bluberrie-hedgehog · 9 months
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This whole scene… had me on the edge of my seat with so many emotions. Maria standing there about to be shot to save Shadow… I just- AHH
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And then Shadow banging on the glass begging to be let out. To save her.
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And then she gets shot and the look of horror on his face…
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lucy4-ever · 1 year
can u pls do 2007 tom and f!reader having an angry love confession that ends up with sex but it's the f!readers first time doing it? btw i love ur writing sooo much!! 🩷
2007 tom kaulitz x female reader
!NSFW + fluff!
Jealous boy
Tom came at your house, as usual to spend time together. He was your closest friend for the past 2 years. You went in your room to play some music CDs. But you ended up having an argument about a guy you've been seeing. He kept acting overprotective and you hated it. Only this time, he had a point.
"What the fuck is wrong with you Tom? Can you stop acting like youre my damn dad?" you shout to Tom.
"Y/N i'm telling you, this man is a mf abuser, you shouldn't date him. I know what i'm talking about okay?" he answered.
"Why do you care anyway, you fuck any bitch on the street. Stop acting so possesive. You've got your shit, i've got mine, stop trying to lecture me like i'm helpless innocent creature!" you screamed back.
"Fine, do your thing but don't you fucking come at me once he'll change. Seriously Y/N, he's a dick. What are you, a so fucking horny bitch you fuck with any nice looking guy?! You worth more than that." Tom said angrily.
"Everytime i get a boyfriend you persue me to break up with him. I'm 17, not 12, stop controlling my life!! I'm happy with him, stop spoiling everything because you're scared you'll feel alone without me around." you said firmly.
"At least i won't be getting assaulted because i didn't listen my friend and will end up slitting my wrist on my mom's kitchen floor." he said, trying to get a reaction of you.
The room went silent. You knew Tom was really harsh when he was upset. You furrowed your eyebrows, he actually hurt you saying this. You started tearing up. Tom changed his facial expression when he understood he had went too far.
"You're such an asshole, why the fuck would you say that??", you exclaimed, "what kind of fucking friend are you??" your voice broke.
"I- I'm sorry Y/N, i didn't mean to say it like that. I'm sorry really, im just trying to make you understand he's a very bad person." he said in a soft voice.
"Yeah well so are you, you fucking prick."
"Y/N seriously, im sorry, it's just i don't want you to get hurt. Physically and emotionaly."
"Fuck you Tom. Hope you find yourself a new bitch to fuck and a reason to kill yourself. Fucking bastard."
Even if he was quite a mean person when angry, you were friends for a reason. He had always liked that you stood for yourself and talked back. Though, sometimes you were harshly mean too.
"Okay, Y/N i said im sorry, stop being a bitch with me. I'm trying to protect you, h-"
You cut him off "Well, then, fucking don't!"
"You don't understand, he's dangerous! Please stop being so fucking stubborn and listen to me", he screamed, hoping you'll understand.
"I'll listen if you stop screaming like i'm fucking deaf." you said, having a straight face while tears fall down your cheeks.
"I never meant to make you cry Y/N. Look, i just want you to be safe. Don't laugh at me but ... you know ... i, i care about you." he chuckled. "Y/N you matter to me. A lot. I'm sorry again for what i said. I shouldn't have."
But eventually, he'll end up apologizing for his behavior.
You two had calm down but you were still mad at him for what he said. Tom is rather a honest person so he'll tell you directly what he thinks is better for you. Even if it has to make you cry, he wants you to understand when you need to. But why would he care so much, is what you're wondering.
"Tom, i know you care about me dumbass." you grined. "But i feel like you don't trust me, and because you're so much more experimented than me, i have to listen every single thing you say. And i really don't like to being told what to do."
"Y/N. The reason i don't want you to get involved is because.." his voice was hesitante, "nevermind forget it."
Tom also easily get embarrassed when it comes to talk about feelings.
"Come on Tom, tell me. What is it? You can open up to me you know."
"I said I don't wanna say."
"Tom, come on, i won't do anything." you grabbed his arm.
He broke the contact and said much louder :
"Stop it, i said it's nothing!!"
Quite suprised by his answer, you gasped. But you know him. So you kept asking until you'll be enough on his nerves to tell you.
"Tom, pleaseeee"
Tom crashed onto your lips and deeply kissed you. The room went quiet again. You eventually, broke the kiss.
"Are you fucking with me Tom?" you asked, shocked.
"I think i like you Y/N. You're just breathtaking, by your physical apparence and by your behavior. You're not scared. I think that's why you turn me on so much." he chuckled.
Obviously, he had to say a dirty joke to not make the situation unconfortable. You smiled at him. Tom had finally said it.
"You idiot. That's why you would never let me have a boyfriend ever since we were 15? Why didn't you just tell me?"
"I was scared, knowing you. So i tried to think of someone else. But you kept popping up in my mind. Espicially during sex. That's why i never had a girlfriend either, only whores to fullfill my horny desires. The only person i could think of was you."
"What do you mean during sex? Don't tell me you thought about me, even during sex?" you chuckled.
"Kind of."
"You're unbelievable. Though, i guess i've also tried to hide my crush by dating other dudes."
He laughed.
"So what now? Are we together? Or you'd rather fuck your actual boyfriend." he teased.
"Please Tom, with all the times you kept saying you were good in bed and had a massive dick, you now need to prove it." you smiled
"I like your attitude, love. And sure, i'll show you what you've been missing for the past 2 years." he smiled and chuckled.
"Though, i need to tell you something."
"Yes sweetheart."
Tom pinned you to your bed.
"I kind of am a virgin." you confessed.
"No way. You've been lying to me all this time. So you never had your first time with that James guy."
"I didn't want to be seen as a fragile innocent holy fucking Marie."
He kissed your neck and started sucking on it.
"Whatever, virgins turn me on." he said.
"And so do hot boys." you joked.
"Damn you really are something." he said playfully as he took his shirt off.
"I swear to god, being virgin horny is the horniest you'll ever be."
"Don't worry I'm gonna fuck you good honey."
Tom french kissed you and started roaming his hands on your body.
author's note : okay, im a bit uncertain of this cause it's kinda nonsense and confusing??? sorry i've written lots of dialogue and not much of description of the situation but yeah. but DONT WORRY I'M WRITING PART2!!! i'm tired and i dont want to fuck the smut part up 😨!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH ANONYME!!!!! no joke, your request gave me the motivation. and i'm reallllllly glad you like my writing!!
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romanestuffsposts · 2 years
Just read the kidnapping fic,it was wonderful! Bucky and Steve had a romantic night without reader?!Imagine if she didn’t get kidnapped and she was upset with stucky they left her out. Maybe she gives them the silent treatment and is just really sad moping for a few days. Then they make it up to her somehow! Sorry if that’s confusing
Hi there love! 💜
Thank you so much! I really love this request ❤️
I hope you like how I turned it <3
Warnings : cries, hurt little reader (emotionaly), cuddles, kisses, comfort for feeling abandoned, comfort for feeling letting behind, comfort,
Pairings : Daddies!Stucky x Daddy!Bucky x Papa!Steve
Summary : ⤴️⤴️
A/N : I’m so sorry for not posting. I’ve been preparing and celebrating my birthday last week and it was just crazy and I was too busy to write anything. I’m really sorry and I hope you’re all okay 💜
It’s not fair. Why ? Why are you on the couch right now ? Why are you in your pyjamas right now ? Why are you alone with a girl you don’t really know that well when you could’ve been on a fancy place with your daddies. Why did they even let you here at home ?
It’s really not fair. You were good all week, you didn’t complained once, you were happy and in a good mood every day but they still let you at home.
You’re sat on the couch with your arms crossed. You can’t go with them when you’re good ? Well then you’ll be bad for the first time on purpose.
‘’What do you want to watch honey ?’’ The girl asks you nicely. You look In front of you without moving, at the end your arms will hurt but you don’t care right now. You have to prove your point, whatever it is.
You hear her sigh softly ‘’I know you’re sad and maybe hurt but I can make the evening better ? I can help you have a good time’’ she proposes tilting her head toward you. None of those proposition are convincing for you so you still don’t move
‘’I can help you build a strong case to yell at your daddies when they come home’’ she says with a silly smile. She thoughts she could make you move by proposing that but to her surprise and yours, the only thing who move is your tears who are coming in your eyes. The simple thought of your daddies or you arguing with them because they let you behind them hurt you more than you could’ve thought.
You shake your head and bring your knees to your chest, your arms are wrapping themselves around your legs and you hide your face in your arms. You really can't believe they didn't took you with them. What does that mean ? You're not enough ? Or are they ashamed of you ? If no, then why ?
"Sweetie" Your babysitter calmly say while stroking your back "it's okay, they'll be back soon" she reassures you. She doesn't understand, she can't understand, how could she ? She's not like you, she doesn't live like you, she's not you.
