gatheredfates · 4 months
For the relationship ask thing: Kor & Alphinaud!
Have your followers send you NPCs and you describe your OC's feelings/relationship to that NPC! I have nothing to say except I went insane.
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He is just a child.
She reminded herself of this fact through gnashed teeth and folded arms; he is just a child, he does not deserve your ire.
But Kor was very tired of children. She had only recently interred one to the sea — to the crabs, the fish and the three-day rot — and the arrogant intervention wore thin in the repetitive belief that Alphinaud knew better simply because he was the prodigal grandson of a man who gave his life to Eorzea. He intermingled with the potentate, both of city-states and non, and she watched with loosely contained annoyance how he prattled on.
But she watched. That was one thing the Captain was good at, she supposed — watching. Guarding. He monopolised it with lazy gestures and self-assured smiles, and she fell easily into the role of dog to its master. Not because she respected him exactly, but because it was all she knew. Because she couldn't be better.
Should she have said something? Should she have intervened? She saw the way they looked at him like he was a thing to be used, a stepping-stone to their aspirations, armies and Warrior of Light. When Ilberd glanced to her she could see intention in the edges of his easy smile, "Daughter of Ala Mhigo, don't you see the opportunity?"
If looks could kill she'd encase him in the amber of her eyes, right at the juncture where equitable manner bordered on ridicule.
Why didn't she? Because the last time she had said something, the last time she tried to intervene, it only sent the child running.
Right into the jaws of the deep.
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He is just a child. He was tired. Alphinaud doesn't complain (perhaps he knew better the limits of her patience), but she could see the weariness in his eyes — exhaustion hugging the corners, hoping to fuse with the rest of the cold truths.
And they were cold. Not just of the temperature, for Ishgard was abysmally frigid, but of the loss of their comrades and the fall of their station; how their pedigree had diminished to the kindness of an foreign nation determined to arise from the ice, even if their sanctuary to accused murders might isolate them all over again.
Or heresy. Koret thought herself more superstitious than religious, though maybe it was all the same in the end. An offering to a deity, a prayer for good luck (give Llymlaen a Dagger just so she can throw it at the bastard again), click your heels three times or whatever-the-fuck. She wasn't praying to anyone when she rescued Tataru and he from the Tribunal. She only knew outrage and the acrid taste of bile in the back of her throat at the thought she could lose them too.
"Are you alright?" It was the first time she reached for him since the banquet, her fingers just a little too tight on the groove of his shoulder. Kor hadn't even thought about it, so natural was the movement, but when he jumped and fixed his gaze to her, she immediately knew her misstep.
"...I am fine, my friend," he answered, and before she could whip her hand away he had laid his own atop of it. They stood there for a far too long in their strange silence until Kor thought to squeeze once and finally relinquish her hold. She stepped back, awkward in her intimacy, and could not look directly in the eye.
She soon realised he was learning the values of leadership, too. He saw them in Aymeric's careful navigation, Estinien's brute force and Ysyale's hope. All had their merits but all had their flaws. He internalised them and stepped carefully over the ruins of his mistakes until his friends were whole and hearty again.
Not a leader, just a comrade... a friend.
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He is just a child, but fucking hell he's a clever one. Kor couldn't deny his intelligence, especially given what she knew of Sharlayan, but she was reminded of the old idiom of teaching a man to fish: teach a boy bureaucracy and he might become a man through it. Show him what it means to lead, to plan and to prepare; allow him the privilege of the floor, but be prepared to challenge him when he oversteps. Do not squander his inexperience, but allow innovation to bleed through tried methods.
Frankly, she appreciated his methodology, for it allowed her little room to think about herself. He was the enthusiastic foreigner, not the diaspora grasping at the hems of the little culture his father felt prudent to leave him. He could meet the gaze of M'naago, Lyse and Conrad instead of staring just a little too far to the left.
She only had the left these days. When she woke up screaming in the night, disorientated from a lack of vision, his were the hands intermingled among the many that grasped her frantic fingers. "You are safe," he reassured her, squeezing tightly in the din. "Koret, you are safe."
She wasn't sure she believed him, but it was comforting all the same. There was a familiarity in their company now, whether she liked it or not. Kor teased him for his whimsy and his innocence (the art, the sword — fuck, he was a terrible swimmer) while he offered wisdom beyond his years and a hope they could make a difference in the world.
So who was holding him — why did he need to be held? It was her job to protect him, her job to guard; she knew the job well well since the banquet, it was the one thing she was good at. Kor ran to him so desperately, wrenching his lifeless figure out of their arms as if her violence might be the one thing that would bring him back to her, yet his weight was like an anchor that pulled them roughly to the ground.
She cradled him, one hand in his hair while the other gripped him far too tightly, but he did not wake. Not even when she shook him, not even when the other Scions had to pull her from him, not even when her voice cracked in its snarl. "Wake up you fucking — WAKE UP!"
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She wondered if he was a child in body only, given all the things he'd seen. Weeks for her was a whole year for him; a year of separation, strife and sorrow. Alphinaud was so infuriatingly formal when she found him, as if embarrassed by his failings on the Source, and balked when she wrapped her arms tight around him to prove to herself he was real.
"A-Are you alright?" By the navigator did she laugh! It was a desperate, pained sound, but how could she hope to encapsulate anger and relief in the same breath?
"Just dandy. Now shut up."
And he did, bless him. He hugged her tightly back.
She wanted... a lot of things then. Mostly she just wanted to apologise. She wanted to apologise for failing him and forcing him to this foreign world. She wanted to tell him that she was alright, even when she was igniting from the inside and spewing hot ichor across the floor.
Kor wanted to lie to him, but she was a terrible liar. When she writhed on the floor of the Crystarium, and the veins in her hands turned a vibrant gold, she wanted to scream that he was just a kid! He was a child discussing how much time she had left, contemplating how they might survive if she were to purify in front of them. He did not deserve it. Alisae did not deserve it. Ryne did not deserve it.
He had weathered the brunt of her suicidal ideation for far too long. Enough. Enough.
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"If the fucking bastard is going to disown you, I'll just adopt you myself. It can't be that hard. You're like, what, seventeen —?"
The way Kor paused was enough to make them snort with laugher, so stunned was she that she rendered herself speechless. The Captain looked like she had swallowed a lemon, as if she only just became reacquainted with the passage of time, and her single eye narrowed to glare at the twins suspiciously.
"How old are you?"
"Literally or figuratively?" Alisaie asked, slicing through the tension of the hour with impish wit.
Koret Swan threw up her hands as she came to the horrific realisation they weren't really children anymore. But they were hers — they were her kids — and they only laughed harder despite it.
"I think I should like to watch you contemplate a bell longer," Alphinaud teased, that self-assured smile appearing when Alisaie snickered, and she had a mind to strange him anew.
"I think I should like to kick your arse," Kor answered, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Fuck me."
"Brother, we graduated! She swears openly in our company!"
Never mind, she was going to kick both their arses. They could be orphans.
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The end of the universe was no place for anyone, least of all them. They held her hands in theirs, small when pressed against the leather of her gloves, and it was their steps that carried her to the precipice of apathy.
It wasn't that Kor would not continue (they had come so far, seen so much, done too much), but that she knew what taking those last few steps meant.
She thought she knew death a thousand times. She swore It was her friend when her sister died, a siren calling her so sweetly from the craggy rocks as it ushered her into the king-tide. It wore the faces of friends — occasionally her enemies if it suited — and soothed her aching bones when exhaustion became almost too much to bear. "There is a solution," it cooed, "if you're brave enough to take it."
No! She wanted to live! For fuck sake, she wanted to live — and she wanted them to live! She didn't want to walk towards the yawning void with its songbird's dead-eyed stare; she wanted to be home in Mor Dhona with the their annoying merrymaking and cheap, frothy beer. She didn't want to keep stepping over ground earned with her loved ones' lives while the Endsinger herself prised her ribcage higher with her butchers knife. I will take everything from you, and you will only know despair.
