socialc1imb · 1 year
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For Vio?
(sorry I can't draw today, but I feel like the Minish would try to help somehow)
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
Dp x dc AU - If the Internation Space Station orbits the Earth 16 times a day, then so does the Watchtower.
Danny’s on track to move out of his parent’s house and move to Gotham for college (He swears that Sam bribed the board to let him in- and she wasn’t even going to that university!) but the dorms don’t open for another three days and he cannot wait to escape. Seeing his parents try to perfect yet another weapon to use against him while he changed out the ecto filters on the portal was too much. He’s completely over the idea of staying when he already has everything packed and ready to go.
The solution? Take all his boxes into his haunt in the Ghost Zone, leave them there and then spend some time in camping in space. He’s already explored the Infinite Realms enough to be bored of it for a minute (not to mention he wants to avoid getting more ‘favors’ to do from Clockwork) and hell, he just wants to see some stars.
He grabs his tent, a sleeping bag and all the food and things he could need and brings it into the atmosphere with him. Keeping it all tethered to him, Danny stays in a fixed position above Gotham (Cause that’s where he’s going next, duh) and treats himself to some quality Me-time.
Only problem is that several times a day he has to make himself intangible while he lets satellites and things pass through. Easy enough and honestly pretty interesting to observe as a wannabe engineering student.
He doesn’t know when exactly it happened the first time- but it turns out the Heroes of Earth all congregated in a satelite office building? It was bigger than the ISS! What the heck!?
Going intangible but not invisible, the JL spot Danny and are incredibly confused how an ‘Alien’ teen just happens to appear in their meeting rooms disappearing at the rate (slowly but surely) of the Watchtower moving through space. Was that camping gear? How was he roasting a marshmallow? Did propane camping stoves even work in space??
16 times a day they get the opportunity to ask Danny a few questions. He mostly ignores them or gives them joke answers. Eventually Martian Manhunter phases through the Watchtower to join him.
They talk about how hard transition periods in life can be and having strained relationships with family. J’ohn returns to the watchtower on its next cycle and reports that the kid is just fine, being an adult is just a hard thing to do.
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kaitokitty19 · 4 months
(from @witchhakuba it won't let me switch accs) we've seen saguru and tiny kaito. but what about kaito and tiny saguru? 👀
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Ahhhh thank you for the ask and sorry I took so long to reply (I was sick 🤒)
Buttttt god, thank you for giving me the excuse to draw tiny Saguru 😘😘😘
Imo, if Saguru were to be drugged with APTX4689, it would be because he stumbled upon the Black Org at a heist and stepped in as they were about to harm Kaito. Kaito brought him home and they work together to find the antidote (and pandora). Now, instead of chasing after KID, Hakuba is put into a position where he has to cover up KID’s trail against other detectives (which he will have moral crisises about) and fend off the Black Org.
(Kaito becomes very protective of Tiny-guru because he felt guilty Hakuba’s drugged because of him).
Hakuba’s alias would be something like Arthur LeBlanc (Arthur Conan Doyle and Maurice LeBlanc - author of Arsene Lupin and Blanc means white, which Saguru took quite an offense to, but hey, Kaito’s the one forging documents here 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Unlike Conan, I don’t think Hakuba would let his parents know about his predicament. He doesn’t seem to be close with his parents and wouldn’t want to bother/endanger them. Each of his parents just thought he was staying with the other one. At most, he tells Bayaa.
Arthur enrolled into the same primary school as Conan, and immediately arose suspicion when the Detective Boys arrived at a murder scene only to be informed that the crime has already been solved by another first grader. Ai Haibara, especially, did not trust him and avoid Arthur at all costs. Conan further suspect him when Arthur shows up at every heist.
Ahhhhh please feed me more ideas! This was fun. I’d likely draw more atpx!Hakuba in the future!
Click here for the mini comic I made for this AU 🫶🏻
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dailykafka · 1 year
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— May 13, 1922 / Franz Kafka diaries
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plistommy · 2 months
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Smooth, Eddie. Real smooth.
