sc3n3gr4d13ntz · 5 months
HELLP!!!!!! not canon to the blog I just thought it'd be funny to post something abt if infected ever found out unpleasant ate his cat LMAOOO
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arsenicflame · 3 months
steddyhands modern au inspired by this post:
(1828 words, themes of kink but nothing explicit, established blackhands & gentlebeard-centric. Happy Pride!)
Stede picks up leatherworking in the wake of his divorce. He's not exactly sure how it ended up being such an important hobby for him, only that he had always admired the intricate designs on his horse's best bridles, and with little else to do with his time, he decides to give it a go.
It's rocky going at first, but he's having fun working with his hands for the first time in his life, and there's a sense of satisfaction in seeing the design come to life as he works. With practice, his skills improve, and he learns how to make things that are truly one of a kind.
He starts off posting his pieces online, as a way to reach fellow enthusiasts, but quickly finds himself with a rather large audience. Stede’s style is unique, and, after many requests from his followers, Lucius encourages him to make some more basic pieces he can sell. It's not about making money for Stede, but another way to meet new people who share his interests- as Lucius keeps telling him, it's sad that his personal assistant is the main person he talks to these days. 
So Stede sets out on a new adventure, and has quite the time designing a new range of patterns for the market. He makes purses, belts, bracelets, and, most importantly, dog collars- all still with his unique designs embossed into them, of course. He rents a booth at his towns monthly craft fair, and very quickly finds himself with a new group of friends in the other regulars- Pete, his usual neighbour, who sells an array of wooden figures he carves, Roach, who runs a stand for his bakery, and Frenchie, who isn't actually a stallholder, but is almost always busking near his friend Wee John’s stand of knitted goods, bringing life to the market even in the pouring rain. There's also Buttons, another regular at the market. Nobody is exactly sure what he does there- he doesn't sell things, or seem to buy anything either, but rain or shine, he's there with the birds.
Stede’s been doing this a few months by the time June rolls around. As he's setting up his stand, he notices that the area is much busier than it’d normally be at this time of morning. Lucius, who got roped into helping run Stede’s stall somewhere down the line (despite his protests that this is not what personal assistant means… But hey, he got a boyfriend out of it, at least), reminds him that there's the parade today, too- not realising that Stede had no clue there was a parade today, and especially not that it was pride. Stede immediately jumps to fretting about the amount of stock he’s brought, and Lucius takes the cue to escape, saying he’ll go and grab them coffee (but really, he's off to flirt with Pete)
Lucius is still missing when Ed stumbles across the little leather stall. Stede’s just ran back to his car to fetch his last boxes of inventory, and by the time he returns, Ed’s already begun to narrow down his choices. Stede greets him, starting to tell him that they're not actually open yet, but before he gets more than a couple of words out, Ed’s exclaiming “You're a Kiwi!!!”
The two of them smile at the shared recognition, and Stede says he’ll make an exception, just for Ed, and asks him what exactly he was interested in. Ed tells him that he's looking for a collar “for his boy”, and points out the particular design he was looking at. It happens to be one of Stede’s favourites from this latest run of work, a fact he mentions to Ed. It leads them into a discussion about Stede’s craft, and Ed’s Izzy, and then everything in between. Ed’s listening intently to the things Stede’s telling him, completely drawn in by the process, and by Stede himself. He watches as Stede stamps Izzy's name into the collar, and Stede even lets him have a go at one of the stamps. 
Lucius reappears sometime in the middle of this- only to immediately retreat again, seeing Stede engrossed with Ed. He sets up camp at Pete's booth opposite, watching this man flirt intensely with his boss- and Stede flirt back just as hard. Does Stede even realise he’s doing it? Lucius had known Stede was gay since before Stede even admitted it to himself, but this is on a whole other level.
The pair stand there so long that Izzy comes to look for Ed- the two of them are manning a float on the parade with their crew, and it's past time for them to get geared up. He's already worked up, frustrated to have been left to set up everything alone, when Ed had just gone to see if he could get them both coffee. So maybe he's a bit of a prick, approaching with a brash “where the fuck have you been, Edward”, to which Stede brings the same energy, giving a bitchy “Ed! Do you know this guy?” Izzy tenses, ready to snap, but then Ed cuts in, excitedly telling Stede that this is “his Izzy!” Which confuses the hell out of Stede. 
Forgetting his earlier attitude, he asks Ed if he “really named his dog after his friend”, only to be met with confusion right back from Ed at where the hell Stede got the idea he had a dog from. Stede gestures at the bag with the collar in it, to which Ed has to tell him, “oh, no, that's for him.” Ed tells Stede that they're here to run a float for their local leather society, and while Stede is certainly shocked by what Ed’s saying, he's not finding himself… uninterested. It's simply that he’s never even considered any of this before, especially not that people would use the things that he made for this, but Ed sounds so enthusiastic about it all. He tells him about how his friends would love to see Stede’s work, about how classic leather gear is always so fucking boring- but not Stede’s stuff, no, Stede’s stuff is “fresh” and “fascinating” and unlike anything Ed’s ever seen before. 
Ed's enthusiasm is incredibly infectious, so when he invites Stede to come back to see their float, he readily agrees. It’s a concept Izzy’s less than enthusiastic about. He doesn’t really want to bring this man who’s dressed like he just walked out of a HOA board meeting to their kinky little corner of the world, but he is having a lot of fun watching Stede squirm, so decides not to raise a protest. He does demand he gets his long-overdue coffee first, though (Stede pays for it- as “compensation for him distracting Ed from his job”, he says, not giving Izzy a second to process before he's tapping his card)
By the time they return to the float, Fang, Ivan & Jim are waiting for them, all already geared up. Stede is stunned silent at the sight for about 5 seconds, before he starts actually looking at the quality of Jim’s harness, and proceeds to go off about the poor quality of the craftsmanship, about how the hardware is tacky and completely the wrong choice with this leather, how his “ten year old daughter could do a better job!!!” 
There's complete silence from the group, until Izzy, of all people, bursts into laughter at Stede’s audacity (and, the fact he was staring at Jim's tits completely unabashedly, like he hadn't even noticed them in the first place). Izzy's laughter sets Ed off as he tells the group about Stede’s misunderstanding- “you didn't say he was a person!” “I mean, he's my dog”- and soon everyone's having a friendly giggle at Stede’s mistake.
It's somewhere in the middle of the retelling that Ed remembers that this whole thing happened because he was buying Izzy a gift. After a moments fumbling, he presents Izzy with the collar-  It's a rich, deep black, embossed with a rolling pattern that resembles waves. It’s made from a firm enough leather to take the tooling, and to remind Izzy that he’s owned while he’s wearing it, yet still soft enough for long term comfort. Izzy's eyes immediately lock on to it, an unreadable expression coming over his face, and Ed turns it; first so he can really see the design and Izzy’s name embossed into it, and then so he can see the small “Ed ♥” on the inside of the collar, right over his swallow tattoo. 
“I did the heart,” Ed says to him softly, intended only for Izzy’s ears. Izzy's eyes flick up to Ed’s, and he raises his chin to give Ed the room to put it on. Ed buckles the collar around his neck almost reverently, a test of the tightness turning into a caress of Izzy's neck. It's a perfect fit.
It's as though something comes over Izzy; so twitchy and abrasive earlier, now silent, staring at Ed with a look akin to worship in his eyes. He obediently tilts his head for a kiss as Ed's fingers move to his chin- It's a sight to behold, and one that has Stede intrigued. He wants to know more about this lifestyle, and these men in particular. He wants to be the one to put that expression on Izzy's face.
The moment breaks as Ed and Izzy pull apart, and Ed calls for the crew to finish the last bits of set up. Izzy shakes himself a little before running off to bark orders again, but even still, there remains a softness to him that wasn't there before. 
Ed turns back to Stede with an apologetic smile, already obvious that he has to get going. Before he can speak, however, Stede jumps in -“My business numbers on the card in the box… I'll be around all day”- Ed’s smile turns more genuine at that, promising to stop by if he gets a moment, and that he’ll send his friend's Stede’s way- “if he wants that kind of business.” Stede says that he does, actually- that he's seen a whole new world already today, and, while he was a little taken aback at first, he can feel the passion Ed and his friends have for this life. If there's one thing that's ever mattered to Stede, it's other people's enthusiasm. Maybe he doesn't completely understand yet, but he would like to try.
One year later, Stede’s back at the market on pride weekend again, far better stocked for the crowds this time around. Lucius is finally free to spend the day flirting with Fang & Pete to his heart's content, now that Stede’s roped his own boyfriends into helping him run the stall- and into modelling the merchandise. Ed loves that part, while Izzy needs a lot more convincing, but the puppy eyes Stede & Ed weaponise against him make a very good argument.
