#Surfing Giant Productions
disneytva · 2 years
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Disney Junior Hey A.J! To Be First Project Of Jeff Swampy Marsh’s Newest Animation Company Surfing Giant Productions.
Disney Television Animation veteran Jeff “Swampy” Marsh and producer Michael Hodges and Alcon Chief Operating Officer Scott Parish opened  Surfing Giant Studios from Alcon Sleeping Giant a joint venture between Alcon Entertainment (Blade Runner Franchise and Sony Pictures/Columbia Pictures/Paramount Animation Garfield) and Surfer Jack Productions (Amazon Prime Video Pete The Cat) it will serve as full-service production and animation studio based in Santa Monica.The studios will also have a Europe-based studio in Altrincham, U.K.
The first show will be the adventure animated-comedy series called “Hey A.J.” based on books by Super Bowl champion Martellus Bennett. The series is executive produced by Marsh, Bennett and Hodges with Disney Junior Educational Resource Group.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 8 months
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Thank you for the tags @sznofthesticks & @carlos-in-glasses and @your-catfish-friend for the tidbit Tuesday tag last night 💕 Here’s a bit of a heart-to-heart between our favorite besties 💛
“TK, I just got punched in the soul,” she says slowly, steadily finding her words as she turns a desperate look in his direction. “I couldn’t go home and face my family, everybody knowing I’m a failure.”
He sits forward and grabs her hand, squeezing lightly. “Marjan. You’re not a failure.”
“I am.” It comes out sharp. Frustrated, she wipes her free hand across her eyes, which are starting to brim with tears. She adjusts herself in her chair, turning herself to face TK and the conversation they’re having head on. “Our families are so close, we go back generations. We always celebrate Eid together. I couldn’t face everyone if they were all there.” Sniff. “And it would be even worse if they weren’t.”
“Because it would mean a riff between the families?”
She nods. Salim’s family had undoubtedly blamed her. She put off the wedding and then she left, uprooting her whole life to move across the country for a pay raise and a chance to prove herself. She had the audacity to pursue a dangerous career, a career that put her in a bright limelight. She wasn’t the meek little mouse that she’d been when she was 12-years-old and freshly engaged to be married to Salim. She was demanding and independent, lacking in modesty.
“I bought an abaya,” she flops back with a dejected whine. At TK’s confused expression she explains. “It's basically a dress, some women wear them every day. But we wear them for special occasions. My mom would buy my sister and I a new one every year for Eid. It’s part of the celebration, the tradition; wearing new clothes.”
“You bought one because you wanted to go home?” TK’s tone is laced with sympathetic understanding. But there is no pity, for which she’s grateful. “Marj. That sucks.”
“It’s all my fault. My sister married her match three years ago. They’re so happy, they’ve got a house in Miami Beach and a giant poodle named Mosley. They go surfing and sailing every weekend. Why couldn’t I make it work?”
“Yeah.” He pulls a ‘get outta here’ face. “She's also a computer programmer in some stuffy office.”
“She’s a product manager at a tech startup, but point taken.”
Tagging @inkweedandlizards @heartstringsduet @theghostofashton @kiwichaeng @bonheur-cafe @chicgeekgirl89 @ladytessa74 @carlos-tk @thisbuildinghasfeelings @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @redshirt2 @literateowl @freneticfloetry @orchidscript @guardian-angle22 @alrightbuckaroo @my-little-tilly @tinyluminaryzombie @basilsunrise @louis-ii-reyes-strand @herefortarlos @apothecarose @rmd-writes @thebumblecee @welcometololaland @reyesstrand @strandnreyes @itsrandomnobody7 @iinryer @liminalmemories21 @lightningboltreader @iboatedhere @never-blooms @ambiguouspenny @paperstorm @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @noxsoulmate @detective-giggles @decafdino and OPEN TAG 🏷️
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radiance1 · 1 year
Amity Park is an unusual place. Home to the ghost crazed inventors Jack and Maddie Fenton and their two children, Jasmine and Daniel Fenton.
It is a peaceful town, if only when the Fenton's aren't up to their shenanigans, besides that it was a town were nothing to significant happened.
Which is why it was so weird how the town was built right next to a magical leyline.
(His parents are actually weirdly connected now that he thinks of it.)
Now you see, Danny never cared about his parents' obsession with ghosts, nor their apparent 'portal to hell' that's a work in progress.
(Danny is 12 here AGAIN because I'm just built like that)
He did like to invent small versions of the Chaos Emeralds from the sonic comics he asked his parents for. He was honestly completely surprised they managed to get him actual real-life copies of the comics, considering they ceased productions years before he was born.
He isn't even going to ask any questions about the where and how.
So, he read through the books, told his two friends about it and they came over then they read together. Sam was a bit surprised, since even her parents didn't know where to source them from.
So, you give a twelve-year-old access to discontinued comics about a hedgehog who can run faster than the speed of soun and he sees these super powerful gems and has access to highly advanced tech made his parents (mostly ghost centered but eh) and you expect him not to do anything?
So, he, Tucker and Sam came together and sketched out a design for what they wanted this machine to look like to (hopefully) make their own versions of the Chaos Emeralds.