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choiyeonjuns · 3 months
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hueningkai reading a letter from his mom💌 (credit)
“to. my one and only son kai kai! it’s mom, i feel like it’s been so long since i wrote you a handwritten letter. i remember the day you went to bighit to sign your trainee contract. it’s already been 7 years since you got curious about being a trainee and thought “should i give it a go?” you cried a lot when you were a trainee and you went through…”
“thinking about you going through a lot always just makes me feel bad. even though there were many times when you wanted to give up, you overcame everything and finally debuted. it’s already been 5 years since you debuted. even after debuting, working as an idol is not something that’s easy but you always do your best in every situation and keep consistently growing.
i’m really proud that you’ve become a confident kai from the group tomorrow x together who lots of people have high expectations for.
you’ve worked hard and been through a lot and you’re doing a really good job.
kai, you don’t know how grateful i feel when you tell me that you’re happy doing what you’re doing.
i think the struggles you went through as a trainee were always on my mind. of course, going forward, as you continue working, there will be tough days. but i hope that on those days, you remember that mom and your family will always be right by your side, cheering you on, no matter what, when or where.
my extremely kind kai, you always need to stay healthy and happy, okay?
since i’m very much a T, i still have times when it’s difficult figuring out how you feel. i’ll try harder to be better at that.
thank you so much for being born as my son.”
“i think that mom was born to give birth to lea, kai and hiyyih. i love you my precious son, kai. you’re the best. kai is the best.
from. mom who loves kai so much”
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hiort · 1 year
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dumbest girl alive..
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frenchfrywrites · 8 months
Kinktober Day 3
dom top amab gn beastman reader, sub bottom trans man Leona, knotting, heats/ruts, mention of piss.
You're still getting used to how affectionate Leona gets when he's knotted during his heat.
He's got his face nuzzled into your neck, licking your scent gland with his rough tongue, all tight and slick around your swollen knot, purring like he's in heaven.
Running your hand through his long hair, Leona nips your neck gently before lifting his head out of your shoulder.
"How're you feeling?" you ask, tucking some of his sweat soaked hair behind one of his ears, and scratching behind them.
"Good," he rumbles, looking down where the two of you are connected, "you?" He's made it clear that he's upset that your rut wasn't triggered when he went into heat. He hadn't said it out loud, but you know he feels bad that he's so needy and clingy when you're not in the same headspace. Lucky for him, you know you can keep up.
"Oh baby," you smile, kissing his scarred cheek, "I'm feeling great with you on my knot," Leona moans softly, tilting his head to kiss your lips properly.
"Feels good," he mumbles against your mouth. You hum, rocking your hips into him,
"Tell me more, kitten," you urge, feeling lust sink it's way back into your loins already. With the way Leona's pussy has started leaking slick onto your cock, you can tell he's in a similar state.
"You're deep, and- and stretching me- it's good- you're going to knock me up, yeah?" he says it like it's a question. You dig your claws into his hips and Leona keens.
"Course, I'm gonna knock you up kitty, gonna give you cubs," you promise. His eyes flutter shut, and he sticks his face back into your neck, inhaling your scent deeply.
"Going to..." he pauses for a moment, letting out a shuddering breath, "piss in me?" he practically whispers. You moan, but it comes out sounding more like a growl.
"Yeah baby, you want that?" he's nodding before you can continue, "I'll piss in you, keep it deep in you, fill up your womb with it, keep it plugged up in you with my knot," Leona lets out a pleased hum.
"Thank you," he mumbles softly, so quiet you can barely make it out, and fuck if that ain't the hottest response he could've given you. Despite being stuck together via your knot, you still attempt to thrust your hips into him. Leona whines, bringing a hand down to sloppily play with his clit.
"Fuck, I'm close," he whines, pressing himself to you like he wants to be stuck together forever. You lean in to mouth at his scent gland, which overwhelms you with the scent of pleasure and desperation. Grazing your teeth against him is what sets him off.
He cums around your knot with a choked moan of your name. You sink your teeth into his skin, nearly finding your own climax when he squeezes and twitches around your knot. You can't wait for it to deflate so you can return to pounding him into the mattress like he so desperately needs.
