28dayslater · 1 year
eat your young (and your husband)
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starscelly · 2 years
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happy birthday tyler seguin (:
31 random (mostly giggly) gifs for tyler’s golden 31st birthday ⭐💛
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naomiknight-17 · 9 months
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It is waaay too early to be out and about but at least I look ridiculous festive
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tieflingbi · 1 year
i am DEVASTATED that myrri can't wear a single cute strawhat on her fishing adventures. or in general. like i'm sorry but the fact that somehow a billion dollar game company with years of experience still hasn't figured out yet how to put hats on their funny rabbit people is really fucking lazy imho and it legit upsets me :)
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demon-prosecuted · 14 hours
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Since I finally got around to buying a hair clip for my bangs to aid in sleeping, I'm making it canon that Miles does the same thing. There's no way that, without them, his hair wouldn't continually fall in his face and provide a sensory nightmare. (Face itchy and eyes keep getting poked)
And maybe those same clips are used when he eats certain, messier foods. As to keep his hair from getting mussed up.
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fanaticsnail · 9 months
You're Angry at the Tall Men
Masterlist Here
I have two very dear mutual creators on here that are struggling with the flu. Hopefully yelling at the tall men of one-piece will help you both out: @feral-artistry & @sordidmusings
Word Count: 200-400 per gentleman: Buggy, Shanks, Mihawk, Sir Crocodile, Corazon, Doflamingo
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Warnings: anger, violence, suggestive spice for a few, angst, afab!implied but not overly mentioned, height difference.
First time writing for Cora, Croc and Doffy - mainly going off small clips and overall vibes. Apologies if I didn't do your blorbo justice.
(Apprehensive tag list: @gingernut1314, @writingmysanity)
He knows what he did to earn your wrath; your fury ignited in your eyes and the flames physically tangible and searing the room with your scorn. Your brow was furrowed, your lips curling into a snarl to bare your pearled teeth at him.
Buggy: 6’3
“Sit your tall ass down!” you roared at him. The clown shrieked back, immediately reaching his stuttering hands towards the back of a chair to unceremoniously fall back onto the wooden base. Unfortunately, as his ass barely grazes the base; his weight proceeds to fall from its intended target, plopping down onto the cement ground instead of finding comfort on the chair.
“Ah, fuck!” he cried out alongside his wince, his red nose creased as he felt the pain shoot up his coxic bone and tingle up his spine. This moment of failure breaking a small crack in your iron fury, a giggle attempting to break through your anger. He winces his beautiful teal eyes up at you, cringing through the pain and gritting his teeth in an attempt of a smile.
“You are so pathetic,” you growled at him, extending your hand out and collecting his chin within your thumb and index finger. You were held captive by his sparkling eyes beneath his lengthy blue eyelashes as he looked up at you in awe.
“It’s why you love me, right?” he whimpered at you, his crooked smile drawing you in closer to him. You stooped, pressing a small kiss against his rotund, red nose.
“Yes,” you again growled at him, pouting with your brow falling low in the center of your forehead, “but I’m still angry at you.”
“I know,” he grumbled in response, his eyes upturning and almost pleading, “but I can fix that, right?”
Shanks: 6’6
“Woah, woah, love!” he cried out, backing away from your approach with his wide smile plastered to his cheeks. He was still smiling, even when you backed him against the wall with your forearm horizontally pressing him back into the wooden banister behind him.
“You absolute stupid, ridiculous, drunken-,” one look into his loving eyes rendered you immediately defenseless to his aura. He looked at you with such love, his brown eyes holding only softness and adoration within them. He brings up his arm, choosing to caress your cheek and lace a loose strand of your hair to hook over your cheek.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered into you, leaning his head down and moving his lips against your forehead to murmur into your skin, “forgive me, I didn’t mean it.” Inhaling a deep breath, you feel the rage falling away from you as he continued murmuring sweet nothings into your ear.
“You’re so beautiful when you’re angry,” he breathed his raspy voice into your ear.
“And you’re so handsome when you’re not the one making me angry,” you growled back at him.
Mihawk 6’6
“Mihawk!” your rumbled growl echoed in the high ceilings lifting the light in the large dining room. He was stooping, fingertips halting their descent to grasp the back of his dining chair. He huffed out a sigh, rotating his neck and removing his hat from his head. He placed the hat on his dining setting, and prepared himself to receive your wrath.
As soon as you saw him preparing himself to receive the scorn you were about to bear down on him, you decided to switch it up. Something about how smug he was did not satiate your fire from erupting further. You had every intention of taking him by his wrist and leading him to the impressive steps of the foyer and taking a few steps up to bring you to the appropriate height to maintain eye contact as you reprimanded him.
But his ear was right there, no longer shielded by his broad hat to halt your action. Immediately, you pressed your index and middle finger against the overly sensitive shell of his ear and began dragging him towards the archway leading to the foyer.
“Not quite so hard, dear,” he winced as his steps stuttered behind you. You allowed a sinister smirk to rise on your lips, gaining a sickening amount of joy from knowing you were paining him a little to satisfy your wrath. As your feet found the steps, you relinquished your hold on his ear and turned to face him, your eyes first glancing at the raven curls atop his head that you rarely are accustomed to seeing these days. His head was bowed, his hand drawn up to cradle his ear and sooth over the throbbing shell. At this, your anger ceased and you immediately sought out his eyes by cupping his cheeks and elevating his face.
“I’m sorry, my love. Did I hurt you, are you okay?” you hastily spoke, eyes checking over his face for any semblance of hurt or pain.
“Only my pride, dear,” he replied in a soft grumble, continuing to keep his eyes from joining with your own. You sighed in relief before shaking your head to remind yourself why you brought him here in the first place. You furrowed your brow and slunk your hands from his cheeks to fall them against his chest.
“I’m-,” you began, your angry words halted by Mihawk taking a step forward and pressing his forehead against your own.
“-I’m sorry. Forgive me,” he whispered into your face, his eyes half lidded and sorrow falling over his face, “I never meant to hurt you, and I’m willing to spend all the time it takes to make it up to you.”
Sir Crocodile 8’3
Clutching his cigar in his index and middle fingers, he flicked the ash into the glass and gold tray on his desk. He could hear the fall of your feet outside the door, his jaw falling slack in bored frustration. 
“You devious bastard,” you growled as the door to his office flung open. He inhaled deeply, reaching into his desk drawer and pulling out another cigar to clench his teeth onto. As your eyes met, his brow arched while his eyelids hung half-lidded. He sat back against his armchair and uncrossed his legs from their join of the knees. Remaining wordless, he fished around in his pants for his lighter, to find nothing but his golden pocket watch and a few rolls of berry within his leatherbound wallet.
“Be a dear and find me a light,” he dismissed your anger with the wave of his hand as his eyes searched his desk for his capped lighter. This seemed to engage your fury further, making you immediately lunge at him and crawl onto his lap. You drew your claw-shaped grip up to his jaw, snarling into his face as you did so.
“You think I care about your lighter right now, you arrogant lizard,” you spat at him. His eyes widened in surprise, initially being taken off guard by your presence atop his thigh. Immediately after processing the shock, his eyes darkened as he used his large, golden hook to circle around your thigh; trapping it within the metal and drawing it closer into him. Your kneeling position atop his lap was now made ever more dangerous than it had been, not knowing how he would truly respond to your anger. Both of your tempers began to flare as he snarled at you.
“Lighter first,” he growled at you, looking up into your enraged eyes as your hair cascaded down over his face, draped almost intimately over his forehead. You scoffed, flicking the hair over your shoulder and grimaced at him in response. 
“And why should I do that after what you did?” you gnashed your teeth, baring your rage in your now untested situation. The tense air now growing thick and dense as your bodies pressed closer together. He gripped your hips with his hand, his golden hook scraping over your thigh and placing your knee over his waist as he drew you closer. 
“Lighter first,” he began to snarl at you, “or I will channel your rage in another way.”
“Try me, Reptile,” you snarled at him, clenching your teeth as you stooped lower into his face. He immediately stood, his tall body hoisting you up against his hips and slamming your back atop his desk. He hovered over your body, leaning his face down and snarling into you,
“You should’ve just done what you were told,” He growled into your neck.
“You shouldn't have pissed me off,” you gnashed your teeth once more, your eyes widening as you felt his teeth bite down hard on your clavicle, soothing over the new injury with his tongue. 
Corazon 9’7
“Donquixote Rosinante!” you shouted, walking around the halls and tracking the stupor of his step. You immediately heard a thud, followed by several crashing booms reverberating within the hallway. None of these sounds halted your descent, your rage and fury propelling your steps further towards him.
When your eyes fell over his body, he was hoisting himself up from his entanglement with several cleaning products; a mop over his head and a bucket circling over his left foot. He looked ridiculous, his coat hanging limply from his shoulders over his open heart-stitched shirt.
As he rose to his feet, you were taken aback at how truly tall he was; his body towering over your own. You lost your nerve slightly at his stature, but still the edges of your body remained singed with the fires of rage within your soul.
“Cora-!” your words were halted by the man drawing such anger from you wordlessly holding up his palm to silence you. Your brows fell further down your face, your frown deepening as you watched him silently search his surroundings. His eyes widened first, before softening as he stooped down to collect the bucket that was once wrapped around his foot. He blew over the base of the bucket with a small puff of breath, placing the brim on the ground and dusting the base with the back of his hand.
He turned his painted face up to you, a tight smile pulling at his mouth as he extended his hand to you. You sucked in a breath through your nostrils, pouting as you took his hand. Stepping up onto the bucket, you still remained short to his great height. Still holding onto your hand, his smile softened as he bent at the knees to crouch in front of you, looking up into your face with eyes baring great sorrow at how angry you were with him.
Relinquishing the hold against your hand, he gestured for you to bare your soul out to him with a simple swipe of his hands. He was so willing to have you share your emotions with him, it almost made you want to cry with frustration at how truly loving he was to you. 
“You’re just going to sit back and take it? Say something, Cora. Anything!” You screamed, the sting of tears beginning to prick at the corners of your eyes. He continued to watch on, never once rising from his crouch, nor bringing his eyes away from searching your face. It was only when a hot, frustrated tear fell from your eye down your cheek that he rose up to his full size once more. 
He wordlessly drew his palm up to claim your cheek, his thumb brushing the tear away from its descent down towards your mouth. 