It wouldn't be the real thing, but they just want something close enough that they can look at.
So, they drew the machine, trying to see which parts would be needed in the actual building part of it. To which they kinda grew to a stump at, Tucker is insanely good with computers, Danny is insanely good at building things and Sam has extensive knowledge of the occult and money.
But they weren't good with the actual designing part. The drawing was pretty crude, not as good as his parents' blueprints, but it was good enough. They just couldn't figure out what materials would go where and which they would even need.
Then his parents caught a glance at what they were working on and extended their help, surprising all three of them since this wasn't anything ghost related. With their help the actual parts for the machine came together, and sure the design had to be changed a bit here and there, but it was worth it!
They didn't know where exactly to build said machine though. Until Sam mentioned the nearby forest, and really, it just went on from there.
So there they were, walking through the forest, looking for the perfect spot to build their machine. Finally coming to at a small hill, Danny decided to build the machine here!
It was the perfect spot for a replica of a super powerful, mega awesome giant emerald!
The spot did however feel really weird, like there was something living in the area. Not that Danny minded though, he wouldn't be a Fenton if he didn't ignore something crazy like this!
Sam was honestly just there for the vibe to be honest.
Tucker was persuaded to be here with the newest PDA that came out and practically unlimited data (He was going to be there anyways but who could pass up that.)
So it took a while, having to carry the materials out there (or carrying them in a cart, for the bigger pieces) and then having Danny putting it all together with his friends handing him some pieces here and there, and then Sam and Tucker having to goddamn drag Danny away from the unfinished machine to take a break and play a game.
Most of the time, Sam would distract herself with reading some occult books, while Tucker would surf the internet while Danny built his machine.
After about a week Danny finally managed to bring the machine to life, a giant mold in the middle of it in the shape of the Master Emerald when it came together and 21 smaller molds.
Coincidently, that was also the time his parents finished their 'portal to hell'.
So, Danny closed the machine, pouring the resin for the master emerald into the machine while his friend poured in resin of different colors into the other molds.
White for Danny.
Black for Sam.
Red for Tucker.
And green for the Master Emerald.
After that, well. All that was left was to turn it on, so they did.
At the exact moment the Fenton's turned on their ghost portal.
The magical energies of the leyline flooded into the molds of the gems, it was extremely chaotic and unfocused, its magical energies unable to be controlled.
For there to then be what is basically the perfect vessels for its excess power?
Well, safe to say it took the opportunity as it was.
At the exact same time Ectoplasm flooded into the world from the portal, and the door to the other side was opened.
The world, tilted off the combined events of the portal opening and the leyline finding a vessel for its power.
Then it and another world became one, a relatively smooth transition as barely anyone noticed.
But that isn't what we're going to focus on right now. ;)
The entirety of Amity Park experienced city-wide electronic mayhem. Basic household appliances started going wack, as did their phones or anything electronic. Then the power went out as an earthquake ran through the city.
It stopped as suddenly as it began, everything was normal. So the Amity parkers went on about their day as normal too.
Danny, Sam and Tucker were knocked unconscious by the event, to which they then awoke about an hour later and saw the sight of their machine broken beyond repair. Danny ran forward and cried over the loss of his hard work, then Sam and Tucker got him to look up a bit higher to see it.
The Master Emerald in all of its beautiful, rainbow glory, and floating around was 21 gems made alongside it.
At first, Danny was stunned, unable to figure out how the hell the gem replicas are floating when they were made to be just that, replicas and not anything else.
They then floated down to each of them, the reds circling Tucker, the blacks circling Sam and the whites circling Danny.
And Danny, being 12 years old forgot all about that and went fuck it.
They stayed there for a while, playing with their new gems. They tried to be responsible, they swear! But they just couldn't help but test what they could do...
They found out that, while they aren't as powerful as the originals in the comics. They were still pretty damn strong, so then Sam had the great idea to train themselves in the usage of the gems like responsible people would.
(Which is basically just an excuse to run over to her books and try out each and every spell she could see.)
Which is how they also found out that the Master Emerald replica also had the ability to render their own gems inert like in the comics after they went a bit overboard with them.
Then they came back home and apparently ghosts are a thing now. They politely kept their new gems and the existence of the giant one a secret.
And like that, two years passed by. All of them now 14 and having very good control over the gems, with the help of the Master Emerald that somehow became semi-sentient and finding out that the reason why it happened is because they literally built the machine on top of a magical leyline.
They took on the role of guarding the gem, just like Knuckles the Echidna. Which also doubles as their hangout spot too, so there's that.
They had super-secret personas and totally cool outfits for when they're guarding it too. Which isn't really necessary since nothing happens, but they don't really care about that too be honest.
Amity Park is a relatively closed off town, new faces only being there in the ways of tourists. It is a peaceful town, minus all the ghosts and the Fenton's in their battles, it is a nice town where nothing too big happens.
Danny, Sam, and Tucker thought so as well. Thought that nobody would find out about their little secret.
They were not pleased when they found some old British guy was walking around the Master Emerald.
