aiden.
Spirit all but shot up in bed, face burning and scrambling to grab her phone. In her flustered panic, she hung up.
Never had she ever felt more embarrassed. She had just said that. . . to Aiden.
Suddenly, his name appeared on her phone. She froze. Why the hell was he calling back?!??!
She picked up. “So, um. . . I’m so sorry about that. I asked Siri to call one of my friends, and then you got dialed by accident, and I’m so—”
She stopped. Because he was chuckling.
Spirit could hear him laughing, and she was so completely confused.
“Aiden? Why are you—?”
“N-nothing,” he laughed. “It’s fine, it’s fine. Just a bit funny, that’s all.”
Spirit wasn’t laughing. She felt humiliated.
When Aiden stopped laughing, he asked a question that shocked Spirit completely: “Would you be okay if I picked up some pads and ibuprofen for you?”
Spirit’s face was on fire. “Y-you don’t have to do that! I’m so sorry, that call wasn’t meant for you—and I don’t need you to get me anything. Please, just forget about this.”
“I don’t mind. Just text me your location, and I’ll be there as fast as I can.”
Spirit cringed, now even more mortified at the thought of Aiden—who lived in a decent and nice apartment—seeing the crap-shack where she lived. “No, Aiden, you don’t—”
“Text. Me.” Spirit could hear him leaving his apartment and the jingle of keys. She wanted to bang her head against a wall or something because of how embarrassed she felt.
Finally, she gave up. Without saying anything, she texted him her address. “Top floor, last room down the left hallway.” And she hung up before waiting for his response.
Now, along with the awful cramps and anxiety, a weight of mortification was settled in her stomach, and that seemed to be the final tipping point for her gut because she found herself running back into her bathroom to puke up the measly couple of granola bars she had for dinner.
— — —
Aiden pulled up to the building and frowned. He had not expected this.
Inside, the building smelled strongly of cheap beer and ramen. There was no elevator, but rather a lot of stairs.
He went to the top floor, went down the left hallway, and stopped at the last door. He knocked. “Spirit?”
It took a minute before the door opened. The girl looked miserable. And Aiden noticed than not only was her face beaten, but her knuckles were also more bruised than usually and she had some bruises on her arms. That, plus the fact that she looked really pale, made him super worried.
“I come bearing gifts,” he said with a forced smile, holding up a pharmacy bag.
Spirit’s face turned red with an embarrassed flush. “Thanks. Come in.”
She stepped aside so he could walk in. From looking at the building, he thought that her dorm would be small, but this was insane.
A thin mattress on a black metal frame took up most of the space in the room. There was a small table by the bed with a lamp and books piled onto it. More books were in stacks on the floor, and a skateboard was propped against the wall. There was a clothing rack with shirts, hoodies, and pants hung on it, and baskets with other clothing items were on the floor next to it. Aiden saw no closet, but he did see the open door of a tiny bathroom. There was even a minifridge and a microwave on the floor. The room was dark, cold, and way too tiny.
“I know you’re thinking that this place is absolute shit,” Spirit grumbled, leaning against the wall with a frown, hands in her pockets.
Aiden’s eyes widened. “No, I wasn’t! I was just thinking. . . um. . .”
“It’s fine,” Spirit sighed, looking at him. “All my friends think so, too. And I definitely know so.” She looked at the bag in his hand. “Could I have that?”
“Oh, yeah,” Aiden said, handing the bag to her.
She thanked him, taking the box out of the bag and putting it in her bathroom. She came out with just the ibuprofen and went to grab a water bottle from her fridge. She took two of the pills, chugged half of the bottle, and let out a sigh of relief.
“You okay?” Aiden asked, taking a single step towards her. It’s all he had to do to stand right next to her.
“I’m fine,” Spirit said, looking up at him. “Again, I’m so sorry about our plans. I ruined another date before it even started, and then this, and I just. . .” She shook her head. “I totally get it if you don’t wanna keep hanging out with me. I’m really sucking at this whole ‘dating-thing’, and I don’t—”
“Wait, hold up,” Aiden interrupted. “Spirit, of course I don’t want to stop hanging out. And I already told you, it’s fine that you cancelled. If you weren’t up for it tonight, then that’s fine.”
Spirit frowned. “Are you sure?”
He nodded, smiling softly. “Absolutely.”
Spirit sighed and sat on the edge of her bed. Aiden sat beside her.
“So, what really happened to you?” he asked. “Because you have bruises on your arms and hands, too. And I’ve seen my fair share of people coming into the station after a fight. There’s no way you didn’t get scars and bruises like that without getting in a fight or something.”
Spirit didn’t look at him, chewing on her bottom lip.
“You said something when I was in the hospital. . . you said that you wouldn’t come back if your face wasn’t as pretty. . . is this what you meant?”
Spirit have him a surprised look. “You were concussed and half-asleep. I thought you wouldn’t remember that.”
He shrugged. “Well, I did. Sooooo?”
Spirit sighed again, hands once again going inside her pockets. “I knew the guys who robbed the store,” she admitted. “They and I grew up in the same neighborhood. They’re all assholes.”
Aiden’s eyes widened, the shock feeling overwhelming as he began to put the pieces together.
“I just. . . I got so mad after what happened to you. That’s something you should take into consideration before you decide to keep hanging out with me: I have a short fuse and some serious issues with my temper. Basically, I went to their place, and I confronted them about what they did to you, and then. . . I left looking like this. They looked just as bad, though, so there’s that.”
Aiden frowned deeply, brows creased.
Spirit sighed, wrapping her arms around her stomach and looking at the floor. “Yeah, I bet you’re reconsidering wanting to keep hanging out now.”
He shook his head. And then, he put a hand on her knee, making her look at him.
“I’m not reconsidering,” he stated. Then he smiled a bit. “It’s honestly cool to think that you stuck up for me like that. It’s like having a hot guardian angel.”
Spirit blushed, eyes widening, and Aiden chuckled at her reaction. Then his eyes moved down to where her arms were wrapped tightly around her stomach. “Are you nauseous?”
She shrugged. “A little. Not as much as I was earlier, though. It just hurts now.” She yawned. “I’ll probably just sleep it off, though.”
He nodded. “Is there anything else you need?”
She shook her head, smiling thankfully. “No, you’ve done more than enough for me. Thanks.”
He nodded again. “So, movie night next Saturday?”
The look that appeared on Spirit’s face—shocked and glad—made Aiden’s smile widen.
She was about to agree, when she looked at her computer and said, “Y’know, we can watch a movie here if you want? I know it’s not like how we planned, and I don’t have any snacks or anything, but that way we don’t have to wait another whole week.”
Aiden somehow smiled wider. He didn’t hesitate to agree.
He and Spirit scooted back enough that their backs were against the wall and their legs were dangling off the side of the bed. Spirit had her computer on her lap and she put on a horror movie on Netflix.
Her shoulder was nearly touching Aiden’s. Eventually, she felt his head touch the side of hers. She startled a bit, but he just chuckled. After a hesitant second, Spirit slowly laid her head on his shoulder. She even found herself smiling, even as her eyes began to grow heavy.
Aiden noticed her starting to doze off, and he grinned. “Gonna be honest, this is a good date,” Aiden whispered, his hand grabbing hers.
She squeezed his hand softly in return. “Yeah. It really is.”
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chxrryhansen · 8 months
౨ৎ˚₊✩‧₊ Cherry’s Cevans One Shot Rec List
here you will find all of my favourite chris evans + characters fanfiction recommendations, i have many more to add and will continue to update this list. Please don’t forget to reblog these amazing writers fics as they deserve so much love!💘💘
Walk On The Wild Side - @hansensgirl
you just wanted to go for a stroll down the road—but he wants you to take a walk on the wild side. (Dark!Chris Evans)
You Better Not Pout, Better Not Cry - @hansensgirl
they know if you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake. (Dark!Multi character) - i would add every single one of her fics to this list if i could💘
Sinful Devotion - @evansbby
Lloyd promises to let you go, but he demands a depraved repayment. (In other words, Lloyd pops your cherry)- my favourite writer in the whole universe💘
Smothered With Bliss - @whereireid
Is it hard being married to the most influential man in America? You most certainly think it is. — Steve Rogers: Captain America, the heart of his nation, the soul of his country. After returning home from a particularly bad day at work, Steve finally snaps, deciding you need re-educating on how to be the perfect housewife.
The Night - @misshoneybee
Working as the Barber family's nanny is a piece of cake, but what happens when the dad you've been tip-toeing around all year comes home late one night to find you asleep in his bed, wearing his favorite sweater?
