crankaser · 5 months
Nothing can ruin a wonderful day like this!!
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For the record, I actually ADORED Rapunzel’s short hair at the end of the film
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therainbowgorilla · 9 months
Sure she turned evil or whatever but Cassandra totally had a point. She spent her whole life training and waiting to be a lady in waiting for a lost princess who might never even fucking show up. Having to give up her dream of being in the guard for this.
Then the princess DOES show up and whilst Rapunzel is kind, she has no idea the kind of privelege she has over Cass. Rapunzel has so many choices that Cass never even had a chance at. And she's always constantly, albeit unintentionally, rubbing it in Cass's face that she has it all. Money, the fame of being a lost-now-found princess, power, and worst of all...
Cass learns that her very on mother abandoned her to kidnap Rapunzel. Even her own mother didn't care about her, chose Rapunzel over her! The person she'd trained her whole life to serve in a role she never wanted to play, was her mother's favorite too.
Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. It's always Rapunzel. Rapunzel the princess. Rapunzel her boss. Rapunzel the recovered princess. Rapunzel gets the magic powers. Rapunzel who has has to fight to save. Rapunzel her mother's favorite. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Rapunzel. Always her, never Cass. It's never about Cass.
She probably felt abandoned her entire life. By her mother's abandonment, by her father in his denial of her dreams, by the community who forced her into a role she never wanted in the first place.
All I'm saying is, it's no wonder she snapped. All she wanted was for someone to pay attention, to care about HER for once. Even if the attention is negative, she desperately needed it.
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the-golden-dragoness · 3 months
Ugh I hate to think about how Eugene was secretly a prince
Highkey annoying
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Stranded In Arendelle: Chapter 11
July 28th, 1843
After a long week of worsening snowy misery, Arendelle’s blizzard finally let up.
“Thank God,” grinned Nuru.
The airship to take Rapunzel and Eugene back home successfully managed to arrive thanks to the improved weather. Eugene would much rather have returned by ship, but there was a funeral to attend since the king died. Rapunzel also had a kingdom to rule. 
“Goodbye, Eugene,” Tony bid Eugene farewell.
“Goodbye,” said Eugene. 
Eugene held Rapunzel’s hand.
“You know how you couldn’t afford university even though you really wanted to, Tony?”
“Yeah?” he wondered.
“Guess what,” Eugene stated. “I’m not going to get Rapunzel to use Coronans’ taxpayer money to get you in. But I do know of a good scholarship.”
“Tell me,” Tony lit up.
Eugene explained to Tony the requirements of the scholarship.
“Well,” Tony smiled, “I think I fit the requirements.”
“You’ll just have to wait and see,” Nuru chimed in.
“Good luck,” Rapunzel watched the ship dock. “And Nuru?”
“Yes?” Nuru turned around.
“Thanks for everything,” Rapunzel pulled Nuru into a hug.
“You’re welcome,” Nuru stated. “And thank you, Rapunzel.”
The Coronan royals boarded the ship.
One Year Later
Officially pardoned in August of 1843, Tony had finished his first year in the prestigious Oxten University. He occasionally mailed Eugene, who would mail him back.
The kingdom of Corona prospered under Rapunzel’s rule. She reformed the justice system to avoid execution except for when serial murder or sexual assault was involved. Coronan citizens were happy, and a preliminary system of democracy allowing them to vote for or against whichever rules Rapunzel made started to get put in place. Its economy and infrastructure were doing great - in no small part thanks to Varian and his new partner working on the electricity system. Foreign relations with Arendelle were also much better with Queen Elsa as its leader.
While not as glamorous as Corona, the kingdom of Hawada was finally improving. Thanks to both Nuru’s and Varian’s efforts, there was now better infrastructure to deal with the meteorite attacks which plagued it. A truce for the war had been agreed to, and Hawada was left alone. 
Kirsti’s mother was released from prison around Christmas time. Now reunited, Kirsti would telegraph her frequently.
Of course, there were still issues to be resolved. The kingdoms were far from true equality, this being the 19th century. Rapunzel still had to deal with conflicts in the palace from time to time.
But compared to just a few years ago, life was much better.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! I’d appreciate a vote (if on Wattpad) or like (if on Tumblr) if you enjoyed reading the fanfic. Comments are also welcome.
This was initially going to be 15 chapters, but I couldn’t find a way to prolong the narrative without it feeling repetitive, personally. 
Regardless, I’m going to be moving on to something new soon. It’ll be an original fic inspired by some pop music I’ve heard. Should that interest you…see you then!
(Wattpad version: https://www.wattpad.com/1475200729-stranded-in-arendelle-chapter-11)
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wr3nns · 2 years
sometimes I think about isolated magical blonde kids raised by main-antagonist emotional manipulators. And then I think about their little creature companions, and the dark-haired person who helps them break out of their confinement.
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coralcatsea · 2 years
Tangled series: Rapunzel's father gets into a prank war with another king!
Tangled series: Rapunzel and friends have to figure out who trashed the sweet shoppe!
Tangled series: Oh no! A baby dragon showed up and they need to return it to its family!