The Fenton parents were very pleased when three of earth's greatest heroes, batguy, supersomething and Wondergirl pulled up at their doorstep asking to see their inventions. (They swear they could never quite remember those three's names, what with all the ghost fighting, realizing they weren't quite right in their research and renouncing everything they ever said about ghosts as a whole while also trying to reconnect with their kids after realizing how neglectful they've been over the years.)
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canmom · 10 months
post-animation night 177 comments
brief thoughts on kizazi moto (more substantial tomorrow perhaps): visually that was so lush. we're really full post-Arcane/Spiderverse nonphotorealistic stylings here, with a powerful dash of Trigger/Flying Bark-esque Neo Kanada School as well. this was like a cross-section of the current big styles in animation and it kicked ass for that. I'm not entirely sure what the production pipeline looked like - the Irish film board was apparently involved somehow! and maybe some Irish studios so it wasn't a purely African production - but it was an extremely impressive showing all round.
narratively, putting it right beside Fatenah kinda highlighted the places it wasn't willing to go. though I had heard the directors had a lot of freedom, there were some very consistent themes running throughout the anthology - nearly every film involved parent-child relationships, many of them revolving around a kid hoping to prove themselves in the eyes of their society/ancestors. the uglier side of history is touched on lightly: one film shows us a flashy cyberpunk city from an alternate timeline where 'Great Zimbabwe was never colonised', complete with 'the most advanced justice system in the multiverse' (a giant robot bird that chases our protagonists), but doesn't expand on that as more than a colourful backdrop. the last film gets closest, presenting a mother-child pair of two gods who are wounded by extractivism and retreat from the world - I appreciated the understated bleak implication of its ending.
I think while the creators were probably not given too much overt creative restriction, they were surely aware this was to be broadcast in English on Disney's streaming service, and tailored their stories accordingly. so you'd probably avoid "Disney is the face of American imperialism: the movie". Disney money is a bit of a double-edged sword that way.
besides parent/child reconciliation, we had a lot of ancestors and more than a few gods. a few stories centred on coming of age rituals; other had a more or less central focus on social media fame and its corrupting effect. at times it verges into the preachy - characters who stand between two families, or between humans and aliens, and resolve to honour both sets of ancestors - but the presentation is more than engaging enough to make it a compelling watch, regardless.
there's a lot of wonderful lighting, set design and architecture throughout. Mọrémì had a very cool desaturated style with toyetic, colourful 'soul-stealing giants' that put me a little in mind of Absolver.
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Stardust had a bit of a Star Wars feel, almost feeling like an extra Visions short, but the injection of Islamic architecture was very effective.
a certain Arcane/Riot influence is very overt in many of the films - not just in the widespread use of paint textures in the CG environments and the approach to light and colour, but also with plot elements like the neon-drenched surfer gang in Surf Sangoma (episode 4) - which was definitely a fantastic-looking episode with the wonderfully out-there premise of a world where you have a squid suck on your face to gain surf skills. (just say no to squids, kids! you don't need 'em! rely on your magic ghost mum instead.) but I think this is something that's true in the animation industry more generally of late - the last few years have really kicked the door open to 2D stylings in 3D (paint textures, reduced framerates etc.). no doubt having a Spiderverse director as exec producer played a role in that too!
all in all I really enjoyed this anthology, and I'm super excited to see what comes next from the studios involved.
Fatenah meanwhile was fantastic, and an absolute gut punch. the fact that the hospital seen in the film has been in the news for being emptied out at gunpoint in the last week gave it a special level of 'oof'. its style may seem disarmingly simple, but the puppet-like styling ends up bestowing a huge degree of weight to the characters. the scenes of the border checkpoint, the monotony of cages and guards, and the concrete environment resembling a Half Life 2 map, were very impactful. highly recommend taking 20 minutes to watch this film.
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clockwrkcabaret · 11 months
WARNING! This show is for adults. We drink cocktails, have potty mouths and, at least, one of us was raised by wolves.
The Clockwork Cabaret is a production of Agony Aunt Studios. Featuring that darling DJ Duo, Lady Attercop and Emmett Davenport. Our theme music is made especially for us by Kyle O’Door.
This episode aired on Mad Wasp Radio, 11.12.23.
New episodes air on Mad Wasp Radio on Sundays @ 12pm GMT! Listen at www.madwaspradio.com or via TuneIn radio app!
T.S Tadin – Pretty Boring
Lord Huron – The World Ender
Daniel Land – Alison
Iron & Wine – Naked As We Came
Nick Drake – Pink Moon
Beirut – Postcards From Italy
Bon Iver – Woods
The Head And The Heart – Down In The Valley
Sufjan Stevens – Futile Devices
Ane Brun – Big In Japan
Ibeyi – Oya
AURORA – Nature Boy (Acoustic)
Röyksopp – Rong
Tricky – Ponderosa
Stromae – Santé
Janelle Monáe – I Got The Juice (feat. Pharrell Williams)
Miike Snow – Genghis Khan
Electric Guest – This Head I Hold
The Black Keys – Everlasting Light
Scissor Sisters – Laura
The Jam – Town Called Malice
The Smiths – This Charming Man
Vandal Moon – Robert Smith (I Love You Since I Was Six)
Kids Love Surf – Just Like Heaven
Cold Cave – You Really Could Have Had It All
Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark – Talking Loud And Clear
Talking Heads – Found a Job
Pixies – Is She Weird
They Might Be Giants – Birdhouse In Your Soul
  Check out this episode!
