#Supernatural rewatch project
prettybillycore · 9 months
I’m watching clips of spn for a project in grad school and I miss it?????? wtf I thought I was over the silly monster hunting show?????
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bunnyexists · 1 year
listen. i get the trans!dean headcanon. i do i promise
and maybe it’s just bc we have the same hair but i don’t hear enough transmasc sam
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jeanne-de-valois · 2 years
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The bitch is back
And also a Chuck Won edition Jack
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deancasforcutie · 1 year
rewatching s1!Dean say “the three of us...that's all we have...and it's all I have. sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together, man” and bursting into tears because he doesn’t know, he doesn’t know that he’s in for more pain than he’s ever imagined but also so much more joy, he doesn’t know how many times his world will be shattered and rebuilt so much bigger than before, he doesn’t know that one day he’ll have a family and be good with who he is- 😭
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thehorrormoviechick · 7 months
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Re-watching The Blair Witch Project ❤️
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bloodfreakcastiel · 1 year
why does jensen have a weird east-coast accent in the first season? it keeps throwing me for a loop
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s1e2 "Wend*go"
supernaturals second episode, and its first (and certainly not last) to feature a monster of the week taken and bastardized from indigenous mythologies or folklore... why am i rewatching this again? let the records show that i am white, and all the indigenous voices who i have heard / read have lead me to make the decision to censor the name w*. okay with the housekeeping out of the way, what's sloppy sam and daddy issues dean upto this week.
aw man the recap made me angry again that jess died. i miss her. all three minutes of screentime she had.
oh boy i wonder whats gonna happen to these poor campers
brooo they got the ds local play!!!! takes me back
how do they still have battery in thier cells/ds's on day SIX OF CAMPING???
cory monteith :')
and they are dead
okay so how long has it been since the events of the last episode? the existence of the monster of the week as an episodic style implies a quick succession between episodes, but the fully completed gravestone for jess implies that it has been a quick minute since she dies (also apparently she dies november 5th 2005, i didn't know the exact date was know so thats interesting!)
like gravestones take a hot minute, especially the fancy kind with the pictures.
BUT there still isn't grass over her grave,and cemetery gardeners are QUICK with the sod after someone is buried... so like... did jessica already have a grave with her name and birthdate engraved, and it just needed date of death and the picture??? (not unheard of but unlikely for someone her age)
wait, im dumb as fuck. she died on the cealing of a suspicious house fire, she has been in a coroner or medical examiners office for a while, she was just buried but its been a bit since she died leaving time for the engraving.
^^^ this nerd almost became a funeral director.
oh yeah, i like the nod to carrie.
WAIT IT WAS A DREAM. it means nOTHING. and even if it was a dream it was written by someone who wouldn't think about the amount of time to engrave a toombstone
of okay so its been atleast a week since jess's death.
oh yeah, its john who is sending them to blackwater ridge, i forgot about his whole sending them on hunting trips shit he did at the beginning.
"i think i know how you feel" the first and last time dean shows emotion and it feels genuine.
forgot how 'old' the tech feels, and how magical it was.
magical laptop nand its magical ability to solve any problem dads journal cant solve.
the way they describe the w* is quite nice, you cant see it its too fast, it unlocked the door. it really brings out the unsettledness of a monster you cant see.
does dean really think ''corporal' is too fancy??? like girl
oh god i forgot the creepy cave.
aaaaaand cory is dead :(
okay, nvm deam had two (2) genuinely tender moments in the episode.
"not even crickets"
oh god i forgot about it using the voices to lure them.
this is one of the episodes that i cam remember a lot of, but god its still creepy.
okay it taking the packs was smart
oh boy dads journal, i wonder what magical answer it will have this time
"no body likes a skeptic roy", just fuck him dean!! its not gay if you are camping!!! everyone knows that.
"saving people hunting things, the family business" god i hate that line. there was once a time where i genuinely wanted that tattooed on me. thank fuck you cant get a tattoo at 14.
its really interesting how they are coping differently with johns disappearance, dean see's it as him giving them a job, whereas sam sees it as him being in trouble.
once again, i can see why wincest was the big ship, not for me... but i can see why.
OH NO ROY IS GONNA DIE!!!!, anyways
vey well timed body dropping from a tree
also does kripke have like a thing for brod dripping on poeple because uhhh... two episodes in and we are at three instances of blood dripping on people.
if the saddle club has taught me ANYTHING its that you defo shouldn't go down an abandoned mineshaft
its too dark i cant see
magic flareguns, why were they in the cave??? just to solve a problem the writes wrote themselves into???? yup!
deans first thought of how to lure it out was to start yell flirting. okay gayboy.
it just looks like... a gargoyle?? i feel like they could have done "human turned into a monster better" then just, paint them grey and give it strange ears. to be fair i have a very high standard of what a good 'human turned into a monster' should be because the s2 of the x files finale where mulder and scully are in the train car with the 'alien's' that are actually humans, deduced from their smallpox inoculation scars is peak television. PEAK TELEVISION!!!
also, i am now requited to start a tally of how many rewatches i can bring up the x files in.
the actress who plays Haley (Gina Holden) looks so familler to me, but i looked at her imdb and noting is ringing a bell
sam drives the impala.
okay, well that was an episode. asides from the butchering of the wend*go story/mythology to fit the show. it wasn't a bad episode. its pretty hard to fuck up a monster of the week episode. again, i didn't like the prosthetics that they used for the wend*go. but asides from that... its fine. its okay. its a solid episode. it's not the best, and its not the worst. sam and dean have a nice heart to heart. yeah. very mid episode.
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spnstillstudies · 5 months
happy new year, supernatural fandom! thought i’d make a bit of an intro post to my project, since i’m a few posts in now.
you may have seen my art around the past couple weeks—i’m painting a still from every single episode of supernatural as i rewatch it.
yeah really every episode. don’t even worry about it<3
i’ve currently posted 7/327 (!!!) and i have most of the first season planned out now. i’m hoping to get more followers in january as i really get in the thick of it, have some polls to vote on what stills to use sometimes or something fun like that.
the first 7 are below, if you wanna reblog to spread the word of my endeavor that’d be greatly appreciated 🫶🏻 i have a pinglist if anyone wants to be pinged for specific things (like when cas shows up, maybe).