Kor did not feel worthy. Tears streaked her cheeks as she tried not to cry, and the tension in her jaw was excruciating when she stalled.
There was no bravery in death, but they were so brave. Alphinaud sensed her pause and took the first step forward, turning just enough to face her, and smiled as he squeezed her fingers in his.
"Come, my dearest friend," he softly encouraged, "There's not much farther left."
I love you, I love you, I love you. She wanted to tell them more than anything but her mouth would not make the sound. Instead, Kor looked to both of them, desperately trying to memorise every inch of their faces on the chance she might lose them forever. I love you. I don't want you to do this. I don't want to do this.
Acceptance was the swallow that felt like ingesting razor wire. When this was over she would bring them back, and she would give them everything.
They deserved everything.
Hence, she walked.
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hi anon <333 okay so uhhhh listen when i got this ask which i think was... a month ago? a couple months ago? i did not have a dick & tim reading guide
BUT i read this ask and i thought WOW WHAT A GOOD IDEA, a dick & tim reading guide, i wish i'd had one of those when i started reading!! and also i had a lot of work that i didn't want to do so i needed a project to procrastinate on dsfdsfs
so i have been working on a reading guide spreadsheet and it is ALMOST DONE so i will post it soon-ish. <3 if anyone wants to check out the unfinished version and tell me if it's readable dm me <3
also below i have rambled a lot about the makings of the spreadsheet if you also like spreadsheets a lot
this is only sort of tangentially related to the reading guide but it is the SECRET ORIGIN of the reading guide. i think many comic fans eventually end up with a spreadsheet story because comics are bonkers and difficult to keep track of, so either you sensibly engage with your hobby in a reasonable fashion or you slowly go bonkers yourself and end up with a spreadsheet story. this one is mine.
so a year or two ago, when i got first got deeply deeply obsessed with dick & tim, i was desperate for content and i wasn't able to find much on tumblr
so out of a combination of deep affection for the boys and also an extremely strong desire to procrastinate the things i was supposed to be doing, i went through dc.fandom's list of dick's appearances and of tim's appearances.
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and i cross-referenced them all to find the comics they both appeared in, and then i started kinda randomly reading through those comics looking for good art/panels that they both appeared in and taking notes on whether they appeared in the same panel or not:
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and then as i became even more obsessive i started adding in a bunch of their solo appearances so i'd know the context of their team-ups, and i started color-coding blue-for-nightwing, red-for-robin, purple-for-both-of-them:
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and then i started trying to make lists of Significant Events so that i'd know e.g. when characters died or got married or broke up:
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and then i got tired of having to search for dc.fandom pages every time i wanted to check something in a comic, so i started adding links to dc.fandom and to dc universe:
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and then i thought, you know, it'd be nice to have comic titles and to know if it's part of an ongoing story:
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and sometimes when i was reading, i started taking notes on quotes or whatever was going on:
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and that's about when i got this ask, and i thought, you know, i really should make a reading guide.
and i started thinking, okay, is there any way to take my spreadsheet and make it slightly less convoluted and a bit more like a reading guide?
and the answer was, probably not!!! but that did not stop me from trying sdfdsfds
so right now i have a spreadsheet called "Dick & Tim Reading List" and it's got a section that looks like this which has about 200 recommended-read comics:
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but ALSO there's a tab that's really really long that has all of dick's solo comics and also all of tim's solo comics (from 1987-2011, not of all time, but still):
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and also you can just get a list of all (post-crisis) comics dick&tim have appeared in together:
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and also as i was working on this i discovered FILTER VIEWS and simultaneously got curious about all the quotes in grayson 12, which taunted me with the possibility of getting post-crisis continuity back before not giving it to me >:(((((( but anyway they're still good quotes so i made a list of all of them
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anyway then i looked at all of that and thought ehhhhh okay but that's very complicated!! maybe i need some shorter reading recommendations. so then i started making a list of those:
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basically you should picture the spreadsheet journey like this puppy:
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anyway i'm still kinda distracted but i do intend to clean it up a bit more and then post a link, so that will happen soon-ish hopefully <3
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the-lark-ascending69 · 5 months
> be a robin buckley fan
> be lesbian
> project on robin
> look up "internalized homophobia robin buckley" on tumblr because it's cathartic
> 3/4 of the posts are about st3ddie or just about steve
#saw one in which steve was like ''no robin you don't understand! i have never been loved! i don't know how that feels like!''#i have several grips about that interpretation#going from the fact that's not true (dustin is clearly a big steve fan + robin herself cares about him deeply)#to the fact he probably wouldn't be introspective enough to voice his emotions this concisely not to mention he'd probably wouldn't take#a moment to realize he's never felt loved if that were the case. i mean. he could think that. when he's like 35 and more in touch with his#inner world. 19yo steve can't even get the hint that hitting on a girl who's already clearly taken (nancy) is wrong so like i don't expect#him to be that smart#but i can live with people having takes i don't agree with. my opinion doesn't have to be everyone else's opinion if you see steve that way#it fine#what bothered me was the fact he was saying this to a lesbian living in the 80s lmao#who tells him that 1) her whole life has been an error 2) she doesn't think he'd want to be close to her if he truly knew her and 3)#3) is paralyzed by fear of social suicide if she dares believe for even a second that the girl she likes may like her too#like i dont need people to do deep dives into robin lore and quote from memory lines from Surviving Hawkins abt robin feeling like she's#rotten inside. not supposed to have friends. feeling like something is wrong with her and that pushes people away etc etc#the fact that she's a lesbian should tell you enough abt who has the biggest chances of being loved 😭#also bothered me that it showed up when looking up posts abt internalized homophobia because?? where's the internalized homophobia therw#unless it's gay steve feeling bad abt it in an AU (as if canon robin didn't go through it)#like look im not bothered to find steve-centric content in the robin tag cos people are gonna tag her in posts mentioning her.#she's his friend.#but there are barely any posts at all about robin's internalized homophobia. like i saw 2 or 3. compared to all the steve or steddie ones#where's the love for my babygirl 😭😭#anti steddie#not really but y'know i don't wanna bother anyone#edit: the bit about there being like 3 posts on robin w internalized homophobia isn't exactly true. there are a few. but they still feel#drowned in st3ddie posts#like something isn't right here
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yeyinde · 29 days
idk the idea of Ghost being an absolute dog. rough, mean, downright cruel. treats you like a thing, he’s gross.
and Price being the opposite. like can’t imagine even asking you to lift a finger, full on princessification. buys you pretty things and brushes you hair for you. and them just never seeing eye to eye is making me CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYYY
what's crazy is that they're both doing the same thing, just with wildly different approaches. and my (controversial) take on this is that Price is arguably worse than Ghost.
with Ghost, you pretty much know what you're getting into from the jump. no holds barred. he's not playing games. he wants you, he'll have you. end of. everything is laid out in stone before he even has to lift a finger to get you. you want out? run.
(but just. keep running. forever. because if he wants you, he'll never stop chasing you.)
but Price? you don't have to lift a finger because you can't. princess-ification, sure. but the sort that involves gilded cages. it's still a leash even if it's gold.
the end justifies the means, and that includes all things - even you. especially you. and once Price has you, you're stripped of everything that he doesn't like. put on a pedestal. your life wrapped around his finger. dependent on him for everything. he convinces you to quit your job, to move in with him (into a house that's just in his name). bends you until you break. moulds you into the thing he covets the most. there's no room for error here because one misstep and he can just. remove you.
and where would you go?
back to the friends he told you he didn't like? bad influences. or the ones he gave you that follow his every command? can you get a job in a city he has so much pull in? probably not when he has you blacklisted everywhere. the Price name holds a lot of weight and he has no qualms using his inherited power to ruin you.
he systematically dismantles your entire life and the wild thing is: you end up thanking him for it.
two sides of the same coin but at least Ghost is honest about how badly he's going to ruin you, y'know?