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ganondoodle · 1 month
Hab ich irgendwelche deutschen Follower die ne Ahnung haben ob es überhaupt eine Partei hier gibt die sich für Palästina einsetzt??
Im momentanen Wahl-o-Mat war ja nicht einmal ne Frage dazu dabei und wenn ich danach google ist natürlich alles nur voller Israhell Verherrlichung ..
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m0e-ru · 9 months
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did everybody remember when atlus finally restored the attendant social link in the steam port and how stupid it actually was
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nikswonderland · 1 year
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a very hearty cat (via)
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gatzbright · 9 months
[october] one year of togetherness.
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@/dreamsecretclub: dteam Christmas won’t be happening unfortunately, thought I’d say before that way Christmas can still be great :) totally out of our control unfortunately, can’t wait for the future still :)) 2022 incoming ♥️♥️
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Dream: I'm gonna expose George's feelings on his behalf ... He was just saying, he was like, 'I think I'm depressed', and we were like 'What do you mean?' and he was like, 'I don't know. I don't do anything, and no one's here, and I just wanna come to the US'. And Sapnap was like, 'Well, what if I came to the UK?' and George was like, 'You should'. And then Sapnap went and filed for his passport the next day.
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Dream: Because George hasn't got his visa yet, Sapnap's going to the UK. Sapnap: Fine. I'll go. [Dream Team laughs] Dream: So, unfortunately, Sapnap's getting the first George hug. [George Laughs] Sapnap: I'm getting the first George hug.
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Dream: I feel like if George isn't here by, like—I wanna be like, 'Well, next month'. I feel like if George isn't here by September, my like, mental health will take a dive. Massively. And that sounds like, fucked, but it's one-hundred percent true.
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Dream: You will see the fact that George, um—George's reaction to seeing me ... We said when he got his visa he could FaceTime me, so, stuck to the plan. Not saying anymore because you have to wait for the meetup video.
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Dream: You sure you don't want to wait to see me in person? George: I'm ready. I've got my camera set up—I'm all ready to go! Dream: I guess I just, I wasn't expecting this. I'm gonna go look in a mirror and make sure I don't look like trash. I'll be right back! George: [laughs] Okay ... Oh my god.
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George: After years of waiting, I was finally going to America.
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Sapnap: Dream? Dream: Yeah? Sapnap: Clay? Dream: Oh god. Sapnap: I brought him. He's here. You excited? Dream: I am ... very nervous. Sapnap: Nervous but excited. Dream: I'm nervous, but I'm excited! I'm doing excited hops. Sapnap: It's a big day—an exciting day! ... Take your time. This is big stuff. He's going to be living here forever.
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@/GeorgeNotFound: Just met Dream!! :)
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“This doesn’t even feel real,” George says in the video — a sentiment he reiterates to Variety when asked about how he felt in the moment. “The sun was directly behind him, and it was blinding me, and he had an aura about him.” 
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George: It's so bright, I can't even see you. You're like a—you're like a god with the sun behind you!
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George: I guess I gotta go get my bags in, and time to live in the Dream House. Dream: The Dream Team House!
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@/GeorgeNotFound: why didnt you post the one where you actually kissed me?
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dream @/dreamwastaken: just felt better leaving things up for larger interpretation
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George: Look it's Dream, and Sapnap. It's all of us!
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Dream: [softly to George] Rise and shine. We're home.