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gothra · 10 days
I’m currently on a rewatch of Supernatural, and I’m noticing a parallel with an aspect of Eric Kripke’s other project, something that I didn’t notice or care about the first time(s) I watched the show, but now I can’t stop thinking about. This relates to Sam Winchester’s consumption of demon blood and character’s (Hughie’s especially) usage of Temp V, and the language pertaining to morality that surround both of these aspects of the story.
Spoilers incoming.
In the earlier seasons of Supernatural, we establish that Sam Winchester has psychic powers due to being giving a demon’s blood as an infant.
As an adult, Sam starts getting visions pertaining to what are now his growing psychic powers, it’s only until later in the early seasons that we learn that Sam has discovered a way to control demons, by drinking demon blood, which heightens his psychic powers.
The powers he has are very useful and they come in handy multiple times. Sam can exorcise demons with his mind, a job that, before the use of demon blood, was done with a long Latin spell (that usually had to be uttered while a demon was rocking their shit) or couldn’t be done at all, requiring Sam and Dean to kill demons with a special kind of knife. Exorcism is safer for the vessel, but difficult to do, and stabbing the demons is a bit easier (not including getting within stabbing range) but it kills the demon and the vessel, which, from time to time is still being inhabited by a poor human soul that is forced to watch as the demon uses their body to do despicable things. Sam’s powers save their lives, too. He can toss demons around like ragdolls, too, and THAT comes in handy, too.
Sam’s powers are fucking cool. Not just that, they’re nearly a net positive.
Sam’s powers don’t really have a serious downside. It really seems like they would have written a severe downside into something so extreme as drinking demon blood, but they didn’t! No physical side-effects, meaning Sam’s physical body does not change, chafe, rot, or fall off every time he drinks the blood. He doesn’t hallucinate or get sick or get crazy headaches when he drinks it, just when he uses his psychic powers, and it hurts less the more he uses them. The only time he experiences physical side-effects is when he suffers from withdrawals from it. It doesn’t really alter his personality outside of the stress of hiding it and the shame of drinking it, which is to be expected. Like my friend Tyler said, “It doesn’t even make him bitchy, like when he was soulless”. There’s not even any moral problems with the method that Sam uses to collect demon blood. He drinks the blood of a demon he’s in a sexual relationship with, and she consents and encourages him to do so. He doesn’t run around kidnapping random demons and bleeding them until their vessels have run dry. He doesn’t have to do anything bad to get the demon blood. Sam doesn’t even need to drink a lot of it to deal with the demons they typically run into. Sure, he’s had to drink a lot more when it’s a bigger demon, but I wouldn’t expect anything less.
So, you can imagine my confusion upon rewatch when I realized that nobody else seemed to be on board. It would be understandable if they were tentative, or awkward or even squicked out by the blood aspect. But basically everyone Sam tells about his powers is disappointed in or angry at Sam for drinking demon blood. Mind you, this storyline is coming at a place in the Supernatural story where demons are running rampant. Sam is being mentally plagued by the demon that dropped blood into his mouth as an infant, all while he’s working with the demon who gives him the blood and helps him with his powers to take down an even bigger demon. It’s demons all the way down, yet, everyone takes the time out of their busy demon-slaying schedule to admonish Sam for drinking the blood and using his powers to help out.
Let me tell you, it’s maddening, watching people get angry at the wrong thing. It’s maddening to watch people apologize for doing something good because someone else has decided that their wrath is more important. Dean (Sam’s brother) has Sam in a moral chokehold the entire season, lecturing him, insulting him, pushing Sam aside for something that ultimately is nothing more than Dean’s personal issue. And because it’s Dean’s personal issue and Dean is a narrative favorite, his emotional and psychological needs are ultimately more important. Often, Sam doesn’t get what he deserves. His character experiences (literally) soul-destroying setbacks, and still, he is made to feel bad for doing something, when the benefits of that thing far outweigh the positives, and the negatives of that thing come off as a noble sacrifice.
You’d think I would get tired of talking about how much of a let down Season 3 of the boys is. But I got a burst of renewed energy once I realized I had something to talk about that intersected in a way that I could actually witness with my own eyes. Do I regret getting pulled back into SPN? A little bit. But, here’s the point of this:
Hughie and Sam play the same role in their respective stories. They are two people who have been deeply hurt, traumatized, damaged, and who desperately want to do some good. They both want to make a difference and make a dent in their missions.
Temp V is different than demon blood. This time, Kripke added side-effects. But the side-effects of Temp V don’t change the fact that the benefits of using it are obvious and immediate. When Butcher and Hughie use Temp V, important things happen. They came close to killing Homelander, just a pinch away. It worked. The thing that they were using the drugs for almost happened. So, denying its usefulness would be pointless.
This time, Kripke learned from his mistake. Sam didn’t experience any negative side-effects, and his personality changes seemed to be due to the stress of hiding it from his brother and constantly arguing about and attempting to justify his actions. The benefits outweighed the negatives. Hughie, on the other hand, experienced a remarkable (some would say, completely unbelievable and out of character) personality shift. Suddenly, his motives were different, ego-driven, selfish, and they tainted his actions, turning them from moral and noble, to self-centered. In Hughie’s case, the negatives and the positives are placed on an equal scale, in my opinion, by force. I think that the personality changes that they wrote for Hughie are absolutely not fitting at all, but were put in place because if they weren’t there, anyone who thought about it for more than one minute would realize that admonishing Hughie for his use of a helpful super drug is stupid. If Hughie only experienced the brain damage, he could be considered noble and brave for what he was doing. It would be tragic that he’d have to stop, and if he considered continuing to use the drug to take down Homelander after he learned about the side effects, it would endear us to Hughie and his self-sacrifice. If he only experiences the psychological side-effects, than we can even the score, then his selfishness could be enough to paint his use of Temp V as bad, as if his selfishness alone is enough to overwrite or match the immediate benefit to the mission, as if Hughie’s personal morals being in jeopardy outweigh the fact that their goal is to kill a maniacal rapist who, if given the chance, WILL kill them all, and ANYONE who stands in his way or upsets him or makes him feel inferior.
