#THEN MAYBE I’ll try to put something together l
ponderingmoonlight · 11 months
How JJK men act in and after a fight part ll
Part l with Gojo, Megumi and Nanami here
Pairing: Geto x reader, Choso x reader, bonus: Yuji x reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: my lil baby Yuji simply can't start a fight so it's more like a fluff fan service for y'all, Choso and Geto being a little mean, not proofread
Tags: @satoruukisser @sanicsmut (I just know you've waited for this one hehe) @ifuckfictionalmen
Suguru Geto
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“Hey love, how you’re feeling?”, the sweet voice of your boyfriend talks through the speaker of your phone.
Oh, how much you’ve missed him. Since Suguru became a special grade sorcerer, he’s got his hands full with work. Day in and day out, his life is occupied by exorcising curses. So him finding time to call you is a really rare occacion and puts a bright smile on your face immediately.
“I’m okay, my mission went well. Working with Utahime isn’t that bad”, you explain briefly.
“How are you? What a nice surprise that you’re calling!”
“Yeah, about that…”
He clears his throat uncomfortably, leaving you waiting on the other end of the line. What is wrong?
“Listen (y/n). There’s a very important mission for me and Satoru from Tengen-sama himself. I’ll be gone for a few day, need to leave the city…”
“Oh great, I’m coming with you!”, you announce.
Will it be hot wherever you’ll go? Maybe you can pack some nice dresses, after all you aren’t there for work. When was the last time you went on vacation with Suguru? You don’t even remember anymore. All you know is that you ha-
“There’s absolutely no chance you’ll come with me, (y/n). Come on, don’t be ridiculous, this is a mission after all. Also, Satoru will be there with me.”
Your heart sinks for a second, his words slightly hurting you.
“I’m sure Satoru wouldn’t mind! And like that, I’ll get to spend some time with you. That would be great, right?”
“(y/n), this is not the place for a grade 2 sorcerer. And I don’t want to spend time with you on a mission”, he instantly replies, voice dead serious.
Wow. You let his words sink in. No, he didn’t mean it like that, right? He didn’t just say that you are weak, that he doesn’t want to spend time with you…right? Your thoughts are racing. Why would he say something like that? You train your ass off day and night, always trying to get better at anything you do. And why does he not want to spend time with you on a mission? You’re a jujutsu sorcerer yourself after all. And he doesn’t seem to mind working with Satoru…
“I didn’t mean it like that”, he interjects after a few seconds of silence.
“Please don’t worry.”
“I just don’t understand why”, you breathe out.
“You love working with Satoru, though. Why not working with me?”
“(y/n), please don’t cause a scene right now. Satoru and I are the strongest, so it’s only logical to let us carry out that mission. You might be skilled, but not skilled enough.”
‘Not enough’, ‘don’t cause a scene’. His words cut through your heart like a knife through butter. Yes, you might be sensitive, you might overreact, but the way he speaks to you with this unknown stone cold voice and not very well picked words leaves your mind racing.
“I just thought this would be a perfect opportunity to spend some time together. The last few weeks we-“
“(y/n)”, he interrupts you harshly.
“I don’t have time for that bullshit now, okay? We’ll talk tonight.”
And with that, he hangs up, leaving you standing in the rain with trembling lips and eyes that threaten to overflow. What has gotten into him? You asked him really nicely, never pushing him with any of your words. Why did he leash out like that?
C’mon, it’s not even that bad. Maybe he was in a rush, maybe he is too overwhelmed by that important mission maybe-
You do your best to suppress your ruminations with good and logical thoughts desperately, but still…
Maybe he doesn’t want to spend time with you.
Frantically, you wipe over your falling tears, trying to calm yourself down in the middle of Tokyo. Maybe you should just get home, drink a tea and wait for Suguru to return. Yes, after all he told you you’ll talk this out in the evening.
And so you waited. Minutes, then hours, long after midnight without a sign of him. Dead worried that something might have happened, multiple unanswered calls on his and Satoru’s side. This isn’t him, it doesn’t match your boyfriend’s style at all to leave you standing in the rain. Something must have happened, something really really bad, something-
“Hello *hicks*, ‘m back”, his voice suddenly announces.
You squint your eyes, gaze fixed on the way he stumbles into the living room with his face redden in a way you’ve never seen before and orbs roaming around with no aim.
“Where have you been? I was absolutely worried about you. And you didn’t even answer my calls…”, you begin, your voice as soft as ever even though you feel like dying from the inside.
Even from afar, it is obvious that he’s drunk. Anger begins to rise in you, almost making you lose your cool temper. He can’t be serious about that.
“Yeah, had no time for that. Was out with Satoru”, he remarks.
“Yeah. Nothing new”, you comment dryly.
“You mad?”
His figure stumbles towards the couch, almost crushing you under his body weight in the process. No, the thought alone of having him near you right now drives you insane. You pull away, creating distance between your bodies.
“Huh, where are u goin’?”, he questions.
“I tried to call you this whole evening. Do you remember that you promised we would talk things out tonight?”
You desperately try to not sound hurt and vulnerable, but you simply can’t help yourself. Suguru is what you considered the best boyfriend walking on this earth, always respectful, always looking after you. But today, you’ve seen a very new side of him – a side that seems to don’t give a damn about you.
“Oh, that’s why you’re so mad…”
“I always knew and respected that Satoru is your best friend, but that you’re choosing boy’s vacation over a little bit of time with me after the two of you’ve been together the last weeks while I’ve waited at home for you just doesn’t make sense to me. But not only that, you called me weak, you made me feel as if I’m worth nothing. I don’t know, maybe I’m overreacting, maybe I’m being ridiculous like you’ve told me, but it…it just hurts me, Suguru. It hurts me that you’ve treated me this way”, you blurt out.
“I’m scared, (y/n).”
His sudden words catch you off guard, eyes glued to you with so much gravity that you forget about his drunkenness for a second. He’s scared? Where does that come from? You can’t help but scoot a little closer, his facial features looking as lovely as ever in the moonlight.
“Why are you scared, Suguru?”
“This is something really treacherous and I’m not sure if I’m able to take it. If something goes wrong, we might have to fight Tengen-sama himself or worse, you’ll get hurt in the process. I don’t want you to be in the line of fire. I’m truly sorry if I hurt you with my words this afternoon, but the thought of you getting injured on this mission alone killed me from the inside. You are way too precious to get into something like that, especially because it scares the hell out of me myself.”
You grab his hand gently, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes. No, this isn’t the time for pride. Now you understand why he acted so strange, why he came home this late and why he’s sitting in front of you full to the brim. It shatters your heart to know that these thoughts are occupying his mind – more than his words this afternoon.
“Don’t let these thoughts eat you up alive. How did you say that afternoon? You and Satoru are the strongest. If you aren’t able to complete that mission, nobody is. I believe in you with all my heart, darling. No matter how hard the mission seems, no matter how dangerous is get. I just want you to know that I’ll always stay by your side”, you mumble, arm gently wrapped around his shoulder.
“I don’t deserve you, darling”, he hushes against your ear before embracing you in a tight hug.
God, how much you needed that, how much you longed for his touch this whole day.
“I’m sorry for saying all these things to you. It’s just…I don’t want you to get involved in this…”
“You don’t have to explain yourself, I get it. And I overreacted a little. Don’t think about it too much. Let’s go to sleep, okay? You probably drank a lot and tomorrow is another day.”
“I love you, (y/n). Forever and always.”
You smile at him softly, fingertips tracing along his jawline. Even though he smells like sake and his drunk eyes roam around your face with no aim, you love this man with all your heart.
“I love you too, Suguru.”
Choso Kamo
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“C’mon, stop acting like a dick”, you demand, mouth twisted into a pout.
Choso signs while rolling his eyes in pure annoyance. How long have you been sitting here, trying to convince him to take you with him to Shibuya? It sure feels like an eternity.
“Stop acting like a fool, then. This isn’t the right place for you to be. I have a very important mission to fulfill, (y/n)”, he demands.
The dangerous glistening in his eyes scream in your face to stop, to just let it slide and wait for him to return. But this is not fair. Fuck, you’re a mighty jujutsu sorcerer, you are really able to help him. But what does he do instead? Working with some of these hilarious curses.
“And I’m a very important juju-“
The way he yells into your face makes you back away in an instant, usual so bored eyes filled with nothing but thick anger.
“Don’t you understand that I don’t need you? This is very important to me, I seek revenge for my brothers. This isn’t a game, (y/n). You’ll stay here and wait until I return. Do you understand?”
You defiantly cross your arms over your chest, gaze glued to the floor.
“Do. You. Understand.”
“Yes”, you bark back.
“Good. I’ll be back this evening, my love. Don’t be too mad at me.”
His fingers gently caress your cheek before he walks away, into the fight. You cry out in frustration, a new wave of fury washing over you. Why would you be in the way? It’s not like you’re reincarnated yourself, a skilled jujutsu sorcerer for more than 150 years. Fuck, maybe you’re even on the same level as Choso. He might be your boyfriend, that doesn’t mean he can boss you around.
Yes. You are your own chef, always doing whatever you want. A cheeky grin is plastered on your face. Why would you stay at home when slaughtering some jujutsu sorcerers sounds so fun?
Without thinking twice you sprint away, into the dark night, into the train station of Shibuya Choso told you he’s stationed in. Where is he? What is he doing? Maybe you’re even able to help him killing these brats that are responsible for his brother’s death. Yes, what a joy, what a fun!
Your eyes dart around the empty area, not even a single curse in sight. Huh, that’s strange. You thought there would be more resistance, more fights. But instead, you are greeted by empty hallway over hallway, running around like a lost puppy.
Until you stop right in your tracks. Until you can hear his beautiful voice loud and clearly. Your feet carry you his direction instinctively, soon greeted by a merciless fight that lays itself out in front of you.
“Oh, what a coincidence to see you here!”, you greet your boyfriend, aiming a punch at the pink-haired boy in front of you without even knowing who he is.
Choso’s eyes widen in pure horror, forcing him to forget abou the presence of Yuji Itadori for a moment.
“(y/n)”, he breathes out.
You smile at him widely, confidence dripping from every poor.
“I told you to stay away”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
“And I didn’t listen”, you reply.
With a swift motion, he pins you against a nearby wall, eyes darted at you in a way you’ve never seen before.
“I’m starting to lose patience with you, (y/n).”
“I’m here to help you out, love. Why would you have to do this on your own? I love killing people and I’m also seeking revenge for your beloved brothers. After all, they were my family too and everyone who hurts you automatically hurts me too.”
He pants heavy, gaze wandering between your eyes and lips. You’re not sure what’s going on, his mimic not telling you a single bit about his feelings. Is he mad, disappointed, absolutely furious? You can’t tell. But you meant every word you said. When will he finally realize that he’s never alone as long as he has you? You are his girlfriend, after all. It’s your job to be on his side.
“Do you really mean that?”, he mumbles, still holding onto your shoulders tightly while distracting the boy behind him with his blood manipulation.
“Of course I mean that. We’re a team, right?”
You don’t know what’s happening, too stunned by the way he suddenly wraps his arms around you so tightly that it’s hard to breathe, head hiding in the crook of your neck.
“You don’t know how much that means to me…”
It’s like you’re air and he can’t breathe, the way he holds onto you for what seems like dear life. You can’t remember a single moment he ever showed his affection towards you this passionately. But oh how much you enjoy it, closing your eyes to feel his touch even better.
“You are suborn”, he breathes out, taking your face between his hands and pressing his forehead against yours.
Are these tears glistening in his eyes? Your usual so cold and calculating heart feels as if it’s drowning in emotion, absolutely mesmerized by the way he shows himself so vulnerable around you.
“And absolutely in love with you”, you reply, running your fingertips through his hair.
“Wait here until I give you a signal. You know what you have to do”, he instructs you before pressing one last kiss at your demanding lips and turning away.
“Hell yes I do”, you response immediately, face of determination readier that ever.
Bonus: Yuji Itadori
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“Can you stop breathing so damn loud?”, you spit at him.
God, he’s so annoying. Everything is so annoying today. The way the birds sing, how your lunch tasted, your training session. Everything just sucks, including your boyfriend.
“Did I really breath that loud? Sorry babe”, he replies instantly, holding his breath in consequence.
“Urgh, can you scoot over? I need more space”, you grumble.
“Of course!”
Without thinking twice, he slides against the wall so you have more than enough space. Really, is he serious about that?
“Are you keeping safe distance to me or what?”
“Absolutely not, I just thought you need space…”
“Do you need space from me? You want me to leave, huh?”
Yuji just looks at you through his doe eyes, mind racing in a desperate attempt to understand your feelings. Did he do something wrong? Actually no, you always love to literally sit on him while watching TV, telling him over and over how much his slow breathing calms down your tingling nerves. What is different today? He looks into distance, thinking of every possible thing that might be wrong until…
Oh, you might be on your period.
Even though your mood swings were never this bad, the timing and general mood would be fitting. But asking you is way too dangerous, maybe you’ll lose it completely if he brings that up. No, he’ll just stay nice and give you what you need at the moment.
“Do you even love me anymore?”
He comes closer, gently taking your hand into his much larger one while smiling widely at you.
“Sure, you’re the love of my life after all! Just tell me if you need something, I’m always there for you, okay?”
Your stomach is killing you, it feels like getting kicked by the horse over and over again. Deep within you know it isn’t fair to let that out on Yuji, but at the moment, you simply can’t control yourself. But when he’s looking at you like that, gently smiling at you with so much affection in his eyes…
“Maybe you can bring me some pain killers?”, you mumble.
“Will be right back!”
In the matter of five minutes, he returns with pain killers and chocolate in one hand and a hot water bottle in the other. Your heart melts away. God, how is this boy so precious? Is this really your boyfriend?
“Oh Yuji, thank you so much…”, you breathe out, tears stinging in your eyes.
He’s just too good for you. You treated him so badly, and him? He treats you like a literal princess.
“Everything’s fine, (y/n). I do that with pleasure!”, he reassures you, gently wrapping his arms around you while whipping your tears away.
“I’m sorry for lashing out on you like that and causing trouble”, you sniff against his chest, immediately regretting your words from earlier.
“No need to be. We all have a bad day sometimes! And now open up the chocolate and choose a movie."
Your orbs gaze up at him, admiring his loving eyes. Is it even possible to start a fight with this boy? It seems like he understands you like no other, always saying the right words. He is simply a blessing, a true sweetheart.
“Yeah, sounds good”, you reply, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
What a precious boy you are able to call your boyfriend.
968 notes · View notes
sukioyakio · 1 month
“𝚄𝚜𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞,𝚑𝚞𝚑?”-Y/L
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Paring: Sukuna Ryoman x SingleparentReader
Summary: You thought that after your visit with Sukuna who you thought never would see again.He just kept on insisting on you about the deal.
(I completely suck at summary So can you please just read it😭🙏)
An: I didn’t expect that this would be doing well,I just thought that um that I post this and that it and boom 💥 People actually likes this and so here is part two 😃🫶.Im completely sorry for how long it took to post this.Also I loved all of your comments in the last one.I HAD TO FUCKING RESEARCH SO MANY MOVIES 😭 that I personally think Sukuna would be in AND fucking stuff about a retail company that made so much money 😭.i literally had a dream about this for the longest and yes there gonna be a part three of this.Im gonna be completely honest I don’t think I cooked 😞.
Ԝ𝗈𝗋ᑯ ɕ𝗈υ𐓣𝗍:6,023
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Your body hurts so much,With every tear drop that fall out of your eyes a piece of you dies.The darkness of the blue night does nothing to help you sleep,as the moon light is company with the blue skies,barley shine through your empty bedroom window and yet nothing could make you sleep in these recents nights.
Constantly checking your phone for a certain person to message you back.As you scrolling through your messages. ————- {you}-“Sukuna please you can’t do this to me please,let just talk it out like adults please”*Delivered two weeks ago*
{you}-Please kuna all I’m asking is for you to come back with me.I’ll do anything just please. *delierevd two weeks ago*
{you}-“What did I do wrong?am I the problem here..please text me back please” *delivered two week ago*
{you}-“Kuna please I need someone to hold on please,I-i miss you please” *delivered two messages*
{you}- “Please god please just send me anything,Is it the baby that your afraid to have,Sukuna please if that the case then we can figure out something together” *Delieverd two weeks*
Multiple messages from you.All the having the same meaningless effort to get his attention
{you}-“Did you even love me,was I the wrong one here.Why can’t you tell me just one damn thing,I’ll take anything just please,text me whenever you are back from whenever you doing just please”*delieverd second ago * —————
You turn off your phone before you started crying again.You didn’t have to know that you looked like a wrecked;puffy red eyes with a mountain of red stripes that stain your cheeks with evidence of you crying.
Silence draped over the room like a velvet curtain, muffling even the faintest whispers.
The silence was deafening, each tear drop echoed like a raindrop in an empty hallway. The moonlight cascaded through the window, illuminating the room with a cold, pale light, casting shadows that danced on the walls like specters.
You clutched your phone tightly, hopelessly scrolling through old messages, searching for a sign of life, a sign of something, anything. But there was nothing.
Each message sent was like a plea into the void, a silent scream that went unanswered.
Curled up in a ball in your bed with no blanket on it because you hadn’t found the bother to cover yourself.
In the depths of the nights like this The worst enemy is the silence and yourself,it where you could hear the voices of your thoughts. Make-shifting them into monsters that drain you of any hope that he’ll come back and try to save ‘this relationship’.
“You were probably the one that deserved it,after all he probably didn’t want someone like you.He definitely did out of pity”
“Maybe if you didn’t act like a cringy little lovesick child then you’ll get to live your fake loving lives together that you only lived in”
After another
“He never once said or tried to prove his ‘love’ in this relationship.Hadnt he?and yet your here with his child, who there father who’ll they never be able to have because he rather put himself then you from the beginning.”
After another voices that fills your head like toxic venom,but you can’t help but hear it.Particularly being drowned by it.
You acted like you couldn’t be able to handle yourself when you could fully do it.But after having your family completely taken away by death you were hopeless about having a place in life.
Without any support or guidance how will the baby bird survive in the world?Well the answer is to fall and embrace the dangers.
In which you did embrace the dangers of what it did to your heart by walking towards the tiger den.Completely swoon by him in every aspect that,in your eyes you ‘love’ him.You were so excited to have a child with him to share a future with him.
You knew you could just simply abort the baby and not have to stress about it but you couldn’t bring yourself to doing that to the baby.
As weeks passed by;Work suddenly became unbearable to deal with,being constantly yelled at for being late or having a bad presentation to the customers.
You were worried about losing your job due to uncertainty about how long it will take you for securing another one and the need to feed your growing child that lives inside of you.
Sometimes you couldn’t even take someone else orders without having the urge to throw up,or randomly get kick of anger or sadness.
Your hormones were acting up due to the stress and depression that you dealing with and could cause something to the baby.Moreover your hormones shouldn’t be acting this early on your pregnancy so please take mind of your care said a doctor.
With that being said,you really tried pushing the thought of him aside and should start taking of yourself but how can you when you’re carry his baby.
But you did it,you throw out all his clothes and stuff he left behind and clean up the house slowly but surely you were done.But over time the pregnancy was showing up and you knew that you were going to get fired because they can’t have a pregnant worker on there employees.
In which you did,Being called by your boss that you’re fired and you knew that everything is going to become more difficult for you from that point on.But You ‘moved’ on and now your ready to move forward with your baby. Present
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You woke up an hour earlier than your alarm due to your body unable to rest.And so you decided that it better to go take a shower to refresh your mind.
You swing you feet off the bed, yawning, as you rise to a stand.Your groggy vision clears as you look at the time, seeing you have woken up an hour before your alarm.
Your body feels exhausted, as you were tossed and turned all night long. Deciding a shower would help ease the fatigue, you make your way into the bathroom.
But before that you took a peek inside your daughter room seeing how her pink hair was a completely mess and how you saw a bit of drool that sipped from her mouth.
The sight of your daughter’s messy hair and that little trickle of drool slipping from her mouth brought a warm smile to your face as you watched her sleep. It was adorable.
You always notice the little birthmarks under her eyes bags;there barely noticeable but you couldn’t unsee it.(there like Yuji marks) You smile softly as you shut the door quietly.
Now you taking a trip to the bathroom to take a well needed shower.As you turn on the water to be warm as you wait for the cold water to heat up,when ready you jump in it.Letting The warm water drip down your curves and down onto the floor.The warm water washes away all the soreness and sleepiness.You stood there for a couple of minutes recalling yesterday trip.
’Use me then’
A flash of frustration creased your brow and sparked in your eye,as you shake his words out your head.Now getting back to finishing your shower by washing your hair and then your body.
Once done you got out of the shower and started drying yourself up with your towel before getting dressed for the day today.
You still had a good amount of time to waste and so you tidy up your room and the living room since it wasn’t big like your apartment but it makes up the time before you have to wake up little Nova up.(who’s is five years old)
So you decided to relax for a bit on one of the chair,and use your phone in the meanwhile and spotted a message from an unknown person.
you press on it;to see a long message. —————
{Unknown}-Good evening Ms LN,
I’d love for you and I to have a chat sometime soon this week about the deal on the matter.If you’re interested please don’t hesitate to send back a message or email.Here is the address if you’ll like to come in person ‘xxxxxxxxxxxxx’
Bye have a wonderful night Lady L.N.
^5,000 dollars send to your bank account^ —————
Your eyes brow raised up with question of who’s this,but continue on reading you already answered that question.Your jaw clenched as your hands ran through your hair as you mutter underneath your breath a couple of curses words.It was as obvious as it sounds.
“Use me then” His voice rings again as you shake the thought again.Your lips turned into a straight line,”Yea no”you replied to your mind,as you blocked the number but You were sure that Sukuna made someone else write this to you.
Which only proves how he really did care only about himself.A annoyed sigh left your sigh as you close the app and went to watch about a 10 minute documentary on YouTube about a missing girl tape. (YouTuber :Rotten mango)
Before the alarm rang and making you get up from your chair with a yawn and go to Nova room to wake her up.
Now walking Towards the her room with a more relaxed posture then a few minutes ago.You gently opened the door with it making a low creek sound.You push the light switch making the room alive with the light;making it able to all the little things in her bedroom.
You walked more into the room now getting a clear view of her cute messy sleep posture. You chuckled slightly as you witnessed her uncomfortable facial expression, her small groans, moans, and movements.
Her messy hair all tossed about on the pillow, drool leaking from the corner of her mouth onto the soft pillow, and her body curled up in a small little ball.
She was quite the sight to behold.Your heart felt warm and full just by looking at her like that.
A small smile appeared on your face as you hovered over her and kissed her cheek, causing her to grumble and scrunch her face even more.
“It monday Nova sweetheart wake up you got school today” You said softly as you careless her messy pink hair.
You were always found yourself adoring the color of her hair not just because it looked just like his hair but how it looked majestic.
Even as a child, you found yourself at peace in the presence of your baby daughter. Whenever you shed tears over the struggles of parenting and the challenges of raising her, her tiny pudgy hands would reach out to yours, gently guiding them to rest upon her head.
In those moments the weight of your worries vanished,replaced by confidence to move forward because you had your precious little girl beside you.
Nova little hands rub her eyes to focus on regaining her eyes.You leaned back letting her wake up.
She grumbles as she sit up on the bed Looking half dose off from sleep and half awake.Her mouth opens with a loud yawn making you chuckle.
“B-but it’s soo-another yawn escape from her mouth- early in the morning cant I have more time t-to sleep” Her voice sounding raspy and sleepy as you ruffle her hair.
“No cant do Nova or you’ll never want to get up” You said with a calm tone,as a soft sigh come out of your mouth.
“Mhm.. ok mom”Nova says as she stand up from her bed before walking into the bathroom she stretches her body,her pink hair falls down reaching her knees.As she goes off to the bathroom to take a quick bath. You lips form a proud smile from how smart your daughter is,already herself into the shower without your help.
You hear your daughter saying loudly that she already in the shower so you don’t have to worry about her not getting ready.You let out a scoff,rolling your eyes at the comment.
“It mine job to be doing that,troll-you mutter that part-“Well if there anything you need help call me Nova” You sighed in defeat as you walked towards her closet to grab her uniform and put on her bed to make it easy for her to put her clothes.
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A sunny morning that sprinkle its warmth onto a beautiful young girl who’s pink hair floats heavenly in the air making her look like a beautiful angel.The trees soothing with the breeze of the air and complimented with the sunlight.casting light to those around.
The girl seem running towards him with a radiant laughter that flowed through the air like soft melodies.He didn’t even mind the sound or the thought of moving his position,as the girl came closer and closer until he was face to face with her.
The girl who looked up at him,with her neck aching from having to look so high up.He immediately kneeled down towards her height.The young girl smile softly,and his lips turned slightly up in return.
He was about to ask the little girl what is her name,but his throat seem frozen.His crimson eyes widened.As in an instant the surrounding turned into more dark.