You push her away and stands up "I don't care if they come back or not! They don't want me so I don't want them either!!" You yell at her face before running upstairs. You hear her following you and you slam your bedroom door at her face. You hear her knocking on the door and calling you softly but you don't open. You wait until you hear her steps walking away from you to run to your bed and cry all your tears and your pain out
The only thing you thought your daddies would never do, they did do. You were scared they would let you on the start of your relationship, you told them that, they reassured you everyday until your worries went smaller and now they broke their promise, on purpose or not, it doesn't matter. They did and that's what matter to you.
You end up falling asleep crying your little heart out. Your daddies came home a little before two hours after you fell asleep. They knew you would probably be sleeping when they came home so they aren't surprise at all. Only, they don't really know how you went to bed..
They walk into the living room smiling like crazy. They had a really good evening, they ate in a fancy restaurant- one you would've love, and they had a lot of fun.
"you saw the little boy at the restaurant ?" Steve laughs remembering what happened tonight
Bucky chuckles and nods his head "how could I forget ? This smart ass was under a table who wasn't even his. I don't know ifI want to know what he saw or not" he adds thinking about it. Steve pushes his shoulder with a smirk and walks in the living room to see the babysitter reading a book "Hi Amber, how it went ?"
She turns around and smiles at them "Hey, It went well, i guess. How was your night ?"
"It was good but why do you guess ?" Bucky asks comong behind Steve with a frown.Amber inhales and stands up "well, she spend the whole time in her room, I think she was just tired" she smiles sweetly at the men.
Bucky looks at Steve and frowns deeper, they were about to ask other questions and she tells them she have important examens in the week so she has to rest and studie. They, of course, let her go home.
Steve turns to Bucky once they close the door behind Amber "what do we do ?" Bucky looks at his watch and shakes his head "she's probably asleep right now so we let her sleep and we'll take the time with her tomorrow to talk about what happened tonight" he suggests and Steve nods
"good morning, sweetness" Steve whispers in your ear as he strokes your back up and down. You groan and turn your head the other way. Steve sighs and keeps stroking your back "Sweetie ?" he asks once again. You lift your head and look behind you to see your Daddy standing at the end of your bed. You groan again and drop your head against your pillow.
Steve sighs and looks at Bucky. Bucky looks at you and sighs too "Doll ?" he asks but you still don't move from your comfy bed. Your Daddy lifts the blanket at the level of your feet and you groan as the cold breeze touch your naked and exposed feet. "Come one, little one" he says but just as before, you don't move
You shake your head and his hands fall on your feet. You flinch a little at the sudden touch but groan again when you feel him massaging your feet "we made breakfast" he adds but it only make you kick your legs at him. You bring them to your chest and pull the blanket on top of you
Bucky sighs again and walks on the other side of the bed. He stats on the edge of your bed and moves the hair in front of your face, now that he has a better look of your face, he can see the wet tears from the night being hidden by the new one, he can see your delicious lips trembling and your teeth biting the inside of your lips to keep your sob silent
"Hey.." he quietly says "what's wrong, beautiful ?" he asks coming closer to you. His movement get Steve's attention and he moves closer to you too. You shake your head and their hands away from you "leave me alone" you mumble in your pillow and just as you thought, they don't move
Does that surprise you ? No.
"talk to us" Your Papa softly says from behind you but that make you more angry than sad. You push them away and stand up before running out of the bedroom. Your daddies stand up and follow you around the house "little one. Stop walking away and talk to us"
Bucky grabs you because let's be honest, he's faster than you and you know that, and he lifts you up. You kick your legs and yell your disagreement but it doesn't change a thing. He walks you to the couch and sats with his back against the armrest and you in between his legs. Your Papa sits at your feet and they both look at you, try to calm you by stroking a part of your body and whispering you sweet nothings in your ears. Your yells turn into sobs and this time you don't hide, you don't fight, you just let it go
"Tell us what's on your mind, baby girl" Your Daddy whispers in your ear as he swings you from side to side. You sniff and rest the back of your head against his shoulder "Why ?" you cry and they both frown "What do you mean why ?" Your Papa asks confuse
"Why don you lote me anymowe ?" you sob and their head snap at you in one go. Bucky's arms around you tighten and Steve squeezes your feet as he pauses his caresses. "What are you talking about, baby ? We love you more than anything and we could never stop. What make you think we don't love you anymore ?"
"then why awe you shame of me ?" you ask sniffing and they frown even more "Why do you think all those horrible things ? We aren't ashamed of you, we never were and never will. You're the most precious thing in our life, sweetie" Your Papa says stroking your cold feet
You let out another sob before talking again "why couldn't I come yestewday ?" you shyly ask as you look down at your hands. You take a deep breath to calm your cries and because you said it, you had the courage of saying it.
Neither of them talk and it make you scared but you don't see the look they share, you don't see them talking silently while you still look down at you hands. You don't see but feel your Daddy's hands sliding around your waist and grabbing yours. You feel and see now your Daddy's fingers playing with yours, the sweet touch make you relax and bring you comfort rapidly "Look at us, sweetie" you hear your Papa saying
You lift your head slowly and stare into his big eyes "we would've love to have you beside us yesterday night at the restaurant. Daddy and I couldn't stop talking about you and saying what you would have love in the restaurant, what food you would've chosen, what drink you would've love to drink and we talked about the colour of the dishes you would've love too. We really wanted to be with you yesterday night but you know exactly why you couldn't be with us" he says tilting his head
"you told us all week you had a hard and long week, we knew since the begining of the week you wouldn't feel like going out, we still waited to see if we were right or not and yesterday you were everything but able to go out and you know it. We could've report the dinner, yes, i give you that. But you can't blame us or blame yourself because you were too tired to come with us" He adds and you look down at your and Daddy's fingers
Your Daddy grabs your chin and tilts your head toward his "we wanted you to be with us but we wanted you to,rest more. We didn't want you to feel uncomfortable in the middle of the dinner because you were tired or not able to eat by yourelf. It's okay to feel like that but we know you, we know how you would've react and we knew you would've rather stay at home" he explains stroking your cheek with his thumb "do you understand, doll ?"
You sniff and nod your head making him smile. he gives you a sweet kiss on your nose to make you smile and he succeed "you're the person we love the most and we can't be more proud when we take you out for dinner or shopping or whatever else" he says resting his forehead against yours
"Why don't we make it up to you ?" Your Papa asks shaking your feet "We can prepare you a good dinner tonight, we can eat in the living room, maybe in front of a movie" he suggests with a grin knwoing that it'll get your attention
You turn your head to him with hoping eyes "weally ? We can ?" you ask looking from your Papa to your Daddy to your Papa again ect.. Your Daddy chuckles behind you while your Papa nods his head with a smile "of course we can. Anything you want" he says shaking your feet again "Plus, how can we say no to you ?" he smirks kissing your toes making your giggle and move them
Steve smiles and looks back at you "there is our beautiful baby" he says stroking your feet "where were you ?" he jokes making your blush. Bucky grins kiss your cheek "let's have the most perfect day with the most perfect night ever"
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f0point5 · 5 months
Finally!! Some honesty from her… I hope Lando can now be more realistic with his expectations
Loved the whole not leave me alone thing. Not leave me alone could be our always. The ice queen is melting.
I look fine at the end really broke my heart. I don’t think hers and Laurens relationship will survive this whole fake dating thing.
Loved the song, it’s a nice detail. Does that means that she’s a swiftie too? (I didn’t even notice that one ‘slide’, cause when I swipe to the next pic, it doesn’t show me the video, I’ll blame that on tumblr app)
I’m just waiting to see what will Lando do next week, to ruin the storyline here.
Will Freddie be making the cameo again? I feel like we need trigger warning for him, or maybe you annouce it a day earlier so we get a chance to emotionaly prepare for him
Not the fault in our star reference omg this takes me backkkkkk
The chokehold that book had on me for no damn reason I couldn’t relate to one single character except the psycho author even though his book sounded TERRIBLE but at least he was a normal person. He was fr the only person who acted like an adult in that whole book.
I still think it’s such a great book because it really captures teenagers so well in a meta way but omg I have to stop rambling about this book. Anyway. Cool reference!
I think what is interesting is one wonders what relationship you can ever really have when someone else gets paid when you do.
Who isn’t a Swiftie in this day and age? Y/N definitely considered using The Alchemy or So High School but thought the real TS songs were too honest for her fake relationship 🫢
Freddie will be back, in more ways than one, and we will find out more about him….
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Wow my life is going to be a bitch to get through because I have spent the past 18 years of my life helping my family with their problems and refusing to make any emotional space for myself so now I don't know if I am obligated to help people because its the right thing to do or as a distraction from my own inner turmoil.
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rainbow-beanie · 5 years
Sad/scared glowey pink boi (part one)
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azlrse · 3 years
Hi! Have a nice day!
Can I ask for a scenario/headcanons with Dark Choco and Red Velvet cookie (seperately) with darling that comes from an emotionaly abusive household so they are used to hide how they truly feel and to walk on eggshels around who they see as a threat. They act like this too when kidnapped and DC and RV notice this and get scared and try to talk about this with their darling. They ask darling to be open about they thoughts and feelings 'cause they don't want to be like their darling's abusers
Thank you!