For both Sam and Hughie, they are being positioned against characters who should be considered wrong, and who should be confronted with their wrongness and never are, because their feelings on the issue, likely act as a stand-in for Eric’s feelings, and therefore, they become the narrative favorite. Dean is the suave, handsome womanizer with the gruff, yet charming personality and combat skills, and Sam is his brother. Annie is the Strong Female Character, who defies everyone because Eric needs to prove he knows how to create good female characters (he hasn’t proved that) and Hughie is her boyfriend.
Ultimately the similarities are striking. I’ve got many ideas about the reasons why Eric wrote Season 3 this way, and why he wrote Sam’s story like that, and the likelihood of these reasons increase and decrease the more I think about each of them, but that’s a separate issue and I’m very tired 😞
@deliciouskeys and @bisexualhomelander how did I do?
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clairenovakz · 9 months
asylum (sam winchester x reader)
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pairing: season one sam x reader warnings: canon compliant, general violence, hint of smut (more like just making out) summary: canon-insert for episode 1x10, asylum. on a routine hunt, you run into a pair of hunters - one of which has a sad smile and the look of a kicked puppy. word count: 5k a/n: hello! i've been rewatching supernatural recently and had this idea cooking in my brain... i've never written fanfic like this before so any feedback is appreciated! i feel like i've written this with a continuation in mind but... we'll see! i would love to write stuff that isn't just fully based in canon so feel free to send me requests
Walking through the Roosevelt Asylum was definitely not in your list of top ten things you wanted to do today, and yet - here you are. The air is musty with the scent of old rust and clinging spiderwebs, and you are almost certain this place has to be haunted by something. 
You’d seen the reports of the death of Walter Kelly and had immediately been suspicious. After doing some preliminary research about the area and its lore, you’d gone straight to the asylum to check it out. This wasn’t your first rodeo; as a seasoned hunter with more than just a few kills under your belt, you weren’t feeling too spooked about this hunt in particular. A ghost, an asylum, a freaky accident. It’s basically textbook. 
Creeping through the dark, you had one hand on an EMF meter and another on a flashlight. The room you were in wasn’t lighting anything up on the EMF, and you shook it just to be sure, as if somehow that would call the ghosts to you. Sighing, you slipped out of the room. There was already a fine layer of dust just coating your body from being in this place, and it was gross. 
Just as you were beginning to think that this was maybe a fruitless endeavor, you heard some footsteps. “Shit,” you muttered, pressing yourself up against the nearest wall to listen. With two clicks, you shut your flashlight and your EMF off. If it was cops, this was really not going to look great on your permanent record… 
“I told you, it’s not ESP!” A man’s voice was coming from around the corner, and your ears perked up. “I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams.”
“Yeah, whatever. Don’t ask, don’t tell.” Another voice. You felt your skin prickle and you shifted your foot, attempting to move back. They were coming towards you. 
“You get any reading on that thing or what?” The first voice spoke again. As you listened, you could hear the telltale signs of an EMF meter. 
You furrowed your brow. Either they were amateur ghost hunters, or something more similar to yourself. Definitely not cops. Or maybe just really weird cops. You were beginning to doubt yourself.
Figuring this was as good a time as any to reveal yourself, you stepped out from the dark and down the hall to the voices. Flashes of light from the window slats hit your face as you made yourself known. In front of you were two young men, one tall and slightly lanky with a brown flop of hair, and the other shorter with an almost too-chiseled jawline. They immediately tensed seeing you.
“Sorry to interrupt.” You smiled at them slightly sheepishly. 
“Who are you?” The short one asked, hand reaching behind him as he glared at you. 
“Better question - who are you guys?” You asked back, holding your hands up to show you were defenseless. Well, as far as they knew.
“You really shouldn’t be in here…” The short one raised an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, says the two guys who are also in here.” You countered. Deciding talking to this guy wasn’t working, you aimed your eyes at the taller one. He was definitely younger - you could see that his warm hazel eyes didn’t seem so suspicious of you.
“I’m Sam, this is Dean.” He said cautiously, tapping the shorter one on the back as if to tell him to relax. “We’re looking around, just doing some research for a project.”
“Psh.” You scoffed. “Like I believe that for a second.”
“Lady, what’s your problem?” The short one - Dean, you suppose - cocked his head at you.
“I’m Y/N.” You said, lowering your hands finally. “I’m here because I’m hunting whatever decided to make Walter Kelly kill himself.”
Sam and Dean stopped in their tracks, and then looked at each other, communicating silently. Finally, Dean threw his head back in annoyance and looked at you again. “You’re for real?”
“No, I’m just being crazy,” You retorted, rolling your eyes. “Yes. Obviously. I wouldn’t wander an asylum for fun in my free time.”
Sam choked back a laugh at that, and Dean hit his elbow. “Alright, Y/N.” Dean said your name like you’d taken some candy from him. “We’re here for the same thing, happy? Now I’d appreciate it if you moved out of the way so we could do our job.”
“Dean.” Sam coughed slightly. 
“What?” Dean looked around incredulously.
“I’m pretty sure I got here before you two bozos.” You said, also trying to hold back a laugh. “So I’m gonna say I’ll graciously let you work the case with me. If you’d like.”
The three of you exchanged glances. You could tell they were sizing you up. You were in plain clothes, but the bag slung crossbody over your bag was full of hunting gear. You looked them over as well. They seemed capable enough. It had been quite some time since you’d worked a case with someone else, and somehow you felt a little relieved they’d come along. Hunting alone was probably the loneliest thing anyone could do.
“Fine.” Dean said, moving to push past you. “But don’t expect me to go easy on you.”
“Oh, whatever.” You moved to follow him down the hallway towards another room. Sam came up behind you.
“Sorry. Brothers, right?” He gave you a small smile and you looked at his dimples. For some reason, you felt a small kick in your chest, and realized you were staring.