“Please,” you whimpered while searching his eyes, “please say something.”
He leant forward, pressing his forehead against yours and closing his eyes, circling the other arm around your shoulders and holding your chest flush with his own. His lips found the crown of your head, pressing a soft and careful kiss against the top of your hair.
“Calm,” he uttered, the room circled around him by the spark of his devil-fruit power. You looked at him confused, your nostrils flaring at him while still expressing your anger. 
“Why use the devil-fruit powers now?” you asked him, shaking your head at him as all else in the hallway was silenced. No taps of feet, no drips of taps, nor the sounds of breeze through the trees outside the room could be heard within the silent barrier. 
“Because I want everyone to know how angry you are with me,” he uttered, his nose lovingly brushing against your own, “And I want to be able to scream how much I love you with no consequence.” He pressed his lips against your forehead, smearing his red face paint against your skin as he trailed a flurry of gentle kisses against your nose, cheek bones and the corner of your lips in an attempt to smother the flames of your anger. 
“This doesn’t make up for what you did,” you spat at him, your narrowed eyes looking at him through your eyelashes remaining dark with fury.
“I know,” he admitted, unwrapping his arm from circling your shoulders. He grazed his arm down and collected your hand once more within his, lacing your fingers together as he uttered, “I’m so sorry, my darling. I’ll never do it again.”
Doflamingo 10’
He was immediately expressing joy at how riled up he had managed to make you, his lips curling back into a sinister smile. He darted his tongue out over his mouth to dampen his chapped lip before he allowed a rumbly chuckle to exit from his chest.
“Doflamingo!” You screamed, rage and fury overcasting your usual stoic state with their venom. He rose to his feet and was almost bursting at the seams with how happy getting a rise from you was making him.
“How dare you?! How dare you do that to me?!” You roared, not halting your approach in any way. He towered over you, his lanky build condescendingly casting his feathered silhouette over your body.
“I don’t give a fuck,” he shrugged, speaking quickly with a broad grin continuing to polish his cheeks. His eyes remained hidden by his glasses, your own eyes beginning to prick at the corners with a frustrated rage.
“Wipe that horrible grin off your face before I rip it off,” you spat, your hands demonstrating how truly violent your thoughts were.
“Only if you do it with your teeth, Princess,” he bore his teeth down at you. His smile widened further up his cheeks, your urge to claw out his eyes not satisfied in the slightest. You impulsively swung your hand at his face, your wrist caught within his circled grip. His laughter erupted over his chest at this small demonstration of violence, so easily stifled by his hands.
“Ohh, you’ve got some fire in you today,” he chucked his taunt at you, leaning down further into you; his nose almost brushing against your own with how close he drew himself down to you, “What I’d give to see that demonstrated with your body wrapped around my- AHH.” You halted his words within his mouth by clamping your teeth down against his nose hard enough to draw blood. After tasting the metallic flavor roll over your tongue, you withdrew your teeth from his flesh and bore your red-tinted lips at him.
He reached up to clutch the scruff of your neck, pulling you closer into him and purring a roar of his own into you:
“Mmm, Harder.”
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jihyoruri · 9 months
❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ ❚ 𓍢 LESSERAFIM AND THEIR HOT HEADED MEMBER lesserafim x reader
★yn’s best live moments 1M views
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↳ warnings: yn from paparazzi and this fic, idol au, yn being a short (for the plot) hot head, yn is the second youngest member
yn adjusted her glasses as she read the comments of the live, she tilted her head at some of her fans comments because it screamed stupidity but she’s trying her best not to say anything since chaewon has been on her a lot lately.
yunjin has been the one answering the questions and entertaining the fans but all yn could think about was how she shouldn’t even be here, the older girl crashed yn’s live when yn wouldn’t answer her comments on the live.
“ahhh, you’re so cute with your glasses, you’re always wearing contacts I forgot you even need them.” yunjin squeals leaning into yn who visibly flinches at the contact but yunjin just laughs because she’s so used to it, “my cutie.”
“nah bro,” yn says scratching her arm, she looked away from yunjin who’s mouth drops in offence, “nothing about me being visually impaired is cute.”
“I can never win with her guys.”
yn wraps her white zip up sweater tightly around her as she sat beside her window the grey skies from the rain coming into veiw, she adjusts her glasses and she yawns and rubs her face.
“let me put on some music,” she says reaching over to her side table that has a bunch of cds, she shows a bunch of wave to earth cds to the camera before placing one in her vintage cd player.
the soft music plays and she brings her totoro plush to her chest closing her eyes, “this is nice.” she says softly, this is probably the first time the fans have ever seen the hot head so calm, but hey, she is in the comfort of her room.
“yn!” the voice of eunchae fills the room as yn’s door burst open.
yn’s eyes are still closed as she visibly tenses and fans laugh at the way her fists clench practically strangling her plushie as eunchae makes her way into the frame of the camera.
yn holds the camera in her hands as she laughs when she sees eunchae fall trying to climb up the slide at the park that the girls decided to stop by.
“did you guys see that?” she laughs, but fans are just in awe that this is what brings the hot headed member joy.
sakura comes up behind the younger girl and adjusts the hat that she made for her on her head, tightening the scarf around yn’s neck as well, “I didn’t see you put in your eye contacts, where are your glasses?” she asks.
“I forgot it.” yn says simply before letting out another laugh when she see yunjin fall next, she leans into sakura who wraps her arms warmly around the shorter girl, “this is what’s making you happy?” the older girl laughs before looking at the camera that yn’s holding and waving.
“they’re just such idiots,” yn says before letting out another laugh when she sees chaewon fall.
“chaewon unnie is with me this live because she said i missed behaved last one.” yn exposes leaning towards the camera as chaewon’s face pales.
“that’s not true.” the older girl laughs nervously, nudging yn who just looks at her blankly.
“I just wanted to spend time with this cutie.” chaewon says pinching yn’s cheeks who cringes and tries to slap the older girls hand away.
“ew, stop.”
“shopping in japan.” yunjin says to the live as her, yn, sakura and kazuha walk the streets of shibuya.
the girls get to the crosswalk and yunjin turns the camera towards yn and sakura who holds yn’s arm when they cross.
her and kazuha giggle at the sight, “ah, you’re so cute yn.” she says teasingly, knowing the fact that the younger letting sakura hold her hand as they cross would embarrass her on camera.
yunjin and kazuha’s mouth drops when all yn’s does is being her hand that’s not occupied behind her giving them the middle finger still looking ahead.
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★☆ I was bored so I wrote this
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chestharrington · 1 year
I Think We're Alone Now || Steve Harrington x Reader
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Summary: Set in the S3 Starcourt era... Steve develops a fixation on the shopgirl-next-door.
Couple: Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Rating: Explicit (18+, MDNI)
Content Warnings: explicit smut || sexual fantasy (includes oral, f and m receiving, p in v sex) and solo masturbation, kind of a panty/lingerie fetish if u squint or even just stare
Word Count: 2.9k
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Whoever was in charge of Starcourt Mall planning was a sadist. That was the only explanation as to why a lingerie store was situated directly next door to Scoops Ahoy. Really, what business did it have in a food court of all places?
It also didn’t help that Steve Harrington was in the sex drought of all sex droughts— caused not just because of his stupid uniform, but probably also owed a lot to the fact that he had no college prospects, had lost his proverbial crown to Billy Hargrove, and had been cheated on with Jonathan Byers. Nothing kills a reputation quite like that. 
So there he was— showing up to work every day, walking past scantily clad mannequins and shopgirls wearing tight miniskirts, none of whom gave him the time of day when he was dressed like that. Well, none of them except you. 
“Good morning, Steve!” You greeted, wearing a tight white button-up shirt with a black pencil skirt. Like a sexy librarian had just walked off the page of a centerfold and decided to work retail. You were lifting the gate from the front of the store and placing a sale sign right between your two shops as he passed.
“You’re opening again?” He asked, pausing in front of his stupid, sticky helljob. You blew a loose piece of hair from your bangs as you stood and nodded. 
“And closing. It’s our summer savings sale,” you explained. “You should probably expect a lot of rollover customers. Stop by if you’re in the market for anything. Maybe a nice gift for a girlfriend?” Before he could respond, you gave him a pretty smile as you disappeared into your dimly-lit storefront to finish opening. 
You’d gone to high school together, though he doubted you remembered him. You were, after all, a senior while he was just an annoying sophomore on JV Basketball. You were on homecoming court, voted most friendly for senior superlatives, and were probably the hottest girl in your class. He didn’t have a chance then, and he definitely didn’t now.
But you always said hello when he passed by, and you would stop by Scoops sometimes after work and buy a cone of the flavor of the month. He wanted to talk to you more— to actually get to know you beyond a schoolboy crush, but you were so far out of his league that he couldn’t bring himself to try. 
When he walked into Scoops, his boss, Allan, had already begun the process of opening. His task of vigorously polishing the glass case of ice cream felt pointless when it was about thirty minutes from being smudged with a toddler’s fingerprints. 
“Steven, you’re late,” He said firmly. 
Steve glanced towards the clock. “I’m five minutes early.”
Allan slung the rag he was cleaning with over his shoulder and sighed. “In my book, thirty minutes early is on time, and on time is late.”
Steve made a face as he refrained from telling Allan that payroll would disagree. Instead, he put on the stupid sailor hat and pinned on his nametag. And, just because he could, he clocked in early.
His morning was hectic. Like you’d said, there were countless rollover customers who wandered in after the sale next door, each clutching a bag of lingerie and giggling with their friends. His wrist was aching from scooping so much ice cream by the time lunchtime rolled around. He would’ve gone back for his fifteen, but there you were, your hair pulled back in a banana clip, fanning yourself as you stepped into the long line for ice cream. 
When you finally reached the counter, you smiled like the two of you shared a secret. “Busy day?” You asked as you fished cash out of your purse. 
“It’s been crazy. You?”
You peered up at him and laughed wryly. “God, you wouldn’t believe the number of women in this town who jump at the chance for discounted racy lingerie. I’m drowning in satin and lace today.”
He managed to smile without looking like a complete idiot as he scooped your ice cream, handing it across the counter as you looked at him with amusement. 
“You memorized my order? That’s so sweet, Steve.”  You handed him a few bills and coins across the counter. “Keep the change, alright? Hopefully I'll see you later.”