Lies (Yandere Red Velvet Cookie/Dark Choco Cookie x GN Cookie!Reader Hcs)
CW: yandere themes, ab*sive situation, implied phy**cal ab**e, implied kidnapping, implied stockholm syndrome, Red Velvet and Dark Choco being sweethearts here.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Red Velvet Cookie 🌹
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Being a graduating student that is gifted with magic was emotionally exhausted.
Yeah sure, you recieved the highest grades and your peers would give you their congrats and they're so proud of you.
The problem is your parents, the same ones who would push you to get the highest grades. Even if your grade was at B, you'll receive the harshest words from them.
"Only a B?! You can do so much (y/n)!"
"Remember, you are from a prestigious family. Only someone's who's a failure will be casted out!"
Even when you spoke out your thoughts and even defended yourself, you were labeled as a disrespectful and nosy brat.
"How dare you spoke with that tune! Go to your room, you pest!"
"Get out from my sight!"
So, you resort into hiding your feelings. Only breaking down when you're truly alone in your bedroom.
You learned how to lie and watch for your words towards your parents. A single word you spoke wasn't even the truth.
However, RV knew this as he constantly watches over you from afar.
From your school and in your house, his eyes were constantly glued towards you.
After so many days of watching you, he is thankful that he knew the situation you were in.
From the moment the abuse turns physically, he doesn't hesitate to take you away (after he spiked your water with crushed pills).
He treats your bruised lip with some medicine and took care of you as you dozed away.
From the moment you were awake, you were so scared that you pushed your captor away from the side of the bed, instantly waking the cookie up.
The cookie then introduces himself and told you that you'll stay with him from now on.
Months has passed and you didn't want to go back to your parents, yet you didn't trust Red Velvet yet. In fear that he might treat you the same way sa your parents.
Everytime Red Velvet would talk to you, asking questions about your day, your favorite activity and your favorite food, you would either lie about it or just didn't speak at all, which he didn't like but tries his best for you to be comfortable in his presence.
"Dear, you know you can talk to me. I'm not like your horrible parents. I'm not gonna hurt you, love..." He waited for minutes for you to speak up and eventually, you broke down into a sobbing mess.
Even if you were taken away by force, you were still thankful towards RV, him showing you kindness and how he truly cares for you was one of the things you like towards him.
Yes he's affiliated with Dark Enchantress, yes he's a villain but it doesn't mean he's a heartless monster.
Now that's the first step towards a loving relationship, RV is determine for you to love him back as much as he loves you. He'll be patient for you....
Dark Choco Cookie 🍫
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Alright hear me out, this former prince was one of the sweetest cookie you'll meet in your entire life. Lemme explain;
Not only you faced harsh words towards your parents but also to your relatives.
Their words cut like knife as more and more words were pointed towards your insecurities and fears.
What's worse is that your parents won't even help you with your problems, instead they told you to suck it up.
The words kept on going for months and you couldn't handle it anymore. Crying was the best solution for you to relieve all the pain you felt. No one cares for you, no one would listen to your problems. As if you didn't existed....
But not the fallen prince himself.
Dark Choco's heart would shatter as you cried from your sleep, tears staining from the bedsheets below and eventually, you fell into a deep slumber.
Upon seeing your sleeping figure, he unlocks your window and proceeded to wipe the remaining tears on your face by his hand. Your face was soft and kinda warm if he's honest.
He was gonna leave some letters for you from now on, knowing that you needed someone to talk to.
Also someone to have as a lover...
Before he left you, he placed a kiss on your hand before he spoke softly;
"I'm going to take you away, darling. From those horrible people you called your family..."
When you woke up and saw the letter, you didn't hesitate to open it and your heart warms up from the words you saw.
Sweet, heartfelt words were found. Finally, you weren't alone anymore! You finally have a friend!
The both of you exchanged letters back and forth and you still didn't know that Dark Choco was you penpal.
Dark Choco proceeded to call you Avery special nickname me chosed for you; sugar.
But bad luck took its toll when your parents finds out about your penpal. Your dad threw the letters on the fire place as your screamed for him to stop.
It didn't take long for your mom to slap you on your face.
"You insolent child! How dare you describe me like that! Speaking badly upon our family? You're disgusting! You're a disgusting pathetic whelp of a child!!"
You were expecting another slap when your parents are knocked up by a stranger then proceed to knock you out as well.
Upon walking up, your body was sore and you gripped your head in pain.
"You shouldn't move just yet, sugar. You need to rest."
Sugar...that's familiar....
You looked up and began to breathe heavily. You recognize him, Dark Choco Cookie, the very same person who served Dark Enchantress and your penpal.
"Woah woah calm down darling-"
"Please don't hurt me!"
"I won't hurt you, sugar. Knocking you out was the last thing you ever felt pain."
It's not easy for Dark Choco to gain your trust and warming up towards him. You would constantly shake in fear while he gave you small hugs and kisses on your hand.
It's even hard for you since you didn't trust him but you want someone to talk to.
From the moment you realized that Dark Choco rescued you from your horrible family, you began to sob and pleaded for him to stay with you, in fear that your family might find you again.
You don't want to go back to that nightmare again, you're better off with Dark Choco.
He offers countless of affections towards you; kisses, hugs, words of comfort and reassurance.
You didn't say this yet but you really do felt attached gained feelings towards Dark Choco.
‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵
Do not republish, edit, or repost to other websites.
Reblogs and likes are appreciated! 💕
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Grunge-Metal Geralt 3
its finally time 😂 after months of staring at an empty google doc i finally had a useful idea - also y’all, go listen to ‘Brighter Side of Grey’ by Five Finger Death Punch bc that’s the song i based this on and its fire and i love it also all of ffdp is one whole witchery mood
Warnging: vague discussion of a car crash where Geralt was severely injured, big emotionaly vulnerability, swearing?, listen to the song then you’ll get the vibes i promise
“Give them a break, guys,” Eskel sighed as he wrote down his coffee order, “They had a close call. It’s not like they’re always this…”
“Gross. Skel. The word you’re looking for is gross.” Lambert snatched the paper out of his brother’s hand and stalked out of the room with Aiden in tow. 
Jaskier scrunched his nose and called from where he was tucked under Geralt’s chin, “Did we drive them away? I can get up if it’s too much.” Even as he spoke, neither he nor Geralt so much as twitched to make good on the offer. 
“Doesn’t bother me,” Eskel shrugged. 
Lambert and Aiden, mainly Lambert, were getting fed up with Geralt and Jaskier cuddling and cooing and doing general new couple bullshit. Especially since they’d been together three years now. They were recording a collaboration song, meaning everyone had to be there, but it seemed the two vocalists only really cared about each other. Jaskier sat on Geralt’s lap, played with his hair, stole kisses whenever he could… at one point Lambert caught Geralt tracing Jaskier’s lips and forced a coughing fit to get his attention. He probably thought it was subtle, even if no one else did. So to take a break and get some of what he called ‘patience juice’ (coffee), Lambert ran to their favorite coffee shop while Eskel laid down his bass line. 
It’s not that they were intentionally this annoying, not all the time at least. After the car crash, especially once Geralt started doing well in his physical therapy, the couple just couldn’t keep their hands off each other. Not to say that was the only relationship Geralt was suddenly extra involved in, it was just the most noticeable. 
Finally, after tea and coffee was distributed to everyone it was time for Geralt and Jaskier to, well, do their jobs. Jaskier was fidgeting and humming little scales, doing anything to calm the sudden nerves he felt bubbling up in his stomach. 
“You alright?” Geralt purred, nudging him with his elbow as they stood side by side at their respective microphones. When Jaskier only shrugged he continued, “What's wrong?” 
“I’m just not used to so many people being here while I…” Jaskier motioned to the mic before glancing around him and taking a deep breath, “it’s a vulnerable song…” 
Geralt’s worry lines in his forehead melted as he pulled Jaskier into his arms, “I can kick them out if you want?” he whispered. 
Shaking his head and inhaling Geralt’s scent deeply, something Jaskier had learned not to take for granted, he steeled his nerves, “I’ll be fine. Maybe a little weepy, but fine.”
As they were about to start, listening to the instrumental track and humming their parts of the song, Lambert brought Jaskier a bottle of water and set it on his music stand. He gave him a quick side hug and kissed his hair, offering a small “sorry” for all his teasing. Jaskier just giggled in response, the kind that only bubbles over from too much anticipation. He missed it, but Geralt mouthed a small ‘thank you’ to Lambert as he sat back down on the other side of the glass. 
Jaskier hooked his pinky around Geralt’s as the guitar intro started, needing that little bit of contact for the first line. When they’d written it it felt perfect. The audience knew exactly what kind of song they were about  to hear and Geralt really hadn’t known if he would pull through. It took Jaskier right back to the dimly lit hospital room where he scrawled and scratched out lyrics to keep Geralt distracted from his upcoming surgery. The fear, the desperation, the little pockets of joy when they forgot where they were, the overwhelming love that Jaskier thought he’d never be able to fully give to Geralt all crept back up his throat as he took a breath for that stupid fucking first line. 