“Hm.” You humored him with a smile of your own, tucking some of your hair back. “I wouldn’t know.”
After investigating the asylum, the three of you had discovered that a man named Sanford Ellicott had been the Chief of Staff at the asylum. You had sensed that the boys had paused whatever conversation they were having now that you were around, but you pretended that you didn’t notice. You had never really been a part of a large community of hunters, if one existed out there, so being with two working the same case was a little odd. You swapped numbers with them quickly and then had set to work.
As crass as Dean had been in your first conversation, he seemed to warm a little to you after walking around the asylum together. Sam, however, kept trying to make easy conversation with you, and it was making you feel unnecessarily mushy inside. Okay, he was really cute. And you didn’t have to pretend to have a day job around him. But being the professional you were, you weren’t going to make a move until the job had settled down. Besides, you weren’t exactly sure what vibe you were picking up from him anyway.
You had been quick to track down a living relative of Ellicott’s - a man named James Ellicott who was working as a psychiatrist. After telling Sam and Dean, they quickly hatched a plan to send Sam in to have a session with him in order to gain information. This left you with Dean to loiter around the outside of the medical center and pretend like you weren’t suspicious.
“So…” You started, hoping to get on Dean’s good side while Sam was away.
“What?” Dean didn’t turn to look at you, spacing out as he looked in the far distance.
“How long have you been hunting?” You asked, just by way of making small talk.
“Mm,” Dean shrugged. “Probably my whole life. Runs in the family.” He seemed almost reluctant to keep his mouth shut, but you couldn’t get a full read on him.
You nodded. “Yeah. Me too.” You thought back to your parents, and the way you had lived on the road when they were still alive. Sometimes it was easier just to forget. “You and Sam got any family around?”
Dean gave you a slightly pained look. “We’re, uh, actually kind of looking for our dad right now.” His eyes shifted away from you. “It’s kind of why we even came here in the first place.”
“Hm.” You sensed he probably didn’t want to talk about it. Not wanting to make things more awkward, you both went back to spacing out until Sam got back.
As Sam exited the doors of the medical center, Dean hurried to catch up to him, you following closely behind. “Dude! You were in there forever, what the hell were you talking about?”
Sam shrugged, continuing to walk. “Just the hospital, you know.”
Sam began to relay the information to the two of you. What really caught your interest was that the patients had rioted and killed Ellicott, but his body was apparently never recovered.
“Christ,” you said, shaking your head a little. “That’s awful.”
“Yeah,” Sam replied.  “The hospital closed down after all that.” 
“So, to sum it up,” Dean grumbled. “We've got a bunch of violent deaths and a bunch of unrecovered bodies.” 
The three of you made a plan to return to the asylum that night. There was a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. Dealing with death wasn’t easy, despite your job. Being in a place of such tragedy only made things worse. When you thought back to the things you’d seen, you sometimes wished you weren’t in this life. But it was like Dean had said - these things ran in the family business. You shuddered to think about the gory details.
You and the boys decked yourself out in hunting gear. EMF, flashlights, shotguns filled with salt rounds, and a video camera that Sam had in hand. A chill passed over you as the three of you walked through the front doors once again, stepping into the dust and old wood. 
As you covered the floor, the three of you began to separate. It wasn’t until you heard yelling that you quickly ran back to Sam. An old woman covered in blood was coming towards him, and you quickly lifted your shotgun. “Get down!”
Sam threw himself to the floor as you shot. The woman quickly disintegrated, and Dean ran over to his brother to help him up. Panting slightly, the three of you converged.
“That was weird.” Sam said, looking around in slight shock.
“Yeah, you’re tellin’ me.” Dean said, quickly beginning to move away. 
“Weird how?” You asked, following behind closely.
“Just - weird that she didn’t attack me.” Sam caught up to the two of you. You and Dean exchanged a glance.
“Uh, she was coming right at you, wasn’t she?” You asked, confused.
“She didn't hurt me.” Sam insisted. “She didn't even try! So if she didn't wanna hurt me then what did she want?”
Before either of you could reply, a noise startled you all. Dean raised his shotgun as you crept forward, moving slowly and scanning the room. Sam reached out and suddenly revealed a living, human girl crouching in the corner. She nearly screamed at the sight of you all.
“It’s okay, we’re not gonna hurt you.” You said calmly. You reached out for her and she grabbed your hand, steadying herself. “What’s your name?”
The girl explained her name was Kat, and that she was here with her boyfriend Gavin. You groaned internally, knowing how stupid it was for these teens to be around the asylum. Even worse, she wanted to stick around to find her boyfriend even when offered to be escorted outside. You put your arm around her and tried to give her some comfort.
“It’s no joke around here,” Dean said crossly. “It’s dangerous.”
“I know! That’s why I’ve gotta find Gavin…” Kat seemed insistent, despite her obvious fear. You squeezed her shoulder.
“Don’t worry. We’re gonna find him.” You gave her your best reassuring smile, and then looked at the boys. Sam was giving you a soft look and then smiled at you slightly, although you couldn’t exactly discern why.
“Alright, I guess we’re gonna split up.” Dean motioned for Kat to come with him. “Let’s go.”
You let Kat go as she followed Dean. Sticking by Sam, you decided to go deeper into the asylum. 
“Gavin? Gavin?” Sam called out, you trailing behind him. He stopped suddenly and you bumped into his back quite hard. “Shit, sorry, Y/N.” He whirled around to take a look at your face.
“Warn me next time you’re gonna do that.” You said through a smile. 
“Sorry.�� He apologized again, sheepishly smiling at you. 
“You already said that, dummy.” You gently punched his shoulder and then started walking, trying to guide him to keep looking. “Don’t worry about it. Did you see something or…?”
“Yeah, I thought so,” Sam looked around again, trying to catch what had stopped him. “Oh wait- look!”
He hurried into the next room and you followed, seeing a boy on the floor, unconscious. Clearly, Gavin.
Sam went to wake him as you stood behind. You could see how soft his hair looked from behind and it was really beginning to distract you. You shook your head to keep yourself focused, and then finally tuned in to what Gavin was saying.