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Hypnotised, Delta Goodrem | Dream's secret George photos in smile hoodie, Deleted @/dreamwastaken Tweet | Dream Priv Tweet,@/dreamsecretclub | The Collector, John Fowles | Dream Team Minecraft Skins | Dream Discord Podcast, Dream Merch Server | Our first selfie :], @/GeorgeNotFound Tweet | Sapnap Tiktok with George, @/Sapnapvids | Fortnite w/Dream and George, SapnapAlt VOD | Waiting for Godot, Samuel Beckett [Used Many Times] |  You Laugh You Lose With George, Sapnap VOD | Dream Discord Podcast, Dream Merch Server | The Trial, Franz Kafka | George Visa Tweet, @/GeorgeNotFound | Dream Twitter Space, @/dreamwastaken | October Passed Me By, girl in red | George Visa Selfie, @/GeorgeNotFound | I Met Dream In Real Life, GeorgeNotFound [Used Many Times] | There It Goes, Maisie Peters | Dandelion Wine, Gregory Alan Isakov | Electric Touch (feat. Fall Out Boy) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault), Taylor Swift | Coastline, Hollow Coves | George Tweet, @/GeorgeNotFound | Dream and George Interview, Rachel Seo, Variety | Dream Deleted Tweet Photos, @/Dream | George Tweet Reply,@/GeorgeNotFound | Dreamland, Glass Animals | Photograph of Dream and George during the Foodbeast's Panel at Twitchcon San Diego, @/itsjusttai_ | Dream Team Christmas – Baking Cookies, Sapnap VOD | fallingforyou, The 1975 | Dream Team Christmas – Gingerbread Houses, GeorgeNotFound VOD | Dream Tweet Reply, @/dreamwastaken | It's Not Living (If It's Not With You), The 1975 | just got back from hospital..., GeorgeNotFound VOD | Home, Gabrielle Aplin | Dream and George on set: Everest – Dream & Yung Gravy BEHIND THE SCENES, Dream Music | Dream Snapchat Video, @/Dream | Frankenstein, Mary Shelley
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tojisun · 11 months
real enough to touch
atwow!jake sully x fem avatar reader
!! angst; there are references to a1; hinted age gap between jake and reader; use of "kid" as platonic pet name // 2.1k words
: based of this prompt; hope you guys would luv it <33; title from blue banisters - lana
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you watch as they gather their things, packing up whatever else they could hoist onto their ikrans without the beasts buckling underneath all the weight that they are not used to carrying. the sully’s are silent for a change, their lips pinched close, their eyes refusing to meet each other in an act of full avoidance, hoping that the silence would blanket their breaking hearts.
your hands twitch, muscle memory kicking in when jake stalked away and left the rest of his family for a short moment. neytiri finds your eyes, tipping her head to wherever jake headed and you send her a short nod before turning around to follow the trail that your friend left.
you find him standing before the opening of high camp, alone, his eyes looking far away and his mind lost in thought. not even your loud footfalls could coax him out so you wait, taking your space beside him, basking in the silence as you count down the minutes you have left with him.
“i’m sorry,” he says after a while, his voice thick and only then do you realize that he slipped into english – a pretence of privacy.
“you shouldn’t be,” you tell him, tipping your head up and smiling when you meet his already-waiting eyes. “i get it the most, you know?”
“i know,” he breathes. “i’d love nothin’ more than for you t’come… but the people, they need you more.”
“‘course. they’re still gon’ need the remaining warrior of the jarhead clan, now that y’r leavin’,” you tease, hoping to ease the tension.
he chuckles, shaking his head at your words. your heart stutters at the sound, the realization that this is the last you’ll ever hear from and see of jake has you biting the inside of your cheeks, willing yourself to not cry yet. not when he needs you – strong heart.
he licks his lips, parting them, hesitating, until he finally mutters, “thanks for always being with me: back in hell’s gate ‘till now.”
you roll your eyes at him this time, a huff of short laugh escaping your lips. “i promised, didn’t i?”
(“on me?” he asked, tall and blue and free. he stood beside neytiri, their eyes pleading, waiting, but hardened – if you were going to stand against them, then so be it.
but how could you ever? you would follow him to hell if he asked.
“always, corporal,” you replied, laughing as you shook your head, watching as your answer was rewarded with twin and fanged smiles.
yeah, you thought, i have no regrets.)
but that might have been the wrong thing to say; you watch as jake’s face falls, his body drooping along, making him look older than he is. he reaches out for you, patting your head the way you see him do with his kids – familial. platonic.
your heart bursts at seeing what you are to him. it is love, sure it is not in the way you want, but it is still love. jake’s love.
you shuffle to his side, patting him on the back. “i’m fine, jake.”
“i know y’are,” he says, his hand still resting on your head. “but i want you to live for y’rself, kid. y’ve always been here f’r me and now i want you to be here for y’rself.”
“and what exactly does living for myself mean?” your tone is jovial, light.