Little Miss Red - @anika-ann
Ransom’s looking for a good time tonight, when you walk through the door, he knows he’ll get it. And you? Oh you’ll get it too. He's going to make sure of it.
Unholy Errand - @buckets-and-trees
You're caught in the crosshairs when a hit goes out for your boss. (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark! God The Bounty Hunter + Ransom Drysdale)
What A Shirt Can Tell - @justalonelyslytherin
5+2 times Colin asked 'Is that my shirt?' plus the one time he got asked it. Aka a look through the journey of Colin and his girl, each in which his shirts play an important role.
Start Again - @wkemeup
A chemical spill, uncontrollable desires rushed to the surface, an unbridled need, and the consequences in the aftermath (Steve Rogers)
Daddy’s Little Pet - @sinner-as-saint
You and Steve are the epitome of ‘opposites attract’. He is the American hero, a super soldier who is known for his bravery, and righteousness and for being the one leading the Avengers. You, on the other hand, are a well-known fashion designer in the city. Creator and owner of your own brand, and elite boutique. At first glance, it doesn’t seem like you and Steve would be compatible. But you surprisingly are. And behind closed doors, in secrecy – you two are each other’s solace, each other’s definition of home. He’s your strong, loving and caring man. And you, his lovely, little pet whom he adores more than life itself.
Good Girls And Skype Calls - @youre-deadangel
chris gives you a treat for behaving.
Afternoon Delight - @christowhore
you're steve's live-in housekeeper and find your boss and his friends having a bbq on a heatwave stricken afternoon. they invite you to join them and show you all the pleasurable ways to cool down from the sun. (SoftDark!Steve Rogers + Sam Wilson + Bucky Barnes)
Got You - @hispeculiartreasure
The two of you had grown close over the last year; first as teammates, then as friends. You had been distant at the start, just as he had. Slowly, agonizingly - blood, sweat, and tears were definitely involved - walls were dismantled. A current of trust ran between you, one which caught Steve by surprise. As dense as he could be about matters of the heart, suspicions of his blossoming romantic feelings being mutual had proven true with a simple kiss. (Sex Pollen, Steve Rogers)
Golden Boy - @bucksfucks
you’ve always called steve the golden boy, but he snaps one night and decides to show you he’s anything but. (Roommate!Steve Rogers)
It Must Be That Old Evil Spirit - @vonalyn
There’s something unsettling about his demeanor but you can’t quite put your finger on it. As if there’s something hiding beneath the surface just waiting to pry its way out of the tight shirt across his broad frame and tear your throat out. Maybe it’s your general unease around others when you’re traveling alone, or maybe it’s just him.  (Jack-O-Lantern!Ari Levinson)
Stupid Kitty - @onsunnyside
Your father wrongfully entrusted Lloyd to care for you—it’s too bad he’ll never get you back. (Lloyd Hansen x Cat-Hybrid!Reader)
Manners- Or Lack Of Them - @rogerswifesblog
Ransom wants you, the sweet girl at the bar…but you’re not what he expected you to be. (Sub!Ransom Drysdale + Mommy!Reader)
Shadow Boxer - @mypoisonedvine
you’re stuck in the same destructive cycle with ransom, but maybe you don’t want to get out of it. (Angst + Smut, Ransom Drysdale)
It’s Not A Challenge - @gagmebucky
His jaw ticks. “It’s not a challenge, doll,” he bites out. “It’s a warning. If I tried to get inside you, I’d split you in half in the process.” His eyes flicker down, and your nipples are pebbles against the thin, easily-rippable fabric—you’re testing him, and he’s failing. “Goddamn it,” he hisses underneath his breath. “That - that shouldn’t turn you on.” Bristling, he drops his hand and pedals backward—he’s on his last thread, and it’s his sole chance to make a clear-headed decision. (Boxer!Steve Rogers)
Pretty Princess - @frostironfudge
Andy Barber gets jealous when he presumes you shared a room with one of his associates.
Over And Over - @frostironfudge
Ari Levinson is a possessive man, he'll punish you till you apologise.
Such A Good Boy - @lilacevans
You and Ari attend a business meeting, and at the beginning the other boss you're meeting with just assumes that Ari is the one in charge; however, that's not the case. While you look dainty, angelic, like you couldn't even hurt a fly, you're the one who runs the family and will not hesitate to fuck up anyone who stands in your way. (Puppy!Ari Levinson) - one of my favourite fics EVER.💘
Breathe - @buckyownsmylife
The one where the new co-star is obsessed with the idea of making Chris hers, but he makes sure to show her you’re the only one for him.
Justified - @dbnightingale24
Ransom has always been the center of your world you’ve always been the center of his. However, when he can’t change his ways and you’re tired of the heartbreak, is it really so bad if you think it’s best to walk away? Ransom thinks so. - one of the sweetest most talented writers i have ever met💘
My, My, My - @1800jjbarnes
Stevie couldn't help it. Every time he saw you, he felt himself grow heavy in his slacks. You were everything he needed. And he needed you now.
All The Time - @geminixevans-stan
He is one of the most powerful men on earth but there’s more worse than him (Dark!Lloyd Hansen + Dark!Nick Fowler)
Snack - @katherineswritingsblog
he just wants his snack- which is you.
Watchful Eyes - @espinosaurusrexex
When your best friend gets you a new job, cleaning the apartment of the most successful man in New York City, you don't hesitate to accept. The pay is more than good, and the man himself is better than any eye candy you have ever seen. Unbeknownst to you, you've caught his attention just as much. Steve can't keep his mind off you, so much so, that he drives everyone around him insane with his grumpiness when you aren't around. It seems like he has to take matters into his own hands when he realizes, you're too shy to take things further yourself. (CEO!Steve Rogers)
Cherry On Top - @dcllbows
you’ve found your favorite way to help your daddy with his grownup work. (Ddlg, Daddy!Andy Barber)
Voracious - @arilevinsons
The first time he set eyes on you; you were his sudden infatuation. (DarkProfessor!Ari Levinson)
Best Friend’s Dad - @imyourbratzdoll
you've been pining over your best friend's dad and decide to take your chance, knowing he's out and your best friend is asleep, you be a little bit naughty and touch yourself on his bed, not knowing he's coming home early.
The Breeding Ground - @fl0werfae
To others, Ari’s house was a breeding ground for him and his omega, but to him it was just fulfilling her purpose of carrying his pups. (Alpha!Ari Levinson)
My Sweet Pea - @mavsstar
Mr. Levinson lives right next door to you, the sweet, innocent college girl. Little do you know that you're Mr. Levinson's favorite neighbor. He's there every chance you need the slightest of help, maybe a little too much. (Trailer Park Au)
Like A Movie Scene In The Sweetest Dream - @worksby-d
Johnny’s always been on your “no” list, but you've finally agreed to work with him. (Pornstar!Johnny Storm)
Easy As Pie - @navybrat817
You bake pies for Andy, but you're still his favorite treat.