“She tried to kiss you?” You almost wanted to laugh, even though you knew how disgusting that probably was. Gavin looked like he wanted to cry or vomit. Or both.
“Yeah, her face was all messed up. It was seriously freaky.” 
“But did she… she didn’t hurt you, physically?” Sam asked, trying to get at something. You finally remembered your earlier conversation that had gotten cut off. Did Sam think the ghosts here were completely mundane, and not evil spirits?
“Dude! She kissed me! I’m scarred for life!”
Sam turned back to look at you with a look of ‘can-you-believe-this-guy?’ and you actually had to turn around to keep from laughing. You hadn’t imagined that Sam had a secret bitchy side, but it was endearing. 
After collecting Gavin, you and Sam headed back to Dean. As you drew near, you could hear sounds of shouting and something against the wall. You quickened your pace alongside Sam.
“Dean! What’s going on?” Sam shouted, running up to his brother, who was attempting to jam the door open.
“She’s inside with one of them!” 
Kat was screaming inside and you immediately began trying to slam your body against the door with Dean, trying to get it open. It was futile thought, and the more Kat screamed “help me!” the more you felt sick with guilt. You shouldn’t have left her side - she was the most vulnerable one in the situation. And you knew exactly how that felt.
“Kat, it’s not going to hurt you.” Sam suddenly said. “Listen, you’ve got to face it. Try to calm down.”
You and Dean both turned to Sam in slight astonishment. What Sam meant clicked for you slightly faster than it did for Dean, as you shouted, “Oh shit, I get it!” at the same time that he said “She’s gotta what?!”
“These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate.” Sam was slightly panicking, although you could tell he was trying to stay calm. “You gotta face it. You gotta listen to it.”
“No! You face it!” Kat’s voice on the other side of the door was desperate.
“Kat, just look at it! You can do this!” You said, deciding to trust Sam. You gave him a slight nod and he nodded back.
A tense silence fell over your group as you struggled to hear what Kat was doing. “Man, I hope you’re right about this.” Dean muttered, looking worried.
Finally, after what seemed like ages, the door clicked open and Kat stepped out. “Kat…” Gavin stepped forward to embrace her as Sam examined the room she had just been in. You put your hand on Kat’s shoulder and tension seemed to leave her body a bit. Sam stepped back out and only shook his head.
“I’m sorry this is happening to you.” You said sincerely, and Kat only trembled in response.
“One-thirty-seven.” She said, finally.
“What’s that?” You asked.
“It whispered in my ear. One-thirty-seven.”
“Room number.” Sam and Dean said in unison. They stepped back to have a private conversation, and you, not wanting to leave Kat and Gavin lest another spirit appear, tried to give the couple some small comfort.
“Alright, you guys ready to get out of here?” Dean asked, a hint of humor in his voice.
You had opted to escort the couple out while Sam and Dean went to investigate room 137. As they disappeared, Kat and Gavin followed behind you as you tried to weave your way back to the entrance.
“How did you end up doing this job?” Kat asked suddenly, and you blew out a heavy breath.
“Shitty family?” You tried to laugh, but it wasn’t really funny. 
“And Sam and Dean, are they like… your bosses?”
“God, no.” This time you actually laughed. “I only met them like earlier today.”
Kat and Gavin seemed somewhat impressed by this. “You guys work well together.”
You didn’t respond, but you had been thinking the same thing. You’d never really given much thought to trying to hunt with others again, given that the last time you had… it hadn’t ended how you’d liked. You just shrugged and the conversation petered off, trying to focus on leaving. But every door you tried was locked.
“We have a problem.” You finally said, admitting defeat.
“Can’t you break a door down? Or a window?” Gavin asked. 
“The windows are barred. And no, I don’t think that’ll work anyway.” You half-mumbled, trying to parse out the situation. The spirits were keeping you here for some reason. But if it was as Sam said, and the spirits were friendly, then it wasn’t them. It had to be something else.
“Oh god, what the hell do we do?” Gavin was beginning to sweat.
“It’s going to be okay, calm down.” You tried to use your best reassuring voice, but it was hard when you didn’t know what to do either. Suddenly, you felt your phone buzzing. As you pulled it out, you saw that it was Sam.
“Yeah?” You answered promptly.
“We’re in the basement, I can see it. It’s coming towards us.” His voice sounded odd somehow, but you couldn’t quite place it behind your sudden panic. “Hurry, Y/N!”
“On my way, stay there!” You said, hanging up. Gavin and Kat looked at you, and you reluctantly took out your shotgun. “Any chance you guys know how to use this?”
Gavin scoffed at the same time that Kat nodded. You smiled at her. 
“Okay, it’s only loaded with rock salt. Shoot anything if it tries to get you.” You handed it to her. “And stay here!”
You felt bad leaving them again, but Kat seemed to have gained some new confidence after her experience with the spirit. You raced downstairs to the basement, hoping to catch Sam and Dean before they got into trouble. You clicked your flashlight on, beams hitting shakily in front of you as you ran. “Sam? Dean?”
Down in the basement, you hurriedly began looking for the brothers, but found no sign of them. “Hello? Sam? Dean?” Your flashlight started to flicker suddenly, and you tapped it to try to get it to work again. “Dammit, what the hell?” You peeked past a few curtains and decided to backtrack. 
Turning around suddenly, you saw Sam standing right in front of you. “Holy shit!” You nearly screamed. “Sam, you scared me. Where were you?”
“I’m fine.” He said solemnly, slightly stilted. His hands were slightly behind his back, which you found odd but didn’t question.
“I thought you said you were in trouble.” You said, looking around. “And where’s Dean, weren’t you with him?”
“He’ll be here very soon.” Sam said. He seemed so stiff all of a sudden, and as you looked at him you couldn’t seem to see life in his eyes anymore.
“What’s going on? Are you okay, for real?” You asked nervously, taking a step back. A creeping feeling ran over your neck.
“You’re asking way too many questions.” Suddenly, Sam raised an arm and hit you so hard with a metal pipe that you saw stars. The last thing you saw before you passed out was Sam’s cold stare.