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sunderwight · 8 months
y'know what, I think it's kind of interesting to bring up Data from Star Trek in the context of the current debates about AI. like especially if you actually are familiar with the subplot about Data investigating art and creativity.
see, Data can definitely do what the AI programs going around these days can. better than, but that's beside the point, obviously. he's a sci-fi/fantasy android. but anyway, in the story, Data can perfectly replicate any painting or stitch a beautiful quilt or write a poem. he can write programs for himself that introduce variables that make things more "flawed", that imitate the particular style of an artist, he can choose to either perfectly replicate a particular sort of music or to try and create a more "human" sounding imitation that has irregular errors and mimics effort or strain. the latter is harder for him that just copying, the same way it's more complicated to have an algorithm that creates believable "original" art vs something that just duplicates whatever you give it.
but this is not the issue with Data. when Data imitates art, he himself knows that he's not really creating, he's just using his computer brain to copy things that humans have done. it's actually a source of deep personal introspection for the character, that he believes being able to create art would bring him closer to humanity, but he's not sure if he actually can.
of course, Data is a person. he's a person who is not biological, but he's still a person, and this is really obvious from go. there's no one thing that can be pointed to as the smoking gun for Data's personhood, but that's normal and also true of everyone else. Data's the culmination of a multitude of elements required to make a guy. Asking if this or that one thing is what makes Data a person is like asking if it's the flour or the eggs that make a cake.
the question of whether or not Data can create art is intrinsically tied to the question of whether or not Data can qualify as an artist. can he, like a human, take on inspiration and cultivate desirable influences in order to produce something that reflects his view on the world?
yes, he can. because he has a view on the world.
but that's the thing about the generative AI we are dealing with in the real world. that's not like Data. despite being referred to as "AI", these are algorithms that have been trained to recognize and imitate patterns. they have no perspective. the people who DO have a perspective, the humans inputting prompts, are trying to circumvent the whole part of the artistic process where they actually develop skills and create things themselves. they're not doing what Data did, in fact they're doing the opposite -- instead of exploring their own ability to create art despite their personal limitations, they are abandoning it. the data sets aren't like someone looking at a painting and taking inspiration from it, because the machine can't be inspired and the prompter isn't filtering inspiration through the necessary medium of their perspective.
Data would be very confused as to the motives and desires involved, especially since most people are not inhibited from developing at least SOME sort of artistic skill for the sake self-expression. he'd probably start researching the history of plagiarism and different cultural, historical, and legal standards for differentiating it from acceptable levels of artistic imitation, and how the use of various tools factored into it. he would cite examples of cultures where computer programming itself was considered a form of art, and court cases where rulings were made for or against examples of generative plagiarism, and cases of forgeries and imitations which required skill as good if not better than the artists who created the originals. then Geordi would suggest that maybe Data was a little bit annoyed that people who could make art in a way he can't would discount that ability. Data would be like "as a machine I do not experience annoyance" but he would allow that he was perplexed or struggling to gain internal consensus on the matter. so Geordi would sum it up with "sometimes people want to make things easy, and they aren't always good at recognizing when doing that defeats the whole idea" and Data would quirk his head thoughtfully and agree.
then they'd get back to modifying the warp core so they could escape some sentient space anomaly that had sucked the ship into intermediate space and was slowly destabilizing the hull, or whatever.
anyways, point is -- I don't think Data from Star Trek would be a big fan of AI art.
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deadclockghost · 1 month
Guess who has joined the party?
Welcome.... Moon!
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WITH SWAPPABLE HATS! (The brim stays on so it's only the back, but still!)
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I'm so glad he's finally done! You'd think that doing something you've done before would not cause you to make any or even more mistakes! But! Y'know! Sometimes! Thinking is bad! So here we are.
I'm still quite proud! And I'm especially happy I managed to actually find a way to make the back of his nightcap swappable! That took some trial and error... and I'm sure there is a more efficient way to it, but I'm not touching him again, he's too top-heavy and I'm very afraid his body will just give up TvT so he's staying like that for the foreseeable future. I call them paper puppets and all, mostly because they are articulated, but really, I don't plan on moving them around too much, they're too fragile for that ^^'
Tune in next for whoever is next in line to be made into 2.5 dimensional being! It'll probably be Eclipse....
(Maybe at one point I could make my other Sun, Moon and Eclipse ocs/designs for funsies.... thoughts, thoughts...)
The rest of the party:
☀️: Here is Sun!
🌙: You are here <3
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
HELP I'm sorry but this idea literally got in my head😭😭
What if Manipulative S/o with Chuuya,Dazai and Fyodor?
Them with a manipulative S/O
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♡ pairing: Chuuya Nakahara, Dazai Osamu, Fyodor Dostoyevsky x gn!Reader
♡ synopsis: How are these men with a manipulative partner?
♡ cw: Swearing, manipulation, sexual stuff (Fyodor, you're better than this)
note: Ngl I was stumped with this one for a bit, didn't write a single part of it, and then one night I just wrote the whole damn thing in like ten minutes. Writing's a weird thing sometimes eh? Anyways apologies for errors anon and I hope you enjoy x
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If you're another mafioso and you use your Machiavellian techniques to interrogate people, Chuuya finds that hot (he's so whipped T-T)
But if you were ever to try and be manipulative with him? He'd probably figure it out relatively quickly and he'd be pretty upset about it. It feels to him as if you think he's unintelligent or something
He also wouldn't be such a fan if you tried to manipulate other members of the Port Mafia (especially if he's close with them like Kouyou)
Chuuya would prefer if you kept it for work and work only, because he values honesty and is more comfortable knowing that you trust him and vice versa
If it's like a trauma response or something though he's more understanding and helps you work on dismantling the habit in healthy and effective ways <3
Unlike the compulsive lying he would NOT consult Mori about this, because let's be real you probably got some of it from him
Eventually Chuuya might take a more passive role and just let you do your thing as long as you leave him out of it. If you're honest with him he'll be happy
Use your manipulation against Dazai (or at least try to)? You got yourself a loyal man for life ✊✊
Y'know that trope when a dude will like dreamily watch their partner with hearts in his eyes as they do some badass shit? That's literally Dazai when you're fucking with people
Especially other members of the ADA oh my god you guys are such menaces (the only one who can see through your bullshit is Ranpo but do you really think he's gonna put in the effort to stop you guys? No. That's what I thought)
But if you were to try and manipulate him, his attitude would change up real quick.
He lowkey takes it as an insult to his intelligence and also takes it pretty personal regardless of who you treat the same way. How can he not? You're literally his partner
You'd learn not to ever try crossing him, in a serious way at least- you'd definitely still play games and tease each other
If you're like super manipulative, even Dazai would have to be like 'hey! stop'. I feel like it would just remind him of his past self and he wouldn't like that
Like Chuuya he also prefers that, when it comes to more serious things, you're honest with him. He wants to be able to trust you
I mean either way he'd be able to catch up with you, so I guess it's not really a practical issue. Just be nice to him, alright?
I ought to immediately establish that you're literally not getting past this man at all, ever
You will never be able to trick him, lie to him, or have any sway over anything he does at all. That being said, he actually loves the way you are
Fyodor definitely has a god complex and the fact that you can't get anything past him is definitely boosting said god complex. Though he's always like 'nobody gets me I'm too smart' we know that he secretly enjoys being better than everyone else let's be real
He thinks it's cute, but he will very much still give you ~appropriate punishments~ for your bad behaviour
Definitely uses you for the DOA's benefit in some way. Though it would definitely be with your consent because he knows you're not an idiot (and also why wouldn't you be on board tbh)
Sigma is probably a little wary around you because of how similar you are to your boyfriend (and obviously Mykola loves you he's your bestie)
You two definitely play a lot of mind games with one another for entertainment, as well as skill-based games like chess and poker (is that skill based? I've never played it lmao)
In conclusion, power couple of the fucking century
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taglist~ ♡ @gettinshiggywithit, @fedyushka, @flower-of-darkness, @bejeweledgirl
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channelinglament · 2 years
I aim to please. May I have a request with a Yandere!Alhaitham who catches sight of a new Akademia scholar?