The soft wind that gently kiss his skin was now gone and replaced with a heavy and harsh wind that would blow him away from the little girl.But didn’t;the sun no longer shined it warmth now hiding it existence in the darkness of the dark clouds.The trees now were holding on their last leafs with how hard the wind were blowing onto them.
Sukuna immediately looked at her,noticing the change of her features.Her big eyes were looking at him with a serious sadness expression.As he saw her eyes forming a tears that flow down her cheeks.It hurted him to stand face in face and not to do anything.
“Why d-did you leave me-and m-mama. ..P-pp-papa?” She asked him with a shaky broken voice,as he saw the tears pooled in her eyes before they streamed down like rivers flows.
He looked at her eyes and saw your eyes in her.His heart banged Against his chest like a drum.His heart was heavy with the weight of his past mistakes. His vocal cords turned to stone, rendering him mute in the face of overwhelming emotion.
Then the young girl looked intensely at him with tears that ruined her beautiful bright face.
“W-what .. d-did I do wrong” She replied,her voice shaking like before.And then her presence changed into something he hadn’t seen before.
A young version of him,with streaks of red painful tears falling from his scarlet eyes ,Looking at him with pain,sorrow and loneliness in them.
“W-what . .. did I-i do wrong” His younger version said with a shaky hiccup.
Sukuna tried to tell him to say something,to speak but nothing came out of his mouth.
His younger version then disappeared into the young girl who now has her eyes widened slightly and her voice turned into more heavy breathing combined with shaky sniffing.
“P-papa. . P-Please d-dd-dont. . Leave m-mme” The young said in a broken voice as she steps closer to him and grabbing his wrists.Sukuna didnt even notice how his breathing become so heavy and how loud his heart beat sounded,especially when he could hear it banging in his ears.
He wanted to grab the girl and hugged her,to tell her that he isn’t going to leave her alone,to make her smile instead of crying like that.But his voice cut off.
And then the second the girl grab his wrist the scenery of the surrounding changed as well his body position changed,Now He standing up looking forward at a hallway that he knew to well and then he felt someone hands.
“.P-please. .don’t L-leave me P-pp-please”
He knew that voice,Your voice,as clear as he remembered.He winced in regret at hearing you choking on your tears.Then the his body moved on his own,his head turned to see you completely,
“Please . . .S-Sukuna” a voice so painfully loud in his head,but so low that it could be miss taken as a whisper of the wind.
That was the only thing he heard from before everything went black.
As he gasp for out for air,his body covered in warm sweat,his body now in a sitting position.He heart banging against his chest like a drum,he quickly removed the blanket off his body.Sukuna felt something falling down his cheeks as he rubs his eyes noticing the wetness that come from it.
Tears,his tears.He hadn’t had a nightmare in so long that made him cry like that.He felt that his breathing was off,as he could feel the cold air brushing against his warm skin making him shiver.
“It just a dream”he spoke and so he stood up and glanced at the clock that stood there on top of the night stance.
“What time is it?”He asked in his head,as he keeps his breathing steady and his heart beating calm again.
4:30am on the dot,making him Groan and grumble as he walks around his large bedroom to the bathroom,he desperately needed a cold shower to wake up.To make him forgot about his stupid little nightmare.
Now entering the bathroom he turns on the light flashing his eyesight,making him scrunched up his nose and wince at how bright it is. He looks into the mirror showing his body and face.
“W-what . .. did I-i do wrong” A voiced ringed in his head,as he quickly turned away from the mirror and began to turn on the water.
Now waiting for it to become his prefer temperature,He just sits on the toilet manspread;head being held up by his hand;rubbing his hand against his face.
“It just a nightmare” He whispered to himself in agreement as he rans his hands in his striking pink hair.Taking off his clothes and jumping into the shower to be awake from the cold water.
The icy water hits his body,water sliding down his body and onto the floor of the tub.As it drips down from his face;smoothing his muscular fatigue just a bit.
But even that doesn’t make the damn dream go away.In fact it just keeps reappearing in his mind.
“Papa” “Papa” “Papa” “P-papa”
“P-papa. . P-Please d-dd-dont. . Leave m-mme” the little girl broken voice comes in his ears.Seeing an image of her crying for him;reaching out for him in sake of his warmth.
His breathe hitches as if it hurted to breath normally. ‘I-I won’t let you go’ he whispered to himself as if he knew what he saying is true or false or just a saying to him that maybe he just a hopeless as he was.
He didn’t know why he wanted to be in the little girl life,maybe because she his child,maybe because he it was his responsibility for making you pregnant with his daughter or,maybe because that it wouldn’t be fair to be her father and not care about her as her Stupid Ass father.
Or maybe that he saw himself in her,saw a glimpse of something that he couldn’t control,her hating him for the stuff he did.
He knew that deep inside he didn’t want her to feel like he abandoned her like how life did to him.
“.P-please. .don’t L-leave me P-pp-please” And then your voice comes in his mind as it comes out like an anchor of his regrets.He was really a piece of of shit.
“Please . . .”
He quickly opened his eyes that he didn’t even recall closing them,and decided to put the water into warm temperatures.He didn’t need this right now.A part of him says that what he did was for the best and the other part of him that deep inside of him knows that he should’ve turned around and walked back to you.But he didn’t.
He let out a big heavy sigh and remembered that he made his assistant ‘uraume’ to write you about the deal.Knowing that you wouldn’t accept it but he was willing to try at least.
And so he continued his shower and washed his hair and body,and once he was done he began wrapping a towel around his waist and glancing on the mirror to see how red his skin looked.
“Urgh fuck work” He reminded himself as he stormed out the bathroom and into his bedroom and started to get changed.
As soon as he was done it was already 5:40am and so he just went to where his garage where his cars are and then went to work early.
Sukuna was an actor and started a side company that was small when he started out,but soon grew into a big company as well as his acting career.
When he made it into his company he just went into his office,and that could be his start of his day.At 6:05am he started working in the morning as he kept his stern demeanor in place.
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While you drop off Nova at school you were quick to go to work where it was hell.And so right now you’re on the bus,sitting down with boredom painted on your face,but you kept thinking about the 5,000 dollars in your bank account.It bother you for some reason,like you were happy that you have money in your bank without having to work your ass off.
But the other was like,now it feels like you own him now,and it wasn’t your money that you worked hard for;no it was his money that he just flat out gave to you.
As the bus stop at the station that you needed to get out.And so you walked out of the bus station,wincing at the sunlight hitting your eyes,covering your eyes from the sunlight with your hand.
It was probably 8:35am when you started to walked.
People passing and going,some simply walking around with smile on their face,and other people walking to get on time to work like you.
You made it,at your job as a waitress.Moreover you winced from how many people were there,making you slip out a defeated sigh of that. Hearing multiple voices of people chatting about whatever topic and some trying to calm down their crying babies.
As you check in at the register,as the other employees were busy cleaning,taking orders,cooking,etc.As you were quickly ordered to take people orders.
‘Here goes a fun day of hell starting right now’You spoke to yourself now,putting on your fake smile on.
After a long stressful day of work,your body ache from having to practically running to write orders.You check your phone to see the time is 3:00pm on the dot.You immediately sign off from your shift and onto to getting your stuff and immediately start your walk towards nova’s school.Knowing it was very late to get her up but it is the only way you could make money.
You started to walk quickly towards the bus station,making it swiftly into the bus,and getting a seat.As the bus waits for the other passengers to hop on.After a while the bus start to close the door and finally starts moving.
As the sunlight Glows passing through the windows of the bus,Making the windows hot and warm to touch.As bus passes multiple stations until it was finally your stop,in which you politely Maneuver through the bus towards the exit.You said your thanks to the bus driver and who replied with your welcome.
Now walking towards the school,You really needed a car by now but it doesn’t matter asking as you’re able to pay for life essentials.
As you approach the school, you spot Nova making her way towards you, her backpack bouncing with every step. You plaster a smile on your face, hiding the exhaustion you feel from the long day at work.
"Hey, Nova! How was school?" you ask, trying to sound cheerful.
Nova shrugs, a hint of disappointment in her voice. "It was alright, I guess. Math was tough today."
You nod understandingly, trying to appear more interested in what she's telling you. The thought of having to work longer hours now to pay for tutoring services crosses your mind, but you push it away for now.
"That sounds rough," you reply, showing concern. "But I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. You're smart, after all."
Nova looks up at you, a hint of worry in her eyes. "Can we grab a snack before heading home? I'm starving."
You stifle a sigh, knowing that you're also hungry but also tired and just want to get home. "Sure, we can grab something quick. What do you feel like eating?"
You look at Nova and stare in which she quickly answer the question “um ice cream!” Her eyes sprinkles in joy and excitement at the thought of eating ice cream.
You rolled your eyes at her reply,letting out a small chuckle,as you smile at her face.
“Sure thing sweet heart,there should be an ice cream shop nearby” You explain while ruffling her pink hair.You already are tried out from walking but some more walking wouldn’t hurt.Nova will be the death of you some day.
“YAY!!Thank You mama!!”Nova yelled happily as she jumps up and down,and then rushes towards you with a big hug making you slightly stubble backwards.
‘Yep,she’ll definitely be the death of me’You spoke in you mind as your lips turning up into a big warm smile as you kneel down to hug her back.And giving her a kiss on her forehead.
“You welcome you little troll,now come on before it gets dark” you replied to her.
Nova nods as she politely breaks the hug and looking at you with her adorable smile.You return to standing up,as you extend your hand in gesture of wanting to hold her hand in which she complies to it.
As you both walks towards the ice cream shop that was just three blocks from the school.During that time the Brightness from the sun starts to decrease but rather starts to rise it ironic sunset glow.While walking towards the shop,you listen to nova talk about her day.Passing through multiple citizens until you finally made it there.
You look at the door seeing how it written open with a marker.You let out a sigh of relief that it wasn’t closed;you could feel nova excitement as she looks intently inside the shop.
Now opening the door of the ice cream,as nova enter through the door it makes a light jingle sound as a signal to the person here.Forthwith you walked shop quickly right behind nova.
You notice how small the shop look but how well care it was;you also notice how it give off a comfy granny vibes,not that you don’t like it,it just makes the ice cream shop feel more unique than others.
You saw that there no other customer here,as you see how nova was already at the front desk where the ice cream was displayed,You chuckled when you saw nova expression.
As you glanced at the choices that were being displayed.Then a door opened behind the front desk.
“Oh-h hello there,Good afternoon,is there anything you’ll like or need” a voice coming from the back,whoever voice it was gave off a warm and gentle comfort.As You could hear the steps coming closer to you guys.
Before you could even say hello,or opening your mouth,nova began talking.As the stranger was finally infront of you,and it was an elderly woman with her hair having sprinkled of white hair.Having winkles that were visible,She still looked attractive in her age and her eyes definitely showed adventurous and wisdom.
You would estimate that she was in her early 50’s but she looked still in shape
“Goood aftermoon,Me and mamma Are here for some yummy ice cream!Also I could like cookie and cream ice cream pleasee”Nova cheerfully says.
The older woman chuckled at Nova's enthusiasm,finding it endearing,she smiled warmly. "Well, isn't that a delightful choice. Cookies and cream, coming right up."
She turned around and began preparing the ice cream, adding a generous scoop of the sweet treat into a cone.
"And for you, dear?" she asked as she handed the cone of ice cream to Nova, her eyes looking at you and awaiting your response.
You politely shake your head,with a reassuring smile.”No thank you I’m alright,how much will the cost be in total” your glance at nova who enjoying her treat and return to the elderly women and pulling out your credit card from your bag.
The woman smiled warmly as you declined the ice cream, appreciating your politeness.
“Oh,don’t worry about the cost,dear. It’s on the house today.” She waved off your credit card with a gracious gesture.
"Consider it a small token for brightening up my quiet afternoon." She explains with a warm smile on her lips.
Your eyes widen in disbelief,as you let out a heartfelt sigh.As you thanks her for everything as you check what time is it on your phone to see that it 5:30pm,and you eyes widen from how much time has passed.You quickly put back your phone in your cross body bag.
“Come on nova we have to go back home,we don’t want the boogie monster to come get us,right”You announced to her;nova looks up and quickly walks over towards you with her bowl of ice cream,giggle sip out her mouth finding the thought of boogie monster coming after them.
“Thanks you for everything Ms” You spoke to the elderly woman,giving her a reassuring look.
Now walking towards the direction where the school was,and then you’ll just have to take an another bus ticket to get home. As you glance that the sky to see how the sky color looks more like it sun setting color.Glowing it orange shines through the building of the city.
You carried nova bookbag so it will be easier for you guys to get into the bus.When you made it there You laughed at nova adorable messy face while getting onto the bus.
The bus was crowded, as usual, the city traffic bringing workers home and students home from school.Nova and you found yourselves crammed in the middle, Nova leaning into you as you stood and held her up to keep her from falling.
The bus moved swiftly with each stop, letting people on or off. Nova watched from the side of the bus as you looked forward, watching the city move by.
As you feel nova head leaning against your shoulder,you glances at her to see her eyes close and her breathing evenly,You smile heart fully.Brushing the streaks of her pink hair that were in her mouth.As you leaned to land another kiss on her forehead.
’I give you the world to live to see you grow up.I promise that I’ll never pick myself first before you,nova Ryoman L/name’ You whisper to yourself.
As the bus ride continues on,stopping at bus stops.
The bus rides on, stopping and picking up passengers at every stop. The hum of the engine fills the air, and the sun gone and the moon light shines over the city in a brilliant display.
Nova sleeps against you,as you gaze off to the windows of the bus.The bus finally reaches your stop, and you gently scoop up Nova to carry her off the bus.
You carried her and your stuff along with carry her on your back,with her head slumped against your shoulder making quietly snores.You were careful to not get into to any of random danger in you way home.
Moreover you made it home safely,It not the best choice of place to live in but it works.You wake up nova to go take a shower,as you put away your stuff,your back begging to have a break.But you still needed to go make food for nova. Before you get any sleep.
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“Sir Ryoman!” uraume announced with a professional voice,As they knocks one more time against Sukuna office door.
It was 8:56pm in the evening.People always wonder how they are able to handle working with Sukuna,some admired their dedication and other would just make rumors about them and him.Either the rumors would be how they was making ties with him or how they was just his personal quickie.Which none were true.
As uraume thought of knocking on the door again but was stopped by Sukuna sternly voice saying to come in.
While opening and closing the door,They looked to see how dark the room is and how the only light was the moon light.They could instantly see his red eye, glowing under the light.As well his pink hair.
Uraume flicked the light switch on,Flashing the both of them with the bright white light.As they nonchalantly looked at Sukuna and now walking towards his desk,their shoes clacking off the floor,carrying a small stack of paper on top of them is their iPad,they carry it on the other hand.His silence hung in the air like a suspended breath.
Finally breaking the silence,he begins to talk.“What is it now uraume” He said, his voice cold and stern. He was clearly uninterested in what uraume had to say.
Uraume clear there’s throat,brushing their white bob cut hair with there hands.They began to speak with a direct professional voice.
“I have a few documents for you about the recents meetings and there are some paperwork in this pile that are needed to fill out” they say as they place the pile on his desk and grabbing their iPad and turning it on Before continuing on.
”You also are scheduled for three interviews and then your schedule to have meeting with your clients and providers.You have a email on from a director who is willing to give you a role for a upcoming movie” Uraume added off there voice steady and professional,as they turns off their iPad now looking at Sukuna eyes.
Sukuna leaned back in his chair,looking up at the ceiling of his office,a low grumble of irritation.His neck was slightly visible towards uraume,as he run his fingers through his appealing pink hair as it runs along his face and then he return to looking at uraume.His hand pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Thanks for the report uraume”Sukuna replied with sarcasm as well with irritation and uninterested into what uraume said.He already knew that he had new business to take care of,so this wasn’t any different from the other things.
“Is there anything you want to ask me about the regarding matters?” uraume said with control and professionalism,looking at him with a flat face.
He looks at his desk before looking at uraume face with a stern expression.His red eyes staring into uraume face.
“Did she respond back to the message that I had asked you to send?” He questioned along with his voice coming out harsh and demanding.But behind his facade the uncertainty gnawed at sukuna mind.
Uraume thought of the message he was referring too.They knew Sukuna had developed a strange interest for one particular woman.
But why should they judge him,after all it was a rare moment for him to express his personal interests to anyone else.
"No", Uraume stated in a professional tone, "I haven't received a reply from her yet. However," they added, "if you're looking for more answers, I can keep an eye on the situation and keep you updated."
Sukuna nodded,before adding on.
“Also I’ll like you to do a investigation on her life I want it to be done by the end of week with a full detail report on the matter,so If I hear as a simple person hearing about this I wont hesitate to chop your head off” He spoke with seriousness,every word carrying weight and importance.
“Yes sir” uraume nodded as they turns around walking towards the door.Stopping when they heard his voice again. Turning their head back to him.
“And send another message for me to her again today” He announced without looking at uraume figure,now looking at the paper he had to do.In which they simply nodded and left the room with a sigh as they walks to their own office.
Pondering What all this sudden interest in you;They has never seen him so clearly interested in a woman to actually ask for them to track them down,usually it was rather to get them out his house after every night stand he had.
As they enter their office,now walking to their desk with a heavy sigh,now looking at the time on their watch to see it 10:25pm.It was going to be a long night before they could get any sleep or even go home.
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author note: I know I left This on a god damn cliffhanger but this isn’t even the original edited version,I HAD to cut out the original by half cuz I think I made it to 10k words and it aren’t even done😭 but I fricking hope y’all love this and part three will be out hopefully soon,I have never hated writing the words they/thier/and them 😭 it so new for me to do.But I already copy and pasted the cut part off and it in own draft so I’ll will be working on it.
Taglist: @lil-annonie @scoobysnakz @chilichopsticks @axkermanrenn @domainofmarie @laraackerman @manikosii @chrys23 @mangiswig @gladiatorgladiator @kosmisoo @midnight-138 @kkshahrewar. I hope I got all of y’all tags list right and it didn’t do that thingy that doesn’t allow me to tag you.
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mingis-orangejuice · 2 months
Asking the L&Ds boys "What are we?" Part 2: Xavier
Summary: MC and her boy have been in a sort of situation-ship but MC wants to know why they haven't officially called her their girlfriend
a/n: This ended up being much longer than I thought so I'm making it into 4 parts (one for each boy) here's part 2 with Xavier. you can request who you want me to post next if you want
Genres/Warnings: angst, fluff, kinda slow burn
Word count: 1250
Other parts: 1, 3, 4,
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After another long day of battling wonderers, you and Xavier head back to the office to change out of your hunter’s uniforms. A whole day of combat makes you very sweaty and you don’t want to be smelly for your date with Xavier. But was it a date? You and Xavier had been going out for dinner almost every night since you found out you both lived in the same apartment complex. But they never really felt like dates, and he’s never really called you his girlfriend. You told yourself It was just more convenient since he couldn’t cook without potentially burning down the apartment and after a long day, you were just too tired to. Was that all it was, just a convenient way to have a meal? But what about all the dirty looks he gives the other male hunters when you get paired with them for assignments, were you just seeing things or was he jealous? But what does he have to be envious of if you’re not truly his?
“Are you ready to go?” a soft voice breaks you from your thoughts. You turn around to see Xavier standing behind you. You’d been waiting outside the changing rooms for him for a few minutes. “Sorry it took so long there was a problem with one of the showers, I had to rinse off in the sink” 
You give Xavier a small smile as you both start to walk down the empty hall “How do you always end up in these situations? Are you cursed or something” you laugh “Don’t stand too close I don't want your curse to rub off on me” you say jokingly as you dramatically step away from him.
Following your joke he dramatically steps towards you and tries to put his arms around you. “But I don’t want to be the only one that's cursed hold me and we’ll be cursed together for the rest of our lives” he pulls you into a big bear hug as you both laugh while you pretend to escape. You both are having too much fun to notice the janitor glancing at you from over his shoulder while he cleans the windows “Ah, young love” he said with a sentimental sigh, quite enough that you two could just barely hear it but enough to make you realize that you’re not the only people in the building as you had initially thought. You can feel your heart race a little at the janitor's words.  Xavier lets go of you and you continue to walk out of the building. 
Trying to break the awkward silence Xavier finally speaks up. “You know, I heard wishing on a star can break a curse, and since we’re both cursed now you have to help me find a wishing star tonight to undo the curse. What do you say?” he asks looking at you expectantly
“Well yeah now since you’ve cursed me I guess I have no choice but to help you break the bad luck with showers curse” You feigned annoyance. “But first we need food! Where were you planning on taking us tonight?”
Xavier smiled, happy that the awkwardness from earlier was gone. “I saw this new pizza place a few blocks away from our apartment, it's like a DIY place they give you the dough and toppings and you get to bake it in the little ovens at your table” Xavier basically had stars in his eyes when he mentioned baking.
“Uh… maybe we order in tonight, you don’t want to have to pay for repairs when you destroy their oven now, do you ?” you look at him with a sarcastic grin.
“I promise I won’t burn down anything this time, plus I’ll have you right there with me, there's no way you’d let me burn our dinner right?” he chuckles and puts out his hand to grab yours. “Let's go, those pizzas aren’t going to DIY themselves”
Later at the pizza place you and Xavier are having fun making tons of fun, and in Xavier’s case, weird pizza combos. You two spent so much time having fun that you almost forgot you promised to go stargazing tonight before you went home. Xavier gets the attention of the waitress so that he can pay the bill. 
The waitress was a sweet old lady who, when she wasn’t busy helping other tables, made it her mission to make sure you guys hand everything you need. “Did you two have a great time?” she asks handing Xavier the check.
“Yeah it was great, I love the concept it's so fun,” you said with a big smile. Xavier pays and looks up at the waitress “Yeah we’re definitely going to come back here”
“Oh, I’m glad,” The waitress says as she starts to grab your empty plates off the table. “You two are definitely the cutest couple I've seen here in a while, I hope you stay together forever. 
“Um.. we’re…no…” you started to correct the lady but she just kept going.
I heard if you wish on a star by the fountain down the street you’re 100% guaranteed to have that wish come true. Maybe I’ll make a little wish for you two”
You were about to correct the lady again but Xavier cut you off “Thank you that's very kind of you ma’am” Xavier politely bowed as she stacked the last of the dishes and walked away. Xavier puts out his hand to help you out of your chair. “Well let's go find a wishing star to break this curse”
At the fountain, you and Xavier sit quietly for some time just looking up at the sky trying to find a star to wish on. Still feeling a little awkward about what the waitress said, you wanted to say something to make it less awkward but the words that spilled out were anything but. “What are we? 
Xavier, without missing a beat answered “We’re just two people looking up at the stars”
“Just?” you questioned
Before you can say anything more a shooting star passes overhead, Xavier clasps his hands together and starts to wish “ Oh great wishing star please let me and my wonderful girlfriend be together forever, even though she doesn't trust me to use an oven by myself but that just means I get to take her out on more dates. And sometimes it may take her a while to notice things but she’s mine and I want to be with her forever, even though we might be cursed” Xavier finishes his wish and looks to you “What was it you wanted to ask me?
“Uh… nothing … never mind” You looked up to see him staring at you his eyes sparkling like stars a slight blush on his cheeks. This made your heart skip a beat so you looked away quickly and turned your head up to look for more stars.”I hope your wish comes true” you stated bashfully.
Xavier chuckled and also looked up “ Well since we’ll be together forever now, I guess we don’t really need to wish away the curse right ?” 
“Yes, we do! I don’t want to be washing off in the company sinks every day, let’s hurry up and find another wishing star I'll stay here all night if I have to” You say in a joking tone
Xavier places his hand over yours “Well then, I’ll be glad to accompany my girlfriend on her quest to lift our curse.” 
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toppersjeep · 7 months
Charles Leclerc(I Did Something Bad)
Summary: You work at Ferrari alongside Charles. You two are very close friends. You have always liked him but he’s always been in relationships. One day you finally get in a relationship with someone else. But something is going on behind the scenes of your public relationship.
Inspired by the song I did something bad by taylor swift.
(mentions of smut but mainly just fluff)
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Your POV
“Y/N” Charles said looking at me. “What” I said. “When can I see you again” he whispered in my ear. “I’m trying to work on these strategies cha” I said. “We both know that we can’t resist each other” Charles said putting his hand on my knee. “Will you go away” I said.
“Come on.. the other night was so much fun” he said whispering in my ear kissing my cheek. “Cheri” Charles said. “Stop” I said laughing. “Do you want me too” he asked. “Let’s go walk the track okay we gotta go over everything” I said he nodded.
We then walked the track together. Lando and Oscar were in front of us.
“Oh look your boyfriend Lando” Charles said. “Shut up” I said writing down stuff about the track. “Does.. he know that you scream my name sometimes” Charles said only I heard. “Will you stop” I said. “What he obviously isn’t doing what’s needed” Charles said.
“Hmmm is that why you think we do what we are doing” I said. “Why else” Charles said. “I don’t know Charles” I said. “I think you like the thrill of being with me” Charles said. “Maybe I do” I said as we kept walking the track.
“You just like being bad and Lando is boring” Charles said. “He’s not boring it’s just” I began to say. “You find me more attractive or.. am… I better in bed” Charles said.