You woke up with a start. Blood was absolutely dripping down your face, covering you in what appeared to be a gorey mess, but you could tell it was just from your nose. You were laying flat on the ground, dizzy and somewhat disoriented. But you could immediately hear a kerfuffle not too far from you.
Dragging yourself out, you finally saw the scene in front of you with blurry eyes. Sam was aiming a gun at Dean, yelling about something you couldn’t quite understand with your just-waking-up brain. You pushed yourself forward, basically crawling as you tried to get closer. Dean was trapped under Sam, and you couldn’t quite see his face from the angle you were at.
As your vision began to clear, you heaved yourself up. Oh fuck, you thought to yourself through a wave of nausea. Sam is going to fucking kill his brother. 
It occurred to you finally that Sam was possessed by that damn Ellicott. The gun he was pointing at Dean with was not the same shotgun filled with salt. You looked around for something to stop it from happening, and saw the discarded pipe he had hit you with earlier. You slowly moved towards it, and picked it up with a quiet strength. As you stood up to your full height, Dean finally saw you coming towards him and his brother with a pipe in hand.
“You hate me that much? You think you could kill your own brother?” Dean spat. “Then go ahead. Pull the trigger. Do it!”
Before Sam could do anything, you were already behind him. “Payback’s a bitch!” You said as you suddenly swung the pipe at Sam, knocking him out cold in one swing. You hadn’t hit him quite as hard as he had hit you, but the way he collided on the ground made you think you might have matching broken noses. 
“Y/N, watch out!” Dean shouted, and suddenly a ghostly old man was upon you. His fingers were digging into your face and you were pushed down again, screaming.
“I’m going to make you all better.” Ellicott said, and you tried to wrestle away from him.
“Get off of me!” You yelled, straining to shield yourself from his attack. You could feel yourself being overcome, and almost thought you were done for when suddenly Ellicott started screaming too. You regained enough consciousness to see him suddenly ablaze, body turning black and ashen as he disappeared in smoke right in front of you. Dazed, you turned to see Dean with a lighter in front of a cupboard, the remains of a smoking body before him.
“Wow,” You said, laughing a little. “Go team.”
The three of you properly reconvened at a motel after saying goodbye to Kat and Gavin. You had set your nose and Sam was holding an ice pack to his head, still apologizing to you profusely after what he had done. You couldn’t believe this boy was so apologetic that he’d be sorry for something he had no control over whatsoever.
“Sam, seriously, for the last time - it’s okay.” You gently touched the part of his head you had hit. “I already got you back good.”
He snorted. “Yeah, I suppose so.” He looked at you fondly and smiled, which you returned. 
“Alright,” Dean flopped onto the motel bed. “Y/N, I hate to do this to you, but you gotta get out. It’s time for my beauty sleep.”
You grinned. “Okay, princess Dean. Whatever. Thanks for being on this hunt with me, guys.”
Dean gave you a thumbs up from the bed, and you had a feeling he wasn’t going to move again. Sam put a hand on the small of your back. “Can I walk you to your room?”
“Sure,” you said, rather shyly. After the events of the day and nearly killing each other, you’d think you would feel less like a teenage girl with a stupid crush. The two of you stepped outside and he walked with you to your room in the motel, which was only a few doors down. You unlocked it swiftly and stepped inside.
“So…” Sam started, finally taking the ice pack off and looking at you with what you could only describe as puppy-dog eyes.
“So… wanna come in?” You asked, stepping back to make room for him. He smiled widely at that.
The two of you sat on the motel bed together. The printed florals were really not matching the mood, but you could stand it if it meant he was here with you. Your heart was pounding as you inched your fingers towards his, placing your pinky on top of his. Before you could say anything, Sam suddenly turned and leaned in close. “Can I…”
“Yes, duh.” You closed the distance and suddenly the two of you were kissing desperately. Despite your nose, and despite his head injury, you didn’t seem to care anymore. 
He pulled you close to him, fingers gripping your waist and finding the hem of your shirt. Having his hand against your skin made you flush, and you moaned slightly as he dipped you continuously closer to him. You brought a hand up to his hair, dragging your fingers through his locks as he laid you back against the bed. He groaned in return when you tugged slightly, kissing him with every fiber of your body. 
You wanted to feel his skin. You moved your hands to pull his shirt up and he let you roam his chest, feeling how his lanky body was suddenly quite firm underneath. You were slightly surprised - he looked so much like a skinny nothing, yet he was hiding all this muscle under here. You kissed each other fervently, sweating slightly as he pulled your legs up.
“Do you have a condom?” He muttered in your ear, kissing down your neck.
“Yeah, I’ll get it.” You whispered back coyly, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of his mouth as you untangled yourself from him. You moved to your bag to grab your condoms, and then turned back to look at him.
There, in the dim light of the motel room, you could see how his eyes were slightly watery. His posture was tense, and he seemed somewhat on guard. And you knew then that something was wrong.
“Sam… do you want this?” You asked, sliding back onto the bed but a slight ways away from him.
“Of course I do.” He said, but only after hesitating slightly.
“Sam…” You reached out for him, linking your pinkies again. “It’s okay if you don’t. I’m fine either way.”
Sam studied you for a long moment. He seemed like he wasn’t sure what to say. Then, he leaned towards you and pulled you in for a long hug. Surprised, you slowly put your arms around him. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N.” He whispered, pulling back slightly to look at you. “I hate to disappoint you.”
“No, no. Don’t say that.” You smiled at him gently. “You could never.”
He just nodded slightly. You put the condoms on the nightstand and leaned in close to him. “Do you want to talk?”
He hesitated again. Finally, after a tense moment, he spoke. “My… girlfriend died recently. And I’m… I think I still need time.”
You didn’t wait to pull him close to you again. This time, you squeezed him hard. “I’m sorry. That’s awful.”
“It’s… yeah, it is.” His voice was so small now you could hardly hear it.
“What do you need?” You asked.
“Some sleep, probably?” He forced a laugh out.
“Wanna stay here or go back to Dean?” You asked, pulling back to look at his beautiful hazel eyes. He looked so soft here, so much more boyish than he’d seemed during the day. 