Heyllo! Thank you so much from requesting this! ^-^
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"That was your worst mistake"
Possible tw: possessive behavior, isolation, uhh pet name? Also grammatical errors
English is not my native nor second language
At first he didn't really think much about you. You were just another crazy Akademiya scholar. That was what he thought of, at least at the beginning.
Alhaitham is a quite busy man, being acting grand sage. He probably needed to greet new scholars, but he didn't. It probably took him like- a month? To finally see you. He was walking around Akademiya, maybe hiding from Kaveh who knows, and then he saw you. You were.. scolding or teaching another scholar. By the way you talked about the subject, anyone could see you were intelligent. At least in that subject if not in any. He was quite....impressed. Considering how a lot of them a just smart or people who use smart capsules y'know? For a person to be this passionate and knowledgeable about something is astonishing. Not only that, but your looks are breathtaking! You were so intelligent that it seems you may become a grand sage too.
I can say he did understand what he felt, but decided to ignore it.
It was a mistake. When he ignored you, your presence and his feelings, some sort of pit grew inside him. It was a terrible feeling. He felt..lonely. And the thought of you interacting with all this not so stupid scholars just drives him mad. The more he suppressed his feelings, the more the pit grew.
So just like that, he tried his making moves......
"To what do I owe your attention today?" Exclaimed Alhaitham. You stood still for a second before replying that you just needed to test your theory. You seemed sleep deprived.
"Hey (Y/n), it seems like you're struggling. Never had I seen you like this." - said Alhaitham. You groaned at that. You had a theory about something, but didn't know how to check if it was correct.
"Well, would you like me to help you?" He smiled. You felt a bit embarrassed but agreed. Your checks grew a bit hot. It's not everyday such a hot man is sitting right next to you and tries to help you.
"It's too noisy here, you won't be able to concentrate on it." Whispered Alhaitham. You raised your eyebrow. "Would you like to visit my room for that matter? I have some books there, that may help you." He replied to your questioning gaze.
So where were you now?
It's been a week since that statement. Ofcourse you agreed and you've come to visit him and his room more often. You found more clues that can prove that your theory is correct. And some that made you have more questions. Though, it seemed like Alhaitham was..reluctant to let you out of his room. And he looked irritated everytime you mentioned someone else. That was strange, it arouse some suspicion in you. Could he perhaps have a crush on you? It's not everyday an acting grand sage let's some random scholar into his room, every single day.
It's been a month now.
You weren't sure what was going on in head. You proven your theory correct, and stated a new project. Alhaitham insisted on you keep coming into his room. It was nice quality time together, you saw him as your friend. He was doing his thing, you were doing your own thing. All fine. He still was irritated at mention of anyone, and you were spending more and more time in his room. At some point he even looked...quite possessive? Nooo wayyyyy. You probably are just too tired from work, but still decided to be a bit alarmed, just in case. It's not like you don't trust your friend, it's just.. You lose all your connections with outside world, your friends and even family. It.. doesn't seem right. You decided to distance yourself from Alhaitham. There were red flags. Be it crush, or just friends it doesn't matter.
"That was your worst mistake my dear."
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impyssadobsessions · 9 months
Your Halfa!Dash AU is really interesting. Can we please see his ghost form? Or like, get a description of it. Also, does Sam and Tucker ever find out the truth? Would love to see their reaction and what they decide to do(can totally see them helping out). Lastly, what does the town call ghost-form Dash? Do they call him Invisbill? Phantom? Or does he go by something else entirely?
Actually I have more Posts on Halfa!Dash AU~ One with the ghost form. I'll post all the links to everything that has Halfa Dash that I've done. Sam and Tucker find out later, though at first they're hurt that Danny spending more time with Dash. Then they think Dash is blackmailing Danny, especially when they hear from Jazz about them "dating". Jazz didn't know they didn't know and they kind of pieced it together what little she slipped. They definitely do help out.. though threaten Dash that they'll be the one he has to worry about ripping him apart if anything happens to Danny. Despite Danny having explained the situation. I haven't thought of a name much. BullRush maybe? But it might be more of an attack he names. It won't be phantom. Though can see Danny suggest it or mutters what he would have named himself LOL Because I can see Dash having different sets of powers and a different core than Danny. Very reliant on his strength and speed. Not so much on his aim. Good thing Danny learns how to shoot the ghost blaster. Though he has some trial and error too. He just can't help but help. (He will be spicy about it though) And since Dash NEEDS Danny he has to work on his temper. Danny does push his limits with it sometimes because he knows he has the upper hand. He does get karma for it because it does go too far at one point. Oooo what if that karma is Spectre and Dash is so depressed.. Jazz even points out Danny is being too spiteful. So Danny has to comfort Dash so he can save his sister and the school. Dash like y'know what.. I'd probably done worse. "You have." "....I thought this was about making me feel better, Fenton." "It is, but I'm not going to lie. You're better than you use to be. Funny enough, I think its pretty common for death defying experiences to change someone's life.. or after life... or something like that. Jazz is better at explaining it-" "JAZZ!!!" (remembers she's in danger)
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gaylordscooter · 6 months
Log of the Multiverse: Error (Page 1)
Prefacing this by saying, if you see him, you're probably dead. so this entry doesn't really help with increasing your survivability against him.
I've seen him in person once—or at least i heard him once. It was when Dream portaled over to me to retreat from a fight.
he kinda let out some kind of scream out of anger?? it sounded like a distorted fax printer. I didn't realize the sound was even coming from a person (can error even classify a person?) the portal closed before i could get a good look at him (also before he could, y'know, enter the portal...)
Anyway. everyone knows about error so this entry's kinda useless i think. (but really there's only one copy of this thing so really this whole thing is kinda. just for me) im using the word "really" too often. does that matter? im the only one reading it.
yes it does matter because when i read back on this it'll bother the hell out of me. hello future me rereading this, yes i still go on tangents and write at ungodly times
error. the guy who destroys aus. it's his thing. for some reason idk we all have our quirks
he has a way of doing it too it's pretty organized actually (for the most part). he targets the human first and just kinda yoinks their soul and brings it to the antivoid so that the world cant be reset. and then he goes ham. (actually it's not that organized)
i asked ink if there's a pattern with which aus he destroys, which was a pointless question because ink's memory is worse than my ability to keep my train of thought. BUT he did tell me that he hasn't destroyed a single underswap au ever since i joined the team. odd way of wording it, makes it seem like i was the causation for that but obviously im not. maybe probably definitely.
makes me wonder what did cause error to stop attacking underswap aus...
oh. he also doesn't attack outertale aus, ink told me that too. but that's cus he finds the depths of space to be pretty (the charms of space remain unmatched, even for universe destroyers.)
i doubt he stopped attacking underswap aus because he found the environment pretty. who knows. thats something to look out for.
it would be much easier to find out if i could transverse aus by myself...
note to self: find a way to transverse aus without using ink as a personal taxi
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decapitatedrathead · 3 months
𐙚..Love Fool.. 𐙚
Zantetsu Tsurugi x gn!reader
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♡!A/N!♡: I'm writing after a whole YEAR (since I kinda...like...deleted all of my fics) but hey, a start is best when it's fresh
Hence why I have to start with one of my favorite idiots; Zantetsu
♡!TW!♡: grammar errors? Idk I'm as dumb as him. otherwise none! Just fluff! I tried to keep it gn, plsss tell me if there's an error abt ittt
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You never really understood how you got the patience and nerves to put up with him, since...he's been seriously getting on your nerves by how... STUPID he is and can get
But..who wouldn't be when he couldn't understand basic math?
"So, do I just multiple this? Or..."
What did he mean by or ! There's a fricking × sign there...
"....Tsurugi..it's literally just 5×7-0,47. That's all you have to do."