“You know that you are good in bed” I said he smirked. “Oh I know I just love hearing you tell me” he whispered in my ear. “Your so” I said. “So what do you want me right now too” Charles said. I rolled my eyes. “Oh I love when you do that” Charles said.
“Come on” I said as we kept walking the track. We finally got back to the garage. “Track looks great” I said. “Yeah it does the car should preform well tomorrow” Charles said standing beside. “Yeah it will especially on the corners” I said. “Yeah the corners” Charles said putting a hand on my lower back.
It sent chills down my spine.
“Char” I said looking at him. “What…” Charles said. I then looked around before dragging him into his drivers room shutting the door. “I can’t” I said kissing him. “Oh well then you better be super quiet” Charles said picking me up.
Later on…
I left the drivers room first fixing my hair. Charles followed a little while later. He looked at me with a wink as I went to talk to Carlos.
“There you are” Carlos said. “Sorry I was busy” I said. “Yeah I know and fix your pants” Carlos whispered. I zipped them back up. “Oh thanks” I said. “How long are you two gonna sneak around” Carlos said. “You know” I said.
“I accidentally saw you two once..but what about Lando” Carlos said. “L..Lando yeah I know” I said looking at Carlos. “I don’t understand why you keep doing it” Carlos said. “Everyone says it’s bad but I don’t know” I said.
“You do what you want but you better not hurt Lando” Carlos said. “Then I’ll break up with him I don’t know” I said. “Yeah clearly you are way more into Charles” Carlos said. “What can I say I’m addicted to being bad” I said he laughed.
“I can see that” Carlos said. “And it does feel good” I said. “Okay okay I don’t care let’s get back to work please” Carlos said. “Yeah let’s” I said.
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hp-hcs · 9 months
violent stalker mattheo riddle.... each guy and girl readers ever spoken to? damn wdym they showed up beaten up the next day and they dont even know who did it ????
i feel like he'd also get violent with reader and ykw .... im so insane id let him beat me bloody .
"i'm doing this because you're not listening to me, sweetheart. how else am i supposed to show you that trying to leave me is what you shouldn't do?"
hey uh, future requesters: giving me a line of dialogue or smth to build around means i’ll finish your request WAY faster. tysm anon 😭
requests open
prometheus — yandere! insane! stalker! mattheo riddle x gn! reader
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wow! there’s a fuck ton of really fucking dark violence, murder, torture, manipulation, abduction, and horrific domestic abuse in this! please be careful if you choose to read this!
1.5k words!
i jokingly took a sociopathy test with a couple of friends earlier today and i scored like really high so uh dunno how to feel about that
“Am I…am I in trouble or something, Professor…?”
Professor McGonagall’s lips thinned and she looked at you over the rim of her glasses. She folded her hands together neatly where they rested on her desk before speaking. “Not for now, no. Relax a bit, dear. The law states that you’re innocent until proven guilty.”
“That’s not- that doesn’t really make me less nervous.”
The professor opened her mouth to speak again when a chime alerted her to an incoming floo call.
With a wave of her wand, the flames flared green and a genial-looking man stepped out of the fireplace. He brushed soot off of his robes and grinned brightly as soon as he caught sight of the professor.
“Minerva! Lovely to see you again. I’m afraid Quincy isn’t going to make it. Corbett is sick, poor thing, so he’s staying home with him today,” the man gushed, evidently quite close with the professor.
“Oh, send them both my well wishes, Hez, dear. Anyway, this is the student you asked to see, Y/n L/n,” she motioned towards you.
The man gave you a cheery grin—far too cheerful for this early in the morning—and held out his hand for you to shake. “A pleasure to meet you, Mx. L/n. I’m Auror Hezekiah Ackerly. I’d just like to ask you a few questions if that’s alright?”
You dubiously shook his outstretched hand, a bit put off by his bright grin that never seemed to dim. “Sure.”
“Wonderful!” the Auror pulled the second office guest chair closer and sat down across from you. “Let’s get the easy questions out of the way. Do you have many friends? Or maybe a small, close-knit group of people you regularly hang out with?”
Your eyebrows furrowed. The fuck kind of question was this?
“Uh, I guess a close-knit group?”
Auror Ackerly summoned a notebook and quill, writing quickly. “Who belongs to this group?”
Seriously, this felt more like being at a psychiatrist’s office than being questioned by a government official.
“Er, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger? And sometimes Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood?”
Seriously, what was going on?
“And do you have any…romantic relationships? Any troubles or issues there?”
Your eyes narrow. “What’re you playing at?”
“Cormac McLaggen was found dead in the Forbidden Forest this morning,” Professor McGonagall cut to the chase, interrupting Auror Ackerly. “You were the last known person to have spoken to him, and several of your peers attest that they heard an argument break out between the two of you last night after dinner.”
Your eyebrows shot up and your jaw dropped. “Dead? Wh- how?”
“That’s what we at the Ministry would like to know,” Auror Ackerly interjected smoothly. “You’re not in trouble, Mx. L/n, but I am here to escort you to the Ministry for questioning.”
Your jaw dropped.
They thought you did this?
You sat at a table, alone in some room deep inside the Ministry building.
You huffed, folding yet another paper crane from the stack of sticky notes Ackerly had oh-so-thoughtfully left for you after your interrogation.
You set the finished bird on the table, the small pile of origami cranes you’ve made while waiting slowly getting larger.
Peeling off another sticky note, you started folding another when a nice-looking man in well-pressed robes entered the barren room and stopped in front of your table. He looked down at you with mild bafflement.
“L/n, I presume?”
“That’d be me,” you mumbled, adding your newest crane to the pile.
The man smiled gently before waving a hand over your paper birds and enchanting them to fly.
You tried to hide your awe as you look up at the cranes that floated and soared around the room.
The man smiled at your reaction. “It’s quite nice to finally meet you, Mx. L/n. You’ve been the topic of many a discussion today.”
“I’d imagine so, yes,” you said dryly. “Not many teenagers accused of murder coming through the department, huh?”
He grinned. “Not really, no.”
The man pulled out the other chair at the table, sitting down across from you and rifling through the thick manila folder he held.
“Are you here to interrogate me some more?” You asked suspiciously. “Ask Ackerly, man. I already told him everything I know.”
He laughed. “No, I’m not here to interrogate you. I’m your lawyer, Mx. L/n.”
You blink. “I don’t have a lawyer. My family can’t afford that.”
“You always have the right to an attorney, Mx. L/n,” he said kindly as he held out his hand to you. “Octavian Foxglove, Esquire.”
“Y/n L/n, but you already knew that,” you greet, shaking his hand.
He smiled again.
He was a very smiley man.
He laid out the manila folder and turned it around on the table so that you would be able to see it.
The first paper on top was a copy of your school records, with a bright red PRIMARY SUSPECT stamped over the top of your picture.
You grimaced.
Your lawyer nodded sympathetically. “There’s a photo underneath that page, by the way. Supposedly the last photo we have of McLaggen still alive and, uh…it’s not looking great for you, in all honesty.”
You moved your school records page aside, finding a standard moving photograph paperclipped to the inside of the file.
It showed, quite clearly, you speaking with Cormac McLaggen in a hallway. Picture-Cormac angrily threw his arms up in the air and silently yelled at picture-you, while your body language in the photo loudly screamed ‘furious & upset’.
He was right. It wasn’t a great look.
“And there’s only one thing I need you to- oh, where is it?” He dug through the inside pockets of his robes, procuring a pen. “Aha! The next page has a simple contract. I just need a signature stating that you either accept me as your public defender, or would like to request someone else from the Ministry to handle your case.”
You nod, flipping the page to the contract he indicated. Mr. Foxglove smiled again and held the pen out to you.
As soon as your fingers made contact with the pen, you vanished.
You stumbled blindly, almost falling to the floor before a hand caught your elbow and steadied you.
“Easy, careful.”
You whirled around, surprised to see a different man in Mr. Foxglove’s clothes. He held his hands up in a non-threatening manner.
“Woah- slow down, kid. You’re fine.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“I’m- was your lawyer,” he shrugged and smiled. “Augustus Rookwood, at your service.”
It dawned on you. “It was a portkey,” you breathed. “The pen. It was a portkey, wasn’t it?”
“Clever kid,” he sounded impressed. “Now c’mon. The boss wants to see you.”
You followed the man without complaint; half out of curiosity, half out of the knowledge that Augustus Rookwood was an Azkaban escapee charged with at least forty counts of first degree murder.
Pretty simple choice.
It looked like you were in a wealthy aristocrat’s house. Er, mansion, more accurately. The hallway you were walking down was old and stuffy and dusty, and the overall aura of Dark magic that permeated the very air of the house sent shivers down your spine.
Rookwood led you down a flight of rickety stairs to the first floor, and then down a narrow hallway and into a study, where he left you without another word.
The study itself was old. Everything was coated in a thick layer of dust except for the pristine and polished bureau right in the center.
(Obviously, ‘the boss’ was sitting at this desk.)
((Villains tend to be predictable like that.))
However, you were surprised to see that ‘the boss’ was-
He looked up at the sound of your voice, a wide grin spreading across his face as he hurriedly got up from his desk.
“Y/n, darling, hello!” He gushed, practically skipping over towards you before pulling you into a very uncomfortable hug. “Sweetheart- oh, I’m so glad you’ve made it here safely! Rookwood really is my only competent assistant; I must be sure to give him a raise.”
You froze up at the unexpected hug, your arms remaining stiffly by your sides. He let go after a moment, but remained just a bit too close for comfort.
“Hopefully the Ministry didn’t give you too hard of a time,” he rubbed the back of his neck with a guilty grin. “I promise Ackerly’s a good man. When he’s, y’know, in control of his own body.”
Your eyes widen and you take a step back. “What?”
“Just a little Imperius, darling, no worries. Did you like your gift?”
You blinked, thrown off by his rapid changes in subjects. “Uh- gift?”
He smiled proudly. “McLaggen? He won’t bother you anymore, see?”
All the color drained from your face.
“You killed Cormac?”
He nods, grinning. “Uh-huh. I heard what McLaggen said to you last night in the hall, and I don’t like when other people look at what’s mine.”
“Yours?” You repeat, your lip curling in disgust. “You’d better not be referring to me.”
Mattheo paused, looking at you in confusion. “What else would I be talking about?”
You scoff in shock, shaking your head. “Yeah, nope, I’m out.”
You turned around without further preamble, marching out of the room and towards the front door that you’d passed earlier. Mattheo laughed and followed you out of the study at a leisurely pace, seemingly unworried.
“Where are you going to go, darling? As far as the general public is concerned, you’re on the run after brutally murdering a classmate. You’re Wanted with a capital W, sweetheart.”
“I’ll figure it out,” you snarled, storming towards the front door.
“Y/n…” He warned, drawing his wand and pointing it at you. “Get back here. Now.”
“Fuck off.” You spat over your shoulder, not sparing him another glance.
That was clearly not the thing to say. As if in slow motion, you heard a dreaded word fall from his lips.
You were struck with pain that was so overwhelming, so blinding, so agonizing, that you were sure you were going to die.
You were only half aware that you’d fallen to the floor at some point as wave after wave of unbearable pain crashed over you. You could feel your bones creaking and grinding together, your skin splitting apart only to knit itself back together just to be torn apart again, like you were some fucked up wixen version of fucking Prometheus.
You were only vaguely aware that you were speaking, pleading. Pleading not for the Unforgivable to be lifted, but for him to just end it, end you, entirely.
“K-kill me! Kill m-me…please!” You begged, blood trailing down from the corner of your mouth and smeared across your chin. You must’ve bit your tongue hard for it to bleed like that, and the sting from that wound while you speak is just too overwhelming when combined with the pain from the Cruciatus Curse.
Then all at once, it stops.
You gasp for air, your entire body trembling and numb as you lay sprawled across the floor like a marionette with its strings cut.
Mattheo kneeled down by your side and cupped your face in his hands with a kind of tender gentleness that felt deeply wrong coming from him.
“See, I’m doing this because you’re not listening to me, sweetheart. How else am I supposed to show you that trying to leave me is what you shouldn’t do?” He cooed softly, gently wiping the blood from your chin with the sleeve of his shirt.
You flinched back at his touch. Your body—still wracked with uncontrollable quivers and trembles—tried in vain to crawl away from him.
“Oh no, honey- hey, honey- I promise it’s all over, okay? You were so so good for me. But you see now that you’ve got to stay with me, right?”
Your jaw quivered and your still-stinging tongue felt thick in your mouth, yet you managed to spit vicious hatred towards him.
“G-go to hell.”
A flurry of emotions crossed his face: surprise, anger, guilt, and disappointment; all of which were topped by the underlying aura of pure sadistic glee that exuded from him.
“Oh? Do you need another lesson or two before you learn?” He sighed and shook his head patronizingly. “Very well then, darling. Crucio!”
taglist! @gayaristocrat @slytherinboysappreciation @lemonaderiddle @h-------n @yournogoodalone @knave-hearts @schaebickel @lexacantsleep @big-brother-problems @darkcharmx @cyberbl4de @amandajonhsson @megannxn @catz-80 @ghostiesen @fruityfrog505 @coysa @fruitypebblesstuff @mildlyuninformative @glittervame @cayaevans1 @lizeylavender @cloudydaysinmydreams @ironickarkatlover @ahead-fullofdreams @tachyon-girl @jaythes1mp @lovelyfandomqueen @ashisgreedy @mothermah3m @siuspider @ineedtogetalife11 @cherry-berry-ollie @cherriosxfish @a-hopeless-romantics-blog @fallingblackveils @ldrsog @linde0s @ghost-tyr @booksouflette @h0treader @maraudersforlife2005 @ahano @miah-macaroni @whatislifes-stuff @iara-ximena17 @goth-blackcat @dutifullyfuturisticwizard @docackerman @mizu-mc @tiacordelia02 @mingyuethesimp @luvlli @dracoshusband @verychaoticgay @thathogwartsjedi @lisbethpisbeth @remusily @daliah-xxo @rainy-darling @corinneeagles @sle1epy @averys-place @shibble @i-love-sirius-black7 @azu-202029 @artemismckinnon @lostboychimera @yukimaniac @annegrey
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d4yl1ghts · 6 months
Can you make a Mark Sloan fanfic?
Y/n and Mark Sloan are a couple and they are expecting their first child together which they had found out three weeks ago. They were surprised when y/n had found out that she was pregnant but Mark was thrilled about it.
Y/n has started with morning sickness and she was tired of it, every morning she woke up feeling nauseous. Mark felt bad for his girlfriend since she was feeling the way she felt, he was just trying to be there for her.
They have an ultrasound today.
Y/n is working at the hospital as an attending and she is really close friend to Callie Torres who also is pregnant.
Something with Mark just being there for his pregnant girlfriend, and how she falls even more in love with him everyday.
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mark sloan x pregnant, fem!reader
summary: you’re struggling with the changes you’re undergoing through your pregnancy but mark helps you
warnings: pregnancy
It was six in the morning currently and you’d yet again been awoken by morning sickness. You hastily walked to the bathroom (your room fortunately had an en-suite bathroom). You grabbed your hair before throwing up in the toilet. A cold hand pressed against your back and took your hair. You leaned against him, you could tell it was Mark by the feel of his hands.
Luckily for you, today you were meant to be at work early so the morning sickness wasn’t wasted. “Get back into bed, baby. I’ll make something for you.”, Mark said as he headed to the kitchen. “You don’t have to, babe.”, you replied but your regretted that when you felt the soft mattress of your bed. “Never mind, please do.”, you shouted to him. He just chuckled.
Mark called you into your spacious kitchen and placed a plate of toast and eggs in front of you. “Thank you.”, you kissed his lips tenderly.
Once you had finished your breakfast, you put something casual on and got in the passenger seat as you waited for Mark. As you messed with the radio trying to find the best station, you heard the car door slam abruptly, indicating that Mark was ready to leave. “Ready?”, he asked you. “Yeah.”, you responded.
“Did you know that I already ordered a crib?”, he questioned. “No… aww that’s so cute, Mark, you’re such a dad.”, you stated as you reached over to squeeze his hand. “I also got some toys, don’t worry they’re gender-neutral.”, he added. “You’re so sweet and thoughtful, Mark!”, you said in a teasing manner but you really meant your words, Mark knew this though despite your mischievous take on it.
Mark helped you it the car after parking, even though you were only twelve weeks pregnant and had no bump at all, he would still insist on helping you the most he could. “I have an ultrasound today, it is at three, can you make it?”, you asked. “I believe I’m in surgery at two and it’s a long one. I’ll try and make it but if not would you be able to print me the photos?”, he questioned kindly.
“I always get the photos anyway, I’ll just go with Callie since she has one booked just before mine.” Mark nodded his head. You were an orthopaedic attending and so you and Callie were quite close, especially now due to you being pregnant at the same time.
Mark let go of your hand as he headed to get changed into his scrubs. You got changed into yours before catching up on your rounds.
Before long, it was two fifty and so you made your way to the OB/GYN ward. Callie walked out. “Hi, how was it?”, you asked sweetly as she sat next to you. “It was great, look at her now.”, she said as you looked at the ultrasound picture. “She? Is that an instinct?”, you questioned. “Yeah. You know I just have that feeling she’s going to be a girl. What about yours?”, she reciprocated. “Hmm, I’m not sure, maybe girl as well actually.”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”, the receptionist called out. “Come on.”, you walked over to a gynaecologist who had just walked out. Turns out it was the one Callie had just had. You lifted up your shirt as the doctor put the cold gel against your stomach. “This will be cold.”, she stated matter-of-factly. She placed the wand against the gel and on the screen you could just make out your baby. You stared in disbelief, you couldn’t believe you and Mark were really having a baby. “Would you be able to print off two sets of the sonogram, please?”, you asked kindly. “My boyfriend’s in surgery right now, so…”, you added, feeling the need to explain yourself.
As you exited the room, you found Mark just walking into the waiting room. “Hey, baby.”, he called you over as he noticed you. “How was it? Did you get the pictures?”, he asked you excitedly. “I’m so sorry I missed it. It was a mandatory surgery that I needed to be in for.”, he explained. “Babe, it’s fine. I work as a surgeon too, you don’t need to explain yourself.”, you kissed him to ease his worries. “Here’s the sonogram.”, you handed him one set of them.
“Aww, I can barely make her out. She’s so little.”, he said. “Do you think our baby is a girl?”
“Hmm?”, he asked, not paying attention to what you asked as he stared at the images. “You said her.”
“Oh, yeah. What do you think she is?”, he questioned. “Me and Callie were just talking about this. I think she’ll also be a girl.”, you stated. “I’m kind of hoping for a girl.”, Mark muttered gently. “You do give me the vibes of a girl dad.”, you joked. He laughed. You stared deeply into his eyes and he pressed a soft kiss to your temple. “I love you.”, you smiled. “I love you and our baby more.”, he replied as he smiled.
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websterss · 2 years
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SUMMARY: Buck tries to call you but ends up receiving no answer. Left with worry, he runs to the sight of you walking into the fire station startled.
WARNING(S): Angst, some fluff
PAIRING: Evan Buckley x fem!Reader
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy it! ♡ Feedback is always welcomed!
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You threw your head back gasping as you and Buck finished riding out your highs. “Still got it!” Buck said smugly as you laughed.
“Being cocky never suited you well, Evan.” You wrapped your arms around his neck.
“And screaming my name never sounded more sexy.” He leaned forward taking your lower lip playfully.
“Well I’d thank your well endowed friend, but your ego is already stroked too much.” You smirked.
“It wasn’t just me putting in the work, Y/L/N.” Buck caressed the side of your thighs. 
“Well you know what they say, it takes two to tango.” You moved your hair out of the way.
Buck smiled as he let his eyes roam over your face. He knew he was risking his job big time, but getting in a few minutes with you was worth it.
“I missed you.” You stopped trying to adjust your shirt and looked down at him. A smile making itself on your face.“
“Missed you too.” You stroked his hair back. “I hardly see you nowadays.” You softly giggled. “Have you still thought about my offer…” He tugged you closer. “About moving in together. It’d be easier for us because of our jobs. I’d get to come home to you each night.” He offered a laugh.
“Look I know you’re still working things out with your last job, but I’d want nothing more than to wake up and see you each day.”
You bit your lip contemplating on telling him about your new job, but you knew that the wait would be worth it.
 “Can we get dinner later, after your shift?” You leaned down and pecked his cheek softly. 
“You still didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m still thinking about it…” You looked away. Evan noticed your hesitance and let it go.
“Why don’t you come by the station. Bobby’s making dinner for us tonight, says he has something important to tell us. I want them to meet you.” Evan’s eyes held hope that you’d say yes. As soon as he saw you smile, he knew he got his answers. “I’ll see you then, okay?” 
“What? I didn’t even give you my answer.” You scoffed hitting him playfully.
“Didn’t need to.” He leaned forward. “Your smile.” He pecked your cheek. “Says it all.” He nipped at your sweet spot causing you to squeal in delight.
“Buck.” You gasped.
“I know.” He mumbled against your neck. “I’m stopping.” You leaned back and started adjusting your outfit.
“As much as I’d love a round two. You are still on shift, and my lunch break is over.” You smirked as his shoulders fell. “Oh don’t look so sad babe. Good things come to those who wait.” You pecked his lips once more and made your way out of the firetruck. “Call me when you’re off your shift, okay. I love you.” You smiled up at him from outside the truck. 
“I will…and I love you too.” He leaned against the side of the door watching you turn and head towards your car.
Later that night, Buck had been waiting by the front entrance waiting for your arrival. His lingering around the firetrucks caught the attention of his team.
“Twenty bucks, he’s ready to get his firehose on.” Hen watched from up on the second floor. Chimney eating a piece of bread as he stood next to Hen.
“Maybe he’s got a girlfriend we don’t know about.” Chimney suggested.
“My money’s on family problems.” Eddie suggested. “Is Maddie coming over Chimney?” 
“Of course, she wouldn’t miss Bobby’s cooking.”
“Buckaroo keeps checking his phone.” Hen motioned to him glancing down at his screen. “Think lover boy got stood up?”
“Hey it’s me. This is like my tenth time trying to get a hold of you. Please call me back. I’m worried about you.” Buck frowned. You hadn’t been picking up his calls since his shift was over. “I just need to hear your voice okay.”
“B-Buck.” His head rose as he saw you walk in. He sighed in relief as he saw you enter the station, but it wasn’t until he saw your face in the light that he noticed your busted up lip. Any smile he had went away in an instant. Blood covering the side of your face.
“Y/n…” Worry rose in his chest as you seemed to stare off toward nothing in particular. “Baby, hey.” He walked closer to you.
Your sudden appearance alerted Hen and Chimney as they watched you stumbled towards Buck.
“Y-Y/n!” Buck rushed to prevent you from falling.
“I was mugged. T-They took my bag. I woke up...on the ground.” You could feel the room spinning.
“Woah hey, no no. You have to stay awake now okay.” Buck shook his head as he helped you climb the stairs to take a seat on the couch. The team grew worried as they watched Buck sit you down. Bobby immediately came over, while Hen and Chimney grabbed their med kits. “Buck what happened?”
“S-She said someone took her bag on the way here.” Bobby knelt down to take a look at your head.
“How many fingers am I holding?” You spared Buck a glance asking him silently if he was serious.
“T-Two.” You sighed.
“I think you just have a minor concussion. Chimney, hand me the flashlight…follow my finger sweetie.” Your eyes moved right then left.
“Pupils are responsive. I wouldn’t worry too much about the bump on your head, but my wife Athena can help you make a report tomorrow morning, sound good?” Bobby patted your knee gently.
“Sounds good.” You slightly chuckled.
“So much for surprises huh?” Bobby shook his head. 
“Surprises?” Buck grew confused.
“By his confusion, I’m guessing you didn’t tell him.” 
“I was working on it.” You cringed.
Bobby eyed you playfully.
“Y/n, what’s he talking about?” Buck took a seat next to you. “You two know each other?” 
“R-Remember when I said I got a new job.”
“Yeah…but what does that have to do with you and Bobby knowing each other.” 
“She’s are new recruit.”
“Recruit?” He looked up at Bobby.
“I start my first day here tomorrow. I’m gonna be a firefighter just like you Buck.” You caressed the side of his face.
“Are you serious?” Buck’s smile made you smile.
“Yeah. Not only will we get to go home together, but we’d get to work together too. I’m all in if you are.”
“Home?” Buck’s eyes gleamed.
“I think I should start moving my things over to your place.” You laughed at his shocked reaction. “We can start tomorrow. Right now, I’m gonna kiss you.” Buck shook his head and cupped your face bringing you in closer to connect your lips.
“You owe me twenty bucks…” Chimney smiled smugly holding his hand out to Hen who rolled her eyes.
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pandorxxx · 1 year
Made for each other (crazy about you part 2)
Lo’ak x Omatikayan fem reader (all aged up)
Warnings: pure smut, possessive, delusional, violent lo’ak (and reader), attempted murder, mentions of suicide, mentions of killing in general, spanking, choking, hair pulling, smacking, spit kink, biting (a lot of blood at the end), daddy kink, praise kink, cursing, oral, p in v, multiple orgasms, creampie. (Lmk If I miss something)
Addition warning: This fic follows the pattens of toxic relationships, so if this triggers you in any way, please do not continue.