#Despite what this post may imply; i actually know very little about the art of leatherwork#Im also not saying Stede got into leatherwork because of his repressed leather kink. But im not not saying that.#(This is not to say that i personally think leather gear is boring- i totally see the beauty in simple/plain designs & i get that the#style is all about the look of straps and hardware. but also. i know in my heart Edward ‘likes a fine thing’ Teach would be head over heels#for fun unique pieces. Its the whimsy of it all)#(not to turn this into OFMD meta but. You can like both; in fact. You can have the leather AND you can have the florals)#ALSO. dont ask me why izzy would find a big difference between wearing gear on the float vs the stand. it just felt right#(ok i do have reasoning. its the directness of it. in the parade its very part-of-a-crowd; every interaction in passing. running the stand#is direct interactions + they are specifically looking at Him. it feels different. but he does it because he loves his partners)#nyxtalks#ofmd#our flag means death#edward teach#stede bonnet#izzy hands#israel hands#blackbeard#blackhands#edizzy#gentlehands#stizzy#gentlebeard#blackbonnet#steddyhands#fanfic#sort of... i dont really consider this fic; more. scenario description but ill admit this ended up way closer to fic than i planned#but the weird stylistic choices are because. this wasnt intended as fully fleshed out fic.#i am not a writer & i dont want to be. im just a guy with ideas over here; and the best way to share ideas is through words#(Please dont count the commas per sentence ratio. Thats between me & god)#also. I cant believe i wrote something that can be tagged as gentlebeard centric. Who am i.
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arcaneyouth · 2 months
theyve gotta stop doing this to me
#spider right up next to my bed again :/#vent post#negative#its whatever. it didnt reveal itself to me a terrifying way this time so im not freaked out more just annoyed#and theres no other spiders in our spare room so i can sleep there#its just stupid?? like come on man. stop that#kinda tempted to ask that we get rid of the top bunk of my bed#which would mean i dont.... get my nice comfy lil bed cave anymore#but it would mean i no longer have to be terrified theyll yknow. crawl onto my face again.#i dunno if i could give my bed cave up tho its so nice#ill have dad check out the sealing on my window first before i think about that#cause i knowwww those lil shits are coming in from there#they pretty much always spawn in my room from there#unless its the lil babies in which case they try to fall on my computer from the vent above me#but i can handle the lil babies i can put those ones outside theyre literally tiny#tho it might be fuckin useful to put the damn vent cover back on my vent finally.#gaugh. i hate summer. i hate that my fucking room is a spider magnet. go awayyyy#i think that last spider encounter tho may have been genuinely traumatizing tho#cause i can HANDLE spiders. i cant get rid of them but i can cope with them existing#if theyre out of sight theyre not my problem!#but i like. couldnt handle not knowing where this one was. i needed to be sure or i wasnt gonna rest#and when i did find it it was in kind of a bad spot so the shit im scared will happen again was totally possible#so while normally it wouldve been Fine the moment it went out of sight#this time im sleeping in the spare room. sighs loudly#whatever. the spare beds comfy and i managed to grab all my stuff so im all set up#just annoyed
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ilylovelyz · 1 year
kenma fatherly headcannons
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i thought it would be interesting to think about what kenma would be like as a father 🤔
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look, im not even gonna be nice with it, i definitely dont see kenma being excited at the idea of having a kid 😭
definitely was like "are you being fr 😟?" when you told him
he obviously wasnt an asshole about it, but he couldn't help his feeling and indifference about the whole thing
the two of you had a long talk about it
the whole time he was more or less "are you sure about this"
hes not a horrible person/partner, he wasnt about to force you to do an abortion
he just wanted to make sure this was actually what you wanted to do and if you were actually serious about it
after you were stern about keeping the baby, he was fine with it
he was more worried about how he would be like as a father because he's very much scared of little kids and struggles to bond with just anyone
also a little peeved at the thought of his alone/free time being taken away
doesnt like the idea of his alone time with you having a literal permanent third wheeler but wont admit that to anyone but kuroo 🌚
during ur pregnancy, he was actually really okay with it
he would check up on you various times of the day, asking how you feel
yeah, he wasnt really excited for it, but that doesn't mean he wont try for it
would pause his games and go to wherever part of the house you were in, eyeing your baby bump with those wary cat eyes of his, all "..how are you feeling..?"
tbh i see you getting pregnant before marrying him because the two of you were kinda lazy with being careful 😅
he kinda facepalms because now hes like "why didnt i think of the possibility of pregnancy🤦🏽‍♀️"
while it doesn't speed up the whole process, he'll now begin taking the thought of marriage seriously
he'll bring up the idea of eloping, or a small wedding because he doesn't like the idea of a big and elaborate wedding ceremony/party
he didnt really care about gender, but he did care about baby names because he didnt want the baby to have a stupid name
now i see him being very curious tho
so he'll ask you a bunch of questions about how it feels to be pregnant, eyes wide when you tell him all the gruesome parts 😭
will also spend some time looking up more information about pregnancy and childbirth
now i do think he'd be aware about how he should change himself for the better
he grew up kinda isolated, and he 100% didnt want that for his kid, especially considering the fact that his child will most likely be an only child too
aw sleeping in kenma's arms while he plays video games cuz hormones made you sad
he'll like announce ur pregnancy to his followers/fans, it was so random he was like "yeah guys im having a kid 😪 kinda scary ngl" during one of his livestreams
really appreciates and is totally surprised when he's gifted money and baby supplies by his fans
maybe posts short little clips of you sleeping in an odd position or doing random things because he thinks its funny how you now do things differently because your bump prevents you from doing things in a certain way
i think it would interest him in the way your baby bump grows
he would be a little mortified at the way he would poke your bump's skin and watch his indent stay there long after he pulled his finger away
would be kinda "??? 🤔🤨" when he first feels the baby's kick/movements
he would "begrudgingly" walk to the store for you late at night if you were craving something
acts all annoyed but lets bffr kenma we know ur a softie 🤣
okay for the birth tho he's so mortified
definitely doesnt want to watch but obviously will be there for you because he knows better
the whole time he feels secondhand discomfort for you and feels your cries in his deep in his core cuz ur in pain and he doesn't like that 😕
this might sound weird, but i see him bringing his portable gaming system to the hospital so you can play with him and get ur mind off things
not saying his feeling towards the baby will change after the birth, but he'll definitely be like "oh wow 😳" when the baby is first born
have u ever seen that clip of steve irwin first looking at bindi when shes born and hes all amazed and awestruck by her?
its like that but its less noticeable and its more like "this is my child?"
a little scared to hold the baby at first because he's afraid to drop her
but once he does he'll look down at it and be like "ur not so bad afterall 😪"
DEFINITELY doesn't get any sleep during the first few months because he'll for some reason take late night feedings/crying upon himself
hes all "ur such a pain bro 😒" while rocking the baby back and forth to soothe it, all cuddly and gentle with it
tbh i cant decide whether it be a girl or boy so its up to reader to decide
omg hes mortified after the first belch spit hes gone afterwards
literally condemns the baby to hell
hates changing diapers but does it for the sake of the baby's comfort and health
when he's alone with the baby, he'd be like "ur kinda ugly 🤔" while playing around with it
tbh i see him getting random bouts of urges to play with the baby and speaking to it in a baby voice secretly
gets really embarrassed if hes caught and acts like it never happened
when ur not there to watch the baby while he's gaming he'll actually be okay with the baby sitting in his lap while he games
if he wins he'll be all "lets goooo 😝" all up in the babies face 😭 lifting it up into the air and just being such a gamer dad
also starts teaching the baby how to play games real early on, making them hold a controller or something and teaching them game logistics
the baby is like 5 months old and doesn't know about taxes but knows about dnd 🤣🤦🏽‍♀️
i see him like announcing the birth of his kid to his followers/fans a couple weeks after the birth
only shows what the baby looks like when its like 6 months old and crawling all in the background, he'll turn around and be like "wanna see my baby?", lift up the baby and put it's face all up close into the camera 😭
does 0.5 and only 0.5 photos on the thing 😅
does a couple more streams afterwards when he "games" with the baby and blame loosing on the poor thing 😅
aw i can see him and the baby having matching outfits when he goes out with it
he's not the best dad, but he'll try his hardest
on a sweet note, if kenma feels lonely when ur away, he'll allow the baby to sleep in the bed he shares with you as a "substitution" and cuddle with it
yk that tiktok audio that goes "leave me alone baby 😒" and then goes "ur my baby i love you ☹️☹️🥰😘" yeah that hes that
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roosterr · 11 months
Heyyy! I’m not sure if you’re taking requests rn.. BUT if you areee, can I just please get a john price with the prompt “why are you avoiding me?” (Bc I’m a slut for angst) with a large fry on the side? IF NOT I TOTALLY COOL
outside it starts to pour
note: two posts in one month? who am i? i hope this is angsty enough lol, i re-wrote it 3 times bc i wasnt happy with it, its a love hate relationship 🥲 but anyway pls enjoy anon!!!
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pairing: john price x gn!reader
wc: 1.5k
summary: in your dreams, you're more than just someone who warms john's bed
warnings: fwb, implied smut but no actual smut, angst, miscommunication (i cant help myself), hurt/no comfort, no happy ending
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"why're you avoidin' me?"
the question echoes in your ears, drowning out the war drum of your heartbeat despite the heavy silence that settles between you.
john has a hand around your arm, gentle and barely there but still anchoring you in place like a vice with just his light touch. the back of your mind screams for you to rip yourself free, get as far away from the familiar timbre of his voice and the near-stifling comfort of his smoky scent as you can before he can get you in his web again. but just like always, he's got you right where he wants you.
how many times have you been pulled behind the door he was halfway out of? and how many times have you been ushered back out again with your hair and heart a mess, just to pretend like nothing happened? always one foot in your little secret and one in his reputation, never fully with you; that's how the captain operated, and you feel like a fool for ever believing otherwise.
a squeeze to your arm brings you back to the present, suddenly all too aware of his fingers against your skin and his eyes boring into your own with an intensity that has your heart fluttering – against your mind's better judgement.