He looked at his paper dumbfounded, then back at his notebook...then back at his paper before finally looking up at you...yeah he definitely didn't understand what you just said......
"Uh..can you say that again in a more....dumbed down way?"
Sometimes you wonder why you agreed to tutor him...
"...Tsu...what's 5×7..?"
He blinks for a few second...then he frowns as he thinks, then hesitantly answers.
Wow....the moron got something right for once, maybe cause you were about to beat him up the last time you were tutoring him and teaching him basic multiplication.
"Did you REALLY have to think for that long to answer what's 3×7...?"
"Hey!- I'm not good at math ok?-"
He huffed before going, surprisingly, silent...it was quiet for a few seconds before he spoke up again.
"...So what's 35-0,47 then?"
"You're not good at using your brain....and it's 34,53."
It was amusing how he stared at you dumbfounded for a few moments, before he looked at his notebook to check it himself. Surprise, surprise, you were right. Yet he was still dumbfounded by how easily you calculated that..
"H-how...did you do that so fast-?"
"It's grade school math at best, Tsurugi...."
After an overly dramatic groan....he put down his pencil, slouching back in his seat.
"Hey, not everyone can be a brainiac like you, y'know.."
"I'm not a braniac...I also struggle with big equations......"
With a scoff, you simply crossed your arms and looked at him..almost in a judging way
Probably judging how stupid he is
Yet... you wouldn't know how much he liked and adored the way you crossed your arms to look serious...
"....but that's like a...whole new world for you."
He rolled his eyes and lightly slapped your arm in retaliation, pouting like a 4 year old...
"Ha-ha hilarious ...not my responsibility to be good with math, I'm good with football-"
"How will football help in math or English?"
He was at a loss for words...he didn't have a good comeback for that one. So he let out another frustrated groan before crossing his arms and pouting once more
"...shut up!...not my fault I'm good with sports and not good with words..."
A snort escaped out of your nose...and they way you grinned at him in that smartassed way..
"You're dumb, that's that. And I won't be mellifluous about it."
"I....am not dumb!- I just-"
Surprisingly, he let out another groan, frustrated at himself and the situation.
"And stop using your big words...I have no idea what you're saying-"
"Aaaah right right, I do solemnly apologise for using such a profound vocabulary on my dearest companion."
He put his face in his hands, groaning in frustration again, then took a few seconds to try and process what you just said before looking back up at you with his brows furrowed.
"Now you're just doing it on purpose..."
"Of course I'm doing it on purpose... you're stupid."
His eye..twitched in annoyance. So he leaned forward, resting his arms on the table as he stared at you with a frustrated but firm expression.
"Hey! I am not stupid, I'm just...not as smart when it comes to words and math and stuff...I'm good at football- at least..."
Then he leaned on to the table, his chin propped on his palm..
"..at least that's what I like to think."
That's when you chuckled... stood up, and took your school bag off the library table
"How about we pack up and finish tomorrow..? I don't want your little brain to fry.."
And with a genuine smile....you leaned down and kissed his cheek....
"See ya, Tsurugi...."
He didn't even have time to register that you left after that stunt you pulled
You left him...flabbergasted...brain short-circuiting when he whipped his head in your direction
Just to see you leave the school library...
Sure, he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he could admit he was whipped for you
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Oh my goodness gracious! Idk why, but it kinda feels nice to be backkk
~Posted on July 3rd, 2024~
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egret-orchids · 8 months
for the love of language
Kaz Brekker was stubborn. When he had his mind set on doing something, he did it. No matter how difficult, no matter how simplistic. He wasn't sure what category 'learning his girlfriend's language' fell into.
Kaz lovingly and painstakingly learns precious few words in Suli just so that he can surprise his Wraith with them.
| AO3 | SOC Sideblog |
word count: 948
It wasn't an unknown fact amongst the Dregs and Crows that Kaz Brekker knew one language, and one language alone.
He was stubborn, and though his rough voice and the hints of an accent that stemmed from southern Kerch were normal for him, hearing him reciting words in Suli was... odd. Jesper recognised the language from the few times he'd heard Inej muttering the melodic syllables, although he suspected most of it was just curses and swears, much like Jesper's messy Kaelish.
Jesper didn't want to run the risk of Kaz murdering him for snooping, but he did regale this to Wylan over cups of tea in the merchling's basement workshop.
"I was just walking past- y'know, because he'd asked me to grab a map for a job, and I hear him mumbling in Suli." Jesper said, sighing dramatically. This elicited a small chuckle from Wylan, who sipped his tea and then replied; "I think he has some sort of plan. He's never bothered learning more than basic decencies in other languages, and even then they're not great in terms of pronunciation."
Jesper nodded. "He tried to say hello to my Da in Kaelish and I'm pretty sure he accidently insulted him." Even if the anecdotes his father told him weren't exactly true, Colm Fahey was probably justified in his distaste. Some words in Kaelish were similar to others, and a slight error in wording could lead a pleasant hello to turn into somebody's mother getting called a whore. And it was also Kaz, who would probably do something like that purposefully; fully aware of what he was doing yet still taking the chance to be an ass.
Wylan smiled at this. "Are you going to ask him about it?" he asked.
Jesper shook his head. "He'd probably break my arms and threaten to gut me and leave my intestines for the crows or something like that."
"It's Kaz, of course he'd say that..." Wylan laughed quietly.
"I certainly wouldn't put it past him." Inej said with a smile from the doorway, and Jesper nearly jumped out of his skin as Wylan waved to her with a small, shy grin on his face.
"Saints, Inej, do you have to do that every time?" Jesper complained, rolling his eyes fondly. Inej didn't reply, simply shrugging and stepping towards the two. She sat on Wylan's workbench and looked at both of them with mock-sternness.
"Kaz has a job for you two. Some merchant from Shu Han." Inej passed Jesper a small, folded slip of paper- Kaz's signature way of informing them all of jobs.
Jesper flicked the note open and cleared his throat. "Shu Han merchant ship docked in Second Harbour- Saints, it's like he doesn't want us around all day today- unloading into the Stadhall. Jesper has the map." he read aloud, and the way Wylan immediately hung on the gunslinger's every word with such affection in his eyes almost made Inej laugh aloud.
Wylan hummed in response. "So this merchant if working with somebody in the Merchant Council, then."
"Yeah, and he's obviously going to be..."
Inej slid off the table and walked away, leaving the other two conversing about Kaz's latest job. It didn't need her skills, and she had a feeling that Kaz wanted her nearby.
She pulled up her hood, opting to meet Kaz, wherever he was. She didn't bother climbing the rafters and jutting beams to get to the window or the roof of the building next door and have to climb around searching for him, not in this weather. Besides, she knew Kaz would either be in his office, or somewhere on the Zentsbridge.
As it turned out, Kaz was leaning on the bridge's railings, gazing into the murky grey-green of the canal. He didn't move as Inej's neared his left shoulder, but he did shift his bad leg slightly. "Hello, Inej. Don't you have a job you need to help out on?" he said quietly, though the slight smile in his voice betrayed his joking manner.
Inej breathed a laugh, leaning on the railing next to him, back to the canal. "I wanted to know what you were planning. You normally make sure I'm with Wylan and Jes just in case either of them get distracted, be it by each other of something else." she replied.
Kaz shrugged. "Who's to say I'm planning something?"
Inej rolled her eyes. "Kaz Brekker, do you need to be so stubborn?"
Kaz tilted his head, meeting her eyes. "No." he said simply. "But stubbornness got me where I am today, and it got you out of the Menagerie, didn't it?"
"My stubbornness or your stubbornness?" Inej chuckled.
Kaz didn't reply at first; instead he moved away from the bridge's railing, and turned to face Inej, face almost expressionless but his eyes were less cold then they normally were.
"Volim te." he whispered, just enough for Inej to hear.
She swore her heart stopped beating for a solid five seconds when he said that.