His cheeks burned hot. “Yeah, for sure.” He stared dumbly as you licked your ice cream and walked out into the food court. 
He needed to find an excuse to buy lingerie from you... if only to have a reason to see you again that day. 
It was late afternoon before he got his first break and darted into the lingerie store to the shock and horror of the women inside. He hip-checked a table displaying hosiery before he stopped in front of you, smiling expectantly. 
You put down the stockings you were folding and looked at him with amusement. “Steve! What can I help you with?”
“Oh, uh… just…” He floundered as he searched for a reason, then remembered your suggestion that morning— buying for a girlfriend. “My girlfriend.”
“Oh? What’s her name? Maybe I know her.”
Steve hesitated for a moment, before saying the first girl’s name to pop into his head. “Her name is Nancy.”
As soon as your brows furrowed, he knew he fucked up. “Oh, I heard you two broke up, or something.” 
He hesitated, mouth open as he tried to find words to dig himself out of the hole. “Oh… no, not that Nancy. It’s a different Nancy. You probably don’t know her.”
You raised your brows, but said nothing to suggest you doubted him. “I can help you find something. What were you thinking?”
He reached back and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. He hadn’t thought this far. “Uh, what would you suggest?”
You considered it for a moment, looking at him carefully. “Well, that depends. Are you buying something she’d like to wear, or something you’d like to see her in?”
Steve blinked dumbly. “Both?”
You laughed lightly and walked towards a table displaying an array of underwear. “So, if you’re going for practical and sexy, I’d recommend panties.” You held up a lacy white pair and his mouth went dry. “A pair like these is pleasing to the eye, but totally invisible underneath clothes.” You stepped back and gave a tiny spin. “I’ve got them on now, and you’d think I wasn’t wearing any. Absolutely no lines at all.” 
Steve swallowed hard. Don’t picture it don’t picture it don’t picture it don’t— “Yeah, I’ll take those.” 
You chuckled and grinned. “Well, you’re an easy sell. Do you want the matching bra and garter belt to go with that?” You gestured to the mannequin atop the table. “The set is absolutely stunning when worn all together.”
He hesitated, knowing he had no use for any of this stuff. Still, the vision in his mind of you wearing the set was enough to make blood rush south and all rational thoughts leave his brain.
“I really can’t afford the full set,” he finally said after a synapse successfully fired in his brain. “I’ll just, uh, grab her size then.” You nodded and smiled. He had to pretend like he wasn’t thinking of you wearing this same pair, imagining what size would be closest to yours. He grabbed blindly at the folded pairs and retrieved the first ones his hands touched. 
“I’ll ring you up! I’ll even throw in our gift wrapping just because I like you so much.” You smiled and guided him towards the register, letting him cut the line of women waiting to pay. After he paid, you handed over a white box with a silky red bow and gave him a conspiratorial smile. “I hope you both enjoy.” 
The box sat on his bedside table— the proverbial elephant in the room. 
God, he thought. You probably thought he was a weird pervert who wanted to wear them or something. Well, he probably would if someone hot enough asked him to, but it wasn’t like he was seeking it out. 
His thoughts wandered as they usually did when it was late and he was home alone with nothing (or no one) to do. That night, though, his thoughts were focused solely on you. 
He thought about the professional pencil skirt you wore, of lace and stockings beneath. He yearned to peel them off of you with his teeth and bury his head between your thighs, tasting all you had to offer him. He wanted your manicured nails tugging on his hair, scratching his scalp as you cried out in pleasure above him.
He groaned, almost involuntarily reaching down to palm himself over his sweats. Talk about pathetic— even the tiniest mental image made him swell with desire. Fucking dry spell. 
“Fuck,” he muttered, bucking into his own grip. Just the lightest pressure made him groan and toss his head back, the expanse of his neck bared. He imagined your pretty mouth pressed against his throat, sucking bruises into his pale skin and felt his cock twitch beneath the confines of his pants.
He was quick to strip off the rest of his clothes, not wanting anything in the way. The dry glide of his hand along his hardening length made him hiss. With clumsy impatience, he reached for the bottle of lube inside of his bedside table, almost empty from solo use, sitting beside a mostly-full box of condoms.
Immediately, the slick sounds of him working his length filled the room— desperate and messy with need. Maybe he could’ve been patient— taken it slower, but he was overcome with lust and a desire for release.
“Fuck,” he groaned. “Feels so good— don’t stop, keep goin’ just like that.”
As the words mindlessly slipped past his lips, he knew he was well and truly gone. It was an entirely new level of desperate and horny to dirty talk to the girl you were hot for when she wasn’t even there. 
His free hand was splayed across his chest, just resting against the thatch of chest hair where his heart was pounding just beneath his ribs. As his desperation grew, his hand wandered lower, fondling his balls as his other hand squeezed the base of his shaft. A desperate, feral noise escaped his mouth that he’d never even heard himself make before.
He closed his eyes and he could imagine you pulling him into a dressing room, a wanton look in your gaze as you pulled the thin curtain shut, the only semblance of privacy you could get. You’d smile as you stripped off your clothes, only clad in the skimpy lingerie you’d paid for with your employee discount. 
“You’re gonna have to be quiet for me, okay?” You’d say as you pulled down his stupid Scoops uniform shorts. “Don’t want to get caught, right?”
He could feel sweat beading at the base of his neck and around his forehead, on his chest, tummy, and thighs. His entire body was burning up as he touched himself, like he was on fire from the inside out. 
He’d waste no time kneeling before you— tugging your stockings and panties down and hiking up your skirt so he could slot himself between your legs and taste you. There were few things Steve loved more than eating pussy. There was something about the taste, smell, the sounds that he could elicit with a few deft movements of his tongue. You’d pull his hair and tilt your head back as moans escaped your lips. 
He worked his length quickly as he imagined eating you out. His head was thrown back, tongue lolling out of his mouth as short pants escaped him. The slick sounds of lube and the slap of his hand at the base of his cock were pornographically loud. He’d have been embarrassed had he not had the house to himself.
“Fuck, baby,” he groaned. “Wanna make you cum so bad. Wanna taste you.”  He could only imagine the pretty sounds you’d make as you came, the way you’d tremble as your knees threatened to give out. He’d wait until you couldn’t take anymore before finally relenting, meeting you with a kiss.
Your hands would be soft. He knew this not just by looking at them, but also from the few times you’d put a hand on his arm when you passed by him in the service hallways. He liked thinking about your hands on him, squeezing him just the way he liked. 
“You’re so big, Steve,” you’d say from your knees, peering up at him with big doll eyes. Your hand would glide along his cock— slow, teasing. Your tongue would dart out, kitten-licking his tip before you took him into his mouth entirely.
“Mmm, fuck— feels so good,” Steve cried out, his chest heaving as he continued to work his hand along his cock. “Doin’ so good, taking it all for me. Just like that.”
Steve felt himself nearing his finish and slowed down, practically to a snail's pace to keep from busting early. What was the point of having a sexual fantasy if you finished before getting to the best part? 
He returned his attention to the image of you in his mind. How the drool at the corners of your mouth would drip messily, how your eyes would be wet and glossy as his cock bullied its way into your throat. Your free hand would move to cup his balls, heavy and full for you as you kneaded them in your palm. 
He’d bring you up to him and give you a kiss for good measure— slow and messy like you had all the time in the world. But he’d get impatient, like he was then to just give in and make himself cum. 
He’d press your back against the wall and lift your legs around his waist. You’d still be wet from his mouth, dripping with desire. You’d take him with no resistance at all, just a tight warmth like he belonged there. 
He needed more. Just jerking off wasn’t cutting it. He reached out clumsily with his free hand and grabbed the gift-wrapped box from the bedside table and tore at the silky red ribbon so he could knock the top of the box off. He grabbed the white lace panties from within and groaned at the sight.
“Ah!” He got a full-body shiver the moment he wrapped the lace panties around his cock, the fabric soft against his flushed length. They wrap around the head as he sets a fast pace, imagining that they’re yours— the same pair you’d been wearing that day. 
“Fuck,” he cried out, bucking up into his fist and the lace. “Holy shit, ‘m cumming. Fuck— fuck—“ He came with a shout, his spend soaking through the white lace, sticky on his hands and dripping down his shaft, pooling at the base. 
His breath came in soft pants as he came down, his cock still twitching weakly, rivulets of cum dripping from the slit. “Goddamn,” was all he could manage as he laid limp against his pillows. 
He’d made a mess, not just of himself, but of the lace panties he’d spent a day’s paycheck on. He grimaced at the sight of them, completely soiled from his exploits. With more effort than he even felt capable of, he sat up and tossed them into the hamper in the corner of his room. 
Afterward, he looked down at himself— the mess of cum and lube left behind. He stood and stretched on slightly weak legs and went to wash off. He’d deal with the shame of it all tomorrow.
You were smiling at customers when he came in for his shift the next day, feeling sensitive from the second round he’d put himself through in the shower the previous night… and the quick session he’d had in the morning. 
Part of him felt like a perv for thinking about you like that, but then you looked up, saw him, and smiled… and he felt the wariness wash away like it was nothing. 
At lunch, he walked into the store, which was far less crowded than it had been the day prior. You saw him and approached with a casual confidence that made him want to crumble to his knees. 
“Hi, Steve! Did Nancy like the gift you got her?”
His brow furrowed. “Nancy? We broke up last year.”
You laughed lightly and shook your head. “No, I meant your new girlfriend. The other Nancy.”
He swore internally as he nodded. “Right! Yes. She loved them, actually. She wants another pair.”
“Great, just meet me at the register when you’re done.” You smiled and departed. Steve couldn’t help but stare at your ass in that tight skirt as you walked away. 
He grabbed two more pairs— black and red— and approached the counter where you stood. You rang him up without further comment and smiled as you passed the bag and receipt over. 
“Come back soon, Steve,” you said with a grin before departing into the back of the store. 
That night as Steve was unpacking the bag, he found a small note written on blank receipt paper. 
“Steve, if you wanted to talk to me, you didn’t have to buy lingerie for a fake girlfriend to do it. XO” Beneath it, in clear print was your phone number circled twice. 
Steve grinned, running his thumb over the note. Maybe his dry spell was going to end sooner than he thought.