“Mm.” He slowly laid down on the bed. “If you’d have me… It might be nice to stay here for a bit.”
You laid down with him. “Sure, Sam.” Gently, you reached towards him to tuck his hair back. He closed his eyes. “Whatever you need.”
You quickly got ready for bed and the two of you fell asleep shortly after that. When morning came, you weren’t surprised to find him gone. Something ached in your chest as you reached over and saw he left without a trace.
It was early and you could just barely see the sun coming up through the window. You went through your morning routine with a slightly subdued pace. Back to your regular hunting life, now. It was a little bittersweet, but you knew it had to happen.
The loud sound of a car caught your attention as you finished getting dressed. Stepping into your boots, you went outside to see Sam and Dean loading up into their beautiful looking car. You whistled.
“Nice ride, hot stuff.” You joked, approaching them with ease. They looked up at you, Dean with a smile and Sam with a soft, appreciative look. “Heading out already? Not even breakfast?”
“We, uh, got a call from our dad.” Dean said, shaking his head. “Gotta catch a lead.”
You nodded firmly. “Gotta do what you gotta do.” 
Dean went back inside to triple-check they had their things. Sam approached you slowly, hands in his pockets like he was trying to look smaller than he was. “About last night…”
“We don’t have to talk about it, Sam.” You said quietly. “You were perfect. Don’t doubt that.” Slowly, you reached up to cup his face. “And you let me know if you ever need anything.”
He nodded. “Thanks, Y/N. I will.”
When Dean stepped back out, the Winchesters were officially leaving. You gave them both a side-hug before they got into their car, which made things feel more final than they should have. You gave them a wave. “Seeya around, Y/N!” Dean called, as he started to pull out of the parking spot. Sam waved back at you.
“Bye, boys.” You watched them leave. That empty feeling was in your chest again.
You had a feeling you’d be seeing them soon enough.
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Fandom: Supernatural
Title: Don't Take My Sunshine Away
Pairings/Relationships: Dean Winchester & Charlie Bradbury
Additional Tags: Fix-It, Character Death Fix, Episode: s10e21 Dark Dynasty (Supernatural), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Brotherly Angst, Brotherly Love, Protective Older Brothers, Brother-Sister Relationships, Male-Female Friendship, Canon-Typical Violence
Rain soaks his clothes as he steps out of the car and slams the door behind him. He ignores the cold seeping into his body, the water pouring into his eyes, and even his brother, who is right behind him, his own gun drawn and ready to fire. Dean pushes it all out of his mind and focuses on one thing and one thing only: getting his little sister out of the claws of a monster. ------ What if Sam and Dean arrived at the Blackbird motel just a few minutes earlier?
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Hello! This is my first ever fic for Supernatural and I'll be honest, I'm a little nervous. But I've been wanting to write something here for years now, and since I'm currently rewatching the entire show, I decided it's as good of a time as any! Charlie has always been my favorite female SPN character, getting the rank of one of my favorite characters of all time over the years, and her death absolutely wrecked me the first time around. I remember the day Dark Dynasty aired as if it was yesterday. I've also always adored Charlie's relationship with Dean - she loved both brothers but there was something about her bond with Dean that resonated with me more. Plus it was obvious that the writing itself was putting more emphasis on it.
Anyway, I just finished season 10 on my rewatch and decided to whip up this little thing. Hope you enjoy!
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
"Why didn't you include--" there are only ten options, and there's only one other breakdown I'd consider (which I'll link in the comments in a few minutes once I make it)
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strawberrryangel · 5 months
rewatching supernatural while in the middle of a big crochet project is so fun actually because. when i get to the episodes that are my least favorite i literally just put most of my focus into crocheting as it’s playing. and then it’s the next eppy and cas is back and i can set down my crochet hook for a sec.
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brucenatural · 1 month
Rewatching the early seasons of Supernatural and from a filmmaking perspective they used to have so much more Fun. Rolling shots, shaky cam, playing with angles, different lenses. Of course it wasn’t intentional but it plays into the idea that, as the seasons went on, Chuck got bored with his pet project and his characters. The change was gradual but when you go back it is so staggering and plays into the metanarrative so well that it is hard to ignore.
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best-underrated-anime · 2 months
Best Underrated Anime Group A Round 4: Do It Yourself!! vs RIN-NE
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#A2: Do It Yourself!!
Girls do DIY together, but after a new industrial revolution
#A3: RIN-NE (Kyoukai no Rinne)
Girl who sees ghosts meets poor shinigami. Comedy ensues.
Details and poll under the cut!
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#A2: Do it Yourself!!
This series takes place after the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Serufu and her childhood friend Miku/“Purin” both applied to an elite school, where advanced technologies are incorporated into the curriculum. The tech-savvy Purin is accepted into the school, but accident-prone Serufu is rejected and enters a traditional school instead, driving a wedge into their friendship.
On her way to class one day, Serufu encounters Rei, who has a passion for old-fashioned crafts and is the head of the school’s Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Club—which is in danger of closing due to a lack of members. Realizing that this may be her chance to repair her relationship with Purin, Serufu joins the club in hopes of creating projects that could bring them together once more.
It’s just a really feel-good series with some great characters. I adore all of them and their dynamics with each other, especially the main dynamic between Serufu and Purin as it develops. I’m a really big fan of the show’s angle on stuff such as do-it-yourself crafts following another industrial revolution, just because it does frequently bring up the question of “What’s the point of DIY if in a year or two/maybe even now a robot could recreate the exact same result?” through characters like Purin (who is the major character with the lowest opinion on these kinds of crafts at the start, since she’s in the technologically advanced school and has beliefs more in line with the efficacy of technology rather than the joy of human creation), with the short answer largely being because it’s just fun!
I first watched this show before I saw a lot of AI stuff intruding upon art and rewatching it after sure was fun, because I love its ideas on the worth of doing stuff that machinery could do much faster. It’s not super complex or emotional, but that largely goes in its favor, because it really doesn’t need to be those. It’s just a fun little anime about a bunch of girls having fun together through one shared hobby that some of them had from the start and some of them adopted. I also love the opening, and the ending is a massive comfort song for me. The series can also be very funny at points, and is usually super heartwarming.