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iczer-ryuga2 · 2 years
How Toei wanted to make their own ver. of Silver Surfer in the early 80′s (Get ready because it’s about to get wild)
All the information I’ve gotten is in this one blog here, documenting about what Toei and Marvel were collabing on at the time: https://spider-man.at.webry.info/200802/article_3.html 
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From the blog in the link above:
‘As mentioned in this blog several times before, after Spider-Man aired from 1978 to 1979, Toei planned and considered several programs using Marvel characters, including 3-D Man, Moon Knight and Silver Surfer. We introduced 3-D Man (26 May 2007) and Moon Knight (14 January 2008), but Silver Surfer had not yet been introduced, so we thought we would introduce it sooner or later, but the other day we happened to receive a copy of the "New Programme Proposal" that resulted in Silver Surfer's death. I was planning to introduce it sooner or later, but I happened to get a copy of the Silver Surfer's lost 'New Programme Proposal' the other day, so I'll write about it this time, weaving in its contents as I go along.
This is the Silver Surfer proposal. Four colour photos of the main characters are attached.
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The show is a colourful and varied action series centered on three Marvel Comics heroes - Silver Surfer, Ms Marvel and The Thing - and features Marvel characters from time to time, plus original characters from Japan.
Title: Silver Surfer Type: SF hero action film Format: TV film with extensive use of VTR synthesis, 30-minute complete episodes, 26 or more episodes. Target audience: Young people and other families in general. Based on the novel by Saburo Hate (from the Marvel Comics version) Planning cooperation: Kikakusha 104 Production: Toei Co.
Planning details The Great Invasion Army, led by the space emperor Galactus, extends its power across the universe. Their next target is our home planet, Earth. At ・・・・・, Ms Marvel and The Thing, who belong to the Japan Branch of the Independent Strategy Office, have a fateful encounter with the superhero Silver Surfer, who has escaped from Galactus' army to Earth, and are told by him of the enemy's true intentions. The three are united by a strong sense of comradeship and rivalry as they face their giant enemy.
Introduction of the characters
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Silver Surfer (Koushi Shibuki). A silver-coloured alien who pilots a surfboard named Skyboard and travels through space at the speed of light. He was a resident of the planet Zen Ra, but was captured when an invasion force destroyed the planet and converted into a space combat soldier in the psychic strategic development section. After being converted, he attempted to escape to his late mother's planet.
Fights enemies with Cosmic Power, an ability that allows him to manipulate cosmic energy. Cosmic Blast = Attacks by firing energy blasts from the fingertips. Cosmic Burst = Energy discharge generated from both hands spread wide. Cosmic Attack = The strongest attack method, in which the energy stored in the body is released, the entire body is enveloped in energy and the attacker strikes with the body. However, this technique drains all of Silver Surfer's energy and can only be used once in battle, as he has no attack ability for "one hour" until the Cosmic Energy is charged up in his body again.
Usually a young man who enjoys ocean sports, mainly surfing. When he catches sight of an enemy invasion, he heads for the battlefield as a warrior Silver Surfer. His father is from the planet Zen Ra and his mother is from Earth.
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Miz Marvel (Masumi Suzuka). An Earth superheroine with inherently superior precognition and clairvoyant abilities. In everyday life, she is a female university student who works part-time at a coffee shop frequented by Koushi Shibuki. She is actually the daughter of the wealthy Suzuka family.
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Thing (Gen Ishihara). A power fighter who punches with great destructive power, defeats his enemies with great monstrous strength, and is an earthling who specialises in ground combat. He is usually a truck driver. He often frequents the coffee shop where Suzuka Masumi works part-time. During the investigation of a previous case, he was involved in an explosion at an enemy hideout, at which time he was exposed to special energy along with a monstrous beam of light, and became a superhuman with immeasurable power.
That's roughly how it went down. The rest of the book contains information about the 'Independent Strategy Office of the Earth Defence Organisation' to which the three belong, an introduction to the 'Galactus Army', a sample story of the first episode, and so on. We will introduce this proposal when we have a chance.
By the way, I looked into this lost project to see if it was utilized in any later Toei special effects programs, and found some matching settings in Space Detective Gavan, which was broadcast from March 1982. The Gavan project started in the spring of 1981, around the same time as Silver Surfer. The story is about the defense of peace in space, which is a different dimension from existing heroes. He wears a silver combat suit. He emits rays of light from his fingertips. His father is an alien and his mother is from Earth. He rides in a sidecar (Cyberian), reminiscent of the Silver Surfer. 
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[Image reference.]
There may be more, but I don't think I'm the only one who feels that this is similar. However, I haven't seen any reference book that states the fact that the 'Silver Surfer' setting was used for 'Gavan', so this is a matter of speculation.’
------------------------------------- End of Translation
So that was my find of this info. All while I’m trying to find info of ‘Tomb of Dracula’ anime animated by Toei so I tried to find info on Google using Dracula’s Japanese title and lo and behold, I found this blog that has quite the info on it.