"i'm not." your response is a mutter, your gaze dropping from his to the hardwood ahead of you. it's unconvincing, even to you, but he had no right to question you like this.
"you are." he shoots back, gruffly and without a second of hesitation. from the corner of your vision you see his brow furrow, casting shadow over those eyes that always captivate you so mercilessly.
a sigh escapes his chest at your lack of response, his eyes darting from one end of the hallway to the other before giving your arm a miniscule tug, nodding his head back towards his office.
that's how it always starts. the thought makes your heart clenches painfully. "stop. i don't want to–"
"no." he interrupts firmly, with a shake of his head so resolute it almost has you believing that was never his intention to begin with. your eyes gravitate towards his again, and there's a spark of something, under the surface, when his thumb strokes your skin, dipping just below the hem of your sleeve. "talk to me, what's wrong?"
the urge to give in is tempting, to fall into his arms like you always do, just how he wants, how he expects you to. this time, however, you're determined to avoid his trap.
"it's nothing," you avert your gaze again, sighing in the same moment you take his wrist and slowly pull his touch from your arm, "just leave it."
john tuts. "it's not nothin', though, is it?" he asks, sidestepping into your line of sight again and ignoring the pointed look you give him. "talk to me."
if he cared for you the same way you do for him, his persistence would be endearing, but you know better. you're a good soldier who just so happens to be a good fuck too; that's all you are to him, and that's all you'll ever be.
"i told you. drop it." you shake your head, face creasing into a frown as you turn on your heel. if you have to endure any more of his deceiving sympathy, you know you'll only end up caving to his desires. you're not that strong, and that's why you need to keep as much distance as possible between you.
"you're somewhere else, lieutenant." he calls after you, stopping you in your tracks before you can get too far. you don't bother to turn around, but he continues anyway. "if you can't get your head back in the game, i can't risk havin' you out in the field."
your indignant laugh bounces off the walls.
"it's just that easy for you, isn't it?" there's a lump in your throat as you force the last two words over it, one you hope neither of you will acknowledge.
"and what's that supposed to mean?" he scoffs, the sound of his boots taking a few damning steps closer to where you stand, still with your back to him.
"i don't know why i'm offended, you always do this." you mutter, bringing your hand up to smooth over the crease of your brow, the tremble there barely noticeable but telling of your fragile state.
he doesn't respond this time, waiting for you to elaborate with what you're sure is a glare directed at the back of your head.
"you find something to take, and take, and take from," you spin around to face him again, which proves to be a mistake because the second you meet his concerned eyes, you can feel the sting of tears in your own. "and as soon as it's not useful to you anymore, you chuck it away like yesterday's leftovers."
the silence that follows your outburst is so tense it weighs you down. you can't will yourself to move, to tear your gaze away from him even when your vision blurs. it takes a moment for you to realise just how ragged your breathing has become, feeling the hard rise and fall of your chest over your racing heart as you come down from your anger.
"that… that's not what this is." john utters, his face morphing into something you coin as pity, and it makes your heart squeeze all over again.
"don't. i told you to fucking leave it…" your voice is weaker than before, and you curse yourself for showing this amount of weakness in front of him, because now you know he knows that it was never just sex to you. he never meant that little to you.
by some miracle you manage to blink away the tears before they can fall and embarrass you further. you wait for him to say something, in a painful sense of awkwardness that's never been there before, but all he does is stare at you.
"i can't do this anymore." you whisper, the words muffled through the blood rushing in your ears. you fix him with another scathing look before turning to leave for the second time tonight.
"wait." he calls your name as you walk away, quickly moving to catch up with you, but you have no desire to listen to him, not anymore. he gives you no time to react when he rushes to stand in your path, grasping both your shoulders to stop you when you try to sidestep him. "for fucks sake, just hold on."
there's a conflicted look in his gaze that seems to pull his expression down with it. if you had anything left to give you might've felt bad for being the cause, but it's been months of this game of cat and mouse, and you're drained.
"it was a mutual arrangement," he urges, his eyes search yours, something you can't discern muddying the deep blue as they dart across your face.
you give a watery scoff, rolling your eyes in an attempt to rid yourself of the ache his touch brings you. "there was no arrangement. you're not an idiot, john, you knew how i felt about you."
"what?" he has the audacity to sound confused, and you have to resist the urge to scoff again. "how you felt about me? what're you saying?"
"i think it's pretty obvious by now." you mutter, folding your arms over you chest, trying to make yourself as small as possible. he hasn't taken his eyes off you once, your skin prickling under his intense stare. "i'm an idiot for thinking this would go any other way."
there's another heavy pause, john opens his mouth and closes it again like he was fighting with himself on what to say. the way your throat has constricted makes it hard to breath without sobbing, your breath coming out laboured and uneven.
"do you regret it?" he finally asks, his fingertips pressing into your flesh almost imperceptibly, leaving your skin tingling even though your shirt.
it was self-destruction, giving in to him every time even though it felt like a thorn in your heart. to allow yourself to live in the fantasy that he loved you while you were in his arms, just to have that warm feeling shattered when he told you to get dressed.
you regret falling for someone who would never love you back.
"it's over. let me go, captain." you whisper, a plea for him to release you from whatever spell he's got you under, even if you don't really mean it.
his hands drop from your shoulders, letting one curl into a fist at his side and bringing the other up to scratch his beard in an uncharacteristically nervous gesture. you know it's for the better, but the knowledge couldn't stop the tears from rolling down your cheeks. you brush past him, feeling his gaze burning into you as you lean away to avoid touching him.
he doesn't stop you when you walk away this time.
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chris-prank · 25 days
Yandere Hunter x GN reader
Peace-Pocalypse Part 1
CW: Manipulative behavior, Obsession, Mention of kidnaping, Implication of murder and mention of blood
(This is a work of fiction for entertainment purposes only, I do not support yandere behaviors in real life)
This guy is more of the soft dominante type, so yay no subby yandere this time.
🪓 It was surprisingly peaceful for a post apocalyptic world and Martin liked it that way. He found it to be similar to the far west, but with modern technologies. 
🪓 Most big cities were destroyed, only leaving behind small villages secluded from each other. Between them were miles and miles of luscious nature. Pretty but dangerous for solitary travelers. 
🪓 You were one of these adventurers, going place to place to create new connections. That’s when you ended up at a village called Flowermore. The name was fitting since there were flower fields all around it. 
🪓 When you arrived, you instantly became an oddity for the townsfolk, since they didn’t get to see new faces often. 
🪓 You were just another stranger for Martin, nothing extraordinary, at the very least he was even a bit wary of you. Flowermore was a peaceful place, where a real community created itself, but that didn't mean people outside were the same. That’s until he got to talk to you and not just eavesdrop on conversations you had with the people of the town. This encounter happened after two weeks of you staying at Flowermore and of him watching you from afar.
🪓 Martin lived a bit outside of town, in a forest nearby. He was a hunter, meaning he took care of bringing meat to the village and he would often leave for multiple days or weeks– hunting animals was not his only line of work, but he kept that a secret. 
🪓 It would be a lie to say that you didn’t notice him when you first arrived and that you didn’t thought he looked cool. He seemed like an interesting guy with the scars on his face and his attire making him look like a pirate. You were so enthusiastic when you got to talk to him for the first time. 
🪓 Martin thought you were so cute while he listened to all your questions, notebook in hand. He could stare at your amazed face all day if he had the opportunity. In addition, he was truly invested in the stories of your own life, contributing to them to make the conversation last longer. 
🪓 Martin wondered how a bubbly thing like you survived alone all this time. Not that he considered you weak, just that it looked so easy to gain your sympathy. He was glad that no one seemed to have taken advantage of you until now. 
🪓 The more he spended time by your side, the more he could feel his feelings grow stronger. Maybe a bit too much. 
🪓 After a month, he asked if you wanted to crash at his place for the rest of your stay. Saying that you could sleep in his bed and he could use his couch. He totally wasnt hoping that you would feel bad and offer him to join you in bed.
🪓 “It's really no problem for me darlin’ and I can sleep anywhere really. At least that way I'll have the chance to show you more of my skills.”
🪓 You were a bit unsure by this offer at first, the thought of living with him was making you all flustered, but you ultimately said yes. 
🪓 Martin soon started to note down in his journal every time you mentioned something you liked.  Once, while he was in a ghost town, he found a cassette of your favorite singer. He relishes the huge smile you made when you saw the gift. 
🪓 He could also feel himself melting in his combat boots when you played it and started dancing. Watching your body sway like that was making his mind go into overdrive. The indent of his grip on the couch was proof of that. 
🪓 If one of your favorite animals happens to be a species that lives in the surrendering area, be sure that he will find a way to capture one for you (without harming it of course.) 
🪓 Martin is not very a plant guy, but he will ask the apothecary of the village what your favorite flower looks like so he can go pick some for you.
🪓 If you’re down for it, he’ll show you how to hunt small animals, by using his crossbow or by putting traps in place. He positions himself behind you, his hands going from your shoulders to your wrist to readjust your posture. 
