#Spiritual Protection
astral-wings · 1 month
Here's a list of ingredients with various protective and cleansing properties that I've found useful in my closet witch practice! Note that I'm not an expert and these are just my own experiences and interpretations.
Eggshells! Great protection qualities and can also be used for renewal spells as well. A good easy spell would be sprinkling bits of it around the front of your home with the intent of providing protection
Salt, a classic cleansing ingredient that you'll find in your mom's kitchen. Various kinds have slightly different properties. Tip: if you add ashes to it, then it becomes black salt, which in my experience is very a strong cleanser especially if you add a bit of moon water. It becomes a paste and can be used for various things such as sigils
Iron nails. Not only protective, but can deflect back. Like a "back the fuck off" kind of protection. Bonus if it's rusty
Thorny vines, barbs, etc can function like nails
Pinecones. Similar to eggshells, but a bit more spicy (mess with me and I'll nip you back) but not as intense as nails. Also has great renewal properties since it's a seed
Obsidian, a great protective crystal to have on hand
Custom protection sigil, all you need is a pen, paper, and intuition. Or just write it with charged water on yourself
Moon water, especially full moon water. Very strong cleansing
Incense and smoke cleansing, I like using rose. DO NOT USE WHITE SAGE
Enchant jewelry or something you have on you on a regular basis with protective and positive energy properties. It can be as easy as making a sigil for it and activating said sigil by burning or tearing it up or dipping it in charged water. Very secretive!
Pepper! Again, similar to the nails, but with an added kick and slightly different way of carrying out things. Instead of deflecting immediately, it deflects over a slower period of time, like how burns do
Ask a deity or spirit you're working with to bless a charm. Very effective! Can be literally anything!
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Warding your eyes
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This post is for my folks who currently use glasses, contacts, or other visual aid's!
What is Warding with your eyes?
This is a concept similar to taking on a witches name, however it has to do with your visual aids! They say that eye's are the windows to the soul, but what about people or entities or energies that are looking to disrupt our peace? Well this is a great ward to follow as a personal ward
I recently had this revelation when my glasses shattered in the sea after I slipped under the riptide and as I was grabbing my glasses under the water, a shell came and smashed them (I am ok, I am trained to handle that and am a strong swimmer). I ended up going to one of those minute labs to get new frames and lenses, but I realized something.
If eyes are a part of you that exposes a lot about your being, whether you believe in iridology, window theory, etc then why wouldn't you ward a possible weakness? Witches names are a name a witch takes on to act like a deflector, if someone hexes them using the wrong name then it doesn't touch down, so the idea of this spell is If someone attempts to harm you spiritually, you are now wearing 'different eye's' and can reflect the spell. All it takes is a bit of enchantment. We will be banking on the fact that glasses somewhat obstruct the eye (when you look at someone's eyes through glasses they can appear different, bigger, or smaller) but you can see them clearly.
The Spell
This spell is best done on a new moon, high tide, or on a Wednesday! all of these have correspondences of protection, deflection, etc. ingredients: - Glasses/eye aid - Cleaning solution - Cleaning cloth (If being done with contacts or other eye aids, adapt this to be the aids, whatever you use to clean them with, and IF NEEDED a drying apparatus) The Steps: 1. Set up your space how you choose to do so, set your aid down in front of you. Meditate over or reflect on what the glasses mean to you 2. Envision or create a chant that reflects the eye-dea (haha) of people/spirits/energies with bad intentions not being able to effect you, because they cant see the right person to harm because of the visual aid 3. Take your finger and stamp a sigil of warding either on the lens, contact case, or safe spot on the aid 4. Clean it off to 'rub it into' the device 5. Finish the spell how you choose to finish, and transition out of the ritual space I hope you all enjoyed! More content coming soon!
Tip Jar
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Simple ways to spiritually protect your home -
There are several simple ways you can spiritually protect your home.
Here are a few suggestions:
Cleansing and purification: Start by physically cleaning your home, decluttering, and removing any stagnant energy. Open windows to let fresh air in and use natural cleansing agents. As you move through each room, visualize and intend that the smoke or scent purifies and clears any negative energy.
Salt barriers: Salt is believed to have protective and purifying properties. Sprinkle salt at the entrances and windowsills of your home to create a barrier against negative energies. You can also place small bowls of salt in different areas of your home to absorb any negativity.
Protective crystals: Crystals are thought to have various energetic properties that can help protect your home. Some protective crystals include black tourmaline, amethyst, clear quartz, and obsidian. Place these crystals in different areas of your home, such as near entrances or windows, to create a protective energy field.
Blessings and prayers: You can perform blessings or prayers to invoke positive energy and protection for your home. This can be done according to your personal beliefs or religious practices. Walk through each room of your home, offering prayers or blessings while visualizing a positive, loving, and protective energy surrounding your living space.