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fayeforrosie · 1 year
The Only One I Want
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Part 1
Karina x Fem! Reader
Karina knew she was pretty. She knew she had a chance with everyone, however, she was forever against any romantic relationships ever since she became an idol. Why would she want anyone when all they ever do is love her for her fame and looks? She knew she could never find anyone perfect for her, so she gave up on romance... until she met you
Word Count- 2.8k
Warnings- Mention of men 
Week after week Karina was cursed with yet another blind date set up by her company. She would urgently burst into her managers room, promptly falling down onto her knees, hands speedily racing against each other as if she was bound to make a fire, begging to go at least a month without any blind dates. 
To her dismay, however, not surprise, her manager would always shake her head firmly. “We need you to do this for us Karina. Do you have any idea how much attention would follow us if Yu Jimin was to find the perfect man?” She would say, and all Karina could do was sigh, walking out of the room with her head hung to her feet. 
It was another day in which her company had set up a date once again, this time, they informed her it would be at one of Seoul’s most popular art museums, where she would be meeting the man in about an hour from now. 
Karina couldn’t help but dread the upcoming event, knowing that her members got to stay back at the company and practice whatever they wished with their dance instructor, as there was no schedule for them this day. 
Karina wished she could be apart of that. She wished she could be in the dance practice room, and she reminisced with the feeling of laughter and sweat filling the air of the unreasonably hot place. It was all she wanted... to spend time with her members doing stupid “idol shit" on her days off. 
Yes, she was an idol, not a dating show contestant. Why couldn’t her company see this? 
And on top of everything, she had never been fond of dating, as every possible boy she’s met was only ever after her looks, or how much money was in her pockets. “Why don’t I take you home tonight”, she heard almost constantly after every date. It was upsetting to say the least, and as a result, Karina turned down any possible instance in which a boy could waltz their way into her heart. It wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted her members. She wanted to be on stage. She wanted to be in the studio. 
Instead, Karina found herself in the back of her managers car, mask almost suffocating her face as her hat floated just above her line of vision. Although she went on many dates, she was always forced to cover her identity, as her manager elucidated how bad it would be if the public was to see their sweetheart being accompanied by a new man every week. They wanted her to find the right one, then she could freely express herself to the public (though she knew it would never happen). 
“We’ve almost arrived, make sure you put your glasses on before you step out.” Her manger expressed from the passenger seat, where she responded with a small nod. If her mask was clipped on any tighter, she swore her manger would be able to see her frown seeping through. 
Only a minute later, the car pulled to a stop, just beside an almost identical car in the parking lot. Karina stepped out, her glasses now shielding her eyes as the door to the adjacent car rolled open just in front of her. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you, Jimin”, a voice could be heard in front of her. 
Karina raised her head, gaze connecting with the man in front of her. 
Lee Jae Wook, I never thought I would meet him, Karina thought to herself.
Despite the immense amount of meetings her company would assemble, they never would tell Karina which man she would be seeing, and she hated it. 
She remembers the time when she had shown up at an excessively fancy restaurant, only to be met with Mark Tuan seated comfortably in the chair ahead of her. Or when Kris Wu sat adequately on the most ugly patterned blanket, with a messy endeavor of a picnic by its side, bottles of alcohol spilling onto the grass, Kris’s attempt at getting Karina drunk and taking her home... god what a terrible date that was. 
“Call me Karina”, she said, ignoring the evident hand reaching out, awaiting to be shaken. Karina didn’t like when anyone other then her members, or family, was to call her by her birth name. She believed that only those who knew her personally were given the ability to call her by something so precious, not some random actor practically drooling as he soaked in her presence. 
“Yes of course, my apologies”, Jae Wook nodded and extended his arm for the girl to take, and if it wasn’t for Karina’s manager lightly pushing her into the man, she would have smacked his arm down instantly. 
With that, the two began into the museum, her arm loosely wrapped around his, and Jae Wook’s excessive amount of cologne being the only thing Karina could smell. 
God this is terrible. I need to get home.
“Welcome! It’s a pleasure to have you two joining us today!” An abnormally tall woman greeted them at the entrance. “Call me Ha-Eun! I’ll be your tour guide for today’s visit”, Karina shook her hand with a fake smile plastered onto her face. 
“Thank you”, Karina expressed, and followed the woman as she took them through security and into the main hall of the museum. The place was exceptionally beautiful, and Karina was sure that if she were to be accompanied by her members instead of this man, her experience would be one to remember. 
But she wasn’t. She was stuck clinging onto the man as they followed the tour guide into the first exhibit, knowingly peering at him as his eyes were trained on the woman’s ass while she walked ahead of them. 
In all honestly, Karina couldn’t care less. She could turn the corner and see Jae Wook kissing another woman and she wouldn’t even bat an eye. He could do whatever he wanted, as long as he didn’t bother her. Nevertheless, she knew that was impossible, because as soon as Karina thought he would leave her alone and take in his surroundings instead, he intertwined his fingers with her, and as she tried to pull away, he gave her hand a tug, almost as if he was warning her to not even try. 
To say Karina was uncomfortable was an understatement. The two of them followed the tour guide throughout the museum, and all Karina could think about was how sweaty and nasty the man’s hand felt in the grasp of hers. 
It has been a half an hour since they began to look around, and as they were stopped in front of a beautiful piece Karina couldn’t help but admire, Jae Wook spoke up. 
“I need to use the bathroom, would you mind staying here?” He directs his attention towards Karina. 
God yes. I'd be more than happy to. Please leave and never come back, Karina thought. 
The tour guide stepped in front of Jae Wook before he could make his way out. 
“I can show you the way! There isn’t one very close to here, it’s a bit of a walk.” She happily spoke, eyes almost unseen as a result of her never-resting smile. It must be tiring having that job, Karina thought, with having to keep a smile on your face without the slightest falter, even in the case of an inconvenience. She could never do that. 
“Thank you, I appreciate it”, Jae Wook spoke formally. “I’ll be right back”, he spoke once more, leaning down and planting a dry kiss atop of Karina’s forehead, and she almost gagged. 
The two made their way to the nearest bathroom, and there Karina stood, still at the fore of the painting. She couldn’t take her eyes off of it, it was truly beautiful. The way the colors complimented each line, as though the picture could truly come to live. It was remarkable. 
Being lost in her own thoughts, Karina failed to notice the woman that walked towards her and stood just about three feet away. 
“It’s beautiful isn’t.”
Karina’s ears chirped at the sound of the feminine voice, and she turned her head to glare at whoever had made the comment, however she was immediately met with the side profile of what seemed to be an angel. 
Karina had never seen anyone so captivating. The way your gaze was held beautifully on the artwork, where the piece couldn’t even compare to how prepossessing your visuals were. It was like she was at a loss of air, and she had never felt this feeling before. Karina has never been so lost for words, as it was usually the other way around, where the man was to look at Karina like they had never seen anyone as stunning as her.
Now, eyes still trained on your profile, she can understand how these men felt when they claimed to be awestruck. 
“...y- yeah”, Karina was still in a trance, making it hard for her to complete a full sentence. 
“I always come back to this piece whenever I visit, its magnificent”, you glanced over to her, and before you could meet her gaze, her eyes flashed back to the wall in an instant. 
“Um...”, she needed to keep talking to you, so she tried to start up a conversation, where she again was never the one to do so. 
“How often do you come here?” Karina asked, this time her eyes on you, and when you turned around to respond, her cheeks began to match the color of your beautifully pink lips. 
How could someone be so engaging? 
“Usually once a month, its like my happy place”, you allow a small chuckle to escape past your lips, as does Karina. 
“That’s really cool”, Karina smiles, her voice wavering as she tried to keep calm, and she continued.
“Do you have any other works that you like?”
Karina watched as your eyes scanned the wall full of beautiful artwork, deciding if there was another that met up to the standard of the one you stood ahead of, however you shake your head. 
“I love them all, but this one is my favorite”, you smile and Karina could practically hear her heart skip a beat. 
Karina has never felt the feeling of butterflies in her stomach until now. She has never been so captivated by someone’s presence until now. She has never wanted to hold a conversation with a stranger until now. You made her want to do everything at this very moment. Karina wanted to grab your hand and walk you outside just to continue to talk about your love for art. She could listen to you all day.
Could a woman feel this way for a woman? Karina never thought of woman in that type of sense, as she was only ever set up with men her entire live, so it was inevitable that her heart was trained to find attraction towards the gender. Maybe meeting you thirty seconds ago was a sign that her heart could possibly open up to someone. And not just anyone... a woman. 
“Want to know why I like this painting so much?” You asked, and began to move a bit closer to her body, still keeping a comfortable distance. 
Come closer, Karina thought. 
You smiled and leaned in, "because I made it”, you uttered faintly. 
And there it was. The exact moment that Karina determined she could truly find romance in somebody. Nobody had ever made Karina feel such a thing, and she thought she might as well die alone, since nobody had ever held her attention. But she was wrong. Here you were, in the flesh, completely ripping the heart of Yu Jimin out of her entire body, unbeknownst to you. 
“Are you serious?” That was all Karina could muster out, otherwise she might as well shout to the world that she found the one for her. 
“Yeah. It was accepted into the gallery about six months ago. Cool right?” 
God you had no idea how many butterflies were roaming the district of Karina insides. 
“Y- yeah... that’s amazing”, she smiled and went on. “What’s your name?” 
You gave her a warm-hearted smile and pointed over to the painting, where Karina was now faced with sign just bellow the piece. 
Y/n Yl/n
How beautiful, was as Karina could think. 
“How about you? What’s your name?” 
It was natural that you didn’t recognize the woman, as she was dressed in the least revealing clothes there ever was to be, a mask on her face accompanied by the hat she had on in the car, and lastly a pair of circular glasses. She didn’t expect you to know who she was with such a disguise, but she hoped you were to realize once she took her mask and glasses off. 
Maybe if Karina showed you who she really was, you would end up being a huge fan, and immediately want to continue talking to her. Nobody could ever pass up on the chance of becoming close with an idol, so it should be the same regarding you, right? 
Karina allowed her thoughts to race ahead of herself, and she pulled her mask down, her glasses following. 
She saw when it clicked in your mind, that you were being faced with the Karina of Aespa, one of the most famous fourth generation idols there is to be. She felt pride, and for the first time, she was happy someone was to recognize who she was. 
Nonetheless, exactly opposite of what Karina had thought would happen, your lips turned upwards into a fair smile, and you nodded your deliberately. 