🪓 “Yay, just like that darling. You’re doing so well.” His face was so close to yours, as he whisper tenderly in your ear, that you almost feel his lips ghosting your skin. 
🪓 Is this just his method of getting closer to you in more ways than one? Maybe, but at the same time he is teaching you crucial survival skills! So he doesn’t feel too guilty about it. 
🪓 Seeing you and Martin spend all of your time together, armless rumors spread around. Could you really blame them? Gossiping was one of the rare sources of entertainment these townsfolk had. You tried to ignore it or just straight up tell people that you were just friends. 
🪓 Martin wasn't bothered by this, that's for sure. When people asked about the two of you, he would respond in the most vague way possible, fueling the imagination of everyone.
🪓 “Mm them? Oh you know how it is… we get closer everyday.~” 
🪓 One day, when he heard from one of the elders that you were planning on leaving, it’s like his whole world was falling apart. You couldn’t leave him, especially after all this time! At this point, you two were literally living like a couple! And weren’t you happy by his side?! 
🪓 “I heard you were leavin’ soon…At least you had a good time with me, right sweetin’ ?”
🪓 Behind his unbothered words, he was trying his hardest not to lock you up in his cottage. He had the strength to do so, but he knew you would hate him if he did. The idea of you disliking him was worse than death, so he decided on a more subtle approach. 
🪓 Martin had a lot of connections outside of Flowermore, some that he wouldn’t want you or anyone else to know of. He ended up asking some guys who were indebted to him to scare you a little. The plan was to fake a bandit ambush when you would be outside the village surroundings. 
🪓 Now, he just had to wait for you to come back to him and act shocked at the sight of your crying face. You can bet that if any of these guys went too far during the attack, he will definitely make them regret their life decisions. 
🪓 “Aw darlin’ I’m so sorry, it must have been horrible! Come here, let me give you a hug.”
🪓 Despite the traumatic experience, you kept telling him that you were determined to continue your travels. That one bad occurrence shouldn’t discourage you from trying again. 
🪓 Oh, how Martin admired your courage and dedication, so much that he could have kissed you right then and there. But in the time being your motivation was going against his plans. He tried to play the reasonable one, using his deep soothing voice while arguing with you. 
🪓 He finally convinced you to settle here by saying that you could just come with him every time he had businesses out of town. That way you could still travel (and he could keep an eye on you.) On top of that, the winter season was rapidly approaching and it wouldn’t be wise to travel by foot in these extreme temperatures. 
🪓 You slowly started to notice how much more protective he had become over you, but you figured it was just out of concern since the attack. You were a bit sad to not be able to explore like you used to, but it’s true that it was nice to have a more stable life. 
🪓 When the snow came by, it truly changed the scenery of the town. Since the end of the apocalypse, winter has become way more magical. You felt like you were in these cheap Christmas postcards just by taking a stroll in town. 
🪓 The cold was a completely different story though. It was so intense that even with the fireplace you still had to wear several layers of clothing around the house. It was one of the cons of living in an old cottage. 
🪓 One evening, you were wrapped in a hand-knitted blanket made with real sheep's wool. The good quality material weighed on your shoulders and gave your body much-needed warmth. You stared out the window and into the distance, your eyes focusing on nothing in particular. 
🪓 Suddenly a black dot appeared between the trees and seemed to grow bigger each second. It was Martin, probably coming back from hunting. Your speculation ended up correct, because the moment his features became more visible you could see the striking contrast of red on his brown clothes. 
🪓 You ran to the door and opened it for him. The man flashed you a subtle grin and with heavy steps he crossed the threshold of the door. Despite the blood, it was endearing to see him covered in snow, his shoulder length hair covered with bits of frost and his cheek burned from the cold wind. 
🪓 After he had taken off his now soiled coat, he took you into his arms and lifted you off the ground. He nuzzled his face into your neck, his beard scratching your skin. The lack of dead prey to be seen on the ground made you think that it had maybe ran away despite successfully harming it. Martin always came back home feeling down when that happened. 
🪓 When he spoke up his voice was low, almost sleepy.
🪓 “I need help to recharge, d’you think you could do that for me ?”
🪓 You cuddled for the rest of the night. Despite feeling a tad of frustration that he always seemed to find the right excuse to make you stay in Flowermore, you couldn’t deny how good it felt to fall asleep in his arms. 
So this was my terrible attempt at writing an accent that's not even in my native language... If you guys have any tip to make it better/realistic, don't hesitate to comment!
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These two drawing of him are from last year, but I still kinda like them, so here they are!
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froggibus · 2 months
Hello hello!
If u r okay/cool with it: Could i pls request venture!amab x reader nsfw hcs? I love the way u write them!
(Also I just saw ur post about that u wanted ppl 2 be specific and im sorry i wasnt when i asked the first time D:)
NSFW Headcanons- Venture
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Pairing: AMAB! Sloan Cameron x reader (no pronouns—reader is implied to have a pussy but it’s never directly stated)
Genre: smut/NSFW
CW: established relationship, sub/dom dynamics, switch! Venture, switch! reader, edging, overstim, bondage (mild), breeding/creampie, unprotected sex, riding, cowgirl, doggystyle, missionary, full nelson, oral, face fucking, praise, aftercare
awww no it’s all good!! I don’t mind at all ^^ i just added that clause recently cause of all the Ven reqs I got, it’s not like a hard requirement or anything. anyway thanks for the requests & always being so sweet! your comments on things always make my day :)
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Sloan is the exact opposite of a selfish lover
even when they’re in more of a dominant mood, their main priority is always to make you feel as good as possible
they’re pretty flexible in bed too. usually they’re very casual, all of their focus is on you & they don’t worry much about sub/dom dynamics
but they’re a switch at heart and whatever you want, that’s what they’ll be
they LOVE giving head and if you let them, they’ll be between your legs for hours
they can be such a tease too, but nothing feels better to them than when you cum on their face
tbh they could cum right then and there, just from seeing you whine and fuck yourself against their mouth
they love getting head too
the second your tongue hits the head of their cock, they’re a total goner
they’re such a sucker for giving/receiving praise too
they’ll tell you how perfect your pretty little mouth is, how it was made to take their cock, how good you are for letting them use you
they could get you off with praise alone tbh
they love love LOVE it when you ride them
just watching you bounce up and down on their cock, whining and breathing shakily while you try to fit as much of them in you as possible >~<
nothing in the whole world feels better to them
when they’re feeling more submissive, sometimes they liked to be tied to the bed or have you holding their wrists
they LOVE when you use them for your own pleasure, whether you’re grinding against their muscly thighs or you’re sinking yourself low on their cock
or if you have them restrained somehow and use their mouth however you want
maybe you’re sitting on their face, or you have them kneeling on the side of the bed so you can fuck their tongue how you please
they’ll look at you with hearts in their eyes and thank you for using them so well
don’t forget to praise them tho!!
if they’re feeling more dominant however
it’s so over for you
they’ll grip your thighs and pull you down onto their tongue and fuck you until your thighs are trembling
and that’s just the start
if you’re being a brat specifically, they love fucking you doggystyle, shoving your face into the pillow and snapping their hips against yours until you can’t even think straight
they like to manhandle you and remind you of how much stronger they are than you too
full nelson is one of their faves for this. they love gripping your thighs and guiding you up and down their cock, using your body like their own little fleshlight
or if you’re open to it, they’ll cuff your hands together and make you ride them, watching as you squirm and struggle to take them with no hands
eventually they’ll take pity on you and fuck into you
whether sub or dom they always wanna cum inside of you
theyll whisper in your ear so nice and beg you to let them fill you up
their breathy sexy voice and their whiny moans push you over the edge and you give in every single time
once is never enough for them, especially after they’ve been at a site for a long time
they can go at least two rounds but they’ve got major stamina
they were a little awkward about aftercare at first (mostly cause they didn’t know how to do it) but once they learned what you need, they’re the best at it
loves cuddling after sex and reminding you how much they love you
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masterlist | overwatch masterlist
(if you enjoy content like this, interactions go a long way! comments, likes & rbs are always greatly appreciated ^-^ !!)
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cavillsbitch · 2 years
Are You Sure?
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Pairing: Aaron Hotchner X BAU!Fem!Reader (use of y/n)
Summary: You find yourself in a very precarious situation with your freshly divorced boss…
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI!!! Smut ahead!!! p in v sex, protected sex, detailed descriptions of sex, let me know if i missed any
A/N: This is coming at y’all out of nowhere, I have been stewing on a series and in lieu of me not having time yet to get started on that, this was born. Also, sorry if there are any weird spaces below… mobile app post hehehehehehe. Enjoy!
Word Count: 2.3k
Of all the places you thought you might be this Friday night, naked underneath your boss in his bed wasn’t one of them.
The only thing you could hear was your own panting breath and the soft sound of his hips connecting with yours as he buried himself into you over and over again. You could barely think straight, one hand gripping his sheets and the other holding onto him for dear life. A little while ago, the two of you were out with the team for drinks after a case, and Hotch could tell you weren’t really feeling it. He’d offered to give you a ride home, and somewhere along the way you’d rerouted to his for a nightcap. Neither of you were particularly drunk, but you were thankful for the liquid confidence (and his) when he made the first move. He’d asked repeatedly if it was okay and if you’d wanted him to stop, knowing that he was your boss and that you knew he’d just finalized his divorce from Haley. You seemed to notice his flirting (that Emily and Derek continually pointed out to you, no matter how many times you’d brushed them off and said they were seeing something that wasn’t there) a little bit when him and Haley were separating, but you’d never ever think he was actually attracted to you, let alone to the point where he’d want to sleep with you, and yet…
The feeling of him inside you was more than you could have ever fantasized about (and you did fantasize about it). Not only did he take his time devouring you first, making you come twice with his mouth and fingers, but he made sure you were well enough aroused to be in nothing but total ecstasy when he was ready to fuck you. Every single stroke felt so fucking good. He was perfect. Well… perfectly sized for pleasure. Great in bed. Not perfect. Not… whatever.