Intention setting: Set clear intentions for your home's energy and state your desire for it to be a safe and protected space. Visualization can be a powerful tool. Envision a shield or bubble of light surrounding your home, creating a barrier against negativity while allowing positive energy to flow in.
Sacred symbols: Place sacred symbols or objects around your home that hold personal meaning or are associated with protection. This could include religious symbols, sigils, or objects that have spiritual significance to you. These symbols can serve as a reminder of the protective energy you wish to cultivate in your space.
Remember, spiritual protection is a personal practice, and it's essential to find methods that resonate with you and align with your beliefs.
Feel free to adapt or combine these suggestions in a way that feels most authentic and meaningful to you.
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chicagognosis · 2 months
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Learn to defend yourself in spiritual warfare. New video with transcription and accompanying podcast!
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spookysalem13 · 18 days
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Protect your peace, protect your energy.
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Do you feel me
And the chords my spirit strum?
Do you feel the pulse of love
Through their heated melody?
The shawl of my soul draped
Like a shield against the cold?
Or the tender touch of my thoughts
Singing sweetly into yours?
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brettesims · 3 months
Palestinian Artist: Elyanna
🪬⚔️🧿 Yea she’s fire! Let’s remember that Palestinians are lovers, purists and artists! Support Palestinian artists! Run their shit up! The revolution is now.
Elyanna said her sister creates her entire wardrobe and the theme is like “angry angel” lmao I felt that.
Free Palestine! 🇵🇸
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We have a duty to protect ourselves. If we are really working on this spiritual path, it is because we believe that there is a way to really serve God and help humanity in the process. And so when other entities try to seduce us, to manipulate us, to attack us, we have a right to protect ourselves and we have a duty to protect ourselves, because the work that we are doing at this time is very important. Many, many people are suffering, and the work that we are doing to become better human beings, to connect with divinity, to follow the will of God through the guidance that we are receiving internally, is very important, because as we see every day on the news, this planet is going through an intensifying period of suffering. So the more that we are doing to preserve our covenant with God and to work with the three factors to strengthen our consciousness, to live ethically, to follow the guidance of our own inner divinity, the better it will be for us, for everyone around us, and for humanity as a whole. So take spiritual protection seriously, and do what you can, but most importantly, know that by purifying your own mind through daily meditation and following God's guidance and comprehension, that is the best protection that you can have.
Gnostic Instructor, Basics of Spiritual Defense
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pr1ncessk1tty · 2 months
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heyurpsychic · 7 months
Missing the days of old tumblr.... tell me how it is? also a newbie witch calling in some new digital friends!
Hi guys. I'm missing my old account on tumblr which consisted of ichiruki memes and posts. Unfortunately got deleted by a narcissistic parent (promise they didn't even know about the tumblr porn).
Since then I've kick started a project I've wanted to do since I was a baby tumblr user. I'm a friggin psychic now and I'd love to meet more people in the community.
✨A 'lil more about me✨
I've done tarot readings for myself since about 14 years old, but decided to take it seriously and started to self-study 2018. From there I soaked up a bunch of occult knowledge revolving mysticism, parapsychology, spiritualism, shamanism, and more.
Now, I'm a certified psychic by the james van praagh school of mystical arts, studying mediumship, and learning more about channeling/clearing my channel with a mentor.
I've been a student for so long and decided I'm at a point where I'm challenging myself to step into being a teacher, though I'm not completely there yet.
So I wanna share more about what I've learned in regards to initiating myself as a psychic, spiritual protection, and general esoteric and witchy things.
Please like, comment, message, or follow because I'd love to follow back and read what other people in this community has to say about these topics.
I'd love to call in a digital community where we can all share each other's wisdom 💜
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cardboardheartss · 7 months
I’m just going to rant for a little bit…
So basically, I am dealing with A LOT of evil eye energy! Anytime I post photos of myself being happy/looking really pretty, something bad always has to happen.
Around last year, I had met a really famous rugby team for the 2nd time and I had posted my first photo from 4 years ago with the players for a little throwback, and you won’t guess what happened… one of my popular TikTok account that had over 1K followers and many likes got deactivated.
2 days ago, I posted selfies of me that I had take last week. And ngl.,. I looked really pretty lol! Then today, my eyes have been given me problems and they soo itchy and like really swollen.
So guys, please just be careful out there, I’m seriously begging you!! Unfortunately with life, we have to deal with really evil people who just wish on your downfall.
Protect yourself from evil eye, I gotta do the same thing too because DAMN!! I am tired of this recurring experience.
This even led me to create a separate burner account where I can just post my pics for my mom to see lol!🥲😕
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violettavalkyrie · 1 year
Let's talk about Poltergeists and something rather similar.