Next time, info on ‘Tomb of Dracula’ anime movie and how Harmony Gold crammed WAAAY Too much story into a condensed movie that was different in the intended way by Toei.
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Yeah, actually.
I'm gonna set up my own social giant, effectively named Surf.
Looking at the state of modern media, half the sites reporting on the most recent stuff are focused on marketing. You can't just be yourself, everyone is their own product. It's meaningless, this isn't vast human connection, you already know the name for it. Scroll when it doesn't have a cost, like the Internet of our youth. Most sites are free, most sites don't need an origin story.
Fuck you I don't need a draw, people can just make websites for the hell of it. Anyway, post your dream goals at night when you go to sleep and then write out a quick summary of your dreams as you wake. Honestly you're already using Surf if you mention it in the tags or post. Everything will get included when I get around to making an actual site. We can scrape in a ton of surfing material too it's kind of the philosophy of using the name.
Later when this catches on we can correlate all the dream journals into a synchronized thematic group and use hypnosis to slowly make all of our dreams align. Shared dreaming through semiotics is valid too, science just needs the data collected regularly.
Send an ask or message me if you take action on this idea elsewhere.
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oasis-nadrama · 1 year
You brought up revised lands and I remember from your old QA pages certain characters lands had different names. Can you give me some info on the land revisions?
--------- Yeah, definitely! Here are the original Lands as indicated in the original 2011 pre-production notes, followed by the new names as well as my comments.
VAMUIN'S LAND 2011 notes: Territory of Incandescence and Chronographs (With a lot of sun, beachs and metronomes and surfing things too) Final version: Territory of Metronomes and Marquetry Comments: The original idea for Vamuin's Land was pretty flat, almost like a joke adventure - and it may have to do with the fact I first planned Alabaster as a way shorter, simpler work, 600 pages long rather than 2600+ (the complete Alabaster will probably be around 4000 pages). So yeah, it was quite superficial, like, "give the surfer guy some beaches with giant boards and maybe metronomes to go with the fact he's a Bard of Time, whatever". It was empty. It was lazy. I pretty much restarted completely from scratch, keeping only the metronomes and the general idea that the planet would be warm. Then I started developing ideas, symbolism. For example wood is a material evocative of growth, fitting with the Aspect of Time, and also fitting with the Dionysian thematic of Vamuin, with harvest, and, well, of course it's a dick joke, too, "wood". Vamuin's Land was always going to be full of dick jokes. He was also supposed to fry himself to death attempting to convert his questcoon into the ultimate tanning lounge.
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GINNEO 2011 notes: Land of Spades and Fur (With darkness and pulsing arteries of some grey liquid everywhere) Final version: Territory of Belligerence and Glaciation Comments: The "Land" form on this one indicates the original name for Ginneo's planet is an extremely early draft, anterior to the idea of revised SGRUB terminology. It may have been the first land I planned. I envisioned this one as an entirely organic environment, with a lot of brown tones, similar to the shapes and palettes I finally used in Silent Hive… It is the way Ginneo's mind looks, like a mess of warm colors and "cuteness" dissimulating more metallic, rusted, dangerous things. And when I finally made the minigame Silent Hive, I was left with an issue: I couldn't make the Land as usually envisioned, it would have been too much of a repetition. So I looked for contrast, and for contrast with Vamuin's Land as well; I had to get away from warmth and warm colours. I was partially inspired by the video game Silent Hill Shattered Memories, which features a frozen world. So the final version started from this idea of glaciation, and was also about WAR - war was a focus of Ginneo before his psychological transformation, and work pretty well with his Rift Aspect.
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BATORI 2011 notes: Territory of Oceans??? and Sepultures (with big elegant quiet gardens) Final version: Territory of Rainforest and Sepultures Comments: I MAY have been thinking about floating gardens for this one. Unsure. As indicated by the "???" in the note, I was never sure about the oceans. The Sepultures I envisioned as more sinister than their final interpretation, they were going to be large, greyish, maybe labyrinth - Necropolis-like. I am glad to have chosen a lighter "jungle ruins" look in the end, because the original idea was WAY TOO CLOSE to what we discovered in canon Homestuck in the following years, the Alpha Kids' session.
