scarletrigmor · 1 year
This was the best b-day party ever!
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time-woods · 10 months
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they are on a picnic date cloud watching
(well one of them is)
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randomlyblue · 1 year
hey (with the intention of spending hours lying beside each other on the grass, pointing out fantastical shapes in the clouds).
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kobrafangs · 19 days
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something something jaya something forget me nots
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3lostyears · 4 months
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the doctor and rose were dating confirmed: shooting scripts edition
bonus: jackie tyler being the doctor’s mother-in-law
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jeeklaart · 1 year
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Picnic date 🧺
( find me here )
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kiwi-sarenka · 8 months
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creatorping · 3 months
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POV: you’re Drakken and this is her expression only you get to see (˶‾᷄ ⁻̫ ‾᷅˵)
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saydesole · 4 months
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Solo dates pt2
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justgraceart · 1 year
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Just another one of their mundane, slice of life dates :)
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itsyouch · 4 months
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Happy days :]
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kneebandaid2 · 1 year
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Raspberry kiss!
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n4rval · 6 months
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tea with a stranger.
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zaacoy · 1 year
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Very rushed value practice before I sleep!! They are vibin'
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starrycrossedlovers · 7 months
So what I got from playing tcoaal is that if there was an incest is not wincest au, Andrew Graves would be the perfect boyfriend :)
He's so datable, help
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angelsmooches · 11 months
★﹐going to bed angry.﹑
→ feat; leviathan x gn! reader                                                                  
⠐ lucifer edition here! ⠐  mammon edition here!⠐ satan edition here!
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synopsis: how would the brothers fall asleep after an argument with their s/o? (leviathan edition)
wc: 2,542
genre: fluff
warnings: none!
a/n: i was reading levi’s love survey thingy and when talking about the person he loves (it’s so obvious it’s us he is not subtle in the slightest) he has a whole list of reasons why he loves us, saying he respects us AND HE HAS DAYS WHERE HE CANT SLEEP THINKING ABT US BROOOO IM SOJKNHBUGVY he’s so babygirl ugh
feedback is greatly appreciated! <3
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❥ leviathan ; the all-nighter.
          light shone from underneath leviathan’s bedroom door.
even after the numerous punishments lucifer threatened him with for staying up past lights out, levi often found himself booting up his computer monitors and sitting back in his gaming chair, his fingers sliding across the computer keys in an almost zombie-like fashion.
some days, he’ll use the numerous games stashed in his room as a way of clearing his head. other days, when he’s either too exhausted or too upset to game, he’ll sit in his tub and slide on his chunky earphones, his music acting like water to flush out his jumbled thoughts.
tonight was a music night. levi, slumped in the bathtub, leaned back and closed his eyes, the tinny sound of his music resounding through his headphones, into his empty bedroom. empty... alone... he exhaled, his fingers clasped together. his arms yearned to wrap around the familiar soft, squishy body of the person he so deeply loved.
he chuckled softly. how ironic, feeling this gloomy over a normie... except, you were anything but. despite him being a “yucky otaku,” you’ve always treated him normally, with kindness. you sincerely expressed interest in his games and his strange little hobbies, and he was starstruck ever since. he found it a miracle to be dating someone like you.
nevertheless, here he was, the steady flow of music little to no help in clearing his mind. every single time he closed his eyes, he was plagued with the image of your face twisted with heartbreak. he couldn’t believe the stupid, idiotic, good-for-nothing mistake he made! he really was a useless shut-in.
leviathan had gotten his hands on a limited-edition of ‘super demon brothers’ for the devilcube that day, and it was all he could think about. he couldn’t wait to speedrun the whole thing! maybe he’d even set a record..
“levi!” he snapped out of his trance, focusing his attention on his beloved human, smiling sheepishly. whoops.. “did you even hear a word that i said?”
“s-sorry! it’s just,” he paused for a moment, choosing his words carefully. he didn’t want to seem like more of a loser than he already was, especially in front of you. “i ordered a new version of a game i really like, and i got a notif from akuzon saying that it came in today.” 
your hand rested against your cheek as you propped your arm against the table, humming thoughtfully. “today? you’re gonna put off playing it until tomorrow, right? because...” your voice grew dimmer and dimmer in levi’s mind, his thoughts already wandering off to his new game. he wondered what the new levels would look like...
as soon as levi got home from R.A.D., he hastily made his way up to his room, a promising-looking package in front of his doorstep. there it is! it’s really here! levi seized his package, glancing around to make sure mammon wasn’t around, and shut himself in his room, taking the shiny disc out of its container and placing it in his devilcube, the opening theme of ‘super demon brothers’ tinkling throughout his room. levi picked up his controller and plopped himself down, immersing himself in the game...
the demon nearly jumped when he heard pounding on his door. how long has it been..? levi checked his phone. it had only been about 5 hours since he first started playing. he breathed a sigh of relief. last time he had played for two days straight, only stopping when lucifer dragged him out and gave a lecture that felt way longer than the two days he spent gaming.