Last warning⚠️: Lo’ak is extremely toxic in this. Please read at your own risk
It had been a year since you and lo’ak made it official, a year since he put you in your place. And the relationship was….toxic to say the least. You two had broken up and gotten back together so many times that you lost count. You were jealous and he was possessive, creating a recipe for disaster. You almost wished that you never even pursued him, maybe your life would be better without him in it. You wouldn’t dare tell him that though.
He told you that he would kill you if you tried to leave him for good, and apart of you believed him. You were becoming scared of lo’ak, scared that he might do something unspeakable, all for you. And it showed in his daily actions; the way he would linger around, watching your every move. Threatening any man that got to close to you, similar to the situation that transpired today:
“Bring your little ass here, right now! I’m sick of chasing you!” He growled, whipping through the trees as he followed your small frame.“NO! Why did you have to punch him?” You yelled, stomping away from him.
“He was too fucking close, y/n. Too close to what’s mine.” He growled, smacking leaves out of his path as he kept his pace behind you. “He’s didn’t even touch me!” You screamed, storming through the trees to get away from him.
“I’m a man! I know what the fuck he was thinking. Maybe I should just lock you up, huh? So no one can see you!” He chuckled angrily, speeding up his pace behind you.
“Ughhh! I hate you!!!” You screamed, hissing at him loudly, tail swaying in anger.
“I hate you too!” He roared, running towards you. He caught up quickly, yanking your arm harshly, turning you towards him.
“Let me go, idiot!” You shouted, trying to yank yourself out of his grasp, to no avail. He gripped your other arm, lifting you off the ground.
“No! You’re mine! Did you fucking forget?” He growled, shaking your small frame with every word. You hissed, struggling to get him off of you.
“Put me down, lo’ak! You’re hurting me!” You whined, making his gaze soften slightly, before he dropped you down to the ground.
You fell onto your back, instantly trying to crawl away from him. He grabbed your tail, pulling you back, before flipping you around. He straddled your lap, placing both of his large hands around your neck.
“You think you can leave me, y/n? HUH? I’ll never let you go!” He roared, squeezing your neck tightly, to the point where you couldn’t breathe all that well. “L-Lo’ak, y-you’re choking me!” You strained, tapping his forearm repeatedly. However, he didn’t let up.
“I’d rather see you dead than with someone else! I can’t see you with anyone else, y/n!” He yelled, voice becoming shaky as his emotions got the best of him. Tears flooding his eyes, loosening his grip on your neck slightly. Just enough for you to gasp loudly, regaining your breath.
He slowly crumbled, falling onto you as he weeped like a child. You cried too, looking into the sky. The situation that you put yourself in made you emotional. Deep down, you knew this was your karma for stalking him all these years. You blamed yourself for this. You just wanted out, but he couldn’t seem to let you go.
“P-please, baby! Please don’t fucking leave me. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He cried in your chest, punching the ground in frustration, causing you to flinch. He shot up, looking into your terrified eyes.
“B-Baby, I don’t mean to scare you. You know that right? I’ll do anything to make you love me again! ANYTHING! J-just give me another chance. I’ll be good for you this time. I-I won’t yell, or hit anybody anymore. I-I promise, please!” He rambled, crying as he caressed your tear stained cheek.
Lo’ak was draining you from the inside out. You regretted everything about your relationship with him. You truly wished that you could go back to the beginning, when he wanted nothing to do with you. But because you couldn’t turn back time, there was just something in you that didn’t want to let him go. Maybe it was his “bad boy” tendencies, or his protectiveness, his sex….you couldn’t quite pinpoint it. As many times as you tried to be strong, tried to end it, he always found a way to suck you back in, and today was no different.
“Lo’ak, please. I-i can’t do this anymore. Just let me go, please let me go…” you whimpered, shaking your head from side to side in exhaustion.
“You know I can’t do that, don’t make me do that, please! I promise I’ll change for you. I’ll calm down!” He whined, sliding his hand down to your loincloth. You shook your head again, so tired of the same old song he sang. He’d treat you like shit, get aggressive with you, apologize, and then fuck you until you felt better. And you let him. You’d let him fuck you until you forgot about the argument because deep down, you enjoyed this little game you played with him. You were just as sick as he was, just as delusional. You two were made for eachother.
“Let me make it better, ok? Daddy’s gonna make it better.” He spoke lowly, pecking your lips, tasting your salty tears as he slid his hand in your loincloth, rubbing circles into your clit. You moaned into his mouth, falling into his trance again. He slid a finger inside of you, pumping in and out at a slow pace, just how you liked it. He knew you like the back of his hand, and he knew how to please you.
“Mmm shit..” you whimpered, tears still streaming down your face. “It’s ok, baby. Don’t cry. I’m going to take care of you.” He whispered, kissing down your body until he reached your loincloth, pulling it down with his teeth.
“Lo’ak, I-im breaking up with you.” You cried, knowing that you didn’t even believe yourself. Knowing that after this, you would walk out of the forest with him, hand in hand.
“Don’t say that, mama. I’d kill you if you left me. Matter of fact, I’d kill myself. Is that what you want?” He spoke lowly, attaching his mouth to your cunt, French kissing it slowly as he glared into your puffy eyes. He grabbed your legs, pulling them over his shoulders as he caressed your thighs.
You moaned loudly, throwing your head back as your dainty hand connected to the back of his head. “Yes, baby. Open up to me!” He moaned, flicking his tongue against you clit. He trailed his hand up to your top, untying it gently.
“Lo’ak, please. w-we aren’t good for eachother.” You grunted while caressing his head softly, allowing him to pull you back into his toxic embrace.
“Stop saying that! You know I’m the best thing for you.” He growled, giving your clit one last flick before kissing your thigh. He flipped you over on your stomach before laying flat on top of you. He ripped his loincloth off, throwing it to the side. He grabbed his cock, sliding into you gently.
“Let me show you how much I love you, y/n. I’ll be good for you, I promise baby.” He spoke softly in your ear, thrusting into you slowly. You bit your lip, grabbing his large hands to hold them close to your heart. He sped up the pace, going deeper than he ever has.
You never truly believed him when he said he’d change. But he was so gentle with you today, solely focused on how you were feeling. It made you feel like he was capable of change, capable of being the man you knew he could be for you.
“Please, don’t stop!” You whined, throwing your head down to the moss. He kissed the back of your neck, still thrusting into you at a steady pace.
“I’ll never stop, y/n. I’ll never leave you alone, baby. You’re mine, ok?” He moaned in your ear before tugging on it with his canines. With you being a delusional mess for him, you nodded frantically.
“Yes, I’m yours! I’ll always be yours.” You whined, kissing his hand as tears blurred your vision. “Do you love me? Huh? Tell me you love me, and that you’ll never leave me.” He spoke lowly, his hot breath breezing past your ear. You felt that familiar knot in your stomach building up, in turn, making you submit to him, as you always have.
“Yes, lo’ak! I-i love you so much, I-I’ll n-ever leave you, baby!” You stuttered, holding his hands tightly as you felt his cock twitch inside of you, repeatedly. He let out a loud moan, thrusting into you harder to catch his high.
“Oh, baby! Please keep talking to me like that! Im gonna fucking cum!” He grunted in your ear before giving it a small peck. You loved when he became a complete mess for you, it turned you on and today was no different. “Mmmm, fuuuuck lo’ak! I-i dont know what I would do without you baby! I need you so bad!”
You whined loudly. You closed your eyes tightly, squeezing his hands in yours when you felt your high approaching quickly.
“Mhmm what else, mama?! Come on, t-talk to Me. Im almost there!” He whimpered, squeezing your hands as well, shutting his eyes tightly as his face screwed in pleasure.
“y-you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Me. I-I would never give you up!” You whimpered, shaking your head to confirm your previous statement. He purred in your ear, before losing it completely.
“Fuck! *thrust* Fuck! *thrust* Fuck! *thrust*”
He moaned before coming undone inside of you, painting your walls with his seed. Yet and still, He kept a steady pace just for you, making sure you were taken care of. You felt the knot in your stomach coming undone, convulsing under his whimpering and moaning figure.
“Shiiit! Cumming!!” You screamed as your juices merged with his, coating his cock with every deep thrust.
“Goooood girl, baby! Such a good girl for daddy, aren’t you?” He whispered in Your ear, thrusting into you slowly as he rode out his high, also helping you ride out yours.
“Fuuuck yes! yes! I’m a good girl, just for you!” You moaned, letting out a sigh of relief, along with lo’ak. You were hoping that he meant everything he said about changing for you, so that you two could start fresh. But, just like the other times, he lied.
He continued to be possessive and aggressive. He would stalk, and watch your every move, watch for other men who could drive a wedge in between you two. All the while, still finding time to flirt with the other girls in the clan. Although you didn’t have solid proof of cheating, you had a feeling, and that’s all you needed. He would leave the hut early and come in late at night. And when you questioned him, the conversation always went alittle something like this:
“What? You don’t trust me?” Lo’ak would say, barely above a whisper. His ears flat, as he held his tail in his hand. Your gaze would soften, seeing his sad demeanor.
“n-no lo’ak, I do trust you!” You would nod frantically, caressing his biceps as you planted soft kisses across his chest.
“I thought we had something different, y/n. I thought YOU were different.” He would speak softly, shaking his head at you with disappointment before trying to leave. You would pull him back, willing to do anything to keep him right where he was. And it was an endless cycle for the two of you. If he wasn’t manipulating you, you were micromanaging him, making sure that nothing could hide under your nose. However, it didn’t seem like lo’ak cared that much. He would flirt with girls in-front of you, and today was no different.
Everyone shuffled around the common area, doing their daily chores. If lo’ak wasn’t stalking you, you were stalking him, watching his every move as he held long conversations with the other females.
Today, he decided to make conversation with Malina, who so happened to hate your guts. And vice versa. What made you mad was that lo’ak knew about your hatred towards her, and she knew that lo’ak was yours. Your blood boiled as you watched them laugh, and joke with eachother. You stalked from the trees, squeezing your bow tightly.
How could he? Any other girl but her! Why would he do this? Knowing the relationship you had with Malina?
You were furious, tail swooshing behind you in defense as you huffed with every breath. They could both die for all you cared, but more so Malina. She had the nerve to talk to lo’ak, knowing he belonged to you. You thought maybe you should just get rid of her, so she could leave him alone. So you wouldn’t have to worry about her.
All of theses thoughts ran through your head as you stood tall, drawing your bow back as you aimed it at Malina’s temple. You saw Malina raise a hand, running it down lo’aks bicep. And that was all the motivation you needed to take her fucking head off. You released the bow, watching it fly directly towards Malinda, just for it to hit the tree bark just inches above her head.
She screamed, ducking all the way down. Lo’ak jumped, stepping back from Malina slightly before looking around the forest in alertness. He had a feeling, but he didn’t want to believe it. However, he knew you all too well, and wouldn’t put this past you. Shit, he would do it too.
You cursed internally, disappointed in yourself for not putting a whole through her head. You shook your head in defeat, stepping out of the trees slowly. Lo’ak chuckled, throwing his head down as he shook it all-knowingly.
“Y/n, what the fuck!” Malina screamed in disbelief, standing to her full height. She looked at the bow sticking out of the bark, before slowly turning to you with wide eyes.
“Malina, I’m so sorry! My aim is so off today! I meant to kill you. Silly me!” You confessed with a sarcastic tone, grinning from ear to ear. Lo’ak bit his lip in anger, shooting you the scariest glare before turning to a flabbergasted Malina.
“I am so sorry for my girlfriend. She didn’t mean it.” He mumbled, trying not to let you hear what he was saying on your behalf.
“Oh, I meant it. Wish it would’ve went through that pretty little head, too.” You scoffed, glaring at malina. Lo’ak shut his eyes in frustration, clenching his jaw. He took a deep breath, darting over to you. He grabbed you by your hair, dragging you to your shared hut.
“What the fuck was that about, mama?” Lo’ak huffed in anger, slamming the hut door behind him. Coming face to face with you.
“You two were talking for too long, so I just ended the conversation early.” You spoke softly, crossing your arms as you glared up at him. He grinned, pulling you closer to him by your neck.
“You’re fucking crazy, you know that?” He said in his melodic tone, staring down at you with nothing but lust. He liked when you were jealous now that he found himself being completely obsessed with you. He also liked how quick you were to kill that girl, all for him.
“And you’re not? Threatening to kill me if I left you, but you do shit like this. Flirting with any girl that’ll give you the time of day. You’re fucking sick. You make me crazy, it’s all your fault!” You spat in a low tone, heat radiating off of your body in anger. He licked his lips, backing you into the wall harshly.
“Oh, I’m sick? But how did we get here?” He asked with a cocked brow, tilting his head in confusion.
“I told you in the beginning, that we wouldn’t work together. But you wouldn’t fucking listen. You just couldn’t take no for an answer. So I gave in, and now I’m stuck. I’ll never let you go. And I will kill you if you try to leave me. That’s not a threat, it’s a fucking promise. Play and see what happens.” He growled, pulling you closer to him by the grip he had on your neck.
“I can’t fucking stand you. I’ve had enough of your stupid game. I don’t wanna play anymore. I QUIT!” You shouted, pushing him away. You started to walk off but he snatched you back by your queue, pinning it on the wall. You hissed at him, trying to push him away to no avail.
“You’re done when I SAY you’re done. And I wanna keep playing.” He growled, holding your dainty wrists in one of his large hands. You shook your head wearily, so fucking tired of his games. He was draining you of everything, like a leech. Your emotions got the best of you, as your eyes started to water, blurring your vision completely.
He watched you on the verge of breaking down, and his gaze softened. He let your wrists go, finally understanding the severity of the situation. You leaned your head on his chest in exhaustion, feeling so sick that the thought of standing was making you tired. Lo’ak grabbed you in his arms, stopping your movements as he tried to keep you upright.
“Y/n, c-come on baby. Don’t do this.” He grunted, watching your body shake from your constant wailing. “No! w-why do you d- do this to me?!! You’re killing me, lo’ak! I-i can’t!” You cried, punching his chest weakly. You weeped, burying your head in his chest.
“Y/n- i-I’m sorry, please. I-it’ll never happen again! I’ll stop talking to her. I’ll never talk to her again. I’ll kill her if she comes near me, I only want you!” He rambled, as he always did when you threatened to leave him. You shook your head lazily, placing your fists on his chest.
“You always say that. Yet here we are! And here I am, looking stupid for staying with you.” You whimpered, leaning your head on the wall, looking into his teary eyes. He shook his head frantically, terrified at the thought of you leaving him, and him having to do the unthinkable to you.
“No, no, no! Please! I’ll change, y/n! I can’t live without you! You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I don’t wanna lose you, I CANT LOSE YOU!” He confessed, voice cracking from his sadness.
“Then SHOW ME! Show me you don’t wanna lose me!” You shouted, looking into his puffy eyes as tears fell from your face.
“You want me to show you? I’ll show you!” He growled, picking you up by your thighs, connecting his lips to yours, and like always, he sucked you in again. You grabbed the back of his head, deepening the kiss as his hands roamed your body.
You wrapped your hands around his waist, loosening the knot in his loincloth. It fell to his feet, allowing his cock to spring up in between the two of you. You took it in your hand, stroking the beads of precum out of his pulsing tip. He moaned in your mouth, bucking his hips into your hand. He slid a hand down to your loincloth, completely ripping it off of your hips, deeming it unwearable.
“You know I love you, right?” He spoke lowly in your ear, planting wet kisses on your neck. You really couldn’t tell anymore. The way he made you feel on a regular basis was unbearable, but the way he made it up to you was….unmatched. And you knew deep down that you would never find anyone that could hold a candle to the way lo’ak handled you.
“y-yes, I know!” You moaned, pushing your soaked cunt to his throbbing cock, pulling him closer to you by his shoulders.
“Just make it up to me. I-I need it, lo’ak!” You whined, bringing his cock up to your cunt, using the tip to massage your clit.
“You can have it, baby. It’s all yours, I swear. No one else’s.” He grunted, sliding into you with ease. You both let out a series of moans as he thrusted into you slowly. Still kissing your neck, placing a hand on the wall, next to your head.You clung to him, laying your head on his shoulder as you whined with every slow thrust.
“I-I need you to know that i would NEVER cheat on you. No other girl c-could ever make me feel the way you do, y/n. I’m crazy about you…” He whimpered, gnawing at your neck, biting down until he drew blood. You winced at the mix of pain and pleasure. He quickly licked the womb clean, speeding up his pace inside of you.
You would be lying if you said he wasn’t convincing. Especially when he would wait until he’s drilling into you to confess his love. It was such a manipulative move on his part. How could you even question him in the middle of him fucking you how he did? You couldn’t, and that was his plan.
“I-I know, lo’ak! Just keep fucking me like this, please don’t stop!” You moaned, leaning back on the wall, throwing your head back in pure bliss. He deemed this the perfect opportunity to nuzzle his head into your exposed chest, leaving his scent on your body. He purred into your chest, tail wrapping around your back. He slowly trailed his eyes to yours, planting a kiss on your quivering lips.
“I wont stop, baby. You like when I fuck you like this, huh? Tell me how good it feels.” He whispered, thrusting into you one hard time before rolling his hips into your sweetspot. You screamed loudly, digging your fingernails into his biceps. Your face screwed in pleasure, shaking your head from side to side in pleasure. “Come on baby, look at me!” He pouted smacking your face a couple of times before snaking his hand up to your neck, using it to focus your attention on him. Your eyes finally locked as he started to thrust into you at a steady pace. The room fell silent for a moment, as you both indulged in the squelching sounds with every stroke, looking deep into each others eyes.
“You make me feel soooo *thrust* fucking *thrust* good *thrust*.” You screamed, breaking the silence as tears welled in your eyes. He nodded in agreement, kissing your lips once more, muffling your cries for a moment.
“You m-make me -ngh!- feel good too, baby. I’m so fucking in love with you!” He growled through gritted teeth, shaking your neck with every syllable. He sped up his pace, making your jaw drop as you felt that knot in your stomach tightening.
“Yeeess, baby! Juuuust like that! Let go for daddy.” He nodded, biting his lip as your walls fluttered around his cock. A tear fell down you cheek as you convulsed in his arms.
“Daddy’s sorry, baby! I’m sooo sorry!” He spoke softly, kissing your bottom lip as your eyes rolled back. And just like that, you came undone on him. Every stroke revealing his cream coated cock.
“Such a good girl, aren’t you? I’m almost there baby.” He moaned, throwing his head back as he used your hips to rut into you, chasing his orgasm. You whimpered, as he brushed against your sensitive sweetspot with every stroke.
“Shiiit, I’m cumming baby!” He whined, leaning his head on your shoulder, burying his seed deep inside of you. “Oh, yesss lo’ak!” You moaned breathily, scratching his back up as he thrusted into you slowly, riding out his high. And just like that, he had you again. Wrapped around his finger, just how he liked it.
And as always, he fed you a bunch of BS. Although he stopped talking to other girls, the obsession and possessive behavior grew stronger. There were times where he wouldn’t even let you out of his sight; dragging you around with him everywhere. Anytime a male even looked at you for a second too long, he would lash out at them. Soon, everyone knew to stay clear of you, scared of what lo’ak would do if he saw you with another.
This caused loneliness, and you resented him for it. The only other male you could somewhat talk to was Neteyam. And lo’ak had a problem with that most of the time.
You mainly went to Neteyam for advice on your relationship. And he always spoke the truth to you. Telling you that it would be best if you stayed clear of lo’ak. And boy, did that make lo’ak mad.
“Y/n, I hate seeing you like this. It’s like he’s locked you in this hut. You need to dead his ass.” Neteyam explained, leaning on the hut wall as you sat on the cot across from him.
“Teyam, I can’t leave him. Do you know how many times he’s threatened to kill me? Kill himself? Plus….I love him.” You spoke, gesturing softly. Neteyam sighed in frustration at you, as you sat infront of him singing the same old song.
“He would never. I wouldn’t let him. And, he’s way too scared of my dad. He’s not fucking stupid. Crazy? Yes….but stupid? Nah.” Neteyam shook his head, crossing his arms with a light chuckle.
“You don’t understand. You don’t hear the conversations we have. I just….can’t leave him.”You shook your head, bringing your knees to your chest.
“He treats you like shit. Locking you up from the outside world. Don’t you think that’s alittle fucking toxic? Are you scared of him?” He asked, the last part echoing in your mind.
Were you scared of him?
You were scared of what he was capable of, but deep down, you knew lo’ak. And you knew his intentions were good. You knew he wouldn’t let anything happen to you, and that he would protect you. How could you be scared of your protector? Right?
“What’s there to be scared of?” A familiar voice said from the entrance of the hut, catching you and neteyam’s attention. It was non other than your smothering boyfriend, leaning against the door frame.
“Last time I checked, you set us up. Now you’re trying to break us apart? What, so you can have her to yourself?” Lo’ak spoke angrily, walking towards Neteyam. Neteyam stood up straight, assuming a position of dominance against his younger brother. Your heart pounded, watching the two brothers meet half with aggressive demeanors.
“I wish I knew you would treat her this way. Then I wouldn’t have set her up with your psycho ass.” Neteyam growled, getting in lo’aks visibly angry face.
“And if I find out you’ve threatened her again, I’ll kill YOU. How about that?” He growled, poking lo’aks chest. Lo’ak tilted his head in anger, tail swaying high in aggression. You panicked, shuffling off of the cot to stand in between them. Both of the men towering over your small frame as they eyed each other with so much hatred. You couldn’t help but think this was all your fault.
“Please… d-dont do this. Don’t fight.” You whispered wearily, getting choked up by your own tears as you shift your attention in between both brothers. They completely ignored you, still staring each-other down.“Neteyam, j-just go. I’m fine, really.” You grabbed his arms, shaking him to get his attention.
“Yeah, you should go Neteyam. Y/n and I need to….talk.” Lo’ak grinned, wrapping his arms around your shoulders lightly, pulling you flush to his chest.
Neteyam hissed at lo’ak before meeting your soft gaze. “If I see so much as a scratch on her, I’ll beat the shit out of you.” Neteyam spoke deeply, bumping lo’aks shoulder as he walked out of the hut, shutting the door behind him.
There was an awkward silence as he swayed you back and forth, before he broke it. “Why do you test me, y/n?” He asked calmly, slowly squeezing his arms together around your neck.“L-Lo’ak I- I’m sorry.” You apologized, not even knowing the reason why. You held onto his arms, trying to loosen his grip around your neck.
“Nah, don’t apologize now. All you ever do is is try to leaving me. Telling me that you want to break up with me.” His voice grew angrier, making you nervous. He spun you around in one fell swoop, walking you back into the wall by your neck, slamming you into it.
“What the fuck do you want me to do, huh? WHAT THE FUCK DO I HAVE TO DO TO GET YOU TO UNDERSTAND THAT YOU’RE NOT GOING NO FUCKING WHERE!” He growled, shaking your neck with every word. You had never seen him this angry before, and it made you tremble under his grasp.
“I-I UNDERSTAND! LO’AK I LOVE YOU!” You whimpered, voice shaky as tears flooded your vision. He shook his head, loosening his grip on your neck.
“Stop saying that! You don’t fucking mean it! You try to leave me every chance you get. And I do whatever I can to make you stay, make you love me. But I’m not enough for you. And everyone thinks I’m bad news, influencing you to believe the same! I’ve tried everything with you. I’ve apologized numerous times, I’ve stopped talking to other girls like you asked me to, but nothing is enough for you. Guess I’ve just gotta fuck you until you get it. Until EVERYONE gets it. You are MINE goddamit!” He roared, nothing but rage in his golden eyes as he punched the hut wall, creating a gaping whole in the foundation. He grabbed your hair, yanking you towards the cot before throwing you onto it.
“Lo’ak please!” You begged as he flipped you over on you stomach. “No, fuck that! I’m gonna show your little ass! Show you who the fuck you belong to.” He growled, all while tying your hands up with his hair tie. He tore your loincloth off, throwing it to the side.
“Lo’ak! I know I belong to you! I know I’m YOURS!” You shouted, looking back at him, only to see his hand raised to the heavens, coming down on your ass so hard that it left a handprint. You yelped in pain, squirming under him.
“What did I tell you, huh? Who do you belong to?!” He yelled, spanking you hard at a constant pace. “Lo’ak, MERCY!!” You screamed, tears tricking down your cheeks with every harsh blink.
“ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION!” He roared, holding your wrists in place as he continued your punishment. “YOU- I BELONG TO YOU, BABY!” You whimpered, trying desperately to crawl from under him.
“I don’t believe you yet, mama…” he growled, pulling you up by your hair, before biting down on your neck, marking you as his. The blood flowed down your shoulder, dripping onto the cot. You hissed, feeling your neck throb from the open womb.