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celestialtarot11 · 10 months
Your future spouse 💰💍💗 fears, how you’ll meet, etc! Collab 💌
Hey friends! Today we’re doing a lovely collab with the mystical and wonderful @julyourwitch ! This was honestly such a cool collab with her 🤗💘 Ya’ll might wanna sit down for this one…its juicy 👀 we actually had some telepathy going on between us too as we were channeling 🤣 anyway, pick your pile below and enjoy this reading brought to you by us 💘🤗 feel free to comment, like and reblog. Your feedback is appreciated 😍 Happy picking!! (The last pic could not fit properly 😭)
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Pile 1 💰🤍: Channeled by the lovely @celestialtarot11 Hi pile 1’s! Welcome to your reading 🙌☕️ let’s get started. Your future spouse is someone who loves spending quality time with you and money💰 your first date could be during the winter season for some of ya’ll, or in the summer. It may involve ice cream as seen in the card 👀 this person may be at a physical distance from you and you’d probably drive a few hours to see them, or have to take the plane. They have no problem paying for the plane 💅🏻 This person mentally & emotionally has fears about the future when it comes to commitment, but I see they are open about this and are willing to work on this with you. They are sweet, reciprocal, open and very chatty 💘💅🏻 they love to sweet talk you and they have a very attractive smile and laugh. Something you’ll feel drawn to. They could have Leo placements and Sagittarius! This person before you meet could work through self sabotage issues, especially abandonment. They’re afraid someone will leave them first, so they’re afraid to show themselves to you but eventually your connection will grow wonderfully. Lots of mutual attraction, values, goals. This is a spiritual connection as well, how you two will meet will be spiritual. You may have visions of them, so will this person. You may feel them close by (their energy) and know they are coming to meet you soon. This is someone who can meet you at your level and show up 🙌 This person could be hesitant to show their feelings for you at first but this will be overcome. I believe spirit is divinely guiding this marriage, and you may actually manifest each other before meeting 💍☕️ this person may do it unconsciously, whereas you may have a whole sit down and journal everything you want in a partner. Honestly thats valid! Get clear on what you want before ya’ll meet, this is important spirit says. For some of ya’ll, ya’ll are ready for this marriage commitment now 💗 ya’ll deeply want this and know what it takes. Spirit is offering guidance and says you’ll get there. Thank you pile 1’s! Feel free to like, reblog and share your thoughts always 🤍 your picture below —>
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Pile 2 💼💍: By the lovely @celestialtarot11 Welcome dear pile 2’s! This is your reading if you felt drawn to this. This person could interact with your social media before talking. They may heart your story, stalk your account, and try to know all there is about you before talking you up. They want to get a better sense of who you are, but here’s the thing, social media only shows a small portion of our lives. This person is deeply curious and wants to have a stable connection or idea of you. Eventually this person will text you, find the courage to speak up and start something! It may catch you by surprise but maybe you’ll know this stalking was happening already. For those who do not have social media you could meet them at a wedding, reception, or a regular event. They will be the waiter/waitress, and serve you. But their eye will be on you. They want to know all there is throughout the event. This person overthinks a lot and feels alone and scared in the world, they have a tendency to think they have to do it all alone. This person desires support however and someone to understand them. They want stability, for someone to take their time ❤️‍🩹 they have been through a lot. Its easy for them to get overwhelmed as you two talk for the first time. But they dream of you a lot, daydreaming. They have lots of fantasies of you, and they may even place you on a pedestal. This person does have self esteem issues, this is something that will be worked on through your marriage. There’s an awareness that they want an intimate connection, but also feel they aren’t worthy of it too. This will come up to be healed throughout your relationship. The Share Tenderness card tells me they are someone who is reciprocal, giving, gentle with their hands 😉 and loves knowing how you feel. They will constantly want to know from a place of care. I’m seeing lots of texts when you’re first dating, hows your morning going? Hows your night? How do you feel about xyz? Tell me what you think. Lots of that. Incredibly sweet, but is afraid of loss and rejection. They want you to send pictures of you because they find you beautiful 💘 and attractive. They love to admire you. It’s not necessary sexual in nature although it can develop, but this person has very genuine intentions towards you when they approach you. Not necessarily lustful. I think a part of them is spiritual as well, but it’s in the baby stages of developing. So when they meet you, an awakening will occur. Or many, as much as its needed to grow this person 🤗 i think you two will explore the cosmos together. This person is dreamy, romantic, and has a nostalgic vibe to them. But they won’t show this first. The more you know them, the more they are a softie. Cancer vibes are strong here, so is Scorpio and Virgo 💅🏻 thank you so much pile 2’s!! Feel free to comment, like and reblog 🤗🤍 thank you for your continued support! Your picture below —>
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Pile 3 💪❤️‍🩹: Channeled by the one and only @julyourwitch ! Hello viewers, lovely souls and even readers(tarot or not) of the pile 3! Well, let's start with the energy that I feel most strongly from signs: Earth (mostly Virgo and Taurus) Fire (Aries & Sagittarius) and a bit of Air (Gemini & Libra) but I believe there are also some placements that dominate the following signs I mentioned above! I see here that the future husband (whether female or male is not something specific) has high self-esteem and knows how to take care of himself/herself, his/her values, his/her things, important people around him/her, knows how to behave and appreciate the other as well as be appreciated back! I feel like they like to wear good quality clothes and generally obsess about wearing things to feel good about themselves (they don't discriminate against any kind of quality clothes or anything, they've been through that 'poverty' phase too) I believe that respect and manners are everything for them and how much more they see it in those around them. But there is a little ego-pathy or beauty-pathy (I mean, they feel overly beautiful and even enjoy it, I wouldn't characterize them as narcissists anyway!) They appreciate what they have and acquire, mostly they are not ungrateful and this is very important for them not to be something they don't want to become or happen to them in a situation or people. I can tell that they have an obsession or tendencies to obsess over some object or person or something that they create and make it theirs! They really love stability, they don't want to rush at all or make rushy or sudden moves/decisions without properly processing and filtering them. They want everything to be on schedule, even their time off at home/work!Something I noticed now, they may want many other things, such as more money, stability, full schedule, clothes, household items, etc...but they wouldn't at all like to see the other person just like them. As if they'll get competitive or they might make a scene and leave without let you say a word ☠️ They enjoy and rejoice greatly in the positivity of life, the satisfaction and pleasure of what they have achieved and acquired/conquered! They are very optimistic people, they'll always want to help you with the honor and generosity in them (sometimes they will want to take something from you but not maliciously) it seems that they really went through a lot either in their childhood or growing up after puberty(or while they had puberty) and they had some intense situations with people who abused and manipulated them emotionally and physically. I heard very clearly "You know, I can read your mind and how you express yourself just by your facial/body expressions" No matter what they've been through, they know when to speak up if the other person is faking, lying, or trying to hide something. They are grateful for what life has taught them, because they always say "It's all in life, so with a smile and courage it gives you strength and peace within you" Their motto is like" I'll be stronger mentally and emotionally so why should I be scared or a coward?" WOA HAHAAHAH I LAUGHED HARD HERE I'M SORRY 😭😭
Omg pile 3, your future spouse has been really hurt, victim and in a tough situation indeed but they already know that it won't be temporary they're so self aware I can't 🥺🥺 As I said, they cherish and respect people that are honest and real with them,honesty and a stable psychological or mental state are everything to them because that is what they want to see in their partner or in the world. They went through a lot of transformations and they KNEW it would happen (not only self aware here but intuitive people as well) they knew that all these situations and the pain, the impasse all these unbearable and unexpected feelings would lead to a beautiful outcome/beginning, growth and acceptance for themselves and personal/emotional healing. Your future spouse also has been feeling also out (as if they're alone 😭) They also gotta need to understand that being happy or grateful with beautiful and unique appearance won't let you love yourself. (I heard "self love is needed too") Someone closed to them-some close person who played an important role in their lives, honestly treated them like garbage. It made them feel terrible about their bodies (which they are maintaining well so far) it made them think if they really know how to love and appreciate things and people the way they are (I felt a female figure here for some reason in this behavior ) taught them to believe that "If you want to have someone close to you or get married first and foremost you will look at appearance because that is everything, I don't want our image to be ruined". Nawwwww😭😭 they might overthink a lot because of all the shitty things they went through, they don't actually want to show fragile or weak in front of you, they really prefer to not talk about it(yet but slowly their feelings will exposed them once they feel comfortable with you) they'll also be/feel/show as if they're tired but no, not tired IT MIGHT BE THE FIRST GLANCE, but once you meet and understand them better they'll open their heart to you! (I heard" You know sometimes I need your attention.. "😭😭)
With the ace of pentacles upright and 6 of wands upright as extra cards I'm getting that they're open for new opportunities and new connections even professionally and personally too, also they really adore and admire people who value their life and respect their life and family too!
Take what resonates love and leave what it doesn't! Reblog&like it if you had fun &enjoyed!