“Ah”, you stated, “Yu Jimin. I’ve seen your face all over.” 
Is that it? Is that all you had to say? You’re not going to ask for a picture? Or even bow? Karina was beyond confused, she had never met anyone who would react with such ease.
In addition, Karina noticed that her brain, usually trained to correct anyone that was to call her by her birth name, refused to tell you the name in which she preferred for others to call her. In fact, she found herself preferring you to call her Jimin apposed to Karina. You were already special enough to her.   
“So you know who I am?” Karina spoke. 
“Doesn’t everybody?” You laughed. “You are even more beautiful in person, it’s surprising.” 
Hearing those words come out of your mouth, Karina couldn’t help but bring her mask back up to her face. She couldn’t let you see how flustered you made her. It was dehumanizing. 
“Oh... thank you.” She looked anywhere but to you. “You’re beautiful as well.” 
You chuckled and looked down just as she did, and if anyone was to take a look over at your interaction, it’s possible they would think the two of you were to not even be associating with each other. 
But, before you could thank the girl, your eyes glanced over at a man who was making his way towards Karina, and you recognized him to be the one you had seen her with preceding your approach. 
“I think it’s time for me to go now, I believe your boyfriend is here for you.” 
Karina’s eyebrows furrowed, her lips frowning at the thought of you leaving so soon, but she turned around to see what you had been referring to, and was met with Jae Wook and the tour guide side by side, making their way towards her.
“No! He’s not my b-” Karina turned around to reassure you, however, her breath hitched, eyes almost even watering as she found that you were instantly gone. 
She felt like a child that had lost their parents at a crowded event, searching aimlessly throughout the area, double... triple looking around to see where you might have gone. But it was too late. 
Jae Wook had then came up by her side and took her hand, and Karina couldn’t even protest, she was too upset. Her mind was somewhere else at the moment. 
She followed Jae Wook, eyes trained on the wooden floor as she thought of you. 
She thought about how heavenly your voice was, like music played softly in her ears, and how magnificent your side profile was to look at. She could stare at it all day if she could. She needed to see your face again. She needed to find you. 
You were the one for her, she determined it. And she will not leave this museum unless it was hand and hand with you 
Hi everyone!! I’m backkk!!! I’m not sure exactly how many parts this will have, but I’ll just keep going until I feel the story is complete haha. Stay tuned for part two my loves!! 💕💕
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Closer|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: After the first pre-season game of the season, Joe helps you become somebody else while you help him get away from himself…
•word count: 4.4k
•warnings: SMUT, inspired by the song Closer by Nine Inch Nails, unprotected p in v sex, rough sex, oral sex (male and female receiving) ,foreplay, hair pulling kink, whipped cream, belly shots, brief blindfolding (inspired by @tigertales9 fic) reader has a belly button piercing (even if you don’t have one, you do for this fic bc it’s so hot), blood, choking, SMUT, this is pure filth (i think it’s so cringe i’m so sorry babes😭)
You were sitting on the couch, scrolling mindlessly through Instagram as you waited for Joe to get back home from Paycor stadium.
Tonight was the first pre-season game of the 2023 season. While Joe wasn't able to play tonight due to his calf strain (and the Bengals not playing starters), you still attended the game to show your support for your boyfriend and his team. The game didn't quite go the way you or the fans had hoped, but you had to remind yourself—It's just pre-season.
During the game, you sat up in the suite with Morgan, Holly, Jess, and some of the other Bengals WAGS. As you sat up in the suite, you split your attention between the game and your phone—scrolling through Instagram and Twitter to try and find a photo or a video of Joe. Since he wasn't playing tonight, you weren't seeing much of him. As soon as you opened Twitter, you came across a video of Joe on the sidelines.
You pressed play, eyes widening as you watched the clip. Joe was wearing a black shirt and shorts with the Bengals logo on both articles of clothing. His right calf was covered with a black sleeve and he had on a bucket hat. In the video he took the hat off, running his fingers through his grown out hair before putting a backwards cap on instead. 
Your heart raced and you crossed your legs as the video came to an end. Joe looked insanely hot on the sidelines in all black wearing a backwards cap. Something about that look had you going absolutely feral and feeling your pulse in other areas.
You shut your phone off and set it down in your lap. You pulled your bottom lip in between your teeth as you looked out onto the field, watching the rest of the game.
You couldn't wait for the game to be over...
So here you are now a couple hours later: sitting on the couch and waiting for Joe to come home. Just as you picked up your phone to check the time, Joe entered the house through the garage. He set his belongings down on the counter, huffing out a loud sigh as he did so. You chuckled to yourself and got up from the couch, walking into the kitchen. A small smile pulled at Joe's lips as he looked at you.
"Hey hot stuff." you greeted as you wrapped your arms around your boyfriend. Joe chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, leaning down to kiss your temple. "Hey yourself."
You hummed and pulled away from Joe, looking into his soft blue eyes. Your eyes scanned Joe's figure, taking in his beautiful eyes, his chiseled jawline, and that stupid backwards cap that had you feeling things you shouldn't be feeling. You brought a hand up to Joe’s head, slightly tipping the cap back which made Joe chuckle.
“What?” you asked coyly, even though you knew exactly what he was going to say to you.
“You have that look on your face.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Joe smirked and snaked his arms back around your waist, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. You could feel the warmth radiating off of both of your bodies as you stood pressed against each other. Joe leaned in to the side of your head, his voice growing lustful as he spoke into your ear.
“You know exactly what look I’m talking about sweetheart…”
You pulled back from Joe, looking up at him with a slight smirk on your face. You brought your hand back up to the backwards cap on his head.
“You looked so good tonight Joey, in your all black and your backwards cap…” you sighed blissfully, “something about you on the sidelines has me all worked up.” Joe‘s eyes grew dark with lust as he smirked down at you. He gently squeezed your waist as he said, “Well maybe we should do something about that.”
“Maybe we should…” You trailed off. Before you knew it, your lips were smashed against Joe’s as you rushed into the bedroom, taking the cap off of his dark blonde hair and tugging at the hem of his black shirt.
Joe hooked his fingers underneath your t-shirt, ripping the black material off your body with ease as he continued to kiss you hungrily, wanting to taste more than just your soft lips. Joe's veiny hands gripped your bare sides as he pushed you up against the wall of his bedroom. His blue eyes grew dark with lust as he gazed down at your breasts sitting perfectly in a red, lace pushup bra. It was Joe's favorite bra of yours. It never failed to grow his arousal even more.
"Much better." Joe smirked as he eyed your perky breasts. He harshly cupped your left breast, digging his digits into the cup as he kissed along your jawline. Your breathing grew shallow as he bit at your skin. You threw your head back at the feeling of his lips, bringing your hands up to his unruly dark blonde waves and tugging at the tips as Joe began to suck harshly at your neck.
"Mmm," you moaned out as Joe's kisses grew sloppier. He pulled his face away from your neck, smirking slyly at you as he toyed with the waistband of your jean shorts. He slipped two fingers into your pants, brushing them up against your clothed core. You gasped as Joe's fingers teased your sensitive clit through the lace, his movements making the wetness between your thighs more apparent. Joe gave you a sultry look with his tongue pressed against the side of his mouth as he pulled his hand out of your shorts. Joe harshly pulled you away from the wall, pushing you down flat onto the bed instead. You let out a breath as excitement swirled through your body. You haven't been this way with Joe in a long time.
Joe ripped your buttoned shorts open with ease, slowly sliding them down your legs before tossing them to the floor next to the bed. His lustful eyes scanned over your body. He looked at your face first taking in those doe eyes and your plump lips. His eyes trailed down to your chest, his heart was racing as he looked at your breasts sitting perfectly in the cups lined with lace. He then trailed his eyes further, a smirk pulling at his lips as he looked at your perfectly pierced belly button and your lace covered core. You were the most beautiful girl he's ever laid his eyes on.
As Joe looked at your figure, an idea came to his mind. Something he's never done before, but something he's wanted to try for a long time. He reached out to the bedside table and grabbed what he was thinking of.
"Put this on..." Joe trailed off, handing you his black headband with the Bengals logo in the middle. You eyed Joe as you took the headband from him, sliding it onto your forehead and wearing it just like he did. Joe shook his head at you and leaned in to grab the headband, pulling it down so your eyes were covered.
"There we go." He whispered huskily, his arousal growing at the sight of you blindfolded by his headband. "What are you doing?" You asked, voice quiet and also slightly confused. Joe has never blindfolded you before.
"You'll see." Joe purred as he trailed a hand down your body. Your core ached and your heart fluttered at the thought of trying something different with Joe. Not only were you excited, but your body was excited, too. You closed your eyes as they were met with darkness from the headband. You couldn't see anything, but you could hear everything going on. Joe grabbed the whipped cream and the bottle of rosé from the bedside table. He took the lid off of the whipped cream, shaking it before taking the lid off and putting it in between his lips. He spit the lid out, the red cap hitting the wall behind the two of you before it fell to the floor.
Joe eyed your breasts as he shook the can of whipped cream in one hand. He reached out for you with his other hand, placing it on your left rib. His long, skilled fingers slowly trailed up your sides, making you shiver at the sensation. Joe unclasped your bra, wetting his lips as he watched the red material fall from your chest, letting your breasts free. Joe pressed the white tip of the whipped cream can. He made a circular motion with the can as he sprayed the cream onto your hard nipples. As soon as he was satisfied with the amount, he threw the can to the side and immediately attached his mouth to the sensitive bud, sucking at the sweet cream that adorned your breasts. His tongue swirled over each of your nipples, making sure to lap up every last bit of the sweet cream.
"Oh Joe," you let out a breathy moan at the feeling of Joe's tongue swirling around your hard nipples. You could feel yourself getting wetter just from him lapping up the whipped cream. Joe chuckled at your reaction as he detached his lips from your right breast. He leaned over and grabbed the bottle of rosé off of the bed and pulled the cap off with a slight pop. You pulled Joe's headband off of your eyes just in time to see him bring the tip of the bottle down to your belly, letting it rest against your skin as he poured the rosé into your belly button. He eyed you as he quickly slurped the rosé as some of the liquid trickled down your sides
"That's new." You said, an amused smile on your face as you watched Joe slurp the rose out of your belly button. Joe's never done belly shots from you either...