“…well, i see the way you are with my kids and i know you’ll be a great mother.”
his words strike you, your mind racing as you stare up at him with wide eyes. no.
“no,” you repeat out loud, chuckles spilling from your lips. “you- no. jake. i, uh, i don’t think i can.”
his brows crease, worry lining his face. “you can’t? why?”
“it’s not like i’ll like anyone else to the point of marriage and mating.” you shrug, hiding your wince with a cough, your tail coiling around your leg as you duck your head away, breaking eye contact.
he holds your arm, quiet, urging you to look at him again. you refuse, hoping he would not insist, not when it’s him.
“anyone else?” jake’s voice pierces through your silence and your lungs burn at hearing him repeat your slip up.
you clench your jaw, biting back anything that can clue him in because jake’s smart. no amount of augustine’s curt dismissal could say otherwise. hell, even spellman had begrudgingly admitted that there’s something good going on in jake’s head. ‘something’ that could easily bite your ass right now.
“oh,” he says. 
you shrug out of his hold, jake easily letting go of your arm, and you shuffle away, your back turned to him. you rub the back of your neck, chuckling, not minding the fact that you and him could hear just how fake it sounds.
“it’s nothing, jake. don’t. don’t worry about it.” you do not meet his eyes, ashamed of having your feelings unearthed, laid down at his feet for him to see.
he is quiet, unmoving, but you can feel his stare pinning you, tracking the way you shuffle or how you fiddle with your fingers to keep your eyes busy.
you wonder what he thinks, but fear seizes your heart, squeezing, filling you with pinpricks. you are afraid. afraid that if he does give word to what you have always avoided – his rejection, his apologies, his pity – then there’s no turning back. no bridge to salvage. and you would be left with nothing of jake, not even his friendship.
then, amidst your silence, jake finally speaks.
“since when?” he asks. his curiosity is gentle, kind, and you turn to look at him, seeing the beginnings of apologies shadowing his weary eyes.
another dismissal sits on your tongue, ready for you to just move past this because what good would it do to talk about things that could never be?
but how long have you been unkind to yourself? how long have you carried this love? before the war and even now at its return, was it not him who you fought for? was it not jake who gave you the strength to just be?
you feel him step close to you, close but not enough – it would never be enough. you study the contours of his face, every line and every freckle. eywa, he is so beautiful, your heart burns.
“that day before you were gon’ go scouting with augustine and spellman.” the words spill from your lips. “just after you caused so many issues by just running away once your first link was established.”
you laugh, heart easing up when you see jake’s lips tug up in a soft smile at the memory.
“i just finished unlinking from my own when you wheeled towards my open pod, grinning ear to ear, asking how it was. i told you it felt weird, in a good way, and you did this laugh. it was- it came from deep in your belly.” you lick your lips, ignoring the choked up feeling lodged in your throat.
“you were always so detached from everyone, keeping to yourself even on the days we were allowed to let loose and have fun, but it all changed that day. you looked so much happier, lighter. calmer, even. jake, you were – are – so beautiful. and i, well, you know.”
jake’s eyes gloss over like he can see the memory play out before his eyes. “that long?” his voice is vulnerable.
you take a moment, a quiet breath, then, “it’s always been you, jake.”
tears trickle from the corners of your eyes, spilling onto flushed cheeks. your heart caves as the last of your secrets are laid bare for him to see. the pieces fall from your palms and you know jake could never pick them up for you. you don’t even expect him to.
because this love that you carry is not meant to be reciprocated, you know that at least. not when jake’s heart has finally found its home in the loving arms of neytiri. because while you are in love with jake, you love neytiri just as strongly. and just how you will do anything to make jake happy, you will do just as much to protect neytiri’s joy.
“i’m sorry,” jake whispers, the simple words loaded with so much emotion. you look into his eyes, see the storm raging, and you laugh.
the giggles spill from your lips like your trickling tears – soft, unexpected, and surprising.
jake looks up, astonished and confused at your reaction. you shake your head at him, moving close, reaching to hold his wrists with your smaller hands.