Pile 4💘🤗: Hello viewers, lovely souls and even readers (tarot or not) of the pile 4! I didn't start yet and I heard very loud ("I do see you right away") AND I GOT CHILLS. I feel for sure that the signs here are fire signs, mainly Leo and Sagittarius, or these two strong fire signs may dominate their astrological chart and they may also have a little water sign here and there (or might have Scorpio or Cancer Rising or MC) That is crazy pile 4 cuz your future spouse is really REALLY interested or into spirituality, energies, reiki and you know when Isay intuition, right?? They ALWAYS FOLLOW THEIR INTUITION AS IF IT'S THEIR BESTIE! I feel that someone higher up has taught them about how to anticipate things or think without overdoing it I feel a motherly side or some feminine energy, it could be the feminine energy/divine feminine in them)! I feel like they didn't have enough friends or they didn't have a big circle of friends, probably just acquaintances and always a smile on their face wherever they go. Such crazy and dynamic energy first time Imeet/ sense. 0o They like to watch instead of talk, they prefer to observe instead of doing it(when it's needed tho) They're really really thoughtful and very wise with their words and how exactly can make you believe and count on them. (Not in a bad way obviously) They won't let you see through them first, they'll first analyze and read you first in oder to be open and free with you Iheard "You'll see if our energy matches or not boo") Sometimes though they make some mental or creative blockages LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE, they can have a mini breakdown with themselves and their feelings, but guess what.. THEY'LL BE BACK AGAIN! UNSTOPPABLE ENERGY HAHAHAHA Okay I'm not gonna lie but they might not have a program or some schedule for their plans and goals(as the pile 3) but they're visionary dreamers. Actually they changed a lot of places and traveled a lot and they're not lazy/bored to do it everyday! They're literally OPEN TO EVERYONE AND ANY OPPORTUNITY OR NEW PATH. Guys, pile 4 for real I really like this energy here They're ready for everything omg omg Iheard "Al or nothing. Nothing scares you more than doing nothing or leave it in the middle " I feel that nothing and no one scares them or stops them. They are fearless and want to convey to the world the message "Whatever you do in your life, whatever risks you take, never regret them. They make you strong both mentally and externally, take it as a victory and an experience!" They would like to have such a person by their side, but not quite like them. They're so open-minded and hardworkers for their goals and dreams(they also feel like young in their hearts 9(9) Why Ido keep seeing that they're connected with their higher self and very spiritual aware too? They also tend to be mysterious and secretive mostly their private life, they're so protective with those around them and with their partner(and their life too) but also open to see if the others have good or ill intentions towards them. Sometimes they might confuse their feelings with their intuition too. (They get so deeply in some things to get to know someone till they drain their energy which is very unhealthy) omg they often get misunderstood and disrespected- I CLEARLY HEARD - " I know, it's something from my childhood, it's fine it doesn't scare me at all. Everything is ahabit"
Pile 3,they might be extroverted but inside THEY'RE SOOOO INTROVERTED! I'm getting they have also an artistic way prolly dancing or singing or something related to. (I do see painting , music. Wow they wanna share&explore everything with everyone but sometimes their introverted shyness (not always tho) makes them freeze A BIT and think about it twice. Indeed they have real and few at least 2-3 friends max they trust a lot or dearly, They're so forgiving people and they not what they did wrong or right, they can also notice/find it very easily too. They like people who are outgoing, real and pure with their energy and soul&words too. They pay big attention to eyes and lips -
They currently have some kind of financial loss but Ido see them overcome it! PILE 4 THEY'RE S 0 0 0 0 0 ENERGETIC AND ATTRACTIVE ASF O M G THEY REALLY REALLY LIKE TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR BODY AND THEIR MUSCLES OSSJEJFIXJSJE They’re so active emotionally, physically and spiritually too! Not gonna lie but they enjoy being the center of attention too- HAHAHAHA
Once you meet them guys you won't regret it! They can also bring joy and love and support to others and those around them(even when they're with their partners too) THEY'RE SO ECSTATIC HAHAHAAH REALLY REALLY GOOD THO! They'll be there when you need them not only in the good times but also in your darkest times too, full of energy Iwish Icould describe more but I'm so happy and excited in, if you guys could see my smiley face you would understand!
With the 7 of cups rx and 4 of pentacles upright, it is telling me sometimes their choices or thoughts about their actions and in their love life might be chaotic and overwhelming cuz they confuse themselves and they need some clarity and some guidance and support from their partners) and must hear their inner voice too, and might be overprotective and jealous as well but not in a crazy stage/level of being jealous or possessive too!
Take what resonates and leave behind what doesn't! Reblog &like if you had fun and enjoyed!
Thank ya’ll so much for reading our post! @julyourwitch This was incredibly fun to do with you 🤗💗 Hope ya’ll enjoyed and feel free to like, comment and reblog!
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kalki-tarot · 7 months
What's next in this connection ? 💘
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Take a few deep breathes, ground yourself and pick only one picture from any of the four above.
Disclaimer - kalki-tarot does not guarantee any tarot predictions to be accurate and is not responsible for any actions or decisions you make in your life on behalf of this reading.
Please allow me to tap into your energy !
Pile 01
queen of cups, two of cups, the magician
Both the parties involved in this connection will feel surreal and emotionally connected to each other on a higher level. The bond will deepen and strengthen over time, and this will result in both of you coming into a mutual decision of permanent commitment in the relationship.
You guys can be higher level soulmates. You were manifesting this commitment from a long period of time. This connection is also somehow connected to your sacred soul purpose in this lifetime and hence, it will bring you alignment and a sense of emotional fulfilment.
You are asked to not ignore any signs or synchronicites your guides and angels are blessing you with. Please cooperate with your spirit guides and higher self. Don't regulate from a space of the fear of getting rejected again. You will not! Give yourself time to process your emotions.
Pile 02
6 of pentacles, knight of cups, justice
I just heard "CHUP" in my left ear, which is a command to stay silent in hindi. Maybe you are asked to keep shut about about certain things in life. You need not explain everything to everybody, especially people who don't deserve an explanation from your side.
Okay! So some of you will finally receive a clarity or communication in a situationship or talking phase kind of relationship. Other than that, if you guys are feeling that you are not being reciprocated enough in a relationship then you will be faced with circumstances to not repeat this cycle of falling for karmic people. You will be forced to do justice with yourself in the upcoming 3 days. If you try to stay in the relationship then you will get hurt, obviously what do you expect from karmic people?
After you break this cycle of not accepting breadcrumbs, universe will give you a new romantic opportunity very soon!
Pile 03
The empress, king of pentacles, 5 of swords
Wow! Both the people in this connection are finally choosing to speak the truth. You both are trying to solve some kind of fight or disagreement which happened in the last 3 weeks for some of you. I'm seeing you both will solve this thing out and move towards abundance and clarity.
The good times in your relationship is gonna start now, you guys have realized the importance of each other through the period of separation. And now you will not repeat the same mistake again. Emotionally and financially, this relationship will work out very well for you. So don't be stressed much, just keep your ego aside and try to talk to your partner with a sense of understanding and love.
Pile 04
Three of swords, 2 of pentacles, the empress
Damn, i saw a vision just before pulling these cards here, i literally got goosebumps all over my hands and I saw a female (may or may not be) doing some sort of ritual or witchcraft to attract someone in their life. I saw candles, an altar, and pink shades. I also saw the book of answers, can be significant for some. Basically, someone is too desperate to get a crush or love interest into their life.
Sorry, but this is the truth. No matter how hard you try, this connection will not work out. Take what resonates please, I'm being honest, i don't lie while doing tarot. You both have very different ideologies and ways of living life. You guys are destined to walk on two different paths, not together.
So, it's better to not waste time over something which is not good for us, remember universe only gives us what is actually good for us. Try to focus more on your own self and finances rather than someone else whom we are not meant to be with.
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sauronpilled · 5 months
for the ask game: sauron + 3, 13 and 22 <3
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
i'm going to be honest. i don't think i have any "least favorite canon thing" about sauron. he's a very well written villain with flaws and soul. like, okay, tolkien i see the vision.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
🩸💥💢 - this is the emoji i like to associate him with. red like his hair and his uncontrollable bloodlust <333
💘💝💋💌💖💞💗💓💕💔❣🖤💫💣 - THIS is the emoji sauron would use #tome. i just know it in my soul that he love hearts emoji, while tweeting or posting the shadiest shit about someone. like- just straight up mean shit 😭😭😭 he DON'T HOLD BACK. if he has a priv he's the kind of mutual that would openly talk shit about you.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
OOF good question. i'm going to list my top three that i like and i hate when it comes to sauron in fanfic. starting with what i like :
1) i love it when author present sauron as this ancient spirit that has a strong allegory to fallen angel. like they don't even hide it, because that's what he is and melkor inspired by!!! it just feels right when i see him characterized like that. it also add to this creepy factor where you know- that this creachure is evil- and YET- he dress himself in light. there's something uncanny about that. it's like he's a shadow of what he used to be. BONUS : when it's written from his perspective and he curiously thinking about how fragile everyone is,,,, oooh so good.
2) that he has a genuine connection with the characters he paired with ( romantically or platonically ). it's so SO GOOD. i don't like it when villains are spiteful with no substance. i find it so much more interesting if author intepret sauron as someone that yearn to bond. when i think about the valar, maia, and ainur, i like to base them off from most folklores where spirits can still have attachment towards (im)mortal beings. sauron may be hateful but he can still appreciate and adore the elves and men of Eru.
3) there's a balance between sauron the cruel and sauron-that-believe-he-Did-The-Right-Thing. OOOOOH when the author hit this perfectly, i did a little dance. i just love it when author emphasize sauron's tragedy with his own blinding pride. he is capable of kindness, but his belief deny him of this. once in a while he would show fondness to the children of Eru- BUT- his hatred would take over that light in his heart. so basically more sauron inner struggle.