So, poltergeists are manifestations of negative emotions, typically caused by intense trauma, fear, anger, etc. Most of the time these are formed by people with psychic or psychokinetic abilities that may or may not realize as much (usually the latter). These manifestations feed off of negative energy and can become their own entity with time. Which means that after the creator of the manifestation dies, leaves an area, breaks ties with it, etc it can latch onto other people or places. They're also not easy to get rid of but they're an Unconscious creation.
Now, what if we took this concept and flipped it? What if you took a positive, protective energy and Consciously shaped it into a manifestation or entity? Well, that's an interesting thought, hmm?
One of the principles taught in spiritual work, hedge witchcraft, and even mediumship is that what you visualize has a presence on the Astral plane. This is even a principle of quantum physics, in which every decision or thought creates an alternate universe in which that becomes true.
How is a manifestation actively created and to what end?
A manifestation can be created by visualization and meditation. Engaging in a trance-like state and visualizing the form, purpose, etc of your manifestation. Of course you still need to take great care to not be fooled by any other spirits or entities in your vicinity. So having personal protection is very important, and I do recommend cleansing yourself and your space before proceeding. The purpose of this manifestation is to act like a guard dog protecting hearth and home from negative or malicious forces. A great visualization in fact Is a dog for this reason.
So you want to treat it like any pet you'd have. Say hello to it when you come home, say goodbye when you leave and feed it the purposeful, positive intention. A lot of people that do this also create a totem or talisman to channel this manifestation into a space. If you want you can even carry the talisman with you. Bring it in your car on a long road trip. Carry the extra level of protection on the road.
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I am your shield
Willing to weather any blow
Or barrage
Unwilling to yield
Or succumb to sabotage
So long as I know
You remain free
From any harm
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conjuremanj · 1 year
Spiritual Attacks VS Spiritual Oppression & Objects For Protection.
Spiritual Attacks is when someone who doesn't like you is either trying or did put something on you.
Spiritual Oppression is when there is a entity around and don't get me wrong the effects between these two are similar. Jus
One of the challenges in identifying oppression is many times the attack may often be demonic (Evil) and then in some cases may not be at all. In some instances, they can even mimic other conditions that may cause you to not consider the possibility of a demonic attack. One must use his or hers built in intuition and sensing a spirit or good or bad, human or not in their room/ space or recognizing their presence. Here are three signs of demonic / Evil oppression that are possible and can be overlooked as an attacks by a enemy:
Abnormal Fear. The sudden hit of fear that can over come you.
Unable To Rest And Nightmares.
Unexplained Depression.
First: When it comes to these two symptoms the feeling of being watched can happen and we all have this built-in ability to know when something isn't right if something is watching you or even the feeling like a person is watching you and you turn to look and that person is looking hard at you or when your along in a house and your look outside then suddenly close the blinds because of that feeling of being watched. Those are our intuitions our built in spiritual gifts of warnings.
Having that very strong feeling that someone or something is watching you is a big sign that it might be under a spiritual attack or spiritual oppression.
Two the feeling of some one following you. Now that can be both spiritual attack & oppression because when a person but something bad on you like a curse or hex that power create and gives a kind of birth to an entity that can and will to follow you, why because that's it's job to make you feel uneasy.
Three do the feeling you're having stop when you reach a certain area like a street, car, church or home. If it does then that's another sign.
Four If all there things are happening then you need some type of protection. Now there are different ways to protect ones self.
Stones or good, traditionally in hoodoo the only stones that were available were 'Black Jet' 'Iron Pyrite' (fools gold) for drawing money and Lodestone for general attract.
Five when you take off your protection or remove that protection from your house do you feel heavy, if you do that another sign that it's working these protection that we set in place like a Back Jet stone absorb this energy because between me and you these protections wouldn't absorb that bad energy if it wasn't there.
Last sign that you will notice is when you're having problems with your electronics. Lights flickering, appliances going on and off, batteries drains for no reason.
Cleaning Your Wearable Items
1 of 2: Now when wearing something for protection like a stone or cross etc. They get drained and like wanga or mojo bag eventually would need to be refueled. To refuel wearable items, get yourself either holy water, Florida water and just put a little and wipe it down and say a prayer.
2. Keep your ansestor altar up that protection is strong and will help protect you , working that altar strengthening them also it helps them to to be stronger to protect you.
To protect your home starting with out side sage is good for the land keep those land spirits from entering (spirits like formal owner who don't want to leave or elemental usually summoned to protect land like Native Americans land and they can be active if they don't like you. So sage outside not inside to keep them from getting in.
For the inside I would recommend Holly Water, Polo Santo or Frankincense and Myrrh. They can be used together.
"Think of it this way Sage helps CLEARS out the bad and Palo Santo helps BRINGS back the good energies". (See my post on Smudging)
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hailthefreakshow · 2 years
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When you gotta spray the negativity away!
Moon water mixed with different essential oils and crystals
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