“YOU. ARE. MINE! Do you understand?!” He spoke through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on your hair. “Yes, lo’ak! I fucking get it!” You shouted in anger. He chuckled, kissing your cheek as he untied his loincloth with one hand, throwing it across the room.
“There’s my girl! I love making you mad. Gives me a reason to fuck you like a whore, just to straighten you out.” He whispered in your ear before kissing it.
He lined his cock up with your entrance, plunging into you deep. He pulled your hips up to meet his pelvis before he started rutting into you hard and steady. He gripped your long ponytail, wrapping it around his forearm to pull you up. Every thrust causing droplets of blood to fall beneath you.
“Say my fucking name, baby.” He spoke in a low and calm voice, smacking your bruised ass. Sending shock waves through your entire body.
“Looo’aaaak!” You whined, taking your lip in between your teeth, shutting your eyes tightly. He opened his mouth, letting spit drip down to where you were both connected before throwing his head back in pure bliss.
“This pussy is driving me crazy, baby!” He spoke sensually, thrusting into you faster. “Mmmm! you fuck me soooo good. I can’t get enough of you!” You moaned, smiling deliriously as your lower abdomen tightened.
“I’m so fucking obsessed with you, y/n!” He moaned, shaking his head before planting a soft kiss on your womb, coating his lips with your blood. He tugged on your hair, bringing your neck all the way back to kiss your lips passionately. The copper taste of your blood consuming you, before he pulled away.
“I’m obsessed with you too! No one can take your place! I-I’m so sorry daddy!” You whined, tears flowing down your cheeks from the immense amount of pleasure. Lo’ak groaned at your sweet words, feeling that familiar knot build in his stomach.
“No, no! I’m sorry, mama! I’ve b-been a fucking idiot.” He moaned, biting his lip as he admired your position. Your whines and moans got louder and louder as your peak neared.
“Go on and cum for daddy. I’m right behind you.” He spoke deeply, smacking your ass as he licked his lips. And that was all you needed, twitching under him as you came undone.“Yeeesss!” You screamed, screwing your face in pleasure as your eyes fell shut.
“Mmm! fuck! *thrust* fuck! *thrust* fuck! *thrust*” lo’ak grunted, eyes rolling to the back of his head as he painted your walls. He thrusted into you slowly, riding out his high.
“Untie me.” You moaned, trying to rip your way out of the restraints. “Why? So you can run away?” He chuckled deliriously, reminiscing on his first time with you.
“I just wanna fuck you so bad. Let me, please? I won’t leave. I’ll never leave.” You shook your head in reassurance. He bit his lip before tugging on the restraint, untying it from around your wrists. And immediately, you rose up from your position, pulling him down before you hopped on top of him, straddling his lap.
“Shit, you weren’t kidding, huh? You want this dick? Take it!” He grinned, plunging his cock into you. Both of you letting out a series of moans.
You watched his face screw in pleasure as you began to ride him. He threw his head back, exposing his neck. You weren’t one for marking but something came over you as you flashed your fangs, bending down to sink them into his neck, drawing blood. He hissed from the pain and pleasure, gripping your hips tightly. He watched you sit up slowly, blood dripping down your mouth and chest as you looked at him with nothing but lust.
“You are so fucking hot.” He muttered through gritted teeth, reaching up to rip your top off with harsh force, revealing your huge breasts. His blood mixing with yours, dripping down your breasts with each bounce to his lap.“Yeah, I know. And it’s all for you. I’m all yours!” You moaned, using his shoulders to bounce on him harder.
“Comere.” He spoke sensually, grabbing your neck to bring you down to his lips, indulging in a heated kiss. Tongues fighting for dominance as they danced around eachother. You pulled away, hovering over his lips.
“Open.” You commanded, and he obliged. You let a line of spit flow into his mouth as he swallowed it happily, bringing you in for another kiss. He thrusted up into you, causing you to moan loudly against his lips before he pulled away.
“I love you.” He whispered, gripping your ass to guide you down onto him. “I love you too.” You moaned before taking your lip in between your teeth, staring deep into his eyes.
“I’d really kill you if you left me. I fucking mean it.” He muttered with a clenched jaw, tightening his grip on your neck. You giggled deliriously with a weak grin.
“I know, daddy. I’d kill you if you left me. y-you know I’m good for it.” You spoke seductively in his ear before kitty licking it once, sending chills down his spine.
“Mmm, daddy’s little monster, huh?” He groaned, feeling his high slowly approaching him. You nodded with the same delirious smile, sitting up on him to speed up the pace. Your moans got louder as your abdomen got tighter, getting that familiar feeling again.
“d-daddy I’m gonna cum!” You whined, pouting at him with your puffy eyes. He nodded, gripping your hips again, using them to fuck into you just right.
“Come on baby, give it to me. Show me how much you love this dick.” He spoke lowly, watching your eyes roll back as you started to tremble on top of him. And just like that, you came undone again, coating his cock with your juices.
“Mmm, fuuuck! I’m about to cum in this pussy baby!” He moaned, throwing his head back in pleasure, releasing inside of you once more. Both of you letting out breathless moans as you came down from your highs. He looked up at you, pulling you down to him by your hair to bring you in for a passionate kiss. He pulled away, staring you in the eyes before speaking.
“Never forget who you belong to…”
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @viajaeger @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @pullandhug @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @st-cass @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @thecutieyahia @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @neteyamsprincess @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @slay-nt @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly
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sativaonsaturn · 3 months
the signs in love (songs for the signs pt.2)
(check venus, moon, mars, lilith, juno!)
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aries/ 1st house (a steadfast love): Love On the Brain by Rihanna (who has an aries venus)
“So you can put me together/ And throw me against the wall”
“baby I'm fist fighting with fire/ Just to get close to you”
“Don't you stop loving me/ Don't quit loving me”
taurus/ 2nd house (a strong, steady love): Real Woman by PartyNextDoor (who has a taurus venus)
“Give her what she want/ Give me just what I want”
“Last night, we were sippin' Henny and now we doin' deals”
“I'm lockin' it in 'til the very end”
“Shawty met a boss like me and put a hundred down on a condo downtown with me”
gemini/ 3rd house (an expressive, exciting love): Houdini by Dua Lipa (whose lilith is in gemini)
“I come and I go/ Tell me all the ways you need me/ I'm not here for long”
“If you're good enough, you'll find a way/ Maybe you could cause a girl to change”
“Everything you say is soundin' so sweet/ But do you practise everything that you preach?”
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cancer/ 4th house (a warm, comforting love): Every Kind of Way by HER (who has a cancer venus)
“You're here with me/ Boy, it don't get no better than you”
“I wanna love you in every kind of way/ I wanna please you, no matter how long it takes”
“If the world should end tomorrow and we only have today/ I'm gonna love you in every kind of way”
leo/ 5th house (a passionate love): Part II (On the Run) by Jay Z & Beyoncé (her w/ a leo mars)
“I don't care if we on the run/ Baby, 'long as I'm next to you”
“And if loving you is a crime/ Tell me why do I bring out the best in you?”
“I don't care if they give me life, I get all of my life from you/ And if loving you had a price I would pay my life for you”
virgo/ 6th house (a considerate love): My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski (who has a virgo venus)
“Moon, tell me if I could send up my heart to you/ So, when I die, which I must do could it shine down here with you?”
“My baby, here on earth/ Showed me what my heart was worth”
“Nothing in the world is mine for free/ But my love mine, all mine, all mine”
libra/ 7th house (a storybook love): Adorn by Miguel (who has a libra mars)
“Just let my love adorn you”
“Baby, these fists will always protect ya”
“Whole world's in your eyes (when I look in your eyes, baby)”
scorpio/ 8th house (an all-consuming love): Work Song by Hozier (his scorpio lilith in 8th reminds me of this)
“No grave can hold my body down, I’ll crawl home to her”
“But I swear I thought I dreamed her/ She never asked me once about the wrong I did”
“If the Lord don’t forgive me, I’d still have my baby and my babe would have me”
sagittarius/ 9th house (a thrilling love): Lowkey by Teyana Taylor (whose venus is in sag)
“If I let you, would you make a move?”
“I want it but this ain't the right time/ But, damnit, you're so fine”
“Runnin' and runnin', ain't runnin' from love/ I'm so willin' to give it a try”
capricorn/ 10th house (a serious love): You Don’t Know My Name by Alicia Keys (who has a capricorn venus)
“There's something special 'bout you, I must really like you/ 'Cause not a lotta guys are worth my time”
“I see us on our first date/ You're doin' everything that makes me smile”
“Doin' more than I've ever done for anyone's attention/ Take notice of what's in front of you”
aquarius/ 11th house (a rebellious/ unconventional love): Take Me to Church by Hozier (who has an aquarius venus)
“My lover’s got humor/ She’s the giggle at a funeral”
“Knows everybody’s disapproval/ Should’ve worshipped her sooner”
“We were born sick, heard them say it/ I was born sick but I love it”
“If I’m a pagan of the good times/ My lover’s the sunlight”
pisces/12th house (a longing love): Blessed by Daniel Caesar (who has a pisces venus)
“I don’t wanna be there, don’t wanna be anywhere/ Anyplace that I can’t feel you, I just wanna be near you”
“Sometimes it gets unhealthy/ We can’t be by ourselves, we will always need each other”
“When I go, I don’t stay gone for long”
venus in 4th (a committed love): positions by Ariana Grande (who is a cancer sun)
“Boy, I’m tryna meet your mama on a Sunday”
“Switchin the positions for you/ I’m in the Olympics way I’m jumping through hoops”
“Know my love infinite, nothing I wouldn’t do”
sativaonsaturn 🍃🪐
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mannaima · 2 years
Literally literally literally just Joel and like desperate sex. Like he is crushing you (Me? All of us? Idk) trying to hold you closer and drive himself in deeper. I’ll die. I’ll die.
Hold me close.
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Summary: An odd friendship turned into something deeper…
Warnings: NSFW, smut, female! reader, dub-con(ish)(reader is just a little unsure at first but def has some horniness for joel), age gap (reader is mid20s, Joel is mid 50s) L-bombs being dropped, general pervy vibes from Joel, Joels a little ooc (much friendlier…)
Word count: 4.1K
Authors note: hhhhhhh thinking of a clingy sex depraved Joel is giving me like. Brain rot. SO so hot.
Your eyes fluttered open, waking up in a small dingy bed in a semi-clean place you called home. You never truly felt like it was home, just a place to sleep in and avoid the terrible people. You admit, you were dramatic, but after too many encounters with sickos who befriended you, only to steal what little you had on your back, maybe you had a reason too. You took a glance at yourself in the mirror. What was to be said about the life you lived? Wake up, work an odd job, come home, and sleep. You didn’t even have the solace of a stiff drink after a hard day of labor, no, long gone were the days of luxuries such as that. You could spend two days of ration cards on a ciggie, but you’d be left starving with a short-lived relief from life. You just sighed, and brought yourself to your small collection of clothing.
You moved in auto-pilot, hovering from place to place in your home, nothing ever changed. Slipping on the final piece of your “uniform,” as you liked to call it, you walked out the door into the outside world. It was gloomy, it usually was, but that was all you had to say about the world beyond your empty walls. You didn’t care what job you got, just the one that paid the highest. After lining up among the bodies of soulless wage slaves you paid no mind to, you finally received your assignment. Body burning. Despite the persona you had made of yourself, you still cried after seeing the bodies of the lifeless. Potential. Just gone. You walked to the job site. 
Watching your feet hit the gravel in a pattern, you suddenly felt yourself stopped, you had bumped into something, or rather- someone.
“Oh. I’m sorry.” Your voice was meek, unaware of the danger that lay in front of you. Could be a crazy person looking for a problem, or someone on a power trip. The universe was merciful to you today.
“It’s alright.” A deep voice with a slight southern drawl, you had looked up for a second, but all you saw was the back of a much larger man, he paid no mind to you. You sighed under your breath, in relief, and moved around him, just to avoid another mishap. The “conversation,” if one could call it that, was already doing a strain on your head.
The job site was filled with people, all with an emotionless expression. Work just wasn’t anything to smile about. Especially the matter you were dealing with. You had to ‘partner’ up with someone essentially, both taking out bodies to put into the pit of fire. As the trucks of bodies arrived, a man stood next to you, signaling you two were together. You looked at him. Same color shirt as the man who you bumped into. Same height. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. Thoughts swirled in your head, you hoped he didn’t recognize you. Of course he wouldn’t, he didn’t even look back at you!
Putting the bodies in the pit was no easy task, it took a heavy amount of strength, which you were thankful to have. Despite helping each other throw the bodies, you shared no words with each other, for hours. Body after body, the work didn’t seem to stop, sweat began to bead upon your forehead.
“Here.” The man sharing the truck with you held out a handkerchief. Despite his semi-dirty appearance, the rag was decently clean. You took his peace offering, and gave him a nod, and wiped your forehead with it, allowing you to feel much cleaner than before. You held it back out for him to take, but he shook his head.
“Keep it.” Again, you nodded. But a voice in your head told you to thank him properly, you were quiet, but you weren’t a bitch.
“Thank you.” Now it was his turn to nod at you, and you both continued your work. But this time, after maybe a few minutes, you decided to talk to him again. You just wanted to be polite, is all.
“I’m Y/N. It’s nice to meet you.” You internally scoffed, working for over a few hours and you barely got to even greet one another.
“Joel. You as well.” You gave him a small smile while lunging the body into the flames. He gave you a look for a second, before sharing the sentiment, just barely.
���For such a small girl, you’re doing such a difficult job.”
“Well, we all have our strengths. I just happen to be blessed with a dad that made me do push ups at age four.” You let out a small giggle, to which he gave you a chuckle.
“Really? Well I guess those paid off, you’re doing better than my last partner.” You let out another small laugh, followed by a meek ‘thank you.’ A booming voice had let you know that the job was done, which meant you had to go collect your ration cards. Wiping your hands on your jeans, you walked over to the line of people. Joel had followed you on your tail.
“Got any plans tonight?” Joel stood right next to you in line, you felt so small compared to him. You awkwardly shook your head no, looking right into his eyes. 
“Just another day of work and sleep.” He hummed at this, and you felt the tension in the air in the silent minutes you waited. Receiving your ration cards, you finally trailed back to your so-called home. You decided you needed some food in your stomach, so you trailed around the market, hoping for something to catch your eye.
“Thought you didn’t have any plans.” A deep voice came from your left, and your eyes trailed up the large man.
“Got hungry. Sorry.”
“Don't apologize.” Nodding at him, you continued to look around for food, and you finally decided. Joel was still at your side, it was slightly creepy, the way he just peered at you. You had assumed a man like him probably had a wife, but now, not so much.
“Can I help you with anything?” You tried to make that sound as polite as possible, not wanting to hurt the sweet yet slightly scary man. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself.
“No.” And with that, he turned on his heel and walked in the opposite direction. You were confused, nevertheless you still tracked your way home, you just wanted some calmness before you slept. Tommorows another day.
You got as much sleep as one could in these conditions, but yet, you felt unnerved by some unforeseen force. You brushed it off, you blamed it on just missing life before it all. Sighing, you began your routine once more. This time, however, you took notice of Joel’s handkerchief he had given you. You smiled a bit, before placing it around your head as you would a sweatband. You felt a small semblance of normality, maybe even a little bit more confidence. You shrugged at your reflection, and walked out into the world once more. You took no more than a few steps before you saw a familiar face. Despite your brain saying no, you decided, why not give people another chance?
“Hi Joel. Funny seeing you.” You said, walking up next to him.
“Likewise. Like the hair thing going on.” He pointed to your makeshift headband, to which you gave a small grin.
“I have you to thank for this.” As you reached job assignments, you engaged in more small talk. You mostly talked about how life treated you currently, and that subject dried up quickly. After receiving the same job assignment, you both walked to the site once more.
“So, any friends worth chatting about.” He was such an old guy, you still appreciated the sentiment with trying to stay “hip.”
“Ah. No, sadly. Too many people fucked me over, friends are a luxury in this life.” Your arms lugged over the body into the pit.
“Oh trust me, I know all about that. But you’re so young, you should be making experiences, lord knows I needed those in my youth.” You let out a small ‘ha,’ amused by his words.
“I wish it was that easy. But I kind of enjoy the quiet life of being a loner. Having no friends is too peaceful to give up.” Another dropped body.
“That's not completely true,” You looked up to see him staring at you.
“You got one right here.” He gave you a small grin.
And a friend he was. For the past few weeks, he always checked up on you, asking if you slept well, you ate well, and if you were ready to work. You both got the same job assignments, and depending on the job, you both talked throughout the entire shift. Finally happy to have a genuine friend, someone who was scary yet kind in moments. His stoic face brought a shiver down your spine, but it seemed like he always had a small smile while talking to you. Your friendship lasted within the work days, as you both parted ways after your shift was over, thankfully for you. You enjoyed your peace, which he gladly understood, though not today.
“Hey, Y/N?” You looked at him, mid drink of your canteen or whatever, you nodded in acknowledgement.
“Wanna come over tonight?” Simple and blunt, no offer of dinner, cigarettes or whatever moonshine brew people made these days. Just a simple offer to hang out. You smiled, it felt real, it made you trust him just a little bit more. 
“Yeah. I’d like that.” What was one night with a friend instead of rotting in your room. It couldn’t be that bad, right?
Work was over as quick as it began, allowing you and Joel to walk to his home before the sun had set. He led the way, talking of ‘business’ being spewed, but you didn’t really pay mind to it. 
“Well. Home sweet home.” You took in the room around you. It was nothing special. Similar to yours, but slightly bigger and more lived in. It felt good to have a little change in your life.
“Nice.” The air smelt of him, manly and comforting. He sat you down on the edge of his bed, despite the table in the corner, but you assumed he wanted to sit on something soft after a long day of work. He sat next to you.
“You know, it surprised me when you said you didn’t have friends, surely someone as beautiful as you would have made a couple peers.” You froze at the word ‘beautiful.’ He had never complimented your looks before, and you didn’t know whether to blush or cringe, but you remembered this man had more than twenty years on you, surely he meant it in a way you would call a stranger pretty.
“Well, I did have a few. They just didn’t turn out well.”
“How so?” He questioned, moving slightly closer.
“Well, I had joined a group of people around my age, all super chill but seemed more interested in spending all their ration cards on pills and cigs,” His eyes flashed away for a second, but turned back to you “One day two girls invited me to a hang out session between all of us, but when I approached the meeting spot, they jumped me. Stole everything I had on my person, including a necklace that my father gave me. Gave me a black eye and a busted lip. Fought like hell tho, it wasn't fair they had a knife.” You gave a small chuckle, thinking about the whole ordeal again. A few moments of silence lingered in the air.
“I’m. I’m sorry for prying.” You shook your hands at him, face panicked.
“No, no, no! Sorry, I got all deep for no reason. Don’t apologize.” He gave you a look, another look like he wanted to say so much, but he didn’t. He let the room stay silent before putting his hand on your thigh.
“I’m sorry. Just know I would never treat you like that, sweetheart.” His thumb slowly rubbed against your thigh, your eyes nervously staring at him. He quickly removed his hand and began talking about the fights he used to get in ‘at his youth’ which didn’t fail to make you laugh. Despite the age gap between you two, you felt so comfortable in talking to him like a gossiping girl with her girlfriends.
Hours had passed, the laughter of both of yours filling the room. Your life was depressing, but Joel managed to be a small glimmer in your dark life. You looked outside, it was pitch black now, which made a realization dawn upon you.
“Oh no. It’s past curfew.” A quick check at a wall clock confirmed this, which made you groan. 
“Ah, I’m so sorry. I should’ve reminded you.” He patted your back as you hunched over, your hands covering your cheeks.
“No, it’s my fault. I should’ve been more responsible and kept track. I don’t suppose I could trouble you to sleep here?” You glanced up at him, his arm still around you, rubbing circles into your back.
“Of course, I wouldn’t just let you go back out there to fend for yourself.” You smiled at his kindness.
“Do you want to change? Or- Uh. I think I have a t-shirt in here somewhere…” He shot up from his spot on the bed to rummage around his drawers, and he pulled out a tee, perfect size for him, large for you. You thanked him and you walked to the bathroom to change.
You realized the shirt went down past your thighs, which meant pants weren’t necessary. I mean, you didn’t think it was so wrong to just wear panties under the shirt. What did he expect, giving you nothing but a shirt? It was like a night gown at this point, so you didn’t mind. You folded your clothing and walked back into his bedroom. He looked at you with a small change in his expression, his eyes slightly wider. 
“I’ll um, set up the floor for me.” He began to move a blanket off the bed. You shook your head at him.
“No, Joel! You’ve already allowed me to sleep over, I can’t make you sleep on the floor in your own home. I’ll take the floor.” 
“I can’t do that to a lady, it’s no trouble at all sweetie.” You stood your ground and refused to let him take a pillow from his bed.
“Well I guess we’ll share the bed.” He said, as a matter of fact. You didn’t really think this through, but you nodded, you needed the warmth anyways. It was late and the air was crisp, even inside. You gulped as you settled into bed, Joel leaving to go change in the bathroom as well. Your eyes nervously darted around the room when he came out wearing nothing but a pair of sleep pants, no shirt at all. Despite being much older, he was still very fit and toned. It made your cheeks hot at how well he looked. But you shook your head, he was just a friend. A sweet friend. You can’t think of him like that.
“Well, I guess this is goodnight.” You were so in your head that you barely realized he had already gotten under the sheets next to you, inches away from each other's bodies. You nodded and looked at him, his face barely lit by the small light coming from the outside, his usually sharp features became much softer in the dim lighting. 
“Goodnight Joel, thank you again.” Your voice was barely a whisper, your body snuggling under the warm sheets, shifting to face away from him. Your eyes began to feel heavy as you drifted off to dreamland, your mind going blank.
Your eyes shot open, it was still dark in the room however, meaning dawn had not come yet. Your mouth dry and your body heavy, you felt very off, but nothing that would awaken you from your slumber, what made you wake-
“Oh fuck…” You heard a quiet yet deep groan behind you, right behind your head. You froze, unsure whether to move or not. It only took a few seconds to realize the warmth near your pussy, how had you not felt it earlier?! Your eyes were wide as you felt a warm length press between the fat of your thighs, back and forth in a slow thrusting movement. He was fucking your thighs. 
“Mmmmm fuck.” Another groan, this time he seemed to try and quiet himself down, his cock still being pushed between your legs, the occasional shock went through your body as you felt him rub against your pussy. You were unsure what to do about this, you definitely couldn’t just fall back asleep, and you weren’t sure how to deal with the awkwardness of moving away from him. You kept as still as you could, trying to keep your breathing regulated.
His hands suddenly snaked his way to your hips, a firm grip was attached to them as he thrusted between your thighs much harder. He once again groaned, but this time it was followed by small whimpers, a likely attempt to keep himself quiet. You then felt hairs poking your neck, his stubble rubbing against you as he buried his face into the nape of your neck. He had to have known you were awake at this point, his cock was rubbing against you at a much faster pace now. You had no idea what to do, so you just swallowed your nervousness and went with your gut.
“J-Joel? What are you doing?” He froze at your words, immediately stopping his thrusts against you. You heard an audible gulp, his warm hands not moving an inch however. He said nothing, for a few minutes or seconds, you couldn’t tell, the awkward feeling making time stop almost. As you were about to shift away, he grabbed your shoulder and pressed you down, your back bare on the mattress. He was hovering over you now, you could see the desperation in his eyes, his chest moving up and down with his heavy breathing. You didn’t know what to do, you just stared at him with glossy eyes. The tension was broken by his sudden movements to place a rough kiss upon your lips. His tongue slipped in as your mouth was wide open from shock, his hands cupping your cheek. The heat you felt coming off him was like no other, and his tongue roughly moved around yours, a small whimper being moaned out by you, due to the man handling.
“You’re so beautiful. I can’t get enough of you…” He pulled away momentarily to begin kissing upon your neck, your eyes rolling back.
“Joel… S-stop…” You moaned out, your hands pushing against his bare chest.
“You don’t mean that sweetheart.” He said, matter of factly, his deep voice making your knees weak. You shook your head, but his tongue working against your neck made you so vulnerable, you couldn’t resist him.
“J-Joel, no, please. We can’t- I can’t.” You begged against him, but he ignored you and continued to grope your body while licking upon your neck. You felt so hot, his hands were so large against your body, you wanted to resist but your body couldn’t. He sat up, his whole body on display for you, and as your eyes trailed down his toned body, you couldn’t help but notice the large bulge in his sweatpants.
“See what you do to me sweetheart? This is all because of you.” His large hands moved it over the pants, making you whimper, the sheer size of it was eye widening. He pulled the pants slightly down, revealing it in all its glory. It bounced up, and it began to leak precum as it twitched.
“Come here.” He pulled your leg, allowing them to be around his own, his cock lined over your pussy, the size of it reaching past your belly button, you gulped. He slapped it a few times over your lower belly, which made you whimper. He slowly pulled down your panties, throwing it to the side once they were off.