1) when he's so.. humanized. as in his character doesn't feel like this creepy spirit that haunt the entire middle earth lmao. this is purely my personal opinion, but i want to be unsettled when i read his pov. i don't like it when he talk like a common man or think like a common man.
2) when the author write him as TOO nice. unless it's an au, i could never continue a fic where he's being so out of characterly sweet. he need a little sprinkle of darkness there. PLEASE.
basically that's it. lotr writers are so talented i could barely think of another point 😭 the good outweight the bad.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
Ommmmg a vday event! I’m so excited to see everything you do! I love all your writing! ❤️
May I pleeease request some smutty Gohan + 💜💘 with something starting as something casual that turns into realizing feelings?
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Gohan | love found skin deep
content: ( established friends with benefits. implied safe sex. obliviously in love gohan. flirting. realizing feelings. kind sorta implied gohan loses his virginity to reader ) warning: ( M / 18+. MINORS DNI. explicit language. )
Your expression is tellin' me that you've been thinkin' the same thing. - "So Anxious"
Your phone appeared to buzz every minute. You could barely put it down long enough to finish up the remaining tasks around your home. Seeing the little nickname pop in your notifications compelled you to check what came through, a light smile reflected in your features for each message. Even without looking at his face you can see the fluster in his replies and hear that clumsy tone, the ability to still bring that out of him continues to make you eager for his arrival. The invitation was long overdue from your usual get-togethers but you can't compete with aliens coming to try to destroy the world or, god forbid, a book signing with a favored entomology professor.
You could argue he was using your home for the better internet service you got here in the city and teased him for it regularly, but it was a mutual exploitation by now and that was the last thing you would hold against him. Just another benefit of being friends. Gohan has been nothing but a kind spirit since you met him back when you were both in high school. He had his awkward moments, but he naturally grew on you and like a lot of high school friends it was lost in the time after. Though, growing up to end up inviting him over to fuck you regularly was definitely the last expectation you had in rekindling your friendship. You just happened to run into him one day while out and just like back then, Gohan naturally grew on you all over again. Every bit as awkward as you remembered, but it was endearing of him to remind you of those good times.
Friendly, platonic gestures turned to curious what-ifs that divulged into the casual attraction you held toward him now.
You continued to make your home cozy, stumbling across things that belonged to him left from previous visits. By now you simply stored them with your own things to prevent them from getting lost as you tidied up. Gohan let himself in when he arrived, announcing his presence as he stumbled through the threshold with his hands full. A couple of books tucked under one hand and his laptop bag and overstuffed duffle bag, draped around his body, secured with the other, looking overprepared for a night you envisioned none of those items being needed. You sense he may try to "cute" his way into staying a little longer for your wifi as usual but that was part of the deal. You met him halfway and helped take a few things off his hands as he immediately started to catch you up since the last time he was here.
The lighter his load became you noticed something different about his figure. The outfit wasn't anything you hadn't seen before but Gohan typically wore clothing that fit loosely around him. Doing his actual physique a great disservice, however you couldn't help but linger on the cling of his layers to the muscles underneath.
You grinned at the slight bit of skin revealed when he pulled the straps of his luggage over his head. "Have you been working out?"
"A little, yeah. Just uh...trying to keep in shape, is all." Gohan sheepishly laughed. Another hint of the exciting part about who he really is you only get in bits and pieces, but the less you knew the safer you felt about the world, and you took comfort knowing Gohan was around to beat back anything looking to disrupt that.
"Oh? Sedentary life starting to get to ya?" You cooed playfully running your hands up his side as he flinched making you laugh, still ticklish with all these formed muscles. But you wanted more than just to flirt and tickle whereas Gohan just seemed more interested in catching up with you as he made himself at home. He was coming off as trying to be a gentleman about your arrangements and not seeming too eager to jump into it but you weren't having it, not when he's been intimate with you for a while now. And not when he's been improving that hot body of his and getting you excited about it!
You took the initiative and decided on a bold move. You waited for Gohan to head to your bedroom to set up his laptop as he went on about a webinar he wanted to participate in, coming back to the living room to find you in your matching bra and panties posed with the condom you fished from his bag between your lips. You caught him like a deer in headlights, stunned silent with bright eyes wide behind his glasses and face filling with color. You were thrilled again that you could still have this effect on a man who can turn your legs to jelly. And capable of so much more if you let him. You motioned him closer with a finger and like an obedient, enchanted thing he moves towards you where you pulled him in further by his shirt.
As you started to lift it off, your eyes lowered to take in the defined sculpt of his waist leading to his prominent abs. You can't imagine what feats of labor help to keep a body like Gohan's in shape but you're grateful for it. You couldn't resist filling your hands with his exposed chest and smoothing his torso over when he took over stripping himself, your gaze consuming all that was revealed of his upper body up to his naked eyes when he removed his glasses as well. Emboldened by your admiring hands, Gohan slips the condom from your lips and you feel the shift in his posture, sparking a smirk between you at what was to come next.
You briefly played with each other, warming up as the remainder of clothing was shed. Widening your legs, you worked yourself onto his cock when the anticipation grew too much and held him by the small of his back to roll your hips into him. Even with being used to handling his size, you had to pace yourself taking all of him in. But that was only the start. Once Gohan fell into your rhythm, he pressed you back against the flat surface and held one of your legs around him to set his own pace. When your luscious gasps filled his ears he answered by snapping his hips into yours until your voice broke free from your throat. A thankful plea for more as you grew closer and closer and wrapped your other leg around him. Gohan leans further on top of you, groaning into the skin of your shoulder at the pulse of your insides around him.
The first wave of your orgasm around his sensitive cock tended to make him cum with you but not this time. Gohan slowed in response, worked you through it with even, long thrusts meeting each flex around him and his tip kissing at the sensitive button inside over and over the deeper his movements could go. Then he drove into you with strong, quicker thrusts, rutting into your body with a focused possession. Your hands frantically grabbed what they could find whether pulling at the surface around you or digging in the taut flesh of his body to brace yourself under the pleasure coursing in your body. His mind filled with the hefty desire to leave your insides hot with his own essences, but under the squeeze of your stimulated nerves only able to fill the condom instead.
He wasn't done just yet and you were prepared to satisfy all of his needs. You secure your legs around Gohan as he lifts you to hold against him. He walks over to his bag and takes out another condom before carrying you to your bedroom to continue your playdate. Here, he could really get into you the way he wanted. Gohan lies you on the bed and uses the weight of his own body to pin you down and push your legs back. He can lock your hands in his own for a while and touch his forehead to yours as you moaned to each other. Then he kisses you, the frail sound of his pleasure meeting yours and he melts into the warmth of your mouth when you involved your tongue. It only seems complete when he has to let go of your hands to not hurt you and rattles your headboard under his grip instead while you desperately pull yourself into his thrusts. Watching you arch and swear in bliss beneath him couldn't compare to his other great appreciations for you.
How you made this seem so easy where he was originally apprehensive of the less traditional approach to sex amazes him every time he's with you, he just doesn't want to come off as being the only reason he shows up for you. Gohan almost wishes he was more enlightened at the start of your friendship so he didn't feel so inexperienced most of the time but your praises through every session keep him convinced to just go with the flow and it'll be alright. And you will be beautiful. Feeling your limbs tangle around him while you melt under each other's heat makes him want to linger in this single existence. The nature of your friendship was uncommon from those he's had before, so warm and comforting until you pull away from each other and then it mimics what he's used to. He feels in his heart he wants to trust you with more without interrupting the delicate balance, but perhaps it was how this was supposed to be between friends who weren't dating.
After getting comfy in your bed, you both just picked up on where you left off in catching up with each other.
"So you were telling me about this girl you like."
"M-Me, like? Did I say that?" Gohan blinked his brights eyes, confused.
"It's implied." You teased playfully.
"No, no she's nice, I mean- she has to be to ask to treat me for ice cream. But I don't think I want to date her or anything like that. I-It's nothing against her of course, anyone would be lucky to date her- I'm just too busy for that." He tried to explain, thoughtfully scratching at his head.
You laugh a little and turned further on your side to face him. "Yeah, yeah. I've heard the story. Just like Erasa and Videl. You really got 'em falling at your feet, Gohan. And you won't be busy forever." You pointed out, Gohan answering with a modest laugh and a shrug. "Fine, have it your way. By the way, that new buffet place up the block is about to open up soon."