Trigger Warnings: None.
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#A3: RIN-NE (Kyoukai no Rinne)
Rinne Rokudou has bigger problems than going to school—namely, helping spirits pass over to the next life. Because of this responsibility, he often finds himself short on money and struggles to buy his necessities: food, clothes, and exorcism tools.
Sakura Mamiya has been able to see ghosts since she was little. She hoped she would outgrow it, but even after starting high school, nothing has changed. To make matters worse, the first time her ever-absent classmate, Rinne, shows up for school, only Sakura can see him. She assumes, as anyone would, that he is a ghost. However, to Sakura's surprise, Rinne proceeds to attend school like normal the next day.
This is one of Rumiko Takahashi’s underrated works (mostly getting overshadowed by Inuyasha due to her releasing this series after the fact), and I don’t see a lot of people talk about it often. While it’s not my favorite of her works, it’s one that I still like because of the way she portrays the characters. Plus, it still has that classic Rumic comedy and feel to it and I really love the animation with her artstyle. Anyways, if you like supernatural comedies (with a hint of romance) then vote for Rin-ne!
Trigger Warnings: None.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form with your revisions, and I’ll consider adapting those changes.
New: Starting round 5, screenshots will be included in the poll post. You can submit screenshots through the form linked above, or through here, via ask or dm.
Guidelines in submitting screenshots:
No NSFW or spoilery images.
Pick some good images please. Don’t send any blurry or pixelated ones.
You may send up to 9 screenshots, but not all may be used.
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s1ep1 "Pilot"
welp here we go again! the first episode of my two year long supernatural rewatch project! im pressing play, let to fuckery begin.
bullet points are thoughts as i watch, paragraphs are my closing comments!
Why do I pay money for amazon prime if they are gonna show me ads before what im trying to watch???
happy John Winchester feels incorrect, like where’s the assholery.
And poor Mary, dying for no good reason except to forward the plot.
AND FUCK AZELZEL or however you spell his name. They were so happy, they were a family!!! And yeah so what Mary was from a line of hunters or whatever BUT THATS RETCON!!!
god its been six?? years since I first saw supernatural but still the image of Mary of the dealing face screaming out in pain as the flames engulf the room is so chilling.
DAMN??? Sam got a 174 on the LSAT??? Good for him, i assume all I know about the lsat is from legally blonde.
justice for Jessica honestly, such a great girlfriend and Sam was a little shit.
Okay sam being all home defence over dean creeping around in the dark is kinda cute.
Sam and Jess were just a happy couple, Jess didn’t deserve all that.
“Dad hasn’t been home in a few days” “dads on a hunting trip, and he hasn’t been home in a few days” two sentences that make me regret starting this rewatch project.
“not normal, Safe” YEAH YOU TELL HIM SAM!!
I try and deny it but i am a sam girl.
DEAN TWENTY SIX??? oh my god, and still that attached to daddy.
Sam and Deans upbringing was basically a cult.
“you know there’s evp on that” yeah sam, its called static.
Sam should have become a lawyer. He wouldn’t be good, but it wouldn’t be hunting.
I LOVE YOU JESS, DATE ME NOT SAM!!! I would NEVER get you killed.
Oh yeah, this episode is a woman in white.
tits out, dead a fuck, “take me home” yeah I would 100% let her kill me.
Now that I remember this is a woman in white episode, i remember the plot of it. I actually really liked this episode’s monster of the week aspect. the woman in white was a compelling victim and perpetrator, and i really felt for her.
“it’s the greatest hits of mullet rock”
“driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole”
god I hate hate HATE the fbi badges, you two are babys, infants, CHILDREN!! Yall are NOT FBI agents!!!
“Why do you have to talk to police like that??” Damon Sammy? What kinda lawyer were you tryna become??
Oh yeah they are talking about dad again, this episode feels like it rapidly swings from feeling like any monster of the week episode of supernatural OR any plot driven episode.
um holy shit…. Dean shoving Sam against the pilled. Perhaps i know why wincest was the big ship until cas was introduced. (I mean like i dont ship it, but i can see why)
Okay the car driving itself was fun.
lmao dean at the edge of the river looking like a drowned fish is hilarious.
“you smell like a toilet” I’ve been reminded that supernatural wasn’t written for teen/young adult queer women and was actually written for white dudes.
“No chick flick moments” see my previous point.
“Jerk” “bitch” I hate this.
women in white are just so good, i love them.
ahhh the introduction of dads journal. The biggest problem solver in the entire fucking series.
this poor husband, kids gone, wife gone.
Jesus fucking christ, that jump scare jumped me scarred.
this poor girl, she just wants to go home.
kill him!!! I don’t want to watch another fifteen seasons of this horseshit
“Im taking you home” cringe alert 🚨
awww he’s not dead :(
Awww the kid ghosts :,(
wow that 2005 cgi does not hold up.
“If you screwed up my car, I’ll kill you” okay isnt the car the car that John brought Sam and Dean up in? How did the car become deans? John doesn’t strike me as the kind of guy to buy himself a new car when the old one will do, and he certainly isn’t the kind to give his kid his car.
How did Sam and Jess afford this huge fucking apartment?
Well first episode done, i am not 0.00305810397% of the way done supernatural! Why have I cursed myself with this burden.
Overall I did really like this episode! I think that it does create intrigue into the storyline, while also introducing the monster of the week format. However I wish they did a better job a meshing the two together, it did feel like I was watching two separated shows that happens to smashed together. One monster of the week and one plot driven.
As for the monster of the week, I like women in white, i think they are a cool narrative function and aren’t region specific, they also aren’t indigenous folklore or spirituality significant / revered figures something that supernatural has a tendency to uh…. Lets say butcher, something that i can’t wait to deal with next episode.
For the arc’s plot I do think it does what it set out to do… introduce the plot of the show. Two brothers trying to find their father, who has gone missing. That’s really all I can say because honestly this arc was my least favorite the first time I watched supernatural I cant see that changing this time.
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