His voice cracked partway through as he sang, making him fully grip Geralt’s hand, “I’m writing this in case I’m gone tomorrow,” By some miracle, he found his support for the next line, “I’m writing this in case I’ve moved along,”
For a moment he thought he’d gotten over the worst of it. A couple lines passed in relative ease, emotional but not so much it interfered with his craft. If he focused on looking at his microphone and keeping his breath supported he might make it through. Then Geralt joined him for the chorus. 
“When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away. When the sun burns out, I’ll be waiting on the brighter side of grey.” 
His harmony faltered and he involuntarily heaved a broken gasp in the middle of a line, desperately trying to focus on the mic that was now warped by the tears in his eyes. 
Geralt broke off after the first word of his verse, turning to Jaskier and pulling him in again, “You alright, love?”
“I’m fine. I’m sorry,” Jaskier groaned in embarrassment as he clung to Geralt’s frame, “I’m being a baby. I wasn’t even the one hurt.” 
“No you’re not,” Geralt argued, running his knuckles over Jaskier’s cheeks to wipe away his tears, “Here,” he moved their mics and stands close enough that they were shoulder to shoulder and their fingers could comfortably lace together. 
Jaskier squeezed his hand gently and gave him a brave smile, “From the top?” 
“From the top.”
This time Jaskier tried watching Geralt as they sang. He made it through the first chorus and got to just watch as Geralt sang his verse. The pang of emotion in his chest was still ever present, but it was manageable. Until he noticed Geralt having trouble. 
On “All you get to keep is what you’ve shared,” Geralt squeezed his eyes closed and his grip on Jaskier’s hand tightened. The folk singer prepared, relaxed, readied himself to take a breath in. He was expecting that one to hurt after how much Geralt insisted upon it. How he threatened to get out of that hospital bed and scribble the line himself if Jaskier didn’t put it in. He wasn’t expecting the last line of the stanza to hurt. It had been comforting to the both of them at the time.
Geralt’s lip quivered and his voice was almost pinched as he sang out, “Remember no one ever really dies.”
Even being the one to write the melody, Jaskier missed the first three notes of the chorus, “Fuck. Shit. I’m so sorry.”
“No, that was on me,” Geralt sniffed and chuckled, “I knew you’d lose it if I did.”
“How do you do this?!” Jaskier exclaimed, chugging half the water bottle to keep the breakdown at bay. 
Aiden’s voice came over their headphones, “Half our songs are his trauma and another quarter are group trauma. He’s got practice sweetheart.”
They tried a couple more times, even got through the whole song once with only minimal tears and one tasteful cracked note. But it was still a struggle for Jaskier to keep it together, and the more they sang, the more Geralt lost his iron grip on his composure. 
“Look at me,” Jaskier instructed, moving Geralt to face him and adjusting their mics so they could sing to each other, “Just like when we wrote it. Except a little less pain.” 
The joke earned a snort out of Geralt, exactly what Jaskier was aiming for, “This is supposed to be easier?”
“We can try?”
Jaskier did wonderfully for his verse, singing to Geralt was familiar and safe, even if the subject matter was terrifying. The chorus went well, but as soon as Geralt started to sing, Jaskier couldn’t exhale and it was all he could do not to sniff and ruin the take. 
“If you’re hearing this I know you’re probly scared,” had tears falling down his cheeks again and Geralt’s voice cracked as his eyes welled up, “Nope,” he choked, “that’s worse. Much worse.”
“Fuck,” Jaskier gave a watery giggle as he wrapped his arms around Geralt’s middle, “Why did we decide to do this again?”
Geralt pressed a kiss to Jaskier’s hair, sniffling and holding him tight, “I think we’re sadists.”
“Back to back,” Eskel’s voice crackled in their ears, “Try it back to back.” 
Leaning back to watch Jaskier’s reaction, Geralt hummed, “Do you want to? Or do you need a break?”
“Fuck it,” Jaskier shrugged, spinning Geralt around and following suit as he moved his equipment. 
As they stood waiting for the tech to start the audio, Jaskier felt like he could really inhale for the first time all day. Geralt was there, he could feel his ribs expand against his back and his fingers tapping like a metronome on Jaskier’s palms. This is what they were missing when they wrote the damn song. The comfort of knowing someone is always at your back, that they’ll be there when it’s hard and even when you’re separated. 
A warmth spread through Jaskier as the intro started and he felt ready. He still pressed back into Geralt on the harder lines, reminding himself he was still there, but they both made it through two full takes. 
On the final one, as the recording of the softly picked guitar faded out, Jaskier couldn’t help but repeat two more lines, “When the lights go down, Know that I am never far away.”
His voice hung in the air for a beat, the sense of finality reverberating through the studio and bringing everything else to a stand still. 
Geralt was the first to breathe, “Shit, we made it.”
“We fuckin made it,” Jaskier huffed, emotionally drained but immensely satisfied as he turned to hug Geralt from behind and press his cheek to his spine, “I love you.”
“I love you too. Let’s get a snack?”
When the sound tech played the potential mix for the first time, he tacked on an echoing, distant sounding recording of their conversation. Everyone looked at each other and nodded, goosebumps on their arms and that feral sparkle in their eyes that every artist gets when they’ve stumbled on something really exciting. They re-recorded some guitar and drums, but they kept the vocals exactly the same. 
For the album art they wrote “I love you” on the tattered hospital stationary that had the lyrics and chords written on it and took a picture. Jaskier had the original framed and hung in their house as a little reminder. 
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
You Came Back (1/3)
Juice Ortiz x Reader
Request from @ateliefloresdaprimavera​: Juice has a special place in my heart, so I'm denying his ending on the show😭 I want to foccus on the nurturing,fluffy and romantic side that he deserves😍 maybe something about Opie and Jax childhood friend who comes back to charming( Gemma always thought of her as her own kid) and she's really closed of emotionaly, bit our boy is smitten from the second he has his eyes on her. so romantic Juice overdrive, and she starts to see this side of life that's worth, by his side
Warnings: language
Word Count: 2.8k
Chapter Index: Part 2 , Part 3
A/N: Okay so I maaaay have gotten a little carried away with this request (hence it being three parts lmao) but I just felt like to do it right I had to make it longer than a one-shot. Hope you don’t mind! My love for Juice knows no bounds so it’s easy for me to get a little over zealous lol
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You rolled into the lot at T-M, turning the radio down as you did. Everything looked pretty much exactly the same as when you left all those years back. You wondered if any of the guys ever actually got out of Charming, or if they all fell into the routine and stayed. You shook your head at yourself, knowing that you weren’t really any different—all those years you spent out of Charming and somehow you ended up right back in it. Maybe you just weren’t meant to stay away.
You parked and took a deep breath, trying to give yourself the will to step out of the vehicle. You looked around the lot, seeing all the bikes lined up together made your heart speed up. You glanced over to the shop itself, not seeing any familiar faces at first. You sighed, finally making yourself cut the ignition and get out of the car.
The walk to the office felt like it was a mile long. The door was ajar, but you still knocked before entering. You heard an unmistakable voice on the other side, “Come in.”
You stepped inside, waiting for Gemma to look up from the papers in front of her. Her eyes flicked up, expecting to see someone else, anyone else, but there you were. It took a second for it all to register, but as soon as it did a smile broke out across her face. She stood up and walked around the desk, wrapping you in a hug.
“Well, well,” she laughed, stepping back so she could get a good look at you, “Didn’t expect to see you rolling in here any time soon.”
You laughed, shaking your head slightly, “Yea, me neither I guess.”
“What brings you here, sweetheart?” she could see the stress on your face.
You sighed, “Don’t really know. I had to go somewhere, and I ended up here.”
She smiled, nodding, “All my kids always make it back home,” she saw you open your mouth to argue and held her hand up to stop you, “Blood isn’t what makes someone my kid. If I ever fed you in my house, you’re my kid.”
You smiled and nodded, glad to be surrounded by the familiarity of it all. You thought that it would’ve changed over the years but you supposed that you should’ve known better. Charming, and all the people in it, seemed untouched by time. You had no idea if you were going to be able to blend back into it after being away for so long.
“That mean that Jax is around here somewhere too?”
Gemma smiled and nodded, “Clubhouse. I’m sure they’ll be excited to see you. C’mon, I’ll walk with you.”
The two of you walked side-by-side in silence. You knew that Gemma had questions, but you knew that she would wait until the excitement died down to pull you aside to ask you them. Today was just about finding everyone else again. Down the road you’d get around to finding yourself again, too.
Gemma swung open the door to the clubhouse, “Look who I found, wandering around the lot.”
Jax and Opie were both seated at the bar, smiles breaking out across their faces the second they saw you. They both stood up and came over to greet you, and you reveled in the warmth of their hugs.