"That's great! When are we going?" Gohan cheerfully asks you. You blinked at him, then sit up as you held your blanket against your chest. You assumed he wanted to be nearby when it opened up and since you lived so close he would want to hang around your home.
"Oh, you don't have to wait for me to try it out, Gohan. Hey, maybe you can take that coworker." You encouraged, nudging his chest with your elbow and wiggling your brow at him. Gohan sits up beside you, taking what you implied and giving you an odd look for it.
"What are you talking about, of course I'll go with you. We've been waiting for weeks for their grand opening." He insisted, excitingly clenching his fists in front of him. "It'll be fun!" Before you could open your mouth, Gohan swung himself around toward his laptop and you hear him type at the keys rather quickly. Then he turned back to you with the laptop in his hands to share the display and directed your eyes with his finger tapping at the screen. "I just looked it up, the grand opening's on Valentine's Day and it says there's a special discount for couples."
"O-Oh. Valentine's day." You stiffly replied, your eyes flicking between the colorful webpage and Gohan before settling on him. "So... You would make time to go with me?"
"Yeah, definitely." He casually answered and nodded his head without hesitation. Gohan set this laptop down and cuffed his own chin in thought. "If it makes it easier, I could probably come over the night before and breeze through all my assigned tasks while I'm here. If I focus myself at least, then we can walk over together the next day and be there before it opens. Does that work for you?" He lowers his eyes to you and your bewildered expression.
It didn't all add up right away as Gohan, not five minutes before getting to that conclusion, implied dates were not in his schedule. But in the spur of the moment he could run through a plan to ensure he would be with you on Valentine's Day? As a couple? That is a date.
"Please (Y/N). I can't imagine going there with anyone else!" Gohan pleaded when you didn't answer right away, the delivery punctuated by the puppy dog look in his eyes. Then it all came to you at once, your heart skipping over in your chest. You pursed your lips trying to contain your grin.
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cupidstwin333 · 1 year
After a long time of thinking 💭 your match is...
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Bokuto Koutarou
How it started:
In the bustling town of Tokyo, where the air was filled with the echoes of cheering volleyball fans and the spirit of youth, there lived a charismatic and outgoing girl. She had recently moved to Tokyo as a transfer student, her bubbly and sweet personality making her instantly popular among her new classmates. Your infectious charisma was not only limited to her peers but extended to the entire school. She had a remarkable talent for giving advice and making people feel better, turning to her like a ray of sunshine on cloudy days. In the heart of this spirited town was Fukurodani, a private high School, home to a talented volleyball team that had gained quite a reputation. Among them was the energetic and boisterous Koutarou Bokuto, renowned for his impressive athleticism and unwavering determination. One sunny afternoon, as you strolled through the school courtyard, your curiosity led you to the volleyball court. There, you watched in awe as Bokuto, with his trademark enthusiasm, practiced his powerful spikes. His unwavering dedication to the sport intrigued you.
One day, after a particularly exhausting practice session, Bokuto found himself slumped on the bench, feeling drained despite his love for volleyball. Your charismatic nature leading you to help those in need, approached him with a warm smile.
"Hey there," you greeted, your voice as sweet as the melody of a piano. "You looked amazing out there! But are you okay? You seem a bit down." Bokuto, surprised by her friendly approach, blinked in confusion but then found himself opening up to her. "Yeah, I guess... It's just that practice has been tough lately, and I'm not playing at my best." Your eyes sparkled with empathy. "Well, you know, sometimes we all hit a rough patch. But I'm sure you'll bounce back stronger! Just like how a piano player practices until they get a piece just right." Bokuto's spirits lifted at her words. Her comparison of his struggles in volleyball to her piano playing struck a chord with him. You talked more, and your ability to listen and offer genuine advice made Bokuto feel understood like never before.
Your friendship blossomed over time. You introduced Bokuto to your love for fashion design, and you even created custom volleyball uniforms together, making the team stand out with your unique style. You spent weekends baking sweet treats and shopping for cute accessories, your laughter echoing through the town.
One day, after practice, Bokuto gathered his courage and looked at you with a determined gleam in his eyes. "You know, I'm really glad we met. You've not only helped me become a better volleyball player but a better person too."
And right there, under the Tokyo sun, amid the echoes of cheering fans and the spirit of youth, a beautiful love story began to unfold. A love that grew from shared interests, mutual support, and an unbreakable bond forged on the foundation of friendship.
As you and Bokuto embraced the journey of your newfound relationship, you realized that sometimes, the most beautiful melodies are composed when two hearts harmonize, just like the sweetest notes on a piano, creating a love story that was destined to be a timeless tune.
General headcanons:
💘Your piano skills never fail to amaze Bokuto. Sometimes, after practice, you play calming tunes on your piano, providing him with a peaceful sanctuary.
💘Bokuto loves surprising you with spontaneous dates. It could be a surprise picnic in the park or a sudden decision to visit a carnival. His unpredictability keeps the spark alive in your relationship.
💘Your love for fashion design aligns perfectly with Bokuto's flashy style on the court. You often help him pick out unique accessories and design custom volleyball jerseys for the team.
💘After matches, win or lose, you surprise Bokuto with homemade treats.
💘Through the ups and downs of life, you remain each other's pillars of support.
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How it started:
In the realm of the Devildom, where demons roamed and magic flourished, a charismatic human exchange student was chosen to live in the house of Lamentation with the seven demon brothers. The new human exchange student with her charming nature and the innate ability to make anyone feel better, became an instant hit among the demons.
It was on a sunny day that your path intertwined with Lucifer's. He was known for his stern demeanor, yet your aura seemed to soften even his prideful edges. Your interactions began with you offering friendly advice, but it wasn't long before Lucifer found himself seeking your guidance. Your words resonated deeply, and he found solace in your presence.
As your friendship blossomed, you discovered Lucifer's hidden passion for fashion. With your love for fashion design and sewing, the two of you began collaborating on elaborate outfits that seamlessly blended human and demonic aesthetics. Your joint creations bridged the gap between your worlds, symbolizing their unique bond.
But it wasn't just fashion that brought you and Lucifer together. Your love for baking was another avenue through which she managed to crack Lucifer's tough exterior. A lot of your evenings are filled with laughter as you two experimented with recipes, flour fights, and sweet treats that melted away the barriers between your hearts.
As time passed, Lucifer's pride transformed from a barrier to a bridge. Your unwavering belief in him helped him see beyond his self-imposed limitations. With every stitch, every dish, and every shared moment, their connection deepened, defying all odds. In the embrace of their love, you and Lucifer discovered the beauty of acceptance and growth. Your charisma and warmth illuminated Lucifer's path to self-discovery, while Lucifer's prideful strength provided shelter for your adventurous spirit to flourish.
Your love story, woven with threads of friendship, trust, and shared passions, stood as a testament to the extraordinary connections that can flourish even in the most unconventional of circumstances. In the heart of the Devildom, where demons roamed and magic thrived, you and Lucifer found a love that transcended realms and turned pride into the most endearing form of devotion.
General headcanons:
💘During your shopping sprees, you introduce Lucifer to modern trends, and his initial skepticism turns into genuine enjoyment.
💘Your knack for fashion design captures Lucifer's interest, and he finds himself involved in brainstorming sessions for your next outfit project.
💘Your passion for baking becomes a shared hobby as you convince Lucifer to try his hand at making devilishly delightful desserts.
💘You and Lucifer's charisma turns the two of you into the heart of any gathering, spreading joy wherever you go.
I'd appreciate it if you'd reblog this, and I hope you enjoyed reading this <3
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HC: OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, so after talking to a mutual of mine in our DM's about it, I now headcanon that Fem!Caleb (full name is 'Catherine', but she goes by her nickname 'Cathy' alot more) would be like Anna from 'Fro//zen' personality wise (kind, caring, free-spirited, optimistic, AWKWARD, LOVED HER SISTER TO DEATH, had flaws and has made plenty of mistakes in her life, but was overall a sweet bean).
Her male counterpart too, buuut that's pretty obvious lol.
I get 'farm girl / farmer's daughter' vibes from her and could definitely see her wearing something like this after a couple of months on the Isles.
Also, next to carving, sewing is something she was extremely good at! Like, she loved to mend and repair any holes that Patricia / Patty (her little sister) had in her dresses.