“go away, i’m busy!” levi shouted, his eyes never leaving the glowing screen of his television. the pounding didn’t cease. grumbling under his breath, levi begrudgingly paused his game before walking over to his door, flinging it open. “you’re interrupting my gaming time! what do you w— o-oh, MC! i thought you were one of my brothers. wanna come watch me play?” he offered, eager to show off in front of you.
his enthusiasm faltered when he saw the look on your face. he had been in his room for five hours... no wonder you were angry. he hadn’t given you any attention since he got home. “..um...i see you’re upset..”
you barked out a laugh. “oh, really? upset doesn’t even begin to cover it, levi. what have you been doing all this time?”
levi gestured towards his television, still brightly displaying the pause menu. “i told you earlier, my game came today. i wanted to complete it as soon as i got it, but i should’ve invited you to watch me, huh?”
his words did nothing to soothe you. “that’s not what i’m upset about, levi. do you even know what today is?”
“um...” levi withdrew his phone once again, checking the calendar. oh, crap... no wonder you were so furious! his eyes grew wide with horror. “MC, i’m so, so sorry! i must’ve completely forgotten—”
your hands folded in front of your chest. “what the hell, levi? what could’ve possibly distracted you from our one-year anniversary?!”
levi didn’t know what to do in this situation. you two have had your fair share of fights, of course, but this paled in comparison to every little squabble you two had. his heart beat wildly in his chest. his veins pumped with adrenaline.
“u-um... MC... i’m r-really, really sorry..! it’s just... this game.. i got distracted—”
“you promised me,” your voice broke, tears beginning to blur the face in front of you. levi blanched, torn between embracing you and fleeing the scene. “you promised me that we’d do something special. it’s our anniversary!”
he felt like that one time henry 2.0 had launched himself out of his tank and flopped on the ground, gaping for air. he didn’t know what to say, what to do, what should he do? “i’m s-so, so sorry, MC... i’m such a worthless otaku.. that game was really important to me and i couldn’t wait..”
his words only fueled your anger. you furiously wiped away the tears streaming down your face. “so your game is important to you, but i’m not?”
levi immediately shook his head, his eyes growing increasingly wider. “no, no, that’s not what i meant! MC, please—”
you had stormed off at that point, slamming the door in his face.
levi waited for you at the dinner table, poking at his food. he didn’t have much of an appetite. you never came down. the chair next to him remained empty. 
levi waited for you in his bedroom, his eyes darting towards the door any time he heard a noise. you never came. it was well after midnight, and levi just couldn’t bring himself to fall asleep. he needed... some sort of plan. he absolutely refused to lose you like this. you were so kind, so incredibly brave, so appreciative and encouraging... ah, the list goes on and on in levi’s mind.
to think that you might leave him and find someone else... ugh. the sheer jealousy made the demon’s head spin, a bitter taste in the back of his mouth. he needed to formulate a plan to make it up to you. he’d need to enlist the help of one of his brothers.
levi nodded a couple times, his plan waning, dwindling, then solidifying in his mind. he knew exactly what to do. satisfied, levi removed his headphones, slumping deeper into the tub and closed his eyes, preparing himself for his grand plan.
you had gotten little sleep that night. it felt as if your eyes squeezed out every last tear in your body, and then some. you were thankful that there weren’t any lessons planned today, otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to hide the puffiness of your eyes even if you wanted to. you snuggled deeper into the covers, exhaling deeply.
a rhythmic knock sounded at your door, followed by asmodeus’s voice. “MC! time to get up, cutie!” you groaned, pulling the sheets over your head. asmo knocked again before entering your room, tutting at the pitiful outline of your body.
“i didn’t say you could come in.” your voice was muffled by the sheets.
“come on, get up! we have a lot planned for you today!♡“ while asmo was certainly more gentler-looking than his brothers, he was still a demon, and he was still far stronger than you. he tore off the bedsheets and lifted you up like a ragdoll.
no doubt asmo saw how puffy your eyes were from all that crying you were doing, but he chose to say nothing. “let’s go, cutie! let me work my magic on that sweet little face of yours.” he dragged you off to his room, setting you in front of his vanity.
“...and.. perfect! you’re done! oh, you’re so adorable! i could just eat you right up♡“ the demon gushed, squishing your cheeks. “do you want me to change you, too?”
“nope! i can do that myself, thank you, asmo,” you assured him.
he pouted. “fine, if you say so. there’s already an outfit for you in there. hurry up!” asmo ushered you into his closet before shutting the door behind him, leaving you alone with nothing but asmodeus’s countless clothes to keep you company.