“You’re so fucking cute. You don’t know how long I wanted to have this, baby.” His voice was filled with desperation, and he held your hips as he positioned himself at the entrance. He slowly pushed himself in, the tightness gripping him, pain surging through you.
“W-wait. Joel-” He suddenly pushed into you all at once, a loud scream being let through you, to which he quickly covered your mouth with his hand. He held your waist and lifted you up, forcing you to slump over his chest. You whimpered under his hand, the pain of his cock made you feel like you were being ripped open. He suddenly began to bounce you on him, muffled moans and pained groans of yours filling his ears. He was so strong, lifting up your body weight with one hand, allowing your pussy to engulf his cock with such a grip. His throat was letting out groans, his eyes so focused on your tits bouncing through the t-shirt.
“You gonna be a good girl for me?” You nodded, your eyes lidded as he slowly began to move his hand away from your lips, a trail of drool following it. 
“That’s it. Take it baby.” Both his hands were now guiding you against his length, making you moan into the cold room, pleasure overcoming the pain. You felt euphoric, you haven’t had pleasure like this in so long– maybe even ever. His arms began to snake around you, wrapping around your whole body as he basically hugged you, allowing him to better thrust you into his cock. He pushed you up and down faster and faster– until you could barely take it.
“Joel. J-Joel! Slow down a bit please-” You let out a loud moan, he kept squeezing you against his chest as he thrust into you, he then pushed you on the sheets and kept you in his embrace.
“Sorry love, I just can’t get enough of you. I fuckin’ love the way you feel around me.” He breathed into your neck as he jackhammered you, the bed creaking with the harsh movement of his hips. The mixture of both your moans, he definitely wasn’t afraid to show how much you made him lose control, his hands squeezing you close to his chest, your eyes staring into each other.
“I love you so fucking much sweetheart.” You were shocked, but the build up of pleasure was too much for your brain to handle, you didn’t even give another thought to your next words.
“I love you too Joel.” You said between moans and deep breaths– it wasn’t long before you felt so close to the edge. You muttered small ‘fuck’s and ‘i love you’s as you came around him, your moans being muffled by his lips on yours, his hips suddenly stopping as he pulled out and came on your stomach. He groaned as each drop of cum left his cock, the constant twitching aligning with his soft groans. You opened your eyes as both of your orgasms had gone, his eyes slowly opening as well, his lips slowly leaving yours. You both stayed in this position, his body draped over yours, eyes staring at one other with so much love.
After a few minutes of this, he leaned over to pick up a small rag to wipe your stomach. You let out a giggle, the feeling of it rubbing against it was very ticklish. He kept looking at you, with that look on his face that he gave you when he wanted to say something. You decided to break the ice.
“Something on your mind Joel?” You sat up and leaned your head against his sweaty chest.
“Did. Did you really mean what you said? You know…” He was nervous, you wanted to laugh a little. How could a man who killed people and looked like he hated the world, be so nervous around someone like you. You nodded your head.
“Of course Joel.”
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Closed Position: Week 1 (Introductions)
Closed Position Masterlist ||| Main Masterlist Dieter Bravo x OFC (Katarina)
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Series Summary: Dieter Bravo, now sober, was looking to change his bad boy image after hitting rock bottom. His team hoped that having him join the nationally televised family friendly dance competition would be a good first step, if they can keep him out of trouble. 
Katarina Stamos expected her last season as a professional dancer on Dancing with the Stars to go the same as it had for the past thirteen seasons. That all changed when she was partnered with the infamous Dieter Bravo. 
Dieter and Katarina are reluctantly thrown into their partnership and must learn to work together to succeed in the competition. In the process they form a deeper connection beyond the dance floor that neither anticipated.
Chapter Word Count: 7.1K
👉 Warnings: Themes dealing with intimate partner violence, past alcohol abuse, and past drug abuse. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn. Read at your own risk. Dieter Bravo comes with his own warnings.
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Week 1 Quote: "Fuck. I might be in trouble."
Dieter’s POV
“Lenny, have you seen this fucking schedule? It’s seven days a week for twelve weeks. When do I get a break?” 
Lenny, my agent, sighed through the speaker phone, “D, I told you this was going to be a lot of work before you agreed to do it. You shouldn’t be surprised…and besides, that’s only if you make it to the finals.”
I scoffed, “Thanks for the vote of confidence…asshole.” Lenny chuckled on the other end of the line. We both went quiet for a moment as I continued to flip through the packet of paper that Lenny had sent over for review, “I don’t even get to have any say on the wardrobe or music. Such bullshit…sucking all the fun out of it. Did you at least drop a bug in their ear about who I’ll be partnered with? If I get stuck with someone I don’t want, I’m gonna be fucking miserable.” 
“I did, but the producers said they always do the partner matching themselves. They have a formula…or something. Maybe bring it up again at this morning's meeting and explain why. They may listen to you on it.” 
I huffed as my eyes continued skimming over the weekly schedule, “I have to get a fucking spray tan every week? You have GOT to be kidding me…Lenny, you know I don’t like using carcinogenic chemicals on my body.” 
“Uhhh, no comment on that…Look, I’ll put in a call and see if they can use something natural for that.” 
I relaxed some, “I would appreciate that. Thank you. Tell them I have an allergy or something…just make it happen.” 
I tossed the packet onto the table and picked up my phone, taking it off speaker and putting it to my ear - now pacing as I spoke, “Well, it looks like I’m gonna be pretty busy for a bit. That’ll be a nice distraction. It beats being locked inside the house at least.”  
Lenny hesitated, but still asked, “How are you doing with everything? Still managing ok?” 
I sighed, “Yeah, I mean I’m going to therapy and all the meetings still. I’ve been doing ok…just trying to keep the stress levels down. That’s what gets to me the most.” 
“How long has it been?”
I looked at the date on my watch, “Eight months today…actually. It’s the longest I’ve ever been clean, and I plan to stick to it this time. I’m feeling good and I want to keep it that way.” 
“Everyone is really proud of you, D. You know that, right? Keep at it and we'll have you back on top in no time.”
I pinched the bridge of my nose, knowing that it was an uphill battle, “I appreciate that, but good luck getting people to change their opinion of me. I’m not sure if my reputation is salvageable at this point. Everyone seems to think my sobriety is some sort of joke. No one is taking it seriously.”
I could hear Lenny inhale deeply on the other end of the phone, “It’s just going to take time, D. Don’t give up yet.” 
I pursed my lips in thought, “Yeah, I guess. Anyway, I need to get ready for this meeting. We’ll talk later, yeah?”
“Yeah, definitely let me know how it goes.”  
Once I hung up the phone with Lenny, I took a quick shower, then spent longer than I should have staring at the clothes hanging in my closet - trying to pick something that says I have my shit together. My therapist kept reminding me that if I dressed like a slob, people were going to treat me like one. So, I was putting more effort into making myself presentable before I left the house these days. Since it was a work meeting, I went for a business casual look, figuring I couldn’t go wrong with that. After styling my hair and getting dressed, I grabbed my keys, phone, wallet, and sunglasses and headed out the front door.
As I approached my car, which was parked in the driveway, I noticed there was a dead bird on the hood. The fluffy gray, brown, and white stray cat that had been hanging around my house was sitting next to it, looking rather proud of himself. I sighed, “Come on dude, really?” And this is why I need to get the garage cleaned out. I hit the clicker to open the garage door so I could get a broom to knock the bird off the hood. As I waded through the mountain of empty boxes from my move six months ago, I cursed myself for taking my sweet time getting that stuff out of the house. Finally finding the broom, I quickly moved to get the dead bird off of the car and shooed the cat away. He didn’t look happy about it as he moved to sit on the pathway in front of the house, watching me until I was finally on my way to Television City Studios to meet with the producers of Dancing with the Stars. 
When I arrived at the studio, I was met by the two executive producers, Stacia and Joe and led into a conference room. I let them do their spiel about what’s expected and the schedule. Nodding along in all the right places, being as polite as possible even though I hated how little say I had over anything. Once they moved on to the topic of how they choose partners, I spoke up for the first time, “I would really like to have input on my partner.” They both moved to speak before I held up my hand to signal that I wasn’t finished talking. 
“Look, I know you all have your formula or whatever, but I have a legitimate reason for asking. As I’m sure you’re aware, I’ve been trying to clean up my image. I’ve been sober for eight months and I would really like to be placed with someone that doesn’t have a reputation for partying…someone who isn’t gonna be a negative influence on me. It’s actually really important to me because I’m actively avoiding being around anyone who is into that kind of lifestyle.” Which is why I spend most of my time alone.  
Stacia and Joe looked at each other, obviously surprised at my reasoning for the request. They were actually stunned into silence. Since neither of them said anything, I continued, “I had my team check into the dancers, and based on their recommendation…I’m requesting that Katarina Stamos be my partner. She has a good reputation and I’m also told she’s very professional and isn’t judgmental…because that’s been an issue here lately that I’d really like to not have to deal with.”
Stacia’s brow furrowed, “Are you looking to actually win? Because Kat hasn’t won a single season that she’s been with us.”
I narrowed my eyes on her. What an asshole thing to say about someone. “Well, maybe that’s because you keep giving her shitty partners.” 
I gave Stacia a sarcastic smile. She had the audacity to look offended by that statement. I had watched the show and seen the people Katarina was partnered with. It was always the older guys that could hardly move. Stacia’s attitude made me more determined to have Katarina as a partner just to prove a fucking point on her behalf. 
Joe interrupted the silent standoff that Stacia and I now seemed to be having, “Alright, let’s think about this…” He turned to Stacia, “Physically, they work together. Their height and proportions are a good match…and Kat is very patient. She would work well with him. Also, if he wishes to be with someone who isn’t into partying, Anika is not the person he needs to be with.”
Stacia looked frustrated and unwilling to give in as she glared at her counterpart. Joe smirked, “If you're worried about the change in narrative, it’s possible there may be other options we haven’t considered.” 
What the fuck does that mean? I leaned forward on my elbows, “What narrative?” 
They both turned to look at me, Stacia now had a sly smile on her face. It was Joe who answered, “We always consider the possible narratives that could come up between partners. How they’ll interact and get along personality wise. It’s an important factor for the show.”
I felt a crease form between my brows, “So basically, you try to manufacture drama for TV.”  
Joe shook his head, “Not exactly, I mean ultimately, yes. We just take personalities and such into account when we pair the dancers with their celebrities. I mean, we do want everyone to get along with their partner, obviously.”   
So, you’re fucking meddlers. Got it. I arched my brows, giving them a tight smile as I nodded, going along with what they were telling me. I now realized I would have to keep an eye on these two. I didn’t feel like they had my best interest in mind. Especially if they were initially planning to put me with the known party girl. 
I cleared my throat before speaking again, “So what does that mean…do I get to work with Katarina or not?” 
Stacia looked at me, now smiling, “I think that may actually be a good match now that I think about it. So yeah, we’ll let you work with Kat. Hopefully you’ll both make it through to finals.” 
What is this woman’s deal? Geez Louise. I eyed them both suspiciously for a moment, “Ok, good. Now I’m finally a little excited about this.”   
They went over a few more details about the schedule before taking me out to meet with a production assistant, who was tasked with giving me a tour of the building and showing me where my dressing room would be. This part of my day couldn’t end soon enough… 
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Katarina’s POV
As I was pulling into the Television City Studios parking lot for the first day of my last season on Dancing with the Stars, my phone pinged with a text from Alec, my fiancée.
Alec: I finished up my meeting with production. Are you here? Have you had yours yet?
I leaned my head back against the seat. What the hell has he been doing? I know his meeting was over an hour ago.
Me: Just parked, I have mine in 10 minutes. I’m on my way in…Meet you in the lobby. 
A few minutes later, I found Alec in the lobby. He seemed more excited than he normally was on the first day as he greeted me with a quick kiss on the cheek. 
I leaned away from him, “What’s got you so smiley this morning?” I could tell he was trying to temper it down and have a more neutral expression on his face as he shrugged, “I didn’t realize I was. Guess I’m just excited to see you.” 
He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes. What are you hiding now you asshole. He didn’t know how well I could read him at this point. 
I arched a brow instead of returning his smile, “So, I assume you found out who your partner is gonna be?”
He continued his attempts at a neutral expression, “Yeah, Lana Thompson…she’s an actress, I think. There was apparently a last minute change to the lineup this morning. You know her?” 
I gave him a tight smile, “Yeah…I know her. She has a bit of a reputation…”  
He feigned ignorance, “Oh? I don’t know anything about her. I’m sure she’ll turn out to be one of those stuck up, bitchy types like the rest of ‘em. Ya know, you’re lucky it’s your last season so you don’t have to deal with these people anymore.” 
And there it is. He doth protest too much. He was excited to be paired with her, I could tell. He saw it as an opportunity. As far as I knew, he hadn’t strayed to another woman in some time, but that didn’t mean he had changed. He still hadn’t earned my trust back and his current excitement only made me more suspicious of his commitment. 
Alec could sense the tension taking hold of my body as he rubbed at my lower back, “Everything ok, baby?”
I gave him a half-hearted smile, “Yeah, just peachy. I’ve gotta go or I’m gonna be late. I’ll catch up with you after.” 
As I was walking down the hallway toward the conference room, I saw Lana Thompson exiting the bathroom. I suspected Alec had already met his partner and liked her more than he let on. Which probably explains why it took him as long as it did to text me. 
When I entered the conference room, Stacia and Joe sat huddled together. They seemed to be engrossed in whatever they were whispering about, but abruptly stopped talking once they realized I was lingering in the entryway. They both smiled, almost over enthusiastically as they welcomed me and motioned for me to have a seat. They studied me for a moment before Stacia finally spoke, “How are things going with you?” 
That’s an odd question and an odd tone. I wasn’t sure what kind of answer she was looking for, “It’s going good, why?” 
She gave me a small smile, “I know it’s your last season because you have things going on…but do you think you’re feeling up to the possibility of making it to finals?” 
I gave her a confused look, “What is that supposed to mean?” 
Joe leaned forward, “What Stacia is trying to say is…the person we have you partnered with this time is going to be a little more physically able than your usual partners. So, you may be in it for the full twelve weeks…if you can pull it off. Are you physically able to handle it?” 
Should I be offended by that? It’s not like I can’t function. It was just painful some days, especially when there were a lot of rehearsals. My joints couldn’t handle the Latin dances like they used to - the jerky movements exacerbating the inflammation and discomfort. That didn’t mean they had to treat me like a fragile porcelain doll though. 
I narrowed my eyes at them, “Of course I can handle it. I could handle it this entire time…which is why I’ve been asking for more capable partners.” 
Joe smiled, “Well, good. Maybe you can go out with a bang this season.” 
What the fuck was this about? I dug my teeth into my bottom lip as I tried to figure out their angle. There was always an angle with them, “Why do I feel like you’re trying to sell this to me?” 
Joe grimaced slightly. “We’re not trying to sell it, but we do worry you won’t be happy about it.” 
I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned back into the seat, “Who is it?” 
Stacia smirked, “It’s Dieter Bravo.”
I looked between the two of them, “You’re joking?” 
They shook their heads in unison. This didn’t make sense. Wouldn’t he be better suited with one of the girls that enjoyed a lifestyle similar to his? 
“What makes you think he and I will work well together? I know I have a lot of patience, but it does have its limits.” 
Joe chuckled, “His people requested you specifically. He’s actually eight months sober and they want him with someone who isn’t going to get him into trouble. He’s trying to clean up his image.” 
I scoffed, “I thought you didn’t let the celebrities have any say in who they’re partnered with?”
Joe leaned forward onto the table, “We don’t normally, but given his request and the reasons for it, we felt we should make an exception. We were thinking of putting him with you anyway.”
I shook my head, “You are aware of his reputation, right? Alec is gonna lose his shit over this.” 
Stacia smiled, “It’s not your or Alec’s choice. We run the show.”
It dawned on me then. Alec had said there was a last minute lineup change this morning and that’s why he was put with Lana. I had somehow managed to fly under the radar when it came to the producers' manufactured bullshit, but now I was right in the middle of it. They were making moves to create an underlying narrative for the show. 
“Who was he partnered with originally? I know it wasn’t me.” 
Stacia looked surprised by my question, “He was never partnered with anyone else before you.”
Stacia was lying. She couldn’t look at me directly when she answered my question - it was her tell. I knew how their minds worked. Dieter Bravo had a reputation for causing trouble and they were looking to exploit it. I’m sure his request caused a hiccup in their plans, so now they were making adjustments to cause drama surrounding him any way they could. 
My eyes shifted between the two of them, “I don’t know what your endgame is here, but I have no intention of playing, just so you know.”
Stacia and Joe sat expressionless, not giving anything away. I assumed they expected this sort of response from me. My tendency to push back at their plans was one of the reasons I wasn’t a favorite of theirs and most likely part of the reason they always worked to get me off the show as soon as possible, every season. Which sucked for my bank account. To add to their reasoning, I wasn’t interesting enough since I never had issues with my partners or whirlwind romances that made for good TV. However, this season they were taking a chance, throwing two bombs in the form of Lana and Dieter into my already tumultuous relationship with Alec. Hoping for an exciting outcome that would play out behind the scenes to stir up tabloid fodder and result in free promotion for the show.  
Joe sighed, finally speaking to break the tension in the room, “For what it’s worth, we met with Dieter earlier this morning…he was actually very pleasant and agreeable. I don’t think he’ll be an issue for you, so long as he continues to stay sober.”
My brows furrowed, “It sounds like you have a lot of faith in him. Good to know.” I moved to stand, “Well, if there isn’t anything else you need from me…”
Joe smiled weakly in my direction, “No, I think that’s it for now…just make sure you review the schedule and let us know if you have questions.” 
I gave them a sarcastic smile before moving to leave the conference room. As I rounded the corner in the hallway, looking down at the floor lost in my thoughts and frustration, I ran into someone. I started mumbling my apologies as I looked up at the stranger. I was met with a mess of curls, piercing dark eyes, and a dimpled lop-sided grin. It was Dieter fucking Bravo looking like he just stepped out of a GQ magazine. 
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he said through a chuckle with his hands on my shoulders to catch me from running head first into him. We stared at each other in silence for a moment. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, he can’t call me that.  
He had a slight smirk on his face now, “Katarina, right? Looks like we’re gonna be dance partners.” 
I shook my head, my lips set in a tight line, “Don’t call me that.” 
His brow furrowed, “What? Katarina?” 
I scoffed, “No, sweetheart. I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea. It’s inappropriate. You can call me Kat like everyone else.” 
He was obviously taken off guard by my cold demeanor as he gave me a confused look, “I didn’t…mean anything by it, I-I call everyone sweetheart.” 
I nodded, “Well, you're not gonna call me that.”
He chewed on the inside of his cheek for a beat, “I guess I’ve earned that. Sorry, I won’t do it again.” 
I inhaled deeply, biting my bottom lip as I did so. It didn’t go unnoticed that his eyes shifted down to my mouth. “Look, this is my last season and I just wanna get through it without any drama, ok?”
A crease formed between his brows as his jaw ticked to the side, “What makes you think I’m gonna cause drama?”
I shook my head, now realizing how big of a jerk I was being, “Umm…I…”
He continued to stare at me with a burning intensity, “Just so you know, I’m sober…have been for eight months. Drama is not my thing these days…”
I gave him a tight smile, “Good…hopefully you can stick to it.”  Fuck. That did not come out how I meant for it to.
I could see his jaw muscles flex before he let out a small laugh. His eyes finally shifted downward. He almost looked hurt by that comment. 
I sighed, “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” 
His brows arched as he peered at me through his lashes, “You know, I requested to be partnered with you because I was told that you're professional and wouldn’t be judgmental about my past…I guess I heard wrong. I suppose I should just expect it at this point, right? Maybe I shouldn’t have such high expectations of others.” 
My mouth fell open as I shook my head. I’m such a fucking asshole. He didn’t give me a chance to say anything before he spoke again, “I guess I’ll see you at rehearsals tomorrow. Have a good afternoon.” He gave me a sad smile as he brushed past me. I stood there with my mouth hanging open like an idiot watching him as he walked toward the exit. That was a great first impression. Good job, Kat. 
“Who was that?” Alec asked from behind me. 
I turned, running my fingers through the top of my hair out of frustration, “That was my new dance partner.” 
Alec squinted toward the figure standing near the exit, now stopping to look at his phone, “Is that Dieter Bravo?” 
I could feel my jaw tighten as I took in Alec’s expression, “Yes, it is.” Alec’s head snapped toward me, “I don’t want you working with him.” 
I smiled sarcastically, “Really? And you think I have a choice in that? They made it clear, there is no other option. I asked.”
Alec shook his head, “You could just not do this season. You're quitting anyway. Why not go ahead and drop out?” 
My eyes widened at his suggestion, “Because I need the fucking money, you know that.” 
He chuckled, “Right, for the dance studio.” 
I scoffed, “Yeah, for the dance studio. I don’t understand why you can’t support me on that.” 
Alec didn’t acknowledge my question, “This guy is a known womanizer. I’m not comfortable with this.” 
My head tilted to the side, “So you don’t trust me. That’s rich coming from you. You know…I’m not excited about your partner either, but I didn’t tell you to drop out. If anyone has a right to be concerned, it’s me.” 
Alec moved in closer, causing me to back up against the wall as he got in my face. His eyes were blazing with anger, “You’re never gonna let that shit go, are you? That was ten months ago, and I have been loyal to you ever since. Yet here you are…still throwing it in my fucking face.” 
I had a sudden defiant streak hit me, “You’re the one who brought it up by insinuating that you couldn’t trust me. I’m just reminding you who the problem is in this relationship.” 
Alec moved to put his hand on the wall next to my head as he leaned in further - his nose nearly touching mine as I turned my stoney face away from him, “Don’t you ever talk to me like that again,” he spat out.   
I could feel his eyes drift over my face for a moment before he pulled away and walked off. 
I huffed out a quiet “Fuck” as I exhaled a shaky breath and watched him walk toward the dressing rooms. When I glanced back toward the exit, Dieter was still standing there, frozen in place with his phone halfway to his ear. Once he realized I was looking his way, his head dropped downward, and he slowly turned to exit the building.   
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 Dieter’s POV 
As I walked out into the scorching afternoon sun, I ended the call to check my voicemail, deciding I wasn’t in the mood to hear it. I was frustrated by my first interaction with Katarina. It didn’t go how I expected, and honestly, she had hurt my feelings. Based on everything I had heard about her, I didn’t think she would throw my past up in my face like that. At least not immediately, if at all. She did seem a little flustered, maybe she was just having a bad day? 
What followed after our exchange was even more bizarre. It looked like she was having a tense conversation with the man that I assumed was the one she was dating. Lenny had mentioned she was engaged to one of the other dancers. When the man first leaned in, I initially thought they were just having a private moment, but then I noticed the look on Kat’s face as she turned away from him. Something about it was unsettling and for a brief moment, I considered interrupting them. Luckily, I didn’t have to. However, I was left feeling that I had witnessed something I wasn’t supposed to.
Even though our conversation didn’t go as well as I hoped, I was still struck with how beautiful Katarina was in person. Pictures and TV didn’t do her justice. It was probably a good thing she was seeing someone, otherwise I would be in danger of making a fool of myself. Then again, I probably would anyway. My sober self didn’t seem to know how to act around a pretty lady. My confidence and self-assurance definitely weren’t on the same level these days. 
When I got home, I spent more time than I would like to admit staring at my reflection in the mirror - trying to remind myself that I was no longer the piece of shit that everyone still saw me as. It was still hard for me to accept that the old me and the new me were two very different people. Some days it really did seem like it was easier being the old Dieter Bravo, because he didn’t care about how he was perceived by others. I often longed for him to come back, just to quiet the thoughts of self-hate and inadequacy. Those thoughts really could be suffocating and hard to overcome. It was near impossible living with myself on those days.
The anticipation of how our first rehearsal would go was starting to get to me. So, I decided to spend the rest of the evening trying to relax and take my mind off things. With classical music blaring from the sound system, I moved through the house to check in on my plants - watering, misting leaves, and pruning. It was a new hobby I had picked up since rehab. It started with one succulent plant that had seen better days. My neighbor had left it sitting next to the trash bin on garbage collection day. For some reason, I had an urge to attempt to save the shriveled mass. After a few weeks, it was showing new life as the deep purple hues started to form on the leaves. My plant obsession bloomed from there. Now I wasn’t even sure how many I had. I was fairly certain my housekeeper was going to quit if I brought any more home. 
After I was finished with the plants, I spent some time painting until I couldn’t hold my eyes open any longer. It was nearing midnight by the time I had showered and crawled into bed. Even though I was completely exhausted, I couldn’t shut my mind off. The anxiety was now building to problematic levels. It was always at this point that I thought about using the most. By now, the old Dieter would be a couple lines in and a few drinks deep to block out the thoughts. The new Dieter suffers through it as he lay in bed alone, staring into the darkness. I drug both hands down my face and huffed loudly before moving to switch on the lamp beside the bed. I reached for my latest self-help book and began reading.  