“Holy shit,” Jax chuckled and shook his head, “Never thought I’d be seeing you again.”
“That seems to be the trend,” you said with a nervous smile.
Opie draped his arm around your shoulder, completely enveloping you as he pulled you against his chest again, “Welcome home.”
You laughed into his kutte, “What a welcome it is.”
You recognized some of the other faces in the clubhouse. Truthfully you weren’t ever overly close with the guys in the club. You were all nice to each other, but growing up with Jax and Opie you made a conscious decision to stay just far enough out of club drama and business to keep yourself safe. They were your best friends and you loved them, but you made a point to not know too much. Plausible deniability was key.
“Come, sit,” Jax flashed a smile, “have a beer.”
“You sure?”
He chuckled, “Yea. We ain’t got shit to do.”
Opie smiled at you, “Besides, how long has it been? Seven years? Eight?”
“Nine,” you said as you pulled away.
“Jesus Christ,” Jax said with a shake of his head, “Where does the time go?”
The three of you were sat at the bar, catching up on the broad strokes of what your lives had been like since the last time you were all in a room together. You always said that you were going to keep in touch with them when you left, but it never happened. You could blame it on a lot of different things, but deep down you knew that if you kept in touch you wouldn’t have stayed away. Charming was like a magnet and there was no denying its pull if you ever got too close.
“I do see some new faces though, right?” you laugh, “Some of these guys definitely weren’t here before.”
Jax chuckled, nodding, “You’re right. Got some new brothers hanging around. This is Half-Sack,” he nodded towards the young man who was behind the bar, trying and failing at not being obvious about staring at you, “He’s our latest Prospect.”
“N-nice to meet you, Y/N,” he nodded quickly as he went back to whatever he had been doing behind the bar beforehand.
You smiled and shook your head as you took another look around the clubhouse, “Who else is new?” you paused, chuckling to yourself, “Who else is new and actually matters?”
Opie chimed in, nodding to the far side of the clubhouse, “Only other new kid in the club is Juice.”
“Not hiring very many people these days, huh?” you chuckled, nudging Opie’s shoulder, “They stop bringing in new talent after you patched in?”
“Who else would they need?” his smile made your heart melt.
“Ope, Jax,” Clay came bursting into the clubhouse, “Church, now.”
“We’ll pick this up later,” Jax kissed you on the cheek, “It’s good to have you home.”
Opie pulled you into a half-assed headlock, kissing the top of your head before trailing behind Jax and following him into the chapel of the clubhouse. You watched in silent awe as the other men filtered into the room, shutting the doors behind them.
You turned and looked at the prospect, “You’re gonna miss roll call.”
He smiled, shaking his head, “I don’t go in there unless explicitly instructed.”
“What’s your name?” you sipped on your beer while you waited for his response.
“It’s Kipp,” he only met your eyes for a second.
“Mind if I call you that instead of Half-Sack?” you chuckled.
His cheeks flushed slightly, “You can call me whatever you want.”
You laughed and shook your head but didn’t make any other comment about it. He seemed sweet, and you thought to yourself that maybe you didn’t give the other guys in the club enough of a chance. Maybe you kept a little too much distance from everyone. Maybe if you hadn’t you wouldn’t have had to leave to end up right back where you started, you just would’ve stayed.
When the chapel doors opened up again, the men started trickling out one by one. You didn’t see Jax, Opie, or Clay come back out right away though. You didn’t have much of anywhere else to be, so you stayed put to wait. The prospect brought you another beer when he saw that you weren’t going anywhere.
You were looking down at your phone when someone popped up and sat down on the stool next to yours. It took you a moment to look up and see who it was. You were greeted with a warm smile as the man next to you gave you a once-over.
“I’m Juice,” he nodded with a grin.
You smiled, holding out your hand, “Y/N.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “You haven’t. I’m an…old friend of Jax and Opie. I haven’t been around in a while. Just got back to Charming.”
“Welcome back.”
You smiled, “Thanks. You’re new, too, yea? You weren’t here when I left.”
He chuckled, “New seems like a strong word.”
The two of you sat and made small talk for a few minutes. There was a warmth that radiated from his smile that made you feel like you’d known him your whole life. You wondered if maybe the club was turning over a new leaf. The newest members seemed like they were cut from a different cloth and it was reassuring to you.
Jax appeared behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders, “This guy givin’ you a problem, Y/N?” you could hear the smile in his voice.
You shook your head, “Not at all. Just helping me kill time until you two jokers got out of your little meeting with Clay.”
“How long you in town for?” Jax asked.
You shrugged, “Until further notice?” you tried to play it off with a smile, not wanting to talk about how you had ended up back in Charming, “Why? That desperate to get rid of me already?”
He hugged you back against his chest, almost pulling you off the stool, “Nah, never. Where you staying?”
You sighed, leaning your head back against him, “Haven’t figured that part out yet.”
“You can stay with me until you figure it out,” he offered up, “Beats paying for a motel.”
“You sure?”
He nodded, “Of course. Not giving you any more reasons to skip town on us again,” he held his hand out to help you off the stool, “C’mon, you can follow me and we can get you settled in.”
You let him help you, relieved that you had a place to stay, and that it was with someone that you trusted, “Thank you, Jax. I owe you one,” you turned back to Juice, “Nice meeting you.”
“Yea,” there was a small smirk on his face, “you too,” he watched you and Jax walk out of the clubhouse, laughing together as the door shut behind you. He turned to Opie, “Who is she?”
He shook his head with a knowing smile, clapping Juice on the back, “She’s out of your league, brother.”
Juice laughed at the remark, but wasn’t able to take his eyes away from the door that you had just walked out of. He might not have known you yet, but he was hoping that that wouldn’t be the case for long. You felt like a breath of fresh air. He drummed his fingertips on the surface of the bar, the wheels in his mind beginning to turn.
It took a few days to get comfortable staying in Jax’s house. He was more than accommodating, but you were still struggling with being back in Charming. Any time he tried to pry a little more into what your life had been like once you left, and what it was that made you decide to come back, you clammed up. You weren’t good enough at lying to try, especially not with someone who knew you as well as Jax did. He eventually backed off when he realized that he was just going to have to wait for you to be comfortable talking about it in your own time. But you still felt like there were a few degrees of separation between the two of you.
“Plans today?” he asked as he sat across from you at the table, taking a sip of his coffee.
You sighed and shook your head, “Not really. Still waiting to hear back from a couple of the places I sent applications out to.”
“If you need something in the meantime, I’m sure we could find a spot for you at T-M.”
You shook your head, not wanting to accept charity, or pity, “No, you don’t have to do that. You guys have a full house there as it is.”
He smiled, “Nah, my mom could always use the help. She says it all the time.”
You chuckled, “Needing you guys to do your jobs and needing extra help aren’t the same thing.”
He laughed, “See? You two’ll work well together. Why don’t you come with me today and you can talk to her?”
“And say what? Just walk in and say, I’m poor, please give me a job?”
“Isn’t that what all job interviews are like?”
You laughed, not able to disagree, “I mean, I guess, yea,” you sighed, “Alright, fine. But I’m not talking to her alone.”
“You don’t need backup, Y/N.”
“Listen, I know your mom likes me, but she’s still one of the scariest fucking people I’ve ever met. So, you’re talking to her with me.”
He caved, the way you knew that he would. You followed him to the shop in your car, him on his bike. You laughed at the way he would speed ahead of you and force you to play catch-up. It felt like you were teenagers again and for a few minutes your heart felt lighter.
When the two of you rolled into the lot, things seemed quiet. The guys were working in the shop, and you looked around trying to picture potentially being here all day every day. You had no idea what that would be like, what you would even really do.
“Hey, baby,” Gemma walked up and hugged Jax, kissing him on the cheek.
“Hey, Mom,” he turned to you, “Y/N had something that she wanted to talk to you about.”
You pressed your lips together into a thin line—you should’ve known that he was going to hang you out to dry on this. He gave you a pat on the back and took off towards the clubhouse, leaving you and Gemma there outside the office together.
“What’s going on, sweetheart?” she looked at you expectantly.
You sighed, hating that you were about to ask her about this, “Um, so…I’ve just been struggling to pick up a job on short-notice. Jax mentioned that maybe there would be a spot for me here? Just something short-term. I’m not trying to take advantage or anything—if there’s nothing you really need me for here that’s totally fine.”
She smiled, “There’s always something to be done around here,” she gently placed her hand on your arm, “We take care of our own. When can you start?”
You smiled with a shrug, “Now?”
Gemma chuckled, “Perfect. Juice needs an extra pair of hands on a repo run. You okay with that?”
You nodded, “Yea, sure. Will he tell me what I have to do? Because I have no idea,” you laughed.
She smiled with a slight nod, “You’ll be fine,” she waved Juice over, “Juice, c’mere!”
He jogged over, a smile plastered on his face as he looked at you, “What’s up?”
Gemma gestured towards you, “Y/N is working for us for a while. She’s going on the repo run with you today, that alright?”