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RENART 2011 notes: Territory of Tincture and Latticework (with a lot of prisms and rays and inks and jungle gyms Final version: Territory of Flamboyance and Choregraphy Comments: This one changed the MOST. Until then, each territory kept at least a shadow of continuity with the original concept - Vamuin's Land keeps the Metronomes and the general heat, Ginneo's Land keeps the war/conflict theme and the hostility, Batori's Land the Sepultures and the idea of exploration… But RENART'S LAND? Well, it was really difficult. There were actually a dozen iterations of Renart's Land. At some point I wanted it to have gigantic grey mountains and a deep, dark sea. At another point I wanted it to be all ribbons. I envisioned entire oceans made of silk, of rough paper ribbons adorned with scribbles of black ink. And, as you can read from the notes, I played a lot with the idea of latticework, scaffolding or jungle gyms - I loved the idea that he would end up with an empty world reduced to some underlying structure. In these visions, the ENTIRE PLANET was basically scaffolding. But I realized I could not use scaffolding because it would be too similar to my approach of a "Land in Formation" as displayed here:
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I also wanted Renart's Land to contain basically ALL possible colors. The palette would have been pretty similar to the bright city of Nelphis in my webcomic Pantagrame. But I realized it did not work with other Lands. I wanted a balance between the palettes of the various Lands, and if Renart had a complete psychedelic rainbow, it left no room for other planets to shine in the color bible. So yeah, I completely scrapped all of the previous ideas and worked on something colorful yet in limited tones. Something which would echo's Vamuin Land in various ways, since Renart mirrors Vamuin while opposing him. I ended up deciding on Art Nouveau/baroques continents, in opposition to the Art Déco continents of Vamuin's Land; it was a duality I already used in Pantagrame for Nelphis and Cindralia, so I knew it worked. I hesitated a lot for the colors, I wanted both the continents and the sky to look deeply psychedelic and unnatural. Finally I was lucky enough to find the idea of making the forests oceans as in the first Land, but oceans of giant mushrooms. I found some more symbolical details, related to Renart's mythological role etc, but basically by this point it was done. The Territory of Flamboyance and Choregraphy was born.
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amarresorrt-3144 · 6 days
NJ Fishing Report
The NJ fishing scene continues to attract anglers from all over, offering a diverse range of opportunities for both seasoned and amateur fishers. Whether you're after saltwater giants or freshwater favorites, New Jersey’s waters provide plenty of action year-round. This NJ Fishing Report brings you the latest updates on the most popular spots, techniques, and species currently being caught.
Freshwater Fishing Highlights
In New Jersey’s inland lakes and rivers, bass fishing has been heating up. Anglers are reporting excellent catches of largemouth bass, especially in lakes such as Hopatcong and Greenwood. The cooler water temperatures of early fall have stirred up activity, making this a great time to head out. According to the latest NJ Fishing Report, anglers using soft plastics and topwater lures have had the most success, particularly in the mornings and late afternoons.
Trout fishing remains strong, with the Pequest and Musconetcong rivers offering solid action. The New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife continues to stock these rivers with healthy, sizable trout, ensuring there's plenty to catch. Fly fishers are reporting solid numbers of rainbows, especially in shaded sections of these rivers. For the latest on where the action is hottest, the NJ Fishing Report is a valuable resource for planning your next trip.
Saltwater Fishing Updates
The New Jersey coastline is teeming with activity this season. Striped bass are beginning their annual migration, offering great opportunities for surf fishers and boat anglers alike. Reports indicate that trolling bunker spoons and live eels has produced some of the biggest stripers so far this season. If you're looking for more detailed tips, the NJ Fishing Report is an essential tool for keeping track of the latest trends along the coast.
In addition to striped bass, the fluke bite has been productive, particularly in the southern parts of the state like Cape May and Atlantic City. Anglers drifting squid and spearing baits are enjoying consistent action, and it looks like the fluke season will remain solid for a few more weeks.
Final ThoughtsWhether you’re a saltwater enthusiast chasing trophy stripers or a freshwater angler targeting bass and trout, the NJ Fishing Report provides all the insights you need to stay on top of the latest trends. Be sure to check in regularly to maximize your chances of success on your next outing.
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mediamemoir · 19 days
1996: April-June
This was supposed to start with Rage Against the Machine but I'm saving them for Metal Monday.
The Cranberries released their third album but it was a style shift which didn't speak much to me.
And then Tina Turner released Wildest Dreams. Other than the excellent Bond theme GoldenEye, written by U2's Bono and The Edge, it contained one of my favorite tracks of the year, Whatever You Want, co-written by 80s dance-pop singer Taylor Dayne and illustrious producer Arthur Baker, with sweeping production from Trevor Horn. (video directed by Stephane Sednaoui.)
Then came electronica duo Orbital, aka brothers Paul and Phil Hartnoll, with In Sides, producing the rhythmic yet mysterious The Box, accompanied by a stop-motion music video starring Tilda Swinton. (directed by Jes Benstock - more on this video here.)
Backstreet Boys released their debut album and became huge.
George Michael, finally free from his Sony Music contract after a long battle, released Older, featuring the funky (and horny) Fastlove and the smooth jazzy Spinning the Wheel. (both directed by Vaughan Arnell and Anthea Benton.)
Manic Street Preachers released Everything Must Go, including A Design for Life.
The Wallflowers, fronted by Bob Dylan's son Jakob, released Bringing Down the Horse, featuring One Headlight.
And then, of course, we got the massive Down on the Upside by Soundgarden, with Pretty Noose, Blow Up the Outside World, and my favorite, Burden in My Hand (video directed by Jake Scott).
There was Everything but the Girl with Walking Wounded (video directed by indie film giant Hal Hartley - go watch The Unbelievable Truth.) Metallica with Load's Until it Sleeps (directed by Samuel Bayer). Robert Miles released Dreamland featuring Children, kickstarting the Dream house genre.