ALSO, HER AND WITTEHUSBAND???🤍🤎♥️❣️❤️💗💘💙💚💛💜💝💕💓💖💞💟🧡
Also, since Caleb is canonically a himbo (in my head) I feel as though I have to do her justice by making her a bimbo.💖🙏
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Love Reading 🎇 - April 2024 - Aries
Who is Coming In: Page of Cups & 6 Pentacles rev
Regarding: 7 Cups
Long-Term Potential: The High Priestess
This one is a nope 👎 7 Cups could show you have several options, or you will. Either this person leaves you feeling confused, and never reciprocates what you’re giving them…emotionally, sexually, whatever you’re giving them - or they’re into you and you’re the one not feeling it, you don’t share the same feelings. Could be a water sign. There’s flirting, messages, attempts made to get together or go out, and the other party could ghost or just make it clear they don’t care, there is no effort made. You ultimately are making the decision to walk away from this, either because you know better is out there, and you deserve it - or you’ll meet someone else eventually that makes it clear this person is a waste of time. The Oracle says “love is coming”, but I don’t think this person currently around is the one, that’s what Spirit is trying to say 🙏 They’re not even trying, they’re just around, and the messages pretty much say it all.
- I am DAMAGED 🤕
- I can’t stay.
- Have Faith
- Love is Coming
- Surprise Invitation
- Struck by Love
Signs you may be dealing with:
Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces & Cancer - heavy water 💦
Them: Ace of Swords, 9 Swords, 3 Swords
Regarding: The Empress
There could be a baby in the mix of this, an outside baby even, because you two are separated and don’t even speak. Some could have children together, some have a meddling mother that’s an issue, you could’ve been married & divorced even. This won’t be for everyone but it’s what’s coming out so…this person shows up as a Twin Flame, or maybe just your polar opposite in every way. It’s not easy to get along with your opposite, though in some ways they balance you. Heavy air ☁️ energy dominates the whole reading, this person uses their head over their emotions, if the logic ain’t logic-ing then there’s no point in taking something further. What’s love? Messages show they don’t even know 🤷🏻‍♀️ Is it something you analyze your way though?
They are very communicative and truthful, they may have been the one to end the connection, setting clear boundaries and expectations for…growth, children, partnership, meddling family, gossip is being shown as an issue on your side, etc. They don’t want other people in your relationship, which is fair. I’m not seeing terrible cards to counter that idea, secrets and bs, just an Aries on the phone spouting everyone’s business and this person is like “absolutely not.” It stresses them out. It’s like you two have an issue, you run to Mom, tell her everything, and of course she’s going to stand by you because her little sugar muffin is offended by this person setting *reasonable* boundaries & expectations for their own life, relationship, whatever. They could’ve lost a mother, or have a difficult relationship with theirs or yours, maybe their mom doesn’t like you? Or switch it. It doesn’t matter what other people say when it’s about this person, it should matter how they feel, think, want, need, etc., if *they* are what you want. Yes? They have Justice on their side, if they didn’t then it wouldn’t be coming out in this way. In mutual energy they’ve definitely got some ish they’ve pulled too, it’s not all on you 🙏 Maybe they don’t want kids, or there is a lot of drama surrounding children, parents, other people. Or you could be the meddler, in their opinion, messing around with other people’s lives and in other people’s business - which affects them. Offering to watch other people’s kids? Or offering *them* to without asking, it’s something like that - meddling, gossip, miscommunication, what they would feel is a lack of respect and consideration for them. Bottom of the deck has 5 Pentacles, say it’s babysitting, it’s for free??, and they’re like NO, are you crazy? Or you just left them behind with no care or worries when - in their mind - they’re trying to be clear with you. They seem to feel like you spin the narrative to suit yourself and your own position on things, with the purpose of making them out to be some other way than they are. Making things confusing when they’re over here with swords like “who is confused?” Not them 💯
- Follow My Lead
- I don’t know what love is.
- Yin/Yang & Balance
- Union & Duality
- Complement
- Polar Opposites
Let go of the helm of life, and let the current pull you in your chart’s direction.
You: The Magician, 6 Wands, Death
Regarding: The Hanged Man
12:34 on the clock for your part, one step at a time. To this person, they feel you are narcisstic af, because of the internet, the current age and their experience with you. Are you? I’m not getting that per se, you didn’t pull The Golden Mirror, you pulled Love Call, so what is Narcissism? It’s extremely emotionally immature, selfish behavior with zero regard for others, and an entitled way of viewing self vs. others - with self reigning supreme. And some really cruel mindfuckky behavior thrown in the mix. Aggressive victim complex in denial. If you felt any level of concern when reading that, you’re probably good. If you rolled your eyes, downplay terrible actions, or consider healthy relationships & behaviors as beneath you - maybe consider a professional 🤷🏻‍♀️ One of you could be. The rest are just ARIES, selfish and emotionally immature kinda go hand in hand with Aries. Y’all are the babies of the zodiac, it comes with the territory, especially if you’re >30. No offense, and not all of you 💯 If it’s not your story then it’s not, don’t force it. Feels more like a cross-watching narrative tbh, true Narcissists don’t read spiritual shit or self-reflect whatsoever.
King of Wands rev clarifies your energy…entitled, arrogant, player behavior, doing things for attention, being heavily trapped in ego, and The Lovers at the bottom. You feel like you’re winning when you’re really just being a dick/player? Or you involve others into your relationships so they can validate…the story *you* tell them, maybe keeping options open and actually playing the field because this King rev is also non committal. The Hanged Man shows a need for you to see their side, a different perspective, and The Hermit being what you’re both sharing shows you both need to take a serious look at yourselves, your behavior, this connection, and where to go from here. What did you do wrong? If you say nothing, try again. Both of you 🙏
- Gossip too damn much.
- Irresponsible
- Expressing Love
- Messages of Love
- Thinking of You
- Informing You
You may not always see it, but realize they out of all bad comes good. You just have to recognize that.
Mutual: The Hermit, The World, The Star
Regarding: 8 Swords
Clarified by The Fool, wow, every card being a major arcana definitely shows Twin Flame for someone. Meant to be - for anyone this applies to. If not Twin, definitely karmic, this person is meant to show you the way - either due to their influence or even losing them, and you’ve done the same for them. 8 Swords shows you don’t speak much if at all - or won’t, it also shows you both refuse to do the inner work necessary to really see each side’s accountability in your connection, you both just blame each other. The oracle shows that, you both think the other one is “dark”, narcissistic, it’s all their/your fault, both my way or the highway etc. Being alone brings this to a close, doing the inner healing and finding your own selves & paths again - The Star. Who are you and what do you want to be? What are you meant to do…or just like to do? What inner feeling is pushing you along, positively, and what towards? That’s The Star, the light in the darkness guiding you back to/along your path, this may have been this person, if before them you were somewhere totally different, and now you’re on the right path but without them, that’s a karmic. If a Twin, the separation triggers finding a new path in the first place, and it feels like devastation for one person - not the runner. You’re both stuck in old patterns, old belief systems, things that don’t suit you anymore. You’re both meant for different things on different paths and it’s only by separating will you find them. Twins may reunite someday, but never hold your breath, life changes people. Some of you just needed to be together to realize “hell no” about some things you now *know* are not good for you, and you’ll never allow yourselves to deal with that ish ever again. Both of you have new paths waiting for you to wake up and smell the coffee, take a chance - The Fool.
- Outdated Thinking
- Conditioning
- Replaying Event Over in Your Head
You can spot dark entities because they act like they’re never wrong and everything is about them. You don’t need them in your life!
Signs you may be dealing with:
Heavy air 🌬️ Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo
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ackerwlw · 4 years
tagged by one of my favorite mutuals @zmieciony !!! thank u so much 💘
sage green or baby blue | moon or stars | paperback or hardback | piercings or tattoos | drawing or writing | saturn or jupiter | „line without a hook” or „mr. loverman” | ancient greece or ancient egypt | prague or amsterdam | dark academia or light academia | indie aesthetic or cottagecore | stargazing or late-night drives | strawberries or watermelons | rings or necklaces | extrovert or introvert | dragons or griffins | ocean or mountain | silver or gold | dawn or dusk | creative or free-spirit | early-bird or night-owl | cook or bake | dagger or sword
tagging whoever wants to do it ! feel free to do so 🥰
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
Synastry I loved 🤍🌹
Hi everyone 💖 I want to discuss synastry and what I liked about it! Sharing some real life experiences here. Feel free to comment, like and reblog.
Moon in the 4th house 🌜💖- This overlay created a lot of emotional intimacy and comfort between me and a friend. This is the best moon synastry in my perspective. The mutual understanding is there, the respect and comfort is reciprocated. Very intuitive bond as well, the moon person knows what the house person needs.