He nodded immediately, “Yea, of course,” he looked at you with bright eyes, “Good to see you again.”
You smiled, nodding, “You too.”
You could practically feel him vibrating with excitement in the driver’s seat beside you as he drove. You tried to hide the smile that was fighting its way onto your face. You asked him what he even needed you to do when the two of you worked together. He outlined it all to you and it seemed fairly simple. You had to imagine that it wasn’t the most fun part of the job, but it was still something to keep the both of you busy for a little while.
On top of the repo, Gemma had called and asked the two of you to stop and pick up a few parts that she had ordered for the shop. You waited outside with the truck while Juice went inside to pick them up. He walked back out carrying two large boxes stacked on top of each other.
“Can you get the door?” he asked, voice slightly strained.
You chuckled, “I kinda wanted to see you try to pull it off by yourself.”
The two of you were halfway into your drive back to T-M when Juice spoke up, “Can I ask you something?”
You looked over at him, “Shoot.”
“Are you and Jax…you know…”
You laughed, “Dating?”
He shrugged, “Yea.”
You shook your head, unable to stop laughing, “No, no we are not. We’re just good friends. I love him but, yea, no,” you searched his face for a reaction, “Why?”
He tried to play it off, “No reason, just curious. You guys just seem close, is all.”
“Mhm,” you chuckled and went back to looking out the window, “If you say so.”
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kirkhasakink · 4 years
QUICK UPDATE- Online store
First off, I didn’t thank you here for the HUGE support you gave me during the reopening 🙏 My brain was melting that week. You almost broke the website. I mean, almost everything sold out during the first hour C8 The stock was limited, that’s true. But, I wasn’t expecting that amount of sales. For more than a year I’ve been somewhat emotionaly numb with my work. This really felt like a ray of light after so long. Also, like most people, I haven’t been doing well financially for the past year. So this was a huge help. This week I sent half of the packages. And I’m planning to send the other half next week. 
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I’m trying to work as fast as I can. But, again, my priority here is that everything goes well. I’ve had a few inconvenients searching for supplies. But I haven’t got any problems sending the packages so far. I can only hope mail services do their job, now. After I send the packages, I’ll need one week to restock everything. I or, your rad entity from “another reality” Rya-Q, will announce when everything will be available again, don’t worry. Finally, about the Kirk has a Kink comics.... well, the response was insane. I really thought those were the least thing you will buy. They are old, ya know? Ooooooold, the drawings look taaarribleeeeee. @_@ Okaaay, I'll consider doing a small reprint, only via preorder. I don’t want any extra copies. We’ll see. Thanks for your patience! 🙏🙏
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jiminrings · 2 years
WTF 😭😭
no but seriously the way jungkook comes off as a morally grey character where as mc comes of as someone more stubborn and probably more emotionaly charged is such a good connection that just scratches that one part of my brain-
i have a feeling that by the end of this series we'll see jk be more like mc and i CANT WAIT <333
MY LAURV U SAID IT EXACTLY <3333 jungkook in this fic (or in this installment atleast) is rlly a morally grey character!! he attaches no malice to meeting up with sora bc he looks at her as a friend/as a fond memory, but two of his gravest mistakes are failing to consider that it does not come across as that way to yknow his wife (!!!!!) and that he didn’t even tell her in the first place!! he’s quiet n closed off but vocal for the things that don’t matter :// oc is definitely more stubborn n emotionally charged in this fic!! tries v hard to be neutral with the hopes of an easy type of love, but dangles off to become more reckless and volatile (if those r the correct terms lol) when at breaking point!!
this duo scratches the right side of my brain and as for ur feeling.... we will see 😁😁
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raksh-writes · 3 years
Im gonna, yet again, vent/rant about my thesis and all the ugly that comes with it, so I'll hide it under the cut, because there will prob be some negative thoughts in here and I've already spammed my blog with enough of them. So, feel completely free to skip reading this!
I need to rewrite the whole conclusion. And deleted like, half of the last chap too. And it's the third time I'd be rewriting this part.
It already hit me hard two days ago, when I got the reply from my promotor. And, I mean, I get it, he's only trying to help me make it better, and on a rational level I appreciate it, but seeing as I was on, like, four hours of sleep and already emotionaly and mentaly exhausted, it really kinda broke something in me. Now Im having a painfully hard time getting to it, like - wanting to delete the whole thing and throw it all to hell every time I think of even opening up the doc kind of hard. It's ugly, I don't like and I don't know how to combat it right now ;/
I guess it goes to show how emotional/mental/physical exhaustion can be devastating on a lot of levels. Normaly, the summer finals are easier for me than the winter ones, but this year has been such a hell it feels like it's all coming to a head right now and I don't know how to properly deal with it. I think I'm too tired to be able to, I can't gather the strength or patience for it so all these ugly things fester.
I dunno if I should try to push through it or (try to) rest for now and get to it when I feel somewhat better and more equiped for it - if its even possible xd I have kinda already given up on reaching first term, all that rushing was prob half the reason it didn't work and although I want to get it, just so its all ended sooner than later, Im just gonna ignore it and whatever term I get, I get. Just as long as I dont actually throw it all away now when Im basically at the finish line xd
So, yeah, Im halfheartedly grappling with myself about it all because even when exhausted and kinda hating my thesis right now Im still anxious about not doing anything at all times xd Which also makes trying to rest super hard, ehhh
I dunno. Im kinda trying to sort out my own thoughts here, hoping it'll help. I've been saying I just want to be done with it a lot, but I dont think I've ever meant it quite as much. Not that now throwing it all away feels like a viable option xd But it'd be a shame to waste these three years that passed...
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tayley · 4 years
Re: "why don't you get put the safety on" I've got a slightly dif take than that last anon. Somebody said the gun and trigger are metaphors for giving somebody the power to hurt you when you let them in so intimately, what if T doesn't put the safety on bc he wants to give her that power, ie he wants to let her in emotionaly, but he's scared to. Another anon mentioned T maybe felt like a rebound which is why, even tho he loved H, they broke it off, in which case H had to prove it was more than that. The ball was in her court, only she could "pull the trigger" and make the leap from friends to lovers. He left to protect himself, but he wanted H so badly, so he never "left the safety on" and left himself open to her
oof. this just destroyed me thanks.
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milasartblog · 4 years
While Lucifer was driving fast to his destination, Michael stood near the railing, at the same place where his beloved demon once gave him a gift. Feeling sleepy and a bit exhausted emotionaly, he barely could look at the horizon, not talking about the phone. He sighed deeply.
Michael: I hope there is still a chance to fix this...silly argument. I should have told him all before doing something myself. After all, I don’t have as much knowledge as he does about her.....I’m so sorry, Lucy....
He looked down as suddenly heard the sound of the motobike. He could recognize it everywhere. It was Lucifer getting closer. Michael tried to pull himself together, even tho he knew it’s impossible with such mood. Finally the demon arrived as got off from his bike.
Lucifer: Michael.
Michael: Lucifer...
Both stood in awkward silence, hesitating to speak. Even tho things happened yesterday, minutes and hours felt like an eternity, which didn’t stop them to feel ashamed and guilty. Michael decided to take the lead.
Michael: I...I’m glad that you came.
Lucifer: Well, after reading your fifty missed messages, of course I would come. 
Michael: Did I really send that much?
Lucifer: Hey, I’m not the one who did it, you know.
Michael: True.
They smiled in embarrassement, but quickly changed to a serious look.
Michael: So, umm...Lucy, I....I want to apologize for-
Lucifer: For trying to do things by yourself without anyone's help? That's okay, it's one of your features. I just....was stunned that what you said back when I told you about her were actually a lie.
Michael: And they're still not a lie. I mean, sure I didn't tell you about my intentions, but I didn't mean to leave you or others. I have planned to tell you when I find Ghemora's location, because I knew that alone I will not handle it.
Lucifer: Really?
Michael nodded with smile as rubbed his head.
Michael: Even with my determination, those events that happened with us made me realise the degree of the danger. So, my plan was first to find her, then tell you, so that we could come up with a good strategy.
Lucifer: I see...So this is what you really wanted to do.
Michael: Yep. I also tried to understand her motives by rereading our history. I know that you'll probably not believe me now, or just have doubts in my words, it's okay. I just hope that things will be clear from now on.
Both took a moment to think. Lucifer made a facepalm, blaming himself for being too rushed with conclusions while Michael blamed himself for not explaining things correctly. The angel sighed tho as looked at the demon.
Michael: I will not mind if we don't speak with each other for some time.
Lucifer: What? Why?
Michael: Well, to overthink about our actions and what I said? After all, I broke a promise.
Lucifer: True, but there's the problem, Michael. I don't want to do it.
The angel got stunned as Lucifer walked closer to him, holding his hands and looking into his eyes. It made Michael blush for a moment.
Lucifer: Instead of solving things out, I just walked away, which it was silly and irresponsible of me. Emotions took over me, making things look silly. And because of it I don't want to spend days, feeling ashamed of acting like this.