“H-Holy… shit, Hotch…” your eyes screwed shut and your jaw fell slack as you heard him chuckle and groan.
“I think… we’re at the point where you can… call me Aaron, darling… don’t you think?” his pace slowed a bit, truthfully because he was close and didn’t want to be finished just yet, but he wanted to give you a moment to respond to him.
You opened your eyes and found his. God, what a dangerous moment. The look is his eye as he lazily fucked into you wasnt anything you could have prepared yourself for. You tried avoiding eye contact this whole time, and you were almost successful. You knew what would happen if you held his gaze, and here you were. You knew you’d be confronted with thoughts that you’d been successfully suppressing for a long while now, thoughts you’d only let brew when you allowed yourself to think about your boss in a way that you knew you had no right to, especially because they began well before he was even separated from his now ex-wife. The desire to open up to him right now about how you feel was right on your tongue. You wanted to tell him how sexy he looked with his hair all messed up, especially from your fingers running through and pulling it as he ate you out. You wanted so badly to tell him that his face looks much better being flushed from sex rather than being flushed from your typical daily compliments. Dare you tell him that you think you love him? What a stupid, stupid idea. You decided that it’s definitely best not to say anything, maybe ever, and just respond to what he asked you.
“Are you…” you stopped to sigh, the pleasure was still too much and you wanted to last for him, “… are you sure?”
You watched his eyes half-lid as he brought your right leg to rest on his shoulder. He leaned down to you further, allowing himself a new angle to thrust into you. His pace picked up again, and this time, you saw fucking stars. You tried, but couldn’t help the loud sound of your pleasure escape from your throat. You’ve never been fucked like this, and you knew he could probably tell, which you decided you’d curse yourself for later.
You could feel the air from his lips as he spoke right next to your ear, “Does it feel like I’m sure, Y/N?”
You nodded quickly, your arms now coming around him under his arms to hold on to his back, surely leaving marks with your nails. “Y-Yes… God Aaron, yes.”
You couldn’t help but notice that he seemed to be affected by your use of his first name, responding with only a low and breathy moan. He drove you so close to your third orgasm, and you could tell he was close too. His name fell from your lips again as you tried to speak, “I’m… Aaron I-I think I’m gonna..”
He panted and kept his pace, “I’ve got you, sweetheart, g-give it to me.”
The moment that your orgasm hit you nearly blinded you for a few seconds. The brightness of the pleasure your body felt was something you were sure was once in a lifetime. It affected your entire body, legs now shaking and back arched against the mattress. The pleasure kept coming as Aaron thrust into you. You didn’t even hear yourself nearly weep as you came, your pussy contracting strongly around Aaron’s rigid cock.
“That’s it, that’s a good… good girl,” Aaron stuttered as he followed close behind you with his own peak. His thrusts became sloppy, still trying to ride you through your high, as he drove into you once more with a loud groan. You whimpered as you came down, still feeling yourself ebb through pleasure as Aaron stayed inside you. The two of you breathed heavily together, locked eyes as Aaron smiled lazily at you. Goddammit. You were so fucked. Fucked.
He gestured toward your leg on his shoulder, silently asking for permission to move you so he could adjust and start to clean himself up. You nodded, trying not to make a sound as his cock left you. You didn’t think you were quite ready to move yet, but you tried to at least scooch yourself up by your elbows to begin coming back to reality.
Aaron stood, taking off the condom while making his way toward the bathroom in his bedroom. You watched him, getting a more normal view of his naked body, and for some reason you felt guilty for looking.
You shook your head, pushing the feeling away as you looked for your clothes on the floor. As you sat up, Aaron came out of the bathroom and grabbed a pair of sweats to put on. You stood, “Do you mind if I…” you gestured toward the bathroom asking silently.
Aaron smiled again, “Of course not, whatever you need. I have extra toothbrushes in the bottom right drawer,” he began walking toward the door with you, showing you, “If you want to shower, I have extra towels here.”
You nodded, deciding that would probably be a good idea. Smiling at him, you thanked him. He held your gaze, brushing your hair behind your ear, and leaned down to kiss you. It was brief, but surprising. He pulled away from you with a goofy looking smirk on his face, leaving you in the bathroom.
After your shower, you left the bathroom in a towel, and found your clothes folded nicely on the armchair in the corner of the bedroom. Aaron was in bed, reading glasses on, looking at a file by the light of his bedside table lamp. He looked up to you as you emerged, but you’d already made your way to the pile of clothes and started to get dressed.
“You can borrow something of mine to sleep in, if you need,” he said. You could tell this was his way of asking the question, ‘are you staying?’ and you weren’t sure what your response should be. Obviously he wouldn’t have framed it that way if he didn’t want you to stay, but did he feel obligated to offer? You knew you didn’t really have time to think about it, so you decided not to.
“I think I’m going to call an uber back to my place, actually. I’ve got some things to take care of pretty early tomorrow.”
Aaron was very good at his job. Aaron could absolutely tell that you probably don’t have something to do tomorrow that early, and that you don’t want to stay over. You hope he can also tell that it’s not necessarily because you don’t want to, but because you aren’t 100% comfortable yet, even if you don’t get a chance to become comfortable.
He set down his file and stood, “Let me drive you, don’t pay for an uber.” He made his way to grab a t-shirt and slipped on comfortable slipper-like shoes to wear in the car.
“Are you sure? I don’t mind getting an uber, Aaron, I don’t want to make you leave just to drive me home.”
Grabbing a jacket from his closet, he shrugged it on and walked over toward you. Without warning, he leaned down to your ear, delicately pushing your hair on the opposite side over your shoulder and caging you in with his hand then on the wall behind you, “Does it feel like I’m sure… Y/N?” he smiled at you slyly as he pushed himself off of the wall and walked past you out of the bedroom. You felt heat rise in your tummy and cheeks as you sighed and shook your head. What the hell were you getting yourself into? Following him, you grabbed your bag, slipped on your coat and shoes, and followed him to the car.
The short drive to your apartment was overall quiet, but as you were turning the corner onto your street, you knew you had to start the conversation. “Sorry for not staying the night… to be completely honest I wasn’t expecting you to offer.”
Aaron shifted to lean on the center console and nodded, “It’s alright, I know that tonight’s events overall seemed a bit unexpected. Hopefully you’re not dissapointed, though.” You turned to him, noticing the cocky smirk on his lips. Asshole.
You rolled your eyes and he laughed. There was a beat of silence before you spoke again. “Are we… do you want to just act as if nothing happened tonight? At work, I mean… and outside of work if that’s what you want.”
You wanted to smack yourself in the face for letting your thoughts out so freely. Your anxiety surrounding this part of the situation definitely was getting the better of you, and you weren’t sure what he wanted, which made things so much worse. As the car slowed in front of your building, Aaron put the car in park as you waited for his response. You knew he was thinking about what he wanted to say, which obviously made you even more nervous.
“Y/N, I know you realize that… this is a slightly complicated situation.” You nodded, urging him to continue, “I need you to understand that since Haley and I separated… it’s taken a lot of my own will power to keep myself from you.”
Everyone on the team knew that one of its strongest members was its leader, Aaron Hotchner. Hearing him confess that he’s had a hard time keeping himself away from you was a statement you could never have expected. You knew he was flirtatious toward you, no matter how much you denied it to yourself. You knew he was soft for you, you knew he favored you in appropriate ways, and you knew that the team noticed. You just wished that you let yourself see it. Maybe you’d have to start, that is, if he wanted you to.
“I… I loved and still have love for Haley, she is the mother of my son and the woman that I thought I would love for my entire life. Coming to terms with that not being the case has been hard. I would do anything for Jack, you know that. I don’t mean to tell you things you already know, but while things are still being worked out custody wise, and while we work out a way to tell the team and… Strauss, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to pursue you publicly. I need you, though, to understand that I want to when I can, if you’ll let me… and that I’d like to continue to see you privately, if that’s something you want.” Another beat of silence, “I like you… more than I should, more than I care to admit to myself. I think about you, I want to be around you when I can be. I… want you.”
You nodded, trying to hide a smile. “May I speak freely, sir?”
Something in his eyes seemed to darken at the formality, “You may, agent.”
“I want you, I have for a long time. I would really like to continue… whatever this is, whatever you want this to be, however you want to.”
The lustful look in Aaron’s eye turned briefly into fondness, you believe, if you caught it right. He reached for your hand and gave it a light squeeze, “I know this isn’t ideal for you, and I know it will be hard to keep this from the team. Are you sure?”
You adjusted yourself to lean into him and kiss him unexpectedly with fervor, a kiss that made him brace himself on the steering wheel and grasp the back of your head for reassurance. He grunted as you leaned him further back, returning the kiss so fiercely that you had half a mind to ask him inside with you.