It was a known fact that Kaz Brekker, that Dirtyhands knew Kerch, and Kerch alone. His accent was southern, from somewhere like Lij, but his language was that of someone born and raised in Kerch.
My mother is Ketterdam, he'd said, she birthed me in the harbour.
"What?" Inej murmured, too surprised.
My father is profit. I honour him daily.
"Volim te." Kaz repeated, and Inej can't help but laugh.
"Your pronunciation is awful, Saints."
Kaz glared at her, but it wasn't serious.
Inej moved towards Kaz, about to hug him. She stopped. "May I?" she breathed.
Kaz nodded slowly, and Inej pulled him into a hug.
"I love you too, Kaz Brekker."
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comiicii · 1 year
Hummingbird II
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Backdrop: You and Miles have been best friends since you were babies. Doesn't mean that the friendship never faced hardships. Pairing: e!1610 Miles Morales x fem!spider!reader Warnings: none, probably some grammar errors and my attempt at fluff with the characters. y'know before the inevitable has to happen A's notes: apologies for this not coming out sooner. also, i don't think i clarified in the first chapter that reader is also hispanic. i'll be sprinkling in some spanish words moving forward. if you'd like to be tagged, do let me know in the comments. Translations: a comer = time to eat | amiga = friend (feminine) | mi vida = my life, darling, dear etc. | lo adoro = i adore/love it Word count: 2.5k PREVIOUS | NEXT
After that, you brought up the subject every now and then. You had spotted on his notebook once a quick doodle of you swinging around. It was from a clip he’d seen on the news and thought it was cool. When Araña was brought up, Miles never had anything but good things to say. Always commenting on how cool she looked on a video he’d seen of her stopping robbers or the one time he heard her speak Spanish to an older woman as she was helping cross the street. His words were indirectly helping you to keep going.
You tried harder to salvage the friendship you had with him as you came up on two years of fighting alongside Peter. You had more study sessions together (which you were still sometimes late to) and you did your best to keep him involved in your life.
The study sessions that the two of you had were also becoming more frequent as you were gearing up for entry exams for Brooklyn Visions Academy. If you did well on the exam, you would be entered into a lottery that could land you the opportunity to attend the school. You were naturally academically gifted - didn’t mean you never studied, though. You knew that this could be great for your future. You wanted to make a difference in the world and while Brooklyn Middle had great programs, BVA would be a step in the right direction to get you where you wanted to be for college. Two students would be selected from the lottery after the school year ended.
You and Miles alternated study session locations; the last one being at his place before the entry exam. Mrs. Morales adored having you in her home. She was worried when you didn’t stop by as much; going as far as to ask your father about your well-being (he claimed you were going through puberty and all that ‘teenage angst’). Mr. Morales breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed you and Miles were studying together again; he always thought of you as a good influence on his son. You complimented him in areas where he wasn’t the best and knew him a lot better than they would these days.
The two of you had been studying for the last few hours and you had informed your family that you would be eating dinner at Miles’. Peter also knew that this was an important time for you and let you have the night to study, rest and enjoy your time with Miles.
“I think I’m going to pass out if I have to look at another page of equations.” you groaned on his bed, falling back onto the pillows. Miles could only laugh on the floor, agreeing with your statement completely.
“¡A comer!” Mrs. Morales yelled from the kitchen. You silently thanked the heavens for her impeccable timing.
As you two set the table, the TV flashed to a picture of Spider-Man and ‘Spider-Girl’, reporting on an update of the Green Goblin you two had thwarted the previous night. You didn’t pay much attention to it once you heard them refer to you as Spider-Girl. Oh, how you dreaded them calling you that.
“It’s terrible that he’s gotten a young girl believing that she can just swing in and not take responsibility for her actions!” Mr. Morales hollered at the screen as he helped bring the food to the table.
Miles rolled his eyes at his father, never really agreeing with his dad’s opinions on the superhero. He mumbled under his breath about how he didn’t understand. You quietly chuckled at his statement. He was a cop after all. What you and Peter were doing was helping but technically illegal.
The conversation was quickly squashed before it even started by Rio when she looked at Jeff with a look. She didn’t want to hear any talk about work or superheroes at the table. Dinner was spent eating and catching up with the family that hadn’t consistently seen you in a while. Rio had expressed that you could talk to her if you were going through something, appreciating how much she cared about you like you were her daughter. She always looked out for you. Jeff had asked the two of you about studying for the entry exams. You had shown more enthusiasm for the opportunity to study at BVA more so than Miles. Before the two of them could get into it, you mentioned how much you appreciated Miles helping you study. You knew how hard his father could be, despite meaning well. You always tried to make Miles look good in front of his parents to spare him. Miles bumped his knee with yours under the table as a ‘thank you’. It seemed like the two of you were getting back into the swing of things like before. That night, you ended up sleeping over for the first time in a little over a year. It warmed your heart knowing that your friendship with Miles was settling back to the way it was.
When you were chosen in the lottery with Miles to go to BVA, you couldn’t be happier. You felt as if it was a sign that life wasn’t going be terrible. It signaled to you that you could handle your school and spider-life. Or so you believed.
After you turned 14, you had begun pestering Peter to start trusting you to tag along with him to fight more of the big bad guys he was always on the news about fighting. He didn’t want you messing with the ‘big leagues’ yet as he was worried about your safety. 14 still meant you were a kid, after all. Even if you were 21, Peter would’ve still been hesitant. Last thing he needed was to further traumatize you or possibly get you killed. It wasn’t until you bothered him beyond belief and pinky swore that you’d get out if it got too dangerous. It meant that you’d leave Peter to fight for himself if it got to be too risky to keep you safe. You and Peter both had families that cared about you but his family wasn’t in the dark about the crime-fighting. He’d rather risk himself than have to explain to your family why he couldn’t keep you safe.
Meanwhile, Miles didn’t enjoy being at BVA. He quite loathed it. While he had you there with him, your schedules weren’t the same; three classes in total you had together. The school load was also stressful and it felt as though he didn’t belong. Didn’t mean that you weren’t stressed either. You were practically drowning in your own thoughts of your future on top of the work load from school and your spider duties. You were barely getting any sleep and had debated on letting a few classes suffer for the sake of lessening the stress of your life. You just seemed to have a better way of hiding your stress than Miles - something he commented on when he realized that you were just as stressed but didn’t show it. Thankfully the two of you had lunch together to connect and stress together. It hurt to see that your best friend didn’t see himself fitting into the school. You always told him to give the school a shot because maybe, just maybe, he may like it. He often wished to be back at Brooklyn Middle. He described the school as ‘elitist’ and that neither him or you belonged because it was always going to be you two against the world.
It was a saying the two of you bonded over - especially since it was the name of one of your favorite songs. You had originally voiced the phrase when you were both 10. Already feeling the weight of the world on your shoulders. Miles knew that your home life wasn’t always peaceful and that you took on more than you should’ve, emotionally speaking, for a 10-year-old. Miles always did his best to let you know that he was there for you. Whenever your family stressed you out, you would find yourself on the roof of his building, staring at the sunset, waiting for the sky to turn navy. You two had managed to keep a giant sleeping bag stashed there to lay on and go under when the nights turned cold. It was your own private hiding spot from the world. On particularly stressful days, one or both of you would bring food to eat your feelings.
“Hey Miles,” you turned your head to look at the boy who had just listened to you ramble about what was going on in your headspace for the last 30 minutes.
“Yeah, Y/N?” he kept looking up at the sky.
“Are you scared of the future? What may happen to us?”
“Yes and no,” he chuckled, finally turning to look at you, a small smile creeping in.
“Why’s that?”
“‘Cause, you and I are bound to change and yeah, I’m scared that you won’t want to hang around me at some point buuut,”
“I’m also sure that you and I will always be in each other’s lives - can’t get rid of me that easily, Y/N.” he reached over to tickle your side, earning you a laugh as music softly played along with the natural sounds of Brooklyn. Your favorite, 2pac’s ‘Me Against The World’ started playing in the air.