I was startled awake by my 7 AM alarm. I groaned as I felt around next to me on the bed for the shrilling phone to shut it off. I sat up, still half out of it, causing the book that had been lying on my chest to fall to the floor with a loud thump. I got up from bed, wiping the sleep from my eyes as I walked toward the bathroom to splash some water on my face. I stood staring at my reflection again, “You look like shit, Bravo.” It was clear I hadn’t gotten much sleep from my dark circles and puffy eyelids. I threw a warm rag over my eyes for a few minutes in hopes that would help.
Standing in my closet staring at the pile of gym clothes my stylist had picked up, I selected a random pair of shorts and a t-shirt, then pulled the tags off. We weren’t allowed to wear anything with brands or logos on filming days, so I had to break down and buy more clothes. It was probably for the best, my old gym clothes were looking a little ratty anyway.    
Once I was dressed, I grabbed my backpack that had a few essentials in it and headed toward the front door. As I stepped out onto the porch and pulled the door shut behind me, I was greeted by my furry squatter who had left another gift near the steps - a dead mouse. I sighed, “Well, at least it’s not on top of the car this time…” The fluffy menace meowed at me as he rubbed against my legs, as if to say, “Look what I did!” 
I was determined to not give in to the furry intruder, so I disregarded his attempts for pets. “Don’t you have a family somewhere to annoy?” I muttered to him as I continued toward the car. He followed me halfway down the pathway before sitting down and flicking his tail around as he watched me get into the driver's side and shut the door. He didn’t look happy about being ignored. 
I gave myself a quick glance in the rearview mirror, reaching to comb down my hair with my fingers. I hadn’t bothered to fix it, knowing it was going to turn into a mess no matter what I did to it. Then, I started the car and drove in silence to the dance studio, not even really sure how I got there as I pulled into the parking lot. I found myself wondering if I had run any redlights as I walked through the main entrance. I felt like I was in a haze as the camera team talked to me in the lobby to fill me in on the plans for filming. 
They wanted to do a brief interview with me before I went into the studio with Katarina. They wanted me to give the whole spiel about how excited I was to be here and working with my dance partner. Truth is, I wasn’t excited. I was nervous as hell, and I was supposed to act like this was the first time I was meeting her. I was unsure of how to act toward her, so when the time came for me to walk through the door to greet her and act excited, I turned on the Dieter Bravo charm the best I could and pretended like yesterday’s conversation never happened.
I was surprised to find how well Katarina did the same thing as she came over to greet me with a smile and a hug and gushed about how excited she was to work with me. However, we were both avoiding looking at the other directly. Clearly there was still some lingering awkwardness between us. After they filmed the introduction, they wanted to get some quick shots of us rehearsing. 
These first few days of rehearsal were meant for learning the basics. We were not actually getting into the first routine yet. We started with some simple stretches and moved into learning the proper frame, the different types of positions, and spacing for the different types of dances. It was all very high level and fast, but Katarina had promised that we would go over it in more detail once the film crew left for the day. The quick pace was mostly for the benefit of the film crew so they could get what they needed and move on to the next couple. 
Once filming was done for the day, we took a seat on the floor for a water break as the crew gathered up all of their gear to leave. We mostly sat in awkward silence until we were finally alone. I could feel Katarina’s eyes on me as I stared at the water bottle in my hand. She spoke first. 
“I feel like I should apologize about yesterday…I was having a shit day and kind of took it out on you. I’m sorry. I honestly didn’t mean what I said.” 
I pursed my lips and shrugged, “It’s fine. I’m used to it at this point.” 
She reached out and grasped my wrist with her left hand, the heat of her touch raced through me as I looked at the glittering ring on that finger for a moment before meeting her eyes, “It doesn’t mean that it should keep happening though. It’s not right and it’s not fair to you. Everyone deserves a second chance.” 
I huffed out a small laugh, “Yeah, except I’m on like my tenth chance. I understand why no one takes me seriously. Really, it’s not that big of a deal.” 
Her face softened as she stared at me for a beat, like she was trying to decide what she wanted to say next. Then she shifted her body to face me as she crossed her legs, “It is a big deal. It’s a big deal to me because I know better. You know…” 
She paused, appearing to gather her thoughts. I moved to lean back on my hand and face her more fully with my legs stretched out to the side. My teeth bit into my bottom lip as I watched her face shift to a somewhat pained expression. It was brief, but I still caught it before she gained her composure. 
“My uhh…my dad was sober for about 14 years before he passed. I know how hard it was for him in the beginning…with everyone doubting him and not giving him a chance. It’s one of the reasons he relapsed the first few times. It can be hard when you don’t have any support from the people around you. I know that…and I don’t wanna be one of those people. You haven’t given me any reason to doubt you, so I wanna make sure I’m giving you a fair shot and support you as long as you’re actively trying to better yourself. I know first-hand that people do change.”
Is she fucking serious? I couldn’t move or speak. She had stunned me again for the second day in a row. I never would have guessed she would share something so personal, especially on our first day together. She seemed sincere in her apology.   
I finally managed a curt nod before I reached to rub at the crease between my brows, “Thanks…I uhh…I appreciate that.”  I let out a small laugh, “I appreciate it more than you probably realize, actually.” 
She gave me a tentative smile, “Does that mean I’m forgiven for being an asshole then?” 
I chuckled, “Of course…and I didn’t think you were an asshole. Not really. I had a feeling you were having a bad day.”
“Whew…ok. Good. I was worried I had already fucked this whole thing up before it started.” 
Ok, it’s kind of hot when she says fuck. I smirked, “Does this mean I get to call you sweetheart now?” 
She narrowed her eyes on me and shook her head, “No. No sweetheart.” She laughed quietly, “But, I might consider a different nickname if you come up with a good one.” 
My lips spread into a cheeky smile, “I think I can come up with something.” She laughed into the top of her water bottle as she took a sip with a slight flush creeping up her neck. Am I flirting right now? I don’t even know what I’m doing. Geez. I looked away in an attempt to reign myself in. I can’t be doing that.  
We were soon back at it, now with a more relaxed atmosphere. We again started with getting my frame right. I stood in place as she moved my arms to the proper position, pushing in between my shoulder blades to straighten my posture. After several minutes in the position, I couldn’t help the groan that slipped out, “This is gonna do a number on my back muscles, isn’t it?” 
She snickered, “You will definitely have better posture by the time I’m done with you. Now, elbows up, you should have a horizontal line from elbow to elbow…and hold it there.” 
She then stood in front of me, taking in my form for a moment before manipulating my hands into the proper position. 
Smiling, she nodded in satisfaction as she stepped closer, “Ok, now let’s go over the hold. The hold is important because it’s how we connect…how our bodies communicate movement to lead and follow.” 
As she spoke, she moved closer, placing her arm along the top of my right one and clasping my left hand in hers. She was very matter of fact with her words as her eyes bore into mine. It was almost distracting. 
“I need you to make sure there’s no space between our arms…here, so keep your elbow flush against mine.” She bounced her arm against the top of my right one to emphasize what she meant. “This is an important connection point because I can feel the pressure from your arm, which will tell me how to follow. As for your left hand, keep it at my eye level. We apply pressure here as well for another connection point.”    
All I could do was nod along with her words, completely mesmerized by her intensity. Once she felt we had the hold down, she began to explain the differences in spacing for standard ballroom versus Latin dances. 
“So…in Latin style dances, we’ll have more space between us…like we are now. It gives us more room to move. We’re gonna be slightly offset from each other while maintaining this closed position. Got it?”
I nodded again as I chewed on the inside of my cheek. I wanted to look at her directly, but I couldn’t. Between her eyes burning into me and the tingling from her touch, I felt like my skin was on fire. I didn’t know what to make of it and it was sort of fucking with my head.
Then she stepped even closer, the front of our bodies nearly flush as she slightly adjusted the position of our arms. I swallowed hard over her proximity and the tangy citrus scent that was now invading my senses. Fuck. I might be in trouble. 
“For standard dances, like the Waltz and Foxtrot, we’re gonna be closer…like this. Our frame will be a little wider and our arms will be positioned slightly lower. We’ll both be looking off to our left instead of directly at each other.”   
I cleared my throat, stepping back slightly, “Sooo…umm…do we look off to the left for Latin dances?” 
Her brows arched as her eyes widened, “Good question. I should have mentioned that. There’s typically more direct eye contact in the Latin dances. It’s actually another form of connection…another way for us to communicate without words.”
She moved back into the Latin dance hold, now making direct eye contact with me. I couldn’t help how my eyes roamed over her face, taking in the minor changes in her expression as she spoke. I wasn’t sure if the close proximity of the standard hold or direct eye contact with the Latin hold was worse. They were both a little overwhelming. 
“Alright, let’s try some steps. We can start with the Rumba.” 
She broke away for a moment to show me the foot movement, then had me give it a try. After a successful attempt, she positioned us back into the Latin hold and we began moving together. Once it seemed we had the footwork down, she backed away with a smirk on her face. 
“You’re actually really good at this, you know. We do need to work on eye contact though.”
I smiled nervously as I looked down at my feet and rubbed the back of my neck, “I’m sorry…I know. Direct eye contact is a little weird for me.” I glanced up at her through my lashes, slightly embarrassed by the admission. 
She smiled and arched a brow in my direction, “Really? I never would have guessed that based on your love scenes.”
My eyes widened. I do not need to think about her watching me dick someone down on screen. Focus, Bravo. I chuckled nervously, “Yeah, I’m not usually looking directly into their eyes during those. I tend to stare between their eyebrows.” 
She gave me a sly smile now, snickering, “Oh, is that why you usually look cross eyed then?” 
My brow furrowed as I gave her a mock look of offense, “I don’t look cross eyed. That’s rude.”
She cackled over my response, “I’m joking. I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen one of your love scenes to know how your face looks.” 
I scrunched up my nose, “Ouch, ok…so you don’t watch my movies. Got it.” 
Her laugh had simmered to a quiet chuckle now as she lightly smacked my shoulder, “I’ve seen some…just not any with a love scene. So don’t be so offended. I’ve seen those TikTok videos though…they gave me a good idea of what I’m working with.”
I rolled my eyes, “Ugh…those fucking TikTok videos. They’re so bad.”  
I had to admit, it was nice to be joking around with her after all the tension that had built up from yesterday. I took it as a good sign that this might actually go ok. What I didn’t expect was the attraction that I was starting to feel as our day went on. However, the obnoxiously sized engagement ring she wore on her finger helped keep that in check every time I saw it sparkling in the light when she moved. As long as that shiny reminder was there, I would be ok... 
Next: Week 2
✨FUN FACTS: All cast members on Dancing with the Stars are in fact required to get a weekly spray tan. They also do not get to choose their partners, costumes, music, or themes. They can make recommendations obviously, but the producers do not have to honor the requests. When it comes to pairing partners, the producers do have a "formula".
A/N: I wanted to take a quick minute to welcome all of my new and old readers! So happy to have you all with me for my next adventure with Dieter Bravo. For the new folks, I'm a sucker for predictions and theories. If you have them, drop them in the comments so we can discuss. Now on to my normal nonsense...how are you guys feeling about the first chapter? How do you feel about Dieter and Kat's first couple of interactions? What about all the characters that were introduced? I'm curious to know who you want to throat punch more, Alec or Stacia? I'm already in love with these two and I can't wait to share more of them. This Dieter is...something else. I love sharing things from his point of view. He is going to be a good time, as expected. Kat is...kind of a mess, but also not? It's been interesting being in her head. How do you see things progressing with these two? Lastly, a quick thank you to @maggiemayhemnj for giving this first chapter a quick read through to make sure all these plot points were introduced in a way that made sense...because seriously, there is a lot going on here. She also found the perfect disco ball looking dividers for this...and I fucking love them. 😘 👉 I did a fun post about Dieter's plant hobby and his furry visitor. Check it out HERE. 👉 In case you missed it, I also did a character introduction post, which you can find HERE. Until next time, 💜 Mysty
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Taglist: @secretelephanttattoo @titlee78 @maggiemayhemnj @legendary-pink-dot @linzels-blog @morallyinept @survivingandenduring  @wannab-urs @harriedandharassed @hisandsnakes @misstokyo7love @readingiskeepingmegoing @runningmom94 @sin-djarin @cakipy-blog @missladym1981 @guelyury @weho2kcmo @alokaerza @girlofchaos @trulybetty @rhoorl @bitchwitch1981 @madnessofadaydreamer @darkheartgatita @jazzloveslatte @timpletance @musings-of-a-rose @samiamproductions @myloveistoolittle @for-a-longlongtime  @copperhalfcent @auteurdelabre @drewharrisonwriter @burntheedges @stevie75 @pedrostories
If you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know in the comments or shoot me a DM.
Credits: Support/MDNI Dividers: @cafekitsune Disco Divider: @deadbranch
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lovelyjj · 8 months
You know that one scene in walk to remember the play where he kisses her in the play even though it wasn’t part of it I think that would be so cute with jj and like the reactions that come with the scene honestly the whole movie expect the ending let’s skip the ending the play and the posters they make his character gives jj vibes
a walk to remember
jj maybank x reader
wc: 1.5k
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The play was going pretty smoothly. You were singing your solo. You were wearing a beautiful light blue silk dress and JJ was practically drooling. You looked so pretty like an angel sent from heaven above. And your voice alone was simply breathtaking.
JJ was watching you sing in awe. He couldn’t believe his ears or eyes for that matter. Your voice was making him feel things. As you sat down and sang the last bit of the song JJ watched you intensely.
When the song has finished JJ leaned over and placed his lips on yours. The kiss was quick and soft but you still felt butterflies erupting in your stomach. It was also extremely tender. You were very surprised that he kissed you. JJ was nervous to kiss you but when it happed it felt right. Like your lips molded perfectly together.
JJ’s chest was warm and he felt tingly throughout his body. Your heart was palpitating. Your lips were locking together. JJ’s head lingered in front of you as he looked into your eyes after the kiss and then the curtains closed.
There were a group of girls in the audience that let out a huff and rolled their eyes. Your father who was also in the audience put a hand over his mouth in surprise and concern.
After the play JJ tried his best to get you to talk to him. You were still mad at him for embarrassing you in front of his friends.
JJ was at the lockers with his friend group when you asked him if you’ll see him after school to practice for the play. His response was “in your dreams.” His friends all laughed. You embarrassed nodded your head and walked away.
You weren’t ready to forgive him just yet. JJ made multiple attempts to try and talk to you but you shut him down each time. It wasn’t till he showed up at your house with a gift for you that you started to think maybe he really was sorry.
The evening air was nice so you decided to sit on the porch and read. What you didn’t expect was for JJ to be walking up your porch steps with a bag in his hand.
“You,” you stated.
“Me,” JJ responded.
JJ pushed the bag out in front of you and you asked, “What is it?”
“I got you something,” JJ spoke as he handed you the bag.
“Thank you.”
“I’ll see you at school,” JJ said goodbye.
As JJ walked away you opened your present. It was a necklace with a shark tooth hanging from it. It looked like he made it. It was a purple rope with a shark tooth charm. You assumed it was real.
JJ was halfway down the porch steps when your father came outside.
“Mr. Maybank,” your father called.
“See you later, Mr. Y/L/N,” JJ responded.
Your father walked over to your place on the bench and sat down. JJ had driven away.
“That boy is bad news,” he stated.
“Dad,” you whined.
“No y/n I’m serious. Boys like that have… they have expectations.”
“Ok and?” you replied.
“Listen. I just want you to be careful.” Your dad warned.
“Dad it’s just a necklace.”
Your dad nodded his head but looked like he was deep in thought. You told him you were going inside. You went in your room to put on the necklace, feeling happy.
At school a few days later you were walking down the hall when JJ’s ex girlfriend came up to you.
“Y/N, Hi,” she greeted.
“Hi,” you responded.
“Listen, I just want you to know, no hard feelings. JJ and I are way over.” She explained.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” you confessed.
She nodded then said, “Y/N. You’d be so beautiful if you knew how to do your makeup.”
“Come on, eat lunch with me,” she insisted.
You walked into the lunch room with her but you couldn’t help but notice everyone laughing.
“Wow. Is that you?” she asked holding a piece of paper.
It was a picture of your face on another woman’s body in a bikini. The picture had the words “virgin mary” on it.
“Nice bod,” JJ’s ex girlfriend teased.
You were horrified. Everyone was laughing at you! Your breathing started to become small and shallow as well as short. Everyone was looking at the poster or you and it made your skin crawl.
You turned around to run away but you were met with a hard chest.
“Whoa. Whoa, Whoa, whoa.”
“Look, this is about me, ok?” JJ reassured.
“This is not you.” He explained.
“Stay here,” JJ soothed.
JJ grabbed the poster out of his ex girlfriend’s hand and walked up to one of his friends.
“Hey, man. No wonder you been keepin’ her locked up, man. I had no idea that this was underneath all that.” His friend laughed.
JJ shoved him. Then JJ punched him.
“We’re through!” Dean shouted.
“That’s great,” JJ responded.
“We are through forever!”
JJ walked over to you and cupped your face with his hands on ether side of your face.
“Are you ok?” JJ asked.
You nodded.
“You made a mistake JJ,” Dean yelled.
“You sure? Let’s get the hell out of here.” JJ insisted.
Once you got out of the school and outside JJ was very attentive.
“Baby, Baby, I’m sorry.” JJ apologized.
“Ok? They’re animals all right?” JJ expressed.
“You want me to take you home?”
You nodded your head trying to wish away the tears in your eyes that were tempting to slip down your cheek.
“alright let’s get out of here,” JJ soothed.
When you finally arrived at your house you and JJ were parked right outside sitting in the car.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” JJ fussed over you.
“Mm-hmm. Im fine. Thank you for everything.”
“Oh, you’re welcome.”
“Hey… Um… I wanna a-ask you something.” JJ stuttered.
“Will you go out with me? On Saturday night?”
“I’d love to,” you said enthusiastically.
JJ took you to a nice fancy outside restaurant. You were wearing a pretty blue dress with white flowers on it, with a white sweater. JJ noticed how you were also wearing the necklace he gave you. That made him proud and happy.
“Are you sure this is ok? This place is really nice,” you were worried that he was straining his wallet.
“Yes it’s fine get whatever you want,” JJ smiled.
After looking over the menu and ordering sweet teas you looked over and saw a few old couples dancing. This made you want to dance with your date. You waited till after your meal to ask JJ.
“Would you like to dance?” You asked after the waiter took your plates.
“Um sorry, I don’t dance.”
“Me neither. I mean… not usually in front of anybody,” you explained.
“Well no, I mean, I… I don’t at all. As in, I can’t.” JJ responded.
“Everybody can dance. Come on, you can’t be that bad.”
“Please?” you begged.
“For me?” you asked.
“Come on.”
JJ caved. He caved because he would do anything to make you happy. He would do anything for you and anything to see you smile. The two of you went on the stage and slow danced.
You laughed at JJ as he stepped in your toes. The closeness of the dance made your cheeks turn pink.
“So what are your dreams?” You asked.
“Hmm my dreams, maybe get out of OBX, go to Yucatán, surf all day.” JJ smiled.
“What are yours?” JJ questioned.
“Let’s see. Read a lot of books, travel the world, I want to be more confident, get a degree, ya know the same ambitions as everyone else.” You listed.
“Those are good ones,” JJ complimented.
“Yours at good too,” you added.
You and JJ fell into conversation about anything and everything as you danced. There were lights around the stage that added to the atmosphere.
After you were done dancing JJ drove you to the pier. He parked in a parking spot that overlooked the ocean. Then he got out temporarily tattoos.
“Okay butterfly, rosebud or star?” JJ asked.
“You choose,” you responded.
“Butterfly,” JJ chose.
“So… where do you want it?” JJ questioned.
“Right here,” you said as you pulled your dress sleeve down and shoved your shoulder forward to give access to the back of it.
JJ used a wet rag to place the tattoo on the back of your shoulder. Then when it was done and revealed a beautiful dark butterfly he blew on it for it to dry. You loved it.
Then the two of you started to walk around the pier. It was dark, but you enjoyed the night air as you walked and talked.
“I might kiss you,” JJ announced.
“I might be bad at it,” you worried.
“That’s not possible,” JJ reassured.
JJ kissed you with passion. The kiss was soft and gentle but you felt sparks. Your lips locked together in a heated kiss. It didn’t last too long but it was long enough for your stomach to flip. The night ended with JJ confessing his love for you. And you thought maybe just maybe you could love him back.
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I’ve stayed quiet with most things Lukola mainly because I’ve just been so busy and haven’t had much time for Tumblr blogging.
Here’s my overall thoughts and in not any particular order because they’re all jumbled anyway.
1. I don’t think N and L have ever been “together”. I’ve seen a few people say they think they dated at some point during filming but I don’t think they would have. Should they? Yeah. Will they? I’m so so hopeful. But if there are feelings (which I do believe there were during filming and are currently) I think they would choose to not be together because of working together and their friendship because that shit gets messy if it goes sour.
2. All of the little nuggets N left is throughout this weekend were INSANE and absolutely UNHINGED. I’ve heard some things that there was maybe a bridgerton table read but I have no evidence that happened. I have a hard time believing they’re not about L because who else would it really be about. I know N is really private but I feel like we’d have some other clues if it was someone else.
3. I do believe L and A are over. If they even began. That whole thing. I don’t want to speculate over any of it really so I’ll just go off my impression from the images I’ve seen. All pictures I’ve seen A has looked really wanting to cling and making it seem forceful whereas L has always looked miserable. The pap pictures. The GQ pictures. The vacation pictures. All of it she’s there smiling and he looks like he’d rather be anywhere else in the world. L has also never posted about her or made any claim that they were an official couple. So I’m assuming there wasn’t ever any labels put on it by the two of them but what do I know. It seemed like Italy sent something off the rails and I think things ended.
4. The only thing that has me hesitant about all of N’s recent posts being about L is that it’s so soon after Italy went down. I’m not a relationship guru but if I were N I’d be putting on the brakes and not diving headfirst but if I also finally realized I loved this guy I don’t know maybe I’d be that unhinged too. The timeframe is the only thing that’s keeping me from being like yeah it’s absolutely 100% about L.
5. I’m really interested to see what happens the more we get closer to season 4. I think N will feed us some selfies from set but just like for season 3 there will be a drought. And with all of the negativity thrown at L I don’t think they’d put themselves into a media frenzy if they go public.
6. I’ve seen a lot of people hating on Lukola fans because they think we’re delusional and I say who cares lol. You cannot watch all of the promo they did for season 3 and honestly think that’s just a platonic friendship. If anyone has ever had feelings for a really good friend you’ll know how it comes across. I’ve never seen promo like that EVER. For me it’s fun to think of them ending up together because I’m a romantic at heart. You can tell they love each other whether it’s just friendly or not. I do try to not speculate but I can’t help but do it and I usually don’t ship actors. I love them individually and I would love them as a couple but I also love if it’s just friendship too.
Feel free to send asks. I love talking Lukola lol
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
helloo! could you write high school wandanat x reader where they’re enemies to lovers? wandanat are already a couple. wandanat and r are part of different friend groups in school, and there’s a lot of tension between the two groups, maybe because of a past event. wandanat and r have a class together and are put in a group, forcing them to work together and spend time with each other. eventually the 3 start to become friends, and end up falling for each other
Group project
Summary: Proximity warms hearts.
Pairing: WandaNat x female!reader
Warnings: everyone is a bit mean, cursing, a bit steamy in the end I suppose
Word count: 3186
a/n: I’m sorry I’m not very good at writing enemies to lovers, so I don’t really know what this is
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
All parts: part 1, part 2
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“Why are they staring at us?” Kate mumbles as she shoves food into her mouth. “They are like, obsessed or something.”
Y/N glances to the direction Kate is staring at. It’s the popular table. No one really understands what their deal is, they just don’t like people who aren’t part of their group. No one knows if they just think they’re better than everyone or if something happened. But at the end of the day, pretty much all the groups are like that.
“I don’t know.” Y/N shrugs, turning back to her lunch. “You look kinda obsessed with them right now.”
Kate looks at Y/N with her mouth open and brows raised. “I am not.”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles with a slight smile.
“I am not!”
Taking a bite out of her food, Y/N nods slowly, not looking at Kate, but still knowing what kind of look she has in her face. “I heard you.”
Kate humphs, annoyed by the grin on Y/N’s face. She stabs her food and eats as angrily as she can, just to show Y/N the level of annoyance she is at. However, all this just amuses her even more.
“So, you’ll be doing the project with me that Ms Harkness said we’ll do, right?”
“I don’t know anymore.” Kate shrugs. “Maybe I’ll do it with Yelena.”
“Oh, come on. You hate doing school work with Yelena.”
“The only thing she does is slack off.” Dropping her fork to the empty plate, Kate turns to look at Y/N. “I’m doing it with you.”
“Listen up, students!” Ms Harkness claps her hands, quietening down the classroom. “We are trying something different today. I’m going to assign your project’s groups.” The whole class starts groaning and whining, all of them having made plans with their friends already. “I know, I know. This is the ends of the world for you. Anyways,” she takes out a list, “I have the groups written here, so listen closely.”