Michael: W-Well, it happens with everyone. Remember the moment with Gabriel not accepting our relationship?
Lucifer: But at that time you tried to explain to your brother, plus he was too law-abiding.
Michael: Still, I could just simply ask you to come with me instead of giving up to emotions. So, what you did is understandable.
Lucifer: Still, kinda silly.
Michael: Well....okay, I agree, it's kinda silly.
They both giggled awkward as for couple of seconds they stood holding each other's hands.
Lucifer: Did you choose this place specifically for this chat?
Michael: Yep. I still remember that day when you gifted me that necklace which I'm still wearing now. Even if it's a simple thing, for me it's more than that. It's your trust to me, and this place kinda became a place for me where we can talk and get along again, to trust each other again. At least it's my belief.
Lucifer: I see....In this case, can it be my belief too?
Michael: Why such question? Of course, Lucy.
He smiled brightly as demon giggled lightly.
Michael: So, if I promise to tell you about my plans towards Ghemora, will you trust me again?
Lucifer: Of course. And I promise to tell you about it too. And we also should solve such things together, no objection.
Michael:....Being serious doesn't suit you.
Lucifer: True~
They laughed as then hugged each other tightly.
Michael: Thank you, Lucy...for not losing hope on us.
Lucifer: Same to you, Mike...Also, I noticed that you look sleepy and tired. Did you not sleep well?
Michael: Well, writing messages every five minute can be quite exhausting.
Lucifer: And some of them were cute, honestly~
Michael: Hey!
Lucifer: Just kidding~ Tho it's good that I took a bike with me. Shall we get back and take a rest then?
Michael: Well, we actually can teleport back, but I don't mind such way too. Plus, a good ride can also be as a way to rest from duties.
Lucifer: Good, then let's go.
They walked together to the bike as they sat on it and together drove along the road. As they were driving, Michael hugged Lucifer tightly, sighing with relief that such silly yet important for them argument was solved, while demon couldn't help not to smile too.
Amd that's the next story for our universe^^ Lucifer and Michael finally got along^^ Well, maybe for some time there will be little doubts, but they can move on together and continue their duties^^ Hope you will like it^^
Lucifer and Michael belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan and @captainthane
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veterveter · 3 years
Bless, tumblr finally working for you.
Anyway, here's the post from @delirious-and-slightly-murderous
So seeing as Tumblr hates me, I'm trying this darling, hope it reaches you.
So just read rat king.
[You should all totally read rat king if you haven't yet, it's fun I promise :) But also read Manu's commentary on it!!]
Tuuli I hope you know I love you and completely adore you and I am in awe of you but right now I HATE YOU. 
You broke me AGAIN. And I was just mending myself.
This was great and beautiful and fantastic and completely awful and the worst thing I've ever seen in my life. 
I'm crying.
So now I'm going to make a habit of coming to scream at you on tumblr every time you post something. 
You already know how I feel about your characterization and Andrés' POV and the angst. So there, it applies here too.
Here we go you awful and magnificent goddess.
“Martín,” Sergio clarified, moving up his glasses, the prescription of which was much too weak for his continuously worsening eyesight, “I think you should stop sleeping with him: Yes, Segio and his judgement. That couldn't not be there. But Andrés and Martín are sleeping together? I know this is going to hurt.
Martín was a constant in his life, something carried over from before. Martín? Martín wasn’t a problem; Martín was the only one thing that was good: at least here he appreciates him. Thank god.
Before, he would have found some entirely healthier way of loving his soulmate. Maybe they would have even had an old-world relationship, eventually. Andrés felt like he might have liked that, once. He knew Martín would have loved it: 😭 I want this for them and it hurts that it's simply not going to happen. I'm afraid of the MCD tag, Tuuliiiiiiiiiiii! Who did you kill, you murderous genius?
Andrés needed Martín, desperately. Too desperately to love him the way he should have: I'm going to die. He could at least try but nooooo, god forbid the day Andrés de Fonollosa makes things simple for anyone.
Andrés could see the way orgasms had loosened some of the tensions that so often gripped his body, and he hoped Sergio could too.😏
 If Andrés had to choose only one, he would have certainly chosen— : repressed asshole. I hope that was going to end with the word Martín. Why are you even getting married? What's even the point. But I see Andrés will continue to be emotionally stunted even when the world is ending.
Martín and Sergio had gotten along well, before. Andrés could remember so many pleasant evenings, just the three of them and a bottle of wine. But ever since they had to move to this base, the tensions had been palpable. They were both desperately trying to keep them alive, but were constantly disagreeing on the how: I'm starting to like Sergio more than Andrés here, how is that possible? How? See what you do Tuuli?
He turned around at the doorway and left the room, because he had no doubts about it: they would listen to him: Andresito, you are being too egocentric, this is not going to end well, for anyone.
Andrés understood just enough to know he was proud.: I don't know how to feel about this Andrés. I can't.
Andrés always tried not to take the slights of this brave new world personally – it was cruel, but they all had to endure loss of unspeakable magnitude – but this? Having to choose between his Martín and his brother?: Oh no, Oh no, NO. This isn't fair. Why do I get the terrible feeling we already know who he's going to choose? Please DON'T do this.
Andrés knew with unwavering certainty that either one of them would be willing to do it, and that they would consider it a great big favour to Andrés, and not the horrifying curse it truly was. He was the one who would have to pay the ultimate price, and live, knowing how much it had cost: Everything always has to be about you, doesn't it Andrés. You fucking deserve it.
Andrés could appreciate such a malleable room, because it reminded him of Martín, who always became what Andrés needed him to be.😡😭💔
Martín had never cared about plants, before. Actually, he seemed to have held a certain disdain for them. He had always said they were stupid and lifeless. Now he was looking at these ones, their lifeline, and he was filled with reverence and sorrow. If Andrés could have given him one thing, he would have liked to return to him his complete disregard for flora, and all the things it had since then come to imply: This hurts, and not only for obvious reasons. But nature? Fuck right in the feels.
Martín was entirely too pretty to look like this. They hadn’t even been having sex, because suddenly Martín looked like his eternally calcium-deficient bones might now break from the strain. Pretty Martín yeah! And you are a genius. Now this is my official headcanon as to why Martín drinks milk, he has fragile bones, the poor baby.
The weird walking corpse at the table smiled, and it almost made him resemble Martín.: He's already halfway dead. The MCD tag is him isn't it? I hate you Tuuli.
Andrés had to remind himself that he was lucky to have this. He may have had so many better things, before, but now he had this, and that was good. They had it better than most, him and Martín, for they had each other. Andrés still had his brother, and now he would have his wife, too. He was lucky: Not for long, buddy. And you deserve it. Poor Sergio I normally hate him but gosh.
“No,” Andrés said without waiting for a single beat, because he couldn’t let Sergio think he considered it. Even though he almost— “No, I don’t. I want you two, both of you, to figure out a way. A different way.”: He loves them both and he accepts it? Why does the world have to be ending.
Andrés tried not to think too much about Martín from before, but sometimes he did anyway. That night, as he wrapped his arms around Martín’s pathetic, weak and shivering frame, he thought about his true soulmate, the one this body had once belonged to.: Now I understand Martín sacrificing himself is the only way. He's already dead. And because of Andrés no less. How tragic.
Andrés had never said it back.
That night, he didn’t say it back.: Now Martín is going to die and it'll be horrible isn't it? Tuuli I want to murder you.
I’m so sorry, Andrés,” Sergio said quietly, slowly reaching out a hand to touch his shoulder.
Andrés recoiled from it, sharply. “No,” he snapped, “No. We are all going to die. Say those words, Sergio. We are all going to die.” He had made his peace with death long ago. There were worse things, many things so much more horrifying—
“We are not all going to die,” Sergio said, “The generator—” His words were cut off by Andrés’s hand on his throat, squeezing.: You are the king of denial, bad decision, being stupid, emotionaly stunned and not appreciating your soulmate enough Andrés. You deserve all the pain.
“He doesn’t deserve that,” Andrés said, his voice breaking again as he thought of it, Martín’s body, his corpse, frozen and preserved like that for as long as they would live. Martín, out there, while Andrés was in here, unable to ever go and give him even a proper burial. He had always been able to give Martín so little, and in death he would fail him yet again: I really have no words for this. But Martín being forever preserved out there and Andrés knowing that and not being able to mourn him. That is genius and it hurts and it's the perfect ending for them.
Andrés had never told him. Not once. How could he be certain that Martín had known? How could he insist that Martín, the brightest of them all, had known, when Andrés had never told him? Martín operated in words – how could Andrés have forced him to read his love in a language he didn’t even speak?: Now you confront your feelings too late, like always you repressed asshole. You deserve all the pain.
God, he wished Martín hadn’t been so bright. That he had been an idiot, dim-witted and slow like the rest of them.
Then the two of them would have let all of humanity perish.: You already murdered me with 'stay a while' and now this. Tuuli I'm coming back as a vengeful ghost and haunting your perfect ass.