Tonight is already proving to be one of those nights where you and Joe help each other become someone else together, not only romantically but sexually, too.
Slurping out all the rosé, Joe bit down on the jewelry adorning your navel. He loved to play with your piercing during sex. Something about the silver diamond jewelry just got him even more excited. You brought your hands down to Joe's hair, running your nails over his scalp as he continued to bite at and play with your navel piercing. You bit your lip and let out a soft whimper as he tugged harshly at the ring while gently cupping your breasts as he did so.
You could feel Joe's chuckle vibrate against your belly. "You like that?" he asked, a teasing smirk on his face as he looked up at you through his lashes. "Mhm..." You trailed off, your response coming out as a blissful moan. It was hard for you to form words right now with the way Joe was teasing you. Joe smirked as he kissed down your belly, his hot breath against the skin of your abdomen making that warmth pool in your belly already. Tonight was supposed to be about you taking care of Joe, but right now, it seemed like Joe was taking care of you instead. Joe stopped his trail of kisses once he got to the waistband of your lace panties. Your eyes widened in disbelief, your heart pounded with excitement, and your pulse was felt in your most intimate area as you watched Joe hook his finger into the waistband of your panties. But his finger wasn't the only thing trying to take your panties off...
Joe lowered his head so that he was now lined up with your clothed core that was practically dripping just from the sight of him. He kept his blue eyes locked on yours as he bit down on the waistband of your red panties. He slowly started to pull the fabric away from your waist. You lifted your legs slightly, giving Joe just enough room to slide pull your panties down your legs with his mouth. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Not only could you not believe what you were seeing, but you loved what you were seeing. You've never seen Joe act this way before. Something about the hungry look in his eyes as he stared at your aching, dripping womanhood made you feel another level of turned on you've never quite felt before. Joe ripped your panties out of his mouth and threw them off to the side with the pile of other clothes. He lowered his head back down to your dripping core, his tongue instantly lapping at your glistening folds.
"Oh- fuck..."you whimper out as Joe ate you out like a starved man. Joe chuckled against your folds, the vibration sending what felt like an electric shock through your body as it made you jolt. Joe brought his veiny hands up to your thighs, keeping your legs spread open as he buried his tongue into you. He moaned against your core as the taste of your sweet juices hit his taste buds. You tasted like sweet honey...
"You taste so good, Y/n." Joe praised as he took a hand off of your thigh, placing it onto your womanhood and letting his thumb rub circles against your clit as he continued to lap at your soaked core. The feeling of both Joe's tongue and fingers sent you over the edge, turning you into a whimpering and quivering mess in no time. You bucked your hips slightly as Joe's movements quickened. His jaw clenched with each swipe of his tongue and the muscles in his forearm flexed with each stroke of his thumb. Your chest heaved as Joe licked a stripe up your core.
"Fuck Joey, don't stop..."
You brought your hands down to the back of your boyfriends head, gripping the ends of his hair as you pushed him closer to your center. Joe panted against you, feeling your walls clench around his tongue as you grew close to your first orgasm of the night. You let out a whimper as Joe pressed down on your lower belly with his hand. He knew you were getting close from the way the your chest rose and fell, and how your hips were bucking every time his tongue swirled over your clit.
"That's it baby," Joe praised, "Let me taste you."
You let out a few more whimpers, moaning Joe's name in pleasure as you felt the familiar warmth in your lower belly. Soon enough, your chest was heaving as it all came crashing down and you were overcome with complete pleasure and bliss. Joe lapped up your juices with his tongue, pulling his face away from your soaked core. He licked his lips dry, making sure to get every last drop of you into his mouth. Joe smirked as he watched you come down from your orgasmic high, your heaving chest soon going back to its normal rythmuc rising and falling.
"I don't think I've ever seen you cum that hard." He smirked, a sense of pride in his tone as he spoke. "That was hot."
“All because of you.” You replied, still trying to catch your breath and recover from your climax.
Joe pulled you up into a sitting position before crashing his lips onto yours. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trailing your hands down his back as your nails dug into his skin. You could taste yourself on Joe's lips as the two of you shared a passionate kiss. As his toned body was pressed against yours, you could feel Joe's erection poking at your thigh. It was his turn to be taken care of now. You were going to help him get away from himself for a few minutes...
You pulled away from Joe, smirking up at the blonde quarterback as your hand traveled south, brushing over his erection as you spoke, "Your turn, Joey."
Joe bit his lip in anticipation as he watched you slide out from the bed, moving so that you were now directly in front of him. You gave Joe a sultry look as you slowly got down on your knees in front of him. Despite his calf strain keeping him out for several weeks, making him miss another pre-season yet again, Joe felt like the luckiest guy in the world right now. You reached out and palmed Joe through his boxers, making him wince slightly at the feeling of your hand on his manhood.
"May I?" You asked, gesturing to his undergarments. Joe couldn't form words, so he just nodded. He needed you so bad.
He needed to feel your soft lips around him.
He needed to feel your soft hands around him.
He needed to feel you take him deeper, and deeper.
Joe lifted himself from the bed, helping you remove his boxers from his body. Once the boxers were removed from his waist, Joe's impressive erection sprang free. He sat back down on the bed as you prepared to take him. You gazed hungrily at him just like he did at you moments ago when you were the one being pleasured. You bit down on your bottom lip as you placed your manicured hands on Joe's thick, muscular thighs, spreading them apart as you slowly leaned down. Joe closed his eyes as he waited for the feeling of your lips around him, taking him in deeper with each bob of your head. You brought your lips down around the tip of his dick, pulling them off with a pop as your tongue teased his slit, licking the pre-cum off of the red tip. Between the feeling of your warm breath and your tongue toying with his manhood, Joe threw his head back.
"Fuck," he groaned deeply as you slowly took more of him into your mouth. Your lips were sealed around the head of his cock, sucking and licking tentatively at his skin. Joe bit his tongue, holding back the sounds of pleasure as you suck him off. He let out a strangled sound as you took more of him into your mouth. As you started bobbing your head, Joe couldn’t stop himself from bringing his hands up to your hair and pulling you closer to him.
"Fuck, Y/n-," Joe moaned out as you spit on his dick, jerking him off with your lips still around him. Joe hasn't felt this good in weeks. The stress of training camp, dealing with a calf injury, and trying to be ready to go by week one has put a toll on Joe's mind and body. But right now, he wasn't thinking about any of that stuff. All he was thinking about was you and how you make him feel. You make him feel perfect. You always have and you always will.
You bobbed your head rhythmically, making Joe moan in pleasure. "You're doing so good sweetheart," he praised as he noticed the tears in your eyes from his size, "So good."
You could tell Joe was growing closer to his release because every time you bobbed your head you could feel his cock twitch in your mouth. Joe's chest heaved up in down as his face contorted into a look of pleasure. He let out a few grunts as he came undone in your mouth. You brought him into a pure state of bliss, something he hasn't felt in a while. You pulled your mouth off of him and swallowed, giving him a couple minutes to come down and recover from his high.
“Closer” by Nine Inch Nails begins playing…
You stood up from being on your knees, standing in between Joe's legs as you leaned down and crashed your lips onto his. Your mouths moved in perfect sync as you let him taste himself on your lips just like he had done for you. Joe bit down on your bottom lip, making you wince slightly as he drew blood. Joe licked the blood off of your lip before attaching his lips to yours once again. The metallic taste of your blood filling both yours and Joe's mouths as the drops of crimson hit your taste buds. Joe continued to kiss you hungrily, his movements urgent as he gripped your waist with the pads of his fingers. He pushed you down onto the bed, bringing you underneath him as he hovered over you. Joe inched closer to your ear, his hot breath on your neck sending shivers up your spine.
"I'm gonna fuck you till you're screaming my name and shaking so hard you won't be able to walk."
His husky voice and the words he uttered down at you made you bite your lip in anticipation. Joe gently bit down on your earlobe, slightly tugging on it as he brought his head away from your neck. Joe hovered over you with his left arm on the mattress as his right arm played with you. He harshly kneaded your left breast as his thumb and index finger pinched your sensitive, hard nipple. He did the same thing to your right breast as he began to suck relentlessly as your neck, making you moan in pleasure as he marked his territory. Joe wanted everyone to know that your were his, and only his. Joe licked a stripe up your neck, his hot breath hitting your sensitive skin as he whispered huskily into your ear.
"Here we go."
Joe slid his cock into your slick entrance, burying himself deep inside of you. The feeling of his impressive length made your thighs clench and your eyes squeeze shut as you let out a moan. Joe snapped his hips forward, making your hips buck up, matching his rough thrusts. You wrap your legs around Joe, allowing him to thrust harder, faster, deeper.
"God," he groans out as your walls clench around his cock, "You feel so good." His grunts mixed with the sounds of your moans and skin hitting skin.
Joe could feel himself getting away from himself and his thoughts of the game tonight as he fucked you senseless. Each thrust of his hips and groan that escaped his lips had you feeling pleasure in all the right places. Joe buried his face in your neck as you scratched harshly at his back. Joe left sloppy kisses on your neck as he pulled his hips forwards, roughly thrusting into you. In and out. In and out. In and out. Each thrust grew deeper, the tip of Joe's cock hitting your cervix repeatedly made your body jolt with pleasure. You screamed his name as Joe grunted under his breath.
"Fuck," he praised, "You feel so good, so tight."
Joe continued to fuck you senseless, making you feel as if your whole existence was flawed as you laid underneath him. You immediately grew submissive from his touch, seeming to lose every ounce of dominance in your body. The sounds of yours and Joe's moans filled the bedroom, as all you could smell was sweat and sex. After you let out a particularly loud moan, Joe brought his hand up to your neck, wrapping his fingers around it and squeezing you gently. You gasped at the feeling of your lovers hand around your neck as he ruthlessly thrusted himself into you, pushing deeper and deeper.
"Joe," you moaned out as you placed your hand over his that was around your neck, "don't stop."
Joe shook his head and removed his hand from your neck as a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, falling onto his lip. He leaned down and crashed his lips onto yours. You could taste the saltiness of his sweat as his tongue swirled around your own. Your bodies continued to move in a perfect rhythm as you and Joe became panting and moaning messes underneath each others touch. You felt a familiar warmth pool in your lower belly. You were so close.