You let yourself pull back just slightly to speak, lowly but clearly, “Does it feel like I’m sure, Aaron?”
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devoureddreaa · 7 months
“ i love you. ”
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“and where have you been.?” IK IK, i said i was gon have content coming and then disappeared for another month (mb!!). but here’s suguru cause he’s sexc asf. and i’ll try…to start posting more. alr, love you enjooooy!
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you and geto had been dating for a while.
but he’s never said “i love you” to your before.
it wasnt like he didn’t show it, he show’d in any and every way that he could. physically, emotionally, mentally, shit, even sexually. he was the best you could’ve asked for.
sometimes you just wished suguru would say it.
everyone that was close to him told you that you just had to be patient and wait for a moment. the man had a fairly hard time verbally expressing his emotions. so you waited, and you said those three words like you depended on them.
and soon enough, waiting turned into forgetting.
you simply learned to live without him saying it, and with him showing it. you got used to it, and loved him either way.
but, it was like the world froze when he finally said it. you turned your head with a face full to different emotions, “what…what did you say?”
“hm?” geto was totally playing the clueless act to get at you. or, maybe he was actually focused on tying his hair back up in his signature bun.
“what’d you just say.?”
“i love you..?”
it really did feel like time and space took a halt for a moment. you had no clue what to do. cry? scream? say it back? you didn’t know, none of it felt like a sufficient reaction. but before your mind could register it, ya body had practically ran and crashed into his with a few tears falling down the face.
trying to hide your now soaked face into his chest, this was probably one of the best days in your life. (the other one was meeting him.)
“i love you too.” you mumbled, and a light sniffle sound coming right after that.
he chuckled, wrapping his arms around your body. “i love you more, gorgeous.”
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okay…..so again, my bad for disappearing once again ;-;. but i PROMISE i’ll try to at least start posting more often (i lowk suck at coming up with x reader ideas, bare wimme yall). but yea geto fluff, cause again, he is one sexc ass man. i hope you enjoyed! love you, baaaiiii!!! (if you saw any typos, no you didn’t.)
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n0cturna1-m3 · 1 year
Birthday Bash | Simon "Ghost" Riley x MacTavish!Male Reader | Fluff
Minors/Fem DNI
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Request; "Kasey as my favourite person I think it would be so great if you did a Ghost x male reader where the reader is soaps brother and the reader and ghost have been secretly together" @ezranotbridger (you're too sweet 🤭)
Warnings; Uhh meeting family for the first time? unnamed family members. NON SEXUAL embarrassment, simon is FINE GUYS at the end of the day readers family LOVES HIM HE DOESNT HAVE A PANIC ATTACK I SWEAR
Synopsis; Happy Birthday! What a great surprise. Simon gets to meet his boyfriend's family. Nothing could possibly go wrong!
A/N; not dead, still writing, just without AC and i'm a lizard and need it to be freezing to function. also i graduated. also gost wasnt necessarily a secret, but close enough. ALSO THE HORROR OF FORGETTING TO CHANGE IT TO Y/N FROM MY OCS NAME AND ALMOST POSTING IT OMG I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK
1.0k words
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Ghost parked his car outside of a relatively small house and sighed, anxiously glancing at the front door and then at the small gift bag sitting on the passenger seat. He was nervous. This would be his first time meeting his boyfriend's family. While they had been dating for nearly a year, Ghost hadn't had much time available to introduce himself. But it was Y/N’s birthday, and he wouldn’t miss it. He refused to.
He was wearing a black t-shirt, no mask, and curly blonde hair tousled from trying to make himself appear more put together before eventually giving up. He was Simon today. Still, he was determined, albeit anxious, to leave his car and knock on the front door. Simon took a shaky breath before grabbing the gift and sliding out of the car, locking it behind him and pocketing the key.
Simon walked up to the front door and hesitated before rapping the heavy wooden door. He could hear the people inside chatting loudly and the loud footsteps of someone rushing to grab the door. It swung open revealing a young woman with brown hair and blue eyes. She stared at him a moment, looking him up and down before she turned back to the house, hanging herself out the doorway.
“Y/N! Did ya invite some wide fella?” she hollered.
Wide? Simon thought. I’m not wide.
Moments later Y/N shoved the woman out of the doorway and beamed at Simon, throwing himself at him and ignoring the girls cursing.
“I’m so happy you made it!” he said, kissing Simon’s cheek. Simon smiled softly.
“Wouldn’t miss it, love.”
“Come in! I wanna introduce you.”
Y/N led Simon into the living room and open kitchen/dining area where his immediate family and close friends were gathered. There were too many of them.
An older man and woman sat at the dining table, Simon assumed they were Y/N’s parents. Two women around Y/N’s age sat with the couple. On the couch were three of Y/N’s friends, two of which he had met previously. Across from them was a young teenager, likely a nephew, and another man around Y/N’s age.
Y/N began pointing out his family members and friends, naming them each while they smiled and gave small waves that Simon nervously nodded along with. The youngest was indeed his nephew, his eldest sister's child. He was the only child allowed to show because he had insisted on meeting his favourite uncle's boyfriend, stating he had to “make sure he wasn’t a total mink.”
“I’m not sure where the other one is,” Y/N said, rubbing the back of his neck. He sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to him.
“The other one?” Simon asked as he sat down.
“Aye, my baby brother.”
“The loo,” Y/N’s youngest sister said.
“Don’t be laughin’ at me!”
Simon froze at the voice behind him. He covered his face and rested his elbows on his knees and exhaled deeply. Y/N placed a hand on Simon’s back.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly. Simon cracked his fingers open and turned to look at Y/N.
“No way!” the man said, a laugh at the back of his throat.
“Bloody hell…” Simon muttered, shaking his head.
“What’d you do to him, John?” their mother asked, a slightly worried look on her face.
“Nothing! I did nothing!” John insisted as he walked around the couch and stood in front of Simon. “The hell are you doing here, Ghost?”
Y/N's jaw dropped and he turned to stare at Simon.
“You’re lying!” Y/N said, going back to looking at his brother.
“I amn’t!” John shot back.
Simon finally sat up and let his hands fall into his lap. His face was red.
“You’re dating my brother!?” Y/N’s nephew began giggling behind his phone. The man beside him hit his shoulder only causing him to laugh more, leading to him laughing as well.
Simon rubbed his eyes as if he had a migraine.
“You’re dating-” John’s face suddenly fell from his teasing grin and he covered his mouth. Simon stared at his shoes. Y/N stared at his brother.
“What’s wrong wit you now?” he asked. The suppressed giggles were starting to spread through the living room.
“This whole time you been talkin’ about my brother…”
Y/N’s jaw dropped and he slowly turned his head to Simon, who had turned away from Y/N and was covering his mouth. The nephew was now openly cackling. He sounded like a crow.
“I’m gonna be sick,” John stated before walking into the kitchen.
“What have you been talkin’ about Simon,” Y/N said. The tone of his voice sent a shiver down Simon’s spine. Y/N’s entire family was giggling or hiding their laughter behind their hands. Y/N stood and grabbed Simon’s shoulder. “Come on, love.”
Simon stood and obediently followed Y/N as he led him to the other side of the house. The family quieted and attempted to listen in but only heard whispers until Y/N yelled “You told him THAT?!”
They immediately burst into laughter, clinging to the couch or each other so as to not double over. John muttered something along the lines of “It’s not funny” under his breath, but it went unnoticed.
The couple returned to the room and the crowd quieted. Simon was beet red. Y/N sat him down and then walked to where John was leaning against the sink.
“The next time I hear of you asking questions like that to anyone I will personally deliver your arse whooping,” Y/N stated before he turned and walked to his mother. He leaned down and whispered something in her ear that turned her ears red. She whispered something back to Y/N who nodded and kissed her cheek before he walked back to sit next to Simon, placing a hand on his thigh and smiling as his mother turned to John.
“John MacTavish, we will be talking later.”
John nodded shamefully and turned around, walking to the dining table and taking a seat.
“Now, who wants cake?” she asked, clasping her hands together and standing. Immediately ‘yes' filled the room.
“Simon!” Y/N’s father said. The blonde turned to him, face still pink. “We’d love to have you over again sometime soon.”
Simon nodded.
“I’m not mad wit you, by the way,” Y/N said. He placed his hand in Simon’s and intertwined their fingers.
“I know,” Simon responded. Y/N smiled and kissed his cheek before he jumped into one of the conversations happening around him.