Placebo, with gender-bending frontman Brian Molko, released their eponymous debut, spawning single Nancy Boy. The music video's thumbnail might be a little disturbing so I'm posting the audio version.
Nada Surf spouted the sarcastic Popular on High/Low.
And lastly, Beck released Odelay which became big, but unofortunately I wasn't really taken by it.
See you on the next one.
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menstshirtshop · 19 days
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onlinementshirt · 19 days
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ladiestshirt · 19 days
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tshirtstores · 19 days
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skyglobals · 22 days
Discover Kerala: The Ultimate Tour Packages for a Memorable Getaway
Nestled in the southwestern corner of India, Kerala—often referred to as "God's Own Country"—is a place where natural beauty meets cultural richness. Its serene backwaters, lush landscapes, and vibrant traditions make it a prime destination for travelers seeking both relaxation and adventure. If you're contemplating a visit to this enchanting state, choosing the right tour package can transform your experience from memorable to magical. Here’s a guide to some of the best Kerala tour packages that promise to deliver a truly unforgettable journey.
1. Backwater Bliss
One of Kerala’s most iconic experiences is its backwaters. Imagine drifting along tranquil waters, surrounded by swaying palm trees and traditional houseboats. This tour package offers:
Houseboat Stay: Spend a night on a luxurious houseboat equipped with modern amenities and traditional décor.
Guided Backwater Tours: Explore the intricate network of canals and lagoons with a knowledgeable guide.
Local Cuisine: Enjoy freshly prepared Kerala meals onboard, featuring local specialties like fish curry and appam.
Scenic Vistas: Witness stunning sunsets and serene morning mist as you glide through the waterways.
2. Hill Station Retreat
For those who prefer the cool embrace of the hills, the Kerala Hill Station Retreat is perfect. This package caters to nature lovers and adventure seekers alike:
Munnar Exploration: Discover Munnar’s tea gardens, rolling hills, and picturesque landscapes.
Eravikulam National Park: Spot the endangered Nilgiri Tahr and enjoy guided nature walks.
Tea Factory Visit: Learn about tea production and sample some of the finest teas.
Spice Plantations: Visit spice plantations and understand the role of spices in Kerala’s cuisine.
3. Cultural Sojourn
Kerala’s rich cultural heritage is a tapestry woven with various traditions, art forms, and festivals. This tour package immerses you in the cultural heart of the state:
Kathakali Performance: Experience the traditional dance-drama known for its elaborate costumes and expressive storytelling.
Traditional Cuisine: Savor a variety of Kerala’s authentic dishes, including traditional sadhya (feast) served on a banana leaf.
Historic Temples: Visit ancient temples and learn about their architectural marvels and religious significance.
Local Markets: Wander through bustling markets and interact with local artisans.
4. Beach Bliss
For those drawn to sun, sea, and sand, Kerala’s coastline offers some of the most pristine beaches in India. The Beach Bliss package includes:
Varkala and Kovalam: Relax on the golden sands of these popular beach destinations.
Water Sports: Engage in activities like parasailing, jet skiing, and surfing.
Ayurvedic Treatments: Indulge in rejuvenating Ayurvedic spa treatments to unwind after a day in the sun.
Sunset Cruises: Enjoy a romantic evening cruise along the coastline.
5. Wildlife Wonders
Kerala is also home to diverse wildlife and lush forests. This tour package is ideal for wildlife enthusiasts:
Periyar National Park: Go on a jungle safari to spot elephants, tigers, and various bird species.
Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary: Explore the sanctuary’s dense forests and observe its rich biodiversity.
Elephant Interaction: Visit an elephant camp where you can feed and bathe these gentle giants.
Nature Trails: Experience guided treks through forest trails and scenic landscapes.
Kerala offers an array of tour packages that cater to diverse interests, from serene backwater cruises and hill station escapes to cultural immersions and wildlife adventures. Each package is designed to showcase the unique charm of Kerala, ensuring that every traveler leaves with cherished memories. Whether you're seeking tranquility, adventure, or cultural enrichment, Kerala’s tour packages promise a journey filled with discovery, delight, and deep connection to this beautiful corner of the world.
Embrace the magic of Kerala and let its natural beauty and rich heritage leave an indelible mark on your soul.
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teczek01 · 22 days
How To Choose The Best Tablet For You?
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In nowadays rapid-paced worldwide, capsules have emerge as a crucial device for each non-public and professional use. They bridge the distance amongst smartphones and laptops, supplying a stability of portability, versatility, and energy. However, with such loads of alternatives to be had, deciding on the right tablet can be a frightening project. Whether you are looking for a new tool or thinking about refurbished samsung tablets, this guide will help you navigate via the choices to discover the best tablet unlocked gsm,to your desires.
1. Understand Your Needs
The first step in selecting the best tablet is understanding how you intend to use it. Are you looking for a device essentially for entertainment, inclusive of searching videos, studying e-books, and surfing the net? Or do you want a tablet for work, able to manage productive apps, multitasking, and probably even converting your laptop?
For example, if you’re a person who often travels, a tablet unlocked GSM might be a top precedent. Unlocked tablets allow you to use any GSM company, imparting you with the ability to stay related without being tied to a specific network.