“where are we going, asmo..?” every single time you had asked him this, he gave a very vague answer in response, which did nothing to quell your nerves. asmodeus, being the cheeky little demon he is, had put a blindfold on you and led you through the corridors. you had no idea where you two were at right now. asmo could be leading you into oncoming traffic and you’d have no idea.
“relax, MC, we’re almost there,” came asmo’s reply. judging by the sounds of nearby leaves rustling, you could only assume you were somewhere outside. “...ta-daaa~♪ we’re here!” asmodeus carefully undid your blindfold, revealing your surroundings.
you didn’t recognize your surroundings immediately. the harsh moonlight made you squint, the melodic sounds of a windchime being heard in the distance. rows and rows of floral arches combined with beautifully shaped topiaries stretched as far as the eye could see. fairy lights illuminated the gazebo you were currently in. you recognized this place now. this was the house of lamentation’s garden. but why...
“asmo, why did you—” asmodeus had silently left while you had marveled at the flora around you, just leaving you and.. “levi?” your demon visibly jumped at the sound of your voice, his thumbs twiddling about nervously. his face displayed an equally wobbly smile.
“what do you think? pretty great, right?” levi hoped to the high heavens that he sounded a lot more confident than he felt. your demon took two great strides to be closer to you, his hands finding yours. behind him was a picnic basket. 
“oh, levi... this was your idea this whole time..?” you could feel the willpower to remain angry at him slowly melt away. “you even got a picnic basket?”
leviathan smiled proudly, your reaction boosting his confidence. “i did! i remember you saying you wanted to go on a picnic a while back, so i got asmo to help me clean up and decorate this place. you would not believe the things i had to do to keep that picnic basket away from beel,” he mentally shuddered at the memory. “but it was all worth it in the end. you look...” levi hesitated, red slowly beginning to creep up on his cheeks. “astonishing. you always do.” he raised your hand to his lips, inwardly pumping his fist in the air. that was so smooth, levi!
“levi...i.. don’t know what to say..” despite wanting to be overjoyed, your heart ached with sadness. 
he smiled gently in response, taking your hand in his once again. “that’s okay. let me do all the talking. MC,” he gently lifted your face, his eyes intensely peering into yours. “i can’t express to you how really sorry i am. yesterday, a day that held so much importance to the both of us, i completely abandoned you. i failed epically as your boyfriend.”
“i shouldn’tve ditched you when you needed me most. and the fact that i ditched you for a game is something that i’ll be mortified about for as long as i exist... but! i’m going to do everything in my power to make it up to you. this is just the beginning. i’m not gonna give up, even if you tell me to get lost. because.. you’re more important to me than any game, any collectible, any Ruri-chan figure,” your eyes widened at that.
“i need you to know that you mean everything to me, MC. you bring me and henry 2.0 so much joy. you make me feel so loved and cared for, it honestly takes my breath away. i even started attending lessons in person just for the purpose of being closer to you. i’ve never... had this kind of love and affection from anyone before, and now that i have, i’m not gonna let it go anytime soon.” 
leviathan’s confidence gave way at that point, the sheer intensity of your gaze turning his face a bright shade of red. his cheeks prickled with heat. “...look at me... you’ve got me saying normie stuff now...” he shyly fidgeted, his eyes glancing down at the floor. “..even so, i want to thank you, MC. thank you for being mine. thank you for taking the time to get to know me. i wouldn’t be who i am today if it weren’t for you. this picnic is the very least i could do to show how grateful i am. i.. i love you, MC. i always will.”
in spite of wanting to stay annoyed at your demon, a blissful smile spread across your face, your cheeks warm with joy. your arms wrapped around levi’s neck, feeling him exhale in relief as he buried his face in your hair in an effort to hide his flushed face. that was so scary..! he was half-convinced you would reject him.
levi could feel the blood pulse in his ears when you kissed him, his heart thrashing wildly in his chest at the feeling of your soft lips on his. you could kiss him for the rest of eternity, and he still wouldn’t be able to get used to it. after a year of being together, he still didn’t know where to put his hands. they hovered uselessly for a moment before settling for your face, his thumb gently caressing your cheek.
he was the one to pull away first, fearing that if he’d kiss you any longer he’d pass out. and yet, he couldn’t tear his eyes away from you. you were so captivating in everything that you did.
“oh, levi... you said the l-word. you really are turning into a normie,” you teased, pressing a tender kiss to his nose.
“s-s-shut up! i’ll say it as many times as i want!” he retorted, his cheeks flaring up once again.
you laughed, the sound all silver and sweet to leviathan’s ears, as you placed another kiss to his lips. “i love you, too, levi.. now come on, the food’s probably all cold by now.”
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©2023 please do not repost, modify, or claim as your work.
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