"I'm so close Joe." You practically whined as Joe picked up the pace of his rough thrusts. Soon enough, your walls were clenching around Joe's cock. The clenching of your slick walls around him made Joe grunt. He could feel every inch of you from the inside, and it felt amazing.
"Fuck," Joe growled, his deep voice making your body jolt in pleasure once again. The sound of him, the feeling of him, and the smell of him made you grow even closer to your orgasm.
Joe could feel your walls clench once again, this time with more force. He knew you were close.
"That's it baby," Joe pleaded, his chest heaving as he panted, "cum for me. I wanna feel you." He continued to pound into you, making sure you felt every single inch of him. The feeling of his large cock filling you up made your legs shake as you moaned in pleasure. You came down harshly on Joe's cock, your hands coming up to his head and tugging at his dark blonde locks as he had you seeing stars. You whimpered out his name as your chest heaved up and down. You were completely blissed out as Joe continued to pump into you. He reached his climax shortly after you, groaning, and gripping onto your thighs as spurts of his hot cum filled your insides.
Joe fucked you so hard that both of you were completely blissed out, not thinking straight and feeling yourselves being brought closer to god. Joe pressed his forehead against yours as you both came down from your highs, chests heaving and bodies sticky with sweat.
“I love you so much.” He breathed out, his hot breath hitting your face as he spoke. “I love you too Joey.” You said, your breathing matching his. Joe pulled out of you and plopped down on the bed next to you, pulling you into his side. You immediately laid your head on his right pec, wrapping your arms around his sticky torso as you laid on him.
“That was amazing.” You said, “I don’t think I’ll be able to do anything except just lay here.” Joe smirked down at you as he gently stroked your bare arm with his fingertips. “Well,” he breathed out, “I think I should wear that backwards hat more often.”
You craned your neck up to look at your boyfriend, chuckling softly at his sly remark.
“I think you should too.” You replied honestly.
You definitely think Joe should wear that backwards cap and all black combo a lot more often. Seeing him in that outfit made you act and feel like somebody else…and you absolutely loved it.
hi loves!!
uhh so this was something different than what i usually write LOL. but i was listening to music and this song came on and i was hit with an idea…so i just had to write something😂
i apologize if this was super cringy or not what you were hoping for/expecting! im kind of shocked i was able to write something like this
i’d appreciate some feedback, but if you don’t want to say anything i completely get it ;)
i’ll be updating daddy issue’s tomorrow, and it’s the complete OPPOSITE of whatever this was lol.
thank you for all of you kind words and support with my writing. you are the best! i love talking with all of you and getting to share my work with you. THANK YOU ALL🤍🤍
tags: @hoodharlow @wickedfun9 @bernelflo @ilovejoeburroww @klips118 @killatravtramp @katelyn102 @theflawedwriter @kristencochefski1125 @schumacherburrow @samanthamark5 @joeys-babe @sinners-98-world @burrowstyles5 @m-1234 @marz22224 @emaanemaa
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barblaz-arts · 9 months
sorry, I'm super obsessed with the pokémon AU, and I know you're done with it and probably won't even notice this ask, or care about it, but I have very little self control to stop myself posting my stupid thoughts so:
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I just noticed that in this picture Enid is wearing one of wenesday's (pin/clip/something)s on her hat, and wednesday has let Enid dye the tip of her hair pink, and oh my gosh, I'm just so obsessed.
Thank you for noticing that! I'm not sure most people did. But yeh that tiny detail was the very reason why I had Wednesday and Enid have that thing with giving brooches or dyeing tails(or a pigTAIL in Wednesday's case badumtss) of their pokemon in the first place. It's meant to have happened probably after they've beaten all the gym leaders before going up against the Elite 4 and the champions.
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luvfy0dor · 10 months
Hii! This is my first time requesting, and I hope you don't mind. There's a trend on TikTok called my marmalade. Where's they wearing an Ushanka hat? Can you do one with Fyodor where you steal his Ushanka hat just to do the trend?
“My Marmalade ♡⁠˖” Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; only briefly proofread.
Description; Borrowing your boyfriends ushanka for a tiktok trend
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A/n; Hi! Dw I don't mind at all!! I hadn't seen this trend until I looked it up, but I like the video where the girl used the cat as the hat, it was cute lol
Tiktok trends weren't entirely your thing, but upon seeing this one you figured why not try it out. You stared at your phone, the video of a girl blowing kisses into the camera playing on the screen. She had a fur hat on and the white tufts were glittery in that specific lighting. There was a similar hat around somewhere - most likely on your boyfriends head. All you had to do was obtain it by either stealing it briefly or asking to borrow it. You didn't really want to explain why you needed his hat because he'd probably find it silly, so you chose the first option. Even if he caught you taking his hat it's not like he'd be mad. If anything he'd either find it mildly amusing or he just simply wouldn't care.
You began your search for the fluffy accessory, feeling as though you had struck gold upon remembering your lover was in the shower. You headed back towards your shared bedroom, hoping he had left it on your dresser where he usually did. You knew him well enough to be correct and you snatched the hat off of it before making your way back to the living room. Your fingers brushed over the soft fur as you pulled up the audio and propped up the phone against a lamp. You set the timer to three seconds, starting the recording and taking a few steps back. The countdown sound had covered the clicking of the door and Fyodors soft footsteps exiting the bathroom. The audio sounded throughout the living room while you watched yourself dance in the camera.
You had a smile on your face and your hands on your hips as you started lip syncing the chorus, having watched enough videos with lyrics that spelled out the pronunciation to do it relatively accurately. As you brought your hand to your mouth to blow a kiss, Fyodor spoke, making you jump like a cat at the sight of a cucumber. "Ah, that's where my hat went." His voice was soft and smooth, mostly monotonous as usual. You could feel heat focus in your cheeks as you embarrassedly stood there. "Well I wasn't gonna barge in on your shower to ask for it." You said, trying to justify yourself. He smiles slightly in amusement and approaches you, adjusting the hat so that the flaps were hooked together on the top instead of at the sides.
"I believe that's how most people who are participating in the trend are wearing it." He says, pressing a kiss to your cheek with his hands on your shoulders. "You've seen it?" You raise an eyebrow, unaware of whether or not he had recently downloaded tiktok. He shook his head though. "No, it is quite coincidental that this is trending now, though. I had thought about the song the other day, so I looked up the lyrics and the videos were some of the top results. The song was popular when I was young." He explains to you, gazing at you from beyond his eyelashes. Your mouth forms an 'o' shape as you nod in understanding.
"So you don't think it's stupid or anything?" You ask, once again raising an eyebrow. Fyodor seems to think for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "Sort of. I don't really understand the 'slavic-core' thing. I suppose it's appreciation though, and that is refreshing to see." He says, shrugging as his finger rests on his chin. "That's fair." You say, before grabbing your phone and deleting the clip. You look to see if Fyodor is going anywhere before restarting the timer only to be met with him staring back at you. "Should I leave while you film?" He asks with a tilt of his head, his damp hair cascading towards the right side. You hesitantly shake your head, grabbing his hand gently. "No, no, you can stay. You did the hat thing for me, so I don't wanna kick you out." You say. He smiles and sits down on the couch, his soft stare fixated upon your body as the countdown started again.
You blushed, covering the bottom half of your face with your hand as you backed up again. The music started up again and you did the little routine once more, your boyfriend low key amused as he watched with a neutral face. You finished it and retrieved your phone with your tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth as you watched the video over. You thought it was cute, so you wrote out a caption and tags and posted it. Fyodor was still staring at you when you looked back over at him. "What?" He let out a small amused chuckle. "You just look sort of silly, my dear." He says. An embarrassed smile pulls at the corners of your lips as you sigh and nod. "Yeah, I could imagine." You murmur against the skin of your fingers. He pulls you closer to him by your waist, pressing two soft kisses to your side, mimicking the 'mwah' sound in the audio, making you blush a little before trying to push his head away from your body.
"Stop teasing me." you playfully say as he hums against the fabric of your shirt. "I'm not teasing you, Moya lyubov, I'm just reenacting your little video." He claims. You run your fingers through his hair and sigh. Your couldn't complain though, after all, he did let you borrow his favorite hat to participate in the trend.
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A/n; hope y'all enjoy this because if I flop.
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 years
I was rewatching BFU and decided that a lot of clips deserved to be reigen and serizawa because. well. what else are you gonna do while waiting for the next mob miércoles?
(pls rb!)
First Clip
Reigen: I wonder what that would look like on me... foot! No, I didn't mean that.
Serizawa holds the bone up to Reigen's crotch to compare.
Reigen: Umm... No.
Tome, Ritsu, and Shou laugh.
(Written next to Reigen is "C'mon Serizawa be serious.)
Second Clip
Reigen: if they do think I'm a ghost, I'm gonna give them the scare of their life right now.
Serizawa: okay.
Reigen screams very loudly for a long time.
Ghost: shit.
Third Clip:
Serizawa: He's probably doing some stupid bit where he's pretending he's a kid.
Reigen, in the woods: (in a high pitched, childlike voice) Oh, hey there, miss! It's just me, a little boy! Oh, I sure hope some lady doesn't show up and kill me! Check this out!
He puts on a hat worn by kindergartners in Japan.
Reigen: Oh, sure would love a little lemon soda! Oh, one thing I don't want is to be murdered tonight!
Fourth Clip:
Reigen: We're not the ghosts, you're the ghost. Unless...
Serizawa: You know, I guess I did get into that car accident a while ago and it was a pretty close call. It is possible I'm dead right now.
Reigen: One time I cut up an avocado. And there was a lot of meat left on the pit. And I put the m- I put the avocado pit in my mouth.
Serizawa: The entire pit? You put the...
Reigen: Yeah. And I started to just kind of-
(Reigen makes slurping noises like he's sucking the meat off of the pit)
Reigen: Get the meat off of it? And at that moment I was like: if I sneezed right now, this thing would lodge into my throat. And ever since then, I've kind of been terrified of avocados. But, the other thing is, I always thought: what if I did die then?
(suspenseful music)
Serizawa: fuck, dude.
Final Clip:
Reigen: are we doing more of this or can I use the Jacuzzi hot tub that we've been blessed with?
Serizawa: are you serious?
Reigen: are we going to spend the night here and not use that?
(they are in a bathtub together. the water is still)
Serizawa: the jets don't work.
(Reigen begins to weakly laugh)
Serizawa: We're just two guys sitting in a tub.