2. Choose Between New and Refurbished Tablets
One of the key alternatives you may face is whether to shop for a brand-new tablet or pick out a refurbished tablet.
Refurbished Tablets
Refurbished capsules are pre-owned devices which have been restored to love-new state of affairs. They’re often sold at a giant cut price as compared to new models. Opting for a refurbished Samsung tablet, for instance, can be an awesome way to get a brilliant tool at a fragment of the cost. These tablets go through rigorous checking to ensure they meet the actual producer’s requirements, and they regularly consist of an assurance for peace of mind.
New Tablets
On the other hand, looking for new ensures you’re getting the modern model with the most updated skills. If you opt for the contemporary-day era and don’t mind paying a pinnacle of elegance, looking for something new might be the manner to head. For those dependable to particular manufacturers, the option to buy Samsung tablet online guarantees you get the stylish version with the trendy functions and generation.
3. Operating System: iOS, Android, or Windows?
The going for walks machine (OS) is every other important element to recollect. The 3 primary options are iOS (Apple), Android (Google), and Windows (Microsoft).
If you’re already an Apple character, an iPad might be the herbal preference. IOS is thought for its person-pleasant interface, seamless integration with one of a kind Apple gadgets, and a widespread desire for top notch apps. However, it’s in reality really worth noting that Apple products have a tendency to be on the pricier side.
Android tablets, inclusive of these furnished by Samsung, provide more flexibility and customization alternatives. The Google Play Store offers a large type of apps, and Android capsules regularly are available at loads of costs, making them available to more humans. For the ones thinking about a refurbished Samsung tablet, Android offers an acquainted revel in the introduced benefit of affordability.
Windows tablets, in conjunction with the Microsoft Surface, are ideal for folks that need a tool for each work and play. They run the whole model of Windows 10 or eleven, which means you could use all of your favored computer apps. These drugs are specifically beneficial for experts who want to run specific software applications that aren't available on iOS or Android.
4. Connectivity: Wi-Fi Only or Cellular?
Tablets normally include  connectivity alternatives: Wi-Fi handiest or Wi-Fi  Cellular. If you propose to apply your tablet normally at home, a Wi-Fi-pleasant version needs to suffice. However, in case you want net access at the skip, a mobile model with GSM competencies might be higher.
A tablet unlocked GSM allows you to insert a SIM card from any service, supplying you with the liberty to pick out your community issuer and switch among them as wanted.
5. Screen Size and Display Quality
Tablets come in a number of display sizes, normally beginning from 7 inches to 13 inches or greater. The proper size relies upon how you recommend to apply the tool.
7-8 inches: Ideal for portability, clean to maintain with one hand, and wonderful for analyzing e-books or surfing the internet.
Sept. 11 inches: A correct middle ground, offering more screen area for productivity without being too cumbersome.
12 inches and above: Best for those who want a tablet for paintings, which incorporates photograph designers or video editors, in which display real property is critical.
Displaying tremendously is also critical. Look for a tablet with an immoderate-decision display screen (at the least 1080p) and correct colour accuracy. If you recommend applying the tablet for searching movies or enhancing images, those elements will be particularly crucial.
6. Storage Capacity
When choosing a tablet, recollect how a good deal of garage you’ll want. Tablets commonly come with inner garage alternatives starting from 16GB to 1TB.
16GB-64GB: Suitable for informal users who basically circulate content and use cloud garage.
128GB-256GB: A proper desire for people who download an entire lot of apps, video video games, and media.
512GB and above: Ideal for electricity customers who want to store huge documents, along with films and immoderate-selection pix, right away at the tool.
Keep in mind that a few tablets provide an expandable garage through microSD playing playing cards, which can be a fee-powerful way to increase your tool’s functionality.
7. Battery Life
Battery life is a key attention, specifically if you plan to use your tablet at the cross. Look for a tablet that offers at least eight-10 hours of battery life. This needs to be sufficient to get you through a full day of labor or amusement while not having to recharge.
8. Accessories and Expandability
Think approximately the accessories you would probably want for your tablet. Common add-ons embody:
Keyboard instances: Turn your tablet proper into a mini-pc for productivity at the go.
Stylus pens: Great for word-taking, drawing, and precision responsibilities.
External garage: Useful for backing up documents or expanding garage capability.
Ensure that the tablet you pick out is well matched with the accessories you need.
9. Price and Budget
Finally, keep in mind your charge variety. Tablets can range from under $100 for budget fashions to over $1,000 for premium gadgets. Set a finances earlier than you start purchasing, and stick with it.
If you’re on a tight budget, don't forget refurbished tablets as a way to get a terrific tool at a decreased fee. You can buy Samsung tabs on-line that are refurbished, offering remarkable rates without compromising on great.
Choosing Teczek is an extremely good choice for your requirements which entails thinking about numerous factors, inclusive of your supposed use, preferred running device, connectivity alternatives, and price variety. Whether you decide to shop for a Samsung tab on-line or choose a refurbished tablet, taking the time to evaluate your alternatives will ensure you find out the precise tool to fulfil your desires. Remember, a properly-selected tablet can be a powerful tool that enhances each of your personal and expert lifestyles.
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