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the-s1lly-corner · 8 months
been a minute since i did a group post like this; might make a crp version of this too later.. though i already kind of have one of those, i might rewrite it mwehehehehe genuinely unsure if i did this before, i know i did this with jax and i had a bad dream scenario where the canon characters are the ones with the bad dream plus it wasnt the full cast but shrugs
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i dont think he would waste anytime in waking you up, probably shakes you awake.. maybe talks really loudly too because this man is probably incapable of speaking in a whisper. he explains that he noticed you getting restless in your sleep.. what? no he totally wasnt watching you sleep...! thats not the point! since you dont need to sleep in the digital world and hes well aware of that i dont think he would try to get you to go back to sleep. if anything he might be thrilled that youre awake again because that means he can spend time with you... is it selfish? a little, yeah, but does it truly matter if you dont need rest? leaving that up to you! takes this as a chance to get started on the days activities and as a moment to have you all to himself
shakes you awake too, but much more gently than caine.. probably just grabs one of your shoulders and rocks you until you wake up. you likely woke her up, but i dont think she would tell you... she doesnt want you to feel bad about that... lets you know that if you want to talk about it , that shes all ears! takes one of your hands and gently pats it while you speak... offers to take you outside so you can walk around on the grounds and get some of that cool simulated fresh air.. it probably turns into both of you talking about your dreams to one another.... though, now that i think about it, can you have dreams in the digital world?
sleeps simply so she can rest her mind, so you probably wake her up with your nightmare... might take her a moment to fully realize whats happening, but i dont think she would be upset that youve woken her up due to you being freaked out. very very understanding.. switches on her bedside lamp for you if you dont want to sit in the dark. takes you into her arms and rubs circles into your back. you both kind of just sit there in bed for a while, until you calm down enough to talk about what happened.. if you feel embarrassed or ashamed about it, ragatha is going to stamp out those feelings. nightmares happen to the best of us and its nothing to feel terrible over.. i think she would check in on you throughout the day to make sure youre okay
will not take kindly to being woken up. i dont think he would be mean or like. actually get mad at you, but i do think he would be a little annoyed... his attitude kind of says that hes 'so over it'... might even dismiss your fear in his groggy half asleep mind.. tugs you closer to him to try to get you to stop squirming. though if youre still asleep and having the nightmare i think he would wake you up just so that it gets cut off and you can recollect yourself. very blunt in telling you that you were dreaming, and that everything is fine and nothing bad is happening. tries to get you to go back to sleep so he can go back to sleep... though i do think if youre upset about his lack of attention he might try to make it up in his own way during the day when hes more awake and aware
he gets nightmares too, so you guys might be able to relate over that... and in a way it kind of takes away that embarrassment of getting scared and having to wake the other person up... though i dont think kinger sleeps much.. hed much rather stay awake and alert, keep an eye on his surroundings in case something terrible happens.. so your nightmare only lasts for a second, just long enough for kinger to notice and shake you awake. hushed but rushed tones while hes whispering to you asking if youre okay.. visibly calms when he realizes youre not in pain and you just had a bad dream.. offers to let you hold onto him, or maybe even walk around the halls... or would you rather he construct a pillow fort so you feel more secure? really just tell him what to do and hes going to instantly get on it
i think they would be similar to jax in regards to them not being... that attentive when theyre woken up. i do think they would put in more effort than him, though. probably asks whats wrong.. i think they would offer a massage.. i cant explain why, i can just see it in my head. not the best given they feel like hard plastic and theyre uncoordinated from just waking up but the effort is there and it doesnt go to waste.. groggily asks if you want to talk about it.. even props themselves up so they lower the risk of falling back to sleep.. solid effort, giving them a gold star
i think she'd be a light sleeper so she wakes up fairly fast when you start having your nightmare. very gently shakes you awake... going to take a minute for her to work up the nerve to wake you up since shes unsure if youre actually having a nightmare or just trying to get comfortable in the bed... very quietly asks if youre okay, is slightly relieved that you were in fact having a bad dream and she did not wake you up for nothing.. offers to le you talk about it, i think she would be a good listener... i dont think you guys would go back to sleep, you probably end up getting started on the day... or at least do some activities with one another; likely sticking to one of your rooms instead of going to one of the common areas
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spacedlexi · 17 days
I’ve been thinking abt this recently, relating to Violet’s arc when you don’t save her, and wanted to see thoughts as you posted about her relationship with Minerva.
I don’t think it’s crazy for me to headcanon that in 403 when the bomb explodes, Minerva actually abandons Violet prior to it occurring (maybe being drawn by AJ’s gunshot depending on your choice??), because it makes absolutely no sense for them to go “stop the bomb” and then only one of them is burnt to shit. An explosion from such a close distance would’ve logically left both of them at least mildly burnt.
It makes more sense for Minerva to be totally fine in the kidnapped Louis route, but in the Violet route, I can’t help but feel like Violet saying “Where’s Minnie?” with such frustration when she shows up on the beach is due to something occurring.
But knowing Skybound and Telltale, they probably just forgot how explosions work.
LMAO 💀 at that last sentence BUT YES i do at least agree that something had to have happened between them during the explosion but its been hard to figure out exactly what that couldve been 🤔
but jokes aside lets try to give the writers some credit. if vi was so horribly scarred WHY wasnt minnie harmed as well if they were supposedly together? i think its a fair question to ask. especially since in 404 minnie and vi are completely separated with minnie already on the beach and vi struggling to get to shore by herself (burned and blinded 😭). and her "WHERE IS SHE??" does sound pretty furious (and atp she regrets what she did on the boat and tries to apologize to clem a minute later so why would her anger be directed at clem and louis?). we know minnie sacrificed sophie to save herself so why would it be so hard to believe she did the same to vi in the explosion? or did vi possibly try to protect her? or both?? minnie lets vi take the brunt of the hit for her and then leaves her?? i cant imagine minnie giving up on trying to stop the bomb either since shes delta now and definitely wouldnt want the boat to explode. and youd think minnie would be leading the way since kidnapped vi was in a cell the whole time. vi says they headed to the boiler room together to try to stop it but then it seems like everything just kinda went black 💣💥
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but if minnie didnt abandon vi before the explosion, why wasnt minnie near vi in the water post-explosion? minnie had to have left vi alone and vulnerable at some point in all of this and we know how vi feels about being abandoned... minnie is more focused on trying to save the remaining delta and doesnt seem to have even tried looking for vi if they Were separated by the blast (and if they were together when the bomb went off (which vi says they were) minnie wouldve known vi was caught in the blast, but it doesnt seem like she cares)
violet being violet i do think shes still also worried about minnie on some level because her whole thing is being the "protector" of the group and her feelings towards minnie are (as she later admits) Very messed up atm (shes always just wanted to save her). where saved violet recognizes minnie has chosen the delta in 403, i think here on the beach is where kidnapped vi is forced to accept it, and she realizes who it is she can Truly rely on instead
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Hi there! How are you? I hope your doing well! I wanted to send in a request if that’s alright with you, if your requests are closed feel free to ignore this—! Anyways, your writing is also really good as well ^-^ Also quick question but do you take matchups by chance? Anyways, 시작하자!
Could I request Alastor and Vox (together or separately if you like) with a Male! Or GN! Reader who’s was a really famous rapper back on earth but sadly died because they were shot outside after finishing a concert? also the reader raps about true stuff like king von did.
Thank you and have a great day! さようなら!
A/N: Hii! Thank you so much for requesting this & I’m so glad you like my work (i was in a writing slump & was afraid i fell off)!! As of right now I’m not currently doing match ups, but possibly in the future I might! As someone who doesn’t listen to rap all that often this was a bit of a challenge, but we got this 😝
(Inspired by several artists)
Warnings: Headcannon format, headcannoned male reader but can be read as GN, SFW all the way, mentions of shootings, mentions of smut but not in detail,
Songs you can listen too while reading: The World is Yours by Nas. Hail Mary by Tupac. Crazy Story 2.0 by King Von.
Navigation!! // Masterlist!!!
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Vox is actually a fan of yours, that’s kind of how you two met
Valentino had been trying to get in contact with a girl on your security team, so he decided to take Vox to a show of yours, the show had just ended and you had been getting asked questions about your life and cameras were everywhere
Now, vox controls the media, television at least, so he decides what makes if on air and what doesn’t and this is how you two talk
you ask him to make a deal with you, nothing negative about your human life gets out into the media and when he asks you to clarify, you tell him
to say he was a bit more than shocked is an understatement
he was TOTALLY shocked to his core and in all honesty he felt bad
so he decides to help your friendship is short and sweet towards the beginning,
your team handling most of the contact the two of you shared so it was usually business talk
untilll he’s invited with valentino to go to a party of yours where the two of you get wasted and end up sleeping together
he’s embarrassed, not of you but of his emotions, is this even right?? did you care at all??
WELLLL turns out you did because the next day when he woke up still at your house you calmly told him of your feelings, and that despite only speaking about business you felt like you two could become more
he almost sheds a tear poor guy is SO OVERJOYED HE WASNT THE ONLY ONE, and from there you two develop a relationship 🫶
your biggest supporter, he is always at concerts and interviews with you to make sure everything goes smoothly ,
he’ll even talk to Velvet to make sure your socials are covered and no one posts anything online about you
want a day to yourself? paparazzi just got a report you’ll be somewhere you totally weren’t thanks to velvet
a crazy fan lied about you? valentino is already on it
you literally never have to worry with Vox around
trust whoever killed you while you were alive WILL be dealt with
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Now, Alastor is a tricky man meaning
he hates anything that isnt Jazz or from his time
so he definitely didn’t like you at first
like he wouldn’t even care to listen to music let alone YOURS he’d just walk away or hum something to himself
Charlie is the one that actually gets him to listen, and she explains that your different from other artists, uniquely you
so he caves and decides to sit and give it a listen
ten seconds in and he’s stopping the music getting up and walking away claiming he still doesn’t like it but again,
Charlie is charlie and REFUSES to stop so she makes him restart the song and listen yet again
by the end of it he still doesn’t particularly like the music you make, and a part of him actually hurts your feelings
“Why share your issues to the world? Sharing that side of you makes you weak. Horrible taste!”