“jake, i know,” you say, smiling up at him. “i’m not hurt or lamenting. i’ve had years to make do, and many more years to realize that us being friends – that’s just as good. i don’t need anything more from you jake. i’m happy as we are.”
jake studies you, his eyes tracking your tears and the soft smile gracing your lips, memorizing the white freckles on your face and the patterns running along your cheeks. he gazes into you, seeing, not for the first time, how much you mean to him and his heart calms. because despite the tears and the heartbreaking confession, jake sees the serenity lining your face, and that is all that he could wish for.
he twists his hands so that he is holding onto yours, your fingers tangled with his. amber eyes gaze at you, heavy with sincere care directed at you. you giggle, a heartbreaking hiccupped sound, as he draws you close and pulls you into an embrace.
the last one, you think to yourself, burrowing your head onto his chest. and then he’ll be gone.
“thank you,” jake murmurs, his voice muted from where it’s pressed onto your forehead. “i- i’m sorry for not noticing. for not realizing, but thank you. thank you for still being with me. for choosing me and the clan. for fighting for us. i wouldn’t have gone far without you so thank you, kid.”
you nod, no longer trusting your voice, your lips wobbling as you stifle a sob. his fingers run along your braids, tickling the base of your ears, before pressing a kiss on the top of your head. then, he is pulling away, his warm embrace leaving you for the cool air to caress.
time has slipped past your fingers, it seems, and now it’s time for him to go.
“take care, jake.” you hold his eyes, willing yourself to be strong in front of him for the last time.
he nods, unable to leave with a pretence of a smile amidst his own teary eyes. but that’s alright. he’s given you enough of his kindness and love to last you a lifetime.
you both return to the edge of the cliff, the clan watching as the sullys prepare to mount their ikrans. neytiri offers you a tight hug, her sobs pressed on the side of your face and you hold her with weak arms, crying as your sister takes her leave.
the children squeeze you as they hug you goodbye. tuk promises to tell you the stories of her journey and you do not tell her that they might not return to the clan anymore, not when jake’s doing this to protect them from the humans, so you nod and tell her that you will wait.
because you will. you will wait for their return. for your friend’s return.
jake meets your eyes once more, raising his hand and waving goodbye, and then they’re all gone.
the clan members return to their tents, quiet and solemn, but you stay at the edge of the cliff, watching as they go smaller and smaller, until they’re engulfed by the colours of the vast sky.
mo’at stands beside you. waiting. silent. then, “come, child. you no longer need to hide.”
your knees buckle as you turn to her, unable to stop yourself from hugging her as you sob, not minding the fact that she is the tsahik as you seek comfort in her embrace. your lungs burn at the weight of your sorrow, and she holds you close, her aged arms holding you up as you weep.
because now, truly, jake is gone. he has left you behind, unable to follow him.
you had been fine not being his beloved as long as he was in your life. but now, you have nothing of him. just memories of him – his ghost.
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dailykafka · 1 year
Y'all really fooled me into believing Kafka's work was this depressing Dazai-esque despair-fest but no???? I'm reading The Trial and it's actually a really funny book? Am I reading it wrong?.
You are reading it RIGHT.
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i am so normal
wooohooooooo!! this took..... an insane amount of time!! it needed to be Perfect and in the process i got lost in multiply/color mode clipping mask hell! there is literally like 15 clipping masks in different colors and i honestly have Not A Clue which ones matter and which ones dont.
again, this is fanart for @aquaquadrant and @lunarcrown 's hels to pay au!! ahahhahaaaa, i SAID you would get moree and YOUR GIRL DELIVEREDDD!!! I physically can't NOT draw these guys or i will literally pass away!! if you havent read hels to pay, GO READ IT RIGHT NOW GO READ IT ITS SO GOOD!!! you can find the directory in aqua's pinned post! and this is specifically the drabble that aqua wrote so basically– *GUNSHOT*
Ahem. Anyways, bon appetit.
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2 versions because accidentally filling a whole color layer instead of just a bit was the best mistake i ever made, and i am indecisive
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glittergoats · 7 months
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"It's not going to fall apart. I won't let it. I'm going to be leader and you'll be deputy, just as we planned."
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