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werewolf-cuddles · 2 years
can I just say that I fucking love how practically everyone in the fandom just completely rejects the idea that Rapunzel and Cassandra could be considered sisters in any way?
I'm glad the majority of us seem to be in agreement that Gothel kidnapping Rapunzel and literally keeping her prisoner for 18 years is absolutely not even remotely equivalent to adoption, which the argument that Raps and Cass are "adopted siblings" entirely hinges on.
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zarinaa113 · 1 year
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Hiccunzel 2023-Starlight
Moonlight counts, right?
This is an old pic but I'm still pretty proud of it. You can see what I'm trying to get at, and that's the whole point.
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isopods-anonymous · 2 years
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Finally finished Tangled the animated series. 8/10 good ending but could have used more gophers
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violetscanfly · 6 months
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Art inspired by a tangled/mdzs fusion fic called the rivers start to sing by fruitys on ao3! Rapunzel-xian with his Xiao Pingguo crow just wouldn't leave my brain :'D
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cogentranting · 4 months
Favorite part of The Fall Guy is he's been framed for murder and faked his own death to avoid the people trying to kill him and he shows up in her trailer like "here's how you can still finish your movie" because it's important to her. And she has to be the one who goes "are you insane? we're stopping the murderers and clearing your name first."
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
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Shadow joins the "Being Carried Bridal Style by Sonic" club!
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talesfromasnarkylisa · 2 months
Stranded In Arendelle: Chapter 5
July 24th, 1843
Rapunzel and Nuru had tried to look for Eugene. Apparently, he was in the castle dungeon. Unfortunately, when they visited the palace the guards refused to let them know exactly where he was.
“Geez,” sighed Rapunzel, “why are they making us out to be the bad guys?”
“Welcome to my world,” snarked Nuru. 
Kirsti was walking by the two women. She had visited the castle dungeons.
“Hey Kirsti,” asked Rapunzel, “any updates on Eugene?”
“I saw him in a cell somewhere,” Kirsti answered. “He was being questioned by two guards.”
Rapunzel was pissed.
“What? Why?” groaned the princess of Corona.
“Don’t know,” responded Kirsti. 
Kirsti thought of a plan to find Eugene.
“Guys, I have an idea,” she told the two princesses.
“Elaborate,” stated Nuru.
“So I’ve been to the Arendlle castle dungeons quite a few times now. As a visitor, of course. I go to visit my mom. Sometimes, I either forget stuff in the jail area or forget to give something to my mom. Whenever either happens, I talk to the guards to see if they’ll let me back in. It takes some time to make negotiations, but usually they do. What I’m thinking right now is this: I’ll ask the guards to take me to my mom because I forgot something. I’ll also ask them if you two could come in as well to help me look for what I forgot.”
Rapunzel thought over the plan for a bit. It didn’t sound like a bad idea.
“Sounds great and all,” Rapunzel said, “but how close is your mom’s cell to where you last saw Eugene?”
“Close enough for me to properly see what happened to him,” Kirsti answered.
“Alright then,” Rapunzel tightened her corset. “Nuru, let’s go find Eugene.”
As soon as the Arendellian guards approved Kirsti’s request to see her mom, the three women went down to the dungeons.
The dungeons were surprisingly large for a castle. They consisted of multiple large rooms, each with several sets of smaller cells. Fortunately, for Rapunzel and Kirsti, there were no guards guarding the rooms they had to go through to find Eugene. 
Nuru was a little disappointed she didn’t have an opportunity to negotiate with any officials to get resources for her kingdom. But considering it would make it harder to find Eugene she otherwise didn’t mind.
The 3 reached the final room they had to go through before entering where Kirsti’s mom was locked up. At this point, Kirsti eyed a wall with a cutout.
“Well,” Kirsti said, “this is unusual.”
“What is?” asked Nuru.
“There should be a door to get to the other room,” stated Kirsti. “It’s normally open. The guards are pretty confident that no one will use the connecting door to escape, as these are very hidden rooms. Opening the door allows air to flow more easily.”
Rapunzel tried to open the door. It was locked.
“They locked this thing?” she was upset.
“I guess they forgot to unlock it,” responded Kirsti.
Nuru attempted yanking the door. After about 7 minutes of exhaustion, the door finally came open. The other room also lacked guards due to it being very empty.
“Well, that’s a relief,” smiled Rapunzel.
Kirsti entered the area first to double check for guards. Her mother was a little confused as to why she was back, so she explained that she just wanted to spend a little extra time with her. 
In the meantime, Rapunzel looked all over the room for Eugene. She looked to the left. No one. She looked to the right. Also no one. She went down each cell individually to check if anyone was inside. Still no one.
Eventually, Nuru found two cells with open sets of bars. The only open bar sets in the whole room. 
“Rapunzel!” Nuru whispered. “People broke out!”
Rapunzel analyzed the two cells. When she looked closer at one of them, she noticed a small handkerchief. Eugene’s handkerchief. It didn’t take long for the princess to realize what had happened.
“Seems like Eugene got tired of this place real fast,” snarked Rapunzel. 
(Wattpad version: https://www.wattpad.com/1465575837-stranded-in-arendelle-chapter-5)
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