Cue Vaggie rolling her eyes and Husk just scoffing because what is this dude yapping about?
Doesn’t help this all happened before you left for a show so your nervous the entire time
Charlie gets upset and scolds him, telling him it’s wrong to say that and it is in fact your music so you can do what you want and he agrees, it is your music, but he’s not gonna listen to it
he’s definitely more personality based out of the two, he does think your a nice person, and after hearing you got shot he almost chokes, it triggers his memory
you catch him sitting in the library of the hotel reading and try talking to him
the conversation is light before you somehow land on the topic of your death and when you learn Alastor too was shot you feel a bit more connected to him
surprisingly enough alastor is the one to approach you about a potential relationship and you’re like extremely excited because how often is it the radio demon asks to date you?!?!?!
he does start going to your shows more often after you two begin seeing each other, and though he isn’t entirely too crazy about it, he goes to support you <3
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loser-jpg · 3 months
me copy pasting my leona rant from that reblog in a separate post for all to see because i can
bro is just the smartest most cunning and intelligent guy ever. like yeah hes hot and strong but we NEED to talk more about just how much of a strategical GENIUS this man is. he knows just how strong and skilled he is which means in any situation he can immediately judge whoever hes up against and instantly know just how much strength and power to use to win. like he knew in book 6 the second he wasnt gonna win against the styx ppl and knew when to back down but every other situation he knows just how much power to use to win which they like confirm in book 6 he uses just enough to win and never more because he can perfectly judge a situation and like ik on the surface what most people notice about leona is how strong and powerful he is and i mean yeah hes like one of THE strongest people in nrc (in my personal opinion second only to malleus in magic but still more physically strong and more strategic than him) BUT WE NEVER TALK ENOUGH ABOUT THE CUNNING GENIUS THIS MAN IS he is so aware all the time and always knows exactly whats going on, so many events and chapters hes always mentally 5 steps ahead and knows whats going on well before anyone else. i cant remember the exact example but like in the halloween event from this year or smthn he like had a total understanding of the situation long before anyone else cuz hes just so smart and like hes smart like book smart but more importantly hes just aware in ways no one else really is. and about him being book smart i fully believe leona would have some of the highest grades in nrc if he applied himself. the few times he does he does like better than everyone else AND THATS W HIM SKIPPING CLASS SO MUCH imagine if he actually tried and went to class hed 100% have the best grade this man is so intelligent he just sees no reason to go to class because it is frankly useless to him he already knows all that stuff which is why he skips he already knows it so whats the point. like everyone sees leona as lazy but the stuff leonas lazy about is stuff that theres no point to try because he already knows hes better than everyone and thats his thing he doesnt need anyone elses approval he knows where he stands and feels no need to prove his worth to anyone else and i think thats actually so admirable. like for how much we say his low effort is depression (which it deff in part is) its also definitely him not feeling the need to prove himself to anyone because he knows how great he is and doesnt care if anyone thinks other wise because he knows theyre wrong so who cares. and i know he has a big ego but like.. HE CAN BACK IT UP. his ego is all from his own skill and talent this man NEVER claims something he cant back up which its like... ur ego is annoying but whats more annoying is theres valid reasoning behind it because HE JUST IS THAT GREAT
so i fully believe if leona had a significant other hed do everything to give them anything they could want. a lot of fics i read paint leona as this guy who wont really do something for his partner, or will just make someone else do it, and while in some cases i do believe hed deff like make ruggie go grab something or smthn i also believe hed want to take care of his partner. like sometimes its difficult to take care of yourself, but oh so easy to take care of someone else because its not you. and i fully believe this would apply to leona. if he has something, and its his he 100% takes care of it. he will put in the effort for someone else. he wont put in the effort for himself but for his partner? in a heartbeat. like even somethin small and typically annoying to do the only complaints youd hear are joking ones while hes already doing whatever you asked. and he also deff knows what to do for his partner before even they know. like i said before this man is canonically sooooo aware and that would deff hold up in a relationship. rarely have to ask for anything because hes already guessed what you want and is on it. also a lot of time i see people saying leona would want to brag about their partner and while i think this is true to an extent i also feel like hed want to keep his partner all to himself. something for just him that no one else needs to know about, or have their own opinions, or make their own comments.
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belovedstarrs · 9 months
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do you even care?!
• pairing : geto x fem!reader
• tags : angst, breakup??, just a shit ton of one-sided fighting (verbal) , language galore, drinking mentioned & used, cheating, geto never betrays jujutsu high au.
• a/n : god im half asleep writing this and i havent proof-read sooooo deal w/ it i just need to actually post and get over this writing slump.
• w/c : 602
• loosely based off of all too well & youre losing me
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you were laying in your bed and pondering. suguru hasnt been home in hours and he told you he was gonna be home at 5 pm, its 10 pm. you checked his location and he turned it off a few hours ago.
you heard the keys jangle in the doorknobs and you quickly got up, you didnt even know what you wanted to say to him. you looked out your doorframe and saw him taking off his shoes at the front entrance as you angrily walked over.
"suguru what the hell! where the fuck where you at? you turned off your damn location. you know what nevermind you were probably at the bar with gojo flirting with some girls since you clearly dont give a shit about me."
it all blurted out, you felt like throwing up. why now? suguru had to take a minute to process everything from you talking to fast. "y/n i wasnt flirting with any girls nor at the bar. i just had gotten a new mission right before i got off and my phone had died." he said with no emotion in his voice. you could tell it was a lie. just by the way he looks uneasy you can tell hes been drinking.
"oh stop giving me that bullshit suguru. if you dont like me just fucking say it. i dont get how you can just cheat on me yet still have the balls to say the words i love you." you wanted to die. you used to love this man with your whole life, why is this happening? why does he lie to you so much.
the past 3 months have felt like hell. sugurus been getting more distant and staying out later than he tells you while getting drunk. you dont fucking get it. why is he doing this? what have you done to deserve this? youve put so much into this relationship and hes tearing it apart like its nothing.
he doesnt even have a response to your stinging words. "y/n i promise i still lov-" you quickly cut him off. "you dont ever keep your promises! stop spouting shit that isnt true for once! your just an asshole liar." you pause for a moment before you continue
"why have you put nothing into our relationship? did you never love me from the start? ive been trying so fucking hard to still love you and act as nothing is wrong and ive tried to tell you that but youre just a dumbass!" you brush shoulders as you go to the front door to quickly put on your shoes and a coat to leave. making sure to grab your keys and get the hell out before he says anything.
there was this burning feeling in your chest that also felt like a little freedom. were you meant to not be with suguru? you wished so hard in your head he would come back for you and apologize, make it right. you kept walking down the street and nothing happened.
you pulled out your phone to text utahime and ask if you could stay the night.
y/n : utahime you awake?
utahime : yeah. why?
y/n : just fought with suguru. wondering if i could stay the night.
utahime : totally! stay for as long as you need.
that gave you some relief. your gonna have to figure out you and sugurus situation but for now you need time to yourself to figure out what the hell youre gonna do with him since you two live together and dont have a actual apartment of your own.
part 2 is out now!!
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made by @belovedstarrs do not copy or use in any way without permission
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enden-k · 4 months
Just wanted to hear other people opinion about what they thought of the new storyline for wuwa.
(If you are unfamiliar with the old/cbt1 storyline drama here's a reddit post that explains the whole thing: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/s/YBEuZ7jhC5)
Long story short I have been hearing people saying they prefer the old storyline when in reality the old story wasn't perfect. Sure it had good moments but it doesn't make up the fact the Rover was still being disrespected even after all the quests they have done for the people.
Considering the fact that Kuro games had 6 months to rework the whole story before their release date it make sense why the story is rushed both in the main story and Yinlin story. There were things that felt like they could've explained better and revise here and there but there were moments where I didn't enjoy the mainstream (Scar, Jiyan and the Battle of Jinzhou were my favorite parts).
My biggest issue about this whole conversation is that people keep bringing up Genshin and HSR storyline. Now there is nothing against these two stories as they are quite in their own way but what I hate about this comparison is that Hoyoverse has a total of 8 games (one of them being a dating sim) so they have alot of experience in making lore meanwhile Kuro Games only has a total of 3 games. This is unfair comparison if you ask me.
Another issue that I have is that most of the lore that Genshin and HSR that you want to know about isn't main story but from the side quests. These sides are so long and info dumping that many players just skip through everything or don't play the quest (Aranana quest is a prime example)
Now I don't know how true this is but as of right now Kuro Games are still working on all the bugs and issues that players are facing but they are still hiring writers to help with the story. If this is true we might have to wait for awhile for the story to be more clearer and better.
But that just my opinion I love the game I think the story could use some work but the game just got released two weeks ago so it hard to decide what will happen next and how the story goes.
i dont have anything to add bc i share the same thoughts as you. the story is a little weak but all the things considered you just mentioned, i have patience and hopes it gets better (since some ppl just looooove comparing hoyo and kuro; gnshn wasnt perfect either, inazuma was a mess before they had better writing for sumeru and i dont even wanna start with what the fuck ever was the luofu story but they COOKED w penacony and belobog). some sections like scar and the final battle was pretty cool
anw im tired of ppl comparing gnshn/hsr w wuwa too thats why i just dont bother reading those comments or replying
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