So yeah, I don't have words but that's what I could spit out.
And Tuuli, you know the thing I showed you about the spider? Well when I finished reading this I was crying and wailing. My professor came running because he thought it was another spider or something even worse like a serpent.
When he asked what was going on I was in such a state I could only say 'rat' like a dumbass. 
Like seriously? And when he asked again I said Rat king fic and pointed vaguely to my phone. 
He thought I was talking about an actual rat.
So imagine this. We are there, at night (in Costa Rica nightfall is around 6:00pm all year round, so now it's 9:00pm and here in the tropical rainforest it gets Dark), camping in the middle of nowhere in the wild with a tropical storm falling over our heads and I start crying about Rats. 
Congratulations Tuuli, you put me in such a state that I managed to send the whole of 9 biologists into a frenzy, frantically checking out the tents over an imaginary giant rat. 
It was literally terror in the jungle. 
I wanted the earth to shallow me. I didn't know how to explain that all that circus was because of a fucking fic.
I think now I no longer have satelital internet rights.
I hate you.
(P.S: But don't worry I still absolutely adore you, even if now I am the laughing stock of my fellows 🥰😘♥️)
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Here have my friend the spider to show how I'm feeling.
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smilingleoo · 5 years
Bts Reaction-S/O's dangerous friendships
Request: Hey, what about a reaction where s/o starts new friendships, but their boyfriends doesn't think these friends are good to their s/o, so one day they're coming back home and find their s/o smoking weed with those friends in their livingroom, then they got mad, make everyone leave, take care of their s/o but in the next day they have a serious conversation about they behavior and their friends.
Hello! Here you go, enjoy...
RM (Kim Namjoon)
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Namjoom was absolutely delighted when you told him that you had met some guys during a concert. He knew how difficult it could be having new friends, so he was over the moon. However, he started getting worried when you returned home late at night, staggering upon various things and tripping over your own feet. What is more, when you snuggled into bed, Namjoon caught how the smell of weed decorated your ruined clothes.
Something was not right.
Fortunately, Namjoon was perceptive and mature enough to grab the growing problem by the roots. Firstly, he asked you if there was something wrong but you dismissed him immidiately. He concluded that maybe you were too excited about you new friends that you were blinded about the things that could damage your health greatly, because you couldn't lie to him...right? Although Namjoon trusted you fiercely, he also had to look after you. Therefore, one day, he decided to return home early from work; stumbling upon numerous alcohol bottles and a bunch of smoke flying around the room. There you were, obviously drunk, smoking a cigarrette your 'friends' had prepared. Angry, Namjoon called them out and kicked everyone out of your house. You whimpered and made a rampage about his decision but Namjoon had had enough. After he wrapped you into bed, he began thinking about the conversation you needed to have the following day.
Jin (Kim Seokjin)
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You were no longer as loving as you had been weeks ago. The things you both did when you or Jin had the time, such as cooking, vanished with the blink of an eye. He was devastated but you seemed fine with it. In fact, you were having a great time with your new friends. You were not really interested in spending time with your boyfriend anymore and Jin decided that maybe it was the time to talk things through.
Maybe the love you once felt was gone.
Nevertheless, when he opened the door of your shared apartment, a horrible scent washed over his features. His eyebrows furrowed in disgust yet he managed to get past the atrocious smell and into the living room. Surprisingly, you were there but some people were beside you; a thin glowing stick spraying a distinguishable swirling smoke-"What are you doing?"-was all Jin had managed to ask. You, clearly drunk, opened your arms and invited him to join the party but Jin knew better. He waved you off and walked to your bedroom, annoyed by your childish demanour. However, his heart ached at the thought of you harming yourself with this new group. Therefore, once you woke up the following day, he sat you down, a cup of coffe in your hand, and explained his worries thoroughly-"I won't let you destroy your gorgeous self while I can take care of you..."
Suga (Min Yoongi)
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He knew everything the first night you returned home.
Your eyes were red and puffy, your mouth held a peculiar smokey scent and your dress was stained with alcohol. He had some knowledge about those things but he let you be free for a while, he trusted your judgement and maybe this was just a once-in-a-life moment. However, Yoongi was wrong. You kept coming home with that rottening smell, drunk to death and completely lost. Min Yoongi started to believe that he had to take matters into his own hands. He talked to you, a little dissappointed with your behaviour, explaining every argument he had. But his heart bolted when you told him that you were attending those places because you felt lonely. You were not even satisfied with yourself nor the people around you anymore and drugs, as superficial as it might sound, momentarily helped.
Yoongi felt guilty for a brief moment before you reassured him that he was the main reason why you still returned home. From that moment, you both promised to keep each other safe forever.
Jhope (Jung Hoseok)
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He had fallen in love with you for one main reason: your beautiful smile. He adored the way your lips shyly curved upwards just for him, teeth looming beneath while the corners of your gorgeous eyes wrinckled joyfuly. He was so crazy for it that when suddenly it disappeared, his heart was torn away. The only reason that came to his mind was that you were unhappy with your environment and the fact that you were now rarely at home supported his spontaneous theory. He knew you needed to talk but, if he were to be wrong, his accusation could finish your last thread of hope.
So Hoseok decided to wait for that smile he had once cherished.
But weeks passed and your eyes no longer held that spark of contentment he missed way too much. You were destroyed, physicaly, emotionaly and mentaly. So Hoseok thought that it was time to talk about what was happening. Surprisingly, you were extremely open with your worries, claiming that your new friends weren't the best role models but they were the most company you had had in so long. Hoseok, although broken and drowned with guilt, understood and made it his personal goal to be at home whenever his job didn't demand his presence.
He would take you out of that hole.
Jimin (Park Jimin)
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At first, he didn't notice. He thought that maybe you needed time alone and that you might want to enjoy some moments with your friends. He totally understood, in fact, he felt that maybe you were trying to kill time while he worked. However, your abrupt change of humor and appetite concerned him-"You barely touched your food"-he would say, wearing a warm smile. You would frown in discontent, arguing that he didn't need to control your every move.
Jimin's heart broke. But he wouldn't give up that easily.
With tiny steps, he tried to approach you. He would write encouraging messages on tiny papers just for you to read while he was away, or he would bring different types of flowers for you to take care of. Everything that took off your mind from your friends, which Jimin concluded were the problem's source, would help. After some weeks,he decided to talk things through-"What is happening, baby?"
V (Kim Taehyung)
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Believe it or not, Taehyung was a really perceptive guy. He would observe your every move; from your spontaneous outbursts to your tiny gestures. Everything seemed out of place, your sweet demanours having been replaced by anger and hartred. It was weird how people could affect us but Taehyung knew that the friends you had met were not changing your life for good-"Jagi, we need to talk"
"What?"-you barked while your cellphone rested on your left hand, a groupchat sparkling on the screen-"I'm worried about you, that's all. Is there something you want to talk about?"
Your eyes stung and he could see how your face scrunched with recognition, yet your rude facade didn't stumble-"Mind your own business, Taehyung"
"I'm your boyfriend, Y/N"-he argued-"Your business were mine the moment we started dating! I'm not doing this because I want to gossip about it afterwards. I deeply care about you but if you don't voice out what the hell is happening, I won't be able to help you"
Lips quivering, you launched yourself forward embracing Taehyung's torso in between your limbs. Tired sobs escaped your mouth as Taehyung caressed your messy hair with his loving touch-"I love you, Tae"
"I love you too, baby"-he hushed-"Now, tell me what's happening"
Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook)
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"Hyung, I don't know what to do!"-Jungkook pleaded worriedly. He had seen you stumble into your apartment, clearly drunk, two night in a row this week. Moreover, during daytime, you sulked inside your room most of the time wasting the few hours you had with your boyfriend, who confusedly ignored your attitude out of fear. Had he done something wrong? Were you mad? But nothing he recalled doing could have angered you like this-"I already told you, Jungkookie...you need to seriously talk to her. Otherwise, she could hurt herself"
Jeon Jungkook did not need to be scolded twice.
He stomped into the apartment, knocked on your door and waited for your response-"What do you want?"-you mumbled groggily but Jungkook could not master any kind of compassion now, he was too worried about you. Deep down he knew that if this kept on going, he could lose you and his life wouldn't be the same afterwards-"Babe, plaease, we need to talk"
"About what?"-you asked defensively still not opening the door.
"I know I can't forbid you to see your new firends 'cause that would seem like I don't trust you"-he spoke-"But, as your boyfriend, I can warn you about certain things you've been doing. Jagi, my heart breaks every time I see you so wasted...please, stop ignoring me and let's talk things through. I can help you"
Silence was the only sound that greeted Jungkook, even your soft breaths had appeared to stop. A minute passed, maybe two, and Jungkook's hopes fell from a fifth floor. However, when he was about to walk away, your door opened slightly, teary eyes peeking timidly-"I'm not myself anymore, Jungkook"
Immidiately, he turned around and entered your room closing the door behind him.
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