“It’ll be us against the world”
“Always, amiga”
You smiled across the table at the memory. You knew that he could succeed in BVA. He didn’t get lucky, both of you deserved to be here. You didn’t want him to quit when there was a possibility for him to do great things and prove himself to all the other snobs that he was just as smart, if not, smarter than all of them.
“C’mon Miles, you’ve barely given it two weeks,” you started as you played with the food in front of you.
“Now you’re starting to sound like my dad,” he groaned. The comparison stung a bit but you kept your face neutral.
“Y’know you deserve to be here just as much as these other richy-rich kids” you started, not wanting your frustrations to shine through.
“Y/N, if I flunk a couple more tests, they’re sure to kick me out and back to Brooklyn Middle,” he was growing frustrated at not being understood, “all our friends are there.”
“Your friends are there, Miles. Not mine…not anymore.” you were now getting a jump start on an assignment, trying to distract yourself from the loss of a few friends because of your crime fighting. It was a painful reminder of how quickly people were willing to let you go.
“Y/N, I don’t know why you want to stay here so ba-“
“Because I care about my future Miles,” now you were yelling, “you’re not the only one who has had to sacrifice so much to get here!” a few sets of eyes were staring at you and Miles. Not wanting to make more of a scene, you grabbed your belongings and walked out on your best friend who sat there hurt and embarrassed for the second time since arriving at the school (the first being when his dad dropped him off at the beginning of the week).
You didn’t speak to Miles for the remainder of the day. You didn’t mean to yell but you knew what you needed was to patrol with Peter to get away from your schoolwork and all your other stress. It was good that you lucked out and didn’t get a roommate. Well, you did for two days and then she was gone - you don’t know if she couldn’t handle the pressure or something else had happened.
“Tough day at school today?” Peter started from your dorm window.
“Don’t wanna talk about it, Pete.” you grumbled as you pulled your mask on.
He didn’t bring it up for the rest of the night.
The following day, you had run late to your first class and tried multitasking during classes. By the time lunch rolled around, you and Miles still sat together, just didn’t say a word. He was listening to music as he ate while you worked and ate. You know Peter would’ve laughed if he saw the two of you. You were both mad at each other but you were still sitting together eating lunch. It was a testament to your friendship. The two of you could argue and yell at each other but like you both had said various times, you couldn’t get rid of the other easily. It would take a lot to leave each other. You knew in your heart of hearts that you could never leave Miles, no matter what he did. You loved the boy so much and considered him a lifeline. If you cut that, you don’t think you’d survive the world. Miles felt about the same. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the two of you would be in each other’s lives forever; even through the ups and downs of life.
You had your final class of the day with Miles. It was an English Literature class and you had been assigned a personal assignment that your teacher decided was a good way to get to know the students. You were allowed to work alongside a partner for the remainder of class to brainstorm and start the assignment. Quietly, you and Miles made your way to each other, sitting in the back corner of the room on the floor. Miles had taken out his sketchbook to start brainstorming some ideas for how he could title his paper. You had forgotten your sketchbook in your locker. Regardless, you weren’t as skilled as Miles when it came to art. You mainly did little doodles in the margins of your notebooks. Which is why Miles referred to your sketchbook as a ‘doodle book’.
“I’m sorry for losing my cool with you, Miles” You bumped your shoulder with his as you aimlessly doodled on your notepad.
“Don’t worry about it, mi vida.” he was already writing something out on a page that had a few drawings. One that particularly stood out was a side profile of Araña. “I know how hard you worked to be here and I’m more than happy to have you here with me.” he smiled as he continued sketching.
“What’re you going to title your essay?” you rested your head on his shoulder, a natural position the two of you were often seen in.
“I’m not sure yet but I thought of one for yours,” he mindlessly spoke, his attention on getting the design just right for you, “if you like it, of course.”
Your eyes started focusing on the word he had spelled out, the lettering he kept simple, almost delicate.
“Hummingbird?” you eyed him, brows furrowed.
“Yeah…I read somewhere that they bring good luck if you’re visited by one,” he stated as he continued detailing around the lettering, “I think it suits you.” he sheepishly smiled.
You couldn’t help but smile and placed a quick peck on his cheek, “I don’t like it, Miles.” you state with a smile on your lips as you bring your focus back to your notepad.
“Lo adoro”
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luescris · 1 year
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So. Side note. There's a lot of things that probably could be better in each of these (the one that gets to me the most is how Rise Donnie looks taller than 2012 like god I wish I had the energy to redo that entire one JUST for that augh ) BUT as they say, practice makes progress haha 😅
Little tidbits for every interaction here after the cut hehehehehe:
The Mikeys
- While 2012 may not be an artist with colored pencils, I'm certain he still appreciates all the bright colors Rise Mikey most definitely uses!! Besides, they both are also culinary artists, so they can trade recipes and all that kinda stuff in the kitchen!! Plus, 2012 has always wanted to know what it's like to have a younger brother figure hehehehe
- There's not much to say other than all that cuz like. They would instantly get along in my opinion lmao 😂
The Raphs
- Rise may be younger than 2012, but that doesn't mean the size doesn't matter FHFHDH Especially since 2012 is like. Just barely almost the smallest of his family lmao 😂
-2012 may at first be kinda hesitant about Rise's girth, size, strength and power, but after getting used to it I'm certain he'll not only want to spar with him, but get tips and tricks of all sorts to get stronger, and would be highly impressed with Rise's strength
The Donnies
- In a way these two would be the same as the Mikey's; they also would get along very well, though maybe 2012 might be a little bit put off by Rise's high ego, but definitely not in a "I don't like this guy" kinda way FHHDHD 😂 He would probably find it endearing after a while if anything!!
- I feel like they both would specialize in different kinda things related to building, and maybe Rise is a bit more advanced (maybe more than a bit since 2012 used nothing but trash but in very impressive ways ahsgs) but if one spots an error in something, the other would immediately follow through, and they'd be a great team!!
The Leos
- Now here's where it gets interesting. Rise and 2012 don't necessarily hate or dislike each other, but at first, they may think they are absolutely nothing alike. Rise would definitely be intimated by just how serious and stoic 2012 is, not to mention all the scars, and 2012 would look at Rise and be a little bit too reminded of how he was when he was that age. The looks they share here aren't of discomfort, Rise just doesn't know what to think of 2012 and 2012 is a bit concerned for Rise's future lmao
- But in the end, once they actually get to talking, they find out they both like space, cartoons, puns, and 2012 can give Rise pointers. Eventually they'll warm up to each other, but it might take a bit longer than the rest haha 😆
- So. Funny thing. I wanted to lowkey like. Add in Splinter. But I also had a terribly morbid idea of Rise staring or standing next to a picture of 2012 all confused and weary kinda, like a "where is their father" kinda foreboding y'know BDHDHDHDH 😅 Humor is how I cope spare me-
- I was gonna add the April's and Casey's, and maybe I might later on, but I dunno if I'd do Rise!April justice lmao 😅 I don't draw any of these guys enough HFHDHDH
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dragonzfanfics11 · 12 days
《☆Stone x Small Rockstar! Reader!☆》
Quick key- stone vinny skipp you
Warnings- swearing, probably spelling errors, turned into f!reader ad that's just how it's gonna stay cuz it's easier for me to write
Summery- they go back to the br/joint to see you again and stone gets flusterd from your friendly comments
~《The next day》~
"ughhhhh.......my head.."
Stone groaned as he sat up his head pounding from all the drinking the other night
"Morning stone!"
"Hey there lovebird"
"The hell you just call me?"
"Nothing! Just thinking of how you where looking at the guitarist the other night"
"And.....kinda flirted with her?"
"What the fuck you just say skipp?"
Stone whipped his head around at skipp wide eyed his cheeks slightly pink
"Oh yeaaa! You got drunk and ended up flirting with her before she left"
Vinny chuckled at the remark and stone sits there casually rethinking life
"But hey it worked out in the end!"