As Ms Harkness lists off the groups, the students start moving into said groups. The more time goes on without her saying Y/N or Kate’s name, they get excited as the possibility of them being in the same group grows every second.
“Next group. Kate Bishop…” Kate and Y/N’s ears perk up, both waiting anxiously for the latter’s name to appear. “Yelena Belova and Gwen Stacy.”
The two deflate, sending each other disappointed looks before Kate moves from the desk next to Y/N. She looks around the classroom, trying to see which students are still without a group. When she notices everyone but two people with their own groups, her eyes widen.
“And last but not least, Wanda Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff and Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Shit.” She whispers to herself. With her luck, of course she gets paired up with the couple. Y/N sees them sitting on the dow in front of her, unmoving, so she grabs her bag and makes her way over to them.
She moves a desk bit closer to them, but far enough so it doesn’t touch either of their desks, and sits down. “Now that all of you have your groups, pick a subject and start working on the project. We’ll be doing it this whole class, but after that it’s a thing you have to do on your own time.” Everyone starts groaning again. “I know, I’m horrible. Start working.”
Before Y/N can even think about saying something, Wanda opens her mouth. “We already decided the topic to be how AI was doomed from the start, because they learn from biased people.”
“Okay.” Y/N mumbles. “Uhm, what should I do?”
Natasha shrugs, opening her laptop. “Just look some info on AI. Shouldn’t be too difficult.”
Nodding silently, Y/N opens her laptop and starts searching any kind of information on AI and its future. She stays quiet the whole class, not finding any openings in Natasha and Wanda’s conversation.
When the class ends, Y/N’s mood is on the floor. She is not feeling good about the project. “We’re going to our dorm after school ends to work on the project, so see you there, I guess.” Wanda says as she puts her things in her bag.
“Where is your dorm?”
Natasha sighs. “Building B, fourth floor, dorm number 405.” She tells in a quick manner, leaving immediately after.
Y/N looks after them with a dumbfounded look until Kate comes up behind her, wrapping her arms around her neck. “How’d it go?”
Yelena walks to them, laughing mockingly at Y/N’s misfortune. “Our project is going great.”
“That’s because you didn’t do anything.” Kate frowns, letting go of Y/N’s neck only to lock their arms together. “Me and Gwen did all the work so far. Your contribution was whining.”
Yelena shrugs, following the two as they start walking to their next class. The three are tight together, though out of the two Kate and Y/N are clearly like sisters, because while Yelena has other friends, the pair have stuck together their whole life.
Y/N giggles quietly at their squabbling. They never seemed to agree on anything, but that was just their way of showing that they care about each other.
“Well, at least I don’t have Yelena on my group.”
Scoffing, Yelena punches Y/N’s side lightly.
Standing in front of the dorm room 405, Y/N takes a deep breath. She’s holding one of her fists up in the air, ready to knock. Music can be heard through the door. Wanda and Natasha are already there.
She knocks.
The music quietens down and Wanda opens the door. She says nothing when she sees Y/N, only widens the gap so she can step inside.
“Hi.” Y/N mumbles, almost too quiet for the two to hear. She looks around the room. The two single beds have been pushed together to form one big bed to the left side. There’s a bookcase on the end of it and two desks against the opposite wall.
The floor is neat, it only has a rug on it, but the walls are full of decorations. There’s pictures of people from the school and celebrities, posters of different movies and artists, even some vinyls are pinned to them.
Y/N clears her throat as Wanda goes back to sitting by the desk, right next to Natasha. “Cool room.”
Natasha nods in acknowledgment. Wanda did most of the decorating, but she likes it too. “We don’t have any more chairs, so, like sit on the floor or something.”
Too tired to fight against it, Y/N sits on the floor and takes out her things. “Me and Nat already started on our slides, we thought it’d be best to just do them individually.”
And so, they start working on the project. Like during the class, Wanda and Natasha discuss points together, while Y/N stays quiet and does her own thing. It’s uncomfortable, but she’s not about to start a conversation with the two.
It goes like this for the next three meetings.
Y/N’s head is laying on the cafeteria table. She’s not feeling too good and the loud conversation going on isn’t helping at all. “Shut up.” The words come out more quiet than she wanted to.
Someone’s hand goes to her neck. “You’re really hot.” Kate frowns.
Kate groans and Yelena laughs. With a roll of her eyes, Kate ignores the comment. “I’m serious. Should you even be in school right now?”
“I can’t miss anything, plus I have to go work on the project today.”
“Can’t you skip this one time? I’m sure they won’t mind.” Kate’s hand goes to lay on Y/N’s back, rubbing it softly to bring some comfort.
Y/N scoffs. “Have you seen how they look at me? They’d kill me if I didn’t show up.”
“Well,” Kate cringes, “yeah. Probably.”
“Why do you care?” Yelena speaks up. “You’re a hard worker. You deserve a break, especially when you’re sick.”
“I don’t have time to be sick. Gotta keep my grades high.”
Yelena shakes her head. “You’re crazy.” She mumbles, going back to her lunch.
Once again, Y/N is knocking on Wanda and Natasha’s door. Her nose is stuffed and there’s loud bounding in her head, but she tries her best to ignore it.
Natasha opens the door and lets her in before going back to her seat. It’s the same as it has always been, Natasha and Wanda sitting beside their desks, while Y/N is on the floor.
Y/N isn’t sure if time is moving fast or slow, or if it’s moving at all. She feels like she has been writing forever, but the small clock on the bottom of her laptop screen hasn’t moved in ages. The conversation going on between Natasha and Wanda is muffled. It sounds like they’re much further away than they truly are.
She has been breathing through her mouth for some time, as her nose isn’t letting any air through. Leaning her head against her open palm, Y/N closes her eyes, just for a moment.
“Y/N?” Someone is shaking her shoulder. They’re doing it gently, but to Y/N it feels like her whole body is going through turmoil. “Did you fall asleep?”
Opening her eyes, Y/N sees Wanda in front of her. “Uhm,” she looks around the surroundings, catching up her brain on what’s going on, “no?” She mumbles.
Natasha furrows her brows together. She’s still sitting on her chair, but her attention is fully on Y/N. “Are you okay?”
“I am, yes, sorry.” Lifting up her head, Y/N shakes it to wake herself up. “Sorry.”
The back of Wanda’s hand goes to lay on Y/N’s forehead. It should be surprising, but her brain is too foggy to register it. “I think she’s sick.” Wanda turns to look at Natasha, talking to her rather than half awake Y/N. “Like really sick.”
“Do we have a thermostat?” Natasha mumbles, going to look for one in their bathroom. As she finds it, she brings it to Wanda and crouches down next to her.
Wanda presses on Y/N’s jaw to open her mouth and stick the thermostat under her tongue. Y/N grumbles at the feeling of it, but lets it be there.
When the thermostat beeps, Wanda takes it out, frowning at the number on it. “She has a fever.”
“I’m fine, you guys.” Y/N rubs her forehead, hoping it’ll lessen some of the pressure. “Lets keep working on the project.”
“No.” Natasha glances at the laptop screen, it’s showing the project’s slide show. “You have spelled every other word incorrectly.”
Humming, Y/N squints her eyes to look at the small words on the screen. She frowns as the words don’t come any clearer, realizing she must be sicker than she thought.
“What are we supposed to do?”
“Where are your friends?”
“Kate and Yelena are working on their project in the library in town, I think.” Y/N starts coughing. It racks up her whole body and hurts her throat. She misses the way Natasha and Wanda look at each other.
Wanda helps Y/N up while Natasha cleans up her things. She brings her to their bed, moving the cover so she’s laying under it. “Go to sleep.” She mumbles.
Natasha and Wanda stay by the bed next to Y/N until evening, when Kate comes knocking on their door, worried when Y/N still hasn’t come back to their dorm.
Over a week goes by, during which Y/N heals properly and starts working on the project again. However, after being sick, Natasha and Wanda have started to sit on the floor with Y/N, and even engage in conversations with her.
Now that her mind wasn’t so foggy, she started to notice the little things. Sometimes the couple looked at each other with a certain look when they were with her, it wasn’t bad, so to say, but Y/N doesn’t know what it is. And sometimes their eyes linger on her just a bit too long for it to be considered normal.
Although, all these things make her wonder what it all means, she ignores it all. Or at least tries to.
“Hey, Y/N.” Wanda’s hand sets on Y/N’s shoulder
Kate’s eyes are wide as she watches Y/N turn to Wanda and Natasha. “Yup?” It feels weird to have someone like Wanda touch her, still, she puts on her best smile and tries not to reveal how tense she is.
“We though we should finish the project today, so we can have the weekend free. Is that okay?”
It’s the first time they ask her opinion on their plans.
Natasha smiles, grabbing Wanda’s hand. “Great, see you later.” The two walk away.
Kate stares at Y/N with an open mouth. She leans closer to her to whisper yell. “They totally have the hots for you!” She laughs quietly, so the other people in the library wouldn’t hear her.
“What?” Y/N’s brows scrunch together as her whole face turns into a grimace. “No they don’t! Are you crazy?”
“Oh, come on. Did you not see they way they were looking at you?” Kate gasps, looking at the book she is currently in the middle of. “This is the perfect lesbian, enemies to lovers story!”
“No, Kate, I’m not in one of your spicy sapphic books.”
Kate raises her brows, glancing at the cover of her book. “You could be.” She mumbles with a shrug. She is pretty sure Y/N looks just like one of the main characters on the book cover, but she denies it every time. Glancing at the clock, she grins. “You better go get ready to go to their dorm and have hot, hot sex with them.” Kate whispers the last part of the sentence.
Y/N stands up with a huff. “I am not going to have hot sex with them!” She says it just a bit too loudly, making someone on the next table turn to look at them. “I’m not having sex with anyone!” Grabbing her bag, Y/N walks out of the library while Kate giggles after her.
Natasha opens the door with a small grin. “Come on in.” Y/N smiles and steps in, sitting to the floor where Wanda is already. She takes out her laptop, getting it ready for working. Natasha sits right next to her, which makes Y/N freeze momentarily.
“Do you usually work even when you’re sick?” Wanda asks suddenly. They haven’t really discussed what happened that day yet, not that Y/N really wanted to talk about it. She’s still mortified that happened. She nods quietly, making Wanda frown. “You really shouldn’t.”
Y/N shrugs. “It’s fine.”
“No.” Wanda says quite assertively. “Don’t do it again.”
“Oh, okay..” Y/N doesn’t know why Wanda is being so…worried, she also doesn’t know why she is agreeing with her. She misses the shared smirk between Wanda and Natasha, turning to her work instead, so she could escape the overwhelming feeling.
They start working on the project, only having two slides left to do. They swap ideas and talk through their points. Y/N actually feels good with them. They’re nice now that they are including her.
It only takes them thirty minutes to finish the project, mostly because Natasha and Wanda hurried it for some reason.
“So,” Wanda starts as they pack away their things, “do you want to stay here for a while?”
Tilting her head, Y/N closes her bag. “Do you want me to stay?” Her question comes out very doubtful.
“Of course, детка.” Natasha’s voice is right by her ear, it makes Y/N shiver. “Why are you so nervous?” She can hear the teasing tone behind her words. Natasha’s hand goes to Y/N’s back, just staying there innocently, though it feels anything but.
Before she can answer, Wanda moves closer to put her hand on Y/N’s bare knee. “You don’t have to be nervous with us, you know that, right?” Her thumb rubs it lightly, happy that Y/N decided to wear a short skirt today.
“Right.” Mumbling, Y/N stares at the hand on her knee intensely. The touch makes her skin feel hot and tingly.
Wanda’s hand travel up to her hip, while Natasha’s goes under Y/N’s shirt. Natasha’s cold hand makes her gasp quietly.
“Can I kiss you?” Wanda’s voice is breathy and sultry.
“I guess.” Y/N’s voice is quiet and anxious, her mind is going everywhere at once and she still isn’t 100% sure if this all is actually happening.
Tutting, Wanda shakes her head. “It’s a yes or no question, sweetheart.”
Wanda grins. “Good girl.” Her hand goes to Y/N’s neck, pulling her closer to kiss her. It’s soft, but still dominant on Wanda’s side. Natasha starts nipping Y/N neck gently, now moving both of her hands up her shirt.
“Holy shit.” Y/N mumbles when Wanda’s mouth moves from her lips down to her collarbone.
Seeing the opening, Natasha combs her fingers through her hair, gripping it and pulling her head back. She smirks at Y/N’s expression before taking her turn in kissing her. Natasha’s lips are more rough, but it still feels out of this world.
When Natasha pulls away, one of her hands go to rest on Y/N’s throat, while the other wraps around her waist and pulls her close, so Y/N’s back is against her chest.
“Fuck.” Natasha grumbles. “You are so hot.”
All the attention on her is making Y/N feel extremely warm. Her breathing is ragged as Wanda’s hands go under her shirt and up her chest. “We like to be a bit rough, but you don’t mind that, do you?” Wanda looks at Y/N with a grin, holding eye contact with her.
“I don’t mind.”
“Good.” With that, Wanda rips Y/N’s shirt open.
“You had hot sex with them!” Kate squeals right as Y/N steps inside their dorm. “I knew it.” Y/N shushes her, slamming the door closed so no one in the hallway could hear her. “I can’t even be mad at them anymore. Are you like, theirs now?”
“I’m no ones.”
Kate stares at the hickeys littered all over Y/N’s neck and the hoodie, that definitely isn’t hers. “They definitely think you are.” She can’t even keep her giggles in as Y/N shuffles over to her bed, tired by what happened. “They really did a number on you.”
With a loud groan, Y/N throws her pillow blindly towards Kate, who dodges it easily.
“I can’t wait to tell Yelena.”
“Don’t you dare!” But it’s no use, Kate is already out the door.
Y/N sighs, laying her head to the, now pillow-less, mattress. Closing her eyes, she lets a giddy smile come over her face.
She’s definitely theirs now.
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yisony07 · 2 months
Wolfed Love
This story is very different from what I usually do. I haven't given up on the mask or ghost stories yet, but I wanted to try something different. Hope you like it!! 🤎🤎🤎
The aroma of coffee alerted the redhead Marcus Anderson that the coffee maker had finished brewing the coffee, so he stood up from the couch and, as he headed to the kitchen, he took the opportunity to close the curtains and thus prevent the bloody light of the evening sun from coming in, giving the house a somewhat cold and quiet atmosphere. The only noise that could be heard was that of the washer-dryer, which had been running since Marcus had arrived a few hours ago.
Marcus arrived in the kitchen, turned off the stove and poured two cups of coffee. Then, he threw in a couple of sugar cubes and a little cream and took them to the table in front of the couch where he had been sitting. The redhead looked at the wall clock and a worried sigh came out of his lips before he began to shake his leg out of anxiety.
At that moment, the door opened and a black-haired man, of the same build as Marcus, dressed in a suit and tie and somewhat sweaty and tired, entered the room. Marcus noticed his lost gaze and slumped shoulders as well. As soon as he entered, Marcus stood up and approached him to give him a kiss on the lips, which the newcomer immediately returned.
“Hey, Mark-baby,” the black-haired man said and turned his tired gaze to Marcus.
“Hey, Oliver,” Marcus replied and took Oliver’s hand to lead him to the couch. “Tough day, huh?”
“It was horrible!” Oliver said and unbuttoned his shirt.
“Well… I made us some coffee, maybe that will relax you a little.”
“You know me well,” Oliver said, followed by a giggle. Then, the couple sat on the couch and began to drink their cups of coffee.
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Oliver and Marcus had met a long time ago when they were working at a call center. Despite being a very well-paid job, it was stressful because of the variety of people they had to deal with. Oliver was very friendly, but had little patience, and found it difficult to contain himself when he got upset; Marcus was calmer, although he couldn't handle angry or shouting callers, and would quickly hang up. Their ways differed markedly, and yet they both found mutual relief in being able to make fun of their most atrocious experiences.
Over time, they both left work to pursue something else, but their friendship not only persisted, but grew stronger, transforming into something deeper. That connection was what led them to make the decision to live together. Marcus had been luckier than Oliver, as he was self-employed, while Oliver had an office job as stressful as the sitcoms they watched together made it seem.
The couple enjoyed coffee as Oliver unburdened himself by telling his story about his day.
“And just when I was supposed to leave, the HR guy told me I had to fix my documents… I thought I had made a mistake…” Oliver said and took another sip from his cup, “and it turned out he didn’t understand the Excel template, I wasted all that time explaining it to him! And so, that’s why I arrived at this time.”
“Hehe, such an idiot.”
“I thought I heard the boss say that they are going to change it… but in the meantime, we have to put up with it.”
“Is it your turn to go tomorrow?”
“No, the boss is going on vacation and my department depends on him, so I’ll be free this week.”
“Excellent! We could plan the trip to that hot…” Marcus stopped when he heard an alarm. “The laundry is already ready… I’ll take care of it and fold it before bed, okay?”
“In that case, I’ll wash the dishes.”
Marcus gave Oliver another kiss before getting up and going to the room where they kept the washing machine. As he crossed the hall, he noticed that it was already dark, with the full moon shining brightly over the dark sky. Upon reaching the washer-dryer, Marcus placed the clothes in a basket and left them in the room where they slept. He returned to Oliver in the kitchen, who had taken off his shirt, leaving him only in his white t-shirt. Marcus approached him, hugged him from behind, placing kisses on his neck.
“Particularly affectionate, huh?” Oliver commented.
“To see if it helps your mood…” Marcus replied, and once Oliver finished with the dishes, they both made dinner and ate, and soon they were already in their room, with the curtains open, where they both began to fold the clothes.
“You could sleep, I could dedicate myself to this alone,” Marcus said, taking a pair of pants and folding them.
“But I couldn't, you know I like the spoon position and I understand that it takes two, right?” Oliver answered, picking up and folding t-shirts at a remarkably fast speed.
“There’s your pillow.”
“You’re my pillow.”
As they took out the clothes, they folded them before stacking them according to their type: underwear and socks, then t-shirts, shirts, pants… Marcus thought they had finished when, as he put his hand in the basket for the last time, he came across a woolly surface that he couldn’t recognize and found extremely strange.
“Huh? W-what is this?” Marcus asked as he picked up the object that was inside. Great was his surprise when, upon taking it out, he found a wolf mask.
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“Wow! That’s cool,” Oliver exclaimed without thinking, noticing the dark grey fabric the mask was made of, with holes for the eyes. Marcus tilted it a little further and it fell off, revealing another similar mask, only made of brown fabric. Oliver picked up the greyish mask.
Only one question invaded the couple’s minds: Where had those two masks come from?
“It’s amazing!” Oliver said, admiring the mask, looking at those holes where the eyes of whoever could see it would be as if he was also looking back at him. “And it feels really soft…” he added, wanting to try it immediately. He already felt the fabric brushing his forehead when Marcus stopped him.
“Wait! We don’t even know where they came from! Or did you buy them?”
“No, I would have told you,” Oliver replied immediately, somewhat discouraged by Marcus’ reaction.
“Well, I don’t know if it would be a good idea to put them on now,” Marcus replied, leaving the mask he was holding on the basket.
“Come on, Mark, what’s the worst that can happen?” and with that said, Oliver put the mask on.
With a sigh of resignation, Marcus put the mask on. It felt surprisingly comfortable: the fabric offered a soft, warm hug to his skin and the position of the wolfish eyes, nose, and mouth matched those of his face. It felt good… strangely good.
“Well, I guess we could take them off to go to sleep…” Marcus said and glanced at Oliver, who, with his mouth half open, stared intently out the window, the moonlight reflecting in his eyes. “Olie…?”
“Why don’t we go outside? The moon looks interesting…” Oliver said in a tone that was strange to Marcus, as it was slower than usual.
“Oliver, what’s wrong?” Marcus asked, but Oliver grabbed him and pulled him along with unusual strength.
Marcus tried to get away as best he could, but to his surprise and confusion, it was difficult, not so much because he didn't have enough strength to break free, but because his arms didn't seem to respond to his commands. As they continued walking, Marcus wanted to break free, but his hands were involuntarily under Oliver's grip, so in a matter of minutes they were both outside the house, covered under an immense dark sky. The couple continued walking until Oliver released Marcus in a clearing in the forest surrounding their home.
When Oliver looked up at the sky, he noticed that the moon was covered by clouds, so he was unable to appreciate its splendor. Marcus, for his part, was still confused, with chills seeing his partner act so strangely after putting on the masks.
“Uh... Oliver? I think we should take this off and investigate later...” Marcus said, watching him.
Oliver looked away at Marcus's eyes. “But it’s so comfortable!” he protested.
“But still… I’m a little nervous about all this… please,” he pleaded.
Oliver sighed in defeat. “Okay, okay…”
He brought his hands up to his head to pull the mask off. After a few tries, however, he gave up.
“Uh… Marcus? I can’t get it off,” Oliver said, “It’s stuck.”
“How?” Marcus asked, squinting, and he tried to take off the mask too, but couldn’t. It was like it was stuck to his body like it refused to leave his head.
At that moment, the dark clouds covering the moon moved, allowing it to shine unhindered. Both Marcus and Oliver then felt their arms grow heavier than usual and involuntarily stopped pulling. Quickly, they both felt the mask sticking more and more to their skin. Their breathing became labored. Oliver fell to the ground while Marcus grabbed onto a nearby tree.
With a *crack*, both men's shirts were torn as their torsos and muscle mass grew rapidly. Little by little, a bunch of hair sprouted from every inch of their skin: brown for Marcus and black for Oliver. Marcus panted and staggered as his skin was covered, while Oliver was calmer on the ground, not resisting. Fangs replaced their teeth, claws replaced their nails, their ears were hidden under the mask's ears, which took on a realistic texture, their noses and lips were replaced by the mask, which had fused to them, and little by little human words and ideas stopped making sense to them.
Within minutes, they both lay still. When Oliver tried to say something, a growl came from his lips, although Marcus seemed to understand it, and went to help him up. The couple had become werewolves, but any concern was overtaken by a longing to run through the forest, feel the airflow through their fur, and be bathed in the moonlight. They may not be able to communicate through words, but the growls were enough to understand each other. Marcus and Oliver ran through the forest during the night, to explore their abilities, and to enjoy their new possibilities together.
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Commoner foreign exchange student that is penpal/long time friend with Haruhi is a good consept
And what's more thinking of reader is from the country side where they from so they used to do manual labor and hard working
Meeting the host club would be a lot of them and what's more utter confusion of it but just roll with it
Country Side Reader | Yandere Ouran Highschool Host Club
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Like the thought of you just being low-key, relaxed 24/7, and uber-friendly is so hot
Haruhi has you during your exchange program and you both are pumped
But then she’s like ‘sorry can’t hang I have debt’ 
And you’re like ‘it’s cool I’ll help’ 
So she arrives to the host club with you in tow and their just befuddle
“Everyone, (Y/n) (L/n). (Y/n), everyone.”
“Hai Hai!”
The great thing is everyone thinks your cute
But their such sheltered rich kids that they don’t know what you're saying for a while
Your dialect is so different from theirs
Immediately you and Mori-Senpai hit it off
Whether its because he’s just more desperate to talk to you
Or he has some experience with living there
“Ah, Mori-Senpai how’re ya today?”
“Good. Did you finish your assignments from class?”
“Yeah yeah sure takes quicker than ma’ usual routine!”
Honey is  next 
“You talk funny!”
“Ack Honey-senpai! You can’t say that!”
“S’alright I get it.”
He’s not mean about it and he gets better at understanding you with time
Unfortunately, the thing with those two is that they start hogging all your attention
Kyoya being Kyoya decides to put your energy towards something someone else
Eventually finding out you have Honey-levels of strength
No matter your stature 
Tons are easy for you
And at their beck and call you can easily carry Tamaki who might be busy whining somewhere
Then comes the princess energy for Tamaki
“It’s a’right I’ll carry ya!”
Carry him once in bridal style and he’s now the princess
He loves it 
The Hitachiin Twins also love you 
They can convince you of a lot of things 
“You’ve got to be more skeptical, (Y/n)!”
“Yeah, you keep this up someone might come and snatch you away.”
“Well I din’t think it bad ta trust ma friends.”
“You’re right it’s not bad, (Y/n).”
“Yeah you can trust us!”
When you start saying goodbye and giving goodbye gifts they all get real snappy
Not with you but with everyone else
“You’ll have to excuse us (Y/n), it’s just that…we will all miss you terribly.”
“Awww it’s not for’ver though.”
“No, it won’t be.”
They’ve got connections and they're pulling strings
“Yay! Isn’t it great!? We get to spend some more time together! Maybe you can stay with me and Takashi!”
“Come on! (Y/n), stay with us…” “We have way better sleepovers.”
“No! Stay with me! (Y/n), please? If you want I can try carrying you this time!”
“Such fuss. I’ve already arranged a reserved room in one of the Ootori resorts. I’ll happily accompany you then.”
“Guys don’t overwhelm them! They’ll be staying with obviously.”
“But your house is barely large enough to stretch your legs out!” 
“Anywhere’s fine tho.”
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