Venus in the 12th house 🧘‍♀️🌟- My best friend and I share this placement. We are long distance, yet our spiritual bond keeps us connected. We dream of each other and when we know something is off, we tell each other. It’s more of an intuitive feeling we get. I am able to channel her spirit guides and any message to her, and I was able to have deep spirit sessions with a loved one for her ❤️‍🩹
Sun in the 7th house 🌷🍵- This synastry is questionable being that the 7th house rules enemies. When in a great bond, the sun person provides ambition in the relationship, motivation and effort. Funny moments are constantly had and the laughter doesn’t end. It’s giving crackhead 🤣
1st moon/sun synastry 💖🌹- This synastry is also questionable being that it can create idolization, competition. But when good, both people can look up to one another and inspire each other to grow. The sun/moon person has qualities the house person adores, and wants to adapt into their life. This synastry is significant for inner work and growth. When both people are mature, inner work can help advance the connection.
Venus in the 8th 🌃🌟- An intertwined relationship. No one quite understands how the connection works except for the two involved. It was a deep experience for me, transformative at best. The kind of love that is rare, or you don’t see all of the time. A spiritual bond extending time and space. This is also questionable being that it led to competition, jealousy, and separation when the two are not able to come together to heal.
Moon in the 7th house 🌹💗- The moon person comes forward quietly, but has a powerful and intuitive way of connecting with the house person. This is debatable too, being that the moon person can have fears and doubts, and hide them. But there is a feeling of giving here, and nurturing when the connection is healthy. The house person feels nurtured, seen and understood, and feels a part of them is in the moon person. I really liked this.
Sun in the 6th house 🌟💘- The sun person brings enthusiasm, passion and drive in daily routine. A friend and I would go out a lot, enjoy our moments and it was filled with laughter. Spending time with her was always fun, warm and filled with joy.
Thats all! Thank ya’ll for reading 💗 feel free to add anything!
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xynchronicity · 3 years
Dragon Age is the only fandom we share (other than DC, but we both write the same character there), so both of these are for Dorian.
☀️ (Eventually. There's some similarities between them, so I could see them hitting it off)
⚔️🛠❌ (Not sure which of these encompasses that hanging around a mage from Tevinter makes Hawke feel guilty because of Fenris's experience with them)
☀️ (He admires Dorian's strong spirit and wealth of knowledge)
🌦 (Less so enemies, and more so Lavellan just being really nervous around him at first)
💘💜💙💚 (I usually write Lavellan as automatically having a crush on Dorian if you're okay with that, and if you want to ship them, I'm down for any dynamic you think might work)
𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐞 ! || Accepting
Friend relationships!
☀️ best friends
I can totally see Dorian and Hawke becoming friends at some point. I mean, who doesn’t like Dorian? (Don’t answer that pls you’ll hurt my boys feelings).
Enemy relationships!
⚔️ family feud
🛠 feuds between mutual friends
❌guilty by association
Guilty by association and feud encompasses it the best in my opinion. And that’s okay! Dorian wants to see change for mages but also his home.
Friend relationships!
☀️ best friends
🌦 enemies to friends
I’d be nervous around Dorian too tbh.
Romantic relationships!
💘 friends to lovers
💜 love at first sight
💙 slow burn
💚 skinny love
That’s fine with me. It’ll be a build up for their relationship (not slow burn necessarily but y’know naturally - but also timelines like dont exist for me so we can just hop around where ever).
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
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Cards that indicate a soulmate connection in tarot 💘🤍
2 of cups 🦋🤍- The popular card for a spiritual connection/ a beginning. Where the two see eye to eye on an emotional level, and can meet each others requests. An intuitive, intimate draw between two people, a bond that somehow stays even if there is physical distance. Both know intuitively there is something more to be had, and know it would be for the best if they reached out. A longing for connection, reciprocation and a great time for bonding. Somehow, the universe played a part in these two bumping into one another 🦋🌹
Judgement 💌🌹- Indicates the two knew each other in a previous life, and are here to show each other something else in this lifetime. Usually indicates a lesson shared between the two, and if the two are evolved enough to work through it, the connection ascends deeper and deeper into the heart. A deep sense of familiarity, comfort, and mutual spiritual expansion. Relates to the third eye, the two experience vivid awakenings, together their perception shifts drastically in this lifetime for the better. Absolutely fated, there was no avoiding this person from the start 🌟
10 of cups 🌟🦋- The ultimate fulfillment card! The two come together emotionally fulfilled within themselves to give to a new beginning. Long term emotional fulfillment is present and the two can work towards having a peaceful, stable future. The two can endure conflict and resolve, and come together to create peace and harmony. The two are drawn together because both consciously want a new beginning, and have ended a cycle in their life related to love and relationships. Maturity, and consistency in the connection is present. 10 of cups can usually indicate finally, in this lifetime the two can achieve emotional fulfillment compared to the previous lifetime 🌟
Ace of cups 🌷💘- The ultimate new beginning, where the two feel spiritually intertwined and connected. A spiritual foreground in which the two can discover their hearts truth! Mutual reciprocity, and there is a feeling of lightheartedness, and yet a deep sensual connection. Something that goes beyond the physical. Emotional fulfillment and truth, the Ace represents emotional cleansing and awareness. Rejuvenation after a period of instability, and together the two create peace 🦋🤍 associated with the honeymoon phase of a romantic connection. If friends, the two can get along great and there’s a sense of laughter, and deep joy.
4 of wands 🤍- The wedding venue card! The two feel successful, and walk hand in hand in faith 💘 spiritual union and healing, the two reach a new layer of commitment. The two are proud to be in each others life, and continue to strengthen their emotional and spiritual relationship. The two can celebrate each others path and journey, and rejoice in each others company 🤗 indicates great understanding with one another and mutual passions. If friends, the two get along greatly and are very close to one another!
The Hierophant 🌹- A traditional relationship, and a committed one. A sense of stability, peace and togetherness. Firm and strong, and beautiful 🦋💗 there is a sense of loyalty, and luxury within the relationship. This relationship comes with lessons and spiritual wisdom as well, and it feels like certain events in the connection could be fated, and it often leads to one questioning their religious/spiritual beliefs. Often in an explorative way, not in a negative way!
The Lovers 💘💌- Both people feel like a match made in heaven, as The Lovers often talks about spirit making this person the one for you. Perfect, not in a perfectionist way, but perfect in a sense where it’s enough for the two of you. Your own definition of perfection and bliss in a relationship. Vulnerability, rawness and authenticity are experienced. Strong attraction to the physical, and the mind as its ruled by Gemini. Communication is important between the souls, and with this person, it may feel as if you don’t have to spend your lifetime translating your soul at all. They understand you at a mental level, physical and spiritually, there is telepathy.
The moon 🌙✨- Psychic, deep and mysterious connection. A connection requiring a travel into the unknown. Someone who catches your interest, but in an unexpected way. The relationship is marked by telepathy, dream communication, and astral travel. Synchronicity is important, it’s the way the two communicate in the spirit realm. This card indicates the two knew each other in a past lifetime, and are here to discover the intuitive truths of this connection. Raw, deep, and immersive, emotionally powerful. The two somehow know each others feelings without having to say it, and the two understand their emotional network 🌟✨
6 of cups 🌹💘- The true sweetheart, the best friend and patient lover. A tolerant lover, and gentle one. Whether it’s a friend or not, both people feel their inner child’s can be expressed in a raw way. The emotion expressed is honest, pure, and genuine. Connected through many past lives, and this card indicates deep familiarity and comfort. A sense of home is within the connection and peace. Excitement and fun follow the two, and exploration of the world. The two learn from one another and end up inspired continuously.
Thank ya’ll for reading 🤗💗 I hope ya’ll enjoyed and feel free to comment, like and reblog! All the support is appreciated.
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
Hi sweetheart. Thank you for this opportunity. My question is what does my crush think or feel about me? Is there any chance he’s the one for me? Thank you and have a wonderful year ahead ❤️❤️❤️
Happy new years and you too 💗🤗 thank you for stopping by!
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Wow okay, this person definitely has been planning to tell you how they feel 😂💗 I heard “Ive been keeping it in for too long!” They really want to plan a meeting with you to talk about how they feel. They’re hoping you feel the same way. This is a spiritual connection, so the two of you may feel intuitively drawn to each other. They have intentions of getting closer to you intimately. They will text you, or call you to make plans soon 👀🌟 wow I hope this goes great! I mean with the 2 of cups, its mutual and you two have been on each others mind for some time. This connection has been cooking for a while in the spirit realm 🤣💘 I love this! Thank you so much for stopping by and I hope this resonated! If you’d love to tip me its always appreciated 🤗💗
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