Skipp said after a few moments and stone looked up at him confused but also slightly hopeful that he maybe didn't mess up this time
"What do you mean?"
"Oh someone's hopeful! Anyways she gave us her band schedule! She told us if we wanted we can stop buy and get a free dinner with her!"
"Mhm! She said we seem like a fun group to be around and she'd like to get to know us!"
"Especially you~"
Stone rolled his eyes at Vinny with a scoff but couldn't help the small blush forming in his cheeks
~《Later that day》~
They all go back to the small bar/joint when your next show was gonna start, it took Vinny and skipp a while to convince stone to come back but eventually he did
"Hey you guys made it!"
You smile as you make your way over to them
Stone blushes when he sees you again you look even more gorgeous if that was even posable to him, stone snaps out of his thoughts when Vinny elbows him giving him a smerk earning a glare from him
"Theres a table near the stage we can take its big enough for all of us"
"Sounds great!"
They follow you over to the table it's a booth, like the once in restaurants, big enough for two people on both sides
Vinny and skipp look at each other then at stone before quickly taking one side for themselves
"Me and skipp can sit over her stone you can share a side with......i don't think we got your name actually"
"Oh right I was in such a hurry last night we couldn't introduce ourselves"
You chuckle softly as you slide into the other seat and sit down, stones just standing there for a second blushing before he awkwardly sits down next to you
"Well im y/n"
"Nice to meet you y/n!"
"Im Vinny this is skipp and the drunk guy you where talking to last night is stone"
Stone glares at Vinny still awkwardly sitting next to you and you chuckle softly
"Well it's nice to meet you guys and it's great to properly meet you stone, y'know when your not drunk"
"I-i uhh....ya...ya it's nice to meet you to y/n"
He says slightly awkwardly while acting like he didn't care, his face still tinted pink in the dim lighting
"Is that in Irish accent?"
"Hm? O-oh uhh yea..."
"Wow I've never met someone with an Irish accent before it's actually pretty cool!"
While you and stone talk Vinny and skipp just sit there watching with amused looks
"Ya there's not many people around here with accents let alone irish!"
Stones red as a tomato at this point but it's to dim in the room to see it 'your also oblivious to this sorta think just because lol'
"Hey y/n shows about to start come on!"
"Coming! Sorry I've gotta go maybe we can talk after the show?"
"Yea, yea let's do that.."
And with that you run off to join your band on stage
"I think you jut fell harder for her"
"Shut up!"
Ok I kinda like this so far should I make this a series? I think I'll also take some requests for a while maybe, if requests do open feel free to requests things to keep this possible series going!
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
A yandere alphabet for Sanford from MC, please?
Sure! I'll give it a shot :) Writing this on PC as mobile is having issues, sorry for formatting errors. If anything writing on PC is probably better for my wrist/tendon. So maybe it's a blessing in disguise, lol? I'll wait a few days to see if things fix themselves.
Yandere Alphabet - Sanford
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Possessive behavior, Kidnapping, Delusional behavior, Violence, Blood, Murder/Death, Implied trust issues, Forced relationship.
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Sanford is very emotionally driven once he's obsessed with you. While he was originally rather cocky and serious when you first fought alongside him, later on he shows a great deal of care towards you.
Sanford could get very intense at times, although he is a yandere with a slow build up. His love for you starts small, like just genuine care for your well-being like he is with Deimos. Then it evolves into him wanting to care for you more than a friend. He wants to protect you and be the one you love. He wants to keep you all to himself in a fantasy he's made in his head.
He's slow to obsess... but when he does, you've gone too far.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Sanford can get really messy. It's his job, but when he's around you he tries to hide it from you. You may be used to it but he doesn't want to show how into it he gets.
Plus, he can get aggressive if he's attacking someone for being around you. He does more personal murders out of your sight. Y'know... so you don't suspect him of killing your friends or something?
The blood is just from A.A.H.W... he promises you.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
Sanford treats you like a doll, one he's afraid will break if he's too rough with you. He is careful to prepare your needs and isolates you from any possible dangers. He trusts Deimos and Hank, but even you rarely see them.
He sees them as a danger to you and the relationship between you two.
Sanford would never want to mock you. He loves you too much for such a thing. He took you in to care for you, to be your protector, why would he purposefully make you sad?
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He tries to limit it, he wants to be patient with you as to not ruin anything. However, if he feels an action or decision will harm you in any way, he is there to prevent it. Anything like more intimate affection or that he knows better.
Sanford wants to wait until you're ready, he's willing to wait forever if it means you'll love him back. It's sort of nice, as he's genuinely very caring.
Yet he's still kidnapped you. So there's that.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He is very vulnerable to you. He can't really be vulnerable anywhere else. So when he's just with you, even in isolation surrounded by concrete walls, he opens up. Sanford even tries to encourage you to do the same.
He is very honest with his feelings and wants you to do the same. Again, it would be sweet if not for the situation.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Extremely hurt. Sanford is caught in the delusion that you love him back. If you fought back he'd try to tolerate it. He'd tolerate it enough to restrain you and scold you.
Yet later you can tell it gets to him, he's nearly on the verge of tears and wonder why things aren't going his way. He just wants to care for you... why can't you see that?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
This is not a game to him and he hates watching you escape.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Him kidnapping you or seeing him in the act of something he shouldn't be doing. You've seen Sanford use violence, you've seen him kill. However...
You've never seen him kill someone you knew. You've never seen him yell at them that they're "taking you away from him". You've never seen him enjoy maiming that person either.
Then, when he's caught... you never expected him to panic.
You never expected him to snap and abduct you into isolation after that.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He's rather classic with it. He imagines a domestic life with you. A life in isolation and away from the violence of this maddening world. To him, that's the ideal life. It makes him all fuzzy to think about. He's willing to wait as long as it takes to obtain such a desire
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Sanford does get jealous but tries to hide it. He tries silently coping at first... but then his delusions kick in. He starts to think others are trying to take you from him. Then he starts slowly picking people off.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Sanford acts very caring. He is attentive to your needs and would get you anything you need. He is protective and often keeps an eye on those around you. In terms of affection he is a big one for hugs and maybe kissing your forehead. Anything further he waits for you permission.
He's a gentleman, someone surprisingly raised right in this world.
It's a shame his mind slowly begins to leave him as he falls for you.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
It starts with you two working together. You're used to Deimos, Hank, and 2B. You and Sanford get along well and far as you can tell he just wants to protect you and his allies. It's from here that he begins to fall for you more and more.
He's rarely seen away from you and often asks how you're doing. He just appears like a friend with maybe parental qualities. Then he begins to give into his more delusional thoughts.
Soon he's suffocating in his presence... up until things go bad.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Somewhat. He does appear softer with you than others.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Sanford loathes the idea of actually hurting you. He opts instead for restraints so you have to ask him for everything. In his eyes that will teach you to rely on him.
As this is what he imagined for your relationship.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He tries to have you keep most of your rights. Except freedom and the ability to get away from him.
Other than that, you're free to roam in the little "home" he set up for both of you.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
He'll try to be as patient as you need him to be.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
He'd have a really hard time with it. He was protecting you to prevent any of this from happening. He'd have a hard time believing it before falling into a deep depression if I'm being honest.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
A little but he probably would not let you go.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Hard to say, most likely the environment he was thrust into though.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Horrible. Sanford feels incredibly guilty that you're acting like this. Yet at the same time he feels it isn't his fault. He just needs to be nicer and more accommodating, yeah? So, he'll comfort you through the pain like a good partner should.
Even if it seems to make things worse.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Probably not?
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
It's hard to escape once he has you, but you can try to prevent it. Keep yourself safe and give him attention. It at the very least prevents the inevitable.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
He tries not to, anything that does hurt you is by accident.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He isn't quite a worship yandere but certainly has the qualities. He'd go to great lengths to make you safe and happy. Primarily safe.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Quite a long time, as stated before he is slow to obsess and quite patient.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
Unintentionally, yes
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