(The laughter continues)
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strniohoeee · 11 months
Racketeer Pt. 3
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Pairing: Chris Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N hates Chris hoodrat lifestyle, but when something goes wrong she’s ready to protect her man👥 Okay this is part 3 of a series I just made for shits and giggles for my best friend, but the fact that so many people like it is shocking and also amazing!!! Love this for us, I’m a hoe for hoodrat Chris even though I’m a Matt girl🧎🏽‍♀️
Warnings⚠️: uhh d*ath threats, Chris with a pewpew, pistol whipping, and uhhh I think that’s all…hope you enjoy 🖤
Song for the imagine: 308-22Gz (this is pure hoodrat NY trap music I LOVE IT)
When we spin through, it’s a D-O-A
We caught a opp at like 3:08
Fuck it and fuck up a B-O-A
“Chris I’m not fucking holding your gun, so I’m definitely not fucking shooting it” I told Chris as he had his pistol on the kitchen table
“Baby why not? We literally got targets on our back because of who I am. I want my lady to be able to handle her own if I’m not there” he said in a matter of fact way
“Yeah a target on our back because of the life YOU chose to run with….plus I will always have you, so no” I said drinking my water
“What if I’m in a headlock, the pistols on the ground, and any one of his goons could come and pop me, and then pop you” he said raising his eyebrows
“Well then the lord better be on our side cause I ain’t picking up your gun” I said shrugging my shoulders
He picks up his gun and points it at me
“BANG BANG BANG, you’re dead” and then he turns the gun on himself “BANG BANG BANG, I’m dead” he said laughing
“Put the fucking gun down now” I said getting upset with him
“Baby the clips empty, and I took the bullet out” he said showing me the gun
“Give me the fucking gun, and show me how to use it” I said getting annoyed
“YES IM TEACHING MY BABYYY, I’m gonna have my own personal shooter” he said getting excited
Flashback over
Tonight Chris’s friends were having a party after one of the guys got released from prison. They rented out a whole club for this kid
“I don’t want to go” I said to Chris dragging my feet
“Come on, why not it’s a nice area. The club is only open for us, and you know ima protect you” he said getting dressed
I was already ready, but I just didn’t want to go anymore. I felt like this was our whole life…. parties, fast cars and thugs….but I digress
“Fine I’ll fucking go” I said getting my outfit picked out. It was cold in Boston, so I decided on a long sleeve fitted black shirt, medium wash baggy boyfriend jeans, and my black Air Force 1s (shawty on demon time). I flat ironed my hair, and put on my black north face puffer jacket
“The black air forces?? Whose head are you stompin on tonight?” Chris asked laughing
“Anybody who fucks with you” I said putting my perfume on
“Blue jeans or black” he asked me
“Black” I said back
Chris came out in an all black shirt, with black jeans, his timberland boots on, and his black puffer coat
“Alright baby Boston Red Sox black and white hat, or Yankees” he asked
“Boston….HELLOOO” I said laughing at him
“Duhhh how could I be so stupid” he said making a dumb face
We had driven to the location of the club, and it was indeed a nice area, but it was known for gangs so there were some dodgy people out.
“Don’t leave my side at all” Chris said helping me out the passenger side, and shutting the door behind me
“Never baby” I said, and he locked the car
We walked to the club, and immediately I recognized everybody there. I even seen some of my girl friends who were either dating or messing around with one of these guys
The whole night we had such a blast, laughing, talking, drinking and dancing. Although these people had some crazy shit under their belt, they were actually super nice and respectful people.
“Yoo there’s some kids out there, talking about Drew’s gang or whatever” one of Chris friends came up and said to all of us
“That little fucking kid with the tattoos on his face?” Chris asked
“Yeah, he’s getting mad staticy outside, and wallin out. The security guards about to lay his ass out” he said
“Tell that fucking kid that I’m going to be dealing with his soon” Chris said taking a sip of his drink
“Ai, he’s alone so he ain’t gonna try some shit” he said to Chris
“Even if he does…I’m strapped tonight” Chri said lifting his shirt up exposing the pistol in his waistband
His friend nodded at him, and went to head back out to relay the message to the other guy.
“Baby….for once not tonight” I said looking at Chris
“I’m not gonna do anything, but if people start talking crazy” he said raising his hands up
“No Chris! You have to stop this” I told him taking a sip of my drink
“What?? I’ll bust him in his medulla….nobody will fuck wit me after that” Chris said laughing
I just shook my head and laughed at him
At this point it was about 2AM, and we all started to head out. We walked outside, and Chris was saying bye to the security guard and some of his friends
I was waiting for Chris to finish chatting with his security guard, when I saw someone in the corner of my eye. For once can someone not try Chris and I
“Yoo this your man?” The kid said coming up to me and pointing at Chris
I just ignored him, me being from New York…you never ever turn your head when someone’s coming up from behind you to ask you, or tell you something. That’s a death wish.
“You deaf ma?” I heard him say again
“Yo get the fuck outta here” I heard Chris say from behind me
“Yo get the fuck outta here Chris, Drew’s people got something for your ass, and it’s gonna start with your lady here” he said nodding his head at me
“Did you just threaten my woman” I heard Chris say, and he started to walk towards him, so I turned around to watch this glancing at the security guard to keep an eye out
“Don’t shoot the messenger…..you keep fucking wit our guys…they gonna come for you” he said
“I’ll shoot you, and the motherfucka who sent you” Chris said getting closer to the guy
“Babe stop” I said trying to keep Chris calm
“Yeah listen to your lady…wouldn’t want her with a hole between her eyes now would we?” He asked smuggly
All of a sudden I just see Chris swing at the guy, his right fist connecting with his cheek
“CHRIS PLEASE STOP, THIS HAS TO FUCKING STOP PLEASE” I said begging, but not wanting to get in between them because I was not about to get cracked in the jaw
I'm not sure what happened but they started to struggle with each other, and were just scuffling. I had a feeling the guy felt Chris’s gun, and was trying to grab it
“FUCK YOU” Chris started to scream and started throwing punches at the guys ribs, as he had Chris in a headlock
All of a sudden his pistol fell out, and at the same time the guy got Chris on his back on the ground, and they were throwing punches.
The pistol slid pretty far, and I was contemplating on if I wanted to pick it up or not…..Fuck it…this is my man, and I will fucking do anything to protect him
I picked up the pistol, and cocked it back
“GET THE FUCK OFF OF MY MAN, OR I WILL BLOW YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF” I yelled at the guy, both of them turning to look at me
“You’re a little bitch, you ain’t pulling no fucking trigger fuck outta here” he said still struggling with Chris
I don’t know what came over me, but I moved the gun from pointed at his head to pointed just behind it, and then I pulled the trigger
The bullet flew right past his head, and it was so fucking loud, everybody froze including me
“THE FUCK” the guy yelled, and while he was looking at me Chris used this to punch him on the jaw knocking him backwards
Chris got up, and came over to me, and grabbed the pistol out of my hands
He walked over to the guy, standing over him and grabbed him by his shirt
All of a sudden Chris pistol whipped the guy, and I gasped covering my mouth
“If you ever come around me and my people, and my FUCKING woman again talking out your neck I’m going to come for your whole fucking blood line, got it” he said as he held the pistol under the kids chin
“Yeah yeah” the guy said out of it
“No no….I promise you’re all good. I’ll never fucking look at yall ever again” he said in fear
“Yeah you better not, and if we ever cross paths again…you better cross to the other side of the street. Cause you just earned a target on your back, and when I’m ready to pop you and your people I'm coming for yous ….cause all my opps is targets, see the red dot no target got it bitch” he said throwing the guy down onto the ground
Chris looked at his security and nodded for him to get rid of the kid, and keep everything on hush. He tucked the pistol into his waistband and grabbed my hand
“Lets go ma” he said walking with me
We got into the car, and I was still so shocked by everything
“Look at you….almost boomed the kids face off for me” he said smirking
“I don’t know what took over me, but I knew I wanted to hurt him to protect you” I said to Chris
“That’s exactly how I feel everytime someone fucks with you” he said leaning in and kissing me
“You’re not going to go after him right?” I asked
“No, but it creates enough fear in his heart that he won’t even fuck with us ever again” he said putting the car in drive, and grabbing my hand to interlock it
“Chris we have to stop this lifestyle” I told him
“And we will baby, I promise you” he said kissing my hand as he drove off
The End
Alright this was part 3, and I may or may not write a part 4 depending on the feedback, but this one was my favorite one to write 💋💋
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whipped-bean · 6 months
Hazbin Hotel redesigns that will make you prefer the originals pt. 1
i hate this show's designs and storytelling so much so i made them look better, feel free to request someone next i guess idk lmao.
slightly disturbing imagery below (???)
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also no i don't support the show's creator and i hate her guts, the only stuff I've seen from the show is clips from tiktok :P
these are NOT meant to be animator friendly, srsly, i know its a running joke amongst redesigns but pls don't be like 'omg these would be such a pain to animatteeee' bc thats THE WHOLE POINT >:(
info under the cut
For angel:
-arms, legs, and big ol abdomen are NOT retractable because that just felt like a cheap way to make him look less detailed and pisses me off because its just wasted potential :P
-less of a formal outfit because if he wore one it would be too stuffy and uncomfortable'
-'shorts' that are basically just a skirt due to his back legs
-curly hair because it looks nice on him
-very uncomfortable boots, they force him to walk tip-toed 24/7 because theyre form fitted and stiff
-wanted to play up the spider theme AS MUCH as possible, if it wasnt obvious lmao
-no lower jaw
For Vox:
-a more or less 'imposter' kind of theme, he doesnt look human or demon, but his death was too severe for him to keep his entire body once he was sent to hell
-pieced himself back together with his very minimun memories of his past life as a simple and sad old man working as an electrician, so the engineering wasnt very good at first
-he didnt look creepy enough to me so obviously i fixed that
-kept his hat though to piss people off i guess, also cause its funny to me idk
-rubber gloves and shoes, and random patches on his clothes are rubber to absorb shock while he works
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My first attempt at drawing something in Clip Studio. A request from @fairfaxleasee - Fenris, wearing a stupid party hat because of Hawke.
Next attempt will be doing proper colours. I think I'm starting to figure this program out!
Full resolution image is, as always, on my Patreon! All my patrons can vote for what I'm drawing on my monthly live streams on Discord!
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